,'irr,r"T:':T.'rK"'' t Trw t '- - titw-pMlmc . a li III J? ' ' H. B. MASSES, EDITO'k AND PKOPKIETOE: : .SS5 OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST'OFFiqE. H. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ; 1 jFamfly iUUispapcr-Dctootra to 4Jol(cs, attcinture, .morality, jrortlflit mm Domestic ilttos, science ant the arts, aovfcultutc, markets; amusement, rc NEW, SEHIES.1' VOL. 6, NO. 33, SUNBUltY, NOttTlIUMIJEULAND COUNT if, PA., SATURDAY,' DECEM1JEU 1), 1853. OLD HEIUKS, VOL. 14, NO. 12, f Tilli AMK.IUOAN is piihlished every SAulurdsy M tWit 1)1)1.1, AUK per nmiiiin to le mid half yearly in ' . .1 , . . - -J . i ..... ...4 .. . . . i I i. rmraoM Mr. ' KITHIKfl, PIU pipCI U1BVI1IMIIUTO I ... AU - - Pftlli.. , . . , (,-. ... Alt eommnnications or letters on linaiiiess relating to lit- offiee, to lmur attention, mnit be I'lllt'l' 1'AID. I ' ' TO Ci.riiS. ' P'tree copies to one address, ' "" ''MOO Seven 1. Do . '" Knivaa Do Do " Five dollars in advance will iy for three year's sul teripiion t the American. line Snuaio of 1(1 linn, 3 times, :,',. I'.veiv eutiSennent Insertion, ' litis Square, 8 mouths, " i months, . . u ' " One year, Husiness Cants of Five line", net annum, Mcichnnts nnd others, adverti.imt hy Hie yenr, with the privilege of inserting different advertisements weekly. C" Mrffer Advertisements, per nRrceinenl. 10(1 2.1 son sun MK) 300 1000 H. B MAS3EE., ATTORNEY AT LAW, EUITBUB.Y, PA. B ustness attended to in the Counties of Nor ihumbcrlund, Vnion, Lycoming auJ Columbia, liefer (si ' ; P. A A. Kovotult, ' 1 ; Lower & Barron, :. Santera & 8nodn;rass, Brass, f fii rlnnd & Co., 1 Sc Co., J rintad. :: , KcynolJs, McFarlnnd , , ticring, Uoou oc '. heneyI)on1nel, ATTORNEY AT LAW. " VJJicc opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa. Prompt llenlion to business in adjoining Cnuiitics. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW MILMSUKY, PA. T)re. J3, 1851 tf. : M. L. SHINDEL, AT LAV, SUNBURY, PA. : Deccmlifrl, IS52. tf. DOCTOR I. V. HUtJHES, OFFICE on BroaJway, near Ilia Eiiiscopai Cliurcli, Sonlmry. Sunbury, May 14, 185:1 tf. "slaymakerX haslett. C o I u m Ii C a jtl? o it 0 r , ' Chestnut Rlreet below Till, PHILADELPHIA. Board $1.50 per daijr l'liila., May 28. 1833. N. M. Ncwnain's H catty Rote, Korrerginn street, Poltsedlc, Penna. riumltiiir? lmi, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUP ply of all sizes of Leail l'ie. Sheet Leail, Htovk Tin, Until Tulis, Shower ltatlis, lljilr:i:il. Hose, Poulilc and Single Acting I'unins anil Wu-U-r Closets; also, all kinds of Ural's Cocks for wat-T and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plumbing done in the neatest manner at tho shortest notice. N. B. Cash paid for old Brass and Lead. Pottsvillc, Aug. 27, 1R53. ly IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND LADIES. CONFinF.NCF. enn tie plai nt, to the fnllrst extent, in I lie iimoC the !itp.iikr. of Mis ItKTrsof I'lnla deluhia. So many thounnd raKs are kmiwn of entire tetiet' of ladies from the most inteiiM priin of l!y snd anxiety of iniiel, srisinf frien Ine iik of other npplit-nti'lna nl uo repttiition wtwtever. Itewsre of ilielid, gljus. springs nf all Winds, and clastic prepnnilims, the tendency of whirh to injure the imticnL, is but too well known to many nit' ferers and physviims To avoid nil Connterriels. apply personally or hy letter to Mrs. II , No. 821 Wiilnut Street; Ktiinine tier Signature on each Supporter, nnd tier t'niled States Copyright laliels on eaeh hox. Iler Snppoiler. are siiK-tioiie.1 by a st:iudnir of an yenra unit alsohy the Fucul Iv. e mnislinx os tlie hiahest names in the 1'nited Suites. Wiskkd by Mail ran. I'kicks M'.nKKTa. Athlrem, wholeaiile or reUiil onhrs. tn J AS. UKTiS, Agent, No 3J I Walnut Slre.it, Philadelphia, i'liila., (Jetoocr I, !So3. tf. WM. M'CAliTY, '"r B O O K 8 F. 1. 1. K It , Market Street i SUNBURY, PA. TL"ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of " F.V.IXGSXIUAL HH KIC tor finginjr Schools. He is also opening at this time, large assortment of Books, in every branch of Literuture, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific. Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles; School, Pocket and Family, both with Bail without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding, Prayer Books, of all kimU Also just received and for sale, Purdons Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 185J, pries) only f0,0U. - Judge heads edition of Bhirkstonex Commen taries, ill 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 10,1)0, and now offered (in fresh binding) at the low price of S6.00. A Treatise on the law, of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Docedents, by Thomas F, Gordon, price only $1,00. Travels, ' Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. February, 21, 1852. tl. NOTICE, Bihk or NonTucstasniAitn, ) r. Northumberland, June 2S, 1853. " The Directors of the Bank of Northumberland give notice that they intend to apply to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth, for a renew al of its charter with the same capital, and with lis present title, location and privileges. By order of the Board. . JNO. TAGCART, Preat- June 15, 1833. 6m. . : LEATHER. FllITZ & HENDRY, Store, 29 N. 3d street'1 ' :' ' ' pmi.ASBZ.rnxA Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers, Importers, CoininUion and Oencral Leather Business. ' WHOLESALE At RETAIL. ey Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street, i , Phils., August 30,1853 ly. HF.SH Vanilla Bean of superior quality M- i lust rereiTru buh iui mk i.j Jane 4. 1J 'H. H. MAB8ER. ' 1 NK-Boureau's celebrated ink, and ! Con I grea ink for sale, wbolMttle and retail bv IWember 2i. 160 H B, MA83VH, , SHOES. AU kinds of Coots Miocs snd slip tiers for sale by ' " '"" ", .J.-i ' - ' O. ELRBERfJ k CO,' . VJ Market stroet,.opposits tin Pott Oflice.' Suubufy. Oct. 8,' 1 853 TERMS 6F THE AMERICAN. SELECT POETRY. a railway rhyme. ; ; FROM "rIiriENE.,"J ' Thpre iras n little milliner, Iler name was Charlotte Dunn, Tliimph there was nought ol ill in her, She love, I a bit of fun. And nn an E.inter holliJiiy, Willi mind all fiee from cnic, (Thonoh 'iwasa im'ln nclioly iluy,) She went from Eutlun aquarsi By train; in which beside her ' A man who aeem'd polite, Tulk'tl, smil'd mid look'J quite wiiely at Anuiher uppooile. Onward, Onwan! sped the train, O'er lull, and dale, and moor ; The wind sped alter it in rain, And could nut got licfuie. The whistle Founded long anil stiii.l, A liiunel now they neaiud, Which in a - a lofty, iiiow-cl.id hill lis dismal entrance reared. Young Charlotte saw Iter vis a vis Hise il)ly from hi. place, And by her side, rij-hi clonely, he Sat nli a drilling lace. Thought she, "liiese men look for n treat, (Jnle t Jinlye amis, And think 'twill b an easy (eat To Jiiulch a slol'.'ii kis.s. So when lliey in the tunnel got, She changed her place uuseeti ; Yet neither of the men did wet Bui she was still between. Then soon a diurnal cry arost, And raised a great alarm J Fur each had knocked Ilia neiulibot' nose, And done him grievuu harm. Right feaifiilly they both diJ swear, Ami swill llieir chalter tan, When each of them became aw; r i That he had kissed a man. The train soon pnssed the tunnel through, And came nyain to light Exposed their laces all to view It was a sorry sight ! ' " ' ' Wiih swollen nose and watery e es, Each vow'd in riyhl uood sooth, ll.t would the other well chastise, And beat liini without mth. The irnin soon lo a station came, At which the lass ot out, And, having much enjoyed the (jame, Said, with a pretty pout : "Good ninht, kind sirs; o you I wish A very plea-aul ride,' And counsel you, when next you fish, To see how runs the tide. "Let this lo you a warning be As to each loving spark If ztrU won't kiss tnit when they see. Don't try it in the dark." IHtocrUaitrouff i-cinttrv. ANECDOTES OF THE LATE SIR CHARLES NAPIER. Sir Charles was married to a lady of strong though gentle character, and he de lighted in relating an adventure which once befell the pair, very characteristic of both. He and Lady Napier were riding one evening, unattended, on the summit of the Alahableshwur Hills. Ihe sun had just let, the pathway was narrow, bordered on one side by jungle, and on the oilier by a deep precipice. I timing suddenly to his wife, he desired her to ride on at lull speed immediately to the nearest village, and send some people back to the spot where she left him, and not to ask him the reason why he sent her. She obeyed near it, ye iiiipjibiu ve ami uispuiauous wives! in silence. It was no slight trial of her courage, as well as of her obedience, lor the way was lonely, and beset with many possible perils, but she rode rapidly and boldly forward, and gained a village at some distance in safety. The party whom she then despatched and accompanied, met Sir Charles, however, about a mile from the place, following in his lady's track ; and he then explained the reason of his strange and unquestioned command. He hail seenj as they slowly walked their hor ses, four savage eyes gleam at him frm the jungle, and believed that they belonged either lo tigers or chetahs the hunting leopard. He was awar that if they both rode off, the creatures, folio ving the in-s'.'-ncts of their nature, would be sure to chase them. He feared lest, if Lady Napier anew tne learlui kind of peril they were in, she Would be startled and unfit to make any attempt at escape, or at least that she woum not consent to his own judicious plan j so ho tested her obedience as we have seen, successfully. He remained himself, conlronling, and probably coutrol- " t",wiiu oeasis with his eagle eye; for, after a short naze and a mutir-d growl, they retreated into the jungle, and Ku aim Ir- I. .11 L 1 ,J - -- v ikiiuw ins wife, ' i.aHw rv ... i. 1 . i . in iir, nrraeii related lo m inn. ther rather amusing incident in connection' wnn animals. As she and Sir Charles were coming down lo Mahablesbwur Hills, Ihey chose to pitch their tent and remain for Ihe night on the spot which was inhab ited by a tribe of monkeys. These beasts were drawn by their intense curiosity to the travellers, and Lady Napier sent lor some nuts, put Ihem into tbe pocket of her apron, and fed one, which was bolder and tamer than tbt rest, with them.- ' When they withdrew into tha tent, the apish guests likewise retreated. - On awakening next morning, Lady Na pier was startled at rinding that her purse, which" waa in (he pocket of her anron. bad bfj;n stolen in the night.' Ap. inquiry was instantly maue, auo, a close search instituted in her room lor it, but ia vain : and she b J come to tbe conclusion, that some of those skilful Indian robbers, who can steal the sheds (torn under one, . utifcll and un seen, hud tarried off her properly, lor 111 loss was considerable) when, walking hy chance into the back enclosure of the tent, she lound her friend the n.onkey seated in grave dignity, wi'h h'T apron on, imitating tier J'ester-eVfiiino's action, and supplying the want of mils with licr gold and silver coin'., which lie scattered liberally around him. lie was suffered to empty (lie purse, and then they tried to catch him, but, so far as we remember, Hid not succeed ; he relumed lo hid Woods clad in a black satin apron ; and doubt less played or the future, (he part of the monkey w ho has seen the world . Doth Sir Charles Napier and his wile were much beloved by the Enojsli resi dents in India. The general was alike feared and adored by the natives. He un derload their character, and they wre dazzled by his splendid soldierly qualities. We luve often found, when speaking lo them ol the hero ol Sonde, Ilia) thtre was some strange connection in Iheir minds between him and the come t or nebulous light, which, as they inserted, predicted the fall ol (he Ameers. Nay, I have heard it asserted that the Scindians looked on our general as a sorl ol incarnation of Z.itonoi, and that the (ear inspired bv his laconic proclamation. nelooches! I am coming up with 10,000 men lo drive you all to the devil ."'greatly assisted the might of his arms. We have heard an incident related which tends to prove (he efl.-cl this Snartan-like abruptness and known resolution had on the Eastern enemy, whilst Sir Charles was in Scinde. A fort was held bv a formida ble and desperate robber, and the general, who could ill spare the time required to reduce it, ordered a young officer of his army lo go, totally unarmed, inlo the hold of the chiefiain, and deliver the following message : "Lome out to me, or, by . I will come and fetch you !" The siimrr'" was as instantly obeyed as if Eblis ' x-lf had pronounced it, and (he fort " ..idered lo the English.: The hero's death was- iw and painful. Me died in his own hous' and among his own family. The physician' on whose skill lie most relied, and for whom he en tertained a personal regard, told us (hut a few days belore he expired, he ordered his favorite charger to be brought to the win dow of his sleeping-room, which was on the ground-lloor. He looked earnestly upon his old companion, and said with a dash of his former spirit : "Ah, you rogue! you tried to kick my brains out onre, but" in a more lender tone wish I could kiss you !" The poor steed thus apostrophized fol lowed of course in the funeral procession --the saddest object of it all except per haps the old generals, 'the brothers of his combats," who looked as if they, like our selves, cooiii exclaim with Shakspeare ; O ! withered is llie iritliind nf ihe v ar The s iltlier. pole i fiill-ii ; tlte ihI.Ih is g'tiic, And there is notliiii); left runiurkahlc Hcttcatli the visiting moon. vasiii;to:s's wic.vi.Tii The following extract is taken from an old book published by liussel & West, Hus ton, in the year 1800, entitled "Washing ton's Political Legacies," and dedicated lo Miss Martha Washington : General Washington was at one time probably one of the greatest land-holders in the United Slates. His annual receipts from his estatis amounted, in 1796, to one thousand pounds sterling, which is a very large sum in federal money, and was con sidered a very great fortune at that early day in this country for one man to po.-segs. His estate at Mount Vernon alone was computed in 1787 to consist of nine thou sand acres of land, of which enough was in cultivation to produce in a tingle year, ten thousand bushels of corn and seven thousand bushels of wheal. In a succeed ing year, he raised two hundred lambs, sowed twenty-seven bushels of flax-seed, and planted seven hundred bushels of pota toes. He desisted, it is said, from planting tobacco, which was then extensively raised in Virginia, for the purpose of setting an example, by employing his extensive means in the introduction and fostering of such articles ol domestic use and necessity as v.-ould ultimately tend lo the best ad. vantage of his country. His domestics, at the same time, were industriously employ ed in manufacturing woolen cloth and lin en, iu suliirient quantities to clothe his numerous household, which numbered neatly one thousand persons. ARTLESS alMI'LHTTV. The Petersburg (Va.) Demo rit relates a very interesting anecdote of a little boy of that city, who, having recently tost nis father, found himself debarred thereby from attending school as formerly, and, in the fullness of his faith, he determined lo seeic the wherewithal at that footstool to which he had doubtless been (aught to look lor other and higher blessings. Tbe Democrat says " in Ihe simplicity of his hear!, he sat down and gravely wrote a letttes. to uis Kedeemer, thinking perhaps thai so formal a mode of profertng his requests weuld aneei with ereater attention. What was the surprise ol (he Postmaster, William N rriend, Lsq., on discovering among the contents of his letter box one morninsr. late ly missive directed to 'Jesus Christ !V Opening it, he read the story of ihe boy'a wants, and, with a noble kindness, he de posited to (be envelope the amount reotn fed, and directed it (o Ike young supplicant We have never heard a storv that in so short a compass contains a more Instructive and interesting lesson. It combines a sin' gularly eicitious union of Cue illustrations ol the great pillars ofrelieion. Faith. Hon and Charity, and we would not wish to know (he man who eould hear this plnirj unvarnished tale without feeling himself and Ins kind ruublrd by the recital." ;. Bill II 01 VI'. CIIOHU. . The subjoined . beautiful thoughts are from Sir Humphrey Davy's "Sulmonin :" I envy no quality of mind or intellect in others, be it genius, power, wit, or fan cy ; but if I could choose w hat would be most delightlul, and I believe would be most useful to me, I should prefer firm religions belief to every oilier blessing; lor it makes life a discipline of goodness ; cre ates new hopes when all other hopes van ish ; and throws over the decay, (he de struction of existence, the most gorgeous of all lights; awakens lile even in death, and from corruption and decay calls up beauty and divinity ; makes an instrument of i!l fortuno and shame the ladder of ascent lo Paradise; and far above, all coin! inations of earthly hopeji, calls up the most delight ful visions of palms and amarinths, the (lardens of the hlesl, the security of ever lasting joys, w here the sensualist and Ihe sceptic views only g'ojm, decay, annihila tion, and despair. An Historical Anecdote The followinjj is raid lo be found in un ancient his'uiy of Ciiiinet'lieul : Soon lifter llio settlement ol the town of New Haven, several persons went over lo what is now tho town of Mil fotd, where, finding Ihe soil Very good, lliey weio desirous to effect a settlement. But ihe premises were in tho peaceable posses, sion of tile Indians, and some t:oiicieuliou scjuples aio:e ns to the prnpiietvof deposing and e.vpellina litem. To lest Ihe rase, a eliuich meeting was culled, and the matler was determined by solemn vote of that sa cred body. , After eevt ral speeches had been made in rebtlioe .j the subject, l boy pro ceeded to p votes; the first was the fob lowing ' ..-ted, that Ihe earlh is Ihe Lord's ait' , fulness Ihereol ' This pasted iu Ihe native, and 'Voled, that the earlh is given lo the saints.' This was also deter mined like the former skm. con. Thirdly, Voted, that we are the saints ' w hich passing without a single dissenting voice, the title wus considered indisputable, and the Indians were very soon compelled lo evacuate the place, and relinquish the possession to ihe RKillTFUL UWNKItR." A Cow for Thrkf. Thousand Doi.iars Col. Thofne, of Washington Hollow, Duvhess utility, N. ., lately unpolled n valuable Durham bull and otherslnck, by I lie sleatner erman, which were selected without re- yard to cost, of the best to be found in Eno- ind. Tho bill! is slated to have, cost fivu thousand dollars. Hy llm Vadiiiiooii, on her last trip, lie received a cow of Ihe same st i a in ns the bull, for which we me told lu paid S3,0(l(), besides expenses of he.r passage). This is r bably the highest piijedcow ever inporletl. She was accompanied by a two months' old Calf, which c.nl .Sr.M). Also, a lot of South Dow n sheep, of snpei iui quality. U they a io better than ihosu iiupotleil by Mr. Morris, of Ml. Kordhani, lliey must be very extiaordinaty, bul not moie so than the mania now prevailing for inisin; the stand ard of cuttle in this country by fresh impor. tations of ihe best ever produced by English bleeders. A Lauck Bund. One of the largest bunds which has ever been taken on nppeul to the Supreme Court, was lakeil yesterday iu Ihe case of Masi-e a vs W. Ailing and others, appealed from the Fourth Disliicl Court. The plaintiff obtained a verdict and judg ment against the defendants for a portion of Brownsville, Texas, for S25;000 damages or in default of the defendants making lo the plaintiff a good ami sufficient title of the land in question within ninety days, ihe de letulants were condemned to pay the plaintiff Sill 000. The defendants have appealed and hare been reonirvd lo furnish a bond and sureties for $200,000 on 'he appeal. N. Orleans Picayune. Laxre rUn.noAD Contract. It is stated that Mr. Washington McLean, of Cincinnati, and several olher gentlemen, under ihe firm of Washington McLean & Co , ha ve contract ed to build a railway from Foit Wayne, via Laeun, lo Council Bluffs. The distance is some five hundred miles, ami ihe contract amounts to between sixteen and eighteen millions of dollars. The Piioht to OacAK Letters. In the Maltha Washington case, recently on liiulat Columbus, a question arose as to whether an elfioer had a right, under any cireumslances, lo break the seal i f a lellcr addressed In ano ther peison Judge McLean atid lhat "if any person opened a letter under any pretence whateter, he was liable to be prosecu'ed un der Ihe post orTice laws," If suspicious let- teis came, it would be better for the posi master lo send them to tie ilepartmet tf Ihey had no au horily to open them, neither had the inarhdl, police, nor the court. ;,.,)'., Piceoa Roobt. We are told, says Ihe Clarion Democrat, that there isa pigeon taost, in the vicinity of Tinuesli, Venango county, where millions of the feathered tribe have t-oiigregrated to speuJ the season.. It is said lhat in the evening they come in flocks lhat darken the air arid at times the noise made by their wings may be heard for miles. In ihe morning they leave for the beach woods. Human voices cannot be heard at a few yards distance in the evening when ihe birds are.euming to the gio, ' Mauy people are visiting Ihe spot' lo witness a sight they never saw before;, n ; The Canada musk ral are busily ' engaged in fortifying iheir houses against the attacks of fiost. Tlii betukena a very severe winter : kmiiinu NKwamo.M tiik plus. Mas'acre nf Cnptaui (lunnison and Eight of . It is Party ly tndiuns, c.'c. St. Lori', Nov. 30. The Suit Lake mail has arrive. I al Independence, bringi g n ell: gence ol Ihe massacre of Captain Gunnison and pail of his exploring paily. An express reached Governor Young on the 31-1 of October from Captain Morris, giving an account of the n a mere, which was committed by a pttrty of Indians oh Se vier river. The killed were Captain Gunni son; Mr. Kern, llio topographical engineer; William Potter, a guide; two others, and three privates of company A, mounted rifle men. , The following air ihe particulars : Cup tain Gunnison and twelve of his pally had separated ftom the rest, and while at break fast a baud of Indians, intending to destroy a Mormon village near at baud, came upon them and filed w a I la rillc, and then used bows and arrows. Shols were relumed by the Gunnison parly, but they were ovet pow ered, and only four escaped. Gunnison hud twenty-six arrows shot iu his body, and w hen found one of his hands was ofl. The notes of ihe survey, which had been neatly com pleted, instruments and the unimals, were taken by the Indians. Coventor Young immediately sent aid to Captain Mortis, to release him ftom Ins criti cal position iu the midst of treacherous In dian?, and endeavor to obtain the lost pio perly. The party intended soun to go into winter quuileis. A parly of Cheyennes surrounded the mail, and demanded nearly all the provisions, which were given up to them. Mr G.tllego, tha delegate lo Congres, has arrived, and left for Washington. ARIU VAL OF JOIIM MITt HELL. New York, Nov. 30. ..The steamer Prometheus brought the cele brated It ish Patriot John Mitchel, with his wife nnd six children. Accompanying Mr. Mitchel, is Mr. P. J. Smylhe, w ho went out to biing him home. The whole are in ex cellent huallh and spirits. As the Piomeiheiis came up the liver she was boiiidn.l by Messrs. Meagher and Wil liam Mitchel, the brother of the Patriot. The rneeling between these fiiends in sorrow ,- ,r ,: . ,t and persecution was nlfi'cliug sit tho extreme. Teats of joy wero shed on both sides. The river was alive with boats, in which weie many friends of Mr Mitchell. Afler an immense amount or cungialul.tliou, Ihe party were smuggled ash ire in cairiagus that were in readinee, which drove oil at a rapid pace toward ihe Hamilton Fciryi nmid the roars of uilillery and ihe shouts of tho populace; Ihey wero attended by an im meniie throng of persons who ran nfler the caniiioe, eager lo gel a glance at Ihe Paliiot. The ferry boat was crowded to excess, and on its ainval ut Ihe Biooklyn side was iccci- ved by a still larger ctowd y welcomers. Mr. Mitchell and his family, together wiih his friends, were cheered iu the most enlhu" siaslie manner, and the carriages which bwre them were followed by ihe throng. Vfter bowing to ihe peaple, Mr. Mitchell ordered the driver tn proceed to Ihu lesidence of his mother. His way thither was like the march of a conqueror, and so enthusiastic were his fiiends lhat ihey were almost ready tn lake him from Ihe vehicle, and carry him upon Iheir shoulders The carriage, atoppnl al ine corner ut union nun iticaa sui-via, m uia residents of Mr. Mitchell's mother, brother and sister. The reuniting of this long sepa- rated family can be imagined, but its details were two sacred lor descriptioa. A Strike by Female auainst American s:... ..... m ........ ....... II. u lli... .trill- , - ., . . , . mi, r w i It a ovm uT alnLlticr ill I. notion. nay I.a nun. Ii..rt I K I.aiiI. ftf.alr anil mantle makers. They have held a meeting lu express their opixisition to ihe American , sewing machine; and they call upon all the j seamstresses engaged iu establishments lo aid Ihem in opposing il, as il is likely lo be ! introduced generally into w holesale houses, and the ruin of thousands of people rr.usl ne- ' cessarily ensue A petition is in the course . of signature, from Ihem, addressed to Ihe employers generally, showing Ihe ineompe - tency of the machine to complete aiticles of dress requiring extensive neatness, and beg. gittg them rariteatly lo consider the result of Ihe use of Ihe machine as likely to drive wo- men lo a more ''ignoble" puisuit for an ex Uteuce. t... r..... . I. i. ... t.nm.. . l. m.I : . r u , UIKIl, UMIB IUI liupc aiirei uia uniiiiaiiMiBia) , . J i , . n f I . . o i .a .,n,ils AlTrii.l Ka iialti u ruuuil : Z T ' , . , 'rrV Ul f ivu, lias icciiti, ue.ii .ii.eitu m un u . '. . ' . eiiy, Utiio, by mibi loDieign, ami was brought lu Wilketbane jail en ihe tl.l lust., and placed iu ihe custody of the authoiitiea (la will shortly be tried for bis Clime. Tha New Berlin Star contain an account of a recent inlerestiii( Family Gathering at the residrnce of Hun. Naa Middlkdwartii, in Bdavvr. There were present with lh Id Patriarch and his wife, II cbildien (I dead,) 90 granJ children, 1 great grand child, and a large number of ueighburs. ToucHisio. Tbe Buffalo Republican says: -A little boy, clad poorly, standing in frun( of tha Western Hotel, waa accotieel . this morning by a rude young man, with tha question, "Dues jour mother know ynu'ra outl" t Tha little fellow looked at tbe inter rogate? a mumeut, while bis bosom heaved, and tears gathered in his eyes, as he replied, ''Sir my dear mother ia dead." ' UAMK IX TIIK AtM'TIC kM)IO. Among I ho interesting features ol the voy age of the 'Invesligalui" into the Aiclic regions is the quantity and dectiptin ol game found by the during exploieis. Th" crew of ihe Investigator killed fiom Ihe first ofOulober, 1850, In the 8lh of Apiil, l.3, the following, miMtly during ihe spring of I lie present year: 7 musk oxen, 1 10 deer, 16!) hares, 48ti gmuse, 198 ducks, 29 geese, 2 wolves and 4 benis; total 1.005. The musk oxen averaged 278 lbs. each, ami the deer 70 lbs. The deer were found lo be very wild, and the gunners had tn exercise greai caulion to obtain a shot. The mode lliey adopted was the following: 'They secieled themselves iu various pail of the laviues, or behind llio sand hills, and listened wiih breathless silence until they heard the deer lap ihe snow off the willow wilb their feel in order to eat Ihe herbage. When the air is fiosly and the weather calm this tapping could be heard ut a distance of two huudied yards, and, by listening and obteiviug minutely, ihe gunner easily de tected the position in which bis prey was located. As soon as ibis was correctly as certained, a peison was sent a considerable distance round the deer, and a slight noise having been made at their back they imme diately ran ufl, probably past the guiltier. It was in such instances where the chances of a kill' occurred. ' One hundred and ten deer were thus killed; and as they will run distances after receiving wountU, it is fair to suppose lhat many mere would have been secured if the crew bad been accompanied with a brace or more of deer hounds. Another Substitute for Coal. The Meriden (Conn.) Whip, announces a new in vention by Mr. Gold, for heating a room without the use of Coal or Wood, and says: "By its use, one pint of water is converted inlo steam, condensed and re-converted to steam, ad infinitum ; does not need lo be re newed ; the beat is continually radiate, and in proportion In the degree of heat used, is Ihe rapidity ef the process ami the amount of caloric evolved. It occupies but little room, may be painted in any style, nnd hung upon the wall f may be carried from one room to nsmlher ; eanitnt be injured by care less servants, heating rapidly, and cost is lii- lni'K , nun me rapeiiew im ueaiiu!f is liuotll 1 n: . i r i .: linn nun niai in coal noil JTuun. i lit? Ileal used is lhat of bunting alcohol or olher gase ous fluids." Important to l!o.n Si-pehvisors. We learn from the H.irtfunl (Md.) Gazelle, lhal iu the Circuit Coutt of flat ford county, hold ul Uulaira few day since, Judgo Constable. in a case before him, decided that supeivi sors of roads are liabio lo indictment for al lowing roads lo become impassable, whether the amount of funds iu theii hands at the time is sufficient lo make the necessary re pairs or nol. Il a reason idde sum of money is required to put Ihe road iu good order, Ihe supervisor, is bound lo have it done, on his own responsibility, nnd settle aflciwatd w ith the county commissioners. Henry Ani.i.in nf Jackson county, Geor gin, aged I0G years, a soldier in the revolu tionary war, departed this life on tho 26lh of October. He was a unlive of Peunsylva ni.i, and entered the eonlir.eutal army in N. Carolina, nnd wus with Count Pulaski at Ihe , -iege q S(iVa)1ah II kr k is a beautiful sentence from the pen 0f Coleiidge. Nothing can be more eloquent, nothing more true "Call not lhat man wretched who, what- ! ever else he sufTers, as to pain inflicted or , , . . , ' ' , I imais, roveriy may grinu nirn io ine oust i J J ' r I nis voice may oe uuneaoeo ny inose among whom he dwells and his face may be nn known by his neighbors even pain may rack his joints, and sleep flee from hispi'low but he has a gem with which he would not part for the wealth defying computations, for fame filling a world's ear, for the Inchest power, for the sweetest sleep that ever fell on mortal's eye." 1 New jtND Tretty Idea A grave stone ..jy cnl j til rjiiy, My, ihe Newatk (N j ) Advertiser, has at the lop adHgneireolype 0f the deceased person neatiy set into the (;0iie This is a novel snd apnropiiale meih j 0J not i nly cunvnemoratiug a fiiend. but of I bringing them as they appearrd in life, lo I the reculleciion of acquaintances visiting r. lheif BrHf, Were il universally adopted, it I uou"' Hicreane Ine meluiiclHily lutereM of III i a t cemetenen, mid nouM la in inTi!iiub! ml I J'iu fmbsof pubiie and di-lipguieh , ed citizens. Another Planet Mr Bird, the astrono mer at Biihop'e Obsmvalory, London, dis coveied on the 8th ull., another new plane) rather brighter than a star of the ninth ma n'uuae. It is the ninth he haa disenveiei since the commencement of his systematic search in 1846, and the twenty-seyeulh of tha group between - Mara and Jupiter. waa discovered in the Cunstellation Taurus, about two degrees south of the etiptic. Slicidc or a Mkdiux. Tha Herkimer Democrat contains an aruouut u Ihe suicide of Lewis A Emery, in thai town. He wa a jeung man of 21 years of age, bad been k-1:-..... .1 i- . "!"' rpiiimai nicoiuius, ana waa men' self a medium. He bad been slightly de ranged lor some lima before hit death. Cannell coal haa been discovers in lb b cinity of Ebeitsburg, Pa, HI I l:VAMII fl laTKAOKDHAIlY., The Itev James Williams, the well-known i .i - i . Hinl phi'anihropiit missionary, so long rear lent in the Souih S. a Islands, laught the na tives lo manufacture lime from llie coral of Iheir shores The power fill eHecl pioducnl upon ihein, nnd ihe tv.lraor.linary rises to- hich Ihey implied it, be thus facllUiusly (te- sci ibes : ' "Afier having iHitfilie.r ot ihe process 'tif burning, wll eh Ihey believed to bWo rook the coiul for their foo.l, what was their 'as louishmeiil when in the mnrri'irig they found his cotliioe gliilcrinu iu ihe rising sun, W hit"' as snow : Ihey danced, they snug, they hhout- I nnd screamed wiih j;iy. The whole is land was in a commotion, given up to won- er and curiosity,' and tho lit ughuble scenes- ti it-la ensued after they got poession of I lie- finish and tub baflli description. . J uu boir ton immediately voti-il.it a cosmetic and- tlydor, rnni supei lalively happy did many a swarthy enqueue consider herself could she but enhance her charms by n, dab of tho hite binsh. Ami now parly spiiil ran high, is. it will do in more civilizoil countries, as io who was or wl o was not best' entitled lo uftuence. One parly argued iheii superior ink ; otto had got ihe brush nnd tens deter" mined at all events tw keep it; and a third' ied In overturn the whole, lhal Ihey mighE obtain some of Ihe sweepings.-; They did nol even scruple lo rob each olher of the lit lie share that some had been so happy as to- secure, cut soon new lime was prepared. and in a w eek nol a but, a domestic utensil, wai-club, or garment but what was us bite as snow ; nol an inhabitant but had a skin painted wiih the mosl grotesque figures; not a pig but what wus similarly whitened, and even mothers might be seen in every di rection capering w iih extravagant gestures and yelling with delight nl the superios beauty ef their whitewashed infanta." ' '' New York Liberality There has re" cenlly been raised iu the city of New York, by individual voluntary subscription, on hundred and Iwenly-five thousand dollars, for the ptirpnso of enlarging the Broadway Hospital and Ihe Insane Asylum at Bkrom- ingdale. The snbsci iptiim was headed ..by James Lenox with Jweiily-five thousand dol lars, and by Joseph Sampson with ten thou sand do-finis. Tho Correspondent of the Jo'trnal of Com merce says: '-Il tregrns to iooK as it liei;en on and Cobb would be the national demo- ratic ticket for the Pn a deney and Vice, Pte.sidency in 1S&6. The Empire r.i the North and Ihe Sonth are to t., nomination." Pr'ATII OF UkMINOTON, THE HnmOT BtMT.- DF.R The Soiuliern papers anminiicn the lenlh of John R. Reminglnn, at Galveslon.l Texas, on the 18th ult. )T yellow fever. Mr-, Koningtun was well known as Ihe inventor of the ''Remington Bridge," nnd the inventor of many other new branches of mechanical inluslty. " '", The yield of potatoes on the American bot-. torn, near Alton, ill., is astonishing. As . many as 400 bushel per acre, it is said, have ; been dug this season. The average is 300 , bushel. They are worth 25 lo 30 cents per bushel. It is said n mnjoiity of llie Nissistippi Sen- i ale is iu favor of Gov. Fonlu for ihe United , Slates Senate, but that in the House he it ii . a large minority, so that in all probability, no . election will lake placer. ' ' , ' Tho Hatlowoll Gazelle notices the receipt '' of an apple from Mr. Morton, of that city. ! which was picked from a tree iu 1823, Ihir- ly-one years ago. It ia in a good stale .of . preservation, and quite a curiosity, t , r .... Ji nr.r. Tetit, ol Itiiliaia, haa decided that ' ihe Liquor Law, passed in that State last winter, is unconstitutional, and has dischar- - ged those who had been ai rested charged with breaking tint law. Arkansas U. S. Senator. Robert W- Johnson, late member of Ihe U S. House of ' Ripteennlives, has be en appointed by the Governor nf Arkansas to fill the vacancy in the U S. Senalo caused by the resignation of the Hon. Solon Boiland, now filling a 2i plomaiiu station. . ; New Hampshire U. S Senator. Concord' Nov. 30 Ev-Gov. William has been ap. pointed U. S. Senator, to fill the vacancy oc casinned by the death of Mr. Aiherlon.j The new Anthracite Fur mee nf Messra. Clement, B oka & Co., at Hopew ell, Berka -county, wa successfully "bluwn in" lust week The Vermont Legislature lately got into a s'rnng debate, aojj, lo still mailers, they invi ted ia the Baker family, who caiua and sung; three aougs. ., '1 The Union Canal Company have S'ieoee'1 ed in negqiialimi the loan to enable them in widen iheir canal. The woik will now on w ithout much further delay . go The physician of New but) port, M i have agreed to raise their rW-'ge dollar. - t , Tb Charleston Mercury lake . f 'eoml , -ainsl the annexation of lb Saudib. . Islands. j i. :- .. ' t ' 1 ' ' Poultry exhibitioi wrre fceW ' C,'""; iad Charleston Ul week.