Sox cign News. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA LATER FROM ElROPB. ENGLAND. LorJ Palmerston stated in Parliament that no application had yet been mule for the expulsion of foreign refugee from England ml that liad such been mad it wonld hae met with a firm, decided refusal. Lord Dudley Stuart called the attention of Parliament to Turkish affairs, whereupon Lord John Russel replied that the Govern ment had thought it neoessary to hare a frank explanation with Austria, and ut the ame express the views of EngUnd as. to maintaining the independence of Turkey. lie said he had no doubt the difficulties at present existing would be adjusted by ne gotiation , Mazzini tins published a letter, taking the responsibility of the London Committee's manifesto, and slates that the address to the Hungarians in lialy was written by Kossuth t his request, during Kossuth's sojourn at Kuiaya, and never afterward tetrncled. The Duchess of Sutherland has placed Stafford Mouse at the disposition of Mrs. Reecher Stowe, to give her receptions to her English admirers. The Government has refused to charter the London, Liverpool and American Steamship Company. FRANCE. The Pope was daily expected to arrive at Paris to perform the ceremony of crowning Napoleon HI. The Emperor says that the imnerial man ufactories of Fiance shull be worthily repre sented in the New York exhibition. An unsuccessful attempt was made to fire the Toulon arsenal recently. AUSTRIA. The man who attempted to kill the Em peror of Austria was executed at Vienna. The Emperor has not recovered from his wound, which proves more serious than at first expected. A mob at Vienna is reported to have bro ken the windows n( the British ambassador. . The citizens of Vienna refuse all inter course with Englishmen in consequence of England having sheltered Mazzini and Kos suth. There is an unusual commotion in Hunga ry, and many arrests have been made. More arrests had also been made at Milan. All the church bells are mute anil guarded to that they may not be touched. POLAND. The Austrian Lloyd says that in conse quence of the unsettled state of affairs, Rus sia is taking great precautious to prevent an outbreak in Poland. TURKEY. Thn Cuusti'utional states that the Mission sent by Russia to Constantinople is to demand 9.000,000 ruples ilue Russia for her interven tion in 18-10, and to insist upon a settlement of the Holy Sepulchre uff.iir. The Montenegro war is ended. It is reported that the Porte makes de mands of Austria, and it is not true that Tur key throws herself un the protection of France and England. It in generally believed that a Diplomatic Congress will assemble at Paris, ',n May, to adjust the difficulties between Austria and Turkey. INDIA The India mail had arrived at London with -Shanghai dates to the 3d of January. Silks had largely advanced, and Teas had also advanced in price. The account of the insurrection in China are meagre and unsatisfactory. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. D.ites from the Cape of Good Hope to the 24th of January confirm the previous ac counts of a great battle between the British troops and the Kaffirs, 500 of whom were killed. The Britih lost 40 men. AUSTRALIA. Melbourne date have been received to the 6ih of December. The receipts of gold had fallen off. Provisions were declining. Ciew were easily obtained. A Lever Watch contain two hundred and two pieces; a locomotive five thousand four hundred and sixteen. 4 CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY, isacom- mon heading to nilvcrt'emcnta ; but whether the plan susjested by the advertisers is "the true wsy to moke money," is exlrcnic'y doubtful Our notion of making money is to lis economical j and to practice economy begin by purchasing your clothing st Rockhill & Wilson's Clothing More, No. 111. Chcsnut street, corner'.of Frunklin Place, Philadelphia. Their manufactures are excellent, their materials superior, and their prices moderate. Philadelphia, Nov. 6. 1852. ly, O- POISON I NG.Cfl Thousands of narenls who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, ko., are not that while: thev annear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the founds lions lor a series of deseases, such a saliva tion, los of sight, weakness of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver lisemeiil of Hobensack's Medicines, to which . ..k iha nttnntionof all directly interested in iheir own a well as Iheir Children' health. In Liver Complaint and all disorder arising t.nm ihnu nf a hiliou tvpe. should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hoben t.ivpr Pill. (Cr JJenof dcceiwJ," but ask for Hoben- O ' , HMI I U tack's Worm Syrup and L-iver i in, amu un serve that each has the signature of the Prnrit,,r J. N. HOBENSACk. a none else are cenuine. tl)C iHaiiicts. Philadelphia Market. March 23, 1853 Flour anb Meal. There i rather more demand for Flour, wiib sales at f 5 per bbl at which holder are hrm. select ana cy brand are held at tS a $5.. Rvi Fi nca I stead V at f 3.871. fan rv,N Meal Penna. i dull at S3 per bbl r.aiiu. Sale of red at 111 cent, and IIS for prime While. Pre Is in demand : sale at 82 ct. rnauKalea of Penna. and Southern at 00 cent. Oats. Sale of prima Southern at I P.nnl 4 1 CtS. 41 Sale in bbl. are making at J3 ie. a 24c. and fchdt. at 23 cent. Baltimore Market March 21, 1853. GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to-day at 100 a 105 els for good to prime reds, and 105 a 110 cts. for w hites, Corn is in very good supply Sales lo-cfar of while at 50 a 52 cts., and of yellow at 64 a 55 ct. The large quantity in market, how ever, caused price to give way, and at the close no more than 54 cts. could be obtained for yellow. Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 80 cts. and Penna. at 84 cts. We quote Maryland Oats tells at 37 a 38 cts., and Pennsylvania t 40 a 42 cts. WHISKEY. Sales or bids., to-day at 23 ctt. We quote hhds. at 22 cti. SUNBURY I'ltlCE CURRENT Whkat. 100 Rtk. . .75 Cutis. . 63 OiTB. . 40 Potatoes, 97 Ui'TTtn. . IS Eaos. 13 Pork. 8 Fi.txsr.Kn. 135 Tallow. 10 Dekswax 15 Hkcklkii Flax. 13 Dhikd ArPLKS. . 80 Do. Peaches. 300 Flax New Advertisements. WILL be sold nt Public Snlo, on SATUR DAY. March 2fi, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Washington Hotel, in the borough of Suiihury, Twelve Horses, One Cow, Sixteen Carriages, Duggics, Spring-Wagons and Sleighs. Twenty Sett Double and Single. Har ness, etc., &c. Also, Thn (iood Will of the Sunbury Livery Stalilc, offering one of the best chances for business in this section of country, as there ore now building three Railroads which ter minate at this pluce. Al.SO, at the same time and place a variety of Household Furniture comprising Three Cook ing Stoves, Three Parlor Stoves, Six Clocks, Bu reaus, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads and other arti cles too numerous to mention. Conditions liberal, which will be made known on day of sale by JAMES COVERT. Auctioneer. Sunbury, March 19, 1853 2t, Last Notice. IL persons indebted or having claims Xfa against mo estate of Aliruliam JJrosiuus, deed., late of Lower Augusta township, North umberland county, are hcrcny notified that the undersigned Administrator will attend at the late residence of said deceased, on Wednesday, the Cth of April, next, where those interested will call and make settlement. ELIAS BROCIOUS, Adm'r. Sunbury, March 19, 1853. 3t, Estate of WILLIAM FEE SING. Sen. dee'd. fcTOTICE is hereby given, that Idlers testa- mrntory on the above named estate, hove besn granted by the Register of Northunilierland County, to the undersigned. All persons having claims against said estate, are requested to pre sent them, duly authenticated for settlement ; and those knowing themselves indebted to make pay ment, without delay to E. ZIMMERMAN, PETER PERKING, Ex'rs. Shamokin twsp., March 18. 1853. lit. A Blacksmith Wanted. A JOURNEYMAN Blacksmith is wanted immediately by the riU-r, to whom steady employment und good wages will be given. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, March 19, 1853. It. For Sale. JJJ subscriber. CHARLES CAWLEY. Dry Valley, March 16, 1853 CHERRY PECTORAL: Par Ihe Cure mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR ON. OHXTZS, CROUP, AST J. IYIA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. Of all the numerous medicines extent, (and me of lliciu valnyhlr) lnr Uie cuic -f pultiiHitary coinjiLiitita, liu itinig has ever been louuil wtilctl could c.'ltiiuie in Its el Ilci wild this 'reicrutiou. Others cure sometimes, bul ull tunes anil in fill disenst s of Hie luuvs unit hers iiieilirins run give relief, this will Un it. It is uiiant l UiKe, und nerlcrlly Siile III ai-eoroance Willi u-c ilireeliuiis. We ilt n:t uilvertiw fur the ii!firuJillnu f wh-iluive tried it but th-isewho liuve nut. t-'innlit- tliul huve known its vulue will lint le Willi M it and by its timely use, liit-y ure seeuie irum Ihe dangerous conse quence ol' Coughs and Culds which uegleeled, ripell into luliil ei'llHunijilinn. The Lel iiuu ol' the Miisnu-huselU Institute WHS awiird ed t tins preiKirailtiu by the Uwrd ul Judges in beileliitH-r lc-17 ; uls , uie .neuuis i me inree greui iiibiimivi-b ii in tins country 1 ulso the Deul-'luu i-f the Ohio Institute ul Cincinnutl. has been mveu In the LUEUKV I'm roL, Of their linveriltilent in coiisidcrulimi ul Its exlM-ldinui y excellence Ulid lueluhiess lu cuilug ullcelkins ol lite A.ungs Lnd J nnrtt. ... Itcud the r-ill-iwing opinion founded on the I "g experi ence nf the eminent riiysicuui ol me i nn anu -ii, (Jr. J. C. Ayer, ST. JOHNS, May 8, IMt. Five years trial of youi lllr.llH l rnL ioiiAli ill my nmi'lli-e. has llliivetl what 1 InresuW irotn lis eoiup Hill. .11, must be true, thai it ersdieules and cures Ilia enkts Slid enunhs to which we. Ill this seclli u, are peculiarly liable, 1 tllllis lis equul lias urn yei uecu uiwvcrtu, nnr un I know hnw a lajllcr remedy cuu be made lor Uie tiisieiu ners of the Thrum and Lungs. J. J. bURTON, M. D-. F. R. 8. Bee what it has dons on a wasted enusinuiuai, u ji ouiy lu to following cases, uut a mm sand nsve : Piuscsr. Jan. 91th, 1A51. Dr. Avert In ths month of July hut 1 was atuu-ked by a violent diarrhrra ill mines of California. I returned to Sail Franaiseo in hope T receiving benefit a change ol climate and diet, My diarrba-a coustnl, bul was fol- kiwed by a severe e High and uiuctt irenes. I anally started for hmile, but received no benefit flow the voyage. My cough e iiitmued to grow worse, and when 1 arrived In New ork, 1 was at onee nwrked by my acuuaiuuuicea as a victim of consumption. I must cnniess that I saw uo sulhcieul reason lo dnulit what my friends all believed. At tins tune l cnnuiielieca taking your truly utvuluaule medicine with lute exiectlioii of deriviiic any benefit from its use. You wnuld not receive these nitc-a did 1 not regard it my duty to slate to the atnieled, through you, thai inv health, in the space of eight m-iulhs, is fully re- stnred. 1 attribute it to the use of your CUtlltKY l'EC- 1'OKAL, nurs truly, WILLIAM W. PM1TH. Washihotoii, I's , April !. tin. Dear sir : Feeling that I have been spared from a pre mature erave. through your instrumentality by lue provi dence ol troJi I veil! take Ihe libeitr lu eipieaa to you my S . . , J ,1,. .Innni... .vm,,...m. nt PniimmnliAA I...I riui-erl me loo low to leave me anything like hope, rll my physician brnugni nie a wane h your "rsc-TO-ii li imiiim.1 tn afford iininediule lelief, and now in . r.ur wrka time has restored me to sound health. If it will do lor others ivnai n aas laiuly one ol uie beneiaciers biucercir wuvoiug yn i P, . ' Very res(ecti ully yours, JOHN J. CLARKE, Hector of 'M. Peter'a Church. With auch esMiren? and freni such men, no stronger or.iof can be adduced uiUess it he from its effect upou tiial. Prepared and told by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Matt. Sold in Sunbury by H MA8SER, and by Druggists generally throughout the Bute. March 10, 1153 ceo ly. Nov. 13, '52. SUNBUUY AMK1UCAN AND SKAMQKIN JOUKNAL. List of Jurors, OF Northumberland County for April T., A V., 1853. (si'niid Jurors. SuKBuar. Edward Eisely. Northumberland. John Geist. Milton. Joseph Angstadt, Patrick Mon. (age. Drlawarc William Erwin, Reuben Hit anl, Michael Boabst. Tpriut. James Smith. Lewis John Schuyler. Chilisquaquk. Paul Lahr. Uppca Augusta. Charles Eckman. Lower " . John Coldron, Jaoob Renn. Rush Aaron Campbell, Joseph Dear, Jesse Mensch. Shamokin. Franklin A. Clark, Simeon Campbell Upper Mahonot. Moses L. Beissel, Gid eon Adams, Samuel Heim, Michael Ferster. Lower " . Abraham Leuker, Pe ter Hepner. TRAVERSE JURORS. Turbi'T Robert Hayes, George Blair, Frederick Detzler, Delaware. John Guffy, Samuel Green, John M. Kinney, Daniel Nicholas, Elijah Crawford, Isaac Vincent, jr., Daniel Smith, George Watson. Lr.wis. William Savidge. Milton. John Murray. Chilisquaiue. Andrew Overpeck. Hugh Martin, Geoige Troxel, James Turk, Daniel P. Caul. Point Charles Gulick. Upper Augusta. Peter Overdorf, jr. Lower " . Joseph Gass. Jacob Krebs. Simeon Hanpt, Chuiles Halenbach, Francis Letch, Wrn. Bloom, Peter Searfnss. Shamokin. William Farrow, H. H. Kno bel, Samuel Gnnserl, sen., Jacob Norcher, Wm. II Fry, D.ivid M' Williams, Michael M. Soper, Lewis Chamberlaud, Wm. Price, Win. Roth. Rush Joseph Reader, John Gearhart, jr. Cameron. Peter Weikel. Upper Mahonot. lltiry Mallich. Lower " . Benj. Rubendahl, Jo nathan Duckey. Little " .Conrad Raker. . Jackson John Carl, N. S. Diumheller. Coal. Jonas Giluer. Jordan. John Adams. I'ctit Juror. Susburt. E. G. Markley, Andrew Bal dy, J. H. Zimmerman, Fiai'.eiick Lazarus Delaware Simon Lautz, Joseph Hayes, jr., Uavid Wilson, e.ii. i lucKemmer, wm Biggerts, Wm. Beard. Chiliso.caqvr.-R. A. Giffens, Simon Rea dy. Samuel Mullener Point George Lesher, Joseph Vaukirk Upper Arni'sT. Frederick Haas, Solo- man Hartel, Herman Kline, ir Lower " . Peter M . Peter Mallich, John Ebiiyhl Upper Mahonot. Henry Haas. Lower " . Wm Shaffer, Joseph. Spat.. Jackson. Benj. Slricklor, Daniel Wolf, Wrn. Cares. Rush Samuel Swank, Joseph Campbell. Coal. Daniel N. Lake. Shamokin Farnsworlh Reed, Edward Wilkerson, Samuel Repler, John Buughner. Cameron. Win Dark. SHERIFF'S SALES. liY virtue of sundry writs of Lev. Facial and - Veil. Krfonas, to me directed, will lie sold by public vendue or outcry at the Court House, in the Borough of Sunbury, at One o'clock, P. M., on the -first Monday of April, the following real estate, to will A certain Tract ol Land, situate in Rush township, in the county of Nor thumberland, bounded as follows, Beginning at a White Oak a comer of John Wilsons' land, South filly three perches by land of Peter Mcttlcr to a post, the'ice by the same and Isaac Kline east eiht perches to a post, thence by land of W. Mcttlcr soulh G9 8-10 perches to a stone, thence west 5 perches to a fallen chesnut, thence uth 55 iierchea to a stone, thence by land of P Mettler west 64 perches to a fallen White Oal, thence soulh 57 perches to a post, thence by land of Henry IIolT west 13 j 1-10 perches to a post, thence by laud ofC. Campbell and Jacob Depuy, north 123 perches to a poet, thence by land of Isaac Kline north eighty degrees west 27 4-10 to slone, thence noith 19 degrees west twenty four lurches 8 3-10 to a post, thence north 87 i de grees east 13 perches to a post, thence south 19 degrees, east 8 7-10 perches to a post, thence by laud of Jacob Depuy nortb Wl degrees east 1 1 perches to a post, thence north fill degrees esst 28 3-10 perches to a post, thence north 66 per ches to a post, thence east by land of John Wilson 119 4-10 to the place of beginning, containing two hundred and fifty acres and 60 perches; whereon are erected on the east end of said tract new Frame House, Frame Barn, cVc, and on west end a large Frame House, Barn, Spring House Apple Orchard, Ac ALSO: A Certain Lot or parcel of land adjoining the above mentioned, on the nest side, Beginning at a post, thence by land of Jacob Depuy north 2 degrees west 45 6-10 perches to a post, thence bv land of James Kline south 68 degrees west 20 3-10 to a post, thence by land of of I. Kline and C. Cumpbell south Ci perches, west 46 perches to a stone. thence- by land of C. Campbell north 88 degrees east 25 perches to the place of beginning, con taining six acres and eighty six perches. Seized, taken iu execution and to be sold as be property of John Kline. ALSO: A Certain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Milton, in the county aforesaid, Bounded north by Broadway, east by the Pennsylvania Canal, south by Pine alley and west by lot ol James Covert, containing one fourth of an acre more or less, w hereon are erected a Frame Dwelling House, two Store Houses, Sta bling. Ac. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the projierty of Montgomery A. Sweny surviving partner of John eweny & Son. ALSO: Two certain contigious Lots of Ground. situate in the borough and county aforesaid bounded north by lots belonging to Ihe estate of Catharine Fricl, dee'd., east by Fourth street, south by lot of Murpheys estate and west by the Kiver Susquehanna, containing one eighth of an acre more or less, and inown in the general plan of said borough as lots JNos, lod and 154, where on are erected a weatherboarded house I stories high and a small stable. Seized, tuken in execution and to be sold as late the estate of Henry Fricl, dee'd., now In the hands of Ins Administrator and Heirs. ALSO j All that Certain Tract ol Land, situate in Augusta township, county aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit I Begin ning at a Birch by lot ISo. 8 north 14 degrees, west 311 perches to a post, thence north 79 de grees east 171 perches to a poet, thence by Chris lain Shiasler part of lot No. 6 south two hundred and ntty one perches to a lilac Osi, thence south 14 degrees east 46 perches to a post, nortb sixty six perches to the place of beginning, containing two Hundred and forty nine acres and quarter, being part of the manor of Fomfret. whereon an erected Twe Dwelling Houses, a Beni Barn and outer uuiuuituingi Siexed taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of J. A. Shissler. ALSO I BY Virtue of certain writs of Lev. Fa. issuing out of the Court of Common Pleas of North umberland county, and to ma directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the public House of John M. Hoff in the Borough of Milton at one o'clock, P. M., on the second day of Abril next, the following real estate, to wit I All that certain Lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Milton, in the county aforesaid, bounded north by Broadway, east by the Pennsylvania Canal, south by Pine'slley, and west by lot of James Covert, containing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon arc erec ted a Two Story Frame Dwelling House ami Brie- Kitchen, one Frame Store Room, and two large Ware Houses, Stabling, Ac. Siczed, taken in execution and to lie sold ss property of John Sweny, dee'd., In the hands of his Administrator Joseph Beard, with notice to Montgomery A. 8weny, terro-lenant Ate. ALFO: On Saturday, at the same time and place, A Certain olher Lot of Ground, situate in Upper Milton, bounded north by Locust street, east by the Canal, south by lot of White and Merrine, and west by Front street, containing of an acre more or less, whereon are erected s Steam Grist Mill, together with the Engino and fixtures annexed, a tenant house, cooper shop, stabling, &c Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Montgomery A. Sweeny. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sherifl's Office, Sunbury, March 13, 1853. PROCLAMATION. jV OT1CE is hereby given that the sevcra Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliver)-, in and for the county of Northunilierland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 4th dav of April next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and thcro in Iheir proper per sons, with their rolls, records, iiiuisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting iu behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three and the In dependence of tlio United States of America the ?7th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. CARE, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Cominisioii Merchants, 23 and 2S Spear t Wharf, BAL.TIlYT.OnE- ItKrEnF.NCES. John Clark, Esq., I'icsiJeiit Citizens' Bank, Bull. A. 1. dues, Lq., I asluer r iiiiiklin Bank, " John Hcrtzler, Jr., Ksq., I'liiladclpliia. Kni;ers, Siunickson & Co., " J. Tonic, Esq., Trcsidcnt Cecil Bank, Port Dc- positc. J. W'allowcr V Son Harrisliurg. Col. II. C. Ever, Sclinsgrove. J. H. App &. Co., " Nale, Svingate & Co., Milton. -W. V. Cooke, Esq., Mutu-y. pinion Schuyler, Lsq., " d'l'orRii Undine, lluglisville. W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. Cen. William F. Parker. V illiuntBport. T. V. Lloyd, Esq., Cueliier, " James II. Hilling, " Lewis C. llulinrr, " M' 1 1 miry & BuMi, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq., Lock Haven. I &' Carr, Gicsc & Co. hove the largest wharf room of any eonimision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 12, 1853. 6m. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DF.ALEU8 IX French Millinery (iootls, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAYING received by late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to ofi'cr their customers, at the lowest market prices - Glace Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, Crapes, all colors, Fuiicv Nets and Laces, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 12, 1853. 2m. Wood fy Willow Ware. 0,000 Fancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Di.z. Buckets, Assorted Colors, G00 NesU Cedar Wash Tubs, 81)0 Cedur Churns. 500 l)oz. Willow Baskets, 300 Do. Wall and Pi-rub Brushes, Ac., A.c, Tlio lamest IStoek ever offered iu Philadel- nhitt. and the eheanest in the world. Orders promptly tilled. Al. fi J. Al. vt 1'., No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 12, 1853. 3m. Estate of MARY MAESH, deo'd. IVTOTICE is hereby eiven that letters testainen J-' tary on the estate of Mury Mursh, dee'd., late of Shamokin township, Northunilierland county. have been granted by the Register of said conuly, to the undersigned. Therefore all person in debted to said estate will discharge tho same, and those having demands will present theui to AMOS VASTIXE, Ex'lor. Shamokin Township, March 12, 1853. Ot. LIST OF CAUSES nn :..i f'.,t .,f I Pleas of held on Northunilierland County to lie the 4th Monday of May, A. D., 1853. Frederick Keener vs Win. Ayres Peter Pursel vs Jacob Hibltr James Graham et al vs II ur$H Bellas et al Piatt & riatt vs llenrv Masser Com'lli for Wm L Heiuemsn vsT A Billinelon . Louis Alex. Napoleon Du terr Bosquet vs vaWler ct' iL same vs Ticrre Oilier ct. al. E John for W Camp vs Wolverton 4- Iisenr g Eyster for Weaver TS Eb'xer Greenough ex' Joanna I'endeville vs A t. ivspp Mahonoy and Shamokin Ai,,ttham Paul Improvement t o Sarah L Keen vs Abraham Brosious vs Samuel Savidga . va T, A. Billingloti & hail vs Hugh Bellas Zerhy Run snd Shamokin Same Com'wcalth for 8. ', Jordan Henry Donnel et al Robert Philips vs Improvement company JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Frothonolary's Office, ) Sunbury, March 5, 185?.- $5 REWARD. VTHERE A8 Jacob Y'eakley, a pauper of this township, and In my charge, has left my House, and protection, and against my wish. The public are hereby cautioned not to trust him , mv account, as nothing will be paid by hie Th .hova reward will be paid to any person or persons delivering him to nie, at my house on or bulor Uie 1BIU Ol nimsu M PETER YERGER, Jackson Township, March 1?, 1853. 31. REGISTERS' NOTICE. TVOTICE is hereby given to alt Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following' named persons, that ths Executors, Administrators, and Guardians if said Estates have filed their accounts with tlio Register of Northumberland County, and that the sems will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the Sth day of April, A. D., 1653, in the forenoon, for confirmation and allowsnre. Mary Welch, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r David Hull. Peter Denller, dee'd., settled by his Executors, Thomas Watts, Margaret benller, and Ja cob Denller, Ltnmird Heed, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Uaiid Dunklcberger. Jacob Khule, dee'd., scttlcJ by hisEx'r Samuel Herr. Solome Wngner, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Kimon Lantz. Deborah 'J'harp, ilcc'd., settled by her Adm'r Jesse Campbell. Oi df ey Brosious, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Brosious. Jihn Resh, ilcc'd. , settled by his Adm'r Elins Walton. Gill ert Voris, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Win. T Forsyth. Georgo Long, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor George Boyer. Elizulieih Denller, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs Geo. F. Miller snd John Young. M.itilila Huliler, settled by her Guardian, George Gnrmun. Spencer Metier, dee'd.. settled by his Adm'tors Benj, (iearhitrt and Wilson Metier. Utti-hel Cornel, dee'd., settled by her Adm'tor John Yonly. Joseph H. Kline, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by bis Adm'r D. C. Caul. Andrew i-rolhers, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Alexander Colt. William Mi-Cay, dee'd.. supplemental Acct. settled bv lii- Adm'r David Taggart. Anna M. Hunsicker. dee'd., settled by her Ex ecutor Dnvid Taiigurt Jacob Snyder, dre'd., settled by bis Executors John A. Snyder and William Kubach. JOHN P. rUUSEL, Register. Register's Olhco, Sunbury, March 5, 1852. LIST OF CAUSES JOU trial in the Court of Common Pleas ' of Nort'aumberlund County, at April T., A. D., 1853. FLALNTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. George Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkelberger's admr'x Abijiili Bowen vs Wm H 'l'liompson Wm M Auten vs Thomas Kaser Tcubrook for Appleton vs James Brass tr ,., , ,, , . Jacob Zartman's Henry klaze & Lve las wife vs nuinilliljtrator J B Masser vs Barbara Shaffer's ex'rs William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Jacob Keller vs Bank of .Northumberland, James T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle Daniel Rhodes Samuel L Beck Simon Snyder Christian Cable vs J at oh Werlman vs Jacob Stitzel vs George Snyder vs M Bai linian &FMarkle Moyer & Moyer's Gar nishee vg Jacob HoU'uian et al Hit for Reiner vs William Sechler Washington Mutual In surance Company vs E Kaufman et ul State Mutual Fire Insu- vs Same ranee Company Jacob B. Masser vs Reuben Fegely Albin Newberry vs Thomas Kawr Rebecca Swartz vs Andrew McLanahan Rudolph Duenger vs Peter Thomas John L Yeager vs GcorRe Bright i-. . r . o S Jcnks with notice D lloats for M Sweny v. f urr,,tonan, Oliver B Ililliard vs John Hartman John W Peal vs Joseph Diiuiniek, et. al. Christ & McFaildtii vs Susanna livid 'George Brosious vs Daniel Kample Francis Jo.lju vs David L Irljiid John Bct-jflv vs George Eccrls adm'r same vs same A. C & T. G. Morris Kenderton Smith's ex'rs. vs same vs same Wemli l I. Keller va John F Wol finger William l'lirsmiin et ul vs John Purs Frederic Wilhelm vs Henry Wilhelm June Bogar vs Geoige P. Buyers ct al John Bush and wifo iutliaiuei baxlon s adm'rs J iV A Shissler vs Daniel CUnn vs George W Brewer va T hoinas Barr vs John Rosser & Co vs J. Fry and J. Harinan Jacob Bernard and " Wm Kahler vs David Latsha va J C Horlon Robert Kline Henrietta Lewis R Fagely eV. Co Jacob H. Rhoads Daniel Gibson Mary Vieiery J Oil Rockefeller JAMES BEARD, Piolh'y Prothonotarv s Office ,e. J53. I Sunbury. March 5, 1853 Paper Hangings. milE undcisiancd hove iust onened a fresh A and cumidcto stock of WALL PAPERS. umonn which are GOLD and VELVET. FINE SATIN. and the LOWEST PRICED CNG1.A- ZED PAPERS : Also, DECORATIONS, BORDERS, KIRE SCREENS, CURTAINS, Ac., cVc. Which they oiler al the lowest prices, both wholesale, and retail. The best workman eimiloved to hanz luiper cither in tho city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &o. V.'e have also our usual assortment of WRIT ING PAPERS, WRAPPING PAPERS, Blank and School Books, Slationnrv, &e. PARRIS1I & HOrfill, No. 4 North Fifth St., 8 doors uliove M irliet, PHILADELPHIA CASH paid for Country ros. rhila., March IS, 1853. 3m. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, ""PvT OTICE is hereby Riven that the undersigned Auditor appointed by ihe Orphans' Court of Norlliuiiilierlaiid County, to distribute tho as sets iu the bun. Is of Wm. Reed, Administrator oVc, of Peter Vandling dee'd., to and ainoiiK the Creditors of said deceased, and that be will attend at his ollice in Sunbury, for that purpose, on Hut urduy, the 2d day day of April, 1853, when all interested, if they think proper, can attend. II. U. Al ASKKK, Auditor. Sunbury, March 12, 1853. 4t. KltUPP'S Premium Kssewe of Coflee- Haryl w.H pTO-umimim,,, 11 II Y will man use that which is injurious lo bis health, wi eu be Is w illimi to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost! Strange! that at least two thirds of Ihe human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Kriipp'sj sUmi'iicc of Coiiee is, beyond doubt the beat and most wholesome preparation of Collie in Ihe world. Every house keeper should hsve it Try it and be couviuced it will save about 60 pet cent, besidesyour health. Warranted to render entire satisfaction. Manufactured and for sale by ELI KRUPP, 639 North 3d street Philadelphia. N. B. All the princigal Grocers and Druggists have It for sule throughout the I'niieJ State. For sale by the Agent, H. U. Masser, 8unbury. Janusry 1, 1853. Bin. fl I lliaVkiW ! ill GEORGE AV- Zl MERMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors nbovc Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Which for style of finish and workmanship at Ihe lowest prices. AlsoTK ANSPA KENT WIKJU SAl.t:, AT MAXI IV MERCHANTS snd others are invited Philadelphia, August 21, 16.2. ly. The Commonwealth nf C In the Court of Corn Pennsylvania, Nor- nitui Plen ul Noi'h fiimiocruni co SS. umtieilaml county of ( Apiil T. 1853 The commonwealth of lVnnsj Ivnnia to f?ooie E. Gehrig, Ailministiator of Genrue Y'onk in. late of Cliilisquattiiu township, ilec'tl , ami Elizabeth Yonkin, widow, ami lo Ihe hens ami legal representatives ol trie said Geortir? Yonkin, ilee'il , viz : Wm. Yon kin, of Miuhignn, Christian, intermnrrieil with Cook Clayton, of Jereyville county, Il linois, Gtiotgu Yonkin, of Lyrnitiins county, Peiisylvauia, and Petpr Yonkin, (who is now ilecM. leaving issue ihrre children. Elizn boih, Peter and Georue,) und lo nil Ihfi lieiis leijal ives of tho said Geoige Yomliii, deceased. , You and each of you are hereby notified lo be and appear in nnr said Court nl Snnl'ti ry, on Monday, Ihe 4th day of Apiil, A. D , 1853. to show if anything oii have nr know lo say why you should not be made parlies to n certain judgment, lately in our County Couit of Common Pleas before our judges al Sunbury. lo wit : in the Term of August, A. I)., 1H52, Dy me eonsMeiiiuuri im Ihe said Court recovered against George K. Gehrig, Administrator as aluresanl ol t.earae Yonkin, dne'd., fifty-three 50 iw Hollars, lawful money, which to David llnlden and Mary Ann his wife in our said Con it were adjudged for their damages which they bus lainod as well by occasion of the non-per-foimnnce of a certain promise ami assump tion by the said George Yonkin in his life time to Ihe said David Hohlen and Mary Ann his wife nt said Conn I y nuidp, as fui his costs niul charges by them nbont Iheir suit in that behalf expentfetl, and why Ihe said David Hohlen and Mary Ann his wife should not have execution against the bonds of Ihe said Geoigo Yonkin, deceased, for Ihe debt and damages aforesaid. Witness Ihe I Ion . Alexander Jordan, Pie sident fr our said Court at Sunbury, this 1st lay o( February, A. D., 1853. JAMES BEARD, Prothy. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriil "s Office ) Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1853. ) 4 The Commonwealth of f In the Court of Com i'cniisifranm, A'oi - J mon Please of Ninth (Aiinibcrfunii co. SS. unibpilnml eminly of April T. 1853. Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, lo Georro E. Gehrijr, Administrnlor nf (Jenrae Vonkiu, hue of Chilisnnnnne township, de ceased, and to all the heirs and h'ual ri-pre- sentatives of the said Geoice Yonkin of said County, deceased, viz.: Mary Ann intermar ried with D.ivid Hohlen. of Chilisqiiaqne township, Pennsylvania ; Christian intermar ried with Cook Clayton, Of Jersevville county. Illinoi!"; William Yonkin, of Michigan; George Yonkin, (who is now deceased Ifiivina three chililren, Kliziibelh, Peter anil Georae,) dimI o all t tie heirs ana legal representatives oi said tie leased. You and each of von are hereby rot ifiil lobe and nrpear in our said Cnnil at Sunbury on Mondavthe4lh day of April, A. D., 1853, to show if any thing you have or Know in say who yon should not be made parties lo a certain "judgment, obtained lately in our County Courts of Common Pleas, before our Judge at Smibnrv, to wil: in the lernl of April A. D., 1852, by Ihe consideration of the said Court recovered nsninst Geo'co K. Oehrisr, Administrator as nfuresaid of Genrso Yonkin, deceased S16 i.'U liiwiui monpy which lo Oavnl llolilen m our sani i.oiiri were ndiudnpd for his damanos which he sustained as well by occasion of iIip non-per formance of a cprtam promise an I assump tion bv Ihe said GeniL'P Yonkin in his life limn lo Ihe said David Hohlen al sai l county made as for his cols and charses bv him about his suit in that behalf expended anil I whv Ihe said David llnlden sliouli! not have execution against tho lands nf the said Geo. Yonkin, deceased, lor the Jebl ami damages aforesaid. Witness Ihe Hon Alexander Jordan Presi dent of our raid Court nt Sunbujy, this 1st day of February, A D . 1853. JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. WILLIAM B. KIPP, SlierilT'w Odice ) Sunburv. Feb. 1. 1S53. 1 4 In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE HALL, Deceased. THE Commonwealth nf Pennsylvania to Ma ry Hall, iulermnrricd with Georue Zimmerman, Culliarine Hall widow of Daniel Zimmerman, the heirs of Peter Hull ilcc'd., mid Genrire Hocv, Peter lloev, Samuel Hocv, James llocv, son of James lloev, de.-'d.. by b!s Guardian Jeremiah M. Zimmerman, the Hcias of Susannah lloev, intermarried wilh William Conrad und Alary llocy idoy of A'ii hard IIoui?litnii d.-e'd.. child ren of Elizalielh Hall, intermarried with John Hoey. liueal ilcKcendiints .if George Hall, dee'd., an all other persons interested. Git KITING. Northumberland County, SS. You are hereby cited to be and appear before i the Judges of our Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of April next, then and there to accept or reftiso the real estato of Georgo Hull, dec d., situate in tho borough of Sunburv, Northumberland county, to wit ! A ; certain Lot of Ground situate as afoiesasd, front- ' ing on Blackberry street, adjoininp; lands of Ja- cob Kalile on the' East, Edward Y. Bright on the west, by a twenty foot alley on the north, where on is creeled s story and a halt House anil a siioj), which was valued and appraised at the sum nl Four hundred and Fl'ty dollars in the whole, in pursuance of a writ oi' Partition and vuliialiou issued out oi satu court, reiiiruiii'iu in jun.iai , , . .i.i . . Term 1853, or show cause why the same should not be sold according to the act ol Assembly lu cases made aud provided. And therefore fail not. Certified from the recorils ol oui sani iouri ul Sunbury this 13th day of Januaiy A. 1). 1853. C. UUl V f I KSbl.l Hep. Clk. O; C. February IS. 1853. Come and Pottle. FTMIE subscrilier hereby notifies all iersons in--- dehted lo him lo call and settle their old ac counts, on or before the middle of March. Those wno neglect tins nonce, win most positively nnu their accounts .laced in the hands of a Justice for collection. Therefore fail not. GEORGE ROHRBACIL Buiibury, March 6, 1S53. 4t. Flour and Feed Store, THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, in Fawn street, iu the building formerly occupied by Esq. Bower, as his ollice, where he will con stantly keep on hand all kinds of Gbais. Flora aiu Fesd, at the lowest market prices, for Cash or produce. EMANUEL WIL VERT. Runbury, March ft, l5J 3m cannot l-e tur sssed. Wholesale and ttetafl WIN DO W SHADES AND HEED BLIND FACTIUKIIS' i'Ml'ts). to call and examine. i li iiiBn.p mmwmm .m i ' n i ,wm wm Mm mn atsispmfgj, scrrooL books, paer, &o. TIIK sulss-rlliers i.ffcr to O-mrrtT MiHriuKTs, TsAcrt' ass nml S liool. Cn)ha:t tf.M, on- of ihe tx-sl assorted K.-l.iiiiSi:il(IIH, HIM IK anil (STATIONARY lo Is) found iu tliti Ci'.y, wliicli tlit-y lire nlile to offer at fiist prices. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will fiii.l all ths Sell-mi ll.x l . Writing and Wrap ping Tnpers, l.'urtiiin I'nprrs, Hl:tstiii: Papers, and all ordi nary Sliilmiinry. Ulnnk Uonss, l'cns, Ink, Ac, on ths fnost lavuruble terms. SCHOOL COMMITTEES, TeACHISBS SND OTHER TM'JIC I1AHI10 1K QVAXTITIIt fof Hi-hnnls, are iiivitrrl to enll nutt t-xninine mil slock. We lutve hail onsiileruhle cxpprie is in supplying ttrhiMil lis tiicts, suit Iwing Pnlilishfrs of ii innnlicr of estensiveljr until, our fiit-ilitit-s for getting such stuck ale UMiirtfiPtfl. Aiii-Micst our rulilicniii ns will he fnnnd the following Comly's !wltiiig 11-s.k, n-visi-d eililion; IVinier; Young Oislnr ; GuiiimrreV iirvying. the slmittred Treatise on this Bel enre ; Mntinyt-RNlli-'s Mi?usitriitMii ; Auilirsnirs I:ivr'iiHrl's History of the L'nilfd PtslrSf essd" in the rnl.lic ielnMtis of New Yrk and rtukulslpliia fiitiniuie's Prcgressivc Spelling Hook: r-uiily's linutiuier ; Ijitin lliclionary ; The IJnok of Coliimeicii. Ac, .Ve.. Ac. t.lilAll HfNT ft PON. 4t N.irlh Fourth Street, I'liilsUelphiaj Felirunry Sfl, liM, 3in. Dissolution of I'arlnernlilp. riHE Copartnership heretofore ex'ixtinir under1 JL the name of James II. At Win. B. Hart, is this day dissolved by the witbdrawel of William R. Hart. The business of the late, firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 228, North 3d street. JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM B. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 18S3. The undersigned, have this tlsy formed a csv partnership and will continue Ihe business under the name of James H. & Thomas Hart Thank' ful for past favors, they respectfully ssk the aU tendon of their friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will bo full and extensive, and which tlicy will sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853 JS, tl. EYRE & LAN DELL, 4fi and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for Spring sales A Fine Stock of Dry Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Fashionable Shawls, New designs of Drcs Goods, British, French and India Goods, Linen Damask and Furnishing Goods, A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen Goods, EN. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods it low rsiccs rtn nf cash. February 12, 1853. 3m. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB1NCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, Ko. 11.1 North Third St. below Race, PHILADELPHIA. THE attention of Dealers is requested to art examination of their stock, which will Isf found to tie at i.k 1st equal to any in this city. FOREIGN' FRUITS of all kinds" in season. N. 11. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly at' tended to. February 5, 1S53. Cm. CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Hanufaetury G. L. lILLE?,. & CO., S. IF. corucr Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA. Ev3 Go YERY VA KIETY OF SHADES, Whole sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, ioiiiic. YiL'iictte.Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be bad at the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for Gill, Plain Store, Lettered and other Hhades executed at short notice. Merchants and ethers are invited to give us a trial. WE WILL TRY TO PLEASE. Brasses, Trimmings, Scc., always on hand. Remember t W. corner SECOND and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. February 12, lh53. Oin. 1.000 Mim Wanted. ON the li-c of the SCSCJl.'EHAN'NA RAIL ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har risbur;;') und Sunbury, in the State of Pennsylva nia. This road is li 11 y four miles in length runs thioimh a hi.nhlv improved country, and will furnish employ ment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A larue por tion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wages. DOUGHERTY, LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, 153 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "JVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George Haupt, sen., lute of Lower Aueusta township, Northum berland county, dee'd, have been granted by the Register of suid county to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will ( resent them lo SEBASTIAN HAUPT, GEORGE HA LPT, Administrators. Sunbury, Feb. 20, 1833. CU l.osendale Hydraulic Cement. A N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from net and exposed walls. For sale by EVI SMITH k SON. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. Lahorers Wanted. riHE subscribers want immediately on the -J- Ruilroad and Basin, st Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Selinsgrova, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wlum one dollar per day will pe paid. tsAYIDGB. WJI.VEATON A CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19.1863 tf. An Apprentice Wanted. The subscriber wants an apprentice to learn the business of s Blscksmith. A boy IT or 18 years old, of good moral character, would find 4 good situation by applying soon at lbs old stand of Oeniit Ziuinisruiaii. SOLOMON STROH. bunbury, Feb. 1?, 1853.-- IMCBouresu's celebrated ink, and also Con gres ink lor sule, wholjMle and retail by )ieemlr 30, 1850. It U MASSER.