A WESTERN EDITOR. Th rdiler of the "Bugle" a spirited lit tle paper, published at Council Bluffs, Iowai gives an interesting sketch of Iris life and adventures, in his last paper, from which we extract the following. 1V are glad to ee that the editor, who was recently burn ed out at the great fire in that little city has not suffered his losses to dampen bis ardor. Ed. A mehican. Up lo the age of eighteen our energies were directed, and employed in Agriculture Possessed of a feeble and rather feminine constitution, and having the rare of a moth er and younger members of the family, we concluded to look about for lighter employ ment. We resided in Ohio, found the coun try decidedly too small, started with an ox t Haiti towards sundown, but did not reach that point, fur our funds gave out and brought us up at the capital of the Sucker Slut all standing. When, after passing through the various degrees of eickness, poverty and a "power" of ague shakers, wood sawing, soap making, pedling, et cetera, we obtained a situation with 60 little suckers and Jom menced teaching the young idea "how to shoot," with so much succss that the "Yan kee Schoolmaster" was considered "some pumpkins." Our education however being limited we had lo sctntch hard lo keep ahead of the scholars. In 1850, being in feeble health we started .in July to cron the Mountains, stopped at Salt Lake near two months and returned in the winter, and visited the Atlnntio cities same winter. The next winter we took a Delegation oT Omaha Indians to Washington City who wished fo maku arrangements for future subsistence staid there through the winter and returned them home in the spring. Had accumulated a handsome pro perty supposed to be worth $30,00(1, which was almost totally lost in the great Hie. IVe have at various times and under vari ous circumstances followed nnd carried on many and various kinds of business, emimct nled below, viz.: llousc-buihliiig ai.il paint ing, cabinet nnd I'liairrnakins nnd lumin;.', brickmaking and school teackinr, saloon" keeping, drng business, and am the inventor of patent nostrums, farming, a public show. man, merchandizing, baking and mri:Mifac luring confuctionaries, have twice been post, master, notary public, trustee of an iut-oipur-ated town, alderman, fee, have an ied mi coopeiing, waiioiMiiakitiir, black smilluYg, xhnemaking, saddle and harness business, have had three stores in operation nt once, carried on the daguerrean business, been a sub editor, and to wind up am now the un fortunate but not discouraged editor ol the Council Bluff Uugle, "and expect in a few years to be as rich as wo may wish am 35 years old, have a better half and supposed to be the father ol six children, three of whom are living am six fool in high heeled boots, and weiyh 140 lbs. If any body should wish to learn more of our history let them ak our brothers, two of whom are in Utah, and another on the Sandwich Islands. They are much sonar ter men than ourself and could wiitei a far more intelligible and interesting article. We trust huwevcr this will satisfy the most vurious, especially when they leain that we sometimes grind pc.clry, writn tales, &c, and are the redoubtable "Amicus" of tlio Wes', and would be a Mormon if we were smart enough. Adi'ltkbatio.n of Daces. At the com mensement of the present session of Con gress, a report from the United States Surgeon-General was present?!, from which it appears that the adnltaratinn of drills nnd moilicincs is carried on more extensively in the country since the passage of the act of Congress to suppress the Importation of such articles, so that it is now alleged to be liiffi cult to procure medicines which are not either mixej with so.ne foreizn scbMniicc, or from which some poition of the active principle has not been subtracted by chem ical process. Thus it would seem' that the effort to suppress the foreign trade has re sulted in imparting nu extraordinary utirnuliis to the home manufacture of thu spurious commodities. A Jcav or FkMalks. In the year lli!3 the body of a female uasdiscovcied in New. bury under circumstances which remitted a coroner's impied deniable. A juiy of twelve women ) called, and a copy of their ver dict has been preserved. As it is about as lucid and satisfactory as most modem ver dicts, w e copy it entire iri th-? quaint lir.gnage of the peiioil. It was as follows: '-We judge according to our best lihl and con tieuts, that the death of saiil Hliz-ibt'tb wut not by any violence or wrong dun lo her by any parson or Iking, but by so in ssdi'ti Moping of her breath." IloM.nwAY's Ointment and Pim.s, for the tint of Wounds in the Leg. Extract of a let ter from Mrs. Simpson, of Brum In V, near LeeiU, dated October J6rh, 1852. To Pro. lessor llolloviay. Smi, I was Hlilided for 18 months with a vary bad lei;, in which tlieia ws three deep wounds I tried oil kinds of lemedie. and was under the rare of dillerent surgeons hura and at Leeds, but ilt'iiTi dno benefit from their treatment, I was at It nlh advised to h:ive recourse to your OiiiirmTit and P its, and am happy to ray that by. the use of these valuable medicines my Jet: was completely cured, and ia now aa sound as aver it was.' TJERSOXAL. The lady in blue, who met tha gentleman in gray yesterday, in Market street, apologizes Tor not speaking to Inn. Mi could not think ot noticing a person in so public street so shabbily dressed. Sha therefore advi ses bint, and all other gentlemen of her acquaint ance, to go immediately and get haadsorne new suits from Rockuill Sc. Wilsos s cheap and fashionable clothing store. No. Ill Chestnut street, corner of Frunkliu Plrce, Philadelphia. i-bil., Jan. 28, 1854. M All U1ED, In this place, on tha 2J inst., by the Tier. P. Bora, Mr, Jmm BimpsTiNC to Misi Lou is baviDca, both of Upper Augusta. In Ulica, 17th inn., by Ita. T. O. Linooln, Re. Justm R. Looms, 1'rofessor-aleot in lb a University at Lewisburf, and Miss Mtay aaugnier oi taward uubeit of that city. Ia Lewisburg, aa the 18th iasl.. by Rev. ? L. M. Conaer, Llimtcn Wclcm Esq.. a ad Jiss JKRVSU1 daughter of Cbarlea D. Kline, In Northumberland, en the 16th inst., by Jno Cake, Esq., Jacob CaiTzaa toMissSAa aii A. Br.tDi r.HAN, both of Milton. On Monday t'.ie 23d ins'., at "Rnstio Dale," near Orwitrsbnrtf, in Schuylkill county, -by the Kev. J. W. Ilnffmeir, Col. E. J. Far, of Tnmarinii, to Miss Isabkm.a F. daughter ef i eter r . una wig, fcsq., of the former place DINDi In this place, an the 30th ult., Mr. JOHN RANDALS, aged about 47 years. The deceased was a kind father, nnd an affectionate husband, and leaves a w ife and large family to mourn his loss. In this plnce, on the 29th ult., II r. AN DREW IIIRTE, uged about 74 years. In Lewixburtr, on the 24th inst., ROBERT, sou of Henry and Martha Mason, aged 17 years, 5 months, and 21 days. In New Berlin, on the 20th inst., need about 53 years, Rev. HENRY FISHER, th much esteemed Editor of the Journals of the Evangelical Association, or "Albright Meth odists." I)C iilavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Feb 1, 1854. Fi.ocr and Meal. The Eoreign news vesterday, unsettled prices, and sales of Flour were made nt n decline of 25 cent per bariel on former rates. Sales of 2000 bbls. mixed brniid lit 88 75 per bbl. There is a steady demand for city consumption within the range o' S8 89J a 9 50, lor otnimnn ana is quoted at S6 00 per bbl. Sales of Pennsyl vania Corn Meal at $4 50. Grain. Wheal is in demand. Sales of Pennsylvania red nt $2 10. Last sales of white at $2 20. Last sales of Rve 1tt $1 05. Corn is lower with small sales at 05 cents, for old and new yellow. Oats are also scarce. I enrisj Ivanm in store is held at 50 cents. Whi-kkv. Sales of bbls. at 35c: and hhds. nt 34 cents. SUNni'It Y ITvICU CURRENT WllFAT. 150 It rK. - .87 John. .62 Oats. 40 PlITATOI.S, 50 Rr.r.swAX -12 Hv.cKi.cn Flax. - - 25 I'cttrii. - Tl T'kks. 15 Punic. - 8 Fi.axskf.ii. - - - - 125 Tallow. - 10 New Advertisements. The British Quarterlies AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. l.KOXAHnCOTT CO , New York, eontinne tu He-put)tiili the following Hjitiph periodicity, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h ) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) The present rriticnl tntr nf Kumpmn alTuirt will render thepc I'lihl.uath'iii iniaually intureitinir iliihuir th ytur lr04. They will ot-riijiy n mitUtlu ground between the lisiNtily written news-ituiR. cnnlr Piecii!utittiii, and Dying rumor of the daily Jnurmil, nnd the Wnderi'ii Tonie of me ituurc iiiviorinii, written otter the imnff interest nna rscitvuirtit of the uierir p ilitiiral event shall liave passed nwiiy. It is to tli Vii.Klirulsth:it rrad-rs must link tor the only really lutdljoible nnd reliable liinUtiv of current events, nml us ucli, m addition to thetr we 1 1 established Ituniry, scientific, .iml theological chuructet, we urge them iin l he t. 'iihi Jt-rttii m of the reading nblie. ArRuieincnts nrr In projripM for the receipt of enrly slteets lV"iii the Jfntifli piiblilten. bv which we shall le utile to phire all our K ennui in Uie IkukIs of stitiscrittsrrs. aUiut tts ton u thev eioi lie I'umUlicd with the foreign rijiirs. AIiIkhicIi ttiin will involve a very large outlay on our pnit, we tfli-ill continue to funiith the Periodicals nt the raiuu I w rates as hcret -lurr. viz : Per ami. For any one of the four Reviews ... (s:MN Tnr any two of !ie four It e views 6 HJ F t ony three of tli-- fi.ur Uevuws - I'.-r all'f nr of lh Heviews - - - P 00 Kit Htn-kwor il'jt Miti'nzine .... 3 W K'T Hl.ir kwtU"tl and three Krviews ... Q P0 1'ur HIji'l- u'-Mnl uta the f.ur Uevicwa - 10 U0 Pumncuts title made in alt cases in advance.' Money current in the State where issued tcill he received at far, CLUBBING. A .'. ;t ftf Iweutr-five p-r eent. from the nlxH'ft nri erf will ie i:!' (wed to Clubs ordering four or more copies nf any one or in-re of the obve witika. Thus; Four C'pti-H of ll'nekw'od. or of one Iteview, will m sent to out nddfew for j!' : four eAoies iif the four Reviews uml JJLieli wooil for i-i'J; mid h on. l'USTAGE. In :il I the principal Cities and Ttwnt. thrpe works will he delivered, tnoiuh Atfenis, Fit KM OF POSTAliK. V ben rent by mail, the Portage tu any part of the United States will If hut Twenty-Four tents a year fur 'Hlm-kwood," and but 'i clv Leuts a year for each of the Iteviews. Iteiiiittnnees ami e-titmiuittrations should always be aa.ircsmii, p si-paui, io me ruimstiers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., l COLD 8TRKKT. XKW YORK, N. U. I. ie Co. have reeently publiRhed. nnd have Tt-.w turtle, tlitt "FAit.M I'jlt S (it .UK," by Henry Me- phens. ot l-.iStulinri:u. unit l'rnt. A or ton, o uie CmIIcpi New Il.'iven, e un;Me in two volt, royulortavo, continuing 16V0 picrfi, 11 sifel and OfMJ wood rix'ravings. Price m imthn IiiihIhi'j, f tl. tlT This w irk last it the oM "Rook of the rarm," laty KFMeT TVDanil thrown Up' -II tllC JJaiKCt. ?Kv uik, Jail. lt-it AUDITORS' NOTICE. 1rOTI(.'n is Iiereliy giveii tlistt the undersigned " Alitlilor. iinuiuted hv th Onilian loiirt ot INortliuml.erUiul ronntv, to mske iliktnliullon ol lUc wueit in lliei liantl of Thorn HnyJer and Adam enyt!er, i.xectiloi of the lust will and CFtnmer.l of John hnyurr, sen., dec d.. to and anions the devires of aaiil dceeasrd, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Saturday, the I llh day of t'clruary, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A' M. of aaiddav.at bis otnee in Sunhury, when all interested may attend if they think proper. M. 1.. SHIMJEL, Auditor. Kunhurv. Jan. S3, 1854 3t. Ht'ttlement Notice. A LI. l'ersons indehied to tho subscriber, either J-- on .Nolo or l)ok account, are hereby noti fied to call and settle the same lfui the 1st of March next. 8. N. THOMPSON. BuubuiT, Jan. 28, 1854. 3t. V1C.F.P0TT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ZilON S. STEEL, 461 Market strectt lWuu 13i, norfA jr'Jr, rillLADELPHIA. Phila., Jan. 28, 1854. ly. INSTALMENT. Office Susquehanna Railroad Company, ) lUaaisBvac, Jan. 20. I84. i flMIE stockholders of this Company are hereby I. notified that the second Instalment of Flf6 Dollar par aliare is called in, payable en or before the 8th of rebruary next; and aa Inatab meat ef like amount payable en or before the 10th day of each month thereafter, uatil the whole ia paid in, to wit, the luth of October next by those residing in Baltimore at Union Bank ef Maryland Daaphin county Bank of Middletown ; Norlhuuiberl'd county Bank of Norlavmhert'd; Lawn county Lewisburg Savings Institution. By order. ROBT. S. H0LLIN9, Tr.asar January 28, 1854 SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. SHERIFF SALE. BY Virtue of certain writs of V, Kir, to me directed will tie sold by public Vendue, or outcry it the public house of J. H. Eckbert, in the borough of Milton, on Monday, the 20th dsy of February, 1854, at 1 0 o'clock, A. M ., the fob lowing real estate, to will A Certain Lot or piece of Land, situate in Delaware township, Northumborland county, bounded north by lands of OH, east by lands of Sarah Ricd, south and west by lands of Susanna Ricd, all of which is cleared, containing 10 scrrs more or less. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Weinke. WILLIAM B. KIFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office ) Bunburv. Jan. 88, 1854.- iww hock"." WIN DO VV SHADES. C Is. XVXIIiIiXjR & CO. MANUFACTURERS 'v- AXD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS III "Window Shades, South-west corner of Second end Arch Streets, IHILASEUHIA. SUCH is Golhc'e Landscapes, Holders, Vases, Heroics, Boqucts, G OLD BORDERS, &c, Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this conntrv, and at such LOW PRICES, As to challenge all competition. Buffand White Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Curds, Drssscs, Ac, in every variety, for City or Country Trade. We invito an examination of our stock, at the Depot, Sou ill-west corner of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January 28, 1854. 5m. CRITTENDEN'S Commercial Institute, 140 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. rilHE branches taught are X BOOK-KEEPING, WRITING, and COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Onrn Daily, and on'Tucsdav, Wednesday and Friday Evening of ench week 11. IS. UKli TC.UI'.., Principal. rhila., Jon. 28, 154. 3m. House and Lot for Pale. 1 fSMlE subscriber offers fur sale his house and i lot or ground, situate in l.-lacklirrry street, in Sunbury. between Fawn street mid Bright' Foundry. The improvements arc an excellent two story lop; WEATHER-HOARDED HOUSE, HO by 30 feet, containing seven raomi throughout. There is excellent fruit of sit kinds on the premises. Apply to JACOU CAULK. Sunbury, Jan. 88, 1851 t. X Farm for Sale, OR RENT ON IsHARES, "jVTliAU Siiuhurv, containing nliich 00 arc in culli ntinu. AO ocrcn, of Also, to KENT, a liiron store room, in Market street, Sunbury, now occupied by Messrs Buyers. II. BELLAS. Hunbury, Jan,28, 1854. 4w. "lead, "zinc; lROX'PAIT. OIL AND COLORS, W AXt'FACTUBKD BT FRANCIS S. LEWIS & C0-, Represented by Lewis, Jnmes Co., 135 South Front Sheet, rHXXiAJBZ.PHIA. Orders thankfully received punctually attend ed to, guaranteed to (rive satisfaction, and offered for sale on the most lilieral term. For samples and particular, please address as ubove. Phila., Jan. 21, 854. 3in. Orphans Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the ISihday of FEBRUARY next, on the premises, the following ilccuhcd Real Lttato, to wit : A Certain Tieco or Tract of Lani!, fcittinte in Lower Anjusta township, cautity aforesaid, adjoining land nf Samuel Savage, 8aruh Kean and Michael Uaruhnrt, containing twenty acre, on which is erected a two story WEATHER-HOARDED HOUSE, and a log stable.. I.ato the Estule of Abraham Brota'ous, dne'd. Sale to coinincnce at 10 o clock, A. M of said day, when the terms will be uiado known by EI.IAS BROSIOUS, Adui'r. By order of the Court, ) J. H. PUISSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Jan. 21 1854. Is) XOTICE7 Office of the Coal Run Improvement and Railroad Company. Philadelphia Jan. 10. 1854. f1HE Stockholder of the Coal Run Improve incut and Rnilroad Company arc hereby notified that an election fur Five Directors to servo one yeur. will lie held at the Company's ollice, No. 88 south 4lU at., on Monday, the Gth dav nf February, 1654, between the hours of 10 and 12 A. M. SAMUEL T. ALTEMU8, Secretary. January 11, 1854. 4U ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough of Sunhury I , B'HE subscriber ofl'era for sale the following B. property in the Borough of Sunbury, via : THE HOUSE And two conligious Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now octupicd by the eubni-rihcr a a store and dweb ling. Aho: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Alan: a double Iwe story fruuia Dwclliug House and Lot of Ground, in ElJcrberry atreet. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on which are erected two Irani houses wagon bouse, &c. Also I A House and Lot of Ground in Cranlierry street, near tins river, on which lot are also erected three lime kiln. Ahso; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also Twenty-Three Vacant Lots oa Elderberry street. IK A T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1854. tf. HOWE & EUST0N, III North Third Street, ieloui Race, PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in Oora Broom, Looking Closes, Cnrifcf, i'amltd Bursals, Clicks, Wicks, Twin, Willow BaskaU) Window Bhan, Maiekea, Cedar Wat, Hiisil Ufmshss, Blacking, Wood and Willev Ware S all kind; at the Manufacturer' lowwteaslt price. 1 ' 4 Jams Ecth, Je. m.hswi. rUUa.,Jsv21, U5i-ttV ORPHANS COURT SALE. IN pursuance of sn order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on THURSDAY, the 9th of FEBRUARY next, on the premises, the following described real estate, to wit t two certain pieces 6r , Tracts of Lnnd, adjoining rneh other, situate In Point township, Northumberland county, the first whereof .is hounded by the -North Hrnmh of the ricr Sus qucbanna, lands lute nf Thomns Lemnn, Wm. Lemon and others, containing one hundred and twenty three acres ami three quartern, moro or less, with the allowance t the second is bounded by the above tract, land nf John Nixon and the North Branch of the river Susquehanna, contain ing forty one anil one fourth acres more or less, strict measure. About one half of anid tracts is cleared, and a two story framo dwelling house erected upon them. ALSO i On Friday, the 10th day of February next, on the premise, a CERTAIN OTHER TRACT OF LAND, or a lot, situate partly in Franklin township, formerly Columbia, now Montour county, and partly in Rush township, Northumberland coun ty, measuring on Ihn northern line one hundred and thirty -three feet, on Tie eastern side 15! feet, on the south side 120 feet, and on the west side 124 fecj, which is all cleared, and on which arc erected a two story frame dwelling house anil shop. Lute tl.c estate ol Zilia Bird, dee'd. Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by JOSEPH BIRD. . K A MUEL READER, $ ,s Uy onler ol the Court, ) . P. rtlKSEL, Clk. O. v.. Sunbury, Jan. 14, 1S54. t ) J. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale ! ! rpiIE subscriber offers at private sale hi house -- and lot of ground, situate in ill Borough of Sunbury, on the north wet corner of Fawn and Blackberry streets, now in the occapancy of Jas. Beard, Esq. The house is a two storv BRICK DWELLING & KITCHEN, in good order and condition. For term apply to the subscriber, at the Forks of the Plum Creek and 1 ulpohocl.cu read. JACOB WEIMER. January 7, 1S5I. Sin. SUNBURY AND EKIE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. rjHIE ANNUAL MEETING of the StccUinl. I dcrs of this Company will lie held at llieir Oliicc, No. 50. South Third Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the lHlh of February, 1854, at 10 o clock A. M. At this Meeting on Election for a President nnd twelve Managers ot the Company, to serve for one year, will be held. The Poll will close at 3 o'clock, P. M. PHILIP M. PRICE, Sec'y. Jan. 14, 1854 te. NOTICJC. 1'iuniiKiriin, Jan. IS, ISot. rplIE Stnrkhnbler of the Big Mountain Im I. provemnit Company aro hereby notified that an election for Five Directors tn serve one year, will bo held at No. tl Carpenters' Court, (I'o Stairs,) on Monday, the 6th day of Februa ry 1854, between the hours of 7 and 0, P. M., agreeably to the provisions of the Charter. JOHN ( STONES', Sec'ry. riiiln., Jan. 21, 1P51 3t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court ol Northumberland county, will be exposed to pulihc sale on the premises on SATURDAY, the Uth of FEBRUARY next, Thirty acres off of tho north east corner of the following described tract of laud, to wit : A Certain tract of Land, situato in Sbnmokin township county aforesaid, bounded on tho north by lands of Daniel Mill on tl ia east by lauds of Nancy W'olvcrton, on the south by lands of said Nancy and Michael Zimmerman, and on the west by lands of said Michael and Philip Periug, containing two hundred and forty acres. Late the estate of William Pcrsing, dee'd. Kale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of siiid day, when the terms of tale will tic made known. PETER PERSINU. One of the E xecutors of said dee'd. By order of ihc Court, i P. PUIiSEL, Clk.O. C. S Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1S54. ) Now is the time for cheap Clothinrj! The Great CLOTHING STORE OF G. ELSBEKG & CO., Market Street, opuosito the Post OElce. UK stock ha recently been largely replen ished, and now shows an extent, value- and variety JYcver before lujunlk-d, in order to give all an opportunity to supply themselves with good and chciip cl-itliing bcl'uro the approaching Hulitlayi. Among our cheap and choice Assortment ran le found the following : l ine black, blue, olive nnd brown Frock, Dress and SHck coats of cloth. Peter Shtim, cassemere, sattinet, lieaver, felt, j ivhiincy nnd blanket. Also, monkey Jackets, all styles, colors and stuff. PANTALOONS, An endlcsa variety of black nnd fancy Casscmere, sattinett, velvet and other Pants. VESTS, ' A very large and choice Assortment, such as black and embroidered, satin, fancy silk, cassc mere, cloth, worsted, velvet, A.C. Ac. BOYS' CLOTHINU A nice assortment of coals, vests and paula. BOUTS AND SHOES. A variety ofculf-sMu, kip and other boots, slip, pcra nnd shoes. L DIES SHOES. Morocco, eunmelled, Jen ny Liud, gum and other bwutn, buoleet, gutters and slipper. HATS AND CATS A variety of ai!k, wool and fur bats, blink and blue cloth, plush anc oii-siik cups, men and hoy sixes. Also, all kinds of underclothing, white and fancv shiiU and collars, auspendera, gloves, socks, handkerchiefs, fee. UM Bit ELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICES. Carpet Bag and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches breastnins. ear and finger ring, goU pens, with or without cases, gold pencils, &f. of all kinds and at bargains Also HE VOL VINO, double and aingte barrel'd pistols. I tr Our clothing is made of the liest and sound est material, and its workmanship equal, if not su perior to tlie l-et customwork of city or country tailor. Wo are slrlt continuing an our former motto, CHEAP FOR CASH And are trying to deserve atill more onr rapid ly spreading reputation of having the cheaiicat store' in Sunbury. Remember U. EUberg & Co a New clothine store, Market Street, opposite the Post QJike. Sunbury, Dec S4, iboj. MM II 4 1:!.. TRACT, 'H'holeeal Deal, er in Confectionary, Fruit and Uroceiies, No. 201' MARKET Street, above siitb, south stele, next door to Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia rhila, Oct. 39, IMS m. TO L.ET. Tb bouse en Broadway new ceaoidby Bimon Marlx. Apply to WM. M'CARTV. Sunbury, Dec. 31, 1153 if. New and Fashionable Goods ! ! JOHN V. 31 ART IN, Tnsililonable Tailor, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. BrnnerU Lntf Office, Sunbury. IT S AS just received from Philadelphia, the beat tl A and most desirable stock of Goods that ha ever been brought to Sunbury, such a CLOTHS, Consisting in part 8f black, brown, green, olive ami blue. A splendid assortment of such ss Mlin, velvet, Orrnadino silks, plush vel vets, roshrnero, Valencia, and a splendid article of white (irriiadiiin for wedding vests. Also-. all descriptions nf cloth for OVERCOATS. An extensive variety of pl.iin and fancy csssi niers for pnntnh'nn. Common goods for coats, pants and vests, coat bindings' nnd cording; a superior nrfii lo of NKCK TIF.S AND STOCKS, of the latest style, pbiin and fiinry Murk crnvnts, hosiery, suspenders, sliirt collars, silk undershiits, drawers, men's drnh buck-lined chamois nnd other gloves, and trimmings of every description. Also on hand a few articles of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to be equal to bis ciidniiir.r work nnd su-ierior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per son buying ready made clothing nf me can have tneni re:i ulied crntis in case of rimiinir or oiviii!- out. n I warrant all my ai tides 1 return in-,' tliau!: tu the public fur their pre vious pntruunge and respectfully solicit a coutin unnre of Ibe same. As I nm determined not to he undersold, my goads will he disposed of uu the most re.Hoiiiililc terms for ca.-h. Sunhury, Nov. 2(1, 183a. SELLING OFF AT COST ! A Chance for Good Bargains ! ! TOHN BUYERS & Co., will sell. duTinrr the winlnr ...wt r..- ... ....... t ' uiuir rxieiiKive moiK, coiiMriting ol DR-ST GOODS. Groceries, Jlnnlwnic, QUEENSWAKE, nn.l the other numerous nnd valuable articles they have at their store in Snnburv. Intcndiii!; to terminate their mercantile biiine.s in the spring, they nrn ready to accommodate till Hint time the public in general with first-rate goods at cheap prices. The winter will oon be over, and spring will shortly b here, therefore call as anon as possible, nod procure i;ood bargains Country produce taken in exchange, and '-kash" not re fused. Sunbury, Dec. 81, 1853. tr. PARTNBRHSIP. JOHN CLAIii: respectfully informs his friends and customers th.it he has taken into partnership, Mr. Henry Pai ton, nnd that the business of liiucksniilliinjj; w ill, hereafter, be conducted un der the firm of Clark if Parton, nt the old stand, wcM of Irn 'J'. Clement's Store, in Market street, SunhurV. JOHN CLARK, HENItY PAKTON. N. 1. Persons indebted to the subscriber ore informed that his books are in the hands of O. M. York, Esq., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 185.1. tf. An Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not superior to iny now offtrcd. rsFOSTER & GLJ3HAED, Third St., below Chestnut, PI-IILADH rillA- OFFER at very reduced prices the fuljowingt LADIES' Riding lints and Bonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hat, of all colors. Cloth, Plush, and (iln.ed Caps, of every varie ty of style. (i E'. ST LE MEN'S Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Hats of every style and finish, nt prices to suit all. Also, Young Gents Hats. Ui A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Phila., Nov. 5, 1S51. 3m, No. 9'J North Oinf Str:et, tiro doors above '.he lilt. Yemen House, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of l'iuc Oil or Campheue, FluiJ, Lard, and Oil LAMPS Clmndeleirs andCaudclubras, for Church es, Stores, Parlors, tVc- THE subscriber would most respectfully invite the ntteulion of storekeeper and the public in general, to his larjre slock of goods, consisting of llic above named articles, which will he disposed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices Whole sale and Retail. Also, best quality of Burning Fluid, Pino C or Ciunphine, (Holies, Shades, Wick, Ac. N. B. Newcll's patent afuty Lamps, a n article for sale. Phila., Nov. 5, 1835. 3in. The Xi'tvs of how the War Brtwi-fti the Turks and Russians G' OY.fi on is not of so much interest to the inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity as the fact that I. W. TEN Ell k CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a Urge, beautiful and varied stock of Rood, which they will sell cheap a heretofore. They respect fully request their friends and the public to call end see them. Sunhury, Pa., Dec. 3, 1S53. Estats of EOSAKNA KEIDldrdVcU" TtJOTICU i hereby given that letter testa- menlary have been cranted to the subscriber on tho estate of Kosannn Neiiliij, lute ol Lower Augusta township, dee'd. All tliose knowing themselves indebted lo, or luviiiir claims asuiiut said estate, urc rcjucstcd to make seltlenient without delay. DAVID KKEtfER, Eii'r. Lower Augusta, Dec. :jl, 0U CEl'NSWAIiE. lieaulil'ul U of Tea .1 I 1 iIC OS ware, in I una. smoiic v.iuu nuu urn, DiiuuT and Supjier Dishes of all kinds, Toilet fiets, covered Dishes, China Fruit lla.-.l;ets and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps. Lanterns, Classware in variety, and Tumbler fioin 01 cenU upwurrls, jusl received and for alc by Dec. 10, 1333. I. - iJlIAWLS Uroche, Thibet ami ootcn in great variety Dlack end fancy Urcoiik, Silk lace, velvet and other I iiinuimc", tca collars, under-slcevcs, sbimsrette, culls, just re ceived and for sale bv I. W. TEX Ell &. CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18.'3. rriNNSYLVAMA C0IITECTI0NAEY & FRUIT STOPvE, A'o. lu North 3J st , S. K Cor. cf I tnt, PHILADELPHIA. " rpHE aubscribcr lakes this method of informing Country Merchant end the public generally, that he ha re-moved from 158 to the large and cominodioua store 169 Noam Third trcet,end replenished it with an etensive and we I selected lock of Confectionary, KruiU, Sit., which he I confident be cau oiler to purchasers, wholesale and retail, at aatUfactor,,... fc Thilada., Dee. 17, 1853. 3m. .1 U8T received lot of llama, Dried Beef, Cbeese, Raisin and Lemon, by Sunbury, Jan. M, 1854. I W.TENER CO. Look to your Interests 1 Wt iff' try to please ! I S. N. THOMPSON J"P ESPECTFULI.Y Inform his friends and the publio generally, that ho lias just re ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, lelow Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in pan t of Dry (iooils, viz : Cloths. Cassimtres. Cussinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, VesHirgs, Linens, Ifc. ' LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin We Lh'ii, Lawns, Ginnhams, liernes. Iiolws, 'oo.'rns, Flannels, be. r,uocnnit:s, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, ftc, Sec, Ac. II a rtl ware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives Forks, &n. Queens and Glaware, of various styles and patterns. SOOTS A11X SIICSS. A large assortment or Pools and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hits Caps, etc., of various st7.es and styles. Reside a largo nnd general assortment of fashionable goods. Cull nnd examine for your selves. tV Country produce nt nil kinds taken in exchange nt tho highest market prices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 26 1833 4 in. 30, '53. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall aiM Winter Goods. J. F. t I. T. KLINE, OESPECTFULLiY nniiounco to their frirmla 1 and ti e public in gcnerul, that they hove received at their Old 81311(1.111 Upper Augusta i.iivnut.in rvvil.i,n.l.Arl l r .I..:. Fll Winie, ..! .,.J L .l.-'....i,i; I .v UUi.w a lull assortment ol HERCKANDIZE, &c, Consisting in port of Cloths, black and fancy Cttssiiners, Saltinetts, l'lnnncls. Checks, and nil kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Luines. Tlaid Cashmeres, De bepes, Merinos, Dav slate Long Shav-'l. Ar. Also a fresh supply of C.l-orcrlc. of all kinds, Hardware and Quecnsware, a fresh supjdv orDrtigs and Mediciiica. Wooilen Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and fchocs, suitable for Men, Women and Children, lints and Caps, such o Silk, Panama, and other Hat. Suit, Cheese, &c. Call and Sec. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will He sold for cash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the highest market price. I'pper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1853. ly Al 30. rcs:v clot ii lite; sioku. A URANCII OF TIIR Clotliin Manufactory, OF S. SHUUPvMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. T1' icsiectfully annouiico to tho citizens of ' Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a complete stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we invito tho attention of purchasers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plnin over coat. Dress coats, Frock end Sack coats, Mon key Jackets, Punts and Vests, plain and fancy ! Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-whole. Also, Gloves, Stockings, Xcck and Toilet Handkerchiefs, Woolen and JSilk Hats, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Uoots, Gaiters, Slippers and Carpet llag and Trunks, L'mbre.lo and everything generally kept in a well aupplied clothing and gentleman' furnishing store. Wo keep also a good assortment of Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rings, Finger lting. Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to be good. We sell nt tho lowest cash price ; for our motto is, "Small Profits and Quick Sales." We have but one price and no uhatcmcnt, so that a person is sure to get the worth of his money, whether he is a judge or thn goods or sot. It any article docs not give satisfaction us Kojit, we will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they ore returned on tho same day they wero purchased, when the purchuscr resides in town, and in ono week, when he resides in the country. Price the same as at the Danville Manufactory 1 1' Cull and secure the Bargains, Sunbury, Oct. 8. 1853 tf K. M. BAUTIIOLOW. O. 111KAXV, JR. J. B. CIIAKRON Uai tholow, TiiVany 05 Co. imi'oiitkrs am) ii:ai.i:hs in Foreign and Domestic DRS? GOODS, AND ACKNTS FOR TUP SALE OT AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Hal limit re Street, Ealtiniorc. If our Goods Oil examination, are not as cheap as tlicv can be bought in any other market thay mav be returned forthwith ol our expense. Dallimore, Nov. SO, 1833. I y. lMatl'orm Scales, Jsoltp InoirnFfrfrrltf ifstfti Alu-.iyi riql'l The AcIhohIkI- Uailroud, Hav, Coal, and Far mer' SCALES, set in any part untrv, at short notice. .rfGEXra. GEO. V. COLBY, S10 Market si., i'hiladcTpbia, ' y E. Y. Urhiht, Sunbury. Octii.r S9, ISoo. 3m SATS AXU I' A Is K aplrndid tirt of fashionuble Silk, Wool nud Fur Hats. also Clath, Fur, Oilcloth, .Navy aud Military Cups for sale low by G. ELS BE 150 CO. Market street, opposite the Post Ollice. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S53 CRAXBERKIB8, Ground Xuts, Almond, Pecan Nut, Wall Nut, Cocoa Xul, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Kaisins, Figs, Citron, Lemons, Candies and Toy, just received and for sale by Dec. 1 0. 'S3. I. W. T E N E R A CO. Notice. rrtllE hoard of Directors of the Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and 'Feeble Minded children, incorporated bv the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April U.r..l, give nonce that they will now receive a few additional pupils tin dcr IS yeare of age, into their Institution. Ear ly application will be neceaarv lo weui. sion a with thoir present acconimodalione Iheir numuer must be quite limited. A pplication may be made to Hon. George M. Stroud, Philip 8. Justice, H. Morris Wain, Committee of Reception, Philadelphia. Or to the principal of the Institution, JAS. V. KICHAKUS, Dec. 14 1853. Ocnnintawn, F. of the THEFAR-FAMED MEDICINE f HOLLOWAVS PILLS. TIWM Till Mn$ pompr-tRl entirprT rF miciiml bt)m ir ii h m- ImnnlcM imlur. wtiitr Iks eltrai.frliiitrjr rir luct thry pfimrra bmyr rrwlcrtxl llivm tiiiUvritlly p.ipnlr in netrty erery part in' tl wtrfcl. The tinni'-iifle ti'M?" Ihcy Imvfi mrt with thmuffhout thu 8tn!n i nwt eXt' cnlinirv. fiwiiit?, it it prrinnr4r tn thlr wimrierfiil riRtMcrin the en re of HiUtrmi .mitarnt n1 rfiurrtrp ol' l li Livr nml ft'ronrh. lrri"M who fwirivvvr ir tiki MR thiin in nnmrtLinrc r.tth tht itirevthmt, cfdin f;ii I in lirmg restored t hrotih. UKAKr.9 AND tKmUTY, H WTORATIOM Tf IIKALT1I OK A OICNTI J:M AN ACf-D43y WIIKX AT DKATI18 POOR. Copy of a Letter from the Rev. Charles Smith t dated Nortont St. PhdifH, near Batht Sower $tshire 17th August, J8&3. Ti Prof.rr ItrtLLOWAT, tir. A Mi. .Wph Hnstim, fofTnerhr rcaitlMf C u.w p:ve. hud Iwen inn dc!itiinK rnt of btnV.h Utr n wrrt of tlirci yettrit. gradually WMliiit; away 4WiUiw by niif)it!y prmj irnti.Htt and want of pprttla, which wuaa ffnnt iinniiiin to liis frtanla, aa he hud cintiliert various nifrtiral men iu U:ilh without f fleet. He t t uinrt ymr Pillt. nuil under providence, wan reatorrd to lienllh hy their in "mm. Me l-.telv einiprotrd to New Yoik. Bird ltna juat written to unv. that he wiia never helter la health, and Je- iiwl me t ("! tin mt yon with the rirrunmnitr. 1 oupiht niaolo ii'fiiti-ti. Ui;it my wife had ilcrU ed grent lenriat fnm the una of y.mr Pilla. I rsMntiiti, Pir. rt'tirt respeclfnlly, CfIAKlii: KMI TII, lJitieiitiiig Mlniatcr. a pt;nvi:T curh of a hibkaseo liver OF MANY YKARS' DURATION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. (amist CTiemxsT Yeovil t to P. ofesior Jidloicay, Pmr Sir. lit this district your Pilli f -mii'and a nor "ili-iis'ii'c wilr than any nihpr proprietary rnedinne before? fit pn'ilir. Aa a proof nf their elficnry in t.lverand Hi lion a Complaint 1 may mention the following rnao A aly ot tliiit tnwti with vhm nm pera inl!vnt,inninted, Uw years ! w.m-1 fviTt! attflcrur from dnu-npe of the Liver and digea ; live ttrema; her inedieal nttemtmit aamrcd her that he r-Mild dn nihiii? to relieve her auflennps, and it waa not , llkry nhe r'Mild survive many in niiha. Tliia annouureinrnt ! imttirally ninsed ft rent nlnrni ftmoiig her frienda and rela i It 'ii, mid they induced her to niukc a trtl of your Pilla, which i tmpioved hei frcneml lienllh thnt ahe wna Uidureil I tr tiiinne tlifin until lie rmcived a perfect core. Thi I In twelve tn Mitht . ami she hue not eiperienred miv j nipt-nm nf rclapre, nnd oficn ileliirca that your Pitts , iine iieeu Uto iiieana f Kivipir her lite I rcniiiin. lJi-ar Sir. voura (riilr. July 201, 1353. (Signal) J.UAMES. These celebrated pills art ivondet fully ejfita- ctous in the Jouowin complanits. Acne Apilnnn in-.ipsy innainmniioTi ly'.'utury Jtnmdice ,'"m!'.lilin" ! siH's Liver Coin plaints Lumbago Pilea Hhetinrifltih'nt llftentioii vt' Trine Fv,rriln. t Kmp'a Kvil fifrnndarv liv rmn on the 1 Viiin Irrrcn. ! Skin l;.ritii II iwvl Coinplniiita Fi vera of oil Cilies C'lnstipntinn nf tlie li twi-fs ronninptitii Debility t re Throat a Tii D'Hil-jnreiix Tits flout Henii-nr-lie liulii:eiii)rt Hi one nml Uravet Tiunnarn eyniptmna I lw Yiiif.rmtl Vfrrtiiti,a V,trni.,r nil kln4a wniknrss. rmm wlintevrr cause r , Ac. S.il.1 nt the DsLililishmciit nf I'mfessur IIot.t.nwAT, Hi Wnni'l, (neiir '1'eMijilo Dnr, l."lnlim.) nnd nlso nt his House in Ni-w Yiirk. Oritrr f..r Miilicincsin the Slates, ifctres st.il 'T. II -ill.iwny New York,' will reerive line atteiitinrl S ''.l "Is i l.y nil mpvetiihle l)i nists and Deiilrrs in Nfe n ines tliri-in.'li'nt the t'nilnl Slates, in Bi'xes nl 3?J cents, f' rens. nn.l S.m eenls enfli. To lie had U'bulcsloT the prinriil Drnj lhvi.es in the l iiimi. - There i eoiniilerable anving by taking tli largr . .' - I'ireetinns f.ir the CHiitsnc of nolient in ever i ' i':i'i tire iirtixed to each le,x. Ueecinlier leM, ly. TM3 "Way ! TMs Way ! ! This Way ! ! I Fall and "Winter Goods. PHILINCr & GRANT. PESPECTFULLY inform their customer. and the public, that they have jtut receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, ot their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry (ioods, viz : Cloths, Casrimeres. Sattixels, Testings, Flannels, IPolem, c, And nil kinds or Fall ii Winter Wear. Also a splondid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chinttes, Dt Laints, Be rages, Arid evory variety of goodi suitable for La (lias uonr. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and GUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps for Mkn and Hots. Also a large assortment of GUOCXKIESf sren A3 Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Sjiicei of all kinds. Alse a tresh supply of rtt;CS AND MEDICINKS. rie8i.lis the largest and most Renernl eisort inenl of all kinds of (joods to be had in ttiie place. Ts" Country produco of all kind taken in x chanjc at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov, 13, 1853. NEW Clock 05 Watchmakers. HIRSCH & CO. FT AVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Tcncr St Co's Store, in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.t Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hnud) Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, Consisting "f Cold llrcast-pin. Ear and Finger Kin;;.'. Medallions, Cull '-pins. Ladies & Gentle' mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Alio, Silver and plated Tea and Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, &c, SPECTACLES, 111 an s17.es, gulling every age. fpy Classes, Pocket Hooks, of all sizes. Razors, Hair Oil. Re volvers, and other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap, &c, tic. Also, a (urge stock of Mistical SnsiruuientM ! amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flutins, riles, I lutes. CARPET BAG?, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sires of rea dy lusde hiit and Collars ; oil of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunbury. : Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Ringe repaired in the beat manner and at tlie shortest notirv. eiuiibnry, Oct. 15. 1853. 3rrf. Consumers, look here!! 11 UN J A M 1 N 11 EFFN Kit RESPECTFULLY Inform the c:lien of Kuuhiiry and vicinity, that he hn just re-, ccived and opened ut hi new store, in MarkeL street, Hunbury, a handsome assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. consisting in part of Cloths, Casoimers, Cassfaicti. of all Linda, of linn, cotton and worsted. ALSO CaPrcvH, .Inglinm, I.awm, r,.oticllne Ie Lalues arid oil Viiid of Ladie Press Goods. GllOCEHIES of every vari.tf(ys Also au ossortmeiit of HnrdvrHiv. Iroo ml BteeL Nailo, Also an eiccllcnt easoiiweul of GUEENSWArwE, or vrioui 'laileri. Also an assorlmonf of ItOOTS . SHOES. U ATS & CA I'ci. good aelecliou. .Salt, Fish, tS'c. And a great variety 0 other articles uch a ar .uitabl to lb trade. aU of which will be sold si the lnwcut liricea. IT Country psoduce ul i eieaeme al the kigbeel price. Sunbury, .Nov. I?, IS.1?. ly.