Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 04, 1854, Image 4

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' 1? o ctry.
.Ma a '
The belli themselves nr the best of preach-
n t
Their brawn lips are learne.l ir
From their pulpit ef Mone in the opptr air,
Sounclingr aloft, without crack or Haw,
Shriller than trumpet under the law,
f(oW a sermon now a prayer.
The clangerou hammer i the tonftue,
Thi way, that way, beaten ami wung,
That from mouth of brass, as from moulti 01
Ma, beuiight the Tosiamenls, New and
Old. .
And above it the prent rross beam ol wood,
Kepresenleth the Holy Rood,
Upon which, like llio bell, our hope are
hu"S .... ii
And the wheel wherewiili it is awaycil and
Is the mind or man, that round and round
Sways, and mnketh tho Innjwn to wniml ;
And the iopi i:h its twisted conlaye llnei',
Penotelh the Scriptural Tiinitv
Of morals, and symbols, mid history,
And the upward and downward motion show,
That we touch upon matters liiyli and low,
And the constant change and transmutation
Of notion and of contemplation
iXiwnwarJ, the Soiipturo bionglil from on
Upward, exalted nain to the sky
Downwaid llitf literal interpretation,
Upward, tho vision, and mystery !
The city debt of Wheeling, Virginia, is
SI, 100,000.
Tho bank nolo circulation of Great Biilian
amounts to $198,450,000. '
Lowell contain sixty four schools for a
population of about 40,000.
Dr. Harriet Hunt of Boston, is in Washing
ton city, a guest of Hon. Gertitt Smith.
thirteen to fifteen thousand hogs have
been slaughtered this season at Shclbysville
There are now six thousand men nt work
on (he Lake E ie, Wabash and St. Louis
There i a colored man in Wilmington,
Del., who is the father of fifty one children,
thirty of them living. Whew !
A family in Baltimore has been poisoned
by using water flowing through tho leaden
pipe of a pump. One death ensued.
It has been decided that ono half of tho
Jenings' estutae will full in tho heirs of Lord
Townley; about $30,000,000.
Rov. Antoinette Brown has accepted an
invitation to lecture befoie the Mercantile Li
brary Association at Pittsburgh.
The persons who brotipht suit at Pitts
burgh, for violations cf llio small note law,
Have been indicted for conspiracy.
The people of JWaysvillc, Ky., by a mojor
2ty of 14, have declared against the issuing
of licenses fur the sale of liquors.
467,514 hides were imported into Salem,
Mass , in 1853, or 100,000 moie than into
Lie;1l. J. A. Davis, of the U. S. navy who
was thrown from a buggy in Washington on
the 10th inst., died onSaturtlay evening.
A a recent fair in Albany for the benefit
of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, the
profits on the articles sold amounted' to $4,300
itifty thousand cords of wood have been
used by the Reading Railroad Co , within
the last two years, purchases! at an average
cost of 2)30 per ton
Have you any limb-horn bonnets '.' inqui
red a very modest miss of a shop keeper.
"Any wh.t V
"AflyMimb horn bonnets?"
,:Any yofl don't moan leg-horn V
The young lady was brought to by tho
jJropor restoratives.
Writing Piper made from Straw This
paper is advertised in London, and is said to
pose?sS a smooth, firm surface, nnd is well
adanted for either ouilU or steal nsns. Tha
. 4 I
proprietors undertake to supply it at about
half (he price usually charged for the ordina
ry, kinds of paper.
A wag was jogging home rather late and a
little happy, when he was accosted by a largo
two fisted fellow, who demanded his money.
'Money!' said tho wag, 'money ! I have none,
but if you'll wait a minute I will give you
any note at Ihirly days.
Advincc in th Prices of Printivo.
The book and job printers of Boston have
unanimously agreed lo raise tlw pi ires of
priiitiiigcorntneiicing Ihe 1st inst., the book
ryinters adopting the New York prices for
caniposilion, and the same prices for piess
work. The stationers also hare advanced
tbe-ir prices for printing..
A Curious Placard. Tho following pla
card was at one time during Ihe recent trou
bles in Home, actually posted about I ho
ttrasta of- tho Eternal City. Several days
elapsed ere its hidden meaning va penetra
ted by our wbilome acquaintance, Guiseppe
Narone, chief detective of the Roman police.
The reader who is not quick at guessing rid
dles, will find the solution of tht) following
by reading eeross from one inscription to the
other :
Death to
Th republic ia
the vile government
Down with the
S vreignty of the people
Piu. Niniii
for ever I
the best government
is that of the 1'ops !
I'rieslly power
for evei '.
A' lady was told lha ot'.mr day by a tia
vuling gentleman that in a certain coiinliy
rery lady who had a small mouth was pro
vided with a husband by ihe government.
1 lih it pothible," said the lady, making
iter mouth at small as she could.
The gentleman added, that "if a lady bad
r large mouth she wia ' provided with two
"My gracieusV exclaimed the lady, at the
same time throwing open her niotilh to its
foil extent.
The geitlK'tnan became alarmed, made
his escape almost immediate', and Ini no(
Jwen he-trJ of since.
forte Monnnics,
-. " n-a.ine C, 1'ortame
nsnscrs - , ,,
nl 'Chess
Una Vesks, using.""" - ,. i'-,l ('..
Chessmen, Pearl, Shell,
Needle Books, Money
rlZ::: Ls. Portfolio.. Razor, and Item
Strop's, Travelling Fl.sks, and fine Cutlery, to
.ether with a large, variety of Fakci Goods
which will be sold nt the lowest ratos.
Porte Monnaie and Pocket Bock Manufacturer,
205 Arch St. beloie Sixth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 1853 If.
Ucnlcrs in
lamps, ...inter xv rii Mi;,
Ar. E. Cnrnrr Fourth and Cherry Streets,
f PAVING enlarged nnd improved their Store.
nnd having I he hi r cost assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, lliov nro now prepared to
furnish PINE Oil) CAMPHENE,
KTIIEREA1, OIL, Phosphcnc C.'ns nnd Lard
Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel
and H ill Lamp, Chandeliers, tiirandiilrs and
Caiuli'lcahias, nnd 11 rill nmi.i Lamps, nt the
Manufacturer' lowest price, (ilass Lamps hy
the package, nt a small advance over Auction
prices. Pt-ing l.irpe M AN'1'FA CTL'UERS of
l'ine Oil, Pinning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur-ni-di
these articles at such prices thut Merchants
will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before
going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also,
lha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale.
Phila.,'Scpt. 21, 1853. ly.
C II 13 a r
Depot and Manufactory
h. w.
corner Arch nnil Second Street.,
sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are
to he had at tho lowest prices foi qunhty of work.
Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other
Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and others are invited to give us a
trial. trill try to please'
llrasses, Trimmings, &c, alwava on hand.
Remember 8. XV. corner SECOXD &. AKC11
Streets, Philadelphia v
August 13, 1853.- Cm.
Important to Coal Dealers.
rilUE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
-" they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kaac, Reed cc Co., for the purpose of
minintr, shipping and selling coal, delivered at
Snnbury. or nt any other point along tho Sus-
I They will bo ready lodriivcr coal, well prcpa
! red. on coi tract or otherwise, nt all limes, on the
1 shortest notice, and on thu most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Shnmukin hv
KAfsK, REED &. CO.
Suubury, June 4, 1V53. ly.
('heap Watches Jewelry,
WHOLESALE and Retail, nt the 'Philadel
phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96
North Cccond Street, corner of Quarry,
fintit l.evrr Watches, full jeweled, IS carat ernes. C2?,"fl
G-'ltl l.rnina lhH- Ml .till'. Kine Silver Spectacle.. 1,'0
Silver Ip. full irwllf I. S'J . iiM Brnerlcls.
Silver Lever, lull jewi'd 12 I ailies' Gold Pencils,
Superior Quarncrs, T.lPilv.'.r Tea spoon., ct,
r. tlil Spectac les. 7.IWI
Guld I'eiw, Willi Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 87J ccnta to $80 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, ISfj Lunet,
25 ; other articles in proportion. AH goods war
ranted to be what they are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Cold and Silver Levers and
Lepinea, still lower than the abova prices.
Sept. 10, 1803. ly.
Just Publislicd and Tor Sale
hy WM. McCARTY, Dookseller,
Snnbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and prncecdine; in tho several actions
now in use in the I niled Slates.
Bl' Cot-LINSDN Krr:n, K9;
Ipsae iegis viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a slior
system nt conveyancing. Hv A. Jordan, Pres.
ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. and M. L.
Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, the following
letter lias been Jeccived fium JihIl'8 Pearson of :
I II iiintsuuno, June 30, 1853
(iKXTi.nMr.t :
After a careful examination of vour "Amer-
lean pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire upproval of Ilie selection and
composition of Ilie precedents thus ode red to tlie
piililrc. The l-2nl profession in Pennsylvania
Htiiiuls in need of a correct svstcm of p'cadinp;,
a.lnptcil to oi:r habits of liusine, and the practice
of t!ie courts. Vour fornn of declarations being,
to a Rre,it extent, founded on the ne's of assembly,
will he a saving of labor to the pleader, nnd con
jure to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It Khnuld le in the hands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
Yours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
I.. Miindcl, L'squire..
Punliury, July a 1833.
Mann's Establishment
25 South Sixth Street,
For tha Manufacture and sale of
I'ntfnt Inciter C opying l'rcssee,
Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, A.C.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Suporior to til others, and each page printed3
A moft valuable invention for keeping in a
oouk-lil;s foim, l.cttcis received, Original Invoi
cet; &c.
PNla., April , 1853 ly.
HA U D V A R K TiTiir'7;Jtl7ryrcMr7,
Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood 8awa
in fratnea. Axes, Chisels, Door Lcoks und IIini;es
Hand Bells. Waiters, 4c just reeeive.l and for
sale hv I. W. TEX Ell A CO
8un!iury, 12c.-. 16, 18.13.
(iER, a fiesh supply just received, rtd for
sale by U. B. MASSER.
Kutibury, Jan. 10, 1 8.12.
7)EE BII.I.R. Justices and ConstsMes Fee
' Bills ksndsomely printed on can paper for
sale at thia office.
SILVER WAT('HES. A few double ease
English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by II. U. MA8SEU
Sunbury, April 13. lol
ItURMXG Fl-l IU, Camphens, Sperm and
- Whale Oil, While Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur
pentine, Candles and Soap, just received and for
. I w i.pven .t- ff
sal oy I'-'i". "--vf.
fiunbury, Dec. K, 185H.
for the Cure of
TOCfllK A CCII.D, wnn iiKAnea asd sunarst
of ilie b sly, inks the t iisaaT I'sctosal oh going to bed,
aid wrnp ii warm. U, .went during Ilie mt;l'l.
Fob a (iiiLb ami CotGii, tnke il uniriiing, ncKinninl eve.
ninii. nrcoitlin tt ilireeliLiiis nn Ilie li 'lite, nnd the ililiienl-
y will simiii l,e reiivived. None will I 'i'H sutUT fr'in lliis
tii'iihle wlien lin y find it run lirsn rrmlily eiirnl. Pers ms
nillirted Willi n Herilcil ciiiiIi, which lirwiU. tlii'in nf their
re.ftnl nil)t, will liuil, liy liikuin; tim i.neriy l eiionu
trni.ii! 1 1 lu ll, thi-v iiimv lie mire nf rmtul. unbT'iken slrrp,
nuil e.inst'iinrntU' r. fresliing rei.1. (iri id telief frunisiillVT-
;. nnd uu nltnimte cure, i nil' irdnl t llniun:inds who ure
thus niilirii-d. hv litis iiivtiltinMc remedy. ils survenlile eirrel. in these eases, liiimy find
themselves unwilling to f ircgo Hi use when lh neeeily
fur . litis censed
Fmm iwo eminent Phvsirisnt in
Favkttxvili.s, Tenn , April in, IS.'l.-
Sir We liave given putr Clieny Pecturnl mi extensive
trinl ui our ptaeliee, nnd find it In surpass every nthei re
medy wo have fir curin nlli-elinns if the n-spirnt"ry nr.
is inrnluaMe, ns hy it. actinium tliellir.mtnud lungs, when
fctken in .mull iranlities, itrainnyesall lumiseuess in a lew
h mrs, nud wonderfully inereuscs (ho puwer unil ncxiliiliiy
of the viii-e.
AS THM A is gi-nernlly much relieved, and often wholly
cured l.y I'herrv nm there nre some easesso nlv
linnte as to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto
ral will cure Ihcm. if th-y can lie cured.
HUO.NC1II T1!, or irritation of the throst and upper
portion of the lungs, may lie cured hy taking Cherry re t -ral
in .mull nnd frequent (lose.. The uueomlorlubl. op
pression is S'ni relieved.
Itev. t)ix-t. I.AN'SISU, nf Brmiltlyii.Ncw A nrk, slates:
'I have seen the Cherry Peeionil eine sueh ease, ol
Asthma nnd Hroneliilis ns leads me In bclicv. it can rarely
KOH CROt p. ive nn emelic of nntiinnny, to In
followed hv Icfje une) freiilenl cluse3 ol" lh Cherry 1'ceto
inl, until i' sntvlne. the disease. If taken in season, It will
mr. Huh O
WHOOPING COl'nt! may 1, hrolien np and soon cu
red hv the nn of Cherry Pectoral. .,...,
To,.. ,vt-, i-i-KT. , .n.iii,- rxmnrri hv this remc
dv. Numerous instance havo hecn uotieol where w a Me
f'nnilies weie protected from any serious wmscciiielie ls ,
while Iheir ncighl. .rs, wilhoul the Cherry Pectoral, woo
.ullering from thedi.ease. .
I wiiie to inform V ill "I I he truly renvirKal-lc inn is
nr. J. u. Aver: .-
owniniiiy" .,e.V.nVdh,-
In ihrce days of n ilreaiuui " iioorij... - " "V ' " .,,,.,
r. Sleans, one of our very l.cst pliysieiniis lie- ij l una
that he considers it the l.cst r-m-viy e .y- i
disease., and Ihat he ha. eanil in ore ens -s of I wun
oi.l clergymen of Ilie H .ptisl Church kijs that during
.. .....- m... icnte nn fvn in i--
Die rim of IvaUMii nere ..... ;-. .
from -our mtvlicine he could sc
.-.r i.i.-il. elite IICCOUIU ...... v.,
rpeetrune, J. .Atn,
riom the distiiis'tished Profvu'or of Chemis
try and Mcteria Medrec, Uov.ioin Collece.
r...,.l .1, lFeToBAI.. n. its iuereillenl.
show, u powerful reinerljr for elds, anil eaughs, nnd pul-
lil..uary diseases. ,,
nru-N'U'irs, Me.. Feb. S. If IT.
The vidrh, celebrated Professor of Sitrseru tn
tlu Medical Collece. Sew York City, sans:
'It give me pleasure to eerlily Ihe vulue mini elueoej
f 'Avku's fnnnnv I'B'innu.,' whieh 1 eoni.lcr pcenli-
orly Rihiple.1 to. lire .lis.-.i:-i- ol Ihe I hr.nt nnil Lungs.
l:uie ot seeeie .iis'-Hwa iimii hit imm;'
feeteil hv Cheiiky I'reronl. in s;leh eilreine esses ns
wnrinnl'llic belief Hurt n has nt h-nelh l.een li.un.l
thut enn he rtependeil on meure the r-inghs. (ol.l. nun
C.-nvnnplicii whieh eurrv from our mi.lx ihnusuuiis every
veir It is Msh-ed s nieilieiiia M whieh the nrillete.l enn
.k with e .nfiOenee for relief, and they should n n tail to
ffrKrf b JAMES C.AYEH,
Practical Chemist, Lou-ell, Mass.
Sol J in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by
Pi'iitjgisls penernlly througliont thn Plnte.
July 3D, 1S.":)- ccow 1. 'ov. 13. '32.
(Successor to A. I'lO T.)
No. 161 Clus'nut Street, Swaim's Building.
Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de
scription. Kxclusive Apcnt for the sale of Hallet, Davis
eV t'o's (Huston) Patcnt bcsi'Lxsiox liiiiuns
Uolian and other
I., fiilliert's ISoiiiloir Pianos, Meloileons, Martin's
liuil'irs. Harps, iolins, .Siir.r.T .Mi sic, Misic
Hooks, Ac, A:e.
licsidouls of the country will lie supplied hy
mail or otherwise with any music tlicy may
wish, at ns low rates ns if purchased in person.
Having one of "tha largest slocks in the United
ftatesj I feel conlident of satisfying all who may
fevor nie with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. I'innos to li t. Second-hand l'iau s for salo.
Philadelphia, April 14, IS53. ly.
'Eureka, Eureka."
lTUW for the litllo ones. Why will parents
waste hours and days in fruitless euijeavora
to get perfect pictures of their children and after
all get nothing hut a poor, miserable caricature I
W e would say, come lo our
and we will guarantee to make you a perfect
picture, hy our Ki.i.truo (.'hkmicil process,
that works in from 4 to 2 seconds.
Wc defy any Duguerrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are the
invenlo.s, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments in Xcw England and the
Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver
medals we have received from the Ameiienn
Institute, Xew York and Fi&uUlin, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums from
County Fairs, is sullicicnt proof that they are
the At Plus Vltra of perfection.
V e would call pnrtieular attention to our
Talbotypes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C Collins & Co., 100 Chestnut street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite silo Hamu
li on House, Springliuld and Collins' Building,
esthelu, Mass.
N. B. Cur e-itnb'.i-hment is illuminated ly
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day? and by
ViaffMor llortrford s bafety lamps hy Ii?lit
L ome ami see.
Pbila., May 2S, ISM. ly.
Agents Wauled.
AGENTS WANTED in every town anJ
eouutv in the I'nited .Stales, to toll tho most
popular anJ culeaMe bonki pultlishcd, ninny of
tlinn beuUifiilty tlluslratt J with colored engra
ving: nlnotho most popular works of i 8. AK
TUTU, incluJintr "Arthur" Cottagt Library"
Intelligent and enterprising; men wi.l Itnd tlai
plcaaiit and prufitable business.
For particulars a.ldrcss (poM-paid,)
J. W. DKAULEV, ruMUher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street,
i'liiluuVphiti, 'u.
October 1, 1853. 7m.
rtlAlN PUMPS.. A small number of these
exeellent pumps have lee a received and are
otTered for aale by
Hunburv, June 4. 1 853.
1 EWELTIY. A nire assortment of Uold and
Silver Pencils and Pens, for sate cheap by
Market street, opposite the Poet Office
Sunbury. Oet. 8, J 9ftJ.
DR. II. H. IIIGOEE'S remedy for coughs,
colds, and pulmonary diseasea. A aupply of
thia valuable niediciue just received and for aale
by H. B. MASSER.
t Sunbury, June i, 1853.
TilT im "V5tr if
jsr- "''dliSS
Family Medicines.
IN nlTering to tht public the nbnre imratunblfl prepn ra
tion, the miharnbci wm Id state that in eiimlUiti(in
wtlh hit fiienda and Svnie of the m-iat reaiectnhl ol the
Meiliciil Inruliy, it was deemed advisable tooflVr to Ilia
public, a few prepitrtitiuiis v( known celebrity, being; pre
paren wun the prenu ti rnre, ana oil ine must srieminc
principlen, as sulnflitutcs for the numeruua wnrtblcaa nr
liclr-t tlnii nre UtKdiii(f the country in the form of pnnoccnt
and cure nllf, prcimred by the moat ignorant and nicrceiin
ry per m.j, iiiU-ii(tcd to euro all diseaaea nnd good (or none.
Read and Reflect.
Thai tlit Mfiliciiie. T:iMtifartured by W. M. Bicixt,
Including his Hone IViMnnil for Coughs.
Crenin 01 CuinnlsT, fur Kltcutnotitm.
Vorm ffvrup for Vimis.
TtMUli Viish, (t-r ilfonjrd teeth, disensed (riimi.
Family Pill, nr hlood Purifycr, hnvebcen inure extensive
ly nseii, and hnve piven m re sntidftirtioti, than any other
Medicines brftire the puMic, btinp prepared with regard
to iheir ust'lulneirs me fully worthy the trial of the alii let
cd. Clve Ihcm a tii:d.
A fi w pou-eiful ronmnt why the above MrHictues nre
deserving of universal ptilionngf. (In the firt plnee,
they nrr pri'pnn-d by n rciiiilfir Physician, who uiidcr&luiids
tnc nppnc.'iii m ! .litiuiehies, to iHsctincfl, nnu coiiprqurciuf
nre nnrfccily site to tuko. (Secondly,) they have been
tued with uuiverNil success, and have given more sutistao-
tinu I linn any oHmr ,Mi'iln-ims oflerctl betorc the public.
( I hinlly ) ihcy nre the only meil.cines Inst iriva guinea
the intrmnse id" Plnsirinua, where they have been used ;
amlfKmiilhlv.) tlrev arc iut nn in Inrcer quimtilies foi
the sinie pvice, tbnn nnv olher Medicines oltered to the
nn bl ic of the Kiltie kind As the sulcnber has a nnmler
of certificates in his possession of the highest authority,
Where thev tru e hern usi it wun ine inosi snttsinctory re
anils. He' will publish n few of them, feeliiiff antisfied that
atrial will insure their recommendation. Try them ami
satisfy youvs'-lf ol the-ir snpurioniy over all others,
A' mux ami be convinced.
We the tiiulrrsiiTued hiiviiut been made aciniaintAt with
the iiigrctlicnta entering into the Compounds known as
MuKli-y s Knmiiy Aieibcmes also wiving preacnuen ami
known them to be used, with most Bfitisfiiftory resells ;
lime plena n re in sn lltg iliac we nenrve nicy iuuy inuci
the design for which they sre recommenncn.
ii a viininr:v. M n
Cnrt of pain in tht strfe and cough from protected
lAver LomiHaint
Mrs. ir.1eri A-l.min. lilciriinr under Chronic Liver Com
pi lint. nccoiMpaiiuil wilhi short dry enugh pain in the
side and bremt, goneml debility, loss of appetite, after try
ing nil the uiu.ti remedies Twrnmeiiticti c'(;ne
diaensesof the chest, who with no benefit, she was recom
mended to trv the lto Peetorul, from which, she not only
derived imimilmte but periunnent relief.
John Adams, s u of Mrs. Robert Adama, was nfflntcd
wild a verv severe rough, pain in the side, and soreness
prod-iced by iireesKiiit coughing; he whs induced to try
the lloso Peclnrul. To use his own Inngmigo, the iirst
dose ennbh-d luni to enj-'y a good night's rent. In the
morning he expe bratcd nlmut half pint of mutter, lie
continued to improve until his cough entirely left him, ;t
n1a had the eil'ect of atrengheiung his bicnst, which wns
natiimlly we:ik . lenlsisnys th:it he h:is tecommeiided
it to a ii'inihcr of his I'lirniU for similar complaints, and
in every cme it bns given sntinfnclion.
The above persons residents of the town of panville,
feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use
of the Rose Peetoril ; autliprize the above sUitement for
the bene til in' th-)so who ntny he nfflietcd in a similar man
ner. tiiir.A I t-l Itli.
JMsyef Yoii c rsto,et with one bottle of Eost Vec-
,,:a .... ..e n ..
Miw Snwiii Whi'titck, of fliiBli tnwiwhin. North timber
hud ct., lor a inimlierof yenrmm ii vuln), m the lull of
I 150, li'Bl Ihe ii mi n her voice fnun n wvie cold ehe phiu
l trocrrfl; nfttT 1 r inp n iitinil'cr of rcincdipn, with no bene
I tit, ttie was nttirely resiorfd hy iJiliiiig one b iltl nf Ilnne
I l'eet m'tcr wiiieh. she l:ur her vuce nnin. from a
, fresh p.iltl she ciint r.irl Pit. mitt w:is npain icstored by the
I use of nn l her ti..itl ; fhe then tn k four In i lies to
i Hrenpthpii h'-r lucnui, fnun which she dfiivtd (lie most
1 riividfit benrli!, a'i4 t:it trrn in the enjoyment of excellent
I hen! tli from tlurt lime to t!te present.
'i'he tib ne '.itt mriit i obtained from Pr. rinse!!, lite
' Pliyifinn h nt tendril her; nl Iter nnther who thinks
tliril fihf w'.ml'l ii il I e livii-g nt ihis time if it lind not been
for ihe Kve PectMil. Pniville, J;m. a, 112
Fti another Nailed Cure. KJf'tcteU.
I y S;iinticl rrhlrr. bcintf 'f o iwluml wenk a id rb )i
cnie const iiiifi nt very sti"ectih!r t'i old?, wns iil!!ic!'il
with very severe cnugti, pain and soreness of the brtist, I
1 bs of nppctito ; ui'li-r u:n,2 u iinmber (if the usual reme
dies from whieh, fi'ie derived n i benefit, she wns cured by
; tnkimfotie b utlc nf Hose IVc-rnral nnd is in the enjtymeut
i tf belter heiUli lli;m for years previous.
! lanville. Dec, 1 tb,)0.
I I)K. UicttLP.T Permit me to inform you that my wife,
who isa delicate and weakly woman, In boring under
very severe Couth with pmn and soieness of brentt, was
' m ire quickly -nnd eiTectnnlly relieved wtth one bottle of
ymr Hose Pectoral than any other medicine the hod ever
Ukeil. AUiM-sIl M MKI1JK.
Jan. 1854. Snmnel R. Woods' Furnace, Red Point.
Familt Pills.
John F Bluer taken between Christmas nnd New Year
with a very bad cold, which ended in a dry hard incessuut
Conch, eanrinff a Kreat deal of pain whenever he cous-hed.
was ielievd very much; by the time he had taken one
third of a b )ttle, and hy the tium it 6uihcdt wus en-
tirely cured lie also mvs that he has taken scvenil tlnrsrs
I of the Henltli Itestorntive or 1'amilv I'ilis, and that they I
are the nui'ic.t and mist clfcctiuu purgatives hu imsever 1
taken. Danville, Jhu 1, IS53- I
Pit litcKt.KT : Dunn? a visit to my brother, in Pun- I
ville, 1 took a vety severe Cold, wliicti ended inn Hiiht
hird Cough, with s-irencss and pain nf the breast, for I ua.d vour Itrtsn Iict trnt. nnil I-'mmlv nnd
j t ike pleasuri in rcc inmeinlinif them, as the mildest and
in tat eliectuul reinetly l have usnl. ours, rcspci-tiuilv.
J in. HJ, lf?,Vi. White llnven. Kui-.ente co.
lieur Sir : As a recominenridtion for your Hose Pecto
ral, permit inc t s.iy. llutt I was eltectually cured of s
verv RfVerc couch with pain in Ihe breast, with less than
half a bit tie, imd ihit I constrict it invaluable. Vou are
nt liberty to make this public if yott please.
.I() SPKKKIMi, ((jrx-er,)Dnnvillc, Po.
My son Willimn laboring under a severe couph and ptiin
ia his side, from an injury received by n full, was entirely
relieved by a bottle of Itoso Pectoral U Cream of Cain
phot. 1 h;tve hImo usnl your Family Pills, nnd nltopetlicr
I c mnider them the best medecmes I have eivr used.
Jan. 18V'. Rush Tp., Norih'd co.
l)r. Uickley : Pir: As my wife who was troubkd
with dry, lend Cough, also sour Stomach, dependent up"ii
tiKiiiuty, sinninr to uispepaia. w;is entirely relieved ny
using two bottles of your Rose Pectoral, permit ine to Say
thut 1 consider it an exec lent remedy.
Vouis, respectfully, Rev Mr. WILI.ARD,
Pastor Lutheinn Church, Panville. Pa.
Hjiviiiff ben cured of a pain in tny aim (siuiilur lo Ithcu
m itifin) which deprived ne of Lhe free use of it for at h tut
lour in Mitiis. jiyu 'iug on- p-k tie ot cream oi lanipliT
1 w otild Et:ile that I c insider il the best remedy of the I
kiullhive ever used in my family, and I wjubi freely
rec nnineml it to others with fcimtlur ntTiN-ti'tng. (
Yours, resjKjcifullv, JOS Ar WOI.F.
Push tp., Norlli'd c".
My wife beiiijt efilictcd with a very si-veie pain in her
arm and sh -lutder (i!ic el! eel a of cold) which disubleil bur
from using it, was cured with rubbing of Cream of Cam
phor Mrs. Killin, my tter-in-lnw, was also cured of a
severe paiu i'i tlie head nnd f ice by using the Crnnn of
Camph r THOMAS C. KI.MS, Panville. Jan. i,
Mv wife having RheunLitisiu of the nnn for a tiuinlter
of years, which prevented her from using it in doing her
work ( after haviM? Sent n great deid of money in trying
diiT:rcnt remedies with no bitnelii, was entirely cured by
usiim only one iottie oi your t ream ol camphor.
W.M.I AM KVF.XS, Minor, for ft. R . Wood, R. Point.
Pr. Hickkv : Havintr receive) I a very severe in jury in
my side hv falling oil a load of hay, from which I was una
b:e to f dl iw oty work, was recommended to try a bolUa
of Cream of Camphor, which a (forded immediate relief.
GRIFFITH CAKK. Kush tp., North'd co.
My wife, surfer his: from most excruciatiu twin.
throughout hei general slem, which prevented her from
sleeniiiir fhciini oocasioued bv a Ions and protracted spell
of sickness;) for whieh she used a number of remedies
without benefit, was entirely relieved hy the use of Cream
of Camphor. (iKO. B. UKtAVN.
Iut scon Uentist, ljuuviiie, ra.
Child cured of Rnvet Compliiint. and Ague (of two years
sianumg.j iy v orin oyrnp.
Mv child heinr atflieted for Uie last two vears, with
fl wel Comprint aud Aeuo until it was reduced toa mere
skeb'toji, I tried number of remedies with no permanent
heuehl, until t cave it n h atle ot your Worm svrun,
siiK'd whieli tims it has been well, and got quite hVthy.
1 also have recommenced it to a numher ol my menus,
aud in every case it has given aatisiacLiou. I.. M-'YI.
At jrfiuis tones' Mcrcnnm.j uauviue.
I hrtve tlsed vour Worm vrtii) in inv fauidv, aud con
sider it not only effectual, but the most plensant article I
sin acquainted with. JAt'OU l.ASHKl.iS, Panville.
ii:iviui( useu your voiuiDyrup in my iaino. 11 ncips
mv children more than any preparation of the kind, and is
more pica-suit to take. PAN MORGAN.
Mon tout Row, Panville.
1 have hid occasion to use your Worm Syrup in my
family, and prefer it to nnv Yermifuge 1 have usrd.
FRF. P. IU B, Frosty Valley, Montour eo.
Pr. Picktey: Having used your woiui tSvrup, and
Cream of C'umphcr and Faintly Fills in my fuuiiiy, they
;jave g t d s:ilisfuction, nnd 1 cjnisidrr them the most ef
fectual, abd pleasint remedies, we have had in our fumily.
JOHXHTHAN R. RltsllKr.. Panville.
Pear Sir: We the undersigned being in the employ of
.Messrs. 1 1 roves A C-miiy, at whose store, you have an
Aiieiwy for the sile of your Fumily Medicines, state that
we have had an opportunity of knowing the opinions of
numerous lunivinuuis who have useo mem, and that they
give gnoeral Sfttisfuclion. Wa liuve sild a great many ol
V'Hir Pills, which ure universally liked, hing vrrv mild in
their operation. W. M:iShVNHlli,
Panville, Attest, W M. KKPMUl,
Having Scurvy of my tmutli very had, 1 was induced to
try a bottle of your Tooth Wash, which acted like a char m,
hardening my gums, and removing ull disease.
Pr.Biekley: Having what was called u Ice ruled sore,
inoiiih, for which, I tried a nuinln-r of remedies with no
I in-fit : I was ef lust cured )y using one bottle of your
Tooth wash. My wife aia-i during her c nilinemeut, wns
threntened with re Ui easts, luin; huving already furiiMtl,
ftir whicSi she used the Cieuin of Cuumhor, whir h st -Jitter
el them, inerehy uieveniiug her hreasts from euihenng.
Nenr I .n t hern n Ch'irch, Panville, Pa.
Pr. Uu-kity. Huvnir? an opporiuuiiy of seeing your
Aati-Scorbutin To lh Wash used in nie very severe ea
ses uf scurvey of the gums, 1 c-msiderit an Mrellnt reme
dy Yours, reaiiectfulry, Gi;0. H BROWN.
Ths atvive medicines ar for aula Wholesale and Rs
tail by W M. HICKl.KY, M. I , Proprietor, Panville
Also--Foi side by the lollowiug Agents in Northumber
tend county, Friling & Grant, Hunhury; W A. Kmbb,
A u if n si a; W. Farrow, fhiydcrtown j Tsgjrnft, FurnwutV
Bar tow, Paxioos ; Kiustine 4k- tttrnuae, paxutos; Jobs
Vuuzaiit, Paiins; Hugh Yusuue Paxiuos; A aimer men,
Rossei sc Co , PharuokiS; Mrs. Jus. Thomas, bhamokin ;
Win. Fagsly, ftttinokiii f CsonpbeU ft Kline, AugusU;
rvunuel A. Bersstresser. TeteraUirg; Jacob Ie.sewing,
Bear Gap ; Oontsd Wenck, Northumberland ; Jeremiah
Crouss. BeJmsgrove; Josiah Baker, Lewisburgj Johu F.
Casio wand Jonathan ZeJlers, Milton.
Cull on lbs Agents, and gets circular eonUining s fall
descriptiamof th suinsrous tures pxfowns4 by lbs suTer
cut Medtranes
. Jwwll, IM3U.
lo Your Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
rPlIE subsrrlhrf resppctfull)' calls the sttenlion
of tlit public to his large nnd splendid assort
ment of every qunlity and price of
which rannot fail to retommend itself toerery on.
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship nnd splendid finish, mado up of th.
best etock to be had in the city. No effort is
pared in the manufacture of his ware, anil ths
subscriber is determined to keep up with the
many improvements which nre constnntly being
made. llis stuck consists of Mahogany
Sofa, Divan nm! LoungeR,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
snd also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Pbila-
ilelplim manulacture.
UEUMTfiAUS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in line of his business.
He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had Ir
Sunbury, such as JUhohixi, Di.iCK Walkut
akii Cuhlsii Maplk Onscttx ; irn Wixnsnn
CIIAIHS, Ann fawct Pnvo Stools, which are
of the latest styles, nnd warranted to bo excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber ia determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of his ware and
C'hnirs. x
llis articles will be disposed of on as good
terms as they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce liilien in pnvincnt for work.
IT' UNDERTAKING. HuvinB provided
himself with n hamlsmne Ukabsk, ha is now
preparod for I ndcrtukinrr, nnd attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at nnv convenient dis
tance from tiiis place.
rV The ore Koom is in Market Street,
below J lioinpsjn s Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18.1J tf.
Stone Cutters and Laborers
JTONE cutlers and laborers can havo steady
employ and a winters job, (and not work in
the water.) at Ilie Union und Susquehanna BriJse
nt Chapman, Union county, l'a., midway be
tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la
borers $1,25 per dav will be Riven.
Chapman, Pcpt. 17, 1853 tf.
Drugs, Paints, Oil, Window
Class, fje.
5 'Boss French zinc white.
10 tons Pure While Lead.
5000 Coxes Winilow Glass, all sizes.
Superior Potash, Copal, Coach, Leath
er A Iron varnish, white Demar varnish for China
Gloss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Medicines in general use,
warranted centime.
Colored and Liiamlcd Class, &c, Scc., for sale I
. I
Dnij and Taint Stoie, Ko. 1C9 K. Snd Street.
Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to anv of the Hotels or Depots free of charge.
rhiln., May 18, 1853. ly.
2.5U0 Acres Timber Land
l l.Mliiili I.AAU, comprising ntmut S.auo j
acres, part of which is filualcil on Tohyhanna I
Creek, ami part on Muddy Creek, within three
miles of Lehigh Kiur, in Pciin forest townt-liip, 1
Carbon County, one of the xreat Coul Counties
of PeuiisylvBi.ia, ran bo had at a bargain, if ap-
plication be made aoou.
These lands are thickly covered with tha best
timber of that region. Vi'hiln it is believed that j
75,000 feet of lumber to tlie ncre, can be cut from
a large portion uf lhe land, the balance will aver-
age not much less than thi figure. The kinds of
timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or j
Whito Cedar, While Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally mado up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
i ne i onyiianiia ami .uuduy wrecks are large i
and rapid el reams, yielding a vast amount of
water power, nnd are capable of driving a large
number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh,
which atream, with the Lehigh Canal s (Voids an
outlet to tho most desirable lumber markets.
Thero is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia
which runs within one milt and thret quarters of
the laud. Through these avenues lumber can be
delivered in either of the cities named, for about
$7 per thousand feet thus enabling persona en
gaged in tho trade to derive greiter profits than
attend investments generally.
In addition to the timber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an
swer for spsrs of vessels a sort of timber that
snip-builders have been obliged to purchase in
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no culling; of the timber on this
property. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, tho nuro valuable.
The lumlier trade of the Lehigh lias been carried
on losuchsn extent for years past, thai a scarcity
of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this difficulty. Tho
consequence must be sn enchancement of the
vulue of timber lands. Those un-cullej tracts
with the advantage of avenues to market, such
as the Iwnds nfVcred for sale, possess, cannot fail
to he Ihe sources of supply hereafter.
Uut the land is not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitalists desiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lauds. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts
ville, Pa.
August C, 185.1 If.
f pil subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson,
dee'e., late of tho "Lawrence House," in
Sunbury, respectfully informs the friends of her
lata hut-huiul, ar.d the public generally, that she
continues to keep the above Hotel, and is well
provided with sll things necessary to accommo
date all who may favor her with their custom,
and therefore solicits their patronage.
Sunbury Oct. 89, 1853 4m.
lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal
at this office.
December 4. 1852. ' .
1TAND HILLS neatly-printed' on' new type
promptly executed at this office. Also
blanks, of sH kinds on superior paper.
Kunburr, Feb. 14, 1853.
"lyALL PAPER. A large snd splem
aortmeni of Wall Paper, Window '.
nJid as-
and UU Bliaocs, just received ana lor sale by
Dec. 10, 1853. I. W. TENER dc CO.
POR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
C attle Medians at 85 eta, Pur Essence of
Ginger, S3 (.rut ..
At the Cabinet Ware 11 pom of
Market Square,
As6 a tht corner of Fawn ttreet tt the Railroad
Thankful fur ths patronage ol his friends and
customers during the IT years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from th. public acoh
tinuanc. of their favors. During this period h.
has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of th. day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. Th. public ar.
therefor, invited to th. attention of th present
stock of
Manufactured it
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of ths
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Large Spring Seat Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Marble Top Wush Stands,
and a variety of oilier
new style und
Fashionable Ftii'iiilnrr.
Having secured a Hearse and mado tha neces-
sory arrangements for the purpose, they sre now
prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in
this vicinity or ut any convenient distance.
Ye maids anil mistresses, ami hitshanils too,
Here's furniture of every stylt ami hne,
From side b-sirds down to kitchen UWes,
From rocking chairs to rocking cradles
Mionld yon not hove tha ready Jons to psy,
We'll wult nwliile for s brighter better iluy,
' Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat end rye
Bark, hoop r Iti.stnves, or lumber wot and dry,
Or any thing 1ml yokes nnd threshing flails,
From piers and turkies down to little quails.
Come on then f riends, come one nnd all,
Keep trade a moving, so "g.,c on the bull.'
VP" Orders from a distance promptly attenJed
to nnd work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch.
Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf
Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and retail by
No. 64 DOCK Street,
Orders through the mail promptly executed'
1'hila., April , 1853. lv.
cheap watches! jewelry and
SILVER WAKE, Wholesale nml Retail nt No. T'J N.
SECOND St., opposite tlie Ml. Vernon House, Hold
Lever Watches, full jeweled. 18 k. cases. SM.liO i Silver
Levers, lull jeweled. SI'J.lM ; Silver Lepiues. jeweled. '.',
OU nil wurinnli-il lo keen roiid time. (j"ld Pens anil Sil-
I ver Cise, 8I.IK'; O 'Id IVneils. SI.0O: fiold Pencils and
l'ei. ( uSe. with 8o.-l Gold IVnsus low ... fw.a.5, &c.
Als ', always on Irtnd n ir-Htt nssortineut ol polil
Jewelry, Hold Curb, (iii iul and l-'oli I'liniin, Gold e.t
Chains', L-nliei' Gold l-'oti Chains nnd licit Tins.
Sliver Tnlile Sirna Iroin 1 1 to Sit. 1 lesser!, to
831, and Tea, Ht.T-i t S'l.'ill per set, warmnted eiual to
c-'in. All Roods wanuiiled lo lie wliul tiiey nre s 'Id lor.
lW W'alf-liesnuJ Jewelrv repulretl and warruntol.
I 9 All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will tie j iine
tuully attended to.
M. AVISi:. Aceat,
No. "2 NorJt SUCCJND Street, nppmitc the .Ml. Vernon
l'lnla., April 23, I6jd ly.
WH, M'CARTY, BookseUer,
t"i PSPI'I VI'PIII.l.V infnrm. tll illllnhil
its ot I
town and country, thut he has lately rccei I
ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his
stock of books, in every branch of Literature, and
in a great variety of binding. Plcaie call and
see them.
fciiinbiiry, Sept. 17, 1853.
J A 31 ES li. F IDLER,
No. 12 South-Second Slree',
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepine do
" QiiartrcT do
Gold pens and pencil and silver haldors
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings &c.
All warranted and sold at prices as low as aiy
in the cily.
November 37. 1852 tf.
Rosen dale Hydraulic Cement.
, N excellent article fur lining Cisterns, Vaults,
Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed walls.
For sale by
of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Smith &
N. E. Corner f Front and Willow street
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly.
And Three Acres ol'dround
riHE subscriber offers at privato sale, his house
-- anil three acres of ground, on the river Dunk
within the limits of the Dorough of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig
inally owned by Clias. (iussler while engaged in
boat building. The improvements aie a
With a Well of good Water,
snd a good frame stable. There are a number ol
excellent fruit trees on the premises. Tha prop,
erty is handsomely located and will he sold at a
reasonable piice and possession given in April
next. Apply to Geo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun
bury, er to tha subscriber at Sclinscrovs.
July 23, 1853 tf.
A Farm for Sale.
flUIE subscriber oilers for sale his farm,
and allowances. It is situated about three milea
from Suhbury along the Shamokin creek, and ia
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm.
It will ha offered in parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can lie divided to make three small
farms. The buildings are a FARM HOLSE, a
good Dank earn, and two tenant houses.
Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853 tf.
T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Donds, Executions, Summons
4c, for salehy II. D. MASSER.
Sunbury . At-ri 26. 1851.
books, ink, and all complete, lust received.
and for sal ky II. B. MASSER.
S anbury, June 4, 1853.
sive and legal envelopes, for sale br
Sunbury. Jan 10. 1862.
executed tor salt at this office, siagle or
by th doxen.
eitt or rait.AtiEi.raiA.
All solvent bnnke ij,
tl. 9. Bank notes R dlt
KHUI1K IHI.ltin'
All solvent banks
torn ti t
in "rein minus
Bank of Chambersburj t dis
ui nrBir.i o. par
Bank of Del. Co. Chester par
Bank of Qerirantowil parlAII solvent banks
Bank of Gettysburg 1 dis cyilk notes und
I Sim
notes under (S 1 dut
nans oi Lwiatown
Bank of Middletowa
1 Us All solvents Unka ' I ,.
muntgwnery jo Ban par
Bank nf NoTthumberl'nd. pal
Bank of Pittsburg l d
Belvidere Bank I ,a
Commercial Bank I dia
Par Ha..w
nans oi lanville par
Carlisle Bonk
1 dis
f M ;Middletown PI. par
Mechanics' Uk. Newark
p a,m 'i '' """T. Pr
Columbia B'k k B'g e Co per 1
Doyelstnwn Bank par I
F.aston Hank uur 1
Mech. A Man. Bk 'IV.m . Bank 9 dial !
Elehame B'k ritl.bnr. I dial!
Morris Co Bank Idi,
ft Ins. Col dis
r.xenauge n , uraueli dll'rnnge Hank I A
Farmera1 ll'k, Bucks Co parlt'eople's Uk Pattersun I dis
Farmers' Hk, lanenslcr par,Prineeton Bank M
m...., i.n, itaiuiiig par.rHiirin liailKUir K.O, Mr
Farm. Ilk Sehuvlkill Co pnrlfeinerret Co Bank I dis
F I). Uk AVoyne.h'g I jdis'Ptnte Bonk at Camden ear
Franklin Ilk. Wush'u jJdis'Hlnts Uk Elizahelliton I dn
llsrrialiurg Bank 1 dis f Inle Bunk Newark 1 dis
Honeednle Bank 1 disitule Bk, N. Brunswick par
IiSncnatcr Bunk psr.Snrsex Bnnk, Newton I dis.
Lebanon Bunk ' pir Trenton Bunking Ce pr
Merch. A (Man. Bunk 1 dis t'nion Bunk. Dorer I dis
Mineis'Ii'k, I'ollsville per Ysr.lle) v'leiDel Dr Co lSiia"
Mouonsnhels Bnnk I dis tyJJk notes under tS 1 dis'
Tnylor.v'e Del IJ'g Co 15 dis DKI.A WARK.
AVest Brunch Bnnk pnr'Bnnk of lelswsra par
ivyoming hk, ivilkesb'. pur
York Bnnk, 1 dia
tyilelicf notes 1 dis
Dunk of Whellnrk dis
Mercanlile Bk. Bangor 10 dis
All s ilvent bunks I dis
All solvent hunks dil
Bunk of Smyrna
llelnware Cily Bank
Bk Wilmg'n Brandy w. par
Farmers' Ilk St Delaware sar
t'nion Bank, Wilmington per
Cf Under S.Va dis
tll IU.
All solvent banks t di
IV Bk notes under 5's 4 dis'
All solvent bunks a dis
Hunk of st Albuns a dis
All solvent luinks J dis
tV L'nder 5's, J dia
Themendous Excitement ! !
Ctisli, Steam, Electricity ! !
The Aerial and all other lines out-done by tht
I.lrThtnli'Pr Mite of
X7"HO, having great faith in rapid ssles and
small profits, has just received sno opened
a large assortment of
At his Store in Market 8treet, Sunbury, which
he oilers to the public at the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment e
)ry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d
Lai ns, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages.
Silk Hats.
A Inrge assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, CoflVe, Molasses, Cheese, Sp'a.
ccs, Fish Salt, Plaster.
Vii : Iron nnd Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Va.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Iff
Wine. Eraiiily, Gin, Rum, Whiskf y, ic-
rp Country proiluco of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market prices,
Jan. 15, 1653. lv.
on, i:vi:i;v onh his own physician.
lion, with One Hundred
"I ,A Lncrauie;s, showing Dis.
eafes mid Mullormations a
V vii toe Human System in every
J.j ,r"-j blinpe ma! form. To which
s Jj is nildi il a Treatise on the
't; Ilistascs of l'iiiules. beinar
Let no father be ashamed li present a copy
tho XStTLAPIL'S to his thiid. It may save
him from mi early crave. Let no young man er"
woman enter into the secret obligations of mar
ried life without reading the POCKET ,ESCL'
LAPIl'S. Let no one sufiering from haekniep
Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, he another
moment without consulting the -ESCULAPIUS.,
Have the married, or those about to he married,
any impediment, read this truly useful book, as.
it has been the means of saving thousands of un-,
fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death-.
7 Any person sending TWENTY -FIVE
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive ona
copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will bs
sent for one dollar. Address. Dr. XV. YOUNG,
Post paid.
June 18, 1853 ly.
More Sen Goods!!
1 ESPECTFULLY iaforms his friends and
"k the public generally, that he has just received-
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta towaship. His
stock consists of every variety of
Dry (loods, viz ;
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinctts, Vesting, Flan
nels, Muslin, i)'c.
A splendid stock of
Such as Silks, Berages, De Laines, Mcrinoes,-
Lawns, Cwn.sAnm.., tnliroes, tjc,
A line assortment for Men, Women Ic Children.
A large assoitmcut of (.KOt'EKlES,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &C.
Hardware and Quecnsware.
riti, Sail ami Liquors.
fl'cn as
Gin, Brandy, Rum aud Whiskry,
Dcsidcs the largest and most general assor"
ment of all kind of Ooods to be had in the country.
'All the shove mentioned goods will be said at
such reduced prices as they can not bs got for
Country produce of all kinds takea in txchenaV
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp., July 2, 1653. 6m.
Lumber Yard.'
rFlHE subscribrrVould respectfully inform tha
citizens of Sunbury, and Northuml erlani
and Idjoiuing counties, that h ha opened a'
Lumber Yard
in tha' lot fronting on' Cranberry St., short dis
tance Eastf of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has
now a large amount of Seasoned 1'anntl Plaul,
also Panntl Boards, and all other Boards and
Bciintsa Mitciiiil, such ss.will be wanted for
building purposes. Also a large amount of
Shingles on hand, which will bs sold from ft up
to f 3, according to quality and aue. Please give
us a call and examine our prices and quality.
N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingles'
will please call as we will sell to vou low,
J. E. LEU), 8 up.
Bunbury, My 28, 1S83. ly.
GOLD PENS with and without cases, ef
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal
by 11. 1). MAbSEB.
Sunbury, Dec. 37, 1851,
bar bottle for aula by
ll. B MASSE.
Sunbury, April, 12, 1851
LANK3 of every description can be hsd Vy'
II ting -at theofhc of lb American,
fit:'- Ci
X'-f C i ly i 'he ht;heal mipotlance to
V T,i' v married people, or thosa
Nii' ';,'' 'i'' coniemplaliiig marriage
rv ty !) Wm, Young