SUNBUny AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. New Advertisement. Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! IIAV1NO settled at Northumberland, am " now prepared to furnish Fresh and spi ced Oysters during the whole season at re duced prices. You can depend upon them being fresh, as 1 shall receive them daily, (bundays excepted) and when landed here, they are only 16 hours out of the shell. All persons at a distance, who are iu want of the above article, can have them sent per dozen or single can by addressing W.H.VICKERV, at Burr's Hotel. , Northumberland, Oct. 16, 1852. CLOTHING ON'CRRTITT." Notice to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, 1 1ENNET CO. raqxptt all who purrhss renrly mnde !"''" " credit, to call at TOWKIl HAI.L CLOTHING BAZAAU. and see the .rent ilvantnics they will have by purchnsing for cnsh ut thiat extensive estnhluhinciit. This, oml tint only, ii the principle on which they deal with all their mimeroua customers, who Iwre realized that at this house they Sue no effort in prHlurin( tha liest CI.OTIIIN'0, at the kiwot pomilile prirea, and thtit the rihkIs mmle at. this hnuse are the ticst jnaile, rtKat fashhmalilc, aud much cheaper thnn any other lHnac rmi afford to aril the anine quality of sioilf, arising rr-m tlicir lanre manufurturinfr and importing facilities, ttud their determination tomnntninthe principle of large ales and amnll profiu. Their atock ia miwt ample and complete. The parlicltlnr attention of merchanta and dealera ia invited, who are requested to call and judge for themaelvea, aa we are sntisfietl that they cannot full to ace the advnntngea they will have in purehntmg fol cnsh, at TOWKIl HAI.L, MARKET atreet, between Fifth and Sixth. BKNNKTT A CO., Proprietors. Philadelphia, October 18, 18.14 Sm. " A CONDENSED ABSTRACT From the arrount of Henry D. Koilenrmcl, Su pervisor of the Susquchnnna Division of the Pennsylvania. Canal, as reported by ltim, for the month of July, 1852. Showing the average price of labor, llic detailed price paid for materi als, anj the names of persons from whom pur chased. Prepared agrcrnbly to the 34th section of the act of 4th of May, 1853. E.BANKS, Ami. Gn,, Foremen on said Canal, per diem, $ 1,25 Carpenters do do $1,25 to 1,50 4 Horse terms do do 3,00 2 do do do do 2,00 Horse Hire do do 50 Laborers do do 1,00 to 1,25 BILLS. William Gibbons, 100 perch alone at 30 cents I.eshcr ft Vnndling, one flat Colslier Sc Mover, 1687 cubic feet timber at 7 jets Do 2148 feet 2 in. pine plank at $9,50 Do 1 64 feet oak scantling at $12 Do 2064 lcet pino boards at $ 1 1 Davis Sc Schnure, 3 keg nails at $ 1 file 37, See., &c, Danb-I Wittner, 536 feet plank at $9, boards at $10, Ira flayers, 1551 feet pine and oak plunk at $9, and hauling, 30,00 75,00 141,62 20,40 1,96 22,70 35,64 10,82 14,95 Aggregate amount settled for July 1 150,24 SHERIFF'S SALES. T) Y Virtue of certain writs of Jr. Fa. to me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the Court House, iu the borough of Sunbury, on MOS DAY the 25th dny of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following real estsle to wit : All that full, cqucl, undivided J part of a certain Tract of Land, sutuate in Coal township Northumberland CO., bounded and described as follows, to wit : begin ning at a pine, thence by lands of John Harrison, north 2 tleg. west 2C0 and 29 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Hamilton and Wm, P. Brady, south 88 deg. west 160 perches to a white oak, thence by land of Mngdnlc nu Lcverson, soufh 66 deg, west 214 pen-lies t.) a while oak, thence by laud of Samuel Scott, south 294 deg. east 61 perches and 4-10ths, to a stone, thence north 76. deg. east 161 perches to a poet, thence couth 2 dee:, east 60 perches to chesnut oak, thence by land of James Hepburn, north 88 deg. east 254 perches to the pltiec of beginning, containing by a former survey 319) acres and allowance, and by a re-survey 428 acres and 29 perches and .allowunce. Heizcd, taken in execution and to to sold as the property of George Hcckart and Thomas Sharp. ALSO: One other full equcl, undivided J part of a certain Tract of Land, situate in Coal township Northumberland county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: begin ning at a pine, thence by lands of John Harrison, north 2 deg. west 200 and 29 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Hamilton and Win. P. Brudy, south 88 deg. west 160 perches to a white ouk, thence by land of Magdalena Lever son, south 69 deg. west 214 perches to while oal, thence by land of Samuel Scott, south 294 deg. east 61 perches and 4-lUths, to a atone, thence north 76 deg. east 164 perches to a post, thence south 2 deg. east 60 perches to a chesnut oai, thence by land of James Hepburn, north 88 deg. east 254 perches to the place, of beginning, con taining by a former survey 319 acres and allow ance, and by a re-survey 428 acres and 29 per ches and allowance. Seized, taken in execution and to lie sold as the property of Geo. Hcckert and Thomas Sharp. ALSO: By virtue of a certain writ of Vru. Vsp. a cer tain ISLAND situated in the Susquehanna river (opposite the Isle of Que,) in Lower Augusta townahip, in the County aforesaid, and known by the name of Clurk's Island, containing 26 acres more or less. Also a certain other ISLAND, shunted in said river, in iownehip and county aforesaid, and near ly contiguous to the above mentioned. Known by the name of Timothy Island, containing 3 acres more or less. Also a eertaion other ISLAND, situated in said river, in the township and county aforesaid, and nearly contiguous to the above mentioned. Known by the name of Husterman's Island, con taining 28 acres more or less, all of which are ;leared. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as he property of John Hartman, jr. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff's Office Sunbury, Oct 9, 185S. i LIST OF JURORS, DF Northumberland County, for October 25, 1852. Special Court. Point. Thomas Johnson, Chas. Bennet. Lewis. A. J. Derr, Samuel Artman, Ben tmin Mengas, Jacob Huntziiiger, Henry .oup, John Hughes. Dklawirb Robert Hutchinson, George unnyan, Wm. Hood. CiHU9QUus. Wm. E. Erwine. Ti'BCT. Peter Dunkle, Kilyon Dunkle, fm. M. Sample, Isaac Marsh. NoaTHUMBERiaiiB. Robert Lesher. Sunbobt. Jacob Grilich, Wm. Hoover, snry Bucher. , UrrtH August. Reuben Garinger. Lower " Abraham Shipman. Rush.-C. A. Heath. Shamokin. Martin Gass, Asa John, John nith, Charles Alexander, James Vanhorn, tiKn Rnnn I'ppeb MiiioNor Samuel Heime, Henry jbuck, Andrew Geist. Lower " John Michael. Littlc " Isaac D. Raker. Jacmosj. Abraham Deppen. Camcbom. Solomon Punlcleberger. ."VWEKSON'S A RITH EMETIC Nos. l.S3, and Porter's Rhetorical Reader, just reeeiv I ,nd for sale by WM. McCARTY. funbury, May 1, 1L- )YSTE CANS-A lot of empty Jyster Caus. suiubla for putting op fruit, " dot of betters RRMAtXlNa If? TUB POST OFFICE AT stim nv, sept, so, isaa. A Alcorn Wm. Ayrcs John B Bucher John A. Barnhait David Bucher Emma Brown Henry Bowen John C Campbell Simeon D Donovan Sophia Daat Wm. Dolan John P Firman Wm. Frick Hern W. Goodman Richard 2 H Haslet Wm. 11. Hoover Benj. Iletber Isaac Hfinleishot Hirnm Hummethasen M. F. I Ingles Ilaniet J K Knap Mr. Loshel John M Morgan Rachel Moore Peter H. Morgan Charles Piper Geo. A. R Rpnn Henry J. Rhodes P. Rockefeller Solomon S Snyder Peter Shruder Jno. Shipn Jo.pph Schmink Jno. Shier Henry Slraner Pelcr T Trrmmel Jno, C. Taylor Caleb N. V IWue Gen. vr Wcisei Philip Y Yovtlicimer Geo. Young Samuel (Siirvpyer ) R. B. PACKER, P. M. Jeivett Mr. List of Letters rtl-MAIMNO IN THE POST OFFICE At Northumberland, Sept- 30, 1852. B Kase S. P. Briuhl J. W Kramer J. W. Keim Daniel L Lawrence A. S. Lemon James M Marr Wm. P. Mahan Ann Mrs. Mi'linn Wm. M'Cormick Mary Miss 0 Oliver Chiis. A. P Perrin Caloin a Quiiilin K. G. R Rudenrmel H. D. Ruke Geo. Brisbaml John B.irnhnrt Geoige Burkh'-att J. Beard James c Conniuphnm Jos. B Cossler Snllie Carmon Goo. I. Cofman John Clayton Jus. J. D Du lley Chas. II. D dge Mr. 0 Gnliok John Gibson R B. Gregan Billing Haney Isnao H.thn John Spyker& Haven Mess. Sallmnn Anthony W. Shoemakpr Matilda w Whillen II. B. Walters Capt Henry Y Henry Wm. Hoffman Jus W. Irvin Matilda J K Kinley Nathan Yotks William MARGARET W'EIMER, P M. ORPHANS1 COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Coin t of Northumberland counly, will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, the 2Slh of October next, on the premises, the following real rstale to wit : a certain Tract of Land, situate in Puint township, County aforesaid, con taining about x ONE HUNDRED ACRES adjoining the north branch, of the river Susque hanna; on the smith, Innd of Peter Baldv, now occupied by Leonard Miller; on the southward, land lato of John Porter, dee'd., and other lands of said intestate, on the northward, nnd lands of Wm. Camoron on the westward. Whereon ore erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, large Bank Barn, Wagon House, Shed and out Buildings. About EIGHTY ACRES of said tract is cleared and in good stale of eulti vation, the residue is timber land. A well of good water at the Dwelling House and one ut the Barn. Also a certain other TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the one above described, containing about IW.MSTY AUKBS a.ljoining lands of Peter Bahly, and the tract above descri bed, and the Southward, on the east and north ward, by laud now occupied by Wm. Ammcr- man belonging- to Snyder, and on the westward by lard late of John Porter, dee'd., about SIXTY ACRES of this traet are cleared and iu it good stat a of cultivation the balance in timber land there is iron ore of a gnoj quality on this tract. Lato the estato of Henry Rockefeller, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said djy, when the tctms of sale will be made known by JOHN KIM. h Er KI.LEK, i . , , HENRY MOUGAN, J AUm rs. By Order of the Court, 1 P. Pints EL, Clk, O. C. Oct 2, 1852. 4t, ) ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance, of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will lie exposed to public salo on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of October, next, on the premises, The following real estate to wit: All the interest or the following named heirs of Peter Brubiiker, bile of Lancaster county, dee'd., to wit: Henry Brubaker's interest 2-14 parts; Anna, Ester and Mary Hollingcr, children of Mary Hollingcr and grand-children of Abra ham Burbalier, of Lancaster county, dee'd., their interest, the undivided one fourteenth part; Andrew Brubaker, minor child of Jacob Bruba ker, dee'd., and a grand-child of Abraham Bruba ker, dee'd., the undivided one fourteenth part of the upper pari of the Island formerly known as " hites Island, situate in the Susquehanna in Jackson township, late Mahonoy township, Nor thumberland county, about 12 miles below Sun bury, containing 131 Acres. 74 perches or thereabouts, adjoining lands of Benjamin Strickler, with Ihe appurtenances. Late the cttato of Abraham Brubuker, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will he made known by JOHN 8TRICKLER, 1 GEO. KRODY, I Guar- GABRIEL BEAR, f dians. JOHN HURSHEY, J N. B. Tha interest of all the other heirs will be offorcd for sale ut the same lime and place. SAMUEL BRUBAKER, Agent for other heirs. For further information inquire of FREDERICK LAZARUS, Esq. r uubury l a By order of the Court, the Court, ) Clk, O. C. 52. ts. ) P. FUIHSEU Oct 2, 1852. LIST OF CAUSES VTOR Special Court of Common Pleas of f Northumberland County to be held Monday the 25th day of October 1852. Frederick Keener Graham et al B RKase Piatt Sc Piatt Wm L Heineman Geo E Gehrig et al Rebecca Lamison (ieo Garman Geo Evster for Mar tin Weaver vs Wm. Ay res vs Hugh Bellas et al vs Geo A Dixon vs Henry Masser vs T A Billington et al vs Peter Warey vs Thomas Yastine's exrs vs B H HoweU et al ts Eb'xer Greenougb et'i Mahonoy and Shamokin Improvement Co vs Abraham Paul Welker 6c Wife vs Hannah Mendeuball Henry Domic! et al vs Hugh Bellas JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. I rotlionotary a Ullice, i g uubury, Sept, 18, 1853. REGISTER'S NOTICE. MOTICE ia hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, thai the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland county, and that tho same will lie presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the Sd day of November next for confirmation and allowance. 1852. Henry Yoxtheimer, doe'd., settled by bis Ailin'r. Frederick Lazarus. George Eekert, dee'd., settled by his Adm r Willinn Nice. t John Love, dee'd., settled by his Adm r J. Woods Brown. George Grant, dee'd., settled by liis Adm r Peter Hileman. John Eister, dee'd., settled r.y his Exe'r John Lister. . Elizabeth Wagner, dee'd., settled I y her Adm r Peter Wanner. Joseph Hutchison, dee'd., settleJ by bis Exe'r Roliert & Wilson Hutchison. Leonard Ptotilz, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John Pfoutz. Abraham Turner, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Wm. & Abraham I nrnej. Jacob Snyder, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs Joseph & Henry Snyder. Lavina Beacbcl, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Samuel licitz. Susanna l'etzer, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r John B. Eetzer. Andrew Fetzer, deed., settled by one jfhis Exe'rs Andrew J Felzer. Andrew Fetzer, dee'd., settlel by his Exe'rs John B. & Andrew J Fetzer. Peter Vandling, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r de bonis non Win, Keed. Liberty Dowarl, dee'd., settled by Wm. Dcw- ert, Esq., of Lewis Dewert, dee'd., who was Exe'r of Mrs. Lilicrty Dewert. dee'd. Susanna Mettler, dee'd., settled by her Guar dian, LuthcrEasxcll. Caroline J'ciMcr, settled by her Guardian, Elias Petller. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register's Ollice, ) try, Oct.. 2, 1852 5t i Sunburv PROCLAMATION. jVOTICE is hereby piven l hut a Special ' Courl of Common Pleas, in nnd lor the Counly of Norihumberlittid, in commence nl the t.onrl House, in the Lxnotititi ot Jninunrv. at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday the 25; h day of October next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed asreeablo to their notices. Given under my hand nl Sunbnry, the 18th day of September, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fiflv-two and the Independence of the United Stales of Ameiiea the 76th. WILLIAM B. KirP, Sheriff. God save Ihe Commonwealth. 500 AGENTS WANTED. SI 000 a vtar. WANTED in every County of tho United States, active and enterprising men to en gage in the sale of some of the best Books pub lished in the country. To men of good address, poscssing a small capital of from $23 to S100, such inducements will he oll'ercd as to enable them to make from S3 to $1(1 a day profit. tV The Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they arc offered. For further particulars. address, (posrase paid,) DANIELS & GETZ, Successors to W. A. Leary & Co.; No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Sunbury Oct. 2, 852 tf. N E W Tobacco, Shu ft', Scgar WAKE HOI E. THE subscribers respectfully inform Country Merchants that we have now on hand a general assortment of the best VIRGINIA BRAND TOCACCO. Cavemlioh 5s. Lump 8s. Lump 0s. Plug, ut the Manufacturers lowest prices. Also a line assortment of Foreign and Domestic Segar.4, Snuff, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Pipe Heads, ic, which we will sell at the lowest prices. S. WOODWARD & CO.. 23 North Third Street, Philadelphia. September 4, 1852. 3m. List of Jurors, F Northumberland County for November T., A, D. 1852. tiara ud J ii ro I'm. Lkwh. Wallis Rupel, Robert .Montgom ery, John Hiiilinan, Jueob Miailer. Dki.awahk. Bom boy. I'lllUMH auuk --Jacob Kiamer, Djnirl P. Caul, liobi'tt Keed. TfBBt'T. Samuel I!. Cain Edward Dios er. Milton IL-tiry Shine. Si'xni'RV. S.iiijut'l Maui Uim'kh Afui'STA. John S. Haas, Julin F. Kline. Lower Ai'custa. Ji'reiniuh Welzol, Win. M. Miller. Ili'sii. Philip Obriduif. SlIAMuKIS Silas Farrmv. Uri'F.a Mahonoy. Abtaluini Geist, Hen ry Oeisi, John Ki hler. jAfK-ON. iJdiiiL'l Bohner, Henry Grub, Pcler ltei d. TRAVERSE J I' ROUP. Point. Ed. Buoy, John IK-ckerl, Charles Moioan. Uohurt Cmry, jr. l-Kuvis.r-ainuel Menses, Duvid a. -Mont gomery, S. Bfuver. JUii.ton. Paul Bennell, Solomon Dieffen fier Dklawark. S Gamharl, P. C. Fox. Ed. Druckeiniller, Christian Gemh. Jl'RBL'T. David tiiole. North umbicrlanu. William Elliot, Geo. Apsley, Alexander Colt, Dennis Watteis, Hiram Ruch. Sunbury. Geo. P. Buyers Ui'PER Augusta. Samuel Savidge. Lower Aucusta. Peter Moore, Isaao Dewiti, John Fry. Kush. Alexander Moore, tloiiham Case. Shamokin. Isaac So per, P. Schuell, Sam uel John, Isaiah Morgan, S. Graul, John John Caseman, Isaiah Miller, Samuel Ent, John frank, oamnel Johnson. Coal. Sylvanas Bird. Upper Mahonoy. Jacob Geisc, David Mallich, Solomon Shunk wilier. Lower " .Jacob Garman, John Lefman. Jackson Martin Drumheller, Sol. Dres ler, 1. Boyer. CiiiLisituAciuc John Bartholomew, Jacob Fulper, Thomas Kiefer. H'elit Jurors. Point. John Gulick, Hubert Leeher, Jacob Snyder. Lewis John Tweed. Delaware. James F Beard. CitiLieijuAQUE Daniel K. lli.liel, Michel McGee, John Simpson. Milton. Samuel Leas, Samuel Rhodes, Northumberland. Jos. Vandyke, Daniel Brauligum, Jacob Leisenring. Lower Aucusta. William Weilzel, Geo. Fasold, Peter Reitz, George Keefer, Daniel Conrad, (son of John ) Shamokin. Wm. H. Mueneh, Geo. Fox, Francis P. Schwartz, Samuel Hammond, H. H. Teals, John Repley, Jacob Sweniz. Rush Abraham Eckman, Jacob Hoff man. Lower Mahonoy. Isaac Lahr, M. Wert Sebastian Slepp, o. Boyer, Jacob Aumuler Littlc " . Enoch Raker, i JACKSON. - Jacob Hoffman, Elias Schwartz LIST OP CAUSES OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at November 1., A I)., 1852. PLAINTIFFS. HEFENDANTS. P K Hoffman 4 wife vs H Kuhnts, McCarty et al Mott Sc Shober vs Daniel Dreisbach Caspar Heckart vs Frederick Hcckart John W Teal vs Geo B Youngmsn Hickok & Cantine vs Geo W Armstrong Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumlierlnnd, Raker Si Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad i t-, , - ,, Jacob Zarlmnn's Henry Maze & Eve his wife v. ,milliMrtttor William McCarty vs 8amuel Hunter Mary Jane Druncret al vs William Wilson Becker & Wcillcr vs R D Cummings. Mary Martt ' vs Wm H Spratt Samo vs John Campbell Sc wife. George Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkellieriter's sdmi'x Isaac Tyler vs R M Seydel s adm r John Brown vs John Oyster senr's ei'r Shaffner & Zeitrlcr etal vs Thos S Mat key Jno Knnrr for II. Knorr vs Enoch 1 lower' adm'r James T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle Elizabeth Kner vs A S Lawrence Daniel Gonscrt vs Henry Bohtier Mary Patterson vs George Hcckert Botieparle Thompson etal vs Casper gt Clair Win M Daniel for A ... r . , , , , Wr, , vs John Jackson ct al L omly William Dalius John Reynolds John Jackson George Lawrcnc Billington for Hunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Same John Jackson Jr Simon Snyder vs II H Haulman vs Isaac Reader vs James Beard et al vs D Marr & I Brown vs Susan & Sarah Reid vs Charles Alexander vs fame & Wife vs A W Comly vs George Snydef vs Ccorgc Hertz A W Comly Baltzar Garnhart's admr's vs R W Dunn's admr Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rascr Crandnll for J C Morgan vs Geo Miller's adm'r John Reed's assignee vs E L Piper John Ross & Wile vs Gcorgo Fox John King vs Daniel Weidncr Same vs Washington Mutual In surance Company Same E Kaufman et al Slate Mutual Fire Insu rance Company vs Same Peter Arnwine & Mun- go A Reid Jacob B. Masser Joanna Pendcville George Leillwrger Sarah L Keen Samo Oliver B Milliard C Gosh & Jacob y' V.ciko vs Rculien Fegely vs A E Kapp vs Robert Whilcside vs Abraham Brosions vs Samuel Savidge vs John Hartman J W Peal Indorsee Sec vs Joseph Dimmick etal Christ & McFaddcn vs Susanna Reid Reuben Fegely dr. Co vs Hugh Bellas Abijah Bowan Christian Cable Robert M Lyon Rebecca Swartz Henry A Lechner John L Yeager Fruiiris Jodan Henrietta Lewis vs Win H Thompson vs M Bachman Sc F Marklo vs A E Kutzner vs Andrew McLanahan vs Wm II Bound vs George Bright vs David L Irland vs '1 homas Barr Jacob Reinard and Wm Kahler Daniel Gibson Krieger for R Fagcly J B Masser David Fisher Daniel Rhodes J W Peal Samuel L Beck E John for W Camp William Sechler R Fagely & Co Rudolph Duenger George Brosious vs vs J Furinan fl- F Klare vs Barbara Shaffer's cx'rs vs J W Friling vs Jacob Wcrtman vs Vartin Irwius' adm'r vs Jacob Stitzcl vs Wolverton 4 Lciscnr'g vs Jacob Hoffman et al vs William Inch vs Peter Thomas vs Daniel Katnple r ti . r o . . S Jenkins with notice nuau. .or ... 0e,i, , j 'enderton Smith's cxr's vs A C Sc T G Morris Same Same Wcndel L Keffer vs John F Wolfingcr William Forsman et al vs John Parks Frederick Wilhelt'i vs Henry Wilhelm Jno Bush & ifo vs Nathaniel Saxton s adm r J iV A Sbissler vs Daniel Glenn Reuben Fagely iV Co vs John Rasser & Co Jacob II Rhoads vs J r oy &. J Harman vs R D Cummings vs Benjamin Robins Samuel Ewing Joseiih Wcitzel Jordan &. Welker for vs Wil'iam Fagely Lodge No S3 John S Good J Ott Rockefeller Welker & Wife George Parfut Robt Hutchinson David Mc.Micken Margaret Summers Joseph L. Autcn J B Masser Jacob Kline Peter L5 illume. vs R D Cummings vs J C Horton vs Hannah Mendenhall vs Harrison Heim vs Henry Lantz s ex'rs vs R. D. Cummings vs Simon Reedy vs Henry High vs John H. Purdy vs Jos 11 Kline's adm'r vs Abraham Marshall JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. rrothotiotary's Ollice. ) Sunbury, Sept.' 2."), 185? i LADIEDllESTRI .1. C. OBKUTEUFFKIt, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Maple Sis above Ran-, PII1LADE1PIIIA. INVITES the Ladies of Ihe City and Country to call end examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, whiih lias been selected with Ihe ut most cure. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, to take advantage; of the wholesale market, is able la sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly pi. nopal con ductor of Ihe extensive business ot .Mr. J. v Hurslmun, No. -u4 Chestnut Street, und his ex tensive experience will lie a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Slock comprises the following Sill;, If'oisiJ, and Cvitnt, Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do. Silk, Woollen, and Cotton lloisery Glomes, Combs, U rushes. Soups, Perfumery, & Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning i aril, Porte Monnates, furnished Vt ork Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 25, 1R53 Cm. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE f$ SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELriHA. WAVING completed Ihe improvements to IL il their Store, are now opening a lurge and beautiful assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers, French and American Flowers, Fancy Bonnet and Cup Ribbons, Fancy Bonnet Stulla, Corded and Plain Velvets, Satins, Gross. d'Afriuues, Laces, Ac. rVe. To which they invite the attention of Mer chants and Milliners visiting the ciry. Philadelphia, Septcmlicr 25, 1852 2ta. J. M. HEYBERGEIt & EB0THEB, No. 4,7 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. MPORTERS of every description of Fish, Hooks and Fishing Tackle. Toys, German Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparatus. vTiiuivsuiB biiiu ueiau. Aug. 38, 1852 2m. Bounty Land Warrant. rilHOSE having bounty land warrants in lheir A possession and wishing to dispos of them can find a ready sale by applying at the residence of the subscriber near Shamokin Dam, Union county Pa. He will also attend to tlie obtaining of bounty land warrants from tha Department at reasonable recompense. L. R. HUMMEL. 8unbury, August 1, 1853. 3m. Itf ABRIAGE CETIFIUATE8 hanJioiudv TX executed fur Mle t tlti office, eitile vt ly the dusen. GEORGE ZIMEUMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPZIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF L1NDS, Which for style of finish snd workmanship at tho lowest prices. Aln TRANSPARENT WHOLESALE, AT MA.-Vt 13 MERCHANTS and others are invited Philadelphia, August 21, 1852 ly. RWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CUKE OF IllClplCIlt COllHill!lClt2l, Scrnfitla, (j'crtcrul Debility, While Swelling, Rheumatism, Visenscs oj me L,iver an t Sktn, and ( It J)ixeans arising from hnpuriliet of the lilood, ai d the Effects of Mercury. . SWAIM'9 FANACK.V bus Iicch for more tlinn thirty v.ra fi-li!t.rnte(l in tliis e miitrv Hist in hiiroi for its extniorilnuirv cures for the cenillortrsof wlm'h referenre is iimilu to Hid ilirntimis ami books (which uuiy lie luul Brrutix) oeeoiiiinin Ihe l'nimrjn. tsiinc of whii h give the partieulins of 'easel tis I'liglitl'ul for geiiemlputiliniiion, where the itfitmits Iml lren n:m witenup wilh Scrofula, :lld were ueemeil ineiiriihle ly rhysicmtis. Ill lull been ured in holiluls unrl priolo prnetiee, oml bus hail the singulnr ftirtune nl beinK reeoiiiineiwl si b) tbe most cetelirutd pliysiciuns diiJ other eii.inet pers.iui. Ainoiig others by , .V. IflliNoil, M. u., l-roi. oi urperv. ru .rn-nj. Valentine MM, M. V., Prof, ol Surg, N . Y. Univer sity. V. P. Dswect. M. D., Prof, of Mid., Pa. I'niveisity. N. t.'hiifiiwii, M. I)., Prof, ol I'll) sic. I'a I iiivrraity. T. Pnrke, M. 1., l'res't Oollcee of Physicians, Phila. Dr. i)el Vnllo, 1' M.nbci'ne, Ilnvana. Jose lvinreuer He Imx. Prof, of Surirry, l.istxHl. J. Chipiinin. Mmiber it .ynl Colleire Sirgeniis, Imloll. O. W. Krvini, lute .Million to Sp:iin. Sir Pmrs m, M;ij. flen. Hrilish Army. Gilliert Kficrtson, British Consul, Arc, &c. Ami also, the wonderful eurrs erTu-eteil by Swnim's Pnn- neisi have for ninny- years mmle it an iiiviihmhlA remeily. 1 lie I'tiiuiera il'H-s not eoiitnm mercury iu nny loiin, hiiu lieing mi innoeciit prepanition, it mny be giveil to tlie most tender iufsut. The retull nrire tins lieeii redneeil to 1 50 perlwttle, (eiiituiiiiiig tluee hull' pints) or three Isittles for t. UFAVARK OF IMPOPITION. Pwnim's Pnimeea is iu rounil bottles, flutetl lons:ituili. nully, with the foilowins: letters III wn on the glues : "8V AIM'S PAN ACi: A I'll I I.ADA." and linviin the mime of Jab Swaim stumped on the senl- inir wnx, and wTitten tm the luliel roveriiiir tbe c-irk, aim a splentbd etitrrnviu for the side of the Istttle, composed of geometric luthe work, cniprisinff; nine ilinerent dies, winch have been tarueil lor Ihe exclusive use oi tue pro prietor, bv Dmner A-Co , Isnik note enirnivors, of Phila delphia. In the centre is a portrait of the late Win. Swunn copyright secured. AI.SO, 8W AIM'S VERMIKI OE. A viiliuiblc Fnmily Medicine, being s highly approved remeily lor nil discuses uriBiug Irotu s.-bllity ol the uiges- ive orffuns. sueh us Worms. Cholern Morbus, llvsenlery Fever und Affile. Hleediliff Plies, Siek lleuilnche, Arc., A:o, See the Pamphlet (which limy be had gratis) accomouuy- ig tlie venuiiuge. Vrepnre.1 onlv ut SWAIM'S t.AliORATOIt V. THK OLD SI'ANIJ, Seven! h street, liekiw Chestnut, Philadel phia, mid sold by ull the respectable Druggists in the L'lli tetl States. CAUTION TO THIS riBl-IC. Persons wistiinff obtain tbe irenuiiie SVVAIM'fl PA- ACKAnud SVAI.M'S Vtill.MlFLOK, shoukl be careful to observe that the iiuiiie SWAIM is spelled correctly on Ihe isittlrs snd Ints-ls, or they mny lie imposed on by medicines mnde in imitation of them by a pel sou bearing a somewhat similar name, well calculated to oeoeice. Philadelphia, Oetolier 3, 1R54. 2mo. PROCLAMATION. V OT1CE is hereby piven that tho several ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tho 2d dav of IN ovcmLcr next, aim will conitnue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Pence and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are renuestcd to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollices apiH-rtaming to be done. And all witnesses proseeutintr. in liehalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their limner persons to prosecute against him, as shall be iust and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand ot Sunbury, the lPlh day of Sept, in the year of our Lord ono thou sand eight hundred and fifty -Iwo and the In dependence of the United States of America the 70th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth. REMOVAL. THKf'MostiiWiRlitil POCKF.T HOOK mi.l MOROCCO CASK MAN L'l'ACTOKY, hicuU-d ul 6JJ Lhcsumt tfirret (t the past TWENTV-OXK VKARS. hHthrfii miriveil t No. Sltt AKCII S T!i I .l'T. Hist .! .f Im'K'W (ill i trtv?t, wluTf t-ati lu- I thtj la: tii itiiJ 1 ct uks irtiitftit ol tlit- t'.ill"viiitr nr'.iclt viz : hH'k' t Ui-'ki?, I-Tt I" iJiciiii; l'iist-, Writing Ciikl'8, U-iiikPiV Casii-t, ilitiik H 'k ll"llrt. !. Money Ht-lf, Citfur (';mft, Ifuz-T ln.s, I'.rtc .Moiiiiuuii, Work Glisten, Card Cttnc, Nculle CaKi-. K. II. tMITH, Ihiiikt'iil f .r vttt fivm, bom by attni titin, ami with u (It'tt-ruiinuti n In tlttie Im-hI fii:i!i(y nf g.xitls hi tbt- l.rWfst pr;ci'M, to receive a nlmrcof p;itmn;pe. The Trade hi c miufuud in t-all und cxuiiiine bclre nur L'busiiij tIwW'bT. , li. Ui-nuirins Uuu with nnitiicu niul ilittptitch, K. II. SMITH, 'ioj Areli Street, Plnbileliiliia. Peptsinlier 4, 1MJ. 3ni. COMMERCIAL HOTEL ri'HK Siitiscrilier liuviiift leimeil the Pulilie House, for 1 lllerly known us tlie Aliierietlll House, No. It" H. ?ixtll Si reel, between Market and Chestnut Streets, has changed the iiunie ol the sums to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Ileus leave to inform his frienrls and the iiililie, Unit Iti.s house tins liuilerK-ilieu lhnill.'li reliiislellinir, reisiiliuK, re. ptiiutiu ami reuiernijr. I'roiu stlie Ui liiseiueut. An en tire new oullit ol liiniilure, beiltling, e., Ac., hus been procuied from the inost celebrated .Muuuluelurers in this eitv. From the eentral location, and its close proximity to tlie RuilniHit l)eKls, rtefimlMml lumiliiiKS- Places of Anmse ineiit, Pushionalile Ttririnifftiuires unit Putilic Squares, it oners inilueeinents I-1 tlie Merehnut vi.iling the city ill business. the Traveller seeking; pleasure. To families anil leumles visiting the eilv, every facility will lie Mfenil, niul every comfort reguided to make their visit u);reeulile und pleasant. A share of the public putrouniro respeelfully solicited. JAOUU O. I.KIIO, jari:u IUVIN, Superintendent Proprietor, l'hiliilelphla, Sept. 4, loo 0m. SOAP & CANDLE MAHUTACT0RY, Xo. 19 H ood St., beiueen 2J 3J Sis., and No. 17 North 6th Street, I'UII.ADl'.i.rillA. John Uiincroft Jr. and Son, RESPECTFULLY inform Store-keepers, Mer chants, Ac, that they Manufacture and have for Sale, Palm, White, Variegated, Yellow and Drown Soups, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. Cash paid for Tallow and roujjh Fat April 10 183-J ly. Wm. McCarty, Bookseller. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and Ihe public, that he has removed his Hook Store, to Market street, to the bouse occupied by J. Naillo, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posite Ihe Court House, on the north side, where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For Sale A large new spring waggon Ct for , 3 or 4 horses. Suubury, July 84, 185. tf. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUXUUHY, PA. Dee. 13, 1851. tf. LANK DEEDS printed ou the beet quality of parchment paper, aohl et the lowest prtc tt this otfae, by wholeeele tud retail cannot be surpassed. Wholesnln .! pi.;i WINDOW SHAKES AND REKD BUND FACTURF.RS' PRICES. (JEM to caii and examine. Cheap Watches 45 Jewelry, X V 1I'1.I:S.U: and Retail, at Ihe "I'biladi I " phia Watch and Jewelry Store,"' I'o. t'ti North SecondSlrett, corner ol ijuair) , Philadel phia. li'ilil l.ever Wntflics. full j. 'WeM, IH e.imt eases, f-tf-.MI Pilver do. full jeweh-il, (tia.'O.ilil Sieetnelr,, 1.m Hilver lienlne, jewels, 10 fine Silver ilo. I. .'ill llo ll i ll". P . (l.ilil llraei-let,, ,'.(0 ftupeliir (Junrlieis, 7.! nilie..' (lulil Teurils. I .tin iiiiiinitnii no. a. -riiver ren spoons, set, r.isi Uokl Pens, with reuril nnd Silver tlohler, I. till Cold Finder KitiRs. 37J cents to $80; Watch filasses, plain, IS J cents; Patent, l8j; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. STALFFEK Sc HART.KY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Cold and Silver Levers and Lcpincs, still lower than the above prices. August 28, 1852 ly. SOWER MAI INKS, Publishers and Uooksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS ISOOKS. Bibles, Prayers, Hymns, rocticul and Historical Works, Travels, Movets, Ac., Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in use from a primer upwurdi. BLANK HOOKS. An elcjrnnt nrtinei,t frmn tho paw book upward, mnde of supcri r iipcr, nnd best of Ixiidiirg. W1UTING PAPEUS. Cup, Post, and Xote Papers, clegnut styles and qaulity, and very chain. STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain and Adhesive Ki.velnpcs, fnk, PuiiH, Wo frrs, Jteel I'ens, Hates, Pencils, PorleMtiiines, Wrap ping Pnpcrs of ull kinds, Curtain Pajicra, Ac, Ac. Our stck ii nil fresh, bought cheap nnlsottIaccortbiirt). Pitrticnliir nttentioii paid to lktksellers, Country Aler chuntstuid Tcacliers, however little they may buy. Sower A Humes ure PublisberH of PKI.TON'S scries of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. Knch map Is nearly SKVKX FKKT fHil'ARK, and shows the etiniparutive size and rchtive rxsiiiin of every country nu tbe pMxs They ure intended to lie suspended in every tSclund Kooin, nnd not only make a splendid up pninnice, but nre uiiivitkiIIv- afkimwlcflired to le tlie HKlT MUVi: OF TKAC1HNU (iKOiiKAPHY ever broupbtout. They ure keys intended to tie umtl by the scholars, containing n complete epitome of Geography, mid costing less than half the price of a Oeirraphy niul Atlas. The system is in universal use in PniMiu and (ierrnuuy, and has already Iweu intnHluccd in (iirard College, Plnlu delphin, the public schools of liiiston, New Yurk, IMiiki dflphiu, Hiiltiuiore, WaMiiugtou, and throiiibout New F.iurland, New York, Ae.t ftp. Our desks" ure loaded with rccoinuiciHlutioiis from the most talented and scien tific teachers in every quarter, and wherever Ihe svstein has bven used jwi rents, teachers and scholurs unite in'pruis log it. I. Map of the Western Hemisphere, tt. Map of ihe Kisteru llciiiiphere, '3. Map of North America. 4. Map of the L'niteil Suites, 5. Map of I 'surop. 6. Map of Asia. 7. Map of South America und Afiira. Kvery map is brilliantly colored, vuriiiehed, and mount ed on muslin und rollers. We Tepectiiilly invite the euroest attention of Teachers, Parents, mid Scbi Nil Directors to this lasciuatiiit; mode of teaching Geography. SOW K 11 & HaIINKS, M North Third Street, Philadelphia, Aug. 2S, 18-V2. If. MORE NLW GOODS! T II IX D Fresh Arrival of Goods AT THE NEW STORE OF I. Y. TENEU & CO., (Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumberland Counly, Pa. E have just received a fresh supply of V V Ciouds mlaptcd for thu full and Winter to which we particularly cull the attention of our friends and the pulilie. Our grateful thanks are due for the generous support wo have received from a deserving pnl lie, and we hope to continue to earn that support hy selling nil our goods at the smallest profits. Our stock consists of Dry floods, If art! nil ri Q u ec ii s va iu, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Doi bi.ed Uarrkm.ed Guns, Carpets, Trnks, Valises, Carpet Eajs, Kinlircilus nnd Parasols, Donts nnd S'hocs, ll:itb und I'ajo, l.o.tkini; Glasses, A"uil , I'.iper fjr Kooni nnd Window 15ii:.d, I, .'in ins, NlIsuiiJ 4'undv. Salt, Ma.-l.erel, Dried l!eif. Plain and I'uncy Hums and Shoulders, Nails, Window (ilass, l'aint St ull', Oils nnd I'ulty, t'ur pet C'huin, Cotton l.ajis und Vam, with a variety of other articles. N. 11. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TEN Ell & CO. Sunhury, Sept. 25, 1852. ly.c siiKinirvKKs 4 IiI.EGIIENY HOI'.SE, No, 280 MA RKET Slrcct, shove 8th, Philadelphia. Knder Iho new urrangemeiit the curs which arrive from PitUhurg, Harrishurg, iVe., will run to tho New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In order to accommodate Ihe pulilie we will always have our Coach nt Ihe New Depot on Ihe arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will ploase ride down, and all who wish to patronise a House wilh a Good Talde, Clean Ueds, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. Term, One Dotlar per Day. August 21, 1852. 6in. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams Hendry, Store, No. 29 Aorfi 3d Street., l'llII.ADKU'lllA. f OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import, ers. Commission snd (iencral Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. IV Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street Aug. 28, 1852 ly. II COUNKI.ll 8. I. F.! W, C. lUKEl'l. Cornelius, linker $ Co., MAMF.vTiitr.r.s or Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &o. STORE NO. 176 CHESTNUT KT Manufactory No. 18 1 Cherry St., fHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. tf. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MKKCuAnt FOR THE BALR OF Fish, Provisions, t-c, Xo. 8 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. ly. I N K Uourcau's celebrated ink, end also Con- gres ink for salo, wholesale and retail l'T IWemUr 28, 1850. H 11- MASTER. I71RESH Vanilla Bean of superio quality, just received and for sale ly Julv 31. 18S3 II. B- MASSER. WINDOW SHADE SLANUFACTOBY. (1. L. Miller $ Co., South West cor. of Sceond If Arch Streets, HE ri'.OPKIETOrtS, having increased llieir facilities during the past season, now feel al.le to supply all who have or may be disposed to rnlromse thr-m. Their Slock comprises ever !V.VZr. of l'""''rn f FLOWERS, LAND. MvAl F., GOTHIC, See., unsurpassed In quality, snd which will lie sold nt mir usual LOW PRICKS. IAr.t,, CORDS, BRASSES, &c, l. great Miriclv., mnde to order, at short notke, fo f tores, Churches, I,odii Rooms, &e. , G. I.. MII.I.ER ft CO., I'j l'ot. H. M . corner of Sccorj.t and Arch sts, 1 Iu adcTphia, Au. 21, li32. 3in. TI1K VERY LATEST ARRRIVAL, ' CIIKAPKR THAN THE CHEAPEST r PILING Sc GRANT. l3i:si'i:(.rii i.i,i,Y irorm u,0 public BIt "the rest of mankind," tli:it they have just reeeied mid ojiened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods that has ever been brought to Sunlmry. Their slock consists of every v.i. Uyy of Dry (Jo oils, riz : Cloths, Casrimeres, Sntlinets, Vesting, Drtlltngs, .mens, Anil nil kinds of Summer Wear. Also h splomliil variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginphams, Lawns, Chintzes, D Laincs, Bcragcs, And every variely of goods suitable for La. dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Panama and Palm Leaf Hats. Also a large assortment of GROCEUIES, Bl'CII A3 Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QTJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Resides the largest and most general assort-, merit of all kinds of goods to be had in thia place. Gd Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price, rfunbiiry, May 22, 1852. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E, P. SHANNON, Esq., or.Aortliumbcrland AT FP.ITATE SALE. FTtHE subscribers, Executors of the Estala of Eplirnim P. Shannon, late of the Bor ough of Northumberland, offer at private sale, the following valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which is erected a two story Brick Building, formerly occupied by the deceased; as a Store and Dwelling, and now occupied; as such. There are also ou tbe lot two fraraa dwellings, &c. Lot No. 52, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story white Frama Dwelling, &c., adjoining John Taggart, Esq., occupied by Knous. Lots Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two slory while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a etabla is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate) on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallisler. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two slory white Frama Building, occupied by John Burkert. Lot No. CO, siiuate nt North way and Wa ter Streets, on which are erected two Frama Dwellings und Stabling, occupied by widow Vandling and John Vandling. Also ihe undivided fourth part of lot 166, on wliicti is erected a twostoiy frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining; lands of John Deshay, on tlie East side of lha Susquehanna, about ihree miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ ated on tho coriitir of Second ami Oranga M reels, numbered in the general plan of Bor ough. Nus. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Oranga Streets, numbered in tho general plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Sixlh Streets, running East to an Alley, numbered in I In; general plan of said Bor ouyh, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. AI?o four vacant lots fronting on Oranpe St!eit, nnd numbered in tho g"neral plan of said Hoioiiijh, Nori. 15, 18rt, 1S7 & 18S. Tim above properly will bo sold in parts or parcels lo suit purchase!, on reasonable terms. For further partietilais apply to John Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to tha subscribers. ALFRED KXF.ASS. ) , THOMAS STRAWBRIDGE, tsi r8' Northumberland, May 22, 1S52. if. T-tULOPJlTG. JOHN V. MA 11 TIN, TEfiS leave lo inform his friends and the pul lie iu general, thst he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after tho most Fashionable Styles, and in the most duralde manner, and his prices will ho as reasonaMo as can he had in Sunhury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will olways have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl edged skill in cutting, he w ill be assisted hy the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion iu the United States. An endeavor will he made always to have work completed, when requiaed. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunhury, nearly opposite the Post Ollice, in the. building formorly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him to see his friends, and make such work for thein as ia w ithin the line of his business. Sunbury, August 14, 1852. tf. JUST HKCK1YK1) AT THIS Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. W. STIIOII. Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, Brau and. Japanned Mounting, Which he will either nmke up to ordw or sel separately for rash at prices as low if dot tower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Vallcea, &e. Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on tha shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and tutaaunafc hemsvlves. All kinds of produce Uken in xebange. Sunbury, May I, 1858. tf. SUNBTJKY EEY. HENRY W. BUCHER informs the public, that he has taken the Sunbury Ferry a. he is now well prepared with good ami sufi, cient er.fU he will I enabled to .mu.ot4i tha public wlih promlness and JespstcU. April 10, lS5S.-tf.