5; ,'?7i -"4! f .., . S.aie waa admitted into thu Union, ehfl re lamed the ownership of all the vao.tnl lands .within her limits. The government of that Slate, it i understood, hns aligned no -portion of her territory to tho Indians, but as last as her sctlleinonts advance, lays it oil '"i? uOUIiie, Proceefl I" survey and ell ft. This policy manifestly tends, not only to alarm and irritate the Indians, but to compel them 10 resort to plunder for sub- ?tSla?Cn il l dePrive th' pnvernment of that influence and control over them without which no durable -peace can ever exist be tween them and the whiles. I trust, there lore, that a due regard for her own interests, and from consideration of humanity and justice, will induce that State to assign a small portion of her vast domain for the pro visional occupancy of the small remnants of tribes within her borders, subject of eonise A her ownership and eventual jurisdiction. If she should fail to do thul, tho fulfilment of our treaty stipulations wilh Mexico, nnd ptir duty to tho Indians themselves, will, it is feared, become a subjuct of serious em barrasment to the Government. It is hoped however, that a timnlv ni-il imtl provision hi Texas may avert this evil. No appropriations for fortifications were .ruado at the two last sessions of Coneress. The causa of this omission is, probably, to be found in a glowing belief that tho 'sys tem of fortifications adopted in 1816, and heretofore acted on, requires revision. The subject certainly deserves full mid careful investigation, but is should rot bo delayed longer than can bo avoided. In the meatitinio Ihero am certain works which have been commenced some of them near ly completed designed to protect onr prin cipal sesipoits from Bos'uu to New 0 leans, 111J a few other important points In re sard to tha necessity for thes. woiks, it is '.i.-lieved that little dillereiiee of opinion ex-.-ts among mililaiy tiien. I therefore re oiBTneml that tho appropriations necessary 0 prosecute them be made. 1 invite your intention to the lemmks on "his snbj -et, and oil o:hers connected with us Department, contained in the luounipa lyin? report of thu Sccictaiy of War. Measures have been t ikeu to carry into fl-'ct tha law of thu lat fession makini; rovisiuus fur thu improvement of curtain vers and haibors, uu. I it is believed that te artaiigements maild for that pnipiise will imbine elliciency with economy. Oaing nelly to the advanced season when the net as parsed, little) has yet been done in re ud to many of 1 ho woiks beyond making m necessary preparations. Willi respect 1 a view of the implements the sums al ady appropriated will selfice to complclo em, but most of them will acquire uddi oual appropiiations I trust thesrt nppro- iulions will b.: made, and that this wise id benelicient policy, so aiispiouously tu rned, will be eo.nii u -d Great caro lould be taken, however, to commence no uik which is not of si.llici ,-iit impiilinca the commerce of the, country to be view ' .is national in i 1 9 chuiactcr Hat woiks , tiicii have been iomnicnccd Miuuld riot be jcoatinued until completed, as otherwise L4 sums cxp'Mide.1 wili, in most cares, Im itt'.t. Thu report from the Navy Department wt.il in form you of tho prosperous coudiiion nl tho branch of Mm public service commit ted to its charge. It piesenls to your run ti.leralion l:iany topics and suggestions of which I ak your approval It exhibits an UMUrU! fiegree of uciivity in th.i operations fcV thu Department during the past year. The preparations for the Japan expedition, to which I have already alluded, tho tn langements made, for the explorations and survey oi the Cuba Seas, the Northern Pa L'i!o and Behriiig's Strait., tho incipient measure taken towards a lecunnnisancej of .he. continent of Africa eastward of Liber- ia ; ihe preparation foi an early exmnina iou of the nibutarics of the river Li Plata, .vhich a lecenl deciea of the provisional duel' of tha Arpsutine Confederation has ipened to uavagaiiou all these enterprises, md tho means by which they an) proposed .0 be accomplished: have commanded my : n 1 1 appiubatiun, and 1 havo 110 doubt will be .Koduciive of most useful results. Two officers of thu navy were heretofore instructed to explore the whole extent of the Amazon liver Imm the couliucs of Peru to is mouth. The return of one of them has ! jlaed in the possession of the Government in interesting and valuable account o the haractur and rcsorccs of a country oboun.I iu in Ilia materials of commerce, and illicit, if opened lu the industry of the .voild, will prove an inexhaustible lurid of .vcal.h. Tha repoil of thio explication will o commnnicated to jou as soon as it is :ompleled. Artong other subjects oirered lo your 110 ico by Itiu Secretary of the Navy. 1 select or special cimimei.daiiiin, in view of its annexion with thu interests of the navy, he plan submitted by him lor the tstablisu iioiti of a permanent coipsol seamen, and lie suggestions ho has presented forho re- rganizalion of tha Naval Academy. In reference to the liist of these, I tako iccasion to say that I think it will greatly mprovo the eilicioncy of tho seiriee, and hat I regard ils still more entitled lo favor or tho salutary influence it must exert upon lie naval discipline, now greatly dituibed ly tha increasing spirit of insubordination, estiliiug from our present system. The plan ii-oposed for the oiyanftaliou of ihe seamen jruishes a judicious substitute for the law I September, 1850. abolishing copora: piui- shmeut, and sutilaelonly sustains the poll y of that act, under con litiou well adapted 0 maintain the. authority of command and he order and seem it y of our ships. It is lelieved thai any change which pi opuses lermaueiilly to dispe.-.sa wilh this mode of iiiiiishiueiil, should be proceded by a system f enlistment which shall supply the navy vith seamen of thu most meiitoiious class, 1 hose good deportment and pride of charac- ' .lay preuluda all occasion for a icsort to leuallies of a harsh or degrading nature. The safely of a ship and her crew is often ; lepeiideiil upon immediate obedienco lo a ominand, and tho authority to eufoice it lust be oqually leady. The arrests of a efraclory seaman in such moments, not nly depiives the ship of indispensable aid, 01 imposes a necessity for double service II others whose fidelity to their duties may e relied upon in such an emergency. The xposure to this increased nd arauous labor iuce. the passage of the act of J850, has Iready had, to a most ebservable and iuju ;ous extent, the elfecl of preventing Ihe en stment of Ihe best seamen in tha navy 'ha plan now suggested is designed lo pro inte a condition of service in wliica this bjeclion will no longer exist.. The details f this plan may be established in great part " not altogether, by Ihe Executive, under ie authority of existing laws but I have tought it proper, iii acuordance with the JSgeslion of the Secretary of ihe Navy, to nbmil it to your approval. The establishment of a corpse or appren . iues for the navy, or boys to bo enlisted mil ihev become of age, and to be em- .loyed under such tegulations as the Navy )epartment may devise, as proposed in the eport, I cordially approve and commend 10 lour consideration ; and I also concur in the uggeslion that this systerh for the early rainin? of seamen may be most usefully ngrafied upon the service of our merchant narine. . . The other proposition or the report lo vhich I have referred the re-organiation f the Nary Academy I commend to your Item ion aa a project worthy or your en ouragement and support. The valuable srvices already rendered by this institution ntille it to the continuance of your fostering re. Your attention is respectfully called lo the report of ihe Postmaster General for Ihe detailed operation of his Department during the last lineal yoar, from which it will be seen thai the receipts from postages for Mint lime wore less by 91,430,696 than for Ihe preceding fiscal year, being a decrease of about 23 per cent. This diminution is attributable to the re duction in Ihe rates of postages made by the act of March 3d, 1851, which reduction look cll'ect at tho commencement of Ihe lust fiscal year. Although in its operation during the last year, Ihe act referred lo has not fulfilled the prediction of its friends, by increasing the correspondence of the country in proportion lo I ho reduction of postage, I should never theless question iho policy of reluming lo higher rales. Experience warrants tho ex pectation that as iho community becomes accustomed lo cheap postage, correspond ence will increase. It is believed thai from this canso, and from the rapid growth of the country in population and business, the re ceipts of tha Department must ultimately exceed its expuuses, and that flie connlrv may safely rely upon ihe continuance of the present cheap rate of postage. In former messages I have, among other things, respectfully recommended to the consideration of Congress the piopiiety and necessity of further legislation lor the protec tion and punishment of foreign consols resi ding in ihe United Slates; lo revive with certain modifications the act of I0;h March, I3H3, to restrain unlaw ful military rxpe.li- lions against Ihe inhabitants or conterminous j Slates or territories ; for Ihe preservation and j proteeiion fiom mutilation or theft of the im pels, records and archives of the nation; lor j authorizing the surplus revenue to I o tipplii'd : to the piyment of the publie debt, in nd- i va:,ee id the lime when il will become due: lor Ihii establishment of land offices for th-i ; sale of the public lands i 1 California and the lenitoiy of Oiegnu ; for the construction of a , road fiom the .Mississippi valley to the Paci fic ocean ; for ihe establishment of a bureau lor ngiienlliire lor the pioinoliun of that ia teresl, peihaps the most iinpoitaut in the ', country; for ihe prevention of fiauds upon ihe Government. 111 application for pension ' and bounty lands, for the ct;tt!is!inc nt of a uniform lee bill, prescribing n specific, compensation for every seivice. required of clciks, ili-tiicl ultoir.rys, and marshals; lor uu'huiiiiig an 111l.liio.nl regiment of. mounted men, for the defence of our frontier j against tin; Indiai.s, and for fnlhllina; onr treaty stipulations Willi Mexico lo defend her ciliz 'iis against th-j Indians "wilh equal diligence and em rgy as onr own,''' for deter- : mining the relative rank between the naval and civii officers in our public ship, and be tween ihe ollbers of tha Army i.nd Navy in the various guides of each : fur rootg.iu is.inu tha naval establishment by fiximi the number of oliicers in each grade, and rrn vi hug for a retired li-l upon reduced piv of I hose unlit for active duty ; for prisei:bii:g and regulating punishments in the navy; for tho appointment of a commission to revise! tha public slalnes of the United Slates, by arranging them in order, supplying deficien cies, collecting i 1 n- 0 1 1 t ' ni'ies, simplifying their laugune, and repotting them to Con- gress fin its final action, and for the rstab- lishment (d a commission lo adjudicate and . si tile piivata claims against tha United : Stales. ! I nil! 11 'I uv:iri !i m-rvjr. l!i:it :uiv of ttie'Tfii'.iii-i-t.ttitve . Iiei'lt limlly nr-O'il uo n by OmiuO'S:!, Willi nil rt'priitui' t!ic teas 111 1" ! li'i."l:iti.iii mi llii-so (hiI'I.'cib w'hitli li:ivn . Ihmmi iiRs'rjueit 111 I'-irnifi" nif.s 'j.-s, I rfspeciliiily rcc m HH'iul llivm H'iiiii lo y -nr f'iV''r.aik' ciiisiiliT:ili.'n. 1 tliink il due I l!i!' Kirvpval K.X'Tiitivt: ll.-jtinlmtMit "f lliiil (i irimiifiit I 1 ltt':tr tf-'l I'll my t'l tti'- ciifiwiH-y iimj 1 iiiO'iity wi'li wlii.-h tlu-y :ir; conaucr-.!. Willi till llm j c tn-liil B i '-'i iiet'il.tt'iii-i; wiiioli il is p . 1". :r the I Im.Ih : 'fill f DcrKirlmi'iill! t' exerciM. htill Ihf ttue U'llinni.sti:i- ' lion imtl !:ii;iniiniisliip i 1 :lte i.til.hf la iiM-y iimist very run-.' Ii : .pint n tin; vif-ihi iiii--:.!gt,Jirr. itt-.A li.lt-lity i t' the su'virilnit.-i- tirlt.'frs util mi. mhI f.-i-.iiil ! lu t i- irustetl with Hi'! B-'Mli'iiii-Mt imtl !i'l;usi.iit'nt nl" rLniim nmJ ! tirv mill?. 1 am r.itilitd tu (.oli"o lint iln y hvt ; ii 11 y iTi iriiif.l ilit ir iiir.ii e l.MiiituIly and t-ll. 'l'ta-y arc :i;i;t"in-rl .i :iut'.! Il't ;i;.j-r'fn-!;. s tu tin' puh'io Trt u.si.ry, ' :m.l III-y f.iijy liS !ii;.t i xp tlr'iii t i a!t th t uy- ; hitKMii.iii'l s.ditciijtim whii'h .ln;iij,ilityof pLTul .t ra .md fr;i'iilut-nt riiiiimmis c;u prmiijit iIm ih fi iMuploy. It will ; )c luit :i win.' prt'cnutioit iu (ifilrct tltt." UtVt ruiiirnt .iL'i'iiist iliat m 'Liri-t t' inidi'iiM I n mi c 'lrupii n, u$ I;ir;is it can tu; il 'in;, by tlifj rn:tottir-'itt nt't.11 pnipi 1 u tl ponaUim. Tlie ; lawJ. in ihtit TffViLvi. nru tupp ni.l l-br. ilffrctivi', unit 1 tii'M'i-(ir- U-s'iti ii in v i Inly I. rail join i.i!t'i,tii. to Un' fu!j jcrr, ami l- rerumnieiui lt:;tt prnviti n lit mailt liy law ir llie fii,i'iniij:t only t" tlmfe wlio !ull u.-etpl l rilc, I h it ulso "I th w'ii. aiia!! i'JiT pr mil'.-, pivv nr i-lit-r I i jive tit any 'i' Hi ti: :U if cltrl.s a h: ilie or rrwurj i t-'iU'liii'ij'ir rt!;itiii'e' t' :my iuat!ti' oi tliL'ii O.iieial uciioit ur il'iiy. j It has the imii'"iiu p Vi-y of litis G vrinnciit from I I'JUnla'.t 'ii l'i liu prost-ii! il.iy, I ' ali; tain 'ion. all ml-T- I'-Tt-iiPt; in tl.t'.l iiiu'ciic iilTiti'Mi'l otlii-r unl i .ih. Tin citu- j ri;U'ncr hat; I iff u tliat wl.ilf the h iti-i:t, ol ICurupf have i lifHii cnea :v I in d-n ilaliiijr w.trn, cure vmUy has pursue) j itf pfiio.'l'ill r -ur.-e ti inn x'tmi, liil primpcrity ami h ippi- i hi'ks. 'I'lit warn in whit-lr wo hav hfrn c inpclled t' i-n- ; t-4t in (li-li'iifM: o the nhta imil h in.ir ol tlie ctintiy, h i vi' hofii t'litimatclv Kl biuul ilnratiim IjnritiLj tin: t i riiic c a. inti 'il a' i:nM tnl i"il. wtiii li mircte ltcl ili Kreiicli n-v tit'i-'ii. w vire fiialdcil liv the : wil 'tn ait't lirmm . ol' I'ri-Mli'iit W'as'iint n t iinint-'itn ' in iKiiiri.li'y. Witilf oilier i.ati 'ii wt-rc tlntwn inli thii ( witlc eWtcina wt.ii'p Mil, v s:it ipiii-l an I uiuuovcil ujmri oar own uli irct. In!' I lie tl iwi'r nl thfir immeri'iis ar-uiii-s wan wasted hy ilis--iis ur (uTihliftl hy htm lrcl oi' tlt.tuaii.ts il; in tic tkittle-tii-lit, the yoitlll ( this tav lt'l lainl weie p-i mith-il t i fiij y tlii'LlciuM i'l" pcaoc litmctiMi t!if patfri:al i'v.f. While llie Siait s n Kur p iiirmTfl n rmnuit tlt-ho, iiud'T the harm ii which thftr Mihjfi'ts fctill (I'iiuii, and which niti't alif -ih ii t ptu:!l part ol th,- prmttir-t of t If li 'll fHt intltiflry ui'Mione ivnitiirit-d l'ir ir-'iH'rati ins tit r- irm l ht t'liilcil Strui'8 liavi: oni'c hin t-aahliil to rxhihit ihe promt s'jclni lt: ot u nation frt-o frn:n puhlir ih-ht, and it pcrniil-U-d lo pursue onr pir.n;-njriai wny I . ir a lew yearn 1 uiger in peace, wc inayd'i the vaine ajj.iiu. Jl.it it is n-w H'idhy sinethat this policy n,ut Ite i en iii-j(i. j.ur"; is if' i-ai-jiT de'iiaran-o iouii m-iiyuv-'y- lift ft" in. mli!'. hut Kicaiii n:t ia;i u h i hrniiiht Ikt witii- 1 in u irv r1:i; t til of fini h ires. We neo "m Te her m wenienls, ai;d lake u ili-r per in! erect in !i--r roiitriiveriies. f Aiih.iih n ue prop tiiat we sh a;ld j in in the Ira- ; lernity of p t-u:a!eif win have it.r n -?t liivihcd thv hl n-d , and treasure oi t'leir mh-i ci in Tnamiahiiiitf "the Uilance of ptrwer." yit il said t'l.-.t we ontiht tu intent ie h". 1 t Ween contend iili ' Ti-i'.-m ami their tsillaeeti--. nr the . purp"ui 1 ii'fr;hiiwu.t; tl c m Miaii liu s m .airo,', ami cHa!tiiKfiiii r- th'.-ir place repuiiiican iii5iuuii"im. II in al leged that v have hetctul'Te puiniiitl a (lit) i lent cmiise ir 'in a pen He ot" our weaUiK;-H. hut that n w nur c -ni-ci -us Hlri'uth du-'.alis a change ( Y p.he, , mid thnt U is e use- ; fpi t ally orr duty to rniai; in these e.'iitet and uiJ lUuxj j wh tare ftiupyiniit for hherty. ( 'J'ais is a in nl vedui'tivc hnt d ii'eroiis nppcal to the ; i;ein Ton Kyiiipathii-s ol" freemen, laiinjiaj: we do the j hhii!L of a tree fiovermiieitt, tla-i. t si no unit wli lius ; un American heart t tut t wuuhr ii1 n jmrt t 'See tin he hi. sinvs ext 'ii-htl to all oiher inii 'iis. W'c raint t wilni----R ' the siruBi-If het ween (In; opine!iil an hit "pnres -r unv- ' wiierp w'ta i'il lh- ileerest Fvmnaihv -t l'ie tni.mer. mi l ihe in fft turn n desite tor Inn triumph. Ne ei '.Ij-lesi, is ii ptudrnt ir is it wise t involve ouim'Ics iutliese for L'ma war r is it liuleeil true that we have limit lore re- lr. lined irom doinii si merely from the derrndimr motive of n c'titucioiis wcakiiens ! 1'or the h iior of the patriots wr.i) have gone he ore , 1 cunind admit it. .Men of the KevlulKii W in' drew llH-swi-rd iijiainet the onnref ?ioiiS of the uioihtr country. mid pledged lo Heaven tUt-ir lives tlieii fortunes in.d their mu red houois,1' to mnmlitm their freed 'in, could never have heen aehiated hy so unworthy a ninitve. I hey knew im weat.m bs or fear wherti nuht or duty p'i'ited the way, und it i u IiIm-1 ujkhi their faint! for us, while we enjoy the hU'Siunus i it whteh they so u hly f iuht und hud, to insinuate it. The truth u, that thu c mrw whirli they puraned was dictated hy ft stern sense of iutcniati utal jnatie, hy a statesmanlike prudence aud u fur heemg winloiu, l ooking not merely tu the present neccAsiitts, hut to lit penmmrut Siileivumi interest ot tho country. They kucw that the w.illtl is giivcriu-U less by sviiijuilliy limn by nnis-n and 1'orrej tliuL it was n it ni3sili!c I r lliis ii:iliin In tieo.aiii' a trniKiir iiiilist" ul' t'ri'c priiii-iili-s vilhmit ariiiyini; niiainat il llie iMiilbincd pnweia nl' i:uruie; ami lluil llie re.uil was inure likely ti lie the ovcrlliiow ul" ri'piiI'luMn Itb-'riy lieia than ila establishment there. Ilia'ury h-is Im--ii writleii m vatu for lhisu wliu canduubt this, i'rance li ul an so aier cstuMished a feubii-aa I'lrul !' iVi-nuili-nt than she mi llii'esU'd a ileait e In f-ree its hlt'ssint.. on njl the win Id Her uvvii liislnrian inf-irins us ihal. he.ir'titf ol pmu- plly a.'ls nl tyranny in a nef);lilsiilnt! pnnt iuliiy. ,rriie .National (.'laivetilual ih'rlarel that she wnuld afford aureai aiiid Iralernily lo all nations a-lio wished lo recover lla'ir liber ty ; ami she fuve it in charge lo lias extn:ull'e power lo eive irders to the peiu-rals nl' the l-'reiah armies to aid all citizens wil l luijllit have been, or s'lould he, oppressed in the cause of liberty.' Here was the false step which led to herstibsemicnt mis. fortunes, ghe nun found herscli involved in war wilh all Ihe rest of Kurope. In less tliau ten years her irovernineiit was caaiifiei irom a republic to an empire ; una anally, ul ter shedding rivers of blood, foreign powers restored lier exiled dynusly, and exhausled i-.uropc sought peace aial repose in ine uuquesiioiiea asceuuairy 01 nKniurcnicai principal, lrt us learn wtsieau Irom her rxauinla. 11 us remember that revolutions do notalwava establish free. doin. Our owu free inslituliiais were iaa tho olTsnrina of our revolulhai. They existed bcloia. They were ulanled in Ihe free charters of sell'-govciiuueut under which Ihe l.nglisti eolouiesgrew up, and our revolution only freed ua frnu fie doniiinou nfa lorcjuu pwert whose goveruineut was at variance wilh those institutions. But Karorean lailions have had nit such fruiiiiii t mmt. governinent, and every effort to establish it by bhxidy revo. Iiillnns has been, and masr, without that prepajaliuu, eon. ,.mUD u w lunula. j..iueriy, unregiiiuteu ay uiw, deven. erales into aiarchy, which a am becorpea tha most horrid of all despotisms. Our policy is wisely to govern ourselves, and theieby to sat such an example of national juatiee, prosperity and Irua t'ory, as shall trach to all nations lha bh-swnpsof self g-.varnmtnt, and the unpatillelrJ cnlci prise v.'A sucxetsol free rcorl SUNBURY AMK1UUAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. We live In mi e of prop-raw, and nnrs il rmplislicnll)' s country r piugrew. Williin lh tart hnlf century. I ' numlHjr of Htntr in the Uninn liaa nearly donblwl. the piipulalinn hna olmiilt qnnrtrtlplcd, anil onl Isnlnciarifa nnvr w-'Jit cxtrntlcd from the Miaaisainpi lo the Pocilio. Out territory ia cliequenil m-nr with reilomda, anU rurrocii Willi cnnala. Tha inventive talent of our cmntry ia cxei tnl to ihe liiirheM piteh, and the inimannia applienltma for patents forvuluable liiinniveinenta ililini(uili tanas ami tliis people from all otdera. The geniua of one mcnrBn liua ennliled otir emmeree to move apninet wind and ltde, aud Hint of another haa annihilated diatanee in the liana niiaaion of iiitcllicnie. The whole country is lull of en terpriae. Our cotinn iii Bi hoola are dilt'usinn nilc.lieenee aiiLing the HSnle, and our imliutrv ia lost nceumulMmg the comf rt and luxuries of life. This is in part owing to our ieeuliur p 'sition to om fertile anil, and ci.mwrntivr. Iv ap-irce popnhtion hot mueh of it is iiIm ow-ina to the popular iiiKtitutii us umlcr which we live, to the Irrnlum which every man fecla In ent;Bicin eiiy uatful pnriuii, nr c rdni(t to his mtu or Inclination, aiid to Ihe entire confi dence Unit his person aud properlv will I prote led liy llie laws. I!ul whatever may he the cauae of this nnpnrnl c ed growth in populati.in, Intelligence, nud Weill 11, one thing la clear, Unit the Government must keep pace with tho ppwrcaa of tho people. It must pnrticiitc in thrir spirit of enterprise, aud while it esncls oliediancc to the laws, nnd reilriilna all uuuulhorized invani ais of the nelehborhiir Slalea. it should foster aud protect home industry, and haul Us powerful strength lo the improvement f such menus of iutnrcLnninunirali 'n aa nre ncee.-aitry to promote our inleriol conuncrce and streugtlicii llie lies which hind us together as a pe-'i ta. It ...il mm,...,. li,iu-ercr tnncti it tn"y la rrBn ttcd, that such un exiiljeiunco of enterprise should cnuw e )inc liiiliviiluiils U-nna.iilic change lot pnvrrss, uno wie una sion of the rights of othera for national prowess and cl ry. The fnimer ure rmistautly agitating for some chance in the oirauic Inw, T urging new or untried llioories of human rights. The btlerare ready tJ cugaae in any wild crusude. acaiust a neit'lilajriiiR people, reunrdleas of Ihe justice ol the enterprise, and wilhout looking al the futul c niEeqilcli ces to ouiselves and to the cause of popular g iveriulicut Much exncditii'iis. however, arc often slimubted Ly mer- eeuary iudividimli, who expeet lo shure the plunder or pro fit of "the eiilerinise without cxp.sing themselves to dun ger, and are led on by 8 nne irrcsp tnsilile f ireigner. lyh i ubuses llie h os.iltiiiitvof ouvown G overnincnl, hy Bediicing the young and ignorant to join in his sehrmc of pers"lial ntnliti:'ii or revenge, under the fnlaound delusive pretence ol extending the urea of freedom. These reprehensible n-firressioiis but relnrd llie true progress of our nation and liiruisll its fair fame. They should, thcrer.no. leeeive the indignant frowns of every g s-d citizen whosinecrelv loves hi e' uuitiy mid takes a piide in its prosprrily and honor. Out L'uiiatiimioii, tiiouah n 't perfect, ia d 'libltcss Ilia Imvi thnt ever wns binned. Therel'Tc let every pron'-Bi-li. n to ciianuc il Lu well weighed, and if found heuefieial. cuutiously ad ipteil. Kvery patti t will rej 'ice to see i's mil li ally's i r.noled ns lonilvaucc Ihe prosper ay and h nior i f the ivai u, wliilsl tie will wnt' h with jejiloiisy any at leiiij't t i mutilate ttiis eh:ut T of onr Ii1h:i ti.-M, nr pel vcrl ila p 'veis to uets "f niigruMion or ii.i'ist:ce. Thus shall e tu.serv.ilisin and progress blend their Inrin uious action in reserving the fotui and spirit of the Ci ustilnlion, and ul tin: s.ulle ti.ne eany f TWnrd the irrent imnr iveniellls of the eoualiy illi a rapid ly and enelgy vrhich fieemell ;li'y e iu di.pl -y. lu el sing litis, my l,uil unuual c amn'inie.ition. peitnit me, fellow oiii.ens. to congriit ululu on on the pn sner-o-.is coadili tu o our h.:l iveii e -miTry. Abr.ta.1 it.1 relnti ns with iili f'reiii.l powe's are II ien lh-; Us rights lire re-s-ierte.i, an. I its liiiti place in liie family of tuitions cheer fully reeocnts.-d. At home we enj ,y mi amount of linppi-nt-a. publie .Hid privite, whieli has pr ibntily never (el'en I i llie I it of i.ny o:het pc iple. Ilesidea aflolding 1 1 our own citis'-us nd'-grecofpr s.ieri'.y, of which on so taipe a sea!" I Un iw ol" no -'lb -r la ul'-', our country is nimii ally uir adaig a lefucrc nn.t a h ime to mul'-it'-iues, uH -jjethcr w::!io..; t vjtuplc. fr.-m Ihe u:j V"ri.l. WJ owe tliess bie-ssun;.!. un l-'r Ilenveil. to the happy Coiialitu'.i n iiit-l tioveliuu-'nt which were bcouenthed to us liy om latlieis, unit wliieti it is our sm-red diev t Irans litit in all iheir inogrity to our etiil Iren. Wrc must all e 'lisiiler il n gleal disliitetinn and pnvilegu to linvc ticca eh ii:en by tin; petiole to bear a purl in ttie administration of such a fioverlimenl Celled by n:i uni-xpccted dispensation to its highest trust at a sas mi ol" euibarrnssinent niidnl-irm, I entered upiu its ardu iui duties wilh extreme diffidence. I elai-n onlv to hyve diselnrpe.l lliem to the best of nil huinhV ability, witti a sinirle eye M Ihe pilt.lir d ; and it is w lb devout gi-itilii.h . il relirim: from olbee, tiiut I leU'"c ;;i'- en lilt ry in a st;ue i.t pei.ee nnd prosperity. Mir.LVtllJ I'll.LMURi:. W.c'lijlOX, ICCl'lllb'T l, l-.V.'. CouiiDuniculioii. II. tt. Maskk, Kst : observe.! Ihal you iioiUt'.l t lit unprovcnifMils of Charles Wea vet's lintel, in Sunbuty, a few wi'cka titice. Bu.-int'3 ri'qiiiic.l my n.tmtianre ot Sunbiiry for ftt veial iluyi. I pul up at Mr. Weavers nml ftui'ul lh.it thti liun.ti Iiiul nmlcrgnne a gt'uerr.l repair, ami is finished with lusle and elt'aiice. The looms and chamber are well fiiini.-hcd, eoinfoitabki ami clean. The table uIwh) s Hiipplied with every ihin: pood and well mot up, sulT.eien.ly f), tomeet ihe wunta of a ciiy epicuie. Pming a week.s stay, 1 have not seen u drunken man ia hi? bar-room, or a noi.-y peton about Wis promisfs. The Hor. .tod.e Jjr!.i nud Latly have taken ptMi.iane.it boardiMp there. Charley Iiitnself, makes il his bii.inea- to ad.niuij-ler to the eonifirt of Ms gues'. with as mtuh ease and affability! -A 11 monsieur Baiber does his euslorners. Weavers Ilitel is a Rlr;.neis home. LEU MAS. Shamukin, De.- 10. 1S2. Tj77" wool. I call jour attention to the advertisement of Swnim's Panacea, for the Cure of Scrofula iu another column. TJT POISONING. .inds of tureiiN v ho use Yt ThM rmifnge i compose.! ol t jfler oil. Calomel, etc. are nul ! awaie. ih.tt while they appear lo benelil ihe pttieiit, they are actually laying ihe fonndit , lions !m a series of dt't-a-a'se.-r, fueh as saliva ' lion, loss of sihl, wciikues.s of limbs, ie. t'i another, coltiinn will be found the ndver ! tisetneul of I)ubri:faeks Medicine, to w hich ' we ak the ntleiilirn ol all tlireetly inlfiested in I heir nw v. as well as their Children's health. ! In Liver Com'pIai:il ami all d i.-orders aiding from those, of a bilious type, should make ustJ of I h only genuine medicine, l.oben ! sack's I.iver Pills. fr- t:Bc not ihrticC'l," but ask for lloben- (tuck Worm . n.p and Liver Pills, and i b- seive that paeh ha- ih sitialure of the Proprietor, J N. 11015 t.NSACK. as none else are "euuine. M II It 1 12 I), O.i Tuesd-iv, tin? 3f h of Nov. by the Key. J. A. IiO:S, Ml' I i I K A M 1 1 1'SPKHSIIOT. lo Ml.-S S. A ntV; VVvns, boih of Lower Auytis'H. (li It;,? 9ih iust , by the Uev. J. A Hum, Mr ;AlL,Kl. Smi'MA.v, to Mm. Catiiaiii.nk Fo, boih of Loa cr Augusta. i i r; ii. In ihis place, on Momlay last. Mip HA CI I A EL, conoi I ol U tac Murlin, dee'd aged about 7 1 year. I!)C iUavkcto. Philadelphia Market. Dr.c. 8, 1852 Flour and Meal. "tha market is firm ; sales of fresh ground for cip'irt at S5, and goud brands fur city consumption, al SSi a iIi. F.lra Flour is held at ) I 371 a Si ¬ lt ve tua-R. Lust sales nl Corn Meal. Lust sales ot Peniia. ol S31 Wheat Sales of prime red at SM7 ; and 111 11 1 1 lie for red Kye Is in demand ; sale at 88els. Cons Is urri vin freely, and pi ices are someilrii' lower; sales of itrjvyellJw at 60a C3e, a..J uf damp at S3 a A8u. Oats. Sales of prime 'Suulhem at 45 and I'enna. al 4fi els. i, Whisk ev. Sales Of bbls at 2 To, anJ I:hds at 26 ci. Baltimore Market Deo. 6, 1852. GRAIN. Sales of Wheat to-day at 103 a 106 els. for good lo prime reds, and 106 a 112 cts. (or whites. Corn is in very good supply Sales to-day of white at 55 a 67 cts , and of yellow at 64 a 66 cts. Ihe large quantity in market, Iiow ever, caused prices lo give way, and al the close no more than ei cts could be obtained for yellow. tale of Maryland Bye to-day at 80 cts. and Penna. at 82 cts. Oats sells at 38 4 lots , the latter rate for t strictly prime parcels. - I -1-' J J1 SUNBUI.Y PRICE CURRENT V IIXAT . Rts. . Cons. . 100 70 60 H7 37 18 12 S ISS III 2 17 100 250 8 Oats. Potitoxs, - . Ul'TTE. Eons. I'unK. Flaxsiiii. . TaIiuw. UCLSWAT HKrcLxii Fi!i, DlllK'tl ArTt.Y.. Do. I'iaiuh. Flax New Advertisements. 'TMI.U'KERAY is very severe uiitin ".no!" ill lna own country. n.l 1 1 - .... '..:niiuie 11c will find aomo or tho class nl.) in Ihe UnilcJ Stnle. Uut in this city those IllPtl W'Uf n ia .1.. - " sw .ia.- nut BKUD9 ,Ienl",Vr-,,,0,.,yt,"J"! 1",t Kct ciotliins atRockliilli Uilaon'. Rreol rlothim; store, al tho corner of Franklin 1'Ihcp and LMieanni No. 111. A ITliin run trf irPtilisnlK. .....,... i - ing expensively dicsscd, hy going there. "iiiiut'ijinui, iuv, u, 52. ly. Agricultural Meeting. I lie annual inei lin of the Northiiml eilniid County Airriculiurul .Societv, for the clerliun omccre, will be held at the "Court House in Sun bury, on Monduy, January 3, ut 2 o'clock T. M. DAVID TAfUJAHT. ) W. I. GllEKNOI dlt, I "'J'' OC" Other County papers p!in-e copy. Di-ccmlier 11, 1852. W iltl Turkey. rjIHE sul.scriLcr pay a fair price for a pair of genuine wild turkeys (male and fr. male.) DAVID TAGGART. Northumberland, Dec. II, 1K5'2. tf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE" npHE umlersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, to niako dUtiilmtiou uf ihe moneys in tlie hands of Abraham Kollicrmel, Administrator of Eve Kcniplc, tiilc of Lower Mahi.noy townahip, .Nortlirnibcrljiid cjunty, deccjs.'d, to an 1 nmong the heiis and lci;il representative of said dece dent, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his ojl'icc, ill the Borough of "nuburv, on Wednesday, the twenty ninth day of Decern) cr 1S52, at li) o'clock A." M. At which time and place all persons interested cna attend, if they see proper. .1. H. PACKER, Auditor, fc'uuliury, Dec. !). 1832. 3t. Stuttering and Stninnicring Cured in from five to twenty minutes. THE undersigned would respcclfiillr inform the cilizeiis of 8unbury and viei iity thnt ho has taken rooms for one week at COVERT'S HO TEL, In the Uorough of .Sunbury, where per sona alllicU-d with STL'TTF.IUNG AND STAMMERING May rail on him at any time between now and S.ilurdoy next, and obtain relief from that dis tressing impediment in a few minutes, wilhout surgical operation, or the slightest pain. 'I ho undersigned is the only person In the United States thai can perform this cure clleetu ally. lie has practiced upon j()0 persons with in the last three years ; and bis'.dts, he has in his possession scores of ceitificates of cures upon persons in this and other sections of the country, to whom reference m:iy bo had if any doubts ex ists as to his ability lo accomplish all he promises. Among thco he has the certificate of the New York Medical Faculty; the Key. E J. Prime, Editor of Presbyterian K.v. )t. Knox. New York; Prol'csscr Juniune. of l'i.hop lWnc's College, lliivliiiton, N. J.; C. Vanrcnseller, Currrspoudiug Secretary of the UonrJ of Educa tion, 23G Chestnut street, Pbilaib lphia ; Peter Farnuin, (.'liestnut s'rect, Phil.olelpliia, besides numerous other eminent personages. Moreover, so confident is he in the success of his peculiar mode or treatment, that lie will Chorsc notting; where tie fails to cure. Which shall be tested at once by the puticii' reading and speai in; with fluency und case with out tlie (huhlest atuitcring or stammering. J. V. WYCKOFF. Sunbury, Dec. 11, 1632. It. TO the lhm.J. 'jOllbilX' Eq Presi dent and his 1s&octates, Judges of the coirt of Quarter Sessions of the count 1 of .orthiimbcrland : The petition ofCIIAliLES G A RINGER rc. spcctfully showeth ; that your petitioner is in possession of a commodious house, situate in the Uorough of iiiiluii-y on the road leading from Synbuiy .to Hairisburg, whirli is well calculated for a public House of entertainment and for the accommodation nud entertainment of stringers and travellers. J'bat ho is well provided with stabling for horses, und all conveniences neces sary for Ihe entertainment of atrnngeis and tra velers. Ho therefore respectfully pruva the Court to grant him a licence to keep an Inn, or puldic house of ciilertaiiiivenl at the place herein Iinmed, and lie will pray,.A. CHARLES GARINGER. TO THE JUDGES ABOVE MENTIONED : We ihe subscribers residents of tho l"oroni,h of Sunbury and Upper Augusta township do hen'.iy certify that ( HAS. GARINGER the ap p'ieaut lor the license, is a 111111I of good repute lor honesty and temperance, and is well provided with hoiiMi-roo.'ii ami conveniences for tlie lodg ing and 11 m.ni 1110. l.i t iun of strangrts and travel lers and that a Public House llu re is necessary ; they therefore it. oiiiend him as a proper person 10 re ueeusri! to Keep u public bouse, N utiles. Names. J. H. Parker, Charles Weaver. J io. P. Purse.1, Win. L. Dcwart, Ira T. Clement J. Karnsworth, John Haas, R. II. Awl, J. I). Masser, Jacob Ecknian, Samuel Thompson, U. Marklrv, James Covert, II. J. Wulverton, Jacob f t'eashollz December II, 1S5S 3f. NIGHT SCHOOL. I milE sutiseillier resnrrlfi.llv informs llie rili. i JL ins nf &itiihuri utt.t !.-... lt fl.-.t I. a 1... j opened a Niht fcl'iool in the publie School i rooms in this place, for the purpose of tcai hing j Ihe common branelica of un KiiRliah ed'uc.atiuu, I but more uartieularlv Knuliun. n I .r, 1. i,... mueh neglected. His Terms are 1 fur sixteen niglils, provided scholars are satisfied. Puel and Liirht found bv himself. S. hn,,l ,..,.,.....i on Thursday niht last to continue every night, tiij.ii uiv urn u, iiiuricr. HOSF..V V. AT WELL. Suubur)-, Nov. 57, 1852. if. A CARD. fl MILLER bcBs leave to inform iho ladies oi c-uiinury alio vicinity, that ho has com menced his busiut-ss in this place, and ia n engaged in manufactuiing, at his residence, in Ihe new liuililniR opposite J. (J. Voungman, in Deer street, all x iuds of LADIES BOOTS AND SHoks. AUo misses and ehildrehs shoes ef every disrrip. tion. Jrders for wori promptly attended to, aud all wori warranted to give sutlsfaciion. Kuubury, Nov. 2T, 1852 tf. LAST NOTICE- A LL persons knowing thcmselvrt indebted to the estate of Goo. Long dee'd., late of Cameron township, on vendue note or otherwise, are beroby notified to make a settlement without delay and that the subscribers will attend at the house of the dee'd., on Saturday the 11th of De cember next foi that purpose. GEO. BOYER, Adm'r. LEAH LO.NG, Adra'i. Csmeien tp. Nov. SO, 1 S?U It. THE GLOBE: THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. CONGRESS has made llie Globe its organ of J coinrntinicition wilh the country. To facil itate this important object, and diminish tlie ex pfiiae to the people, the Cokorissiom At Globb and Arrxsnix, which contain tho proceeding of Cttiifress revised by llie members, aro henceli-rth to be conveyed through tho nini'i free of postage. The approach of a new administration imparts peculiar importance to the licxl session of Con gitps. Throughout tho whole country there will lc solicitude to know tvhnt hn e Cuircss will rndcuror to yivc to tlie lialioi.al nll'.iirst ) tiuet. the incoming adiiiinistiuiion. Tim ilcbalt's ul ' the next scjsioti will, 110 doubt, as heretofore, fore almdow its policy. The CoNr.nr.ssiox.it Oionc &tu! Arrtxcix arc printed on a double royal sheet in royal ip.ar lo form, each number coiitjinin ' sixteen paues. 'J'ho Concessional Globe is nioJu up of the dai'y procccdiuns of the two houses: and the Appen dix embraces the liinsr speecbes withheld bv the speakers for revision, tha Messages of the I'iCi ilcnt of the liuilcd States, and Ihe lli porls uf the Heads of the Executixc Drpurtuiciila. 'J'ho Laws passed during a scbsion, and nn In dcK to them, are printed as soon as possible alter adjournment, and sent to all sub;pril cm to the Congressional Globe and Appendix. TERMS: For one ropy of the Daily Glube during the next session For one copy of the Congressional Globe, Appendix, and Laws fur the next ses sion !i3 00 'I he siilnciib:ion monev must oecoinpaiiv the order, clue no atleiili.11 will be puid to it. Su! si:ri'i ions shoulJ reach here liy .ho 1 5th of December, ot farthest to insure all the num bers. I hac about five hundred surplus copies of the Congressional Globe fur Ihe hut session, whi-h contain, besides the proceedings of Congress, a'.l laws end joint resolutions pard duritic, the ses sion. The proceedings and laws innkc 2,."ir2 pa ges; and the list of appropriations and Index not vi t printed, will liinle about SU pacs more. I will let those who subscribe lor the Conjrri'siional Globe and Appendix for the coming session have them at the following rates : Price per copy, un bound, three dollars; or tic und in three vol umes, bucks nnd coino.s fJu'sia leather, five dol lars. Thev will be delivered to subscribers at these prices. I sell the b.iun.l volumes here for four dollars a volume: the three voiumcs bound for twelve dull.irs. Kvr-ry person who takes any part in the politics uf this country should possess them. JOHN C. KIVES. Washington, November 11, 1352, "y i-ov-1- . ''''if Li. POCKTI1 AUKIVAL OF AT THE NK-.V t-TOlii: (If I. Y. TKSm k CO., (-Vrori opposite Weavers Hold, Market St.) Sunbury, Noithiuiiberlar.d County, Pa. JE invito the particular attention of our friends and tho public to our Foi:nTH supply of ponds just received, adapted to tho winter seas. in. Wclm-cnow a much larger assortment iu every department than at any time since we opened in .4pril last; all of which we are deter mined t sell at the same low prices which have hitherto secured lo us such a -jenerous support from a discerning public, and for which we leg to return our best thanks Our stock consists of l)py Goods, Ila nl iv a rc, ( 11 t-c us wa re, GK0CERIES, WINES AND LIQl'UHS, SlNCLU AND DulBLED IAKP.E1.LED Gf.VS, Caipcta, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas and Paras. ls, Lo.ils aud iSliucs, Hats unci (,. aps. Locking Cilasies, Wall Paper fi.r Koom und Window minds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Plain and Fancy IL.iiis and Shoulders, Nails, Window Class, Paint f-itiill', Oils and Putty, Cur pel Chain, Cotton Laps and Vain, with a variety of other articles. N. 15. All kinds of country produce taUcn in c., liimge at the hihcxt market prices. I. W. TENER i CO. Sunbury, Dec. 4, lriioJ. ly.c REGISTER'S NOTICE. "V OTICE is liereliy given lo all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have tiled their accounts wilh the Register of Northumberland county, and that the same will be presented to 1 lie Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the 4th day of January next for continuation and ullowauce. 11. Daniel Uoar, dee'd.. Bellied by his Adm'r Frederick Lazarus. Geo. Ovsler, dee'd., settled bv his Adm'r John .. Oyster. Abraham Keilin, dee'd , settled by his Adm'r James I'cma'i, Final Ar;:t. J"jliu N. Kcim. dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs , (ieoriie N. and Jacob N. Kcini. James Tbarp. dee'd., settled by his Adm'r C. W. Tharp. Ad un Deuce, dee'd., settled fy his Adin'r An- tli.'iiy Dene?. Henry ISteinnictx, dee'd., settled by his Exocu- t.ir, Adam Conrad. ( John (ieisel, dee'd., bclt'.cd by his E.'r Jacob Kauflinan. Islr.i D csster, dee'd., settled by h's Adm'r Da vid Z ii tmiin. George Hull, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r J. H. Zimmerman. Ilclhuel inecnt, dee'd., settled by his Adin'r John N. incent. Hetty Maliek, Charlotte Maliek, Jeremiah "Maliek, and Mary Maliek, children uf Jacob Malicl, dee'd., settled by their Gu.mliin tieoipe l.'onrad. Joshua Foi, dee'd., settled liy Peter Conrad Ex'r of Joseph Foi, dee'd , who was Adin'r of Joshua Fo! dee'd. George Clar, dee'd., settled bv his Adin'r lieula-ti Faijely- t Joint 'tii'ji, dee'd., settled ty liis Adm'r Pas- tian Uti pp. Jacob Dcsb'cr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Jo seph Dr .liter. Peter Culp, dee'd., settled l y his Adm'r David Haurf. JOHN P. PI RSEL, K-uister. Register's Olliee, Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1852, PROCLAMATION NOTICE is hereby piveu ilial the srvwral Courts of Comiiion Pleas, General Quarter Pessiuiis of tlie peace, and Orphans' Ciinrl. t-'oiirt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and lor tho eountv r.f N'orlhuml-erlaiid, to commence at tho Court House, in the liorough ol Sunbury, al 10 o'clock, A. Mi on .Monday, the 3d day of January next, and will continue TWO-WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of Die Peace and consta bles In anil for the. couiity of Noribiinil.crland, are requested lo be then and the.ro iu their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, iiir-uisiiions, and oilier remembrances, to do thoso things to their several olliccs apertuinliig to be dona. And all witnesses prosecuting iu behalf tf tlie Common, wealth against any prisoner are also requested und commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just aud uol to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. . Given under my hand at Sunbury, tlie 4 th day of December, in ths year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the Id. dependence of the I'nikd States of America the 7tb. God save the Comnion'Aaltlt. SHERIFF'S SALES. TY Virtue of certsiu writs of IV. V.rp. to me directed yiiill be sold by p'll.lio Vendue, or outcry, at the Court House, i-i ihe borough of Sunbury, on MOMMY the nd day of January next, at I o'clock, P, M., lliu following real estalo to wit - , A CERTAIN ISLAND, situate in Ihe Vusquelinmis river, opposite the Isle of tue. in Lower Argu'a tovnli:p, Nor thutuberland eoui'tivsnd known by the name of CLA Eli'S It-LAN D, containing twenty-six acres, more or less, A I SO : A Cfil.'iin Otlur Islam), silunle iu said liver, in the tjwnfhip and county aforcsuid, aud nearly rontiguom to the nbnc mentioned, known bv tne name of J uiict iy I iland. cont.iiiiing three acrei, more or .ess. ALSO: A Certain Oiliir Island, situate iu said river, hi tUn. township end county aforesaid, and nearly coMiguou lo the above mentioned, Known tiv tlie name ot Jlusleiinun Isl.uid. criiliiining iHcnlv-eitht acres, more or less, all of winch are denied. Seiiod, tal.cn in execution and to be sold at the properly of John Hart-nan, jr. A LSO : A Cot-Iain Trai t or Piece of Lam!, sitiiato in Lewie township, Northumberland county, bounded north by lands of Conrad Guiltner, east by lands cf Thomas Gal- braith and Abraham Hause, south by lands of i Vi; . rll I . l .1 ,. 1 t. izaliet 1 L a ami u-pat liv 1 ia i inin a t F ' , . , . , , . . . ' i which is cleared, contsin.i.B rune acres, irtore or less, "whereon are erected a log dwelling house . and a frame stable. Seized, taken m execuSton oud to be so!-! as ' ii, . ri i ii- . . the property of Jacob Wurtiuan. r r ' ALSO: i All that full, equal, undivided half part, (tho j whole into two equal parts to be divide.!,) of and i in the following described tract situated in Coal township, (lute Vhaiiickin township.) Noithum- ' berland county, beginning at a pine, thence by land of John Carson North two ilejiccs, West two hundred and thirly nine perches to a post ! thenco by lands of Thoniss Hamilton and lands I of Vm. P. llrady, Soulh eighty ciglit degrees, I West, one hundred and sixty six perches to s m.I,;ia ..l. fl.A I... I...t. .r II l .l:..T I uan, iinin', u. iuiiui. ul . I i nil 1 1 1:1, JjOVCr- ton South sixty six degrees, West three hundred and fourteen perches to a whito cak. thence by j land of Samuel Scolt, south twenty nine and a half degrees, East sixty one perches nnd four I tenth to a stone, thence North seventy lix anJ a ! half degrees East one hundred and sixty four j percucs 10 a post mence souin two cepficcs r.ast ; sixty perches lo a chestnut oak, thenco by land of James Hepburn North, ciirhty ei-jlit decrees, ' East two hundred and fifty four perches to the place of bciinin-r. Containing by a former su.-- vey three hundred and nineteen nnd a half Acres ( and allowance, and by a re-survey four hundred unu iwcuiy cikui .icrcs anu iwcniy nine pcrciics ond allowance. Siczcd, taken in execution and to be sold as property of George Hcrkcrt and Thomas Sharp. ALSO: Tho uidividcd t'nrco fourth parts of a certain Trie! of Land, situate in Coal township, in the couty of North umberland, adjoining lands of John Boyd, Wm. Wilson, Peter Maurcr, Michael Kroll and Fred erick Kramer, containing oC7 Acres end 00 per ches and allowance, Surveyed the 23d day of Oc tober 1791. on a warrant to Mathiaa Zimmerman, dated the 27th day August 1 794. Siczed taken in execution and lo bo sold as the propcily of John fciiavely. ALSO; A Ceriain Lot of Ground, situate in Market Street in the borough of Sunbu ry, and county aforesaid, bounded north by Cher ry alley, east by an alley, south by Market Street and west by lot N'o. 40 and known in the general plan of said bo.oush as lot No. 39, whereon is crecxd a two U'ry PP.ICK DWELLING liOCfeE and a frame Stable, containing one ciyhth of an acre nioie or less. Scicd, taken in cxccutijji and te l e sold as ho property of Bcnj. llobins and E. A. Kutzner. ! ' ALr-O: ! A CERTAI.V TRACT OF LAND. 1 situute in Shamokiii township, N'orthumt.erland I county, bounded north by lands of Jo:.n Kiiiikle, I cast by lands of Leonard Pcnsrl, south by lauja ' lomieiU owned y J udc Kawlc B-nl west by other lands of di l'eudeut, all Ivum north of and bound I el by the put lie road leading from Paxinos to i Shauiokintown, coutaiuin! 70 acres, more or less, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, a bank barn, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be scIJ as the property 01 Christaia KaUe. ALSO : By a writ of Alias Veu. E.vp. A Ceriain Lot of Ground, situate iii the boroueli of Milton, in lliat part of said borough, called Upper Milton, in upper Mar ket street, bounded north by said upper Market street, east by lot of Widow Wallis, south by sn alley and west by lot ot Jacob Kraw, containing 33 feet fiont, 130 feet iu depth, whereon is elected a iwo story Dwullin-; Moure Seized, taken in cxeeutieu and to be sold as tlie property of Danial llcjits. WM. B. KIPP, SlicrilV. Sheriffs O.Tioe. Sunburv, Dec. 4, IMS.- 4t. LIST OF CAL'SUS I: of Northumberland County, at Janumy T., A D.. 185:1. ri.AiNTiri s. m'FL.NUA.S rs Gcorno ?hiley s Ab'iu Dunkclbersei's adinr'x Hugh Bellas vs R & W Fu;ely Iteubeii Fcg ly ct t.'o vs Hunh Bellas Krie-er for K Fagely is J Fiirmaii & F Klaze Hii:jh Bowen vs Wm II Thompson P K 11., 11,. , A- ..il.. . j II K, .In, Is M, ( arlvrlsl Raker .t Co for Jacob Bloom is Henry Conrad Win M Auteii . s Tli.inuis Kuser Jiihn Brown John W Peal Henry Klaze V Eic 1 vs John Oyster si nr's ex'r is Geo B Voiiniuan Jacob Zartnian's 1i"lfc': administrator J B Masser . vs L'uibiuu Shalii r's ex'is Mott A ."-hiiiier vs Daniel Drci) ach Jacob Keller a Bank of Noiliuiii-.bcrl.iiid, William MiCarty vs Saumel Hunter James T Sutl.in & Co is Samuel Kyle Duiid Fisher vs J W Fiihncr Daniel Rhodes' vs Jaiob Wertman J W Peal is Vavtin lrwins' udni'r Samuel L Hick vs Jacob Slitvel Simon Snyder vs George Sn d,.- Christian Cable is M BacJimaii !v FMuiLle lloneparte Thoinpsr.n ct al is Casper St Clair E John fir W Camp vs Wolvcrt.ni .V Lriscnr'u; George Lawreue John Reynolds Robcii M Lyon John lioss &. Wifa v I) Marr it I Brown v Ika.se Reailer is A E Kutzner vs Georje Fox is Daniel Wcidner is Same i s Jacob Hoffman rt ul ! Juhn Kin; I Same I William Sech'er Washington Mutual In surance Company State Mutual Fiie Iiikii ranee Company vs E Kaufman ct id vs Sains Buttzar Gariihurt's s.lmr's vs R W Dunn's admr Jacob B. MaiM-r vs Reuben Fcgcly Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rasvr Jonna Pendeville vs A E Kupp (icoije Lcitbercr s Roliert NVhitoside R Fagely &. Co vs William Inch Rcbcrva SwuiU vs Audrew McLanahan Si,r ih L Keen rk Abraham Erosions Same vs Samuel baviJja Itudolph Duenger s Peter Thomas Henry A Lechner vs Wm II Bound John L Yoager vs George Bright JAMES BEARD, Prcthy Pfothonotsry's Office. f ur-bury, Pec. 4, l1?-)?. Isist ol' slurors, OF Northumberland County 'for November P., A, D. 1(3;,2. ' (Brand .Tiiioi'm. cher',",l',l,r'CI"'"i;"" E,cr' ,,J"r "an lilsll. John Ofn-r turf. NllllTHllBCKLMl.-n,l.ir,BS W il lliuoi: . 1 ui.t. Uemgu P. Martz 3e.su C. Ilj. Ion. DKLAWiftB - D C. Walson, Joseph Hays Jiilm M. Waeui-r, Philip McWilliariiB. l.t;vii Maiia noy. Philip Spalz, Phil j; M'-ssiier, John Silrr. , SiiAMuKii,-.- Berj i. Wulverton, Perry Johi: I Jolm Hull. Lu'.vj:u AtoLSiA. CaLL anct, Williati !''a:;oy. I'i'i'ER Maiia.vjv .'onat. Isciihait. I t:vts- S.i 111 tiel Philips. Jackson Utfiijmniii flint? Lit 1 Lie Mahanoy. Nii-hulas Huston. TRAVERSE JURORS Low en M.iii.iNtiv. lli'iiiamiii Boypi', Mi- ''''' dni'i; Joiin hiiu L-.-nkcr, John Ditigu ni in. Uiteh I' J.ienb Snyder, John Messner, J unes Cnrnpbi ll. Klsii Unliiiil C.iinpl-L'll. Joseph Sharp lets. Win. Clarke. SiiamoKin. Wm ICiase, Jesse Teals, Jo e h llaup', Jcssi Campbell, Jusse llensyl, John Keri-lrn-r. F.livh. - Georpe A. Wvknff. ITn.... A t .U.. 11 I -.. r.. -iri.u nil,I.M. Jllll llUUl'll.l VV Oil , lU- i . n b ' ueri rursel. LowtR (1 Jn, Smith, Juhn D. Co,,ra., Lewis Smith. Win S.iv.l-r. Cm.i . aqvk - William B.irnhart, Ar.- , c , . . t i i d i . I iltevv ftliCi. James Jorilatt, K'ibort Lyon, 'r... ...... ri i nin ai i -r. llRBl-T. C.harh'S liiitille, Abralutn Dj- not. Geo Kntz, Marlin Billnivrr. Co At. Viilt-ni inp Faacly, Joseph Zet.-.e, Ci.sper Sli"ll, Juhn Roser." Point. Chui les lloiinet, Commodore P.. J.u.ea. Dklawarc Jacot) Dilh-r, Samuel llolN ni.tn, an. Finn v, Win. B. Biyson, J. V. -Lu-kcnliein-. Milton. Joseph L Ollin, Samuel Bleir. Jur.D.x (Jeor-jo Geist. Sevin-sr Pii'.r Hilom.iri. Cunmi! Rnhr- . . , 3 barh. Jaceson. Jeremiah Wolf. lYtit JctroVa. Lewis. Win. Liiiebaeh. DcLAWAitr J B. Liiiubncti, David Go! i, John N. Oyster, Abiahain Stumer, Charles Kelelinei-. Rysn. Lulher C.f.Tt, Wm. B. Gtilic!:. f.'iwis V VcsMue, .l-xeph Wulverton, Petur Campbell, Geuian Gem linrl. Shamokis - K . ubcti fmyiler, Aaron Kellv, ra J,. Samuel Monre, David Mille'r, Hush II. Vasline, Pc-ler Kneger, Isaac Ar- nolil Tcnut-T. J M. Housit, David L. Ireland, David Eckert, John lla.it;. Uppi-.b AvcrsTA. Georie Forrester. Lowi-n " Win. Sears, Wm. Dc; wii. David Daikn Urpcu Maiiasoy. Daniel Hoitn, Charles Snyder. Lower " J di;i Kiehl Coal. Wm. M Weaver CuiLlQfAQL-E. John Mnhamer. Point. lsnah Beidtesbath, Henry Pat:!, John Nesbit. BOOKS! BOOKS!! JUST RECEIVED mid f..V sate a new ediliea of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a lar assortment of Blank Books. WM. McCAKTV, Ecokscllcr. Sunbury, Dec. 4, 1S5J. tf. UEITOII-S'NOTICE. ''VOTIC'E i hereby given that the nndcrsigned JS Auditor appointed by '.ho Orphans' Corrt of Norttiun.bciland Counlv, to make dis'.ributb-i of the assets of Ilia estuto uf Georcc Miller dec';!., to nud unions the cieditai a of said dee'd., will al tend to the duties of his uppoiutment on Wednes day ttie a l unv oi I'cceini'cr nei, ai uia oii.-o iu Sunbury ot !() n'cl.vZ A. M. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor Sjiilury, T.'ov. SO, 1502. It. In "the" irattc7 cf the EsTat7Vfj6i::7 STEP?, Dee'd. , I raiHE Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania lo 1 bastiau Sti'ip. Jacob Stepp, Jolili Mepp, DrujsmM Stepp, Michael Stcpp, Peter Strj p, Elias Stepp, Elizabeth Stepp, and Isat.-. Ste: p. tlie laat four of whom are minors iid hove I'jt Iheir Guardian, Abraham Blazer, heirs and le: a! reprcsentali-.es of jjhn Mepp late of Lower Mahniioy township Northumberland county dee'd.. and all other i cismo interested. GREETING: Korthumberliuid Couiity, S3. Vou are hereby cited to bo and appear befcio ll. lii.l.-r .if lli-i.lnin: f'mirt li lie h.;Id at ; s'un' urv on the first Monday of January next. then and there to accept or refuse to tae the ten ; csiote of the said John Stepp deed., situnte in I Lower Mahanov townjliip Northumberland county, containing One hundred nnd sixty nries more or loss, which was valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of Patir.a uwariled by tho j Orphans' Court nf said county, or to show can? a I why the same s'r.:'l not be sfild according to law, ! ace.i-tliiijt to the act ol AsamiMy in such casc inade nnJ provided. AuJ hereof fail not . ! By or.ler of the C ouit, ; J. p. pcu-F.L. c...'.o. c Certified fuini tlie records of the Court at Su:i ' burv i.n the 1 lib ,!..v of November lS.2. i ' WILLIAM B. KIPP, theii-r. Nov. 20, 152. fit. i AUBITOil S JIOTICE.- TOTICE is liertby given that the undcrsiguc? I ' sipoiuted by tin- Orj !:ans' Court of N'-r-I icumbi rlaiid County as Ati.titor in the mutter :! I Iho eicc;, lions to the account uf Juhn Pfouts a i j niiui'liatiir of Leonard I'linits dee'd., will niteuJ i to the duties f his apiiointiiient. at bis oHice in Sutiluiry, on Monday, the 20lh day of Decenil -v j next at 10 o'clock A. M. V M. M. KOI. KLFELLhR, uditor: Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1S.VJ 4t. E,.tafo cf ELIZABETH MARTZ, dTo'i. 'V'O TICK ii hereby e'ivpii that letters teslame:-.-' t:uy l ave been grunted to the subscriber cn the estate of F'izal i th Martr., dee'd., late oSha ni'iki.i low n.-hip, Noitliuiiil crlan.l county. Alt ci-,i'.s ii.. al ted to said itatc or havimr claims aaiiift th.' s.anie. are rcipjcslcd to call cn li.a tu' sciiiier for settlement. DAVID MARTZ, Etecutor. Sliamokin tp., Nov, 13, IsS'J Ct. Estate of JATlES THOMAS, Deo'd. TJO TirE Is hereby given that letters of ad k ministration have been granted to the sub srrilier on tie estate of James Thomas, , dec'J., l ite of Ihe town of Shamckiu, Northuiiilicrla::d county. All )erons indebted to sail estate tr having il aims a'niibt the same, arc requested t rail on the subscriber for act-lenient. JACOB MOCKER, Adm'r; t hamokin, Nov. 6, 1832 (it. OYSTERS 1 npHE un.loi'sined is ihauklul tar past fs- - vois ami hopes lo eoultnue in tha con!: deuce of his nld coslaniois and friends ai.rf tho public gonerul! v. llej is now in daily rc ceipt of iho best ol Baltimoro Oysteis, put up bv A. Field, E-q , who is celebrated lor put' ling up a good ariictt). ilis oysteri aia op-r.-ed lliu sinm inorniuR, they leaTe for tins place and a: a consequently only aSout IP hours on ihe way. He can send oysters all directions by stages, boat and oiher convey, anre. Frioe -cans I,VS, half can til NH. Apply at the residence of llie l! scriber Of al Lao's, or Haas's Hole.1. scnuor i PHILIP SHAV Northainl-ortand, Oei IS, 1555. -tf.