SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Communication. Mount Comfort, Shamokin twsp. ) March 14, 1853. j" II. B Masser, Esq. I understand am censured by the anli ubscriplion parly for not vaoaiing my seat President of the Mass Meeting, held at Sunbury, on the 6th inst. Now for the purpose of throwing light upon the subject I w ill stale the proceedings of the opening of iho meeting as far as my observations served me, and then let an en lightened public cast the blame where it be longs. When the Court Mouse door was opened the people niched in with the force of ma ny waters ; 1 stnid back until the rush had subsided, and w hen I entered, tho house was completely crowded. Almost ai soon as I entered my name was called out for Presi dent, (I think by F. A. Clark, of Irish Val ley,) which was responded to without a de senting voice. I look my seat, nnd then ttr r r. i t ... . win u. uearneari ana vm. regely were nominated for Vice Presidents, Fegely tonk his sent, Genrheart declined on account of Fegely being on the bunch, Jacob Leiserinp Eq., was then nominated and took his seat, subsequently several others were added as Vice Presidents, and I believe nearly equal, ly divided in sentiments. The e was cotisid erable noise and confusion, many speaking at a tune, just as might be expected in such a crowd of people and differing in senli ments ns they were, Charles Pleasants, Esq , and some others demured against some of tho proceedings, which were defended by J ii. rai'ker, tsq , when some nne men out "all who are opposed to (tie Hail Road to leave the court home," many loft the house mere were several messengers sent to me requesting me to vacate my seat and follow them, I declined to do so, bnt sent vaiious times fur our orators and paity to return, as fair play and a rotation of speaking between both parties would be strictly adhered In, and each speaker'- lime would be limited, and I further sent lo them, saying, we have a President and an equal number of Vice Picsidents, what more could we expect. As for Wm. Fegely who gives so much urn. btage he is properly ballanced by Jacob LcUering on the opposite, nnd as for me to leave my chair w here I was put unanimous Iy and follow our party which had fled without any just cause, I would not. We were called to meet at the court house, the invitation was for nil (not for par',) to meet without distinction of party, and I heard one of the principal instigators in get ting up this mass meeting in his address to a larye audience say "we will meet them (the U. K. paity) h iheir own camp, &c," Could we expect that after the opposite par ly had been challenged to meet us and did attend, that they would calmly suffer the board to be organized without a voice in it. Did we expect that they would appear be fore us "and like a sheep dumb before its tdieurer" open not their mouths could any one be so partial as even to ask it 1 We met for (he purpose of discussing an important sub ject which agitates the county, wo might not to have asked any advantage and if our position is a just one, we should have met our opponents and beat (hem down by the power of argument, and passed such resolu tion as the majority agreed to, then we would have achieved an honorable victory, and got the united approbation of our party instead of sounding a retreat at the first re- poit of thoir guns, leaving the camp in the hands of our opponents, and discharging our ammunition in the open air. We have suf fered loss by so doing. The eyes of ihe peo pie of this and the adjacent counties weie upon us, and felt an interest in the result Surely the instigators of this ignominious re treat were more cautious lhan wise. It is urged as an excuse for such conduct thai some noisy boys were crying out "Rail Road," and lhat when one of our men was speaking some sap-heads in the gallery said "put him out." If our party had but stood fum, the boys would soon have been silenced or tossed out at the windows, and prudence would have dictated to those in the gallery lo hold Iheir peace It is also said if our party had remained, a 'Row" would have been the result. I am a man of peace, and opposed lo disputes, riots and "Rowdies," but before I would have re- ttealed under such nnspicious circumstances as wo were placed, I would have said "thou who raised the whiilwind must abide the storm," and much rather lhan left the Court House, I would have "called for a little more Tun but. James Smith. Ltwis John Schuyler. CiuLtscjUAQUK. Paul Lahr. Uppkr Auousta. Charles Eckman. Lower . John Coldron. Jacob Renn. Rush Aaron Camnbell. Josenh Bear. Jesse Mensch. SiiAMoiiN. Franklin A. Clark. Simeon Campbell upper Maiionoy. Moses L. Beissel, Gid eon Adams, Samuel Heim, Michael Ferster. l.ower .Abraham Lenker, re fer Ilepuer. TRAVERSE JURORS Turdi'T Robert Haves. Georze Blair. Frederick Detzler, Delaware. John Guffv. Samuel Green. John M. Kinney, D.iniel Nicholas, Elijah Crawford, Isaao Vincent, jr , Daniel Smith, George Watson. Lewis. William Savidgo. Milton. John Murray. C'HiLiquAquE. Andrew Overpnck. Hugh Martin, George Troxel, James Tuik, Daniel Liiii I. Point. Charles Gnlick. Uppkr Auousta. Peter Ovenlorf, jr. Lower " . Joseph Gass, Jacob Krebs. Simeon Haupt, Charles llalenbach, Francis Lerch, Win. lSlnriirs, I'eler Rear ma. Siiamokin. William Farrow, II. II. Kno bel, Samuel Gnuserl, spii., Jacob Norcher, Wm. II Fry, David M'fl illiam, Michael M. Super, Lewis Chamburland, Wm. Price, Win. Roth. Rush Joseph Reader, John Gearhart, jr. Camkron. Peter Weikel. Upper Maiiomot. Hour) Mallich. Lower 11 . Bunj. Rubeudahl, Jo nathan Hockey. Little " . Conrad Raker. Jackson John Carl, N. S. Diumhellcr. Coal. Jonas Gilger. Jordan. John Adams. Sirzed, taken in execution and to he sold as property of John Sweny, tlcc'd., in the hands of his Administrator Joseph Beard, with notice to Montgomery A. Swenv, terre-tenant Ac. ALSO: On Saturday, st the same time and plnre, A Certain other Lot of Ground, situato in Upper Milton, bounded north by Lorust street, east by the Canal, south by lot of White and Mcrrine, and west by Front street, containing J of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a Steam Grist Mill, together with the Engine ami fixtures annexed, a tenant house, cooper simp, stabling, &c Seiicd, taken in execution and to ba sold at the property of Montgomery A. Sweeny. WM. D. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Sunbury, March 12, 1853. ) Wolf, grape. I am truly jours &e., S. JOHN. Providence, R. I., March 10 Joseph Hal- lett, a Frenchman, died of hydrophobia yes terday, having been bitten by a mad dog on Sunday week. The dog bit several animals before its death. Rochester, March 10. A boy named Sat- terbee, aged fourteen, was stabbed to the heart this forenoon, during a quarrel, by a lad named Gardner, aged only twelve years. Satlerbee died in a few minutes. Tct it .furors. St'NRURV. E. G. Markley, Andiew l!al dv, J. H Zimmerman, Fiei'erick Lazarus Delaware Simon Lantz, Joseph Hayes, jr., David Wilson, Ed. 1 luckemiller, Wm. Uiggerts, Win. Beard. Ciiimsquahi'e. R. A. Giffens, Simon Rea lly. Samuel Mullener- Point George Lesher, Joseph Vnnkirk. Upper Ait.ista. Frederick Haas, Solo man Harlzel, Herman Kline, ir. Lower " .Peter Mallich, John Ehi ighl. Upper Maiionoy. Henry Haas. Lower " .--Win Shaffer Spa'.z. Jackson. Benj. Strickler, Daniel Wm. Cares. Rush Samuel Swank, Joseph Campbell. Coal. Daniel N. Lake. Siiamokin Farnsworth Reed, Edward Wilkorson, Samuel Rcplur, John Boughner. Cameron. Wm. Ueik. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs nf 7r. 1-anas and Vrn. Kxtiouat, to me directed, w ill be sold by public vendue or outcry at the Court House, in llie Dofough of Sunbury, at One o'cloik, P. M., on the first Monday of April, tlie lollonntg real estate, to wit : A certain Tract of Land, situate in Rush township, in the county of Nor thumberland, bounded as follows, Beginning at a White Dak a corner of John ilsons lund, .South fifty three perches by land of 1'cter Mettler to a post, thence by the same ana Isaac Kline east eibt perches to a post, thence by lund of W. Mettler south li'J H-lll perches to a none, thence west 25 perches to a fallen cheanut, thence south 55 perches to a stone, thence by land ol J. Mettler west G4 perches to a fallen line tia. thence south 57 perches to a post, thence by laud of Henry HolT west I3J 1-10 perches to a post, thence by land ofC. Campbell and Jacob Depuy, north 183 perches to a post, thence by land of Isaac Kline north eighty degrees sen x -iu 10 a stone, thence north 10 degrees west twenty four perches 8 3-10 to a post, thence north 87 j de crees cast 13 perches to a post, thence south 19 degrees, east 2 7-10 perches to a post, thence by laud of Jacob Depuy north 87J itcgrces cam 1 1 perches to a post, thence north 56 decrees east 28 3-10 perches to a post, inence norm on por ches to a post, thence cast by land of John Wilson I 111 4-10 to the place ol ucgtnniiig, containing two hundred and fifty acres and 60 perches; whereon are erected on the east end of said tract a new Frame House, Frame Barn, 5rc, and on west end a large Frame House, Barn, Spring House Apple Orchard, Ac ALSO: A Certain Lot or parcel of land adjoining the above mentioned, on the west side, beginning at a post, thence by land of Jacob Depuy north 2 J degrees west 45 6-10 perches to a post, thence by land of James Kline south 88 decrees west 20 3-1U to a post. thence by laud of of I. Kline and C. Campbell south Cj perches, west 4G perches to a stone. thence by land ot J. Camplicll north 8S degrees cast 25 perches to the place of beginning, con taining six acres and eighty six perches. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as lie property of John Kline. ALSO: A Certain Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Milton, in the county aforesaid, Bounded north by Broadway, east by the Pennsylvania Canal, south by Tine alley and w est by lot of James Covert, containing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erected a Frame Dwelling House, two Store Houses, Sta bling. &c. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Montgomery A. Sweny surviving partner ol John Sweny & eon. ALSO: Two certain cenligious Lots of Ground. situate in the borough and county aforesaid, iKiunded north by lots belonging to the estate of Catharine rrux, deed., east by fourth street, south by lot of Murpheys estate and west by the liner Susquehanna, containing one eighth of an acre more or less, and nown in the general plan of said borough as lots INos, 153 and 154, where on are erected a wcslherboardcd house 1 J stories high and a small stable. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as late the estate of Henry Fric, dee'd., now in the hands of his Administrator and ileus. ALSO: All that Certain Tract of Land, situate in Augusta township, county aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Begin ning at a Birch by lot Nu. 8 north 14 degrees, CARR, OIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commmon Merchants, 23 oiiri 55 Spear's Wharf, BALTIMORE- ItRFERKNL'ES. John Clark, Esq., 1'iesident Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. 1. Giles, Esq., Cashier Franklin Bank, ' " John Hcrtzlcr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Koijcrs, Sinuickanti Ac Co., J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port Do posite. J. Wnllower cV Hon Harrisbiirg. Col. H. C. F.ycr, Sclinsgrovc. J. H. App eV Co., Nogle, Wingate cV Co., Milton. W. W.Cooke, Esq., Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " George Bodins, Hughsvillc. W. Weaver & Co., Moutoursville. Gen. William F. Packer. V illiamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " James H. Hiding, " Lewis G. Huling, " M" Henry iV Uiibh, Jersey Shore. J. I . Hilling, r.sq.. Lock Haven. t If" Carr, Gicsc & Co. have the largest wharf- "room of any com minion bonne in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March 12, 1853. Cm. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, lMroRTf.r.3 AND DEALERS IN French Millinery floods, So. 45 Sunfi Sceond Street, PHILADELPHIA, HAVING received by late arrivals a large and well selected assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, are now prepared to ofl'er their customers, at lowest market prices -Glace Silks for Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, French and American Artificial Flowers, ('rapes, all colors, Fancy Mcts and Laces, Together with every article appertaining to Millinery trade. March 12, 1853. 2m. the the AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TVOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned INI Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of .Northumberland County, to distribute the as sets in the bnnJs of Win. Reed, Administrator A- ,.f l..t..r Vu itillitt.v tTif'il. ft, a.iil mmitiir till Creditors of said deceased, and that he will attend at his ollice in Sunbury, for that purpose, on Sat urday, tho 2d day day of April, 1853, when all interested, if they think proper, can attend. H. II. MASSER, Auditor. Sunbury, March 12, 1853 4t. PROCLAMATION. TVOT1CE is hereby given that tho serera Courts of Common Fleas, General Qimrtcr Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 4th day of April next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. Tlie coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf cf the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their projier persons to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeablo to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 5th day of March, in the yeor of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly-three and the In dependence of the United States of America tho 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. REGISTERS' NOTICE. IV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the Kxecutors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts wiih the Register of Northumberland County, and that the same will be presented to the )i bans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A. !., 1853, in the forenoon, for confirmation and allowance. Mary Welch, dce'd., settled by her Adin'r David Hull. Peter Dentler, dee'd., settled by his Executors, Thomas Watts, Margaret Deutler, and Ja cob Dentler, Leonard Hied, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r David Dunkleberger. Jacob Rhule, dee'd., settled bv his Ex'r Samuel Herr. Solomc Wagner, dee'd , settled by her Adin'r Simon Lantz. Deborah Tharp, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Jesse Campbell. Godfrey Urosious, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Samuel Brosious. John liesh, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Elias Wallou. Gilbert Voris, dee'd., settled by his Adin'r Win. 'J' Forsyth. George Long, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor George Boyer. Elizalieih Dentler, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs Geo. F. Miller and John Young. Matilda Hubler, settled by her Guardian, Cieorge Garman. Spencer Metier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tors Benj, Gearhart and Wilson Metier. Rachel Cornel, dee'd., settled by her Adm'tor John Yordy. Joseph H. Kline, dee'd., Final Acct. setllej by bis Adm'r D. C. Caul. Andiew ("rolbers, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Alexander Colt. William MeCay, dee'd.. supplemental Acct. settled by bis Adin'r David Taggart. Anna M. Hunsickcr. dee'd., settled by her Ex ecutor David Taggart Jacob Snyder, dee'd., settled by his Executors John A. Snyder and William Kebach. JOHN P. FL'RSEL, Register. Register's Ollice, i Sunbury, March 5, 1852. J To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter tessiont for the coanty of Jfor tlwmberland. The iiniteriiirned petitioner respectfully solicits the Hon. Court to irrnut hiin license Inker pun Inn or tavern si ths house he uow occupies situate in Cnmcron township. PKTI'.lt WKIRI-'.I.. AVe Ihe nnriVrsifnien ritir.ens of the township of t'nm emu. in Northumberland county, lieinn acquainted with th mill Petitioner. certify thai he is of (rmut repute for h uicsly and temperance, and Hint he is well provided wilh h-inw. room nnd other c-siveniehcet f'ff the accommodation of striiiirfra nnd trnvrllria. nml thatyni Inn ol tavern in,thrrs necessary for the sccomin gtjtmnof strangers awl travellers. Silomnn B. Diver, Jon-ph Ornves. J"hn Riyer, Jacob lfn, rieore Kcntetter. Darnhirt KfrMM'er, llnniel ISr hit'ijiht, Henry Klock, Michnel Anui, Duval llillniiii, Genrjre Mmmrr. March 5. IMS 3t To the Honorable the J mites of Ihe Court of Quarter sessions for the count of Sorthuw bcrlmid : The uiiflersiiif-tl petitioner reapce'fufly S 'lici'sthe Itnn. Court io pranl him a licenfle to kfp nu Itin or Inverti in the house heiuw occupies n such in Pluiuiokln town- " ''' Wtr.MAM FARItOW. We the undersigned citizeiii f Hinmokiit township, In N 'nliiiiiilH-rlnud county, being ncunniutcd with the Peti tioner, do certify Hint lie is of go,l miulr forhonnsly nnd Icniprranee, anil that he la well provided Willi house ro"m and oilier conveniences forlhe ncrnmm lntton of atiaugeis nod travellers, nnd that an tun or Invern there is necessary for the nec.)iniuHlatioii of atrangers ami Irnvcllers. J ihn M-wire, "l-im.i F.vereil, rimuel Wilkius-Mi, Mnh t n H Michuer, Frniteia Kl.'iasc, Andrew Ociisct. John .tones. J ihn Mart. Il'-orge K. Ad-tins, Leonard Witgner, Irn Jones. Isnne Arti'ild. flnirn 'kin, .March, S, I Ml. .It. To the honorable the Jutltrrs of the Court of Quarter snsionsfor the county of Xor tfiitmberliinil. The unileisifticil petitioner respectfully solicits tlie If.'ii. Court to grunt him u license lo kerpun Inn or invern nt the h use he uow occupies, situate in Trcverlon, Coal town ship. I! K Wt'.AVF.rt. We Ihe undersigned cilisena of Treverton, Conl town ship, in N rthniiiberlwnd c unity, being acquainted wilh the sniit Petitioner, ,h certify that he is of g-"d repute fr hoitefty nml teinpeninee. nnd' Ihnt he is well provided with house room nnd oilier c tuveiiieueeslor me nccornmooniion of at rangers nnd travel lei a, ruidtlml an Inn or Invern is there neeesmifv i, ,r llicnccniumKlnlinn of aliaiigera and Irnvellera. Men). Pntti'il, llollliel, Hrymeier, Henry Sehrader, P. Straws'T. Andrew A. Ileiiu, J. I'cneiMielier. John Sehrn rier. Isaac Weiaer. Daniel T.'bitis, liilbert Uurlew, Durnuid MVMonea. Jacob Kpting Treverton, March 3, IKV1 nt. GEOKGE AV- ZIMEUMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arch Street, four doois above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Which for stvlo of finish ond xs-orkmnnship rsnnot I t surpassed. Whobmla and Retail at the lorvest prices. Also TRANSPA HEN 'I' WIN DOW SHADES AND KEED ilLINLfit WIIOIXSAI.t'., AT MA.Nt'FACTL'lt Fits' I'ftlCEeJ. tjtT MERCHANTS snd others arc invited to call and txaniim. Philadelphia, August 21, 1852 ly. To the honorable the Judires of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of J'or thumberlind. The undersigned pe.iti ner respectfully aolieita the Hon. C nrt to grant him a license to locp nu Inn or tavern in Uyorgetowu, LoW'cl Multaiioy township. JOHN HXGEMAN. We the undersigned eitizena of Lower Miihanoy tows ahip. in Northumberland conuty. Iteing ncipinititrd wilh Ihe Petitioner, do eerlily that he la of good repute for honesty and temperance, nnd that tie ia well provided with houae room and other conveniencca f, the neeomnnslation of atraiigera nnd navellera, nnd that nn luiioi Invern ia there necessary f,,r lheHccoinin Hlati.'ll of strangers anil lravellerat O. H. Weiscr, (ieorge Itrssious. iSol-mi'Ml Itessler, John Metier, Michael l.abr, Andrew Ditty. Philip llobb. John H. Leuker, Philip Spatz, Joseph Fenatermacbei. sen., Jolul Vogus, Isreal Winner, Joseph lthr, Isaac liulTer. Mureh S, IK',3 3t. OR trial Come and Pay ! VLI. persons indebted to the firm of Friling & Omit, are hereby respectfully notified to call and pay up between this and the first day of April, as they wiMi to go to Philadelphia to lay in their Spring stock of goods. 'J'bev w ill take ci ther money or whcot, as the needful is very much i wanted. r KlI.lMi & liltAA t . Sunbury, March 12, 1853. 2t. Wood Sj Willow "Ware. 20,000 Fancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Dc.z. Buckets, Assorted Colors, 600 NesU Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Cedar Churns. 500 Doz. Willow Baskets, 300 Doz. Wall and Scrub Brushes, cVc., Ac. The largest Stock ever ollcred in Philadel nhia. and the cheapest in the world. Orders promptly filled. M. & J. M. HOWE, No. 1 1 1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 12, 1853. 3m. ,., $5 REWARD. "IYrHEREA8 Jacob Yeaklcy, a pauper of this tuwnabiii. nnd in niv charce. has left mv House, and protection, and against my wish. The public are hereby cautioned not to trust him on my account, as nothing will la? paid by me. The above reward will be paid to unv person or persons delivering him to me, at my house on or before the lHth of March inst. PETER YERfiER. Jackson Township, March 12, H53. 3t. Estate "of MARY MARSH, dee'd. jVJOTICE is hereby given that letters testiinicn tary on the estate of Mary Marsh, dee'd., late of Siiamokin township, Northumberland county, have been urautcd by the Rcgistci of said county, to the undersigned. Therefore all persons in debted to said estate will discharge the same, and those hainij demand will present them to AMOS VASTINH, IVtor. Siiamokin Township, March 12, 1853. fit. LIST OF CAUSES in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at April 1 ., A. D., 1853. H.A1NTIKFS. DEFENDANTS, fieorge Sbiley vs Ab'm Dunkelberger's admr'x Aliijah Bowen vs Win H Thompson Win M Aulen vs Thomas Rascr Tenbrook for Amdeton vs James Brass , . ., Jacob Zartmnn's Henry Maze &. Eve his wife vs ,jlniir0, J B Masser vs Barbara Shall'cr's ex'rs William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland, James T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle vs J at ol W ertman vs Jacob Stitxel vs (ieorge Snyder M Bachmnn &F.Markl Moyer ct Mover's Uar- nisbea vs Jacob Holl'man et al Daniel Rhodes Samuel I. Beck Simon Snyder Christian Cable vs Hitz for Reiner vs Valuable Farm lor Sale. TMIR subscriber offers at Public Sale, on A Tl'ESDAY the S2d day of MARCH next, a valuable farm late the estate of Wm. Tuguart, dee'd., situate in Chilisqnaqiie township, North umlH'rl.ind county, and in Lilierty township, Mon tour county, about 'I miles from Milton, on the Danville road, containing in all . 277 ACRES. of which hbout 180 acres is cleared land, viz : .I0 ocics of meadow and 00 acres plough land The balance, of nearly 100 acres, being llrst rate titular land. The improvements are a m MANSION HOUSE, a new Frame House, a largo Bank Barn cVc,. A. An apple orchard and peach orchard. There is also p'cnly of limestone within a half mile. A rail road has been surveyed within a half mile of the premises. The above farm oilers gteat inducements to persons who wish to locate themselves in a good farming district, as there is every convenience for making it a very desirable home, it lieing handsomely situated, and the Chilisqnaqiie creek running through Ihe centre. A good title ami peaceable possession given on the 1st of April next. S S. TAOGART, Ex'tor. Chilisiiuaque Feb. 26, 1853. if. KRUPP'S Premium lissenec of Codec. ..., ,;.,.., M.rrl we'll pro-,. '.,! lou our uvea ij i using nrupp a I Ksaencv or Cullee The Commonwealth of f In the Court of Com Pennsylvania, jVor- I inon Plea ot Nuiih thumbci liinj co SS. tinibeiland futility ul April T. IB53 The commonwealth of lYnns) lvatiia lo Geoiyo E. Cichric, Adrninistialor of Geinuo Yuuk'iu, l.itu of Chilisipiatiuo township, deu'il , and Elizabeth Yonkin, w idow, atul lo the heiis and legal rt'tiri'sentativi'S of the said tJoorjir! Yonkin, dec d., viz : Win. Von kin, of Michigan, Christinn, iiilerniurried with Cook Clin ten, of Jerseyville county, Il linois, Gu-otgu Yonkin, of Lycuiniui: county, Pens) Ivuuia, and l'ctei Yonkin, (who is now dee'd. leaving issue three chibiicn, Eliza belli, Peter und George,) ami lo ull the heiig loiiul repiusentutivca of Ihu said Gcoie Yondin, deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear in our said Court nl Sunbu ry, on Monday, Ihe 4ih day of Apiil, A. D., 1853. lo show if anything jou have or know lo say hy you slim, Id not be made parties to a curtain judgment, lately in our County Com t of Common Pleas before our judges at Sunbury, lo wit ; in Ihe Term of August, A. D., 1852, by the consideration of the said Court recoveied against George E. Gehrig, Administrator ns aloresaid of Gearge Yonkin, dee'd., lifty-lhreo 50 100 dollais, nvlul money, wlucti lo u.ivnt noiiien aim Marv Ann his wife in our said Conit were adindged for Iheir damages which they sus- V P ... " r . tamed us well py occusion oi inn nu-per formance of a certain promise nnd assump tion by the said (ieorae Yonkin in his life J . . , nl,. i ni tune to the) sani tivni noi.icn niiu itiary Ann his wife at said Connly miulf, as for his costs and charges by them about Iheir suit in that behalf expended, and why the said David Uolden and Mary Ann his wife should not have execution against the bunds of the said Geoige Yonkin, deceased, for the debt nnd dummies aforesaid. Witness the Hon. Alexander Jordan, Pie sident of our said Court tit Sunbury, this 1st day ol February, A. D., 1853. J AMI'S BEARD, Trolby. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff's Oll'ico ) Sunbury, Feb. 1, 1853. J 4 SCHOOL BOOKS. PAPER, &e. TI1K snliscrils-ta nITer ir, OvsritT McsritKTa, Tsyrsr ESs nnl tSflinol, Commiitkks, one of tlie beat oaai.rterl at vksof ( IIIKM, HOUKS snd fTATII).AHV to l foiniil ia the City, which they am tibte to offer at Ciat prices. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find nil the lomlhig fMi'ml H HtRs, Writing nnd Wrniv pintr I'ntf ri, Cnrinin I'tipm, Hlitntii: .' tnpcrn, an'l nil "rtli nnrv Stntionnry, Lllniik liotiki, f-Jfic, Infe, ir, mi .i.l uiut luvoruble ternm. hCUOOL COMMITTERS, Sch'H'ls, nre invitfil to mil nnd xiniiim.' cih itiK-k. Wt hive Imrt p tiiMtlcraMn fXprrirm in mpplyiiit tl'"liHi? Uii triplp, nml Immhij PiiMiFhrrn of n mttnbcr n r x nHtVL'ljr ured S-ih-nil U xiks, our lutilititi fur getung aacli li.t-k tv.t unttirpiifwcd. Amnnsnt our Fnlilimt ns will Iref- ind Iho follow jig : Comly's Spelling Hok, rirvunl rditioi. ; ; l'rhnrr ; Vniitig Oiutor ; Gnmmer' Stirvryitij?. the ntj-mlrpd Treat is on Uiii ici- niff : l(tniiyrns.tlr' Mt iistirnf in ; AiidtTMii'n InvenrKrl'i llirtory of tl r I'tiitH S'ait, in i nr rniiiic r-piiH.ii m ,NfW l c-rK nml I'ltiimuij'iim , ntimmM'n 1'rogtetslvr fpHlmir B(tk : fiml. GnimmtT ; Irin Dictionary; The BKk of Cuiiiiiicicv, Ac , .V'., ftr. L'HIAM HUNT SON. 41 North Fourth Street, riiiimlclplin. rcbritnty 5rt, lr-V'.rt, 3m. William Scchlor WaHhington Mutual In-surniH-e Cunimny State Mutunl Kire lusu rnnre Company Jamb II. Manser Alliin Newberry UelK'oi'a Swaitz Kudulih Ducner John L Veagrr vu E Kaufman et al v Same 1 tjior Detkoit, March 1 1 Smith, Farnham, ami Chamlin, convicted ome two years since of conspiracy lo destroy the properly of ihe wegt 31 1 perches to a post, tlieuce north 711 de- Michi"an Central Railroad Company, nae grees east t 1 jierciies to a post, tuence uy v.nns- . 1 . 1 u.. .. r,A, lain rnisBier iin 01 101 io. o soum two nuiioreu Oeen v, , fif one perches to a lilac Oa.tlience south 14 ileerees east 45 uerches to a oost. north sixtv TatNTON, March 11. Th Hon. tl. v. lix Wrt.nei to the place of beginning, containing MTlIK uiulersiuiicd have iust openeil a fresh A nml complete stock of WAI.I. FAl'KKS smoni; which are COM) ami VE1.VF.T, FINE SATIN, anil tlie LOWEST l'MCKD I'Ntil.A ZEU I'APKKS i Also, HECOltATlOMS, liOKDEKS, FIRE tsCKEENiS, CL'KTAI.NS. &c., cVe. Wliicli tliey oiler at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The best workman employed to hang paper cither in the city or country. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &o. We have also our usual assortment of V I? IT ING PAl'EHS, WKAFl'INU I'AI'EKS, Ulank and School Hooks, stationary, Ac. PAUltlslI & HOirCJH, No. 4 North Filth St., 2 doors nhove Market, PHILADELPHIA CASH paid for Country rags. Phi la., March 13, 1853. 3m. r.reene. the) nresent Chief Justice, has been two hundred and forty nine acres and a quarter renominated, and confirmed by Ihe Senate I oeing P" ' v?. - J n , ,Qiitiiiiiiivu ' I A,..t.,l Tua l)uell,nir Hoiiaea. liau Il:,rn and other outbuildiiiRS. Siezed taken in eiecution and to ba sold as tin projierty of J. A. Shlssler. ALSO t Iron Tubnphc A company is being or. gnnized at Cincinnati, Ohio, to pave the turnpike from the head of Ihe Western Av enue nt Brighton, lo Cumminiville, Spring Grove and Carthage, with iron plutea. New Advertisements- List of Jurors, 4F Northumberland County for April T., A JD., 1853. lira ntl Jurors. So Kir a T. Edward Eisely. North I'M m Li kd John Geist. Milton. Joseph Angsladt, Patrick Mon tage. Delaware. William Erwin, Reuben Mil lard, Michael tsoabtt. BY Virtue of certain writs of Lev. Fa. issuing out of the Court of Common Pleas of North umberland county, and to me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the public S. . .. i. ..c i;i. ... ll.xiBi, ol Jo in nl. J I oil in me uuiuuku at one o'clo., P. M., on the second day of Abril next, the following real estate, to wit I All that certain Lot of ground, situate in the Borough of Milton, in the county,l hminded north bv Uroadway, east Dy the Pennsylvania Canal, south by Pine alley, and west by lot of James Covert, containing one r,.,iK nrn sera more or less, whereon are erec ted a Two Btory Frame Dwelling House and BricZ Kitchen, one Frame Store Koom, and two larg Ware Houses, Stabling, 4c. vs Reuben Fegely vs Thomas ltahtr vs Andrew McLanahau vs Peter Thomas s (ieorge Bright U Ia.iLb will, nnli,- D Hoats for M Sweny v. t,.rr,.,pnant Oliver B Hiltiard ts John Hartman John W Peal vs Joseph Diinmick, et. al. Christ & McFadden vs Susanna Keid ( Ieorge Brosious vs Daniel Knmple Francis Jodan vs David L Irland John HccOv vs George Ecerts adm'r same s same , . , , , A. C. A T. G Kendcrlo n Plinth s ex rs. vs Morris same vs Wendel I. KclTcr vs John F Wollinger Willium Forsiuan et ul vs John Pars Frederic Wilhelm vs Henry Wilheliu Jane lloear vs lieor;e P. Buyers el al Nuthaniei Sax ton s John Uush and wue vs ailm'rs J 5- A Khissler Itola-rt Kline Henrietta Lewis B Fagely &. t.'o Jacob II . lthaads Daniel Gibson Mary Viccry J Ull Rockefeller tmiLn 'i : ii.. 'J UMn(hriipi ' u V' li 1 ill 1 Jf'lKiwiiceorcotlee. VjSill;- I I1 Ml I IllKsnliitioti of Partiicrxlilp. ri'tHE Copartnership heretofore existing under I the name of James II. & Wm. 13. Hurt, ia this day dissolved by the withdrawel of ViKiam U. Hart. The business of the late firm will lo settled by either of tho undersigned, at No. 20, North 3d street. JAMES II. HART. WILLIAM B. HABT, THOMA8 HAKT. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1H53. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business nn.W the name of James H. & Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past favors, they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to iheir stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, nnd which they will sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HAl'.T, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853 VHY will man use that w hich ia injurious to his health, wl en he Is willing to give all his wealth to restore it when it is lost ! Strange ! that at least two thirds of the human family will use ordinary COFFEE knowing it to be injuri ous to their health. Iii'iipp'si lriicc or Codec is, beyond doubt the best and most wholesome preparation of Colli e ill the world. Every oousc keeper should have it. Try it and be convinced it will save about lit) pet cent, besides) our health. arranted to render entire atilaction. Manufactured and for sale bv ELI KRLTP, G3J North 3d street Philadelphia. N. . All the principal l.rocers anil Urugists have it for sale throughout the t'nited States. For sale by the Agent, H. B. Masser, Sunbury. January 1, 185'J. Cm. The Commonu-ralthof f In the Court of Corn- Pennsylvania, ?or- ,' moil l'lease ol iurtn (i(imbrr(uit(f co. SS. ' uinbeilainl comity of T. 1853. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to George V.. Gehrig, Ailiniiiistiator ol Oeotye Voiikiu. hue of CliilisniiiKiue township, ilu- ceased, and lo all the heirs and h'L'.il repre sentatives of the said Geoie;e Yonkin of said County, deceased, viz: Mary Ann inteiniiir- rted with I'.ivid llubl-ti. ol v-tiuis(piaiiu township, Peims) Ivania ; Christinn interitiar ried with Cook Clayton, ol Jerseyville county, Illinois; William iunklll.ol iVliciusauj ueuiyH Yonkin. (who is now deceased leaving three children, F.lizabeth, Peter and Georoc.) ami :u till Ihe heirs and legal representative cf said de. 'eased. You and ruch of you nre hereby notified to be ami appear in our said Court ut Sunbury on Monday ttiu 4: Ii day ol April, A. P., 1853, to show if any thing yon have or know lo say who yon should not be made pailies to a certain judgment, obtained lately in our Count v Conns of Common Pleas, bcfoie our Jinl:ze at Sunbniv, to wit: in the term of April A. D., 1852, by the consideration of Ihe said Court recovered Brains! George E. Gehiisr, Administrator n aforesaid of George Yonkin, deceased S16 20 lawful money which to David Hidden in our said Court weie adjudged for his damages which he sustained as well by occasion of tin- non-per- foriiiance of a certain promise an I assump tion bv the said Geoiue Yonkin ill his life I run to the son Uavn minion hi sain couiiiv made as for his coi-ts and by him atiotii bis suit in lhat behalf expended nuil whv the said David Hidden should not have execution against tho lands of Ihe said Geo. Yis9tin, deceased, fur the debt and damage aforesaid. Witness ihe Hon Alexander Jordan Presi dent of our rai l Court at Sutibiuy, this 1st day of February, A D , 1853. " JAMES BEARD, Piolh'y WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff' Ollica ) Suubuiy, Feb. 1, 1853. 4 EYEE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for spring sales V Fine Stock of Dry Good, Black and Colored Silks, Foshiouable Shawls, New designs of Dress Goods, British, French anil India (ioc.Js, Linen Damask and Furnishing Goods, A Full stuck of American Cotton and Woolen Goods, M. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low riia,fi;, set cash. February 13, 1P53. 3in. LIST OF CAUSES ITOR Special Court of Common Plsas of ' Northumberland County to be held on the 4th Monday of May, A. D., 1853. Frederick Keener vs Wm. Ayres eter Pursel vs Jacob Hibler James Graham et al vs Hugh Bellas et al Piatt il Piatt va Henrv Masser Com'th for Wm L Hcinenian vsT A Billington . . Louis Alex. Nopoleon Du Peterr Bosquet va I)a,(iuicr ct, .1. same vs Pierre tidier et. al. E John for W Camp vs Wolverton ir Leisenr'g Kyster for Weaver va Eb'zer Grecnougb ex'r Joanna Pendeville vs A E Kapp Mahonoy and Shamokin AbrliUn, pul Improvement Co Sarah L Keen va Abraham Brosioua Same va Samuel Savidgo Com'wealth for S. D. va T, A. Billington & Jordan hail Henry Donnel et al va Hugh Bellas Robert Philips vs Zerhy Kuu and Shamokin Improvement Company JAMES BEARD, Protb'y. Prothonotary's Ollice, ) Sunbury, March ft, 1852.- ) vs Daniel Clinn vs Geoicc W Brtwcr ts '1 hoinas Barr vs John Rosser & Co vs J. Frv and J. H.irmall Jacob Reinard and rt Wm Kahler vs David Latsha vs J C llorton JAMES BEARD, Protb'y Prothonotary's Ollice. ) Sunbury, Murch ft, 1853. To the Honoruhlc the Judges of Ihe Court of ... . , . ... . C Hitcricr sessions jur inecoumi) uj oiinnv be i land. The anderaixnrd neiitiouer reapectfally a.iliciia tliclfoa. Court to gram loin a license to keep an lini ot tavern in the lurpe atonfi liuihling oneaulc uclowSimliaiy.biit with in the limila of ihe borough on the road lending iroru liar riaburg to rSuuliary. n CHAitl.KS GAillNfil'.n. We the unrlciaiiriied eitizena ol the tornii:h oluiiiury, iiiNorlhuuilierluuiVcouiity . Ueiiataequainled with the t'eti tinner, do eertil y Hint lie ia of r-.hI re,uie lor Icutaly suit teuiieranee, ami lliut he is well provided Willi houae room and other cuveinciu-eaftir the aeeoiuin,stnlionoi'atioi,Kera and travellers, and thai an Inn or tavern there la necessary lor the aceoiuiuodstiou of alrungera and travellers. II. J., Gee. C. Welker, Henry i. unlet, J . B. Packer. HiHjert II. Awl, V. I.. Dcwarl, Ira T. t'U-rneiit, Jno. P. Pursel, lleuj, llelTner, K.luis llrosioua, J. M. Hluip Buli, KruiHTia liucher, Ctias. J. filmier. Banbury, March 5, 41. JVtw Walt Poper lljftrise. BTJP.TOXT & LA1TI1TG, MANl'FACTl'HERsj ANU lMI'ORTEUS, So. 124 Arch Street, second door ulove Sixth PHILADELPHIA. TVTIERE may be found the largest and bejt T T aeleeted slock in the Citv. COUNTRY PLKCH ASEKS may here be accommodated without the inconvenience of look ing further, and may be assured that they will re ceive the advantage of their money. BURTON & LANING, 124 ARCH Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. March, 12, 1653. 3m. SHERIFF SALE. BY virtue of an order of sale, a certain LOT OF GROUND, situate in the borough of North umbel laud, in said county, hounded south-west by Queen street, south-east by an alley, north-east by an alley, and north-west by lot No. 175, and known in the ieiiernl plan of said borough, as lot No. 170, containing in front on ljucu street CO feet, and in depth U40 feet with the appurten ances, To be sold on the premises on the 2'Jlll of March, at 10 o'clock, as the property of John and Jas. Tuggarltlate the property of David Tag gart, dee'd. WM. B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's OlTica, Sunbury, ) Feb. , 1853.- 4t. i Come nnd Settle. THE suhscrils-r hereby notifies nil persons in debted lo him to call and settle their old ac counts, on or liofore the middle of March. Those who neglect this notice, will most positively find their accounts placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Therefore fail not. GEORGE ROHRBACH. Sunbury, March 5, 1853. 4 1. In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE HALL, Deceased. THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Ma ry Hall, intermarried with George Zimmerman, Catharine Hall widow of Daniel '.iiiiiiiermau, the heirs of Peter Hull dee'd., and George Hocy, Peter Ilocy, Samuel Hocy, James Hocy, son ol James Hoev, dee'd., by his Guardian Jeremiah M. Zimmerman, the Ileus of Susannah Hocy, intermarried with William Conr.ul and Mury Hocy widoy of .ichard Houghton dee'd., child ren lit' Elix.ibeth Hall, intermarried wilh John Hocy. lineal descendants of George Hall, dee'd., an all oilier persons interested. GlItXTI.XU. Northumberland County, SS. You ore hereby cited to lie and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court lo be held at Smitiiirv. on Ihe first Monday of April next, liter. on, I there to accent or refuse the real estate of George Hall, dee'd., situate in tho borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, to wit: .A ,,i.;,i 1 ,,i ,,f Gr.iiiiul situate as aforesasd, front- inn. . ltlackberrv street, iidioiuing lands of Ja cob Kabte on the' East, Edward Y. Bright on the went, bv a twenty foot nllcv on the north, where. on is erected a story and a hall' House and a Shop, which was valued ami appraised al uie sum oi Four hundred and Fftv dollars in the whole, in iiurminnce of a writ ol Partition and valuation issued out of said court, return idle lo January Term 1853, or show cause why the same should nut be sold according to tho act ol Assembly in cases msde aud provided. And therefore fail not. Certified Irotn the records ot out sjiJ I ourt at Sunbury this Uili day of January A. D. 1853. C. BOYD PLRSEI.I Dep. Clk. I); C. February 12, 1853. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUB1NCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Coiifectionapy of nil kiml, No. 113 Korlh Third St. below Knee, PHILADELPHIA. THE attention of Dealers is rc.ui.4cd to an examination of their stock, which will l found to be at I cist etgual to auv ill this citv. FOREIGN FRUITS ot all kinds in season.' N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly ot tended to. February 5, 1853. Cm. C II F. A P WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufacturer or G. L. MILLEF. & CC., S. IF, corner Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA. -DfYERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole, sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc to be had at the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a trial. WE WILL THY TO PLEASE. Brasses, Trimmings, &.C., always on baud. Remember i. W. corner SECOND and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia. rebruary IS, 1S53. bin. 1,000 Men Wanted. rN the li-c of the S I'S y U E 1 1 A N N A RAIL " ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har risburg') and Sunbury, in the State of Pennsylva nia. This road is fitly four miles in length' run through a highly improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve mouths. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation. laborers that are laminar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wages. DOIGHEKTY, LAL'.MAN & CO., Contractor s. February 19, IF. "3 Wanted Immediately. CORN, Rye, Oata, Buckwheat and Wheatbran, for which the higheat cash price will ba paid by E. WILVERT. Sunbury, Feb. 19, le63, if. LATvENCK HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA- rilll E subscriber re-peclfully informs his friends, A Bnd tho public, generally, that he bus opened the "Lawrence House" on Tuesday, March 1, 1S53, and will do his best endeavors to please the public. SAMUEL THOMPSON. Sunbury Fab. 3, 1853 tf. Flour and Feed Store. THE subscriber respectfully in forma his friend and the public generally, that be has opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE, in Fawn street, in the building formerly occupied by Esq. Bower, aa his office, where be will con stantly keep on hand all kinds of Gat is. Flora lit Fsiu, at the lowest market prices, for Cash or produce. EMANUEL WILVERT. Sunbury, March 5, 1853 3m ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Cieorge Haupt, sen., late of Lower Augusta township, Norilniin lierland county, dee'd, have been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them to SEBASTIAN HAIPT, GEORGE II A LPT, Administrators. Sunbury, Feb. 28, 1S53 Ct. Estate of SAUUEL HUNTER, dee'd. PEKSONS who are indebted to the estato of Samuel Hunlcr, late of I'ppcr Augusts township, Northumberland county, dee'd., are requested to call on the subscrilier, one of the ex ecutors of the said estate, and make settlement on or before the first day of May next ; and h hereby notifies those who neglecl this call, that after that day he will place the accounts remain ing unpaid in Ihe hands of a Justice of the Peace, who will lie authorized to collect lliein at once without further notice. WM. L. DEWART, Ex'tor. Sunbury, Feb. SB, 1853. fit. Kosentlule Hydraulic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keepii-j dampness from wet and exposed Wulls. For sale by EVI SMITH cV SON. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. Laborers Wanted. rpiIF. subscrilier want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chaumaii. L'nioii county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 LABORERS, to wh im one dollar per day will pe paid. o a i uu r.. w ji. v EATON A CO, Chapmnn, Union County, Feb. 1U.185S tf. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA (J IN GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by U. B. MAStfEK. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. TNK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con. gre ink for aale, whoUssle and retail bv December St), 1850. II U MASTER. Ail Apprentice Wunted. The subscrilier wauls an apprentice to learn the business of a Blacksmith. A boy 17 or 18 years old, of good moral charucter, -would lu.d a good situation by applying soou ut ihe old slu-d of George Zimmerman. SOLOMON STROH. Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1863. - - EMERSON'S A RITH EMETIC No. 1.3 3 ntl PnrtMv' IM. ..1. I u.... l. . ' , cd a ad for sale ba Bunburv, May 1, UJl,- WM. McCAKT'Y.