P o c t r ij . Table "Rule for little Tolkx In silence I mnt inke my si al, And givn Clod Ihmik lie lore I cat ; Most for my food in patience wait, Till I mi nsked to hold my plate. 1 must not scold, nor whine, nor pout, . Nor move my chair or plate about. With knife, or folk, or napkin-ring 1 must not play, nor must I sine. I must not speak a list) less word, For children must be seen, not heard. I must not talk about my food, Nor fret, if I didn't think it good J I must not say, "Tht bread is old," "The tea is hot," ,lThe codec's cold," 1 must not try for this or that. Nor murmur if my tnrnt is fat. My mouth with food 1 must not crowd, Nor, whilu I'm rutin??, speak aloud ; Must turn my head lo coniih or sneezf, And, when 1 ask. say, "If you please." The table-cloth I must not spoil; Nor with my food my finpeis soil ; Must keep my seat when I have done, Nor round the table sport or run. When told to rise, then 1 must put My chair away wilh noiseless foot, And lift my heatl lo God above, In praise for all his wondrous !ove. V'oodicorlh's Youth's Cabinet. A STRING OF ITJ'MS. "Tis rAi.su." as the cirl said when her beau told her eho hud boau'.ilul hair. The finished railroads in Ohio now measure nine hundred ami eighty-seven miles. There are now over 881,000 hogs in Ken lucky over six monihs old. Tub rose hag its thorns, the diamonds its specks, and the best man has his failings. Mart, a daughter of U. S. Senator Gwin, of California, was bin ied on Tuesday at Wash ington. The Grand Snllanhas two lumdrcd and fif- j ty wives; tho Pojio has none Iiadly oil, both of them ! v An express lino has been slnrted between New luik and Iho Australia gold ihj;giii"a. A military encampment is to be held at Portsmouth,' Dauphin county, Pa., commen cing on the 30lh inst. It is thought the potato erop of Kentucky, this season, will exceed that of any seasun for many years. TiiF.nE is a boy in Massachusetts, who has become, by repeated marriages in his family, his own grandfalher. Platt, tho editor of the B;ttestovn Herald, who was bitten a short time since by an ele phant, is fast recovering. Tni:. emigration to California by sea and laud this year will, it is calculated, reach, if not exceed, one hundred thousand persons. We did'nt have it so ,:all-fired" hot here, aflar all. At Madrid, on Iho 22d of Ally the thermometer stood 113 in tho shade. "1 Wonder what makes my eyes to weak?:' s..id a fop to a gentleman. "Why they are in a weak place," replied tho latter. A French Cook having sprinkled a little no much pepper on a favoiite soup, hung himself in despair ! The Potato crop this year will be an im mense one, and that even if the rot should exist, there can be no such scarcity as there was last year. If You make love lo a widow who has a daughter twenty years younger than hoiself, begin by declaring that you thought they were sisters. IIakd. A cotemporary says, "A fool and his money are soon parted;" and a brother kindly asks of him what ho has been buy ing. A Mr. Hen has just slarlcd a new paper in Iowa. Ho says ho hopes by hard scratih iiig, lo make a living for himself and his lit tie chickens. It is estimated, from the accounts European journals give, that there are nut less lhaii 70 6S0 political prisoners in Europe, llotrible to think of. A correspondent of the Transcript says that Iho venerable Dr. Lyman Beeeher is ''the father of more brains than any other man the I'nited Slates." There are in the United Slates eitjhty-one women holding the office of postmaster; thirty-one of whom are in Pennsylvania Some of these are important olhees At one time, in Paris, the architects were obliged lo raise, lo lower, or enlarge llicir doors according as the dress of the women vaiied, Many women are loved without knowing it, and many think they are loved when they are not. They generally find out their mis take after niariiuge. So we thought when we saw a man beating his wife. Miss Nancy says that whilo folks are 'in veiiliiii; this and inventing thai, she wishes to uracious ! somebody would invent some thin" for bringing up children, and then she would get married. ' Mas. Nicely bought a warming pan the other day. When she came home she found Bridget, tho servant, cooking gridle cakes in it. This is the same young lady who was if nt lo a dry goods store for a bed comforter, and returned with one of the clerks. FrnKs.cE and Mill Sales in Pennsylva nia. The Clarion (Pa) Register advertises 6evcn columns of sherifFi sales. Among the properties to be sold under the hammer, will be nine iron furnaces, with furnace properly, making in all about twenty-three furnaces sold in that county by the sheriff within a year. Neatly all the rest of tho property to be sold at sheriff's sale, consists of grist mills, . saw mi" and fulling and other mills. The New Voik Tribune (Whig) in a ltad et on the North Carolina election, aiyi : ' Gov. Held (Dc-m.) ia personally popular, an ..Lie a, id adroit eluctioneerer, lias canvassed ia SlHte three times, shaken hands with 'ioul every man, flattered every women. J kissed every baby within its border," and therefore can'l be beaten by the Whig candidate. Tremgndovs Exciteksnt ! ! Cash, Steam, Klectricity ! ! The Aerial rind all other lines out-done hi) the Lightning I.lnc of THA T. CLEMENT. TV-' having great faith in rnpiJ sales and small profits, has just received ana opened s large assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he oners to tho public at tho lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry Goods, viz : Cloth, Cnssimrrs, Cassincts, Jean!, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin do Loins, Lawns. Ginthams, linages. Sit.Kfi Palm Leap Hats. A large assortment of limits and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Gioccrlcn, Sugar, Tea, CulPe. Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. IIAKDW'ARR, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nulls, Files. Paws, &e. QUE F.NS WARE, 7V Setts, Hales, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, cj'c LIQUORS, Wine nraiuls', Gin, Htmi, Whiskey, Sc- lr Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the Inchest inaikct prices. May 8, 1S.VJ. ly. LM.HTMNr. HODS. A1 1'TEI! manv vears' close invcstiualinn and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in informing the public that he lias arri ved at the true principle of protcctiin; families, dwelllnifs and property liuni the destructive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The ralamilies that cverv City, Town. Village and Country falls vic tim to iinntcilly, through the press ncgliirencc of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain this is found in AimiTtttF.'g Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alnne. This Rod has been examined lit' thi imtl fii'ipiif i fir cpntliMiinii in ttift xIr!l iiri)V.Hsor M'Mnrlrie, Johnson, Wnllor and ina- nv others that have examined fhrin, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of appro bation, and have pronounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country for the protection of Lives and Property. One advan tage is to divide and throw back a part of the elec trie Hum harmless to the clouds; in tunc of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion ot mud Unit belongs to the earth without Iho slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has man)' other advantages over the old one. 1 he only place ol manufacturing ts in Vine St. 3 doors above 12f7i, Philadelphia, v hero all persons are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale or Retail by THOMAS ARMH AliE. Iff The onlv authorized A Rent for the Coun ties of I'nioii, Jimiat.i, M i 111 i ti, Clinton, Lycom- Northuinbcrluiiil, Montour, Columbia, Lu !, is SA.MCEL HOOVER. Iltirtlctun, Union countu, Pa. Orders and letters addressed (post paid) to Mr. Hoover, will be promptly attended to. May M, 1H.1V:. - tin. STACK OFFICE. a v a s 1 1 1 x ( ; ' n x house, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVeIt, Proprietor, lirorLT) respectfully announce that he lias ' ' taken this well known titand, where he will be. gratified to tee and entertain his triends and the travcllinc; public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in fitting lip this house. The chamber are well furnished and the table and bar provided with the best the market can allord. The stable accommodations are extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland to Pottsville, stop at tiiis house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Suubury, march -0, 1?5. tl. JOHN A. TAlTLQIt, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Mahiile. Al his UUl Stand in Northumberland, Pa. IF.SPECTFri.LY inform the public that nil work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in tho latest style of the Lastem cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates, will do well to call and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 18."2. ly. Tlie Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, HUh iV Lombard St., PHILADELPHIA. MMHE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form I'm vri:ns generally, that he has suc ceeded to the llusiucr-ti of manufacturing Print ins; Jul formerly cariied on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to the trade, without any Prirs, but wilh the simple reliance upon the long established diameter it has borne, lei ling confident of its giving entire satisfaction lo all who may favnr him wilh a call. Turns Cash. CHARLES ENLU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852. tf. mil: t.itiMT imiizi: jilihl au- itivi:i) : HICKEY & TULL, No. 148 Chest nul St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. 1 I AYE just received their Ythe VVCT .Medal, awarded them for i ITU their lest Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1H51 being tho only exhibitors to whom nny award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they hac taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found in this City, and at very low prices. Call and see. H ICE BY & TELL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 185-. tf. Alden's Condensed Reports of teima- II 1ST Published, and for sale bv Ihe subscri Gj ber the Second Volume of A Men's Con ilcnscd Pennsylvania lleports, coiitainintr the last three volumes of leales lieports, and two lirst voliunr ot llinney a Kcpnrt. I he lirstvol unit of Alden, containinc Dallas' Kcnorts, 4 vol nines; and Vealcs' lieports, volume 1, is also on I I 1 O'l. l . . ii ii 1 1 ii , unu lor saie. i ue a novo two volumes are complete within themselves, and contain all of l'ulhis lieports, 4 volumes, and all of Veates' lieports, 4 volumes, besides the two first volumes ot Jiiiinc) a lieports. 1 ho third volume is ready anu win ue pui to press umneuintc ly. H. U. MASSb'UH, Agent. Sutibuiy, Aug. 16, 1651. T 1 AliRIAGE CETIFICATE8 Landsomelv executed for sale at this otlice, single or by the do'.en. RAZOHS. A auperior article for sale Bi ire of HENRY MASsE'R. Banbury, Feh, 16, 18:i0, SUNBUJtY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUHNAL. 500 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. VNY Rood, active and intelligent man, will? a small capital or fiom $30 to a 8100, can make larr-o profits by engaging in the salo of Hi following rOPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. rlUMHKIW INFORMATION I'Oll Tilt. H'.OIM.F. : or pnpiitar EiM-vcinpeih. of rueful Kii..wl--l. iwo liir-'f liiipi-riiil wtnvo volumes, pontniieng WW PK "rKKWt.N'S HISTOBV OK THH AMMtirMN II K VOLI TION. SCO large octavo piigwi, with 4U0 line nf!SS& niPTORY op run v. s. navy. 6O0 k.riio octnv" ymeir, awl l-W "" l-.iiBnivinsi'. pihi-t ! iir.M AHK.viii.i: r.vi:. in in tiikiiihj- KV OI-" AMI'.ltlCA. Two larjre w-tnvn rlumr, pon UiiiiiiiK 11MH) pnesaail 7IW Kiigruvinga. The best Ilis lorv Aniii'':t 1'iilrlinln-il. FROST'S I'ICTOIIIAI. I.IFK OF VASIIl(lTO. A rplrniltil ll'i'k, coiititltiiiip (Hl oc-Uivo pngt-s unit K0 cltt-a-nnt Knirniviiiirs. The clietipeat I. He of Wnshingtun i-vrr imMlnhi-'l. MOOHK'si HISTORY OF TIIH INDIAN WARS. Fiiio p-.lon-il nml PInin I'lutcs. TIM'. Till !: HKI'l IU.ICAN. OtitHiiiimr tha Inniururnl Vlilri-"" nnJ llin First Ainiunt Afl'lrcsfi ninl Mcuuni'.-s ofiillllii' I'risiitoiils of tho Ituiti-il Slnti , thn ConsUIn ti'Miiiot' Itio iinix rl:int HtfitfA in the t'litiul, Ac, Ac. Kliihrlli-ltt'il wilh Pt.rtrnMn of nil tlm Prt-FiiV-iils, cnirra vcil mi uti'rl, ami n vii'W of tho L'npilttl t)f Hie United Slat.'K. SIHI pnp', It! mo. 1X'S HOOK OF ftl.XR I'YR'S. A fSptnutiit Family ll.iitiiin, larif tpiarlo, with 0 Knpraving", bttautltully bimd in in. r .(-' , tilt. w; cor.mi:m's history of tiik popf.s. oho l.-iru"- ort:.vo (miri-s. wilh illnstralions. JOSCI'IH S' WORKS. Finp F.dilioit, one I'Ocp vlinn. S'l l RM S ItKFI.KCTIMNS ON TIIK WOKKS OF l. I'll. ST PII'RRF'S STITitrfl OF NATt RF. IH l'K S IIIS TOl; V OF TIIK V0RI.D. A Valmbln (i.'iieinl History. One larce m'tnvo volume, with haiul- s iiip l aiciavitifiS. J.IVFS OF flltKAT AMI rF.I.llIlR ATF.D CIIARAC- TI'RS : of a I Acs null rolliitri.'S. One lurne volume of MJU papi's, Willi iiiiinirrous Inriiviii'. Together wilh a iiumher uf oilier Works particularly adapted for Popular Headinj:. O" The. most liberal discounts will be piw.H to .incuts who linn engage in the suft! of the uvovc ahmhle lumks. For further partieulars, addirs (postage paid,) J. & .1. L. ClllON, Publishers, No. 9S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Juno 21!, 1S02. Oils. 'J'alloM' (Ircasi, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. BARRELS MACHINERY OIL. Price 75 cis per gallon. Solid li.db.ns machi- ncry oil, in casks of various Bi.es, 75 cts per gal. JllO Barrels Roiltd Paint Oil, 55 " 51100 Gallons " " in casks of various sizes. " " ;i."0 IS.irrcls Tanners' Oil. Vaiious kinds and qualities, from S5 to lit) cents per eiillon. 1500 Gallons in Casks of vat ions si7.es. Va rious kinds and qualities, from !15 to 50 cents per gallon. f0 Tons Tallow Grease, for Heavy Hearings, and Coarse Machinery, in Barrels or Casks, of any rousi-tcuc.y required. Price 0 cents per lb. 150 Tons Ohio Mineral Paint, in Barrels, nt the lowest msrket price. Machine, , Oil, warranted not to chill in the coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to Sperm Oil. JSoilrd Paint Oil, equal lo Linseed Oil, other than for white. I am constantly receiving large supplies of the above named articles, and my motto is, "Small profits and quick returns." R. F. POND, 50 Water st., (under the Pearl st House , NEW YORK. New York, June 10, 1S52. 3m. GLASS, DRUGS. PAINTS, &c., no3.i:.sii.i; ami Kir.tii,. TRMIE Philadelphia Window Glass Ware-- house, and Urug, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, Nos. :i3 and 35 North Fourth Street. Eunt side, has the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other C -LASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent ries, ranging from the smallest size, up to !)sj by 00 inches of Sheet, and as large as 5 by 7 feel of Plate Glass, including English Crown, French, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights, Uulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having a henry stock on hand is prepared to lilt orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground While Lead ; Paint, A'arnish, of ev ery description; Turpentine; Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw; Pair.t Mills; Putty; 15 rushes ; Jle Woods, Ac, fee, Ac. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. N'os. S3 A- 35 North 4th St., E. Side. April 10, 180S. ly. tf. X. BITTERXCXT," ,Y iS .orth 'id hitincn Arch and liacc St., PHILADELPHIA. 1TERERY informs the public that he imports and constantly keeps 011 hand at his new store, No. , S North -d St., a large assortment ol Foreign Fiiucv Coods, Mitxicnl Instruments, Pictures S" Paints, which he i!l sell at the lowest prices. His slink, 111 purl, consists ol, Accordcons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Mc.lodi ons, Scraphiucs, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Spy nud 0cra Glasses, tatiotiery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, lies of all kinds, S1111II anil Tobacco Roxcs, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures uf every variety. Also jilt Frame Mouldings of various si.es. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup- plied at reafoualile pints. December -0, 1S5I. tl. Boimetr, Hats and M i 1 1 i n e r v (i o o d s ! ERPHAXTS and Milliners when in rtiil- ndclphia to purchase their Roods, will find it to llicir interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STKiW C.Of)ES. We mniinfacttirc laradv and imtobt the Xuvht SriLti or l"orcii;si l'ilricN in our line ; which toi;etber with other advanta cs enable us to oiler liberal induceuients to bCVI. US. 11. A. CliOOKER. cV CO.. Nos. 47 and 40 Chestnut iSliect. and No. fifi South Second .Street, west side, near Chettuut, jiiiiaueipnui. December 57, Sol ly. ef. J O II IS A. II A 11 It I S , Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a Renerul assortment of Leaf &. niaimlai lin ed l obarro, ONSTA.NTLV on hand, at the lowest mar- ki t prices. Corner of Chestnut est., and Wharves, Philadelphia. . December 27, 1851 ly. CMltlFS ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN UEH, a fresh supply just received, and for ""o b.v U. 11. MASSE K. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1R52. LANK Parchment Puiier Deeds and blank Mortgages, Dunds, Executions, Summons, &c., for sale by . U. MASSEK. Sunbury April 26, IBS I 4 JUS OLD S WHITING FLUID and Adhe ive and legal envelopes, for aale br II. 11. MASSEH. Sunbury, nja 10, J852. JUSTICES' FEE BILES Fo7aalrbv H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, 1851. 'SP '.irwm 5,'''wmmiiii yj'i'lil'Ji. IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. riHR subscritx-r hsi constructed a LIGHT A NINO HOI) on true Philosophical princi ples, hy which buildings supplied with them oro rendered porfrtly secure against ilestruetion hy lightuinrr. Tho connection and Insulation of the rod, as well as tho preparation of the ground rod, is on sn entirely new plan, making a mora per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to sccuro Letters Potent for the improvement. Persons desirous of soenrinff their lives and properly from destruction by lichlnimr, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most pcrlect and substantial manner, try applying ei ther personally or by Iccr, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 ft. J inch copper rod gold plated point, solid pluliiia tip. And forty cents for every additional foot over forty. For '10 It. J inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, solid jiatina tip, For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated point, sol id pi 'at in a tip, For 40 ft. iron rod silver plated point, !i22,00 13.50 1 2,50 10,00 And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. T. S. MACK KIT. Milton, Sept. 6, 1951 ly. cap Vi, 1852. HARRISBURG BOOK BINDERY. F. I- 1IUTTKH & CO., f ncccM'.rs to V. (1. I lick olt, 11111I Iliekok Cnntiae. Iconic HINDERS, STATION ERS AND 1' BLANK BOOK MA N 1.' FACT I' RE lis. The BtibscrilH-rs respectfully inform their friends nud the public, that they are now currying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by Hickok eV Co. They flatter themselves that by careful aitenlion to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage, so liber ally enjoyed by the old linns. Particular attention w ill be paid to the ruling and binding of every desciiptinn of blank bonks for banks, county olliccs, merchants and private individuals, and eveiv variety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, cVc, bound in any pattern and in any stylo required. In addition to the above, they have, and will nt all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of letter Pupi-r, Knivrs, I jtnlls, lMkxt.'tllil", iM-iito WnlVrn, lli-i. k ln'. Srllllllir Wux, Slates nnd Pencils. .-:. I IViieilK, I.eller Sl;ini,S, Imlii lluWur, ilf. ry, Hod Tilif lliiink t.'imis, M, llniwltiil " Transfer " C'vini ' I Hi .11 111a " !-l'.'cl Pens, lino Inn t'uriaiiie Ink, f'..pviiiLr Ink, l-'olil-ia, r.ramircx, .V e. Arnold's AViilnm I'luid. I sT Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very chcaplv. F. L. II UTTER & CO. March 13, lS.V.'. if. "AID AND COMFORT," 'i o Your Own iTIi'cliaaicM. GEOTvGE liEXX. MANiTAcrrr1r.11 or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attention ', -l of the public to his large ami splendid assort- j . ' I ineitt of cM'ry timlity ml price ul (IU.Vl2T-AYA!SI?. which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself tocvery one who will examine it, on account of its durable j workmanship and splendid linisli, made up ot the best slock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up wilh the many improvements which nre constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Soi'.ts, IHvnus antl I. ounces, Eureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1XIXC TABLES, oud also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. REDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPIIOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TA1U.ES AND EXTENSION TA1JLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also niunulactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAIKS, includiiiB varieties never before to hn had ir !Suiibury, such as M.iuoi;an, IJlack Whlmi AMI CCHLKII M.irl-K tillKCHN ; AMI Wl MISOII CH.1I!S, ami fA.Mcr Piano .Stools, which nre of the lulcst slvles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, us every confidence call be entertained about the ipialily and finish uf his ware and Chairs. His urticles will be disposed of on ns good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. 'tV" i;.M)KI!TAKl.N(.i Havinii provided himself wilh a handsome IIkaiisi., be is now prepared for I'ndcrtakinir, nud iitteiidin funer als, in this vL-initv, or ut any convenient dis- linir.. fr.iiii ttiiw nl.-u-i'. ' IX 1 he W are hoom is in Market Street, I below Thompson's Store and Weaicr's Taiern. CLOKUi; 1JK.N.N. Hunbury, Jan. 10, 1652 tf. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. yAKI!ANTEI) to stand f.jual unv other Chests iu the conn heat with country, ami to defy the llurglas' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesuut, and in the rear rf the Clirurd Bank. M. &. S., the proprietors, nre Practical Me chanics, nud feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests uud Safes, ami a special attention to this particular branch, ot giving satisfaction to all who may give them a call. N. B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in thii business, and we warrant our Chests and Sales to be made of the best material and in the most durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. Ml EN OR & SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson' Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, S of Clics nut, in the rear of (jirard Dank. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851. ly WIVI. G. 1V1ASON, lngrsivcr and l'linter, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared lo do ENGRAVING and PRINT ING, in nil their branches, Wedding, Visiting and llusiness Cards, Hall Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Hill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temjieraticc, &c. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1S51. ly. KNOD AND STRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale al hull the usual price bv J W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1649 I.IVER COBSPIiAINT, JAUND1CR. DYSPF.P5IA, CHRONIC. OR NKRVOUS DERI LIT Y, niSEASL OF THE KIDNEYS, A ND nil dieses arism from Il.-rl.-rj-.l llm or .lo A foci., ...el. as const l.t ".I, 'IIV N i'Kl lo the hcnil, Afumy " , ilu Maim, liF.riist for l'.ssl, f"' " , V' ..o niFTusi .... ,. -1 (he nd 1-ioinni 11 ..iir '.nieli.tions, huwimv " ,n ' of the N.Vwh, swiinnii.ur "f llm heiel Inirmslnml , llln e .lt nrrmntpff HuitrrinK nt me nenri, ru",.." r, seawtinu. when inn IvinfT post uro, lliiiinrss ol vision, ilolsnr welm heforrtl.o liulil, Fever nnil .lull pnnt In Uin hencl, drflcipnev of nrrsplrntinil, vrflowiwsof ll.u sl.111 nail rym. pnin in ilifl siile , tmck, elirst, lh'il. Ac , "'I'len nnlirn ofheiit Ipiinnim in inn nrsii. c"iira 01' evil, unit treat ilenresion of spirits, rN nt: i:rrr.cTi;.M.t.Y rt tinn iiy DP.. ECCPLAITD'S ti.LiiunAT:i Kn.MN hittkhs, raKPAr.Ra nv Dlt.C. M . J A IK SON, AT TIIK CSC I'M AN MKDICINR STOKE, .V. 1-0 Arch St., riillnilclpliin. Their ivtwer ovit llic iilctvis (lifiisc.H id n t rxrctlr-.!, if rquHtl;tl, Iiy nny oihr prv.n;iti.ni in lit niitd M;iIn, tn llir ctin s attht, 111 ni;oy riucjt uiut hkilUul iiyici:ms liml iiiiii'il. 'J'iicn IlitfiTs nre vrthv llicy nth-nli tn vi itivnlitls. Ptw-ssins ifn-it vn tiM'F lit tlm rf-iih'-:ti'u of ttini'a"t n 'f tlio l.ivrr Jitnl fsir 'nni-p. fxi,rcii !i ni-'St nvrtirlmur iviwitk in wcukin'Ks iiini :iiT.-i i-jtN.t 11 Hie tli' -jtUvo ury.-.us, thry lire, Wllliiil, riU-, nrt:im ir.tA pl-n; ant. 11.1111 il."tt -II iii'f J T!ic IMitor Rni.l. Ln '.'!.) 'lnt. Jloiii,AMr ( KLHftiiATnn fJniiMxN Hit rrn f'T tlic rnrr of l.ivi-r 'niil.iiiit, .l;tu;nlicf. I )-pi'jif 'hrnuu: i-r Ncrv.ms htdry. i .h s-Tvotlly iuk'uViIm: ni'l i'pu lur nicilicincH ti" the ilny. These liitlrm luivn In'i li n-i1 Iiy Hi' iiiiiii !?, 11111I n fricinl ;it nil clli ixv kiv lie mn Itim vlt" rect-nrtl mi ftlW'itnl tiikI prniMiiciii vnrv. i( l.iwr r.iiiipl.iinf iroin thu w t i Ink rciiifilv. Wc un: cniivinci .1 I Iml, in I Ac UM' i' thi-Hi! liillcin. itm p-ilirnt ft'itslnnlly cjiiiw fltrrnulh nml vi,'"r :i t; t wtrthy "t (rrt:il cnsult? rati"i). Titt'y nrtr p!.-;t;iiit. in 1;i-K mi-l hiivII, tintl r:in tir. upmt hy ptTPniiN wilh tin: nmst itflicut Ktntii'tclm wilh ty, niithT nny fircuimiiinccs. nre pi:ikina from t-x-pur if hit, mid In Hie nltiu-ttt we atlvis llicir Wi".'-' "rn'TT'n Wfrkia,1 mio nl' lliu best Jiitcrary pupers pul'lishftl. Kinl, Ati. 'J" l'it. IlniFi..Mi"a !ei:man HiTmo, iimniifiietiireil ly lr. .Iii'k"ii. nre iv w rcr-'mim ii-Ut! hv puinn uf (Iih iii' Ml proifinvnt inrinh'TR tf lli I'jiciihy iik an article iiiinah i eiliciK-y in i;ik.-h uf Irtirile wi-nkm-ss. An fiich is tlie I ruse, we wmiM :nlvie nil niiith' in t i-lttnin :i li"1tl-, nud Hum ("-ive ihrriiMeli'fK initrli nickie-KS. IV-rfMiio ut ilflnlilu ti'd cmiiiiitutioiiri will liml these Hitters atlviintni:e"M tn ihfir heiiltli, un we know irmn etpnciiee the salutury I'lltrl they have upon week KyBteiiis.'1' More Evithiue. The riiilii'!'lpln:i S:itnru:iy (.;n-."tle.M tlie li. Rt family iiW.-tpJipi Mijlilialied in iho I iiitfil Mulef, the dlitor v;)ti 1) JttjoflitmVs (icrman iilcrs. 1 "It N plil.iin i.; i,. we rrroinmni'l wh:il nri! tiTiiifi' Tti lent -Mi tlieiiien. I'Miie "niifi.l'iiee :iu l p:t'r'!!:iv;e "f our ' re;i-liTr ; unit, t liftrii re, hh e reiv iitiiii'-nl li. Iloof I IiiIhI'h li'-nnni IIiH-rs, we wit it to lie tiistmelly t:inli lu.id lt;) w ate 11 t Bne-iklilL' uf (he H-'f I IllHf of Hie dity. th:it are n isn aNrnt f.tra In i-f pThil und 1 hrti fr I pulli'ii nltri lln-y j:ivetl..m- tlit ir guilty raet; tit miH-hiel", f I'lif (if n liii'diciiie 1'iij ett,iMisht'i, imi-ert:il!y piized, ami I which liJis itiei t!ie he:ii-tv jir-nidviil "f the Famuli v ifeif ' t'.vi'l.Mve nivm evnh-tiee Ii:if I -em reeeivetl (like tlit for'-tmiv') fiont nil feelititifi cf tin; i " nion, lh. last llire wn.", an I rin' pir'ncet t' fitiiivnv in its favor, i. Ihal then is itetre o it ufx'tl in Hie prael ire of the regular 1'liv Bieiutif" f I'lnliulelpliia, than all other irlnim einilliineil, n f;n't lint ean eriMly he eti iUhshed, and fullv provmi; lint a seieiitifie prep:iratioii will nit-et with their timet approval when presented even in (his form That tint niediciiie will rare l.iver Coniplrtinl and )vh pepfia, no one eniidnulit. after le-ina it as dlieeted. It tiel ftpffiheally ill 'ii Ihe Mont-feli and liver it is preflVniWe pi calouiei in all hilJi'iiifl dis'-ases" the elfcet is inmiediiite. They ran he aihniinsteied to ! Ymutu ur infant with Kit'ety and reliuhlc htuefit. at any time. ni-'WAnr. ok enrNTnu'i'iT. Tliid metlieine han at ained that hiy'l eharaeler wliieli in swirv lor nil meiheinei to iitlain to u id nee rotinteiieiu-rs t" I"" l"rih 11 spurious .itlicle 1 "ru "' "'"' '''"',v'" HitiU' Wl't I Tl 1 'PI II-' M at tho rifk of tlie lives of I. LOOK WT.U.TO TIIK MARKS OF TIIK (iKM INK. Thev lmve lite wriiten meinitiire of C. f. JACKSON upon tin- wrapper, and the name Mown in the boitlu, Willi ttiir Vt'liieh they are Fpinion. 1'or pale, wholesale nnd letail, nt the (icrnutii M'dirine Store, No. !( Altrfl Street, one dor he!.w Sixth, (late nf 4J7H Iiaee ftieel.) I'hil idclpdia, mid hv resi.cetaiilc ilcalera generally throughout the e mhiry. i'iiici;s itKDi'rr.n, To rmlip all rinses of invalids to enjoy the ndvanlapcH ot tneir jieal restorative powers. Single Dofthj 75 cents, Amo: Vor salt- lie II.Massi.H) nnbury, and M. A M't'AY, V-ri hum'.. Thud. Auiint :w. ,-.J . J v. THOMAS PALIiIIR, COM MISS I ON' MKKCIIANT, No. ti. North U hui vcs, Where the follnwina; pool's are received and sold on couimisMoii, l'ried Apples, I'cnches, l'limis, Tears, ( heriics, iVe.. (iri'i'ii Annies in Il.irrcls or lv the lluii-l. I ltcaiis. Teas, Cranberries, Onions. .Mercer l'o- tatoes. Sweet l'olatoes, .Shelliniks, Chivtinits, (irnund Nuts, tlniii'es, Lemons, liaisius. Kiss. I I'riincs, ( rapes, I'.mltry, 1'kl'S, llutler, Clu Andull kinds of Poiciju and Domestic Pro ice. due Philadelphia, Dec, HI, IS.'il ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. nrillU subscriber takes this method of inform. iii'4 the ciliens of Sunbiiry and vicinity, that they are engaged ill the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the best I'llaltty, at No. 4 1 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite nil who buy for cash, to cjvc him u call us they will find it to lo their ndvanlaic in dealing with him for articles in their line. E. Dl l KV & SON, 41 l'ilbcrt aboxc ilh. December CO, ISol tf. uxiox Hoti:l, " SUNEURY, PA. rilIE MISS WEIT.EIS respectfully inform JL the Public that they Mill continue to enter tain travellers and others nt their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. 1 heir lonsr experience in the business, uml the Well established reputation of llicir House, will, they trust, be a hiiliicient tfuarautee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1S31 tf. ASZERIGAN SIOUSI3, POTTSVILLE, PA. US. MARY WEAVER respectfully informb the public and travelling cominuiiilv ceneral- ly, that she has opened this large uud commodious Hill hi., furnished in a suiierior style. From her lonj; experience iu the business of a lirst rate Hotel, and well known reputation to aceommo. date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducixe lo their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. R51tJ """STON'GWAnB7 CJTONE milk Puns, stone Jii's and Pitchers, l-J nud other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. Flill.ING. Sunbury, June 23, 1811) "PT7" ENNEDV'.S PATENT SA.SH FAS- UVL. TUNINGS, A cheap and excellent urti- cle lor fastening sash for sale hy J. W. Sunbury, July 7, 1 R 1 !. FR1LING JATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and uiddhhlu ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. 1 liU.l.NU. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. CJTONE Ware, Earthen Wurc, Raisins, Al moods, P tines and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and forsule by JOHN W. F HIEING. Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1819. IVVYTRAOT ur GINGER A fresh sunnlv jUHt received and for sale at this ollicc. Price 23 cents. Sunbury, Ju 13. 1851. SILVER WATCHES A few double rase k 7 English Silver W atches, for sale at very low prices by II. a. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. BLANKS. LANKS of every description can be had by applying at the otlice of the American. flUSSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering glasses, cVc, for sale at the ollieccf lie American. UANK NOTE TAV.Li:. CO 11 REC'l E 1) I VE E K L Y. PENNSYLVANIA. la tt r Hiii.AUKLritiA. M A SS A T A t : Sl'.TTf. All dvent tiniika 1 dia KHOliK ISLAND. All olvetit hrtnkft j di V. t Bank notes in dis All solvent Imnkit jmii Cni'NTRT. rONNKCTlCUT. All solvent hank dis CITY. Hank nf Cliniiihrrilnirg 1 di)' j'ltni ta l neiaer o. par Hank of llcl.Co. Cheitter piir iMinKoi iii rninntnwu liank of rieltynhnrg Hunk of Kewifitowu parl.MI solvent htinks 1 dM,t ? Ilk n l-n tind'T 95 4 di mt.'NTltY. All aolvfiilfi hanks 1 di NKW JKKSKY. Pnnk o( Middlitown 1 disl .Mt)ittf'merv t?o Hank nnr Hank of jNorihunilierl'nd. iai iHelvidere Hank j din i dm Ilankof riltPlant; 1 di ('omnieirial Hunk Hunk of liniivillo nirll-nr. Hank M ail tiony pur t iirlicle H;mk 1 din ,V M., .Middlet-nvii 11. par Oliinitnit Il k .V TJVeCo nar!Meehanir' Hk. Newnrk pur Doy.-lhtown liank ' pnrj.Merh. l;k of llnrlinutoii p-u 1isttin Hank par Meeh. ft .Man. Hk'lrent r l'.rii llfuik 0 di!.Moiris ft Hank dw I'lxehiinee IVk Pittfd'iirff 1 din'Newttrk Hke ,V In. Co 1 d' r.vd.aiiL'e ll'k, ilraneh I dis'f nu?e Hank jj dis l'uniier.H Hk, Hitrkff'o par'TeopWi Ilk l'attRrni jj dis l'Ilr!erl, Hk. InuvinttT pnr'i'rineetoii Hank par rnnnerj' Ilk. I'eaihmr nar SaCm H nikuai o, par I M Tilt Hk Sr'Mn-llcdl Co pal iSemerre Co Hnilk 2 V D. HI; W'avnertli'i; 1 '.dis'State I'iink nt C uiti.hai p'tr I'ra'iklin Hk. W nsirn" lldi Slate Hk I :it7alelliton ? dm Harri(.iirr Hank 1 .ti'Stale Hank Newark ? dir ' lliniesdide Hank 1 di State Hk, N. Hiniivwiek p:r li!n:ivier Hank par.Snm'-x hank. ewtoii 3 di l.i:iM"H Hank pai Trenton ltanktt.L' Co par Men li. A- Man. Hank 1 dm t'nion Lank. Dover 5 din MitieiH' ll'k. I'ntlKi'iliii per Yardlfvv'le Dt-l Dr I-Vha Mo nrahela Hank 1 dirtlt 'Hk ivteji nnd-r j dis Tavlorsv-fs DelHVt'i 15 diHi IH.I.WVAKK. West Hianeh Hank par Hank of lel wnre PIir AN'voiiiiiiir Hk, Wilkesli'e pnr'Hank of Smvina pur York Hank, I dislPe'mvate Cilv Hank p:ii IT Kelief not. 1 dmlltk Wilintr'iuV I'.nnalyvv. pat M AI.XK. I- arnters Hk SI Pelawn e par Hank of Wheiloek R dis I "ni" n Hunk. AYiliuintoii pr Mereantde Hk. Hanor Ktdis C'i"' I'nder i dis All s -h-,.,,1 dis OHIO. .Vt:V IIA.MI'Siniii:. All "lveid hanks 2 din AUnolv nt hanks j di I ? Hk n-.t .;n nnd-r .ri 4 dm VKIiloT. MMtTII ( 'AHOLINA. Hank of SI Al!.aim 0 di? M wlvenl hanks dif All solvent kin K.i j dtsjt ? I'nder .Vs, SJJ dm PIIILA. AND HEADING RAILB.0AD. si m m i: ii a it it a xtt i : m i : r r rom rmr.Aui'.LPiiiA and rnrrsviLLi:. rnrrs Rcdiirrtl. Office of the Philn. le Reading Unilroad Co. ) riiiladclpbia, March V.li, l.S.'.l. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.') itfK mid niter April 1st, lSOl two tiains will P be rim each way, daily, between l'hiladel- plna and l'ottsville Mm: v.Yc? ..vr:. Leaves riiiladelphia at IS A. M., dailv except Sundnvs. Leaves Pottsville nt 71 A. M. d.iilv ereeiit Snn- davs. AFTER XOOV 1.1X1-. Leaves Philadelphia ut Hi o'clock, dailv, except t- t -. , ... i.fiiics j ousiiuc iii oj o ciocR, tiaiiv, ece ) I ...... .. Tl ...... III.. . ol .1,1-. .1 O I fa n ES, Iictween Pliilailclphin ninl Pottsville, )jii.7.i 1st class cars ami Si.'i.'i il class cars. Iictween Philadelphia and Kcailin, $ I. "' 1st class cars and ."M.lo --d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Hroad and Vine rlrci'ts. l'iissenucrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded w nil Tickets. NOTICl". I'iti v pounils of bantrp will be al lowed to each passcntrcr in these lines; and pas sengers urc expressly prohibited from taking uiiv lliiut; as bautAme but their we:irnii;uiipurel, which will be nt the risk ofilsowner. P.y order of the lioard of Managers. !S. UliADI OKI). April 19, 151. Sccietaiy. row i:ts. TV MH.Ws Ol" TIIK NySS, i'"M . l.-l I l.i- (& fh I'l IX or Kvery die his & W '" i'liysician ! Tniurv- fS 'S tm cdiiinn, with up. Ig ;i'V ''51 iS! wards of a hundred enura p .1 '31 line, showin.; primle dis. 1 i?iX'3 'ij '" ''v,r.v ,'ll"l,e and l'( IVK P'P IM lit i t--.'5 if M irm, mid malformations of the general ive svstein. J-8-" 1 he tunc has now am- : veil, that persons sntli-riinr l'niin scen t !i.-easc-, I need no more become the viitim ur liiMCKKiivH as by the prcscriplions contained in this bank, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate j friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In j ailiiuuiii to llie fri'iieral rouline ol private disease, il I ill ly explains the cause of manhood's early de- rune, witli oliscrvutions on marriage besides many other derangement which it would not be proper lo enumerate in the public prints. It Any person sendimr T V ENTV-EIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receiie one copy of this book, by mail, or live copies w ill be sent for one dollar. Address, Dit. W. YOIWCJ, No. l.VJ SPKLX E Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. 7" I'r. YOl'Nf! can be consulled on anv of the Diseases describe I in his dill'crcnt publica tions, at bis Ollicc, 1"U Spruoe Street, every day between II and 'i o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) rhiiaijclpliia, June .i, IS.j.. ly. MAEBLE MANUFACTORY, (MI IK A V (IIJ.VVK STOMAS. 'IIIE snliserilier informs his fiiends uud Ihe -A- iie.biie. ttiiil bp ...it.liiin,.. 1.. i i - " "".t "ii me Marble llusiness in nil its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., uud is prepared lo innnu- lucture Momunents, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the best materials, nml most finished wik luaiiship, nud ut the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English anil German in the most modem and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, Ac., always on hand. N. It. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by baling the same at ihe office of the "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. (livens Uxygouuieif uittrr, prut tvdui'fd. Old Jacob Towurieiid's SarhujiuriUa. Dukcr'n Sarnajiarilla. Svvayius Wyrup of Wild Cherry. Sway lie's Vrnnifuiit. Ayrc's ('lurry I'trtoral Dr. I)rala'H l'linucca. )r. (ut!riia do T.l.tiit'ci Tain Killer. r. Jl'ill, mil's ( .tTiMjm Hitters Indian Yt-i't-.iM' 1'iIIa IurMund C'ultlo .Mfilit inrs Fur alo hv JiKMIV MASSCU. iSiidiiiry, July 11, 1SIU. Valuable ISooKm, I' IKE op Ohhlkt, huinUonu'ly bound. D'Av. UliNt'l HlSTOl OK TIIK It II lit II M AT I UN' , I. LANK UlI-UOIlKH 1MI J,K Itu KHS, full bounded. For salo at tho publishers prices hy 11. U'. MASSKR Suuhury, July 14, 1819 Vl'Ri-'lNO liOTTl.KS breast pumps, and A- nipple tulies- A supply of these useful arti cles jut lei'i'ivoj uud fur sale hy JOHN W- FJU1.ING Sunbury, Jan- 19, 1851 tf USK OINTMENT. A fresh supply nf (hit , exi-ellent urliilc for Teller, iVc, just received ami lor salo i'V HliNKY MASSUK. Sunlniry. July WJ Tt K A IS, from tho New York Canton and I'ckiu Tea Company. Kor sale by J. W. FlilLING. Bunlxiry, Dec. S, 1848 C-IOI.I) ri;.NS with and without raes, of a fi cry superior ipiality. just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing fluid, fur sale by 11. 1J. MASSEK. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 18.M. AY HTM. An ejcelli-nt article for sale by HENKV MASSEK. Sunbury Jan. 27 th, 1 Sill -if. i. ,J9 A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tli C abinet Ware Hoom of SEli'N TIOUrT & CO. Market Square, Jlso al the corner of Fawn street It the Railroad SUNBUKY, PA. TliniiUfnl for tlie pntroimo of his fricmU and customer iltirini; tlie 17 yram lie hnii been in busi iioks in tliis iiliicc. lie nolicitu from tlie public icon tinunnro of their favor. During this period h bus cnilriivorcil to kwp up with the iinprovementit of tho rluy, ond I11111 accordingly extended hi busi licnH in every branch and variety. The public arn therefore invited to tho attention of the present Klock of CAMXKT VAKH AND CIIA1SS, MANt'VACTfntt) BV SEEASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where ill addition lo their former stock of Ilia cMuMisliincnt they now iiiniiuljrture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chaira. ,arfi Sprirnr Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, ,Murblc Top lVu&h Stands, and a varirf) of oilier new style and E'aohionaMe lairnilure. lIuiiiK fiecurnil n Hearse and mmle the nccc. sniy nrriinuenieiits for Ihe purpose, they nr n iw pii-piired for UndcrUikiii in all il liran:li;s, in this vicinity or al nny convenient distance. Ye rnrit.l:- nnit mii-tri'HS.'S, an. Imnlimntn tno, Ilerc'i hiniilurr nf Hvrry Blylc unit hue, l'r'iin b iiiril tlown to kitch'-n talil'jn, l'rnin rnrkini; fluiirs to Mckii'L'eriullcs PlrMil.l yi'ii not luive tlii! nuily Jnns lo pm, 'u'lt wait uwliile fir ii brighter Aeltrr day, (ir t:iki v.t.'itoi'S. oiilpivrn, wlioat unit rye j 1 l-irk . liouji )'.I. Klrivt s, or lnuibi;r wrt and rirv. Criuo tliinj; tuti )oki.-s nud tlircsliiii'. flailiij l'l'Tii I'iirK and Inrkirs dmvti to lilllf ijimiig. t 'i mil' nil then fi irti'lB. cuie nnu and all, Kr-p tniile n iimvin?, mi "got nu tin., bail.1 I i" Order from n distance promptly attended I to ninl work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch. I Ktmlniry, March 0, 150 tf I ISOfiWTV l.Wl) ! AM) PENSION A(ii:.CY. The ntteiilion of Ihe public is called to the ad j verliscinent of Mr- Charles C Tin ker, Attorney Miul Audit at Washitnn City- rersnns bav ; ins; el.iiins lor bounty l.nnil.i or 1'cnsioiis arc in ' foi inril that the snliscrilier b.is nude arruucineiits fur the reipii.-ile forms, ninl cbiiinants calling at his nllice, can have their papers prepared and . ... ; , .. Y asluntiin, and ; . I i.n r i t 1 , . r - .1 f. ".,..,.V'" ll H.I i lJ I i M It ... l-n.j.i-.l U.UIIUIU lO LU-lUlll lUC JIC- partiucl.t there II. II. MA8.SKR. Siniburv, Jan. IS, IS'il i .ils.fie PROPERTY FOR SALE. flplll Sn!-Trili r wlm regies in IMii! i It Ipluu, ft. nlii-r-i for sali' the fu'liuviii' iropiTiv in Mil J tun, JSm t Ii uinljt-i Juinl -umt v, iz: 'J'Jn larye I BlilCK BUILDING ; -i in upper Mdlon, formerly occupied by j Mcs-rs Pallcrsons ns a Carriage Makers Shop, Tin' building is (ill feet front on upper .Market I street, and 'III feet on front street, and is two stories hih. Also a two story K' Ill.ACIvSMiTIl SHOP, ! I'l by 'i feel, nu the same premises. The lot is 1 on the corner uf upper Market and Pront olrcets, I a id is lii', feel front, and l.'xl feet deep. I The premises would he valuable for a Foundry i or other inaiiitfiicluiiuu purposes, and will heboid i nn reasnuablc and siccnininoatiin; terms by up- pi;, lie.; eiiin r n J.H Uii C liKK.iA IN, Philadelphia. J. r. wtn.ri.(;i;ii, Esq.. Miitou or II. 11. MASSE U. IN-,, , Sunburv. Philadelphia, Jan. io, IS.il if. I'll I 3, 1 Ol.l.l'tl A BZSDSCAXi HOUSE, KSTA!:i.lSllr:i) 1". VKAKS Ad'O 11V DJi. KINKKLIX, Corner J 2 hint and I'nion Streets, N. II HKTWKKN sl'Ht rr. AND I'l. MI STKEtTS, PIIILADELPIII.. t-ii"' r YI'XUS ' encmo spent in i!i t' I'stciisive nml uninterrnnl! i city h:iv" n-iiiiiTnl in. K. tho ni'ict n.xpcrt iiikI MM'ft'Bfii ni pnti"t ttK'iuT liir uud iitar. in tlit irr:iiini-nl ol nil i!isc!ir c t" si priv;ttu it;i(urt. IVrsuu lillllt'Uli Willi Htci'l lip Ml the iMtty. thlM;it. r fg, pUIUM III tlie ln':rlr l-"nen. iiit'ieun:tl rluMuinliMii. irt'.irt t, gruvrl, )ist;:ist ;iri.siim iVmn yt'litliinll cxrest-s i r niipiii ilit- tl tht .tti(. winTrl-y the f'ltMiiuiuiu h;. Ln-.-uio tiiiVtl'ltd, me all tmitt'tt with sutwrsn. 11c win) iiVo-H liuuit.-li" iuhUt tin i:ir nf Dr. K.f na rr )ii:ionhly etiniiitd hi Jn Ji unr us :i j:t-ullf u;;m, tn.d ct'iitittent y rt-ly upon bin skill a j.liysu'iua. taki: I'AiiTicri.Ait Nrrirn. Vounjr Men vUt lmv? iiijureii tliemsflviti '.y n pTt:im pi:i( U,'r iml.ilfil mi ;i li.iint t'n'fjiu-nily Iwirnnl iVoin fil iMinjuuii-'nit ,.r at Kt-lntnl the i lfiT's n' wl.it Ii nre iii(!itly tVlt, evi-u wlit'ii nsU i-p. nml iti'Stroy Ii tli iiiiikI tin.i ltv, BU.iiiItt apply iiiiiiifiliah-Iy. Wcakm-M inn) ir 'nutitulioriid ilt-t it lily 1 'na nl uiusiMiar '-iKTjry. priyical iusMf inle and irii fia! pr. ttfrati' -n. iiTUal'.lny ami ail iu rvtuii iitffi-tii'iid, indi. .I'hli-Ht, slu-'iiitliiii'S! ft" tin livei, nnil every discascm nii way ciiiiiacird wilh I tit ilirtlT ol liic pn.HTcativc nmc litMj curcU, aiul lull vif;Lr rfbtt-rit). YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. Kl.NEELlX on Self Preservation. ONLY 23 CENTS. This n-iok just rmMmhril is filk-.l with an.-ful mrnnnsii .n nil Hit- iiilirmiiit'B I Ui8isi-s i. f tin- (ii niT.itivi! (iri-aiw Il ii.l.lrrwi-s ita.-li oliKff l.i (11 Tll,.M.VMIO01iaii.l ti.l Al.!-., nml Hli.iul.t l.c ri-ail Iiy nil. Tlic iiilualile iiilvli-o oml iuiremi ve ivarnii'p it yiv-, will pn vi-nt yi-ursm luisrry nml unti ring ini.l ave Bamial ly I ii 'iintintls nf l.iv-m. I'lirruiH l.y ri:iilin it will li-arn how tnnrevtut thedt Iriu lion ol ilit-ir t-hililtt-ii. ,A r.-iiilltnii,-,. ,.r 25 I.,.,,,,,, rlir,,sl i m , a(I .lr.-,p,-,l t, t((. KIKi:i.l. X. w. ,-..r,i.-r of illliD 4. I l l i.N Mrtt-ts, liiui-.n, Sprui'0 A I'uie, IMnluilHi.hia will . nsurc u l,ii, uiuI.t .'in , ,,,., pr, r.-tnrn ol iniiil. I ; rn .iiui a iliM.im-,- iimvadiliciis Dr. K. by It-llcr. (nos vii,l.) ninl lifi iirot ut ti'-nii- I'AcKAiiiis ot- .Mi:inrixi:s. diiikctioxs, 4c i.VVi '. ."!. y "',!,,l"lf " ri iinllautc, unit nut upseiinc I'ruia 1) XM.Mil. ,ir I I HiiisTV. H "k-. II.t. , w Ac-ills, P.-.llnrn. runvnsji'rs, and at ollii-r. mi.,1i,mI with thu iilwye work ul very low rales. &qitcinUr 6, ISii. iy. LAAVHEjlS'CE house. SUNBUKY, PA. niHK si.Wrilr rcsiwctrully informs lnr friends X anj tho public generally, Unit slio has taken ttic aliovo well known slam) nearly opposite tha ourt Hhumi, lately oecupieil ly Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trust, that her experience in business am lit r ctlorts to make her guests tomforublo, xmII Kive ent.ro satislUeti.m to tlMe who may fa vor ln r with tlietr cusioiu. ANN C. MORRIS .Manh 8, 1S51 tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jisiitt: or tiii: FEAC'r. Sunbury, Pa. e iu Deer Street, immediauly opposite the Public School House. fUruiu-'n;""t"1'ec,ed ttil bu"iuc" p,omf,tty Ajiril SO, 1850 1JATEXT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fot bar bottles fur sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 yiilTlNO PI.LID and self eeuling EnvT ' lopes, just received and f,f sale by April 19, 1S51 )t. n. MASSER. I.ANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of !:i()0, for sale bT April C, I8S1. JJ, B. MASSER. DADD'8 celcbratea Horso and CatTlTltfeiJi. cine for sale by HENRY M ASM KB. Sunbury. Jan. 27th. 1849 fll.EY'S COIG CNDY. ural ' lent reniujv lor coughs, cold.. For uli at tins otlice lOR tula at this oluce, Superior Dlark Ink. - Cattle Medicine at "15 cts, Pure Esseuc of fiinget, S5 cem.