vTeAJvertisemento." V "WW il KIJLLIAAI A. KNOBDj Tj fe8lEGTFVLLY I form, hi. friend, and Um public generally, that he bae ju.t received and opined t large and splendid etock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ai kU Stora In tower Atlgtlsta townitip. Hie tock eensieu of every tarlety of '.. I o.'l'Dry ' Goods, viz Cloths, Cassimeri, Sattinetts, Ftstings, JW '' 'J ' ,", JUWin, ft, ,'A splendid Hock of Ladies dress and fancy goods, SmcA ai Silks, Berages, De Laines, Mtrinoes, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoen, i;c. , BOOTS AND SHOES, A fine tnortment for Men, Women & Children. , A large assortment of GROCERIES, BtJCH AS , .Sugs1h CoflVe, Tea, Moh.ww, Spices, &c. Hardware and Queensware. Fish, Salt and Liquori. M!CH At Gin, Brnndj, fisu and Whlskry, . Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kind of Goods to be had in the country. All the above mentioned goods will lie sold at such reduced prices as they ran not bo got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the b ighest market prices. Augusts Iwsp.. July S, 1853. flm. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that hooka Will be opened to receive subscription to the Capi tal Stock of the Selinsgrovc Bridge Company, on WednesJny, tiie vfth of July next, at the follow ing named places J At the house of Mrs. Davis in Selinsgrove, Jacob Fryer, Middlcburp, Chaflcs D. Kline, Lewishurg and Isaac I). Boycr in Freeburg, Union county, also at the house! of Samuel Thompson in Sunbury, IVtcr Snyder in Lower A ugusta township, and J. Herb in Upper Mahanoy township in Northumberland county and at the house of Michael Weaver in Miners ville, Schuylkill county, at which time and places one or more of the undersigned will attend for the purpose of receiving such subscriptions. COMMISSIONERS. Ner Middleswarth, Peter Snyder, H- W. Snyder, W. F. Wagenseller, Charles A. Mover, G. F. Miller, Jno. Walls, Jacob Seasho'tz, William Cameron, Ira T. Clement, U. LeiJcnring, James K. Davis, Henry C. Ever, John Gundy, John B. Packer, Edward Y. Bright, Selinsgrovc, July 2, 1853. Borough Ordinance. ajotice : hereby given by the authorities of the Bo 3orougU of Sunbury, that all persons are cautioned against going into the river to butbe within the limits of the Borough, until half past eight o'clock in the evening. All persons violating litis ordinance will be dealt with according to law. Bjr order of the Chirf Burgess. P. M. SHIN DEL, Clerk. , Hajulurj, July 2, 1853. 3t. NOTICE. NOTICK is hereby given tbut an application will le made, t the next regular session of Cut Legislature, to charter a company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, with tho privi lege of. extending it to four hundred thousand lollars, to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., and to le called "The Missus' Bank or Suxiinr." July 2, 18.")3. 6m. " klIERIFrS SALES. BY Virtue of certiin writs of Yen. Exp. to me directed will bo sold by public Vendue, or outcry upon the premises, at 10 o'clock. A. M., on the 16th day of July, next, tho following real estate to wit : .2 Certain Steam Grist JIM, together with the engine and fixtures innexed, and also the lot of ground whereon said Mill is erected, situate in the borough of Milton, in that part called Upper Milton, bounded north by Lo cust street, east by the canal, south by lot oT White and Mervinn and west by Front street, containing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a tenant house, cooper shop, stabling, &.C Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as property of M. A. Sweeny. ALfO: Upon the premises, at 2 o'clock, P, M. of said day, the interest of John Vincent in A Certain Lot of Ground, sitaate in McEwensville, bounded north by Ap ple alley, east by a public road, south by lut of William Waves and west by Pine alley, contain ing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a brick dwelling house and stables, lieing marked in the general plan of said town ai lot No. 8. . ALSO: The interest of said defendeut in a Certain other Lot of ground, situate in said town, bounded north by lot of E. V. Dcrrickson, east by public road, south by Ap ple alley and west by Pine alley, containing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erect ed a two story log ware house and a frame shop, ', ". ALSO : I, 'the bitercst of said Ucfendent in a CERTAIN OTHER LOT OF GROUND, Situate in said town, bounded north by lot of R. II. Watson, east by an alley, sduth by lot of H. X Reader aud west by public road, containing one fourth f an acre more or less, whereon aro erected a two story frame dwelling hotiso, stuble and other out buildings. . Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John, Vincent. , -... BY Virtue of" certain writs of ice. Fa. issuing .oat of the Court of Common Pleas of North Umberlan.d county, and to mi directed I will si pose to sale by public outcry at the Court House in the borough of Sunbury, in said county on Wednesday, the twentieth day of July next kt 10 o'clock, A. M., the following r, Tracts of Land, situated in Coal township in said county, to wit; 1st. Tt -Ws of a tract of land surveyed on ' are rant to John Hageland, containing 402) acres more or less. tnrf. The -3d of tract of land surveyed on warraut to Luke Hogelm, containing 406 Area mora or less. 3d. The V8 Js of s tract of land surveyed Da t warrant ltike File, containing 336 acrca more (The above UaoU ate all unimproved but are know ooutain extensive mines of coal of the best rusllrty-nd the Philadelphia and Hunbury railroad of aoroa of its branches runs through or tery near each of sard tracts. 4th The 8 ds of a tract of land surveyed on a warrant to lAika Fiddler, containing 450J aeret rare" er lea. ( This tract contains very tsxluKble wine of the finest coal. It is extensively im prtvtd, hvinMl iron track teaAng into the miaea tni connecting with lha amid Radroad and .xunsive coal break. stud good miner bouses CJw'as the property of Bertram H. UweH Mortgagor, witk notice to Burd Pettereon, SSitaESK Chl W. Hegine, 8h.pp.rd KntnW. Geo-. Brook, Geo. C. Coe and Wm. L. Helfonslein. Terr T.n.nt.. Tertna. c.h for the-aalel lob on. the lOth July. . rfrri. f vnLLIAM B. Klrr, Sheriff, , 4 A,; art, rtmce " ' " , ' . tunlurv'. Jm"s'. f?S3. j ' i A Rtvnt. P.nlf CTRAYE0 from the subscriber, on Friday last, 7- a two year old mate eoH,i color, strawberry roan, with a light Uil. lone tor tob hanrink down over eyes, steep rurnperff dose by xme of .1 l! 1 . 1 . P., , , , ft iu uips is a ugui spot, n ,oue is a gnou air.au eui. Any person giving information to the subscriber residing In Lower Auirusla township; shall w liberally rewarded.' '' .". -. - . . JACOB RENN, July 8, IMS. St ' t;'" - NOTICE. "VOTICE Is hereby aiven by the undersigned i-' citizens of the Commonwealth of Prnnayl- vania. that application will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth fur the lion, of a body corporate to oe eiyiou -ins 8oVbbt 8atis' Isstitcts," to be located in Ilia ht-irnnaii nf S nnhurv. Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, and with a capital of Ona hundred thousand dollars. Ro!crl H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young, Adam Shiesler. Tbomas Robins, Daniel Drucke miller, Frcdk. Latsrns, Geo. B. Yoongman, Te Icr B Masser, J. W. Frillng, Ira T. Clement, Bcnj. Hendricks, Ceo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal. Runburv, June 25, 1853. 6m. NOTICE, Baits; or NoaTHCMBsaiAitD, ) Northumberland, June 55, 1853. The Directors of tho Bank of Northumberland give notice that they intend to apply to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth, for a renew- si of its charter with tho same capital, and with its present title, location and privileges. By order of the Board. ' JNO. TAGGART, Prcst. June S5, 1833. 6m. . ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, willb exposed to public sale, the following real estate, to wit J Crrtain out Lot of Ground, , . . In the southern part of the borough of Sunbury, bounded on the enst by land of George Weiscr, (Tanner ;) on the south by the heirs of Edward Harrison, dee'd., on the west by the Susquehant tin river, and on the north by out Jot of J- O. Yowigman, containing , ONE ACRE AND TI1UEE FOUUT1IS, mot Br less. Tho above will be sold at thf public house of James Covert, in the borough of Sunbufy, on Sdfitrdat, Iht 23d day of July ntzt, at S o'clock, P. M. ALSO: A Tract of Land, in Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Hart, John Itendershotz heirs, David Sllipman, Peter Bcrlicu and ethers, and mountain land, containing about FIFTY ACRES more or less. To be sold at the public house of : William R. Jones, in Lower Augusta township, I in said county, on Saturday, the 23d day of July ntxt, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said day. Late t'ie cs tatc of William K. Brown, dee'd. Term sale will be made known on day of sale by GEORGE WEISER, Guardian of the minor children of Wm. K. Brown, decM. By Order of tho Court, ) J. P. PURSEL. Clk, O. C. June 25 1S53. ts ) DENTISTRY. DR;, A. VALLERCIMMP, Dentist, would! rcspcctfullv announce to the inhabitants ol Sunbury ond the surrounding country, that ho has taken rooms at the Red Lion Ilotrl, I.rpt by Mrs Catbaiinc Uoulton. where ho will be hap py to intend to all calls in the line of his profes sion. .411 operations or Mechanical work war ranted to answer all the useful and ornamental purposes of the art. . tuubury, June .SO, 1353 List of Jurors, XorllnimberlaiiiJ Count), for August T., (si'aiid Jurors. Milton F. W. Pollock, Joseph Egbert. Lewis Samuel Shannon Tubbot John M'Cormick, William P. Hull. Delaware James H. Catlirart CniLiyUAQUE William Durham, John Best, Jacob Kramer, George Fredrick, Sam'l M'Niueh. Shamokin Henry Leisenring, FieJerick Mntcliler, Solomon Fcpely. Rush Hnnry Weaver. Lower Auuvsta William Conrai!, Martin Ramlels, Daniel Z.irlmiin, Peter Snyder' Uppet Maiianoy William Heim, Jona than Ressler, Isreal Feiisierniuehcr. Lower Mahanuv John llensyl. Cameron Solomon Dunkelbetger. TRAVERSE JURORS SuNBfnv G. B. Vonnaman. George Deilil, Betijitmen Hemlrifks, Gorge Lyon, Ueoige Voiing, Geniga Ronn. Northumberland D'lVnl Hilkert. Milton Jumes Monlaomery, H. D. B.irr, Henry Esl'erJ, Robert Slimlilun, Muses Chum, berlain, FreJerick Filler, John Miller, Allen Schrojer. Delaware Christian Hilyard, Wilaon Ilu'chison, John H. Grier. Lewis John Shell, Milton Troxel, Jacob Gillner, l(. C. Buck man. Chilisquaque Adam Conrml, John Shell. Point John W. Siamm, Juhn D.ile. Lower Augusta. W, K. Jones, Jeremiah Ronn, Casper Si. Clair, Peler Reitz, George Snyder, James Shiprnan. Shamokin Conrad Yeagor, Wm. Arnmcr man, E ida John. Rush -Joseph Fisher. Coal Siillmnn Eainn, Stephen Eisenheart, . ' Jordan William Shaler, . Cameron Gideon Kiainer, Daniel Sleit-h. Lower Mahanoy Joseph FonHermacher, Michael Readel, Jacob liiiigumaii, . Adam Lenker, . , LlTTi k Maharot Isaac D. R.tker. Jacksod Jacob Shappcl. John Creasinger. rilOOLAMATION. IV OTICE is hereby given thnl tho scleral 1 ' Courts of Common Plets. General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer aud Terminer and Geik-rHl Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Nonlinmbtrland, to commence at tlx Court House, in the. borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 1st day of August next, and will continue ONfc WEE1C The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested td be then end there in their proper per sons, with their r6llt, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices apicrtaiuiiig to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be iuttand not to depart without legte at tlieir peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in tlieir attendanca, at the time appointed agmcable to their notices.- Given under mr band at Sunbury, the 95th day of June, in the yetrr of cror Lord one thousand eight hundred aud firiy-tlire and thsj In dependence of the United States of America the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. God save) lha Commonwealth. W EM ON SYRUP, Orangas, lemons, fUiaens, M 4 NuU, CindtCsS, &c, c, just recervetj and for rate by I W,- TtER L O, flea's I -dnn'i.-.! 'tfaftis Conrt br uommon i- M Northumberland Cmrnryy at A iiirst T 1851 .V,r."f A: t.:"--- " f George Shilcy , y Ab'm Bunkaltajj id.nr i Henry Ktaaa A Eve his wife v ajmjnl.trator .' j IS Msswt '.f ;r,U Barbara 6haffc's ex'rs William MeCarty vs Hsmitcl Hunter Daniel Rhodes Isase Hofla & Wifo Simon Snyder . , : Ilitt for Reiner ve Washington Mutual In surance Company State Mutual Fire Insu ra Jacob Wertmart , .. vs Henrv Latsha ts George Snyder : Moyer & Moyei'a Gar- nishee va E Kaufman ot el ' va Same ranee Company Albin Newberry vs Thomas Raser S InnL'. Willi tllllrj. D Hoats for M Swcny vs M terre(criatlt Oliver B Hilliard vs John Hurtinan Jr . John W Peal vs Joseph Uiinmick, cU al Christ & McFaddcn vs Susanna Rcid Kpndcrton Smith's ex'rs. vs " M'orrig aamo vs samo Wendel L Kefltr vs John F Wolfingor William Forsman et at vs John Psrks JAMES BEARD, Protli'y. Prothonotary's Office, ) Sunbury, Juno 2fl, 1853. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Filiow CititErrs. At the solicitations of many of my friends, I again announce myself to your consideration as t candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election. Should I be so fortu nate as to be elected, I will endrsvtir to-discharge the duties thereof with impartiality. CHRISTIAN HALSCHLAU. Shamokin. June 25, 1853.- NOTICE. is hereby given, thrlt application sxTnTICK J- will la made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a company, with discounting privileges, to be located in the borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, with a capital of Ono hundred thousand dollars, to bo called tho "Susgvetauna Saving' Institute." Sunbury, Juue 25, lf!03. 6m. A Farm for Sale. 4 Valuable Farm situated In Upper Augusta tdwnship, Northumberland county, laying along the Shamokin creek, about four miles and a half from the borough of Sunbury, CONTAINING HO ACRES, will be sold on the 23d day of August, by tho heirs of Samuel Colli, sen., deceased, at private sale. j About 120 acres of this Iund are cleared and in a good state of culiivnlion, tho whole having . been limed once over. The improvement are n I two atorv i M DWELLING HOUSE, a barn, a uuiicou limine, and two orchards ' f ' of choice fruit. j ! The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes ; ' directly through the ccnlre of it, likewise llio public road leading from Sunbury to Petersburg, j j Any persons desiring to purchase a good Farm, i void of hills and stone, with good water, and well j in with clover, Will find this to comport with ! ; their wishes. ' ! For full-parti .-Liars, apply either personally or ; bv letter to the sul sc.ibpr at tho farm. ' JEREMIAII COLP. i I'ppcr Augusta twp., June IS, 18.'i3. ts. ; NEW STOXIS. PTM1E undersigned takes this method cf thank -- ing his frii-mls lor their liberal patronage, and informs them lie has taken the old slnnd lately occupied by James Taggart tc Hon, where he will be prepared at all times with a large sup ply of goods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASS1MERS, VESTINGS, &o. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, of every description. (rorcrlrsj, Queciisswarc, Hardware, Ccdarware, Salt, Fish, t$-e., $-c Which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their patronage. U. I. TAGGART. North'd., June 18, 18.13 tf. I ill i r o v c in e it t s A. li c a til ! ELIAS BROCIOUS nEREUV infu(ins his friends and the public generally, that he has just received ot his old stund, in Market alrcct, opposito Weaver's hotel, -dii excellent assortment of FRENCH CALF SKINS, French LastLng3( And alt kitids of linings and Shoe findings. which he olVurn to the trude at roavoiuhlo pi iocs. lio also informs lus customers ane others, that he still continues the Shoemsking buiiipss, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable stvlf, and on reasonnule tern.s. Sunbury, June II, 1853. ly. Caution, Caution. ri'AKK NOTICK. The puWic in fit-prat, but rsperiaHy I thorns who BttU'LTed by (lie wtit-iliuir (menitii.ua v( out v( scHinpi wtm, riuriug tiiu Spring ami Auiuiner ui Ihtii ure iiuliiKiinujii)' Riig-icu in putttiig up called hlUHTMNG JtDUS. A new phase or inoJe n( iwuul liMff liu Infeii t) tptcd ljr the same Jif ( pra(ir. It la tbia. 'i'Uevare inu'elliiig at ml the City as Wv'.i as I lie Country, selling wliM tlit-y rffpftaf itl to be my maJirttc points, ur nnrthinf aliil btir. In some iiKtlnurca ihiy bar surcoeiled lu irullins; the uitMupectiug by tttkinir off llic Pewter l.jiiit (nut placing ime u their vMuable ami hiuhly imnr vd points in its itlxcv. Bui atruiiira to any. m cxaminaliiHi the new point proret lu MirukirUi tli'ae taken d.wn. They are uiti of I'evvier, l,omi. Cpper, Gnat ami Wroupht Iron. Some ol Uraia witU stmo luma. Tliere tuny he many m re kiiula riTorrd to the publir, but the above 1 have txrcii rallt d on tn examine, and I pro nouuce thtin worthlran, and wvrsr Uua none tH alt. 'lliere iaaomething at range a b ut tliettc HI nva: tiicy kuow noih ng o lha f trmer c iinpaity. uid yet tii&poinU they cirry fit the ttipa ( f lite rids exoctijr, nuA even the ihiead of the screw is the tarns I iiuve v inverted with two of (Ueae gentry within a few day a. ond I knowtbem to be tiicaame mm that put up the atone kind ot rtia laat aeaattfi, oiily in a dub' rent aeni m. and Dnd-t ditTernnt name. 8 -me uf these geutteiiieti uarry rxts wab tham, and wilt sal) tit her rod. pOMita or both. To prevent ttmher fraud, I GIVE NOTICK to all whom it may nmceni, that sfl my amenta carry with them tegular printed f.Mrma of ORi-ney, duly signed by mi, sod ncknft wlei.fr ed by akterman Himpaon of thia city. AU order wholraaleor retail ami in his tart-cy wii( be attended to at the abort eat iHtie. and at the toweat rath prieea. Weat hervaiiem, Halt, PertHia, fpirrfoda, ke.. Ae.. cinatantly on luiiul and made to order. FACTORY, Vine St., ab.tve Hih PIIILADEr.PHf A. THUS ARMlTACti. Phib , June I6.S3.-3t. , DISSOLTJTIOIT. rljUB partusrsliip hervtolori existing under the firm of Jaines Tapijart & Hon, was, on the 13th day of June, 1H53, liilvid by hinlual consent. The hiuineas of Ihs firm will tie settled b Jami S Tairgnrt, who holds the books. 'J'lioae indebted Id the firm are. requeiled to call and make scttlem'ent (if llieir accounts also all persons having claims tfaainst the firm are requested to send iii their bills' for payment. JAMES TAUOART, GRANTHAM I. TAGOAllT. Nortli'd., June IS, 8.S3. tf. - pHAIN PL MPS A small number of those excellent ptnrips hive beta receited and are onered Tor sale by 8unW. June 4. 1053. II. B. MASSER. . T1LASS ISOTES, waiving the exemption JP law ot V300, 1 April 28, 1851. law ot at300, tor sale by H. B. MASSER. OIL WINDOW SHADES, Leather Trunks. Valises end Carpet Bags, just rcsired and fcr sale by I. w . U.-vtll a; t u. Funbury, Anl SO, ISM - - - CELEIIK A'T K I) ---- ! V a m il y :M fetlllUKc . IN farms; (a the pnblij Ihs sl)"(eTirivabii,r V"TrI lini., IIk suhsrnlm would stale Unit In o imimiii.m wltfc his ft lends and ana ol the timst retrs-nat'l or thf Alolrcal laculty, it was deemed atlviauhltt to cflVr to taie auhlie, a few preparations f Iraown erlrtirrir. Iwlne pre snred with tka ?rmlmcr, and on tin hirst artiotlile prinoiptea, as siiiltuiea for the numerous wnnhl' M ar ticles thai ore flooding, the oimutrj In the forrn of panacens and cute alls, prepared try the moat Ipnnrsnt atsl iiierenifr- ry persons, imauuwi to curs sn aiaeaaes one (jvd tt nans, Rend and Reflect. ' ' 't Thnl the Medicine. Manufartured ly W. M. DscxLtv, Ineludins hia Ross Pectoral fur Coughs, , - i Creara ol Camphor. f.r Hheumatism. Worm Svrup ft Wot Tooth Wnah, for decayed torah, dtaeftaed ffuma. Kamily Pitla. or blood Furifyer, hnrebeen in -re extentlve ly nae4. an t hnva given m r satiafactioit, than any otfaer .Mediriitea ticlore the public, being prepnrud with rernnl to their nsernlneaa me fnlly wot thy the trial uf the utiucl cd. Give them a trial. A few powerful reasons why the above Mctllelns ore deserving if nnivaranl imticnace. (in thf firwt plnn-. they are prepared bv n regular Phyalcian, wtio itndmiuiid.i the applicotti.ii iif jMedfrfiTra, rn dtacfinea. mid eotiwnt ntj -r are oerlVrtly rife to take. (Secondly.) they have lecii aaed with universal atiecea. nhJ hnvc (Tiveu more tvitit:tc ti'i than nny other Mediemes (-ffcred betWe the public. (Thirdly ) they ere the only mrU. erne's '.hat htvn flitted the pntron'Mre of Phvaiciana, Where they hnre bet a used ; and (Fomthly.) they ore put up. in Inrecr qnnnlitt'"!! Ut the aiime price, tlmii any other Mcdir-inea ii('crcil to the public of the SHiue kind. A the nubscribfT hns h itttoiber of certificates in hia poaaeaaioir of the hiheat amlinrity, where they have been u-.d with the in ist KitisfiitVorv ri ulta. tin will publiah a few of them, foelinp aatlafted ttutt a trinl will iuatire their rH-miTiicn(1atinn. Try them ftinl antiafy youra-lf of their superiority over all nUiers. Read and be Convinced We the nuderaignrd hnvins; been Kifulc ncqiiain'.ed witli the intrretlimita enter inir into the Compounds kmiwn nn Bickley's Family Medicine also linviris; prcscnled nnd known them to be uiwl, with moat siHiafactory results; tnke plenaure in snying thHt wo bflirve they lully intet tho denign for which thny nre rec immended. STflAWiJIUDtJK. M. V. C If. FWCK. M. U WM, McMAUON, M n VVKSI.r.V 11 CKAHFIKART. M V VM. IT MAOII.!.. M. 1. B H. OKAtUJl'AltT, M. D. Cure of yuin hi thn sufe and cough f row pretest td Jytt'tr Cumaiul. ,. Mrs. Hubert Adimn, hilorirg intiler cbroirc Liver .m; plriint, accompnnlrd with n aht rt dr cjuuh min iu the aide and brcat, gener.il debility, ln of npreliU'? Alter Irv ing alt the UHu.il remecHca recrmmiiHlcd fof c wiha nnd disuaat of ihe cheat, who with n-ibent'ti'. ahe wan rtc m inded to try the Rose Pectoral, from which, she n tonly derived imtneditite but permanent relief. Jiitm Adams, imof Mrs. Robert Adoma, was afflicted with a very sever: c ttgh, prtiu iu the aide, end .mteas pr.Kbiced by iuccaant Ciutithing; he was induced to try the Hose Pectoral. To use his own langnags, the first doae enabled him to enjoy a god night's rest. In the in irnbig he expectorated nbout half pint of matter. He continued to improve until his cough entirely left him, ;l ntao had the effect of strengthening his bieait. which was naturally weak . He also says that he has leccmmcndcd it to a number of uiafiiends forsnnilur cjmp.aiuis, aitd in every ease it hns given satisfaction. The ab-jve persjns residents of the town of Danville, feeling that they have derived gTcat benefits from the use of the Rote Pectoral ; authorize the abrc statement, tt the benefit of those who mnv be afflicted in a stmiiat maji nor. ORKAT CURE. Loss cf Voice restored with oris bottle of Rose Pec toral, - MiasSitssn Whitl ck, of Ruth township, Northumher land co., for a number of years an it valid, in the (nil of 150, lcl the use of her voice from a seveie cold she con tracted; after irying a number of remedies, with no bene fit, she Wat entirely i eatred by taking one b ittle cf Rote Petrul, after which, she lost her voice egiin. from a fresh ild site contrucivd, and was ag-iiu lestorexl by the uc of another Itottle ; she then took four littles m ire to strengthen her breast, fr.'tn whith the deiived the m-at decided benefit, and bus buen in the enjoyment of excellent lieu) tli from tli-tt time to the preneut. The alHtre scatemeut U obtained fnin Dr Pur sell, the Physician whi at (ended her ; a!a her molber who thinks t lint a!ie v,)uld u-it be living ut thia tone if it had not been f it the R-we Pectirnl. PniVille, .Inn. 5, K2 Ft ill another jWtirlti Cure Effected. Mis ftitrt'K'l Heohlar, bQing of a natural wenk and deli caie f inal i'uti'Mi, very aiuet:;tiblc to c -li!, w:is r.Hnctett with n veiy seiere rjugh, xan sivl- s-irencas nf the bre-st, I at of appetite ; after uiintj a number uf the tiauM reine-dn-s frcan uhirh. a!ie derived no benefit, she wua rurod by t'ikii.7 one h utlc tf It use Pectoral and is intheenj lymciit uf better heilth than for year previous. Danville, Dec. 1 lWid. Dh. KicRt.cv Permit me to inform you that my wife;, who isa'dellcutc mi l weakly w.imon, lab -ring nndtir a Very severe C.mjih with pain u id s.tmieM rf lmaiat. was m re quickly and eiiectually reli' ved with one bxtle (if v.nir Rose Peciural than av othtr metbciiie he ImJ ever taki. aom:k .mbkuh:. .Ian IrsVi. Sii:nnel n.W iods' runiace, Ht-.i P. i.it. Si" a -No t.iENCE in favor ut Roe Pi?CTtat. Arm 1'aM.I.Y Pit. Li. John Futner taken be. ween Christiana and New Year with n very bid c:.M, waic'i enJrjJ in a dt h-ir -1 tnresmt C"n;h, causiti? a crent 'e:ti of pain whenev'.;r he coughed. waV relieved very inueli y by t be .time be bad taken i-nt third a bjttle, and by .h'litiM it vv.ia finiheJ, waii lirely i-ii red He air. 1 nivstl'i' Inn tnku several d'wea of t tie ftilth Reahir.tive or Painilv Pill., and that they are laamiklusi aad iu Ltftwiual puigitiyui lie has over tuken, Dinvilic, Jjii I, 102. Du Rixluy : Uuriiiff f umi to tuy i.'Mll.i-r, in l;m. ville, I fv.k uveiy scvi.re C'-M. which rndfii in a tigtit hard Couch, with a treueas nnd )miui "ftbo brt-rs;t( I r which I used yur Kink Pectoral, wid l"ainily Piila, aiid take plennure iu recoiinnendiiiii them, na the miMc.-i nnd in tat elicetuai ruic t 1 have used. Your, respertjullv, -JA.MKtS MORGAN, Jan. Sfl, H33. While Haven. Lu Kerne co. Dear Sir : As a rei"nmnendation fir your Ri se Pect.i ral. permit me to any, that I was eJiectually cured of a very severe cwtrh with pain in the breast, with lew than hall a brtlle, and tint 1 consider it invaluable. You aie al liberty tn tn:tke this public if you please. JOHN SPKKR1NO, (Urueef.) DsnviUe, Pa. My son Willmm luboring under a severe cough and pain in his side, from an injury received by a fall, was entiirly relieved by a bo 'He f Rose Pectoral ft Cream of Cam- rh i. I have also used your Family Pills, aud altogether c insider them the beat medecines I have eer uaed. JOAN OVERWORK, Jan. 181. Ruah Tp., North'd eo. Dr. Rickiey t Sir: As ray wifo who was troubled with dry, hud C nigh, alsj s ur StJniach, dependent upon debility, similar to Dispepsia. was entirely relieved by using two bottles of your Rose Pectoral, permit me to say that I cotiaidei it an excellent remedy. Youia. respectfully. Rev Mr WII.LARD. Pastor Lutheran Church, Danville. Ps. liovine been cured of a nam in mv aim (similar to Rheu matism) which deprived me of the free use uf it f r atxmt four months. Ry ning imebjllleof Cieam.i'f Camphor I would state that I c n aider it tho best remedy ii the kind l hive ever used in my family, and 1 w.uid tieely recjmmend it tj otheis with similut nfTeeliona, Yours, respectfuUy, JONAS WOl.P. Ruh tp.. North'd eo. My wif being efflirteJ with ft very saveie pain m her arm an J aliuUWr (t'ie tuf-icu u c iil) which liisabled iser from usiuji it, wua cured wnh rubbing oY Cream of Cain ph n- Mrs. Ktll.n, my ifter-in-hiw. was ali cured of a msvere pain in the hcjd unJ f-.ee Uy using the Crextn ot Cami. .r Til O.MAS C. KLJslS, Duviiie. Jon. itf My wife lifivinj Khcuin itUm of the arm ( t a number of yeara, which prevented her from naing it in didng her work ; after having spent a gieat deal ol money in try id? dnlnreut remedies witn no benetit, was cutircly cured by unmc only one lut tie uf y.iur Cream oi t.'amj.liur WILLIAM KVliN:, Minor. i.f S R. Xol R P.diif. Dr. Uieklev Itnvunr reeeiveil a vary never, injury in my ai.ie by fulling ra a l J t f hay. from which I wn una ble t.j foli' .w my work, was r-c tiuii'anb,.l 1 1 try a bjttle fi Cream of Cam; nor. which nlTrdi-d immctiate M f 1C 1 1 riTil i:ARK.Rush tp., NortU d co. My wiiV, sail crt nit t riin m u.t excrueiaiii.s pain, thruu-dout hei general aynttiu, whii'U prevented In r lnm alepuiif (Ik-ing KN-ns.)iU'l bynltit; wild protriicted pe'l of aickm-fcS ;) fur which she u.ed u number f r-iiu:dicH without benefit, was entirely relieved bv the in oi :reimi U' Canspbof. LliO. It. RttoWN. Snrsre Dentist. D.mvi:i Pa. Child cured of liowel Couipljiut. uud AgUe (( two yours nlundii)c;. ly WormHyrup. My child leiag l:iictrrt ioi lhi last to y.vir, with li iwcl C-in;iIanii and Ague until it was rl ace ! t h nn ie akel. t.in, I liixl a number f rem&lie with m verm-inent heuetft, until I gnve if a IrdUo of 5 our Wnrin rymp, mnce watch lime it has tmi well, and got quite ti'-aUy. -1 also have recoinni'-mlcd it Ut a iiiiinw-r i'i my trie i,rlt( and ut every ease it haa ii'tvcn satisftiotion. !. LP. VI. ai t.cms i-autH1 i.Mercnfni.T uajiriue. I hifsuaad vour Worm Fyrua In my family, and cmt. aiaer u not oniT rnt-ctuai, int in. man rv-ni'iini hoici am arqiinimnl Willi. JACOll l.Slll:li-. Unnv.ll.' Havmff nicd vour W.ina rtrrua in niv familr. It lie!.a my ehililreti more tlian any preparation ol Ihe Ic irf.i. and ia m .re pleaaant lotake. v - ' PAN MOKG.W. .' Maul ml Bow, DanviHt. I aive hnit o.-eaal mi tu nw voiir Worm &-rup iu itiy laniily. aiMl piefrf it lo nny Vei-mifufe I tiavfl uvl. ' KREI). BL'B, Frosty Valley, M'Xrtouf e Dr. niAhl.y)Haviny ud yiiur wuim Myrup, and Cream of Camphor and Family Pilla in my family, thoy save i..d aatui'oction, aiid I onusidef tliem the moit ef. lactu-ii, ad pataiaiiu rcmeiiiea, we have had in our family. JUHNU THAN R. RISHUI., UomUla. Dear Hir i Wm the uuderaisned beine in Uis mnplny of Menu. Oiovea at C wily, at whose at 're, you l.ve an Agency for the sile of your family Midiriuea, state thai v-e have had an npiMirtutiiir of Itniwiiig the opimona of inimeriius uidividuala who mive uteri them, and that they give (imrral aatisl'uetinn. We Iwve eUt a sruit many ol your Pule, wlnrhare uiuvwauiiy liked. iK-iusi very uiild in iheir operation. - W. I.RISKMHINO, Danvnl.!, ! J . ; Att.rt.W M. KEPLEIt. Ilavinar fcr'nrvy r f invrniutli very 11, 1 wua iiv!tir! 1 1 try a b-itile ot' yurnr Tooth Wash, winch uoted iue a ehrm, hurttiraiiig my eaaia. nnd removing ull di.t-nei'. JONATHAN K. HICHtlk Dsnvi.lt I)i . Biclily : llrtVini' wlial wu called ulceraii'd a. re, nvHith, lor wincU, I irierls asiiitier if murtlus with no lui.it : I waa st Joel bmcd by imiiit one h 'tile of y ur Tooth wash. ," My wife ala, dnriinr Iter ewfuiemfiii, mi Ihreaumed witbsre llreaMia, luni liavinj; s'i.a ly Ownie!, fin wlndi alie u,d (lie Ciuiiu ol Cninfli'-r, wliii li scatter, od thrm, thereby pruventin; hrr hre.-iara from rtiiheriug. . . GEO. A. HliOWN, i ,.., Near Lullwrun Chirrli, Jjimi'ille, V.. Dr. llickley.liaviiic an oipirtuuiiy or seeing your Anti-Soorbutie To tta VnA oeed in ain'ai vary eavere ra sea of scurvRV ol tlte ffum, 1 e.uai)er it an rsueScnt reuie dy. Youra, repeeUuHy, fcKO. B. JlROWN. The ahive meriieiues are foi sale Wholesale and Itc tail by W M. BICIiLt V. M- P , Prvpneoit, Daiivills r AUtA For sale by the foUowuis Aronta in NorUnimher. land twunly, t-'riluur : bionl, RanGury ; A Knuuh, Austrtls; W. Furrow, Rnydertows ; Tatjcnrt, l''urtnan4 Barton, Paxinna Einauns A fltrouat, Varuiins ; John Vanaaut,' Pajiin s Kuih Vaauue, P.ixinna ; Aniiinrnjn, Roaaal h Co , Sluiraokiui Mra. Jae. Toomaa, Blianokta i Wm. KaKtly, &hamaui; Campbell A Rime. AafaaU; (tamuel A. Bereatreaiwr, Peteralairs; ; Jacob Lt,cnrii (r. Bear Gap; Courad Wenck, Northumberlsnd ; Jarenjiah Cronss. Bdinrwa; Josiaa Baker, Lswiaburgi Jufca F CaUon and JowMhaa SCdleis, MUlou. Call em Um A genu, and (s a cirtjyUr esiiatom a full deaeripiir (4 the uttmciooj mm pen 'ioitt I f il, tJ-j. nt MtdiciaB . 1 , June II. trkkt-U qiim'.oi; aw V' r 5 1 Arcl1 Sf4' foir;d"0ori above Sceohd';;. i'UIIiADELrEIA. - 1 v A.NTLY ON IUND AbfeNERAL ASSOnTJlEN' . - WHOLtPAtK. At SlANVPACTt'nEllS' IT.ICM t3.MERCHAPITSaiiiJotl!hfsirSlnv?'.edtbcanmUxniiii. ' .. IMiilatlolptito, August tt, JJSlCrLty, ' ' , " ' Live and Help Live ! 1 1 Of Motto. ' .' S.N.THOMPSON 9 "3 ERPECTFtJLLY Informs ills friends snj the public generally, that bo has just re ceived at his store, in Bunhury, l.clow Veavn's Ilotrl, a largp, liomlaomo and cheap assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, conai.tin; in part of Dry Goods, viz : Clitks, Camimcnt Catsinets, Jeans, Drillings, M xtflins, Vesting!, Linens, he. Ladies dress and fancy goods, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Laievs, Ginghams, licrapts, Iivbs, tjc.4 r;uor;i:uii:s, Siigor, Tras, Ccflcc, Ilior, Mola-mrs, Clieeso, fjiitcn, I'ieh, Salt, Ac, ic, 4c. IZ:i rtltvnre, Xuili, Hcrtivs, Tiles, Saws, Knives A: Forks, &c. ftueenswere, I of various styles and patterns, -SOOTS AMD EllOBS, : A lurgs assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for ! , men, women and cliildron. ' Hats Cars, Ac, of various sixes and styles. Besides a large and goneral assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. !.. Country product ot all Kinds taken. in cxhanga at the highest market price. Sunbury, 4 mo. 30, 1853. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVB FOUND IT AT LAST. NOW for the little ones. Why will parents wn.ts hour, anil dnva in fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1 o would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee to make you a perfect picture, by our Kurcnio CncxicaL procesji, that works in fram J to 2 seconds. YV c dpfy anv Daguerrcnn in Philadelphia or elsewheve, to cnnipelo with us, as wo aro the mventois, and the pioces is used otily in utir dif ferent estfthliahmenis iu New Enclaud and the) Middle Slates. For pictures of adults, tho silver medals we have received ftom tho American Innilute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premiums from County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are Ihe Ae Pins X.'ilra of perfection. Wo would call particular attention IS our Tii I holy pea Daguerreotypes in Oil. I), (j. CoLi.isa 4 Co.," 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, bpposilo site Hamp den Houit1, ;ringfh'ld and Collins' Building, V-.'tfiaM, Mais. N. B. Cur es'ah'iislimetit U i'l'nimii.ated by the brilliancy of our Piclutes Ly l):iy, and by Professor Htirsrjvrd's Safety Lanps by Kigki. "Ciiine and sec." s . .. . ... I'hilu., .May 23. 1S3S. ly."'" '' Supreme Court of Pemuylvaaia. ' NORTHERif DISTRICT. . .... Notice S lii-ri'liy given llial tho aniiuui Session ol said Cuutt to cumniencii at Suiiluirv, on the second Monday of July nevl. will by dirertinii of the Court be ihuu .iiljourned lo the (iird Mon.lay, at which lime it is also directed by the Court that all causes fur argument will be takvn up and disposed of without duluy. CIURLES PLEASANTS, " " ' ; Proih'y S. C. N. U. ,, Prothonotary's Office, i , Sunbury, June 11, 1853.- i LIST OF CAUSES FOR ARGUMENT. 1. Bunnell . vs Anon, Poller county 9. Colbilt vs Loni Si Willittuii, Tina 3. Qnii(ley vs Cuniinouwealih, Clinton 4. Beele vs Sliizel, Nuilh'd 5. McCarly vs HorTman, 1 Lycoming 6. Kniahi vs Reiahart, " 7. Lowry vs Allison Norlh'd 8 Clement vs Wuimer. . " Lyons Heirs va Lackawanna R. K. Co. Susquehanna 10. Nonea 11. Clailt 12. Samo 13. Looinis 14. (lardmiT 15. Uowiuuii vs Norlh'd co, Nuilh'd vs Houvey, Mikiean vh Sjme ' vs Kelloaif, Susqueh v lie; nsluiil, ' vs Kiynn, " Moiiinnmery, Lnz v t.laik. " vs Jidiiisioii, Tioea vs Knpert. Columbia LuiuIk rm.iiis Uank, Poller vs Du'liiik, " vs Uexeforil,' . Tioaa 10. IT. 1. 19. 20. SI. -'4. Whitman Cli:nl ii U P.;i-h KubiiiMiu Carm vs Pu uly . Yeoman . r .ii.'i'iy vs liellH., . .!OrlU U Smiilis 3t".is vs Wagciisellfrel al. t'nion "5. Saiim v iitni', u 20 llumm.-ll v Mareh, " 27. Cox r. ;. v4 i S trtaell, . Mt-Kean 21. Lvci'iiiinsr ro vs . Ilnlitur, Lji'iuning 2!. Wiioiindli'r vs ' ' Smtllis ex'rs, Union 30. F.win! ' ' ' L ' vs Spflncur hi hi. Tioca 31. Cabel vs.' Iljchinan et si, .Vnrlh'd 32 Ki-rlin vs liisrel,' , 33 Stephens vs . Dimo;lc tp .,' '' Suaq 31. New Yoik Union vs ChilleiiJen c k1, . M. lot Co. . ' Snsqueh 35. Good el al v 3G. Stale M. Insro va 37, Coveuhaven v schnener, Columbia Updepraff et nl, Lyc Hart, . . Sullivan Ilepe .3Iunufactory. friHB subscriber respectfully informs the people A ef Notthuraberian and Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has constsully en hand and manufactures to otdrr, all luhdsof Boal ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow lines, twine and linea of all kinds, at his establishment in Northum berland. " niCIIARDMVKSHALL.' Norlh'd.. June II, 158.-Sm. ' S3 llKWAlll) ! r"XJIE above reward will be paid for the discov 1 ery and conviction of every individual found guilty of trespassing or Injuring any of tho property of Philadelphia and Buubuiy Railroad Company. , 1 . J iJY OKDER OF THE PRESIDENT. : June, 4, 151. tf. - i : IpiBlJELLAS, PaissoU and Fwicy Fans, J just received aad for sale by , . Sunbury, May li, '53. TENER Ai CO. STONE RE Milk pans. Butter crocks, Butter iars, Jugs, Preserre Jura, CfC., 4 C-. just received and fur sale by . , , ; , Eunbury, June 18, 1SS3. TENER A. CO. FfcR.H.11. IIIGCEt'S remedy for coughs, J-JooIAm, aad pulraor.ary diseases.:. .. A supply ef tils sIuVm aiedkiae )ust received and for ealo b v i i;i eis u.t ,)- M. BJMAisaEJU' . Finbuiv.'J'me 4 li.'il. - . .. znti - tar ant ANOTHER It EVOLUTION In the Dry' Goods. Hnsiness. - J. F. 8c I. p. sriaTrjTT taken the Old Stand it, U, V aZ, ', , ship, Northuinberlaud. coitnlP. ." erW eupied by lM.e UmpWl. ft Co., .d haieC returned from P i --.i . . J""1 ailu WpCnCil A JVw nnd Splendid Assortment of Sprino ani S I'M me it Goims, Consistina; in part fit ciotfii., TaaKimers. Rat. ' tinctu, Linens, Check., and il! kinds cl Summer Wean Also a splendid assortment of ladies Dres3 Good.3, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns. Berago de Lsines, Alpacas and Siiawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries or all kinda, . Hardware and Qui-rnsware, Dniga anJ ,, Mediciiu-i. ... f, ' AUo a large amrlincnt of Boots and tShncs, suitahlfl for Men,' Women and Children. Hats and Cspj, such- as Panama, Straw, Palm-leaf and other Hals. Salt, : . Cheese, Ac. Call '' " ' i 1 "' ." ond Sec, - ., ' Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will ba sold for rssh, or in ex chango for country produce, at tho highort market price. Upper Augusta, April.80, 1833. 1 Emporium ol' Fashion And Gentlemen'! Furnishing' Goods. JOHN V. MAliTIN, TA8 RECEIVED at his establishment, on Deer street, one door north of C. J. Brunor's law-office, in Sunbury, the most ' Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been offered in this place. His stock consisls in a great variety of SLOTHS, 4iong which are superior Black, lirown, Green, Olive Claret, Belgium Cloth, Fren ch Cloths, Russian btu ck, &.c. BLACK AND BROWN CASHA1ERETS, Black plain doe-skin Cassinures, Summer Ond Winter Cassimeres, tec. VESTD7GS, r; '! Black So'iiis, (a rich article.) excellent Marscilcs rBuff, Vhilo, (Figured and Plain.') Figured (Jrenadino, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIF.T1ES, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats. Hoseiry. Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collars, Suspenders, ic, cc., A-c. CM and see his Tnssorlrrrem of gooJ. I!c challenge inipcction, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best anu ncaicst coats, pmra, fc, &c, in the coun tt.v. :, . . tF A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations al this establishment. - Sunbury, Mav SI, 1S53. 3tn; GREAT NEWS ! . A Nuw , ; I CLOTHING STORE IN JSUNBURY. ELSBEKO i CO., respectfully announce to the inhabitaiiU of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing Store in Sunbury Pa., opposito the Post Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler, shop In Market Street. They, are just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing. Consisting in part of Cloths, Cussimcrs, Satinett, ' Luieiu, Checked and Fancy Cloth Pants and Cuats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Salin and other Vesta. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts and Collars and Gentlemen's furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be sold cheaper f.un cheap at tho lowest cash prices. The public may rent assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is uiado up well, as one of Ihe Arm is a practical tailor and our whole Stork of Clolhiug is made rip by ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash prticiplo and nur-exte.ndcd ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth cnabl u to self' very cheap, (-'all and See ) No charge Tor looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as wo are constantly getting fresh supulies. Sunbury, Jilny 7, lR53.-- , Llifiibc'r Yard. ; ' . . npHE subscriber frould respectfully inform the cilrxens of Sunbury, and . Northumberland and adjoining counties, that he has opened a Lumber Yard . in the lot touting on Cranberry t a short dis tance Kent. of the blestii &c.w Mill, where he has now a large amount of St.isoaeJ Funnel l'lani. al.,o Punnet Boards, and all oilier lioards and liiuui.xj MaTKHiAL, such as will be wanted for building purposes, i Also a large amount of Nhinglcs on hand, vrliich will be sold from fG up to 3, according to quality and siie. Please give us a call and examine our prico-- and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please call as we will sell to vou low. ,-i.f! "'' f i. E. LEIB, Su. Sunbury, May 58, 1353. -ly. . . ' WILLIAM PBBKIN8' Cenllement Fat'tionaltt . CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 231 Cnt-siiKf, Third door Mow L'thlh si Philadelphia. A? oh hand a full slock of French and Eng'.mi Piece t,oi.!s, which will bo made lo order al thu Slimiest Notice, iii the Latct Myle, FOR CASH. . Phila., April 9, lSi3. Cm. , .., . . COME AND SEE . The .Vrip and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Jusl received and for sale bv Suuhury A pi 30, '53. 1. W. TENER St CO. JL'ST RECEIVED a Splendid awurtment of Ladies' Dress Goods, couaitint; of Silk. Mus lin de Beraga. Cahlen Craps.. t.W Poplin,' Dot ted twins l.swn Rubes, As., end for sale by ' ' Punbury, May !4, '5S. TENEK 4. CO. SUMMER Shswlt, Heady made Mantillas: BlaeSilk and Silk Lare, iiut rereitrd riud for sale by .1, W;TKNEll CO.- Sunbuiy, My il, 1853. MANN'S LtlTER PKEsSKfl. -,ili bonks, ink, liu all coinplele, iimt r reived, ind for sale b ir. b. ma.vr. ' I'BBlirv. Jiijis.-L.Ik-i", masses jfJEHJf j TOTTir itEMEDY rTT 52 Holt 6V n'yfh t rri f n 1 1 A. MOSf Mt&iCi QfEP. OF, VKet. ' - . AT fKR 43 f CARS' SV'FfSRINO" " w' Rtlratt w(oJttr from Mri Wu Galfinjtf' ' -t to; t-Y. 'Ma'ry't Street, Weymouth?"" "'t-rfdM May iSth. mi.1 t """ T- P,., I.,,eT. ' t,U S.B. At il.e .,f in iiif'wuwliatsMwltrnsai s violent (-'hi, vilMVli x lilnl ui her Irge, ui trt sum ihnt time tin-)- hn'rf mora or tea sure, and freailr Inft-nncl. 11,-r a.tii-n 4rark 'lllnif . anJ Tor nionUis t trllirr i hr wat ilrcni J.rDliri-ly of rrt and slcrs -r Ktrm i.nirtlr tfmt nirdi-if ifAil H.lviael iraS trird, hsi iviih-iui at I fcrr li'.Kh mtfTHM wtsrslr, tM staur of br b'ia irrittl. tad nOy(i,l'd ynur draf. Iiui.ina. and mlu.cil hrf 1,1 irv ,.an Pifla iiKlOiuiattmi' and, a. a lint rcainin e. aOnr tn-er-i ih rumoilY had ri Vil liarleaa. !'. .vn.i nlnl Ir. rtn ,. tSlir fonlTBraosrt ait' T.Trli nirn. and, nlrar.fr to Msle, is now is jt.raj hsltb .' I It let art pnii4.i, wiihrnl ten in i scurf.mid hfer ttrt ""lid mid undiainrhnl. rnM Tim hsvs witness ths aadoriiiej . my nil. diiriiiir ilw luat 43 .rs. and sua: tniM in. in wnh li.r .rinl rnjnvminl of hrnhh, you vi-onld iiiilerd liit)rlithifl in harm ln tha mw-napf grtv all -vi :iti. il.e , ifl-ini a frlhw rrmtera. (!"MuHJ VIUJAM OAl.KIN. a PErttjo.v. vo viHttft b AW. cwrkb or A ( EAS hpi, lf 30 VI-XrC; StArtDINO Copy of a Letter from Mr. U'vi. Abbs, Build er of Gas Ovens,' nf Rushdiffe, near Hud- dcrsndd, dated MayZUt, 1851. . ' rr!.fc.l. JiottoWAT, A av. ' " l"7' "i'ry Tr irnm rmn '"P, th rflB'l It Of tw Ar d (T-; .... . - A Works i ccumntiiiifMl bv ,mU,.M. i k.j mflc." H-cr nifedtcal odvice, Viihout dirirtw VntJF 5 ,-Wl C"1 i0 lhil1 TB I'llO. Tl . 1. imn...i;.u. ...... i- - .. J . that Sw i" ";d " "'"f1"" ' short a timet that "wwli" had not witucnud it wnnid crrdit the fact. Tli. i truth oftlils'swaa, 'Jn U VevM l,?MBW?P. mVri'ill "rh1f!..Vl ,-er" oiJ' wit ths biatniMl llod t,-Tt, Chlf.f.,t Bud titeaeta, Chilblain,, Burifs, rhnpr"! hnni, Buninna, . , . . r;,.t,i (Soft) Uite of Mosehr- CXinceia toeafc 8nd-Pliaa, Cinlraiiled aild Oco-bay, . Stiff Joinia niephanliasls; Sura Mpplea, ' Skln-dl.mses, Scry, , Tumuaia, t'luera, YM. Fiauilas, . , Gout, OIniiiiilWrfciX-elhnsi Ithenmttitial tVakla. fiiirs-tnrials 9ira-beada, , . , Wmiiida, A DREADFUL DAD BnrAfT CURED IN ONB MONTH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Tyx: er, tv rti f-VnAurji, A'rni, dated Detenbtf UtH,, 185U. To Trofeaanr HollowaT, Data Six, My wife hed snlTcrejl from Bod Brsutt fje mors than six nwntbi, and diuiiuj tiis whole perind bad the beat malical atieudance. but all lo no use. Having be fore healed an awful wouuA In my own ler, by vour an.' rivalled medicine. l.doterminn1 nnm to use your Pills and Olnnmtnt, and therefore gave lliein a trial in her eaae,'. and fortunate it tii J did so. for in teta than s month a perfect enre waa effected' and the benetit that i ari.m's nth er branohasof my faqiily have derived fnin thetKru... j. really aatmnahins I li-iw atronulv rec -nimimil ifi..i I. all my. friends. (Signed) FRED'JC 'fUNMIIt : Sold St the rillflbliahment of Proftmsor ltnLi. w.v. e... Strand, (near Temple Bur, L"iirlon,I nin'l h nil r-e- ietr.( : r Uanggiats and peelers in,iieilieiu Ihrmgli " :' c Uri',.i ' . i pire, A lh"ae of ha United Siaiee. in 11 jeaal :'i:, .and SI tWe. eacli Wiolejale hr the rinejiu) tr ij 'T sin the I'niou, and by .Measra.' A. B. & V f. .N.vVorlc, .1 Triers Is s sofltidera.!a fcit-ilig by ink imj it., w:'- i. " rdreetims fat the guidsncif of pdUent'' at hvul: il a"i:!cr are amsed to ench bux. . . October S3, 1DS3, ly: ' , NORTH UMBERIAjwD , . .. Select School fop (Jills.- . Under the Care of Miss E. Calvin- INSTRUCTION will ho given in fife ordi nary' Engliah Branches, rhysicsl, Sciences', Alg. bra. Geometry and Languages. r v . ... A e-csaion . will consist of twenty two weeks, Second quarter td coitimniicbotl thf lSth df June:' OrthdgTapliT, KcaMinr. Writing Com- ' : positioh, Gccgraphy, English Grammar - ' and Arithmetic per quarter. . , $3,00 XM any additional English study, , $4.00 Algebra, Geometry, or l.an?iiagbs, ?3,0rt Music, Painting, and Drawing, each sepcraia1 and at tiie customary rates, v.. - Reference. . .',.,, Dr. Tt. li.M&iv; ' Northumberland. ""' V. Taggavt, Esq.. ... . .'.- ' Hon., Jowipii Casey. ' New Eerliit.'. Rev. Dr. M' Kinney, Ed. Pres. Uanner Pbila. II. G. M'Guire, A, M, Principal of Central Institute, PhilerJeiji'hla. Norlllumherhiid, May 11, 18j3. Sm. .! J. U. GOULD, (Suetecuui tu A. HOT.) .Vj 1C4 Ches'nut Street, Siraim's Jluildingi rillLADELPUIA. IXTEN.SlVi: .MUSIC PUBLISHER, and -4 Dealer in Vu :i.'3l JiiHliuaienia of every de iftfiptiNn: EKclurive Agent l'uf the rnle of Hallet, Davis & Co's (Boston) Pi Ti:vr Siaecxsiot Uuloot Julian and oilur PIANOS; I.. Cir.iert's Boudoir f ianos. Melodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps. Violiiia, Siiclt Mtsic, Ml sic Bonks, &r., Sir, Rcaiduuls uf the CJUiiUy will bo supplied by vin'l ot otluvwise with any music they may wish, nt as low rales as if purchased in person. Having one of lbs biriieat slocks in the United Suites, I feel I'ontioYlit of aalisfyiug all who niay fi-vor me uiih a cull or order. . .. Dealers' in Minie supplied r n (Tie most liberal term. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos fir sale. Philadelphia, Aprfl II. It. f.Al'C ariuval. OF cheap Spring unit Sumim-p Goods. TRILING Sc. GtlANT. 1 RESPECTFULLY Jhfonfl Ihek Ostomer and Ihe piihlie, that they have juit receive cd and opened the lieat aud cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, a i their store iu Msrket square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety ef '" I) I V Gootl.s, viz ; ' : Cloths, Canimcres, Sstlintts, Vtslings, . , Flannels, Wollens, trc, Anil all ki'iids of Spiifiii & fllmmer ear" Also n spliiiiliil taHbly uf " LADIES & FANCV GOUOdV.," " ' Calicots, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Lainei .. Betanes, ' .'':: Aiut eery vJIrle'ly of fjuo ls' -P ) ' a i.- f, , died aear. ; ''.:.-:, .. Also Mil t't'V St, - ;..; . IlATS AND I ! . . , . '.-.'' . 1 T Aiso a large as" ., " - - "' ' ' ' ' i : - ' 0c a;i ;...i. Also a !ur.' ii.' ' - TT t T, TT .. .. - n.n.ixii w Aiv. a.. .1 j.X n . i 1 , ,-l.i'kj. AIM a iresli supply ol . . , t . liituua Axij Sfr-WiriNr. ' ' Besides the larpi-si ami most jpntral a.srH fnerit of all kinds of gOoda to be bad hi this' place. , , IV Country proiaji" of all kind tkerj In ti change at the hijiheit liiarket pricci ' " ftunhurY, April 30, 1853. ' 1UKN1NG, FluiJ, Caoiplmic, Sperm sad Whale Oil, .White Lead. Linwd Oil ind Turpentine Jtfit received and fur sale hy i ' ' . SuJlbury, May 14, '53. TENEK COU OHOI.AGOGIT. An xceUv remedy "tv the cure of Fever and AffT, jnt rereitit and for sale. bv . I. '. TENEK fc CO. ' m.hurv. Mat 14, H jr.- '' - - , ' 4-- i t1. '. i II CL.il. P.n,.w V..,;., ng, sin) C r 'nrcv-riiirv;: alo f-4 K.liiii.Vr. Mei'il t. '..3 TaiSlfJ. .V f r . if s : t' ... T