SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKINJOITrNAL. Sew Advertiiement. , J. To Bridge Builders. pR0P08LS will b revived by the Com. missionere of Narthutnlierland county, at th house of Ella Emerkh, In Lower Augusta townanip, on . , . WEDNESDAY, tht Bth of Sept. next, until I o'clock. P. M., for the construction ot a bridge across the little Shamokin Creek. Plane nd aptxafoattona exhibited on the Jar of letting. '' ' VM. WILSON, ) C. ALBERT, Coni'rs. CHAS. WEAVER,) ', Hvmbury, Aug. 31, 1852. 3t. . Teachers "Wanted. IOTICE ii hereby given that proposals fur Teacher will be recttved by the Board of School Director! of Shamokin township, at the home of Charles Lcisenring, on SATURDAY, the 4th day of September next, at which time and place examination and allotment will be made. l)y order of the Board, WM. AM ME UMAX, See'y. Shamokin tp., Aug. 21, 1852 St. J. M. HEYBERGER & BROTHER, JVo. 47 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTERS of every description of Fish, - Hooka and Fishing Tackle. Toys, German Fancy Goods, Guns and Sporting Apparatus. Wholesale and Retail. Aug. 28, 1852. 2m. SOWER $ BARNES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. IJiMes, Prayers. Hymns, Poetical and Historical Works, Travel, Novels, Ac.', Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in nsc fim a primer upwards, BLANK BOOKS. An elegant atnortnicnt from the pan book upwards, made of superior paper, and best uf binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cap. Vnst, and Not PrtperR, ekjant style mid qiuiliiy, and very cheap. STATIONERY. Fancy. Plain iuhI Adhesive Envelopes, Ink, Sand, Wa fers, Steel Pens, Mates, Pencils, Porte-M"ii:iics, Wrap ping Papers of ail kinds, Curtain Papers. tVc, Ate. Onr stock Is all fresh, buiebt cheap mid sold ncrnrdiiisly. Particular oUention pnid to H'Miktf Hern, Country Aler cliauts and Tour hers, however little l hey mity buy. S.wer fc Barnca are Publishers of PKLTON'.S seiics of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Etch map is nearly PKVEX FEKT 8Q1AKK, nnd ahows the cam punitive size ami relative poxiiinn (if every country on trie pi be. They lire ijitemlftl to U auspeiide.d in every Schwa 1U" m; and n't only make a splendid ap pearance, but are umvcrwiHv (u-knowb ilircd In he the HEIST MODE OF TKAUIINU (iKOfJKAPUY ever hroucht out. They ore keys intended t be iiR;d by tlie rh"iars. contniniiijr ft empiric epitome of Uc'srHphy, :md muting less ttmii hulf the price nf a Geocraphy nnd Alias. The sylem if in miiverwil ns in Prumiii and Germany, and has already terii intDKluced in Uirard Collepe, Phila delphia, the public seh't"! 'f I lost on, New York, Phila delphia, Baltimore, Washington, nnd thronphout New England, New York, Jte., p. Our desks are hlcd with recommendations If -in the pioM tnlentcl nnd scien tific teachers in every qnorter, nnd wherever the system has lieeii used parents, teachers and scholars unite in pruia ing it. 1. Map of the Western Hemisphere, t!. Map of the Eastern Hemisphere. 8. Map nf North America. 4. Map of the United States. 5. Map of Europe. A. Map nf Asia. 7. Map nf South Amcricn nnd Africa. Every map is brilliantly colored, varnished, and mount ed on muslin and rollers. We reaper! fully invitw th earnest mtentHMi f Teacher. Parents, and School Director! to this 1'oseitmtinff motle of teaching Geography. SOWER iV HaRNES. il North Third Sticet, Pbiludelphia, Ang . Sf, tf. Cheap Watches slcuelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, nt tlic "Pl.i1.nlp1- rdiia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06 j North Second Street, corner of Quarry, l'hiladcl- ( phia. G )ld Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat c;iscs, S'.OO Silver do. full jeweled, fl'2.f?nld Ppectnt-le-i, 7,00 tiilver Lepine, jewels, in. Fine Silver do. 1.r0 do d-. do. ft. Go'd lirareleta. n.dO Superior Quartieis, 7.1! ndies' (inld Pencils. 1.00 Imititlm do. R. 'Silver Tea spoons, set, 5.00 Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1.10 Gold FittRpr Kins. 37 J cents to $'S0 ; Watch Ulasscs, plain, IV cents; 1 alcni. i, ; i.unri, I 3S; other articles in proportion, ah goons war- ; ranted to be what thpy are sold for. STAUFFEK & IIARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hanrl. some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepinrs, still lower than the above prices. AuRust 28, 1852 ly. SlIELDIiAKES LLEGHENY HOUSE, No, 280 MARKET Street, above 8th, Philadelphia. Under the new arrangement the ears which arrive from Pittshursr, Harrishuri?, &c, will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5th and Market. In order to accommodate the pul.lic we will always havve our Coach at the New Depot on the arrival ",c .7 ""''",', House, which is in the centre of the cit Our old friends will please ride down, and all who wish to pntronisc a House with a Good Tabic, Clean Urilc, and accommodating assistant, will please qive us a call. Terms, One Dollar per Day. AiiRust 21, 1852. bm. "WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTORY. . Cr. L. 31iller t$ Co., South West ear. of Second If Areh Streets, PHILADELPHIA. THE PROPRIETORS, havinB increased their facilities during the p;it tea ton, now feel able to supply all who have or may be disposed to patronise them. Their 5tock comprises every vsrietv of patterna of FLOWERS, LAND fSCAPE, GO THIC, etc., unsurpassed in quality, and which will be sold nt our usual LOW PRICES. TASSELS, CORDS, BRASSES, A-c., in great variety. Shades made to order, at short notice, for Stores, Churches, Loc'go Roims oVc. G. L. MILLER & CO., Depot. 8. W. comer of Second and Arch sts. Phi sdelphia, Aui?. 81, 1832 3ni. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS : Encouraged by ma ny of my numerous friends, I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the Office of ltegister If e cord or, at the ensuing election. Should I he elected, I promise to discharge the duties of said oflice with fidelity and impartiality. JOHN P. PURSEL. Sunbury, July 31, 1852. tc. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. FELLOW CITIZENS t Encouraged hy numerous friends from dillcrent parts of the County, I respectfully otTer myself to you as the PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE ut the next election, for the oflice of Register t$ Recorder. Brought forward by tha wishes of the people I cheerfully submit myself to your decision. And hould you sea fit to entruet me with the dutiea of said oflice, I will endeavor to discharge them to the satisfaction of all. Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUYERS. Sunbury, July 81, 1852 EXTRACT Or COFFEE Ao Mcellcnt article mora wholesome and much cheaper (ban Colt itaelf, For MM at Uus oflic. . ApU7 i8fr- HAND BILLS neatly prinUd on new typt MOMMl aaaMitad at thia aflira. Also blanks, oi all kia4a ca superior raver. V Hunbtmr, Feb. U, MS 8. GEORGE W- ZIMERMAN, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 61 Arch Street, four doors above Second, PHILADELPHIA, CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF LINDS, Whirl, tr.T aivln nf finish and workmanshio at the lowest trices. Also TRANSPARENT WHOLESALE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICKS. tVjT MERCHANTS and others are invited to call and examine. Philadelphia, August 21, 1858. ly. Valuable Ileal Estate FOR SALE. KY virtue of ai order issued out of the Or phans' court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to sale, on the premises, on On Thursday, the 16ffc day of Sept. r.ext, the following real estate, vii : All that certain TAVERN STAND and VALUABLE FARM, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, on the Centre turnpike, about 8 miles from Sunbury. Hie county town, adjoining lands of Fcgleys heirs, Ananias Saxton and others, Containing one hundred and fifty Acre, more or less, 20 acres of which being in good meadow, a small creek running through the same, and about 20 acres thereof being well tim bered, the residue being in a high state of cultiva tion and under excellent fences. There is also on the premises an ORCHARD of choice fruit trees. The buildings consist of a two story stone DWELLING HOUSE, well adopted for a Tavern Stand, and has been kept as such for upwards of 35 years. A hirgc and convenient BANK BARN, with abun dance of good sheds and other out-buildings. One-third of the purchase money or widow's dower, can remain in the hands of the purchaser, by being secured on tho premises. Being late the real catute of Martin Weaver, dee'd. Title indisputable. Attendance will be given by WILLIAM H. ML'ENCH, Adm'r. Shamokin tp., Aug. 14, 1852. ts. 5N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will lie exposed to public salo on Saturday the 21th day of Sep tcinbur next, on the premises, the following described property to wit: A certain tract of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, in said County adjoining lands of Peter Fctterman, Dan id Long and Henry liloom, containing about twenty nine acres. Late the estate of Elizabeth Fiester, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A- M., of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by JOHN FOV, Guardian. By order of the Court, ) J. r. PURsEL, Clk, O. C.V Aug. 14, 1852 tit. ) .V valuable Farm lor Sale. ritUE undersigned, will offer at publics sale, J- on TUESDAY, the 5th of OCTOBER in-xt, nt 10 o'clock, A. M ., of said day. tit Ihe Shamokin Darn Hotel, kept by Gen. Keene, in Penn township, Union conntv, a highly IMPROVED FARM, shunted in said township, about half a mile below tho Shamokin Dam, conlaining One hundred and twenty-two 1cres, morn oi less; one hundred and ten acres of which are in a hif;h slate of cnllivation, Iho balance heini; wood land ; bounded on the east bv Ihe Sosanehanna river and the Penn- ' .. 1 :.. .. - 1 1 1. , ..... I I. ami inoat Kl' I yiVUIIIU Itilini, uil 1110 puuih wu.i " v vj land of John Hartman, and on the norlh by land of Henry Hartmun, and upon which are cructeU a large ami well finished two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE; a well finished and commodious frame SWITZER BARX; Thf'du buildiiifrs are erecteJ immediately nt 1 lie Statu rouil Icailinj from Northumberland to llariisbur. .Mere is a never taihn; sprmir ol p.xrellent wati-r, over wlncli IS erpctcd a prinq; Hnnsp, cotiveniPnt to Ihe I ellin2, together with sundry out-buildings, &c. Also a pood APPLE ORCHARD - of full growth, nnd ono of recent set ting out, embracing some choice fruit trees. There are also erected on said premises, im mediately at the Pennsylvania canal, a laige and well finished two story Frame Dwelling and Kitchen, w;,, a wo 0f excellent water at the door, u,Kt.,ier with convenient stablina, &c. There is ll lvh.f rmmjnir parallel wilh the canal R)(1 fr01llj 8uill dwellinr, clifiibly situated f ,h priPt.n,ioi) of 01l extci.sivo COAL !an, LUJ1BEK business. i : One half of the purchase money j to be secured by bonds and niortpaae on ihe premises with interest, in reasonable pay ments; S100 to be paid 'on the day of salo and Ihe balance) on delivery of the deed. j Title indisputable. E. G. MARK LEY, Agent. ' Sunbury, July 31, 1852. ta. Bounty Land Warrants. rjIIOSE havinii bounty land warrants in their Jl possession and wishing to dispose of them can find a ready sale by applying at the residtmco of the subscriber near Shamokin Ham, Union county Pa. He will also attend to the obtaining of bounty land warrants from the Department at a reasonable recompense. L. R. HUMMEL. Sunbury, August 14, 1853. 3m. PREMIUMS OF The Agricultural Society. Tho folluwins are the premiums offered by the Northumberland County Agricultural Society, at Ihe next annual exhibition which will be held at Northumberland, on Thursday and Friday tho 7lh and 8th days of October next. HORSES. Best stallion over 4 year olJ, Second " " Best ' under 4 years, Second " " Best mare wilh colt at her side, $5,00 3,00 4,00 2,00 5,00 3,00 Second " " Diplomas will be awarded for all fine ani mals, not coming under these heads. CATTLE. Dl'RIMMS OR SHORT HoRNS. Best bull, 3 vears old and upwards, Second " ' 5,00 3,00 3,00 2,00 Best bull calf under 2 vears & over 6m Second " " Best bull calf under 6 months. 2,00 1,00 4,00 2,50 Second " " Best cow over 3 vears. Second " Best heifer between 2 fc 3 vears. 3.00 2l00 Second " Best heifer tinder 2 vears. 3,00 2,00 Second ' The same Dremiuma will K awarded to ucvons under their respective heads . . NATIVES. r. . Uest Dull 2 vears unit r..u..J. nn uu unuer a yrs and over Sm, 2,00 unuer o month, Best cow, 3 yean and upwards, Brt heifer between 9 acnl 3 years, Beat heifer urder 3 years, Best yoke of oxen, Second " Best fat bullock, Second 1,00 2,00 1,50 1,00 4,00 2.00 8,00 2,00 8,00 Beat fat cow or heifer, Second 2 00 cannot he surpassed. Wholesale and Retail WINDOW SHADES AND REED BLINDS SHEEF. Best ram over 1 year, .1.00 Hest ewe, 'i,U0 Deal lamb. 2.U0 SW1.NE. Best boar over 1 y-r, 3,00 Second " " 2,00 Bst sow, 2,00 Second " 1 60 Kt'Al pair tif shoals under 1 year old, 2,00 Second " " 1.50 Best fat lug, 2jU0 POULTRY. Best pair of turkeys, 1,00 Second 50 Best pair of gocse, 1.00 Second " 50 Best pair in unit ducks, 1,00 Second " 50 Best pair puddla ducks, 1.00 Second " 'f0 Best p'r Shangliui or Cochin China fowls, 1,00 second " " Best psir Chillngongs, 50 1,00 50 "1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 2.00 3,01) 1,50 2,00 second " Best pair Creolo or Bolton greys, Second " Best pair Polish. Second " Rest pair dorkings, Seeond " Best pair camns, Second '' Best pair wild turkeys, Largest and best collection of fowls, Next largest " GRAIN' AND POTATOES. Best bushel while wheat, Second " Best biichc corn, Second " Best bushel oats, Best bushel mercer potatoes, Second " Rest bushel potatoes other varieties, Best i biuliol sweet potatoes, Second " VEGETABLES. 1.00 2,00 1,00 1,00 1,50 1,00 1,00 1,00 '50 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1.00 Best beets, not less than G, " carrots " " t bushel onions, " 6 heads cabbage, " 3 squashes, " 3 pumpkins, Special premiums will ba awarded to cau liflowers, tomatoes, and all othergarden veg etables of extraordinary quality. FRUIT. Best i bushel of apples, 1,00 Second " 50 Best " quinces, 1.00 Second " " 50 Best " peais, 1,00 Second " " 50 Best grapes, not less than C bunches, 1,00 Second " " 50 IMPLEMENTS. Best threshing machine, 4,00 ,; reaper, 3,00 " seed drill, 2,00 " corn planter, 2,00 " winnowins mill, 2,00 ,: corn shtller, 2,00 " plow, 2,00 " cultivator, 2 00 " roller, 2,00 " com plow, JjOO " straw cutter, 2,00 " (arm wacon. 2,00 " sett of harness, 2.00 ". horse rake, 1,00 " grain cradle, l 00 DAIRY, &c. Best butler not less than 5 pounds, 1,00 Second " " 50 Best 5 lbs. honey. 1,00 Second " 60 Best loaf of bread 4 lbs. 1 00 Second " 50 Best ham cured by exhibitor. 1,00 econd " 50 Best 6 lbs. home made soap, 1,00 Second " 50 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Best quilt, 1,00 " counterpane, ,00 " hearth ruir. 1,00 " pair blankets, i.oo " 20 yards carpet, joo " home-mndo cloth 10 yds, 1.00 " " -Jt flannel fi vds, 1,00 " pair knit waolon cooks or stock inpe, 1.00 " " " gloves, 1.00 " home-made thread 1 lb. and np'wd, 1,00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Under this head will be embraced, me- chanical inventions, tools, furniture, and till ther articles, not comma under any of the bove heads Prizes will be awarded, no- coidinc to the means of lh Society, and the merits oi tile arncies otierea. PLOWING MATCH. Best plowing, 5,00 Second " 4,00 Third " 3.00 Fourth " 2.00 The following Committees were then d pointed : On Houses. A. E. Kapp. Joseph Nicelv. Anthony Armstion, Wm. B. Kipp, Jesse C. tmrion, junn rainier, J. u Alusser. On CatTLK. Thomas Jnhiisoi), Robert M Williams. Jesse Hensvl, James Forrester, itr 1 t 1 ara sa 11 a . . . wm, u. scuii, junn n. neiier, John ivesbit. On Shkep. Wm. L. Cook, Samuel I. John son, George Keller, Wm. D. Gearhart, Jas Rynerson, M. B. Priest Uy, John Wheallev. Us w:Nlt Joseph Vankiik, John Moore, Wm.H Kase, J. Weiiner Leiubou, Philip W. itHKerr, oeorge tveiard, j. povil iiiilb. ON J'oi'LTRy. Ur. Joseph Pnesllev, Dr Wm. McCleerv, Henrv Eckbert, Alexander Jordan, L. A Bergstresaer, Robert J. Wilson, r n t? . : . i 1 . d. omun. On Grain and Potatoes. Samuel Hep burn, Beni. Gearhart, James Cameron, T. II waits, r.uaa jonn, jacoo nuoisn, jonn ajou rer. On Vcgctablcs James Pollock, Alexan der Colt, Reubjn Troxel, Samuel K. Gilger, Jacob Seashult, o. K. real, C. F. Llt'le On Fbuit W. C. Iiwson, H. B. Masser, R. M. Friek, J. R. Eck. G. B. Youugman, Cyrus 0. Bachman, M. 1. Kapp UN iMFLEMKNTs. vvm. n. Mueucn, j. 11. Zimmerman, Wm. Forsyth, John Tageari, John Montgomery, Geoige Frederick, Geo. Brosious. Misciii-ANeocs. David Tajryart, Wm. H. Waples, E. W. Cbapin, J. B. Packer, Chas. Pleasants, Samuel R. Wood, James Covert, D. o. McGregor, liesree Apsley Dairy, tic Joa. Nesbit. (C quaque,) John Beat, Wm. T Forsyth, James tageari, Wm. Elliott. John Frank, Francis Ribaon DoMtsnc MasuracToafs. -D. Braaiigam, William Weimr, M. 0. Withington, John A. Taylor, Jobo M. Hoff, Wm. G. Kaa., Wm. Deppe-n. Plowimo Match. Elijah Crawford, WiU son Hutchinson. Gaorga Conrad, Jacob Pain. tar, W. H- Leijhou, John Oberdorf, Jacob Leiscnrmg. KT-B500 CHALLENGE. WHATEVER coram Ui kMltb tnd hspsiiwts of a movI it at all linn of th too raluabla Import anca. I tak b tot framed that aratjr pawn will do all in thair sowar, to aava tba Una of thoir ehiMrwi, aii4 that vary paraon wiU amlearar to BTOfaolatbair own kMlth at all ancrificea. I feai It to ba my duty to snlamnly auura roa that WORM, areordina to tha oolnion of ttit must Mlairrstad Phyaieiana, ara tha prlmsrr oaoaos of a lanra m)ority of diaeaaaa to which children and adults ar Us. dla ; if rou hiva aa appstita eoiitumslly ehanrsabla tton on kind of food to another, Bad Breath, Psin in tbc Sto mach, Picking at tha Nose, Harditm ami Falluasi of tht Belljr, Dry Coufh,8low Farar, PulMlrramlat fatDMnbar that nil theas dtxHa WORMS, and jaa aboaid at onca sp ptj tht ramedv : . . HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. An trtiela founded upon Seiantific Principles, eranpeuix) ad with puraljr vegtuble tubatanciit, beinx pcrfocUy nfa whantakan, and can b fiftn to the most tender infant wilh ilccided beneficial airaet, where Bowal CoaiiMinU and Ditrrhiat hive nude them weak and debilitatrd tha Tonic properties of my Worm Hyrup ara such, that it stands without an equal in lire catelorua -f nmlirlma, in riving tne and strenrth M tha Sl'niet-h, which makes it nn liilelllhk remedy for thorn alSicted with Dynpcpris, the Mt"nihin eurei perfirmed hy this Syrup after Physi cians have failed, is the beat evidence, uf its ffujarfut orTi cacy over all oUieri.. THE TApSTwORM! This U tlia moat JitTiciUt Worm to dm troy ot ll ibit in fest the humtn systeni. it grows to sin ftUnnst ludcfuite length iMcotuinff so coiled Bird fastened in the InteslinfM t id Slnvich ufleelinf the henlih so wtdlr nt tn ntun tSt. Vitus Dams. Fits. k . thst Uiose s(Tlictetl sek)im il evei suspect thai it is Tnpe Worm hnslemiig theiu to an oorly rsve. In otdr W destroy this Worm, a very energetic Irestment must be pvrsaed, it wnuld IhereOffe lie proper to lute H to 6 of my Liver Fills as to rtmwve nil obstruc tions, that the Vorm?yrupniynct direct upon the Woim, winch muH be taken in doses of 8 Tublrp"nfiills 3 times day these directions followed have never been known to fall in curing Die roost obstinate case of Tapu Worm. (D HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No pert of the system Is more liatle to disease than the LIVEK, it serving m a filterer to purify the Uond. or giv ing the proper secret ion to the bile ; so that any wrong ac tion of the Liver effects the other important parts oi the system, and results variously, in Liver Complaint. Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Ac. Wo should, therefore, wmch every avmptoin that might indicate a wroiitr, action of the Liver. These Pills being composed nf KOO'l'S V 1'LANTS fur nished by nature to heal the sick : Namely, 1st, An EX l'KCTOR.WT, which augments the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the dtschaifre of accreted matter, find, An ALTLKAT1VE, which changes in some inexplicable and insensible manner the certain mtibid actum of the system. Urd, A TONIC which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, re Hewing health and vigor all parts of the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the Howela, and impel ling the whole mass of o jrrupt and vitiated mntter, and pu rifying the Blood, which destroys disease and iwM'.tcs he&lLh. TO FKMALFA Yon will find these Pills an inralunblr medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions ci ther total oi partial, they have been founH. of inestimable benefit, restoring their functional arrangements to a hesl thy action, pur if yum th blood and other ftuida ao eifrctu ally to put to flight all complaints which may arise from fei'nnle irregnlnrities. aa headache, giddiness, dimneea t f signi, pnin in me siue, uses, ace. OCT" Price. 25 cents each. None cr en nine unless signed J. X. Hobcusaek. all others bcinf bnse Imitation. (7 Agents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. Ilobenssck, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by J. W. Prihna. Sunbury : Mary MVCny, Nor thumberland; Beisel, Turbutville; Unier, Miltnn ; Pnty X Lcnker, Genrcwtowii ; Iieisenring k Wlvcrton, Paxi nos; Wicst. Hickory; all dculers in Medicine in the Cnuntv and State. August 14, 1P52 ly. SECOND Fresh Arrival of Goods at 'ihe new store or I. W. TENElt & CO., Nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel, Market St.) Sunbury, Northumtciland County, Pa. WE beg to onnnunce that we sre receiving a new and varied supply of goods from Philadelphia in addition to our present new stork ; all of which we ofl'er at such prices as we think should command a speedy sale, our philos ophy is, to sell cheap and turn our money often ; and we know that at the year's end this will pay us better than slow sales and large profits, and our customers will in tha meantime bave the benefit of gooda at low prices and of tho best quality. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Hardware, (lucciisivnrc, GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Carpot Bags, Umbrellas and Parasols, Buota and Mhocs, Hats and Caps. Looking Glasses, Wall Paper for Room and Window Blinds, Ornnsos, Lemons, Nuts and Candy, Salt, Mackerel, Salmon Dried Beef, Plain and Fancy Hams and Shoulders, Nails, Window Glass, Paint Stud, Oils and Putty, Cur. pet Chain, Cotton Laps and Yarn, with a variety of other articles. N. b. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange at the highest market prices. I. W. TEN Ell &. CO. Sunbury, June 26, 1852 ly.c To the Travelling Public. First Class Hotel Terms 1.50 per day. riHE subscril'er having lately become propric- tor of the FRANKLIN HOL'frE. Chestnut Street, below 3d and 4th, PHILADELPHIA, and having atnicni th mice or boabd to !$ 1,50 per d.iy, gives notice that, notwithstanding this reduciuiii ha will tiiil continue to keep a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. Franklin House has junt undergone extended alterations, and is now litlcd up and refurnished in superior style for the reception of visitors. The Lower Floor formerly occupied by stores, is now included in the Hotel, forming a Spacious Reception Room, Gentlemen a Parlor and Dining Room, thereby allowing an addition nf Uurtv chambers and several beautiful parlors fronting Chealnut street- Rooms in this Hotel are supe rior to mokt othem, being constructed with al coves, firming parlor and bed chamlcr attached well lightened and ventiluled. Us location is unsurpassed, cither for business or pleasure. D E.N. H. OOI.MAA, Prop'r. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1852. Sm. T.ILC?aIlTG. JOHN V. MARTIN, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub lic in general, tint he is prepared in every respect to make clothing after the most Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and his prices will be as reasonable as can he had in Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and In addition to his acknowl edged skill in cutting, he will ba assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to tlia,t art, now issued from the emporiums of fashion in tha United States. An endeavor will ba made always to have work completed when requiacd. His establishment is situated In Market Square, 8unhuty, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob Painter as a hatter shop, whera it will be a pleasure to him to ace his friends, and make such work for them aa is within the lina of his buaineaa. Sunbury, August 14, 1 853. tf. DAVID COOPER,, COMMISSION MERCHANT roa the sale of Fish, Provisions, 50., V. 9 North, Wharves, PHIL ADEtP SUA. April 10. 1852-ly. TE4CUCRS WANTED. NOTICE is hereby given that proposals will ba received by tba Secretary of tha Doard of Directors, ef tha School Banbury Dis trict, for two maVa aad two female teachers, until t o'clock P. M, on f RID AY tha 10th of Eeptembar next, at which time meeting of tho Directors will take placo in room JVo. 3, of tne puone aeaoor koimm, to ozaatno applicant and allot tk ackoala. By order of thai Board, D. W. 8HINDEL, fae'y Gunbury, Aug. 14th, 1952.-31. THE VERY LATEST ARRR1YAL, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! FRILING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform tha publio nd "tin rest of mankind," that Uiay bv. lust r,clTad tnd opanad th btat and ehaapwt stock of Spring and Summer Gooda that hat vr baari brought to Sunbury. Their stock consist- of ovary taria'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloth, Cestimtret, Sattinttt, VtsUngs, Drillings, Lintns, " And 1I kind of Summer Wear. Also splnmlid vnriuty of LA01E3 DRESS ft FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Cinfhams, Lawns, Chinttts, Dt Laities, Btragtf, Am! ery variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also an extensive assortment of Panama and I'aI.m LtAr Hah. Also a large assortment of iROt'EWIES, ftl'CH AS Sugar, Teas, CoflVe, MoWs, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a ticnh supply of DRUGS AND MKDICINI. Beiiilns the largest and most eonernl assort inenl of all kinds of goods to bo had in thia place. He"" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury. May 22, 1S52. J0HIT PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Water Street, helow Chestnut, rillLADELiPHIA. 1M POKERS of Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Wines, 6ic, keep constantly on hand the following nrticlet-, which Uiey will sell at rcry Iotv prices f(ir cash. Raisin, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground IVuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinda. Liquorice, Lemon Pyrup, Fire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry " Muscat " Sweet Malaga " . Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., OI ortbiimhcrlaiid AT PPJVATE SALE. THE subscribers, Exucutors of tho Estate of Ephraiin P. Shannon, Into of tho Bor ough or fSnrttiuniberlHiiil, oner at private sale, the following valuable Rt-al Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, corner of Queen and Front Street, on which ia erected a two story Brick BuildniL', lormerlv occupied by Ihe deceased as a Store and Dwelling, and nuw occupied as such. Thero are also ou the lot two frame dwcl lines. &c. Lot No. 82, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story white Frame Dtvelliu?, &e., adjoining JuhnTagcart, Esq., occupied by Knous. Lots Nos. 09, 70, 71 & 72, situate in Mar ket Street, a two slory while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided half of Lot No. 120, situate I on the corner of Duke find 4th Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied by Joseph McCallister. Lnt No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two stoiy while Frame Building, occupied by John Burkert Lot No. 60, situate at Nonhway and Wa ter Stieeis, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Yandling arid John Vumllini;. Also the undivided found part of lot 16S, on which is erected a twoaloiy Fiame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lauds of John IVshay, on ihe East aide of the Susquehanna, about thiee miles below Dan ville. Also two adjoining vacant town lots, situ ated on the corner of Second ami Oiatiijti streets, numbered in the general plan of Bor ough. Nos. 215 & 216. Also Tour vacant lots on Third and Orange Streets, numbered in the eeneral plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market nnd Sixth Slreeis, running F.ast to nn Alley, numbered in the general plan of said Bor ough, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lota Ironting on Urange Street, and numbered in the general plan of said Borough, Nos. IS 5, 186, 187 h 1&8. The above properly will be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to John Cuke, Esq., at Northumberland, or to the subscribf r AI.FRKD KNF.ASS. ) ,,, THOMAS STRAWKR1DGE, f Northumberland, May 22, 152. tf. THE GREATEST HISTORICAL AND Allegorical Print of the Age, In Commeinorntirin of that muni important event in tho AMERICAN REVOLUTION, The British surrrndrriiif their arms to GENERAL WASHINGTON After their defeat at YORKTOVVN, Virginia, October 1781. rpHE EngravinsT is txccntrd try Tanner. Valtmire, Knar J, niy A 10 , I'rom an original drawing by J. P. Ketiatilt, and by IJelljamill Tanilrr, l.ncnupr, Plnlmlel. 1 - .u. .:.. iu i... i. ...i pnia. 1 MC SIM oi u' ,iiin im . i.j tf, ,iiiiv nu nua Uf isiuallv iiubliahvd to iiharrltcrs at lili in the sluet. s " EXPLANATION. Tar HtsTOST. In the lirat and grand plnn art exhibited three lurgo gioni i-f Uifl princirwl ollicrk, who were pis-ai-nt at liic tranaaction, with luilliful likcurss of eiirh. In the nrst trroup lascen u-m-rai Washington, Oentanil Hliambuiu, Ueueral Lincoln, Colonel Hamilton, an old Kai nrer to c Mitf niptiia the ncciie, Billy the sonant, and the II 'IK of GenerunVaslunyt'n. In the swond group, arc Atnarican and French Officers; Ocneml Kunx, Sccieuiry Wilson, the Dukedc Iaiuxiw, and Ihe Muiciiia dc Iji Fayeita Tlie third group is descriptive of tha British surrender, ing their urnis. Lord Curiiwallia, General O'tlnra, Com. tn itore sininioii, Colonel 1'niluin, with two hngeis cut off. Lieutenant Oilonel Knlph Abercroniliie, Lieutenant Coljnel llundus. Lord t'li. wom, c Lord Cornwailia ap peals pteaciiiinii his sword to the first General OAWr ha meeia, but Geneial VN'aahingtoa ia pointed nut to Inra as the only person to whom ha ia lo turiaaaer his aword. On die heiglits and iu Ihe distance are tha different ar mies and crowds of aneciators. Tha House of ftecrerarv Wilson, occupied by Lord Cornwallts and hia tuff, which was bombarded and pierced with ball! i tha Murouia da La Fayette having remarked that they we e carrying dishes for the dinner of I .on! Cornwall, asked leave of General Washington to aerva him a dials ol" his own cooking, and imiueduiely after several bombshells fell through the loof on the table, and wounded some, and dispersed the party Tub Ai.Lxooav. On tha left is erected a inonutnetit in honor of UYm illustrious heroes who sacrificed their lives ami fortunes to insure to their eitixcna, Ihe Liberty and In dependence they now enjoy. Published at 83 by WM. B. LANE. Philadelphia, and to be had at tha OrtV.a of the "AMERICAN COL UIEH," No Ut Chcauutt Sucet, Philadelphia, aa premiums lo that paper. fV A liberal disoounl tn Agents PhiUdcipaia, iiutv w, laoa SOAP & CANDLE MANTJFACT0EY, No. 19 loooi St , between 2d If id Sts., and No. 17 North 6tk Street, PU1LADELPHIA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, TlCSPECTFCLLYinformStnro-kaepera, Mar- chants, cVc, tliat they Manufacture and bave for Sale, Palm. Whito, Variacatad, Yallow ana) Biown Soaps, Mould aud Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. X3T Cask paid for Tallow and rougn Fab April 10 1SSS ly. 1JLANK DEEDS printed on the bet quality " of parebmant paper, told at tha lowest phce at uus omrt, ty wnnitsaio saa ittau NEW STOH13. BENJAMIN HEFFNEIt ESPECFFtJLLY Inform tha cttiaaas of Sunbury and vicinity, that ha 1ms opened a new store in tba room lately ooaupied by Coorge Bright, opposita Bolton' Hotel. Ho ha just re cairad a liandsom assortment of Spring and Mummer Uoodr, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cassinets. SUMMER WARE of all kinds, of linen, co ion and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes), Gingham, Lawns, ItlouMHellnc Ue l.nlnctt and alt kind of Ladies Dress CooJs. GROCERIES of every vaiitty. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iran ami Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of Q.UEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOT ii. SHOKS. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, cjc. Also a variety of LIQUORS such as II randy. Gin, Wine, &c. And a great variety of other article., snub a nro suitable to tho trade, all of which will bo sold at tha lowest prices. t3T Country produce taken in exchange ut the highest prices. Sunbury, May 1, 1852. ly. XIXC VAIXTS ; Manufactured by the New Jersey Zinc Company, Newark, i. J. rPIlE Subscribers are now prepared to exerute orders L tu any extent lor their beuuulul whim and colored 2ine Paints, at tha reduced price., via : warranted No. 1, White, ground ill oil, 9 centt per lb., pure, No 8, do. do. H do. .l-i ISo. 3, do. d'i. 7 do. do Brown d Black, d.. 5J do. do Une hundred pounds will cu er equally well aa mcch surface as 160 lbs. of White Laud j they are iU per cent cheaper to the Consumer. The Zinc Whits is rapidly supeneding Iad, over which it poucincs many advanluges It ie whiter, and mora bcautiiul Ihuu Ihe White ltid lues not turn yellow, even when exposed to sulphurous va,ur lus no smell is not injurious to health, and is fur mote du rable. Zinc Brows and Hlacs. Piit. abs aotn Wkather and Fina Pnoor. The beat covering ..r oumidu woik ever intioducvd, adapted to buildings' of wood, brick nr stone to fences, carriage bodies, bridges, and machinery to the bulls of vessels, anchors, chains, and ell other Iron, work on board ship to sicam boilers, smoke tacks and water tanks to iron, tin, and oilier roofiiug, iron shunter doors aud railings, wue fences, bridges, fee. For Iron Surfaces this Paint is especially valuable as it forms a galvumc connection, mill entirely pi events rust. These Zinc Paints having a pure Metalic Bnse, are war raniul not 1 1 turn yellow, and will retain their original brilliancy much longer than White Ltrid, or ony of the earthy pigments now in use. The ci-rtincaliti from those who have used theee Paints, are such as to satiety the inili lic that they are invaluable. Th) ablcEl chemists of Prance and this country have tcstifii-d to the superi irity of Zinc over lad Paints, as t-i durability, hr:i;hiulni'sti and beauty. They hove been adopted by the Krywh Govern ment, bv the corporation of New York, nnd are now . tensively used by the United (ioveinnicnl at many i.t til. lurfrvat Militiirv Tiri.,A lW..,t. PlIILAUELPIIIA OAS WoSXI, MoV IS, 1S51. Meairs. F. C. Jones II Co. Ctntienmn liuviug mode several trials of your Rmwn Zinc Paint in vaiioua moth oda calculuted to test its p-oteclive qnulitics upon wood and metal, 1 have the satiaf iction to state that the results have been highly favoianla. Tha paint ooveiiiig well, drying quickly, and potaesiing greater tenacity, e-'pccifiily upon lion, thau cny other paint with which 1 am fa miliar. Yours, truly, Jons C. Canto. The undersigned, having used the Zinc PaiuU relcrred to concur in tne fon.fming opiaiou. Morris, Tasker tc Morris Keanct, NenEe i Co., Penn Works. Merrick S"ll. Jamea T. Suti'on Co Fmnklin Iron Works J. T. Dean, V. 8. Dry Dock. rE Dealers supplied on reasonable teims by the Agents of the Compuny. F . C. JONKS ft Co , No. 17 South Wharves, Phila. July 17, 1832 flm. ' NEW STORE. PETEll Mr. GRAY "RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has commen ced , new store in Whortleberry street, in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Gray, and lias just received and opened a well selected assort ment ol Dry Cioo(l Consit-tinj in part of CLOTHS, CA8SLMERS, SATTLETT8r And a trcncral assortment of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also an assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWAUE, And a general variety of other articles such os are suitable to tlie trade, all of which will be sold at the lowaet price. Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. .Sunbury, May 15, 13.12. Gin. EYRS & LANDELL, 4M and .It ch Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVE established a Store wlieie the !st trade now resort for Household Dry GoutU, French Fancy Goods. Dress bilks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Milts. Cloths, CasMmcrs and Vesting, Muslins and Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Black. Silks for Drastics, Full Slock of Mourning Goods. K. &. L. are constantly receiving Bargains from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, wliti h they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nctt Cash. Edward E. Evre, Washington I. La.npei.1., Philadelphia, July 3, 165'.'. ly. JUST KKCKIVKD AT TUB Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. 1 STR01I. Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, slraig and Japanned Mounting, Which he will either make np to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere elao. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunk), Yallcex, &c. Constantly kept on hand or manufactured tn or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on thu shortest notice. All persons are invited to csll am examine for themselves. All kinds of produce taken in eiclian;. Sunbury, May 1, 18M. tf. Van Loan Daxucrrcan Culler, 159 Clustnut Street, VT this octehrated aatalilikhnietit you ean always pro cure tha newcat and most improved style -1 DAGUERREOTYPE k. TaLBOTYPE POrtTnAlTP. at from SO to ICO per ct. last cosr than such pictures can p. ran i,,r eiKWRere. Now that yoa can secure such perfect portraits nf vour loved ones at a intra oooiioiU coat, doat delay Icat you lose theiu. Every variety of fancy casta, frames, ti,nn bend fa furnished to order, tnd every picture aaade aatuaory and wainsniaa to oe in me neat style ot las ait or no cuAaaa Call and sea at at 149 Clieainul at. Pbiladdrphia July IT, IWUly. H Pl RNELI" BUNBUEY FE2tY. EXKT W. I5UCHER infarma tha public that ha baa taken tho Sunbury Ferry and aa ba ia now well prepared with good and sulli cient eratu ha will ba enabled to AoctsntBodato tba public with promtaees and despatch, , Avttl 10. 1P52- tf. CHERRY PECTORAL? " Car er ' COUOHS, COLD?., HOARSENESS, SftoW ohitxs, oaoxxp, "Si. 2KA, WaoOHHO-oSorf This invaluaMe remedy for all dimaaaof tba' iiiiuiAT and LtiKaa, has attain a reMuitr i us cmaraauf cures, navar eo.,allad by anr ! other nic-liciue befora. Odi.r pt.paevior.a haT, j shown themselves rdlimtirtt. and sometimaa at ; fected notable cores, but none his tvsr fuUv won the coulidmico of every commnnity whera it ia known. Afler years of rrtal in every cllmatv, 1 the results have Indisputably shown it to paaataa ' a mastery over this dongerous class of disrssas. I which could not fail to attract tba atttntiea of j Physicians. Patients, and the public at larg. j See th stasemenU, Hot of obscur individuals anu irom tar ili'Xmt places, hut of men who ara known and rtspectod throughout tba country. The tt"ltli rtlcbrattd Silicon, Dr YAL ENTINE MOTT, ofN. Y.CUy, r: "It give. in pMenre tn f.eitifv u, rabje sndiiieaL-v nr 'Avere Cherrv Pecwral." which I . aunplrd l i cure diaouaci of the tliroot and I'll. rr.nKINS, the venerable I'reaident of tha Vet mr nt Meitieal CuU?re, one of the eminently learned Dhva lcians of Una country, wrilee, the Cherry Pectoral u ea leiwivelf n.ed in this section, where it baa shown anine ikble avidenca of its happy effects upou pulmonary di- The Iicv. J. D. CUHRANE, a drstinKuished Clergyman of the English Church, writes to the Proprietor from Montreal, that "he has been: cured of a sevara at lunatic eflwiion, by cherry Pectoral His leiu-r t full lenerti, may be fund in ourCiietitor t,i be had uf the goiit, and ia wurth Aa atlewtufl uf aita luutic pstieuls. TAii Utter is from the well known DrutipsT at Hillsdale, Muhitan, one of tlie largest aid ers in the State; and this case is from his oun observation. Hn.Lsni.a, Mich., D. 10, ISiO Dear Sir : Immediately on receipt of your Cherry Pec--total, I carried a bottle to an acquaintance of irritie whj was thoucht to be near his end with quick eotauutprtcn lie w:i then nnabie to rise from his bed, and wee extreme, ly feeble. His fnemls believed ha lunet anon die, unleat relief could be nbuiined fnr him, end I induced them to ftive your excellent medicine a trial. I- immediately left town for three weefcr, etui -yon may jodee of my anrpriae on my return, to meet him in the street on my way home from thu car., and 6nd lie had antirely recovered. Ptiar weeks from the ilsy he commenced tntiiiR your medicine ' IIC ITU, Bl WUI.IL 11 IP uiui-nitw linnr 111 . Hint K.m n II . ; There are other esses within my knnwiedge, whera the Cherry Pectoral hoa licen siiientsrlyinc-.eui'ul, bnt none muiked si this. Very truly yenrs. ! C. W. L.fDERWCOD. j car the Patient. I Dr. J C. Aver, Lowell.- Dear Sir Peeling under oU ! iiutiti'ins to you fur the ren-iration of myheatth. t send yo j a r-;iTt nl my case, which you are at liberty to publish for , the iienelil of others. Jat tiutiimn 1 took a bnd cold, ac i c 'Mnpanicd liy a revere cUih, and made cse ot' muny med- business, frequently raised blood, and could pet ao aleap at , . ' . . . ... r icmi.-s wilhoui obtiiinina relief. 1 was obnaexl to eive up A friend p;ive nie s bottle of -onr Cherry Pecto ral, the use of which I immediately cotnmeuoed sccurdine to directions 1 bsve jntt pnrrhased the fifth bottle, and am nearly recovered. I now sleep well, my cough baa ceased, and all by the use of your valuable mediefnt. K. S. STONK. A M. Principal Mt. Iloperariry. IlAKovsa, Ohio, April 3, IBM. Dear Sir : I wish I could tell all that tuff or with a cough, what your Cherry Pectoral has done fur ate. It docs seem they might be benefitted by the information. 1 had a lung lever wnich tefl my lanes weak and uiflamed. Kemp: very feeble and uiwble to (rain strength at all, my friends thought I muat soon sink in consuinpti'in. I- had n appeti'e, and adieudlul cough was teat wenrmg ma away. I begun to take vonr beautiful medicine, by the ad- -vice of a clergyman, who bad seen its elTeci befora. It ceased my coueh at first, and gave me rest at night. In Icra that a futtnight 1 could eat well, and lay cough had censed to be troubles 'me. my oppetile returned, and my food nourished tne, wliich soon rcured my strength Now, after five witts. 1 nm well and strong, witiiau oth er help than your Cherry Pectoral. Youre, with retpecf. Jt IJA DEAN. I hereby certify that the above statement of my wife is in conformity with my own views ol' her case and her cure by Aver't Cheny Peetorul JOSP.PH DEAN. The above named Joseph Dean nun Julia, hia wifq, ara persounlly kmrwn tu me. and implicit confidence may ba placed in their statement. 8.VMIKL C. VAX DERWBNT, Pastor of the Baptist Church. Prepared and sold Inj JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by PrinijiKts generally Ithe Statu. November 1, 1851. lycoJmo IfEW C0TJNTEY STOILE At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tilpe- hocken Koad, near Kreighbaum's Black Smith Shop. JACOB WKIMERV OESPEOTFULLY informs tha public that bo has opened a new Store at the above plaoa and ha just received a splendid slock, of new Spring and Summer Goodi, , t'onsiating in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetsr DRILLINGS and all kimla of linen cutlot and wtu.iifd summer ware. A LSO : Callicoes, Muslin de Laines, Lawns, Giiighaiiisj, And all kinds of Dresw Goods for Ladies. Tea, Coi'FF.K, SrnAR, MotA.-rs, 4Vc. I CllOCXUir.S, of all kinds. BRA DY, GIN, WNIE, and all kind of Liquors, llardvirr. Irou and Stcrlr NsiU, It., ". QUEENSWARE. Shoes, PmmiIs, Caps, rulm leaf and other f lata. Fish, Salt, &o., A II of which he will sell at the moat reaeonablo I prices for cash or country prodiwa. J May 8, 1832 -tf. ! LI B ERT Y S T 0 VE WOSSS, 11I10WX STREET. I sTx abote Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. PrMIE andersigncd reapeetfully inform the pvJtw A lie- ihut they ara is feH operation at their new foundry, and ready to execute) orders for stoves of every description oil the laoat teasons hle terms. They rmtte the attention of STOVE DEAL EKS to their large aaeortinent of hTOVO, all of which are entirely new, and got up at reat etpruac. Among which ara tha Liberty Air Tisht Cook, Complete Cook, t?tar Air Ttght, Mar r rauklin, otar Kaibator, Jenay Im proved, Fire King Kaliators, Halamand. rs, Can nons, CaaeiK liara I. yttiidara. Bar Room Stoaia, Furnaces, fiaa Ovrna, Ac., dee. AUUOTTiV LAWRENCE, N. B. Country merchants are particularly inviu-d tr cull and examine our eiorlntr.l. A pill 10, 1S5C ly. AVi. 3IcCarty, Kookseller. T ESrKCTFCLLY informs hia frienda aad - tlie public, that hai has removed hia Book Store, to Market street, U tba bauaa orcupied by S. Naille, Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posita tha Court House, on tho north aide, whera keeps for aala constanrly on hand a good assortment of books and atanoaary. For Sale A large new eprrag waggon fit for 15, 3 ar 4 Sunbury, July S4, 185?. tt WM. M. E0CKETZLLEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. M Mil UY, lA. ' Dae. 13, 1861. 7MERS0-V&A5HEMETIC!oa.i., i. - and Porter' Rhetorical Reader, juat rssneiv ad and for aala by WM. MeCARTY. Sunbury, May 1, IfiJL- EE BILL8Jgtiraj and CwUblie Taaj ' nuia nrnaaorneiy rntatid an rnt payeaj frw aala at una onica. 4L -v