0 1 iu p r o t e in e n t s A h a d ! ! ELIAS BROCIOUS JIEREBY inform hi friend and the public generally, that he he just received t his old tand, in Market (treat, opposite Weaver' hote1' - An excelhnX assortment of ' F R E N C II CALF S K INS , French Lasting, " And tit kinds of linings and Shot findings, which ho offer to the trde nt reasonable price. He also inform customer ane other, tliM h (till continue the Shnemsklng business, and i prepared lo tli all kinds of work, in s good and fashionable style, and on reasonable torn.. Sunbury, Juno II, 1833. ly. 0 HEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory ' or ' G. L. lEILLEP. &. CO. j . tv. rsrfier area and arrond tret, EVERY VARIETY OK SHADES, Whole sale and Retail, inch as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette. Oil and Dry Landscape, aro to be hnd at the low est prices foi quality of work. Orders (or Gilt, Plain Rlo-e, Lettered nr.d oilier Shades executed at short notice. Merchant and others aro invited to give ti a tri.it. H" ' fry lo plase. firasscs. Trimming, ic, til wave on hand. Remember S. V. comer SECOND St. AKCI1 Streets, Philadelphia Atitrnrt 13, iS53.- Cm. " ' "' Gas Fixtures j Lamps. IIEIDKICK, HORJiTNCr & EHOTIIER, No. 221 North Second Street, above Vine, PHtLADUtPHIA. HAVING had many year practioal experience in the bu-mic, and a all work sold by u is manufactured iinderour iinmediatestipervuinn, we are enabled to oiler to purchaser superior sr tii le", in every branch of our trade, upon the most favorable terms. At our store may be found, in every variety and style of finish, Oa and Lamp CLuiilc'icr. Pendants, Side Brackets, for Hulls Churches, oVc., the IMPROVED PINE OIL L WW ; also, Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, Gir nndidrs, Boquelo Holders; Farlur, Night and Reading Lamps. On hand, Lamp Glassrs, Globes, Wicks, Shades, Ac. ALL WOR1C WA RR ANTED, OR NO SALE. Factory No. 60 Noble St., near 4th. Remember store 231 N. Sd it., next deor to J Stewart Depuy's carpet store. September 10, 1853. 3m. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS rC-IIE attention of tho Trade, and others, in n want f Porto Mommies, rocket Books Hankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri- tint; Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, U'ssinen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Uokcs,. Cabas, Needle Books, Money Pir-lu, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Disks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Finer Goods, whicu will be old at tho lowest rales. F. II. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and PocUet Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia Sept. 17, ISS3 tf. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. , Far th Manufacture and sale of Patent Letter Copying Presses, Patent METALLIC DAMPEXERS, Brushes, Oil Paper, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, fcc. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a cook-like form, Letter received, Original Invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 9, 1853. ly. A Farm for Sale. rTnilE subscriber offci for sale his farm. - CONTAINING 234 ACRES and allowances. It ia situated about three miles from Sunbury along the Shainnkin creek, and i in a good stale of cultivation. The Philadelphia uu ouiiDury imilroad passes through said farm It will be oilered ia parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can lie divided to make three small farm.. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a uuou oanii Dam, ami two tenant house. JOHN FA RNS WORTH. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1353. tf. Lumber Yard. ritHC subscriber would respectfully inform tho citm-n of Sunbury, and Norihuml erland and adjoining counties, tha: ho has opened a Iitsiuber Y.-mi in fie lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis in.ee Sail of tha Steam Saw Mill, where he has ro-v a Uwv amount of Seasoned Paimtl Plant a'to Pamiel Boards, and all oibir Ti l J 1 -ituiaa Matkrial, such as will bo wanted for t .tiding purposes. Also a large, amount of fr-n .igies on hand, which v-ill be sold from 6 uo to according to quality and size. Please give us n call and examine our price' and quality. ., x. r armor wuo are in want of Shingle iu ms win sen io you low. e , J- E. LEIR,8up. Sunbury, May 38, 1S53. ly. NOTICE. "V'OnCE is hereby given by f1,o undersigned ciMircna of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. tii.it application will be made lo the next i-cgisiniure oi sanl Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be stvlcj '-Thi Scinrni Savings' Is.titvte," to be located !.. ti e boroughof Sunbury, Northumberland county. wi n ciisciiiii.iiiig privileges, and with a capital of vi. v nunuiru UlUUBnilU UUJIUrg. Ruben H. Awl, Geo. Uright, John Young. Adam slnsler. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke rr.iller. Fredk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Younginan, I'e rc i? .Uwer J W. Friling. Ir. T. Clement, 3i . Hendrick, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal vai.hury, June 25, 1853. Cm. liouk Agents Wanted. A GCT3 WANTED in every town and county in the United Stale, to sell th. most t y be .utifully illustrated with colored .ngra- ' iV ' i'j mot PPuhr of T. 6. AR- - l o R. including "Arthur-, Ootids Library." ' ...;nit and enterprising men wi.l Uj i, wva.ii.i ,j pr.fllM, bu.iurM. for paiticulars address (post-paid.) J.W.BRADLEY, PublUher, No. 8 North Fourth street, O -tob.r 1, )85S7m. ruilauelphia, Pa. Vrm REWARD!! .U1:-0" "fherb t u,:dry time i ?A '.'l.d.lphi, ,nd Suubury Railroad on .nl ' ,.h" bv 'ward Jth. de.ee- 14VID LOXCENECKER, Stnbary, e.p,. t4 x President. J ELRY A Rio aaaortDMnt ef Gold aad ai raucila auJ P.n. for sal ehe.p by - . , .-' O. tLSbEUGet CO., .fc ,kit "T1! cfP" lb T Otfiee ;( tvH HAVE fOUND IT At XA'STV? XjJOW for the little once. - Why will parent -a. a wast hour and dava in fruitiest endeavor to got perfect picture of their children and aflef all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1 e would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY .'1 and ws will guarantee te make you a perfect picture, by our' Elkctso CaancAt proce, that work in from J to 8 seconds. W defy any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to compete with u, a we aro the invcntoi, and the proces is used only m our dif ferent establishments in New England and th Middle Slate. For pictures of adults, tho silver medals wo have received fiom the American Inslituto, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premium from County Fairs. I sufficient proor that they are lb As l'lu$ Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention to our Tullintvtica Dupuerreotvnc in Oil. D. 0. CoLiiJ & Co., 100 Chestnut Street riiiladclnhia. Main (Ireet. opposite site Hamp den House, Springfield and Collins' Building, Uestfield. Mass. N. IJ. Cur catablidimenl I illuminated by the brilliancy of our Picture by Day, and by Professor Horse ford s Solely l-amys ly. JieU "Come and sec." . . . rhila., May S8, 1S53. ly. MiOlinhurg Academy. ' SJIGJIiilMirs, riiiuii fount, I'cuna REV. J. G. ANSPACH. ) , . 11EV. E. KEIFFlilt, - V'V'".0"' : . A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, rrinoiinl of Female Department. EDTl'IX riSIinil, Teacher of Uithtmalict . . and Vocal JIIusic. CIinSSELDEX riSHEll. M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, ; - The Summer Term of this fiourishing Insti, lute will commence on Monjut, Ji lt 'it: 1 E fj 3 . The course of instruction will bo tborougli and practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan guages, a well as other branches, will be taught, as for as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will be made ol the blackboard. Orthography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will rcceivo their full whare of attention. Draughting, Construction of Map, TTfo of Compass, Sec, will be taught to students in our vcyiug and Civil Enoineciing. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, W i iter Colors, xc, Ornamental Needle Work French and Botany will be given by the Treccp, tress, who is a graduate of ('astlcton, Female Pemincrr, Vermont, and romrs recommended by the Principal of that Institution, a "a young lady of agreeable manners and r.irjH literary at tainmcnts. Young ladies and pentlcincn who dcoiin to become teachers, will find this Institution an c tri dent school for preparation, since there will be connected w ith it, during tho great part of the year, a Tr. jettons' IxsTiTri-i!, the members of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couise of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principals. Tho government of the school is based upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will ha mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habits of study, and geuerul deportment, of tho student will he carefully attended to; The building is now undergoing n complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new de-dts, a bell, convenient recitation tooms, cj-c. Milllinburg is a thriving and hci'thy trron!i. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. It streets have been recently graded und paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat fur students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. ' tV The price of board, in the best of private families, docs not exceed $ I. SO per week. N. B. (Students may enter the Academy at any time during tho term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on the first day, Milllinburg, July 16, 1853. Cm. . Just Published and for Sale by VM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now iu use in the United States. Br CoLMN'driN Reed, Eq.., Ipsae ifgis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a shor system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, tho following letter has been received from Judjjo Pearson of Harris-burg i Hadhisbuhu, June 30, 1853. Gt TLEVS : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure' in ex pressing my entire approval ..f the selection and com position of the precedents thus filtered to the public. The legul profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstcui of pleading, adapted to our habits of purine w, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, lo a great extent, founded on the acts of asiemblv, will be a s.iving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safely und brevity in our pleadings. It should lie in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, JNO.J. PES.RSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Esquires. Sunbury, July 0 1853. WILLIAM GROVES & CO S Upholstery, Bedding Fea ther ''Warehouse.' S. E Comer Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. SPRING BEDS, Feather Beds, Hair Mats, Hu.k, and Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Cots, Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, Blankets, dec, iic. Constantly on hand or made to order and sold Whclcsale and Retail, on the most favor able terms. FEATHERS, HA K, HUSKS, ko., by the bale or pound. Order resjieciivoly solic ited, promptly executed, aud warranted to give satisfaction. N. U. Mattrease re-mad and Feathers re renovated. Phils., Sept. 10, 1853 3in. LAWliENCE HOUSE, SUNEURY, PA. nHE (ubscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, dec'., late of the "Lawrence House, ju Sunbury, respectfully Inform the friends of her lata hu.band, and the public generally, that she continue to keep the above Hotel, and ia well provided with all things necessary to accommo date all who may favor her with thir custom, and therefore solicit their patronage. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury Oct. 29. 185U. 4in. VMJILEY'S C'OUGJ CMNDY. eicL y lent remedy fur caugh. cold. , Far i st thi oflic, r i t Derniber 4. iM.' ' '- . " ' ' AND BILLS neatly printed on iwvr type promptly eseeuUMl at this ' eftiea. Alwi blank, of all kind on supariur pause feuubary, Feb. U. Iaa. i "Eu'reknV Eureka. J r '.. flM WW STJNBUltY' AiNnlCAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. 2,5 1 0 'Acres Ti inber Tan : . ., FCE. OAL3. .- CJEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF O TIMBER LAND, comprising about 2,51)0 acres, Jart ef which is rituated on 1 obybanna Creek, snd part on Muddy Creek. Within three miles of Lehigh River, in Pi-nn forest town.h p. Carbon County, on of the great Co.l Conntie. of Pennsylvania, can be had at a bargain, if ap plicntion be made soon. . ' These lands are thickly covered with the bsst limber of that region. - While it is behaved that 75 000 feet of lumbor to the acre, can be cut Irom a largo portion of th land, the balance will aver age not much less than this figure. . The kind or timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce, or White Cedar, White Oak, While Pino and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. The Tnhyhnnnh and Muddy Crock are large and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of water power, and are capable of driving a large number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lehigh Canal afliuds an outlet to the mnnt dt sirablo lumbor markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the citii a of New York and Philadelphia which run within out mite and tlree quarters of the land. Through thcye avenue lumber can be delivered in cither of the cities named, for about $7 per th'Hisand b et lima enabling person en gaged in tho trade to dorivo greater profits than attend investment generally. In addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, time is much that will an swer for spars of voasc'm n sort of timber that snip-builders have been obiiicd lo purchase in Matno. or at other distant points. Unlike, most of tli lands on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been no culling of tho limber on this property. It stands, undisturbed by the wood, man's ae. It ix, therefore, tho r.ioro valuable. The lumber trade of ihc Lehigh lies been carried on to such an extent for year post, that scarcity of good timber is beginning to 1 felt. Every season necessarily ineic.ife this difficulty. Tho conSeqnence mint be on encham-cmeut of the value of timber lands. Those un-cullcd tracts with the advantage of avenues to market,' such as the lands olli re I fjr sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources of supply hereafter. - But the land it not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for furming, nearly every btb being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. . i Capitalists desiring to make investments, would do well to turn their attention to these lands. For further information apply to CH.VS. M. HALL. Office in "Miianj Register" building, Potts ville, Pa. August C, 163-1 tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: Por the Cure of COUGHS, COLD3, H0AnsrjE3S, brow. OHITI3, CHOUP, ASTjtf MA, WHOOPIUG. COUGH AUD OOXX3UXVXPTIOI7. TO Ci:RE A COl.P, WITH HPnACM AND tOllR't. if the brjly. luks iht CUEBRt I'Ecroiu-.L on coins to IwJ, tiid wrup up waritu t. swal iliMiig the niht. i cr a iioi.o and t oe-ill, UKc it iiiorinii. ii Kin ann evc nin. nro r!ii!g t. direct! itn nn the h it'e.oiMt the ditlii'! ty will ,M'ii lo Tcm id, Ki'ite wiii l-mg ua-jr i'rm tiis IftuiUe w!ieu ihcy tintl it can tuna rendily curt-d. Vcru -m oMliftte'J with a Fe;itrt1 c nigh, which Lr':ikn them of their ni at niji'.t. will find, by ' titkirft tho f'berry I'fctuml on going 1 1 bc.l, they ni ty hn mru il' somiuI, nnhioken slrep, und C'liuegueiitiy rvlVi-'khin ivtt, Uret.t ichel "from tiirr mg, m;l nu uluna:o cure, ia iU".rJod t lUuutantij w ho aro tinii ili:icivil, ly thin mv .ihrib! renvriy. l'r. in its agreeable etfrita in ihcu en'i, ninne 6iid thenuei'et Bii'wiliiii; to forey j Ha use when tho iiacofCtty ftr h.ii reaacii , i From twu eminent Phyeioiart iti Fatkitevim.i, Tenn , Ajml 18, Sir We have given yir t'heny I'eutorul an ex't-imive Uiul in oar putrtice, uml find it tn nr.tca every l!ft re medy wo have for curtip Hfl'erti.'Mi of tlie rn(irat rv nr gJin. li:S. DIKMKIt &. HA.MP'IMX. TO SINrcritf AND rL Ul.iCSi'KAKi'.KSthia remedy Is tiir&hiittlc, n hy it ar-tt nun the ihr nt hivI lane, w'ifii tukiu in Bm.ill qiuuttiliej, it romuresall hoatavnesa in m iw h lira, oixl woiiUenully mciciaca l he power oiiii UcjiiLultty of the V'lipp, ASTHMA ia frrnfrMlv imi'h nlicved, nml often wholly enrcil hy Cherry Pett rnl. Hut there arc rrnir ciises-io ! aliitatc ua n yielj entirely t h inixtietne. Cherry i'cuio t will 111 re (hem, ifihey e.:n le cured. miDNi'IilTiS, r irritation f the thru! nrl npjer portion of the hinjra, nwytw enreii hr taking Cherry Ie M rtil in sm:iM and trequent dtaea. Tha uncmt'orttthla ojh presiiH ia i-nw relieved. - Rev. IhH-t. LANS1N.J, of I!r;. .lt!y, New York, atatra: I have aeen the Cherry IVei.tml euro anu'i caaea Aallima and Uronchilia na lend mo tn believe it can rarely fail to enre ih iliafimes." FOR CiiOl'l1. (iive an emetie of antimrmy, tn ho fullowetl hy brrje urn) tVeinieiit duai3 f th Cheny Poetn ml. until i' anb lui the disose. Ji" fu'ieit iu seaa u, it will iv tt fni! t cure. WHDOIMNO COUGH nny h hMken up anJ MMm ca red hv thu use i f Ch-rrv rtct 'i'il. Tfir. INrMTA".V ia apeedily rcmm etl hy ihiarfm-. riy. Nu inert ma tnst-mef-? iiive l3iii notiee,) where while familU'B weie prneeted ft tin ny acrimm cMme-jMem ea, while their neittflih.ira, without Uiu Cherry i'cttorul, wily tifteriiijf frnn the disvaae. Dr. J. C. Ayrr: StrM. Ohio, 1 1th June, 1B5I. I wiiie ht inform yn Afiiie truly remarkuhte oiltx;a of your CHl'IUiY IMa'TOUaL in tliis jjhiee, and in my own family. One nf mv d-tut'Mera w ii eninplrtely cur.d id tliree ihiya of a dretdiiil W nonrixo l ocnii, hy tnking it Dr. Memia, oiw i four very m.t pityaieiuiiR fieely atuti-a thut he coiiB-.dera it the hes! ri'iiindy we Unvc pulinoiiJiry ilite."i, nml th'il lie Ins en red more ennra of C'Rocr with it thnu uny othttr motliviiie h ev-r adnuniittered. Oui clcreyinru of the Hupiiht Church an va that diiring the run of Im-lvrZ4 here thi ff.ia n. he hia aeen cui-ia fiin your medicine he c ulJ aeareely Iwvo believed Wi th en t ateinf. Vouia rcancuifully, J. TV SINCLAIR, Deputy lo."Um;iater. From ihc dhtiiuihd Professor of CUemis-tr- and Materia Jlr..Tc, liawduin College. I have found the Ouehhy I'ecTntui., aa ita incrt-dienta show, a poweilul ruianly fr cold, and ctugha, and uul moiiary dikeuscu. FAr-KCE CtEVLA3tP, M D. Uat-Nfmrn. Me.. TeK 5, ih7. iili. U.S TINKMOTT. 7A wiJi lu cchhratc j Professor of Surgery tn the Medical Cotlfce, New Yorlc Ciy, sats: 'It givr me pleiiMiire t eet tify the value and titieui y of 'Aver' Ciierky rrrroBAL. which 1 conaitier pecih arly adiptt-d to cure diaeiiaea of tha Throat and Lnurea.'1 CiiieJol aeveietlianB uiwn the luuca have been ef fected by Chkrrt pKt fon kl in aiieh extreme cnat-a c wnrrunt ttte liriiet th-n a remetty hnaat kmrth been 1uhu thnt ntn Ita dren'lti mi to tare tha iiujrha, C-dBaiid Coiisumption wl.ieh carrv fiom t-ur inidnt. thu'iiKla every ve:ir. lr ia indeed a medieino I whieh the iiillictrd ctm loi.k wth emn lenee f r relief, and they ahould not fail to avt.il theinaelvt-a of it. Prepared and sold bij JAMES C. AY Eli, Practical Chemist, Lowell, ilass. Sold in Sunbury by H. MASSER, and by DrugcUts Renerully Ihroughaiit tho Stnte.. July 3d, 1833. ccow Nov. 13. '52. s- J. 13. GOULD, (Successor to A. I'lO'I'.) No. 164 Chts nnl Street, Swaim,i Building. PHILADELI'IIIi. lXTENSIVE ML'ssIU rUKLISHER, and Dealer in .Musical Instiuu.ciits of every de scription. Exclusive A?ant for th rale of Hatlet, Davis & Co' (Bottoii) Patent Kim-essiux Uaiuea JEoliaH und oilier PIAU03. L Gilliert! BouJ.ir Pianos, McIxlcons, Martin'f Guitars, Harps, Violin, bHKiT .Mi'tic, Mpsic UuoKt Ace., Ac. KetidonUof the country will l supplied bj mmit or otherwiae with tny iuuio they may wih, t low ratea if purchawd in persou. Havuif on of th largest utoika in Uic UhiteU Bute. I feel ronii.lent of m luring alt who way tttrot m with call of order. Dealers In Mu-ic aupphed on lh moat libera! term. Piano, to let. Sevoud hand Pian m tut aalo, Phtiadtflpliia, Aril 14, 1853 ly. . f ARRIAGE CETIFICATEIS liindaomely x4iud lor Mle at Uu offle. aiul i f t-v , f C E L E B RATED ,,, , ,F a m i 1 y 31 e i c i n b . TV offerinff tn the pnblla tha abortj tnvalrmble prepra. ii, Mtiiaaoriiiftf would atytn tint in aniauiuiion With hia fiirnda and aome of the rn-mt reapeetnl'l ol the jHrdieol taeuity, it wna nwrni aiiviiTm w toict .ii.i.ii, Taw nretmnttiona if kimwn calabritv. tcim pre pared with the grojiteat rnra, and on the moat ai'lentihc nrineinlm. as viibiitiutPB for the intmeroua worlhleaa ar ticlea lliat ard flood! 114 the euuutry hi the form of pmtaeene and cure alls, prefiared hy tha moat igiHrnnt ana iiiereetn-ry-jverBona, tn tended to cure nil diBeiiaea and g'Hd for none, , Read and Reflect, That the Medicine. Manufactured by W. M.Dscilst, fuelnding hia Koae Tecloral for Cuugha. Cream of Ciiinphor. fr Hheumatiam. Worm P v nip for Worma. Toth Vnli, for decayed (eeth, dineaaed jruma. tomily I'illa, or blood Fnril'yer, have been more esteiwve. ry iiaed, and have Riren more, rnitiflfuction, thou any ttiher Medici iua lief ore the public, being prepared with regard 10 uieir uaciutiiesaiue tuliy woithy the trial of thealiliut etl. (live thctii n triul. A few poweu'til renmnta whr thealvtre Medielnea nre deerviiig of iiniverml mlionnce. tin the fifrt iiluee. tney are prepared nv n regular rnvaicmn, who tiiKimuimiB ana uiiimii;;m . in 1 1 .Mnill'IIH'J, ll II mil'l'B, nn'l COTIWlJurini ore ncrfectty tutfe to take. (Secondly.) they have hern uaed with itnivcraal anecew, and have given more aritifuhc lion thnii any oilier Medicinea offered before the public. (Thirdly ) they are the only meil.cinea that hove gained the patronage of I'hvaicinna, where they have been lived ; and Pomthlv.l tliev are but 110 in In r cor auuntitiea foi the aime priee, tlmn nny other Medicines i-tftred to the public nf the sime kind A the aibfieriber h.-w a nnmler of cnrlineatea in hia poMeaninn of the highest nuthorlty, wnere iney nave neen wiih the inopt ntiBtnctorv to anlta. He will puhliah a few of thein, feeling aatisfird ; thnt a tritd will insure their recommendation. Try thein and saiiBiy yourrni ot their aupenonty over anl olhcra. Rend and be Convinced. . We the mtdcraijrned linvine 1cen made nranaiiited with th inpreo'ienta entering Into the Cornpoti.ida known na Bifkley'a Painlty Medicines nleo hiviug prear-rihed and known Ihemtobe udt with nmat s-itufaofory rcaalta; tnke pleasure in an) ing that we believe lliey fully meet tho a jaign for which Uuy nrc recommended. . JA3. STliAWBIUDbili, M.P. C II. FRICK, M. U r - WM. McMAlION. M. D. WKSr.KY II (.KAHHKART. M. D. WW. tf . MAniteU .M . D. - n r. (inAfuir.ART, m. d. ' Cut of fain in tha stile and eoiigkfrom protested Liver Contylaint, Mrs . Robert Adrmn, bbirin un:fr Clironic I.Ivrr tin pl:iint, nccompanicl with a "rHittrt dryoMir.h p:iin in the , aid? und brcn.tt, gencrMl debility, losa of appetite, niter trv- im oil (he tiauul rcmcvtiua recoinmeiuh d foi ci'iiftlis und diafnn.! of the client, who Virh no benefit, she was recom mended to try the Rose 1'ectoral, fr-mt winch, the h.t only derived immediate hut permanent relief. John Admis, aii of Mrs. Ruben Ad.ima, urns afuirtcd with a very a?veie eyniyh, pain inlheideT mid sirepess pr.td'iecd by inrcrmi' cmshiue: he was induced loi v the Rose Pectoral. To use hia' own lnnTunge, the first. ottae ciwniea iiun to nifty a goou nigtit's rent, ju trie morning he expcclorutcd nKnit halt pint of tnntlcr. He continued to itnprove until hisconh entirely left him, it also had the effect of strengthening hia brenst. which was naturally weak. Ho ulso anys that he has meommciided It to a number of hifiieiuls f tranmlar complutnis, and in every cane it has given a;iusfiieti"n. The above permits reaidenia of the town of Dnnville. feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use of the Hi so Peel oral ; aiilliorii; the nh ve ilHtcmenl. for tha benefit of nunc who mnv be n (Tutted in a simtlai man ner. URKATCUKE. Loss of Vviet rcstornf with one Lottie of Hose Pec taral MisaP'-mm Wlii'loc!. of Rush township, Noithumhrr land co., for n luunber of ears an ii valid, in the fnll of id, lost rneiwH tier votee tr m n severe eoit the erni triciid; after Irvine a 11 umber of remcihep, with no bene fit. she was entirely restore! by tnking one b tile of Rose I'ceiornl, niter wln li, alic lust her voice again, from a fresh e l she contracted, mid wn ncriin leatorwl bv the Lure of mi 'thcr bottlf ; site then took four 1kuUb in re to sirrnithen her brennf, forni which she derived the nv'St decided bciiefi!, nnit lias been in the enjo lucnt of eot llutit ht ah li iom that time to the pre ill . Tlicnh-tro statement in obtained from Pr I'ntfi;:. the Physteian wh attended her; n!d her nwiher who tluuJs that she would 11.4 Ut Uvn.g at this time if it had u l-een for the n-ae Pectoral. pinville, Jnu i?i2 Ftiil another ?Jirlcrf Cure ICj'rcteJ, Mrs. Snr.nel SreMer, brine; of n nutnrcl weak a-id deli eaie cotiitiinti'iin very siirc' ;tib!e to cMf, whs Ml'icted with a very revere cuh, pain and aorusie of the 1 e:kt, i sn nf sppeiitt- ; alter tifii.g n uuiuber vf tli usual reme dies from which, she derived m benefit, she was cured by takimroue hottlo of Uoao Pcctonil and is ui the enj -yiiient of beiter h-rillh than for years jireviuus. , . Innvil'e. Dec. I IS'i'i. l)n. Rtntt.tfY : rnnit inc tf inform you that my wife, who inn delien'.e and wenk'r w .m.ni. bb rrin-r ih1t .i very severe Couli with piin and fcorenees nf bregt, was in re rjuiekly and effect mdly rrticved with one Ii tt!e of vour Rose Pectoral than any other medicine be had ever t tnken. A UN EH MMtRIOK. t Jan. latnucl R. Woods' Kuinac. Red P -int. PTft.iNO KVlbHStK IN f WOR OF TI1K Roit Pgctokal and Family Fat. John Fuhier tilcen but wocii Christmas an J Vcw Year wi:h a very iid c id. whieh ended in n dry hard tucessvnt C uuh. .urTiK a gnut dnl of nam whetit vrr he Cin,jtu'd, win" fcheved very n.uch; hy tVe tinte he hnd inkeu r-ne third ot' a b ttlr. mid hy (he tim it wn tinishM, wn en tirety cured fe nl iyi I hat he h:ii taken acvend dewa of the I!e:lih l.ejt.irntiv'o cr Fainilv I'tiltn, mid thut (hey are the inildet aud nuut tfTeetiml nninntivcfc he hniever tnlten. Danville, J;ni 1, Da Hickmy : Durinr a visit lf mv br dhrr. in Dnn- vi Hi, I to-ik a very severe Old, which endr-J in a ti?ht j irna i oiipn, wun ren'Rs aim pnut oi ttie ureuil, t..r which I ucd yiir Uiwe Peel ral, nnd Fnmily I'd!, mid tnke plcnsnre in rce iniin-ndin-r them, oa the inilh.t and m l eflectual remedy I have used. Ymira. renpeftrnliv. JAM I-MoKUAaV, Jan. 'JI tP W. White Haven. l.tiztTne ca. Denr Sir At a recommendatittit f r ythtr ltiif I'ect -rl, per mil me ti siy, thnt I w.s eflccluolly cured of a very aovere omah with ruin in the hieiW, with lesn than hnh n hot tie, nu I tint I iMittilor it iiiv.ilu.ihle. You are at liberty In niVrfe t h ist i-nlihc if you plewtie. .H SlKltlr., (fin cer.)l).uivi!. Va. ' My n Willi,-,, 0 tahnriii-r under a severe cmiuIi and rdti in hia aide, fiom an iniury rrcciverl hy a lidl, wo e'ltnely relieved hy ab-'ilo at' R iae !Vct'r:ii Ac Cream nf Cam- fh'tt. I hive nlfntFcd y mr Family Pills, nnd alt"ccther C maidur thctn lite Lwl ittedifvmeii I hive ever urF. JOAN OVKRIJOKF, Jrn. 1C.V?. Himh Tp., ...rlh'd en. Dr. Hickley : !r: -i my wife who wun trouhled with dry, Jjnd Con; h, itln mr SUnnaeh, dependent upon delulity, tnuihir .j iiiMjiepftia. wut entirely relieved hy utuiff tWi h-mlrn iu" ynnr Ki-se IV t. r:il, j.errr.it me lo y that! eoiii(ei it nn rxre lent reniedv. Vuurs, respectfully, lic'v.Mr. WIT.TjARD. l'at if l.iilhrrnu Church, Danville. P.i. Ifrivlne hern currd ofa tain in my tuin (similar to ltheu miticni) which deprived me nf ihe'tVee ne of it f'rub;)ut fiur in mtlm. ily ut'iuif one b dtle of Cri am t-f 1'umph r I wmld hUite thut I c nsider it the Lest remedy of the kind I Invo ever mud in my family, audi Woii.'d freely rcomrnend it to other with ainiili.r rfieet iotis. Yours, retj.ejliuiiy, JOXA3 WOI.F. Kiiih tp., iWth'd c . .My wtf Irfinir cfllteted w ith a very severe pain in her arm nnd s!iuMcr (the rtlecta I ivM) which msutlcd lur from twiiif it, wiis cured with ruilmig of Ci emu of Cam phr Mru. :'!din, my isicr-In-ltiw, ivs a!i cured of a ;vere puiu in the head and fuee hy iisintr the Ciemn v( Camphor . THOMAS C. I.LL1S, bunvdle, J in. JJ, 'W. My wife Iiimmf ivhcitmatikiii of the arm fr a imml.tr of ye.ira, which i-revenfid lur from in-in-f it indoin li?t wnlt; lifter huvi i apent a gie-n deal ot 'irvMiry in trxin d iprrcnt reme-lica wnfc n benelit, wa entirely cured l-y U4i;i.! only out) Ii. til! t.f viMir lrt;;r.n of Cutui h- r. Wir.llAM KVi:!, Mmr. foi P. It . Wood, R IViiP. Dr. CifLlev : Having ie.'eivei! a very .tft ere injury in my wule hv f-J!in eiTa l-.ud hay, iVt.m which I W;:t u:m hie to foli.tw my w.'i'k, w;n rcc mttunided to try a h uJt uf Cream o C mvr, which tsfT irdeil immediate relief. ORH'I-ITH CAKK. Uuah tp., Norlh'd co. My wife, auiieriiig fr.uu in t efucmi,iu pain, throughout her pcueral s tiein, which prevented her lii in ileepttifr (Indup occ.iiii oned hy a i niif and prolmcled inrll i,i f ickiiesn ,-) for which ahe ued a miiuWr of remeilici without hem-fit, wai eutirely rchtVrd hv the use of Crvuin of Cum.'.io-. . tiKO U. HHoV. iiirsrcnn Dentist, l-anville, Tn. Child cured of R ir.cl CompUijit. und Ague (ol two yewn ; ataiidiiig.) by Worm H t up. ry child heinir ftlBicted iW the lant two years, with II iwel Coiniluint nnd Ajine until it waa rciluced to a mere k htitu, I tiud a number .-I" rr-medina w ith no pcrmnnent bendit, until 1 gave it u b .lilc i f your Worm (Syrup, inco which time it I in huca well, and jr-sl quite Hechy . I olei have nc ir.niendtil it t- a mi miser of my friends, and iu every cum it hutuiven ntin'inMK-n. ' . D hKM, At Iouii la.ia' (Merchant,) Danville. I have used v 'nr Worm f"yrup in my family, and r u. aider it not only effectual, hut the nioel plenwint articie I am ucipiuiiiicd with. JACOU DAHKIA. Danville. Having uard ymir Wmm Syrup iu my family, it helpi my children uwe than any picparjlion of the kind, aud n m ire pleasant tu take. DAN MORGAN'. M m I--Hi Row. Douvtlle. I have had oecaamti lo sse wtr Worm Syrup in my family, aiid prefer it t any Vermii'tiue I have uwd. FRKI). Ut'll. Fmtty Vullty, M"iil.Hir eo. Dr. Rickey; Having uaeil your wot in Hvrup, and Creuin of Camph r and Family I'illi in my luuiily, Uiey gave. po;td itiAlurUtui. and 1 consider them the nKt ef lectual, tttA pleuMnt remetlics, we have hnd in our family. JolINHTil A.N K. KISHKlt. Dmivdlc. 'Dear Air: We the ui idem sued leiiiar iu the employ nf Measra. Groves & C-mily, at whose bt re, yaa Jur un Apency f r the silu of your Family Medicines, sl tte that we have had an opportunity of knowing the opinions of nuuiernus individuals who have used them, and that they give gfneral ajtittiuctiou. We have a id a ifrent many of your Pills, whiih are universally liked, heiuu very mild iu their operation. W. I.KlSr.MIIN'o. JJanville, . Attest, W M. kKPLF.It, Having icurvy of my ui'uth very had, i was iiulumd to tiy a h tli le of yourTnoth Wash, which aotetlikaj charm, hardening my gums, end removing till disenK. JONATHAN K. RISUi;i Dnnvi'le Dr. Biekley? lluvins; what w-m called ulcerutrd soia, month, for which, I tried a number of rnnedirs with no benefit : I was at last cured hy usiua; one rtile of your Tooth wash. My wife ala durinir her emftnemenl, was threatened with ire.Hrensis, lumis bavtiift already formed, i or wilier ane uneci uie urenm oi . uinniior, wnicn scalier c4 thein, thereby preventing her breasts frni rnthenne. GKO A. flROWN, Ncir 1 4i t hern n f b jreb, Danville, Fa. Dr. Rukley Haviiiff an opportunity of see ins; your Auti-Bo-trhutie ToMh Wash use I in smite very severe ea ve of scurvev ol" the sruina, I enider it an rxeehVnt reme dy Yours, re-.peet.ully, liKO H. BItOWN. The alvve inedieines are foe sale YhleanIe and Re tail by W M HIOKXKY. M. D , Proprietor, Danville Also -F sale by tlia folio win A (reals in Norlhiimber biikI county, Frilmg k- lirant, tiuidiirv j W A. kuvl'b, Auriuhs; W. F&rfttw, Hnydrrtoivn ; Tatipirt, Furuinu St liartott, Pamntos ; Fmttine a; Atnmsi!. Faxtuos; Johu Vauaaot, Paxiive; UagH Vaetwe, Pnxinats; A mmeriwsn, Rosmsi at Co , fehMiooki ; Mrs Jus. Thonuts, trutm ki) Wiu. Fsjjely, ttlmrn kiu ; Campbell & Kline, Auiusts) ftatauer A. Herrarftwf, PetershrtusT; Jaeob Leikeiirinr. Boar Gup ; Com-ad Werv k, Nortliumlv-rMiiid ; Jrniaife Out. eVilins;i v Jtwmsi Ffafctr, iLevrisburs; j Jobs F. Caatowand Juuslhau Kaliers, MiUm. Cull na the Anta, aud f tri a cieeulai eontaliitiiaj a ftiU deaorlMioe of U auiaatuus ea'as perioriae U OiiTer em M aatciRaa. , ,' ' "AID AND COMFOET.'V ' ' 'I o Your Own Mechanics. J. . GEORGE RENN. .'. ! MANUFACTURER OP . FURNITURE. AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style." ' rr,ITE subsrrilHr respectfully calls the attention of the public to hi large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of C-AItlftFr-WAIttt. which cannot fail to reiommend itself to every on who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship ntid splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and th uliscriber ia determined to koep lip with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofa., Ilvnn mid Lounges, ' Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BRtiAKFAST AND DIMM TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTE.tl.S, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. W ORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every artii le in this lino of his business. He also manufacture aU kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties novcr before to be had ir O 1 I . . .. . -. ouiimiry, sui-ll as fllillOflAxr, I! LACK Walsct Aisn Crni.sn Maple GnKcim ; ami Wixiisom CIIAlUiS. AKn rAKCT Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. , The subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for person to purchntc furniture in the cilien, as every confidence can lie entertained about (ho ijunlity and finish of his ware and Chairs. ' '.. ilia articles will l.e disposed of nn is (rood terms as they rdn bo purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce fallen in payment for work. .' UNDERT.MilN'U. Having provided himself with a hanilsome Hkaiisk, he is now prepared for I'ndertaUing, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. - PS The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store end Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENIN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. 500 A guuts. Wanted. 1000 a Year. "ir.VNTED in every county of the United " Stales, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the best Books, pub lished in the country. To men of good address, posseting a small capital of from ij23 to $100, such inducements will be ufl'cred as to tnablo them tn make from $3 lo $10 a day profit. I'V The Books published by us aro all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are olTcrcd. Kor further particulars, address, (pos laro paid,) I.EARV & (iETZ, No. 13 North Second fSlreet, Philadelphia. Pulili.-Jicrs nf subscription Biiol.K. Phila., Aug. 21) 1S33. 5m Drugs, Paints. Oil, Window Glass, i;c. ft Tons French zinc wliiic. 10 ton Pure "" hite Lend. fV00 Hoxos Window (i!asa,nll sizes. Pnperior Potash, Copal, Coach ,I.eulh er tV Iron varuifh, white Dcmnr varnish for China (JlosB, with a genrral afortincnt of frefh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also oil the l'stent Meilicinns in general use, warrmiti'd genuine. Colored and Knamled Cilas-t, &.C., &c., for sale very low at ALFRED WIT.TEEROER'S Dnii and Taint Stole, No. 109 N. Snd Street, nilLADELPIIIA. I'hjsiriuns and Storelieejicr supi'licJ Goods cut to anv of the Hotels or Depot tree of charge. riiila., Mav SS, 1833. ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND bll.VF.lt WaRF,. Wholesale nnd Retail nt No. Til N. bKfllXl) si., opotite Ihe Ml. Vene.n Mouse, Cold l.evcr WuMics. lull jeweled, id k. ensi, fc-Je.UO ; Silver Levers, full jeweled, 614,1X1 j Silver lupines, jewslul. s!l, 00 all warranted to keep Rood lime. O-.ld Feus and Sil ver fuse, sjl.mi; t;.iid I'-i-eils. 61.00; 1 dd Pencils and Fell Cnsn Willi go.l Gold Pens as low as 33.45. 4c. Also, always on hands g hmI nssorlmcul of hue gold Jewelry, OoM Curb, liuaid aud Fob Chains, Culd Vest Chains, lidiea tiolti Fob Cham and Hell Fins. Silver TableSpoon. from VI I to 813. Dessert, SO to Pit, uu-t Tea, Pl,7 lo SO W ier set, warrnuted e.iml to CJiil. All giaals vt-arianle.1 io lis what they ore sold f..r. I Watehea and Jewelry repaired and wairranted. i s All orders scut by mail or otherwise, will be punc tually attended to. M. AVIPPI. Agent, No. '2 NVnli SECOND Street, opposite the Ml. Vernon Ilouee. Phila., April K1, ISM. ly. A VALUAELE HOUSE And Three Acres oi' (around FOB. SALE. PTMIE ubscrilier oilers at private sale, his house and three acres of ground, on the river Uaiil; wilhiu the limits of the Dorou'jli of fSunluiry, now in tho occuppucy cf John iSlimsler and orig inally owned by Clias. Ci ussier while engaged in boat buiMing. The itnprovemeiit aie a TWO STOItYFItAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, sinJ a good frame stitble. There are a number ol excellent fruit tret on the premises. . The prop erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable p:ice and possession given in April iient. Apply to lieu- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to Ilia subscriber at rSelinqrove. . . l'JSTUK KEKL1N. July 23, lS.-)3.tr. WM. H'CARTY, Bookseller. B B bSPECTr ULLi informs the inhabitants ol town and eountry, that he lias lately rerei ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his stock of books, in every branch of Literature, and in a great variety of Binding. Plea jo call and see them, Sunbury. Gept. 17, 1853. Stone Cutters and Liiborcrs V7ANTED J tVTONE cutters and laborer call have ateady employ and a winter job, (and not work iu the water,) at the Union and Sui-qiie'ianna Bridge at Chapman, Union county, Pa., midway be tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la borer $1,25 per dav will be given. LEISENIUNU FISHER. Chapman, Sept. 17, 1853. tf. BLANKS. 9"JSLANKS of every description can be had ly lilt apl-lyiug at the office of Ike American. R. H. II. II IG BEE'S remedy fur cough. --'colds, and tulmonary diseases. A supply of nu valuable tneuicine just received and tor sal by H. B. MASSER. Sunbary, June 4. 1S53 4 K.N OLD'S WKITIKU FLUID and Adlic aiv and legal auvelopes, for al bv II. B. MAbSER. Sonburyr Jan 10. I853- TOR aJe at thi office, Superior Black Ink, C lUe Modicin at Si cU, Fur Eusmc) of Criiiser. 3S cent SILVER WATCHES A few double cM Englisb Silver Watche, for al at very low price by . L U. MASSER,, , Sunbury, April 1J. 151 STSjEK IlILLA. JasdoM and ContsbIe Fee ' Bill kidaenljr prwUj wests' pay fcr at tai eeKe. - " mi i ssili ilaVi ffflii I ;y i A CALL TO n0UEIXLErE113 : i At Hie Cabinet Ware llootn of ; SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. . Market Square, Alto at Ihc corner of Fawn ttfet It the Railroad j ' SUNBUUY, l-A. ' Thankftil for tlie jiatrenaR of his friends and eostomers during tlie 17 year lie ha tieen in busi ness in this nlaee, lie solicits from the ptihlic a con tinuance of their favors. Durinir this period he ha endeavored to keep op with the improvements ol tha uny, and has accordingly exteniled Ins bust nes in every branch and variety. Tho public are ineretore invited to tlie attention oi the present stock of CAIHNI5T M'ATIE AND CIIAlllS, MANyrACTunr-n nr i 6E32ASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stmut, Where in addition to their former tock of the establishment they now innnufncture . Maho-jaiiy,' Walnut & Canc-Scat Cliaii-. Lnrire Spring Sent ; Rocking Chairs, Dressitift Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Warble Top Wash. Stands, ' ' and a variety of ofhir new style and iT.isliionnblc Furniture. , Having cecured a ITe:trso end made Hi neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they arc now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniils snd mistrpssra, nnd Jtustiiwt too, Here's furniture of every sty I nml lino, From side board down to kitchen laKas, : From rocking chairs to locking erarilr. .' Phuild yon not hnvs Itie ready Jons lo pnf, We ll wail awhile for a brighter better ilny, ' Or take polntoeB, oat., corn, wheal and lye; Bnrk, hoop p- .;.aavtg, or lumber n-et and dry, Or any thing but yuki'S and threshing flails, From pigs and turkics dmvn to litlle nuaits. Come ou then friends, come nnb and nil, 1 K"ep trade a monn, i'i'4igoes on tlie tjnll.1'. ITr" Order from a dlr.lsnre promptly altcndcd to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch, teunlmry, March 0, 1850. tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. ' JAJI KS 15. FIDLlill, Ko. 12 Smith Second Stree', ' ' ' Oulrl Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do . Silver Lcpine do " (Juartier do flold pens and pencil nnd silver hahler Silver Tea and Table noou Bracelets, Breast pins Kur rinirs tie.. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in tho city. November 27. IS.' 2. tf. 1,000 Men Wanted. ON' the li"e of the SmjrEII ANNA RAIL ROAD between lJiiik-epurt (opposite llar risbnrp) nnd Sunbury, in the Slate of Pennsylva nia. This rnml is fifty four miles in leiiirth' runs lliroupji a highly improved country, and will furnish employment fur stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months; A larpjo portion of the line in heavy rock exenvntion, laborer that are familiar will therefore find eer tain cmplr-yinent and liberal wages. DOL'GIIERTV, LAl'MAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 9S Itosendale Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses nnd Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale bv CHARLES SHE PARI) SMITH, of, and successor to, the late linn ol Evi Smith & Son. N. E. Corner ef Front and Willow Xreet Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1833. ly. TVfOTICE is hereby given, that application will le made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation ofa company, with discounting privileges, to he loented in the borough of Sunbury. in ''te county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to be called tha "Susourhanna Savings' Institute" Sunbury, June S!), 1653. 6m. - .w Holity . Horses, ,. CluMrca's Fropcllors, Gigs. Coaclisa, Earouclie3, &c. Maniifueturcd wholesale and retail by BttSHlTEI-L & TJLL, Ho. 61 DUCK Street, Iliiladelpliia. Order through Ihe mail promptly executed Phila., April S), 1853. lv. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made, at the next regular session of ihe Legislature to charter a company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with the privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., .and to ! called "Tub Mixeiis Uakk or Scsiiui." July 8, 1853 fini. Laborers .Wanted. " 11IIE subscribers nml immediately on th Railroad and liasin, at Chapman, Union county, soven nii'.e below .Stslinsgrove, from 60 TO 100 LA DONERS, to whom one dollar per day will pe paid. 8AYIDGE. WJI.VEATON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853 tf. S20 UEWAlil). rPJIIE above Teward will be paid for informs ii tion thnt will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or person who were guilty of filling the axel boxes of the passenger and coal cars of the Philadelphia, and iSunbury Railroad, with aud and dirt. D. LONGENECKEK, Prest. Sunbury, Aug. 87, IS53 . T)LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgage, llouds, Execution, Bumnion Sec, for sale by IL U. MA&SEK. Sunhury Abri 38. 1851 . ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with book, ink, and all complete, just received. and for .ale ky H. B. MASSER. Bunbury, June 4 1853. ritAfN FUMPtHe- 4 smsll number ef these excellent pump have beeo received aad are offered lot eale by f . . . i .. ,. , . H. B. MASsER. : Sunburv. Jun 4. 1So3. - . , , . iJMlTH'tJ KSMENCB OF JAMAICA filV. UEK, a tresh supply just received, and for ale by M. B. MASSER, I Sunaury, Jau. 6, 1853. l" - e - jlt f ' "t-iU.'-'l'JLJ.'JJ.I BANK NOTE TABLE. PENNSYLVANIA. MAMACAITRft-r cITf.or r"ILxri. All lrnt hsnka M M HHOOt: Hl.AVr,' .1 U.S. Uank ntes 1.1 cha At stfiTeiu imiiKs per CntTMTft nn w nrmi rsutka t m. - Bwik nf Chnnilershitr dial l:il,M VL-r--eir... All solvent banka I dia NEW YORK. ' Btnik of Del. Co, Chester par "b ... iii-riiiniHiWll Honk of Ch'UysburK Hsnk of (.ewiMcwii rmriAU Solvent tmnka : k'-ts:. I dia LT" Uk note anoar 5 I di . . HsuS of Middletown 1 ii. All lvnt bank " 1 d'i ' niomgnmery r,it Hank i.........nirry.;o Hank par Hank of Northomberl'nd. imi Hankirf I'llt.liurg i i KI.W JEUSEY. . Betvulere Rank i si. Commercial li,,s 1 j.. Hank of Danville pmlFar Hank M.nit Holly nr .M jMiidletowiiPt.I)at : i i. arn.le Hnnk ''..,f"'lifU'n paf Meeh. Miu1. Bk 'frent bar . I'.n.ton Hunk , pnr KxclidiiRe n'krittaijnra; 1 dial r 3 t II morns i;o I'.ank I dia r.avuaiiKe ii ir, nrniieh I (In' I ironee Hnnk dia t nrmera' b Hm k.Co parlPeople-i Hk Palter 1 1 di. , esrmers' Hk, Ijineaslcr parI'riiicMoii Hank VXT . r.i.iiiri. i,k, rmmi par !.nein Hankin. Co. htt Farm Ilk Selniylkill Co pr;Semerret Co Aank I di, , F ft ). Ilk Wiiyne.b'g 1 jdia Plate Hank St Cinnden uar f ranklin Ilk. Wnah'u tldis !lat Ok Klizabelhton Idi w llarnslxirsT Hnnk 1 dii flale Hank Newark I .l.a iinieartnle Hnnk 1 dia State Hk. N. Hrunswiek ' . ' I 1-ancaaler Hank l.elnnon Hnnk Merch. Mnn. Rank i II ,wlul' l nir, par I die 1 renlon Uunkuig; Co par t:ni.m Hnnk. Dover j dar , ' Ynr.lleyv'leADelDrf;,, l.Via fSUk iiolea nnder fs d i.nm-ra- II . -olnvill per Mnnonrnheki Bank I A,. Tsylorsv'e Del H Co IS dis ki-.i.avvaki;,. . W eat llraneh Hnnk pnf Hank of Delaware i.r v'ioiiik vviiKcsii'e pnr ork Hank, i din tyitelief notes i dial MAINR. Rank of Whetloek - S dia Mereantil Hk. Hiuifot India All a 'lvent hnnk ? die NKW IIAMI'SHIRK. All solvent Kanka ,ia VKHMO.NT. Bank of Smyrna ' ' pr Delau-nre City Hank par Hk Wilmn'n Rrandrw. nar ' Farmers' Ilk St Delaware par t'ninn Hnnk. Wilmington par Yf I'uder Vs I dia OHIO. All ailvenl lunks t dis IV Bk nolei under 8'l 4 dis NORTH CAROLINA.- Hank of si Allans 2 di. All R'llvenl hanks 2 dis All aolvent banks diairUnderS's, dis Tremendous Excitement ! .' . Cash. Steam, Electricity ! ! v 77i Aerial and all other lines out-done lj the ' U;rhfnlng t.lnc of ! . IRA T. CLEMENT. "1TTHO, having great faith in rapid sale and . v - (mall profits, ha just received ana opened a Urge assortment of i ' . SPUING AD SUMMER GOODS. At his Store in Mnr.'tot Rireet, feunlniry, which' he oflers to the public nt the lowest price. it , His stock consists of a general assortment ot . Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cafsinels, Jeans. Drillings, Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Laicns, Ginghams, Berates. ., , Sjlk Hats. A lare assortment of Hoots nnd Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. ' ' Orocrrles, Sugar, TVa, Cofivp, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Sail, Tlaster. ! HARDWARE, Vii : Iron a.nd f?teel, Nails. Files, Saws, cVc. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates. Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ft ' LIQUORS, Vine. Brandy, Gin, Bum, Whisky, It. IV Country produco cf all kinds taken in'er change at the highest market prices. .Inn. 15, 1R63 ly. i UnfTOK yolt.$:ilfi THE F0CKET ALSCULAPIU3 : on, cvEtty ont. his own riivsictA.v. - -! .-as??x:pi nroiE lortietii imi. tion.v.ith Oiio Hundred Engravings, showing Dis. eases and Malformation o the Human System in every li.ipc and form. - To which is iiddcd a Trenti.ie on' the Liitfasra of Fctnclcs, Leine; ol the highest importance to married people, or those coiiU'inpUling nisrrtaje. i'.y Ei- IVtM. Voiiiif j Let no father be ashamed to present a copy o i tho .tSCULAPIUS lo his child. It may sav ! him from an c.irlv crave. Let no young man er woman enter into the secret r.bligaiions of Hur ried life without reading the POCKET .ESCL. LAPIUS. Let nn one suffering from haekniep Cough, Pain in the Hide, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic senna tions, and given tip by their physician, be another moment without consulting the JJSCULAPIU8. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read thi truly useful book, a it has been the means of saving thousand of un fortunate ereutures from the very jaws of death. f?' Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, bv mail, or f.ve copies will lie sent for one dollar. AdJress. Drt. W. YOUNG, No. 1..3 SfPKUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1653 ly. Dissolution of Pari itc rNiilp. TltllE Copartnership heretofore existing Under L the name cf James H. & Win. Hi. Hart, is this day dissolved by the withdravrrl of William R. If art. The business nf tho lute linn will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 3S9, North 3d street. JAMES II. IT ART, : WILLIAM H. 1IAUT, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day formed a ee partneishl'f and will continue the business unde tlie name of Jumcs II. fc Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past tnvors. they respectfully s.sk the atr leulion of their friends and the public to their lock of GROCERIES, which will be full and ' extensive, and which they will soil at th lowest market rates. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853 Jjj.U. ' .lloro ?it Goods II AVILL1AM A. KNOIJtt, OESPECTFULLY lafonn. ei friend, and - the public generally, that h ha just received and opened a large and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS," 1-0 .i at his Store in Lower Augusta township. ' II ie stock consists of every variety of . Dry Goods, viz; ' T Cloths, Cassimert, Sattinetts, Vestings, Fltn nels, Muslin, t(. A splendid toek of LADIKS DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Suck as Silks, Bcragcs, De Lainet, Merinoes, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, let. . BOOTS AND SHOES, . A fine assortment for Men, Women dc Children. A large assortment of GROCERIES, ' 6l'CH s . Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasse, Spicej ltc l' Hardware and Queenswure, '.' . risli, Salt and Liquors. , LXII At . . Gin, Brandy, Rum and Whhlry, Besides the largest and most general assort ment ofall kind of Good to be had in the country." All tha above mentioned good will be sold at such reduced price a they can not be get tor elsewhere. Country produce of all kind taken la (xctraoge at the highest market prices. ' .Augusts twap., Jgly S, 185.1. 6m. , , GOLD PENS with aad without cases, ef very tuperior quality, just received. ' Also a fresh unplv of Vriting Fluid, for sIe , by . . H. 0. MASSER , Sunbury, Deo. 17, 1851. ... , , .. . . ) -, r MATENT BKITTAMA S'l OPFaVKS JL oer Doiuee lur eale ty II. B MASSES. unbury, April, It, 184 1 .