SUNBlJltY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. m Ann 1 e d. b.??Cmia",l,lk 7ihTRe. August io n ,a,' BenJr,mi" Witmer, of Union lovt n, Dauphin county. On Mon,Uy ,he 19-h nil., by the Rey. VV. La, d,e, Mr. Frederic Karstrtter, to Miss Eluabeth Feidler, both of Milton. t Al Northumberland, on the 4h inst., by John Lake, Eq., Mr Wm. Vasdyee. I. aim ocsanna Johnsom, boih of that place OIK I. In Milton, on tha 21 int . nf COIlSUmntic.n Mt-a I tlCPTTl flllfc-. ' 1 "l uuuui a VV1L.CVJ1V, aged 39 year, and 28 day. In thin p!aca. on Tuesday Inst, of Consump tion, Mr. MATILDA MALLS, relict of Gejrge Wialls, deo'd , aged about 30 year. O.i Tuesday last Mn. MA LONE, wife of Mr. Jumet M ilone, Contractor on the Phila delphia and Sunbury II. R. aged about 50 year. I)C iHavIict0. Philadelphia Market Sept. 7, 1853 Flour and Meal. The Inst foreign news caused considerable stir in Ihe markels for Flour and Grain, and prices have advanced in all the Atlantic cities. Sales of 1500 bar rels fie-h ground at f 5,87 1 a 6 per bbl , but principally nt Ihe latter qnotntion. There is a steady demand for city consnmplin-i within the rinse of S6 a 6 50. Rye Flour is rarce. Corn .Men I is held firmly; sales of old stood at $3 per barrel Grain Wheat is in demand at from 4 to 3 cents advance on our last quotations. Sales of 6 a 7000 bushels interior and prime SuuttV-rn red nt 118 a 125c per bushel, and sr lute at 125 a 132o, all afloat. A lot of Rye old at 75. Corn Further sales of 2 a 3000 iinhel yellow at 74c. 0.ii 1400 bushels lew Soul hern sold at f0c. Whiskey is scarce, and holders now ask !8o for bo'.h hluU and bb!. Xaltimore Market. Sept. 0, 1853. GRAIN The European Advices haveoc nMiini'd a very &ezl activity in the Grain l.irket, and a marked advance in tne pries f What has taken place. Corn has also dvance I, although not in the same degree. U ihe Corn Exchange about 30.000 bushels f Wheal were offered a luiaer quanli'y b in has been in market for many days past. Ve would remark that the condition of the Vheat now offering is very much improved nd that comparal ivelv few parcels are nut f order. We note sales nf fair to prime reds t 11S 1 1 22 cents, mid fair to prime whites t 123il27cts. Some parcels veiy prime thiii's for family flour sold at 130 cts ibmil 25 000 bushels Corn were offered mid "Id nt 62i63 cents for mixed. 65.i66 cts. for .hite, and 69 170 cts, fur yellow. Sales of taryland and Virginia Rye "I 65 .68 cts., nd nf fair to prime Maryland nnd Virginia tats at 36.i39 cts ; inferior parcels do at 32a 5 cts. WHISKEY. The demand for Whiskey is ery active, and prices have advanced We ole sales loil.iv of I'M at 164 cts. Some arties are akins 27 cts. There are no Ms in market the last sales were made t 25 cts. SUNBUKY I'KK.-E (M'KKEXT WllKAT. - - 106 Urn. - .75 ('oat. - . fi2 Oats. . . 44 Potatoes, - 25 IU-ttkh. - .10 F.r.ns. ... 0 Poau. ... 8 Fuxskeii. - . .125 Fallow-, 10 Bkkswax .25 tlKCKLrii Flax. - 12 Dhikti Applks. ... go Do. Pkaches. 100 .'lax - 17 New Advertisements. NtafcufGI OKGtKSMKF.R, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby gien, that letters of admin- titration have licen granted to the subscribers i the estate of George Unikcr, lata of Lower ugusla township, dee'd. All pertons having aims against said estate are requested to present em, duly authenticated, for settlement, and ose knowing themselves indebted to make pay ent without delay. JElf. WETZEL, J HANNAH fSNIKER. Adm'tors. Lower Augusta twap., Wept. 3, 1853. Ct. STOVES, STOVES. "ITE, the undersigned would respectfully call the acUnlion of purchasers to our superior nek of Stoves, Cauldrons, &c The superiority 'our Stoves above all others is so well known at we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail them. We would invite your attention to our Mae. rgor Uniting Sluve. As the price of coal is i the rise, this is the most economical stove the itilic can use. These stoves are of sizes suitable r heating the smallest room ; and those capable containing from 40,000 to 80,000 cubic feet, ur Cook Stoves consist of the Globe Cook, for ul Modern Troy, for wood-Buck's eel bra ted jod stove Complete Cook Yocoin Cook agar Cook, Sc.. &c. Our assortment of Cook id Parlor stoves is the best in the market, and irsons desiring to purchase will do well by fa .ring US with a call before purchasing elsewhere. NEMAN & WARN1CK. Successors to Pott & Yocom, PL E. Corner 2nd and Race Streets, PHII.ADKLl'HIA. Thila., Arg. 87. 1853. 3iru AOB.ICULTUEAL FAIR The Executive Committee of Northumber nd County Agricultural Society, met at ihe nise of Wm Streeler, in Northumberland, Thursday, July 14, to appoint Judges, and itermine a list of premiums for the Fair. The President in the Chair. It was resolved to hold the Annual Eibi tion at MILTON, on Tuesday and Wednea V, October 18th snd 19th. the following gentlemen were appointed Committee of Arrangement, to prepare the winds, and do all things necessary lor Ihe ccess of the undertaking '. . .. Samuel Hepburn, Chairman John R, hn M.ller, J. H. E. kbert, J"h M Huff, .orae Baker, Wm Heinen, Wm'. C. Law n E W.Chapin, Wm H.Frymire, Samuel Brawn, Root. M Frick and Thos. Smne. LIST OF PREMIUMS. HORSES. .,t Siaflion, over 4 years old, 5 j cond do d " ,1 Stallion under 4 years old, cond do do , mare, .ilh coll .1 her tnle, 8 00 eond da lQ tt Sa idle Horse, uu CATTLE. Durham or Short Hor. .. . i.i 6 00 (l Bull oner 3 "ni ..tte . . nl.l 00 Bull iinuer j go eond uo 4 00 tt Co, 2 00 eond do, 3 oo st Hciler, 2 00 Hereford, Aldetneys, tni NATIVES. Beat Bull over 8 year eld, S 00 Seoond do S 00 Best Cow, 2 00 Best Heifer, 2 00 Best Calf, under 6 months old, 8 00 FAT CATTLE AND WORKING OXEN BL st Yoke of Oxen, 4 00 Second do 9 00 Best fat animal, ' 3 00 Seoond do 3 00 SWINE. Best Boar, 800 Second do 8 00 Best Sow, 2 00 Second do 1 60 Best nair of Shoots. 2 00 Second do I 60 Rest litter of niirs under 3 months. 2 00 Best fat Hog, 2 00 SHEEP. Best Ram, 2 00 Best Ewe, 2 00 Best Lamb, 2 00 Best fat Sheep. 2 00 POULTRY. Best nair of Turkexs, 1 50 Second do Best pair of Geese. 1 60 Second do "5 Best pair of Musk Ducks, 1 50 Second do 75 Best pair of puddle Ducks, 1 60 Second do 75 Best pair Shanghai or Cochin Chinn fowls, 1 50 Second do 75 Best pair Chittagongs, 1 60 Second do 75 The same premiums for Brahma, Pootors, Blark Javas, Games, Han, bores, Polish Cre oles, Bantams, or any other unailullera'ed breed. Best and largest collection of fowls, 3 00 Second do 1 60 Best show of pigeons, 2 00 Second do 00 GRAIN AND POTATOES. B-.'rt bffliel of wheat, 2 00 Second do I 00 Bi'st bushel of corn, 2 00 Second do 1 00 Best do ryp, 1 00 Bus', do outtf, 1 00 Best do potatoes, 1 50 Second do 1 00 Best i do of sweet potatoes, 1 00 VEGETABLES. Best beet, not lea than 12, Do carrots, " Do parsnips, " Do turnips, " Do salsify or oyster plant, " Do onions, " Do cabbage, 6 D.i cauliflower, " D.i sqiiarh, 3 D.i pumpkins, " 1 00 1 00 i oo ! i oo ; 1 00 j I 00 , 1 00 I 1 00 ' 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Do euti-planis, " D.) tomatoes, 12 Do celery, 12 stalks, Best assortment of unrden vegetables, 2 00 FRUIT. Best i bushels of upples, 1 00 Uo do quinces, 1 00 Do i pears. 1 00 Do I peaches, 1 00 . Do 6 bunches of grapes, 1 00 Do watermelon. I 00 Do musk-mclou, or citron, 1 00 IMPLEMENTS. Best threshing machine, 4 00 : Do reaper, 3 00 ' Do seed-drill, 2 00 Do wiuno wing-mill, 2 00 I Do corn-oheller, 2 00 : Do plow, 2 00 ! Do cultivator. 2 00 Do roller, 2 00 Do corn-plow, 2 00 . Do straw-cutter, 2 00 Do farm-wagon, 2 00 Do sett of harness, 2 00 Do llorso rake, 1 00 j Do grain cradle, 1 00 JJ.UIU , &c. Best butler, not less than five lbs., 1 00 Do honey, " 1 00 Do loaf of bread, 4 lbs., I 00 Do ham cmed by exhibitor. 1 00 Do 6 lbs, of home-made soap, 1 00 Do apple-Dutter, b quarts, l no Do preserves, 1 00 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best Quilt, 1 00 Uo counterpane, 1 00 Do hearth-rug, 1 00 Do pair of blankets, 1 00 Do 20 yards of carpet, 1 00 Do cloth, (home-made,) 10 yards, 1 00 Do flannel, 1 00 Do pair knit woolen stockings, or socks, t 00 Do gloves or mittens, 00 Do home-made (bread, 1 lb., 1 00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. For mechanical inventions, tools, furniture, aul other articles not coming under any of the above heads, prizes will be decreed, ac cording lo Ihe means of the society, and Ihe meitis oi tne articles ernionecr. PLOWING MATCH. Best Plowman, 5 00 Second, 4 00 Third, 3 00 Fourth, 2 00 JUDGES. Horses. A. E Kapp, Wm. B. Kipp, John R, Eck, Benj Geaihart, Henry Reader. Cattle . C. Horton, John Monlcnmerv. John Dunkel, Wm. H. Kase, Jacob Liest-.n- rnie, pnamoKin I Hogs. John Porter, S. A. Bergstresser, Wm. Fullmer, Johu B. Packer, David B Montgomery. Siir.KP. Thomas Johnson, Andrew Arm strong, Peler Houghawout. Dennis Wolverton, Wm.'D Gearhart. PoiLTRV. Joseph Priestley, Elisha C. Barton. S. R. Wood, Win. M'Cleery, Wm. T. Forsyih. GrIih, &e Samuel John. Chas. Riddell, James Beard, Sen., James Eckrnan, Comly Vincent. Vegetables Alex. Jordan, James Pol lock, Alex. Colt, Horatio G. Taggarl, Elida John. Frcit David Taesart, Wm. I. Giee nouah, H. B. Masser, G. B. Yonnpman, John Wolfinger. Implement Wm. H. Muench, J. H. Zimmerman, Wm. Huod, O. P. Patlon, T. Mervine. Miscellaneous John Tagenrt, D. C. Watson, Joseph Nicely, Wm. Beard, Wm. Foisiih. .tAiav, kc. Thos Swenk. Jacob G. Frick; W. T Grant, Adam Keller, John Ober.lnrf. Domestic Manuf actrues. John F. Pent ler, Jacob Seashnltz, Isaao Vincent, N. B. Thompson, Wm. Marsh Plowing Match. Elijah Crawford, Wil son Hutchinson, J. Weimer Leighowy Benj. Hendricks, John Snith f Upper Augosta.f None but member of the Soerefy will be permitted lo compete for premhim Person from any county. Stale or country. may become member by payhig 5 cent lo Ihe Treasurer, or any township Committee man. Competition is earnestly invited from ihe neiehboriim eountie. Judue will commence their dutie nt o'clock. P. M. of the first (fay Their award will be published t I'clock. P. M. Ihe next day, after which tbe add res Will be deliv ered. The Plowing Match will lake place at f o'clock, Y. fti. (second nay.) J AS. CAMERON, JW IV. J. Getnouek, s To the Voters of Northumberland County. The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow citizens, that he is a candidate for th office of COUNTY TREASURER, and promises, if elected, to discharge the duties of the otneo faithfully and impaniniry. FRANCia 11UCHER Sunbury, July 10, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I announce myself to your consideration a a candidate for the oflice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the nproaching election. Should I be elected, I promise to disrhariro the duties of the oflrco faithfully and to the best interests of the county. SIMON SNYDER. Upper Augusta, July 16, 1833. To the Voters of Northumberland County. The suliscrilrcr hereby offers himself to the vo ters of Northumlrerlnnd county, as a candidate at the next election for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the office faithfully and with impnrtinlilv. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. LEATHER. FRITZ k HENDRY, Store, 29 N. 3d street. FHtliADELFHIA Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers. Importers. Cominision and General Leather llnsinrss. WIIOLESALK ft RETAIL. (C7" Manufactory 15 Margrarctta Street Phila., August 20, 1853 y. N. 31. Jsewiiain's Beattifs Row, Norxresian street, PottsvtUe. it renr.a. Pill 111 hi ug1 Shop, II AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUP ' ply of nil sizes of Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead, Block Tin. Bath rubs. Shower Bnths. H)dranti, Hose, Double and Single Aethm Pumps and Wa ter Closets; also, nil kinds of Ural's Cocks for wnt'T and steam. Ilrass Oil Cups, and Globes for Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and Plumbing done in the ucntcst manner at the shortest notice, N. 11. Cash pnid fur old Rrnss and Lead. Pottsville, Aug. 27. IS53. ly ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance nf an order of tire Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public Side, on Thurnldij the Clli iloij of Qctuber, r.rjr, on the prriiiitcs; the following Real Estate to wit : A CEUTAIN Til ACT OF LAND, situated in Ruli township, county aforesaid, ad joining lands nf Luther Kassptt and others on Ihe north, Joseph CnmpVI land Peter Haughawnul on the enM, Jcskc Weaver on the south, and Philip Metller and others on the west. Contain ing ONE 11I"NUKK1) AND EIGHTY TWO ACRES, and one hundred porches more or less j W hereon are erected a Two and a half story Frame House, and basement story, a lurge frame Barn and Cow bhed attached, an orchard, an excellent Spring of water &c, with the appertcnanres. To be sold as the property of George and Jasper Metller, minor children of Spencer Mcltler, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms will be made known by LUTHER BASSETT, Guardian. By Order of the Court. 1 J. P. PURSEL. Clk. O. C. S Sept. 3 1853. Is ACKER EL, CODFISH, 1 Cona'iintiy nn hand and (or sale by SALMON. HERRINGS. PORK, HAMS & SIDES, SHOULDERS. ALUD & CHEESE. Aug. 27. 1853 3m. ! J. rALMKH &Co. 'Market-Street Whatf Philadelphia. J Live nnl Help Live ! ! ! Oca Motto. S. N. THOMPSON 9 "5 ESPECTFl'LLY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, a large, Iruidionie and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry floods, viz : Cloths. Cuttimem Cassincls, Jeans, Diilliiicn, jitiuiiiis, rrsrings, Alliens, q-c. LADIES DIIESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Latens, G'tfigfiains, llerages, Iiubn, fyc GIlOCERItKS, Sugar. Teas, Cofl'ec, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c, Ac, &c llnrrivt arc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, etc. Queensware, of various styles and patterns, SOOTS AND SHOB3 A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. H its C.r, &c, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fr.shionable goods. Call and examine for your- scr rs. fTZ" Country produce of all Kinds taken in exhiinge at the highest market prices. suniiury,4 mo. 30, 1833. Improved Lightning Jtods. fTIHE subscriber has constructed a Lightning - Hod on true Philosophical principles, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by Light ning. 'l bs connection and insulation of the rod, as well as Ihe preparation of the ground rod, isonsn entirely new plan, making a mora perfect con ductor ttiunany nerelolore in use. l ersons desirous ol securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can hsva conductors put up to their buildings in tha most substantial manner by applying either personally or by letter to tbe undersigned, at tbe following prices: For 40 feet inch CnpWr rods. Gold pla ted points, unit solid I'lstuia tip, 22 UU Forty cents will be charged for every ad ditional foot over forty. For 40 feet J inch Tubular rods, Gold plated points, with solid Plalina tip, $13 50 For 40 feet 4 inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid Platina tip, $12 50 For 40 feet Silver plated point, $10 00 And 20 cents for each additional foot over 40, of the three last uained. Art at six month s credit, or 10 per cetit otT fur cash. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS The subscriliel1 will afsor pnt up Lightning Hods similar in every respect for they shall b exactly the same as those erected last summer by the Lewistown or Lewisburg company, in sixs, point, gluss, connection, Ac, at 12) cents per hot, on six months credit, or 6 per cent, off for eashf. N. B.-!Vo warrantee given for this description or rods. i, S. MACKCV. Milton, Jury 30, 1853. Sin. IIOR RENT, a small office or shop near Telier bugle s store, Market Street, ruiihury Apply to ILB. MASTER. SunbOTy, July 0, 1853. HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, oi all kinds on superior paper. Kmubury, Feb. It, MSt. SHERIFF SALE. B Y Virtue of a certain writ of Ft. Fa. to ma i1!m-uj : ) I , - ... 1 - . 1 .., tviii ue sola ot puitric Teiiuiiw outcry, opon the premises, at ona o'clock, P. M., on Monday, the 12th of September, next, a cer tain two story FRAME 8HOP, situate in Tur butvillo, Lewis township, Northumberland coun ty, upon a certain lot of ground belonging to Andrew Terwillrger. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of Michael S. Brobst. WILLIAM B. KIPP, ShorilT. SherilT'a OfH. e Sunbury, Aiijf. 27, 1853. J $20 ItEAVAlil). TVHE above reward will be paid for informs- H tion that will lfml In Ihi. iliarnverv nml conviction of tbe person or persons who were guilty ui lining ine axet uoxes nl me passenger anil coal cars of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, with sand and dirt. V. LONGENECKER, Prest. Sunbury, Aug. 27, 1853. NOT I CIS IS hereby given that the partnershin heretofore existing between John Raymond and Kaniiiel Shafl'er, contractors, on section No. 41 of Ihe Susquehanna Railroad, under Ihe firm of John Raymond & Co., has been dissolved, and Ihe bu siness will hereafter be conducted by the subscri ber. JOHN RAYMOND. August 27, 1853. 3t. Z3 JJBL 'WJ rjc JSL 9 1W TVOTICE is hereby given lo all persons, not to " to harbor or trust my wife and children on my account, as I will not hold myself responsible for their acts, unless compelled by law. JOHN HE NX. Augusta twsp., 27, 1853. St Touchers Wanted. NOTICE is hereby given that proposals fur Twelve Teachers will be received by the Board of School Directors of Shamokin township, at the house of Chailes Leisenring, on SATl'K- DAY, Ihe 17lh day of September next, at which time and place examinations and allotments wil, be made. Bv order of tbe Board, BENJAMIN WOLVERTON, Sec. Shamokin lp., Aug. ?0, 1H5.1 5t. NOTICE. tE AI.ED proposals will be received at the of- lice nl the Soiervisor in Sliicksliinuv, until Saturday, the l?ih day of September next, for the lease of the surplus-water at Lodges Run Aqueduct for a term not exceeding ten years. GEO. W. SEARCH, Sut.crvii.or X. II. Canal. Shickshinny, Aug. 20, 1853. 4t. F ai'incrs, Attention!! This is the proper season to me L e I n a u ' s American Fertilizer ""TPON your farms. This truly valuubla Ma J lime can be bad at $25 per ton, or $3,5lJ per barrel, of the proprietor. Try it. Ahn (ItttiHO ami Poiutrcltt Also, Super Phorphute of Lime and Aqua Ammonia Farmers making Muck Hills, will find a few barrels invaluable For FRUIT TREES, which it wi.l greatly Ircnelit by being scattered around after they have been dug about a light coaling. For Sale only by GEO. A. LEINAC. Prop'r. No. 19 South Front St. Philadelphia. August 27, 1853. 3t. WRIT OF PARTITION. Peter Bordncr "1 Notice is hereby giv- vs 1 en to the Heirs and The Heirs of f Guardians of Bnltzer Baltzcr Borduer, dee'd., J Bordner, dee'd., that by itine of a certain writ of partition and valua tion to me directed, an Inquisition will be held upon the premises of the real Estate of lialtzcr Bordner, dee'd., situate in Lower Malianov town ship, Northumberland county, at II o'clock, A. M., on Monday, October 3 I, 1853, at which lime and place the aforesaid Heirs, and Guardians arc hereby warned to be and appear il by them deemed expedient. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriil's Ollico Sunbury. Aug. 20. 1853. WRIT OF PARTITION. Elizabeth Thompson "1 Notice is hereby vs given to tho Heirs The Collatarel Heirs of j and Guardians of Dayid Thompson, dee'd., J David Thompson, dee'd., that by virtue of a certain writ of partition and valuation to me directed, an Inquisition will j Iw held upon the premises of the real Estate of I JJavnl J Iiompson, dec d., situate in Coal town ship, NflrthunilH-rlnud county, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, September 5th, 1853, at which time and place the aforesaid Heirs and Guardians arc hereby warned to lie and appear if by them deemed expedient. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sherifl's Odicc, ) Sunbury. Aug. 20, 1S53. 3t ) 500 Agents Uanted. $1000 a Year. ITANTED in every county of the L'uited " States, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the' best Books, pub lished in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capitul of from 25 to $1(10, such inducements will be otlercd as lo enable them to make from $3 to .I0a day profit. lV The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they arc otlercd. For further particulars, address, (postuge paid,) LEAKY A GET.. No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Publishers of subscription Books. rinla., Aug. 20 1853. 5m C II E A V WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory G. L. MILLER & CO., si. W. corner Area and Second stlrrrls, PHILADELPHIA. Cn'ERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at Ihe lowest prices Toi quality of work. Orders lor Gilt, rlam Slo.e, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial. If 's trill try io iiliatt. Brasses, Trimmings, Ac, ulways on hand. Remember S. W. corner SECOND Si AliCJl Streets, Philadelphia August 13, 1 853.- Cm. Notice TO CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens) of Sunbury, and Ihe public generally, that he has on band for sale, a large lot of yellow pine FLOORING BOARDS. Ha has also on hand a quantity of excellent broad cheslnAt rails and posts. He is also prepared to get out umber to ardor, with- promptness and despatch. Farmers' an J others, in Union county ca lie supplied with any of Ihe aliove articles on the shortest notice, either on the river bank at Sunbury, or a mile below.- For further paiticu lars address the subscriber or Sarirocl Gossler, Sunbury. CHARLES GOSSLER. Lower Aiuta, August 6, 1853. H. MANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books, ink, and all comploto, just received, snd h.r sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. 17W)R sate at this office, Superior Black Ink. Cattle Medicine at 25 cts, Pure Esteiicc of Minti, "o csnl Mifllinburg Academy. Nlminlmrgr, Union Conn jr, reitnit. REV. J. O. ANSPACH, 1 r , . REV. E. KEIFFER, ' j Cdrulor.. A. C. FISHER, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH K. HOUGH, Prfncrnl of Female Department. EDiriX FISHER, Teacher of Mathemalitt and Vocal Music. CIIESSELDEN FISHER, M. D., Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, tfe. The Summer Term nf this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Moniiat, Jclv 25, 1N53. The course of instruction will he thorough and practical. Mathematics and tho Ancient Lan guages, ns well as other hrsuclirs, will lie taught, as far as practicable, on the analytic method. Daily use will lie made of the blackboard. Orthography, Reading, English Composition, and Declamation will receive their full share of attention. Drabbling, Construction of Maps, TTse of Compass, Ac, will be taught to students in Sur veying and Civil Engineering. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Puinting, Water Colors, Ac, Ornamental Xcedle Work, French and Botany will lie given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castlcton Female Seminary, Vermont, and cotnes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agrecablo manners and high literary at tainments." Young ladies and gentlemen who design to become teachers, will find this Institution an elli cicnt school for preparation, since there will be connected with it, during the great part of the year, a Tnti'iinns' Institctk, the nicmlicrs of which will have the opportunity of attending an Evening Course of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principals. 'J he government nf the school is based upon the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all to dt to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Hence the rules will lie mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that the morals, habits of study, and general deportment of the students will be carefully attended to. The building is now undergoing n complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a liell, convenient recitation rooms, AC. Millliirburg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its streets have been recently graded and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their lilwral support. y The price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed $ 1 ,50 per week. X. B. Students may enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it is desirable that they be present, if possible, on tho lirst day, Mitlliuburg, July 10, 1853. Cm. EDWARD DUFFY & SON. Soup fyCundle Muniifuetnrers AND DKA'.r.RS IN Sod ;i, Slartii, Castile soaps, &c. TTAVING increased facilities for manufactu ring, thev arc now prepared to oiler induce ments to purchasers and dealers in the above named articles, Purchasers will find an excel lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash principle, and at the lowest wholesule prices Call and satisfy yourselves. Our motto is 'Quick Sales and Small Profits." Xn. 41 Filbert street, above 9th, Philadelphia. August 13, 1853. 3m. Estate of HENRY MASSER, dee'd. "jVOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa ' inentary hove been granted to the subscrilicrs on the estate of Henry Masser, Esq., lute of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, dotv authenticated, for settlement; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment without delav. H. B. 'MASSER. 1 JOHN MASSER, i. Ex'tors. FRANCIS BIJCHER, J Sunbury, July 30, 1853. (it. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Oround FOR SALE. npiIE subscriber olfers at private sale, his house -- and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shisslrr und orig inally owned by Ciius. Gussicr while engaged in boat building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, If'iffc a Well of good Vtcr, and a good frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable p ice and possession given in April next Apply to Geo1 U. ivclkor, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove. PETER KERLIN. July 23, 1853 tf. Brittiiniii Ware AND CANDLE MOULDS. npilE subscrilicrs wish to call the attention of dealers to their superior quolhv of Brittania Lamps, Tea Setts, Cuudle Moulds, of Ihe finest finish. All goods warrunted. CALVERLEY& HOLMES, 100 Race street, Philadelphia. Phila., August 6, 1853. 2t. SUNBURY AND PHILADELPHIA Telegraph. PROPOSALS will be received at Ihe "Amc ricau" nllice for the delivery of 4 1)1) chestnut or white oak Telegraph posts, at some point along tbe Sunbury and Philadelphia Railroad between Sunbury and Shamokin. i"ni.l posts to be 25 feet high and five inches thick at the small end, and to Is? delivered as soon as mssible. W OODS, MASSER & BALDWIN. Sunbury, Aug. 6. 1853 if. ' IM5 O V L A M A T I ON. NOTICE is hereby ii veil that a Spi'cral i-' Courl of Cummoti Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, lo commence al the Courl House, in tho boiough of Suiibury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monthly rtYe 31st day nf October next, and nll continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in I heir attendance, nl the lime appointed agreeable lo their notices Given under my band al Sunbury, the 27th day of August, in I fie year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and the Independence of the United States of Aineitca the 78th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, SherilT. List of Causes. FOR Spch.t Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County to commence on Monday, the 31st day of October next, A. D., 1853. James GrarmiW vg Hugh Bellas ct al Coin'lh for Wiu t. Heiiicman vsT A Billington Com'wealth for 8. V. vg T, A. Billingtoti & Jordasr fail Mahonoy and Shamokin , i . luiproternent co Abraham riul Kcndertow Smith'g ex'Vs. g A. C. AT. C. Morris same' vg same Jana BogiiT vg GeorgO P Buyers t al Henry bonnet et al vg Hugh Bellas Robert Philips vg Zerby Run and Shamokin Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, PieliVy. rrolhonolsry's Office, i Sunbury, Auj. 17, 1863. $ CELEBRATED Family Medicines. T N olTiTMiR to the pnhlic thr Mfive nremni. A lams, thr siilwritK-r wonhl stma thut In n.t.inutliti.q, with hi. lrlr.Hr.ntul some of Ills mot rraiHYtnl,ln ol th Mnlrcsl Inclllly, It wm ilerinrit nilvnwhle to otter to Ih. pul.lie, a few .rrmmti..iii of known celebrity, iwint nre. psnl with tha grm'trst, rare, nnd on ths mint si-inniti" lirinrqilrs, ns snlwlitutcs for the numcrima Wofthhiss r tleks Hint nre fl.wtlnn the eonutr)r III the I'.itin if pnnmvaa and rnre alls, prepared hy Ihe moat ie:iirnnt aint iiireeinr '7, liitendrd to cure all diseases and gootl f.w none. Read and Reflect. Tlint the Medicine, Mamirnrtured liy W. M. Dscstsr, . Ineliiilins his It. me Pertornl for (Jonslis. Cir:im hi Cumiihor. fur lllieiiinntinii. Worm Sjiiip Wnrma. 'Iivitli V., r ileenyftil Iri'th, ilincnsril itllliia. ramnr rina, or ill. kki I'niifrer, hiivrlvrn m ire rxtenaivs ly, naeri, nml hnve niveil siUufiictlim, than nny otliKr Mnliruiea Ivforu the pill.lic, l. .,j prepared Wllh n-nrd to their lm.'liitiiea nie fully wollhy Ihe trial S; the nlllict ed. (iive them n trinl. A rw p.iweii'nf rensnna wliv thenlsn-e Medieinea nre ileaervihs of ttnlrrraiil (In Hie lirst pluee. lln-y nre prrmrcd hy n rrRiilnr ri.ysienoi, who niHlentmhi Ihe nppliraiti..ii of .Yteilirinea, lo iIimiw., nnd conaiiirntl,' nre u.rl.ftly Kile to mKe. (Senmdlv.) they linve liecn naeil Willi llinv.THil siirccw. nisi linve piven inur SiH'I.k- li"ll than any other Medicines oll'.-reil liefofp (ne piltilie (Thirdly ) Ihey nre Ihe only ninl.rines that huve frtiinrt llie mlioivi.'r ol riivairiiins, wliefs ihey h ive hern lined i mid (e'ollitlily.) Iliey nre put dp lit lurcer qmuililiea fm the aiiiue price, tliuii nny other MiHtiemes nuernl to the pnlilie of the a uue kind. As llie aulia-nlier has n ninuls r of eerlifi.-itc in his isswion of the hisheat nnih..rilv, where they h ive lieen nail willi ihe in wt rilisl'iiet.iry re sults. He will pulilish a fewol Iheni, feelinir anlistied that all ml will insure iheir Try tliem mat saliafy yourself of Ihrir siiieriority over nil others. Read and tie Convinced. We the nndcrsiiriied hnvinir Infen made neipiainted with the ingredients euleiins; j ! . . the Coiiuxmnila known as lliekley's family Medicines nlso having priwrilml nnd known Iheinlohe usil, with inoal snlisfaitorv resalls; take pleasure in anyuia Unit we lu lieve ihey fully meet the d.:igii for which they nre ree .1 i,.l..l J.!. irit AWimiiit.c.. m. t. V II. Kltlt'K. M. 1 W.M. MeMAIION, M. Tl WKSI.KY II tlKAItlll-.AHT, M P. W.M. II M Uill.l.. J). It. OKAHIIKAIIT, M. D. Cure ol" jiuiu in lh mlrntul ' ronph from prottttl lAvrr Comitriit. Mrs. RinVrt, kilsirini; uieler Chronic l.iver Com plnlnt, n(voiiiituiied wilhu short ilry couith Niin in the ante nml general ilclnlity, loss of appetite, nt'rer trv llllf nit the usual remedies r.HMiiiin..i.l.-.l f.ii eouifhs unit dtsinises of the cheat, who willi n. henelit. she was recom mended to try the Itose I'eetonil.frotn which, she not only derived imtntliate but crtiMiK'iit relief. John Adams. aui of Mrs. Itotierl Adams, was afflicted Willi a very iw-veie conith, min in llie ante, and aoreucaa hy its'csKtnt eui:ltiuir; he wis iuitueit to try the Kose I'eeliiral. To use his own laintiiage, Ihe first disie enalileil him to enioy n g.ssl nifilu'a rest. In the morning he execloriiied nlsnit half pint of matter. He continued to improve uuiil loa cough entirely left nlso had llie cited of alrciiplieiiing Ins Iim-iiki. which ma nalnrally weak . II.' ills., siys lint he has lecointueniieil tt ton nnmlH'r of hisfiieinls for suuiLir couiplaiiits, uml in every euse it has given Balisl'acli..ii. Tlie nlvive persons residents of the town of Dmtville, feeling that they linve derivil grind hcncfits from tlie use of the Itoae teftornl; uuthoiiitrt llie Alsive slureuient. for tlie heuefil of tlloae who mav be althflcd m a airuillll liam ucr. liltKAT CI HK. of I'oirr resluml villi our bnlllr of Iio r Pee torill. MiasS'lsan Wliillock, of ftuali lownsliip, N'.irlhumiier land co., for a iiiiihIst of yenrsim ii valid, m the (all of If.-iO, fiwl the use of her voice from n seveta cold ahe coll Iracteit ; nfter trying u nuuilH-r of" remeilies, wilh no lienc ht. slie was entirely restored hy taking one Isitlle of Itomi I'uctonil, lifter which, she lost her vice again, from n fresh cold she contracted, unit was again restored liy the use of another Isiltle ; she then took four ts.ltles more to strengthen her hrensl, from which she dcnvcd tha most decided heneht, nud has Is-en in tlie enjoyment of excellent htnihh fiom that tune to the preaeut. Tlie aluie aUiteiuent is olitnineil from Dr Puisell. the Physician who attended tier; ale-i her in .liter wlnt tlititka that she would tea lie living ut this lime if il had not liecn for the Itoge I'eetoRil. Ilanville, Jan. -ii, S7 another Marletl Cure Kjj'ttttil. Mrs Samuel Secltler, lieing of a nuturrl wenk and deli mte coiiitiiution, very ausceptilile to c .Ids, was nUlictcd wilh n very severe cough, Kiin unit aoreness of t)ie lirctst, loss of ilii.'lile j after using n uuiuticr of the usual reme dies from which, she derived uo lieuefit. she was cured liy taking one Isitlle of Itoae t'eelorul nud ia in llie enjoyment of ticuer health thtm for yeurs previous. Danville, Dec. t IMO. lis. IIicklrv : Permit me to inform yon that my wife, wtio isn delicate nud weukly woman, lab .ring mater a very aevere Cough with viin nud aoreness of l,re:ist. wtjs m ire rpiiekly mill efTeetually relieved wilh one Isiltle of y air llose Pectoral than any other medicine ahe had ever taken. AII.NKIl .M IIItlllK. Jan. 18.V2. Snrnnel R. Wmsls' Furiinee. Ited Point. 8rao.o xvioenci im Favor of tii Ross Pkctohal and r'AMlLV Plt.LS. John Fnliier taken tietween (.'hristmas nnd ew Year wilti a very juid cold, which ended in a dry hard incessant Cough, causing n great ileal nf pain whenever lie coughed, was relieved very lunch ; by the time he had taken one third of a Isitlle, nud In- Ihe'tiinn it was finished, wns en tirely ciire l He all i a'riya tint he has taken sevend doses of the Health Restorative m Faulilv Pills, nisi that thee are the mildest und most effectual puigatives he has ever I4Hen. Dimville, Jan I, ISVi. Dr IIickley : During n visit to my brother, in Dan ville. I hsik u veiy severe Cold, which ended ilia tight haul Cough, Willi s ireiiess nud pain nf the hreast, for which I used your Itose Pect.. nil. nnd Family Pills, nnd ttik'e pleasure in recommending them, ns the mildest und 111 .st elTccluul remedy I huve used. Yours, respectfully. .IA.MKS MtlRUAN, Jail, ail, 131. White Haven. I.iiz.-nie co. Dear !ir As n reeomtnendalioii for your Ruse Pect.i nil, peimit me to any. that I waa etf.-etually ciirod of a very aevere c-.ui.di wilh pain in the hreast, with less than half n Is.tlle, nnd lhat I cnisidel it invaluable. You ura Ut lilK-rt) to Ill-ike this public if you pl.-ase. -tl IIX SPKURINti, ((ir.ser.) Danville, Ta. My son William lalsiriug under n severe cough nnd Kiin in his si.le, fioui an injury received by a fail, wns entiti-ly relicved by a holtle of Rose Peeb.nd tc t'reuui of Calll- Iihot. I have nlso used your Family Pills, und ultog.-lher c insider them the best liiedcciues 1 have e-er used. JUAN OVI'.RIKHtK, Jan". 19.VJ. Hush Tp., Norlh'tt e i. Dr. Itiekley : Sir: As my wife who was troubled Willi dry, haul C nigh, tils-, s mr SI .ina.-h. depeitileat upon debility, similar lo Dispepsin. was entirely relieved by lining two Is.trles ol" your Rose Prelornl, jhtuiII me l-i say tlwt I consider it an ei'-elk-nt Yours, rwpeeiiully, Ite'v Mr. WIT.I.ARD. I''H' Liithemn Church. Danville. Pa. Having liecn cured of a ptiiu in my turn (similar to Rheu matism) which deprived me ol" the free use of it forals.ut four mouths. Hy using oueh'ttleof Cream of 'nmphor I would Ktale lhal 1 consider it Ihu best remeity of the kind I have ever used in my ftitnily, nnd I would freely recoilltnend it to others wilh similar alTeelions. Yours, resK.-cllully, J .N" AS WOI.F. Hush tp., Norlh'd co. My wife being elllictetl with a very scvcie piiin in her arm and sh.Htlder (the eiTecrs of unit) which dia-ibleil her from using it, waa cured wilh rubbing of rreum of Cam phor. Mra. Klftin, my sisler-iu-law, w:isntai cured of d severe pain in the head unit face hy us.iitf the Cream of Camphor THOM AS C. 111. I. IS, Dt.uville. Jan. -jo, 'i-J. My wife having Rheumatism of the arm for a uuinlier of years, which jireveuled her from using it ill doing her w.ik ; nfter having spent n gienl deal of m nu-y in trying diUereut remedies wilh uobeiietil, was entirely cured by using only one bottle of your Cr.'tiut of t'litnpho'r. WILLIAM KYI'.NS, Minor, I n S. It. Ws al, It. Point. Dr. Iltcklev : Having received a very severe injury in lily side by falling nil it loud nf hay. from' which I was unit ble to follow my work, was rccouursiiiileil lo try n b.ftie ol Creum ol" Campli r. which nil", mini inni;-di:i?e relief. URIKFITIl CAItlt. Kuril lp . orta d Co. My wife, suffering from lli'-st cx.-rucinli- fiain, thriHiglmut h.-t genera! system, w!ii-h prtvetilil her from alceping (lieing iKH-nsiotieil l.y a long ati.l protracted sin-ll of sickness J for which she used ti niiuiU-r of reiiitntu-s witlloHl liencfil, wus entirety relieved bv Ihe use of Creum of Camphor. 11 HO II. IIIUlWN. Sillgeou Dentist. Danville, Pa. Child cureil of Dowel Coiunl'aiul. uml Ague (of two yeurs standing.) by Worm Syrup. My child being ntllii-ti-il f r the last two yenrs, with Is .trrtC .ifiplaiitt and Ague until il was reduced to a mere, skeleton, I tiieil a munlicr of renie.ti.-s with no permanent In-nel'M, until I gave it n ti .llie of your Worm Syrup, since wtii.-lr lime il has la-en w.-ll, nnd got unite ti-sity 1 nlso have recommended it lo n number ol my f. iemls, ami nt every case it hasuiven salisluciiou. I,. 1 .1 .VI. At Louia Iun..' (Mercliiuil.) Dimville. have uswl your Worm Syrup i is u.y faimV, and con sider it tint only clfcelual, but the most pleasant arlh'te I Sis nopi'iinled Willi. JA Oil I.VSIll.l.S. DnuvilU-. Having used your Win in Syrup in my fauiilv, il h.-lps SA' children more than uuy pteparalion of the kind, nn.l is moru pleasant to take. DAN .MORGAN. M int ait Row, Danville. I linve had occusi-ui to use your Worm Syrup in uty fuiuily, and piel'er it ii nnv Yeiinifiige I have usiil'. FHI'.i). Ki ll, Pr.ialy Valley, Montour co. Dr. Uickley: Ifuviiig ustit your wotui Syiup, uud Creum is Cuiuptu.r and Family Pills in my family, tlu-y gave g.Nst anlisltictiou, atst. I c.uiter fVsi the most el fectuul, a.ul pleasant remedies, we luive had in our Iniuily. JOHMli'llAN It. KISIIKI.. Danville. Pinr 8lr : We the uudi-rsigned living in the employ of mcmrs. trntvea ar t;onuy, at wnose store, you have nn Agency for tlie wile of your Family Mcdtctiu s, stale that wo have hud mi opisirtuuitv of knowing the opinions of numerous individuals who have used tliem. und that il.ev give general aaiisfucliiui. W'v have kl a ai auisv if your rills, which uie universally liked. Is-n vfrv itukl in ineir operation. w. l.f-.lsr.MtlVG, Danville, Attest. W M. KF.PI.I'.R. Having Scurvy i.f my innitli very bad, I was iisluceit to try a n site ol y.wr r.silli ash. which acleil like u charm, burdening my sums, ujal removing till disease. JONATHAN It. RISIIKL, Danville Dr. Itiekley: tfuviug what was culled ulcerated aore. nioiith, for which, i tried a uuinlier ia' rt-iiiMlies with no lietichl : I wasnl Inst cured liy using one Isuile of your T.Hith wash. My wife also during her eoulinemeiit, was threatened with sire. Hi easts, liilnis. having alrwtlr forie.1, fitr u-liieb lu i,m.I iIim Cmmi ..I' 'f..t..u.u. ...I.I..I. ...... txl thtsn, thereby preventing her breasts fnun auila-i'ing. IIF.O A. HltOWN, Near Ijilhemu Ch ireh. lhmville. Pa. Dr. Hickley. Having an opportunity of seeing Autt-rVsa-lHilin To th Wasti uswl iu s-sns iery sevuie cm sea of acurver itf the gums. I eonaider it nn exeelsait reme- uy i oura. reaieeiiuuv, ur.u v. mil.... Tne atiovfl llteiliemea arS to! ante Whoh-aala and Ke tail hy W M. IHCKI.KY. M. D , Tr'opriet.w, llaiivilte Ataii Pus sale liv the followius Aucnla In N'orthnlnber- blltd csalllly, r'rtfina- as tiraut, SaulNin-,- W A. KisiIm AuguSur; W. Farrow, Unydertown ; Taggarl, Furinan tlurUm, rasiuos F.instine 4r Istrouae, laixfiusi, Jnlul Vaiixant, raxin-a; Hugh Vnatiue, IMkiiios; Ammeimmi, Koaael It Co, Sliaiuoklu; Mrs. Jus. l'hotuna, j Win. Fagely. SUin-.kiu (inipliell Klitv Augusta ! fVnnUel A. Ilcrgslirasef , I'cleralairg ; Jaeoii LciunruuT, Bear Gap; Conrad Weock, NoclhuinWrlutSl j Jeretuu.ll CnsfSs. rWinsgnn. J.ossli iriker, Mwiaourgj jiaisr ldiiw aiMl loiiMlhall Kellera. Mlltoll. Call nn the Ageula, and gels circular eontaiuiilg a full dai npliou of tl,. uumeious cares perfotuiea l llie diUer- ut Medicines, i Jua It, 1W3- lv THE .6 AD TO HEALTH I HOMsOWA'8 PILLS. COliK tf a DlfJfyftDF.RF.D MTfeR AND Brf DlliKBTION. Cop of a Letter from M,: R. W. Kirlcus, CAemtst, 7, i'rescot Street, Littrpool. dated liV June, .1851. To ll'n i.r.wAt, ris. yur PiSs and ointment huve stonft thr highest nn' our aale IM ,r Vnfietmy f.n- Knne tiara A rutomet,t.,wh.mi I ean rnfer for see euqua-ies, fleairnS meln le rinj know Ihe pnrticnr.r of her ens.. BhTlaaS bee i IrorAl.-.! fo, r.. i,h . Sisnrne-rd ,,,. digert,.nr On the last oecaai, . frnwav ir, the tlrsleneiT' the .track was a,. alrm,g, ,J ,h, in immsti,, .JThVi. Terely that doubt. w.,e ,f hsr ant hi.a, .1.1. to bent up uad.r ll j fortunately si,, wus Induced tS try your Pills, and sht nir,n m, (hit ,"t7 i fir"".." each succeeding dose, she had gr,,t rstisf. f,),, o ,raS3 U. Ink. ihstn. ,d alf igh ,!,',, nlv hr", Bo,", s now In lis uj.,rn,e, of porf,,.t heiili!, ' e- 7'l,. s-ut y. mstty eases, but the' n'-ove f,.,n, r , !f ttis attack, nnd the SPF.KM .nr.. t thim, s,,k- nnu m favor of your nslotmd,iug pills. M" (Signed) . w ,iIRKr, AM EXTRAORDINARY CI 1117 ' MIFPM4T10 KtVKR, IN VAN DIK.-.tLN S I.AMi T' Ccrpt) of a Letter inserted in the Hohart Tote Courier, of the st Manlt, ISjl, by M,of J n uhh. Margtuet M'Cniiuigan. iiiiietis-n v.sirs nf uge, residing .sew town, had been siiliering fmina vi ,li,t ihruuj.lio , , "PV""1 "f '" mouths, wiii -Ii hvl rulircly d. Jimwl her ..I the use nf her 11,1,1 j diitn,,! litis iieriiai h was under the cure nf H, ,.i .muieut nie.licjl mm fat loiurl I own. and by them hef ease n s considered hope iZ"; 1 i.'.V""1 Pr,,viiiMiip- hef to ir Hullnwny'a eehi j.' ' h"'1' f """ '' d in ai.iu.nsli. Lie short spue, ol time ihey eHeeted petleet cure ctKK of a pain and TifiirrNuss in thk- CIIKST AMI trroMACH OF A PKKSON fr SI VKAHSOF AOK. r ram Messrs Thew If Son, Pioprittors of the Lynn Advertiser, vho can vouch for the followina statement. August 3nf, 1851, To P.olcssor IIollowat, His. I desire to Iwur tcstirtlotly to the rood etteata nf Ilollowuy's Pills. For some years I sullwed sevnely I root a pun. and tightness in thestoinm-h which wus also accisai iwniml by a shorluess ot breath thut pievanted me frotn walking about. lmiH veins of nge, bud 1 olwiltistandinf my auvtmced stale . f life', these I'l, s have so t.lieved ma, that I nut deslmus tiuit others should la! made acquainted wilh their virtues. I ntn now rendered, Ly their means, eo.n.ralively aclive. and eun Uiku exercise without inju venletice or pun, winch 1 .ould not dn briers. (Sijitisl) HKNRY COE. North stieetj Lynn, Nfolk. These celebrated Pills are u-ondei fully tffxca' ciout in the folloteing complaints. Afus Dropsy Inflammation Asihma Dysentery Jauuuic. Itiltou. Compbiiuts F.rysiiieltis Liver Com lliotche. mi tha Female Irregu- pluinta" Skin latiti.-a I.iiuilaigu H wel Corupkiiuts Feveisol'all Piles ;,ll'cs kinds Kheitmatism' Consiipnlion of Fits Retention of tlie Dowels Hout I'riue Consumpiioii Ili-uibnch. Scorlula. or Debility Indigestion King's Evil Sors Throats Sioue ami GrnVel rVcoialarr Tic Douloureux Tuuunirs Syui,loms I leers Venereul AtTcelions Wiirmsof sit kinds' Weukness, from whatever cause Jtc., tke. Sold at tlie F.stnlilisltmeiit of Professor Tlntr.nwAT, 944 StraiHl, (neur Temple liar, lmdon.) and by all respeeUtbsr' Druggists and Deulers in Metlieines throughout the nritistt c. pire. A those of the United Suites, in Boxes at 87Jc ( . and 81 .Hie. ettch. Wholesale by tlie principal Drug I. tt -a in the Union, athl by Messrs. A. U. & D. bmmos, Ncv Viuk, 1 v- Tilers Is a' eonsiiforabte saviu'g by taking th. tsrgsr i-z, s. Directions for the guidnucs of patients in every1 u --nIet nre nlTixed to eneh box. Octobers), l-5i. ly. 2.5UO Acpcs Tlihbtr Land FOP. SALE. EYERAI. VALUABLE TKACTS OF TIMUER I. AND, comprisintr almut S.500 arres, part of which is pituatci'JKjn Tobyhunris (J reek, o ml part on Muilily (Jreek, within three miles of Lehigh l.iver, in Pens forest township, C'arlion County, one of the crerrt Coat Counties of Pennsylvania, ean he lr5 at a liarg-ain, if ap plication lie mude soon'. 1 hese lauds are thickly covered with the best timher of that rcjiott. White it is believed that 75,000 feet of IninlH-r to the acre, can lie cut from a large portion of the land, the balance will aver age not much less than this figure. The kinds of timber found cm the land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, White Oak, White Pine and Chestnut hut principally made up of White l ine and Hemlock. Tlie Tobyhaniw arid Muddy Creeks arc large and rapid strr'ams, yieldintr a vast amount of water power, and are capable of driving a targe number of saw mills. They empty into Ihe Lehigh,' which strcnm, with the l.eliigli Canal attends an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of JNew lotkand lhilauelylita which runs within one mile ami three qnatters of the land.. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in either, of the cities named, for about Vl per thousand tcet thus enabling persons en gaged iu the trade to derive greater profits than attend investments generally. In audition to' the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that ship builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or at other distant points. I. n I it. c most ol the binds cr. thi l.eln,:li there has, as j et, been no culling of the timber on this property. It stands undisturbed by the wood man s axe. It is-, therefore, the morn valuable. The lumber trade of lire Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent for years past, tbat a scarcity of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every season necessarily increases thin dilTiculty. Tha consequence munt lie an enehaniement ol the value of timber lands. Those nn-ciillcJ tracts with tho advantage of avenues to Piarket, such as the lands o.lcre.l for sale, possess, cannot fail to be the sources of supply hcrei fter. uut the bind is not alone valuable for tbe tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for furmtn j, nearly every acre lieing sa&eptihlc of a high stute of cultivation. C'apitaliglffiicifr'uig to make investments, wsulJ do well to turn their attention to these lands. For further information apply to CHAS. nl, HALL.. O.Tice in "Miiiinj register" building, Potts ville, Pa. . . A ugut C, 1 8.1.I If. CkKmvka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. JVTOW for the little ones. Why will parents)' ' waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after alt get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature) 1 e would say, coine to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will eunrfiTitre te mako you a perfect picture, by uiir Ki.i.ituo Chkmical procesi, thut wiaks iff from to 2 seconds. We defy any Uaguerrenn in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are tha inveitjs-.s, oild tlie process 1 used onty m out dtf-fercirT.-A'jhliidiiiiciiu in New EntrlamJ and thtt Middle fv te. For pictures of adults, tlie silver medals we have received fiom the American Institute, New York snd FranVlin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are the JV7'.' Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention ta fni TttllHitypes Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. C. Collins & Co!, 100 CheslnOt Street Philadelphia. Main street, oppose rita Hamp den House, Springfield and CtalW BoiMtK-f. Weslucld, Mass. N. U. Cur establishment iV illuminated' by the brilliancy of our Pictures jiy Day, and by I' 1 of., Mir Home ford' m Safety Jjimj'M ly Sight "Come and see." Phila.. May 9, r5.r ly. IsUiritier Y:ul I'llflF. ("liliscrilier would fespertlWlj inform til A cithu'iis uf Sunbury, siS'rt iiorlliuinl erlatnl and adjoining counties', llnJ ha baa opened sv FinniVer Yard , in th lot fronliirg on Craulsfrry SL, a short dir lance East1 of the Stt-ain Saw Mill, whers) ha has now a' latge amount of fraioutit runnel J'laii, al J'auufl Voartli, and all other Hoards snd" Ut'iLMNS Mstkbial, such us will bs wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount or Shingles oil hand, which v. ill be solj from-f 6 u to f-t), according to quality and size. Plesse fivst us a call and enaiiiiiie our price and quality. N. 1). Farmers who arr lie want of Shinglsar will please rail as we will soil to vou inw. J. E. J.Cia. &U?e Sii-t'jitr V.iy ?9. !f5T- l.