SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOWNJIOTIWM TrnniELC ttftlOAO CHDE!T. Noitriu, CI., My 6.-A ler.lbteaeci' dent hn taken place on Ilia New Votk and New Haven llailroad. : The (rain which left New Voik at o'clock thi mor.,lu, fan off (he drawbridge at thin pliico ll i .opposed that at r'0M wore killed. Ore cr full f P"nB now entirely snbm-igtd In the0 water. I w ill end the particular a oon a 1 can col lect Ihetn. ' ' J9KCOND BB-PATCM J - -Tho submemed oar i a'ill in the ame position, though a larjn force i on".nged in ondcavorinpr to rxlriciile it. The nmt in tense excitement prevail at the een of disaster. Two car ol the train are completely hat teted to piece. The cries of the wounded and dying are aunniziug. All that human kill ciiii do to alleviate their sufleiina i be- in2 done. The excitement anil contusion is co ureal thai it i impossible almost to obtain ihi- mime of the dead and wounded. From w hat I can oe and leaip, there ate not It's ihnn forty or fifty killed and drowned. Some of the unfortunate victim are mangled in the most hnckitm manner. Among those badly i.-'jured is Mr. Coin ttock, of New York. THIRD DESPATCH Tho submerged car has been raised. Forty dead bodies hare been recovered, among them were six females. Twenty persons were injured fifteen, it is feared, fatally. The blame is said to rest with the engi neer The train, on appio-u-himr, the draw bridge, wan running at the rate of fifteen miles per hour. fucktii despatch II is now ascertained that there arc seventy person injured a nnmbei uf thorn quite se riously. It is bel ieved that the dead will reach sixty. The most painful excitement prevails at the scene of ihe disaster. Mr. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, mid Messrs E. c W. Dumbar. of Montgomery county, are nrnoni; those ,ived. It is impossible nt present to net an accurate list of the dead. IlIITIIErt PARTIClLAIiS. We extract from the New York papers tho subjoined particular of the awful calamity at Norwalk. The following fiom the Courier Bnd Enquirer of Saturday morning, give the clearest and most correct description of the occurrence : The express train for Boslon, nn the Ne.v Haven Railroad, left tie Canal street sntion in this city at 8 o'clock in the morning, and nt the upper station the locomotive wag at tached, making the train I hence to consist Sf two baggage cars, and three first class pas senger cars. The baggage cars preceeded the passesger car, and in the rearmost bag gage car was the smoking apartments. The number of passengers in the train wa about 150. The train proceeded, as usual, until it reached Norwalk, 45 miles distant, at half ten o'clock. Half a mile east of the Norwalk station is a bridge acioss the creek, ami over the channel there is a cliaw in the bridge sixty feet in width. Tho rules of the road reipi re rhat the speed of the train should bit checked at the Norwalk slat ion, and the train held well in hand until the engineer obtains sihl ofa signal a red ball upon a pole some thnty feet hit;h, which is visible neuily half a mile from tho bridge. This signal is only displayed when I ho drew is clted aird the track c'.- : r. Both iheto pre cautions were neglected jpcii this occasion ; the speed was not at the station ; the signal for safety had been wilhdiawn full ten minutes before the train approached, but heedless of the warning, the engineer dashed on at a rate of nearly thirty miles an hour until, he reached the open draw, when, such wa the momentum, the engine sprang across the chasm of sixty feet, dashing against the abutment on the opposite side but little below the lino of rails. Tho draw had been opened to permit the steam-bnat Pacific, from Norwalk for New Yo-k, to pass through, and she had barely pissed as the train dashed in. The engine was followed by the tender, which rpsted upon it The first bagcaae cxr went parity upon the tender, and partly alongside. The second car, containing the smoking apart metit, went alongside ihe first baggage enr, and two of the first class cars were dashed among the wreck of those which proceeded them; while the bottom of the last car wa broken in two crosswise, the forward part being dragged into the submerged luins, leaving one hall the bottom and the cntiie side. arid roof upon the track. The water iii the channel over which thediaw is placed is from ten to twelvo feet deep nt high water The frightful scene that ensued may b conceived, but neither those who wilnrsed the occurrence, nor those w ho escaped u ith their lives, can give any adequate deserip. lion. The car were so broken that thosi who had not sustained any n.jmy from the collision ins'antly stinve to escape throngl Ihe window ami broken rim's, and it is won dei fill that under the rirciiinrlam-r, so ma ny succeeded in their eflut Is. It i supposed lhat all in Ihe last car escaped those w ho were diajged forward on the broken flior being thiown on lop of the wreck, i-ecnpiu with a few bruise ' Those who weie in t tie Ho cars precoed- ing the las', weie all immersed in llie wuter, buJ, a far ss can be ascertained, most of Ihem weie rescued. The moment the acci dent occutred, there were stiong and willing hand with manned small boats, forlu.tatcly lying near, and by their effort, Ihe rescue of tho raved wa efketed. Many of those in these cars sustained contusions of greater or less seventy. Hut few of those in Ibe making car escaped, and it is the opinion of Dr. McLean, of Norwalk, who wa in attend ance, lhat most of those who lost their live were seriously injured by the crushing of the THE AICEEJCAIT. SUNBURY. SATlllDAV, MAY 14, 133. II. B. M.tSSEIt, fcdltor and Proprietor. To AituTtmi.-Tin circulation of th Suubiiry AiTii-rtrnti miionc, the tUitVrent towns on tli Siitiieimmi i ii"t xrelwl if equalled j any ,:trer published in North era I'simrytvonia. Dlmocuatic Statu Nominations. FOR CANAL; THOMAS FOESYTH, Of Philadelphia County. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL: EPHRAIM BANES, Of Mijjlia Comity. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: J. T OUTER BRAWLEY. Of Crawford County. r.DITOH'.t TABLF.. Duiinrks Kolirrs. The Advertisninent of Mr. J. E. Gould, 160 Chestnut St., Philadelphia will be found in an other column of to-days paper. Dealers in mu sic will read his advertisement. In another column will be found the card of Dr. Hughe, who offers his professional services to town and country. episcopal sruvii i; Service will be held, by Divine Permission in St. Matthew's Church, to morrow (Sun day) afternoon, at 31 o'clock. LETTIiR PROM Til B EDITOR DATED Philadelphia, May II, 1853 The business season of the city is drawing to a close, excepting with the retailei, who aie In the midst of their harvest, The din play of the rich and beautiful goods of Ihe large and elegant store of the present day, would contrast strangely with those only twenty year back. Cloths, and many fine woolen good both for gentlemen and ladie, it is true, aie much cheaper, but then a great many other expensive luxuries substituted, that twell the expetis-'S of the toilet, especial ly for Ihe fail sex, In a much larger amount than then. Though people in the city, live extravagantly and expend large sum in the luxuries of lile, it must be said of ihnm that there aro no people who wntk harder, or more nssidinnsly for wealth than they. Many of them are a constant and as laborious in their devotions to mammon, n an Eastern pagan is to his idols The licher he groi the morn anxious he is to increase his wealth Hi avarice seem to increase with his year. The result often is, that hi on, who living in expectation of inheiiting wealth, fail to ac quire those habit of business and industry that are the only safeguard against vice and dissipation, and ultimately become bankrupts in pur jo as well u in morals. This, how ever, is not applicable to cities, only. It practical illustration is seen rveiywhere. The great increase of gold from tho mine of California and Australia has Kiven rise to much speculation in regard to it deprecia tion. Political economists have given their view on the subject, and those who know ns little of political eneonomy as they do of He brew, have also expressed theirs, so thai the RIOT, ARSON AND Ml'RDFR. Blair county ha been disgraced by the perpetration of another most diabolical out rage within her border; by another cene of riot, arson and fiendish murder, which ha hardly a parallel in Ihe annal of crime. The outrage occurred on Wednesday night last, and had it origin in Ihe feud which ex ist between Ihe clam of Irish laborer em ployed on the line of Public Work. It ecm lhat a "Leiuvter man" wa met on the pub lic road by three or four "Fardowii," or Cnnnaught men, somo day previously, and severely beaten by them, tn relation, Ihe Lelnster men on seveial sections rallied on the night above mentioned, and ptoeeeded to Ihe job on which tho offender against their clan were employed, armed guns and other weapon, and commenced a murder ous assault, firing into the shantees and put ting Ihe inmate !o flight for their live. Upon one liantee they particularly wreaked their vengence, firing many well aimed shot into it, and finallv Retting it on fire and burning it to the ground, together with its conlents, including one niifoitunnto inmate, who for ome reason, peihaps from being disabled by a gun shot, failed to make his escape. In Ihe morning hi eriped and charred and dismembered body was found among Ihe ashes, a most revolting mid horri ble sight, wi'h tho legs burned off to nHove the knees, ihe arms to above the elbow-, the eyes from their sockets, and tho entrails burst from the abdomen Measures were immediately taken to ar rest the offender, by the authorities in the neigliboi hood, ami by Monday evening some 40 were lodged in prison, to nirswer indict- K7 La.nd Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ot them for cash, by applying at this office. CJ Hon. S. A. Douglas will please ac cept our thanks for favors from Washing ton. Hon. James Gamble will receive our thanks for public documents. 03" The Citors. The crops of wheat and rye, as well as the grass, look very promising in this neighborhood ; and we believe (he same remarks applies to other sections of the slate, as the papers refer to the crops as being very luxuriant. 05 The death warrant of Arthur Spring, is the hands of Sheriff Allan. The Gov. has appointed Friday, the 10th of June, next, between the hours of 12 M-f and J I M., for his execution. fU" William Shannon-, editor ol the 'Ouachita R -jisler," Monro ', La., formerly of this place, has been appointed Register of the Lind OtTice, at Monroe. CT7" The last DedforJ Gazette says, that rroraliiy prevails to so preat an extent in that country, that there was not a criminal case on the docket, and the Grand Jury was discharged. world must neco.sarily become enlightened menls for murder, arson and riot.-Woifiinji-on the subject. It is a great mistake to sup- : "rS Keg'slcr pose lhat ihe price of cold must come down, r . . . ' ., r I ,- . r ANOTHER. RAJI.RO.lD CAStAMTY. but it is certain the price or commodities, or I which gold is a represnntn'ive of value, musl : fWr.m, May 8 The four o'clock train of go l,p This is already seen in the advance ; yesterday afternoon, between New Beditl imo.i tt L i,,,! ,.r ,..!. Ur I r, i,. -r a lul Tau iiton , met wi'hnn uecideut when production excepting grain, which, slumcc , Taunton. I!y ihe breaking of an axle, to say, has advanced but little. Labor is ! 'ho bagiage and pw-seiiger cai urn oil the high every where, and none more so than or. track,nd were precipitated down an em din.iry mauuel l.bor. But a few day since, a bankmei.l of thirty feel. The cars contain, morchnul employed a "genllenmn"ol co'oi" j twenty-five passenger, most of whom 10 to ilo'some work about hisstoreiit twenty-five . ceived biuiscs, but, fortunately, only two cont per hour, and Sambo intimated that ho J were severely injured, and none killed The wa doing hi employer a grenl favor by car were much shattered. woiking at all. But machinery is superseding ! ... l r t I ' so ample, thai (he Committee charged with it distribution had a large surplus on hand. Proceedings have been commenced against Captain Sansom, lute of Ihe steamer Inde pendence. The suit has been instituted in the Supreme Court. A report ha been received from Hum boldt Bay, stating lhat 16 out of a party of 18 men, engaged in exploring a road from Paragon Bay lo Rogue River Valley, had been murdered by the Indians. The Alta California stale positively that an expedition, wa on foot for taking posses sion of Ihe Mexican province of Sonora, and lhat it design were known nt Washington a well as to the authorities nf California In a few day, it say, the publio will be fully advised of nil Ihe parliculnr. The coiner tone of the U. S. Marine Hos pital un laid on the fth, nt River Point. .The bill before the Legislature in relation lo the water ftont extension had caused much excitement in San Fiancisen. It had passed tho lower hnno by a majority of four, but a petition against the measure had been pre sented in the Senate, signed by 5000 citizen ol the city. The Alia California!! says that if the hill is passed, it will put into the pock ets of the half a dozen schemer about six teen. millions of dollars. The members of Assemlly from San Fran cisco had resigned their seats, in consequence of the excitement in relation of the extension bill, and Governor Riuler having ordered a new election on the I l;li, the same memb?rs are candidate for re-election, so that the coming contest w ill be a test of Ihe publio feeling upon the snbj -el. James D Hardenlnirg, a Derrtocint, has been elected Mayor of Sacramento. A t intent three days' storm had oc;uricd SPECIAL AUDITORS' REPORT To thi Hon. Alexander Jordan, Esquire, President, and hit Associate Judges of the Court tf Common Pleas for ihe County of tiorthumberlmd. ' We, the subscriber, auditor appointed by eaid Court, In open, re-nudit, settle and adjust Ihe acconta of William Gulick, Jeja M. Simpson, nnl George B. Yoitngmn, a former Treasurer of aid county, report, ' . , , . . That we, in pursuance of aid appointment, met at the Commissioner. Oflice, in the borough of Sunbury, on the 89th day of November last, and after subscribing Ihe oath and affirmation prescribed, by the Act ot Assembly, directed notice lo be given lo Ann (.ullcH, F.xe'rx of William Gulick, deceased, Jesso M. Simpson, und George B. oungman of tin lime and placo of meeting ol said Auditors that we continued in esion from day to day until the 18th day of December then ensuing, and by an adjournment met Ihe 27th day of said month, and continued in lesson until January tho first, 1853 ; then by an adjournment met Ihe 14th day of February ensuing ; lhat upon ihe 30ih day or November last Geo, B. Youngman rtppenred before "the Auditors and waved notice ol lime and place ol meeting : that Jesse M. Simpson, on tho 1st of December last, appeared before the Auditors and waved notice of lime and place of meeting, and on tho 7th ol December last, John U. I acker, a Attorney for aid Ann Gulick, appeared and waved notice of lime and place of meeting ; That we proceeded lo ascertain tho amount coming to the Commonwealth during the lerm or said Treasurer respectively, and have stated their account herewith annexed, marked A, B, C, exhibiting the result. The repoit of the County Auditors for 1845, show that the Commonwealth wa fulry paid all laves assessed for lhat year, ineludint: Tavern license and other rouice. But Ihero wa Mill outstanding pait of Ihe taxes for previous years, which outstanding tax wa fully paid lo Gulirk, Simpon," and Yomigmiin. The portion received by each one I charged in aid account; and the wliolo amount of Stnto tax assessed, and other sums due Ihe Commonwealth, ns far its we could ascertain them, (and we believe Ihem :orrectly stated) and charged upon one side of said account, and the proper credit on the other. Those account were prepnied for tho purpose of determining what amount the Common- wealth is entitled to receive lirmi nil in ouisiauumg iujm un Ihe expiration of Ytmngmnir 1' tin -By account "A" it appears that accounting to the Commonwealth for the amount received by Gulick of the laxc previous to 1845, and all taxes assessed in M0 and '47, and all money received for the State fiom unseated lands, and making allowance for Ihe proper credits, the Slate wa overpaid on State tax tho sum of 7G6 07; and the Commonwealth wa overpaid for Tavern license, and Retailer licenses, and Pamphlet Law lor 1847 ; but there were balances in favor of tho Commonwealth for Retailer license of '46, Similltia fine of '46 & '47. Those balances set off acainsl each other exhibit nn overpayment to the Co in mow enllh, in the year '46 &, '47, of 6fio7 20. Wo therefore report that, after paying in full to the Commonwealth all taxes and due for '40 & '47, there is coming to tho County from the Commonwealth S697 80. The account "B" exhibits iti the same manner a tate merit for the ycais and :43, durina Simpson's term, and discloses a balance due the. Commonwealth, from ull source for ihos; jears, the sum of J? 1.302 03. We therefore re-, poit that for those year there is due tho Commonwealth, subject lo tho balances in favor of the county, lor the years '46 ami '47, Ihe sum of $1,302 03 tiom the outstanding taxes of lhoo years. And by statement "B," which in like manner accounts to llie Commonwealth for nil "her dues for The years '50 and '51, it nppeau there is a balance due tho Common, wealth from the outstanding taxes for those years of S2JS3 ; and we therefore repoit 1 hnl balance is due the Commonwealth from outstanding taxes. Those la!ances put Inge- nt Calaveias and S.Juna, tinioofing house and tiler exhibit that the Commonwealth i yet entitled to receive fiom dm.2 other llama-.-. All the rivera are cor.. ,nxPS n?"m r" ' nf P'7 1 "R """. a :a,en.eui TILI. ANOTHER R AII-RO AO AlC IDET. On Monday evening, Ihe emigrant expres train of Ihe Patersun line, which left Jersey City, came in collision with the Erie expres train, traveling toward lhat place, near Ber gen Four comer The shock wa terrific. The locomotive were broken inio pirce; three persons were fearfully injured, of whom 13 now he in the New York H ospital. Zy Lebanon Valley Railroad. Thi company was organized on Wednesday llie 4th inst., by Ihe election of General Simon Cameron as President ; John Tucker, Rob ert Coleman, William Strong, Isaac Eck ert, Samuel Bell, and John W. Killinger, a Directors, and Henry A. Mulenhurg, as Secretary and Treasurer. Important rr.oM Mexico Ahmv iMovE ments If'of Amg'ori, May, C. The Repub lic of this morning slate that letteis have been received in this city from Mexico, sta ling lhat Santa Anna has formally declared hi approbation o'C e SlnoTchunntepec treaty, by accepting S50 000, the (list monthly in. stalmenl. ll ia!so denied thai a protest has been entered in Ihe State Department against the Sloo treaty. The Intelligencer announce that the War Department intend abandoning Fori Atkin son, on Ihe Vpper Arkansas., and !o transfer tho troops lo the new fori on Walnut creek. The removal of the subordinates is slowly progressing ii. the Departments. Washington, May 8 Tho Hon. David Merriwelher, ol Kentucky, has been oppoin led Governor of New Mexico, and it is un derstood has accepted Ihe ofiice. He will be here in a few days, lo reeeivo his instruc tions, and will leave immediately thereafter lor the scene of his dutie. Mr. Merri welher, it will be remembered, was cent to Ilia United State Senate upon the death nf Mr. Clay, w hose scat he occupied till tho lime fixed by Mr. Clay for his resignation, expired. The California Robbkr To the bill in the California Lngislatureapprepriatitig 8500'J for tho rapture of he bandit Joaquin, Mr. Pioc'.or clleio.l an amendment authorizing ihu Governor lo appoint three Commission er who thai t,e I tie ull iulvcio claims lo tho head or Joaqitin. provided his cars be reser ved to the State as revenue. It is a wonder that lhat highwayman, being public proper ly, has nut lung since been seized. A recent tumor dales that the villiau was in San Francisco, and a writer to the Alta, w ho claims to know him, and to have seen him there, say that measure foi hi arrest have been so securely taken as lo render hi escape impossible. Immolating Himself. A person confined in the Court House, at Trenlon, with a view to escape, undertook on Monday night, lo set fire lo the bailding by igniting Ihe bed clothe in bi cell. He succeeded in getting up a fire, but smothered to death by Ihe .-moke. hilinanlabor in every brunch of business, and the facility and cheapness with liieh sumo thing are manufactured, is really iislouitdi ing. ' For instance, ordinary blacking boxes, are sulJ at 12 mills, or one dollar mid two coots per hundred. There is a large estab lishment in New Yoik for making boxen cans, &c , by (team and machineiy. The agent informed me lhat, without using half theii machinery, they could turn out sixty thousand boxes per day. The establihmeut employs about 50 hands. I have remit iked in a previous letter, thai tents heie ore enor mously hljih. The Giraid House has leased the additional buildim;, adjoining that Hotel, at 7.500. 1'hfii cmi:e rent for the Hotel, therefore amount, to S27.50U per annum, a small fortune, eveti in this tie of gold. The late tenible accident, or rather mas sacre, ns the pipers properly term it, 0:1 the New Haven rail road, will no doubt be ihe mean of introducing reform by la .v in Uiu management of rail toads, lhat will tend greatly to the safety of Ihu live of the pas sengers. Nine-lent lis of all such acei K-nts are the result of criminal e.ireIeMie.-.s and should be aeverely pum.-hed. There seems to be a iL'lerniiitalioi. to build another rail road from this city to ihu Susquehanna. The Hairisburg and Reading rail road Company i now fully organised by Ihe election of tGen. Cameron as President. The directors are composed of some of the wealthiest and most eufluenlial men in the Slate. There can hardly beany doubt of its success. The distance is about ihe same as lha Columbia rail road and of course the road will be much better, in its structure as well as in grades. RIOT 1.1 TEXAS. A letter dated Indian ola, April 23d, which is published in the New Or leans i'icajune) relates Ihe lollowing occurrence: The usually quiet little, town of Lavaca w a in a stale of great excitement last night. The fine weather for the last few days had brought an unusual number of wagons am' cait fiom 1 tie interior into town, piiueipally loaded with cotton. After they hud deposi ted their freight and turned their oxen out lo graze, iiboul a hundred of the wagoners, chiefly Ameiica::, usi-embled in low 11, bent on a spree. About lOo'clotk lliey became sufficiently ill link lo be reckless, and they tinned their aim agaiiisl some Mexican teamster, w ho haj quietly camped on tho bluff. These they drove oil with pistols and knives, and then backed three of their wagon over the blull into the bay, first scattering the provis- sions ol the poor devils through ihe streets. They performed a number of other feats, such as displacing signs, fee, accompanied by such an amount of yelling, hooting and firing of pistols as lo make up a concert de. cidedly louder than agreeable. A few of Ihe citizens emUavnred lo pievent theii attacks upon the Mexioaus, but w ere obligpd to de sist, glad to escape with their live. Thi morning, however, all i quiet, and 11a fur ther rioting is uppicheiided. The Rev Ki.cazer William Balt'more, May 6. New Oi leans paper of Saluiday have been received Rev Mr. H.inioii. of Bom bon notoriety, w as in New Orleans. The Bulletin bay : 'We leara from a gentleman, himself ronverrant wiiS ihe facts, that im portant testimony has been discovered in tin city, respecting tho myteriou cue i f Rev. Eleuzer Williams, w hich go far lo con firm the belief lhat he i indeed the Dauphin of France. It i derived from a perron who was in 'close intimacy wi'.b the Bourboufam. ily in (he early part of this ce"ntury, and en tirely sustain ihe argument presented in Putnam's Magazine. Anothek Nbw Planet and Comet. M. Chacorrao dieovereJ last mouth, at Ihe Ob servatory at Marseilles, another new, small Planet, Ihe 24thnow known lo exist between Mai and Jupiter. The cornel wa dicov ered by M. Schweicr. al Moscow. Still Another Fatal Accident. An other accident occurred at Jones & Cole's I S II I. . .. : 1 1 rv. ,l: ... .. . -.1 i uui h5vniK v-onierj , in tiuuui 1 o cine on Monday lust. It appear that Mr. Dilvid Armstrong and hi son James, about 18 years of tf.'e, con tracted wibh Ihe above firm lo diive a bieasl of coal, and commenced work in the morn ing, little expecting that o fearful nn acci dent would happen Ihem so soon. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the said day, w hilst the father and sou were busily engaged r.t wink, a run of coal came in upnn Ihem so suddenly lhat lo escape wa impn sible : lite fall of coal completely embedded Ihe yountl man, and lihtly injured the father. The miners immediately full to wotk lo exhume Ihe body by remiivins ihe enil, and when they had neatly recovered Ihe hotly, which still jjave symptoms of life, auoJher run of coal came upon Ihem, aaaiu covering the unfortunate young man, and, before he could ajain be leached, life, was extinct. Tt-mntjua Gazette. The Chicaiio Collision. Moses M Tyler and Tho. Roi Rh.nn, the conductor and euai ueer of the Michigan Cential Railroad, have been admitted to bail in the sum of S2000 each, upon a writ of habeas tonus. . Mr. Whiting, the conductor, and Mr. Davis, ihe engineer, ami the fireman of the Michigan Southern train, have also been admitted tn bail bv Judge Wilson in the sum of $2000 each. Each of the person were also put under bonds of S2000, to appear as witnesses in Ihe judicial investigation to be hereafter instituted. In tho couisH of the dial relating lo the tecenl milioad collision in Michigan, the en gineer of the southern train testified that he I if-..- . ... viirie ne wa ucluna time, thai lie did not kiH'to Iho rule for avoidin" trains till the morning of ihe accident. The conductor of the othei train testified he had no head lights because he had no wicks, and had no instruc tion, but supposed somebody had ; and Ihe engineer saw the approaching train but did not reverse the breaks because he thouehl th:re was no vtcitsiun. Immigration fbom Ikeland. The follow; ing is an extract of a letter from Dublin, da ted April 18 ; ''The emigration mania has it length reached tho comparative sedate and prosperous Noilheru. In Louth, Down, Moneghan, Armagh, Antrim and Londonder ry imtiiiiuse number aro preparing lo lake a flight to Australia and Ameiiea. Upwaids of I hit ty Presbjleiian families have already- left Ihe neighborhood of Freeduff. sideiably -. oileti. The Joint Committee in relation to the Slate ;iion contract, made a lepoil, te- j commending that llie wuutracl be declared ' void. ! The steamer Columbia had atrived from j O cgon, ni h a huge freight and coi,ideiable ; gold dust. I The news fro.n the mining district was: atisraclmy. Grain was depressed, owing to the heavy stock and the small demand. Iron and hard ware weie dull, and lumber lower in price. Acn am I-N 1 a, April 7. Flour his declined n trifle. Piovisi.ju aie moderately biik. ui;h a dn.vnward tendency of prices. Due the Commonwealth fur 11 i 1S4fl und '4:1, .0 and 51, the outstanding I SO? 03 2,J83 0fi 4.2S5 12i CRT 20 Deduct due the count v for '45 and M" Balance the O mmonw ealtlt is entitle to icceive from culsland- ing taxes, S3,fiS7 92 Wo theieforo report that on the payment lo the Commonwealth f the said sura of S3,5SX 921, all taxes and othei, except outstanding militia, fines, will be fully jaid and ac counted for lo her lo the l-t J-inuaiy, Tho repoit of tin? County Auditors for ISfil, st.tes the nmouiil of otd.-landing taxes for alll ptevion yeats al tlu- nun of So, 010 and appeal lo repttseut lhat the whole of that i due the Commonwealth, lii.t the foieur.ius; statement it appei.r lhat only Ihe sum of $3,587 1124 is due the Cumin "t" ealtli. Lei; g a diriVreuce. in favor ol lha county of 52,352 R6 Thai the;.!; h is not entitled to ad the State tax outstandina on the 1st of Jan., 152, is accounted fei by the fads exhibited by ill" st.V.em uits herew ith a: nexed, that in Gulick' leim nearly il.i',ot) inor.f lli.ui was received from ttu Statr lax and other State dues, v.ere paid lo i:o Commonwealth fumi coiuly funds; and a!-o by the fact that in Guliok: and Simpson's terms money was borrowed i "oni the T-.'.nk of Nm t luimberland, and applied ia.pavmeul of the Slate lav. beloiu the same was collected. Pining the terms of minun und inunaman less o! il,n Lommnnwrulth inouev Wiisi.tihl to ner than was re- --rrvi t;ri r " ' CU'V01' from her luxes and oilier dins, but part was used lor cuimty purposes, a may be S7-S .;lRRhE, ' was ihe emphatic answer seen by the annexed stalemwit. During ihcfo last two liims, part id Ihe money paid from Ja, given In- a fustiiiuiaWe yomiir gentlemen j count v funds and bin row ed from the Hank, was rei'r.eed. but not all. n'nd Ihe Common- weahh is not entitled to all of llie taxes ouuiui.ding on January ).t, 1852. The balance when sken it lie was froinir to yet liis new sum mer suits nt Koekhill it Wilson's. Hn had long o found out that they kept llio best, llie uio.t fusli ioiui Mr, n,l ll.e cheapest garment to lie found in the city of i'hiiailelphia.'auil nt his suj irsiion all liu fiiemU now get their clothing at Koekhill & Wilson' Clothing iorc, No. Ill Clicjuut ulreet, coiner of 1'iuiiUiii Place, l'hiludel p'.iia. Philadelphia, Nov. C, Io58. ly. cw. ITcw Advertisements. jkk:tou i. w. nucaiEa FMCE on Di-oailway, near the Episcopal (.'lunch, Sunhiirv. Sunlmrv, April 14," 1S53. If. E M t irtun ol rert im wriN ol yen. ;;,. to u.e H- diici trj will he s.ild lv pulilie Vendue, or A. M., C A UFO H X I V N E V S . ARRIVAL OF THE EL DOIUDO. New York, May 8 The steamship El Dorado anived at her berth at 2 o'clock this afternoon, from Aspinwall, with 300 passen gers and 850,000 in treasure on freight. She bring San Francisco dates lo Ihe 9th of April, being the fust arrived under the new weekly arrangement of the California steam service. Tho El Dorado left nt Aspinwall the Illi nois awaiting the mails and treasure by the Northerner, which lefl San Francisco on the 6 1 h of pril. The shipment of gold dust it wa believed would be large. The date from the Isthmus are lo Ihe 28th, at whiih lime Ihe beahh was good, and busine flourishing. The El Dorado brings the passengers and way and through mail, received at Panama by the steamer Columbu. The robber Joaquin i said to be in San Francisco, disguised. Another attempt wa made to fire the city on Ihe night of Ihe 8th of April, which wa fortunately discovered in lime to extinguish it without damage. Tho subscription for the relief of the of ferer by ihe lo of ihe Independence, wa out ry upon the precilies at 10 o'eloek, on i' inlay, lire ini ilrv ol June I .);!, A CeiUhi L-jt of Ground, i-itiiatc in ihe town of Turbutville, Lewis town ship, in llie county of Northumberland, bounded north by .Uin slrect, eat by lot of Jaekson Hel ler, smith by un alley and west by lot of Andrew Terwiliijer, eoiitainin; one-fourth of an arrr. more or leys, whereon are erected a one and a hall story lirick dwelling House and other out building. Mczed tiiken in execution and to 1 So'd as llie property ol Michael llrobst, Jr. ALSO: l.'pon the premise at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Saturday, tho 4th ilr.y of .luile, 1S5H. tll0 follow in Real estate towil: tho unJiided one ev enili part more or less, of and in A ( F.KTA'i.N TliACTOF LAND, ; niiuatc in Delaware township, in the county ' aforesaid, bounded north. cat and west by land's j William ("Juliet oi iieo. i ivsier, dcc,il anil on tlio south bv land of John I hhter, dee'd., containing 00 ncrcs more or less, w hereon are erected a frame tavern house, a tenuiit house, Ac., a bank barn, sheds, &e. i-ei.c.l, taken ill oecutijri and to be sold as the projertv of John .Munr-e. U M. 1). KIPP, Sheriff1. NheriiT Oilier, 1 funbury. May 1 1, lift 3. of S3,5S? 824 above 'slated a due the Comnionw ealih fmm the oiilstnndinc taxe doe not. include the outstanding nnli'i i fine. We report that the Ft:ni of SI, 578 54 is all the eur standing militia lines on tin: I t of Jatiitary, 1S52, and. sitbp -el te all exonerations ani other ciedils, is due the Common a eallh. From iho statements rnuiku! I), K. F, and (!, II, I. il w iil np-ear thttt there are balance in tho baud of the ab ive irimed TreaMiiers. Incase thuu balance are paid il make little difference whether paid to State or County, for the State beit.g entitled lo receive S3,5S7 92J from all her sources nf revenue in the county, in full satisfaction iheieof (except outstanding militia fines) for the years :4f. '47, :4, ' l'1. '50. and '51. and tf she receive j those balances, tm.t sum due the Lommonwctiltli wonl'l be liimu.i-hul thai amount, lint, j in the event nf loss, it may become important. We have therelore prepared Iho accompa i nyiug slaleinciit, maiked D, I', F, II. II, 1, so a lo exhibit the amounts received in cash i and expended in cash for the Stain and county respectively, from which statements ii ap ! pears, that the State received for 134(5 and M7 more tl an was received by the Treasurer of i her funds. We therefore report Ihu balance in the ban. I? of Win. Gulick ns ptnperiy be ' longina lo llie county, nnd payable (or ceuuty purposes. I'ut for '-IS and '49, f.&and '51, I the amounts received fiom S:a.' funds urn nut ail paid ever to her. We lepoit thai the i balances in the hands of Simpson and Yctiuginin properly belong to tho State, and payable j for Stale purposes. But w halevet mmimt ( said 1'iilances is p.iid lo the Commonwealth, the same will be a credit from the su n of -:i.5S7 icpnited i.bove as due ihu Commou I wealth. I The statement D, with William Guiicl: repcetiu county inalters, exhibit a balance due j fiom lii.n lo the county of Sl,!)32 50. !yt llie otu respecting Slate funds, ntaihed E. cx I hibit an over payment by hi:n to Iho state of $ 1,518 H, the diilereuee letwcen these bal 1 mice, vi, the sum i f SUM U the stun that remained in his bands nt the time l.e went j out id nllice. We ther-.-lnre n pmt that then? is due from the estate of William Gulick, Ihu ' sum of three huudied and eiyhl v-foltr doll. us and Ihiily-cioht cents. The slatentents F, G, with Jesse M. Simp.snn, shew a balance of $0,206 87 due the Slate fiom the cash received by him, and a balance of S?2,1S1 801 fiom the county lo him for cash paiil by him for county purpose, tlnj deference is SS4 974, the amoiinl in his hand. We therefore report that then ii duo fiom Jose M. Simpson the turn i f eighty-four dollar and ninety-seven cents The statements II, I, with George B. Yonugman exhibit a balance of S92I 181 fiom Iho cash received by him due tho Comirinuwealili, and a balance of ? 587 15 fiom the county lo him, for cash paid by him fur county purposes. The dili'eieuce betw een these sum iS334 034, the sum in hi hands. We liiiituforo repoit thai there is due fiom Georce 15. Young mail the sum of three hundred and thittv-fi nr three and a bull' nuils ; all of w hich is respectfully .nlriiitt. d ' W 1 GliEENCl'CII, S. JOHN, S. 1). JORDAN. DR (A) late Trca.stirtT of 2s in t hum 'oi!aiil County, in Account with, the ('iiir.iiuniwriilih of lVnnsvhftnia. Tax on Ileal and Personal. To amoiinl of outstanding previous to 1845, tax 730 87 Aggregate amount of tax as- S'o. (.Successor to A. l'HI'l'.) liiO C'hcsnvit Sinrt, Swaim's Iliuldina. IVTK.N.SIVi; Ml.slu PlJlM.IiSHEK, anJ IJeub r iii .Musical Instruments of every do Kcriptiou. Kxrlusive Ajre-iit for the sale of Hallct, Davi & t'o's (.U .f-ioii) Patent St-rEiux Uhiook .Holicu and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert' Doudoir I'ianos, Mclodeoim, Martin's (iuitars, Harps. Yiolius, SuKtT Mcmc, .Mcsic Liuuks, lie., &c. Kcsidents of liio rountry will de upplieil by mail or otherwise with any music they may wish, at as low rates a if purchased in person. Haunjr one of lha largest stocks in the Cnited iSlales, I feel conlident of satisfvin j all who may fevor me wilh a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied cn Ihe most liberal terms. Pianos lo let. Second hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 11, 1S53. ly. sensed in 1 -? 4 ri , 13.607 50 1 ' 1S47, 13,106 tiDl, 1 Amount received from unseal ed lands in 1 8 Hi and '47, 141 98 Balance ilue county bv common wealth S2t;077 041, 7CG 07L 27,1 13 12 IIIKNCII Cloth, Fancy Vestinss, and fassi. mere just received and lor sale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. TEN Ell A CO. JLsT KEt-'ElVED a Splendid assortment of " Ladie" Dress UooJs, consisliixr of rsilk, Mus lin dc beragn. Canton Crape, Silk Poplin, Dot led Swis I. awn Itobes, &.c and lor sale by Hunbury, May 11, "53. TENEK & CO. RUMMER Shawls, Jleady muJo Mantillas, k BUck Silk and fciilk I.nce, just received and for .ale by I. W. TEN Ell Si CO. Sunbury, May 11, 1853. MBKELLAS, 1'arasols nd Fancy Fns, just received slid for le by Bunbury, May 14, 53. TENEK At CO. ILUID Lamp, Clioice lluskets, Flower Va ses and Oriumenls ; Quernswara and Ulass ware. just receied and fur sale by Sunbury, May 14, '53. TENER (St CO. IJLIINING Fluid, Caniphine, Sperm and ' Whale Oil, While l.e.d. Linseed Oil and Turpentine just received and for sale by Sunbury, May 11, '63. TENEK 4. CO. CHOEAGOfiCE. An excellent remedy for the cure of Fever and Acne, just received und for sale by I. XV. TENEK i CO. &uulury, May 1 1, l''3. By Cash paid State Ticasntcr on Stale tax lor 1S44, (Feb'y I, 18 IC,) 4 ' (July 5, l?4ii.) ' Per cent, allowed by Slalo Treasurer on JM2.213 00 1 Abatement allowed county, (July 15, lS4ti.) ' Ca.-h paid Stale Treasurer on Slate tax, January 20, 1S47, ' ' (July 27, 1S47,) ' F.xof.eralioti allowed collec tors for 1S4G and '47, Percenta-u on 13.331 40 paid . in 1817, 1 Co;ni!iis-ii:i allowed cn'leetoi for 18 10, 5 per cent. ' 1 1S47. 5 per cent. 1 Tor ccnlaja on S730 87 out standing t.ix previous lo 1845, ' on S 141 93 lax on unseated lands in 1S46 & '47, DR. Tavern License. 16-10. To atisregate amount of said li renso granted by the Comt of Uuartei Sessions for the year l4ti, I By Tieasurer's commission on 544'J 0 at S ppr cent. State Treasuier' receipt, Jan- 54 19 80 ; uary 20, isjt, Dl. Tavern License, 1817. To astgreeatc ainounl of said license , Ily Treasurer's pranled lor IS47, 1 lo0 CO t $151160, ' Balance (Ice the rouiity, 19 i ' cilute Treasurer' 159 79 commission on receipt. Janua ry '.l, IMS, CR. S150 OCt 11,003 74 122 13 582 30 935 55 12,2liG 85 620 09 133 31 C19 14 641 31 7 31 1 42 527,443 12 CR. 1 802 49 427 31 3449 SO cn. 5? 98 . 4 ifJ 81 DR. To Rgre?at amount of license, IS 10, DR. To ticirreealc amount of Uctii'ers li cense lor 1847, $771 00 ' Balance due the county, 07 67 lieluilers Licenses, 181(5. Retailer' ( l:v Exonerations, 655 !j, Treasurer's commission 5 per ct- A mount paid L onstablcs for ma king returns, ' ' Clk. of Quarter session, ' ' for advertising, ' luio Treasurer' receipt, January 20, 1817, ' Balance due the coinmonwesltU Retailer Licenses, 1817, 94 59 79 CR. $18 00 01 86 7 5 OS 4 00 607 87 84 IS $838 67 By Exonerations, ' Treasurcr'senrnmission at 5 pr. ct. Amount paid Constables for ma king returns, ' Mercantile ppriscr. ' for advertising, 1 State Treasurer' receipt, Januury 21, 18H, $05 2S CR. $15 00 37 89 7 374 31 Sli 4 00 lit 6 S'JS 7