7 , AQaiCULTUKAL FAIR. 1.3(hr.E'!!!U'.,,M.C,:m,"i,,'' No-lhun.bnr. hHol VVn. S.r.H.r, ( N..,, uifl i the fii Thin, tiuuitnrlui it. July 14, h.ii j,u,s Hmj H H 1 1 hi (if hrun.i. . . E Hip t',eM,),.t iti the Chair. "rii" ii in iur inn Kuir ti..v.n,....i.. .... . . " .... .u, ,.,, iemiineii were appaimr.l CominniM U Arrant,,,,,,,,, 0 pre,,r- ih iit'i-ett ot in ni..lUriuL;.. . ' J K (?'""" ChHiimn John R E, k, "". b. W.Chpi.Wm H K.ymi.P, Smne l. Bn.wn, Rt,t. M Fri. k nml Tho.. Si.ino. LIST OF PREMIUMS. ' . HORSES. Bi'nt Stallion, over 4 )eai. ol.l, Seeninl , j,, ' Bi SuIIkmi under 4 tears old, Seoiiml do ',( Bsi mare, jih cnli in her side, Nviiiui ,0 j0 Best Saddle Horse, CATTLE. Durham or Short Horni. Best Bull orpr 2 jearooM, ShcuihI do ,0 Best Bull under 2 year old, Second do Jo B.nt Cow, ShoiiiiI do, Bt-Ki Hr-iffr, S.-Poiul do. $5 no 3 oo 4 oo 2 oo 6 oo 3 Oil 4 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 The Mine premium will bp awarded l DfV(.n.. Hereforda, Aldemeyn, and A.eshnes. NATIVES. Best Bull ovpr 2 years old, 3 00 Second do 2 0U Best Cnw, 2 00 Best Heifer. 2 00 Bt m Call, under 6 monlhs old, 2 00 FAT CA i'TLE AND WORKING OXEN. Best Yule of Oxen, 4 00 Second do 2 00 K. hi litt allium!, 3 00 Second do 2 00 SWINE. Best Boar, 300 Seriiud do 2 00 Best Sow, 2 00 Second do 1 50 Beat paii of Shont, 2 00 Seninil do 1 50 B -hi In kt (if pins under 3 month, 2 00 13 -M la Hot; 2 00 SHEEP. R'Kl R im, 2 00 BeM ErtP, 2 00 Be.-t Lamb, 2 Oil Ben! I.ll Sheep 2 00 POULTRY Best puir or Turkey, 1 50 Second do 75 Bi-t pair in" Geese, 1 50 Sfeutid do 75 Bi)i pair ol Mn.-k Duck, 1 90 Second do 75 Bft pair of puddle. Duck, 1 50 Si cond do 75 Meat pair Shanghai or Cochin China fowl, 1 50 Si-cond do 75 lie.-l pair Chitlagonf , 150 Seciiiid do 75 The mmip premium for Buihmn. Pnotoi, Black Java Grimes, H.iii.tnirn?, Polish Cie tile, BuiIhiiis, or any uther unadullera'.ed breed Bes: and l.iryest collection of fowls, 3 00 Seem d do 1 SO K M -how of pigeon, 2 00 Secoiid do 1 00 GRAIN AND POTATOES. Biit bn.-hel ol wheal, 2 00 Second do I 00 Beat tin-he I of corn, 2 00 Second do 1 00 Wei do rye, 1 00 Be' do naW, 1 00 Bet do potatoes, 1 50 Second do 1 00 Best 4 do of sweet potntoe, J 00 VEGETABLES. Best beets, not less than 12, 1 00 D cariot, " 1 00 Do pjisnips, " 1 00 Do luinip, " 1 00 Do mtUit'y or oyster plant, " 1 00 Do union, " I 00 Do cabbayp, 6 1 00 D.i caulilluwer, " I 00 D i sqiim-h, 3 1 00 D.i pumpkin, " 1 00 D.i eug-pluuis, " 1 00 Do tomatoes, 12 1 00 Doueleiy, 12 ialk, 100 Bust assoitment of garden vegetable, 2 00 FRUIT. Beit bushels of apple, 1 00 Do 4 do quinces, 1 00 Do 4 pear, 1 00 Do 4 peai'he, 1 00 !).i 6 iiuuuhe of grapes, 1 00 Dj MUler'iirlull I 00 Do miisk-nielnii, or citron, 1 00 IMPLEMENTS. Bet threshing machine, 4 00 Do reaper. 3 00 Do eed-diill, 2 00 Oo v iuuowiii2-mill; 2 00 D i corn-heller, 2 00 I) i plow, 2 00 Do cultivator, 2 00 Do mller, 2 CO Do corn-plow, 2 110 Do traw-i'U!ler, 2 00 Do larin-w atfiin, 2 00 D i "tt of h.ime, 2 00 DoTloie rake, I 00 Do yraui ciadlri. 1 00 DAIRY, ko. Beat butter, nut les than live lb , I 00 Di houev, " 1 00 Do loaf of bread, 4 lbs., 1 Oil Do ham fined by exhibitor 1 Oil D i 6 lb', nf hoine-made oup, 1 00 Do apple-butler, 6 quarts, 1 00 Do pie.eive, 1 00 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Bei Quilt, l no Do counterpane, 1 00 Do hearth-rue, 1 00 Do pair (if blanket, J 00 Do 20 yard id carpet, 00 Do cloth, (home-made,) 10 yards, 1 (K) Do II iiiui-l, i (jo Do pair knit woolen stocking, or socks, 00 Do clove or mittens, j on Do hume-made thread, 1 lb., CO MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. For mechanical invention, tools, furniture and other articles mil cnmuiy under any ol the above heads, prize will be decreed ac cording to the mean nf the society, and the meiit of the articles exhibited. PLOWING MATCH. Beit Plowman, 5 on Second, 4 00 Third, v 00 Fourth, 2 00 JUDGES. Hnaxc. K E Kapp, Wm. B. Kipp, John K. Kck Otfiij Oeaihari, Henr Kea ter. Citric J C. Hortun, John Mniitjinrnery, John UoiiKei, wm. M. fcaae, J400D LleiMi riim. IShamnkiii I Hues. John Porter, S. A. BeraMreMpr, Wm. rullnier, John B. ranker, David o. loiitcomerv. Suck- Thomas Johnson,' Andrew Arm. strong, Peter Houghawout, Donni Wolvertou Wto D Gesiban PutlLTRT. Joseph Priestley, Eliha U. Bart,,., S. R. Wood, Win. M'Cleery, Wm T. For) th ' Grain, &r. Samuel John. Cha. Ridded, Jaiiie B-ard, Sen., Jaine EekiiiHti, Cuinl Vii.e.-iii. Vkoktablm Alex Jordan. James Po!. '-k, Alex. Colt, Horatio G. TaKurt, Elidu John. . FaniT D.vld Tneuart. Wm. I Gipp 'o.iKh. II B Maser, G. B. Youngman, John Impi.cmrnt Wm. H. Mupnch, J. H Zl.limeiiiiHIi, Wm Hood, O. P. Paltou, T Meivine. MtscELr.ANR.1i1s John Taaunri, D. C Waiou, Joseph Ninety, Wm. Beard, Win Foyih. DAinr, &c. Tho. S Pt,k. Jacob O. Frick W T Grant Adam Keller. John Dhiilnrl Domestic MANcrACTRfK. John F Dent ler, Jacob SeMhiilis. Isaac Vincent, N B Thompson. Win Maish Plowing Match Elijah Crawfonl, Wit ni HutchliiKOo J. W. imr Leiuhow. Ben Hendnck. John S ruth (Upper Aunsi ) None but member ol the Society will bf permitted to compete tor piemiiuim Person from any comity. State or country, may become member bv naviuuSO cent to the Treasurer, or any lowibip Committee man. Competition i earnesllv invited from the npiehborinu ennutie. Judifp w ill commence their duties ht 3 o'clock. P. M of ilie first dav Th-ir award- will be published wl 3'clnck, P. M the next ilav, after which the address will be deliv- erpd. Thp Plowlim Match w ill lake nlace tit 1 o'clock, P. M. (second dav ) J AS CAMERON, Trttt IV. I. G, ttnouek. c n.,.,,1 T , ' Secretanes. " "ill:"", j DEMOCRATIC PEIMAEY ELECTION. JN pursuance of a resolution of the last Demo cratic Convention, the democratic electors of this county are resprctlully requested to meet at the usual time ami place of hnlilini their urimnrv elcrti.ui. on Saturday, the 27th day of August next, to vote (or one person to lie nominated for Assembly, one person lor Commissi. mer. one person f. ir Prosccutim; Attorney, one person for County Treasurer and one person for County Auditor, and the iudires of tho election in the different horouns and townships are requested to meci at me court house, in f-'unliury. on Moudny, the 2'Jlh day of Auirust, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to count the votes cast for the different candidate for the above named offices and to declare the candidnte bavin the lii -litwt nmnlier of vote. the nominee to he supnnrtcd by the party at the next election, and at the same time and place, select two persons to represent this countv in the 4th of March Convention. WM. Lt. KIPP, Chairman. J. ROKSH. J. KAUFMAN. MICHAEL TREON, D. P. CAUL, J. G. FRICK. J. s. HAAS. VALANTINR KLASE, JAS. ECKMA.V Standing Committee. July 23, I8!i3 500 Agent W anti tl. $1000 a Year. T,VANTE1) in cry county of the United Slates, active and euleiprisina men, to en Rage in the 8:1 le of sonic of the Lest Bonks, pub lished in the country. To men of roo.1 address, possessing a small capital of from -S5 to -SIOll, such indu.ements will he ollcrcd as to enable them to make from 3 to $ 10 a day profit. IW The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand lury sales wherever they are oll'ered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid.) LEAKY & GETZ, No. 13 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Publishers of subscription Books. 1'hila., Aug. 20 1853. 4m c ji is a r WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory OF G. L. IILLE? & CO., . . corner Anli und Second Mrc-tn, fHILADELFIIIA. IVEItY VAKIETV OF SHADES, Whole a!e and Ifctail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette. Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices foi qu il.ty of woi k. Orders lor Gilt, Plain to c. Lettered and oilier Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial. If will try to pleae. Brasses. Trimmings. Ac., always on hand. Kemcmlu-r IS. W. coiner SECUX1) & AliCll Streets, Philadelphia August 13. IS53.- 6m. E LWARDDiTf F Y &S 0 N . Sou p t$ C a n d 1 e M an i 1 lac 1 1 1 re is AND DKA'.I'.K IN fcoda, Mai cu, C iioillo oapM, &c ITAVING increased facilities for tuauufactu ring, thev are now prepared to oiler induce ineiits to purchasers ami dealers in ti e abovi named ait.cles, Purchasers wil. find an exce. lent assortment of select goods. Goods sold ex clusively on the cash p.iucip.e, and at tue lowest wholesale prices Call and salisiy yourselves Ou motto is QuhIc Sales and Small Props." No. 44 Filbert street, above Utli, Philadelphia. August 13, 18533H1. To liailroud Contractors. (jEALEU proposals will he received at the olliee of the Coal Run Improvement and liailroud Company, until noon ot Friday, Auii-i 2oth, for the grading and masonry of the Co.u Kun liailroad. Drawings and specifnatiotis may he seen ol the Company's olliee, No Hi South fourth street, Philadelphia. C. A. WALBOIiN. President. JOHN C. TKALTWINE, Engineer. August 13, 1833. It. To the Voters of Northumberland County. 1 he subscriber offers himself to the electors of sain county, as a candidate for the office of D1STU1CT ATTORNEY, at the ensuing election. Should he lie elected, he promises to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. H. J. WOLVERTOX. Sunhury, August C, I rt53. To the Voters of Northumberland County. 1 he subscriber hereby offers himself to the vo ters of Northumberland county, as a candidate at me licit election for the olhce of DISTRICT ATTORNEY, and promises, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the office faithfully and with impartiality. W M. M. K (JUKE FELLER. Notice TO CAHPENTEE8 & BUILDERS. FTMIE subscriber respectfully informs the citi- lens of Sunhury, and the public generally, that he has on hand for sale, a large lot ol yellow pine FLOORING BOARDS He has also on hands quantity of excellent broad chestnut rails and post.. lie is slso prepared la eel out timlier to order, with promptness and despatch. Farmers ap J others, in I'nion county can be supplied with any of the above articles on the shortest notice, eilher oo the river bank at Xunbury, or a mile below. For further pellicu lar addiesa the subscriber or Samuel Gossler, Sunburj. CHAKLE8 GOSSLER. 1 Lower Augusta, Aug.ut 6, 153 tf. 2,5uo Acres Tinibcr Land FC?. ZJL'L'Z, . t- ir it T viirimi? To 1 r"Ta n VALUABLE TRACTS 0 UMbEU LAND, comprising about S.MJ0 ires, part ot which is iiuated on Tobyhanna reek, slid part 011 Muddy Creek, within three mile of l.ebiffh River, in Pena forest township. Carbon County, one of the greet Coal Counties I Pennsylvania, can lis hsu at a bargain, II ap plicstion be made soon. These lauds are thickly covered with lha best limber of that region. While it is believed that 75 000 feet of lumlajr to the acre, can be cut from a lame portion of the land, the balance will aver 1 ee not much less than this (inure. The kinds of limber found on the land are Hemlock, Mprucc or White Cedar. White Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of, While I'lue and Hemlock. The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks ere large .uul rapid streams, yielding a vasi sin um ui water power, and are capable of driving a large uunilier of saw mill. 'I hex empty intolhe l.ehigh. which stream, with the Lehigh Canal sflbid an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. 1 here is. too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of ew V 01 k and Philadelphia which run within " milt and thru otiarterto the land. Through these avenues lumlwr can be delivered in eilher of the cities named, for about 7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged In the trade to derive greiter profile than atiend investments generally. In addition to Hie timber, convertible into eve ry shiipe of lumber, there la much t'lul '" " swer for spsrs of vessels sort ot "uiuer uiai thill lmi!ii-a lia lifistn iiltl it-ed to i,uir liase 111 Maine, or at other distant points. Unlike most of the lands on the Lehiirh there has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this property. It stands Undisturbed by the wood man' axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber trade of the I.ehich has been carried 011 to such an extent for years past, thata scarcity of good timber is beginning to I felt Every season necessarily increases this difficulty. The consequence must be an enchancement of the valua of timber lands. Those uu-culled tracts with the advantBire of avenues to n.arket, such as the lauds offered for sale, possess, cannot fail to he the sources of supply hereafter. But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearls every acre being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, weuld do well to turn their attention to these lauds. For furthv information apply to UNAS. M. HAM,. Ofnce in "Mining Register" building, Potts- ville. Pa. August G, 185.1 tf. Estate of HENRY loASSER SSER, de 'a. thai letiers lesta- TVJOTICE is hereby given, that letiers lesta- ineiilaiy hate been grained to tbe xubacrihe s on the estate of lieiiry ..u-s. r, Ksq.. late of tin Borough nf iSuuburv , ilec'tl. Ad persons h.iviuu claim- a.:atut said cli.teare ic(ucsled to present tlx m, did ' kutlieiili.'uti d, for si:leuoiii ; and thn.-e knowing llieiiKelvcs iudtbled tu lil.il.e pay- i inenl Without delav. I II. li. IA-LR. 1 i. i a -e-r.it, I. .MASSER. (hxU i.( is bl.Li'.LR, J JOHN 1' IJ. FIUNC Suidiury, Ju:y 3ll, 1S33. lit. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres oi' Ground TOR SALE. npIIE subscriber offers at private sale, hishouse and three acies of ground, on the river Bank within the limns i f the Uorouuh of Sunhury, now in the occupancy of John tshisnlrr and orig inally owned by t'.ias. Gossler while engaged in boat building. The improveiueiils aie a TWO ST0BY FRAME HOUSE, With a ll'dl ogooJ irfr, and a frond frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop erty is handsomely located and will lie sold at a reasonable p ice anil possession given in April next. Apply to Ceo- C. Welker. Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber nt Sehnsgrove. PETER KERLIN. July 2.1, 1S53 tf. To the Voters of Northumberland County. ' The subscriber hereby announces to his fellow citizens, that he is a candidate for tho olliee of COUNTY TREASURER, and promises, if elected, to dischaige the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. FRANCIS UUCHEU Sunhury, July 16, 185:1. 10 the Voters 01 U UltilUmCerland COUnty. ! I tr , . . . ' . ni mi.v iiij (if uiii i uiisii.iri iiiiuii a n ciinilid.ite for tbe otlire of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, nt tbe uproiu hing election. Should I be elected, I pr nnise to discharirc tho duties of tbe olli e faithfully and tu the best interests ol the county. MM OX SXYDEU. l'ps?r Augusta, July 1C, I8.VJ. the Voters of Northumberland County. Fki.i-ow CiTixtxs : Having been induced o oiler myself to you as a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER it the coming election, ehould I lie so f .rlunnte is to receive a nnminntinn and obtnin an elec lion, my undivided and constant endeavor would 'e to perform the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. MAIITIX GASS. fc'hamokin, July 9, 1S.')3, Io the Voters of Northumberland County. Fklluw Citizf.. At the solicitations of many of my friends. I again announce mvavlftn uur consideration as a candidate for tbe oilhe of COUNTY COMMISSIONER .it the ensuing election. Should I be so fortu nate as to beeleeteil, I will emlcavur to discharge the duties thereof with impartiality. CHKISTIAN UAUSCHLAG. Shaiiiokin. June 25, IHSi. llrittania Ware AND CANDLE MOULDS. THE subscriliers wish to call tbe attention of dealers tu their superior quality of Urittania Lamps, Tea Setts, Caudle Moulds, of the finest finish. All goods warranted. CALVE RLE V & HOLMES, 109 Kace street, Philadelphia, rhila., Aurust 6, I8.S3 2t. SUNBURY AND PHILADELPHIA Tek'grsipli. IJROPOSAI.8 will be reeeivel at the 'Ame- rican" olliee for the delivery of 400 chestnut or while oak Telegraph posts at some point along the Sudbury and Philadelphia liailroad IsMwecn bunbury ami SliamoMii. "ij posts to tie Si feet high and live iuchea thick at tbe email end, and to be delivered aa aoon as possible. WUOUfS, MASHER & BALDWIN. Sunbury, Aug. 6, 1853 'f. INUIAN CIIOLAUOGUE An excellent re medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, just re ceived and for aale by I. W. TEXKK & CO. 8uubury,My 14, 18 3. rjHUN PL" MPS A amall number of these eirellent pumps have been received and art ottered for aale by H. B. MA8SER. ' Sunburv, June 4, IBJ13. ILL'IU Lamps, Choice Uaakets. Flower Va aea and Ornaments t Queenawar aud Ulaas. ware, just received and for sale by Sunhury, May 14, 'aa. TUNER & CO. GKOKGE Y. Z I MEN MAN,' VENITI AN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, . PHILADELPHIA, 1 C0N8TANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for i ttvU of finish intj workmnnnhin . .... iuwcsi prices, miso i nAsrAKEiVl' TTHOLESALE, AT M AN t'F ACTURERa1 PRICES. (7 MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August SI, 1.S. lj. Improved Lightning Rods. fjTVlE subscriber hss constructed a Lig itning Hod on true Philosophical priuciplec, by j which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by L.ighl lung. I h, connection and Insulation of the rod, a well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more perfect con ductor than any heretofore in use. rersons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most substantial manner by applying either personally or by letter to the undersigned, at the following prices : ror 40 feet inch Conner rods. Geld pla ted points, with solid l'latina tip, $23 00 Forty cents will be charged for every ad ditional foot over forty. For 40 feet J inch Tubular rods, Gold plated points, with solid Platina tip, $13 60 For 40 feet i inch solid rod, Gold plated point, with solid Platina tip. Hi 50 For 40 feet Silver plated point, 9 10 00 And 30 cents for each additional foot over 40, of the three last named. All at six mouth's credit, or 10 per cent off fur cssh. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS. The subscriber will slso put up Lightning Rods similar in every respect for they shall be exactly the anine as those erected last summer by the Lewistown or Lewishurg company, in sue, point, glans, connection, ice, at 13 cent per foot, on six months credit or 6 per cent, off for cash. N. B.-Nn warrantee given for this description of rod. 7. S. WACKEV. Milton, July 30. lfiSIl. 2m. rj 1 1 CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ihe Cure of COUGHS, COLDS. HOARSENESS, BRON" OHXTZS, CROUP, ASTH ZVZA, WHOOFIWTQ -COUGH AND OOiarSUXvIPTZOZf. TO tint, A CUL.U, WITH HKAOACUC ND o61Nti of ihe U ily, uke tlir Liikhhy l'tcfoaxi, tn yumg to heti, mid wrap up wuriii, ttt wtutt du. ing ihn uiglik. t- OK A OuLU AND C'OL'uH, UK It Illumitlg, ll'KMIttid CVC- niiift. m-c iditt to Uiiecii ml n the (i Itle, und the diifioul ty will -ii be rem 'Vtnl. iStme wtli I ng muffvt it in this lr. utiln whfii ilit) tiiul it en n lie to readily cured. 1'crt nt uitnru'd wilU a armed c nigh, which bretka tiieio ul their rtii ut mhu wnl Hiul, by tJiWiug the Chert y l'eet'iral on g 'lug t bed, tiiey nuy be aure nl aound, uulnokeH alcep, ui itl t; iiscquently rcfrt'aliing rest. Grnt icltel fr uisutTer ini;, and hii ultimute cure, it itiridi-d t thoutanda who are ilum iiiliicteil. tiy lint mvdluuble remedy. Kri.in us aurceiible crlevit in thete cases, many find thruiaulvct utiwilliiij; tu t'- regu iia use wlieu the ueccftity f -r ii Iimb cetist-d. Frm lwu cuuncut Phiciitiit in l-'AVKTrtiviLi.K, Tcnn . April 10. 1851. ir We have given y ur Cherry Pectoral an extrntivt trinl in nur piurticu, and fiinl it to turiwn evrv "thei re , ineily we have (r cuiini nfTet-ti nt ( the rerpirnt ry or , guna. I'ltr l;li:MKUA IIAMITO.N. TiirtlMJr.KS ANO I'l HLU'SI'KAKKltS thin remrdy 1 ia inviiliiMlile, Ht by ita action in the throat and Iti'it, wht-u tukeu in ttnull quuuiitieB, it irmoveautl hour Mien in a few h urs, and w mderi'ully increasei tlie power and UtAibilitjr ol'lhc v ice. ! ASTHMA ia (Tf-nenilly much relieved, and cftcn wholly cure I by Cherry IVct ral. But there ore a ine uttrtsd b aiiimie us to yield entirely t un medicine. Cherry I 'ec to rn I will cure them, it they etui be cured UltO.N'ClHTie, or irriuitimi of the throat nnd upper poi ti ui ni the luns, may be cured by tiknifc Cherry Pa to. ral in aiuail and intmenl dotct. The uuc 'inioiuble op prtsfl),i is soon ri lirvcd. j Hcv. Duet. LANSING, of Bnmklyn, New York, it ate : 1 huve aeen the Cherry Peciorul cuic fluch ciiaea of Afthmu und Uronchilia nt leatla uie tu bcht-vc it can rurely full to ure th -at discuses. " POK CKOl'P. tiive an emetic of antimony, tote f -llowt-d by larjte und frequent dosc3 of the Cherry Pecto iiil, until i aubtluva the disease. If taken lit iea)ii, it will u t liiil to cure. WHOOPING COl'Olt may he bn ken up and s.kii cu red bv the lite of Cherry Pectoral. TUK INr-'LUKXZ it speedily removed by this reme- ly- Numerous nnmnm-n huve Item n..tieeil wlirrr wlu.le fitmiht'l weie prolecleit fruti any eernme cuiai-quiic-ee, wtitle iWir neiulih -r, wil bout tlie Cherry I'ectorul, wtis Buttering tr.iin the disease. lJr. J. C. Ayr: ?AlF,Ohi.i, ltlh June, t85t. 1 wriie l i iiiinrm yin nf the truly remsrkutile eit'ei-ti of ynur II Kit It V I'ECTOKAl. in this plnoe. anil in my .wil family. One f inv ditiyhters wtis c .mpirlely curril in tlir. e itn'vs "f a drenilful W uooeiwo Cocou, by laktni; it. lr. Minuis, line of nnr vury best phi iciuiis fceely siuls lb;it li considers it the bust rcinnty we have pulin iiiitry di.-asrf, nnd thst he has cured m-ire enses ..f Caour with it tlciii any mller meHiriiie he ever adiniinslereil Our clerpymrti of the Hntiltst Church suys lliat during tlie run ! Inflcxxza here lliis seus-.u, he hiia seen cures fr. 'in y .ur inediciiic tic enuU scarctly liuve believed S'ith iiul s eiiig. Vnurs respectfully, J. D. WXCf.AIR, Ilepcty P.isi muster. Fiom the distinetii'hed Profcs or of Cliemis lr and Mrteria Miil.ee. RawdoHi Ctdlcpe I hsve f ui d the Cherhy I'kctobal, ns its ingredients sti.iw. a (mwerful remedy tt elds, and enugtis, and pul uiiiuiiry di.eusca. Pabhes Clcveuhu, M D. Eacxrwict, Me., Feb. S, 1617. DR. VALK.NTINK.MOTT. The widely celebrated Professor of Surgery lit the Medical Lolleee, Aeto Yoriclity, says: 'It ive m plmsnre tn certify ilie vnlue and rffieaey nf 'Aveh's (HsasT I'bctoral,' wlnh I consider pecili. arty adaptt'il t cure disenscs n (he I hront nnd l.unifS." Cuies uf si'veie iliHeniiea upon Ills tallies have lieeil ef feettHt tiy Ciifrrt I'sctosal in aurh extreme eases as warrant the tielief that a rcincilv hns at leuclli been fi.uu.1 thnl can tic depended on t.ieure the C -uirhs. C"IHs suit Consumption which esrrv from our midil tlioiisunrla every veur. lt is indeed a meitiriue to wliich tlic ulfiicled run lo-itc wnh o mfiJeiiee f-ir relief, and they should not fail to a viiil themselves f It. Prepared and sold b, JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H MA SSER. and by DniBuista generallv throughout the State. July 30, 1853. ceow lv Nov. 13. '53. ANOTHER REVOLUTION In tlie Dry Hoods Uusiness. J. F. & I. F. KLINE, RF.SPECTFL'LLY announce to their friends and tie public in general, that they have taken the Old Stand, in Upper Augusta town ship. Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc cupied by Isaac Campliell, & Co., and have just returued from Philadelphia, and opened A A'ew and Splendid Assortmeut of Spring anij Simmer Goons, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassiinera, Sat tinetts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, lierage de Laines, Alpacas and Shawls, Also fresh supply uf Groceries of all kinds, Hardware anrl Qneentware, Drugs and . Medicines. Also large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitalde for Men, Women and Children, Hats aud Caps, such as Panama, Straw, Pulm-leuf nd other Hats. Salt, Cheese, Ac Call and See. Cheapar than tue Cheapest, All of which will be sold for rash, sir in ax change for country produce, at tbe highest marks! price. Vppsr Augusts, April SO, 18!3.-ly . mnnn u -Mki--t j WINDOW SHADES AM) ItKED BLINDS Live and Help Live!! 1 Ova Motto. S. N. THOMPSON 3,? ESPECTFULLY inform, his friends and 2 the public generally, that lie has just re. raived at his store, In Sunhury, below Weaver's "ei, a targe, tiindsotn, and cheap assortment VI SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting In part of Dry Goods, viz : Clotht, Cassimtm Canintts, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Festings, Lmtns. fre. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin dt Ltins, Lawns, Ginghams, Btragts, Rubis, $c- GuocdcniKs, Sujar. Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molssses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, ie., &c, dec. Ilartlirare, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives Si Forks, 6k. Quocnsware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOES, A Isrg assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and rlnldm Hats Caps, &c, of various sizes and atyles. -Besides a large and general ..... fashionable goods. Call and sxamina f.,r selves. V9 Country produce ol all Kind. t.l.n i exlmnge at the highest market D'tces. o t . n ouuiiury, mo. nil, 1833. A Farm for Sale. A Valuabls Farm situated in Upper Aueuta townnhip, ortllumberlan.l county, laying along ihe Sbaruokin creek, about four miles ami a hall Iroin tbe borough of Sunbury, CONTAINING 140 ACRES, will be sold on the 83d day of August, l.y the heirs uf Samuel Colp, sen., deceased, at private ale. About 120 arres of this land are cleared and in a good stuta of ruliivtir,n, the whole having been limed ones over. The implements are a two atory DwELLIXG H0IT3E, a barn, a watrcon houta. ami inn .,.K..i. of fhoice fruit. The Philadelphia and Sunburv Railroad passei direetly through tbe centre of 'it. likrwino the public road leading from Sunhury to Petersburg. Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm, void of bills and slnne.with good water, and well in with clover, will find this to comport with their wishes. For lull particulars, apply either personally or by letter to tbe subscriber si the farm. ' JEREMIAH COT.P. Lpper Augusta twsp., June 18, 1833. ts. 3Ii(ilinburg :V cade my. 3II01ln5urg, l iilon t'uiiuly, I'vuua. REV. J. G. AN PACU, KEV. E. KEIFFER. Curators. A. C. FISHER, Principal MISS ELIZABEIHK. HOL'OH, Principal of Female Department. EDIVIX F1SIIER, Teaeher of Mathematics and Vocal Music. CIIESSELDEN FISHER. M. D , Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, &c. 1 he Summer Term of this flourishing Insti tute will coin mem eon Mo.viur, July VS, 1853. Tbe course of instruction will be thorough and practical. Mathematics and die Ancient Lan guages, as well as otber brunches, will be taught, as fur as practicable, on the umilylic method Daily use will be made of tho hlackboaid. Orthography, Heading, English Composition, and Uecluinaiion will receive their full share of attention. Draughting, Construction nf Maps, ITse of Compass, &c, will be taught to studeutsiu Sur veying aud Civil Engineeiing. Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Painting, Water Colors, d.c., Ornamental Needle Work, French and Uotany will be given by the Precep tress, who is a graduate of Castlcton Female Seminary, Vermont, and comes recommended by the Principal of that Institution, -a young lady of agreeable manners and high literary at , taiumenta." I Young ladies and gentlemen who dc.ign to become teachers, will find this Institution an effi cient school for preparation, since ihere will be connected with it, during the great part of tbe year a Tc.cimia' Ixstitutk, the members of which will have the opportunity of attending an I Evening Couise of Lectures on .School Teaching, j and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, uinler the supervision of tho Principals. I 'I he government of the school is lls-nl minn 'a of universal love, which enjoins upon all io u.i io omers as mey would Hunk it right that others should do to litem. Hence the rules will be mildly, though strictly enforced; and parents and guardians may rest assured, that toe morals, habiu of study, and general deportment of the students will be carefully attended to. Tho building is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished Willi new dciks. a bell, convenient recitation rooms, Ae. MitUiiibuig is a thriving and healthy borough. Ita iutiabitunts are moral, intelligent aud enter prising. Its streets have Deen recently graded and paved. It ia, in everv respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat foraiudouts. We, therefore, trust that the ftiemla of education will deem the Academy worthy of their littoral support. IV" The price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed Sjil.Su per week. X. 11. Student may enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yet it ia desirable that they be present, if possible, on the first day, MilHinburg, July 16, 1853 6m. STONE WKE Milk pans. Butter crocks, Butter jars. Jugs, Preserve jara, 4 c., j c.. just received and for sale by Sunbury, June 18, 1853. TENER & CO. (RUMMER Shawla, Ready made Mantillas, Black bilk and Silk Lace, just received aud for aale by I. W. TENEU ot CO. Sunbury, May II, 1853, nUUNINO Fluid, Camphine, Sperm and Whale Oi', White Lead, Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and for aale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. TENER dc CO. li AND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of sll kinds on superior paper. Sunbury, Feb. 14. 185'j. TCOR RENT, a small office or shop near Tener - ec. r.ngle t store, Market Street. eiunbtiry. Apply to II. B. MA8SEK. Sunhury, July 9, 1853. mm ANN'S LETTER PKCSSE5, with lT I bookai ink, and M complete, ju.l rremvdt and (or aaU hy H.U. MA5SER, :, . .CELEBRATED Family Medicines. T N offwms the publie the sbove mvalnahl fror. i .ui' ' ,uh,crilm would sluts limt in oimHuition w" Mrilenrliand srnin f the m.. resiireMI.Ni of Ihe MeOloal lacaltjr, It wis rieemMl Irlxitl. o offer tu the puoho, a few veparaii.ia.i kmiwa eeloiirity, betin frt pereo w.Ui the a,ro.itrM rare, and Ihe n rt srinilifie prineipHM, ea mn,eii.aiee for the numerova wnhh-wi ar iicirt lha i ere B.idinf the eountrv hi the firm of peiuimes ena cure alia, prepared bf the m t iu.iraiil and mercena ry per '", iutendad to sure ell diseueva and ! iA a ie. ; Rmd and Reflect. . That the Medicine. M.iiiufectured by W..M. Bc.l.aT, Ineludina hie K.im Pectoral f. Unugbs. I 'i rein Camphor, f t Uheunuiism. "' i"vrup l t Wiirrne. nxiin vn eh. r.irUeaejed teetl.,r1irFaMI minrn. rsmiiy nils, or bloud furilyer, hsve been m .is exteesivc ' "d ktn m sausfseti.ai, tlwii s.iy other Medieiuas hef ..ra the palilie, bei pregMreit with tessrd to their nseiiiiueM sie UUy worthy Uis irial of lbs sttisil ed. Oivs them a trial. A few powetful reosons wliy ll,s sV.ve Meoiclnrs sra Unerring ol universal patiornge. (lu Ihe first place, they ars prepared hy s rrguiar l'hysieisu, wh KtersUnals Ins applimlieu of Medicines, tn dismsss, and consequently ars Derfortly ssfs to take. (Secondly,) tliay hsvs bseu used with uiuvaisslsiterss'i. snd liav. .iv. ,.,r. ii.i.. tion thnn any other Mlicbies oTererl before lha put-lie ( Thirdly ) thsy ere the .inly rnad.euiss tbot hsvs t jinad the imtr.iniRS nf Phvsiristi.. ttrhpr. ih.i. It.va h.. ...H . siid (Knuttlily.) they are put up In larger qunniitles tv.i .... ...... ,M.tw, .nun euj- uiner rneueities onereo in ins nutilic of th srue kind A. tl, ..th.Av.iw. I... ....n.1.. of ccrti .Testes in his r"ssrssinn of the highest authority, where ihsy hive been ua..d with ihe nnst sutisl'sctory re sults. lie will mih!is!l fl few of I hem. I mj-IIli. iHll.finl iIimI trinl will insure their rec immentlati n. Trytlioal and nisi yoarseir ol ll.eir superiority over all others. Read und bt Convinced. Ws tlie ll'irlrAiinind ImvlnS lu,mi mn.li. A..iii.i.lrf tAotl. ths lujre.li-iits anteiiinr into ie Compoiuuls kisiwn es Biekley's Family Medicinos also hiving preseiihed and known them to bt used. Willi m.isl sriti.tM.torv reMllBl bike pleosnrs in snying that we believe tl.ey fully timet ths dsufii for which they nre rec .roniended. JAt3. si u aw UKIDl.E, Al.U. C H. FrtlCM, ,M. U WM. NeMAHCiN, M. D WKSI.E y H GEAIIHtART, M D. WAf. It AHOIU,, M D. B K.GHAKHKAHT, M. D. Curt tf fain in the ,de and cough from pretttttd lArtr t-omjilamt. Mrs. Robert Ariims. Utviriii unHr rh,.i,.in r :..m plaint, accoinpauiiJ Willi a sli .rt dry cough on in the side and braaot, fnernl drbility, loss of appetite, aller try- Ine all Ihe uaunl remeilis rr .mm.nrlr.l f.,. m n..A disesset of the chrsl, who with u i benefit, she was reconv mended to try ths Rose Pectoral, from which, she ii Aouly derived immwliste but permsn-nt relief aoim Ausms, sonni nirs. Knoert Adsnt, vent anirted with a vers severs eiush. Dsin in the ante, siul .mnHi produced by imeamut e ughinc: he wns induced to try the Rom P.-t..r.l 'TV, .... 1. - i. . v c ... dots enabled him to enjoy a una nirni'a reii. In the m iriiinsht expecUiiutsd a!ut lmlt pint of rcatler. lis roiuuiura id nnnriive unui ma counri sunrriv m h m -i also had the effect nf streiiphening hit htemr. which wns - 1 . j - ..... .... mTimiinciiueu It to a number nf hi.r.ia.ula C.w .in.;!... .. ..MU:.... in every esie it has given ssiiafscti. n. ' Tfiaahiva persons residents of the tnwi nf Danville, feelinr that thev have derivt irrmt h..,. f. , .h. .... of the Itose Peetoral; authorize the above atstement, for the benefit uf those who roav be ofilic.ed iu a similar man. uer. GRKAT CLUE Lois of Vntf r total. MitsSusan Whitlock.of Ituah iwm: v ,.i,mi,.. Isml co., for a nu.uber .if years su ii valid, in n.e i.n ..r 1C50, lout the use .if her voice from a kvu. e.,1.1 .1.. ....... trscledi after trying a number nf reine.!iea, wr.h a i licne- ui. sue wns entirely restore.! ny tnuin( i tie b ittle .f Kott 1'ct'torul. Hfter Wliich. She losr her tf Jcm nr.ii. iv.,m . fresh c .Id she contracted, aud wns sgani restored by the use of an ther liott e : she then took i". Ilir h .St more Irt strenitlieii her brenai, fr in which tlio deiiied tl, m ,t deci.leit licncbt, and ims lieen hi the eujiiylnoiit of excellent iichuii ir.-ni innt lime lo Ilie present. The auoie statement is obtained from Dr Puisr!!, ths Physician who intended her: sis i her mother u.hi ihi,,k. that ahe would not lie living ut this time if it h...l nor been for the lt.e Pectoral. U uiville, .1 in S5. leia Vfi7 another Marled Curt Effected. INtrs S.imuel filler, bciui of a mtnml weak anrl deli. cate coiitti uiion. very susceptible to c I ts, w., nllietrtl wiiii n cry Bevcre c .nail, putu Hiul soreness ol tlie bre-ist, I su "f ntipetite : alter using- r uunilier nf Ihe n.n,il r..,. dies from which, ahe derived u benefit, ahe wns cured by taking one b ittle of Hose Peciorul und is mine s.ijoynisut .. ..n. iic ..tu in.,,, ,!,( jcei. pie luus. Piuivilie. Uee. 1 Iboll. Da. IIicklct : Punnit mi to uif rm you that my wife, who is a deliculs and wenkly w .m;ui, bb .riiir under s very severe C'oukJi with pniu and s .Teiier.s ..f breitst. was in ire quickly nud effectually relieved with .me b.ule .f your Itoss Pectoral than any other medicine ahe had aver taken. AHNKU .M'UlllDK. Jnu. lf.'I. Simiiel R. Woods' r'uruace, He. I P int. Sra .xo aviDixcs in rvoa of tii Itosa PccroasLAHD I'amily Pills. J dm Fulnor taken between Cliristmns nnd New Year with a very Irid Cold, winch eiiled in a dry hrird iucee:iiit Coui;h. cuusiu; a grrut deal of pnin whenever he couglied, was lelieved veiy inueli ; by the tune lie lin.l taken uue third of a bottle, und by the'liuie it wns finirlied, was en tirely cured He also siya IhT he hoa t .ken sv. rid d 'ses of the Henllh Kest.initive or Family Pills, sod thot they are the mildest and in mt eti'ectuid puiKuiivcs lit litre ever tsken. Dnunile, J.m 1, ten Da BieHLET Dnrln? a vitit to my brother, in Dsn ville, 1 took a veiy severs Cold, which railed iu a tight hard Cough, with soreness and pain l Ihe brenaf, for which 1 used your Itose Pectoral, nud Pnmily Pills, nud take plenaure in nxiommeudinir tiiem, ua the mitlet Hud most tiiectuul remedy 1 liuve used. Yours, respectfully. JAMKSMOKuaS, Jan. 'JC, looj. White Huyen. Luzerne co. Dear Su : .As a recommendation f -r your H.iae pccbi- rui, peiiiui me to sue. tlml l wns etteetually cured .'I very im-i-re oouirli with iuiiii iu the briwift. with lens th.-ui h.iti a h ittle, and (hut I consider it invaluable. Yuu uie at liberty to itMke I ins imMit' u" von ple:it. SiHS SlM'.itKINO, (Qnvrr.) Danville, Pa. My am Wiliintn Inlrtirinjr uinler u sr-vrre e iiigh and pit in in his sulr, fiom su injnrv rereivud by u (:). was cittifly relieved hy 11 tmile ol K-.w .'return, ft Creiim of Oint-ph-i. I hiivc uln iijttd y nr Family Pill, and n!t gclher I c insider them ihe bet medecmrs I h ive e r-r usrd. JUA.N OVi;UiK)lF. Jan. (uh Tp., rih'd t-i. Or. H;i kiey :Sir As my wife wh t was troubled witti diy, hat.1 C Mt(h, ls a ur M mach. deeiiflent npn ile.i.iljty, siinilir to Uipejinui. w.ia feiillitjly nheved by imiitir iwi h-ntir of your Ko l'w toral, peruiit me to say that J t- 'iisuh-f it hii e-Xcelleiit n-liiedv. Y urs, rternutly, H-v Mr. WIIeTtARD. Fnsi.tr lsuUirun Chuich, lanville. Fa. Kavin? btrn fit red of a (tutu in my mm (oiniihr to H heu m itiKin) which rk-ju ivM me of ihe tree ijhj of it foraU.ut lour in.'iiths. lly one b 'ttle of Cieam Y 'amj.li t 1 w u hi state thnt I c nsnlnr it the beet remedy of the kind 1 have ewr used in my fromty, nnd 1 Wi-uiJ freely recjmmrnd it t oihtrs with similar affection. Yours, rtsocctfully, JUXAS WOIaF. r.ush t., N'Tth'd c My wifa bein: elT.iettxl with a very si-veie puiu iu hr arm and sh.mUier (the erteota of v ilj which ilisuultrd her fr-'tu using it, w.is cured with rnMun of Cream of Cam ph t .(r. Klilm, my sister-in-law, wis also rnred of a severe pain in tlie hud mid fue bv .is.nff ihe Cre'nn of Camnh .r THOMAS C. KLI.lS, IVinviilc. J.m. SiU, '.V2. My wife rriving lUieunntimu of the uriu f'-r a iiuoiIht of y.Mrs, which jTcvented her from ui:ip it in d ing her woik ; after having sjieiit a giet deal 01 money In trviug ihirortiut rwnclics with n lnclit, w is entirety cuicd by usnip only one liltle f your Crc.i:n of t'Hini h'T. U II.I.IA.M KVKXS, Minor, f.. S. It. Wo- d, R. V.-int. i)c. Hick lev : ihtviiitr reeeivt-d n very vtr injury in my silo bv falling - 13'n I ad f hay, fr on which I was mm bie l foJl.iw niv work, was r'.'mnion'fel i try 0 b"ttl ol Cream of (tim;ih r, whieh jtrt'r-led imineili tte relief. , iKiKFi ni CAKK.Kmh tj. , Ni.rlhM e. My wile, ei.fferitis fr.iin nrM excruciatina rain. throughout hoi aenentl svsiem, whieh orvcntMl her fnin slrejuitff (ht-li'p 'ceasioiHsd by a l-m l. lit) srotmetei vntU of i kiit.ji ;) tor h it-li she UKf-tt u mur.Vr of r"iiioIn k : without Snctit, was tutiul reln vnl . v ti e iis. -i dt-ain ut Cauii-lmr. ii:o Ji. liltt.WX. i Surge. 111 JjmtiBi, liHiiviile, Fo. Child cured vf Howe) CiMii.tiiit. tunl Aoe ( f twt jcni stnndimr.) by Worm ISyrpp. i My c'liid b.'ohf athieied f rlhc laKt tv year, with ' (1 'Wt'l i; m.il.tint nud Ague until it w?ia redurd t-t u in. re skeleton, I tiitl h nuuilrtr of Tfim-tlit s wiih tr icrr.'inNit benefit. uuMl 1 gave it n b iti- of y.mi W.-iin Svrup, since wl.ieii time it bus been Well, anl e f quite lb hy. I ultt'i have ifv ii!inei)del it t n iiuuihtr ol my inends, and in every cuse it has aiveu ftutisut'ii''ii. I.. L.K.VI. At l.ou bums' MiT'hnnt,l UuuriMe. I have mrtd yur W.tnn hymp in my family, bud en ti auler it n-toulv effectual, Utt the mon ilea Mint urtiela I am ncuu uuie.l with. JA Oti l.AMlhl.rt. Ijjiivi.Uv Iluvintf ufcftj your Wotui Syrup in niy family, it tielf a my ehiMren inoie than any prejiuraiinn if the kind, nnd is wore pleasant tu tuke. lMN MOUGA.V. M -iii'M,! How, Uituvilie. I have hnd nrnasl-Mi tn use your Worn Syrup in my family, and jtreiVr it tt any Vet mifuve I have used. FRKU. BUU, Fros-.y Vultcy, M -ntour 00. Dr. Birltk-y : (luviug used y hit w rtu Svrun, and Creum of Caui:.h r aud Family Prla in my futility, they g ive K d avitistucti n, and I cnnMer them the most ef fcciual, al pleanftnt reineihes, we have had iu our family. JOHM1TUAN It. KIHJK!,. Danville. Dear Sir We tlie innti punned leinit in the einloy of Metrs. Grove A C mly, at whose K re, you h;.v au Agency ! the atle of y ur Family Medicines, stMe that we have hail au ptMrtuuity of kn win? the oi.ini''na of numerous iiidiviilunls who have used thcin, and thnt thev ?iv gftueml autisfaeiion. We have 'ltl a a rent niaiiv nf your Fills, which ar umvefaMlrv nc1. being very mild in their opt-rutiou. W. I.F.1SI RI (j Danville, Attest, W M. KKPLF.R, Having Smrvy of my mouth verv lad, I was induced to try a b ttle of ymr Tb Wash, winch acted like a churin, hardeuuig my uuius. uinl r-moviug ell disnus. JONATHAN R. RIStiKU Danvilla Dt- Bickiey : Having what wis ra'led nlceratrd sora, mouth, for which, I tried a number of reineJbt with net heorfit : I was at tost ruicd by Ubing one Ktile of y.-ur T'xHh wash. My wife ala t duriug her e infiueiuent, was threatenetl with a re, llreusta, luuifrS huviug alraly binned, ior whtea ahe used the (.'ream ot ('ttmnk r, which scatter ed theiu, thereby preve.iting her brtsists from cathcrmj. ur,o a . nnu 7, Nenf Lutheran Ch irrh, DunvilJe, Fa. Dr. Hick lev Htivins au irfirtuitity of seeint your Anti-8nortmtia Tth Wash ueod in a-aue very severe ea sea of scurvev if tia tzuma, 1 etaiaider it au excellent re ma il y Yours, retq-ectrully, GFO B BROWN. The ah-vr medicines ara for ao)e Wh-)eaala and Ka mi) by W M BiCkl.KY. M. D , Fr.pnet'r, Danville Al Foi sftle by Ihe fnllowii.g Ak'Hs hi Norlhtnnher. kuvd oiMintT. Fniing A Ore. a, Bunhurv i W A. Ka-h, Auenata; W. Fanow, uydertm a t Titfpart, Furman A Hi.rffi, pHaiiHta ; Enaiiie A Jkrnnae, Fiminoa; John Van no it, Paxm ; Hugh Veaiina, Piiii Ammetman. Koawaj A Co , Shaiookih ; Mrs Jua Thorna. Shura kiu j W10. Fauelr. frham-kiu; Onmphell A Kbn, Auarusta; flftifiael A. HerrMrewser, Peisiurg ; Jatub LeiSMunnar, Bear Gupt C 4iro.l Went, Northutahertand j JrremMh ( rouse. Beltnsgr va , Jmh Biker, Lawibur j Jitha F. Casdowand J -uaihan Zeltera.Mtlt.rn. CaHnn tba Ateuta, atid et a circular eon taint ng a ftill dcacrir.ri'sa of tfca auaiaroua curaa paifonvad by the diffv tot Medietuaa. l-iiia II, I8tl)-lr . . . t. THE ROAD TO HEA1TH f HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. CCRK OT A niSOBDF.nED IJTBtl AND Bt DIOLISTIOM. Copy of a Letter from M : R W Ktrkut, Chemist, 7, Prncot Srsaf, Livtrfod, dated un, 1851. " ' To Professor IIollowat, tm. Your Piss aist uiatrarnt bsTa stood tlis higliesl on our ssls Hk tif Propriet iry Medictnss f-jr sonia years. A custocnM, to whma I ena refer for any enquiries, slissets) me to tat y.n know the parUeQIars nf hsreusa. 8hs hM scon troublnl foi yisirt wnh s liirtle4 liref and batf digrsti.41. On ths Inst orouirai, hnwevsr, ti e siralnirer-' the attsoll was so alarming, and tbe inflarr.fr.ntloa set in sr Ssvsrsly, thst d. hi bis were ttitts-tsiard if htr e. being able to hear op tinder It fortunately tht wns birler-eri to try your Pills, and she Iniorms ana thai niter Ve tort, surf wm suuceenuig a .se, rne nno greni reiie. cne mirurr.i to take tbsm, and slthough sIa imit onlv three B oies, stir is now In the an) yinenl of ferfeet lirsilth. I e- idd hsvr sent yon rnsny crises, but tlie nlMirnfrom the r.bhitt csf Tns sttacs, nnd tba spxeot sure, J tbiuk, speaks muea us favor of vour nssuuiabiisi PHia. (Signed) R. W. K1RKf. AW EXTR AORDtNAttV CTPK OF nUKI'MATlV fSVKB, IN VAN 1)1 KHUN ' l.ANLl. Copy tf a Lttter inserted in th Hokart Tow Courier, of tht 1st Manh, ISM, by Mator J Hatch. Nfarrarat M'Connlgnn. ninodwn ymrs of age, reuddif ut Nkw Tt'Wii, hod boMt sTufforitif fr oi b vi j,eui ttcamiMii fevnr for upvTwii of tw tPotiUit, whi' h hd tili'lT ti privtyl lir .if lha m of hmt Inntmi rturibf Ihic puritd afc was umt'iT theenreef (h Oi 't tmmtut metlkui um tm ntart Town, ainl by thnm her mm wm coiwik-ru4 b km. A irietui prevailed a-m hrrrt.i t;y (K'llowwy'i !. hratNl Fill, which ahe c nifttKiH-d hi nnd in an iiMrwli blu ahtTt Hsue oi time they tfleHuri a pwriccl ruia. CUKK OF A PAIN AU TIOIITNKM IS Tfllt CHMST ANUftTO.MACM lF A PUUKN 84 YKAKU OK A;K. from Mtssrs Thtw If Son Ftvpri$for$ of the Lynn Adcertxstr who can vouch for thi following statemtnt. August JtW, 1831, To Profscfrir Hoij.owjlt, 1 8ir, . desire to beitr totiitn ny f tht ff'-d flta of Hull iway'i l'illrt. ptr unit yeoii i iuda.vd otil-I in .it pain end tightness iti tbe it itarh whicti vn aiao w panied by i atiri'i?fis or breith thnt prevented me i'rm Walk iriir altut. 1 mn tM yeuTsi ni npe, itivi i ot wtthu-.iM!jaf my aivamaed rate i f tif, ihfH Vi- ft hvve r?litrTd tne. that 1 am dcirou trmt otharn fhonkl U; rriHite nurii9ititi Wiih their virtues, lam unv Ti'i.t.erul, by ihoir menua, (Mmparativciy arme, nnd cjh tuke rsrrciib wiiJiou. iuao iiKiica r pain, wlucit i auJii aut dv U i rt!. (Signed) HF.NRY COE. North street, Lyun, N off. .Ik. Thcst tehbrattd Pills art itondafully tjffica oi in me jvuowing compiamu. j Apis Dropsy Inflsmipfltin Jui'itJira Liver Coin plninta l.uinli'igo li!ea I'vhcumntiswn Kctfiilitai uf Urine Sk-orlula, nr King's Evil Siii(rjrr I it. m- . i)soninry " vmpsiuu r.r)ai: Blotches on Its Feinsle Irreru. BKIIl Mllltl... H wal Complaints Fereilofslt r. ... i voiles kinds Fiis Constinalion of I the ft-weis Cusumpuou Ouut Ilwul-scbe Iii'litiesti-n Si. ue and Grnvel Tumours ' ''1 ; Jhr,""' , Tie V ul mreux Sy.niitr m . i "ert Wiiers-st) AflVctiims. XV, trrt.ts.ir nil Lilies eonness, rrom whatever cause Ac, Ac. 8. ild at the Establishment "f Pr f r HoM.rrwAT, 9 8tmnd, (near Temple Bar, Is ndon.) tnd by atl rrspcetabl .Uiogziats nud Deuh-rs iti lediciltel thruuh ut the Britisb .. 'ire. A th auttf the United SnUes, in B scant 37$c.., . and 81 6 h'. each Wfio'csn'e by the princi id Dru 1 ' a in the Union, and by Mutwrs. A. B. AD. Band,. .ork, Tbera la a eaaiderable aurtug by taking tba b.-gr r 'Zi : - Pireotlons for the guidance of patients in eaerf (I; .(in are amxet to aa':h 1mx. OrtoUr 20, ls5a, ly. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. VOW for the little onca. Why wi.l baienW ' wante lioura and (J;is in fruttlef etitifavot to get jicrf'ect jjicttirea of their children ainJ after all get iiolliiiig; hut a pour, miserable caricature 1 We would ay. come lo our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and wa will guarantee ts muke you a prrfrst picture, by our Ei.kctiio Cukmicsl process, that works in from J to 2 seconds. We defy any Lliiguprrean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to comprle with u, as wo ara tha inveutoi8, ami the process is need only In our dif ferent establishments in New Englnnd and tha Middle btatcs. For pictures of adults, tha silver medals we have received from tho American Institute, IVew York and Kianklin, Philadelphia, together nilh the numerous premiums from ('utility Fairs, is sulticient proof that they are the iV Pins Ultra of perfection. We would rail particular attention to our Talbotvpea Paftuerreotyprs in Oil. V. 0. Colmx & Co., 1UU C'hestiitit Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite sito Hamp den House, .Springfield and Collins' UuilJiug, Wcsltieid, Mass. N. 11. Cur establishment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by Professor Ilorxefoid't Safety Iamps ty iYffAj. "Come and see." Phila., May 29, 1853. ly. More XfW Goods! I WILLIAM A. KNOB15, TJESPECTFUI.LV informs bis friends and ' the public gene ally, that ha has just received and oponed a large and splendid slock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Augusta towi sliip. His stock consists ol every variety of Dry floods, viz . Cloths, Cassiniers, Sattiuctts, Vesting!, Flan nels, Muslin, Ife. A splendid stock of LADiF.S DI1ESS AND FANCY GOODS, Such as Silks, Berazrs, De Laincs, Merinott, Lawns, Giutihnms, Calicoes, Ifc. B03TS AND SHOES, A line assortment for Men, Women it Children. A large sssoitment of GKOC'UHIES, such as Sugar, CoflVr, Tt a, Molasies, Spiet-s, &c. Hfirfiware ai:d Queensware. Finis, altnit(l Liqaora. St'CU AS Cm. Ernnrly, Rem ui WbisKry, Ijcsides llto larcest ond most general assort mcnt nfall kind ol Coiidsto heliadiu the country. A!l tho above mentioned goods will be sold at audi rcdureJ pries as thrv cut not he sot for elsewhere. Country produce of ull Unds taken iu exchange at the highest nutrket prices. AucustM twsp.. Jaly !!, I9.ri1. Cm. Lumber Yard. TilH suhsrriher would respectfully inform His citizens of 8un'.uiry, and Norilinnilerlaiid and adjoining counties, that lie has opened a I,iiiiiler V;ii'(! in the lot fronting on Cian'.rrrv St., a s!iort dis tance East of the Nnin San .Mill, where he has now a large amount of Paunel I'lank, alto Paunel Boards, and atl other lit arils and Ulilhinu MaTKaiAL, such as will be wanted for bnililnijj purposes. Also a large amount of Miingleson hand, which -.ill be sold from A up to $S, according to quality und size. Please eit us a cull and examine, our price' and quality. N. U. Farmers sho sre in want of Shingles will please call as we will sell to von l.w, J. E. l.EIU, Sup. Sunbury, Vey 58, 1853. ly. Teachers AVanted. VPPLIL'ATIONS will 1.0 rvceived ty tha fcecn-Ury ol the Hoard of Kchool Uirectors, Sunbury Ui.tr ict, for two Male and two Kcmalsr teachers, until Thursday, the 1st of K plciulr, ia.3, at 1 o'i'luck. P. M., at whieli time au el imination of the applicants will take flare, and the schools allotted as follows In room No. 4, ons luala leather at f33 00 per montn. Ko 3. - " at 00 at 14 00 at U00 - No S, on female D-W. 8HIN0EL, Sec', fcuiibury, August 6, 1853. It. JUST RECEIVED a Splendid essartment Inidian' Ureas Goods, consisting; of Silk. Ma tin da lierage. Canton Crape, fcilk Poplin, Dit ted twui Lawn KUs, ic, and for sale y Punbury, May 14, '3. TLX Lit 4 CO nf, I'na stii.it ii j iissass