L'i-J SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ARTHUR BPRIKIO. Thii wretched criminal ha but thre mora days to live. A marked changa h oomaorer him. Ha haa relented muoh, and begina to exhibit a mora becoming demeanor, at hit momenta on earth grow ahorter. The Inspectors of the Prison now refine to admit any one at all to visit him in hia cell, exoept hia spiritual advisers. The objoot of this ia to afford him proper opportunist to devote to reflection every moment of the brief period of lime allowed for preparation to die. Yesterday, the ton of the felon visited him, and had two interviews with him. The meeting between them was most effecting. A complete reconciliation took plnce. The guilty father clasped the son to his breast cried over him bitterly called him his dear, darling boy told him that he forgave him, and asked his forgiveness; while the boy wept upon his parent'a neck. Ila bogged young Arthur not to leave him, but to stay till the execution was over, and see his re mains interred, lie also cut off a lock of his hair, which he entrusted to Arthur to take to his orphaned daughters. Young Arthur piteonsly and touching!)' ap pealed to his father to exculpate him, and, although the culprit did nntyieid to the boy's entreaties, still he refrained from criminating his son. The elder Spring was greatly sub dued after the meeting was over. The following dialogue between them con tains some of the most affecting portions of the conversation, in which the son vainly en deavored to induce his father to clear him from the imputation of guilt in the murder. He said "iiy lather! my father! oh, have pity upon me ! oh ! have pity, and tell tho truth ! Do, O do, say I am innoceni J Oh, you know 1 am ! My dear, dear father, you know I am innocent." The father, thus appealed to, groaned aloud, and strained him to his bosom, with the most intense affection, answering :, "My son, my darling, I will tell the truth!" Eagerly seizing on (he expression, the son followed op his weoping request. "Lj, iiiy father, have pity upon mo; oh ! do say 1 am innocent .' You know I had nothing to do with the murder of the wo men !:' Still that man of iron nerve, although con vulsed with agony, answered cautiously, and in general terms. "My dear, dear boy, I will do whatever I can for you. I will die for you " Another gush of grief relieved the swelling bosom of the weeping youth, and again, in the most affecting manner, he said : '0h, my father, my dear father, you know 1 love you. Oh that I could die in your stead. For what is life to me now? My Course of misery is already begun. The gloomy future grows darker every day. You are soon to die ; a few brief painful hours will close your earthly sufferings : but mine oh, my father, my sufferings, where are they to terminate? I am already pointed at, and avoided. Where shall 1 hide my head, if you die without clearing me from the dread ful crime 1 Oh, how can I bear to live !" Then, in an agony of grief, he tenderly upbraided him. "Oh, my father, my father, you have no pity, you have no pity. You see me bowed down with grief and you will make it deeper and daiker, by witholding the tiuth. Oh, toll the truth, and die happy ! Now, whilo i clasp you in my arms, let me bring you to God and ask forgiveness, and die in peace '. Oh, how can you die without telling tho truth?" To all these touching appeals, the deeply agitated father returned indirect or evasive answers. The father gently upbraided the son, as being the instrumental cause of hit convic. tion. This brought on a passion of grief, and he convulsively sobbed out : "0 my father, what could I do, when com pelled to testify; 1 had to speak the truth O forgive me, forgive me, dear father, my heart was with you, while my lips spoke the painful truth. O forgive me !" ''1 do forgive you, my darling, but not Burns nor Ilagan." O yes, my dear father, all; O forgive all, and make your peace with Heaven." Tho gentlemen present knelt in solemn prayer, for the weeping parent aud agonized child. Afterwards they proposed to leave them alone for a little while, thus addressing tho father: 'Arthur, the worlJ has condemned you as no longer fit to live. It has been reported, that you said, that if you could gel hold of your son, you would kill him. We shall now give you an opportunity to show the world, that you are not the heartless man you are re ported to be " With a face suffused with tears, he clasped him to his bosom exclaiming, "my darling, my darling, I would not injure a hair of your head." Their paiting was still more effecting. Tha father clasping his son to his breast, kissed him repeatedly upon hit lips, telling him to transfer them to his daughters when lie next saw them, and finally gave him one fond kiss for himself. Tha son hat obtained an order from Mr. Heed for the remain of hi father after exa. cution, and he ha transferred tho lame to the Rev Mr. Street, who has undertaken their interment, in accordance with bis ex pressed wishes. Tho Iter. Messrs. Street and Kensil had another long interview with him, yetlerday, which resulted in the signing ot the follow ing paper, which wa drawn up, and hit signature witnessed by the reverend gentle, men, whose endeavors have to far bean aiowned with tuccest, in having softened hi tony heart, aud induced at least a partial repentance. "Moyasiensing Punos), June 7, 1853. .JH Ar,rr SPri"ff d tolemnly, in the fear of God (before whom 1 am soon to appear,) and the pretence of Rev. John Street, and Re,. Mr. Ken.il, declare that my ton. Arthur Spring, Jr., (a. far a. 1 know.! had no hand m the murder of Mrt. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch ; neither do I believe that he had any know ad,, of (h murdered. W.tness my hand, ibis day bova wraten. ' A.th'u. b'-. ' ii,T.",nette Fetent-J Stre.i, R. T. Kan- . Wng Arthur Sphnp, having provided for tha mtermemf Wi father'. ,ht Jm . not ifturn to tha Wy.-Ud ofTi ixk TEE A1EP.ICA1T. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, ISM. II. It. MASHF.H, Rdlur and Freprleter. To ArvTlim. Thl circulation of tha miliary American Mnonf Ilia different ftmim. nn lh tiBnnhnt.a li not esceeded If equalled by sny paper paulnhed in North ... n i . w... c..Hyivui..a. Democratic State Nominations. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER : THOMAS FORSYTH, Of Philadelphia County. FOR AUDITOR GF.NERAL: EPHRAIM BANKS, Of Mifflin County. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: J. PORTER BRAWLEY. Of Crawford County. EDITOR.' TABLE. Basinets N.tlc.s. Gi.tmi k PicTORitt still continues to main tain its high reputation for its beautiful illustra tions as well as for the excellent style in which it is got up by the publisher. The fifth volume of thi. excellent publication will commence with the first ol July next, which will be a suitable time to subscribe. Dn. BicKLtTS Fmir Mmicmti W.r.ll the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Dr. Bicklcy, in this weeks paper. The family medicines prepared by Dr. Bickley, are highly commended by many of our best Physicians, and have been certified to by a number of re spcctable individuals as will be seen by referring to his ad vertisement. The Doctor appears to stand well at horn which is pretty sure evidence of merit. Morocco, Luther a Shoe Finding In our advertising columns this week will be found the advertisement of Elias Drocinus, who is engaged in a branch of business that will prove a great convenience to those engaged in ahocmaking. CP" Land. VVarrants. Person having Land Warrant for ale, can dispose ol them for cash, by applying at thi office. O" Judge Jordan of thi place ha been holding court in Schuylkill county in the place of Judge Hegins, who has been disa bled, by his late accident, from attending to business. Judge Jordan i highly com mended by the Pottsville paper. Judge Hegins is not yet able to walk, having lost the use of hi leg... Hi general health, with thi exception, is nearly restored, and we trust, a little time will entirely restore him. Kf" The splenetic effusion in the Ly coming Gazette, of last week, in regard lo our borough, would entirely have escarp our notice, had we not teen it referred to by our neighbor of the Gazette. It is in exceeding bad taste, and wa intended, we presume, as a reply to a small article in our last paper. We might reply with much more truth and sarcasm, in the same strain, but we have too much respect for the in- telltgence ol the good people of Williams- port. Jt is pretty evident that either Col. Carter, or the Schoolmaster is abroad. Th editor reference lo "galvanism" and "ma gic wires," we consider rather unfortunate. If "praclise make perfect," no one will pretend to dispute the uperiority of tome of our friend in the everlasting State, in the art of "wire working." The editor ol the Gazette i yet young. He will no doubt, grow more discreet a he grow ol der. The time i fast approaching when, by iron bonds, Willtamsport and Sunbury will be brought into a closer, and, we trust, a more intimate and social relationship. Let no evil or malignant spirit, therefore, interpose its offices, to prevent tuch a con summation. There it "ample room and verge enough" lor the enterprise and bu siness of every town in thi beautiful val ley. Let then the motto of all be, excelsior. GC7 Sensible. Accompanying a mar. riage notice, a few day ince, we received an order with the cash, to tend our nrur to the future residence of the bride. Thi i the first thing every sensible man who ha any regard for hi wife, ought to do, after marriage. E7- The Danville Intelligencer think the 700 coal car built for the Philadelphia ana fcunuury rail road hould have been constructed in this neighborhood, instead l York and other place. We should ne preferred that course. ourelve, but other bid lower tor the rnninri : ..... of course awarded to them. !D Some of the whio- n. ....... ..... orne terribly hard thing of Senator Barne. (h.g,) of the Bedford district. Two of the whig paper in hi district denounce htm in no measured term, and date that if be doe not retign, that be will be impeach- me next session. The Waterford Despatch thu tpeakt ol him : "Ha wa always ready for a trade, and nevei had tense enough to keep hi own secret., to that before the session closed he wa. known at the tame time to be the most corrupt man, and considerably tha greatest that ha found hi way to Harrisburg lor a long while. Try Rail Road Ibon. The first in voir "'I road iron, for the Williamaport and jElmira rail road,' reached that place on j Tuesday week lat. VNBURT AND ERIK RAILROAD. We are rejoiced to learn that the con struction of thi great improvement is pla ced beyond all doubt. The following Irom the Philadelphia Bulletin announce the important fact : 'Th SoNiotY and Eric Railroad. We re gratified to. be able to announce the fact that the Sunbury and Erie Railroad will now fo on to completion, with very little delay, it eonttruction haa been placed beyond a doubt, by the completion of contractt with responsible parlies for the entire line. Messrs. Sennett, Brown, Caldwell & Co., have contracted lo make one hundred miles from Erie eastward, and Messrs. Gamble, Rocks fellow & Co., the next hundred milet. The remainder of the road hat been under con tract and in progress for tome time. THE IMPROVEMENTS AT THIS PLACE. The force on the lock, and on the basin, at this place, have been greatly increaied the past week. The lock will be a novel (tructure of the kind, a if will be construe, ted of cast iron, the first of the kind ever built, being the invention of Mr. Cleaver, the Chief Engineer of the road. The lock, when completed, will be thirty two feet wide and ninety five feet long, jutt large enough lo admit the new tteam ferry and tow boat now building at thi place. On the rail road there i also a largely increas ed force. About even mile of the rail have been laid down. The remainder, about 12 mile, to Shamokin, will be laid down in the courie of three week. The burden car are arriving rlmost daily, in boats, carrying eight car each. The team boat it also progressing finely. The frame i up, and Mr. Kirk, the archi tect, ay he will have her ready in ninety day from the 12th of May, the day on which the keel was laid. Her engine, of eighty hore power, it now ready,. She will be 88 feet long, 31 J feet wide over her beam, with a gangway capable of holding six or eight wagon and team. f7- The editor of the Miltonian are down upon their neighbor of the Lewis burg Democrat, in language that is any thing but "choice Italian." In referring to the course of the Democrat, the Milto nian says "You can go on in your despicable mis sion, knowing as you do, that it i easy to make remarks, but hard to carry them into effect. Your many saying have at much effect upon your reader, a the devil would have upon a religiou multitude. Tbi, we think, i paying hi majesty, the Prince ol Darknes, but a sorry compliment. IEShad. The chad season ended in Philadelphia on Monday last, according to the statute, the fish being deemed unwhole some later in the season. Shad fishing wa at one time an important matter on the Susquehanna, but lince the erection of dams, etc., none but a few ttrazdins ones are caught above tide water. Occasionally a lew are taken below the Shamokin dam, near thi place. These are a plump and as Iresh as ever, and a much superior to a Philadelphia shad as a salmon is to a sucker. They readily sell at from 50 to 60 cent each. C7" Indian Entertainment. We refer our reader to the advertisement, in another column, announcing an entertainment that i to come ofTat thi place, on Wednesday. the 15th of June, by a number of Indian ol Nine of the tribe' from Oregon. The amusement will consist of dance, music scalping scenes and various other enter tainment.. IT-The legislature of New York has been indulging in a frolic by taking a trio to Niagara Falls. The distance, 300 mile. wa run in eight hours, includine tonna?es. or 37J mile per hour. The ran road companiei "chalked their hats" nf fours. The Philadelphia Bulletin thinkt thatCon- gret win, perhaps, follow the example set by the Stales, and take a trip on one ofthe Collin cteamer to Europe, or an excursion on the Pacific rail road to California, some of these days. fc-Cattawissa Railroad. The Mil tonian lay that the Cattawissa rail road i to connect for certain with the Sunbury and Erie rail road at Milton, and that the road will be placed under contract during the ummer. The Cattawissa Company ha purchased come ten or twelve acre of ground, where the two road connect, upon which suitable building will be erected to enable the company to transact their busi ness. OCT" Spruce Ckkek Railroad The Aa- ronsburg Derichttr of last week, say that the Engineer are progressing very rapidly in making a survey ol thi road. They peak very favorably thi far. The Brush valley people are raising money for a sur vey back through that region. The Penn valley people mutt keep wide awake to keep up with them in contending for the prize. In Hartley township they crossed several valuable bed of iron ore. OCT Coal Lands in Maetland. Sever al gentlemen from New York recently pur- chated 1000 acre of coal land in the Cum berlsnd coal region lor wbicb tbey paid 180,000. CF- New Pees Ths Philadelphia Bulletin ha put into operation splendid new Press, built by Hoa fc Co. New York. Tha Pre i worked by steam power and t beautiful piece of mechanism. It I capable of printing ten thousand sheets an hour and tost thirteen thousand dollars. IT" Ths Northern Statt Temperance Convention wa held at Wiliiamiport last week. Delegates were present from the counties ol Lycoming, Clinton, Northum berland, Columbia, Luzerne, Montour, Ti oga and Dauphin. Among the resolution! we find the following : Unsolved. That we adopt ths prinoipla laid down In the State Temperance Conven tion, held in Harrisburg in February last 'Prohibition ; nothing more, nothing less.' Resolved, That we are In favor of political action, st the only means of obtaining the enactment of a prohibitory law, and that we pledge ourtelvet to such action. Resolved, That it be recommended lo the several Countiet and dittriolt represented in thii Convention, to hold Conventions, and nominal candiitet for both branchetof the Legislature, lo be supported by the friendt of prohibition, irretpective of party, and that tuch nominationt be made before the first day of August next. Retolvtd That the membert of thii Con vention do pledge Ihemtelvet lo the support of temperance candidates, that may be brought forward in our respective counties, and to use all honorable meant to secure their election. 03 The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg rail road project it considerably discussed, at present, by the paper interested along the route. The road will extend Irom Scranton through Pittston, Wilketbarr and Berwick to Bloomsburg. Scranton is al ready a flourishing place of several thou sand inhabitants, in the Lackawanna coal region, about 18 milet above Wilkesbarre. Goldfish in the Schuvlkill. Ma. jor Frea say that "gold fish are plenty above the Fairmount ,1am, near Philadel phia." They originally came from a pri vate fish-pond at Lemon Hill, which break ing it bank during a heavy rain, emptied it content of hundred of these fishes into the Schuylkill. They are .sometime caught with a hook, but are taken in large numbers in the spring ol the year, with net. E7 Deer Caught. Two boy, between 8 and 9 year of age, caught a one-year old deer in Windsor township, Berks county, about 4 miles from Hamburg. They drove the animal into a fence-corner, where they contrived to hold it until everal person came to their assistance, and enabled them to secure it in a (table. (Iv In consequence of the rebellion in China, tea ha advanced twenty per cent in New York. Another article, fire crack- era have also gone up. We should be clad to see thote entirely prohibited. Tiic New Jersey Railroad Company, cele brated itt Twenty-First Aniversary at New ark, on Saturday. Tha prosperity of the railroad, under in present management, waa though! worthy of liberal compliment. The revenuet are enlarged, the line of travel con stantly improved; the public more comfor tably accommodated in the number, fre quency and speed of the trains; anil, what is greatly to the credit of the immediate super inlendence, and tha employers of 'the road, out of thirteen millions of passengers can ied the life of no one seated in a car hat been lost! An Anti-Bible Convention wat in session last week for tome three days at Hartford, Ct. Andrew Jackson Davis, (the Great Har monian,) Wm. Lloyd Garrison and Mr. The odore Parker are the only name mentioned by the Hartford papers in connection with thit Convention. The Bible, it ia said, hat been attacked by tha Convention, chiefly on the ground that it is not harmoniout in itself that it tnpports slavery. Dolveamv and other tint. These reformer! have got rid of tbe Church and the Slate, the Sabbath and lha peculiar ordinances of religion, and there it notning now lell lor them to fight and throw away but the Bible. New Hotel. An effort in now in orozresi to erect a large and costly hotel in thit bo rough, which, we are happy to infoim our numerous reader, may possibly be consum. mated this summer. It it intended lo erect lha edifice by subscription, those contributing towards the enterprise to form ihemartvea into a joint ttock company, and when the necessary meant are tubscribed, contlruct it at at early a day at possible. The enterprise i a laudable one, and we have been informed ttiat considerable has already been subscri bed thereto. Miltonian. Election or a Woman to Public Orricc. The Portland Argus says, the Eastern Dit trict in Lyncoln Countv. M taint liaa nhnann a lady for Register of Deeds, in the person of miss uuve uose, lormina an assistant in th office. Mist Rose hat two thi.,1. r k. votes. Tha Argut remarks. "Whether a fe male it eligible to tuch an office under our lawt, it the question to be tetiled." The Woman's Rights Convention insists that she Gseat PacrAstTioNt sre making st Olc ana, Ola Bull's Norwegian colony, in Potter county, to celebrate the cominir Fourth of July on a magnificent scale. On that occa sion, he expects a large number of hit musi cal brelbern to atsisl in the ceremony. He is filling np a grand concert room, 100 feet in length and 80 feet wide. The New Yom Exhibition for tha lndua. try of all Nations, announced officially to open on hi fifteenth of July, will, the Times says, assuredly, without very unexpected additional embarrassment, open on or very near that day. It is ths first authorized public an. nouncement of any particular day. The man tgers, in common with all parties, shsred in the disappointment of not being able to inau gurate their interesting enterprise in tha month of May, intlead of pottponing it to lbs middle of summer. Hon. John 8. McCaLmoSt, of Clarion, has bean appointed by Go. Hlslar la lha Ju.l. thip of the Clarion district, vaeettd by lha elevation of Judge Knox to the Supreme Court According to the calculations passed on the English Life Tables, it wss estimated a priori, that of all the immigrant to the Uni ted States, since 1790, 2,214,000 should be living at the date of the last census. The aotual returns of that census give us ths number of foreign born resident, 2,210,000 a remarkable instance of the accuracy which may be attained by scientific deduc tions, on points which seemingly admit no element of calculation. A Wholesale Indictment. The Grand Jury of Essex county, Mass., have indicted the Boston and Maine Rail road, for causing the death of tha son of President Pierce, last fall. It would be a curious fact if I ho entire company should be convicted of manslaugh ter, and sent to the penitentiary. ' W ear or Locomotives. The Railway Times says the annual deterioration of Ameri can locomotive engines is from eight to twelve per cent, upon their first cost, while fire cents per mile are required for repairs, to that gen erally our enginet destroy themselvet of the rate often dollars value per day when in full ute. The Albany andSusquehannah Railroad it taid to be contracted (or to Govemenr Mor ris, George L. Schuyler, Sidney G. Miller, Jo nah W. Barker, Jamet S. T. Stranahan. and C. G. Case. John Redpath and his wife have recovered $4500 damages from the Corporation oPAIIe. gher.y City, Pa., foT injuries sustained by fal ling down nn exposed embankment. Passino Strange A lady passing a bonnet shop without stopping. New Advertisements. Improvements Ahead!! ELIAS BROCIOUS HEREBY informs his friends and the public irenerallv. ttmt hn hafl lllal remit-ml nl hia old stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's noiei, An excellent attortment of MOROCCO, FRENCH CALF SKINS, French Lastingj, And all kindt of linings and Shoe findings, which be offers to the trade at reasonable prices. Me lltan infnrma tiia riialnmsr. mnm nlk.r. ll.a he still continues the 8hoemaking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and r L ; t.i i laBiiionnoie style, and nn reaaonauie lerms. Sunburj, June II, 1853. ly. Hope Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully informs the peopla of Northumberland and Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has constantly on hand and manufactures to order, all kinds of UoaJ ropes, bed cords, wash lines, plow liiie., twine and lines of all kinds, at hit establishment in Northum berland. RICHARD MARSHALL. North'd., June II, 1853. 3m. ENTERTAINMENT. Given under a large Pavillion, capable of seating; 1,000 Persons. rTIHE Celebrated Indian' Chief, Kaw-Sltaw--- Gance, (rom the Wal-ait-pu nation in South ern Oregon, accompanied by O-Ka-te-wau.-la, a Chief from the Calla-poo-has tribe, together with their large troope of Indians, from west of the Rocky Mountains, will give an Exhibition of the manner and customs peculiar to their tribes in Southern Oregon. AT NORTHUMBERLAND, Tuesday Even ing, June 1-tih. AT SUNBURY, Wednesday Afternoon and Evening, June 15th. Consisting of a large variety of Dances, Songs, Marriages, Worships, burial Ceremonies, Scalp ing Scenes and easting Disease out uf a sick Indian by enchantment. Also several Historical Scenes, incident to the early settlement of our country. Kaw-Shaw-Gance will exhibit at each enter tainment a large collection of INDIAN CURIOSITIES, Amnnz which may be found several specimens of II or Hubs, H or hmee, II ar Paddlts, Jale Axis, War Pipe, Pipe of Peace, IHunkrU made from the bark of trees, and a I urge variety of Uead work, &.C., &e. The tliiefa, accompanied by their warriors, will be seen riding through the streets, dressed in full Indian Costume, Painted aud fully equipped for war, between 1 and 3 o'clock. Exhibition to commence at "i and 71 o'clock, P. M. Admittance S.I ct. Children under 13 years or age nan price. Sunbury, June tl, 1853. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Notice IS hereby given that the annual Session ol taid Court to commence at Sunbuiy, on the iccoiid Monday of July nexl, will by direction of the Court be then adjourned lo the fAi'rd Monday, at which lime it is also directed by the Coutt that all causes fur argument will be taken up and disposed of wiiuuui ueiay. CfHRLES PLEASANTS, Proth'y S. C. N. 1). Prothonotary 't Office, Sunbury, June 11, 1853.- LIST OF CAUSES FOR ARGUMENT. 1. Bunnell 2. Colbilt 3. Quigley 4. Beele 5. McCarty 6. Knight 7. Luwry 8. Clement vt Anson, Potter county vt Long & Willitton, Tioga vs Commonwealth, Clinton vt Mltzel, Morlh'd Hoffman, Lycoming Reighart, Allison Notlh'd Wetnier, " Lackawanna R. K. Co. Suaiuehanna vt VI VI vt 9. Lyont Heirs vs 10. Nonet It. Claik 12. Same 13. Loomil 14. Gardiner 15. Bowman 16. Whitman 17. Chadwick 19. Bush vi North'd co , Norlh'd vt Hoovey, McKean vt Same " vt Kellogfr, Suiqueh vt Keytisford, ' vt Flynn, " vt Montgomery, Lui vs Clark, " vt Johnston, Tioga 19. Robinson vs Rupert, Columbia ' - ' - -w W SSU1OI Ij XVtltl III uit 20. Carson vt Lumberman! Bank. Potter 21. Pardy vt Detrick, " 22. Yeoman vs Rexeford, Tioga sa. rageiy vs Hellas, ' Norlh'd 24. Smiths ex'rs vs Wagenseller et a I, Union 25. Same vs oatne, Marh. 26. Hummell 27. Cox vs (i vs Sarlwell, McKean 21. Lycomins; eo vs ft Huling, Lycoming , Smiths ex'rs, Union Spencer el al, TioL'a S9. Waconseller vs vs 30. Ewmg 91. uaDel 82. Kerlin vs Vachman et al, North'd vs Biatel, 33. Stephens Dimoek (p., Eusq 34. New York Union vs Chittenden et al. M. los. Co. Sutqueh 35. Good al al vt Sohoener, Columbia 36. State M. lot eo vs UpdegraiT el al. Lyo 37. Cevenbaven . vs llart, Sullivan NOTICE. THE Vender! and Retailers of Foreign and Domestic merchandise, within the county of Northumberland, will take notice that they are tisesaed and rated by the appraiser of mercantile taxes, for the year 1853, at follows : Lewis Township. rxHKonn. eiAss. A mo T. Biscl, liquor 13 $15 00 George P. Kamp, liquor 14 10 50 Raup & Savage, liquor 13 15 00 Delaware Towmh-p. Dcntler & Piper, 12 1' B" Hayes fc McCormiek, 13 13 0 E. L. Piper, 13 10 00 Ludwig & Rank, 14 7 00 Jonas Wolf, liquor 14 10 5U Milton Borough. Nagle, Wingate, & co., liquor 13 Murray, Goodman fc Moodic, ' 13 8eth Cadwallader & son, 14 William Hcincn, 10 Fry mire & 8tout, liquor 13 Charles I. Engle, liquor 13 A. W. Comly, . IS Thomas Swenk, " 13 Isaac Brown, liquor 13 B. K. Hang, U George Corrcy, 14 Joseph AngMadt, 1 1 John V. Onslow, 14 Jonathan Zffllers, 14 Rhan & Cliapcns, 14 J. A. & W. Gray, 14 J. & M. Yount, 14 John M. Woods 14 D. Krauscr, 14 Chilisqiiaijuc Township. Adam Conrad, 14 James Reed, 14 Ketler&co., 14 Poinf Toicnship. Samuel R. Wood, 12 Rush Township. John B. Shipman, 1 1 Upper Mahanuy. Daniel Heim, liquor 14 Daniel Iseuhart, liquor 14 Gideon W. Snyder, liquor 11 Shamokin Township. Snyder eV Zimmerman, liquor 1 1 Hugh II. Yastine, liquor 11 Wm. Farrow, liquor 1 4 John Vanzant, 1 1 Taggart, Barton en., 13 Bcrgstresser & Hull', 1.1 Samuel John, 14 W. G. Kase, 14 Upper Augusta. J F. cV I. F. Kline, liquor 14 Northumberland Borouyh. Marks B. Priestley, liquor 13 James Taggart A sou, liquor 13 James Taggart, jr., liquor 13 Wm. T. Forsyth, .iquor 13 S. B. D'Enormuudic, I t Wm. Elliott, liquor 14 Mary McOny, 14 Conrad Wcnk, 14 M. J. D. Withingtiin, liquor 14 Jacob Eckert, liquor 14 Sunbury Borough. 15 00 10 00 7 00 20 00 18 75 16 00 13 50 13 50 15 0(1 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 15 00 15 00 1 5 00 15 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 ,10 50 10 50 10 00 3 50 7 00 10 (10 10 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 Friling tc Grant, Henry Matscr, liquor only John Buyers A co., E. Y. Bright iV co., Benjamin HclViicr, John Young, liqu ir S. N. Thompson, I. W. Tcner & co.. liquor George Bright, Ira T. Clement, liquor P. W. Gray, It. Fagely 4- co Albert Elsbrrg, Loieer Augusta. 13 It 13 13 1 1 14 13 1.1 14 It II II 14 14 14 11 II Jarab Weiiner, liquor Hcilner A Knol.b, liquor J. R. Kaufman, liquor Jacob Krclis, liquor Wood, M'DonncI iV Clark, Lower Maluimiy. Andrew Ditty, lid nor George Bro.nious, Witmer & Dockcy, liquor Elias WcUt. 11 14 11 II 10 50 7 00 10 50 7 00 iacksnn. Wm. Dcppin, liquor 13 Wm. Cares, liquor 1 1 Israel Carl, liquor 11 Li'de Mahaitoij. Wm. Rothermel, 14 Jordan Township. John Wert, liquor 1 4 1 5 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 50 7 00 siosiah Swartz, 14 Cameron Township. Charles R. Weikle, 14 7 Of Hcnning & Houpt, liquor 14 10 50 Coal Township. Ammerman, Iiosser cc co Kusc, Kced A co., R. Fagely & co., M'Gran &. Barry, Benjamin, GouJcr & co., Einstine & Strouse, 14 It 13 11 14 14 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 Mtni- Xerbe Township Ed. HcIfciiMtinc, Isaac i.isrr; 13 14 PtnSOXS KXOIKKUIX SELLIXO PiTLXT FIXES IX NunTHt-MSEBLAXD I'OUXTT ASSESSEII AS follows: Milton Borough. John F. Callow, 4th class, Jonathan Zclli-rs " Delaware Township. Hayes & M'Corniick, 4th class, Lewis township. Anion T, Bisel 4th class, $5 00 5 00 $5 00 $3 00 PttSOXS END AO E II IN BECTIItlXU AXU SKLLIxn Wuisnir ix the coi s rt. Milton Borough. John Kohr, 10th class, $5 00 Sophary Deuce, " 5 CO Beta Hoists axd Oisteb Clllabs ix the Couxtv. Milton Borough. C. Stine, liquor 8lh class David Waldron, liquor " Joseph Eckbert, " Wm. Strine, " C. Maikcs, " Northumberland Borough. Henry Wcnck, liquor 6lh class, Sunbury Borough. Simon Martz, liquor 8th class, Philip Brymiro, liquor " Charles Gerringcr, liquor " Bbeweks witihn tue Cor N ty Milton. George Baker, Oth clusa, $S SO 8 50 5 00 5 00 5 1)0 !?8 50 $8 50 8 50 8 50 $8 00 An appeal will he held at the Commissioners' Ullice, in Suubury, on Saturday, the "5th day of June next, at 10 o clock, A. M., at which lime and place those interested may attend JAS. D. BARR, Mercantile Appraiser June II, 153. A Stray Horse CAME to the premises of the subscriber in Little Malianoy twsp., about three utiles be low Treverton, on the ltd of June iitst., a durlt Bay Horae, b.inJ ol one eye, and about 15 years old. Tbe ewner is requested tu come forward, prove but ponerty and take hiui away. NICHOLAS KA8TON. June II, 1853 If. CHAIN PUMPS, A small number ol these excellent pumps have been received and are offered for sale by H. B. MASSEK. Suuburv. June 4. 1853 CELEBRATED Family Medicines. IN nfT... -t titht pul.lic Ilia Wn invnlnnLIn lions, Hit snl.Mril.cr wimls Mnlc thnt in c,.,,,,,,,,' with his fi lends and niw ol thf must rranrrlnM. hi i V" Meilicol Inanity, it wns dci-mal ailvimhle tu (,fl,.r' ,,, J, pitlilic, a few prertllisuf known ci-l. tirily. tn.-i . pnml Willi tho prrnatrnt care, sn.l .ii Hie nn.n riruV,ii principles, na snl.nliliiU'S for the nmniw.tm wrlliici.ii nr Holes Ihni nr fl.KxIina the eouniry in ths f..rm nf Kiim,.,.I and cure nil., prepnreil hy Hie in wi ipi, Tniit nn.l ,c,., ry persons, iiileiuleil lo cure nil litonm s nml g, ,ur 1(J " Rend and llcjltel. Thnt Ihe Mudirhie, Muniifncturcil hy W. M. llitrxi.KY Including his ltoe lcci"rnl f-ir 1'ontrlis. ' Cream ol Ciimnh r. f'.r KHenmalinu. Worm Pvmp f .r Worms. Tooth W'ssh. fur itecaved teeth, nl.piied mm. Fnnuly Pill.,' or IiI.mmI tNuifyer, have heen ni'.re extrusive. ly used, and hnve eiven m'.ru srili.l'.irtinn, thtm any ,,ilrr Mndirtnrs li-f'.rc the pul.lic, Itciii!? pri-piir.-.l with regard to their nsefulness nre fully worthy l he trinl uf the ni t- cd. (five them a trial. , -A few poweifnl reasons why the nh-ivc Medieines nre deserving; of universal pntiniiii'?. (In Ihe (irt ,hee, they are prepTed l.y a rejtutnr physician, who iiii'I.thm.hI. the'nppheation nl .Medicines, to diseases, mid conmjuently ore ncrl'cctly snleT lo tnse. (Secondly.) (hey hnve hern nsed wilh universal success, mid have fiiven more ffttiiiac tion lir nny other Medicines nli'cred hef'.rc ttie uhhc.- (Thirdly ) they nre the only mrd.cnics Unit havu puncjil the jintronnffc of Phrsirinus, where they have he.-n m,d ; nn.l (Kourlhly.) they nro put up in larger iianlitit.j r,t Ihe same price, than nny other M'-dicines ottered to the pnhlir ol Ihe same kind. As Ihe snlwrihcr has n nimih.r of rertilieates in his possession nl the highest nulhurily, where thry have heen used Willi Ihe most satisfneiia-y re. salts. lie will puhlish a few ol tlieru, feclii.c satisfied Ihnt A tiisl will insure their rcco:nincndutl'n. fry litem nist satisfy yourself of their superiority over all others. Read and be Convinced. We the undersigned having been made nc(uainted with the ingredients entering fhlo Ihe Compounds known of Hickiey's Knmily Medicines nlso having preserila-d and known lliein lo he usrd, Willi most satiM'nctory rculit ; take pleasure ipl saying 1 lint we believe they fully meet the design for which Ihcy arc rcc .mtneiiitcd. JAM. KI'ltAWHUtDlii:. M. D. (Ml. I'HICK, M. 1. WM. McVlAlloN, M. D. WKSI.KY II tiHAIIIIKAHT, M. D. WM. II. M M. II. I., M. 11. II It. UKAKtlKAItT, M. D. Cure of pain in thf xutt and corgh from prctr&trd Uvrr Ctiwilttitil. Mrs. Holx.Tt A'lamf, lab iring under Chronic I.iver Com plaint, nccompaui.'d wilh a Fhort dry eolith pain ill the side ami hrca't, general d.-hility, loss of s, petite, idler try ing nil the usual remedies recommended foi coughs and diseases of lite chest, who with no l.enclil. she wa recom mended to try the Itose Pectoral, from which, she not only derived immediate hut permanent relief. John Adam. Son of Mrs. Itoherl Adntas, was nfiltcled witlt n verv sevete eontli, pain in the side, and soreness produced by incessant clihttig ; tic wus induced to try the Kose Pectoral. To use his own limgu.ige, the lil d ise enabled him to enjoy n go, d night's ret. lit the in Tiling lie expectorated atsait half pint of matter, lie continued to improve until his coug'l entirely left him. :t ntso had the elb-ct "f streiigliening hit bleasl. which was naturally weak. He tils, says lint he h;.s lectaiinn-iided it ton number of hisftfends for similar cnnplam., und in every case it has given snli&ljcU' u. The abjvo pers.iis residents ol" the town of llanvllle, feeling that lliey hnve del iveil greal hem-tits from the usu of the Itose Pectoral : authorize the r.l, ,vc raatrnii tit. for the benefit of those who nnv he ntllietvd in a simiiur man ner. liKK.vr i.t.ui:. ZrfM. nf Voice restored with otie hutth of liose Pi c torul. Miss Susan Wliitlock, of Hush t iwnsliip, Northumber land eo., for a number of years on ii valid, in the fall of lall, lost the use of her voice from a sevele cold she con tracted ; nfter trying a iiunds.r of remedies, with in bene fit, she Wiis ciitirt."ly rcBt'Tt'il Inking tit- l itlc of Jir I'cft-inil, iit 'tor -vhit h. die I mt her V"icu uir.iin, inmi u (rent i cnltl hIic mntncti'il, urn) v;n nirniu r rtt Iiy (lie tine ut mtoilicr bottle; nhv llu-n tt.k t'uir )lilc m ie to utmithrii her bn-jiHt, frm which shr ili'tivcil the in-ft ilcciik-tl iMMictif. mid him Itcru iu the rnjoytiirnt rf excellent lictillh trnm thitl time In thf present. The nt.i sfntcinmt i obtained fn m" TV Purpf1!, the riivriii'i.'in wh nttf-wIM her; nil her in -lhcr who thinks thnt nhe wnnl'l n t br living ut thtH time if it h;ttl n -t been ('i the lt"e IVrtnnil. H-uivillc. Jim. :, (S7 aimtirr Murlr.l Cine lljf'tctctl, Mr Siru'icl Srchler, beinn I'l'tinutnn-.l wenk iiml dWi c.'ite c inti:nti n, very iim'citdite t- r-lilt w.m niiln-tcd with ii vtry m-vre o-uijih. viin tin J siren'fm nl' the hre'int. 1 n of ;ipp'tit ; nftur ushnr a number f thu usikiI re ine rt frum which. Win derived n betn-hr. iln w;s cured by bikinif nne b ilile f Hose I'colnrnl mid is in the enj tjinent nl' belter henlih tlmii for yenrr previous. Ditiivilie. Dee. 1 1b.;0. 1'n. Hick ley : Permit u:e to inform you lh.it my wife, who is a ilrlie.ile nml wciUly w 'inmi, Jnf i t i mj mi Ut ii very evere C'ii;;h wilh p-iin and irenen i f bicust. win in ire 'illicitly mi l ei!eetii:i!ly rulaved villi imo b utlo of V nr Itose lect 'Ml than nny other medicine k'ic )i-.iA vwt taken. AHNKIt M'ltUIDK. Jan. IRV2. Samuel W. Woods' Kuniuef, Med I. int. STR .G KVIUEXCE IX K.VH UK THR ltoE i'fcC i 'K. L AM) Family Pii.lh. John I'nhier tiiKru between I'hi int inn mid New Year wilh n very but cold, which ended in n dry hard incepKiut Conh. enufint n ileal of am whenever he coughed, was i file veil very much by tin time lie ha I tkn mm third of ii b title, mid by I If? lime it. was finished, was en tirely enred. Ileal sivs that he hia f tlteii severnl d -ut ol Urn Il'-;illli Ke.Htnrutivo or I'h'HiU- IMI., mid lii.it (hey nre the mildest mid iu st effect uul pnitf ilives he ban ever taken. Danvill., Jan I, l.V.. Du BirM.EY : Diirinir n vim to my brother, in Dun ville, I took a veiy severe Cold, which ended in a tijjht hard Conch, with soreinw mid pain of Ihe breast, for which I luted your Hi ife IVeiorui, nml Family i'dlit. mid take pleasure in rtc mmeii!tin them, aa tbe imklest mid in st elfectud remedy 1 have used, 'ol1r, re-ecthillv. JAMi;s.ici:fiA. Jan. t-.V. "While Haven. Luzerne eo. Dear Sir : Asa recommendation ( r yi.ur Hoke 1'eeto. ral, pel mil me t f!iy. (hat I wus i tieciiially cur d ot a verv scvi-re eonch wilh pain m lln breast, with lets iIi.mi half u b llJe. mid that I eonidei it invaluable. Yon ute at liberty to in ike this public if vai pleasi;. J u I J SiM-.UHlNt;", (liioeei.) Danville, li. M y s-tn illiaui fattx riitif under a severe c meh nnd ain in lua side, fn 'in nu injury re, -ru ed by a fall, wus tMUn-iy relieved by u lioiile of liose iVctorni it Cream of Cum phoi. 1 have ulso u-tl your Family IMIm, and alt. ir :lur 1 c 'iistder iheui the best mcdi-cme I h ive c' r usr j. JOAN DVl'.KlmltF, Jan. Kusli Tp.( .Norlh'd lo. Dr. liieklry : Sir: As my Wife who was troulitrl Willi dry, liaid (.'otiiili, uls s ur Si nnaeb, dependent upon debility, vimilar to DiifpepKia. was culirily reliert by uniiii? two ImiiiIcs of yonr liose lV- loral, permit nie to my Ihiit I eonsidei it uu excellent remedy. Yours, respeciiuliy, H v Mr. WII.I.ARD. 1'astoi laithcrnn Church, Danville, l'a. Hnvintr bcrn cured ot a wun in my mm (similar to It hen. mat in i) which depriviul me ol Ihe free uvts ol it for iV it four months. Hy ii.siuy; tun- h tl le of Crcinn I Cii:;i!i t I wni id ude thut 1 c 'iisiitt r it the 1 eit remedy ol t kind 1 have ever used iu my faaiily, n! ! y -uld irulv rcc mmeud it to others with similar nfiecti r.n. Vuurs, respceiiuhy, JONAS WtM.F. Hn-i tp., N.TtU tl eo. .My wife 1 icin? t'fllicted wilh ft 'ery s.'Veic ptiin in h'T ami iiml sh. .nlder (Ihe elbeis ..f e. .!)' wlneh ihs.il I., I tj.-r fr-.in nioii(r it, w:is enred with rnb:.itii; ot Cremn .t i .n i hor .Mis. Mliliii. my Sl.ler-in-law, wasu'v. eere.l.'f n severe p;.iti in the h-;i,t nnd f-.ctA- tii,, the e'reu:! "I Ciiiii!)h..r THOM AS (.'. KI.I.IS,' llativllle. Jan. '-".h Aly wife h.iviiifr Klieliinitisin .f Ihe arm f-r n n.ii .i-r of years, wliieh j.reventeil tier irum n.iiijr it in d n. l,.-r woik; iifler havnii; spenl n flteat ileal of in niey in tr .hi: diiferunt remedies with uoheneiii, was calir. ly euiet Iiy Usui? nly one b.ltle of yt.nr Cn aal ol Canii li'-r. WILLIAM KVIINS, Minor. '... S. IS, W ont. I1.P..H.I. Dr. IJlekley : iliieni reeei-eI 11 very severe iiiinr in nty side tiy fallinu uii a l.id t.f hay. I'n.ln 'win.-ii I w.if una tile In fullMW my w irk, was reeainineinhd l-i I ry a h'Hlt: of Cream of I'mnj h..r. which nlt'.rdtd miiutili it.- rein 1. liltli'l'ITIl CAH11. Hush ip.. Norlli'd etf. My wife, snlfeiinj; fr.'lil in'Kl eerneialtn pain, throuutioul hei ir.-neral system, which I ic eatcd t'r. in sleeping (heniK recasioiicd hyuhli r!n.i pnnti.-leil tpiil ol sickness;) i'.t which rl.c im-.l 11 iun.il..r of rcnu.lKs willionl henrfit, was ciiljtcly r. liiv. d the 1 Cicuni of Cuuijihor, i,i:u'll IlltiiWV Parire.,n Ibailll. ilaioiHe. I'n. Child cured ol" Bowel (".nupluinl. mid Anne ( I tv" years Btan.hiiL'.) hy '"rin Svrnp. My child bci.ur nlhicird I 'l ihe lair tw years. w:!l II iwel C..iipl linl and A':ne unlit il mi r. .Inc. ! t" u n're skelet.in, I liied n nninhur of rcin.-,lc s wi li 11 ..ti h i nent b'-iielit, ii.il tl I gave it 11 b.ltle .1 y.ur W'-'rni r.i;, since wtncli lime i( has bi-en well, nn.l .-t j ntc th hy. 1 ulso have, recommended it to n ntinr.'T of my li i. niN, mid in every cue it liastiiven s;iti!ac!i..ii. I. 1-1 At Louis Lanas' Mer. lian' 1 Daavllle. I have used your Worm ivrnp in mv 1 oiuly. tin.l e. n sider it not only rirevlllal, hut ll.e mosl pVaKint ar". It I inn iieiiianted with. JACOI! HMIIM.S. H.-.m a.,-. llitvinx used your W01 111 Syrua in my family, it lir-lp my ehildien more than utiv preparati 1 il"' kai t ! is moro pleasant tu uko. ' UAN MOKI.AV Vf-nit- i:r It.'W, llanvitle. I have had o..enton ti use yonr Worm Sirup iu my family, and piel'er ii lo nnv Veimil nee 1 ha e I KIII). l;t II, l ronty Vailey. M nloar 01. Dr. Dicklcy: II aviinr used ..er wnm Sviup, sad Cream of Cuiiiihi-r and Fauiitv l'i l in my laau y. th.-y (lave (to.hI rilislactlon, nn.l I (smsi h r Ih.-mlhe nnsl el I'cciual. a.d pleiiKi.il reme.lles we have 1. 1.1 in our larni.y. JllllMITILW It ItlSlli.L. Ihii'VilY Dear 9tr : We the iin.leiMjmd 1" ."'-' in the eiiip.oy it Messrs. liroves Cnnly, lit lioe n re, you liaf. sil Agency for the sale of vour family .M.-.li. nus. stale ma we have had an ounortiimly of kiiowinc Hie opiai aai ..I numerous individuals who have used the 11. :a.l Ihnl tner give general KiliMaelion. AW 'eve . .1.1 n e "'' yourl'i.is, which aic univerii . 1'- d ' 1 1 '" their operation. !'. -, 'i-'i n ' Danville, Altei.U l hi I'. h - Haunt Srurvv of mv 111 nih verv lul, I "i i.ji w Irya b .lite ol vour T.k.iIi Wash, wliieh ael.d use u claim, haideuiiij my guuu. imd rmiovinj "'j;1:' ltall..pto JOATHA K . Ir-HI-.t.. Dsm 1 si Pi. Il.ckleyi-tlavini, what was ea.led nice rale. 1 .ot, mouth, f,.r which. I lne.laiiuuil.er ol ''"'"l'r" "' bcuclit : I wasnt last euied hy iislns one b'tlle e ur f.v.lli wnsh. Mv wile also ilurins ner e .in...e.. v.... Rll. ..IV l.e Ml"" - " .....l l hrosleued wilh s re Ui essls, lumps liavuis air-a. "'i she us.-U Hie caul ol i n.i.im' .., (roin PHirie CI IIICIII, n.e.e..) r.v. . ,.; . illllUVN L(l. A. UUOW, Near Ijilherou Clurch, Diinville, la. Dl U.ckley -lluvuur opportunity of sceuuj "ir Ailtl-8e,.rhutie To .th Wash uM in some very seven . uf Kiirvey ..I the irums. ' f '""''y. " '.T V w N Vour., respectfully, l.l-.ll U. lib'" iy tlwal.weni-sli.Mi.es are lor sale '";''',-"' ,.r. i,,r sale Hholrsata aim n Ui, ,y W, al. I i. iv .r.. . - " v; V. umher. hind cmmiv. Fnlmu k O.ant, buid.urv ; W A. .r i' .... fi...-.l..rl.iu-ii 'I'.lL'flliri. I' unil'til v Ilarlo... P,n.n.; Kmsline fc Wr.;se, ';'' 1 Viiistnl, Pninvsli Hush Vastn.s, Pasii.i 4'"' ' Kossel Or. , Wma klui Mrs. Jus Thomas, Sham.liu. I Samuel i. 'lier.tre-er, Feterdr,r i U'. Hear Gap; C..nr.,WWenck. Norlhuialsrlsnd : -.rei"'' l-r,.-v 4w.nr .v7: J.uull Baker, Lcwisburg; J. hu t. L'ssl.iwan.l Jo.ialhsn eilers, .Villon. . . .. Call oil 11m Asenl., and aet circular contsi.nns a full de-r,,ii... of the uuuier.nis cures oedoruwl hy the timer. Mt MeOicines. Juue tl, ljJ.-ly.