; i SUNBURY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. , From ths. Journal of Commerce, Oet, S7. 5 MB WEBSTER AKD MR. CALHOUN. Ia the notices of Mr. Webster the remark Is made that neither of the weighty tiio who o long occupied the attention and altiacted the admiration of the country, reached the Presidency. As long ago ai the second term oi Mr. Monroe,, the last of the revolu tionary line of Presidents, the cynical John Randolph predicted that no great man would ever again be elected President. Mr. Calhoun was deeply concerned and agitated by the dark clouds that overhung the Union, during the session of 1850, that had often, both in private and public, ex pressed his fears as to the result. Though holding life himself by a very frail tenure, he felt deeply for the country, and in his private conversations, spoke constantly of the subject. In one of these conversations, in February, 1850, a friend asked "What will Mr. Webster do 1" Mr. Calhoun promptly and energetically replied, lie will du all that a statesman and a patriot can Io. My hopes rest upon Mr. Webster. He alone can save this Union." He added "I have known Mr. Webster for nearly thir ty years, and ho has always acted from a conscientious regard to the welfare of the whole Union." ' This was prior . to any conversation be tween Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Webster, in re gard to the course of the latter. The day following Mr. Webster's speech of the 7 ill of March, another familiar friend of Mr. Calhoun was with him, and the sub ject of conversation was Mr. Webster's no ble effort in behalf of the Constitution and 'ae Union. Mr. Calhoun spoke in the most derided teims of nilmiiation ul Ihe speech, Stud of gratitude to its author for his patri- ftiu and self-sacrificing course. He then iiaid, ' I see no renson why Mr. Webster hulj not be the next President. Ho ought , So be. But," ho added, ns if soliloquizing, J-lIe is too great a mnn ever to bo mude rresiJent." I Tiik habit of eating fast and carelessly, is supposed to have paralyzed Napoleon on two ' 4 of the most critical occasions of his life the bailies of Borodino and Leipsic. On each of f those occasions he is known to have been X suffering from indigestion. On the third day , nt Diesden, ton, (as the German novelist, ; HulTmau, who was in the town, asserts,) the ' E'lip mi' energ:e were impaiied by the tf feet of a fh mlder of mu'.ton stuffed with on ions. Theie can be no doubt that Napoleon's irregularity as to meals injured his health ai d shortened his life. The general order to his liousehoUl was, to hive cutlets and roast chickens ready at all hour, night and day ; and it was observed to the letter by his mailre d" hotel, Dunaud, who had been a cel ebrated cook. In his more dignified capaci ty, he contrived to fall in with the humors of his imperial master master, and, by so doing, to be of essential use at critical emergencies, when an hour of prolonged Hurry and iriilation might have cost a pro vince or a throne. On one occasion when matters had gone wrong in some quarter, Napoleon returned from the' Conseil u' Etas in one of his worst tempers and most discontented moods. A dejeucur a la fourchclte, comprising his fa vorite dishes, was served up, and Napoleon who had fasted from daylight, took his seat. But he had hardly swallowed a mouthful when, apparently, some inopportune thought or recollection slung his brains to madness. Receding from the table, without rising from his chair, he uplifted his foot dash went tho tablecrash ! went the dejeuner ; and the emperor, springing up, paced the room with rapid and perturbed strides, indicative of the most frenzied rage. Dunaud looked on without moving a muscle, and quietly gave the fitting orders to his staff. Quick as thought, the wreck was cleared away, an exact duplicate of the dejeuner appeared, as if by magic, and its presence was quietly announced by the customary ''So Majeste est sorvie." Napoleon fell the delicacy, and ap pieciated the tact ol this mode of service. "Merci bicn, mon-cher Dunaud and one of his inimitable smiles, showed that the hurricane had blown over. ' Ma Webstkr. It has been already sta ted that a post mortem examination of Mr. Webster was made a day or two after his tleath. The Boston Courier saye We understand that at a recent meeting of a medical society so mo of the more strik ing results of this examination were stated, and formed the subject of an interesting sci entitle discussion. Tho cerebral organs were of the very largest known capacity, ''exceed ing by thirty per eenfum the average weight of the human brain; and, with only two exceptions, (Cuvier and Dupuytren,) the largest of which there is any record. It is also worthy of remark that a well marked effusion upon the Arachnoid membrane was discovered in theso investigations, although there were no perceptible evidences of any lesion during Mr. Webster's lifetime. It is supposed to have bceu caused by his severe fall from his carriage in Kingston last spiing. It is a remarkable physiological fact that an injury which would have impaired the inlet I oet, if not at once caused deat'.i, in another, should in (bi Instance have been attended with so little external evidence of so import ant injury to a vital organ. A correspondent states that the rise in the price of British railroad iron has been so great that many contractors of roads, now in progress, will bs ruined. At present pri ces the difference against the contractors upon the Cincinnati and St. Louis road, if the iron were purchased now would be $900,000 The correspondent also says I have a'caulion to give our iron masters. They roust go into the manufacture of rails, if they do it at all, with tin risk of having the duty on the British article entirely repealed. An attempt to do this will be made in Wash ington this winter. The numerous roads in progress and wanting iron, will crowd upon Congress to get rid of Ihe duty. The agents of the Briiisb manufactures will be at their aide helping them. Isaac Wayne, only son of Ma. Ren. An tiiont Wavkk, died in Chester county, on Monday last, in the 83d year of hit age. THE ORIENTAL TRADE ALABM or ENG LAND. A writer in the tendon Daily News is disturbed by the apprehension of American competition in the India trade. Ha thinks that after all the battles fought to establish English commercial supremacy in India and the East, the danger ia imminent to their continued possession of that trade, on ac count of the enterprise of the Americans in that quarter. After alluding to the growth of the Russian Commerce in India, the wri ter urges some instant action of the East India Company to retain its ground, ad ding : "Our commeice cannot be forced like a cucumber, but must bo reared like an infant. And this the Court neglects, to srangle it in its birth. America's incipient trade with the opposite coast, on which they hold no harbor, and where they havB fought no bat tles, nor acquired large kingdoms, is al ready becoming more valuable than our own, and will grow into an extensive com merce. Any mail may tell us that an American Consul is appointed to the Gulf. 'Time, indeed, it was that the Court should awaken from its nightmare. An American ship master will land a cargo on the Mekran coast nt a less expense than a cargo of British goods can bo landed in Bombay ; and the only way to. defy such dangerous competition is to make the most of the great advantages afforded by the In dus as the highway to Central Asia. "It is Ameiiea, not Russia, we fear. All the world over" taxes nre being reduced ; but in India we, thjee or four years ago, imposed 'an additional ml valorem duty of 5 per rent, on importations of English goods,' because our customs were falling. Lniis Napoleon and tiik Porr:. Al though reports lire assiduously propagated of tho complete success of General Oemi'iin's mission lo Rome, the correspondent of the London News says, that the Pope will not come to Pan's if he can help it, and although his Holiness is now n sort of Male piisoner of Franco in his own palace, he is not so helpless in this matter ns he mmht be im agined. He knows that tho French army was not sent lo Pome to serve him, but lo further tho ambitions desisns of lh' Frenrh President ; and he could afford In disregard as idle any threat to withdraw that armj because the effect of such a measure would be either to place him under the protection of Austria or to produce a republican risinsr in Rome alternatives more dislatelul lo Louis Napoleon than to liims-lf. The latest story current in official circles is that the Pope and the elderly cardinals whose duty it would be to accompany him, are afraid of travelling in cold weather, and that the coronation will be put off till May to suit the convenience of the head of the church Bnt there is strong leason to think that the negotiations are in a state far less favorably to tha darling object of Louis Na poleon than even this dilatory plea to the pressing imtai.i-es of Gen. Gemcau would imply. Human Fat, Candles and Soap. When the Cemetery of the Innocents at Paiis was removed outside of the barriers, the buried corpses which had accumulated to the depth of sixty feet, were found, to a great extent apparently converted into fat. The sub stance of Ihe skin, cellular tissue, and tend ons, all the soil parts, and even the bones, had completely disappeared, leaving only the fat, which, resisting longest the influ ence of decay, (oxygen,) remained in the form of margariu acid. This human fat was j employed to tho extent of many tons by Ihe , sunn boilers and tallow chandlers of Paris. ) ) j for the manufacture or snap and camiles. j The French are a people of fine sentiment, j mill tltoi rprlniiilv otitrioil t lit mialitr lo n . charming point of reflection in receiving i: .1.. r - ti .1 - r .i... v...i: ..r liglll nuill t.inuius iiiuuu uui ui tun uuuii a ui their fathers. Another Firs in TowA.vuA.--We nre in formed that another fire occurred in Townn da last Monday niylit, by which a greater amount of properly was destroyed than was occasioned by any of I ha many flies which have occurred in that ill-fated town since the great conflagration of 1816. It commenced (according to somewhat conflicting account) at or opposite Moulanye's store, 011 Ihe cor. ner of the Public Square, and destroyed, in its pingress southward, the ctiliie block of brick buildings from that point lo Biidge street, embracing thu best built and most compact poition of the town. The loss of property must be immense. It is aid 10 be the work of an incendiary. Montrose Dcm oarut, 28. vlt. Daniel Wkbster was born on the 13ih oi January, 1782, ane was consequently, at the time of his death in the 7 1st yiat of his age. C7 We would call your attention lo the advertisement of Swaim's Panacea, for Ihe Ctice of Scrofula in another column. K7" POISONING. 3) Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Caster oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appear lo benefit the patient, itiey are actually laying the loiimia lions for a series of iletoasef, such as saliva- lion, toss oi signt, weakness ol limns, KC. In another column will be found the adver tisement of Ilobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's heallh. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should make use of Ihe only genuine medicine, Iloben sack's Liver Pills. 0" "Be nor Jcceiiied," but aek for Hoben ack'a Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has ihe signature of ihe Pro prietor, J. N. tlOUENSACK, as none else are genuine. M A II II IE D. On the 31st ult., by the lev. T M. Good fellow, Lkwis Chamberlik, to Mrs. Susan Smith, all of Shamokin, Northumberland couniy. In Pottsville, on the 26th ult., bv the Rev- J. McCool, Mr. Edward C. Nanna, to VI is MARUAacT xJaas, all oi ine above place. DIB I. In Lower Anpusla on the 22d ult., Mr. ABKAUAH UKUMUUb, aged 9 years. $I)C iHcivkcte. Philadelphia Market Nov. 3, 1852. Flour and Meal. The market is firm ; sales of fresh ground for export at 84,374. Extra' Hour is hold at $4 62 a 9i 87. . Rye Flour. Last sales at $4. Corn Meal. Last sales at $3 23 Wheat Sales of prime red at $1 05; and a lot of IVnn. while was .nade at 109 u ; a lot of new sold at 104 c. Rvk Is in demand j sales at 83 and 83 cents. Corn Is in good demand : sales at 74 cents. Oats. Sales of prime Southern at 38 els. Whiskey. Sales of bbls at 244, and hhds at the same price. Baltimore Market Nov. 2, 1852. GRAIN. Sales of good to prime reds to day at 95 a 98 cts. ; and of white at 100 a 108 cts. Corn has improved a little. Sales lo-dny of white at 70 a 72 cts., and of yellow at 72 a 73 cts. New Coin sells at 60 a 65 cts., as in condition. Sale of Maryland Rye to-day at 76 cts. Oats are worth 33 a 37 cts WHISKEY. The demand continues very active, and sales are making as fast ns re ceipts rome in at 25 cts for bbls. Sales of hhds. at 24 cents. SUNBUUY PRICE CURRENT Wheat. firis. Cons. OiTS. Potatoes, Bcttkh. Unas. I'll 11 K. Klaxhkkii. Ta ulo w. Dkkswak 1 1 kc k l k it Flax too ' 70 E0 37 37 10 10 N Kill IS "t r New Advertisements. SB 'W M 2 Fresi and Spiced Oysters ! nAVING settled nt Northumberland, I um now prepared to fumith Fref.li and spi ced Ojsleis during the whole season at re duced prices. You can depend upon thrm being fresh, as f shall reoeive them daily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, they nre only 16 hours out of the shell. All persons at a distance, who are in want of ihe above article, ran l ave Ihem sent jer dozen or single can by addiessii g W il. VtCKEP.V, nt Hnri's Hotel. Northumberland, Out. 16, 1852. ' GREAT EXCITEMENT. WILLIAM A. KNOBB, OESPEC'i FKJ.LY iiit'om.s ihe public gencr ally that he hits just received. nnd ojiciied the best anil cheapen stock of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been brought to the county. His stock consists of ever)' variety of )ry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers. Snltinelts, Vesting, Dril lings, Linens, Muslins, Jeans, and all kinds of Winter Goods. Also a splendid variety of Lwlies Dressand fancy goods, Calicccs, Ginulunns, Dejftaines, Shawls, and every variecu of Goods suitable for Ladies war. Also, an extensive assnrtm'nt of Silk, Heaver, Fur iV Slouch Ila's A large and veil selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes of ev ery descrip vm and size. Also, a large assortment of Groceries. Smh as Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Spies of all kinds. Also a In rare assortment of Hardware and Quccnsware, Fish, Suit mid Liquors such as (iin Urandy, Kum and Whiskrv. besides Ihe largest and most general assortment of all kind of O'oods t0 liul jM ,1)c cul:nt All the above nu'iitiourd goods will le sold at B,,cl1 reduced prices as they ran not lie got for - . ' i r m' , . , , Country produce of all kimli taken in exchange at tlic highest market prices. Also, For sale a two how spring wagon and a buggV. Augusta lwi., Octolier "9, ISoJ. fim. The only Tine Portrait of Washington. Jl'ST PUBLISHED, T. II. WKI.CH'S MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON, Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's tnly original portrait, in Ihe Athenetim, Boston. ri'HIS superb picture, engraved under the upeniiteiirl 1 enee of THOMAS SI 1,1. Y, the euiiiient umt liilily gifted nniat, ia the only correct likeueaa of Wtish inglou ever pulli)icd. Il hua Ik-vii clinrHflcriied ui tlie gmili-st work of nrt ever priNtiiri-d in Ihii country. As to lis fidelity, we reiei .i the U-lters nf the adopted son of WiwIiiiiKton, lil'.OItliK WASIIINtiTO.N l'AKK rl'8 TIS, vh miys, 'it is 11 ftiillil'ul repreaciilntiiHi of the eel elinuul original," nnd to C HI I'M' JOTICK TA.NKV of the npreine Court ol' lite L'nileil SlAtw, wlw sjivs, l'Aa a work of urt ils exct lleuee nnd Ixiiuty Hiuiit strike every one who sees it; uud it is no lets happy in its likeness to I lie Fulhcr of his country It wus my go.rl fortune lo hnve seen 1 in iu llieduysof my lk'i li.Hl, und Ins whole iiVrii;.ce is yet strongly impulsed on my nxinory The poitruit yo'u liuve ifMieil uppeurs to ine to be ail exact likeness, represt-nlilig perlW'lly the expreftsioll as well as the I n in mid feilllircs of Hie liice." And snysSKN ATOli CASS, it isn lil'e-tike represeututiou oi the great original. l'KliilLlKN'r FII.I.MOHK says, "the work appears to me to have tieeu ndiuiiiihlt' exeeitlil and cuiineullv wor thy of Ihe patronage, of Hie public." Snyl MARCilAMT the euiiiient p irtrail nnlir, and Ihe pupil of Sluart, -our limit to uiv iniikl is more I hnve seen, for presenting I lie wholr individuality of the ire ri'iimrhaiiie iiuiu any oiner original mrtrait, logelhcl with Ihe uofle uint dignified re p. se ol uir alto manner, ini'ii mi no ever saw uim eoio siilered a iiiuiki-d eluiru1eristiu of the illustriinis nuta it conniieniorules." V or the grent inerlis ol nils pun lire we would reler eve ry lover of Wusliington to the (Mirlinit ilsell, to lie seen at lite office of tins paper, ami lo the 'tellers of lite following ArliflH. Slalesuien. Jiirislsnnd rt.h -Los ueetjntaiiying it. Alt TISTS. Aiitrcimnt aim e.inoi. oi snv Tor .'vea. gle, Itotlieruiel, and l anilHUii, ol 1 hilmleiplnu ; Chester lliiriling. ol Uostoii ; ChailfS t rnser, oi i tiarteston, h. i; id to the ndoptcil son ol annnigion. iwii. t,orgs w. Cnatis. himself an artist. STA'i'l :S.MI'.N IlisKxeel. lenev Milliard Fillinoro. Mnfor Gen. Winti. al leolt. Hon. (ieorge M. lliillns, lion. William K. King, Hon. nicl W'elisler, lloti. 1.11111 H'tMi, lion, irt-wis i. so., 11011 iu. A unuiuul. lion, join) 1'. Itciuietiy, 11011. n. v;. iliinn p, 1.1. n. Jl'KISTS lion, linger H Tauey, Hon. John Duer, IIii. John M. Unn, Hon. Itufus Choate. IrH'llOl. AltS . Chnrlis Fols un, Ksi., tlie well known l.lhruriau of the ll.iel.ui Altieneuin, who says, "I would rather own it thrill anv painted copy I nave ever seen j" t.. -, Whip ple, Hichard Hildrelh, lion. I-Ulw. F.verett, I.I., D., Jmed timolol. 1.1. I) . William II. I'rescolt. I.I.. JJ.. Washilurtmi .' . ' .. . . ... ,.-.. i... r. IT..I Irving, nlllPn v. r.iiicieoii, ..... . v. ..h.ih, rf. I . Ileuoiev, r h vjirc-n uuiiCT-, ... . . . ..-w, fiihuore Siuunsj anil Flit M I'.l'HOl'i:, Uird Tull'ourd, T B. Mucaiiley, rir ArenimMi aiisoii, wmi ninyor Ofl l,l,.,i. Alc. o. Ac. TIIK 'It I '.SS, throughout the en- tire I'tiiiHi, liuve with one voice proclaimed the merits of this superli engraving. To enable u II to i Mesa tins vuluiibUi treasuie, itusokl si the kiw piice of "4 per copy. I UIIIO'IHU l) ... "'I'mi'i N W eorucr of Filih and Arch streets, I'hiladeluliia. 1. 1). UVK.KI.Y. 9ile sgcul for the Stales of l-jis.em Penns) Irnnia and 1t'UlW.on. This Portrait con only be olaiited from MR. BVER I.Y, or fr art his duly aulhoriw-d agents. Arr... huL Immi made with the 1'ost Omce De- inrtmeut, by which copies of the I'orliail etui Us sent lo any point, per mail, In perfect order. I"" IViiooa l.v n-n.ilihie Kil l Dol.LtSS In D D. B Kltl.Y, Vhikaleliaiia, wiU have a copy of the Portrait Milt t.1 tllMIl ft.. tj ll..n. Mognibriit fiilt Frames, got. up expressly for utea l-ortruits, furnished at the kiw prico ol ,uu aca JUST ISSUED, A MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT CP GENERAL JACKSON, Engraved by T. B. WELCH, ESQ.. after the original portrait painted by T. SULLY, This Portrait will be a match for lbs Wsuinftoa, and in every respect mm WCN gi Up. PrM-e s,un per copy. AiMreu ss sbovs I'luavklpliw, t'vl. JO leu -. THE BOAT) TO HEALTH ! HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. CUHE OF A DISORDERED UVKtt AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. W. Kirhts, Chemist, 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851. To VmfrsBir Ifm.i.mvAt, Sis. Ymir I'illi oihI nnilmrnl hnve H'md th Itlptii-rt i-n rnir sute list of Proprietory Metlirinrs f.r wtnie yciirs. A ruKtiTnct, ti wliimi I mn rrVr' fnr nny rinnirii-s. ilfsirrs mr In lt vim kmiw the pnrltrnlnrs of 'hrr mw. Stic Imil hei-n tmubtnl foi yiMtrs with e ilimtrilnrtl lirr nixt lmtl 1ietiim. On the font iwnmnn, hnwrvrr, tin- vinilrnre of the nltnrk wits sn nhinniiifr. aim the inflmniiintii'n srt in so n'nrety, thut itiinlifl wre entnrlmiMit if htr n4 ketiiff slile ti hrni up iiiHtrr it I fortunntrlr she was tmlnreil to try your rills, ami she hiimtni nn thnt after the first, ami enrh surreal int. rinse, she huil great relief. She eimtinmtl to Uike them, anil although she iisihI only three llnxra, she is nmv in the enjiiyrninil nf perfect limit h. I ennNt have srnt ynti ninny mare, hut the above fnrni the skvsmtv or Tiia attack, anil the spkfut cure, I think, speaks murh in favor of vour nstniiistiiiif 1'ilta. (iti'gneil) R. W. KIItKt S. AN EXTRAORDINARY CI RK OF RtllXMATIC FEVER, IN VAN DIKMKN S LAND. Copy of a Letter inserted in the Ilobart Toirn Courier, of the st Marth, 1851, hy Major J fValch. Mn rim ret M'Cnnignn,ninetmi rmri nf npr, rrftidtngr. nt New Town, hml been tittering l"rtm a vMent rliriinmuc fever for tipwnnls of two months, which IiimI entirely de prived her of the un of her limits $ during this period site whs under the cure of the in-'it eminent iiiedic:d men in llolxirt Town, and by them her chbc wus eomidered hope less. A friend prevailed upon her to fry Ilnllnwny'i cele brnlrd Pill, which she consenlcd to do, mid in on incredi ble short sHice of time they cflit-ted a perfect cure. CL'UK OP A PAIN AND TIOIITNKSS IN THK CHEST AND STOMACH OF A PERSON M YEARS OF AGE. From Mews Thcio Son, Pioprictor of the Lynn Advertiser who can vouch for the following statement. August 2nd, 1851, To l'lnfemor Holloway, Sir. I desire to hear testine'iiy to the frond effect! ef Ilnil.iwnv Pills. For mn venrs I su tiered seveicly in in n pain and tighti!' m the niiincb which wns nU nccom- piinicil hy n slmrtiif Hs nt urettin unit picvemeu ine idiii wit Ik i hit nlwtit. I run HI vnirs of nire.nnd rotwiihslfindiiiir my ni'imeed ptntc-of life, these Pil's hnve B' telieved trie, ihut I nrn desirons thnt others should be made ticnmiititcd villi their virtues. I am imw rendered, hy their memi'. cunipnrntively active, mid enn tnKi: exercise wit) rrise without inii 11- wnicnr e r pun, which l oouiu jii no ncmre. (inl) IIENUV CUE, North street, Lynn, Norf !k. .These c-hbratcd Pills are tcandei fully ejftca ciovs in the following complaints, .mie lnps lnfiuminmi.a A-MlitiM Jvs'iiitirY Jiiii'tdiee (Minus inplnm!- Krvsipelnii DMelirs ' ii the Kcitinle Irreftn Shin Untie IJnwel Comp:;iiulH frVveis H !t (Tnik-a kinds C"ii lijViii-'n i'f Tils the II. wis limit C tusniiip. i ui Ihndnelie Dcliiliiv Imliyeiii' n Sre Thn-n'it St tnr mid Or w tl Tic. Dmiliiuienx Tumniirs I.iver Cora- pliiinta l.tiniUigo I'itee Ithrlllliiiti.iil Itefriiti' 11 of t'rine fVorinlti. or King' ICvil Ki'mliiry lyliiptoliis Vleera Venerenl iiietiiis Worms of all WuhIs Wciikiiewi. from whmever eunse e., Ac. Snld nt the Estnlilifthment of Pnf-s r HoM-owat. 311, Strand, (nenr Temple Hnr. Iv ml tin,) and bv all respeetHbie Druggists und Denlers in Medu'ines i iiroiigi iit the Kritisli Empire. A th se i f the l i'.ited ?Me, in ll 'xrsat ;iTJe., t7e., and SI 6Uc. etich. AVIiuh n.ilc by th- rim-inl Drunr li'iiscs in the I'ninn, und by McMrs. A. U. ft D. Sasdh, New Yolk, IV There is n ensidcrtdle saving by Ink in g the lurger sizes N. H. Directions for the guidance nf patients in every disorder are nfTixcd to rn h (six. Octolier 23, IsM, Jy. OYSTERS ! TUB unilersigneil is thai kfnl for past fa vors ami hopps to continue in the confi dence of hi old t'Oslomc.rA and friends nnd lh public getienilly. lie is now in daily re ceipt of the best ol Hallimore Oyslets, put up bv A. field, Esq., m ho ii eelebriited tor put ting up a pood article. Hi uyMers are open ed ihe same morning, they leave for this place and aie consequently only about 16 hours on the way. Ha can send oysters all directions by stages, bnat nnd other convey ance. I'rice cans S1j25, half cans 624 cents. , N. B.--Apply nt the residenre of the sib sciiber 01 at Leu's, or Haas's Hotel. PHI MP SHAY. Northumberland, Oct 16, 1852. tf. NEW Tobacco, SiuifY, 5 Segar V AIU:i5tI :E. THR sulwcriliers reperl fully inform Country McrclmnU that we have now oil hand a general assortment of tho bat VIKGIMA UKAND TOCACCO. Cavemlili .In. Lump 8. T.ump Gs. Plus. at the Manufacturers In went prices. Also a line OHfoitincnt of Foreign and Domestic Segurj, SnulV, SmokiiiR Tolioeeo, Pipes, Pipe Heads, ic, which wc will sell nt the lowest prices. 8. WOOUWAIil) & CO., 23 North Third Ktrcct, Philadelphia. Reptenilier 4, 1 852. 3ni. 500 AGENTS WANTED. SI 000 a vear. sV VSTANTE1) ia every County of the United ' iStutes, active and enterprising men to en gage in the ale of some of tho liest Uooks pub liiilied in the country . To men of good addrens, posessing a small capital of from $25 to $100, such inducements will lie offered ss to enable them to tnnke from 83 to $10 a day profit. t3T The Uooks published by tm are all useful in their churucter, extremely popular and com mand In rc sules wherever tliey tire otl'crcj. For further particulars, ndilrcss, (iionrnirc paid,) DANIELS & GETZ, Successors to W. A. I.eary & Co.; No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Oct. 2, lt;52 tf. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. C. OUKItTKUFFEIt, S. E. Cur. Ninth and Maple Sis above Rait, PHILADELPHIA. TWITES the Ladies of the City and Country to call end examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which l..i been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. being enabled, from bin experience in the buiiieis, to take advuntnge of the wholcHale market, is able te sell as low as any other entail liiilimenU Mr. O. was formerly principal con- iliiitor of the extensive hueiness of Mr. J. W, Huri.tinTi, No. 204 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experienco will be a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, und Cotton Curtain Fringes, Diluting, Tasacls and Cord, Silk and Worried Blind do, Silk, 'Woollen, and Cotton HoUery, Gloves, Combs, Uriiahcs, Soups, Perfumery. &c. Woollen and Cotton Knitting anil Darmiis l am, Porte Moimaies, rurnibhed Work Boxes, Brace let, and Kancy Articles .'iiorally. Call and examine fur yourselves. Philadelphia, aieptemlicr IS52 6m. J. M. HEYBERGER & BROTHER, 'o. 47 North Second Slrtt, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS of every descriitti m of Fiali, Hooks and Fishing Tackle. Toy, German Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparatus. Wholesale and lietuil, Aug. 28, 1852. Sin. "wm7m7rockiteller, ATTORNKlf AT LAW, SLIU ItV, VA. Dec. 13, 1881 tf. EMERSON'S ARITHEMETIC No. 1.3 3, and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just receiv ed and for sale by WM. McCART Y. Bunbury, May I, 1851.- Y8TEK CANS A lot of empty Jyster Cans, suitibls for putting up fruit, for sale by WM. si. THUMftill.'M. BLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parchment ir, sold at the lowest prices at this ollicc, by wholesale aud retail GEORGE W- ZIMERMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BLINDS, Which for stvlo of finish snil Vf orlcmanship nt the lowest price's. Also TRANSPARENT WHOUALi:, AT MANI VOT MERCHANTS and others tr invited Philadelphia, August SI, 1858 ly. Dilworth, Branson 5 Co. I.mportrhs or & Dealer in Foreign and DonieMic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C A'o. 59 Market St., I door befoul 2f St, PHILADELPHIA. Whero they always I oet on hand a large stocZ of every variety of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Wm. Dilworth, Henry D. I.andis, Snmuol Urnnscn, James M. Vance. Octolier 10, 1852. ly. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. Notice to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, HKNNI'.T It CO. rwinert all wlm pnrrhnse resilv inml Cl-.thiiis on crnlil, Ii cull Mt TDWKIl II A 1.1. CI.UTHIM1 UA.AAK, anil are the grmt nilvantnis tin.)' will hnvr liy puri huning for enrh ut ilii exlvnair nMiililmliHii'Mt. 'I'lim. anil tliia only, in Ihe principle on wliich they ilml Willi nil their nuiiiurous euntoinrrs, wlm hnve reniizi-il llmt nt this b urn tl.t-y nre no. clf.irt in priHliicing Ihe ln-rt t'I-JTIII.(i. nt Hie lowrst nowihle prirea. nun hum ine (tihmi iihiiic hi iih ih.hc uic nr.. nmile. mort funliioitaltle, and niucli cheii'rr Ihnn any other limine enn ulliinl lo lell t lie miinc nnulily of C"ori, nriing from their Inrce miiiiiirnc-luriiip unci niioiliiis fneililiei, nnil their ili ter-.niiiiilii.ii tniiiniitniii ll:e principle of boge nle ami 1111111 profila. Their uti-ck ia mort nni le unit complete. 'I'hc pnrliplimr uttentiill of men-hnntl unit .I..Bi..p ....... .wl ti. am r..niii.Hlril loeiill Hint iliilva fur ii,.,,.i.. .. u e nre ntilil Ihitt tliev eunimt mil lo ioe lie iiiliiiitf they will hnve in rni''l"'H'.K foi estli. nl I'iiVI:B HAM, trw MAKKIST ilrect, U-lween Fifth 9.1.1 CiXlS. KrNNKTT (V CO., Proprietors. I'hllmlelphiii. October 16, ItSS 6in. 8 W AIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CLUE OF Incipient COiifiiinipiloii, Scrofula, General Debility, White Swelling, Rheumatism, Diseases of the Liver an t Skin, and i.ll Diseases arising from Impurities of the Jlloml, and the Effects of Mercury. SWAIM'S PANACEA bus lieca for more than thirty yenrs celebrated in this uoiiulry and iu Europe for its L'xtraordiuurv cures for the cerlillcntivof which refereiuie isiunde to the direetiims and books (which may l had grnlls) :iceoiuSinving the I'linuca. Some of which give the iiarliculnis Ummvm too frightful for gcncrid publication, u'tiere the iiutienls bud been uim. t etitenup wilh Scrofula, and were deemed Incurable by Physicians. In linn been used ill hospitals ami private practice, and has had the singular fortune of lieiug rccoiiinicndod by the most celL'brutuJ (diysiciuits and other emiuet persons. Among others by W. Uilwm. M. D.. Prof, i f Surgery, Pn. I'niversity. Yuleutiiie Mott, M. I., Prof, of Surg , M. Y. Univer sity. W. P. Utwees, M. D , Prof, of Mid., Pa. University. X. Cluii'iiuiii, M. 1)., Prof, of Physic, Pa University. T. Pnrke, M. l , Pres't UoHrfra nf Phjsieinns, l'luta. Dr. Del Vallo, Prol. of Milicine. Iiuvana. Jose Ivnueiire de l.ltz, Prof, of Surgery, Lislam. J. Chipiiiiiu. MciiiUt Hoyul College Surgeons, !.ondo:i. . V. Krving, bite Mhiislei to Simin. Sir 'I'hoiniis Piursou, Mnj. Oeu. Ilritisli Army. liilliert Hobertsou, Uritith Ct nsiil, Ac., Sr. And ulso, ihe woiiilerful cures effected liy Swaiin's Pan-nci-u have for many years mnde it an invuluuble remedy. The Pimnccti docs not ctintuiu mercury in any form, uud being an innocent preparation, it may bo given to the nt'iKl teialer iuftiut. The retail price has liecn reduced to 81 50 per bottle, (containing thiee half pints) ur three bottles for IM. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Pwaim's Pnuncea is in round bottles, fluted loiigitudi liully, with the following letters blown on the glass : 'SWAIM'S PANACEA ntlLADA." nud having the name of Jas Ph aim stamped on the scal ing wax, and written on the latiel covering the cork, and a splendid engraving lor the side of the bottle, composed of geometric uitl:n work, comprising nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclusive use of Ihe pro lirietor, by Dniier A Co , Ismk mile eugnivors, of Pbila. ilclpliin. In the centre is a portrait of die late Win. Swuiin copyright secured. AI.SO, SWAIM'S VERMIFL'GK. A vnlimlite Family Metlicine, Iteing a highly approved remedy lot all discuses arising from debility of Ihe diges tive organs, such as Worms, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery Fever uud Ague, llleeiling Plies, Sick lletntuche, Ac., Ao. See the Pamphlet (which lluty be laid gratis) uccoiupuity mg the Vermifuge. Vreinred only at PWAIM'ft LABOIt ATOR Y, THE OLD STAND, Seventh street, lielow Chestnut, Philadel phia, mid sold by all the respeckible Druggists iu the I ai led Stutes. CAirilON TO TIIK PUBLIC. Persons wishing obtain the genuine SWAIM'8 PAN ACEA nnd SV AIM'S VEK.MIFUliE, should be careful to ul serve that the iinine SWAIM U spelled rorrertly on the bottlei ami bin-In, or they mny Iw tinposfil tm hy medic itira nuide hi iinitnt in of tlirm hy a Mriiiii hearing a amnvwtuit similar twine, well cukju luted to leeive. IMtiUulflphia, (ctolrr '2, limn. . REMOVAL. THE old established POCKET BOOK and MOROCCO CASE MANUFACTORY, located at Mj Chestnut Street for the pust TWENTY -ONE YEARS, has Iteetl reimtvetl to No. 405 ARCH STREET, first door lielow tllh stretit, where uia lie found the lurgest and best liKMortiueiit of the following urtieles, viz : Pocket Books, Port Folios, Dressing Cases, Writing Casts, Hunkers' Cuses, B nk Book Holders, Hill Hooks, Money Bells, Cigar Cases, Raxof Strops, Porte Mommies, Work Cases, Card Cases, Needle Cases. K. II. SMITH, thankful for put fuvots, hopes hy atten tion, and with a determination to sell Ihe ba.-t tptaltty of goods nt the lowest prices, to receive a share of patronage. The Trade are requested to call and exuiniue before pur ebnsing elsewhere. N. II. Repairing done with neatness nnd dispatch, V. II. SMITH, 9115 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Seplcinlier 4, 1M3 3in. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. riMIK Siihwnlwr Imvihg laited thf Puhlie Utilise, for- iiKTly known n the American lion. No. If S. Sixth Street, Itetweeit Miirke I nnd Cheiluut Streets. ImK changed the imine ol' the aume to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public, thut th.s house has undergone a through remodelling, reitniriuir, re ptiiutlng and repapcring, from altie to basement. An en tire new outfit of furniture, bedding, Ac., Ac., has laell procuietl from the most celebrated Manufacturers in litis ; itv. I'roin Ihe cenlnd location, and ils close proximity to Ihe RHilrond Depots, Stetirulfuil Ijiiiilings. Places ol Amuse in.'nt, Fiisbiouable ThoroughlnTes and I'ulilic Stptares, II oi!W liidiicetiii'llls to the Ati'eliaiit visiting the city oil busiiiess. Ihe Traveller seeking pleasure To families and feliuilcs visiting the city, every facility will lie offered, an. I every comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. JACOB O. I.EBO, JAR ED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proprietor. Philadelphia, Sept. i, Itiii. Cm. SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, A'o. 19 Wood St., between 2d If 3d Sts., and No. 17 North 6th Street, PHILADELPHIA. John HsincToft Jr. and Son, n ESPECTFL'I.LY inform Store-keepers. Mer chants, ile., thut they Manufacture slid have, for Hale, Fslm, White, Variegated, Yellow and lliown Nosps, Mould sud l)iped Candies, all of goiht quality and at rcitsonultle prices. Cash paid for Tullow and rough Fat. April 10 1853 Jy. Win. McCarty, Bookseller. Tl ESPECTFUI.I.Y informs his friends and ' Ihe public, that he has removed his Book Store, lo Market street, to the house occupied by J. INaillo, Est)., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite the Court House, on tho north side, where keeps for sale constantly on band a good assortment of books and stationary. For Sale A large new spring waggon fit for , 3 or 4 horses. Suiibunr, J'jly U, 185?. tf. I N K Boureau's celebrated Ink, and also Con-- gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by December 28. 1850. Ii. B MASSER. FRESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality, just received and for sale by July 31. 185. II. B. MA8SER. rannot 1c surpassed. M'holrsnle and Iletsll WINDOW SHADES AND HEED BLINDS FACTI BKIIS' I'KICI. to call and examine. SOWKR BAKNES, ruhlislu'is nnd Booksellers, A'o. 84 North Third Street, rntXADELFBIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. BiMes, Prayers, Hymns, Piteticul atal Historical Works, Travels, Novels, Ac., Ae. SCHOOL BOOKS Kvcry kind in iim from a primer npwardf. BLANK BCX)KS. An elfrant ntirtinent from the punt bouk npwardi, made of iiierU.r Hper, ami beat of hi riding. WHITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, and Note Papers, elegant styles and quality, aiai very cliettp. STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain and Adhesive F.nvelotes, Ink, Sand, Wa ter, !teel Pens, Mates, Pencils, Porle-Monaies, Vrap piug Pttersof all kiials, Curtain Pajtero, Ac., Ac. nr stock is all fresh, bought cheap ami sold accordingly. Pnrtieiilar nl lent ion laiid to Booksellers, Uiaintry Aler chanls nod Teachers, however little they may laiy. S iwer k Burnes ure Publishers of PEI.TON'S series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAI'S. Knelt map Is nearly SEVEN FEET WIL'AItR, nnd shows the comparative size and relative position of every country on the glolwt. They are intended to be sus)ended m every Hrhool Kts.nl, mid not only innke a splendid a pearauee. but are universally ticknowlediriHl to lie the BEST MODE OF TEACIIINU UKOOltAPIIV ever hr. uir lit out. They are keys intended lo la; used by the achohrs, eoiitaiuiiig a complete epitome of Iteogniphv, and costing less than hulf ihe price of a fieogniphy aial Atlas. The syslem is in universul use iu Prussia an'd tie.rmauv, and luis already lieeu intntliiced in Uimrd College, Phila delphia, tha public schools of Huston, New Vork, Pbila delpbiii, Baltimore, Washington, mwl throughout New England, New York, Ac., fte. Our disks nre loaded wilh reeoinineudiitious from tiie most Uilcutctl and scien lific te-ichers iu every iptarier, and wherever the syslem una lieeu used (itireuls, teachers and scholars unite iu prais ing il. I. Map of the Western Hemisphere. II. Map of the Eastern Hemisphere. 3. Mnp of North America. 4. Map of the L'liited States, a. Map of Eurorrt. 6. Map of Asia. 7. Map of South America and Africa. Every ttitip is brillinntly colored, varnished, and mount ed on muslin and rollers. We reepeclfully invite the earnest attention of Teachers, Parents, am School Directors to this fascinating mode of teachiag tieography. SOWER A BARNES, II North Third Street, Philadelphia, Aug. J, lf",J tf. FALL MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONE $ SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, A'o. 45 South Second Street, FHIXjADEXiPHXA.. HAVING completed Ihe improvements to their Store, are now opening a large and beautiful assortment of Paris Fancv Feathers, French and American Flowers, Fancy bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Fancy Bonnet Stuffs, Corded and Plain Velvets, Satins, Gross. d'Afriqucs, Laces, &. A c. To which they invite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners visiting the city. Philadelphia, September 35, 1852. tat. MORE NEW GOODS! THIRD Fresh Arrival of Goods AT TIIE NEW STORK Of i. y. TUNER & CO., Nearly oposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Snnbury, Northumberland County, Fa. E have just received a fresh supply of Goods adapted for the Fall and Winter to which we particularly call the attention of our Ii lends n nil the public Our grateful thanks are due for the generous support wo have received from a deserving pub lic, aud we hope to continue to earn that upKrt by selling all our goods at the smallest profits. uur slock consists ot Dry Goods, Hardware, (liiecngware, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doubled Barrelled Guns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Rags, Linlirellas and rarasols. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Looking Glasses, Wall Paer for Room nnd Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Dried Beef, Plain and Fancy llama and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint Stuff, Oils and Putty, Car pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TENER 6t CO. Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1853 ly.e SIl KLDHAKKS a t i wiiiRW HnrsE Tv'n anumifr.'i' Street, above Kth, Philadelphia. Under the new arrangement the cars which arrive from Pittsburg, Harrishtirg, Ac, will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In order to accommodate the public we will always have our Loach at the Iew Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of tho city. Our old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Table, Lleun Uctls, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. Jermi, IJne Dollar per Day. Augintt 31, 1352. fim. Fritz, Williams Hendry, .S'roff, A'o. 29 North 3d Street., I'llII.AUKI.rillA. MOROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import, era, Commission and General leather Bus iness. Wholesale anil Retail. IV Manufactory 15 Murg&n-tta Street. Aug. 38, 1853. ly. II ODHNKUfrJ. I. F. IIAKKIt. W. C. HAKI.R. Cornelius, Maker Co., MANL'I'ATL'HKKS UT Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 176 CHESTNUT ST Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St.t VHIXsASBIaPHZA. April 10, 1852. tf. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOB TIIK BAI.K OF Fish, Provisions, ifjc., A'o. 9 North Wharves, PHU.ADBX.rHIA. April 10, 1853. ly. SUNBURY FERRY. HENRY W. BUCHER Informs the public that he baa taken Ihe Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and su(H eieu! craits he will be enabled lo accommodate the public with promtness and despatch. Apiil 10, 1853. If. Cheap Watches Jewelry, yirH0I.E8ALE and Retail, at (he "PhilsdH T phla Watch and Jewelry Swra," No. 9( North Pecond;8treet, corner of Quarry, Phtladel phia. Ookl Lever Watcra-s, fhlt Jcvrlcrl, IS eantt !nvr no. run Jcwrtnl, (is Silver lupine, Jcwsls, 10 do rlo do. S. tnnnltir Qmrtlvrs, 1. Ookl apeetaclM, 7 on Fine silver do. 1.M OoM nmcrlels, 3, 1.09 i aniw tokl I'snrlls, . 1 .on OoM Peiat, with Pencil sihI Silver Holder, ' ' ijotr ..i.iuiooi, no. . a Uoltl t inger Rings, 37 cents to $80 Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, 16 j l.unet, 25 i other articles in proportion. All goods war rattled to lie what they are sold for. STALTFER A HARI.EV, RoccessoTs lo O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold ant Silver Levers and l.cpines, still lower than the above prices, August 58, 1851. ly. G. L. Miller y Co., South Weit cor. of Second If Arch Streets, PHZX.ASEZ.rHZA. THE PROPRIETORS, having increased their facilities during the past season, now feel able to supply all who have or may be disposed tar patronise them. Their Z'tock comprises every vsriet of patterns of FLOWERS, LAND HCAPR, GOTHIC, etc., unsurpassed in quality, and which will be sold at our usual LOW PRICES. TASSELS, CORDS, BRA8SES, Ac, in great variety. Miotics ntatlo to order, at short notice, for Stores, Churches, Lodge Rooms, Ac. O. L. MILLER tt CO., Depot, R. W. comer of Second atwl Arch? sts. Phi.ade!phia, Aug. 31, 1852. 3m, THE VERY L AT ESTMIR RIVAL, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform the public anil "the rest of mankind," that they have just received and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinets, Pesd'tigi, Drillings, Linens, And all kinds of Summer Wear, AI.o a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Latrns, Chintzes, De Laines, Beroges, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Panama and Palm Leaf Hats. Also a large assortment of CKOG'EIIIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MKDICINKS. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in thie place. t3T Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 33, 1853. Valuahle Property. Late the Estate of . P. SHANNON, Esq., Of North umber land AT PHITATE SALE. THE subscribers, Executors of the Estate of Enhraim P. Shannon, late of Ihe Bor ough of Northumberland, offer at private sale, Ihe following valuable Real Estate, viz : Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected a two story Brick Building, formerly occupied by the deceased as a Store and Dwelling, and now occupied as such. There are also on the lot two frame dwellings, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story white Frame Dwelling, &c, adjoining JohnTaggart, Esq., occupied by Chas. Knous. Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two story while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable is erected on lots No. 69 &t 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two story white Frame Building, occupied by John Burkert. Lot No. 60, situate at Norlhway and Wa ter Streets, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandling and John Vandling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a two story Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also len acres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deshay, on the East siJe of the Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town jots, situ ated on Ihe corner of Second and Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bot ough, Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in the general plan oi said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Sixth Streets, running East lo an Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots Ironling on Orange Street, and numbered in the general plan of saitl Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 K lts. Tho above property will be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For furlhrr parliculars apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or lo the subscribers. ALFRED KXF.ASS. I F , THOMAS STUAWURIDGE, f x rs" Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. TAIIsOSLllTG-". JOHN V. MARTIN, B I'.GS leave to inform his friends and the pub lic in general, lust he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after the most Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his prices will be as reasonable as can be had in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantagee of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to hia acknowl edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from Uie emporiums of fashion in the United States. An endeavor will be made always to have work completed when requiaed. His establishment is situated in Msrket Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Orlice, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter ahop, where it will be pleasure to him lo see his friends, and make such work tot them as is within Ihe line of bis business. Bunbury, August 14, 1853, tt Bounty land Warrant. rpHOSE having bounty Und warrants In the'r X possession and wishing to dispose ef them can find a ready sale by applying at the residence of the subscriber near bhamukin Dam, L'uion eoanly Pa. He will also attend to the oUainin of bounty land warrants from the DepartincutaA reasonable recompense. . ,,. r L. R. HUMMEL. Sunbury, August M, 1802. 3m.