Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 14, 1854, Image 4

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; Hon. Charlea Sumner la about to lcnrt
the Senate.
Every man is Worn a soldier; all are ions
or Ma'.
' . There are near 23,000 post offices in the
United Jiulcs.
The emigration inla Iowa the'present seoV
on is astonishing and unprecedented.
The London Times bitterly denounces John
Mitohel's speech at San Francisco.
If yon wish to sell more goods this year
than you ever did before, advertise more. .
A Young Child died near Mount Holly on
Monday, Irom eating matches.
'Spurious gold coin Is in circulation at
Wheeling, Va.
We are to have a telegraph to England
within years.
The New York Sunday dispatch has been
enlarged to about the size of tho side of a
Ko.sulh, it is said, is about to leave Lon
don for Constantinople, at the invitation of
the Porte.
It is said the receipts of the Pennsylvania
Canals this year are 835,000 more than last
Wiitpr is as scarce as ever in Pnttsvillo.and
from present prospects not much chance of
the deficiency mending.
"Turn over a new leaf," with the New
Year. For the future, bo template, indus
trious, happy.
A baby, scarce two months old, was re
ceived in Louisville the other day by the
telegraph and Adams &. Co.'s express.
Richard A. Robinson, the alleged murder
er of Hellen Jewett, was recently appointed
a policeman of San Francisco.
''Johnny, my son, do you know that you
have broken the Sabbath ' -'Yes, dad," said
his little sister, "and mother's big iron pot,
loo in five or six pieces.
Captain Partridge's military school at
Rrandywine Springs ivas entirely destroyed
by fire on Thursday, the 19th ult. The
scholars were mostly absent for the holidays.
Freedom of the Press. The Weatfield
News Letter announces that a landlord in that
place threatened cowhide him, because
one of his correspondents calls for anew hotel.
"Mrs. Grimes, lend me yout tub 1" "1
can't do it the hoops are off it's full of
suds besides, 1 never had one I wash in
a barrel, and t want to use it mysef besides,
ve lent it to a neighbor, who hasen't return
ed it to me."
Kissing a pretty girl "down South," a young
gentleman asked her what made her so sweet.
"0."she replied, in u'.ter innocence, "my fa
ther is a sugar planter!"
Newspapers in the world. The follow
ing is supposed to be the number of news
papers in the world:
10 in Austria, 14 in Africa, 24 in Spain, 20
in Portugal, 39 in Asia, 65 in Belgium, 85 in
Denmark, 90 in Russia and Poland, 320 in oth
er Germanic States, 500 in Great Britain and
Ireland, and 1P00 in the United States.
The Duke of Argyle, as we gather from a
Scotch paper, dresses in brown clothes ; tides
in a brown carriage, drawn by two brown
horses; and everything in his house at Inve
rary is brown, from the paper on the walls to
the chair covers and coal scuttles. We pre
sume then, that his grace, being a studious
man, will often be in "a brown study."
The New York Timet draws portraits of
the two gentlemen elected Chaplains to Con.
gress. Rev. Herny Slicer, elected to the
Senate, is a politician as well aa a minister,
and stumped it extensively for Gen. Peirce
during the last canvass. He distinguished
himself considerably by controversy on the
etump with Mr. Joel G Sever, who was a
member of the Baltimore whig convention
from Louisiana, and who has at various
times made himseelf conspicuous in varieus
relations in teveial Slates. His latest exploit
was to subscribe half a million of dollars for
stock in the Pacific Railroad. Rev. Mr. Sli
cer made some very damaging disclosures
concerning Sever, which induced that gentle
man to change the locality of his political ef
forts. Rev Mr. Milburn who is elected Chaplain
of the House' is a mart of different stamp,
and was elected on other grounds. He is
only about thirty years of age, of decided
ability, eloquent in his calling, and of most
amiable, excellent and social character.
For some years he has su tiered from disease
iu the eyes, which renders him.nearly blind
Some five or six years ago he was chosen
Chaplain of the House, and gave universal
satisfaction. The circumstances of his eleo-
tion at that time, as we have heard them
narrated, were curious and creditable.
He was traveling tin one of the Western
livers lit a steamboat, being upon of
his preaching circuits. He was but about
twenty-two years of age, and seemed even
youager. A great number ef members of
Congress were on board, on their way to
Washington, and had drawn a good deal of
attention to laemselvea by card playing,
drinking aad profanity. A Sunday came
round Mr. Milburn was asked to preach,
which he did. In the course of his seimon
be addressed himself directly to the mem
bers of congress, and rebuked iham in the se
verest terms, for the reproach their conduct
was calculated to bring upon the country,
in the eyes of the publio at large, and enfor
red upon them the duly of remmberiug the
responsibility which rested upon them. He
letircd tu his room believing thai be had
offended them, fearful that be had over
stepped the bounds of propriety, but conscions
that he had discharged his du'y. 8oou after
wards a committee, appointed by the mem
bare, called upon him, thanked him for his
repioof, solicited his acceptance of a purse
f money they bad made up, and asked per
mission to present his name as a candidate
for chapUin to the house of Representatives,
(lis assent was given, and be was f tested.
Mifllinbiirg Academy.
DHAHnbnrff, I'nlon County, Pcnnn
REV. J. G. ANSPACIL ) rMlnr.
REV. E. KEIKFEll, J i-
A. C. FISHER, Principal
of Ftmale Department.
EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics
and Vocal Music.
on Chemistry, Physiology, $'c.
The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti
tute will commence on MojihaT, JutT 5, 1853.
The course of instruction will be thorough and
practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan
guages, as well as other branches, will t taught,
as far as practicable!, on tho analytic method.
Dsily use will be made of the blackboard.
Orthography, Reading, English Composition,
and Declamation will receive their full share of
attention. - .. ' ,
Draughting, Construction of Maps, ol
Compass, Ac, will lie taught to students in Sur
veying and Civil Engineering. , . .
Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Tainting,
Water Colors, etc., Ornamental Needle Work,
French and Botany will be given by the Precep
tress, who is a graduate of Castleton Female
Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended
by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young
lady of agreeablo manners and high literary at
Young ludies and gentlemen who design to
t,p.,, t,.si'her. will find this Institution an effi
cient school for preparation, since here will be
connected with it, during the great part of the
year, a Tsicimns' Isstitctk, the members of
which will have the opportunity of attending an
Evening Couise of Lectures on School Teaching,
and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art,
under the supervision of the Principals.
'1 he government or the school is liaeeu upon
the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all
to do to others as they would think it right that
others should do to them. Hence the rules will
be mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents
and guardians may rest assured, that tho morals,
habits of study, and general deportment of tho
Indents will be carefully attended to.
The building is now undergoing a complete
renovation. It will be painted, furnished wilh
new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, iVc.
Mifllinburg is a thriving and healthy borough.
Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter
prising. Its streets have been recently graded
and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant
and desirable retreat for students. We, thercfoie,
trust that the friends of education will deem the
Academy worthy of their liberal support.
flT The price of board, in the best of private
families, docs not exceed $1,50 per week.
N. B. 8tudcnts may enter the Academy at
any time during the term ; yet it is desirable
that they be present, if possible, on the first day,
Mifllinburg, July 10, 1853. 6m.
Just Published .and for Sale
by WM. McUARTY, Bookseller,
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United States.
Br Coi.mnson Reed, Esq.,
Ipsae legis viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a shor
system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres
ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Shindcl, of the bar of Northumlicrland county,
Bince the publication of tho book, the following
letter has been received from Judge J'carson of
Harrisburg :
IIiRRisitcaa, June 30, 1853.
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant, I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus offered to the
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct system of pleading,
adapted to our habits of busine s, and the practice
of the courts. Your forma of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly ,
will bo a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
1 ours, Willi great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M.
Shindcl, Esquires.
Sunbury, July 9.1853.
Book Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED in every town and
county in the United States, to sell the most
popular and saleable books published, many of
them beautifully illustrated with colored engra
vings ; also the most popular works of T. 8. A 11
THUR, including "Artkur't Collag Library."
Intelligent and enterprising men will find this
a pleasant and prafltable business.
For particulars address (post-paid,)
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
October 1, 1853 7m.
$500 REWARD!!
TN ASM UCH 'as there has been at sundry times,
- obstructions placed and confined upon the
track of the Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad,
do hereby ofler the above reward for the dc tec
ion and conviction of any person or persons
guilty of such oflence.
S jl.'i,17 lepL 24, 1853. 3m.
3Iann's Establishment
25 South Sixth Stret,
' Philadelphia.
For the Manufacture and sale of
Patent Letter Copying: Presses,
Oil Papers, Blotting Doards, Copying Ink, ic.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Superior to all others, and each page printed,
A most valuable invention, for keeping in a
oook-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi
ces, Ac.
rtula., April 9, 1853. ly. -
A Farm for Sale.
ffMIE subscriber ofler for sale his farm,
and allowances. It is situated about three miles
from Sunbury along the Shaiuokin creek, and is
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm.
It will be oilcrcd in parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can lie divided to make three small
farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a
good Batik Ram, and two tenant houses.
Upper Augusta, ept. 10, 1853. tf.
WALL PAPER. A large and splendid as
sortment of Wall Paper, Window Paper,
and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by
Dec 10, 1653. I. W. TENER 4 CO.
executed fur sale at this office, single or
by the
SILVER WATCHES A few double case
3 English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by II. D. MASSER. :
Bunbury, Aprd 11, 151
sive and Ifjj-Jl euvelopes, for sale by
Sunbury, Jan 10, 1852.
' far the Cure f
iif Ilia IkkIv, toko I he Cintaav I'aeToaaL on going to lied,
nml wmp op worm, to sweot during the night.
. Fob a Giii-o and Cooqu, taksil illuming, iihoiisikI eve-nine-,
according tn ilirectlinia on the b ullo, und the ditlu'til
ky will stum bm removed. Nmie will lung .ufler from this
trmitile when they Ami it enn hesn renilily cured. Persons
sillicti'd wilt) s scuteil cuiigli, which hrenks tiictn of their
rest st nie-lit, will flint, liy taking Hi. Cherry Pectoral on
going t lied, they inny be sure of sound, untiroketi sleep,
and consequently refreshing rest. Grout rebel from iiillcr
lug, anil an ullinuite cure, ii nifinhd 1 1 thousands who ara
tlius-ttlnieted, liy this invnlnsMe remedy.
From Its ai;reeubla effects in these case., mnnr find
themselves unwilling to forego ils use when ttis necessity
for n tins eensed
From two eminent Physicisns in
Kavstikvilli, Tenn , April 18, 1831.
Sir We linve given your Cherry Pectoral an extensive
trinl in our practice, and find it to enrtmsa every other re
medy ws havs for curing nuectimis of the respirnl'irv or
gs". DltS. HAMPTON.
is iurulilitlile, ns ly its notion on the tltrout unit lungs, when
taken in smalt quantities, !l removes nil hoarseness in a few
hours, and wonderfully increases the power mid flexibility
ui ilia v"irc.
ArTH.MPis rrencnillv much relieved, mid often -wholly
cured by Cherry Pectoral. Hut there nre s une ease so ou
st unite ns to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry recto
nil will cure them, if they can lie cured.
iti.M:m i ir, or irritation ot the ami upper
portion of lue luniis, may tie- cured hy Inking Cherry Pe to
rn! in small and ircqucnt doses. Tho uncomfortable op
pression is soon relieved.
nev. uoci. i.ankim,, or limokiyiijiNew one. siaics:
t;l lmvo seen the Cherry l'ecion'd cute such cuses of
Aclhmn and Ilronchitis ns load me to believe it etui rarely
full to cure those iliKcusFs."
Full CltOLP. (live an emetic of antimony, to be
followed hv tarre ami freoiieut dost-3 of Iho Cherry Peclo-
ml, until i'sulxlucs the disease. If taken m season, it will
not fdl to cure.
WHOOPING COUGH mnv be broken up and in cu
red hy the use of Cherry Pectoral.
TIIK INFI.i;f.'.a is moodily removed lir this reme
dy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole
liimillcs were nroteotwt iroin any serious consro-ivin-,
while their m-ivhhora, without the Cherry 1'eetorul, were
mnri'itig Irom the disease.
Dr. J. C. Aver: Palkm. Ohio, llth June, 1851.
I write to inform vrtn ol the truly reinnrkalJe ellecls ot
your CIIF.RKV 1T.UTOUAI. in this place, nod in my
OWII lUUllly. tine Ol illy o-lllilliers w.ib miiiim-n-iy ,:ui.u
in three days of a dreadful Wlloorixo Coomr, by taking it
Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians fieely slates
that he considers it the liest remedy wo have pnlmniary
diseases, anil that lie has cured more cases of Caoef with
i. Hi.,., nut' oilier me.lioitie he ever nduliuistered.
um cierjyuieti oi me juipusi i.iuirrn n...
the run of Iftn.rsxzA here this sens ui. he has seen cures
from your medicine he could scurcely have ueiievca sitii'
out seeing.
Yours respecttuity, J. i- di.m
Deputy Postmaster.
From the distinguished Professor of Chemis
irv and Metcria Medicc, liotcdoin Cotlcce.
' I lint-i found the CtiERRT Trctoral. rs its iuireil lenlt
show, a powerful remedy for colds, unit canghs, and pul
monary diseases.
Patiker Cr.evKLASB, M. D.
Baosswicx, te.', Fob. 5, IKI7.
DH . V A I . F. N Tl N E M OTT.
The widrhi celebrated Professor of Siirzcry in
the Medical College, New York City, says :
"It gives me pleasure tn certify the value and efficacy
of 'Avks's Cherbv IVxtoral,' which I consider peculi
arly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs."
Cures of scveie diseases upon the Lungs have lieen ef
fected liv CllRRRV Pectoral in such extreme cases ns
warrant the belief that a remedy tins at length been tound
Hint can lie depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and
Consumption which carry from our niidit thousands every
year. It is indeed a medicine to which the nfiliclcd can
look with confidence for relief, and they should not fud to
avail themselves of it. ,
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, LowcU,-Mas.
Sold in Sunbury by II MASSER, and by
Druggists (jencrally throughout the Stnte.
July 30, 1833. ccow 1. Nov. 13. 52.
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
No. 161 Chcsmut Street, Sicaim's Building
nni.ii delpiii a.
Deulcr in Musical Instruments uf every de
scription. Exclusive Apent for the sale of Hullet, Davis
cfc (Jo's (Uostnn) Patent Scsi'Eksiox 1)ridii
sEultan and other
I., Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Mclndeona, Martin's
Guitars, Harjis, Violins, Sheet Mtsic, Music
Books, Scc, cVc.
Kcsidents uf the country will lie supplied by
mail or otherwise wilh any music they may
wish, at as low rates as it purchased in person.
Having one of tha largest stocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may
luvor me with a call or order.
Dealers In Music supplied cn the most liberal
terms. Pianos to leL becond-hand Plan s lor sale.
Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly.
"Eureka, Eureka."
TVTOW for the little ones. Whv will parents
waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect pictures ol their children and alter
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
e would say, come to our
and wo wiil guarantee to make you a perfect
picture, by our Electro Chemical process.
that works in from A to 3 seconds.
We defy any Daguerrcan in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, as wo are the
mventois, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments iu New England and the
Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver
medals we have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
togolher with the numerous premiums from
(,'ounty runs, is sulticicnt proof that tuey are
the A's Vina Ulra of perfection.
We would call particular attention to our
Talhotvnes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C. UtiLMss & Uo., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den House, eipringueld and Collins Uuiluiug,
eidtield, Muss.
N. 13. Cur -establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
t'loftsior llort'ford t ajtty IMinpt Ly I-ht
"Come and see."
l'hila., May 28, 1853. ly.
THE ubucriber, widow of Samuel Thompson,
dee'e., lulo of the House," in
Sunbury, Teefeectfully informs the friends of hrr
laU husband, and ihe public generally, that she
continues to keep the above Hotel, and is well
provided wilh all things necessary to accommo
date all who may favor her with their custom,
and therefor solicits their patronage.
Sunbury Oct. 23. 1853 4m.
S COVGU CiMJY. An ecel-
lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sulf
at this ollic.
Peceniber 4. 1853. '
UANU DILLS neatly printed on lie
promptly executed at this ollits.
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
BunbuTT. Feb. 14. 1858.
TVR. H. II. HIG DEE'S remedy for eoughe,
"wlda, anil yulmonary diseases. A supply of
this Taluable medicine just received ami lor aula
by H. U. MASSER.
Suuliry, Juae 4. 1853.
5 of ever, description ci
JTBI.ANKS of erery description ran be had Wy
applying at tho o'lioe ol' tke American.
Family Medicines.
IN nlTermg to tha public tli abova mri Inutile prepara
tioiM, the tulmrnber wot i Id Btnta that in cmtiilution
with his fiivmla und aumn or the moat respectable nf the
Medical facility, it win decuictl advisnhle to offer to the
public, a few preporatioiia of kaowa celebrity, being; pre
pared wilti tlte greatest mire, and on the moat ericntifie
principle, na ulrtfitutm for t lie numerous worthluns ar
ticles that nre flooding tha country in the form of pnnnceas
and cure alls, prepared by tha most ignorant and mercena
ry persona, intended to cure all diseuses and good for aone,
Head and Reflect,
Tbnt tlta Medicine. Manufartiired by Yt, M. Bbcklbt,
Including his ltise Pectornl fur Coughs.
Crenm ol Cnmnlmr, for Khcu malum.
Worm Svrnp Worma.
Tooih Wash, furricenved leeth, diaenned gums.
Family Pills orblotid Purifyer, have been more eitensive
'y ", and have gircn mure satisfaction, Ihnn any other
.Medicines hrf.ire tha public, being prepared with regard
to their usefulness are fully worthy tha trial of tha articl
ed. Give them n trial.
A few poweiful rensons wlty tlta aboys Medicines ore
deserving of universal pntionnge. (In Ihe first place,
they are prepared by a regular Physician, who understands
the application of Medtriiies, to diseaaes, and consequent I7
are oerferlly rife to tike. (Secondly,) they hava been
tiacd wilh titiiverttal awce, and have given mora satisfac
tion than any other Mvdirinea offered before the pulrtie.
(Thirdly ) they ore the only med.cmes that hava gained
the patronage of Phvaiciana, where they have been used ;
and (rouithly.) they are put up In larger quantities foi
the name price, than any other Medicines ottered to the
public of the same kind. As the subscriber has a number
of certificates tu his possession of the highest authority,
where they have been used with the most satisfactory re
mit. He will publish a few of them, feeling satisfied tbnt
a trial will insure their recommendation. Try them and
satisfy yourself of their superiority over all others.
Read and be Convinced.
We tha undersigned having been made acquainted with
the ingredients enlrting into the Compounds known aa
Hickky's Family Medicines also having prescribed und
known litem tn ite neral. with must Kittttfiictorv results:
tike pleasure in saying (tint we believe they fully meet
tue uesijn lor wnicii they nre rccninuieniien.
c 11. FRicK, r. u.
W.f. MeMAHOV, M. D.
WM. It. iMAniMi, M. 1).
D H. UliAKlIKAItT, M. D.
Curt of pain in tic side and cough from protected
Urer Comvlaitit, '
Mrs. Robert Attains, lulmring under Chronic lArer Comi
piuini, nt'couipauit'ii witliu snort ory coul pain 111 the
side und breajt. general debility, loss of appetite, after try
nig all Ihe UNunI remedies recomineudcd for coughs and
diseases of (he chest, who with no benefit, she was recom
mended to try the Itnse Pectoral, from which, she nut only
derived inumilmte but permanent relief.
John Atlutus. s n of Mrs. Hubert Adams, was afflicted
with a very sevure c High, pain in the side, and soreness
pnHbieett by iiicess;uit'coughing; he was induced to try
the Rose Pecttiml. To use his own Inniruupe, the fimt
dose emiblcd him to enjoy a gml night's rest. In the
morning he expcctoialcd about half pint of inaltur. He
continued to improve until his cough entirely left him, it
also had the effect of si relabelling his breast, which was
naturally weak . He also says that be has tecoiiiniended
it tn a number of hiafiieula fur similar complaints, and
in every case it haa given satisfaction.
The alxve persona reshlenls of the town of Danville,
feeling that they have derived great benefits from the ue
of the Rose Pectoral ; authorize the above statement, for
the benefit of those who um Ih ntllicicd in a similar man
ner. URKA'jT CUHK.
Loss of Void restored with out boltU of Host Pee
to rat
Misa5usnii Whillork. of Rush township, Northumber
land co., for a miiulwrof yeuraan ii valid, in the fall of
lyoo, Inst ihe une of her voice from a seveie cold she con
tained: nfler Irving a niiinlK'r of remedies, with no bene-
nt, sue was entirely restored by taking one bottle of Kosa
Pectoral, lifter which, she lost her voice again, from a
fresh cold slie rontracted, and was again restored bv the
use of anther bottle; she theu took ft air bottles more to
strengthen her breast, from which she derived tha most
decided benefit, and has Iwen in tho eujoymeiit of excalleut
health from that time to the present.
l lie aihue itutement is ohtumcu irom Dr. 1'uiaeli, llie
Physicinn who attended her; also her mother who thiuka
that slie would not be living at this time if it bad not been
for the ft.te Pectoral. Danville, Jan. 20, 1604.
SStiil another Marled Cure Kfftctrd
Mts. K-miuel tSechler. being of a nutttml weak and deli.
rate coustiiulioii. very susceptible to colds, was afflicted
with a verv severe rough, on in and soreness of the breust.
loss of appelile ; after using a numlier of the usual reme
dies from which, she derived no benefit, ihe was cured by
taking one bottle of Rose Pectoral and is iu the enjoyment
of better health lhau for yeure previous.
Danville, Dec. 1 IK0.
Pa. IIicki.kt : Permit me to inform you that my wife.
who ia a delicate and weakly wonrtn, laboring under o
very severe Cough with pain and s.ireuess of breast, was
more quickly and effectually relieved with one bottle of
your Rosa Pectoral m any other medicine she had ever
lUKCll. Alf.M'.K .M BltlUh.
Jan. 1S.V2. Samuel R. Wootis' Furnace. Reil Point.
John Fulner taken between Christmna nnd New Year
with a very bail cold, which em let I in r dry hard incessant
Cough, causing a great deal of pain whenever he coughed,
whi relieved very innch ; by the time he hut) taken one
third of a bottle, and by the time it was finished, was en
tirely c ured. He als says (hat he has taken several doses
of the lle-illh Restorative or Family Pills, ami that they
ore the mildest an. I most effectual purgatives he has ever
lateen. Danville, Jan 1, 1N2-
Da. Bickut : Dunne a visit to my brother, iu Dan
ville, I took a veiy severe Cold, which ended iu a tiht
haul Cough, with s ireness and pjiu of the breast, for
wmca 1 uslm your fiose rectoral, und l-ninny l ills, and
take pleasure iu recommending I hem, na the mildest and
most ellrctuul remedy 1 have tucd. 1 ours, rcspecttullv.
Jnn. t?ft, 1S.V2. Vhite Haven, Luzerne co.
Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Rose Pecto
ral, permit me to say, that I was effectually cured of a
very severe c-otiih wilh pain iu the breast, with less limn
halt1 a battle, and that I consider it invaluable. You are
at liberty to m ike this public if you please.
JOHN SPKRRIN'G, ((irocer,) Danville, Pa.
My sou William tailoring under a severe cough nnd pain
iu his side, from an injtirv received by a fall, was euluely
relieved by a bottle of Hose Pectoral A Cream of Cam
phor. I have nlso used your Family Pills, and altogether
1 c insider them the best medecines I have eer used.
Jaa. 1P.V2. It nth Tp., North'd co.
Dr. Ilickler : Sir: As my wife who was troub'ed
wilh dry, hard Cough, nls s mr Stomach, dependent upon
debility, similar to Dnqtepsia. w:n entirely relieved by
using two Isottlcs of your Hose Pectoral, permit ma to say
that 1 consider it an e'xce lent remedy.
Yours, respeeifullv, Rev Mr. WII.T-A UD.
Putt -r Lutheran Church, lsiiville. Pa.
Having been cured of a pain in my aim (similar to Kheu
mattHiii) which deprived me of the free use of it for about
four mouths. Hy using one botile of Cream of Cumphor
1 w aild stata that J c insider it the bent remedy of tha
kind 1 have ever used in my family, nnd 1 would freely
recommend it to others with similar affections.
Yours, respectfully, JONAS WOI.F.
Rush tp., North'd co.
Mr wifa being efTIirtal with a very seveie pain in her
arm and shoulder (the effects of coM) which disabled her
from using it, wua cured wilh rubbing ot Cream 01 Ciiiu-
phor. Mrs. Kill in, my sister-iu-tuw, una also cured of a
severe paiu in the heail and face by using the Cream of
Cumphor THOMAS C. KLIJS, Danville. Jan. 9, 5'J.
My wife haviuir Kheumaiiiui of the unn for a number
of years, which prevented her frosn using it in doing her
work ; after having Beut a deal of money in trving
different remedies wilh 11 ) benelit, was entirelv cured by
using only one I. .tile of your Cream of Camphor.
WILLIAM EVKNi, .Minor, foi S. H. Wotxl, R. Point.
Dr. Ilicklev : Having receive.) a very aevere injury in
my side by falling otf'u lud of hay, from which 1 was una
ble to follow my work, was recommended to try a bottle
of Cicam of Camphor, which afforded immediate relief.
GRIFFITH tp., Norlh'd co.
fy wife, suffering from most excruciating pain,
throughout hei general system, which prevented her from
sleeping (being occasioned by a long and protracted spell
of sickness;) for which she used a nuiulier of remedies
without benefit, was entirely relieved by the use of Creuiu
of Cumphor. GKO. B. DROWN.
Suigeoii Dentist, Danville, Pa.
Child cured of Rowel Cmnplaiut. and Ague (of two years
standing.) by Worm Syrup.
My child being uiilicted for the last two years, with
Rowel Complaint und Ague until it wua reduced to a mere
skeleton, 1 tiiud a nuiulier of remedies with 11 permanent
benefit, until 1 gave it a bottle of your Worm Svrup,
since which time it has been well, und got quite fleshy.
I also have recommended it to a number uf my friends,
Biidiu eveiy case it husmveu satisfaction. L. LKVI.
At Louis I.auss' (Merchant,) Danville.
I have used your Worm Syrup 111 my family, and con
aider it not only effectual, but the most pleasant article 1
am acquainted with. JACOIJ LASHKl. Danville.
Having used your Worm Syrup in my family, it helps
my children more than any preparation of the kind, and is
inure pleusant to tuke. DAN MORGAN.
Montour Row, Danville.
I have had occasion to use your Worm Syrup in my
lumily, ami pref er it to auv Vermifuge 1 huve used.
FR I'M). 1(1 II. Froatv Vullev.
Dr. Riekley: Having used your wouu Syrup, and
1 1 umpiior and faintly Pitla in mr lamily, they
gav. risid .itiilnelion, and I ooniiiler tlirul Uie llaM ef
IMtual, atl pleasant remnlie., w. hare hnd ia our family.
JUIt.NH TIIAM K. H LSI I Kb, lxuirille.
Dear Sir: We the undersigned being in the employ nf
Messrs. Groves A Cotnly, at whose si. ire, you lmvo an
Agency for the a-il. of your Family Mediriuca, atate that
w. biiv. hud an opnortnnity of knowing til. opinion, of
uuuieroua iiiflividnal. who linve used theiu, and that they
giv. (.aneml sitisi'uction. V. huv. ild a grmt many nf
your Fills, which ai. universally liked, lieiug rerr mild in
thrir operation. W. I.KISKNHINO,
Danvill., Alleat.W M KKl'I.Wt,
llavinsr SennT nf my mmith very bad, 1 wua induced to
try a boil, of your Tooth Wuah, wlilrh acted like a cluirra,
hurdcaing my cum., and removing .11 disease.
JONATHAN 11. ltlMllil, Danvill.
Dr. Dii'kley: Having whut wua cutil ulceruUid aor.,
momli, for whivli, 1 tried a number of reinediea wilh no
benefit i I waa at kial cured liy using on. hottls of your
Tool h wash. My wife ls:i duiiua; her coiifiiiement, was
threatened wilh sore.Breu.ts, lunlis having already formed,
for wines slie used tli. Creum of Cuuinhor, which smiter
ed them, thereby preventing tier breasts from ratliennf.
tiKO. A. HltOWN,
Near I ullieran Chirrk, Dauville, l'a.
Dr. Bii'kley.-liuviiifr an ofiportunity of seeing yonr
Aiiti-SciirUtlie To itb Wash used in Sihm very aevel. ea
se, of scurvvv of th. gum., I couslder it an excellent remo
dy Yours, resiectrully, GKO. 11, BUOV..
The above nnvlime. are foi sale Wholesale and R
tuil by W M. BICKI.FY, M. D , Proprietor, Danvill.
A! 'Foi sale by Ui. following Agents in Northumber
land county, Filling A tirant, bunbury j W A. Knobb,
Augusta; W. Farrow, Snydertown ; Tupenrt, FurinanA
Biirl'iu, Fu si in at i F.nmtine A fttrouM, l'sxino.; Julia
V.iiKant, Fssuu; Hugh Vastm., ISiziuos: Animernian,
I, . - .at. ...... i .r. n.i di . :
viiMvs m ,n , c-niiiiifcia ; nira. ju. i somas, onamo.iu ,
Wui. Fuirelv, Sliauukiu: Caninbeh A Kline. Aususia:
Samuel A. Dergrtrrwer, le lersburg i Jacob LtiMliruig,
Bear G.pi Conrad Wutek, Nn-thumberland j Jeremiah
Crouse. BcJinagrov. ; Jonah Baker, L.wiWMirg j Johu F.
Caslow and Joiiuihaii oilers. Milton.
Call on ths Agents, and gets circular containing a full
aex-riiuioa 01 tu. numerous mm peri.rnM uy th. dinar
ent Medieinw.
Jl 11, IMS U.
To Your Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
'"PHE uliscriber rfspcctrully calls the attention
of tho public to hi large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to reiommend itself to every one
who will rxaniino it, on account of ite durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made op of the
best stock to be had in the city. JSo effort ii
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the
ubscriber is determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. His stock consists of Mahogany
Sofa, Divan nnd Lounge,
Bureaus, Secretanes, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in this line of his business.
He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had ir
ounnury, sum as jmaiiooakt, IJi.ack Wiikct
sun CunLEii Mirts Ghkciax j axi Wmrisnn
CHAINS, An rAcv Piaxo Stools, which are
of the latest (Ivies, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The (ubscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse fur persons tn purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on as good
terms aa they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pavment for work.
CP" UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself with a Imndsnmo Hr.Ansit, he is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
ly-The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S52 tf.
Stone Cutters and Luhorcrs
2TONE cutters and laborers can have steady
employ and a winters io!v (and not work in
tho water,) at the Union and Susquehanna Bridge
aj (Jhnpman,
lu,p,n : r
lwecn iverpi
Union countv, Pa., midway be
iool and Northumberland. To la
borers $1,25 per dav will be given.
Chapman, Sept. 17, 1833. tf.
Paints, Oil, Window
5 Toss French zinc white.
It) tons Turc While Lead.
5000 Iloxes Window (ilass.nll
Superior I'olnsh.fy'opnl, Conch, Leath
er 4- Iron varnish, white Demur vnrninh for China
Gloss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Mcdicinos in gcuenil use,
warranted genuine.
Colored and Euaiulcd Glass, &c, ic, for sale
very low at
Druj Rnd TVint Store, Mo, 1CJ N. 2nd Street,
Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to anv of the Hotels or Depots free of charge.
Phila., May 28, 1853 ly.
2.5U0 Acres Timber Land
TIMBER LAND, comprising about 2,500
acres, part of which is situated on Tohyhunna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, wilhin three
niilos of Lehigh River, in lYnu forest township,
Carbon County, one of tho great Co;il Counties
of I'cnnsylvui.iii, can be hod ut a bargain, if ap
plication be made soon.
These hinds are thickly covered with the best
timber of that region. While it is believed that
75,000 feet of Iimilior to the acre, con be cut from
a largo porlion of the land, the balance will aver
age not much less than this figure. The kinds of
limber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or
Willie Cedar, Into t)uk, White line ami
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pine arid Hemlock.
The Tobyhaiiiia and Muddy Creeks are large
and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of
water power, and are capable of driving a large
number of saw mills. They duply into the Lehigh,
which stream, with the Lehigh Canal afloids an
outlet to the most desirable lumber markets.
There is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia
which runs within ant mile and three quarttn of
the land. 1 hrough these avenues lumber can be
delivered in either of llie cities named, for about
$7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en
gaged in the trade to derive greater profits than
attend investments generally.
In addition to the timber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an
swer for spars of vessels a sort uf timber that
snip-builders have been obliged to purchase ill
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this
property. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable.
The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years past, thai a scarcity
of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season neoessarily increases this dilliculty. The
conscqucnco must bo an enehanientent of the
value of timber lands. Those uu-culled tracts
with the advantage of avenues to market, such
as the lands offered for sule, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
But the land is not alone valuablo for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a I114I1
state of cultivation.
- Capitalists desiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lauds. For
further Information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts
ville. Pa.
August C, 185J tf. '
Lumber Yard.
THE (uhseriher would respectfully inform tha
citizens of Sunbury, and lN'orthumlerland
and adjoining counties, that he haa opened a
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., abort dis
tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he haa
now a large amount of Seasoned Pauntl flaui,
also Pannet hoards, and all other Hoards and
Bi-numa Material, such aswill be wanted for
building purposes. Also a large amount of
Shingles on hand, which will be sold from IS up
to fd, according to quality and size. Please give
us a call and examine our prices and quality.
N. 13. Farmers who are in want of Shingles
will please call as we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LE1B, Sup.
Sunbury, May S8, 1SS3 ly.
GEK, a fresh supply just received, and for
tale hy U. I). MASSER.
Kuubury, Jan. 10, 18A2.
Bills handsomely printed on cart? paper for
sale at tuia omca.
IOR aale at thia cflica, Superior Black Ink,
C atUe Medicine at S5 cu, Pure Essence of
Ginger,. 35 ceut
At tho Cabinet Ware ltoom or
SEB'N 1I0U1T & CO.
Also at tht torntr of Fawn street the Railroad
Thankful for tha patronage of his friends ami
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con
tinuance of their favors. During this period he
has endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of the day, and has accordingly extended hia busi
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention of tho present
stock of
Manufacturkd BT
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of the
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Lnrire Spring Seat Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Marble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Fashionable Furniture.
Having secured a Hearse and made the neces
sary arrangements for tho purpose, they are now
piypnreil lor Undertaking in all its branches, Hi
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye mniils and mistresses, and hasbnmls too,
Hre's furniture of every style and hue,
From side bnurds down to kitchen tables,
From rocltinf chairs to lot-king- cradlss
Should yiiu not have the ready Jons to pay,
We'll wnit nwhil. for a brighter Letter day,
Or Uike, oats, com, wheat and ry. j
Mnrk, hoop p: Vi,staves, or lumber wet and dry,
Or any tiling but ynkus end threshing flails,
From pi;s and lurk id down to little quuils.
Come on then friends, come one aad all,
Keep bade a moving, so "pies on the ball."
ltf Orders from a distance promptly attended
i and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch.
Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf
Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and rotail by
No. 64 DUCK Street,
Orders through the mail promptly executed
Phila., April U, 1853. ly.
SlI.VKIt WAltn, Wholcsnle nnd Retail at No. Ti N.
Si:i;OND St., opposite the 111. Vernon House, Cold
Lever Watches, lull jeweled. Is k. Cuses, $X.OO; Silver
Levers, lull jeweled. 1:2,00 ; Silver lupines, jeweled,
00 nil Y-irr:iulcd to keep good time. Uold 1'ens and rl I
ver Case, 1.1X1; Uold Pencils. 81.0ft; J"!d Pencils and
Pen Cuses with ir'Hd Gold Penan, low ns &.J5. Ac.
Also, alwnvson hand a bT'Kk! nssorlmeiit of tine sold
Jewelry, Gold Curb, Guard and Fob Cliuina, Gold Vent
Chiiins, I.Tidiea1 Gold Fob Chains and Belt Pins.
Silver Table Sioiia from 11 to PIH. Dessert, SO to
und Tea, JM,7.i to 6,00 per sel, warranted eiu:il to
coin. All goods warranted to be wltnl tliey lire riltl for.
t Wnlt-liea and Jewelry repaired and warranted.
1" All order, sent by mail ur otherwise, will be punc
tually uttciidcd to.
M. AVISF.. Acent,
No. Jfforih SF.COND Street, opposite the Ml. Vernon
Phila., April 51, ie."3 ty.
WM. M'CAIITY, Bookseller,
THESPECTFULLY iiif""ns the inhabitants ol
town and country, that he has lately recei
ved from Philadelphia, a lare addition to his
stock of books, iu every brun. h of Literature, and
in a great variety of Binding. Please call and
see tuein.
Sunbury, Sept. 17, 1853.
J A 31 US 15. F 11)1. Ell,
No. 12 South Second Stree',
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepine do
" Quartier do
Gold pens and pencil nnd silver haldere
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings &C.
All warranted and sold at prices as low as acy
in the city.
November 27. 1852 tf.
Hoseiulale Hydraulic Cement.
N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed walls.
For sale by
of, and successor to, the late firm of Kvi Smith &
N. E. Corner ef Front and Willow street
I'liiludclphiii, Fell. 19, 1853. ly.
And Three Acres of Ground
fTMIE subscriber oilers at private sale, his house
and three acres of ground, on tho river Hank
within the limits uf the liorough of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy ot John fcliiEsler and orig
iually owned by Caas. G ussier while engaged in
bout building, i he improvements aie a
With a Well of good Water,
and a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop
erty is handsomely locuted and will be sold at a
reasonable price and possession given in April
next. Apply to lico- C elknr, Esq., of Biur
bury, or to the subscriber at Setinsgrove.
July S3, 1653 tf.
8-20 KKWARD.
f IfIIE above reward will be paid for i a forma.
H tion that will lead to the discovery and
conviction of the person or persons who were guilty
of filling the axel boxes of the passenger and coal
ears of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Itailread,
wun (ami and dirt.
Sunbury, Aug. 57, 1S53.
TJ LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons
Ac, Tor sule by II. B. MASSER.
Sunbury Aiul SO. 1831.
books, ink. and all complete, just received
ami lor sale by Ji. Ii. MASSER.
Sunbury, June 4, 1 853.
vHAIN PLMPS.- A small number of these
excellent pumps hava beea received and ara
oiicreu tor sale by
Sunburv, June 4. 1653.
EWEI.RY. A nice assortment of Gold and
" Silver Pencils and Pene, for sale cheap Uy
Market atroet, opposite Ilia Post OiDce
Sunbury, Ov't. 6, ISiJ
citt or I'HiLADtLran.
All solvent hands i s,
U . B. Usnk note. 16dli
Ail solvent Banks pn
.tl . I...T7
II, VMTtlH lOlllllB
CONNKRTlmttti "
Bank of Chsmlxrshur. 1 dis
All srilrrnt bunk. . '4;
nans of ChcMer Co. par
Hank of Del. Co. Chester par)
Bank of Oernwntown nar A II solvent banks
Bank of Urttyshur . 1 dnOTBk notes aud.r M t dis
I dis
Bank of fawiatewn
Dank of Midilletown 1 dis
Montgomery Co Bank par
Bank of Northnmlierl'mt. pi
Bank of i'iiuliurg 1 (In
Bank nf Danvill. par
All solvents hank. 1 dia
Belvirier. Bank I dis
Commercial Bank I dis
f sr. Hank Mont Holly par
Carlisle Bank 1 dis: F. A M., Middletown Pi
Colombia B'k k B'(Co parjMerliemi'.' Bk, Newark par
Doyeistown Uauk par I
Kaaton Bank pur : Bank 9 die I
Fxchanie B'k Pillthnrir I nn I
Meeh. Bk of Burlington par
Mech. A Man. Bk Trent Pr
Morris Co Bsnk 1 dis
N.wark Bk'a Aln. Ca 1 dia
F.schaiiire B'k. Brmifl, I His (
Oraug. Rank I dis
Fsrmera' B'k, BueksCo pnrll'eople's Bk Pstterson
Farmers' Bk, Idmrnsler piirjl'rinceton Bank
Farmer.' Bk, Resiling pnr'alem Banking Co,
Farm. Ilk rVhnrlkill Co pnrjfeinerret Co Bank
F P. Bk WavnrshV lldia State Bank at Camden
I dis
rrausiiii b. YVaah'ii lldia Slate Bk Kliabethtoi
Ilarriel.uri. Bank I riii Plate Bank Newark
Honeadale Bunk 1 ,lu HtBte Bk. N. Brnnawlek tr
Incaiter Bank nar.Sussex Bonk, Newton I die
l,enanon jiainc par
Mrrch. Man. Dank 1 di.
Miners' H'k, Potievill. per
Mononruhela Hank i ,i;.
rrentim JJaiikinr Co mur
it: . l . mr.
union nana, j'over ail
Y.rdlevr'le Del Dr Co lSdis
tyltk notes nnder 5 1 dia
r I,' i a w & D L
Taylorsv'e IM Co IS di.1
iv est iiranch Hank pnr
Wyominn Bk, Wilkesb'e pnr
ork Bank, 1 (is
QTKelief notes 1 dia
Rank of Whellock 5 dia
Bank of Delawsra par
Rnnk of Smyrna par
Delaware City Hank par
Ilk Wilmt'n Braudyw. psr
Farmer.' Ilk St Delaware per
Ciiiiin Bank. Wilmington par
CS" Under $5's , I dis
AM solvent bank. I dis
r."Mk notes under S's 4 dis
All solvent hanks S dis
CVUmler 5'., tj dis
Merc.ntil. Hk, Bangor 10 di.
All aolvejl hank. dis
All solvent banks j dis
Bank of st Albans S dia
Ail solvent bunks I di
Tremendous Excitement ! .'
Cash, Steam, Electricity!!
The Aerial and all other lines out-done by thl
Lightning Line of
VyrHO, having great faith in rapid sales and
small profits, hns just received ana opened
a targe assortment of
At his Store in Mar.';et Street, Sunbury, which
he offers to the p-' 'ic nt the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment o
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths. Cassimrrs, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin d$
Lains, Laicns, Ginghams, Berages.
Silk Hats.
A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Checia, Spa
ces, Fish Salt, Plaster.
Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Jto.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Suucers, fe
Winr. Brandy, (iin, Rum, Whiskry, kt-
tW Country pruduco of all kinds taken in ei
change at the I .illicit maiket prices.
Jan. 15, 1S53 ly.
lion, wilh One Hundred
Engravings, showing Dis
enses and Malformations
he Human Svstem'iii every
shape and form. To wliirk
is added a Treatise on the
4 Diseases of Females, being
ol tins In; licit importance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
ty tie Win. Yoiiiic
Let no father be attained to present a copy o
b .ESCULAPir8 to his child. It mav save
him from an early crave. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret ohligntiaiia of msr-
ed life without reading the POCKET AISCU-
1. A PU S. Let no one sullering from haeknirp
Cough, Pnin in the Side, restless nights, nervous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up b their phykii ian, be another
moment without consulting the. T.SCLI.AP1LS.
Have the married, or thine about to be married
any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, aa
it has been the means of saving thousands of un
fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
I V Anv person sending l r.ISTV -rIVJS
CENTS, enclosed in a letier will receive ona
copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will ba
sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YOUNG,
Post paid.
June 18, 1 853 ly.
Hlorc Xevr Ct;o;!s!I
"OESrECTFULLY iaforms iis frienda and
the public generally, that he haa iuat received
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His
stock consists of every variety of
Dry Goods, viz:
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vesting!, Fm-
licit, Jiluslin, ijC.
A splendid stock of
Such as Silks, Bcragrs, De Laines, Merinoes,
l.awns, uiughams, Luluoes, tfc.
A fine assortment fur Men, Women &. Children.
A Urge assortment of GROCERIES,
siren as
Sugar, Cottte, T-a, Molasses, Spicei, be.
Hardware and Queenaware.
Fish, Sail ami Liquors. ,
(t'Cll AS
Gin, Brandy, Rum nnd Whiskfjr,
Besides the largest and most general assort.
ment of all kind of Goods to he had in the country.
All the above mentioned goods w ill ba (eld at
such reduced prices aa they can not be get far
Country produce of all kinds taken iu t xchanie
at tha highest market prices.
Augusta twsp., July 3, 1853. 6m.
1,000 Men Wantvd.
rN the liue of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL
ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite liar
riaburg) and Sunbury, in tha State of Pennsylva
nia. 1 lus road is titty four miles in length1 runs
through a highly improved country, and will
furnish employ ment for stone masons, cunieuli rs
and laborer, for the next twelve months. A
large porlion of the line is heavy rock excavation,
laborers that are familiar will therefore find car
tain employment and lilieral wages.
February 19, 1S53
Laborers "Wanted,
rXMIK subscribers wai:t immediately on tha
Railroad and Basin, at Chapman, Union
county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, from
to whjni one dollar per day will pe paid.
Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1353. tf.
G- OLD PENS with and without eaaee, af
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing F'md, .
by H. B. MA8SEB.
Sunbury, Dee. ST, 1HI.
9 . .... I- u-
bar Dome, lor .... MA3B't
Buubury, April, 1J, 181