a iH-m. STTNI.TT.iV AMERICAN AND SllAMOKIN JOU31NAL. General Election Returns of Northumberland County, held October 11, 1853. Official. Assembly. Commissioner. Treasurer. HH . T" wJ I t-H g Judge of Supreme Court. Canal Commi"""' Auditor General. Surveyor General. District Attorney, Deputy Surveyor, Auditor. i ? S i5 H cr o 3 e 4? o 2 " w ? r O 5.' 3" o 9 a ! ru o ST ' a O a o M 8 ta 8 3 a o 3 sr o S t 3 . 3 3 3 c a cr s a o a v V-,.- Boroughs 3 5 P 5 a? M . P ! ta -!5 ta i as 3 o a o 3 THE AlOP.XCAlT. to e 4 5 - 3 SLWBUKY. ., I Townships SATIROAY, OCTllli:il I J , i-". :"'TlVlrMASEB, r.Jllor and rr...rlstr. ' Ts AnvrSTuims.-.Trie nrnilntl"n of the Punhary American amnnc Ilia different towns ' Hi Haryiehaniia it nnluminl if equalled by an- rl,fT ,,,'',llc,, :!u,,l m Pennsylvania. KIMTOH's) TAliLK. Itnsliirs Notices. . NW Ciock A: Watiiimaki-.ii'i. We mil the attention of our renders to Ihe advertisement of Messrs. Hirscli & Co., who hsvo opened a handsome stock of goods, as will be seen hy their advertisement I.iTr.mai Co.vi'ASins. The hist number if this periodical come to us well tilled ami hand aomrly illustrated. Published nt Hnrrishurg, at $1 prr annum. ErisrorAi, si'nvit i: Service will be held, by Divine Perniiimi in St. Matthew' Church, to morrow (Sun day) evening ' o'clock. !Cy Several articles Cor this weeks paper hare been necessarily crowded out. tTJ" A correspondent who writes to us CTer the signature of "Jackson," li sis not complied with our rule by giving us hit name. JO" Who struck Billy Patterson? is no ! longer the question, but who struck our j neighbor of the Gazette somebody surely has hit htm. He roars worse than any tucking dove : .V'otBrree Olhtll ), In j Inuil a strain, Roaictl or tlie hawtkerc-hiei' tliat cuuaitl liii. rain. Our neighbor's case must be attended o , E?" The election Tuesday last, passed oil without much excitement, excepting a mall fight got up in the afternoon, which, however, was nipped o!T in its commence ment, by the prompt actienof Sheriff Kipp, aided by Constable Bucher, taking one of the belligerents to Jail, and locking him behind the grating for a few hours. The day was fine, go much so, that no doubt many in the rural districts were tempted to tiny at home. fly The County Agricultural Fair wil be held at Milton on Tuesday and Wednes day, the 18th and 19lh inst. The people in that neighborhood lake great interest in these matters, and the exhibition will no doubt be a creditable one. The address on the occasion will be delivered by David Taggart, Esq., of Northumberland, a gen tlemfn who takes a deep interest in thes matters, and who is well 'qualified for the post assigned him. ELECTION MEWS. The returns from this county s'iow any thinf? but hirmnnv nt nrtirtn nr 'air dnlinT even amone those who profea to entertain j similar views in regard to the candidates. An open opposition, though it may not be itomnl nnlitir. rsr pvpn nroner. bv strict ! partisans, is, nevertheless, not dishonora- j P,ace w,lh th rhiUdelphia and Sunbury ble. ' We are among those who claim the I rai1 roa(l- b which passengers will be put largest liberty in regard lo politics, but we j ruSh to Philadelphia in the shortest pes have always looked with contempt upon '')'9 '''"' acta of treachery and hypocricv. We may j " ' be more explicit on this subject in our I A slip from the Port Cibson Herald npxl !says: As the editor of that paper, Mr For Assembly, David B. Mon!-omery ,f E.scly , will probably die to-night, there this county is elected by a majority of 303. j ,lave hn 110 P3?"8 maiI-J l" any one. Wire working and intrigue did its utmost ,Since Tuesday there have been many new in rc-ard to Treasurer and District Attor- i cafes and il ''f been spreading dreadfully . ., , . ! . . nn the ulnntatinns. nev. Bucher tne aemocratic canuioaie , was elected Treasurer by a small majority i of 1G2 voles. He and Rockefeller, the 'wreck of a steamer-eleven lives candidate for District Attorney, were reg- ! lost. ularly traded o!T for the benefit of Mr.! Pt. Johns, N. 15 , Ocrob.r 8 The steam- Tbarp, the whig candidate for District At- ' er F',ir ,la'" wa lost ,afl leen torney and others. Tharp, whi. is elected j Vk"" ,,lam' 0,1,1 ,he main Ia,,:, Two Pas . ... i co Hi l- i .i sengms, and 8 of the crew, and all the o(h- by a majority ol 2S. Mr. binder, the t b ' ..... '. J .' . . cers, weie saved ; but 11 passengers were d emocral.c candidate Tor Comrmtoner is ; ,()5( A Mf E,y Camoro ona of tho,e av. elected by 329 votes, over Sharpie, the ! eJ he MW hrpe ,ailiei illk , not whig and anti-subscription candidate. Mr. kl1(iwll pr.iiirely how many passengers were Hoover was elected Auditor, and Mr. ; nt. F.iuht of ihoso supposed to have bten Young District Surveyor, the last without lost floated ashore in the wreck. opposition. The whole democratic state J Tho Captain ami crew have been arrested (ifli-l ! e! .i-tp I veliii.vit d in',' Ken I.i r : majority. ! In Philadelphia, Eli K. Trice, whijf consolidation Senator was elected. Asserti' bly, W. C. Patterson democrat and consul- ' elation, Geo. H. Hart whig and contolida- : ton, 11. K. wbis. W. Strong, and W. R. Mrris, i B. Reed whiir, District Attor- i tiey. J. K. Murphy, democrat, was elected ; xursnai oi I'oiice. :i. lei; gn Whig, for County Treasurer- In t!ie Coun ty, for Senate, John W. Slokes, whi,; and Maine liquor law. For Assembly the democratic liquor law candidate were elected. C. H. Buckalew of Columbia, ij elected to the Senate by a large majority. Io Uuion county the div'sion and anti division candidates for Assembly are so close that the result is not yet known. Oy Siumokih FuasACE We stated last week, that this lurnace had been sold to Wm. Atkins, of Philadelphia, lor $3D, 000. The intentien of the purchaser is to put the works into operation as soon as pos sible. E. Y. Bright is making the neces- sary castings for the purpose at his Foundry , sua micDiae ii)0p i0 this place. Iron commands to- high a price, lo leave iron works Ii idU any lenjth of time; Sunbury Northumberland Milton Turbut . Ltwis Delaware Chilisqtioque Point -Upper Augusta Lower Augusta Shamokin - Kusli . Coal - . Upper Mahanoy Lower Mahanoy Liltl Mahanoy Jackson - Jordan -Cameron Zerbc tLP Aote- Democratic Candidates in Roman. Whigs in Italics. Volunteers in small Caimtalp. WEST CHESTER FEMALE SEMINARY. The Winter Session will open on the first Tuesday of November. For Circulars i apply to the Principals, Miss P. C Evans j &. SisTcn?, West Chester, Pa. The terms are moderate; the course of instruction embraces all the branches of a thorough EnglUh and Classical education. The scliool Lilihces are commodious and ex- pressly adapted for a School, with every convenience essential for the health anil I comfort of the pupils. Refer to Rev. Dr. Bull, Rev. Mr. Balsh. Drs. Darlington. ' Worlhsngton, Rivinusand Bradford ; Hon. I " i Wm- Everhart, Hon. T. S. Bell, Judge Haines, and Henry S. Evans, Esq., West Chester, and H. B. Masser, Esq., Sunbury. The West Chester Vllage Record says that no seminary in the country is more worthy of the confidence of parents who look to the mental improvement, good manners and morals of their children, than the above. new locomotive, the "Lancas ter," placed on the Philadelphia and Sun bury rail road this week, proves to be a most excellent engine. She was bnilt by Richard Norris & Son, Philadelphia, and makes two trips daily with a train of about 40 coal cars, containing something short of two hundree tons of coal on each train- When the cars, which are all new, are somewhat worn, this engine will be able to draw a train of one hundred cars frim Shamokin to this place. New Stage Lint. Messrs. Mishler & Co., as will be seen by their advertisement lhii ,We,'k! PaPer have commenced run ning a iineof stages between this place and Milton, by way ol Northumberland and Ecwisburg. This line connects at this - i Vm. T. niscly, formerly of this place. " " ait an in vciiigalioii into the cause of ,he l,i'as!er- Aldikt, Oct 4. Ltttrvine letteecn Chevalier Hulscman and Secretary Marey. Chevalier Hulsemni. was here yesterday, and had long interview regard to the with Secretary Marcy, Kota difficulty. Rumor has it that Koszia is 10 bu feleased and returned to thiscuuutry Muse Liriuoa Law. The Whig legistn live candidates in Allegheny County, Pa., are all pledged to vule for and suppoit I he Maine Liquor Law at the next leyislalnre. Among them is diaries Naylnr, formerly member ol Congress from the Third District, l'hiladelphiu. Hox. To.'l Cobwim The Forest City says k' ...... V. - nr. . .... wiivw uphim -o7naior iorn uorwi.i r.mtiilr ltinl whsi ha I.--. .... I ... --- -t .... ..a nisi Biimivu an oince to study law, he w s ihe subject of ridicule bu eveiy student in town, on account of his honiuspun dress ; but, added he, 'I have liv rd to see every one of them ten limes as ragged as I was at that lime. And whvl I was economical they were spendthrifts.1 ' PsBsiMT to Ukitsd Statis Skamew. It isstatea that the Queen of Sardinia, who ra cenlly paid a visit to ihe U. S. frigate Cum i i . . fct. ocrianu, at ice, was so pleased with wbt she saw, that she gave an order lo distribute 1,000 livres among the crew, 66 56 133 42 57 94 54 38 64 32 31 2 29 2 94 5 19 3S 132 116, 93 94 164 176 100 64 65 135 172 115 76 i25 62 57 134 38 54 93 52 42 57 29 78 1 30 2 101 5 21 38 1 31 47 3!) 88 9 26 44 1817 912 3S 1SSI 891. CA LI FOll MA M:AVS. ARRIVAL OF THE STAR OF THE WEST. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. New York, Oct. 9. The steamship Siar of! the West, from San Juan, wiih California dates to the Ilih nit., arrived this afternoon. The Star of the Welt biinfs 500 pasen- gcrs, and $300,000 in "old, on freight, be sides five hundred thoucaml dollars in tho hands of her pasenuers. The majority by which Corernor Bijler 1,ns beu" '"-elected, as .only about one ! ; a l i i i l . i . . r . i. r ,"uu;a"" "i"inur o, uenv-j j cralio ticket has majouties ranging from four 143 in 90 93 143 171 10i C6 75 H7 178 31 94 116 47 37 88 5 46 4D to ten thousand. met were liijlit, and tho tnaiV.el rather inae. Mr. Garrison, the Democratic Candidate ,ive- IJ"vers don,, aeein inclined to nper- r, M flJ i,i !e extensively until the news of ihestuRmer forMajo.rofS.il traneuro, waselecied w.lh (lmw fuy ,, hllV(J bppi m.eiv(!l, the w hole Democratic city and county ticket. , The offerings of Wheat at the Corn Kxchanpn Both bianches of the Legislature are ulso were about 10,00" bushels, only n part of largely Democratic. f which was sold at 140al 15 eenl for lair to T, i ro T7 i i . i prime whites. About 9000 bushels of Cum The people ofSan Frausisco have adopted ' Q R m;llki,, nm, W(J m)1(, (jf the Revised Charter. white nt 7778 cunt. We quole yellow, Governor Lane, of Oiegon, and Lieut. A I- i nominally, at 80 cents. No sales were re den, of tho Armv, base both been wounded ' rorle'1 '" day. Rye is without chance. We ., "... :,i ,uii- n note sale of Pennsylvania Oats nt 47 cents, in an engagement wnh the Indians on Roe no . , . r j . ..... . ' . h ; ami nr prime Maryland nnd Virginia do. nt River, the latter seveiely. 42.i45 cents ; inferior qualities do. at 38n40 Lr. j. v. Uuvall, formerly of Maryland) bad been shot dead in a street fight with J. 1 S. Downs, at Sacramento. j Dr. II. C. Gillis was also seriously wounded j in a fraciu wiih Chmles R. Drew, at San rranciscn. John Potter, alia, Da.timoie Jack, was re- ceully killed at Downieville by a man nnmed , Mun.z, and in an attemp. made by the ili- zens to lynch the latter, Thaditus l urdv, the J i -' District Prosecuting Attorney was shot stead. Lieut Col. Mason, the U. S. Army, died a. San Fjnncisco on tho 7il. tilt. The battle in which Gen. Lane and Col Allen weie wounded, occurred on the 27ih of Aligns), in Rogue River valley. v: ..HICIJ whites nnd about 250 Indians were engaged. The skirmish lasted four hours, when the In- dian chief Sam, proposed an armistice, w hich 111 1 was g.anted. leu Indians were killed and thiily wounded, while of tlm whifs there were three killed and eij;ht wounded Among the killed was Capl Are.slioug The Indians continued llieir lavages at other poinls. An attempt was made at San F.aneiseo on 1 the 12ili, to fcfjl Si.iiti's inleir: in the water Iiils, in coMempl ut the liijuiiclloii lium llio e ol inn waler-lots was struck ort lo the bidder, when Mr. Selover, the auulioueer, and "re ar- 11 1 1 - l 1 -1 . t res.ed, and held .1. heiivj bail lU a,-. er for the contempt. An e.vpief.s box, belonging to Messrs.' Adams & Co , coi.laining twenty five ibnn - till . , 1 ' S"I"IISIS t lt SUIT I (Jl I. )Ll sand dollars in specie, was Union Irom the r .orllumbrr;:,nd County, to dii..bu.e ihe as stnee between Sonoia ainl Siockton. sets in the hands of David Tasaart, Esii.. Ad- FhoM the Ssxliwt lil Islsnds. The dates, ft 1 , . , , . r . . . mm Honolulu aie to the lS-h of August, at . 1 1 which nine me sinan ,io u ns raging icri iuij , The lliinidulil papeis stale that a strong political movement has been commenced, lor the purpose of compelling ihe dismissal of; the Miuiflers, Judd and Arin.trong. A me' j niorial, signed by thirteen thousand persons, has been piesenteil to bis majesty demand- j ing the measure and there mu indications of uii appi Baching revolution snoiiui n Do retuseu. The Fare between Albany and New Yuik, on both the Hudson River and Harlem Rail Roads has been raised to two dollars j mil E ELECTION' is owr ami llm eieilemen has died away. There is tho usual quantity bury in time to Breakfast, and take passago in of defeated candi'da'es who can now rathe to the 7 o'clock n fr Shaiuokin, where la;ea private life. 'J'hs returnaaro sufficient lo show w . 1 ln readiness to take passenger to Potts that the successful candidate sre elected, partio- vl ,' ,rr'v'"8 '" time to dine nnd take passage in ulnrlv tho sensible ones who pet their clothing at ,he "eading railroad cars for Philadelphia, arri Rorkbill &. Wilson's Clnthintr Store, No. Ill Vlnf Philadelphia at 7J o'clock, sniue evening. Chesnut street, corner of Franklin Place, I'liiladcl-' s,1 l,oll wavs will stop at Uurr.a hotel, p,ia ; IWthunibcrland, Weidcnsuul's hotel, Lewisburg, Philadelphia, Nov. G, 1852 ly ew. dm: i). In Wilkes Barre,-aO'h tilt., sued nboul 68 yeats, Hon Aspsew Beaumont, long times prominent politician. In Ransomville, N. Y., 7th till , Consad nlle, IN. i., 7in tut, v.onsad , formerly of NoilhumbeilunJ DiEIKENBACH county, in his 40lh year. At Poltsville at the residence of her brother Wm. L. Gisy, JANE M GRAY, formerly ol Noithumberluiid, aged 24 yeats. I)C illavKcts. Philadelphia Market. . Ocl- 13, 1853. Flods and Meal. The flour market is quiel, at per bbl. There is a siesdy da- maml for eity eonsumpiion within the rai,go of $7a7 (or common aud extra brands. 51 57. Ill 39 45 90 52 37 47 22 82 1 22 2 77 6 16 40 1 84 115 90 8G 139 158 81 65 53 124 141 97 15 118 43 34 83 IS 6 41 31 27 39 1643 79S 3o 15J3 Natives maiked Re Fluur i trniee ; nt $5 per Ml. Sales of Corn Menl hi $:) 04 yft bbl. Chain Wheat is in limiied .upply S.ile of pi imo new red nt 14Q.il42u pi!r luisliel, Hml white ai 152u. S.ile uf Uye at 86 .i 86ic Corn Yellow is in ilenian l at 84 cdiii ' O.itu S:ii(a new ?fnlhin itt J'2a4L': mitt Pennavlvnuia 44 a 45t!' WHISKEY. Sales 0r bbls nt 32ie.. nnd hluisat32 centn. Baltimore Market. Oct. 13 IS53. FLOUR The maiket to-day is wilhoul animation, although pi ices continue verv firm. Tho tranaactiuiia lo-ilay were very ''"''ed, and we have l.-s of only 200 IbU llowar.l tlreel nnd 000 bbls. City Mills, ull , S6 eaj GRUN.The receipt of drain thismorn- ceni. " be market lis ilnll, but p.i- ee. ure wiihonl chauce. We note sales of bbls. at 31a32centK and of bhcts. nt 30.i31 cts. New Advertisements. vntnAnm m -avvi-sv-vm f ' T rpTTi? TfFW PTflTTTTVO STfTP Marfcct Street( ite the rost office ,-, WI, L.,. , , ,. , m Yil.ati rAllw iV I (. are rer-pii-iiKT a an i.inlnl VX. assoriine.it of K.iil and Winter Goods the cheapest, best and prettiest ever brought into Sunbnrv i Wo have on band and aro addi.13 constantly a fine ass.orl.ncnt of VMT : WTVTV1? C'T ( iTHTVC ' " ' comprising partly a great lot of Overcoats, double coats, business coats, black nnd fanry iloth, Sati- j nclt, anil otlier coats, too numerous to mention. A"."' tIlacK t"'a a"r' 1 sssimers, Cossn.ett ami knlinnlt Paula AK-.i IL- .,l,,t U .ll....!! velvct .,, olhcr Ves( !0 . o ,. kinds of L'ndercloihing. ALSO A LAKGE ASSORTMENT ot Wool anJ j..ur HlltJ ,nJ c, BooU , , Shoes, all kinds of Jewelry. Revolving und other 1 ' 'stols, travelling la?s, trunks, Shirts and Col- " " '"'"'"""8 s bci,- sriL All nt wliifh wn ufi.r nt in Luvout rntl. j.nm. , I lenpe mil and look nt our oodi ; irrtnn 111 r..-,.t ,t ti.: ........ ...1 1 t .t... 1- ... We are ,,u j , , j . .. . ing rciiututiou of lieiug the cheapest isiore in Sunbury. ('oinu and ulify yourselves of the iiutu .11 uur u , voean lor ia l. Suiiurv Ui., b5Vir. I - AUJJlAOii-. IiOlICE. ' U J 'V1, WuCrc.l'.v S-1"11 );,at ,!le undersigned ministrator of Win. P. MeCny, dee'd., willatUM.d ' uui.v 111 k'un.iun, oil raiuruiiv inu oil v.,i,r ,, .i,J i, s , . , "' "' i'OvenilH-r ueM, where all interested can iitlcnd. j yj s,j ysi;i. r-'unhury, Oct. 15, Ih53 id. TTOTrrp TO P A " C T tS t TX C WU-J,S. SUNBURY & HILTON STAGE LINE, Itt'NNiNG i. connection with tiii: , Philadelphia & Sushurv Rail Read T A nrro :n i tt- . . . ... . iu eavcr a Hotel, nunlnirv, r. . wm. mi oi nu c-.rniiiir cars iro.n Mio- inokin, lor iNorlhumberlaud, l.rwishurg. und Milton, arrii.i5 at .Milton, at about 10 o'clock r- m. ltelurnin?, Stages will le vraMiltnn nt 3J o' clock, A. Mv arriving at Lewisburg, at i J o'clock, Northumberland atSJ o'clock and arriv at Sun- and Egbert's hotel, Milton. Paaacnecrs will find this the ciiCApr.aT. most v.xrtiuTiuvs, and most iomiouiiblc line to, and from Philadelphia. U. MISHLER. Sunbury, Oct. 15, IS.'io. - tf. Shamokin Town Lots. flMl P subscriber is now prepuied to exhibit aud , JL jioi0 ut- ,oU w ,IU llL.w 'i'own.piat 0f Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can . V"tui the terms and conditions of sals by calling on the subscriber, at Shamokin. WM. AT WATER, Agent, fchoiuolin, Oct. 15, 1853. if. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 17ILL ha sold at public sale, on the premises on Momlav, the 5th of November nsit, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the undivided four seventlis of outlot No. 8, in the Borough of Sunbury, as the rstats of Elisabeth, Mary. Manrarel and Frances . Donuel, by order of s.ul Court, AMELIA DONNLL, Guardian, ' Sunburv, Oct. 15, 1851.-u. 123 113 90 87 .37 165 90 61 59 116 138 105 17 119 51 37 66 33 10 43 44 100 49 196 20 188 46 160 99 2 220 32 28 19 218 57 91 50 30 115 46 107 45 11 112 54 106 119 101 114 75 61 59 94 43 160 1 It 234 11 31 92 36 94 19 35 76 64 71 50 1 70 132 76 57 17 53 197 40 21 HI 78 85 45 109 8 222 120 136 22 90 178 98 18 168 103 187 73 6 73 182 104 139 48 53 f9l 67 33 69 64 61 65 30 55 117 72 6b 31 35 64 33 4- 67 35 57 31 16 6.9 33 5t 59 32 42 18 41 91 15 78 68 72 65- 32 92 52 45 28 no 21 178 50 172 51 73 123 29 181 25 81 112 31 72 10 154 151 g 1S7 106 156 80 28 92 1()8 64 142 c! 2 142 43 13 17 173 15 10 143 37 , 154 31 168 2 8 12t 29 171 5 87 21 103 64 3 173 9 10 14 9'J 2, " H6 17 125 2 89 33 8 122 7 61 93 76 43 12t I 9 119 18 101 25 61 77 61 31 2 6 37 10 45 4 36 4 2 14 33 30 IS SO 38 15 101 21 57 44 31 83 76 80 14 23 65 1 80 2 82 1 2 15 15 8 31 52 3 13 30 3 18 6 47 13 2 2 1 48 35 5 13 5) 7 4 10 5 736 219 1795 1332 259 1572 1313 1392 1230 503 7To7 Te05 10S6 lUl 8G5 with a . Temperance with a f. NEW Clock AViUclmiiiktTs. KIRSCH & CO. F A YE jiiKt openrd n Clock and Vtc1iinaker shop in the tmiliiing lately occupied by J. M. Siniiwoii, near 'i'rncr &. (.'o'a Store, in Market Street, Suittitirij, i'a , Where lliev have opened, and will keep constantly J on hand, Silver & Goli Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, Consistina nf Cold UrrasSpinK, Enr and Finder Kings, Medallions, CuM-pins. I.ndies it Gentle-; mnna' gold nnd silver pens nnd pencils. A Iso, cuvrr uiii piaicu i ca ami 1 alilo spoons, sail sj'oena, butter knives, Ac., SPECTACLES, Of all sizes, suiting every n:;e. Spy Glasses, l'oeket Hooks, of nil sizes, liuzors, llnir Oil, l!c vohers, nnd other pistols, lirushes, C'omb.i, Soup, Ac, Ac. Also, a large slock of Itluticul Iiitti-tiinc:i(s) ! amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flutina, Files, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All si7.es of rea dy made Shirts and Cull.ira ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunbury. XTH' Clocks. Watches, Ear and Finirer Kings repaired in tho best 11.11 n hit uud at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1853 Sin. NOTICE. rTMIE annual election fir Directors of the - Mahanoy nnd Sliau.oki.i I111prove1ne.it Com pany will I held at Trevorlo.;, Anrthumberlnud County, on Moudny the S4tli instant. By order of the Do.ird. F. I.. JOHNSON', Scc'y. Octobor 15, 1S5:). td. bt of -Ccttcvs It F.MilMVU IN TIIK l'OJT 1)1 I li K AT H .tlll lli, 'rtcmlcr 0, 1WI. A John Auspach B Jon Beer Christian Bower 2 c Jane Coldren K.lwar.l CaUell Jnhu Clark Charity Case D Jacob Deite.ick F Chas P Fi-ber David Fisher Thns Field O John Gazelle) John Gilgan 2 H Michael Holfinan Carrel Leary Ann Logan M Richard Malone Russia Miller Miss Matilda Means 0 John O'Neill P Elizabeth Prats a Pal lick Q 1 1 1 1 1 n R Jonathan Reilz . S Sarah .1 Slow Thus Smith Peter Shafer Jacob Slouiih Caioline Stewart T ! Dr. Mn heal F llnues-Snml T..vl-r V D.ii.l Vail w J bagen Cha A Jackson i . K ! Jai'idt Kern i l'eler Kni L Keuben Wynn Chainbeis W j un Mariah Williams John Walsh r z Ilenrv W Zai I man R. b". PACK Kit. P. AI. Jonalbnn Lodge List of Letters nr.MAiMstJ Tut posr oFritf at Northumberland, September SO, 1853. B Backer Geo Band Caleb Barllel M W Uuigb Lewis c Case Mer I ml i e fi n. Ion J K 2 tckhofl li.ii bary Ann K Kennedy John Keishuei Sosan L Lodge Jonathan l..uviu:ice A S M Mnrnu Anlhtiny McUii le C.ilharine Marry Dennis Mtlure Win Murnhv Put rick N Nogel Owen 0 Osin.iu A a Quay John s Slerrick & Losseo Cly.ner Levi L v. 11 1 I'll, , i V- I III Cletnson L W D Diefendon J G II Duncan James l)j Mu.iu Joseph U Engel John F Flanagan John. Flory Geo W Frost B D Fool Uev Gen G Gallager Daul Gardner Miss CajoliaeSimpsnn A C Giay Newton S. hoo.unaker lion M.i- Gardner L M run Guiidium D J Stevenson Jas C H . V Haymakei k May Yeatou Geo Hannii: Wm W Wilson Geo JACOB LLP. P.M. A Strav Ho. CAME to the premises of the subscriber about Av. waL tinps n Klruv whitA h.Kr uioli. ing about 200 pounds. The ow ner can har the same by provi.i8 properly, paying charges a,,J taking t sway. PETER KEEFER. Upper Augusta, Oct 8, 1853. 3U AT8 AND CAPS. A, splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats, also CUlh, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by G. ELSBERG 4 CO. Market street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 rKOCLALVTIOX. j UULL in Uvichy pneu ilint tlm vevirul Courts of t'onuneii J'lens. (icnral OunrVr Sessions of the peace, ; n l ()uliann' '"i.i'rl, t'onrt of Oyer nnd Terminer and (.'ener.d .1 ppilverv ill and for the county of ny.iiiin.l'ei ininl. t. J commence nt the Cou't riouie, in the Imrooh ol ' j Sunbury, nt 10 n'olock, A. M. on Monday, the ; 7ih day of ?T,vcnibcr nr.t, and will continue .TWO Y.ELKf. ; I The corone r, Justices of the Pes -r nnd eonsta- j ' hies in and for the county of .Northumberland, aro 1 requested to lie then and there in their proper per j on3, with their rolls, records, iinnisiiions, nnd j other remembrances, to do those tiiincrs to their ! several otticea npbertuiiiiui; to he done. And all , witnesses proseeutinjr in liehalf of the C'ommnn- ! j wealth unainst any prisoner are nlso requested and ! : cominnnocu 10 no men imu incu iiiieniung in meir proper persons m prosei uie a;nius nun, ns siuill be just anil not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to hr punctual ill their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the Hi day of October, in theyear ol'our Lord one tbousnnd eight bundled ami lil'ty-liiree -and the In- dependence of the t.uiled States of America the 1 Till. WILLI AM 11. KIPP. Sheriff. uim savu um cuiuuioiiweuHli. List ol' Jurors, fV N'orlliumberland C uintj, for a n-cial 1 ' ''" v Court, ber 1853., Sc.nbumy. Jiihii K S, hmick. Nortmiimukrund 0 lliiel Vol his liel Cox, J.iei.h Paul, Charles ll.irix, Mll.TON l'.uii M.i.-li'llor, D.uiiel Genrue Maish, IV.i.kwahk J.di:. C 1 1 u 11 man. 1'KWIS J.io.di I). inkle, Kie.lc.iek FiV. T.-.I., Pl.t... !'..! I I! .1 IT,... in irk, Cm i.isiif a n i k KilHe, John Foil' W lv. Dasher, Genii: J ' il . iiniers. j Point. Thomas M 'Malum. Jacob R-iden-i bach, Win. Leii;liu .v, Th.'ina-. J.di'.ron, I'l'PKR Ac.ilt.-TA Jullll f.ilii.-Wol II, Mi I cliael Kieifer, I Lowkii Ai'gi-ta Ephiaim Leiih', Levi i Thomas, 1 le. in.. in Slnpmaii, 1 Cut. Itichud WoiiIvhi ion. J icc-b Haas ! lksll O. P. P.Hteft, Steven lltiis.1), ' Lower Mahanoy. I Inn li Seiisluilu. Jacob I Bidman, Frederick lleckeid, Jacob Blasscr. j F.lijah Byerly, Shamokin. F.li Heed j r"IMIE stockholders of the Zerhe Run nnd !Shn. I -St- mokin Iinproieice.it Cm.ipa.iy are hereby i. notified that nr. F.lerliou for l ive L'iraclors : will Ive held nt I be office of the (Yiiipniiv, No. 17 Wall street. New York, on Monday, the "!th inst., Iron. 13 o'clock, A. M-, lo '. P. M. EDWARD M. nOICK. Scc'y i New York, Oct. H, lS"i3. 3t. fc'lIOES. All kiudj of Eoots Hiocs and slip I 1 pers for sale by j G. EI.Slir.Kti A CO. I Market street, opposite the Post Ollicc. ' Sunburv, Oct. fi. If." I !KV C'MTI38.4 T1 I'.' ! A ItHAM II or Tilt: ClutliiiiK Ahtiiii!':ictorv. i j OF S. SKNURMAN & CO., Tanville, Fa. ; TE icapectfuliy aniimiuee to tha i iiiens nf Sunburv .mil iiiul 11 inilv, lliat m tiaxo comjilcle stuck, ot' UEAUY-MADE CLOTJICvG, ; of every style and iprolity, lo which we invite the nttenlioii of purcbiiscrs. Our assortment con- ' 1 sisls, in part, of Fancy oer-coats, Plain over- j ; coats. Dress coats, Erock and Shi-I. coals, Mou- ' key Jackets, Pants and Vests, plain and l.nicj 1 ' Linen aud .Muslin Mails, I'udcr-sbirls, Drawers ; nud over-wholes. Also, Gloves, Sloekini;s, Neck and Pocket I Handkerchief, VV00I111 uud .Silk Hals, Cloth ( i and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Liools, Callers, SSlippeis j 'and Caria-t Ba','s and Trunks, t'inbre lus and even lllini; pi-nerai! kept in a well supplied rloth.ug and gciitlen.aiis lurniiiiu; store. We 1 keep nlso a nuJ atsortuiei.t of Accordeons and : Jewelry. We sell nt the lowest cash prices; for ' our motto is, j '-Small Profits and Quid: Saks." I We have but one prire uud no abate.ne.11, so that ' a prrs 111 is sure to (el the worth of his money, I whether he is a judge or the. goods or Mot. 'it ; any article, does not give satisfaction as to , we will take back the (roods an 1 refund the money, I provided they are returned on the same day they j were purchased, w hen Ihe purchaser reside 111 I town, and in 0110 week, w hen he reside in th,' j country. Price the same us at the Danville ; .Manufactory I IT" Cull ar.J secure the Barjjaii.s. j Sunbury, Oct. 8, 185:1 if Ifi X e c 11 tors S a 1 I'lMih subscriber. Executor of Iho est ile of j Nicholus Wolf, dee'd., will cxpuse lo lul lie ! oaie, on I Friday, Ihe llih of November next, , on the premises, the following real estate, to wit: j A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, , eontaUiiin about 40 acres, situated in Uvrn Augusta township, on the Sunburv road, leaduig to i' lu 111 Creek, adjoining lunds of Jtel Wolf, Abraham W oil, Eichard Uoliuer and others, on which is erected a new two story log house a bank barn aud otlier good out-buildings. There is also a good spring oil Ihe premises. About 30 acre is cleared, and the wliols 1 in good order and repair. Possession will be given immediate ly if required Sale to coininenea ut 10 o'clock, A. M. when the term will be made known. JOHN WOLF, Etor. Lower Augusta, Oct. 8, ISi'J. ta. Estate of WILLIAM FARROW, decM. iOriCI3 is hereby given, that letters tests , nienlnry hr.ve been rllnted to the subscribers oil the estate of Wrr... Furrow, late of Wbamoki.. toAn.bip, (oe J. All those knnwinn themles indebted lo or having claims ng.tinst said estate, are requested to make aettleinc.it without delay. The Executor will meet fur Hint purpose 'at the late residence ol the deceased, in Hnydrrtown on b'atuidiiy, Nocnihcr li. ISM. ' WIM.IAM FARKtnV, ) , SILAS FARROW. t ,or Shamokin twsp., Oct. 8, 1853. Gt. MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT ! ! runs, MAKt.AKtrr has, of Sunbury, 15 ESPECTFCLLY i.iin.is the public that . jg )jj s.ic lias just received and oiieued a now sLock (r ! a r I v V i- u-iv AUj AM) " INTER MILLINERY, such as bonneis, silks, ribbons, Ac., of the Intest j st le and patten,, d every variety of article be- ! lonniujr t ,cr nanvh of iuisiness, nil of which. j will be sold at the lowest prices, lit her Slors in j Faiv.i street, belo- John Ynuii store. nuburv. Oct. 1 , 1 S.'i3. tf. .... - I FOP. RT,TT. ! A Splendid Buy ! ! I jJJlSK.SO.VS in want of a well made luiin-r ,,. ! ,7 tr"''K-rm. can find one by calling on the subseriber. in Sm,',i.r,. c , , JA.ME.-i COVERT, bunhnry, Oct. 1, 1S5:! lm. Sim- Estate of JOHN DIEIIL, deo'd, It .1, ' SJOTICE i herebyciv.n l!mt letters of A f " U ZM ministration on the estate of .I,,),,, j late of Point lo-vuship, .orll,uniberl.,d eo.uifvv ... . ... i.. en Kianic. lo Ihe midersieurd I beref.ire nil i-ersi-.ua i.i :.i .. . .:. i. .. ' ...... nwr , "me, nnd lli.me tiavino !- ; will present tii,-, fjr selllement. 'J'be Adiniuia- trators will inv. l for il!e above purpose at llie. Jn.uveof Willia... )i.!,l. V,.l tow.wluy, o: I uesdny, No.-iii!cr S. ff-."3. VIl.l.IA.M DIKIir,. f . , .A.M cf;l i)ii:iii I A,ll Point twsp., f i, t. 1, I ay.. (;t. j Atliniiii.sti-.ilors Sale. j Yyil.L be sold nt the l.ile residence of John i ' Diehl, de-;'d , in Point tiwiihip, Norlh- ; unineriaml county, on K A Tl I! DA V. Ihe 1 5tiv juny ol uciol.cr nisi, tlic- fjllowin 1 wit : property, to- FIVE HEAD Of HORSES, : 2 milch Cows, 5 head young Caltic, 7 Sheep. 4 i llojs. a wagons, riouha. cultivator. Harrows, S jselt wiiir,,,, i j-lou-h Harness, and numerous otlier funning utensils. hIo beds, bedding and ! bedsteads, benurenus, tab'es, chairs, slovrs. sad a ! variety of other household uial kilchen fur'nilure, ulso Hay by the ton, whaat, rye, com, buckwheat, i and potatoes. ; Sale to comnieiH e at 0 rhn k. of said day, when : the terms will he made kdowu by . WII.I IA.M DIKHi., , , , i SAMU'KL DIEIIL, AJm ,or"- , October I , I i5.'l Is. REGISTERS' NOTICE. i l I li b is hereby given to all Leiratees, !. Creditors a.,.1 t., arsons i.Ue rosled in lh. u, ,,,,-. io s iiuoico pers-ina, uial ine Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of id. l"y" ain ""-'" wi" i.esister id Norlhu.nlierlai.d Count v, and that : the same will l e presented to Ihe Orphan' Court ol sum ouuty, on I lie.-, lay, the 8th day of N o- vemlier, A. !., lb .VI, 111 the forenoon, or co.ifir-' niati.ui ami 11 lowance. Win. Kuse. sen., dee'd.. Final aerotnit settled by one of his Ex'rs John Kase. Maitin Drumheller, dee'd., settled by hi Adm'r, Levi T. Drumheller. Catharine Latsha, dee'd., settled by her Ex'r, Frederick Lntsha. Jacob Greincr, die'd.. Final account settled by his Adm'r de bonis non.Geo. C. Welker. Geo. Philips, dee'd., settled Jy his Ex'is Peter M'itnicr and Jacob Philips'. Peter Burns, dee'd., settled by bis Executor Henry Burns. Joseph I.eih, dee'd., fettlej by his Adm'tor I Samuel l.ogan. j Robert K. Dearmnnd, dee'd., settled by one of j bis Ex'rs John Watson. Samuel Hunter, dee'd.' settled by one of his Ex'rs Win. L. Dewart. Ecnj'iiniii Lose, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'tor Win. Scott. Caroline Pcifer, settled by her Guardian Elia Peilcr. ) . ill in 111 t lyde Colt and SaraH N. Colt, minor children uf 1 nomas I oil, dec d., settled by llieir Guardian William A. Petriken. John I.eih, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Lcrch. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's OHice, Sunbury, Ocl. 8, 1853 5 A Farm for Sale THE subscriber offers for sale hia farm, CONTAINING 284 ACRES ,J ,Howanccs. It is siluateJ about three miles from tSuubury alonci the Shamokin creek, and i in a good stute of cultivation. The Philadelphia aud Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It will bo o lie red in parts or entire te suit pur chasers. It can be divided to muke three small farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses. JOHN PARN3WORTH. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. NOTICE. persons Indebted to the late firm of A I.I. iV Ho omit & Scb mick. are hereby notified that their books bavs been placed in the hands of M. L. Shindel. Esq., for collection, and if lhJ e not attend lo this notice without delay, suits will I brought without respect to persons. Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853. 4t,