1 I CTj-ra-'p.?.. ,T,..T'" - ' " " - " - " ... , tup I J - I f-'J-JL SUNIWJIY AMKIUGAM AMI) SHAM OK IN JOURNAL. THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. rm me nu.tnuiy Aiiicrawn. MIS) XLI.AMiOtS li.MOM. I im composed of 26 letters. Mv 1 SI 14 f relafl My 2 1 14 m til li 18 city n h-U.illelStato-. lily 3 13 I S' in kiiiilm "iHi My 4 I 14 1' 9 I'J i.ihe namof a ma'e. My 3 M " 1" distiibimve prim -un Mr II 15 111 I" rivrr in lh United States. Mir 7 W l' 'a liH. My K 1 3D 14 'JIM ill fl'iwct . My 9 14 3 8 is a mensnre. Mr 1 1 1)1 4 7 A ia nil ntfieer in Court. Mv 11 fl 14 7 11 we have n one in the United Htotca. Vr Iff A ID S II 14 is a eitv in Kum; M .' 13 M 14 a i 8 in a divai-n i f lima. Mv 14 1 ' 11 S 7 Is a kin lofnut. .Vv IS ! 3 " 1 is man .m I red by the. ; ib ic. My I M 4 li D I I I ia udiviaion ! land. Vv 1? 81 D 11 :i 8 ia a fruit .S' it '3 'I1 S i-m t .cie.it ritv of F.urip !v i' o- . 7 i the name of n pi Minted singer. .'' '5 1 11 1 wis n prcmd nt of the V. 8. Vv '' " I i vc.i I, V . 3:5 II 9 3 5 l a gulf In Furor. !t . : . i i ) H I u 7 ii H II an American Centra . fl, : . .r1 '' 1 10 xv an itneienl liiamritu.. : r. i. to lx -I i - i .ei iii ai i. X: . ' i I 1 I" 9'- I Hie name of a mi'e :v mIi 'V In in- I 'y voting, middle uik! o!lI ngeil. : s'Ver a. week. unbury, !o.pt. Id, 16)3. J. Y P. P 0 C t V 1J . Fr in L irii.g'a Hundred Orntura MR. EVKRETT'S SCHOOL n Et I TA1 10. The prpcrptora of ihe Hon Ed.vaul Ever ell in thn public schools of his ntilivo town were Rev, .lamps lllake Home and Rev. Wilkes Allen. It was in one of these school that Ihe yoti hf i! Everett recited, at an ex hibition, a poem, generally supposed lo I e.in with these words : 'Vnii'il scarce expect onp of my age To speak in pub'ic on the siage " In ouler lo tiserlaiu the fact regardino; this maile-, which has been a queMimi of doubt for "alf a century, Iho cditot of this work upplied lo Dr. H.nria, of Goie Library, a eon of ihe late Rev. Dr. Harris, who bap tized Iho infant E lward, Apri! 13, 1794. and learned that the poem alluded lo was not the one spoken by him, but tho following, s prefixed 10 the letter, dated Cambtidgci Feb 1. 1830, in tthirh Dr. Harris staled. '1 have seen cop:os of these lines, dilTerin" li ... , . , . , . llgnily and variously from the forejoing, lt:Ak I:..-..- ii " I " """iB ircoiieeiion, agiees more nearly with Ihe original than the others. I mean to sny, that Ihe lines now sent are nearer to the original than other copies that I have seen. The 'liulo orator' has become a great ot:e." The expression lillle roan" applies to. the color of Edward Everett's hair. Line- written for Edirard Everett, when a ehild by the Rev. Thaddevs Mason Harris I'ray ho-.v shoulJ I, a little lad, Li spef.king, make a figure? Yotrre only joking, I'm afraid,- Do wait till I am biutier. But, since you wish to hear my part, And urge me lo begin it, I'll strive for praise, with all my heart, Though small the hope lo win it. I'll tell a lale how Farmer Julio A litlla roan colt bred, sir, And every niaht nnd every morn He watered nnd he fed, sir, Said neighbor Joe lo Fuimur John, ' Ain't yon a sillv doll, sir, To spend suc h time and e.'ie upon A lillle useless colt, sir V Said Farmer Jiilv to teiulib'ir Joe, "I b.inn my little roan up, Not for Ihe ami I h ' nnv can do, Hut will tin w Ivu li -'s giowu i-.p." Th motiil you mav well espy. To keep Ih'i tale from spoiling : Th Utile coll you think, is I, I ktiow.it by your smiling. And now, my friei;d, please lo excuse My lipina and my stammers ; I, for this once, have dono my bi-st, And so I'll make my manners. A STRING OF ITEMS Three sisters of Kossttlhare living in New York. 1'w-i hundred and one omnibussrs run dai if ;n 'i )-o.'i. Tut -'esti! po.vd -r evplosion in Wheeling, ijfl :. 3))d3 worth of window glass. t:.'r. 7. Ft li:ishtisen decline being a 'f.r. 1. :r.irt fir G ivt rnor of Now Jersey. -'iie ho-neo pit hist aie curing every case nf Vellow fever enttus'.ed to them in New Oi iearis. A little aiil's face, in Troy, N. Y., is cover ed with hair of a dark color, and about two inches long. The break in the North Branch Canal has been repaired, and ihe whole line is now in navigable ord;r. There are no-v confined in Milwaukee jail ten women for u ious crimes. All these are confined in one room. Hon. Gerrell Smith, M.C. elect from New Yoik, h i made a donation of $1000 lo the New Oileans snfferers A mordem wiiter has discovered that the human hair is a vejetnble. He does not say bow it thould be cooked, Juilie McFadden, of Washington, Ta. lately uppniuted Assnciale J.ul-e ol Oregon, has slatted for that tenitory. Ha ring cannot be removed from ihe fin ger apply quicksilver lo its suifuce, and it can easily be broken by pressing il. In a town oul West, there was but one birth during the past year. This may be called a cise of solitary coiv)ui8Uiehl. The favoriie cosmetic for removing freck les, in Paris, isan ounce of alum and an ounce of lemon-juice in a pint of rose-water. The genius who discovered the remedy foi all in cutablo diseases, has been riding round the "shores of time" with the night mare. ' Fanny Fern,1 say it is provoking for a wo man, who bis worked all day at mending an "id coat of her husband's, to find a love lets 'r from another woman in his pocket. We should think it might be. A fl'lLic MA, at the South is thus poeli. tally limned by a local paper: A eorn compleiion mewht red Wry lo iki lo icare the crows A roint'rn n (treat big aahUj head A UiammoUi turn-up nnae. A GarAT Puce. There is eaij to be an old lady down on Long Island so very fat, that the neighbors use her shadow (or Jfrid die greasing. To keep her fioin slipping oul of bed, her husband roll her in tUu ahc. Lorg lslaud is a great place. m CHERRY PECTORAL: fr iU C'urn mf COUGHS, COLDS, HOAIISEUE33, BROW OHXTI3, CROUP, ASTH III A, VHOOPING-COUGH TO U A Cl),l, WITH IIRAD.VnB AND iuHlBf oi tlie lmly, tnkc the Chkrry rKcnpRL n going lo h.-d iiH vrnp up wurtn, 1i nwfit liuiing tlio 1 1 .lit. IVr a Ijold and Coi'Gif, tnkc il iiKrnii.j(, inoiioml eve ttiittf. n''R.)itnr to (liiocit -hd n thi b ttlf. unit the iliiRfnl ly wi'l tt..n l.f n-iTi ivi1. xvitllniR iitff-T fr Mti Ir.HiMe wIcmi thry timl it mil In? fin rrniiily rtircil. rrr'in nilhcl:.! with a ne tttl r mgh. wttiiU hriiKi tlttin ol" !lc?ir rest nt nieht, will fin'l, by inkuip lh CWny rwMTal on P"iHs i.-ti, ii py liny lie aim- oi snnnn, niii'H'KPM mrfp. Hitd c i'H4nMPiiiiv"r-f :i ?iiini rtt. ("iriiit trluM fromulVT- iti. ni):l stii iitti-jnic rnr'. is niT-ri-rt t tlicnicuuls who nrr Ih'ifi nUlich fl. l.y thn invrilun'ile rrnjrdy. I'ti.nr n nsrn i:.ihk eiVrrts in tticn cwn'f, innnv fiittl Uiitii"Uv unwilling to f 'fcgj its use when t.ic noctMity l r !m twj viu iKi-l rhvpicini: in F .r"TRV!M.-'. Twin . Ar.rU 10. trh! in nr i nr nnH fti'l it 1 1 rjrin,I ev-rv -tlit rr ui'r'ly wc have f r cniii'ir itOVf (i mim of th Tpirnt"ry or- j gft'm. lV,KiKft II AM I TOi . H'PI.MiI.M.MI 11 UI.M. SSI I ,AIl-,nr hub rciuunj ia invahiuhte, ns by it nation m thelhtvatnuil lui: when trtken in Bmnll iiti;m:ilifi, it reniovf?a!l lio'irprnpff " " f"W h mr, and wjuden'ully increasti the power fttttl Utxib.lily o'thc v ii'-?. AS 1'IT.M i p:nfrllv much relicvwl. mid offn whn'ly onrri by C herrv I'ect rnl. Hut tlrr" nrr ome cr.sca?n nl timt' n t yic!J e.ifirHy t m melicine. Cherry redo rnl will (''.i"" if th?y pnn he riir1 BRO.NrHITJS, or icrirati 'ii nf the thr w', nntl tipper portion nf the linps. mnv 1 cured hv tiking Cherry Ve M rali'i rn-ill a-.il trri'.imt duaca. The unc.'mforlttble op- Hi-v. I)(ct. L.NSIN(5. ff Pr,Mr'yn,?iw Y'rk. atntra: ! h ive aren tin I'hfrry Ppri irnl cure sn' h cat "f Afthtna niui Hr nrhilia n 1'fnfln me to believe it cun rartfly Cm I tn t-ixro ih (linens is." FOIl CHtU'P. Hive nn pmclir nf antimnny. t he Mi w?il liv l ffc oml frt'Timt d nn-3 of thr Cherry Pecto- ti1. iimil i BubJuca the diaome. If taken in aeaa.m, it will II t f 'i' to rurv WiloOlMNO COrCIImayI.e broken up and axn cu re! In- i!n me if f'lirrry fVrt -nl. Til' IXFIAJ i:M? V ia nfi- lily rmnvrd hy lloa Tcmf dv. XiiiiT-miia ini'iiiTa h ive b -eit ii 'tu'l where wh 'le I 'm iei weie iir it-viid from nny a-irimw coiifwqtifiicra, v II their neL-hliora. wilh nit the Cht-rry IVvtoral, vt i e;if 'ft ' ni Ihe di$e:iae. !r. J. C. Aver: SAtrw.Ohio. lllh Jnn. IS.'I. I wrirn to inform yon of t!io truly remark utile etlW-ta ol vrur CUI'KnV I'l'UTOHAL in ihis pliice. mid in my own family. One nf mv dTnchtfra wns t'oiiip!"t'ly ruml Tr. im imp of our vciv iwi piiaicmns urply mci that ha cninia,.T it thp hst r.nWy we hive putmraiarr Ltimn. nnd thai h hnac-ired mwe p-sa i f runcp wilh ii ilin-i n"v -nhrr m"li"ine lie ever ni'ministcred. in trifpft rttiva n n ilrnttliil " HOfn?io ounii. iy ihkh ii 0ur ,,,:,.,, r ,h, u,p,i chi.r-h s.v.tlint durinc the r.in 'if Inft.i-en-z be e tliis re n. he h.i ait n cu- i: I.n A ..il. I .J l...i K..lt.-..a k-ll. out .e'-im.. 1 ojra respcctiiiuy, J. n m.m i..m, Pejvtty rpimna'cr. From the ilislinavishtd Professor of Clicmis try and Alrlcriti M'd.cr, liov'doin Collect. I hnve foui d the I'iiei'tit IVr-rop w.. na il incredient slnw. a i-ewenu renii'dy f T culf, nnd c-uilis, nud pul' , monary di. ensts. j rr.iiii Ci.cvei.akp, M V. i Bris?v.-:ck, Me.. Feb. S. lf-17. I Ml. V.U.FNTINF.MOTT. The viddxi ceh-hrated Professor of Surgery 111 thc Medical College, IScw lurk ( ily, says: I '-It c'l"(l me pVjis-ire tn certify Ihe vibie nil'l etrieitoy if -AvEH's C'HKRliV Pkctohai..1 Wllieh I rntndilt-r peC'lli ! arly nttnptt'd tuciir disensi'S of the 'rhrrmt nnd l.uniis." I Curi-a of ffeveie diensea upon the l.mics liuve been ef ' fi-cted hv Ciiebrv Fectptiai. in such extreme enr'-s ns - ,..!. j. ...... i.. i . . i. i f ...a tliat can be d.-riendid on t ,nrn the C MiL-lm. C"Wa and ! CnmuiinntiMii which currv frnm nur mut thons-tndB every vear. ft is indeed a nieiheiiie tivi hiehthe nfllicted nn look wuh cnfiilenee for relief, and they a'lould not fail ta avail themselves nf it. Prepared and sold tv JAMES C AYER, Prar.lit.al Ch'mist, Joirrll. Mass. Sold in Punhiiry by II MASSER, nnd by Dru'sistB generitlly throughout Ihe Slate. July 30, IS."!. ccow I v. Nov. 13. TjS. UToi-o cv Gio;!.i!I WILLIAM A. KXOBI3, OESPECTFL'LLY inform his friends nnd - t!:e p'lblic cenr ally, that he has just received and opcuc;! a large and splendid stock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, ut his fitoro in Lower Augusta township. His stok cousits ol every variety of Dry Goods, viz.- Cloths, Cassimers, SaUiucttr. I'cs't'.'icj, Flan nets, Muslin, 4c. A splendid stock of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Sink as Sil!.s, Berrt'jet, He Lnines, Mcrinocs, Lawns, Ginghams, Ca'.icoe, i'c. BOOTS AND SHOES, A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children. A large assoitment of GUOC'KHIIIS, SUCH AS Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.C. Hardware and Queensware. Fish, &n!(:ii&(I Liquor. 51 t il AS Gin, llrRinly, Rum and Whistir, Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kind ol Goods lo be had in Ihe country. All the above mentioned goods will he sold at such reduced prices as they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Augusta tw-sp.. July 2, 1853. Cm. Just Published and for Sale by W.I. McCARTY, Bookseller, Bunhury, Pa. The American TLEADEKS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in ue in the I oiled States. By Com.issom Rked, Esq., Jpsae iegis viva vox Wi;h notes nnJ additions, together with a thort syateni oi conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pics ident Judge of iho Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Eoc'.tefcler and M. L. Shiudel, of the bar of .Northumberland county. Since lite publication of the baok, the following letter has been receive! from Jjde Pearson ol Hairisburg : Haiihisbcro, June 30, 1803. Gemti.imes : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders ai3tint," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval nf the selection and composition of the precedents thus olVered to Ihe public. Tho legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of husincs. and Ihe practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations leing, to a gre at extent, founded on the acts of astembb , will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safely and brevity in our pleadings. It should bo in the hands of every practising lawyer in our slate. Yours, with grent respect, JNO. J. i'ERSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Esquiies. Hunhury, July U 1853 INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE.-An excellent re medy fur the cure of Fever and Amw. inui r. ceived and for sale by 1. W. TEN Ell & CO. ounuury, May 11, 18 3. QIIMN PUMPS. A small number of these excellent pumps have beta received and are offered for sale by II. B. MASfeER. Runburt. June 4. 18f3. Ll. ID Lamps, Choice Baskets, Flower Va- cs and Ovusmentsi Queensware and U loss ware, just received and for sale hy buiitmry. May 14, '83. TEN EH eV CO. .-,... wiLajo, jubiicvi ana yoneieiee ree 1 Bills hsndsjiucly prinud on cars' nsuer fur pr nn T a I.....: . . ... (ile at ttaaoirue. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. miLING 8t GRANT. IlE8PECTFt;LLY infurm their customers and the pnMip, Hint they have just tecciv. f (1 and opened tlio heat nn J cheuppst stork of Spring and Summer Goods, ot their store in Market square, Punliury. Their stork consists of every raric'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Ciif'imfrrt. Snttinrts, Vesting, Flannels, Wallens, fyc, And all kinds of Sprina & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dl Laincs, Jlerages, Anil cvpry variety of goods suitable for La dies wefvr. Also nn extensive assurtnienl of Hats and Cam for Mks and HotT. Also a large iisjurlincnt of CKOl I'-KHS ft:cfl as Sugar, Teas, CoHee, Molassep, Spices of all kinds. Also a lnrc assortment of HARDWARE anl ftUEENSWARE, Fish. Salt and Plaster. A'.bo a li eu supply "f uni Ofi and mi:dioini:s. Besides the luruest ami most uenernl nssnit ment of all kinds of goods lo be had in this place. CsT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest marltct price. Stinburv, April 30. 1S53. J. F. GOULD, (Succesaur to A. FIOT.) iS'o. 164 Ch's nitt Street, Strain's lluilding. rnrcADnipziiA. EXTENSIVE MUSIC PCUI.ISHER. and Di aler in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive A font fir the sale of Hollel. Davis &. Co's (Uostoli) I'iTEST Scs-i-nssioji Ruiuct L'j.'ui! and oilier PIAKOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Fiauos, Mclodeons, Mnrtiu's Guitars, llarim, Violins, bni.r.r Mcsic, Mi eic Buoks, cvc., &c. Residents of Ihe country will ho supplied by w or i lhc.-wUc will) any music Ihey may wih, et as low rates as if purchased in J crsnn. 1 a iup; one of ilia largest slocks in the United 'States, lerl contiileiil of salis:y in nil who may fior me with a call or ori'.er. Dealers in Music supplied r.n the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Fecund band Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 11, 1S.VJ. 1y. ANOTHER DEVOLUTION JJ JJPV ilOOUS iiUSMieSS. J. F. & 1. F. KLINE, E.SPECTFULLY announce to tlieir friends and lie public in general, that they have taken the Old Hand, in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly or copied by Isaac. Campbell, & Co., and have jul icturr.ed from Philadelphia, nnd opened. .1 JYcw anl Splendid .lisorlmtut of Spuing and Scmmek Goods. i Consisting in pai t of Cloths, Cns-dineri. i tint Us, Linens, Checks-, aud all kinds ol I Summer Wear. Also a fph'iuhd assortment of La:lie3 Diesj Goods, Calicoes, Ginhauis. Lawns, Berajd de Laincs, Alpacas and M-.awlK. Also a fush supply of C. rocoi U'S ol all kinds, Hardware and Queensware, Dnijrs and Medicines. Also a large assortment of Bonis and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hals and Caps, such us Panama, Stnuv, Palni-lcuf and other Hats, riall, Cheese, Ac. Call and ec. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex- change for country produce, at the highest market , Black Satins, ra rich article.) excellent Marseiles price. j BulT, White, (Figured and Plain ) Figured Upper Augusta, April 30, 1R33. ly i Grenadine, superb Wule e.l S,iks, and j SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, I 111 I I O V e CHlS A II C a i I ! Tw(.fl!s iAurn9i vraxai,. Uosciry, Plain and e M-ewMwi ! Fancy Trim 111 inen. Gentlemen's Collars, KLIAS BROCIOUJ ! sender,. A-r..&..e. HEREBY inform, his friends and the public 1 C-,!1 nil. of go..,!,. He generallv. that ho has just received at his .challenge Inspection, and po.itely invites the old stand, in'; U,ket street, opposite Weave's public to test their quanty by procuring ihe be.t lot q j and nealest coats, pants, vests, it,, in the coun- .In cir.Jlent assortment of ' ... ., - , ! l A few- journeymen tailors can find nn- &J w , W m0 W) j mediate situations at this establishment. F R E X 0 II CALF SKINS,1 s ''''"' -M"' 1853 3in- French Lasting;.?, And oil limit tii Lniiiir n.lit -S'iiie finlinr .... ... Wi, 1,11 lie oilers 10 me liaue at reasnnal lc prices. neaisu 11.111 ins ms ruMiiinrr. line oinrrs, ilia. ; tn. Ivania. fi.r the mcorporalsun ofaeompanv he sliil continues the Shoeniaking business, and I wih disco.ii.tin? pririle.-es, to be located in ti'.e is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and ; lorol,gi, ( Suuboiy, in the county of Northum fasbtonable style, and on reasomiblc terms. hctUi,ui wM) a capil.il of One hundred thousand 111, bury, Juno 1 1, 18..3. ly-. j (tnLl,.,i , i,e ca!it,J tlc -'Susquehanna aviiis' 6RI3A7 NEWS I A New CLOTHING STORE III SUSEUSY. i ELSBERG & CO., respectfully announce ' to the inhabit ants of N'oi thunihciland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new ('hulling .Store in Sunbury Pa., opposite the Post Omce, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market .StieeU They ate just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Sjirinj and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sa'inett, Linens, Checked and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vests. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which wll be sold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash prices. The public may rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical taitor and our whole Stock of Clothing i" made up l y ourselves. Our adhe ring to Ihe cash principle and our extended sc. quaintauce among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Cull and See ( No charge for looking at our Good. Our Assortment ia always kept up as we are constantly getting fresh supplies. Sunbury, May 7, 1K53. QJILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Stiver Watches, for sale at very low prices by 11. B. MASSER. 8unburv, April 13, IRS I VKN OLD'S WHITING- FLUID and Adhe sive aud legal envelopes, for sala by II. U. MASSEK, Punburv, Juu 10. 1853 BLANKS. 1 of every description ei 11 LAN of every description can be had by I ly ing at the office of the Au.cfn.yjo. NEV7 STORE. ! 11ENJAM1N llEFFNEIt IESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunlntry and vicinity, that he h opened neve store in the room lately occupied by ticorge Hright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring nnd Summer Goods consisting In part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: rnllcncN, Cliitliunit, Lawns, MoiiMNrllitc Dc l,nlttcs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Blarilwaic. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also sti excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of IIOOTS &. SHOES. HATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt. Fish, isc. And a crct variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. lir Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pn es. Simliurv, Mav 1, 1S.V2. ly. KOTICE. T0 Plf'F. is heicby piven by the utnlnrsijnrd ritizens of Ihe ( mnmoiiwea'tii el J t imsvl vania. that applicnlion will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth lor H;e erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tur. St-xariiT Sivixi.s' Institcti-.." to be located in the boroush of Suiibury, Northumberland county, with discounting privilege, nt.d with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars. Robert If. Anl, Geo. Bright, John Younir. Adam Shissler. Thomas Robins, Dunicl Druikc miller, f-'redk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Yoiingmati, Pe ter U Maier, J. W. Friliog. Ira T. Clement, Benj. llcndri. Us. Geo. C. Welkcr, J. V. Peal. Sunburv, Juno 2i, 153. Cm. Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of Patent I.t tU-r C'opjltiff li-rs.ic., rntcnt METALLIC DAMPENER Brushes, Oil Papers, Blottins Boards, Copying Ink, itc. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING LOOKS, Superior to all others, nnd each page printed. TATENT LETTER BINDER, I A nioi-t valnr.blc invention for keeping in a bon';-li!.e ioim, Letters received, Oiiyiual Invoi I ces. a c. I Phila., April 11, 1S50. ly. j Important to Coal Dealers. 'HIIE subscribers hereby inform Ihe. public, that they have entered into partnership under the j firm of Kase, Reed oi Co., lor I lie purpose of ; mining, shipping nnd Felling coal, ilelivercd at j f'unhury, or at any other point along the fos I quchnnua. ! They will be ready to deliver coal, wet" prepa ' reil. on contract or otherwii-e. at all times, on the shortest notice, and nn ihe Hint reasonable terms. Orders received at har.iul.in by KAsK, HEED & CO. Sunhnry, June 4, lSo:). ly. I Impoi'ium ol' Fashion ! And Gentlemen's FurnisliinEf Goods .ioiin v. m virnx, f V A3 RECEIVED at his cslal.rn.hneiit. on ! J 3 Deer street, one door north of C. J. Bruner's 1 law-office, iu Suiibury, the most 1 Splendid and Fashionriiila 1 assoi:t:.ikxt of goods I for gctillemen'a wear, that has ever been offered j in this place. His stock eotiaiMs in a great 1 variety of I Jmong which are superior Black, Brown, Green, Olive Llnrrt, Uehsvim I lorn, French Clolis, Bumiun black, &c. BLACK AND BROWN C A SUM FRETS, Black plain dne-sk'n Cassimircs. Summer and Winter Cassimers. kc. VESTING.?, NOTICE j V'OTICE is heieby given, that application ,vj , ,,, la , ,.v.t Legislature of Ll U itt!t." 1 Sunbtirv, June C5, 15:1. 6m. NOTICE. ""OTIf E is hereby given that an application will be mado, at the next regular si ssion of the Legislature, to charter a company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred lhonai)d dollar, wilh Ihe privi lege, of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to he located in the borouch of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., and lo be called "The Mirr.H' Bank or Smalm." July 2, 1R..3 Cm. TUG CHEAPEST, THE NEATEST AND THE DEST. Excellence and Beauty combined, Model Spring Style Hats, UNEQUALLED by any other in all that cun render satisfacliui. to the Wearer (ii.e them a trial. The Very Finest Miii.lsriv Una for 3. "il); Second Quality, very fine. 3 00 Third Quality, a capital article, 8,50. All these are warranted. Model Hat Store, No. 46 North 6th Street Philadelphia, Phila., April (r, 1SS3 6m. S3 REWAIID"! FpHE above reward will be paid for the diseov. I cry and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or injuring any nf the property of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Companv. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1853. tf. COME AND SEE The New and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for sale bf Suubury A pi 30, 'S3. I. W. TENER St CO I1I.ANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, bonds. Executions, Summon Ac, for aalehy 11. B. MASSEK. Sunbury Aprl 36, 18SI NOTICE To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United Slates, Alexander L. Hiekey Co., THE ORF.AT WOItLD'S FAIIl pniZK MKDAb TRUNK MANUFACTORY, No. IAS Chcsnut Street, ( Frnnt of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. VRE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant and Travellers one of the largest and most improved solid Sole Leather Spring Trunk ever offered for sale in Ihis city, together w ith a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly he imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Travelling Satchels, Valise Trunks, Carpet nnd Leather Bags, Hand Conches, Gigs, Ac.,ic, all of which wo are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from Ihe Merchant or Traveller to exatnino our extensivo assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ALEX. L. HICKEV & CO., No. 14S Chcsnut Street. Phils., April 9, 1853. fim. CARR, GIESE & CO., Plour, Grain and Lumber Com minion .Merchants, 23 rmJ 2a ai-'j Wharf, HALTirciOill.- r.r.VF.RENcns. John Clark, EfO,.. Pirsident Ciiir.ens' Bank, Bait A. P. (iiles, Esq.. ( ashler 1 ranUnn liiuik, " Jnhn llertzler. Jr., Ef ., Philadelphia. Borers, Sinnicksun Sc ('o.. " J. Tome, Estp, President Cecil Bank, Port Dc- posite. J. VVallower ct Son Hairisburg. Col. II. C. Ever, f-elinsgrove. J. H. App cv- Co., Nngle, ingnte fV Co.. Milton. W. VV. Cooke. Esq., Money, Simon Schuyler. Erq., " Georre Bodine, Hughsville. W. Weaver A; Co., Moutoiirsville. Gen. William F. Packer. W illiam.-port. T. W. l.lcvd, Esq., Cashier, " James II. Hiding, Lewis G. Hulimr. " M'lleury it Bubb. Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling. Esq.. Lock Haven. V Carr, G rsecVCo. have the hrgest wharf room cf any commision Imuse in Bultimore, al ways giving quick despatch lohcia-.s in distharii their car-. ics. March I'-1, lls.'3. ;i'l-:-.i:!!itiiil oi i'ill'lix-l .xlili. I'',I1E Copai tuerhip heretof-ire existing Under I the name nf lames II. it Win. 1!. Hart, is this day dissolved by the witlidrawcl nf William K. Hart. The business ui llic late firm will be settled by cither of the oiKlcisined, at No. SSI', No; Ih 3d street. J.WIIS II. HART, WILLIAM B. II ART, THOMAS 11 ART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, lbo3. The imdcrti'Tned, have this day formed a co partnership ami wiil cnniinuc the bn-iues under Ihe name of , I. imes H. eV Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past favors, they respectfully a-k the at tention of tin ir friends and the public lo their stuck of GI!tl(.'EHI!, which will le full nnd extensive, and which they will fell ut the lowest maiket rates, JAMES H. HART, TIIOM S II ART, Phila.l ia. J in. 1. Drug. I'aint;' fila?- Oil. Window fjc. Toss rretich vine white. 111 Ious Pii-.e V, iii'.e Lead. rtiut) liex'.'s imlow Ghtss.ull sizes, i Superinr Put, i-h, (.'opal, (. 'inch .Leatii- I er iV Iron varui-h. white Deu.ar vaiuteh lor ( linn, i Glor-s. '.villi a gcr.cial nssortuii nt of iVcdi and pure ' DUUGSAM) MK Di(J INKS. i Also all the Patent Mediiines ill general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enanik-d Glass, Ac, &c, for sale very low at A L I'll ED WILT B E RC F. R'S Di'ii2 and Paint Sloie, No. 1CJ N. Slid Street, PHILADELPHIA. Piivsici.ius anj Storekeepers supidicd Goods sgnt to any of Ihe Hotels or Depots l.ee oi charge. Phila., Mav , 1S.j3 ly. : . . CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND S'L- ':;',!vVAh,:- ,'""-'",',!,il '!! S,K Ti Si'.l.O.M) .M.. ..pj.i jiitc tl. .Ml. einon ll-aisc. O .td Lever Wntrl.es. 1 1 .1 . v.-!. d. Is k. cas-s. s-.'-.eo; silver i.evers, full jewd. d, 1 l-J.'in ; Silver Lei'ines, unci led, Ir-n,. 011 ull wanaiitid lo keep p..d lone, liold Pens and Sil- r f-ie. Sl.isij (. !! iv.eils. SUH: M Pencils and 1 Pen Cases wilh a ind Gold Pins lis Inxv ns (r:i.-.!.i, iic. j Also, blwavsna hand a ek.I nsi-..itim-iit nl Hue cold . Jewelry. C .1.1 'i:r!. (bind B'.d Fnh i:i,nii.a. Gold Vest t'liains, lidii V linld I'ot. Chums sad lleil Pins. Silver Talilo S, s lr. 11111 to 1M. IWilt, ?!Un SOI. and Ten, SM.7'. 1 1 Pd.-i" per s.-l. warrantnl eiped lo coin. All u r! w.iriaiile.t I i In . hal lltcy urc s il.l i.T. 1 1?" W'mches an I J.-wi-liy r.-pain-.l a.i.l warrnnle.l. 11" All t.rderR seat by mail or otherwise, will lie punc tually nttcuded I '. it . lull' . .... No. 73 arth SI-COXD Street, ivi.i-siic the .Ml. Vevii .u Honre ri.ih., April 9H, ls'i.1 ly. Hobby Horse.!, Children's Propcllors, Gig's. Coaches, Earcuehes, &c. Manilla, lured wholesale and rota 1 by BvJSHlTSLL ?. TULL, No. 6 DUCK Strut, Philadelphia. Orders through the mail promptly- executed Phila.. April 0. IK..3 I v. xTr l'lutloiiu Scales, r- I Long Ittotrn Sfvfreh tested- hi A!uayt right Tin Aelnouled- (iaH:Vr)P) Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far-txLii)- SCALES, set in any part of the country, at short luiliee. .HGEN-7'". GEO. W. COLBY, .-.0 Market St., .Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbury. .Phila., Xpril 53, 1853. I.ihopers Waiitftl. 'PIIR siibacrilier. want immediately on lb Railroud and Basin, at Chapmaii, Union county, seven mile, below Sclinsttrove, from 50 TO 100 L ABOKER3, to whjni one dollar ier dnv will ie paid. SAVIIiGB. W.)j.VETOX & CO, Chapman, L'uion Couniy, Feb. 19. 1853 tf. Hope Alauulaetopy. riHE subscriber respectfully inform the people -a- of Northumberland and Sunbury, aud the public generally, that he has constsnlly on hand and manufactures to order, all kind of Boa. ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow line, Iwine and lines of all kiuds, at hi establishment in Norluuui berlsild. RICHARD MARSHALL. North'd , June 1 1, 1S53 Urn. HANK NOTH TA1JU5. CUR II EC TED MEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. C1TT or 1-HII.ADELrH' MASSAC AliPF.TTH. All an vent tiutika dia HIinliK ISLAND. All anl. -cut Innks I dii CONNKCTICUT. All a Ivenl hunks dia MiW vonK. CITT. II. B. Bunk ii ! 1.1 dis All solvent hnnka pai COCNTHT. Iliink nf Chuinhcrithnrg 1 dt Hank of Chester Co. pnr Hank "f Del. Co. Chciter par; Hank nf (ierintintnwil Hunk nf (.ietlj-slilirg Hank nf LewiAtewtl par All solvent hunks dn disUTHk imie under 8S J dia rneTsv. i.n..i ..ri ..i. ii 1 All solvents 41 iks I dit Mnntunniery ,-,) Hunk pari NliW JK.tS'EY Bank of Nnrlhiiinlierl'nd. pni llelvnlere Hunk u-...ii..r lii,.i..,r 1 (lik't'oiiiinereial Hunk ' I dia j iin ii.,..i, r n ...,.,ii. n. Pnr. Il ink M' lit Holly pur Carlisle Hunk 1 dm F. A M , M iddieinwu Ft . pnr Cnhimhin H k A H'ge Co par Mcchiinics' Ilk. Newnrk pnr Doyelstnwn Hunk n ir'Meeh. IU nf Hnrhilllti II par Kantnii Hank p ir.Meeh. A; M.- n. Hk Trent pnr Krie Hunk S dis Morria Cn Hunk J ha Kxelmuire 11-kFittsl.iirg I dis Newnrk Hk'g A Ina.Co j Uis F.xeliimgp H k, Hnineli 1 ilisiOmnfre H ink j d' Fanners' H k. HneksCn parllVnple's Ilk Piitterm.il d a Farmers' Hk, Ijinenster pnr I'riiici-tmi Hunk par Fnrmera' Hk. Hiiidinc par Silem lhinkinc Co, pnr Fnrm. Hk S. hnvlkill Co par Semerret Cn Hunk J dia F I). Hk Wn'viie.li g I Idia Sinte Hunk nl nnidetl pnr Franklin Hk Wnsh'u iLlia Stale Hk Kli'iU lhlnn d's Ilnrrialnire Hank I'di, State Hink Newark 3 dia Hmiesdale llimk 1 dis Smte Ilk, N. HiniiSWlc par Ijineanter Rink pai-.Pu.jej linnk. Newton J dia i .i..., li ... k ... - TriMiion Hinikiiic Co par Mrrch. ft M,m. Kuitc 1 d a I nimi Hunk. )nvrr dis Miners' H'k, Vnltavilie ri r Vnnlle v'lf A Del Ur Cu lariia Monniipihela Rmk 1 i'ia fi7 Hk n"tca tinder 5 j d a Tnvlnrsv'e DrlH'i Co 1i dis Vll'.I A W Altli. West Hrnneh H nik pnr llm'.; ol Hi !nwnre pnr Wvnminir Ilk, WilkeshV pnr Hunk nf Smyrna pnr Yn'rkHink. 1 distl'ebwnre "Hv Hank par C?-l!elief notes 1 di!llk Wiiintr'n Jk Hrniidyw. pnt M Fnrniera' Ilk Si Delaware pnr Hank r vi'hetloek' .', ,lii l'ni..ti Haul-. Wilmington par Merennlile Hk. !!:lilir"r indin XT l'"der Va j dis AM 9 .Kent t.nttk din (HMO. Nl:V HA.Ml'.IUlti:. AH sMvenl Imnks 9 dn All solvent l.-inks J dis IV Hk nnlefi under fl's 4 dis VFKMONT NOI-.lll CAllOLINA. Hnilf of Si All'iiis S d:. AH s Ivent Innks 2di AllS'lvciit Irmks J d s t I inier 0", 2J dis TRicMr-NDous ExciTr:rNT ! .' Cash, Steam, KIectricit,v ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out done ly the I.liTliti;!rtr? I.?.e of 111 A T. CJEMENT. WTHO. havintr crent faith in rapid sales and small profits. husjuM icccivfd ano opened a lart:e pssortment of SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS. At bis Store in M ir.:et Street, Puilt'Ury, which heoflcrs to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consi.-:'s of a gerend nssortinent o Dry (iood. viz : Cloths. Cassinrrs. Castings. Jeans. DriVinps, M"'liiis. .i.iei.s. Coiro'S. Muslin de Lain. Lkvii. Vinluii. "rics. "ii.k Hats. A lur.'p -sor!:re::t nf !i,ntt n-el Shoes, for Men, Wovien and Ciohlrcn. ( itlf'lt !oh, tic;ar, Tea. PiifT'o. M i-s' -, Che. Spi ces, Fi!i S,'i, Pi.i-ier. II VBP'vV WM. Vi. : Iron nvl ::,eel. N.ii's, V'i'e. Saws, Vc. QUE F.N SWA EI'., Tea Setts, Plates. Jiv'i's. ( '"fs, Saucers, c-'c liqi;ors, Wi!ir, Bi'iintly, h'i:i, limn, Whislit y, ir. J"p" Couiit'y pvodcen of all kinds Kken in ex change at the lii'.'.'.:e-t maihet prices. Jan. IS, 1-.") l. tv. f5-' ' (in YH'55i!J!.F! THE rCCIIET AESCULA1-1TJS : on , t:-cnv o.st: nts own rjiwicux. rs-.I!E EORT1ETH Edi- . V.X tiurt. n ila nc II mi"! red s .- i r i f-1 - .vrurrnii4;!i!i.i in v-- i'ir iitu.Mii Sslptn in f'.crv S3 v ' s- - ' r ' Let no I'ai To which 'h is n.l.h-.l a Treati-e on the 'i - l ieasns id' -eiila!cs. being ;' '',.' o! highest i:ii oi lance la .'. .. iu. ii rii .! pe .j 'p. :r those '' i-ouleic.pl.i'iii:': ni.niae. i.y Iff Vv !?. Vt.tisrs her be n o unci! I" present a envy of the .E-M.TLA PII'M lo his .il I. it. low save hiin from an e.i.-ly cuu', 1.. ; i:. oimg ur.n or j woman ci.lvr ii.to the secret nb'.i .'.nines of mar ' ried li:'e without rendiua the PlICKET .EmCL' MiAPII.'S. Let no ni.e S itieiing Iruo liae'..niep : Cough. Pain-in the Hde, r.-stlc-s nights, nervous feelings, and the whole t-aiu of Dyspeptic scusu j tions, and piven up b their pi, ys'u inn, l c another i moment without consulting the .Es ' LL A Tfl S. I llaxe the married, or those about to be married ! anv impediment, read ihis tndy useful book, ss it has been the mem.- nf saving thousands of nn- ; (aT, mate ere .ituies f.cni the very i iws of denth. j HT Any prison sunhiig TWENTY-FIVE j CENTS, enclose. 1 iu a letter will receive one ! ,y oftU ,.Ui h, tuM. r ,-nc c,,:e will be 1 sent for one .loll..,-. Address. Da. W. YOUNG. i . r i c-, . 1,1111 ii.lm 111:11 n ; No. l.'.J M KU L Street, PHILADELPHIA, ' Post iaid. j n,,e 1 Ifiil Iv THE pnrtncr.-hip heretofore existing under the t firm of James Tajjart ii ton. xxas, on the j Lllh day f June, 16:). dissolved by niiituiil I consent. The business of the firm will be settled ! by J .lines Taut-art. who holds the looks. Those indebted to the firm are requested to call and make settlement of their accounts also all persons having ilaims ag:iin-.t Ihe firm are rc picstcd 1 1 sen ! in their bills for pavment. JAMES TAGG ART", GU N I'll A M I . T A G G A RT. North'.!., June IH, lS.ML if. NSW STOHZ.. 7"BHE undersigned t ikes this method cf thaiik--- ing his friends lor their liberal patronage, and informs them be ha lal.cn ibe old stand lately uecupicd by James Taggari ct Son, where he will lc prepared at all tinics wilh a lare sup ply ol goods, consisti.i'i of 'cloths, cassimers, VESTINCS, fco. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY C00DS, of every description. Cai'drrrli n, cjucouswni'e, Hardware, Cedarware, Salt, Fish, iVc., d c. Which he will ili.sp.iso of on reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of iheir patronage. G. I. TAGG ART. North'.!., June , l-i.c.3 tf. FRUIT AliD CONFECTIONARY. RUI5INCAM AND SELLERS, Wh Usi!e Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of nil kiiitls, j. 113 Narili 1 bird M Inlaw l.aie, PHILAD iil.PIHA. 'lHE Btteulion of Dealers is requested to an -- exaininatinn of their stmk, which will be found to be at i tier equal to any iu this city. FOREIGN FKl'll'S of all kinds in season. N. B. Order by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, l?..3. Cm. WILLIAM PERKINS' Gentlttnens Fushionublt CLOTHING HOUSS, No. 231 L'kesnul, Third door Lclow Eighth st Philadelphia. HAS on band a full stock of French and English Piece Goods, which will he made to order at Ihe shortest Notice, in the Latest til vie. FOR CASH. Phila April 3. IS-r3 fim. a ILbTj CULUlf t'J.NUV. Au excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at this oilier. December 4. 1WJ. tbTlCES FEE BILLS 93 m H. B t unbury. 1M 'If For .ale by MASSER." A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At ll.o i nblnet Ware ltoolll of SEli'N HOtJPT & 7o Market Square, Wt Also at the corner of Fawn street , p , . SUNBURY, rA;',e""'""'l Thankful for the patronage of hisfriends.nl customers during the 17 years he ha, I.ee.Hn k ness in this place, he solicit, frm ! le . " tinusnce of their favors. Dunn. H,i. ii J?' ha. endeavored to keep i h if- "!"',oi h of the dnv. nml Im. nn-.i;..nt.. ... . . 1 ness in every branch and variety. Tl, J'lV1"1"' Iherefore invited lo il,. .... ? . ,"c. Pu,,lc stock of ' ' U" V CABINKT WAKR AND CIIAI'9 MANOFACTunrn bt SEBASTIAN H0TJPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of ll establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, Larcre Spring Seat Bockinsr Chairs Dressivg Bureaus, Centre Tables ' Marble Top Wash Stands ' and a variety of other ncto style and rn!iiot;nI)tc FiiriiUiirr. Having secured a Ilenrsc and made the neces snry arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids nnd mistresses, nnd husbands too, Here's furniture of every stylo nnd hue, From side hnnrds down to kitchen tallies, Fran r-'ckins chairs to loeUi,,!- eradles Phoiild yoa not hnve the rrady Jons to pay, We'll wail awhile for a brighter better day, Or take potatoes, oats, com, whent nnd rye Bark, hoop p..e, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing bul yokes nnd tlireshiu? flails, Fmm pigs and lurkics down to little quails. Come on then friends, e une one and o!i, Keep trade a mnvinp, su ''p ies on the LaU." US' Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, ISoO. tf "ALT! AND COMPOST," i o Yocir Cam .TJt'ch'taks. GKOTiGE .TM:-NN. M AN'L'FACTCIt ER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the niort Fash-'onallo Style. 'T'llE subscriber resjicctfully colls the attention ' of the public to his large slid splendid assort ment of every quality aud price of !Ai:i.i:t-"".'Aeee:. which cannot fail to re onimend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on O'-eennt of its ilurahle workmanship and splendid finish, m.ule up of the best stock to be bud in the city. No effort is spared iu ihe manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stuck consists of Mahogany ItofaM, DSvun mi l.ounffc), Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SIMM, BREAKFAST AND DIM.NG TABLES, and also VENE TIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TALiLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kind and qualities ol CHA1US, including varieties n-ver befe t'e bad ir Sf.ii'-ury, such as M innc.A r. Buck Wumi l' I.Vlll.l.M Slin.l.i; ,; , N ii Wivi.Min ("II. Mils, ami i.iviv Pi ..mi Stools, wl.iihan of the latest styles, and warranted to be exetilei I. y nunc manuliictuied in the Cii'n-snr elsewheie 'J'l.c subscriber is ih -.. liiiie.r J that there vhul be no excuse f..r prison lo purchase I'uiihture il II. c cities, asexrry coriii.li nee can be er.tntainei about the quality and fmlh of his ware am Chairc. His oiticles will l e i:i- osed of ..n as gr.01 terms us they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun trv Produce taken in payment for work. IS' UNDERTAKING. Having pn.viJc, himself wilh a handsome Hkifsf., he is nov jinq anO for I ndertaking, and alteiuling inner ids, in this vicinity, or at anv convenient dis tatiee from this place. jj 1 lie Vi ore hooiu is 111 Market Ptrcer below Thompson's !Storc and Weaver's Tavern GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, lS.Vi tf. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES IL FID LEU, No. 12 South Second Stree', riULABELrilLA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lexer do Silver Lopine do " Qiiartier do (iold pens and pencil and silver halders Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear lings ill'.. All warranted aud sold at prices as low sssr in the city. November 27. 18.V2. tf. 1.000 Men Wanted. rVN the li.-e of Ihe SUSQUEHANNA RAH. " 1. V!) between Bridgeport (opposite Hal risburg) ami Sunbuiy, in the State id l'cnnsylva nia. This road is lilty four miles iu lergili' run lliiouuh a highly imprnved cnuuliy, and wi furnish eniplox nu nt for stone masons, carpeiitft and l.ihptcrs for the next twelve mouths. .' large portion oftl.e line i heavy rock excavatiol laborers that i.re familiar will iherefore find cn tain duplex nu nl nnd liberal va;cs. DOUGHERTY, LA U.MAN & CO., Coiilractors. February 19, 153. Uosendale Ilvili iiiilie Cement N cxcclietit article for lining Cisterns, Vault. fjpriuj, l.oi,. and Cellars, and lor kef pill dampness from wet aud exposed ttshs. For sale hv CHARLES SlirrARD SMITH, of, and successor to, the late firm of Exi Smith i Son. N. E. Corner of Front aud Willow tre Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1653. ly. O. if O 1-JT. 5 ir.. ' HAVING lorated hinwlf j eirr. i-"l.v ' Sunbury, oilers his pi. l. sio:..' -.' ies I the Town and Country, olhce, corner nl l eer an Maikcl s'r.ets (loinieily Irlcgraph oliier.) whci he max be found unless piolessionally eiigsgn Sunbury. Ajuil 3(1, lt?53. Cm. C OI.D PENS with and without casts, of ff vcrv superior quality, just received. Also a "fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sal by IL B. MASSLK. Sunbury, Dee. S7, 1651. ft A TENT I'iRI'I'I'AMA STOPPERS i , . . ... t i i... bar Domes lor saio uj H. B MASSEIt. Sunbnrv, April. 12. 1851 SMITH'S ESSENCE UK JAMAICA Gl GER, a fresh supply just received, and f. e bv U. B.MASSER. Siiiil.urv. Jan. 10. 1852. . K Bourrau' celebruted ink, and als Coi L gre ink for sale, whobale and retail try )iiilr 28. 1850. H U M A85r:W. ARRIAOE CETIFICATE8 bandsom executed for sal at this office, single by thr doien.