Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 11, 1854, Image 4

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P o c t r ij .
Neat ba your farms; 'lis long confiBssed
The neaicst fnrmrtr is the best,
Each boj und mnish industrious drain,
Nor let vile balks deform Iho plain,
Nor bushes on your headland grow,
For briars a sloven's culture show.
Neat by your barns, your houses nrnt,
Your doors be clean, your court-yards sweet ;
No moss the sheltering toof enshroud,
Nor wooden pans the Window cloud ;
No filthy kennels foully flow,
Nor weeds with rankling poison grow ;
Lilt shades expand and fruit trees bloom,
And flowering shrubs exhale perfume;
With pales your garden circle round ;
Defend enrich, and clean the cround ;
Prize high Iho pleasing, useful rood,
And fill with vegetable good.
On an average Ihete are seven sliipwrerks
A hotel for sick travellers, is contemplated
in New York.
Th nrettiesl linine in a bonnet is a ami.
i " ,
ling face.
A bout eight tons of gamo are at Detroit,
bound to Bufluloe.
Therc'is an establishment in l?ojton that
manufactures 50,000 gru'in bag per week
Mr. Macaulay onco observed, that pri.e
sheep were only fit for candle, and prizu es
say lu liylil them.
To drive rats out of your house let the
basement lo a new band practising ou wind
Dr. Stoweli., of England, has undertaken
to prove that the ('fui bidden fruit" of Eden
was the tobacco plant.
It is.estimated the pioductiun of the silver
mines for 1354 will reach 325,000,000. This
is said to be an iuctease over last year.
The North Branch Central Extension is
completed a distance of 92 miles, und w ill
be opened for business early in the spring.
A Lovely Fair One recently wrote the fol
lowing postscript lo her backward lorer:
"My heart to you is given,
O, da give yaurato roe ;
We'll lock them op together,
And throw away the key."
til the year 1800, there were foui hundied
and thirteen Quaker meeting houses in Eng
knd. There are but three hundred and sev
enteen. The ladies of New Oi leans are using para
' sols to p'oteut them from the sun's rays.
Our ladies are using umbrellas and pretty
substantial overshoes. Quite a contrast.
Charles Fenno Hoffman, the American au
thor, is now an inmate of tho Pennsylvania
State Lunatic Asylum, nearllarrisburg. He
is incurably insane.
Thb reward for information where Ed
ward Slevin, who mysteriously disappeared
from Louisvill, can bo found, has been in
creased to $1000.
It is asserted in a Fiench publication that
the Empress Josephine's mantua-mnker's bill
'or the first ten months of 1806 amounted to
175,8871. 7,000 odd 35,000 !
A man in California, tinder sentence oj
death by hanging, asked the Sheriff the
evening previous to his execution "1 say,
SheiiiT, what hour is that little affair of mine
lo come off 1"
Total Loss A Yankee has invented a
machine for extracting the lies from quack
ndveitiietnenls. Some of them are never seen
After entering tho machine, as only the truth
comes out.
A Tiiikq Never Seen. A man docs not
grieve so much over the loss of his hair ; ho'
will even dispense with the services of a
wig ; but you never saw a woman appear in
society with a bald head.
According to the Almanac-makers, on the
fifth of May next there will be an extraordi
nary eclipse of the" sun -such as none but the
oldest inhabitants have witnessed. It will
be similar to the great eclipse of 1800.
An English paper states that Mr. Mitchell,
Ihe London Manager, has concluded an en
gagement with the late Jenny Lind, lo ap
pear in coucerts for six months during the
approaching season.
The Boston Post says : "There are ihiiteen
thousand marriageable girls now in tho fac
tuies at Lowell. It is plensant tn know ;n
this world of misery, that there are thirteen
thousand men yet to be made happy."
The administrators of Mr. McCloskey, of
Pittsburg, who was killed in March last by a
colIiMor, w hile on a car of the Pennsylvania
XUilroad Company, have recovered $1500
damages fiom the P.oaJ.
Queen Victoria, at the opening of Pariia
ment, was attired in a splendid drer of si)
tissue, over which was a robe of crimson vel!
vel, ornamented with gold Uce and erm nu
and she wore a brilliant liara of pearls and
How beautiful is ihis, by Ebenezer Elli
ott, the famous Corn Law Rhymer of Shef.
held; the man who Ubored with his hands
not ashamed to earn his bread by honest in
dustry, while in his hours of rest ho fonnd
amusement in the compojiiion of some of the
most vigorous and originul poetry oar Ian
gunge can boast.
God ii!h nut dying rim
Bmoi; u blight hath adly lu,.a kw .
WlnUicr Uiu iha wild, whit tuaoa,
Faiaii in har face diacloaea
Mate submission, paiieiica holy,
Taiaing fur! but passing slowly.
Nolo, tU.ha,. p.,0 hWlh,
la ihae.1), wh,. wt tef, ka, ,
' .u ,uj, ... M u
Th Frenchman j. , mcUliu coolness
nd ph. Uonhy. nU,, a.y ilb hi. w,f.
... v. ,n n,"",i ,u
-....'la. D UH1I r,
This "Way 1 This Way 1 1 This "Way ! ! 1
Full and AYjntcr Goods.
n ESPECTFULLY inform their customers
and Uis public, that they have iuat receiv
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Fall and Winter Goods,
at their store in Market square, Bunbury.
Their stock consists of every variety of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattintls, Testings,
flannels, Wollens, tjt.t
And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear.
Also a splendid variety of '
Culicses, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines,
w ages,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
dies wear.
AIno a larg assortment, of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an extensive assortment of
Hats and Cats for Mkn and Hots.
Also a large assortment of (allOCEItlKS,
srcll AS
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Ala a trcsh supply of
Besides the Iiirpnst and most general assort
ment of nil kinds of goods to be had in this
CV Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Siinhury.Nov. 13, 1853.
r mwvy v.
Dealers in
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
1"8 A VINO enlarged and improved their Store, i
ami having the largest assortment of Lamp
in Pliilarlclphia citv, thev are now prepared lo
furnish PINE Oil.' CAMPHENE,
ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas mid I.ard
Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all patcrns, I' ancy Hotel
For Ike Cure af
TO CUHE A COLD, with naAmraa inh naKHl
of ihe body, take the Ctntaar I'sctosai. on going to bed,
and wrap up warm, lo awrnt during the night.
Foa a UoLb akd Cour.H, tike it irmniiiig, n lonand eve
ning, nccoidiuo to ciireciiiins on tlie licitlln. aiul the difficul
ty will I-). ! i ba reinoveil. None will .ng auflVr (torn this
tron!i)e when Ihrv fm.1 it ena heati ri.nlilv eiued. Hera'.its
atllicted iih a mvitcil ciugh, wliich bru.ika them of Iheir
ret at nij!it, M ill find, hy inking tha Cherry l'ectoml "
goina 1 1 bed, they muy be sure of Bound, uiiluoken sleep,
and c.mtqi,citly rd'rnliing rest. Grul reliel f roni sullt r
lug. and an ultimate cure, isnft'otded to Ihouauuda who ara
llius alllieted, hy tiiis iiiynlunble rennxly.
Kruin ill ugrrenMe effeeta in these eases, many find
theniirlvea unwilling to forego ita uae when the neceiaity
for Imi censed
From two eniinent riiysicinna In
Fatstimm., Tenn , April IS, 1851.
Sir We have given your Cherry Peetoral an ejiteniiva
trail in our pim liee, and 6mt it to anrpna every other re
medy we have for curing nfferttoiia of the respiratory or
gans. DllS. DILMKIl & HAMPTON.
is invnluuble, na hy ua action on the thront ami luniia, wlien
Inken in small quuutlties, it removeiall honiscneis in a few
h.mra, and wonderfully increases the power and flexibility
of the voire.
AS THAI A Is gcnerntly murli relieved, and often wholly
eured by Cherfy Peetoral. But there ere some rnsenso oli
aliteite ns to yield entirely to no inedh'ine. Cherry recto
rul will euro ihem. if tliey run be cured.
HKONCHITiS, or irritation of the thn-ut ami tipper
portiiii of Ihe lungs, imy he cured hy taking Cherry I e to
tal in uniill anil lrerUeut dosea. The uncomfortable op
pression is aoon relieved.
lirv. Doct. LANSING, of Brooklyn, New York, stntaa:
'I have aeen the Cherrv Perioral euro such crises of
Aathini nnd Uronchilis as leodi me to believe it can rarely
fail lo cure tine diftTiRc."
KOIl CKOfP. tiiva an emetic of aulimony, to ha
followed by Hiryeand frequent doBc3 of the Cherry Pecto-
al, unlii i' suhluca tlic disease. If Ukeu lu season, it will
u .t lull to cure.
WHOOPING COl'OH may he broken up and soon cu
rort l,v ihi. in... .0' Phrrrv Pertiir.'ll.
T jtK INFLV1:NZA is speedily removed hy this reme
dy. Numerous inslnncca huvo been noticed wh.;ie whole
families were protected from anv arrioiis eouseqiiences,
while their ncicliUirs. without the Cherry Pectoral, win
sufVethg I'rnin the dineutte.
llr 1 e Av- S t.n. Ohio. Illh June, 1851
I write t inform von ol Hie tin I v remarkable cllerni of
vour Cm'.RrtY PKCTOHAL in this plaeo, and in my
"Eureka, Kurcka."
NOW for the little ones. Why will parents
waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect pictures of their children end after
sll get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
We would say, coirie to our
and ws will guarantee te make you a perfect
picture, by our Ei.kctko Chimical process,
that works In from J to S seconds.
We defy any Doguerrean iii Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to eotntiete with us. as we are the
inventois. anil Ihe process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments In New England nnd the
Middle Stoles. For pictures of adults, the silver
medals wn have received from the Americsn
Institute, Now York and franklin, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums Iron
County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are
the Ne riitt Ultra of perfection.
We would call psrticular attention to our
Tatbotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C. Colli.ns & Co., 100 Chestnut Street
rhiladnlpliia. Mnin street. Opposite site Hamp
den House, Springfield slid Collins' Building,
Wcslfield, Mass.
N. B. Our establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
Vtofasor Ilorsrford's Safety Latnpt tp Night
"Come and see."
Pbila., Mav 89, 1853. If.
Stone Cutters and Laborers
(TONE cutters and laborers can have steady
employ and a winters job, (and not work in
the water,) nt the Union and Susquehanna Bridtre
at Chapman, Union county, Pa., midway be
tween Liverpool and rnorthumbcrland. 1 0 la
borers $1,35 per ilav will be given.
Chapman, SrpL 17, 1853 tf. i
and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and nm!r- ""e,,,f was ' "'' ru
, , , 1 i t t . .i I in three dars of a dreadful W Moopimi t pooh, By taking iu
t.unduleabras, and Unttaiiliia Lamps, at the i)r. Means, one of our very best physicians fiee'.v sialea
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Class Lamps by that he considers It the best remedy we have puhnonnrv
t1. nrkne-n .1 . .m.ll ..Ivniii-n nver A urtinn I diseases, and that he has cured mora ruses of Csovp wall
. r . . . fiipiiEppa r it than any other medicine he ever ndininntered
prices, llcing larjre MAIM f A U l llir.lts oil
Pino Oil, limning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the only true) Phosgcno Gas, thev can fur
nish these articles at sucti prices that Merchants
will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before
coing elsewhere, if yon want bargains. Also,
tha Safcly FI id Lamp for sale.
Phila.,Sept. 24, 1853. ly.
Depot and Uamuactory
S. XV. corner Arch niid Srcend Htreels,
sale and Ivetail, such as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc
to be had a the lowest prices lot quality of work.
Orders lor Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and otlier
Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and others are invited to give us a
trial. H" tcill try to please,
Brasses, Trimmings, &c, always on hand.
Itemembcr S. W. corner SECOND &. AECI1
Streets, Philadelphia
AuRtist 13, 1333.- 6m.
Out clerevmen of the Jtaetist Church says that daring !
Hie run of Inflvbvh here this season, he has seen cures j
from your medicine he could scureely have believed hith- ,
out Bceinc. ,
Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR,
RepLty Postmaster.
From the distinztiishcd Profcsw of Chcmis- .
try and Metcria Mcdicc, hotcdoin College. I
I have found tho Ciikiirt I'kctokai., ns its iuaredieuts
show, a powerful remedy for colds, and caughs, nod pul
monary dincuscs.
TAriSKB Clkvexssd, M.D.
CnrNFWics, Me., Fch. fi. 1BI7.
Dll . VA I .KN fl H MOTT.
7'he widely celebrated Profewr nf Surgery tn
the Medical Collece, New York City, fays :
"It (rivet me pleaBiiVe to certify the value and cltiriiry
of 'AVer's CiiKsay PHCToiiAr., whifh 1 consider prcili-
krt.- m It. i.l lit cure rltapiiRi-a ol Ihe Tlinint nnd LutlUS.'
Cures of sevetedisrns'-a npon Ihe Lmiaa liave tieen ef
fected by CiiErtHV TccroRAL in such extreme cases ns
warrant the bHief Ihut a remedy haa nl length been louml
thnt can he depended on to cure the Couclis. C"lds and
Consumption which carry from our inidrt tliourtnmls every
vear. It is indeed a medicine to which Ihe afflicted can
look with confidence for relief, and they sliould not fail to
avail themselves of it.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by II MASSEIt, and by
Drugpfu-ts r;rticrally throughout tho Rlntc.
July !J0, 1H53. ceow 1. Nov. 13. '52.
Important to Coal Dealers.
THE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kase, Kced & Co., for the purposo of
mining, shipping an J Bcl!inr coal, delivered at
Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus
I bey will be ready to deliver coat, well prepa
red, on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Sh:imokin by
Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly.
Just Published ami for Sale
by WM. McCARTY, Booksoller,
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United States.
Br Collikson Reed, Es.,
Ipsae legis viva vox
With iiotcsand additions, top-cthcr with a shor
system ot conveyancing. Hy A. Jordan. Pies-
ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Shiudcl, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, the following
letter has lieeu received from Judge Pearson of
Harrisburg :
Iliaaisacan, June 30, 1853.
ill tt
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
No. 104 Clies'nut Street, Swnim's Building.
Dealer ill Musical Instrument of every de
scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Ilallet, Davis
& Co's (Boston) Patixt bi'si'Exsiox Uainox
JEolian and other
1. Gilbert Boudoir Piano. Mclixleonn, Martin's
Guitars. Harp, Violin. Sheet Mcsic, Mlihc
I3iokb, 4r.., Ac. of the country will lo supplied by
mall or otherwise with any music they may
wu!i, at ns low rules an if purchased in person.
Having one of tha lurrnt stocks in the United
States, I feel contidciit of satisfying all who may
fuvor me with a cull or order.
Ucnlors in Music supplied on the moct liberal
terms. 1'iuuos to let. Second-hand 1'iun fur sale.
Fhiliidilphia. April M, 1653. ly.
K a m i 1 y 31 c d i c i n e s .
IN blTering to the public the abm-e in-nlnnb1 prppara-1
tioiiff, the inbscribcr would Mute that in cnnmiltatlon
with his ft lends ami tome of the m"t rrBpfctnhle of the
Mrdiral faculty, it won rlcnmcil ndviKible to offor to the
puhlio, a few prcpnruti'Mis of known eolehrlty, lehn; pre
pared with the frrenlt'Bt rare, find on the moit cleiitific
principlM, as nliRtitutes for the numerous worthless ar
ticles that are fionctins; the country in the form of panaceas
and cure alls, proparod hy the most iprnorant and raereena
ry persunsi intended lo curs all diMnees and gocd for none,
Read and Reflect
That the Medicine, Manufactured by W. M. Dkcilit,
I deluding hie Hinhj lVctornl for Coughs -Cream
iH Camphor, for Rhsamatisra.
Worm Hyrup fiir Worms.
Tooth WnshT frr decayed teeth diseneed gums.
Family or blood Purifyer, havebcea nwm extenslrs
ry need, and hiira given mors tatiefiiction, than any other
Mediciues bef jtb the puMic, bring prepared with rrenrd
to their uMfuhiRns aie fully worthy the trial of the afflict
ed. Give them a trial.
A few poweiful reanona why the olove Medicines are
deserving of universal pntionnge. (In the firirt place,
tney ars prepared hy a regular yny aician, woo unaerRiunua
the applicution of Medicums, to discuses, end consequently
are uerfwlly Kifo to take. (Secondly,) tliey have been
ued witli uiuverMii iMci-eM, ana mive given more wm si ac
tion tftnii nny other Medicines ofl'ured heftire the public
( l innily ) liicy are tne oniy meu.rines mat nave gainea
the pntronose f Phvaicinui, where they have been uaed j
and fFouithlv.) thev are uut tin in htrtrer quuntitics fw
the same price, than any other Medicines offered to the
public of the smuo kind. Aft the sutcriter han s number
of certificates in hie poaarMion of the highent authority,
where thev have beii used with the m-wt aatiafacUTrv re-
snlla, He will publinh a few ol them, feelinc aatiaficd that
atiial will inmiro their recommendation. Try them and
satisfy yotirieii ol tlicir superiority over an otners.
Rend and be Convinced.
We the utidersiRiied havins been made acquainted with
the ingredient entering into the Cotnpnuitds known as
Hick ley's Fninily Metlicinca also hiving prescribed and
known them to be nucd. with moat ant if factory rcsvlts:
tnke plramue In saying that we lietieve they fully meet
ins ueiign lor wuirii ttny nre recomniennea.
C II. ntICK, M. 1)
WM. H MAniM.. M. D.
Curt of pain iji sift aird cough from protested
AAver Complaint,
Mrs. Robert Adams, lahorinz under Chronic Liver Com
plaint, acronipanii-d wilha felmrt dry couch pain in the
sine and brenit, getienil di'biuty, ioki oi nnpetiie, alter try
ing all the remedies rcc timrtrm1r.f fm coushs and
diacoaea f the clKft, whtj with n i heucfit. she was recom
mended tft try the lioae heetoml, from which, she not only
derived immediate but peTmannit relief.
John Adum, a u of Mrs. H -berl Ail.imi, Was afflicted
with a very suveiu eolith, pniu in the side, nnd soreness
prttdiL-cd hy inccHMtit ct'tiplnnc, ; he vna induced to try
the Rose Ti ue his own IniiRUPg, the first
dose run bled him t' enjiy n ewA tii-rht's rest. In the
m rniiijx he expectorated nhont half pint t-f inntter. He
continued to improve until his conli entirely left him, it
a's' h:id the rdect of streiiphenii'ir his hie:ist. which was
n itunlty went . lie n'- bjijs ihut lir has lecom mended
it ton unmlier of liisfticn forannilur CDiiijlniuts, and
in everv rnne it h;s civwi ftnliaiuclion.
The above tteraoiis resi -tents of the town nf Dnnville,
freling that tley have derived pret brnffita from tne ne
of the Rose lVuti-nil; authorise tlie nlftve stutetneut, for
the benefit of those whn m iv be nllli''tcd in a siiuilut man
ner. tiRK.VT CUUK.
IjOss of Voice rcilornf with our lot (It of Rose Pee
to rul
MissSufcm WVuIork, of lltisli township, Xorthumbcr
laud co., for n nuiulter nf )e:tfun it valid, in tlie fall of
ts5(l, hist the its.ts of her voice fr.nn a orvcic cold she con
Iraeuvl; after trying n number of remcdic., with in bene
fit, she wm entirely restored by tn!:inu one b tt!e of Uvea
I'twtinil, niter wiiieh, s!i lost her voicti ngiiiii. from a
fresh c,d she coutrneted. nnd vr ppnin restored by the
ne of another b.iUIc ; she then took four brittle mure to
strengthen her brensl, from winch she d'-tived tha most
drritled benefit, and hiiS been in the enjoyment of excellent
henlih from thnt time to the pre pent.
Thenboie statement i obtained from Ir Put sell, the
Physician wu uti ended her; ;i!si hT mother who thinks
that she would not be hvii g ut this time if it Ind int been
f ir the Rye IVctorul. Umville, J.iu. 2.j, 1S03.
Still ntiot her Marled Cure Effected
Mrs Samuel Seehler, being ofumttuntl weak and deli
cate constitution, very susceptible to c 'ltli, whb a&icled
with a vciy severe e nigh, )tiiiu und soreness of the breist,
o of appetite j al ter uwug a uund:er of the usual reme
dies from which, he derive-.l u benefit, she was cured by
diking one b'tlleofRose Pectoral und is iathc enjoyment
of belter hen! ih thiol for yearc previous.
Panville, Dae. I 1&50.
Du. nicKi.nv : Permit me ti mf -rm y-vi tint my wife,
who is a delicate and wenkly W; nian, kib.inng under a
very severe Couch with n:tiu nnd fcrenrM of brenst, was
more quickly anil elTeclunIlv relieved wnhone bottle of
ynir Ross Pectoral tlran any other medicine she had ever
tukeu. AUNUK M'liRIDK.
Jiiu. 19.V2. Samuel R. W(HMJtr rmnaee. Red Point.
Family Vit.i..
John Fnlner taken between Christmas and New Year
with a very m cold, which ended in a dry hard incessant
Cough, causing a great deal nf paid whenever he coughed,
wns relieved very much ; by the lime he had taken one
third of a battle, and by the time it wit finished, was en
tirely cured. Ho also says Ihui he has t:ken several doses
of the IIviIth Restorative or Fatuity Fill and that ihey
are the mildtt uuJ ni )bl ctTeclunl ptirsratives he has ever
taken. l'aiivi!!, Jjii 1,
Da Picrlrt t During a visit to my brother, in Dan
ville, I to k u voiy severe Cold, which ended in a tiulit
hud Coutih, with s 'rcneri ami p iiu of the breast, lor
which I used your Koe Pectoral, ut.u riunily rills, and
Paints, Oil, AVindoAv
Glass, cjc.
5 Toss French zinc while.
10 tons Pure White Lead.
S0U0 Ucses Wiiulow Cilass,all sizes.
Superior Polnsli,Copal,Coscli,Leatii
rr A- Iron varnish, whits Demur varnish for Chins
Clogs, with a general assortment of fresh anil pure
Also all the Pritent McJicinns in general use,
wairuntrii grnniiic.
Colored and F.nnnileJ Class, &c., cVc, forsale
verv low at
Drn? and Paint Wore, No. 169 K. 2nd Street,
rhysirians and Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to any of tho lintels or Drpots free of chanje.
Phila.,Mav S8, 1S.3. ly.
2,5U0 Acres Timber Lund
TIMBEK I, AM), eomprising ahout 2,500
acres, part of whiih is situated on Tohyhanna
Creek, and rart on Muddy Creek, within three
I mill's of l.cliigh llivir, in penn forest township,
' Cnrhon County, one of the great Coal Counties
. of Peunrylviii.ia, cuu he hud at a liarguin, if ap
' plication be made s:nn.
I These lauds are thickly covered with the best
timber of that region. While, it is believed that
75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from
a large portion ol lhf land, tho balance will aver
age not much less thun this figure. The kinds of
j timber round on Ihe land are Hemlock, Hpruce or
I White Cedar, 'White Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are largo
and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount ot
water power, and nre capable of driving a large
number of saw mills. They empty into the I.ehigh,
which stream, with the Lehigh Canal afloids an
outlet to the most desirable lumber markets.
There is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia
which runs within out milt and three quarters of
trie land. 1 lirougti these avenues lumnercail lie ink nUnsure in r.r 'inm-nriinx t!n-ni. llic miUol mid
delivered in cither of Ihe cities named, for about m st cifcctaal rncly I have used. Vom. re.pp. tuilly
$7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en
gaged in tho trade to derive greater profits than
To Your Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
THE suhscribcr respectfully cells the attention
of the puhlic to his large and splendid assort
ment of every quality nnd price of
which cannot fail to recommend Itself toevery ons
who will examine It. on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to bo had in the city, noellori is
spared in the manufacture of his wsre, and ths
subscrilier is determined to keen up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. His stuck consists of Mahogany
SofaM, DlvatM nnd Lounges,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
nd also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in this line of his business.
He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had ir
Sunbury, such as Mahogakt, Biack Wslsxt
ao CvatEn Mapls Urkcia akd Wijtnson
CHAIRS, asd t-AKcr Piano Stools, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined thut there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidenc e can be entertained
about tho quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pavment for work.
t3F UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself with a handsome Heakse, he is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
t3" The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf.
IT. S. Bnnk ti'ttfi IR His
All solvent banks pai
Hank of Clinmbrrsiiurg t diti
Brink of Chester Co. r"r
iiaiiR ni trei. uo. Chester pari
rsaiiKoi oermnntowu
Hnnk of Gettysburg
Hank of Iwistown
Bsnk ol Mrdrlletwn 1 its
Montgomery Co Hank pnr
Bank of Northumlnrl'nrl. psi
Bank of Pittsburg litis1
Hank or Danville
Carlisle Bunk
All solvent brinks . I dl
AU solvent banks J dls
All solvent banks s I iit
narlA II solvent banks I dis
I clu.tVUk notes under $3 i dis
All solvents Inuks X dis
Belvidrre Rank I dis
Commtrcial Hank I dis
nai Far. Bnnk Miaii Hollv oar
1 ill. F. A M .Midfllctown Pt. par
Colombia H'k k B'ge Co par
Doyelatown Bank par
K.a.tnn Bnnk par
Kris Bank I dis
F.xchniiKe B'k Piltaljurg I dia
Kxehainrn tl'k. Ilrnitf.1. I Hi.
Farmers' B'k, Bucks Co porFe;'lre's Uk Paltersun
rormera- na, lAnenafer par. rinceion uaiix
Fanncra' Bk, Bendinp par 'Salem Banking Co,
Fnrm. Bk S hnvlkill Co nnriSemerret Co Bonk
FAD. Bk Wayneak'g U(lis;ftnte Bonk nt Cuimlen
Morhanics' Bk, Nawark par
MecJi. l!k of Burlington pa'
Much. Man. Bk Trent par
Morris Co Bank I dis
Nawark Bk's Silna.Co I dis
Omnca Bnnk I dis
I dis1
Franklin Bk. YVusli'ii llilis Stn'.e Bk Kliznbeibton
llnrristmrg Kunk
Hmiesdnle Bnnk
lneasler Bank
Lebanon Bnnk
Mereh. A )trnn. Hnnk
miners' I'oiitviiie per
Monnuaahela Bank 1 ri'a
Taylorav'e Oel B'a Co 15 dia
YVeat Branch BninV ror Bank of Delaware
; t.t. 1 I r. . a
t.iii.K na, .TiiKeso'e par
York Bank, 1 dis
C7Kelief notes 1 dis
Bank of Whetloek 8 dis
niercantila Bk. Bangor 10 dia
All solvent bnnka I dia
All solvent bnnka I dis
Bank of St Allans S dis
All solvent banks dis
i dis
dia Slate Bnnk Newark 1 dia
1 dia'Stnle Bk, N. Brunswick par
pnr.r"usscx tanx, newton dis
l remt'n uaiiaiiia; to par
Union Rink. Dover I dis
Ynnlleyv'le A Del Dr Co ISdis
C7"Bk notes nnder M I dis
Bnnk of 8myrna par
ueiaware uny Hanr par
Bk Wilmu'n it Brandyw. par
Farmers' Bk Ft Dear wars par
Union Bank, Wilmington pnr
OT L'nder K'l die
A It solvent banks Idia
IT' Bk notes nnder S's 4 dis
All solvent lianks S dis
CT'Under5's, dis
l'orto Monnrties,
rgMIE attention of ths Trade, and others, in
Jl want f l'orto Monnaies, Pocket Hooks,
Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, 1'ortahlc Wri
ting Desks, llackgainmon and Chess Hoards,
After a careful examination of your "Amer- Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases,
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus offered to the
public. The legal .profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct system of pleading,
adapted lo our habits of business, mid the practice
of the courts. Vour forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on tha acts of assembly,
will ho a saving nf labor to tho plcadur, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
Yours, with prest respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. Sliiudel, Esquires.
Sunbury, July 0 1853.
3Iam.'s Kstablishment
25 Soti(A Sixth Street,
For the Manufacture and sale of
Potent Inciter Copying Press?,
Oil Papors, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, ice.
l atent l'srchnient roper,
Superior to all others, and each page printed
A most valuable inversion for keeping in t
oook-like fo:m, Letters leceiveJ, O.i.inal Invoi
ces, ic.
Phils., April 9, 1853 ly.
Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Bonks. Money
Belts, Cinar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor
Strops, Travelling FlisUs, and fine Cutlery, to
gether with a large variety of Pasct Goods
which will be sold nt the loweat rates.
Porle Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
203 i-c St. below Sixih, Philadelphia.
Sept. t7, 1S53 tf.
; atlend investments generally
I In addition to the timber, convertible into eve
I ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an
swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that
snip buitdc'S have been obliged to purehaso in
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this
property. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable.
Tha lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years past, thata scarcity
of good timlier is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this difficulty. The
consequence must l e an enchancement of the
value of timber lauds. Those un-cul!ed tracts
with the advantage of avenues to market, such
as the lands olli-rej for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
But the land js1 not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every sere being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitalistsdesiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lauds. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts
ville, Pa.
August C, 185.1 tf.
L'KENSVVAKE. Beautiful sets of Tea
ware, in Chins, Stone China and Delf,
Liuiui and 8 upper Dishes of all kinds, Toilet
.xe is, covered Dishes, China Fruit Bakets and
Ornauiouts, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware
in variety, and J umhlera fiom til cent upwards.
just received and for sale by
Dee, 10,1833. 1. W. TENER tc CO.
CJHA WI.8 Broche, Thibet and Woolen in
Jr great variety Black und Fancy Dress Silk,
Bilk lace, velvet and other Trininiiiiga, Worked
collars, uiuWr-aleevea, shiinaieite, cufl'a, iuat re
ceived ai.d for sale by I. W. TEN EH 4c CO.
ouiihurv. iiee. Ill, 18.
.I1!?,1, '"d ' ' Hams, Di led Beef.
JP tbsan, Uaiains and Lemons, by
""' . 1SS4. L W.TfcNtn A CO
Ii,tir!ti?i!'LiJ,:'"irM ""i-Fs
u .. . h"" I-IU.U4 swei p.,, ht
aais Sl UiiaurlK, r r
Cheap "Watches Jewelry,
l7IIOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel-
phia Weteli and Jewelry Store," No. 96
North Second Street, corner of Quarry,
Gold l.ever Watches, lull jeweled, IH enrnt enaea, t33,r)0
G M l.e.ina lsk. &M.M)'. Fine Silver Kpettiiclea. 1,50
Silver full jewlled, SU.Uiold Bracelets. 3,00
Silver l.rv:r, full jewl'd VI ! adira' Gold I'encila, I.OS
Suiei ior Ijuarticia, T.pilver Tea apouns, ael, 4,00
G ild Soectii'l, .(m
Gold I'ana, wiih Pencil and silver Holder, 1,00
Cold Finger Rings, 37$ cents to $80 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, lijcfnts; Puteut, lSj Lunet,
S3; other srticlcs in pnHrtion. All goods war
ranted to be what tliey are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Leplnes, still lower than the above prices.
Sept. 10, 1853. ly.
Book Agents Wanted.
GEXT3 WANTED m every town and
xa- county in the L'nilcil Slates, to sell the most
popular and saleable books published, many of
llicin be lutifully illustrated with colored engra
vings: also the most popular works of T. S. AR
TH L'R, inchiiling 'Arthur's Cottage Library."
Intelligent and enterprising men will find this
a pleasant and prantable busuieas.
for particulars address (post-paid,)
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Ps.
October 1, 1853. 7m.
JEWELRY. A nice assortment of Oold and
Kilver Pmirita nn.l Pna f.. la lian 1...
Market street, opposite the Tost Office
fiiinhurv, Oct. B. 18SJ.
Pocket Knives, Hand
le Cutlerv, .Razors.
d Saws, Wood Saws
in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Looks snd Hinges
Hand Bella. Wuitcis, &c., jut received snd for
sale by I. W.TfcNCK 4 CO
Sunkury, Pee. 10, 1853.
fMlIA fL.MJ'S A small nunVier ol tlieae
excellent pumps hsve beea received and are
offered iur Sale by
Funhurv. June i. 1S.'i3.
(iER, a fresh supply just received, and for
sale by 14. U. IASSUK.
Kuiibury, Jan. 10. 1852.
Wll.Vt.lC HAM iiln A lew double ease
English Silver Watches, fur sals st verv low
prices by II. B. MAUSER.
Sunbury, April 13, l.Jl
11IANUERKIK8, Grouud Nuts. Almonds,
I'ecan Vuta, Wall Kills, Corns NuU, t.'reaa?
n uu, I ilberta, HatMUs. Fins, I'tUou, Lemons,
-"""- ena i eys, just rcciil u4 k wie (S
Dev. 10, 'ix I. v. T( eh A CO
BURNING FLUID, Camphene, Sperm emit
Whale Oil, White Lead, Liuaecd Oil, Tur-
pontine, Candles and Soap, just received and for
sale by 1. W. TENER & CO.
Sunbury, Pec. 10, 1863.
executed for sale at this offlce, tiugte or
by the dozen.
v lent r'omedy for coughs, colds. For sale
st this office.
December 4.
1852. -
1AND BILLS neatly printed on new type
promptly executed at this office. AUo
blanks, of all kinds en superior paper.
Siinburr. Feb. 14. 1853.
lyALL PAPER A large and splendid as.
" sortment of Wsll Paper, Window Paper,
snd Oil Shades, just received and for aale by
Dec 1 0, 1 853. I. W. TEN ERA CO.
IOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
4 C attle Medicine at 25 cU, Ture Essence of
Gilmer. 25 cent
4 R.N OLD'S WRlTlNoTlTiD and Adhe-
sits and legal envelopes, for sale by
Suiibery. Jan 10. 1841- '
1H. ii. itriII(iUEE,Seined?u7Mu
''colds, snd pulmonary diaraava. A sujiply of
this valuable uiediriue lust nceivej snd fi-f sale
by II, B. MAiEK
funb.ry, Juost , ItS).
Jan. ift, 19j.!. While ll ivrn. Lnzerne en.
Dear Sir : As n recommendation f' r your Itoan I'eet'.t
rnl. piirinil ine ri kiv, Hint 1 vi iis e!)i-etu-tlly cured of a
verv aevre e-inii'i with pain in tin' bte:ift, vhli h-i'a limn
I hall n Iviille, neil tint I consider it inviiiu.ib.c. You ara
at liberty lo mnKi. Ilt:a piiMie it yon pleaae.
JOHN PI'KKItlN'O, (tiroeer.) Dnnville, Ta.
My son William taliorine. under n severe contrh nnd jaiin
in his aide, fiom an injury reeeiveil liy u fall, wu e'lUiely
relieved by a lo!lle of Rose Pectoral k Cream of Cam-
rhor. 1 have bIso used your Family Pills, and ultoeether
consider them ihe bet medwines I hnve ever used.
Jan. 19.53. ' Itush Tp., North'd co.
Dr. lliekley : Sir: As my wife who was troubled
with dry, hard Cough, alao emr Stimaeli, dependent upon
debility, similar to Diipepsio. waa entirely relieved by
using two bottles of your Hose Peetoral, permit me to auy
thut 1 eonaider it an exce lunt reinrdy.
Yuura, respectfullr, Itev Mr. WIt.I.ARD.
Pastor Lutheran Church, Danville, l'n.
Having been cured of a pniu in mvarin (eimilur to Rheu
matism) which dftpriveil ine of the free una of it for olxmt
four nioutha. Hv nsiinr one bottle of Cream of famrihor
1 would atato llial I c insider it Ihe tier! remedy of the..
kind I have ever used in my family, n:n! I wou,tt Ircely
recommend u lo otners wan similar fiue'ion.
Yours, respectfully, JONAS WOLF.
Rush tp., Nortlfd eo.
My wife beine. efflieted with n very a-vete pain in her
arm snd shoulder (t!ie ellcets of cold) wiiieh diad'leil her
from usiut; it. waa cured with ruling ol Cream of C'qiii
ph r. Mra. Ktilin, my sister-in-law, was sis i cured of a
severe pain in the h'-fid and face liy usini; the Cream of
Camphor THOMAS C. K.I. .IS, Danville. Jun. at),
My wife hnvintr Rheumatism of Ihe arm for a number
of yenrs, which prevented her from iistnjr it in d.iiiiR her
w tk ; nfter laving spent a gtcnt deal of money in trying
dilTerent remedira with na lienelit, was entirely cured by
uaine onlv rate liottle of vour Crenar of Camphor.
WII.l.iAM KVKXts, Minor, for S. It. Wood, n. roinl.
Dr. Hlekley t Having received a very severe injury in
mv aide hv fullim? otfa lail of hav. froin'u-hteh I waa unn-
hie to follow my w trk, wta recommended to try abulia
ol t. ream of Caini.hor. whleh nfTor.led tmmedinte retiel.
GR1KFITU CAKIt. KiinU tp., North'd co.
My wife, aulTeriiig from iuar extueiatiuir pain,
throughout her eeaeral svatem. whleh prevented her from
sleeping (beieg occasioned hy a l-aig and protracted spell
of tickneaSj) tor wiiieh she' used a nuinucr of remedies
without lietMut. was uulirelv reucved by the uae ol cream
oi lAiapaor. jt.Kj. u. mtooji.
urrein Dentist. Ianviiie. ra.
Child cured of Bowel Complaint, an.l Apue (of two years
ainnfling.) ly worm ryrup.
Mv child being alflteteit for the last two veara. with
Bowel Complaint and Airua until it waa reitueed to a mere
akeleton, I tiied a iiumher of remediea with no permanent
beneht, (mill I gave it a Inula ol your worm pvrup.
ainee whieh time it hua been well, and got nude Aeabv.
I alao have recommended it to a numlter of my frienda,
and lu every case ii lias given aattaTeeiion. l,. l.l-.l.
At iiuis iiagr LMerehant, Danville.
I have need your Worm rvrop m my familv, and eon-
aider it Ii tt only effectual, lait the moat pkaaaut artiele I
am acquainted wilt). JAI'OU l.AII l.t.M. Danville.
Having uaeu vour oimr.yrup in my taniue, it neipi
my chiklreii more than any picoaration of the kind, nnd is
more ptcaaaiu cu iua. iuuiiua.h.
Mont an Row. Danville
I have had oeeasioii to us! your Worm r-yrup in my
lainily, and preur it to nay ennitapo I nave used.
FRKD. liL'U, Froaly Valley, M.aitoureo.
Dr. liicMey: Having naed your woim Syiup, and
Creain of Caiujihur anil Family IMls in my family, tliey
ii e K".i aniia.iiciioii, 1111,1 1 e"ii.iiii( 1111:111 iiib niosi CI
teetual, aud nleaxait' remlie, we have had in our family
JOHMITIIAN K. K1;11KI., Danville.
Dear Sir : We the unJerrigued Iw.'ing in the employ of
aieasrs. l.rovea Comly, at whose at re, you have an
Aeeney for Ihe ante of your Fninily Miheinea, state that
wa have had an opportunity of knowing the opimona of
liumenma untiviniialfl who have imeit tliein. onu that they
give eeaerai aitiaiuetion. v a have a ad a grent numv ol
your Pilla, whieh are univerailly hked, being verv mild ill
llieir operuiion. . u.
Danville, Attest, W M. K FI'l.KII .
Having Scurvy ef my in nitli verv bid, I an, uidueed to
try a Uitile ot your looth ash. which neted like a eltann
aurdeuing my sums, und removing all disease.
Tr. BiekW :llaviug what wta called uleerated sire,
mouth, f ir wioeh, I liietl a nuinl-er of remedira with uo
beuetit : I was nt Inst cured by using one b 'tile uf your
r.iota wafcti. .My wi'e a!i nuriug her c.'iibncment, was
threntenrd with a ire.lliensta, lumi s having alr.a.)y lorined
I ir wines sne used me l leain oi -amikor, whl.-h aeatter.
ad llura, therein prcveiiling lr lueasia from gnilieriiui
(iKtl A. HlluWN,
Near I uilierau Co irch. lanviil. I'a.
Tir. lliekley. Having an tippofiuuity of seeing your
Antl-Reorhutle To Ah Waah uaod in aan very aeveia ea
aea uf scurvev of the guiua, 1 caiaiuVr u an exeelU-nt retua-
dy. Yuura, realacUuily, UF.U. U. BHUH M.
Tha above medieinee ara fof Bate WhtdeaaHi and K a
tail by W M. WClil.K Y, Ml), fropnator, DaiivUle
Alao Fm aale by Iha following Agents in Northmntxr
kiwd cmulv. Krione- at l.ianl, sVuiburv W A Kaolin,
Augusta; W. Fairow, odtown i Tagenrt, KarnnnA
II ill. 41, I'tmn ; y.nMuil A Hlrouaa, l'aiia! J.4ia
Vanawil, laain"e; llugk Vaatina, ; Aaii,
R,aml A Co , Cliaiuoaii.i Mra Ju 1 fcawi ;
Win Fagel)', hnaniduaj Camphan A Kline. Aurnst.i;
IUaiM4 A, itnrgatiww, Prlnauorgt Jaeob IiaMiruag.
Sir Gap l Conrad Wanek, NixiauuuVilaad Jarrw .h
CVnaa. MiwfMiti Joaiak II. kw, I-awiaUiif ; iohu F
CatiMaml JuaMlaaa Katlwak M ! .
Uil m IM Ataaa, and st a aaroalar sssuiaui fall
sWai'TiHaasia' Use easnsanaii ts ftitmfi by Ua SJai
eat M
Jsass is, tae r -
Ilobby Horses, Children's Propellors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and retail by
No. 64 DUCK Street,
Orders throtiRli the mail promptly executed
Phila., April tf, 1853. lv.
WIF.VKfl WABK, Wholeaalc nnd Retjiil nt No. 7i.N
O hl-;t:o.D St., op;osite the Ml. Vernon House, Cold
Lever Watches, full jeweled. 18 k. cases, Srl!-.(rt) ; Silver
Levers, lull jeweled, e-l-.OU ; Silver Lepuies. jeweled. SO.-
00 all wairunteil to keep good time. (Jold Pens nod Sil
ver I'iise, tfLUUj Hold Pencils. 81.00 ; Gold 1'eiieila and
Fen C.151-8 with g.wid ( ' .1.1 l'ensas low as &!,'.!., &e.
Also, alwavson hsnd a exxt nssortiiieut of line gold
Jewelry, (iold Curb, l.orild and Fob Chains, Cold Yesl
Chains, Ladiea' liold l'ib Chains and Helt l'ius.
Silver Tablespoons from, I i to SIM. Dessert. 89 tn Tea, 81.73 to 80,',l) per set, warranted equal to
coin. All goods warmuted to be what they nre sold for.
t 3 Watehes und Jewelry repaired and wnrranled.
ft?" All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punc
tually attended to.
' M. AVIPF. Agent,
No. "4 North Sr.COXD Slrcct, opp.wile tha Mt. Vernon
Phila., April SI, 1653 ly.
No. 12 South Second Stree',
(!old Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepine do
" (iuartior do
fiold pens and pencil and silver haldcrs
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Drurclcts, IJrcast pins Ear rings cV'c.
All warranted and sold at prices as low as airy
in the city.
lSuvcmbcr 27. 1SS2 If.
Tremendous Excitehfnt ! .'
Cash, Steam, Electricity!!
77ie Serial and all other lines out-done by tht
i-ighiiiiiipr i-lue or
'ITTIIO, having great faith in rapid soles and
small profits, hns just received ana opened
a largo assortment of
At Ms Store in Mar.;ct Street, Sunbury, which
he offers to Ihe public at the lowest prices.
ma biui k consisis or a general assortment ol
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillines.
sr.. .r:... r: -ii .. .. . o "t
ooicnj. micocs, jijuslm de
Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages.
Silk Hats.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children. ,
Sugar, Tra, CoITpp, Molasses, Chepse, Sni-
T-O L o i. m
ces, r isn mu, riaster.
Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Tiles. Paws, dec.
Tea Setts, Plates. Dishes, Cups, Saucers. tc
Wine, Brandy, Gin, Rnm, Whisky, ic-
t2r" Country produco of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market prices.
Jan. 15, 1803 ly.
tion, with One Hundred
Engravings, showing Dis.
cases and Malformations o
the Human System in every
shape and form. To which
is added a Treatise on tho
Diseases of 1'emalcs, being
of the highest importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
liy lir V? in. Yuiiiis
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy o
the XSCULAI'IUS to his child. It may savo
him from nn early crave. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret obligation of mar
ried life without reading Ihe POCKET ESl'U
LA PIUS. Let no ono suflering from hackuiep
Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous
feelings, und the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given upj'y their physician, be another
moment without consulting the -ESCL'LAPIUS.
Have the married, or those about to be married
any impediment, read this truly useful book, as
it has been the means of saving thousands of un
fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
l"V Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one
copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOUNG,
Post paid.
June IS, 1853 ly.
Koscndalc Hydraulic Cement.
A N excellent articlo for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed walls.
I or sale hy
of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Smith &
N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly.
And Three Acres of Ground
rilHE subscriber offers at private s:tlc, his house
J- and three acres of ground, on the river Bank
within Iho limits of tho Ilorough of Sunbury,
now in Iho occupancy of John Shiasler and orig
inally owned by C.ias. Gussler while engaged in
boat building. T he improvements aie a
With a Well oj good Water,
snd a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop,
erty is handsomely located and will he sold at a
reasonable price and possession given in April
next. Apply to tieo- C. Wclkcr, Esq., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber st Seliusgrove.
July 8.1, 1853 if.
A Farm for Sale.
THE subscriber oilers for sale his farm,
i:i).'TAIlN(l 2.t At'ltP.M
snd allowances. It is situated about three mile,
from Sunbury along the Shatunkin creek, and is
in Rnd stale of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm.
It will be olfered ill p irt or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can be divided to muke three small
farms. The buildings sre a FARM HOUSE, a
good bank Uaru, ami two tenant
I'pper Augusla, 5cpt. 10, 1851. tf.
More eiv Goot'slt
O ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public generally, that he has just received
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His
stock consists of every variety of
Dry Goods, viz:
Cloths, Cassimcrs, Sattinetts, Vesting, Flan
nels, Muslin, tfc.
A splendid stock of
Such as Silks, Berages, De Laines, Merinoes,
Lawns, Giughams, Calicoes, Ifc.
A Cue assortment for Men, Womeu & Children.
' A large assortment of GROCERIES,
fl'CIt AS
Sugar, Cofiee, IVa, Molasses, Spices, &.C.
Hardware and Queensware.
Fili, Salt and Liquors,
Gin, Brandy, Rum and Whiskey,
- Iicsides the largest and most general assort
ment of all kind of Goods to be had in the countrv.
All the above mentioned goods will be said st
such reduced prices as they ran not lie got for
Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp.. July S, 1653. 6m.
WM. M'CARTY, Bookseller.
RESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants oi
toMtn and country, thai he has lately rerei
ved from Philadelphia, a large addition lo his
stork of books, in every branch of Literature, snd
in s It real variety of Binding. Fleas call and
sea tliein.
Banbury, liept. IT, tiSS.
BLANK Parchment Paper IWds snd blank
Moitnaaes, Uoud. Lseeulioiis. riummana
ale., fur sale ty MAMKU.
Muiibury .AwMtt. I"sl-,
AN.V8 l.f. I I KK nil .-xr.. wuti
books, ink, a u.l all roiui leie. jual ncritej,
.MlWa.UUr MM l.EII.
suuiburv, June . !
Lumber Yard.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform ths
citizens of Sunbury, and Northumlerlsnsl
and adjoining counties, that ha has opened
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the riteam Saw Mill, where he hs
now m large amount of Seasoned Panuel i'7di,
a.o i'jmtrl lizards, and all other Unards and
liriLMin MiTt.aiiL, such as will be u anted for
building purposes. AIno a lurge amount of
Shingles on hand, which wili be sold from id up
lo ti, according to quality and size. Please give
us a call and examine our price' sud quality.
N. 11. Farmers who are in want of Shingles
will please call as we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEI R, Sup.
Sunbury, May t, 1S53. ly.
C-IOLD PENS with and without rases, of
M very superior quality, Jut received.
AUo freah sunplv of Wriline Fluid, for sal
by II. 0. MA8SER.
Sunbury, Pee. t7, 1S5I.
JL bar bottles for sal by
Sunbury, April, It. INSI
BLANK of vrrr daeriipiina cast be aid Vy
aj'l K-uig t ihaafli. ef the Asatrieaja.