minis' .nun t ui i SUNMJl'tY AME1U0AN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. . - tot of cltcrs hfcMAtta in this post office at M-XIllni, 80, Aleom Wm. Ayres John Jump Mr. Xj Loshel John M Morgan Rachel Moore Peter 11. Morgan Charles Piper Geo. A. lienn Henry J. Rhodes P. Rockefeller Solomon s Snyder Peter Shrnder Jim. Shipo Jorph Schmink Jno. Shier Henry Struuscr Petc-r T Trommel J no, C. Taylor Caleb N. V Ungne Geo. w Weiser Philip Y i oxtheiiner Geo. Young Samuel B Buoher John A. Rarnhmt David Mucher Emma Brown Henry Bowen John C Campbell Simeon Donovan Sophia Daal Wm. . Dulnn John F Firman Wm. Fiiek Henry W. Goodman Richard 2 Haslet Wm. It. Hoover Benj. Hrfitier Isaac H mi I- tshot Hirrtm Hummeshncen M. F. IiiRle Harriet J Jewell Mr. (Surveyor ) R. B. PACKER, P. M. List oi" Letters nrc.MAIMNn I J Til E POST OFFII K At Northumberland, Sept. 30, 1852. R Ease S. P. Itri-Tit J. W. Rrishand John B.imhnrl Geotge Kurkhi-ait J. Beard Jamt s c F.'Miniupharn J.i. U. Cnsslcr Sallie Caimon Geo. P. fofman John Clayton Jus. J. D Dudley Chas. 11. Do.oe Mr. 0 Guliek J .hn Gibson U B. Greiaii Bitting H Haney Isaac llahn John Henry Wm. Hoffman Jas W. I Irvin Matilda J. K Kinley Nathan Yorks Krunser J. W. Keim Danb-I L f.iHvrenre A. S. Li-mou Jiimra M M.irr Wm. P. Mohan Ann Mis. M; han Win. JFCnrmiok Mary Minn 0 Oliver Clms. A. P Pen in Calnin ft Quinlin K. G. R Rodenrmel II. D. K.ike Geo. 8 Spvkor & nnvpn Mfw. Saltman Anthony W. Shoemaker Matilda w Whitten II. II. Wallets Capt Henry Y William MARGARET WEIMEIL I M. ORPHANS1 COURT SALE. N" pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Nortliiimlrerland county, will lw exposed to public snle cn THURSDAY, the 2S( of October next, on the premises, the following. re ,il estate to wit : a certuiu Tract of Land, situate in Point township, County aforesaid, con taining about OXE HUNDRED ACRES adjoining tl north brand:, of the river Pusque liaunn; on the south, Jand of Peter IJ.iMy, now ceiiied by Leon.ird Miller; on the southward, l.-uid late of John Porter, dee'd., and oilier lands of said intcstuic, on Hie northward, Rnd lands of Wm. Camoron on tlss westward. Whereon nee. erected a two story frame M DWELLING HOUSE, l.iri;c Rmik Uara, Wagon House, Shed . and out Uuildinc. AbiMit EIGHTY ACRES of said tract is cleared and in good state of culti vation, tho residue is timlier land. A well of good water at the Dwelling House and one ut the Barn. Also a certain other TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the one above described, containing alout NINETY ACRES adjoining; lands of Tetcr Bahly, and the tract above descri licd, and the Southward, on the east nnd north ward, by land now occupied by Win. Aiiimer. in n n l-rlontrinc to Snyder, and on the westward bv lard late of John Porter, dee'd., about rM.YTY A CUES of this trait are cleared and in a good stata of cultivation the balance in timlier 1 inn uicr? ih iron uru ui a voou quriuiy on (Jus tract. Late the estate of Henry Rockefeller, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M . of said day, when the terms of sale will bo made known by JOHN ROCKEFELLER, HENRY MORGAN, By Order of the Court, ) J. P. PCKSEL, Clk. O. C. S Oct. 2, 1852. It ) Ailm'rs. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. S pursuaiw ofan order of the Orphans' Court of NcTlhumls-rland county, will lie exposed to politic sale on H'ED.VESJJJY, the ZKhdavr. October, next, on the pr anises, The following renl estate to wits All tbe int. rut of the following named heirs of Peter Eruliakcr, late of Lancaster county, dee'd., to wit r Henry Brubaker's interest 2-14 parts; Anna, Ester and Mary Holliuger, children .if Mary Hollinger and grand-children of V..ra, "ham Butlakcr, of Lancaster county, dee'd., their int.-1 est, tbe undivided one fo'iitcenth part; Andrew Brubaker, nr.or i'mid of Jacob Bruba ker, dee'd., and a g'mi-child of Abraham Bruba ker, dee'd., the undivided one fourteenth part of tho upper pari of the Island formerly known n "Whites Island," situate in the (Susquehanna in Jackson town-hip, late Mahonoy township. Nor tliumlierland county, about 12 miles below Sun bury! containing 131 Acres. 74 perches or thereabouts, adjoining landa of UeujainUl ntrtckler, witn the appurtenances I-B'e the estate of Abraham Brubaker, dee'd. ' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day when the terms of sale will be made known iaiiv tiTuifiti vn (iEO. KUODY, I Guar. GABRIEL BEAR, f dians. JOHN HCRSHEY, J N. B. The interest of all the other heirs will be olTorcd for sale ut the same lime and place. SAMUEL BULBAKEH, Agent for other heirs. For further information inquire of FREDERICK LAZARUS, Esq. Funbury Pu. By onler of the Court, J. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C Oct. 2, 1852 ts. LIST OF CAUSES VOR Special Court of Common Pleas of O1 Nortbuiuberland Lountv to be liclil on Monday the 26th day of October 1852. Frederick Keener va w m. Ayrea va Hugh Bellas et al vs Geo A Dixon Va Henrv Manser vs T A Billington et al Vs Peter Warey Graham et al B K Kase Piatt A Piatt Wm L Heiueman Geo Gehrig et al Rebecca Lamlson Geo Garman vs Thomas Vastine's sirs va B H Howell et al Geo Eyster for Mar ys Eb'xer Greenough ex't tin Weaver Mahoaoy and Bhamokin M Abram p,uI .' IruBrovament Co Walker St Wife vs Hannah Mendenhall Henry Donnel at al va Hugh Bellas JAMES BEARD, Troth' ',' Prolhonotary 'a Office, 1 fiunbury, iSept. I, 1852.-J REGISTER'S NOTICE. M OTICE In hereby Riven to ill Lepiitcos, ' Creditors and other perrons Interested in tho Estates of the following named persons, Hint the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their Recounts with the Register of Northumberland county, and tbut the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday the 2d day of November next for confirmation and allowance. 1852. Henry Yoxtheimer, dee'd., settled by Ids Adm'r. Frederick Lazarus. Genrco Eckert, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Williun Nice. John Dove, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r J. Woods Brown. Geirge Grant, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Peter llilcinnn. John Eistcr, dee'd., settled by his E.e'r John Eistcr. Eliialelh Wagner, dee'd., fettled ly her Adm'r l'eter Wagner. Joseph Hutchison, dee'd., settled by his E.'.e'r Robert & Wilson Hutrhisnn. Leonard I'loutx, dee'd., fettled by his Adm'r John rrul7.. Al r 1 am Turner, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r Wm. & Al rahnm Turner. Jaioli Snyder, dee'd., setllrd by his Adm'rs Joseph & Henry Snyder. Lavint lienebrl, dee'd., settled by her Adm'r Samuel Rcitz. Susanna Feter. dee'd., settled by her Adm'r John D. Fetzer. Andrew Fetzer, deed., settled by one jfhis Exe'rs Andrew J Fetzer. Andrrw Fetzer, dee'd., net tie. 1 by his Exe'rs John B. & Andrew J Fetzer. Peter Vandlin, dee'd.. settled by his Adm'r de bonis mm Wm. l!ced. Liberty Dowuil, dee'd., settled by Wm. Ecw- crt, Esq., of Lew is Dcwert, dee'd., who was Exe'r of .Mrs. Liberty Deaert, dee'd. Susanna Melller, d-.-e'd., settled by her Guar dian, Luther Enssctl. Ciirnliiie 1'eilU r, willed by her Guardian, Eiias l'eiili r. JOHN P. PCESEL, Register. Register's Oilier, ) Sunbury, Oct.. 2, 1852. 5t. S IM.OCLAM VTION. T&JOTICE is hen by L'iven that a Special Co unit I I l i-inumii 1 li'n, in timl Inr the Cnui'ty of Nochnnibei, to commence Hi the Court House, in the hiininsh of Siinhnrv. at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday ihe fla'h day of October next, nnd will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors rue requested to lm punctual in their atteud.inciv at the tiinu iippointed aifreenbli! to llivir noiices. Given under iny hand ut Siiiiburv, the lfiih day of September, in tho year of om Lord one Ihonsiinil einlit himdie'l timl lifly.two and thu ludcpeuilence of the United Stales of Ainciicii the "fllh. WILLIAM 15. KirP. f'heiiir. God save the CotiiimniWi ailli. LIST OF JURORS, OF Nnrthiinihoilaiid Count, for O.'tibrr S5, 1S5J. Special CiniM. Point. Tlu nia Johnson, C'lnis. Ihumct. Lkwis. A.J Deir, S.i'nnel Arlnuin, Ui'ii jimiii MeiiL'iis, Jacob lliint.iiiyi'i, Henry Kmip, Join: Unfiles. Dki.awaiii: Robert Iliilcliiiifon, George Rininyan. Wtn. Hood. Ciin.i-yUAvif i:. Win. K. Rrwino. Ti-RBCT. Peter Dunk'-, Kilyon Diinklc, Win. M. Sample, Isaac Marsh. North vm bkh land. Robert Leshor. Suxbvuv. Jacob Grilich, Win. Ib.over, llenrr 1'ncher. 1ppk Acuu.-ta Reuben Garinper. I.uwi:r Abraham Shipmnn. Ri'sii C. A. Hi a'h. Siiamokix. Martin Gass, Asa John, John Siniih, Charles Alexander, James Yai.hoin, ; I'lnlip hopp. ! Cpi'Kr MaiioNov Samuel HeiiriP. lvcbnck, Andrew Geist j Lowkr " John Michael, j Little " Isaac D Raker, i Jackson. Abiaham D.-ppen. I Cameros. Saloinon Diiiikk'berner Henry List of Jurors, F Northumberland County for November T., A, D. ISo'J. (si-aiail .Turoi's. r '..n; i I i i. ... ti . "inns itujiri, iiiiucii .IIUIIIUIU- J , erv, John Warlnian. Jacob Sh.ider. Dki.awark. Cyronas liombov. Clin isquaijuk Jacob Kramer, Daniel P. Caul, Robeit Reed. Tl-reut. Samuel B. Cain EJu.nd Dies- jer JIii.ton Ilfiuy Siiine. St'XBi'KY. -Samuel Mantz I'ri'KR Aiir.i-sTA John S. Haas, John F. Kline. Liiwen AfiiusTA. Jeremiah Wetzel, Wm. M. Miller. llt'.sii. Philip Obeidoif. Siiamokin Silas Furrow. I'ppr.ii Maiionov. Abraham (Jcisl, Hen ry Geil, John Kchler. Jack-on. Daniel Boliuer. Honiy G10I1, Peter Reed. TRAVERSE JL'RORS. Point. E.I. Rimy, John Hcckcrt, Charles Moiiiau. Robert C'liu y, jr. Lkwim. Sainuel Munges, David K. Mont gomery, S. Beaver Mtl.Tu.x. Paul 3Ptincll, Solomon DicfTcn dafref Dklawarb. S Garnhart, P. C. I'u.v, E.I. iiruckeiniller, ( liiistiati (icisll. Tin ui'T. David Kole. North I'm d William Kiliot, Geo. Apev, Alevai.der Coll. Dennis Walteis, Hiram Rm h. Si'.nuimiv. Geo. P. lSuyra I't'PKU Ai'i.i'sTA. Saninel;e. Low Kit Ai'c.csta. Peter Moore. Isaac D.-wiil, John Krv. Rush. Alexander Moore, Rniihnm Case. Siiamokix Isaac Soner, P. Schntdl, Sam uel John. Isaiah MoiL'an. S. Gruul. John !iu Casemau, Isaiah Miller. Samuel Eut. ohu Frank, Samuel Johnson. taiAL. S Ivauas Bud. I'ri'KR MahoNiiV. Jacob (Wise David Mallich, Suloinoii ShunkwilliT. IUWKIl " . Jacob fiarmnr. lolin Lefinan. Jackson Maitin D. umh1!..r c,,t n,,.. ler, I. Buyer. ' t HILISOIUOL'F. John R.mln1on... I Fulper, Thomas Kjefer. ' Tt'lil .liiioi'M. Point. JoliuGulick. l!oln.n l.o.l, 1 1. Snyder. ' Lkwis John Tweed. Dklawakr J lines F Beard Cim.isQUAQCK. Daniel R. B.-bel. m;. i.i McGee, John Simpson. Milton. Samuel Leas, Samuel Rhodes NoKTHUMBEIlLAND Jos. Vai.dvke. Dini, ! T) : 111- . urniiiigiim, jacou ieisenrinjr. Lower Auccrta William WeiUel. Geo Fasold, Peter Reilz, Geoige Keefer. Dai.iel Loiiran. (sou 01 jnnn Siiamokin Wm. H. Mueneh, Geo. Fox. hrancia r. rH'tiwartx, alnuel Hammond, II II. Teaia, John Repley, Jacob Swenlx. Rush Abraham bckiiiau, Jacob HolL man. Lowkr Mahonoy. lsano Lahr. M. Wert Sebastian Slepp, B. Dover, Jacob Aumiller. I.trn.ic " . rnocn Holier. Jackson. Jacob Hoirman, Eliaa Schwarl7, OVSTER CANS A lot of empty Jyster Cana, auitible for putting up fruit, for sale by WM. II. THOMPSON. MARRIAGE CET1FICATES Uaudsoraely executed for sale at this ofliir, single or by til ' d.wll. LIST OF CAUSES TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at November l .i A V., 1K58. rt..INTIFFS. TmFF.NtHNTS. P K Hoirman wife va II Kiihnts, Mcl'arty ct al Mott & Shober vs Danirl Dreisbach (Caspar Heckart va Frederick Heckart John W Teal va Geo B Youngman Hirkuk ft Cantlne vs Geo W Armstrons Jacob Keller , vs Rank of Northumberland. Rnker & Co for Jacob Bloom vs Henry Conrad ,., , ,, , . Jacob Zartnian's Henry Kbrc JkLvoluswIfe vs ,,1,ini,tTitor William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Mary Jann limner el nl vs William Wilson Becker & Weillcr vs R D CummiuRs. Mary Mart s Win II Spratt ' t?a:uc vs John Campbell & wife George Shiley a Ab'm Duukells-rRcr's admr'x Isaac. Tyler m It M SeydiTa udm'r John Brown vs John Oyster senr'a ex'r Sh.iO'ner fc Zeii;ler clal vs Thos 8 Mackey Jno Koorr for 11. Knorr vs Enoch Hewers' ndin'r James T Sutlon & Co vs Samuel Kyln Ehziibctli Ivricr vs A 8 I.awrctico Daniel Ooiisert vs Ilenrf Uobner Mnry Pattersjii vs Gcarre Hecl;c:'t Boneparte Thompson et id vs Casper St Clair Wm McDaniel for A vs John Jackson ct al vs II S Ilnulman vs Lase Reader vs James Beard el ul vs D Marr &. I Brown vs Susan & Sarah Reid vs Charles Alexander vs Same & Wifo vs A W Comly vs Coortjc Snyder vs (Jeorge Iferlit W Comly William Dalius John Keynolds John Jackson George Lawrene Billington for Hunter & Buyers Jacob Haas Sume John Jackson Jr Simon Snvdcr A W Coinlv Gurnlinit's ndinr's vs 11 W Dunn's admr Allan NewlM-rry vs Tlmnin Rascr Craudall for .1 (.' Morgan vs (Jco Miller's adm'r John ISced's assi.jnee vs 1", L I'iper John Ris At Wile vs (ienrc Fox John KI115 vs Daniel WciJner anie vs Same 'Hsliin;;tou Mntiinl In iiirau.'e Co'iipany State M utiinl 1 iie lusii rnnce Cnmpauy Titer Ainwiiie i: .Men go A Rci.l Jacob 1?. Miisscr Joanna Pcnilcville George I.citN.'ryer Sarab L Keen Same Oliver U Hilliavd vs E Kitcfmau ct al vs Same C Gosh cv Jacob va ... .. . i 4.U vs Ib'iil.e'i Fegcly vs A K Kapp vs Robert Whiteside vs Abpihaiii llnwions vs Samuel tavide vs John llarlinin s Joseph Dimmii k et al vs Susanna Keid vs Hueh Bellas vs Wm II Thompson M Barhhiau & FMarkle vs A F. Kiituer s Andrew .Mcl.iiliahan vs Win II liouiid vs Gi-oruc P.rijht vs Ihnii! I. bland vs 'I hoio.: Barr Jaeol, Ib-inard alid 111 Kulilrr vs J Furiiiiin iV F Klac vs llalUr'st'lS vs J W Friliiiij vs J ii ob Wertiiian vs Vnrlin Irwius' adm'r vs Jatoli Stilzel vs Woiverton' Leiscnr'y; vs Jacob llolVmnn ct al vs Willium Inch vs IYler Thomas vs Daniel Kainplc J W Peal lador.-H-e & Chiist A McFaddcu Fcgely ('0 Aliijdi liowau Christian CiiMc v Folirrt M Lyon iielieeca (sn ail. Henry A Lichocr John L Ye iger Francis Jodan Henrietta Lewis Daniel Gilis.111 Krirgcr for R 1: gcly J 1 aiassi'r David Fisher Daniel lihodes J W Teal Samuel L Bcei E John for W Camp William Seehler U l'aircly & Co Ilodtilpll Dnciiger George Brosioos n if.i.,i r.r m S Jenkins with notice .tiaiv m 10 ii . ii-ii-iinii. eiu'ertoii Smith's exr's vs A C A. T G Morris Same Same Weiidel L Ktfur vs John F Wolf.ngcr illiam Foi'sinaii ct id vs John Parks Fiedcrick Wilhelui vs Henry Williclm Jno Bush A' Wife vs Nathaniel Saxton's adm'r J ' A Shissler vs Daniel (ill nil ReuU'ii Fagcly V Co vs John Rasser iV Co Jacob 11 Rhoads vs .1 Foy 'i J llarinun Samuil F.wing vs Ii D ("iiinniings Jos:eph Wcitzi'l vs Benjamin Robins Jordan A: Welker br Lodge No 2vj vs Wil Fagcly John S Good J Ott Riwkefeller Welker (V Wife Georue Parfat Robt Hutchinson David Me.Micken i . .. . . vs 1! I) ('ummiiigs vs J C Ilorton vs Hannah Mendcnhall vs Harrison Heiiu vs Henry Lontz s ex'rs vs R. D. Cunimings vs Simon Rcedv .inri!rci .uiiiincra oscoli I,. Autcu vs Henry High vs John 1L I'urdy vs Jos II Kline's ndm'r vs Abraham Marshall J B Masser .l.icub Kliue Peter Biliuitio JAMES BEARD, Proth'y. Prolhonotarj's Oiiice. i Suiihury, Sept. 25, 1852. V " LADIES' DP.ESS TEIMMINGS. .1. V. OHKUTKUFFKR, S. K. Cor. Xiiitk and Maplr Sts uboie llan, rini,ADELFi:iA. 1NVITI : the Ladies of the Citv and Countrv to call end CNBiuinc his splcudid Stock 01 Trimmings which has been selected with the ut most care. Mr. O. being eicbled. from bis experience in t'.o bu.iucs, to take advantage of the wholesale market, is able to sell us low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. una lirineilv principal con ductor of the cy.tfiuic business of Mr. J. W. Hurstiiian, No. 204 Chestnut Street, unj his ex tensive experience i!l be a guarantee of his hihlv to do justice to Ins customers. His iSlock comprises the following. Sit'.; Worsted, mid Cotlim Curtuiii fVijrc, Binding, Tassels nod Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do. Silk, Woollen, and t'nltoii ll.iisery. (i'oves, Combs, Brushes, Snaps, l'erfumery, Ac. W oollen anil t ollon Kuillinj ami Darning am. Poile Monnaies, Furni-hcd Wink Boxes, Biuce- lets, and r ulicy Article gcncially. Cull and examine for joiuselves. Philadelphia, September 25. 1S32 Cm. FALL MILLINERY GOODS JOHN STONK SONS, 1MPORTKHS AND UKAI.F.ItS IN FRKNCH M I LLI NEK Y GOODS, No. i5 South Secot.d Street, PHILADELPHTA. A VINO completed the improtcmciits to their Store, are now opening u large and beniciful assortment of Paris Fancv I'catlicrs. French and Amciieau Flowers, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Fancy Bonnet Huffs, Corded and Plain civets, Saiius, tiross. d'Afriipies, Luces. Ac. Vc. To whieh tbev invito the attention of Mer chants and Milliners the cirv. Philadelphia, S. pteoiU r '.'.'i, l&':.-2iu. J. M. HEYBEEGER & BROTHER, Yo. 47 A'uilh Second .SV :., riui.ADEX.rmA. IMPORTERS of every description of FUh, liooka and Fishing Tackle. Toy a, German l-ancy tjooils, (ions and Sporting Apparatus. Wholesale and Retaib Aug. 28, 183'J tlm. Bounty Land Warranto. T HOsE having bounly laud warrants in the! X possesion and wisbinir to ilisnnsa of Ihcm can find a ready sale by applying at the residence of the subscritier near Shuinokiu Dam. Union county PB. He will also attend to the obtuiuing or bounty land warrants from the Department at a reasonable recompense. L. R. HUMMEL. Kunbury, August 14. 1851 3m. "LANK DEEDS printed on the bet quality ?l Jiurchmeul r, sold at tbe lowe.l piues St this olliee, by nhulrule and r.til GKOKGH AV- ZIMEKMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. Gl Arch Street, four doors aliovc Secoml, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON I1AN DAG F.N EBAL ASSORTS! ENT OF BLINDS, Vi'hich for stvle of finUh nnd workmanship rantiot l-e surpassed. Wholesale nnd Retsil M the lowest prices. Also TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES AMD REED BLINDS WIIOI.KS.U.K, AT MANTPACTL-RKIW PltlCtW. tT5 MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 51, 18."2. ! SWAIM'3 CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE Cl. UK OF Incipient C'Otisumptln.'i. Scrnfida, (Jeneral Debility. While Stnllins, lthtvma'.ium, Diseases of the Liver nn Situ, cud (.17 Diseases urisiita; from Imjiuritiet of the lilvod, and the Effects of Mercury. SW.UM'S PAXACKA has Itch for ni ne ll an tliirly years I'l'lul.nilvil in thin o uinlry null in l airoiie f .r its vxlruiir.linarv tiircv far the rt-niiicilL'Sof wlarliri'lerrnce l inaile 1.1 Hi. directions mill l.ks (wlikli way lie I111I griiliii) ncc 'lli;nviMif lli h.aiir of wliiell five tile (Kirlionlars uf cases lis) liiplitfal ft griieril pnl liinlioii, where the isitK-nla Inil Iktii nlnp sl cut -11 hj niilifir.'luh, null were ile.nieil Incurable lv lMiysieinns. In has Itii nrc I in h.'spi!ids 11111I irivni! nr. elief, mul lias htul the singular l-irtunn of lH.iiif ree .iniiMi'ttal by Ihe most cel.'linitnl ihysn iiiii nn I etl, e" iaet pcrs 11s. Ain"iiu olhers liy ' W. liihs m. M. 0., l'rof. f Smi'i-rv. Pn. I nivcrsitv. Valentine M ut, Ai. l'rof. u Wara , .V V. t'nivrr sitv. v. r. Hlwccs. m. n . Vr '(. r Mi.t . rv tmcisity. N. t'liapiusii, M. I).. I'ff. !' I'hjuie. I'n tliivirsity. T. l'lirkc. M. I) , I'rer'l (lh ri- ul" I'll: sieiam, Tliilu. J)r. JVI Valli, I'ral.iil eiiie. Iliivmis. J-.- Iviureuer lie l.iiz. I'rol". ol iaai'ry. 1 .11 Is 11. J. C! Ipnmii. Meinls r II yul l" lecc Singe l., IMiiloa. ft. V. rrMii;. Inle Mini.ier lo iion. Sir Thnuris I'enrs si. Mai. 'ii. Aimy. t.illiert Uohertsoa, llrilisli Consul. A e . A '. Anil a! 1, the wauli-rl ul cure, illti lei ly f aim's Tail rni have for itinity year tnmle i 1111 iiiviila.iliie remeily. 'I'lu? Pitarei d ts not rouiiiin itiiT'-urv in miy form, n'l Uieg nn liuiiM'rnt reKiruluin, it may lie (liven ta lle lit st lenitrr infnul. Till! r- Inil priei: Iris heeii reilneeil In t ."II per t) ttle, (e'aituintiifr thice hull" pims) or iliree Iw.nten t'or S-l. HEWARK OF IMl'OflTIOX. Pivnim's Panaeen is in ram. lsittl.-s. flu'eit I rRiluili H illy. Willi Or following litters hi veil on the Rim : SWAIM'. l'.V.NACHA l'lIU.ADA." ami Invitie the n inie of J 4 Pwaim sljiinpit on the seal iiill wax. nnd wrilten en ihr l-ihel eoverum llir e irk. nml n tjilethliii t'llifriiviii-i lor th iile of thu Isitlle. e iup -sul ol lits'inelric lallie w--rk, e iiiproiiar nine iliirer.nt ilit-s, whieli have tieell lilrntsl f l the exclusive use of the pr -prielor, liv lniKir & t'o, l.iuk nole rnirruV'-rs. ..f I'Lila-it.-lphin In thu eeutre is :t H.rtruit of the Isle m.Swaiui e .yiiyhl seeureil. Aijso, fiWAi.M's vr.nsriFiT.n. A ralanl.le Knini'y ?.rilieiue, tieiug n hiiihl nppr veil liaii'sly for nil iliFOn.' aiisiiitr lioin il. I.iiity of lli.- (lius liv oi-frmis, saeh ns Vnruis, l.'li .ler.i .Morl.uM, Dvsruirry I'cver anil Auue, Ititciliia; lVes, lieU lleiulacho, Ac, o. Ne the I'nuiplik': (wloeli may he haa" gratis) iu;e liipuny llfj t lie Veriinfiin'-. I're.Kinst ill SU'.WM'S I.AHCIRATOnV. TIIK III, I) 'SI'.WD. S.-V.hlll .tici I. In-low fhee'liat. t'hilllllel. I.i.i.i. tuiil h iil hv ui; 1 Ho rrseelalih.' llrucisis in tlic I'ni ...lri:,K. CAf I'll A Tl THU ITItlaV. l' -is n v ishiii - 1 l.iaia ihe reuaiii- rV AIM'S l'A t:CA .111.1 MV.IF V KKMU'Llji:, sl.miil lie careful to 1 l.seiw ISe niolli fcW.UM in r,v!!i!l f-ffily mt t !i-iitli mul LiU'l, or Oicy nmy U- inivifil nn liy tiM'tliciii mu le in iniiiiitiiiii i tlivin by ii pi-iw-n bcnnutt 11 fhrint finnbr nitiiii, well cuk-ut.itett In iliffivr. I'liil.uklj.liirt, (kl'-lo-r i, -'.:n . 500 AGENTS WANTED. 81000 a vt ar. TTT ANTED in every Cuiinly of tho I'liiitd ' (stntcs, active and enterprising men to en gage in the sale of some of the lcst BiHiks pub lished in the country. To men of good address, posessiug a small capital of from $2.) to SI00, such inducement will be ollcrcd as to enable them to make S3 to !j 10 a day profit. t F Tho Books published by us arc all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand large sales wherever they are fBI'cd. For farther particulars, address, (posrage paid,) DANIELS c GETZ. Successors to W. A. Leary fc Co.; No. 13S North Second Street, Philadelphia. Sunlniry Oct. 2, 1S5 J If. PlYo C LA MA TI ON iV OTICE is hereby g'nen that tho several ' Courts of Common Fleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and dencral Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunliury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, ilie 2d day of November next, and will continue TWO' WEEK. The coroner, Ju .ticcs of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of NorthumU-rlaiid, arc requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several olliccs appertaining to be dune. And all ' witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common ! wealth against any prisoner are also requested and I commanded to lie then and there attending in their ! proper persons to prosecute airainst him, as shall I lie just and not to depart without leave at their j peril. Jurora aie requested to I c punctual in their I attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their notices. (;iv(.n my ,ul,j , K,milllrv, the lSth day of Sept, in the year of our Lord 0110 thou, sand eight hundred and fifty-two and the In. dependence of the Unite J Mates of America the 70th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, .Sheriff: God save Ihe Commonwealth. N K W To!)iic'(. .Snnir. S' S. eu-ar T IIE subscribers restiectfullv inform Country MiTchsiits that we have now on hand a general assortment of the bet VIRGINIA BRAND TOCACCO. Cavendish 5s. Lump 8s. Lump lis. Plug, Ac., at the Manufacturers lowest prices. Also a fine as.ortmeut uf Foreign and Domestic Segarj, SinilV, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Pipe Heads, &c, which we will sell ut the lowest prices, S. WOODWARD & CO., 23 North Third Street, Philadelphia. September 4, 1852. 'dm. REMOVAL. Tlll".oUl. swli'.i.l,.l I'OCKF.T 1!(MK on.l MOItorCO L'Afi: MAM'l-'ACTOUY, I ciliil ul 5UJ Clicstanl Htreel lor tho ijii.i TWENTY-ONE YEARS, lm. la-en rem -vtil to No. aus AHOIl iTlt I'.IIT, fir at it mr licl-ov Illli streel, where eaa In loan.) lUu hirgeut untl Ijcst s.i .riineul ol llid f-.ll-iwiiie urlielt-ti, via : '. k,-t HiM.ka, l'..rt K-.lim, Dn-Mtioir Cn..-s. VVriiiiir ( iik-., Itnulccrs' Cuses. Ill-ilk Hook Uolil-rs. I ii 1 It k , M -iiiv Mel!., I'itnir i'un; Itu .r Mroii, Iv-rle Alonuniek, oik La.e-i, Csril LuMrn, e.u.c i i.-h.-i,. 1". H. SMITH, lliaukfill for it lav-ns, Ii rK by mien li.Hi. mi l with a ili-U-riiiiiuiti. n I . !i t o l-e-l ii'iaiily -f jx.l. llie lawrst priees. 1.1 receive ii h'i.iiooI .il'-: The Tiuile sic reijuestttl fieallunJ eviii-nie U-iorc pur-t-)i:e!iiil! i-l.-j-tt l re. ' 11 -U'-iHOriiia it"C a With licatness nn.1 .looa i ll, 1 F. H. SMI 1 11. 315 Arcli Wrcrt, rinl.i.hl,iliia. K-ptfii'.Kjr 4, I-V.-J. 3m. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. fl'Iir. Su!irih-r Iwvii.g lrnc.l Die 1'i.lil.c II"'"'. 1 nwrlv kil-iwil n ll Aieer.rnu Ihiia--. ! il Kreei. U-twteii Mm kit sua CUctaiiui PirH, ku eis.a-jid tiic imiue ul Hie sail. lo THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Itcrjs It-ove lo inform Lis fi it u.l lh public, tint tk.s kouw Ims uii'lurit mo liiioupli leiiKslcllius, reiwuiiiK, re pumliiiK unit rtiiipriiur, I'roni nic to Ufc.-rneiit. Aiii U re new oullil ol' luu.iliire. l-nliluir, e-. I-,'" poieuiullroiu lUo must ink-bralcd Alauuiucuuori Ul tl,it " Friua 111' ecntrnl locution, nnit lis close ifoiimity lo l lit Riolroua H'pots, riiibiw lJuulilifS I'uu-ra is AimuM;. ninit, Fuahimiulila Tlioroin-hnuM and FaUic fiiares, It oilers inducements lo the Mercliant vuiiiinj tl.s eiiy ou huaiuri-a. ill. 'fruvelkir seokiiig piea-mrs. lo fHlilllies uiri louittl-si vi.iting the rilv, every lurilily will tie otTernt, unit ever,- co-nlim irguided lo aiuke their visit agreeulile uud iluus.uit. A elmre of the piiutie ptiUoiuure rree'-rtfiinv solicited. 1ACOB O. I.LtKl, J.VIU.D IliVIN, Hii-enulrritnit rioj-rkl-r rinlmlrlin, hk.i. I, Sj-j m, Clicap Vt'iilclics .Tcwclrv X VHOLESALE and Retail, at the "rhilndcl T phia M'atch and Jewelry Store," No. 9( nn North Second Street, corner of (Jonrrv. I'liilailel. phi a. OoM l-vrr WnlclieS, fill! jewetisl. 1 eanil e-,... CM nn Sitcer do. full jeweled. t?H Silver bepine, jewels, 111 llo ll,. . I) Siipeilor IJunrlliMS, 1 lii'lll Popctn,.!,,., Fine Silver (to. 1 ..111 liolil llriiei'li.ts. (Lull l.lni .(ia mhes' r.olil l'eneils. liiiilntioii 1I0. Silver Ten spoons, set. Gold Pens, with Pencil nnd Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to P0 s Watch G'asses, plain. 12 J cents; Patent. Is'J; Lunet, 2S; other nrlieles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they arc sold for. STAUFFER tc HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lcjunes, still lower than Ihe above prices, August 28, 1332. ly. SO WEI? fy JiAliXKS, Pnljlislici's and )ook?cllci's, No. 81 North Third Street, rniLADELPIIIA. M ISC ELL AN EOUS BOOKS. Itihles, Prnyeis, Hymns, lV-ticul nii.l IIint ricul Works, Travels, Xovels, Ac, fcc. SCHOOL BOOKS ICyery kiiet in use from s primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An eleciiiil n.sirlmeitt from the pass Issik upwards, made of snpetii.r iaper, mid hest of huidiiig. WRITING PAPERS. Can. ittt,nnl Xtrtc PiintTrt, clifTtnit slvlisnnd ouuliiv. nutl very chain. STATIONERY. Funpyt Pl:iin nml AtUiexivc I'livctopcm. hik. Pund, W'a frm, Sti,tl Ht-iip, l:itcB, IN'ix'il!, P-irltr-.M ihik, Wruji ping laocin (H nil kimlfs Curttiin Paim, Ac, Ac. Chir M.t'H in all frcsli, h -melit rhrnp nnM BM;iwtr(!inpy. Vurticiiliir mti-ntt'tii imul to Hit 4. Her. Country Mt cufiittfi iukI TfiicinTji, lifixvtT Ihilr llny liny ttiy. 9 iwcr A; Jt'tiiir lire 1'uMiiftitri' nf I'CI.'iJ.N" mirm f ma(;mkic.knt oi; ristK maps Ivit'li 111 ip in ti-iirly MIVI.N TKliT Mt Al!K, nutl ihowti tin; t i vc cii' unit rclitiive nniii 'i. m ti t ry c Jiuilry u the i-1-They ur iiiti'iulcd t-' be Ft.fjtni.hut in eveiy tH'liihtl H m, unit irt uuly nmke p!-4:it:l np- Imirniico, licit nro itnii-crmi Ify itckiimvltilvt-tt to l-e l!io tlT MHlr. UF TKAl'III.Vti liKAl'UV vvvt lirmu'lit t ut. 'l'hcy ore kvn inlt'iiilti) l he iimtl dy the vlv V' utii'iiiiii: n r m pit-to rjiiiniiic if lietj;rnjhy, nn,t r tstiii? Ukb Ihiiii hull' tlit.' prico ii n lieofrr.iphy nutl Aifm. T!m KvHcin is in universal iwo in 'riiwci unit (ici ninny, nnil liTift ulrcmly bevn iiiirmlncei! in (iimnl t'il!rpi, IMuiu lit lplim, ihe ptitilic K-(p"li" H i -n, iv Vnrk, I'lnl.t ilt'lpliiii, Ii lit mi rt War-hni'MHii, tnul Ihroiiplimit icw Kihim), .Ni-w -'ik, A.r., Vi'. Our are IHilnl Willi rtvniim-i.ltitiins iVtuii ttieiit M tnli'iilcU itntl acit'n litir tetirliem in every nnrJcrt nml whtTevcr Hit- cyfit in linn Ircen useU Miieiils, teuchun and sdiolun mtitu in prtiia ing it. 1. Mnp of the Wentcrn IIeini)hcre. tf. Mtip of the I'jisIltii llt'imiphere. ;i. .iripoi Aurui Aiiienra. 4. Mnpfil'the I'niLed Stntct. 5. Mnp of lhirp. 6. Mnp of Akpj. M:ip f ?Mnlli Amerien mul Afrim. Kvury i.'inp in hrilliunily ivlu;itl, varitislietl, anil mount etl on miiMlni (tnl r-iHcr. We resprrtliiHy invite the eiirncpt altt-nli-ni tif Ttwfhirp, Fiirciils. nniJt'htNil Uirectttm to tins Inwinatintf iiimle tf tracliiHi; ti-niphy. & HaIINF.S, SI Xorlh Third Street, FhiliMlelphia, Aug. 2, t32. U MORE NEW GOODS ! THIRD Fresh Arrival of Goods AT -THE NEW STORE Of l. TY. TEXEH&CO., (Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunlury, Northumberland County, Pa. TE1H7E have jut received a fresh supply of V V Goods adapted for the Fall and W inter to which we particularly call '.he attention of our friends and tlie public. Our pralclul thanks are due for tho generous support w e have received from a deserving pub lic, ami we nope to continue to earn that support by selling nil our Roods at the smallest profits. Our stuck consists of Dry Goods, II a i d va re, Q u cc twn rtfj GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Single and Dulbi.ko Uakrei.i.ed Gi-ns, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, L'mbrellas and Parasols, Roots and Shoes, Hals and Caps. Looking Glasses, Walt Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Dried Reef, Plain and Fancy Hams nnd Shoulders, Naits, Window Glass, Paint Stutf, Oils and Fully, Cur pet Chuin, Cotton Laps and Yarn, w ith a variety of other articles. N. H. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TEN EK & CO. Sunbury, Sept. 2S, 1852. ly.c SIIKLD JAKE'S A I.l.hOlIb.M IIOLSL, Io, '.80 M A KKf. I TpEGS leave to inform bia friends and the pub--i- Street, above 8lh, Philadelphia. Under the JL ie m general, that he is prepared in everv new arranicmcnt tlie cars wlucu arrive lrom Pittsburg, Harribbur?, etc., will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In .' ' i , ,i ... ... , order to accommodate the public we will always Iiavc our Loacb ut tbe New Depot on the umval of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centre of the city. Our old friends will please ride down, und all who wish tn patrouhe a House with a Good Table, Clean Reds, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. 7'ccms, One Dollar per Day. August 21, 1852. Cm. LEATHER. Fritz, AYilliams S Hendry, Store, No. 29 North Ml Slrcet , ruii.APr.i.i'iiiA. "J'JOROtM'O Manufacturers, Curriers, Import, i'-"- era, t 'on. mission a ml General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and lb-tail. I S' Manufactory 15 MarguretU Slrcet. Auj. 2, 1652. ly. ? i. f. i!.Kt:n C. llvKCIt Co.. CoriK'lins, linker t MAM'FATCnl'.M fiF Lamp, Chandelterd, Gas Fixture;, fee. STORE NO. 17U CIlES'I Nf T ST. Manufactory No. 181 Cherry St., April 10, 1S52. If. DAVID COOPER, COMM I SSI ON M 15HC1I AXT Fon Tin: ham: of Fish, Provisions, fjc, .Vo. 9 Xorth Wmrvct, PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. ly. I N K Boureau's celebrated Ink, and also Con- grei ink for sale, whobsule and retail by Dciemlier 88. 1850. II. D MAS.SER. IIRESII Vanilla Bean of a superior quulity, - just received and for sale by lulv 31. IS52 H. D. MASSER WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY. G. h. Miller Co., Sovth West cor. of Second (f Arh Streets, PHIlAOEIiPHI t-, THE PROPR1 ETOKf, havinr! iiu rensrd their facilities during tho past senson, now feci able to supply all who have or limy I e disposed to patronise them. Their A'tnck comprises every variety or patterns of F LOWERS, LAND SCAPE, GOTHIC, Ac., uiirurpnNsed in ipiclity, nd which will be sold nt our tinial LOW PRICES. TASSEL", CORDS, RRASf.-ES, ie., in Ureal variety. Shades wade to erdcr, et short notice, P.r Stores, Churches, Lod"e Rooms, A c. (;. L. MILLER &. CO., Pepot. S. Y. corner of Second and Arch sts. Phi silelpbia, An;;. SI, ISS'i. -Sni. THF. VERY LATEST AR ft RIVAL, CUKAPKR TIIAN.TUR CHEAPEST! f"P.sPEt'TFlLLY infirm the public and "Ihe lest of ninnkiinl," Unit tlicy have jiikI received nnd opened the I est nml chca est stock of Spring Pnd Summer Gocd3 that has ever been brought to Sunbury. Their stock consists of eicry vatie'y of llrv Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Snttiaets, Vesting, Drdhngs, Linens, And nil kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety ul" LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Culicocs, fViisrirmi.', Lawns, Chintzes, De Laines, Haul's, Ami every vaiiely of goods sellable for La dies wear. Also nn eteusivp assortment of Panama and Pai.m Hats. Also a large assortment of ;!U)t lOUXIS, srcn as Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Sjiicea of all kinds. Also it larpe assortment of HARDWARE and CITJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of l)nt"(;i AMI Ml'.DIClXF.S. Resides ihe litruesl mid most ceneral assoil tnenl uf all kimls of oods to be had in Ibis place. Cb'" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunlmry, May 22, 1832. Vah'.nMe I'l-ojxMly. Late the E;.ta(e cf E. F. SHANNON, Esq.. tit' ' tn Mitisnlin !;ii:3 J. l) T 'jtHK snbsei ibers. Exi'culors ol Ihe E-lalo ol Ephiaiin P. Shannon, Inle of the ihir ouoh ol' Norlliiiirilieiland. oiler hI privale sale, Iho follow ino valniilile Real Ertalf, viz: Lot No. 77, comer of Queen nml Fmnl Street, on which is c-it clial a two story Brick Uuildiii!!, funnel ly occupied by tho deceased us a Sum; and Dtvelliuc, nnd now occupied as such. Theio me also on ihe lot two finme dtvellinos, &e. Lot No. 62, silunted in Maikct Street, on which is erected a two story while Frame D vveHinjr. &c., ndjoininu John Taggart, Esq., occupied by Knntis. Lots Nos. 6), 70, 71 & 72, sittnle in Mar ket Street, a two story uhiio Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donlv, and a stable is erected on lots No. 69 Jc 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, siluale on the corner of Duke and 4ih Sheet, on which is erected n two story dwelling, occu pied by Ju.epli AJeCallisler. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on I which is creeled n two story white Frame ' Ruildiiifr, occupied by John Huikcrt j Lot No. 60, silunto at Norihway and Wa ter Streets, on which are erected two Fianio Dwelling and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandling and John Vandling. Also the undivided foiiilh part of lot 165, on which is eroded a Iwostoiy Finme. Dwel ling, occupied by John Vnudjke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deshay, on the East side of t tie Susquehanna, about Ihruo miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ ated on the corner of Second ami Orauue streets, numbered in the general plan of Uui. oiigh. Nos. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third ami Oiange Streets, numbered in the ceneral plan ol said Borough. Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Maikut and Sixth Slreels, running Enst to an Alley, numbered in thn general plan of said Bur ouoh, Nos. 77, 78, 79 &. 80. Also four vacant lola Iroutiug on Orange Sheet, and numbered in the treneral plan of said Borough, Nos. 185, ISC, 187 & 18. The ubovo property will be sold in parts or parcels In suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For fuillirr parliciilaia apply to John Cake, Esq., al Noiihumbeikiml, or to the subscribers. ALFRED KNEASS. ) P , ' THOMAS STRAW BRIDGE, f v rs' , Northumberland, May 22, 1852. if JOHN V. MAJtTIX, refpcct to make clotliinii alter the moit Fushionable Slides . . , ,, , . ."' i i- nnd in tlie most ilurulile manner, nnd bis pncci prices will be as reasonable as can l-e hud iu Sunlniry or elsewhere, incn.di or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and iu addition to his ueknowl. edged skill iu cutting, he will lie assisted by tbe direction of the most seicntiiic publications rela ting to that art, now is-iiicd from the emporiums of fashion in the Ciiited States. An endeavor will be made alwtya tj have woik completed when reqniaed. His establishment is situated in Muikct Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Olhee, in the building occi.pied by J.unb Painter as u halter shop, where it will he a plear-urc to him to see his friends, nod make such work for them ns is within the line of his huKincss, Sunbury, August 1!, 1852 tf. ji;.srTK(.iC!VKi) AT T'.IK Sntlillery end Kanr?E3 Establishment of (i. M'. STliOJL, Mm!.tt Sr,-it, 'inhnrii, A mw as.orliiient of Ml Iff, lil'.tMl a till ,!ii jmiincd -Motiisliii;', Which he will cither m ike up t,i order or sell scpuialcly for culi ut prices as low if nut lower than ran he buJ tin where eUe. SADDLES, lilllDI-ES, HARNESS, 'I riuikN. Vallcc., &, Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or. der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on tho similes! notice. All icrsons arc inwU-J to call und examine for heiusel ves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange, Sunlniry, May 1, 1852. tf. siraiuaY perry! HENRY W. 1)1 CHER informs the public thut he has taken the Sunbury Ferry and s he is now well prepared with good and sutli eieut eralu lis will be enubhd lo accommodate the public with promlnrss and dci-pulch. April 10, H52 - If. NEW STORE. 13KN.TAMIX IIKM'NKU IEsPECrFl.T.LV informs ths ei'liiens of Sunbury and vi .inlly. that he fins opened 0 new store iu tlie room latelv oeeupied by Gooriff Rright, ufpofile Dollou's Hotel. He has just ro reived a hnndsome sssorlrrrriit of ' priti nnd Suutftirr 3ocl, c-im.istlnj iYi part of ' ' Clotlir, Cassi,ncrs, Casslnett. SVM.VER WARE of all kinds, of linen, cottor and worsted, Af.f'Of ('!: OfN. a(tV.nuN, t.nviiNr MottKoIlitc De LalncD nnd nil kimla cf f udies Dies Goods. G HOC 111! 1 1';? of every vaiiely. !so en no-ortmcnt of ElnrrtTnvc. Iroi nnd Steel, 17ail, &c, f l.o an excellent ossnrhnMif of CJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of CSOOT Si JHOFR. Talm Lcr.f anil other IIat3 and Cans. Salt. Fish, fys Also n variety of LIQUORS such ss Brandy, ii'tu, 'iiin &c And a grcr-t variety of other articles such as srif suitable to the trade, all of which will bo sold ut the lowest pi ices. tV Count'-y produce taken in exchangt ut the hiahest pri e-i. Sunlimy, May I, 1852. ly. LI EE RT Y S TO V E W 6 R Ks"7 nilOWN STREET, above Fourth, OKTr.ADEI.PIIir.. riHE undersigned respectfully inform the pn'i-' lie that they nre in full operation at their new foundry, nnd ready to execute order for" stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL--. ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and trot up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty AiK Ti jit Cool.-, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Kadhitors, Salamanders, Can nons, Iia.c, Eare Cylinders, liar Room Stoves. Furnaces, Gas Ovens, &c, Ar. ARE OTT V LAWRENCE', j N. 11. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine, our assortment. April 10, 1852. ly. i " " NEW STORE. 1 VKYVM Yv . GliAY fUE.-vl'LCTFl'LLY ini'ornis tbe cilue.ns of A nii'-'.irv end vu-hulv. tl1 he has commen ced a ii'-".v Hliire in Whortleberry street, iu the house iorini riy r.icupitj by .Mr. Gray, end I,a just receiicd and opened u well t-clectid assurt inent of Ury Goods, Consisting iu part ef CLOTHS, CASslMEES, SATTINETTS", And a general asfortmcnt of LADIES DUCSS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such are Biiitante to the trade, all of which will be sold ; at tho lowast prices. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1852. Gm. E"S?IiE 8c ! A NDELL, il h and ,'lrch Street, PHILADELPHIA. FTAVE established a Store where the best trade now resort or Household Dry Good, French Fancy Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cassimers and Veslings, Muslins and Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens and Napkins, I Pa'ent Black Silks for Dresses, j Full Stock of Mourning Goods. ; E. & L. are constantly receiving Bargains front I the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, wliiell ! they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Netf l ash. Edwaiid E. Evrf., Washington!. Landeli., Philadelphia, July 3, 1052. ly. NEW C0UKTRY STORE, At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpe hocken I'oad, (near Kreiikbrnim's Black Smith Shop. JACOB AYKIMKR, RESrECTFCI.LY informs the publklhat h has opened a new Store at the above place and has just received a splendid stock of new Erring and Summer Goods, Coiitiatinj in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Suttincts DRILLINGS and all Kinds of linen cotton n:id woistcd summer ware. ALSO t CaUic:s?, Hatlm Ct Laines, Lawns, ittg;!tiiis, And ull kinds of Dre Goods for Ladies. Tka, Cot'reR, Sit.ah, Molasses, &c. GUOt:i:ilIi:S, efall kinds. BRAKEY, GIN, WNIE, and all kinds of I.itjtiors. I'.arJwarf. Iron untl Med, Nails, it.t 0.UEEN5WARE. Shoes, Boots, Caps, Pulin leaf and other Hals Pish, Salt, &c, All of which he will sell at the moat reasonable' prices for casli or country produce. May 8, 1S5J -tf. SOAP & CAUDLE MANUFACTORY, iYo. 1'J Word St , oottrpffi 'id iV 3d Sts., and No. 17 North dlh Slrcet, riiu.Aur.i.riiiA. John Hiinfrolt Jr. nml Son4 1 ESI'ECTFl 1LT.V inform Store-keepCM, Mef ehant-i, &c that they Manufacture and have) for Sale, I'ulm, White, Yuiic:aled, Yellow and l'.n.v.ii Soipj, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of g-.-iod iTiia'hv and at reasonable priees. t i" C' paid for Tallow and rough Fut. April 10 I -.".J. ty. Win. ..JoCaiiv, liooLst Hi'r. ErTEC'ITCLLY iiifornib hiu flit nda aud i has irn.oir.l bis Book 1. 10 put. that h Store, to street, to tho Ionise occupied by J. .fiille. l-.nq., Attorney al Law, neatly op pnd'.c. the ('ou. I llouie, oil tho north side, where keeps for side cuii-lantly on bund a good ass irtincul of bmiks and stationary. Fur .Sale A large new spring waggon Zt tut y 3 or 4 horses. Sufibury. July SI, 165'J. tf. Wil. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTCXINEV AT XiAW. Jivl .CIl ltY, lA. ' Dec. 13, 1851 tf. lVIERSON'S A RITH EMETIC Nos. I.J S, and Potter's Rheloricul Rratier, jukt reeriv ed and for aula by WM. McCAKTV. Suiihury, May 1, 1831.- bills baiidsoniplv piiulrd oitcati ltiec fit alr at lhi nlfK. i