-for cign Ncto0. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA. ENGLAND. A great banquet wan helJ by the Reform t Manchester, on the 3d inst. Gat rgn Wilson presided, ami there were many mem' beraof Parliament present. Mr. CobJen, in a speech on the occasion, offered to bet 1000 ftsairist ig. that Napoleon would never invade England. Mr. Willinm Rroiherslon look the bet, and bound CobJen over to the full amount. The London Morning Advertiser says, that packet of eighty letter had been stolen from the Emperor' private apartment, arid uspiuion reals upon Mrs. Howard. Letter which implicate the first men of France, ore also thought to be in her possession. A re. ward of 300,000 fiance has been offered for their recovery. FRANCE. The Queen of Spain proposes to present the new Empress with an Impeiial Crown, and the Dutchess of Alba sends an ofleriug of eight beautiTuI Andulusiati hoises. Palis has resumed its wonted quiet. The Ministers were each above jiving in turn feres," in honor of the nianine. The Impeiiul couple have gone to house keeping in a most magnificent ntjle. The Empress it is said to have devoted large sums lu cliaiitable purposes. The Emperor proposes puichasing out of the private funds, a diamond necklace, valued at 600.000 francs, which the Empicss decli ned receiving from the city of Talis. He also proposes to build a palace at Marseilles, nud, it is said, one in each of the principal towns of France, and reside at each alter nately, eommeiiciii;; next Summer with Ver sailles. The coronation will take place in May, if not sooner. Congratulations continue to pour in from the various departments. The opinion is universal that the Ministry will be modified, and that, of the present Cabinet, only Ducat, the Minister of the Marine, and Fonld, the Minsiter of State, will remain. These changes were houily looked for on Fi iday. A teller, purporting to be from Cbanearnier, and expressing the opinion I hat a European war was inevitable, has been circulated in the Legitimist ciicles, but its authenticity is questioned. PRUSSIA. The Auzshnrsf Gazette nuhlii-hcs a d ppnU-h from Berlin, staling that on the reeog ii it inn of the Empeior Napoleon, Russia, Aus tria and Prussia emphatically call for the ob servance of existing treaties, and the main tenance of the present territorial limits in Euiope. RUSSIA. Large bodies of Russian troops were, al the last accounts, advancing towards the Turkish frontiers. Catawissa, Wii.i.iamsi'ort, and Erie Railiioad. We understand the Legislature has passed a bill authorizing this Company to diverge from Catawissa, and run the west branch by such route as may be found most advantageous to the general interests of the Company. We have not seen the bill. Tbo Engineers have been smveying seveinl routes from Catawissa to the West Branch. Danville Intelligencer. Lady or Wife ? -The Chicago Daily Jour nal takes up the article from the Providence Journal and rather inclines to the custom of calling a man's wife his lady. It then goes on to say "We believe it is in the English Navy that the distinction is made among the marines of the different grades, thus: The Middy's 'thing,' the Lieutenant's 'woman', the Captain's 'wife,' and. the Commodore's Lady.' A Fibe occurred in the town of A-hland, Schuylkill county, Pa , on the 17th instant, consuming a house belonging to P. Deviue, he being absent ut the time. 1 1 . . -- Communication. Tor the Munhury Aiiieri'.an. Mr.. Maslr. THE: LATE FRESiUET lias carried o(T two bridges near town, on the Gut and on Shamokni creek. One id' them had been catried away three or (our times belore. Why is Ibis.' Shall 1 tell you? The Railroad bl ids"! over the Gut has now been there nearly 20 years, and the reason is, that between the abut ments there are 72 leet, and the bridge is sufficiently high, to allow all the water and ic to pass during the frequent IresheU wiiich we have in the Susquehanna. And until we build bridges which have the same advantages, we may expect to b cal led on frequently to rebuild them. The bridge, at the gut is a particularly useless narrow thing. It becomes quite covered 'and ot course? impassable, at a very mo-da-rate rise of water. Its nurrownest will ever prevent the water Irom passing. An additional span ought lo be added making use ol the eastern abutment, as a pier. And from the end ol the bridge, .n. ought to be an embankment to the foot of the hill. The earth for this purpose, may be had, in part, from the excavation necessary lor the eastern ahntment. The remainder may be had Irom the canal or basin, which, it is understood the Company ar- about to ei. large, ami win neeu a place to put the rartn. A TAX EAYER. iZT POISONING. Q1 Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, kc. are not aware, that while they appear lo benetii t In patient, lliey are actually laying the lomula lions lor a series of desenses, such as saliva lion, loss ol siitfit, weakness ol limbs, he. In another column will bn found the adver lisemeul of Hoheinsack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from Ihosa ol a bilious type, should make uh ol the only genuine medicine, UnLieii sack's Liver Pills. VT '-IitnoLdeceived," but ask for Hoben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and nb Mr) that each ha lh signature of the frupriolor, J. N. HOBENSACK, a r.ons is are jenume. MARRIED, In Williamsport, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Black, Mr. Vanentinr Dorbi.kr, jr., proprietor of the U. S. Hotel, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Hep bum. DIKUi In Pottsgrove, on the 12lh inst., Mrs. M' NINCH, wife of Samuel McNinch, aged 30 years. In Liberty tp., Montour co., on the I2lh inst., Major WILLIAM TAUGART, aged about 74 years. In Turbut. on the 12th inst , Miss CHRIS TIANA, daughter of Asa Everett, uged about 21 years. In Munry, on the 21st inst , nt tho resi deuce of his son, Mr Theodore Wells. Mr. ISRAEL WELLS, formerly of Bloomburg, Col. co., at the advanced age of 79 years EIC iHiUliCt 5. Philadelphia Market. Feb 23, 1853. and Meal. Tho market is dull Flour sales of fresh cinuiid for export al $5. and nood brands for eily consumption, at $5, a S5J Extra Flour is held at S5.25 a 6,12. Rye Fi.'it'R. l.nsl sales at S-tJ. Corn Meal. Last sales of Penna. al Wheat Sales of prime red at SI 1 1 ; and while at 115. Rve U in demand ; sales at RCcls. Corn Is arrivim; fit-ely, and piiees are snrriethinir lower; sales of dry yellow at 62 c and of white at 60. Oats. Sales of prime Southern at 42 and IVnna. at 42 els. Whiskey. Sales of bbls at 25c, and hhds at 24 4 cis. Baltimore Market. Feb. 21, 1853. GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to-day al 112 a 114 els. for good to prime reds, and 115 a 120 cis. for w hites, Com is in very unod supply Sales to-day of while at 06 a 58 els., ami of yellow at 5!) a 60 cts. The laiue quantity in maiket, how ever, caused prices lo tive way, and sit the close no more than 64 cts could be obtained for yellow. Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 80 cts. and Penna. at 84 cis We quote Maryland Oats sells nt 39 a 40 el . mid I 1 1 1 1 i v;i ii I.i st 42 a 44 cts. WHISKEY. Sales of hide, to-day at 244 cts. We quote hhds. at 234 cts. SUKItl'IlY 1'IUCE CLMlIiUNT Wheat- l v k. ('or. Oats. Potatoes, lil-TTKH. LflltR. I'll UK. Flaxseed. Tallow. IIkkswas Hkcklkh Flax. Diiieii Apples. Do. Peaches. Flak 100 75 G2 40 37 Hi 12 8 125 10 25 12 811 500 New Advertisements- i 'o the honorublv ihe Judges oj the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of N'ur thumbeiland. The undersigned petitioner respectfully solicits Ilia Iti.-n. Court to grunt linn u hernse lu Weep un inn or tnvarti in llte old iiuiitt xvhe.elis now reaiuYa m the UjrougU of Sunbury. ciiaki.ks wkavkk. We the undersigned citiKcnsni the li -r..uli ..t Sinliury, in .Viltliiinibcrliiitl enuuly, being aciiininltM Willi the Ti. titioncr, d.i ceriily that lie is of it ssl icputu lor hotustf utid temperance, and that he il well provided with lluuts room and other c invciiiences Cor tlm ucctriiinoil:,ti n uf stran'eis and travelleia and lliat un Inn or tavern is neces sary lor the ucc.ilnin.'datioit ol vlrnngers and truvalleis. Fred. Lazarus, James Heard, llenj. Hendricks, Wm 1. Gieeno luh, U M.Ynrks. tieo. Mailin, I'eter j'ursel, 11. J. Wolverton. V M Haitian, J U Masser, C. J. Uruiny, J. M. f-impsiti. February til, 1S33 3t. To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quurhr Sessions of the county of .Vor thumbcrlund: The uiiderngiird petitioner rea;-ecl filly lilicita I tie Hun. Court to grant loin u license Li keep un Inn or tuvern in tlie old stand. I'.innerty and now occupied by him in liia lllokin townahip. CIIAm.KS 1.K1SKNRINC. AVe ttie undersigned citizens i f iSliauiokiu township, in Norlhumlierlund c.'Uuly, U-lnff ucjuuiuted Willi the I'eti tioucr. do uettily that lie isol gNd reule or li-inesly and ti'lllpeiance, and that lie is well provided with house rotim and other c.iiiveuieiicea fir the ul-c 'iiiinodnliou .1' stran gers and travellers, and dial un lun or tavern is necessary jr the acc nuiuolatl u .1 slnuiftcra and liuveliers. 1-.. VCiiiiiiieriiiiui, Chur.es Mailz. It II. Vasliur. Ileni. Wolveitli. Jesse llensyt, &l. tlalrs, Win. Ilaus, S. I'. -wari. Adam Dinning, Ueubeu Wusaer, Peter Miller, David Minlz. l-'ebruuiy IU, 1S53. 3t. To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions, oj the Lounty of Nor thumberland. The uuileis sued petili iner respectfully solicits Ihe It u Court to gran! him a license to keep till Jium.i tavern lu Ihe li ufce tie n iw oL'cupiea ku iwa aa the old C.iUhall stand in Chllibguaipie township. jauob r. i t i.ri;u. We the undersigned citizens of Cliihaiiuiuiue t Avnshin. in Niirlliu.ulierlaiiil c unity liemu acquainted Willi the I'eti- ti'iuer. d i cerlily lliat tie ia ot ti d repute I' r li titesly anil teinperulice. and that he is well iir-vulcd wilh Imtise risini uutl outer conveniences l r lite uccoiiiiikkiuiioii i atran- ra and travellers, and thut an Inn or tavern is iteceaa.trv lor tile uccoiit.niHlatiiui ot slrtnitrers Hud travellers. Iluuiel I. Cniil. tie Tire Unlet. Am a Itr-wi us. Itobert I! i land, Withatn r-ttver. lieore llituze, Win. K. .MurdiM'k, 1) II. Millel. Deiiuia Muny, jr.. llrtiry J. tlu y, Wtlliuiii Iliiuset, S it. II. Walter, .Michael MiCee, Daniel i. Caul, lllllllll call1. Frbraury It), I633. 31. To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions oj the county of Nor thumberland. The undersigned petitioner respectfully aolicils the Hon Court lo grunt lout a license lo keep un Inn or tavern in the old stand formerly ana now occupied by bitu in iia- utoain lowiisittp. wii.i.iam juii-(). V the uitdcrsiKiied citizens of Hhaiiiokiii I' wuslini, in Norihulithcrluial cojuty, beinir acquniiited with Ihe Peti tioner, do certify that lie ia of poud repine f-ir liiiueaty and leinperuitce, and tiiut lie la well provided with house ro m unit outer conveniences tor the uec unni slutiou 1 1" strau irera and trttvelleia, und that un Inn ol luveru ia necessary f ir Ihe ucfoiiiiii duii-.ii ol sliaimetsuud travellers. r . V. Kwurlz. Joseph L ll.ibins. Jacob hwnuk. J.hit Rialdurillel, C'hrtaliuu Uauselilitfr, S. A. Di-rgalreuer, Juc -k iiFki-r. W. Titwirlh, Duval Frey. David .M'Wtlliitn,s, .sine i tetanrortii, j.inii ll:n. v illiuui s-vvana. 11. A. Unix. uel. tiiuniurt 11. Camliiell, Dal lei Swuuk, lauuc 11 ill. a cuiuury iv, 1 D-AJ . Jl . To the honorable the Judges of the Court of vtuner jciciumj jor ((,( ofj 0Hlimt tiertand. C,r'u.,.1.e..rn!n,, ,elili""' "tpeelfully s .licils the FIoli th..:. ."; ",u: ""." k.i an Inn. invent i, lowtiahitT """' " occupied hy loin It, Jordan Well.. DANIKbBCIIWAIlTZ. Norihu.beuna;:u7r,V i'' 1 -......, i .i ".''"'"S acquiutitcd wit i u,. .. te,.,H.r..t e, ,JlV, "l ,'e !! Ltl "J ('". '""''' ""d utid other c iliveuietieea f ril.,.... . "" mid trnvetle,., and , u ? S ' '"' Ihe lice iliiraislati 1 sir....... es.aly ur William Blu,fel.fc,wu,u'tau1,'" Bcliwiiri.. 'ele.r K al, Miehaa li, Ki t T. ' PV."' rtaelDetk, Gene. tieiM, olir.i ' T auim.""'" Bchwaru. J .tin Khlitut. ' "'" uuuu, tltas l-ebmury 10, leOJ 3t. An Apprentice Wanted. The subscriber wants an apprentice to learn ins uuauieaa oi a Jj lacl.aliillil. A boy 17 or 18 years old, of good moral character, would find good situation by applying soon at Um old aland oi ueorgc Zimmerman. SOLOMON 6TROH Doahurr, Tb. U, UJJ,-. SUNBURY AMEKICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKiNAlT EYEE & LANDELL, ilk and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA ARE now receiving for spring sales A Fine Stock of Dry Gooc's, Black and Colored Silks, Fashionablo Shawls, New designs of Dross Goods, British, French anil India Goods, Linen Damask and Furnishing Goods, A Full stock of American Cotton and Woolen Goods, N. B. Wholesale Buyers supplied with scarce and desirable Dry Goods at low mucks peii a et CASH, Fehrusry U, 1853. 3m. rl ,0 0 0 Men Wan ted . jffcN' the li"o of tho SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD between llriducport (opposite Har risburji) and Sunbury, in the State of Pennsylva nia. This road is (illy four miles in length- runs through a highly improved country, and will furnish employment fur stone masons, carpenters and laborer fur the next twelve month. A large portion of llic line is heavy rock excavation, laborers tbnt are familiar will therefore find cer tain employment and liberal wanes. DOUGHERTY, LAL'MAN & CO., Contractors. February 19, lt53 iiosendule Hydraulic Cement. ,4 N excellent article for lining Cistcrna, Vaults. SpriiiR liouxrs siul Cellar, and for keeping dampness from wcl and exposed walls. For sale by KYI SMITH it SON, N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 18o3. ly. Bridge Letting. PROPOSALS for the building of n bridge across Slinmukiu Creek nt Uciijninin lieu deickx' will be received by tbe ('uinoiiioiieri4 of Northunibci'biiid county ut their oliice in Siiubti ry, on the 1 Itli d.iy of MhicIi next, Ictwecu I tic hours of 10 A. M.. nml 3 P. M., of nnid day, where a speciticaliini and plan of said liridpe will be exhibited. Spun of said bridge In be 174 foot. CHKIssT. AI.ltE'KT, ) CIIAS. VVKAVEll, VCWrs. JOSEPH NIUEI.Y. ) Sunbury, Feb. 19, IS.")3. yt. Laborers Wanted. rTTtHE subscribers war.t immediately on the JL Kailroad and Basin, at Cliiipinuii, Union county, setcu miles below Sclinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 LA DONERS, to wh.mi one dollar per d.iv will pc paid. SAVlbliE. V ji.VEMON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19, 185:1. tf. AknIik'C'n I'nhitc Mile of Vultiubli- CO All LAIRDS, In Coal Township, Noitliiiniliri limit Cuttnly, Pa- Til E following 'I'riicis. of xery valuable An thracite Coal I.iiimIh, will lit; ollbreil ut pub lie salcuii Til UliSl i. Y, the 3d day of MARCH, IK!):) nt ( J o'clock in 1 1 io evening, al tbe 1'li.la delpbia lxcliunc, in the City of l'l itadclpbi.t, iz ; No. 1. Part of the Ruck Riile Tract CONTAINING 212 A CRMS, strict mensiiyr, it beini? the undivided oiie-fouith purl of Duck Ride Tiuct, wbich contains, by es timate, in all, HI ss iicick. si rii l measure. Upon this tract llierc arc M-veral .Mines opened, and I tliereon ore creeled Four two slory Uol. lil.E j FRAME DWELLIIJG HOUSES ; j a branch Rail Koad, about a uuurtcr of a ' mile in Icnlli, leailini; from the Sunhury and 1 Danville mid l'oltsville Rail Roud to the Coal I Allocs; iiiol outer iiitproveiKet'l,. Fiiitnhie tor a colliery, liuck Run p.isJis '.liroug'.i the middle ' ot tins tract. j No. 2. Part of Green Ridue Tract containing i 937 ACRES 13 PERCHES, j strict measure, it be'uiR llio eitinl undivided Imlf part of Green Uulne Iiact, which contains, by I CKtiiniite, in all 11S74 Acres S7 Perches, si.j. t 1 mensure. 'J'bc Sunbury and Danville and Polls- ' il'e Rail Road passes tlirouali it, (near the mid- die) and also tbe Siiamokiu Creek. Valimb e ! Mines of lion Ore, and n great number of Coal ; Veins have been discovered and opened upon this tract. I The prospect of tbe eavlv completion of the I vail Road throuiih this region some 31) miles fur- , thrr to l'oltsville, and a branch of 8 mlies to the i Danville Iron W orks and Ore region, render these i lands very desirable for ciiterprUiui; men and capitalists. Condition will lie made known, and attend ance given, ut tunc ol sale, hy JAMES U. T.ANE, As-iiince of Geo. Heekert. Lancaster, February IS. 1853. 3 1. AVantotl I in mediately. Cnr.N", Hye, Oats.Huekwheat and Wbcatbran. fur ivliicli lite biirbest enslt nrire xxill bi ntiid bv V.. WII.yEUT. Suiibury, Feb. 19, 1P53, tf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The heirs of Abraham Lister, dee'd., and nl. others interested, will take notice th.it the under hiucJ appointed by tbe Orphans' Court of Nor. Ibumbcrlaiid L ouutk', A minor to make ilislrinu tiou of the monies in the hands of John J, Lister, Adiiiiuistintor of Abraham Lister, dee d., anion'- the heirs of said dee'd.. will attend, for Unit pur pose, nt hisolli.c, in Siniihurv. on Monday, the Ubth day nt rchrunry, not., ut US o clock, A. M. llK.NHY L0.M:L, Auditor. Sunbury, Feb. 12, IS.'iS nt. The Commonwealth of f In li.e Ciuiil ol Cum- Pennsylvania, ixoi- 1 uuiii I 'lease ul iNintli. thumberland co SS. niiiliei bind ennuiy ol Apnl T. 1853. The Conrimoiiwealili of IViuisi Ivauin, lu Geor-'e E Gehiiir. Adiuiuistiatur ul Geoiye Voukiu, late l'l Chllivpnitpie loun-liip, ilu- ceased, nnd In all lie hens ami b-oiil it-pie. SHiilalivcs uf the said Gfiitue Vonkln of s.tid County, deceased, vi. : M.ny Ann luteiiuai. neil Willi u.iviil lliihl-n. ol LtiHisrpiHtpie township, I'eiuis) Iv.inia ; Chiistinn ititt'iiiuir- ried Willi took Ll i) ton, ul J.-iiej ulle ctiiinly. Il'iuois; V III. un Von kin, ul Michisaii; (jt oie Vunkiii, (who is now deceased h'avinu thiee cbihlr-ii, Elizabeth, Peter and Gt-inae.) and lu all Iho henaund leal representatives ut said do. 'eased. You and each of you ar hereby notified lo he and appear in our said CoUH al Siinlini on iMonihiy Hie 4ih day ul Apnl, A. D., 1S53. to show any tliliio you nave or know lo say w ho yi should nut be made) r.tilii' In a cerlain judorueiil, ohtaineil lately in mil County Courts of Common Pleas, tu fine inn JiiiIl'o at Siiiihinv, to will in tin' term ul April A. D, 1852, by tho consideration ol llici siid Court recovered nijniiisl Geioe K ("ln it!, Adinliii-dralnr as aforesaid uf Geuiae Yonkin, tleceai-e.l I6 80 lawful iiioue which In D.i v id llitlileii lu our raiil conn weie ailindoed for his iliimaaes xhirh he nslaiued as well by occasion of the uon-per- fiirinance of it ceitain piomise tin I assunip lion by the said Gooiye Yonkin in hi ble linio to tiie said Divi l Ibiblen at said countx made as fur his co-W ami lian'e by him "bout his suit in that behalf ex n-inled and why tbe. s.i id David Hidden should nut have exui-nlioii against the lands of iho said Geo Yonkin, deceased, fur ihd Jubl und dumae ofiiresaiil, Wilnemhe Hnn Alexander Jordan Presi dent f nor rail Court nt Sniibujy, this 1st day of Februarv, A D, 1853. WILLIAM n EEARD, P.olh'y. bbeilll'a Othca' ) ?nnhury, FeW. 1, l3 4 The Commonwealth of f In the Court of Com Pn)istjtana, Nor. J mini Plens of Nor'h thumberland co. SSA umbeilund county of ( April T. 1853 The rnmmnnwealth of Pennsy Ivnnin to Geoi2 K. Uehriit, Admtuislialor of Ceoraa Youkin, late uf ChilisqtiaqtiH township, dee'd , and Elizabeth Y'onkin, widow, and lu the heirs and legal representatives of ihu said Oeorue Yonkin, dee'd., viz ! Win. Yon. kin, of Michijrnn, Christian, iiilermnri ied with Cook CUijlen, of Jereyville county, Il linois, Geoige Yonkin, of Lveoininj eouniy, Peiisylvniiia, and Peter Yonkin, (who it now dee'd. leaving is'iin three children. Elimi belh, Peter and George,) and to ull the heirs local repiereutiitives of tho suid Geoige Yoiulin, deceased. You and each of yot: are hereby notified lo ba and appear in our said Court at ISuuliit i v. nu Moiulay, the 4lh day of A pi i I , A. 0, 1853. lo show if anything oti have or know lo say vt hy you should nut be made, parlies to n eeilniii jiitluirienl, laielv in our County Com t of Coiuinoii I'leus before our jinlges at Sunbury, to wit : in the Teim of Auoiist, A. 0., 1852, by Ihe consideialioii of the sn id Com! reeoveied niincl Geottje E. liehitL', Administrator as aforesaid of Gourde Yonkin, dee'd., fifly-llueo 50 100 ilollai. lawful money, which tu David Hidden and Mary Ann his wife in our said ('unit weie inljiiilued for their damages Which they iui.. liiinei) as well by ncea-iuii of the linii pei loiinnui'e of n certain promise; mul usiiiiii tinii by the said Geuroe Yonkin in hie. time In the said David llol.loii ft ml Maty Ann his wife at suid Coitiity mnde. as lot lii ensis nml i haiiifs by them iitmnt I h j r Milt in that hi dm If expended, nml hy lite -kiiI 1'iviil llittilfii anil ol.nv Ami Iim uiif IihiiIiI nut linve exiTiiiioii ni'itinsi tho tuuols nf Ihe s iid Gomo,. Vniikiii. ilt ceased, foi ihe Join nud il.tinnoi's iiliiie-.H I. Witness the linn. Alevnnder Joid.in, Pie. sidi'iit of m r said Cionl at Sunhury, this l.t day id Fubiuaiy, A. D.. 1S53. .lAMES I1EAKD, Trotliy. WILLIAM B. KIIT. Slierill 's Oliice ) Sunbury, Feb. I, 1 8-'3. J 4 In the matter of the Estate of GZ0S.GE HALL, Deceased. THE Coinmonwealtli of Pennsylvania to Ma ry Hall, iutei marrii il with Georic Ziinmerman, Catharine II ill wiilmv of Daniel Ziinineriiian, tbe heirs of l'eter Hull dre'd., and George Iloey. I'cter Hoey. SSainuel Hoev. J unes Hoev. son of James lloev, dee'd., bv bis Giiauliun Jeremiah M. Ci in me i itiii ii. the llein of iSiisannali llocy, inleruiiirried with William Conrad nnd Mary Hoev vti.lny of A'icbard lloui;ktim dee'd., child ren of Elizabeth Hall, intrrniarried with John lloev. lineal descendants of George Hull, ilec'il., an all other persons interested. Giii;i.tino. Northi'-mtcrland Cour.ty, ES. You arc hereby cited to be and appear 1 efore llie Judges of our Orphans' Court lo be held at Sunbury. on the first Monday of April next, Hk'u o nil there In accept or refuse II in real estate of George Hull, dcc'il., Hltin'tc ill ti c I oniiirdi of Sunbury. Norlhiiiubei luinl county, to nit: A eerlaiu Lot of Ground Kiiuale as aforesastl, fitiut iiiR on Itlnekl'Cirv stieel, niljniniti lauds of Ja cob Kable on the East, I'.iKvnrd V. llrilit nn the west, by a twenty foot alley on the north, where on is erected a story nnd a Imlf House and u Miop, which was valued nnd appraised nt lite sum uf Four hundred mid Flty dollars in the whole, in purMiancc of a xv i i i of l'minimi nnd valuation issued out of said court, ictiirn able to J.iiiu.iiv Term IS5M, ur show cuiifc why the san e should not be sold according to the :iel ol' A-..ciiihlv in caes niaile and provided. Ami then fore fail not. C'citilietl friini llie records of oiu said Court ut Sunbury this lUlli day ofjuiumiv A. 1). ls5o. C. UOYUrUKssELl L'ep. Clk. O; ('. Fibiuarv 15, 1S.".1. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'jTO riCi; is hereby u'ncn that the iindcrsicned J- appointed by tbe Crpbans' Court of Nor thumberland l.'oui.ty us Auditor in tbe mailer of the exceptions to t lie account of Peter llilcninn. Administrator of George Giant dee'd , who xvas one of the executors of I' lioiiius Grunt dee'd., here by notifies all pc.'sous interested in saitl matter, lliat be xviil attend to tbe duties of bis appoint ment on Saturday, the Sdthday of February 1S5:, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ut his oliice in the borough of Sunburv. C. J. KRC.NER, Auditor. February 12. 1S53. Ut. C II E A l WIXJJOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory G. L. MILLEE, & CO., it . comer Arcli ami second aireete PHILADELPHIA, VEIIY VAlflETV OK fell AUEfi, Whole sale ami ltclail, such as Scroll, Flower, Goli.ie, Vi)nette,Oil and Dry Landscapes, arc lo be had at the lowest prices lor ipiulilv of work. Orders fur Gill, I'l.iin IStore, Lettered and oilier Shades executed al short notice. .Merchants and ethers are invited to give us a trial. VH WILL THY TO l'LUAU. lirusscs, l'liiiiinines, &c, always on hand. licineiiibcr f.;. W. turner bECOAU and AIM.'Jl Slice Is. Philadclplii.t. February 1 le53. Oiu. Ndtiee. A LI. persons ore hereby cautioned from land Vi ini or icuiiiig o, liinlcr. stones, &r ulou Ihe shore id our ro e.ty, be!owlbo nar rows, be ctolere known us toe Siinouloii or Mar tin I'.ti in. below Sunburx, without Inning li.'sl ob tained the cou.eitt of the aubscribeis, ur the tenant on the prcuiiecs. GEO"Gi: KELFEIl, JOM.N EV LUT. February 13, 1S03. ot COA'IIADIEEEHNErV Estate. flEKSO.NS indebted to Ihe estate of Conrad Ketshncr, lute of the boiough of Sunbury, Northumberland coun'y, dee'd., are requested lo call immediately oil the subscriber and make set tlement. The accounts duo the. estate will be collected by duo course uf law, unless paid in a very short lime. J. IL ZIMMERMAN, Adtu'r. Sunbury, Feb. li, 1853 ot To the honorable the Judges of Ihe Court of Quarter sessions for the county of Nor thumberland. Tlie uiiileiai?neil petitioner respectfully aolicils llie lion. C.nin lo (-rani lar u heetiae lo Weep an Inn or luvern at tlie h mac llic n -v occujiica, ailuale in l.itllu Maliumn; t iwil- :i.iz.xi!i:tii n.xKi'.n. We llw iM'leraieilerl citizens of l.inlc M il.a.ioy t vn tlili. Ill i rllmuil.ci Ui.i.l e unly. Iietni itc.n ihileil with ihe a till l'e!ilii.iicr. tl -rcriity tltal site t ol l l r. inlc I n li mei-tv unit tcittpeiunee, mat Ih it slie is well proviile.1 Willi leaise risHil unit otltere nrcltieiicral'ir lite acc snin.stau -ll of alranirera ntul tnivplleia. unii lliat an Inn ur lui oin ia no ccaaarv f ir the aeeoinin ilati n ol sltuiigcra ami Irtti'ellcrs. Attest Recti, lie re Pciler, Samuel II. DilnkWtfrrr, Henry I) ,n,,le. JiicnU linker, lie nfr Svviiiclnirt, Micltoina Cmlor, j ll Vint 11 'in, IS ,i 'in in li I h, Jninra It Swill--iinrl, Iwetr l, KiiLcr, Joliu llensyt. Kiiiiuvl S. Wag-titer, J. DilnkleherKir. I i l.iiinrv 1-1, lBi3 at. To the honorable the Judges of ihe Coiirt of Quurier sessions for the county of N'or thumberland. Ttie iMalef aifiiid ici ili 'ncr respeclfnlly solicits Ihe II'H. C 'url to itranl him a licnise lo keep an Inn or liivrrn in II c,,i eel xvn. I. 'veer Malmii") tovviiship, in the li use I'm inerly occupied by '"l'"."',AKKIil?. rBVEB. We the nntlersiuneit citieti of litver iM ihun ) 'own Inn. in Noriliainlierlunil e ,uitiy,teina;neiuiiiiiitilxvKii ih I'ciili nier, it i cerlil v I'tiil ha ia m so si repale fur h mealy anil leiajwruiiee, und llait lia i Well pr.ivnteil with hoirs risilll an.l other conveniences for Ilia ucisitnin'stall 'll nf slrantiera nnd unvellcra. anil Unit nu Inn ol tavern is neces sary for lite accoinia slalioa of atrnegcra ami Iruvellcra. Philip psu, Anrlreiv Uittv. Jn ob Uinitciliua, Ji.ha Hinrriiiaii, ln'i'ie Mi .fier, Is-mo Fenaletliiurlur, J ( It Prrilwllns, U U Wciirr, John B linker, Joba Bsikr, Peter B irel, Michael Lahr, J'pli Fcuiieriruicliai. February 1'J, lhi3 GKOllGK AV- ZIMERMAN, VENITIAN BLIND 31 AN UFACTURER, No. 6i A roll Street, four doors nbove Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for stylo of finish nnd workmanship cannot ' surf ssscd. Wholesale snit Tirtnil at the lowest prices. Alio '1 RANSPAKENT x ENDOW SHADES AND KLED I.LLMIR WHOLESALE, AT MA.WPACTl'ltCItS riUCM. toT MERCHANTS and others fro invited lo coll and examine. Philadelphia, August tl, 1852. ly. FOUItTII ARRIVAL OF AT TUB NKW TOHK Or I. V. i'KNKH & CO., Nearly opposite Weaver's Held, Market St ) Suntury, Northumberland County, Pa. !p"5573 invite the piirlieulnr attention of our y J friends nnd thn public to our FoCiitii supply of Roods just recciveil. adapted to tbe wuitci seas in. We hae now a much turner iissortuieiil in cveiy deparlinenl than nt sny lime since wc oiiened in Ati last; nil of 'xbicb xve are deter mined t.i sell at the same low prices which have hitherto secured lo us such n ueneroiis support from a disceriiiuii public, and for which we beg to return our besl lliatiks. Our stock coiis'e.l-1 of Irv (loods, I J n rI vt ; i v. f, it v v.w rr , CKOCKRIES, WIXE AND LIQUOI1S, SlNCLB AND D.itni.KD li Alt It P.M. ED GUNS, Carpets, Trunlis, Valise?, Cnrpct Eags, Umbrellas nud Parasols. Uonts nnd Shoes, Hats nnd Caps. Looking Glasses. Wall Paper for Room and Window Uliiids, Lemons. Nuts and Candy. Xnll, Mackerel, Plain anil Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, W indow Glass, Paint ituff. Oils and Putty. Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yam, with a variety of other articles. N. 11. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TEN EH & CO. Sunbury, Dec. A, 1852. ty.c KRUPP'S Premium ICssence of CoflVe. Mary! "'H pro-ii.'imiitin A. Ion our Htri by I jVY 'III! ? HY will man uc lliat which is injurious lo his l.c illli. w, en he Is williim; to give all his wealth to restore it when il is lost t ."tr iune ! that nt least two thirds of lite human family will use ordinary COFFEU knowing il to le injuri ous lo their health. Etniji'. !',st ncc(if Coslcc is. beyond doubt the best nml most wholesome preparation til Cofli e in Ihe world, L'vcrv ooti-c- I l.eej'cr holllll haw it. Try it and be convinced I it will save about lid pet cent, lcii!cour Health. j Warranted to render entire satisfaction. I MauufucluicJ and for sale bv i LI.I KRLTP, j C39 Noiih 3d sirrct Philadelphia. j N. II. All the piioeiiil Grocers and Uru;;iala have it lor sale lhrout;lioiit the C lilted Xiiles. For s. tie by the Audnt, 11. I). Master, Kunbury. January I, I8.VJ. (iin. Tnt:Mr.NDois Extrrr.sirNT ! ! Casli, Stetnn, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out done by the I. lilt; ol' IltA T. CLEMENT. VHO, huviiiB great fuiih in rapid sales and small profits, has just received anu opened a lare assortment of FALL AM) WINTER GOODS. At his Store in Mar.;ct Street, Sunbury, which lie oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment oi Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassiiwrs. Cassinels, Jeans. Drtllingsi Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dc Lai us. Lawns, Ginphams, Berates. Silk Hats. A large assortment of Hoots nnd Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. G !''' lira, Sugar, Tea, CofToo, Mnlaw, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Planter. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron nnd Klfld, Nails. Files. Saws, &e. QtJEENSWAllE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dislits, Cvp, Sulitcr. t;t LIQUORS, Win.. Urnntly, liin, liniii. Whisk y, it- LV Country proiluej of .ill kinds uLcuiu ex change nt llic lii-lic.-.! inail.it prices. Jan. 15. 1 e 5 ( Iv. If V niiriii:iiif'si nt'im n!-r iil'tlm Oiuliniiat Court I - ol NurthiunUrlaudcouiitv. xxill bo cxi.osed lo eale. on SATL'KUAY, the Sltith dav ol FKUKU A li V inst., ut III o'clock, A. M., at the bouse of James Lee. in the boiough of Northumberland, he follow istyr ilceri-ld pniertv, bctoneiiis to the estate of J. 11. Hoy J, dee'd. A Lot of Ground, in said Borough, numbered 45 in Ihe plan of the town, bounded liortli-ea-l liy all alley, south cast hy an alley, suuth-xxest by King strut, ai.dnoith west by lot No. 411. TWO CONTIGIOLS LOTS OF GKOL'ND, ill said borouub, Ncs. .37 and "3H, bninided north-east by Hanover sireet, south-east by sn alley. soUlh-west by an (dry, and iiurlh-wcat by lot No. "o9. TWO COXTIGIOUS LOTS OF GROL'M), in said brroiiKh. N'os. 171 nud 17.1, bounded uorth-easi bv yueeu strict, south-east by lot No. 176, s.iuth-west b Duke street, and nortli-we'l by lot No. 173, wliereou ia creeled a one sttrry LOG HO USB. J. D. SMITH, A.lm'h.r lie loni hoii. Nirrth'd, Feb. 5, 18.13. it. i' .i jjm i !.r uir.,. rcia r ni-c i i ;. ., . , y 0 . a.s-w xr. svuxv. V-Tr mi,., l l l To Ihe honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of ,Yot ' t.'iurnlicrlond. This unttcraiiieU peiiii nier res-retfnl1y aolicils Ihe I m. C ntrt 1 1 r..nt liitii n lictniav 1 1 kaeuii inn ,ii livem al Ilia h wise Ik m v uccu,iirasittuia in llie h r 'Ugh of irlhnln. bcrlunil. IlE.MtV II.VA8. V the irnrleraignnl ctiizenaof ihe 1, w uali of. irilinin herlainl. in N riliuinhiTtaiitl e unit, beiihrueqisihiteit wah Ihensl I'd inner, is, ccllnv tliul Its ll ,. t..t rr, lllu r ll 'Iter y ami tcmiwmiiie, nml ItsH tic It Well roviiltxl wilh ll iinw 1 1 ! ami t tlier e uvenici.eea I .r llie ucuoiiinusl in u ol a:riniera ami Ir.tvellcla. unil that an Inn I Invent is ne eeaaaty I' l Ilia ncennnu il tti. ii . I alrunpcra and travelleia Win. II. Vail.-i, Jai. Tauipirl, jr. Win. F.lli tt, IMiili; Shay, X. tl. Ixiii. J It kit . Al. U P,.,i:t.,. W T K"iytli, Ailou Kctlir, Jka WutaUey, Akx.tori, Suiauvl Klliotl. Feorairyta, 1S53 ANOTHER LATE ARRIVAL Of CHEAP GOODS. TRILINCS- & GHAUT. n LSPECTFCI LY inform their customer. nnd Iho public, that thev have just rcceiv cd and opened the best ami cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods that tins ever been bionht to Hun bury. Their stock consian of every xniic y of Dry Hoods, viz : Cloths, Ciwimrrrr. Siillincln, Vesting, Flannels. WulUn. c , Ami all kinds nf Fall & Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety nf ladies DiiEss & fancy goods, Calicoes, G'iugioms, Chintzes, De Luincs, Beruges, And every vaiiely of jioods suiiullo for Lu dif w i-itr. Also an extensive nsm iiueiil of Caps run Mi:s AM) llovs. Also a large assortment cf ti Itot I'.ll I CS, SICII AS Sugar, Teas, Cnlli-e, Molasses, Sjiices of all kinds. Also a lurge assortment of HARDWARE and GUEEN3WARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresli supply of Dttl'GS AND MKDICINTS. Besides the laryesl nml most oenerul nssoit nieiil ol all kinds of yoods to be hud in this place. IV Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. 8unbury, Nov. 1:1, ISoi. "A Penny saved is a Penny lla ved " MAliPM? S KLA NK HOOK MANUFACTORY, And Job Book Bindery, Market above Centre Street, Potisviile, Pa. LANK l!oo!,s bound ami nihil in any ami everv style, in the most durable and sub stantial manlier, with or without printcj Heads. Person in wont of Ledgers. Dockets, Dav Ho ks, Minute Honks, Journals, Letter Hooks, lib'tlers. Receipt Hooks, Coal l,eder, iVe., etc., or any kind of Iihuik Uooks, would do well to give me a call as I pledge myself t i sivc salii-f.ie-liou. Paper ruled to nny pattern desired. Par lieular attention paid to blinding all kinds of old lloolis. Dibics. (iodex's Lady Honks, Graham's Mnznziuc, Sniliiin's Magazine, IIar er's .Mai;a.ine, Joieplius's works, A nv nf tbe above Hvmn Joolis, , Gleason's Pictorial, Sheet Music, Shakspcnie'a works, Lite ol Christ. Law Hooks. Ac., Ac. or other bonks bound in full gilt, plain or Inney lo suit the wishes of citstoineis. I would iiutitu ca 1 tbe iiileuti.iu of my I'.ieuils mid customers, lo the fact lliat 1 have been a Practical Hook Hinder fur Ihe last 18 years, and lliey can ili'iend on bavins their wo k dune in tbe very best manner, nnd do the work nix self; 1 use the best paper cx; material; plfitsf girt me. a call my charm are reasonable and fair, but there is no ilillieully about prices wlicu work is done satis factorily. N. II. Persons linii)!r l,tns they want Until d can wild them by stae directed to inc slatiin;. the the six le they xxish litem hound in: I wi.l do them as low as they call bo dune anywhere, care fully ink them up ami return tin in; Also per sons can send onlers for lll.ink Hooks by mail, wiiicli will he punctually attendad to. All work done at short notice. R. L. MAP.PI.E. Practical Hook Binder, roitsvills. Nov. 0, ISSi Out. NEW STORE. BEN.I A 31 1 X 11 El FN E ll TJESPECFFLLI.Y InfUrms the citizens of Sulil.iiry and vicinity, that he Ins opened a new stoi c in the room lately occupied -by George Hiiubt, opposite Uolton'a Hotel, lie has just re ccixed a hanilsouie assorliueut of WINTER GOODS, consistiuq in part nf Cloth?, Csssimers, Cas3ineta. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'arrocis. niiiglitiiiisi, I.nMtii, Mluii-xMt'llnr He l.iilncs and all kinds nf I. mlies Dress Goods. GUOCKlilES nf every v.niely. Also an assortment of H.lil'.Watl'. IlO'.l and Steel. 2-Xail j, &c. Also an excellent assortmrut of QTJEEIJSWAIIE. "I' VailunS S xleA and p.ntfins. Also an assortment of HOOTS & $BZDL'5. HATS &: CAPS, a good selection. Suit. Kislt. . :r. A,J B'C't variety of other articles sucti as are Kuit.iblc to the trade, all of winch will bo sold al the lowest prices. IV Country produce takeli in txchans nt the highest pri cs. Sunbury, May I, 1832 It; SHERIFF SALE. BY xirtuc of a certain writ of Alia Yen. f.rp. to me directed, will be sold by public vendue, st the Court IIjiisC, in tbe borough of s-uuhuiv, at I o'clOtk, P. M. on Monday, tl.o "tth of Feb ruary, inst. The undivided three-fourths pa, ts 0f u certain Trad ol Limit siiuste in Coal township, Norllmni! er'and coun ty, ailjoiiiin'j liinils of Joliu Hrrxd, Win. Wilson, Peter Maiiier, Michael Kroll, ami Frederick Kra mer. coul.iiuiiu EU7 acres, and 711 perches, with allowances, suiveved Oitoder 2:1, 17111, and a warrant Braided to Matthias Zimmerman, dated, AtiRiist 7. 17113. feictcJ taken in execution and lo be sold as the property ot John Suavely. WM. E. KIPP, SheriiV. Sheriffs Ofl'.ce, Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1S.VJ.- 41. S 40,000 81IINGLKS. 4 GOOD lot of 20 incites white i ine Shini-lts for sale at $10 per M. . , . L D. MASSE R. Sunbury, Jan. 15. IR!i3. If. CM'riFsj essence OF JAMAICA GIN. GLlt, Iresh supply just received, ami fur sale bv I!. H. MAsssER. t'oubiirv. Jan. 10 I S.S3. VviFiUN's Altrt'liEME'l'tt; No., i.i S Ji-J and Foitcr's Ulitloncal Ilia. d sud for sale by W.M. MC'AUTV. THE ZQ AD TO LlALTill HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. ccnK op a DiKiRif-:nF.n umm and c w in o tat, on. Copy of a Letter from M . ?. IV. Kithm. Chemist, 1. Prescol Street, Liverpwl, duttd Gth June, 18ol. To Professor llni.Lo't, hta H Vonr Tiifs nml oiittmfiit Itfive stnrsl lite litj tirst rn our aale list of Pr iirielory Mciliciaca forS'tne ictos. A ciistomei, to xrhotn I ran rel'rr tor unv eiiqnirlia. rtcpiti s limtolct von kin w tits pnrllciilsrs 1 1 ' her cie. Mie lo.il li en Iroslilisl foi t-enra Willi a tlisoritcied liver lied knl i!ii(t-sii .a. Un tiiu l'ut oecustoii, however, the iruli ncc oi' llie attack Xvns so liliillliniir, anil the llihiininiHll n Sf-t 111 (.0 i.'Vcrf?lv. Hint iloiiltis weie en'ennim-a if Iter 11 t I cii ir nnlc 10 lii'in 1111 muter il ; I'orltiintleli h was iiln-ti1 t i try your Pills, n.n! eltf iniortiis lt:e tltut it'lcr lie fist, eed fitch aitccceihtig tl she h.ul great rciief. Hlir c. nil. tod to take ili'-m, ami nil h Pirli .fie nei! ft-y llin e V.h-p. ti-'i a now 111 tho n,j ivmcnt of rcicct l.esllli. le 11M h-vi; si-til yn many enss. hut Itic nttovr fmlit the SKvru.i T ok tik ATTAr-K. nml the pkkiit cure, 1 tltiuk, spcutis u.acli u lavor ot ynnr nstoiiif,liii.g Pills. (r-iirneti) it . v. iiiuivt. an F.XTiiAopnmnv rt'Rr; op nin:t:.MATic FUVlMt, IN VAN lllKMKN'S l.ANH. Copy of a Litter inserted in the Hubart Toien (.uiniei-, oj the sl Jliurch, 1831, by Mixyjf J li'ukh. Marcfiret M'Cotitiiin. nitirtc-n rl-s efore. rrsi !i::c ft New V .vva, Ictii lux.",, siiflcrnid iV in a vi lent llifiiiii.inc lever lor ii.waiils .. f v.-.i t t,s. winch hail eittirnlv ill- .tivl bt-i . I ihe nst- m h.r liaiiisj ilnrinir tins ncri. il fl wits ttiiiUr thecarei f ihf i.,M t ,.., n,eil,c:il men in l 'Hart 1 .wit, un.l l,y ll;, ,ur ,.ure ,, ,.,,.reil liopi. ,,o,.,l l i,L . i! , ,:'"',"H'" rn try lliilliwav's cell- . . , 1 ,vl'" l,V"""'""e.in-l lo .W.itmi iaii'tucrcili hie Hurt Siiacuol liniellicy cifecltd a (.crfrr-t eitte JL1!I; ..:!'A,N ANL) TiidriNKss iv Tiia tllhST AMI KfllM ACIl Uf Al'l:iiUN ., ft Vr.AUHUf AHE. trnm Messrs Thcw if Sun, Piopt ietors of the L'nn Advertiser, who can vouch fr Ute JolliMuin statement. August 2nd, 1S51, T i I'tofi'FS r IIom.oway, !iii. I ilesirr to l.e.o tcsiim ! to ttie Rontl rflcrts nf lloll w.n's fills, l'. r s .me yems I siilli-.cn seveielv Iran n tint anol inrliiiics tit tlnfsii.tiiacli wiii".'t wits also it. ei ni-lioii'-il l.yn sh iruid-s oi l-r-:itri that )n i veniitl mc IV . nt wu.siiii: un ut. I mud -, ,.. ...,,m i oiwnitt.tt.Mihi, r iny H.iviinrnl slate ,11... ,,. f1: s have so iclicrnl nn Out l ain iIcm ,-,,t... Ir.nl .!. s,, l,e tniitle ae.ua,i,lt, wi n tlit.ir v iif.i. j. I ii.n tt.iu-r.'mlen il, hr their means, c litjvir.itiveiy aeuve. mat can take i-xer, it.evitlii,at in.-oit-vcillenei. i t u,u,, vvlncil 1 CJUlJ l..t Ho l.r i re lS'iu!) HK.xitV run. Norlli airs.--, l.yi.n. N.ir,.lk. These celebrated Pills are u-oiutiiddy . ciotti til the following com. Ague Dropsy le.,:.,i:o. Astliinii Jlvfleiim-y .1 , . Milieus Cunpl.iiuts i;'isipi::iis 1.. . i , Ul 'teltes on ii;a l-"t-iimi-! Jrrt'ta - ?-kiit 1 aiiies I.' . . j II -wcl Conlplain'1 t'eve.s of ull 1 . J V.Aivn kun.s i . O 'itsiipnlinn of !i-s j , the 1J ixvi.la tioht L Coiistiinpu in Ileml-nche t Dehililv lieiii-i'Slioil i,: . 8 ire Thrives Slone and Uraerl See , . , I'lc D.iul ,uicux 'J'nttioiirs S. I'lei'is Vt iiiTi'itl Ailii'l ions A ..ti...; XX eatiiiess. from whalever etiuse Ac, kf.. S il-l at the r.stiiMislinient of fr,,i', :s r I'.: '., Slriinil. (near 'I'etnple har, t.'viil-i.".) ml h, !. i Urnirtfii-ts ami Dealt rs in iXteiheire. :l,r, iiil, in tl, Ihlliiire. ,V til Ke of I St; l l',Heil r. ales, in 11 x, r f 7e nil, I S t 60". cncil WIliHi'R ile l,v lie ; h uses in llie I nhai, nml hy .Messrs. A. li. k I). IV" There is u c HJfiuVr.ille facie- hy t;.lui- ... MCS N. II lilriviions f ir ttie tr.i'.la.ici" t.f pal:.. its in evei y ills inli-r are maxed to f.acii n.,a. Oeloher aa, Isili, Iv. OP. EAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KXOiil?, PESPECTFL'Ll.Y inl'orrr.s the public tirnc: L ally tliat be has just received and epcixd tlie beat am! cheapest slot It oi Tall and Winter Cocb, that has err been br uiubt lo the county. His stock consists of every variety of Drv Goods, a iz : Cloths, Cassimers. Sattinelts, Vcstincs, Vril linpi. Linens, Mustins, J?ans. und nil hi ';'.$ of H't'iifcr (amis. Also n spltndid vartetyof Ladies Piessainl I'uncy good's. Colic cs. Ginaltams, lie Laines, Shawls, und evcr riinfci rf Goods snittdds jDr Lndns Ktnr. Also, an extensive assartm- nt f Silk, Braver, Fur Se Slimrh lia s A lar;-e and in II sdcc'r I Assortment of limits and Slavs of ev ery tlco'ir) I'm and ,i-,?. ho. a inv:e assditnuiil nf ('rocciirs. Smh as v": nr ( i ' .: 'leas. Midas.. Nuc.i of oil I.Unls. !s) n l.irrrc assortment of llardwaie n". 1 Qiieensware, Fish, S ilt iind l.'ijuors such as G. Hiandy, Hunt nnd Whiskey, besides the I n'e.e ami most ccucr.il assortment uf all kind ol I'uu,. ; to be b.id in the cilmiH . All the nboe nicnlioiied Konds will lc fiobl ;'. such reduced pikes as lite can not be got f . elsewhere. Country produre of all kindi taken in exchai '. at tbe highest market prices. Also, For sulo a two horse spring wagon i.r.J a lutntrv. Ausi'sta tw Sp., October 'in, lsss Cm. FRUIT AlfD C0NFECTI0NASY." RUHINCAM AND SELLERS, fVkulcsdlc Man''fc.etnrers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kir.us, So. in North Third Vt. bi l'.xv Kace, PKILAD tlLPHIii.. rTMIE rttlention of Ut ahrs is requested M oi -J- exainiiiatiou of their stock, whieli vil! i found to be at lf. vst eiuid louiiv in t'Tis ci v.. FOl.LIG.N' F 151' ITS ot all kiuJs in tcison. K. U. OiJeis by mail or ot'iorwisoprj iiji'lv r,l tended to. February 5, ISS3. Cm; CLOTHING ON CEEDITi i Soliec to all Dca'rrs in Heady Made Cluthin-r Ill-.Wr.T ii Oil. re'jitft'l tiH wiio uiretia.e ren,ly nm,l,- l'l Hi mo; i"i cm I; t.i ea'l tit. TOW KU ! I l.l.'I'lll.Mi liA.AAli. nml fe the picnt uuvtintuatK i lliev xvtll Ino't" he iitieii:isi,. to cash fit lltta cxlei.'.v e ; ct!il.lit!,inci;t. 'I Ins.. ton! tint! only, ia ilia priiiei)lc tut ""'" ' "e.n Mi.,' il.: I, ten llllltll' n MIS CUElOlllel S, lt , ' li.tle reil .eil Unit ;! this tiinife liirv a,are no etl'ott it ( r ilttr t ..i; llie s! C;.lt I'lllMi, til Hie l,.et vK,,.'. ; l t it-, b, ton! il tlie t-... ,1s niaile nt this honsc are Iho he-" liinile. in K! I'.sht ine'iie. tout imieh cli-nper i!iait j.tiv nj;,. lu.iifce ena till'. ir.l lo s.l ;lt,- siiino ij'talily i,' tr hs!s, iiro ; , If'ltl llieir l.'ii'je luainlt'nctin-iiif; Hint Inip-itltn tjeilt',' , 1X14.1 tlieo Utei :nniali at I" titntitntti the principle nf . see tni'l sin-ill pr,,i,:s. Tin .r tlock is in u a ;" , , '; c ,iiiiilet-. The punicnifr lolcntiea . (, . . tlciliers is in vMtil, w ho 1,. .' r- e'tefleil ll ' , . llietltfiehes, Its we are steit',, ii to it 1 f 1 1- m'i-aii!,it:. s ll.el- XV,, I ),., . c i.i pi, . i TiiXVi.lt I1.V1-I, lit MAltixi;T , . , ' nail siitlt. i PKX'Xi TT riiitailelpliin. Oel-.'1'tr lit, IsVJ .m i CliHoiution c( 1'ai r J rgtHU Copartnership herett ;. 'be mime of James 11. cV 1. . i Ibis day dissolved by Ihe xvith i, 15. Ii art. The husiuecs li the . settled by either of tli undcrsi North Cd street. TA dCS I.j - 1L1.IAM !). THOMAS U. u. . rhiladfipfiia, Jan. 1, 1S53. The undersigned, have, titii d. v I' i-iico ,, partnership nud wiil continue ti e bi, sines i . .( Ihe nameof James 11. & TlMma, , u;, ; ful fur past tavors, they res) ei tfu ly rck i lentioii of their liiendi and the pL'.-lie I.. . stock of UKOCERIES, which w il f,.t: , extensive, nnd which tivey wdlse.'l n ih i market rates. 3 '.!E3 H. "l AliT, THOMAS J i A UT'. n.iljdelphis, Jan. 1, ISj;i.Js it. watches, jLwmr.y. i c. JA.MKS I) Vo. 13 South S cond Street, G ild Lever Wutchcs full jewcllcJ. bilvcr Lever dhy Mlvcr Lepino do " Quarlirr do Gold pens and pencil ami si'tr r ha' Jets Hlver Tea nud Tabic Pimmta. llracclela Hieitst pins L'.ir li' cVc All warranted ...J ..id al p.i fcJ ;'v t. u the city. '"' nx-iUUt tr. is;;.-if