Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 08, 1853, Image 4

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And Three Acres of Ground
ron SALE.
THE subscriber oilers at private sale, his house
nd three acres of ground, on the river Bank
within the limit of llic borough of Sunbury,
now in thn occupancy of John Bhissler tid orig
inally owned by Oiias. Uusslcr while engaged in
boat building. The improvementa aie a
With a Well of good Water,
nd a good frame stable. There are a nntnlier of
excellent fruit trees on the premise. Tim prop
erty is handsomely located and will he sold at a
reasonable p ice and possession given in April
next. Apply to (!eo- C. Wclkcr, Emp, of Pun
bury, or to the subscriber at Sclhtsgrnvc.
July sn, issn tr.
"RESPECTFULLY infurma the citixena of
Sunbury and vicinity, that ho rns oiened a
new store in the room lately occupied by George
Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He haa just re
ceived a nundSRtite assortment uf
Spring and Summer Goods
consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassirtets.
of all kinds, of linen, eniton and worsted.
Calicoes, Ginghams, I.nivn,
KloiiNNCllitc Ic lvalues
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
GROCERIES of every variety.
Also an assortment of Harrtwni'c, Iron
nnd Steel, Kail?, &c.
Also nn excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, "f various styles and
Also an assortment of II DOTS & SHOES.
HATS & CAPS, a good selection.
Suit, Fish, ic.
And a great variety of other articles such as arc
suitable to the trade, all of which will bo sold at
the lowest prices.
C5 Country produce taken in exchange at
me higlicst pncs.
Sunbury, May 1, 1858. ly.
VrO riCE is hereby given by the undersigned
- ' citizens of the Commonwealth of Pcnnsyl
vanin, that application will be mado to the next
Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec
tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tim
SrxsrBT Satijos' Ihstitjttk," to be located in
the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county,
with discounting privileges, and with a capital of
One hundred thousand dollars.
Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young,
Adam Shisslcr. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drucke
millcr, Frcdk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Youngman, Pe
ter B. Masser, J. W. Friling, Ira T. Clement,
Denj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peel.
Sunbury, June 25, 1853. 6m.
, Mann's Establishment
25 South Sixth Street,
For the Manufacture and sale of
iaf cut Letter Copying Presses,
latent METALLIC DAMPENER?, Brushes,
Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Letter copying books,
Superior to all others, and each pago printed.
A moat valuable invention for keeping in a
nook-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi
ces, &r.
Phila., April 9, 1853. ly.
Important to Coal Dealers.
rTpiIB subscribers hereby inform the public, that
they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kasc, Reed & Co., for the purpose of
mining, shipping aud selling coal, delivered at
Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus
quehanna. Trrry will le ready to deliver coal, well prepa
red, on contract or otherwise, at all times, on the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Shnmokin by
Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly.
A New
GELS BERG & CO., respectfully announce
to the inhabitants of Northumberland county
ffnJ the public in general, that they have com
menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa.,
opposite the Post Oflice, adjoining Mr. Stroll's
saddler shop in Market Street They are just
opening a splendid assortment of fashionable
Spring and Summer Clothing.
Consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Satinett, Lineup Checked
and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats.
- ALSO, A fine' supply of Silk, Satin ond other
Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and
Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing
Goods in general.
All of which will be sold cheaper than cheap
at the lowest cash prices.
The public may rest assured that all Clothing
they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of
the firm is a practical tailor and our wholo Stock
of Clothing is made up by ourselves. Our adhe
ring to the cash principle and our extended ac
quaintance among New York and Philadelphia
Importers of Cloth rrrabtes us to sell very cheap.
Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods.
Our Assortment is always kept up as wo aro
constantly getting fresh supplies.
Sunbury. May 7, 1853.
lm provemeiits Ahead!!
TEREBY informs his friends and the public
generally, that ho has just recefved at his
old stund, in Market street, opposite Weaver's
An excellent assortment of
French Lastings,
And all kind, of i;,iinS, end Shoe findings,
which be offer, to the trade at reasonable price..
1,. ,V r ,ulo," e others, that
he still conl.iraes the Shoemaking business said
.. prepared to d all klluW of mm, in
fashionable style, and on reasonable Wih
Sunbury, Juno 11, 1853. ly.
CWantly nn hand
ami lor sale bv
Aug. 17. 1853 3m.
f Market-Slieel
T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Lieeutions, Summons
Ac, for salo by H. B. MASSER
Sunbury , Awl 26. 18.11
XT books, ink, and all complete, just received,
audtorsalaby 11, a. MASSEK
Sunbury, June 4, 1833.
Just .Published nnd fop Sale
by ' ' VM. McCARTY, Bookseller,' 1
j ' Bunbury, Pa.
The American
Being eollection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United 8tates.
Br Com.ikson Rickd, Esq.,
Ipsae iegis viva vox
With notet and additions, together with a short
system at convevauciug. Dy A. Jordan, Pie-
ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Shiitdcl, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, the following
letter has been received from Judgo Pearson of
llarrishurg I
II Asnisni nn, June 30, 1853.
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus offered to the
public. The legal profession In Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct system of pleading,
adapted to our habits of businew, and the practice
of the courts. Your forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly,
will he a saving of laltor to the pleader, and con
dure to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should lie in the bands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
Yours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
I,. Shindcl, Esquires.
Sunbury, July 9 1853.
In the 13 rv Goods Business.
J. F. & X. F. KLINE,
RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends
and the public in general, that they have
taken the Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc
cupied by Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just
returned from Philadelphia, and opened
Jl New and Splendid Jlssortmeut of
Spring and Summer Goons,
Consisting in part nf Cloths, Cassimers, Sat
tincUs, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of
Summer Wear.
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Borage do Laincs,
Alpacas and Shawls.
Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all
Hardware and Queensware, Drugs and
Also a large assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf
and other Hats. Salt,
Cheese, Arc. Call
and See.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex
change for country produce, at tho highest market
Upper Augusta, April 30, 1853. ly
Spring and Summer Goods.
RESPECTFULLY inform their customers
and the pulilic, that they have just receiv
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
at their store in Market square, Sunbury.
Their stock consists of every variety of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cnsrimeres, Sattinets, Vestings,
Flannels, Wollens, Ifc,
And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs,
Ami every variety of goods suitable for La
dies wear.
Also nn extensive assortment of
Hats and Caps for Mkn and Buys.
Also a large assortment of GROCERIES,
sreu A3
Sugar, Teas, Cod'ee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a trcsh supply of
Besides the largest and most ceneral assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this
CV" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunbury, April 30, 18S3.
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
No. 161 Chestnut Street, Strain's Building.
-- Deulcr in Musical Instruments of every de
scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hatlct, Davis
& CoS (UoStOll) PaTKXT Sl'Sf eksius Duidg
Julian and other
L. Clillicrt's Boudoir Pianos, Mulodcons, Martin's
Ciuitars, Hurps, Violins, Siikct Music, Mwsic
LioOKS, Ac, &c.
Resident of the country will be supplied by
mail ot otherwise with any music they may
v.ih, at as low rules as if purchased in person.
Having one of tha largest stocks in the United
States, I feel conlident of satisfying all who may
fevor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal
terms'. Pianos to let. Second-hand Piano for sale-
Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly.
SILVEK WATCHES. A few double case
English Silver Watches, for sale at very low
price by H. B. MASSER.
Sunhury, April 12, 151
aivil anil I pnnl a n vp ! n naa fir anl Viw
Sunburv. Jan 10. 1852.
TR. II. H. HIOBEE'S remedy for coughs,
colds, and pulmonary oWasea. A aupply of
thia valuable BvediciM just received and for sale
l' , . H. B. MASSER.
SuMtxiry, June 4. U53.
rjHAIN PUMP8A small number of these
T cent pumps uv bee. received and are
ottered for sals by
c . ' H,B,MAS8ERv
nunburv, June 4, 1853.
I AND BILLS neatly printed on new type
- promptly executed at thia offica. AW
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
Sunbury. Fen. 14. 1853.
TTEE BILL8. Justices and
mj BilU bandMmely printed oncartf mut f.
2,500 Acres Timber Land
"FOP,. SALE.- :;
TIMBER LAND, comprising about ,o(10
seres, part of which is situated on Tobyhanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three
miles of Lehigh River, in Penn forest township,
Carbon County, ono of the great Coal Counties
of Pennsylvania, can be had at a bargain, if ap
plication be made soon.
1 heso lauds are thickly covered with tha brst
timber of that region, While it is believed that
7S.000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be rut from
a large portion of the land, the balance will aver-
ago not much less than this figure. The kinds of
timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or
While Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally . made up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are large
and rapid streams, yielding a vast nm mot of
water power, and' are capable nf driving a large
number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh,
which stream, with the Lchigli Canal alToula an
outlet to the most desirable lumber markets.
There Is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia
which runs within ohs mill ami three quarters of
the land. 1 li rough these avenues lumber can be
delivered in either of Ike cities named, for about
$7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en'
gaged in the trade to derive grciter profits than
attend investments generally.
In addition to the timlier, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an
swer for spars of vessels a sort of timlcr that
ship builders have been obliged to purchase in
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there
bus, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this
property. It stands undisturbed bv the wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable,
The lumlicr trade of the Lehigh lias been carried
on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity
of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this difficulty. The
conseqnenco must be an enchancement of the
value of timber lands. 1 hose un-cullcil tracts
with the advantage of avenues to market, such
as tha lands offered fur sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
But the land ia not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitaliatsdcsiringto make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lauds. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Pott
ville, Pa.
August C, 1854. tr.
Far lite Cure mt
of the body, Uike the Ciikrrt IVctiihal on going to hctl,
oik) i-nn un vtirm. hi sweat dnrittv the nielit.
Fob a Gold ami Cough, tnke it iiiorniu;, nHnnml eve-
niiitr, acetimuig to uuecli-JiiP nn the U -ttJe, nml tlte iliitn'UI
It will kmi m removeil. Nmic will I hhi iiifl'-r Iimhi thii
trmible when they find it etui Iruivi renthly euietl. 1'enuMia
n (Hinted with a srled cutih, which lir'uks ttim nf their
rest at "ilit, will fiml, bv inking the Cherry IVrU.ntl un
jring ti twl, tliey m:iy lie Hire or mud, unMnkfti i!eep
nd ciHiftequently Tcf n-ahint? rort. Oreiit ii-lirl TnMiiKulier-
inf, ond nn ultiiimte cure, i nffudt il t tlioimiiitdu who urn
thin ninicteu. by this iiivrniinbte ri'medy.
Krotn in airreenble ffTriMi in these rn. innnv fini
themselves unwilling to tvrego lis use when tha ueceajity
iur n nns r!aKfis
Fruui I wo eminent l'livsirimis in
Ff st Tmn . April tfl, IW!
Sir 'We h.tve civeu vmr Cberrv Pfcl.tnil un extensiv
triul in our ninrlice. nnd find it t snriviM every iMliei re
medy we nave f-'f citrine jiir.-oti.Mif f the rrsptnitory or
sans. lilts. DIKMKIl A IIAMPTOX.
TOSINfiKRSAND li;H1.10JsrKAKKItStliisrenily
is invalimble.iis hy its artimtn thelhr mt and linnis, wheu
taken in small u;iii(itit s, it rcninvmill h'tnrm'ss in a few
h'Hirs, and Wtinderfully increases the power and llcxibtlii
of the voire.
ASTHMA is pr-nernllv inm-h reli'Heil. nnd nften wholly
cured by Cherry IVetoml. Unl ther are some castas so ob
stinate ns to yii ld rutin ly 1 1 11 molicine. Cherry ieeto
ral wilt eure ihem, if iht-v nm be eiir. d
HIUJ.M'ltl ii, or irritation, nflhethrmt and upper
portion l" the luniri. mnv be'eured bv tnkiiuiCherrr Pe to-
rnl in suiiiU and trequeui doiv-s. The une nnt'oriuble op-
preKBiou in snon reiifveii.
Kev. uoct. l,AMSlli, of nronklrn, New York, states
I have seen the therrv Perioral eure sneh ruses 01
Asthina aiwl Hronehitis as bad uie to itelicvc it can rarelv
fail to eure th we diseases."
I-OH CROI P. (iii e an emetic or antimony, to be
folhiweil by Jarse and freanent dse3 of the Cherry Peeto-
ml, until i' suUlues the diseuso. Jl Uikeu in seas hi, it will
not inn tt rure.
WHOOPING COrOH may 1w br.ken up and mu eu
red by the hi of Cherry Peel-Till.
T11K INKU'KV.A issneedilv rem vnl bv this remr-
dy. Xuinerons iutaners have been uotirul where whole
families weie protected from ativ serious eiHiseciuciiees,
while their ueihliors, wilhout the Cherry Pectoral, were
Dr. J. C. Aver: alkm.OIiio. llth June. 1S51
I write to nil or in von of the truly remarkable eifeets o
your Clir.UKV PKCTOltAL in this place, and in ni
own family. One of my daughters was completely cured
m tnrce a-irsnt a drendlul v uoopixo uodgh. hv tnkine it.
Dr. Means, one of our very I rent nhvsieinns freely slates
Hint he considers it the Imst remedy we hive pulinonar
diseases, and that he haa eared more cases of Ckoup will
it than any other medieme he ever administered.
Oui elenrvuien nf the liantirt Cburrh viva thnt durii
the run of InplpK-XZA hern this sens-n. he has sreu cures
from your tuediciuc he could scarcely have believed h'i th
ou ( seeing.
Yours respecUully, J. IJ HIXCI.Ain,
Denttv Piwimtister.
From the distinsuishetl Professor of Chemis
fry and Mcteria Medice. fiotrdoitt Collect.
I have fomd tha Chehst Pkctohal, ns its ingredients
snow, n power! ill remedy for colds, aud cuughs, and pul
luoiiurj uicaaea.
Parses Clkvilaxd. M D.
BscsfwirK, Me., Feb. 5, 1817.
The widrtii celebrated Professor of Sureery in
the Medical Cofge, JScw I oi k I try,
It gives me plmanre to certify the nilue and efficacy
of 'Avkm' Chebby I'ectokal,1 which I consider peculi
arly adapted to cure diseases ot the Tlmail and lun!s."
Cuiesof seveiediseasea upon the Liuias have lieen ef
fected by Chkkdy PscrosAL iu such extreme cases as
warrant the Mid that a remedy bus at length been found
inni can ne aepenoea on to rare tlie iTouus. I ' kisand
Cinisuniplioii whieh earrv from our nnd4 tluiusands even
year. It is indeeil a metliriue to which the ntllieted can
look with CHindenee f .r rMtf, aud they chouUJ not fail U
avail themselves of it.
Prepared and sold biy JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass,
Sold in Sunbury by H MASS EH, and I
Druggist cenerully throughout the Slate.
July 30, 1853. eeow 1. Nov. 13. '33.
more 'civ r.ooiNtt
RESPECTFULLY informs lis friends and
the public geneially, that be bas just received
and oucucd a luigo and splendid ktoek of
at h'r Store in Lower Augusta township. His
stock consists of every variety of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimers, Satlinetts, Vestings, Flan
tiels, Muslin, Ifc.
A splendid stuck of
Such as Silks, llcraprs, De Laincs, Merinocs,
Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoe, Ifc,
A fine assort nent for Men, Women & Children.
Ji large i jsortment of GROCERIES,
such a
Sugar, CuffVe, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &c.
Hardware and Queensware.
Fih, Salt and Liquors.
at'cu a
, Cin, Brandy, Rum ud Whiskey,
Besides tha largest and most general assort,
ntent of all kind of Goods to be had in the country.
All tha above mentioned goods will b sold at
sucb reduced prices- aa they M not be got for
Country produce of all kinds taken insic&angi
at tha brglieat market prices.
Aagoata Iwsk, July 2, 1853. Cut. .
' , 7: .CELEBRATED, - .
Family M c d i cf I n a s . ,
N offering to th pnbHe the above ttirnlunlta prttrwim
tid1. the nitrtcritwf Wtmkl btte that in miiu.itiiia
with hid ft ipndi nnd Mnm ol llio muni rfltn'tebl t the
Me 1 1 ml thculty, tt wo lwrmtl mlviwtbre tti vt to th
pulilic, a few troprritMitil i4 kituwti erMtritv, lpirr prt
pHrvii wnii ui0 grontrn cure, nwl mi tins iiHast ecM:iitihc
iwiticiple, mn nilialitulct for the itutnernuii wortlik'M ar
ticle thnt are flumlitift the ronntry In the form nf (mimrnie
mid cure alia, prrpnreU Uf the mt ifrnoraiit and merc?iie
ry pcraoita, Intended to cure all d septet unit fHKl for,
Read and Reflect.
Tht the Meillrlne, Miinnfiietnreil liy W. M. DicxLtT,
inciiHiiiig nil mite I'ecinrni (iiiffiis.
Urciiin i(, for Rheumalism.
Worm fvrnp W orms.
roHh wash, lortlemvod teetn, nivensrd (tums.
Family Pills,' or bl)od urilyer, have been more extensive
ly useit, ami have given m re snliflfartioii, thau any otier
Met I in ues before the public, bebitf nreistred with reffird
to their usetulness aie fully woithy the trial uf the afJlici
ru. uive uicm a trim.
A few powetfitl reasons why the nliove Medicines are
eservinir of nniversid pnttorttnrr. In the first place.
they are prepnred by regular Physiciuit, who nderslatKls
the application ot Aludiciues, to chsettucs, und consequent! ,
are perfectly safe to take. (Hecoiwlly,) they have been
used with universal success, nnd have Riven.niore satiplao- 1
lion than any other Medicines oflered Ttefore the pnltlic
(Thirdly ) they are the only ined.cmcs that have framed
the rnt ron nee of Phvsicinus, where they have leeit used ;
and (Fourthly,) they ore put up in birder qrmntities for
mo same price man any oiner nietia'iues onereu n mta
public of the same kind. As the snlscriler has a numler
of certificates in his possession nf the highest nuthority,
where they have been used with the most satisfactory re
sult. He will publish a few of them, feel i tux satisfied that
trial will insure their rcconunrirdatioit. Try them and
satisfy yourself of their superiority over all others.
Jierut ana be Convinced.
We the tmdersirued ha v ins: licen made acquainted with
tha Ingredients entering into the CoinponiKls known ns
lliekley's eannly Metlieines also having prescribed nnd
known them to be used, with most sntif factory resalts;
take pleasure in saviuir that wo believe they fully meet
the design for which they are rec tinmrnded.
JP. I'KAVlfKIIJtal's. M. li.
C 11. FRICK, M. 1)
WM. MrMAlKiN, M. Tt.
WKjM.KY H riKAltilKART, M D.
WM. II. M ACILL. M. 1).
Cnrt of pain in th strfc and cough from protetted
lAver LovtplatNi.
Mrs. Robert Adnms. lab iriuir under Chronic Liver Com
plaint, accompanied with a rhort dry vouuh imin in the
side nnd breoM, genenil debility, Ittss of nppetite, after try
ing all the usual remedies Tec anineuded for coughs and
diseases of the chest, who with no bcitetit, she was rectnn-
ineintcd to try the Hose Pectoral, from which, she not only
derived immediate but permanent relief.
joim a tt; tins, son m Mrs. Koimri Adnms, was aiiiicteu
with a very severe cough, pain in the side, and soreness
prtHbiced by inrcfisunt coutunir; lie wris induced to try
the Rose Pectoral. To list; his own leuffntifp?, the first
e uti Med him to enjoy a aood night's rest. In the
morning he expectorated nlwmt hull' pint of nmtter. He
continued to improve until his rough entirely h-ft him, :t
also had the clleetof strengthening his bieust. which was
natnrully weak . lie als says that he has teroiniuenued
it ton uumler nf hisfiicnds for simiLir couiplninis, and
in every case it naa given sniiMuriion.
The above persons residents of the town of Danville,
feeliutf tltrii they have derived irreid lenefits from the use
of the Rose Peetond ; authorize the above sUitcment, for
the lament uf thwe who rn:iv lie ntlhrted in a similaf man
ncr. tilt IS AT ctllK.
Isoss of Voter restored with one bottle of Hose Pec
to rat.
Miss Susan Whitloek. nf Ittish tnwnshin. Northumber
land co., for a iiuiiiIk-T of years an ii valid, in the full of
iofi, lost i ne use oi ncr voice irom a scvete colli she con
tracted : ufter trying a nui:iler of reiuiilirs, with n bene
fit, Hie wns eutirely r tutored by tnVing one l tlle of Rose
reetoral, titter which, she lost her v 'ice agioo, tnan a
fresh colli she contracted, ati'l was ag:iiu leviored by the
use of an -ther bittle : she thru took lour b--it Irs m ire to
strengthen her breast, from which she ih'iivitl the ia'st
rieeitled benefit, anrf has len in the enjoyment of excellent
lieaiiri I mm thnt time in the present.
i lie nioie statement is oliUiuieil I pun Lr I'uiseii, the
Physician who nttcmied her; al i her mther who thinks
that she would not he living ut this time if it hid u t leeii
fir the Ute Pec ton 1 1. D-mville, Jtn 'io, IKid
V another Marled Cure JCjf'ertrd.
Mrs. Sunnel Sechler, leing of a natiind weak and deli
cnte const ii ut ion, very unfieeptible to c 'Ms, was a 1 Hided
with a very severe rough, pain mid soreness of the Irtenst,
I ss of appetite ; niter using a number of the usual reme
dies from which, she derived n i lienrfit, she was cured by
taking one b Utle of Itoav Pectoral anil is in the enjoyment
of better lieilth than for yvnrs previous,
Uuuvilie, Dec. 1 I Kill.
Dr. HicKt.KV : Permit me to inform you lint my wife,
wlin is a delicate nnd weakly w mnu, lnbring under a
very severe Cough with iiu and sreiHass of breust. was
in re quickly and effectually relieved with one It-t t le of
y mr Hoao Pectoral than any other nmlieme hr hml ever
taken. AKNKIt M'MRIDK.
Jan. 18.1'i. Sumncl R. Woods' Furnace. Red Point.
Family Pii.m.
J ih ii Fulner taken lelwecn Christmas and New Year
wilh n very bad cold, which ended in a dry hard iuecssjiit
Cough, causing a great ileal of pain whenever he coughed,
was relieved very lnueh ; by the time lie had taken one
third of a h title, and hy the lime it was finished, was eu
tirely ciirc l. Ho all says tlmi he has l:iken several d ses
of the Health Restorative or Family Pills, and that they
are the mildest an J m sl tiTcctiml pinilives he has ever
taken. Danville, Jan 1,
L)b JIicklkt : During a visit tt my brother, in Tau
rine, I took n veiy severe Cold, which ended ill a ttgl t
hard Omgh, with s ireness and pain of the breast, fur
which I used your Rose Pectoral, aud Family Pills, and
taka pleaiurc in rec niuneiHliug them, ns the niiMet-t and
in st effect unl remedy I haveutwd. Yours, re?pct fully.
Jnu.lHJ, lBVi. AVlut-- lluveii. hu.rneco.
Dear !ir: Asa recnmrneudatioii f t your Rose Pecto
ral, permit me to ear, lliat I was ell'eflmilty cured of a
very severe ooutch with ain in the bre:it, wiiii hfs than
hall a bottle, and that 1 cuisulcf it invaluable. Vou are
at liberty to make thin puMic if you please.
JUI1 riPKRKINti'. (Ororer.) Danville, Pn.
My son William laboring uudt-r a srvero rough and pain
in his side, funn an injury rueeiveil by a fall, was e'ltm ly
rehevetl by a bo' tie of iiose Ptvionil V Cream of Cmn-
Iih'H. I have also used ymir Family Pills, owl altogether
.usider them the best mcJccimt 1 have e er imetl.
Jan. IKS. Rush Tp., .XorthM co.
Dr. Hickley : Sir : As my w.fe who was tr.mMed
wilh dry, hard Cough, also s air SU anach, dependent u u
debility, similar to Disia'psia. was entirely relieved by
using two hotth-s of yonr Rose Ptrul, reniiit me to suy
tliat J consider it an exee tent remedy.
Yours, rewpwrfully, Rev Mr. WILT.ARD.
Past r l.ulbcrnn Church, Danville. Pa.
Having lieeu cureil ot'a pain in my aim (similar to Rheu
matism) whieh deprived me of the free use of it for ulnmt
four in mtlts. fly uviug one b tjle of Ciuam i f Campli r
1 r--(ill state that 1 r usider it the lmt mnetly ol the
kind 1 have ever used in my family, nnd I would freely
recoinmeiid it to others with similat itlTt-etiats.
Yours, resjKX-iiully, JONAS WOI.F.
Rush tp., rth'd co.
My wife being; etflirted with a very severe pam in her
arm aud sli mlder (the elleels of e- si) which disabled her
from uniug It, was cured with rubbing ol" Cream of Cam
phor. Mrs. Kffliu, my sister in-law, was also cured of a
severe puiit in the head and face by using the Cream of
Camphor THOMAS C. KI.I.IS, Duimllr. Jjii. 3D, 'W.
My wife hnviug Rheumatism of the arm f r a number
nf years, which jireveuled her from using it tu doing her
woik after having S(Hiit a gieut deul oi money in trying
dilfereut remedies with no lie ne tit, was entirely cured by
usiiisT only one bottle of your Crea:u of Csmplior.
WIld.i A.M KVKNS, Minor, to K. R. Wiioil, R.
Dr. Iliekley : Having receivetl a very severe injury in
my side by falling off a I ud of hay. from whtcu I was una
ble to follow my wrk, wns recommended to try a bottle
ol Creuin of Camphor, which a if irded iiiiiuetlinte relief.
. GRIFFITH CAlill. Ruh tp., Norih'd co.
My wife, suffering from in-st excruciaiing pnin,
thnmghout hm general system, which prevented her in mm
sleeping (btang oceaffione'l by a long and pT4raclid sitell
of siekuena ;) which she ued n iuiinler nf remedies
without benefit, was entirely relieveil by the use of Cream
uf Camphor. (iKO. U. ItltoWN.
Purgeni Dciiliit, Danville, Pa.
Child cured of Rowel Coniphiint. and Ague (of two years
standing.) by Worm Hy nip.
My ehild being attlu-led f'lthe Unit two years, with
R wel Complaint and Ague until it was reduced to a mere
skeleton I tiled u immlier of remedies with n permanent
beuetit, until I guve it a IkMIIu of yonr Worm Syrup,
since which lime it has leeii well, nnd got quile ri'hy.
1 also have recommendetl it t. a uuiult-r of my friends,
and iu every case it bus given Kit isi act inn. I. I.K.V1.
At liouis Isunss r.Merelutut, Danville.
I have used your Worm Syrup in my family, snd con
sider it not only effectual, Ixit the most pleasant article I
am acquainted with. JACOH MSllKl.. Dunville.
iluving used your Woim Syrup iu mv fumilv, it helps
my children more than any preparation of the k'nul. and is
more pleasant to take. DAN MORGAN.
M mt mi Row, Dunville.
I have h id occasion to use your Worm Syrup iu my
family, aud prefer it to any Vermifuge 1 have used.
FRKD. HUH, Froaty Valley, Montour en.
Dr. Rickley Having usel yatr worm Syiup, and
C renin of Cumphcr and Family Pills in my fnmily, they
trnve good satisfaction, aiul I consider them the most e
fecuioi, a-d pluusant re met lies, we have had iu our family.
JOIINHTHAN It. RtSHKl, Dauvillo.
Dear Pir : We the uudersignrtl being iu the employ of
Messrs. Orovos A C-'inly, nt whose ttre? you huve an
Agency for tlie rile of your Family Medicines, state that
we have hud an opixirtanity of knowing the opinions of
numerous individuals who have used them, und that they
give general aitisiactitai. We nave s kl a great many of
your Pills, which ure universally liketl. iM-iu? very miki iu
their operstitui. W. I.FISISNR'G
Danville, Attest, AV M. KKPI.KK,
Having Scurvy of my mouth very I tad, I was induced to
try a b tttie of yoiWIVxi'li Wash, which acted likoucliann,
hardening my gums, and removing nil ttisense.
Di. Iliekley: -Having wit it was eiillcd ulreuted mire,
moith, for which, I tried a number of remedies with no
benefit : I was at lust curetl by using one b Mile nf your
Tixith vsssh. Nfy wife nls ihfij:g her routiuemcnt, was
threatened wllhs tre.Ui easts, liunpa having already formed,
for which she used the Creuiu of Camphor, which scatter
ed them, thereby preventing her breasts from enlhering.
f.Kt A UliOW.N,
Near Ijilhcrnn Ch jrch, l)uuvilU, Pa.
Dr. Kicklev. Huving an opportunity of seeing your
Auti-ScorbuUn To st Is Wash used in some very severe ca
ses of scurvey of the gums, I cousiderit an excellent reme
dy Yours, resetfiilly, CiKO. II HKOWN.
The nlnve nietlietues are ft sale WholesnHt and Re
tail by W M. RICKLKV. M. D , Proprietor, Danville
Also For side by the follow in Ageuts in Northumber
land comity. Friling; k. rant, SunUm ; W A. Kistlib,
Augusta; W. Farrw, Buy dei town ; Taggart, Furuum A
Hurton, Pas in w ; I'mstiue A St rouse, Paxinos; John
Vauxant, PuxiiKts; Hugh Vustme, Pus inns ; Amtimimn,
Rosaei A Co , Shamokiu; Mrs. Jas. Thomas, fttainokm ;
Wra. Fagely, Shainokui y Campbell A khiie. August. ;
fttiuuc-l A. Dergstresser, Petersburg; Jaeob LeiSenriug,
Hear Osn ; Conrad Wenck, NorthumlerUiid ; Jeremiah
CriHHM. fMirisprrtkvei J wish Unkei, LewuUurf ) JoAa F.
Ouiutvand Jouailiaa Steuers, Mdiou.
Call ou Ut AgenU, snul fet a circular containing a full
description of the uumeruus cares pwforaMd kf tb diacr
nt Modteiiies ...
June 11, lttfSly.
. CAER, GIE3E & C0.t
. . Flour, Grain and Lumber
Commision Merchants,
: 23 and 25 Spear' U hnrf,
John ClnrV, Kq.( PicsitlcnlCitixn' BnTik.Balt,
A. P. Oilen, Eq., Cnshirr FrftnkHn Hank, "
John Herl7.!rr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia.
Rogers, Sinnicksnn V Co.. "
J. Tome, Esq., Presitlcnt Cecil Dank, Port Do-
post to.
J. Wnllowrr tV Son Harrisourg.
Col.'H. C. Eyer, Sclinngrove.
J. H. App& Co.,
NagJc, V innate & Co., Milton
W, W. ('ooko, Esq., Muncy.
Simon Pchnywr, bsq., "
Oeortp Dodinc, Hughsville.
W. Weaver & Co., Mottloursville.
Gen. William F. Packer, V illiamsport
T. W. Uoyd, Esq., Cashier, "
Jomrs H. Hitting, "
licwifl G. H tiling, "
M' Henry &. Dubb, Jersey Shore.
P. Hull nil, L so., Lock Haven.
tW Carr, Giese 5t Co. have the; Inrgeat wharf-
room of any commision house in Baltimore, al
way a giving quick despatch to boats in discharging
their cargoes.
March 12, 1853. 6m.
UImroIiiI Ion of larlnerKlili.
rilHB Copartiicrsliip heretofore existinit under
1. the name of James II. tV Wm. It. Hart, is
this tlav dissolved hy the withurawcl of William
It. Hart. The business of the late firm will lie
settled hy cither of the undersigned, at No. 229.
IWth 3d street.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853.
The undersigned, have this day formed a ee
partnership and will ronlinuo the husincss under
the nameof James II. & Thomas Hart. Thank,
ful for past lavors, they respectfully ask the at
tention of their friends and the public to their
stock of C;i:t)Ui;i!Ii;.S, which will 1-e full and
extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest
market rates.
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853.
Paints, Oil, AVindow
(ililSS, jc.
6 Toss French rinc white.
10 tons 1'urc White Lead.
50(H) Ilexes Window (ilass, all sizes.
Superior Potash,! 'opal, Coach ,l.en til
er iV Iron varnish, white Dciuar varnish for China
bloss, with a general assortment of lresh and pure
Also nil tho Patent Medicines in general use,
warranted tinuiine.
Colored and Enamled Glass, &e., &c., for Bale
very low at
Dm and Pnint Stoie, So. 16!) K. Snd Street,
Physit-imia and Storekeejiprs supplied Goods
scut to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge.
Phila., May 28, 1853. ly.
VJII.VKK WaKK. Wliiili-anle nml Hi mil ul N.i. 7
O fKrONU M., onnoailc th Ml. YeniiMi llnuw.
4 N.
li .Id
.ever Wntrliea. lull Jrwelril. Is k. cnxn, g.lKI ; er
Invent, lull luwvlnl, 8I-J,IM1; Silver I.L-iiur.jeweleil.siU,.
till all wniriinlid to kirp .! time, (i ild I'rns mid !il
ver Cnae, sti.Ktl; G"l.l Pi-nciia. fcl.lm j Onld 1'iiK-ila nnd
Pen (Iiim with irinid 0"td Penana low na gcl.tM, fte.
Alan, ulwnyaoil Imiul n ifusl nsioirtini'ut in tine (told
Jewelry, (i.ilil C'nrli, liunul und I'i.Ii Olmiiia, Onld Vest
Chnius, Irfll)ies, tinlil Fob Cluiinaiiml llelt Pius.
Silver Tlhle Sns frini U to SIS. Desaert, e?9 to
P'jl.ailri Ten, tl, t" M.') per v.irniiitl eiiinl to
coin. All sto'mIs wnrriinteil to lie wtmt lliey ure s .1.1 l'ir.
t"y Vuln1l nnd Jewelry r-uirnl mid wnrninled.
llf All ortlers Bent hy mail or otherwise, will he punc
tually ntlclideil t'.
M. AVISK. Aprut,
No. 72 North sr.COND Street, oisite the Ml. Vernon
Philn., April 8S, 1RVI ly.
Hobby Horses, Ch:ldrcn'i Propellors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and retail hy
No. 64 DOCK Street,
Orders through tho mail promptly executed
Phila., April 9. 1853. lv.
Pin t liii'in Krtilne
: Imhp luowii Severely letted.
A'.vayt right lite Arinotiteil
ri grii Simulant,
"TTi Kuilrond. Iluv. Colli, nnd Far.
' mers' SCaLHS, set iu any psrt
of the country, at short notice.
240 Market St., Philadelphia,
E. V. Bright, JSunhury.
Phila., pril 23, 1853.
Luliorers M'antod.
rTHE sulnscribcrs want iuimediulely on the
Railroad and Biisin, at Chapman, Union
county, seven miles helow Sclinsrove, from
to whjm one dollar per dav will pe paid.
Chapman, Union County, Feh. 19.1853. tf.
Hope Manufactory.
THE suhscriher respectfully informs the people
of Northumberland and Sunbury, and the
pulilic generally, that he has constantly on hand
aud manufactures to order, all kiudsof Boat ropes,
bed rords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and lines
of all kinds, at his establishment in Northum
Norih'd., June II, 1853.- 3m.
"V'OTICE is hereby given, that application
' will le made to the next Legislature of
Pennsylvania, for tlie incorporation of a company,
with discounting privileges, to be located in the
borough uf Sunbury, iu the county of Northum.
berland, with a capitul of One hundred thousand
dollars, to he called the' "Smtyiiehiiuna Sariugi'
Hunbury, June 25, ls53. Cm.
TOTICE is hereby given that an application
' will be made, at the next regular session of
the Legislature, to charter a company for bank,
ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of
two hundred thousand dollars, wilh the privi
lege of extending it to four hundred thousand
dollars, so be located in the borough of Sunbury,
Northumberland county, Pa., and to ba called
"Ths Mimas' Bin or Si-aacai."
July 8. 18S3. 6m.
TVLAXRA of every description cam ba bad Vy
P W spplj ing at the otnee or Uta Amencan.
All solvrnl Imnks I dis
All nlvrnl Inuka 1 dis
All solvrnt Iwnks I dis
II li Z "'"""M-rHIA.
All sulvont Inuks
1A rill
Bunk of r.i . 1 '
It-.... r ncwer
r pnr
....... .n .,rrmniown
Bnnk of Orttv.1,,
Hniik of lWi.towii
M'nililoinprv V.n
mriAII snhrpnt ink fl .1;.
1 Uis.LT-lik notes nndr su i di
Allsnlvrntslmnks 1 dli
nelvidcre llnnk I di.
Bunk ..fpm,,r
Iltmlr ..f IL.-...1," 1 ulp
Ciimmercinl Hunk I dis
Far. Hmik Klmit II..IW .....
C.rh.U H....L .?'
I diF. ft M.,MiiWlrlmvii Pt. Jnr
p."'.. ill' i""11" pnr,l'riiH'eton Dunk
r n K';;l "l, !r"lwi Hankii.. Co,
Frnnk in Ilk SlM! Hk Kliralwihton
I ilia
1 dia
"" 1 dli rtnto Ilk
N. Biunawlrk pnr
lOTiOTi.icr wins nnr
Lrlnninn Hnnk pnr
Miaacs Bnnk. INrwtoti I dis
rrontim llniikinsr Cd par
nifrcn. ft Man. Bnnk I dia
Miners' U'k, Pnitaville tot
l. nion ifnnk. Iluvrr I .Ii.
Ynnllpyv'lf ft DdDr Cu I.Vlis
Monnnpihcln llnnk I dia1
Tnylorav'e II', Co IS dis
est llranrh llnnk pnr
Wyoming; Hk, AVilkesh'e pnrl
Ynrk Biuik, i dia
ty Kelief nntrs 1 dis
rrUk iun-s nndi'r HJ I dis
i.nns ot iiruiwnre tmr
llnnk ol rmvnm pnr
liemwnre uily llnnk pnr
Ilk Wilrwr'nA Bnimlyw. pni
Fnrmera- Ilk St Drlnwnre imr
ll A I .A K.
Bnnkor A hll, k Sdia
Mrrnintile Hk. Btlnlnr 1(1 ilia
Tninn Bnuk.AVilniiitston rwir
tr Under S'.'S's dis
All solvent hnnka I ilia
All sulvrnt Innkt 1 ilia
Bnnknf 8t AIUiiis 8 dia
All snlvent lainka 9 dia
tlT Ilk unties llndfr U'a 4 dis
All aidvfnl l.iuka S dia
All aolvent Inuks j dii.tVt'iidrrS's,
2) dis
Tremendous ExciteiHsnt ! !
Casli, Steam, Klectrieitv ! !
The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the
IJIitnln? I.I or
"1"1TH having great failh in rapid sales and
' small profits, has just received anu oiwncd
a large assortment of
At his Store in MarUet Street, Siinhtiry. which
he offers to the public at the lowest pri e.
His stock consists of a general assortment o
Dry (ioods, viz :
Cloths. Cassimers, Cassincts. Jeans, Drillings,
Ulnslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de
Lains, Lawns, Ginnhnrns, Beragcs.
Silk Hats. .
A large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molaw, Cheese, Spi
ces, Fish Salt, Tlasti r.
Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, File, Sows, cVc.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ire
Vine Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, Jc.
t V" Country produeo of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest inaiket prices.
Jan. IT), 1853. ly.
ooc:roR Yornsi-i.r!
tiiin.nilh One Ilundrei!
Kngr:n ing, showing lJis.
e;ises anil .Vl'illiirinstious of
the Systeiii in every
shape and form. To which
is addi'd a Treatise on the
Uiseinu's of Kciniilcs, lading
ol ihe 1 1 i Iic-kI impurlance to
married people, or those
contemplating marriage.
lv tf Wm. Vomic
Let no father be ash:nued to prencut a copy of
the .ftSCUliA PITS lo his child. It may save
him from an early crave. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret ililiiatinu of mar
ried life without reading the l'OCKKT JESCL"
LAPII.S. Let no one fullering from hackniep
lOiigli, I am 111 tlie Mile, restless mglils. nervous
."iumhis U'k B'.n
IXirr Mowii llank i ....... . .... lM-wnrs mr
Knit." Ita k f ." P"'
K,JS li t I "7 1 5!" N"v"rk l,k'" '" Co i
I'BttersiiM I (in
feelings, and the whole train of ltyspeptic sensa. , 'erms as they can he purchased elsewhere. C'oun
lions, and given up by their physician, l e another j ,r.v J'f"duce taken in payment for work,
moment wilhout consulting the' JEsCL'LAPIL'S. . 1 CNDEKTAKINO Having provided
Have the married, or those almut to he married
any impediment, read this truly useful hook, as
it has been the means of saving thousands of un
fortunate creatures from the verv jaws of death.
Pir Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
CENTS, enclosed iu a letter will receive one
copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address, l)n. W. VOl'-Nlt,
Post paid.
June 18, 1S53. ly.
To Merchants, Travellers and Others
Throughout the United Slates,
Alexander L. llickey 5 Co.,
No. 148 Chcsnut Street, Front of Jones' Hotel)
Philadelphia. j
4 RE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchants .
and Travellers one of the largest and most i
Improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunks ever
ollcred for sale in this city, together wilh a gen
eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which
can possnuy oe iiiingiucu, ranging in price iruin
two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort-
nieut of Ladies' Dress Trunks, lionnet Doxes,
Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet and
Leather lings. Hand Coaches, digs, eke., &.C.,
all of w hich we are prepared to sell at reduced
prices. We respectfully invite a call from the
Merchant or Traveller to examine our extensive
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 148 Chesuut Street.
Phila., April 9, 1953. 6m.
Excellence and Beauty combined,
Model Spring; Style Hats,
UNEQUALLED by any others in all that
can render satisfaction to the Wearer.
live them a trial. The Very Finest Molkskis
11 its for 3.50 ; Second Quality, very fine, 3,00
Third Quality, a capitul article, 3,50. All these
are warranted.
Model Hat Store, No. 46 North 8ih Street
Phila., April , 1853 Cm.
Gentlemcns Fashionable
No. 231 Chcsnut, Third door below Eighth st
HAS on hand a full stock of French and
English Piece (ioods, which will ba mado
to order at tho Shortest Notice, in the Latest
Style, FOR CASH.
Phila., April 9, 1853. Gin.
85 KEWAllD!
THE" above reward will be paid for the discov
ery and conviction oavery individual found
guilt of trespassing ot injufing' any of the
property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad
June, 4, 1853. it. '
An excel
For sale
Vf lent remedy for coughs, colilf,
at this office.
December 4. 1853.
At the Cabinet Ware lloom of
Market Square,
Also at the corner of Fawn street & the Railroad -SUNBURY,
Thankful for the pntronnge of his friends and
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness In this place, he solicits from the public a eon
tinuanee of their favors. During this period he1
has endeavored to keep up wilh the Improvement
of the day, and has accordingly extended his husi.
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention of the present
At the ni.1 M.r
Where in addition to their fnrm.r io,V .1
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain.
utrge zpnnx Seat Rocking Chain,
Dressinx Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Marble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Fnmliionnblc Furniture.
Having stenrrd a Hearse and made the necea.
sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now
prepnred for Undertaking in all its branches, in
tins vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye and mistfectet, ami huslunds too,
Here's riihiiliire of every style mid hue,
From Bide Ivmnla dmvn to kitrhen tallies,
From rocking rhnira tu Kicking crmlles
Ph'inl.l yon not have the narir Jons to pay,
We'll wail awhile for a brighter liettor duy,
Or take potatoes, onta, cum, whent ami rye j
Bark, himp p.ih , slaves, or Inmher wt ami ilry,
Or any thing hut ynkca and threahhig flails,
From pies and tnrkies down to linle ipiails.
Come on then friends, come one mrf all,
Keep trade a moving, an "put nn the lull."
11F Orders from a distance ur.miiitlv .itm,.l.l
to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch.
junuury, jiiarcn , I sol) tt
'i o Yotir dun 3S vc hanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
'TMIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention
of the public to his large and splendid assort
ment of every quality nnd ju ice of
which enimot fail to rcioinmcnd itself toevery one
who will examine it, on account of its dtirablo
workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be had iu die tilv. No effort is
spared in thn manufacture of his ware, snd the
subscrilier is determined to keep up wilh the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. His slock consists of Mahogany
Sofas, IHvuiiM and Lounges,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN 111.1NUS, equal to Phila
delphia manufiicture.
HEDSTEAUS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in this line of his business.
He also manufactures nil kinds and qualities of
including vnrielies never before to be had ir
Sunhury, such a, Hhi k Winn
x n Cr 11 m n M ici.i (in 1 ( 1 an ; i Wivi.suii
CHAIH.S, A x 11 fim'I Pi imi S-coiii.s, which nm
of the latest styles, mid warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cilics or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined lliat there shall
be no excuse fur persons tu purchaso furniture in
the cilics, as every roulldrncc can be rule rtiiiurj
nboui ihe quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disiicmi of on as wood
uimseii wnii a jikaiimk, lie is now
prepared for I'lulertakiiig, und attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
'ihe Ware Koom is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf.
1 .f ... . ?
No. 12 South Second Street,
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lcpiue do
" Quurtier do
(old pens and pencil and silver halders
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Uracclets, Ureast pins Eur rings Ac.
All warranted and sold at prices as low as acj
in the city.
N'ovemlier 87. 1R52 tf.
1,000 Men Wanted.
rfcN the li-e of the SUSQUEHANNA RAH,
ROAD lietivccn liridueiiort fnnoosite Hsr.
; risuurg; mm ouunury, in mc fiaie ol J eunsylva.
' n ia. This road is fifty four milts in length' runs
j through a highly improved country, and wilt
' furnish employment for stone masons, rarpentera
j and laborers for the next twelve months. A
' large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation,
j luliorere that ure familiar will therefore find ccr
tain employment and liberal wages.
February 19, If 53
Uosendule Hydraulic Cement.
4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, VaMUsT,
Spring houses and Cellurs, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed walls.
For sale by
of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Smith &'
N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly.
c. s. vsiss, 1C. ID.
I . WING located himself permanantly in
Sunbury, 'ers his professional services to
the Town aud Country, oll'ce, corner of Deer and
Market si nets (formerly telegraph oflice,) where
he may he frund unless prulvssionally engaged.
Sunbury, April 30, 1 853.6iii.
GOLD PENS wilh and wilhout cases, of a
very sugierior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale
by II. ii. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dee. 37, 1851.
. . . a
uar uoiites iur sale or
Sunbury, April, 13, 1851
UEK, a fresh snarly inrt received, anil to
"lo .. "U. U. MASSER.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853.
INK Bonreau's celebrated ink, and also Con
gres ink for sale, wholjsala snd rrtafl hy
lleeemlsw l. 1R0. H. U- MASTER.
jtfABlUAGE CETIFIOATE9 band aontelr
axeoutod for aale alf this oiTina. auk at
by tha dozens