Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 10, 1853, Image 3

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    can be raited. Happily for our country, iia
trl, P"OJ ana tapnjly increasing poptl
non impose upon lis no urgent necessity
for preparation, and leave tut lew ' tiaiklee
uetcria between assailable poinia, and a pa
Hiotio people ever ready and generally able
te p oteel them. These necessary links, tlie
enterprise and energy of enr people are
aloadily and boldly stnurglhtj lo supply..-
r aii experience ainrins mat, wherever private
' e iterpiire will avail, it i most wise lor the
uencral Government te leave lo Hut end
, nitlividual watchfulness the location and ex
ccution of all means of communication.
:' The surveys before alluded to were tie
signed Is ascertain the most practicable and
'economical route for a railroad frem the rn
. er Alissississippi te the Pacifio ocean. 1 Par-
ties are now in the held making exploration,
( wnere previous examination nail nut sup
".idied sufficient iloln, and where there was
ihe best reason lo hope the object sought,
might be found. The means and lime being
. both limned, 11 is net to be expected that all
the accurate knowledge desired will be ob
tained, but it is Jiop -d that mixti and impor
tant information will be added to the stock
' previously possessed, and that partial, if not
fall re pots of the surveys ordeied will be
received in lime for transmission to the two
Houses of Congress, on or brfore Ihe firm
Monday in February i,exf, iisieqnired by the
mot of appropriation The magnitude of the
e.iti'rprnj cuiilempliiled has aroused, and
will doubtless continue to excite, a very
gcneial interest throughout the country. In
. its political, its commercial, and its military
bearing, it has varied, great and increasing
lelaims lo conside alion. The heavy expense,
the great delay, and, at limes, fatality at
tending travel by either of the isthmus
routes, have demonstrated the advantage,
which wonld lesu't fiom inter-teirilonal
communication by such safe and rapid mean
as a railroad would supply.
These ilifliunltiea, which have been en
couutVted in a period of . peace", would b
inxjliiitied and still Luther increased in time
tif war. lint whilst the enibarrasmeuU al
leady encountered, and olheis under new
coiuingenciva to be anticipated, may si'rve
aliikiiijily to exhibit the importance of such
u work, neither these, nnr all coniilorations
combined, can have an appreciable value,
when weighed against the obligations siiiclly
to iidhare to the Constitution, and faithfully
lo execute Ihe power it coolers. Within
this limit, and to the extent of thu intert-M o!
the government involved, ft would serm both
expedient and proper, if an economical and
p aclio.ible route shall b.i found, to aid, by
nil constitutional mean, in the c instruction
of a toad, which will unite by speedy'transil,
the population of the Pacific and Atlantic
To nuird azainst misjaneeptiin, it should
be remarked that, although thu power to
construct or aid in ihe consum-tini of a mad
within the limits of a territory is nut mbar
assod by that question of jint-.l c.ion which
would ails within the linn: of a Mate, It is
nevertheless held to be of doaL'.ful power,
and more than doubtful propii.-ly, even w ith
in the limi:s or u territory lor ihe general
guveriiinciil lo utidcitake to administer the
affairs of a lailroad, a canal, or othci similar
constructions, and, therefore, . that its con
nection with a woik of this character rdiould
be incidental rather lis. in primary.., I w ill
only add, at' presort!, thai Inlly appreciating
thu magnitude of the subject, and solicitous
that Ihe Atlantic and I'acitiu shores of Ihe
republic may bo bound logaihorby insepera
ble ties of common itiieresi ns well as of
uommo.i fealty ai d attachment to the Union,
l shall be disposed, su far as my own action
is concerned, to follow Ilio lights of the con
stitution, as expounded and illustrated by
I hose w hose opinions and expositions consti
tute the standard of my political laith in re
yard to the powers ol thefcdi rat government.
It is, 1 trust, not necessary to say, ih it no
grand, ur ol ' eulerpiiv, u . J no present urgent
Inducement promising popular favor, wi.l
lead me to disregard those lights, nr to de
pait from that path, which experience has
proved 10 be sale, and which l now ladiant
with the glo.vui prosperity and legitimate
cons i inioiul piogicss. We can aiford to
wan1, but we cai nut afTuid to overlook the
uik of our tecurity.
It is no part of my purpo.e lo give promi
nence lo any subject which may properly be
regarded at lest by the deliberate judgment
of the people. Hut while the piesent Is
blight with pioinise, and the future full of
demand and inducement for the exercise of
active intelligence, the pa! can never be
without useful le.siius of admonition and in
sliuction ti its itangeis s'ive lint as bea
cons ihey will evidently fil lo fulfil the ob
ject of a wise design. When thu grave shall
have o'osed ever all who are now endeavor-
i i it; lo meet the obligations nf duly, thu year
ISjU will be re. urn d t.i as a period filled
with anvioua appivhsuM m. A succursful
war had just terminated. Pojew brought
with it a vast augmentation of territory
Disturbing questions aroe, beaiiug upon the
dmnesiiu Institutions nf one portion of the
confederacy, and involving the consi itulioiiHl
right of Ihe Stales. Hut notwithstanding
ilillereuce of opinion and sentiment which
then existed in lel.iliou to details a id specilic
provisions, the acquiescence of distinguished
citizens, whose devotion to the Union can
never be doubled, ha given tencwed vigor
to our institutions, and nslored a fe.'tso of
repose and security to the ptb'.iu mil d
throughout (lie confederacy.
That this repose is lo suffer no hock du
ling my official term, if 1 have power lo avert
it, those who placed me here may be assu.
led. ". Tin wisdom of men, who knew w hat
independence cost n ho had put all at Make
upon Ihe isu of a revolutionary strucule
disposed of the subject to which I refer, in
ihe only way consistent with Ihe union of
these Stales, and with the niaruh of power
and prosperity which has made us what we
are. It is a significant fact, thai fiom ihe
ltd option of ihe constitution until the officers
and soldiers of the revolution hail passed to
their gravss, or, ihroogh Ihe infirmities of
age and wounds, had ceased lo . participate
actively in publio afiaiis, there was not
merely a quiet nequiesence in, but a prompt
vindication of, the constitutional rights of the
The reserved power were scrupulously re
eoeoted. No statesman put furlh the narrow
view of casuists to justify interference and
Eitatiou, but the spirit ol Ihe compact was
regarded as sacred in Ihe eye of honor, and
indispensable for the great experiment of ci
vil liberty, which, ctiviioned by inherent dif
ficulties, was yet borne forwaid in apparent
weakness by a power superior lo all obsta
cles. There is no condemnation which the
voice of freedom will not pronounce upoa us,
should we nrore faithless lo this great trust
while men inhabiting different pails of ibis
vast eoiilineal tan no more be expeeled te
hold th same opinion, or eulertaiii ihe tame
sentiments, than every variety of climate or
eoil cue DJ expected to turuisn me sarneagn
cultural products, they cun uuita in com
inon objeet and sustain common principle
uaeiial to the mainiauaoJ of that object
The gallant men of the South and Hie North
uM stand lo 'Other during the struirsle of
the Revolution; they could stand together in
Ibe mare trying period w hich succeeded tti
c.aitgor of arm.
As iheir united valor wa adequate to a
ih trials of the ramp and dancer of ih
f.-l.l. so their united wi.dom proved equal lo
the greater task of founding, upon deep
n,l hroaJ basis, institution, which it bss
beeni nr privilege to enjoy, and will ever be
our most sacred doty to sustain It i but
Ibe feeble expression of a faith strong and
universal, lo say lba Iheir aoua, whow blood
mingled m onen upon to sanio iibiu, imiu'i.
ly borne in triumph the flag of the csuntry
upon a foreign soil, will never permit aliens
tlun of feeling hi awaken the power of their
united effort, nor internal dissentinns to
patalyie Ihe prcat arm of freedom, uplifted
lor the vindication of self-government.
1 have thu briefly preienled such sugges
tions a seem to nw especially worthy ol
your consideration. In providing for the
present, vou cm hardly fail lo avail tomi
salve of the light, which the experience o
the past cast upon Ihe future. . . ,
The growth of our population . hn now
orouglit us, in the destined cireeroi our. na
tional history, to a point at w hich it w ell be
hooves us to expand our vision ever ihe vast
prospective. .. . . .... .
The sue:esive decennial tetures of .Ihe
census since ihe adoption (if' ike j'ovsti'.iiiij"
have revealed a law of steady piogressive
developomtnt, which may be iHled, in gen
eral term, a a duplication every quarter
century. Can led forward from Ihe point al
ready reached, for nn 'y a short i-rrind cf lime
a applicable to Ihe existence nf a nation,
this law of piogress, if unchecked, will bling
ua in almost incredible results.
A large allowance for a dimiuisl ed uof pro-
ponioual effect of emigration would very
materially reduce the estimate, wt.ile the in
creased average' duration of ni,
known In Ihivm alreiulv resulted from Iho
scientilie and hyglenio improverni tils for the
past fifty years, will lend lo keep up through
the next filly, orpeihaps hundred, the same
ratio of growth, which has been Ihns revealed
in our past piocress: and to thu influence of
thesa cause may bo added ihe influx ol la
borinir classes from eastern Asia, to the
Pacific side of our possesions, together with
ihe probab o accession ol the populations al
ready existing in other psitsof our hemis
phere, which within the peiiod in question,
will leel, with yearly increasing uice, ine
nutm al attraction of so vast, powerlul, mid
prosperous a coufedcralion of self-governing
republtcs, and will eek the privilego of be-
1 . .. r . - .. 1 1 I
g aniriiueii wiiiiui us suie nuu uapi'j imsuiii,
liansferiirni w ith ihcmtelvesr by a neacelul
and healthy process of incoiporiitiou, spa
cious regions of virgin ami exhtiberant soil,
which nie destined loswaiui witti tlie tast-
nrowiiig and fast-spreading inilhons of our
These considerations seem fully lo justify
the presumption thut the law ol population
above staled w ill coi.liuiio lo net with un
diminished eflccl, through at least Ihe next
half century, and that thousand of persona
who have ulready urtived at maluitty, and
aie now exercising l lie rtgiits oi ireemen,
will i l ise their eyes on the spectacle of more
than one bundled millions of population em
braced within Ihe majestic prnpoitions ot the
American Union It is nut meiety as an in
teresting topic of speculation that I present
ill, se views for your consideration. They
have important practical bearings upon all the
political duties wo are called upon to per
form, lleietoloie our system of government
has wotked on what may be termed a minia
ture scale, in comparison with the develop'
rnenl, which it must assume, within a hi! ore
so near at hand, as scaiccly lobe bejotiu the
present of Ihe existing generation..
Ills evident 'Hal a conieucrauon so vkri
ai. d so vaiied, both in nnmbeis and in turii-
loiitl oMenl, in h . bits and in luleies, could
only be kept in national cohesion by the
strictest fidelity lo the principles of the con
stilnliop, as understood by those who have
adheied to the most restricted construction of
tlie powers gianted by the people & lliaSlates
luterpieted and applied according lo thee
p inciplef, the great compact adap's itsell
w ith In a iliy cas and freedom to an uulimi
leil extension of that benign system of fed
erative self-government, of which i! is our
gloi ious, and, I trust, immnilal cliarloi. Let
us, then, w ith redoubled vigilance, be on our
uuaid apainst yielding to I lie temptation ol
tlie tX'icise of il.inl tfu! powers, even lindei
i he pressure of the motives of conceded tern
poiaiy advaulage and apparent temporary
The minimum of federal government,
ca npatible with the mrjintaitiuuce of national
unity and efficient action in onr lelalions
with Ihe rest of the world, should ulloid the
rule and nieasute of construction of our pow -eis
under the cenerul clauses of the constitu
tion. A spirit of stiicl deference lo the sov
ereign right and dignity of avery Stale, ra
ther than a disposition to suboidiiiatn Ihe
States into a provinc e 1 relation to the ceu
tial authority, sliuuld characterize all our ex
ercise of lli'o respective powers temporarily
vested in us as a sacred trust from the gener
ous confidence of our constituents.
In like manner, as a manifestly indispensa
ble condition of Ihe perpetuation of lite
Union, and ef the realization of that magtiifi
cent national future adveited lo, does Ihe
duty become yearly stronger and clearer
upon rs, as citizens of Ihe eetal Slates,
lo cultivate a Itaternal ami aileclioi ate spirit,
lancuace, and tonduot, in regard to ulhor
Stall . and in relation to the varied interests,
institution und habits ot sentiment and oitit
iuu, which may respectively characterize
hem. Mutual forbearance, respe-t and
iion-iulcrleience in oui personal action as
izens, and an enlarged exercise ol Ihe
must liberal principles of comity in the pub
c dealing ut Stale with Mate, w hether m
".islaiion or in ihe execution of law, me ihe
means to perpetuate that confidence and Ira
lernily, Ihe decay of which a meie political
unio i, on su vast a t?i.o could not iuug sur
In still another point of view, is an impor
tuut praotical duty suggested by this consid
eration of the magnitude of demensious, to
hirh our political system, with its cones-
oi.uing niacniuaiy oi government, is so la
pidly expanding. With increased vigilance
does it lenuiro iis to cultivate the cardinal
vutues of pLblio f ideality and official inleg
ily and punly. rubUo atlairs ought to l
so conducted that a settled conviction shall
pervade (ho enliie Union, thai nothing short
I the tiiglieH leu J auu siaiuiaril ot puotio
mortality mail s every part of the admiiu
iratiou and legUlaliou oi the general govern
ineut. J hus w ill Ihe le.leral system, what
ever expansion time and progtess may give
it, ronliniie more and more deeply roolcd lu
Ihe love and coulidunce ol the people
That wise economy, which is as far lemo
ved from parsimony us fiom curiupt and cor
rupliiig exiiavagauce that single regnid for
the public good, wlucli will Irowu upuii nil
attempts lo appioach tue treasury with insiili
ous projects ol private interests clunked tin
der public pretexts that sound fiscal lid mm
istration, which in Ihe legislative tlepaitnieiit
gnaru Hyuinsi ine dangerous lemp'.utiuns in
cident to overflowing revenue, and in Ihe ex
cuuve, maintains an tnsleepme watchlul
uess against the tendency of all national ex
pencil. ure lo extravagance wh.le Ihey aie
aumiiied elementary political duties, may,
irusi, ue ueemeu as properly adverted lo
hu uigen, in view oi ine mure impressive
sense of ibsl necessitv. which is di,4.,.!U-
suggested by the cunidciaiiuu now piu-
Since the adjournment of Congre, the
Vice President of ihe Uuiied States has pass
ed from Ihe scenes of earth, without having
entered upon the duties of the station to
w hich he had been called by Ihe voice of
his countrymen, (laving occupied,' almost
continuously, for more than thirty year, a
at in one or the other of the two Houses o(
Congress, and having, by hi singular purity
and wisdom, secured unbounded confidence
and univeisal respect, his failing health was
watched by the nation with painful solici
tude. Hi om lo the country, under all the
ciicumttance, ha been justly regarded a
In compliance with lb act ef Congress, of
Match 2, 1853, the oath of office was admin
istered lo bim on Ihe 2t'h of that. mouth, at
Ariadnt) eiaief near Matanza. in the island
of Cuba but his itrength gradually declined,
and wa hardly auffiuienl (o enable him to
refnrn fn hi home in Alabama, where on the
eighleenfh d ay oT April, in he most calm
and peaceful way, hie long and eminenfly
useful couise was terminated. '
Entertaining unlimited confidence in yonf
intelligent knd patriotic devotion to h l"0
lie interest, and being conscious of no mom e
on my pari which are not Inseparable f.rmj
h.. "n.lvmicemeul of my conniy, I
hope t may be my privileae to deserve umt
se.!urr, nrpnly jou? cordial crf'"'"'
8refpn(lfrtme....n.., 'h,,."8tlfh-.'n'
fions of mntu.l confidence itrfWiV
it is alway so desirable lo cnliv.te M em,
member vf co-ordlnute oiancne. ....
Tr,,f:'..i-Vl :! fr an'km n piercr.
Wsshinctok, D. C. December 6, 1853. .
' "
The Washington correspondent of the N.
Y. Kvtning Pott stales, that .official advices
received in that city, render it very certain
i lint England will sliorlly declare war against
iti a n it l r. i,
On Ihe 4th lust., bv the P.ev. P Born, Mr.
Levi II rim, to Miss Savili. Malich, both
of Lower Augusta.
New Advertisements.
WTILL he exposed lo public sale, at the lat
' residence of iho 11 v. J. p.
Shiudel, in
iho borough of Sunbury, on
THURSDAY, the 15th of DECEMBER next,
tlio following personal property, to wit i
A set of Harness and Bells,
Two eight day Clocks, A Bureau, A Clothe
Press, Carpeting, a Book Cise, Tables & Chsirs,
two Conl Stoves, a ten pUted wood Stove, a
Wash Stand, Bedsteads, und a variety of
Household & Kitchen Furniture.
Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when
the terms will be made known ny
Sunbury, Dec. 10, lb.ia.
Laborers 'Wanted.
'00 Laborers w anted in 'unbuy, constant
P work all winter, wases 1.12J per day.
Sunbury, Pec. 10, 185:1 if.
N pursuance of nn order of the Orphans Couit
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
to public rale, on
MONDAY, the 2d tby of JANUARY, next,
at lh court bouse in too borough of Sunbury,
Hie following real estate, to wit:
A Certain tract ot Land,
situate in 7.t'be township, about 1 J miles below
Trcvorton, thu I revorlon Kailroad pasting
through the laud, containing two hundred and
twenty ouo acres and allowance.
situate, in Upper Augusta township, and comity
aforesaid, coiilaiiiiiic one hundred and scvenly
four acres, and a ball, adjoining landa ol A. Jor-
lan, J. W. Smith, George Conrad and others.
To lie s..ld as Ihe properly of Sarah A. Shaffer
and Isaac Sb ulhr, minor rhildirn ot Jacob anal-
fer. uce'd.. (each of said minor owning one
fourth part.) The remaining one half part of
Iho above tracts will also bo sold at the above
time snd nlace.
Side lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
dav, when the terms of sale will be made known
liL-S J.V.M l.NJlikiN Ui(lCKJ,
Py order of tlio Court,
P. PLR.-SEL, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, Dec. 10, IS53.-
BY Virtue of a certain writ of Jc. I-a. lo me
directed, will be sold bv public vendue or
outcry, on Monday, the 2d day of January next,
at the Court House, in Ihe borough of Sunbury,
at I o'clock, P. M., a certain eijual undivided
seventh pai t of
A tract oi i.unu,
situate in Little Mahanov township, Northum
berland county, surveyed in th nanisol nia.mas
Zimmsrmiin, adjoining lauds of John lloyd, Mi-
chael Croll and Peter Mowrer, containing in th
whole four huudred and seventeen acres more or
Seized, taken in execution and to lie sold as
the property of William Ajers.
1 ' i i . u it i.-Tr ci :it
SherilV's Oliice
Snnburv. liec. 10, 18S3.
riIIE subscriber resj ectfully iulorms the pubKc
X that l.e has on bund, n large supply o! oil
kinds of
Silver and Plated Ware,
At his Storo, No. J 2 South Second felrcet, Phila-
lelphia, which he will sell at Ihe lowest price.
Phila. Dec. 10, 18.13.
List oi Causes,
7 OR trial in tho Court of Common Picas
' of Northumberland
County, at January
T., A. D., 1K54.
I I. V.,'a
Henry Klaze & Eve hi wife vs .JulUlullr(rtor
J B Masser vs Kcuta u ragely
Daniel b. Canficld vs
John Hunter vs
John L Y eager
Cornelias McUiuley
John Haag
Ueerge Bright
8 Jeuks Willi uolico
lo tuirctenaut
D Hoats for M 8weny v
Christ & McEadden
vs busauna lie id
Wendel L Ketlcr
v John r' Wo linger
J & A bhissler
Daniel CI. mi
Ruubeu i'agcly Q
John Koaser if Co
Daniel Gibson vs Jacob iteiinert ot Win Kahlcr
J Oil Rockefeller v
Hugh Maxtiu v
George Parlut v
Samuel Ewiug v
David McMicken vs
John 6 Good v
Morris L llallowell vs
Scull & Tbompsou
Buri.elt ballon iV CO v
Jesse O llortou
. Reuben 'i'roxel
Harrison lleiiu
li D Cuuiuiiug
James Reed Garnishee
! Warn
Itichard B Ciitwu & co s bauie
4'ams v bamo ,
Abraham Kissinger ex'r v Joint i W felanun
Jess Ilensyl va Gcoige W Blarlael
Jacob ti Mssser s John H Purdy
Jacob Kline Joseph Kline adm r
Will K Wagansaller vs Kipp Adams o jiariina
Flick St Vandlinir v Yandhug &. andhug
Jeremiah Wetzel
vs George Uarmau ci ai
Peter bheddy
Elijah Crawford
Peter Bilmyr ; .
v Wui Augnst & 11 Kriner
va xi en. r uniuyie
v ' Abraham Marshall
11 V Simpson
v , lienj liullingUui
vs Hatnuei Johnson
W m U U oo .
John C Mcloy
Iluury Wilhthe,
tisuiuel Neidig .
Aleu Elderd
v Gsorg iickert adui'r
v John Weddecouib
va . Fiederkk Wilhehn
vs . . George Conrad
vs Wm H Cbamberlio
Ulpha Ellis adui'r
E L Pider
ProthoDi tary' OtAee. i
Bunbury, December 10, 1633. V
rpRUNKS, Carpet Bag and Vance; also
lot of good Clocks fur sal cheap by
Pec. 10, 1953. L W. TENER CO.
SHA WI.S Broche, Thihot and Woolen In
Silk lace, and other "mm;" ""
collars, under-sleeres, """."bV CO.
ccived and for sale by I. W. 1
Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18S3.
L'E EN S W AH E. "Beautiful sets of Tea
ware, In Chins, Btoi.e China ami I IWf.
liim.r and Supper U.snc or
s"i. covered Dishes,
.r..i li ihr. uiuun rmn . i'""
Ornaments, fluid Lamps,
i,nl. rns, Glassware
in varieiy. and Tumblers from fij cent upwards,
lust received and fbr sale by '
1 Dec 10, 1833. I. W. TENER Si CO. ,
CRANBERRtrCS,1 Ground Nuts, Almonds,
Pecan Nuts, Wall Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, (.'ream
Nuts, Filberts, Raisins, figs. Citron, Lemons,
Candies and Tovs, just received snd for snlo by
Dec. 10. '63. I. W. TENER V CO.
BURNING FLUID, Caniplicne, Sperm and
Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur
pentine, Candles and Soap, just rereived and for
sale by I. W. TENER & CO.
Sunbury, Dee. 10, 1853.
ARDWARE. Table Cutlery. J.'ait.rf,
Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Haws
in frames, Axes, C hisels, DnorLcoksand Hinges
Hand Bells, 'Waiters, ;c, just received snd lor
salo by I. V. TENER 4 CO
Sunktiry, Dec. 10, 1853.
1VTALL PAPER. A large and splendi.'
' sortmcnt of Wall Taper, Window Pa
il as.
and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by
Dec. 10, 1833. I. Vv. TEA Eft ot Ut-'.
The News of liow the War
Between the Turks and Uutsiuns
GOES on is not of so much interest to the
iuhabitauts of Sunbury and its vicinity as
the fact that '
I. W. TENElt k CO.
have brought up this week from Philadelphia a
large, beautiful and varied stock of goods, which
llyjy will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect
fully request their friends and the public lo call
and sea them.
Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 3, 1853.
A. Strav Sow.
,4 Stray Sow camo to the premises of the snb
soriber, in Sluiiiokin township, Noithum-
bcrland county, about last harvest time. She is
of white color with black spots, her riht ear
partly cut ol', snd since on this premises, has
got five pigs. 1 he owner is requested lo como
forward, prove property t pay charges and take
her nwsy, otherwise she will bo dispsscd of ac
cording to law.
Shnmokin tp., Dec. 3, 1853. 3t.
N pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court i
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to '
public sale on
MU-NDAY, the Sutti of UEl.' K.M u K, next,
ut the public houso of James Covert, in the thor
ough of Sunbuiy, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, to wit:
A Certain tract oF Land,
situat in Lower Augusta township, in said
county, adjoining lands of John Hart, John Hen
dershol's heirs, David Shipman, Peter Berlew
and others, and mountain land containing about
fifty acre more or lens. ALSO: at 1 o'clock,
P. M. of said day, at the above named place,
A Certain Lot of Ground,
situate in the southern part of said Borough of
Sunbury, hounded and described as follows, to
wit: on the oast by lands of George V.'ciser,
(tanner,) on the sout'i by lauds of the heir of
George Harrison, dee'd., nn the west by the Sus
quehanna river or Broadway, and .in the north
by out lot of John G. Yoiinman, containing one
and three quarter acres more or less. Lute tho
estate of William K. Brown, dee'd. Terms
made known on day of sale by
of the minor children of said deceased.
Bv order of the Court, 1
J. V. PURSE L, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, Dec. 3 1S53. ts. )
IN pursuance of sn order of the Orphans Court
ot Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public salo on tlio premises on
SATURDAY, the 31st of DECEMBER, 1853,
the following described real estate, to wit ;
The Eastern half of Lot
numlier 178 in the Borough of Sunbury, bounded
by Blackbeny sLrect on tho south, Lot No. 177
1 ... . t . .. Ilnvl ...u .1I..V r . ti iI.a nnrfl, anil
; ' ' . con,.inillI
i 30 feet more or less on lilackberry street, and
i S30 feet moie or less to Barberry alley. On this
lot there is a larr;e two story
about 30 feet front by SB feet deep, with
a one story log kitchen back. There sre sundry
out-buildities on the prcmiies, and a large num
bci of fruit trees of choice kinds. In connection
with, th said premises passe the right lo sn
alley three feet and elf veil inches wide, along
the western wall of the dwelling bouse, extend
ing the depth uf Ibe house, and 3 feci 11 inches
At the ssrr.e time snd place will be sold with
the above premises, all that part of the adjoining
Lot No. 177, hounded by Barberry alley on the
i north, River street on the cast, 1'ait of saie lot
i No. 177 belonging lo the German Reformed
I Church on the south, and lot No. 178 on the
i west, containing 1C0 feet more or less in length
from noilli to south, and CO feet more or less in
width from east to west. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when Ihe terms
will be made known by
Guardian of Oakley Puidv
By order or the Court,
J. P. PURSKL, Clk. O. (
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1853 Is.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
Creditors and other persons interested in the
Estates of the following named persona, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
said Estates have filed their accounts with the
Register of Northumlcrland County, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tuesday, the 3d day uf
Jsuuary, A. 1)., 1854, iu the foronoou, for confir
mation and a.lowance.
Jacob Gesrhart, dee'd., settled by bis Adin'rs.
M. W, Jackson and Wm. B. Kino.
Peter Swank, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor,
Daniel Bwsnk.
George Oyster, dee'd , settled by his Adiu'tor,
John N. Oyster.
Michael Keboik, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors,
Godfrey hebock und Peter r ersler
William Berkheiiner, de'd., settled by his
Adin'rs, Allen Pbocniaker and Samuel
David Faux, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor,
' William H. Kase.
rter Brosiou. dee'd., supplementary acct,
aeitled by his Ex'rs, Peter Brosiou aud
Godfrey Kabock.
Samuel B. Irwin, dee'd., settled by D. W. Ir
land, one of th Adm'rs of W, W. Island,
dec d.
. Edward Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
John eung. ' . .
Georg Hsupl, sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'n
Geora Hsupl &. Hbalian Uauul.
John Wsrt, sr., deo'd.. settled by hi AJia'tor,
John Wert, . 1 .
Lydia Herb and Judith Herb, settled by their
Guardian, Felii Maurer.
Solomon Malick, settled by his Guardian, John
John C. Bnyder, Milled by bis Guardian
Gsorg Snyder.
JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
Register' Office, " i
Bmsbury, Ptc. 3, 1853. J
In the matter of the Estate of BALTZER
B0RDNER, deo'd.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
Jonathan, Philip, Peter, Joseph, Isaao ami
Geoiga Bordner, Maria intermarried lo Paul
Lahr, Elizabeth married to John Dickey,
Catharine married lo Elijah Anderson, Louisa
Ann married to Daniel Michael. Also to the
following Grand children of Bordner,
who aie the childieii of hi eldest son Ed
ward, now dee'd., to wit: Uomce, Augustus,
Henry, William, Brtiij uniii, . S.uah and Mar-Uarcl.-
The said lleniy, William und Benja
min nie Illinois nud have fur their Guardian
Ad. liltm (teurge Buiaioiis, auiliarali nun led
In Arihnr Hill, lineal ilesreudiiiils and heir of
B.ilizi r Boidner, dcc'.l , and all uthi-rs inter
ested. Gnr.KTlNii.
Norihumbetl.ind Count v, s.
Von aie herrby cited to be nnd appear
before ihe Judges of onr Orphans' Conn lo
he held al Sm bury, on the ritsl Motulay of
January next, then and there lo accept or
refuse to take Ihe real estate of said Ballxer
Boidner, deo'd , situate in Lower Mahnuey
township, county aforesaid, al I ho valuation
made by nn iuqnisji jon held on said real
esuie October 3d, A 0. 1853, and relumed
November 7ih, A. D. JS53, or show cause
why the same should nut be sold according
to l-.w, and hereof fail not.
Certified fiom the recorrlsof onr said Orphans'
Conil of said Count v al Sunbury, this ?lh
day of November, A. D. 1SS3
December 3, U53.
TJOTICE is hereby given llist the undersigned
Auditor, appointed by tlio Mrplians Court
of Northumberland county, to make distribution
of the. sssets of iho estate of A. C. Barrett, dee'd.,
lo sod among the creditors of said diic'd.. will
attend to the dutirs of his appointment on Fri
day, tlio V3d of December, iust., at his oflico in
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
II. J. WOI.VKRTOX, Auditor.
Sunbury, Drc. 3, IS03. 3t.
T4K. JOHN CLARK respectfully informs his
fiicndsand customers Hist be has taken
into liartnership, Mr. Henry
Paitoil. Llid llmt the business of
i II Wl . ' - -
will, hereafter, be couduclcd un
der the firm nf Chirk & Parton,
at the old stnn.l, went of Ira 1 . Clement s itore,
in Market street, Sunbury.
N. B. Pernens indebted to the subscriber are
informed that his books are ill the hands of G.
M. Yorks, Esq., for settlement.
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1S53. tf.
Fl iOCL A 1 A l TON
V OT1CE is hereby gicn llmt tbn seTeral
L ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
Snd dav of January next, and will continue
The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and fortho county of Northumberland, are
reuuested to be then and the re in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several oihees aphertainiug to bo done. And all
w itnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and
commanded to be then and ihcr attending in their
proper persons to prosecute azamst him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agrceablo to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the !!d day of
, - . . e i i ..i i
ueremoer, in me vear oi our i.uru one wousnnu
eight hundred and liftv-three and the In
dependence of the United Sutes of America
the 77tlT.
God save thu Commonwealth.
Jn ihe matter of the partition of the Real estate
of J nomas Giunf, dec d.
In the Court of Common pleas of Northumber
land county, No. 44, April 1 erm, A. li. 1BSJ.
Kcndcrlou Smith, ct. al. 1 The undersigned,
vi Auditor appointed by
George Grant, et. al. ) the said Court to uiak
distribution of tho inonsys in Court on said pro-
ccedinz. in partition among the persons entitled
to the same, hereby gives notice that he will at
tend to the duties of bis appointment on rrutay.
the ltilh day or December next at 10 o'clock of
said day, at the House ot Airs. Maria 1 liompson
in the borough ol Sunbury, at which tune and
place all persons interested may he present if
they see proper.
V M. M. ROCKELEI.LER, Auditor.
8unl ury, Nov. 26, 18ft3. 3U
In the matter of the partition of the estate of
James Lemon, dec d,
In the Court of Common pleas of Northumber
land county.
Thomas I.einon et. al. ) No. CI January Term
vs. S 1615 Older of sale,
Jcsss V. Horton & wife. S No. 8 August 7' 1653.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
auditor appointed by the said Court to ditriliute
the moneys raised by vale in the above case, to
and among the persons entitled to the same ac
cording to law, will attend to the duties of his
said appointment on Saturday, the Will day of
December next, si iu o cum n, a. jvi. oi sum aay,
at tho house of Mrs. Maria Thompson in the
Borough of Buuhury, at which lima and place
all person interested are notilird to attend.
Sunbury, Nov. 26, 185 J. 3U
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will to exposed lo
public Salo, on
SATURDAY, tho S4th of DECEMBER next,
on the premises, the following described Real
Estate, lo wit: Thirty acres oil of the North East
corner of
situate in Shsnuikm township, county aforesaid,
bounded on Ibe north by laud ol Daniel Miller,
on the east by land of Nancy Wulvcrlon, on Ihe
south, by lunds of said .Nancy and Michael m
merman, and on the west by lauds ol salu M i-
ehael and Philip Fereing, containing about two
hundred and lorty arres in Ihe whole. Late Hie
estate of William Pcisiug, dee'd. 8ale lo com
mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when tho
terms ol sale will be made known by
PETER PERSUING, one ol the r.
By order of the Court, 1
JN'6. P. PL KSEL. Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, Nov. 2B, 1853.-11.)
TV"OTlCE i hereby civen that a Special
XI Court of Common Pleas, m ami lor Ihe
County of Northumberland, lo comatience al
the Court House, in ihe burouul) uf Sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday the 16th
day of Januaiy net. aud will continue ONE
Juror are requested lo be punctual io
Iheir attendance, at I he time appointed
agreeable to their notice!,
Given under my band l Sunbury, I he 26th
day uf Novnnbur, in the year uf out Lurd
one thousand eight hundred and rftyTlhree,
and ihe Iiidependenee bf the I'nileiJ. Sta,IM
uf America ihe 78tb.
WILLIAM p. KirP, 3Ue,itT,
List o Causes.
FOR Secinl Court of Common Tleas of
Northumberland I'nunty to rommeme on
Monday, the 16th dsi ol January next, A. D.,
Edmund Wimhrster vs David Watson.
George Ridley s Ab'iu Dunkelberer's adiur'x
Abijiih r.owin v Wm II Thompson
Com'th for Win I. Heinrmsn vsT A Billinrjton
W'illiam McCorty ' vs Ksinncl Hunter
Daniel Rhode ' vs Jacob Wertinan
Inaac HnflU & VV'ife v ' Ilcnrv I.stsba
Simon Snyder vs Uoorim Snyder
in,, r n Mover At Mn)fr's Gar-
Ilitx for vs ' . , ' ,
asliiurrtnn Miiluid In-
vs E Kaufman ct al
sumnco Company
State .Mutual l'iie Insu-
ranee Company " "n,c
Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rsscr
Mahmiov snd Shomokin , , , n ,
T., VS MITtlllHIll i aui
Improvement co
Oliver It Milliard vs John Hartinan Jr
John W Peal vs Joseph Dinimick, ct. ol.
Willi;. m Forstnan ct al vs John Pinks
Jane Dogar vs George P. Hovers rt al
John Bush cV AVifo vs Nulliauiel K.ixtons adm'r
Jac.ii. K Rhosds v J l'"av ft J ILiriniui
Jordan (f Wclker for Lodge No 22 vs William
Jacob ITilMsh vs Abraham Rru'miidald
Daniel P Hilbish us GcorireApslrv
Robert Tbilips vs Zcrby Run and Mhamnkiu
Improvement t.nmtmuy
Mary Vickcry vs Daniel Lnlslia's heirs
Henry A Lcclmcr vs Joseph Bound
Wm. M. Rockefeller vs ('nrbnn Run linn Co
rrothonotnrv's Office, )
Sunbury. Nov. 20, 1853.
Estata of J. P. SHINDEL, decM.
TVOTICK is hereby given, that lellers testa-
-V mentnrv linv. tuton itra t.fil t,, I lit, iiuf t.erit.,-
on the estate nf J. P. Shiudel, lata of the lioroueh
of Surtiury, liecV. All llioce knowina themselves
indebted lo or bavi,:g claims against said estate,
arc requests lo make w(tlement without delay, j
Sunliury, Nov. 20. 1803. Ct. j
To the HonoratJe the Judges of the Court of
nat ter sessions for Ihe county of jo thum- i
herland : i
The uii(Vriir!M-il petiti-miT rcpnvtfiillv olicili lh U". !
Court in irrntit him a liceiisV to Wit ti an lun nr t:ivcm in
Jurtlaa toviihijt on lha ruiU Icutlin to MmtrFvilk.
We tliA undrrniirnou ?iLiz-ii of Jonbn t iwmhin. in
X'Tihuiiihednnd cuiitVs leiug in-qtiHintctl with the IVti
troinr. ih certify tlmt he m f a wxj rt-pulr fur h nmty qikI
tumpcrsitoe, and tlmt he m wi-ll prvilt'd with h iiih Tomn
nnd 'it!ir roiivciiit ncen lur llwafctmiKsilaiiuiiMf m ranger
tiiid travc!fri. ami Umt nt Inn nr tuvcni I litre in mccKJKiry
fur the nccoinniodatieti oi itrnncrt mnl travcllrn.
1. D. TlnlnirT. HrtiTV Halter. lMrr Wtlkcr. !!-nrv
Sinmli. Ilfttjuiiti Alttinc. J hn K. C'lnik. Nnthnniel
Schru-lr-r, Knnurl Wrirt, J'thii Kljlmg, Ilcnr)
j.rranii twin., n v w, icj.i. ji.
Estate of SAMUEL THOMPSON, dee'd.
TBJOTICE is hereby Kiven that letter of Ad
ministration have been erantcd to the un
dcrsigncd upon the estate of bamuel Thompson,
late ot tlie Uorouli ol SunUurv, dee d. All per
sons having claims scainstaaid estate are request-
cd to present ihein, dul autbvnticatrd, for
settlement ; and those knowing themselves in
debted to make payment without delay.
Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1853. CI.
Estate of PETER CBEItDORF, deo'd,
'IVl'll'K U liorrliv niven lli .t letters of A .1.
ministration on the estate of I'etcr Oberdorf,
late of l'pier Augusta, Northumberland county,
dec d, have been granted to the undcrsir;ucd.
Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will
discharge the same, and those having; demands
will present them lor settlement. All persons
indebted to the estate on vendue notes aro re
quested to call for settlement.
Upjier Augusta twsp., Nov. 19, 1S53 6t.
Estate of CHRISTOPHER WOODS, dee'd.
late of the Borough of Northumberland.
ETTEKS of Administration on the above
A named estate having been granted to nis.
debtors aud creditors of the samo arc requested
to call at my oliice in Northumberland, lo settle
or nuke known thc.r claims.
NortVd, Nov. 19, 1853. Ct.
ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot of
fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats,
also Cluth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy end Military
Caps for sale low by
U. KI.KUUKU lr Ut).
Market street, opposite the Post Oilice.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S53.
Estate of GEORGE ARMSTRONG, deo'd.
TflTIPR liorel.v niv.n llmt letters nf Ail.
J- ministration have been granted to the under
signed upon the estate of Georgo Armstrong, late
of Lppcr Augusta township, dec d. J bos
knowin themselves indebted to suid estate are
requested lo make payment immediately, and
those having claims-to present them to
Sunbury, Nov. 5 1S33. CU
Estate of GEORGE WIALL, Deo'd.
'lHEKEAS letters or administration on the
estate ol GEORGE WIAI.L. doe'd.. lat
of th borough of Sunhu,y, Noilliuiiibcrland
county, Pa., have been granted to tho sclis, rils r.
iNotico is bcrr'.iy given lo all pei.ons nutcted
to said estate, to make pa incut, und those having
claims wilt present them forssclt'emeut to iho
itibscrilicr, wil l will stleml al tlie public house ol
1 t;harlcs Weaver, in rjunbuiy, on tho l"lh dny
of December next, or in my ubseiico Mr. David
Haupt will act for me.
J..Mi:s . I L li.N r. K.
Sutibur)'. Oct. 59, 1SS3. 6t.
Important to Coal Dealers.
OH HE subscrilcrs beie'oy iiifurm the public, lliat
- they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kase, Ked 6i Co., for tho purpose ol
mining, shipping rind selling coal, delivered si
Bunhurv, or at any other point along the Sus
Thev will he rcailv loiietiver coal, wei' prepa
red, on c.n'trjct or olherwi'C. at all times, on the
shortexl no! i. e. and on the most roasonublo terms.
Orders received ut bhamokiu bv
Sunbury, June 4, 1653. ly.
Shaniokiu Town Lots.
fllllP suWrilier is uow prepaied to exhibit and
J- dispose of Lot in Ibe new Town-Plat of
Shsmokiu. Persons desirous of purchasing csn
ascertain Ih terms and roudiiiuii of sale by
calling on the subscriber, at Shaniokiu.
V y.. A l W A I LK, Agci'L
Shaiuokiu, Oct. 15, IS53 if.
I i. n whisolow.
. ii.vasv, ja,
i. a. eussKoa
Hartlitilow. TilVanv H Co.
I'oniKH ami Iomvlic
Ho, 268 sVofiiniorc J'frl,
If our Gouds oo exaniiostion, sre not as cbcsp
aa lliey can be houthl in any other market inry
may be returned (orlhwith l out excuse,
Uaiumore, ivov. xo, ly.
MIC lit Li, TH it Y. Wholes VJosk
er iu (.oidwtiourylFruiu-t'if:"
K4 MARKET fctrwt, a-ve aixlh. souk
side, next door lo Red Lh Holul, VWiladelpUia
' ' New and Faphionable Goods! I
JOHN V. MAliTl7,
l'aNlilouable 'I iillor,
Dctr Strtcl, out uW north vf C. J. Brunrr'
i-nic Ojjitt, Sutiiury.
t T AS just rcccivv d from Philadelphia, the best
9 1 una most desirable stock of Goods that bas
ever Uen brought to Sunbury, such as
Consisting hi pail of black, brown, fjreen, olive
mid blue.
A splendid assortment of
such ns satin, velvet, Giensdine silks, pluli vet.
vets, cashmere, valnieia, ami a splendid article
of while Grenadine for weddinif vests. AUo- -all
descriptions of cloth for
An extensive vsricty of plain and fancy csssf.
mcrs for pAiitulcons, C.nnmon goods for coit,
pants and vests, coat hindiu-s and cordings : s. 1
superior artii lo of
of I'm Idlrwl style, plain anil fancy black cravats,
hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk undershiits,
drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois and
other gloves, nud trimmings of every description.
Also on baud a few articles of
warranted to be e')iial to his customer work and
su'icrior to Philadelphia ni.inufac.ture. All per
sons Imviii ready made clothing of mo can have
thcui reu paii cd gratis ill case of ripping or giving
out. as I warrant all my articles
I return my thanks to tlio public, for their pre
vious patronage and rcjHclf"ulIy solicit a contin
uum c of the same. As I sm determined not to ba
unrl.nsold, my grids will lie disposed of on iho
mo. t reas.Tnablo terms for cash.
Sunbiuy, Nov. 2fi, 18.r3.
An Elegant and DuraMo Hat
TOIL $3.00,
Equal, ifnoi superior io i?iy now offered
Third St., below Chestnut,
OFFER at very reduced prices Iho followiiirrj
LADIES' Hiding Hals and Bonnets,
CHII.DKEN'.S fancy hats, of all colors.
Cloth, Plush, and Glazed Caps, of every vnric.
tv of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and
Travelling Caps. 8ofl Hats of every style and
finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Gents
I V A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy
Phila., Nov. 5, 1S.'i3. 3ni,
Chcnp Watches 5 Jewelry,
WHOLESALE and Retail, at Ihe "Philadcl-
' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06
North c-ccond Street, corner of Quarry,
t O jW lver WaU'lirs, lull jewclnl, It curst,. SOSjCa
I (J'.ld I.epins lfli. S-Jt.00, Fine Silver Sisx.t:iclcs. 1.6(1
Bilvrr li. full iewllwt. SO.iGoliI IlrHCetels. 3 0O
Silver lA-vcr, lull ji-wl'U IS It oflirs' Oolrt Pencils, 1.00
Hiipril.rr Qunrlieis, T.ltfilvcr Tea s;ootis, sot, 5,00
Until Ppectaclra. 7.0kl
Ookl Pens, with Pencil unil silver Holder, 1 ,00
Gold Finger Kings, 37J cents to $30 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 1SJ ; l.ur.ct.
25: other articles in lirotwrlion. All goods War
ranted to be what tliev aro sold for.
Successors to O. CunraJ.
On hand, somo Gold and Silver Levers and
I.fpines, still lower than the sbove prices.
Sept. 10, 1833. ly.
Dealers in
K. K. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
n. VING enlarged and improved their Store,
aud having the largest assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, thev a'e now prcpaicd to
ETHEREAL OIL, Pbosphenc Gas and Lard
Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all paterns. Fancy Hotel
and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and
Caudcleabras, and Brittuiini.k Lamps, at the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lumps by
tho package, at a small advance over Auction
prices. Being large MANUFACTURERS of
Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Elhercal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur
nish these articles at such prices that Mciehatiia
will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before
going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also,
tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale.
Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly.
l'latlbnn Scales,
Long iHownScvtrtly tested
Always right Th Adnoultd
gtd Standard. x
Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far
mers' SCALES, set in any part
of the country, at short notice.
240 Market St., .Philadelphia,
E. V. Bright, Sunbury.
October 20, 1853. 3m
Kew "Wall Paper Warehouse.
A'a. 124 Arch Street, secoud door above Sixth,
"f "VTH ERE may be found tho largest and hand.
soinest sssorlmenl in tho City.
Purchasers from the country will find it to
their advantage lo cull at our store, where they
will be suited with a superior article, ut the luw.
est price.
No. 1-M Arch Street, fchvjvo Sixth.
Phila., Sept. 17, 1?53 3:n.
.Yo. 9 South Fiiitrlh Street, fa-4 daort belli. v
Market it. East side,
n AS for sale every variety of
from 0 cent prr piece upwards, iucludim; Fine
Sutins, Go.d aud rivets, inutalioii Words',
Marbles, ic.
Also a great variety of new stj lo of Cutliin
Papers, Fine Board Piints, Borders, &.C,
Dealers supplied at the lowest rule,
Phiia., Sept. 24, 18S3 Sin.
V71M. W. .
No. 9'J North ?uJ f(trcil dnors above :h
Mt. I'civum House,
.Maimlactiirer of Pine Oil op
Cuiriw, Fluid, Lurd, and Oil LAMPS and Cndeiabras, for Churrfi
ts, Stores, Parton, h
Wlty autcri,her woulj ot rosueclully invito
lue el sioteKeeper aud Ihe public
ill general, lo hi large slock at R.v!, consisting
of Ihe aV RiuJ (i iielefi, whieji, yv ill e dispo.ied
of at Ibe luel uiaiiufacl,uor'a wive. w aolt
ale aoJ RetujJ.
AIso.IhwI mwdily of Iiur--tf FlaiJ, Pioa O
or Campbine, tloK onle. Wicks, Sic
N. B. vir prsWu.1 al'ly Lamps, a i
...his lor sale,
Phila , Nov, S, l8J3.-,3m,
iyKITINa FLUID and self avshoTTu'e
v lope, ,'u iccsHVfd. and sW ! hy
anril II. IKA,w . B. MASSER
U8TICES' FEE BILLS Tor sals bv
H. B MAibR,