SUNHUUY AMEIUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. MIDSUMMER. IIT ELIZABETH 0AKE4 SMITH. j 'Ti tha Jtirnmor prime, when tlio iiuitulpss air, to perfumed chalice lios, Ami the bee f-oeit by with a lazy hum, Beneath the Iwpinir kic J When tha brook is low, mnl I lie tipple briuhl, . , A clow n the Blrenm they pn, The petiblen nre dry on the upper side, Aitd dark and wet below. The tree ijiat ntootl whom the soil's nlhirnt, And the miillin lirsl appear, Hath a dry and rualy colored bark, And its leaves are curled and sen ; But the dor-wool and the hnzi-l-bimli Have clustered round the brook Their roots have stricken deep beneath, And lliey have a verdant look To the juicy leaf the prnsshnpper clings, And he knaws it like n file ; The. naked stulks are withering by, Where he has been eiewhile. The cricket hops on Ihe blistering lock, Or pipes in Ilia faded eraM ; Th beetle's wiuus are folded mute, Whure the steps to the idler pa.s. 0 kctcl). AW fcHOKV BEAt TV OF MARTIMI fc. DF.SCIIIBKD BV MH. WILMS. tn one of his recent letters from the West Indies, to Ihe Home, N. P Willis gives us ihe following particulars of his ac quaintance with a negro beauty ''as black as your hat." I have just been presented to a jet-black vonnz '"dj'i who is in "the lies! of society" of Fort Royal, (the seat of Government.) ;uul who is said to be more ndmired, by the French ollir.ers stationed there, than any other lady on their viiliu; liM. Of that city of ten thousand inhabitants, Mademoi selle Juliette Celestine, wo are assured, i quite tho lashiouablo young lady most alien tied lo. She is nn intimate friend of our fair busies, and it was to this happy 'haiieu that we owed the piivilcge of a ptesciilaliou to her. She was in town for a few days, and had called yesterday ; and, on Madame Stephanie's mentioning, this morning at breakfast, that sho was to call upniii to day, we so expressed ourselves as to bo sent lor on her arrival. M'llo Juliette is of the blood that does not thin wilh the climate, as do l!io whites. She is about nineteen, and as plump as Hebe her original model from nature ap parently just perfected. Her skin, though us black a one as I ever saw, is fine grained and lustrous, and her shoulders, (there was no denying) quito beautiful. The gorgeous colored Madras turban covered her forehead to the eyebrows, and, with a long sweep of twisted fold over the cheek, concealed the hair the lace hem of her snowy chemise being tho next downward interruption to the lines of rounded ebony. Her features are strictly African the lips full, anil the nose of that degree of flatness which is only af fectionate, and which I take to be the high est expression of this shnpo in contradistinc tion to the more repelling aquiline. Her eyes would have been beautiful if there had been anything white in the neighborhood with which to contrast the.n but black eyes on so black a ground were "coals lo Newcastle." They had ono fine quality, however ; they had never been contracted with a suspicion, or a withdrawal of cnuli dunce, or an attempt to understand anyihing that did not speak for itself ; and they were consequently, as tranquilly open as the cups -of two water-lilies. Her smile was of the same never startled confidingness coming and going with the case of a shadow ami her teeth were only too white and perfect for any piquancy of expression. No joweler could have cut them mere evenly out of pearl. Her little fat black hands weie dain tily tapered, and looked lady-like. She wore large rings, and these, with her heaps of gold chains and the enormous gold ear rings, wtiicn llicy call ctnq-clons, made, a sort of barbaric glitter, wilh her lively ges' lures and expressive motions of the head, seemed lo me very picturesque. I was pleased by the way, with the consistency wilh which she adhered to the dress and ornaments exclusively worn by these of her own color. The cinq-clous ear-rings, partic ularly masses of solid gold, resembling five small keys welded together by the sides are seen in every respectable black ear, never in a white one. It would have been natural and reasonable for her, consid ering her means and social position, to have graced her beauty with some of tho French fashions, abundantly within reach and worn by the Creole Indies wilh whom sho asso ciates. Mademoiselle Juliette's reception nf us was politely cordial and entirely without embarrassment. It seemed odd to us, at fust, to hear the French, which wo consider an accomplishment, come so lluemly and elegantly from a mouth of that color, but il heightened llw novelty and charm of her impression. After a litllo talk upon cli mates, conversation turned upon the usages of our ladies, and Ihe dillereuce of etiquette in our different countries, and she laughed immoderately at some of Ihe American dis tinctions between propriety and impropriety in female manners. Love of fun seemed to be her uppermost quality, and her own views and notions, though entirely modest and delicate, were a singular mixture of fianknett and droll mockery. 1 could easily see how the French officers at Fort Royal might find a constant pleasure in her society Our visit ended yiih an examination of her monstrous ear-rings, (foi which she held her cheek towards us with the simplicity of a child,) and, with an exchange of souveniit b9jw??'.i' her and myself I giving her my watch guard and she giving me two berries of the acajou tiee which tlis carried- as charms in her pocket. My friend arid I agreed that wa had made a charming ca!l, nd that Mademoiselle Juliette Celestine was a memorable'' addition (of a new color) lo out acquaintance. "CiuiNu to (jbam" The fanners. -Z:JL 600 BOOK AGENTS WANTED. ANY good, active and intelligent ' man, with a small capital of from $30 to a J 100, can mako Inige profits by engaging in Ihe sale of tho following POPULAR AND USEFUL BOOKS. ClUMHRim' INKOItM ATION FOR THK PKON.P. : or Popular Kuryclieilin nl' Useful Ktmwleilge. Two tnrf iin)Mtrinl netitvn viillllue. pniiliiiininr I7U0 nsReB. Pf-.TKllt.Vti HISToltY UK -niK A.MKHICAN RI:Vo,i;tkN. M0 largo octavo piivii, wilh SOU fine l-.tnrrnv inirn. rKTCftsit.vs; iiisToitr of tiik t . s. navy. 600 fcirui' neluv.i lute nml I .VI fine Kiiarnviiars. FIKIST S HF.VlAHKAIII.F. KVF.NTS I.N THE IIISTO RY OK AMKKICA. Two large octavo volumes, ci'll tniuiiur tutu rmitin ami run F.ngnivings. Tim best His. t'TV !' Allltli'!i itiil-li m 1- HOST ft I'K.TolllAI, , FK OF WASHINGTON. A plenitii K-Hik. ci'iilniiiin,! IHHI nelnvti pnpes nK' 'ftl ple" flint Kiiiimvinun. The cheapest Life of Washington ever itiiiti!tii"a' Mi '( Utll'ri IIISTOH Y OF Till: INDIAN WARS. Fins Ci'lnrcil nml IMnin Plate. TIIK THI.T: HKIM HI.IOAN. Cnntsiuiiis; tin- lnnnfrnral jlililrrftxiwmHl the First Aiiniml Aitilnnses siat Mewwaes 'I nil 1 1 1 - rremileuti ,. ihe I nileil (Mutes, tho I'nimUIH linns nf lit., itup.irttiul Stall In the I'liion. Ar. Kmra-lluheit wilh INirlniitH nf nil 11m Prsaiilent. rliern vpI mi li'fl, nml a viiw of Hie CnpUnl of the tinted lllti. fillll (illrn, lJ nm. FOX'S HOOK OF MAttTYn'Si. A Fniiiily K.lilini. InrRr iinrl". wilh AH I'.iignivings, lienlilniilly tv.iiiiiil in in.irifr'1. pitl. Ill-: l'l)lt.l:.NI.N S HISTORY OF TiiurorKS. mm Inriri- im-Iiiv" riiL't-n. Willi illiiMnittnnJi. JOSFI'HFS' VVOHKS Fi t" lUlition. one Inrre vlninr. STFIIM'S ItK.FJ.KrTlll.NS O.N TUB WORKS OF liOl). ST. l'li:lll!F. S STI')li:S OK NATI RK. WMITK'S HISTORY OF 'fill: WORM). A Valuable l.i- nl lli..rv. Our Intiie crlav viliinie, wilh hniid- 'III.' KnLTilvtnu" MVKSOF lillFAT AND CFI.F.HR ATF.H CHAR AC Tl:ilS: nl' ti I Aiffn nml roimirii'n. One large viilumc ol fdll imyrs, wilh nmniT-iiiK .'.iinivnica. To!elher wilh a number of other Works particularly adapted lor Popular Heading. fTT" The lihrrtd tlisnxnils will lie pirm In .fgciis irlut linn rupapi: in the siilc j ihe ir'i'iir Xtiliiiil'tc linnks. For I'u 1 1 her particulars, addiess (postage paid,) .1. ,V .1. I.. GIHON, Publishers,' A'o. !(S Chcsliwt Strcrl, Philmltlphia. June -Jl, 1S52. Oils, Tiillnw (Ireiisc, and OHIO MINERAL PAINT. jw It Ai:Ui;i,S MACIll.MOKV OIL. Price ' i.'i l is prr Ballon. S.'iOt) GhIIoiis machi nery oil. ill casks of various nios, 75 cts per gal. -till llnrrclrt Uoiliil I'aiot Oil, 60 " rllIO (iallnus " " ill casks of iirious si; " " :!."i(l ls Tnnncr' Oil. A urions kinds and qualit'ii'it. t'roin :t5 to tilt cents icr uallou. toUII OhIIoiis in Casks of Yaiioiis nazes. Xh- rioiiH kinds and iioulilics, IVoin 'Ja to 50 cents per gallon. '0 'I'ons Tallow fireasr, for Heavy Ucarinps, anil ('nnrsp Machinery, in liarri'ln or Casks, of any consislcnrv rciinicil. Trice l rents per lb. I Till Tnus Ohio Mineral Paint, in Uarrrls, at the lowest market price. Mnrliiiiti v CiV, warranted not to chill in the colilesl wealber, and coiisidercil by those usint; it cipial lo Sperm ( til. H"int I ',n nl Oil, ciial lo Linseed Oil, oilier than for while. I am constantly receiinc larce supplies of the above named articles, and my motto is, "fSniall profit:; and quick returns." 11. V. POM), 50 Water st., (under the Pearl st House,') NEW YOKK. Nevv Vork, June 1!), Is.'2 3ui. IIi:ltY CAKIl. tiUO. l.F.Alit l'. J. H. tilF.SU i. . ii T5" n-piirinM COuMISSlOX AND FORWARDING lini'SE. CARR, GIjCSXj & CO., Commission & Forwarding Merchants, J'o. 10, Sprnrs U'iurf, BALTIMORE. Will receive and sell l'LOLK, OR A IN, and al. kinds of COUNTKY PUODL'CE and also LUMBEK. lAU'riCLLAK ntteution will be given to this - branch of the Business, liv Lewis W. H. (Jiesc, whose whole ntteution will be devoted to Ihe sale of Lumber, ami will occupy an Olliee on the Falls Dock, especially for this purpose, Mr. (iiese's lout; experience, nod reputation as a first rale salesman, is a guarantee that the highest market prices will always be obtained. I 'W Liberal Cash advances made on Con signments : but in no case will this House make any ndvances, until the Produce is received. March 13, lino. GLASS, DRUG S, iAINTS'r&c.", WIlOLLIStLE AM) IttTtll.. rtMW, Philadelphia Window (Mass Ware- house, and JJrus, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, JVos. 33 und 35 North Fourth Street. East side, has tbu largest ussnrlment of Window, Picture, Coach, Case, llut-llousc, and other (J LASS, in Ihe city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, running from the smallest size, up to 3rt bv fiO inc hes of Sheet, and as laruo as 5 by 7 feet of Plate (i lass, including English Crown, French, tiermau and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick (ilass, for Sky-Lights, Unit Windows, &c. The Subscriber having a heaTv stock on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. ('round While Lead ; Puint, Varnish, of cv. cry description; Turpentine; Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw; l'aiut Mills; Ptitly ; Brushes; llye Woods, &c, cVe., &c. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DKl'US AND MEDICINES. J. II. M'KAOI E. Nob. V 35 North lib St., K. Side. April 111, 1S.VJ. ly. Tin: taiciT iMtizi: .mei ti, aii iuri:i ! HICKEY & TULL, iVo. 1 IS Chest mil St., alini-e Sicth, Froi,t oj JONKS' HOTEL. tTTT) f ' j"1' received their Priza fcr-rr7 Medal, awarded to them for J-1 iJ.i tbeir best Travelling Trunks ex hibiled at the World's Euir in London, 1H5I being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found ill this Cilv, and ut very low prices Call and sec. HICKEV & TI LL, Trunk .Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut St. April 10, 185'-'. tf. WM. M C A IIT Y, U O O K S F. I. h K R , Broadway, SUNBUEY, PA. l"ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of ' i.v ;i:mail misic for Singing Schools. He is also opening ot this time, a large assortment of Books, in every branch nf Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles; School, Pocket and Family, belli with sad without Engravings, and ev ry of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels, Voyugcs and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. 'Sunbury, Jan. 91, 18.VJ tf.- T)I.ANK Parchment P)ier Deeds and Wank -V , MortKngea, lluiuU, Exerutiona, Suinmom, W., for sulehy H. It. MAKSEIi. Kunliury April 50, 18.11. MIINtiLEs Joint and Lap 8hingle, of first ? raM) quality, Uf sale y . ' . ;ubry, 1. w, l5l.-tf. '. . , .', IMIIV V.lI'VIl ..1 CHERRY PECTORAL: Far Ihe Cure f COUGHS, COLDS. HOARSENESS, BHOIf. OHXTIS, CROUP, AST. MA, WHOOPING. COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy is offered to the community with the confidence wo feel in an article which sel dom fuils to realize the happiest effects that can he desired. fo wide is the field of its usefulness and so numerous the cases of its cures, that al most every section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kind, is too apparent to escape observation, and where its vir tues arc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote lo employ for Ihe distressing and iliingeruus uffectiolis of the pulmonary organs, which are incident to our climate, And not only in the formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties nf Coi ns, Cnroiis, IIoaiisk x:ss, iVe., ami for Cm i.ihikm it is the pleasnnt est and safest medicine that can be obtained. No family should le without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will be reeoguied in the various sections of country where they aie located each and all as merchants of the first class und of the highest character ns Ihe oldest and most extensive j Wholesale Dealers in Medicine with an experi ence unlimited nil the subject of which tbey speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, bcc THIS CERTIFICATE We ihe itiidei'.iLriifi, Wholesale Dntrumts, having lieen for lung uajimiiitid with .liter's Cheirij Pedornl, livrchif ccrtifij our belief thai it is the best anil most effectual remain for Vol- motion; ( onivlaiiits ever unereil. to the Ameri can People. And ire would, from unr Lnoiel edge of its composition, nml e.ilcnsii'C useful ness, cordiallu commend it to the nljlieteil ns irorthii their best coii fidt nec. nnd v illi Hie firm couvielhn that il irill do for their relief all that medicine tan do. Henshaw, Edmauds oV Co., Boston Mass, Keese A Coulson, Baltimore, Md. Ladd V lucr.'ihaiii, Bangor. Maine. Ilaviland, Harrall Co., Charleston, S. ('. Jacob S. I'arrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. II. McAllister. Louisville, Ky. Vraneis Walton, St, Louis Missouri. Josepli Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A l'eck, Burlincton, Vt. Ilaviland, RisleytS: Co.. ii"iit.i, Ga. Isaac D. .lames, Trenton, i. .1. M. Tnvvnsecd, Pittsluog, Pa. Clark fi Co., Chicago, Hindi, ,. E. E. tiny, Burlington, Iowi. M. A. Santos A: Son, Norfolk, ' Edward Ilringhiirst, Wilmington, T il. John Gilbert it Co., Philadelphia, l a '.. 1). tV W. 11. Oilman, Washington, 1 '. J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall i: Co., Fort Wayne, la. C. C. Richmond Sr Co., San Francisco, Cal. Lewis Ac Ames, Tallahassc, Florida. B, R. Strong, Knoxville, Tennessee. Chilton & Duer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller, Slade & Co., Lexington, Miss. N. D. Labadic, Galveston, Texas. ( 'litis. Dyer, Jr., Providence, R. I. Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, Ga. Wade, Eckstein & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES : J. (!. Colun & Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. DiiHoml V Co., Vera Cruz, Mexico, lired Kivas fi. Co., Bogota. New Grenada. S. Provost & Co., Lima, Peru. Morton A Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia, T. Walker Son, St. Johns, N. IL C. (i. Salinas vV Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold ! JAMF.S C. AYE 11, Practical Chemist, Lotrcll, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by Druggists generally throug.iJi Ithe Slate. November 1, 1851. lyceiuio J. I. DITTERICH, iYo 78 Sorth "Zti St.f bttiofrn Arch ami Hare JS7.t PHILADELPHIA. 1IKRKHV inform the puMic tlut lie imports ami rotiKtiuitly keep on hand ut hU new sture, ."So, 78 North "it t., a large uuHortmeut ol' Foreign Fancy (iootls, Musical Insfrttmerifsy Pictures $ Faints, which lie will kHI nt the lowest price. Hit MtiM'k, in uirt, cntisisU of, ArrnrdeoiiH, Violin, Mtinic Itoxec, J'arlor and Unr Koom ()r RaiiH, .Melodeonii, Seraphiues, Mnthemntieal Iu tstrunieittH, Mamicts, py iind ( pern (iliiHHi, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket liookn, Uroiic l'owder, Dutch Melal, (iold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kin tin, SnulV and Tohaceo (Joxen, Kitliom.ipliir I'iiintH, Copper I'late and Steel Kn r.iviimti, and pictuieit of even variety. Also (.ill Kraine Moultlms of vatiotiH Kiet. DralerH, fVnuilry AlerchitntH, und lVdlarn, sup plied at reiiHonuMe priced. Decemher U0, 1851. tf. Bonnets, Hats and 31 i Hi ue n (iuotls! HI' ERt'HAXTSand Milliners when in Phil- adelphia to purchase their cooils, will Iind it to ilieir interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of Sill 4 W GOUDS. Wo manufacture largely and mroiir the Xirwtsr iSi vlis ur Foreign rubrics in our line j which tuncther with other advanta ges enalilu us lo tiller lilieral induccuients to Ui VI as. 15. A. C HOOKER, & CO., Xos. 47 and 4!t Chestnut Street, und Xo. ."ifi Woulh Second Street, west aide, near C'hc.tnul, Philadelphia. UeceinlHr 87, IRol . J O II M A. HARRIS, Miinufaclurer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of I.rur &. IHaiiurat'liircil Tulincro, JOXSTANTI.V on hand, ut the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut SU, and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1H51 ly. GMITH'8 EMSEXCE OF JAMAICA (JIN. CiER, a fresh just r ived. und for aula hy U. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1 8 ." 2 4 RXOED'S WIUTIXO I-'l.l.ll) and A.lhc aive and legal cuvelojies, iir sale In H. b. MA.EK. Sunhury, nfft 10, 1852 JTSTICES FEE HILLS For aale hy H: B. mas&j:;;. Sunhury, IBS I. 'SP ' 1 AZOKS. A superior article for aale Jt store o.- ... HEXKV MASSLTw. .Kunliury, Fell. 1U, 1850. . IMPROVED LIGHTNING E0DS, fpiIE sjibseribcr has constructed a LIGHT A NINO ROD on true Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection and insulation of tho rod, es well as the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore, in use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their lives and proierty from destruction by lightning, ran have conductors put up lo their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther ersoiially or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices: For 40 It. J inch eop-r rod gold plated point, .( y l,i l i ii,i. Hp, And forty cents for every additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft. J inch tubular rods gold pin- led point, ., yll,,ia lip, For 40 11. iron rod gold plated point, W- id plntina tip. !22,00 13,50 12,50 For 40 IV. iron rod silver nlatcd noint. 10,00 And twenty cents for every additional foot over f,,r,.v. T. H. MACKKV. Milton, Sept. G, 1851 ly. cop 17, 1852. HARRISBURG BOOK BINDERY. v. 1-. $t co., ncei-s.r .i W. . Iliek.ik, iiikI llii'knk A Cmiline. oi)K BINDERS. STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, llial they are now carrying on Ihe above business ut the OLD STAND occupied by Hickok ei Co. Tbey (latler themselves that by careful altcntioii to busincis, tbey will merit und receive a continuance nf M. putronagii so liber ally enjoyed by the old linns. Particular intention will he paid lo (lie ruling and binding of every description of blank books for banks, county ollices, merchants und private individuals, and every variety of full ami half bound blank books, I (Id books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, Ac, hound in anv pallcm and in any style required. In addition to the above, they have, and will at all times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of Letter I'.iper, Cap " llniwiii!: " 'I'riinKttT " C'tpviii'.; Kl'iitinv ' Sr.-. l l'. ii, C'iinilinr int.-. K'llivri., ((Hills. Iiikntiiitilh, ...l.i Wnli'lK, ll.-it-k Ink. Si:illri'j V:tx. II Ink. Sl;di nnd 'iiciIf. I Lend IViM'df, I ItPiter Simnpii, 1 India (u.. r, I W.ifem. j K'-d Tape, Ihank l.'ardn, ; Folders, I .'tipvmir Ink. Aitt"M' Writing 1'lnnt, I'rnsiirt. e. t"i?' l':iiri nileil (! puttcrii, nml nil work war ranli'il nml ilunc verv chciplv. ' k. i.. in ;ttek & co. Manli 13, s."rj tl'. "AID AND COMFORT," 'I o Yocu (Mm .Tlt'i'liauic. CJKOlUiK 1IKXX. MAMTAfTI'liHIl OF FURNlTURi: AND CHAWS Of the most Fashionable Style. rT,JIK KidwrilM-r ri'sHTtfiilly calls the ntli'iitinn ' A of tlm imlilir In his larw nml uplciuliil assort- lllt'lii ol ni-iy .iiiii i ii v iiiiii jiin i; 01 ( AltlM T-U A Hi:. i whii'h rannot fail In rr oiiinii'iul itsrlf torvcrv our vim will examine it, on nrrotmt of its iluralile "kniaiiliip ami Kpli-niliil linUli, inailn up of the stock to lie had in the etty. Io ellort in pared in tlm inaiiufai'tnro of hix wan, nml the liisvrihrr ts delcrmini'il to keep up wilh the many improvement!) which are constantly living made. His slink ronsists of Mahogany SllfuN, IllvnilM illl.l LOIIII'.'C.H, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, LliEAKl'iST AND D1X1.NG 1 IDLES, and also VEXETIAX HI.IXDS, equal to I'liila- ilelpliia manufacture. IJE1)!STE.I)S, (if every jiattern and price, CUPHOAIxDS. WOP.K AND CANDI.K STAXDS. TOII.K'P TAHI.KS AM) ' EXTKXSIOX TABLES, in ellort, every article in litis line of his lmsiness. lie also manufactures all kinds and ijualitics of CIIATliS, including varieties never before to he had ir iSunluirv, such us MinimA-vr, Black Wjixit ami Cr in. t. ii M.trLi: tl it ki iax ; ami Wimishh CHAIKlS, ami FAM-r Piano .Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled hy none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suhscrilier is determined that there shall lie nn excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every conl'nleiice ran lie entertained ahoul the quality uud finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will lie disposed of on Rood terms ns they ran lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. r& I XDEIiTAKINti. Havimr provided himself with a handsome IIkaiisi:, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, mid ntlenilinj funer als, in this vicinity, ur at any convenient dis- ' tance from this place. j W The Ware Hooni is in Market Street, I Ih'Iow Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern, i liEOKUE REXX. Sunl.urv, Jan. 10, lH.Vi tf. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. rAKRANTEl) to stand equal heat with any oilier Chests iu the country, und to defy the 1) urging' ingenuity. .Manufactory, Xo. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, smith of Chesuut, uud iu the rear ef Ihe (iirard Dank. M. cV. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, und feel confident, from long exjiericnce ill the manufacture of Iron Chests and Sates, und u special attention lo this particular brunch, of giving satisfaction to ull who luuy give thcin u call. X. R. We have selected one of the beat min erals ever used as a nou-conductor of heat in this business, und we warrant our Chests uud S' to he inailc of the best material and in the "Hist durable manner, and to aland any heat that can bo applied to them. MII.NOK &SIIAW, Manufactory Xo. 10 Hudson's Alley, liutining Utween jrd and 4th streets, ti of t.'hcs nut, in the reur of tiirurd Dank. Philadelphia,-Oct. S3, 1851. ly WIYI. a. MASON, KnPiivcr und I'rinlcp, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. S prepared to do ENGKAYIMi and P HIX TV IXli, in all their brunches, Wedding,,Viiiiug and Uusinesa Cards, Dull Tickets, Watch Papers, l.uliela, Hill Heads, Notes, Uherka. brail and I diploma, rieuta and btainp for Corporations, 'ju reuowa, Masons, Pona ol J cniperauie, &c. All the above engraved iu the best manner'. Order by post promptly attended lo. December 27, 1851. ly. KNOH -AXD SPRING MORTISE LAT CH EM. An excellent article, for sale ai hall the usual price by J W. FAILING, Kuuhuiy, July 7. la l'J CATTLE POWDER PK KPARKD BT IIRKINK1, FIIONKFIKL1) & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 'PIIIH powflor UentiUH hy tlm titiitnt tfntiinnny of nil who huve HUM it to the funt rimk of nil tlnwo CAT TI,K JVIKIXCINKH, winch Imvn hmi tlumlil prairu worthy for miuiy yenr. liHtrmt v rhiillcniff iniy pern it t iimk a superior, of any wwtliT thiit nrt in thf mint minuter. Il" llie Hiitiniil m perftftly huiltliv it will either i i it-mine the ninount of milk or rpaia timi hull it ; nr tha aniinnl will impntve npiitly in fiit. It will thrrefnrfl in lime lie eoitniilrrml wc Intvo no ilmiht micol' tht- maple tirti elm of every t'ttriner, wlio kneps 11 diary; nntl ol every per mi owning a h'ip;. It in not mte v( thote kind o MiKTt rk thiit merely Mvell nn ntiinml up ftir a utioit time, hut it will lv the rtipurity whirli it n nf convening lliri'l lilC ACID (wlneli in nn eltete mutter) into l.A( -TicArinnr;; hiiw ii ci enter imii'mhiI nf nutrition mutter tn lie rtiucti"l froni the rHine imioiiiil of IimhI, thtni poMihly etiuM Im, were tlie nrtive prinriph-n of nutrition lo pun out of ihe n hli in in tlie foriii nf IIiitliiic Arm We Imvc lereived u innliitnil.' of eviuVnre i prove wlmt We hnve Kiiil ;ili ie. fiiilliru ti fny : W'p Imve mixed the in-tive iiut'iil. with n ffrent nnitilH-r of Vkoktahi.k pliinin riml ImtIw. whnh tnnc in id hne prnvi-tl to lr nfinl, inipr'Vnn; the uppeitte mid pr"mtnie ditfcMtoii it th tn i : tliiiw Kernriinr 11 Innlthv ei-ndiiion of tho, from wliir-h Ihe .Mn.K rind Kat iiiukI he I'orimil. It nitty he lined or llniiK4, Cows mnl 1 loi.n for tlie follnw ini; cijiiiplniulsi nml dinrnrrK. II(H8K!. l'd.llV WATI'.H, n dtnimTnim iirkiicf!i, which de Btr" j j i: 1 1 1 y Viihrtttli hniftffl every jenr, in verv nfleii entirely riittil hy ihe free uw of thin hwder, in till cuk-s It will prevent Ihe dinetint. fiom eouiintc on. Thm (hwi-iiw: n owning to n h:id mid irupnveritilieil tute. of the tiloni w liit li lit-ciimea thin, wntery und of nil ytllow e. or. Tin powder hv imprnviiift the nnd pivimr to Hi.? I.I hhI n letiter ipitmtity of red paittelen, nlf irde the lieot inid only ptililf eh:uieo of reenvery. Il the liorw in liirfrMie, ifive in' riling mnl itihl n lnhleVpn. ninl in wet f'-t-d, i in the hetfinintijf once u d:iy nl n -on, if only u pre vent tin- diwim i wire h we k. SI. A Itlilllt IN 1 1. Thin lit the t ninot nii iif imiitv inlim- lile llorwjt hy exlKiuntiiui ; hy n ciniHlnnl tliwhiirj.' of utili. V:i winch nrht In pi into Hit Ntom ii'li to HnM (hueinioii. Il in n npeeifK of Kdivutioti often pr'xhieed l.y Imhas Tn lmrei (itowuii; in llie p:iHitir tiftiind A TiiMi-npnomul llirei' tuilt-K tl Wei k Will tre.pi.-nlly iirrej. hr How, if it iloeniiot depend on Ihe ToB.rro in the trnin. uinler Biieli liiriiuiHl.Jiiic'fi ihe miuiti mtmt In k'-pt in the W.iMe. I1STK.M V 'M. If tin powder in mil and ireelv iiped, no other remedv m ed he in-ed, i hint ulii-iitly eared hun dred of llnRfif si m thin iroul.lfjt- -dirjixf toiht- nurprife of iht win iii-d it. If n listed e.oiv. In -fori' iniitter h:tn forilMtl in (lie ,eek it ihe linillcil peifeetlv until Ihe iniitler in iIih.-IijhbiiI. ne n isirlv und prevent Kuril ii regnlt. A 'I'jhlexj.iMtuiiii unfr or twice il (hiy la cii"Hj;li. iLAi;i(S,Thii iliKemie ttille. nil KaHHIKRi, tiive this p"Wifi ti f:nr Irnil und it will d i wondern in , llit t rriMc iiih) hitherto itienrnhlf iit tlndv II in n diM-.-ini of ihe jilnndnrjil nvntfin find kept up hv nuperieri inilritiou. in nueh runefi a Tidl-nMhMiliil i-vry d.iy twice ir u mouth or two, in iit.ii niiieest,1n. will iii nine vi,m-k out ol h do.en etl. el n i-m-, it him been f.iirlv tetel. t'oiiuln mid nhortnesn nt Km nth depcndiin on wenk lunyn. u T:d.le."pooiiliil every in-. riling; if il utKiten mien oi twice ;i w-fk. IMHMi l.irV-Sl'IIIITKI) IIOIISI'S, ..r w In-rt- Ui-n- in "''V reniTiiiiK f l-'xnuder or fiuiin wi ol niiin, ant the 11m w will n t fatten, .r wheie the hair is rouyh und wtaudn ntrai-jhl out, the food M-entiii" to do im cmmI, the rowder pr-Nlneen aluiont iniuieiltati' ltupo fiie-nl ol ttie nuiuml ; the dnjentinu uuprovi mid wilh it nil ihe mIim; ifhtiein nf the nntitinl disappear, hef .tiling lively tllld spirited, and (lie hail mid slick. CtVS. !'or .Mo.KlMi Cow, we are hilly r'Vivniei-iI lhat it not onlv ltupr" c the ipirihl-, hilt lliat it ni'-reaneK the am xnil of .Milk. Cream mnl Ihitler ; nmne w Ii i have Iried (he rx pei iiiieut nay a I 'mind a Week, olhein kiv half a pound while one person insisted upon il T hut he made two pounds iil-ire a wet k Irmil h t'ov, Wr lliitik it will he loimd to averaire a I "to a p'.iiud per week nn inch, if th' ( 'own art' pen, , y lie.illl.v. Tins aildilimal amount in made In tlie c- tuvemi. u of Ihe llippmie Aenl inlo Nilnw t;eiini! mid fatty eoiup-'iindn; ais i nuppl unr the oxy ffmi tnken in hy the linn;, with (In1 et-'iii. -His ol reaction ; Without takntj; anv of the N OP "i: ii-oi.i poriiou nf the feed. IMH.I.oW IJi'iftN or WOM'; lluur IjISKASK, and all other diseanen of ueal cattle ilepeinhni; upon a hud fttatr m" the iiiU, an? rent ed sit hlv and ell-'etuallv. Ciwn. wline milk in Mue, thin and w.ileiy mid where it n "i ""lk; "r " liiueh rreani. or w'n ie Cown Hive hlooilv h are nfd to stand lon ihv, it will le Imind Ilthle retiit'dv, hv liiipi-iViliU Ihe f"lidll i lt nf the Id rod and erentuitf u healthy dtaenliim ; a Tnhtenpoon ful every day or ever) oilier day um il inny he HuceHmiry IHHiS. Ti'jn ut tie1 nntuuier ofliai oy.-iheat thrnisrlve. get nwel. led iteel,.t, comMm, nr.fs m Hie l.naen and layer, whxdi ante them lit die verv nndik'lilv, these mav n' nreventeil I ....IH..U- 1,1 It..,.. ,. I ,.r l.-.ll U I . U...M ! nml ii will at Ihe Rime tune cmiaiderahlv hasten tlie Intten- llitr prneejid. V It. In uuim il which in ctvini: mitk and ymi are defiiroiiH to fatten at the name tune, mi should ii" pive. more tlian a lahlenpntnlnl ouee n week or il ill retaid the formation of fat hy increasing i"""iinl ! Milk. Let eue! pers in try ll etl-'ein for himself ami he yi m he natintieil of its excellent ipiahtii-n. und that no Fur met nhotdd he without it. I'or the pnrpoHe of findiicr out ntiil further how fnr mn jimtly cell hinted CATTI.F I'OWDDIt, in entitled to the eontidem-e of tin intelligent people; we have uddfesned letters to ull jiarlM of tlie Fulled Statt-H, vhi-re nnr I'ow iler linn Im-cm unetl. mid we urea hie now frmn ihe evidence than hr 'light lieforiMi. to nnnart eveiy I'aruier, iaiy iiiau and linr-iu.ui, that it han thus far vety nnieli ex-ee-"led onr in 'nt Niinmiue expeetntemn. With the !)i!iliti"it;d kn'w!e.lL'e ihun far ohlaiued, Wk Ilni'K We will he etnhled lo limke Ihe hel uud m.inl per fect ( AtTI.K .MKt'll'INK eVr yet oeri f.i n iliKeerillll I pie- tl nets as a v le pinni .t. r nf iliirestmu. nn- nmyes Ihe Mimlitv nf the hl'i.i.1 nml tins imTi?teK the infant ...'either fat. Milk ami cnseinicntly of Untie, - t-.'ril III Mir limit h y 1 1 1 II i: 1 1 lfv:irr u ('(iiiiitiTlflln nn lli rxli'imivi il o( nnr powder litin iiitliict'il (illicit to iirikc :mi nnil:iti"ii U it. l-H'li jiiif k hiift our vvnllVii in;iluri on tlir end. HKKiMfj, riuNi:iu;ui .v co. Phih.Muliiii, July -JO, ly. DOCTOP. TC"J?.GSLF for ar i:ts. V MEANS OK THE POVKET .i-:sci;i.a- Pll S, or Every one his own Physicinu ! Tiuiiti Isitii edition, with up- ("' ift'p iji "'arils ot u liutulred engra $ 'j,,i A at yt""' 'bowing private dis i&i'iTI 1 iSl in every shape and ' J'.l 1 fri1 C..r. ,.,..1 .....ll'..r.....i:....M nl' stfcSw Hi" cccrative system, (yJ. 11 Mr Voillisr. t" 'I'he timi! has now arri ved, that persona sulVcriug from secret discuses, need no inure become the victim ok ui acki.iiv, ns by the prescriptions contained ill this book, any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledgo of the most intimate friend, and with one-tetilh the usual expense. In addition to tho genernl routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not he proper to enumerate in tlie public prints. IHF Any person sending TVENTV-FIE CENTS, enclosed iu a letter will receive one ropy nf this book, bv mail, or live copies w ill be sent for one dollar. " Address, HV W. VOl.'NG, No. 153 SPULCE street, PHILADELPHIA." Pout paid. LT7" Dr. YOI'NG can lie consulted on any of the Di'cascs described in hia different publica tions, nt his Olliee, l.'iC Spruoe Street, every day lictwecu 9 and It o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June A, 1S.")'J ly. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, ( ..HAP (ilJAVK STOMX ffIIE suhscrilier informs his friend uud the - public, that he continues to carry on the Marble Uusinesa iu all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., uud is prepared lo inaiiu faelure Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, n nil at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English ami German iu Ihe most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, Ac, always on hand. N. II. Ordera for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same at Ihe oiiice of the "Sunbury American." ANTHONY' HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1S51. N 'FUSING UOTTLES Ilreast pumps, and nipple lubes- A supply of these useful uni fies just received und for sale hv JOHN W FKII.ING Sunbnrv. Jan. 18, IH5I if O.s'E OINTMENT. A fresh supply ol thi. I b . excellent arlule lor 'Fetter, A c, just received l etter, A c, just reeeiv ami for aale bv HEXKY MASSLR. id tor aale nv 'ir Sunbury, July 2S. 1819 f IEAS, from the New Y'ork Canton and Pckin 1. Tea Company. For aale by J. W. FKILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2. 1818 CIOLD PENS wilh and without cases, of a K very aupcrior quality, just receivod. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale by ' H. 11. MASSER. - Sunbury, Dec. 87, 1851. V1 B l-jr . cniibuiy Jan. HENRY MASSER. !7lh. 1819 If. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSI'KPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS OKMUTY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil oVenftw mining from a disordered ftvt or to mneh,fmehancountipntioii, inwnrd Pilef Kullnetw. of MiNKttn tlm hmd. Aridity of the Btnmncli, Nnunea, llnirthurii, ilincunt for Food, fullnenft or weiaht in the Hlomtirh, mr Friietntioim, ninkinp or flulteriim at the pit of the Htomnrh, nwiminimr nf the jiend. harried and ditficiilt hrrathiuf, Qiiiterinf nt the heart, chokimr or ufTorntuifr neiinntioim when inn lying ponture, Dimnenn of vtmon, dotnnr wclin hefore the iVht, Ferrr and dull pton la the head, dcfieieiicy of pernpirathai, ypllownennof the nkinaud even, pn in in tne tide . Imek, chent, limlm, Ac., midden flunhen of heat Imruuiv tn the flenh, cunntiint imagining nf evil, and great depretnion nf npiritn, CAN HF. F.FKi:CTFArt.V CITRF.D BY HCOFLAITE'S I.I.KIIIt Al lvD iI,niIAi llll'TERS, Dlt.C. M. JACKtsO.N, AT TIIK GUUMAN MRDICINK STORE, No. Isto Arch St., I'liiliidelphln. Their power over the nlmvn dineanen in not exeelled, if equalled, hy imy olher pr.imnilion m the l ulled ftntei, tin the eure'n nttenl, in many cusci alter nkillml physiciaui linn I :i I let l. These Hiti erf are worthy Ihev ntteution f invnlidn puKm nnin gieat virtues m the reriifieutioii of dirc:tne M' the (aver and lesser chnitln. er.ereitieff Ihe mut aetitelnufl power in wenknenn and atierlleim ol the diueitivc urgAiil, 1 1 icy tire, wuaai, nne( eerinin ami piennant. (Ftoiti the llonton liee.J The Kdi tor said. Dec. i-.M ''llM. HooKLAND's CKI.HHR Tttt) (i Kit MAM HlTTKH for the eure nf hivr Complaint. Jaundice, Jfvspensut, Clirouie or Nervonn Dtdiihty, in deservtHlly one nl the mnl iopit tar mi-ilieiiien o the day. These Hilteis have lieeii nseil hv thousands, mid a friend ut our elhow wiys he list him- sell reeeiviii mi effectual mid HTmmient rare of laver Complaint from the use ot this remedy. We tire convinced licit, in tje nsp of ihrm llntrrs, the patient cousiimlly C'iiiih sliength mid vigor a fael worthy of trreat ronnule- ratinii. They lire pie; mm it in tte uud smell, mid rain l nseil i iv pern -us with Ihe iiiitnl delicate stomachs wilh sale ty. niider any rircnmitmteen. We are speaking from ex perienee. and to the iitilictett we advise their line." "Scott's VrKKt,v,n mc of the bent Literary papers pnmisncii, nam, jil?. 1K. I loon. ami Ckhman lltT rHRs, irnnufactitred hy it. .laeKRou, are ii"w reeouuiiendti uy not i it n the moni prominent ineinlM-rs of the faculty ns an article o much eihcney in eas.-n of female weakness. As mieh is the eaye, we would ailvise till in (thers lo ohtain u lvltle, mid thus fci e lliemstdyn niaeh niekm-nn. I'ernons nf dehdita t'd eoiiHMtntimis will find Ihenis Hitters ttdvuiititgcoiis to their health, an we know from experience the salutary ulleet they have upon week systems. " More Evidrmc. Tl i- 'Philii'Mphia S.ilnrilny leim tlr." th l.pst family in 'vi:li"l mlillitlli'il in lltu I'iiiIinI Stnti'M, the eilltnr Hl)K I l)i hinifloniVs (lermnn Hitters. I'll in Hcl.l'ini ii i.. vn reriiHiuii'iiil wlmt nre li'i'mil Pa. Ii'iil Mi'iIh'iiii-s. t.i in- viiiifi'li'iH'e nml p:itriin:iirt; til' nnr reiiiliTi ; nml. th.-ii-inrp, lieu vr refntiiio.'iiil In. Ilnni l:tit.l li.-riil in llilli-rii. we Win It l.i tie iliMlinelly niiilr, rImihI t tint r :iie ii-il Siivikmir el' t In- iimri i uitiii of llir tt:iy, tint nre ii'iioi it nlmut l'"ril tn H'l' iiTlinl Pnil th.'ll fur jT'itli'ii nl'ti'l tlii'V liiiveil.ini. their cinlly rare ,if niiw-hiet', I inn hi ii iiifiiifine i'.ii i'ni;iiiii.mi'ii, iniiverKiiiv .liziil, anil ; wltieh turn itii'l the IhmiIv nenrnval nl' the family ilm-ll " IAiti'in-i- mvin f-viili-iiee him lii'i'ii riM-etveil (like the t fnri'ifiiii..') limn nil si-i'lmns nf the Iiiitin. 1 1... Inst I lir ( yi':ni. anil Ihe ittr'tii.'.-jit tesiiinniiv in its fnvni. in. Itiitt I Itl.Tt IS tntue nt It US'-il 111 the nmtlrrn tlie ri'Klllrtr Phv I SlfillllS nf Phllinlt'liililii, Ihun nil oilier ItnsTrillllH eninliineit. a diet Itinl I easilv In- eninlthstieit. mill Inllv priivtim Itiitt a scieiililie prepiirnli'iii will meel with Ilieir ijaii't approval wlii'll presenteil eeeii in this lurin 'I'lttit this iniiliente will enre l.iver Cninplitint anil llvs- pepKI.-i, nn nnr ein .1. ill lit . lift it lisim! it as ilirifleil. It sels SM-eili'iillv the sl"in:ieh ami hvei it is tiri'lfenihle tn e.-ilnmel III nil lillll ins nisenses the flleet IS llllllleilllit They inn lie intnilnistereil In Ki'inalc or Infant with safety mut ri halile. In iu lit, tit any liine. i5i:v.itK ok I'oi'viTHrr.rrs. This tneilieiiie h:m al.nineil that IliL'h ehataeter whieli is ii.''.ski! v p ir nil Mlei hemes In attain In Imtnee iN.initeifeileiK tn put fnrlh a spitriniis nifirle at t.'ie riik of the lives ol th'ine rite tnmiceiil ly ile.ieiyeil. I.dllli Wlll.t.TK Till-: .MAItK" (IV 'fill': (iKM'IN'K 'I'hev liuve ihe written siuniittire of I'. M. .lAi'KSnN lleiii the wrapper, lutil Ihe niinle tilnwa ill the Imttle, Willi nnr whieli they lire spntinns. I'nr Mle, wiinh'Mile nml r.'.ail, nt the Herman Medicine Store, No 1-Jtl Altl'll Street, line ihv.r lielnw Sixth, (late nf 1!T-' Itnee street.) l'hilaih-lpliia. ami liy respectahle dealers generally thmuliiuit I lie country. riillT.S IlKDITKI). 't'n ennlile alt el.-isws of invaliils lo enjny the arlvaiit.ijzes of tnell yrenl ritnrative pnwers. Single JJollle, 75 cents. Aw:-I'nr sale liy II. .Masskk, Sunbury, anil M. A M'Cav. .iiilhiliiihrihiinl. Annuiit tin, If ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION M K ltd I ANT, No. ti, Morlh Wharrts; here tlie fnllnwiui; goods nre received and sold on commission, )ri,.,l Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries. ! . , . - i i . I . .1 11.. I. I i lV"'-. ('" ' " Al'Pl'" lhirrels or l.y the Ul.sllel, He ins, l'cas, ( raitls'tries, ( inions, ntereer l'o- tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, firouuil Nuts, Oranges, l.einons, liaisins, Figs, Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Egg. Duller, Cheese. A nd ull kinds of Foreign und Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, in, 1851 ly. SOAP AND CANDIES. fllllE subscrila-r takes thi method of inform--- ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that thi are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Caudles, of the best iptality, ut No. 41 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for rash, to give him a call as they will find il to In their advantage iu dealing with him lor articles in their line. E. DI.'FFY" A SON, M Filbert uluve Uth. December 20, 1851 If. i:M()X"iTOTKL, SUNBURY, PA. rpiIE MISS WEIT'EI.'S respectfully inform L the Public lhat thev still continue to enter tain travellers and others ut their old established stand in Market street, west of Ihe Court House. Their long ex)MTieuce iu the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they I rust, be a sufficient guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. .March S, 1851. tf. AMERICAN HOUSE, POTTSVILLE, PA. MRS. MARY' WEAVER respectfully informi the public and travelling community general ly, that she has oia'ticd this large and Commodious HflTEL, furnished in a auia'rior stvle. hrom her long experience iu the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accouuno- late, her customer mav depend on being supplied wilh every tiling conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 851 It SILVER WATCHES A few doubfe case English Silver Wutches, for sale ut very low prices l.y tl. o., Kunliury, .pnl I-, n.'l. 7EXNi:iYS PATENT SA5II FAS. PEXIXGM. A rhenp and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash lor sale by j. w. riiii.iNu .u.ibury, July 7, 181!). STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jug und Pitcher, und oilier articles of stone ware just received and lor sale by JOHN' W. FRILING. 'unbury, June S3, 1819. 1J ATE N't Trusses of all kinds, Harrison' writing and iudellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps,jusl received and lor sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. tTOXE Ware, Earthen Ware, Ruisina, Al inoiids, P line und Cream Nut. Planes of all kinds. .Salt und Plaster. Just received and for aale by JOHN YV. FKILING. .Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1849. EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh aimnlv jusl received and for aale at 'this olliee. Puce 25 cents. Sunbury, Ju.y IS. 1851. l.LANKS. BLANK.S of every description ran be had by applying t ihe olliee of the American. fiMSsl'E PAPER. Yellow Tiaeue paper for 1 Tiivering glaubta, Ac, for aale al the oltictof the Anient au. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tlie Calilnct Ware lloom of SE1TN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also al the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad 5UNUIKY , rA. Th.nlifnl for the nntronatrc of hia friend and customer during the 17 years he ha been in bui- netw in this place, he solicits trom tlie punnc a con tinunnre of their favor. During this period h ha cntleavored to keep up with the iniprovementa of the day, and ha accordingly extended hi bui- nPM in tvery lirnnrti aim variety, i ne puouc therefom invited lo the attention of the present slock of CAIUNKT WAUK AND CIIA1SS, MANUFACTl'ltF.D BV SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former atock of tha establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairsv Lircet Sprinx Seat Rocking Chuirsr Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,, Marble Top Wash Stands, und a variety of other new style and I'.ifrliioii.ible Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for Ihe purpose, they are. now prepared for Undertaking in all it hritnches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye inniils ami mistresses, onn hasliamls too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From siile ImkuiIs ilmvn to kitchen tables, Kmtn rocking chain to locking craillel Phniilil yna ant have the tcaily Jons to pay, We'll wait awhile fir u lirihter lietter tlay, (Ir take mtatncs, outs, enra, wheat ami rye ; Utirk, lump pule, staves, or hinitier wet ami tlry, Or any thing lull Vnkes anil threshing Hails, rimii pigs mnl tarkies tlnwa to little quails, roirtfl on then frienits. ei mm one nnrl sit, Keep traile a moving, so "goes on tlis IkiII.' t"i?' Orders from a distance promptly attended tn and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunhury, March 0, 1S.'0. tf liOlM V LlM) AM) PKNSIOX AGENCY. The nltention of the public is called to the d vertisenienl of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at Wnshigton City- Person hnv. ing claim for bounty Lands or Pensions nre in formed that the subscriber has made arrangement for the requisite forms, und claimant calling at his olliee, call have their papers prepared and forwarded lo Mr- Tucker nt Washington, and by him la' properly ulteiidcd to Iwforu the De partment there. II. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 V;i I untile PROPERTY FOR SALE. ritllE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, A. oilers for sale the following properly iu Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz.: The large -f BRICK BUILDING ' in upper Milton, formerlv occupied by Messrs I'nltc rsmia as a Carriage Makers Shop. The biiililins is lit) feet front on upper Market slreel, and 4(1 feet on Front slreet, and is two stories biuh. Also n two story I1UK K liLACKSMlTH .SHOP, 4l by 25 feel, on the same premises. The lot i on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is (in leet front, mid 15(1 feet deep. 'I'he premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purpose, und will be sol 1 1 on reasonable and aeeommodalim; term by ap plying cither to JACOU CARRIGAN, Philadelphia. .1. F. YVOLFIXGEK, Enp. Millon or it. ii. .HAssfcK, ks,., sunliurv. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 if. I'll 1 I. A 1)1.1. I'll I 4 MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO BY Ml. KINKELIX, Ar. ir. Comer oj Third and Union Streets BKTWKKN SI'RUCE AND PINK STREETS; PHILADELPHIA. 1"MFTT:KN YKAItS f cxtfiitivtt anil uniiilerrnprJ pruvticp nHiit iii tin "it v Imve ninlerti1 Ut. K. th niiMtt t xiH'rl uml fiitarrB.iul pruHitioiier i'nr tin! iiwr, in tlie trtNiimt'iil m nil titnnrt nt a privut tuitur. Feraon iittlniti! witli ulctTit iiiii liielnly, tlinwit, r U'gx, pami in itie lieiul r Ihhich. nifit'iiriti Tlu'iuiiatifttn. irtricturri, grar), limine tinning Irmn yoiitlitull rxrvnnr or iniHiritiei ( t)t IiIiwhI. wlitreliy I In- (t'lmiitiitiou bua become enieeWcd, are nil tniitnl Willi iircr. I In wlitpl)icrt IniiiKfir umler the car iH' Dr. K., mav re litjitiiiFly iniiilnlc in In li"inr un it Kfiilriiiiiii,aiiti iMutultiit y rely upon bia aUill nn a phyMiciiui. TAKK 1AKTICL'I.AR NOTICE. Yoiniff Men wtn Ikivm injure I the mnelvm hy mrtain pi net ice indulge) in it liultit frwpifiitlv Imrnnl from evil riunpitiiimi or nt whtntl the etltt'la it vhich are ui;titlv felt, t-vt'ii when unlet p, mid iltmy tli in nut and Iwxiy, alitiiild npply itmiiciliiili'ly. Vikiirw rihI vniiiiitulionnl (tf-liility I 'M of inutt'iilnr encrpy, phyaiml liioiiiiiula and t;m em I prontritlinii. irrittilnlily mnl ull nervous infect mm, indi gestion, tii'.rsiiineB o ui livei, mnl every iliteutuin au-f wny roiineeli d willi llie diaonlt-r ol tlie prtKTraliv I mic tion! cured, mid liitl vigor retiretl. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature tlealh. E1NKEI.1. on Self rrrsrrvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tlm limit iat pal.lulieli fillivl with uiefal liifnrmatioa on Ihe iiiliriimieB unit tliM:ia-g nt' the tienenitive Orftnns. Il aitilreuei ileh alike In Vt)l 'Til, MAMIUK1) and Ol.U AIIK, anil Hlmiilil lie retnl liy all. The valuable aiiviee anil imiremiv'e vvnriiinr it fie, will prevent yenmiif uuaery luici milfiriiig uml anvt annual ly I'liiiiiKinilii nl' Liven. Pnrenia hy reailinir it will learn how tn prevent tht d triietmn nl' their ehililren. A reinlttnnee nl' i" eentH. enetiaied in a Mter, ad Hremeit in 1)11. KI KI'.I.IN. N. V. cnrner nf THIRD. I'll Slreeln. Iietvveea Sprnee A Pine, I'liilmlclphia, will enmire a tMik. nailer eiivelnpe. per return m' mail. IVrannint a ilittanre timyaitilrcH t)r. K. hy letter, (pnat paiil.) ntiil lieeureil at hnnie. PAt'KAIiKS (IK MKDICINKH, nlPKCTlOXS, , fnrwiirited tv nenititn; a remit ttinee, anil put up kcui Imm 1 1 Itll.STV. Himk.ieller. .New AsentR, IVitbim, CHiivtuiperi, and al nthera vnpplieil with the almve wnrk al very low rate. tteptemlier 6, l?61. ly. LAAVli KNCK IlOUSir SUNBURY, PA. r'lHK aulnwrihor reapprtfully informs hpr fripndi i and the puhlio generally, that she hn taken the almve well known stand nearly nppoaite the Court llouue, lately oeeupied by Mr. J. . Per kins. She IrtiNts that her enperienr in hininess, and her rll'orts to make her puesta comfortable, will Rive entire satinfaetion to thoc who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MOKRIS March 8, IS.', I tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JIS1KL Ol TUB 1'EICE. Sunbttry, Pa. OlFtce in Peer Slreet, immediately opposite tin Puhlic School House. 17 Monies pi illecled and ail business pwmptly and earr fully aiieiuled tn April 20, lS.r)l) IJA'lTXT BKITTANIA STOPPEIiS to liar hot lie for sale hy H. B MAS8ER. Sunhury, April, 13. 1HA1 nTKITI.ti FI.t'ID and self sealing En lopes, inst recvJ uml for sale liy April 19. ISM. H. II. MASSEKL KLANK NOTKs, waiving tht eiemptio law of :100, for aale hy April 28. 1851. H. B. MASSER Watt -iPD'S eolehrateal Horse and Cattle M I f rin. for aale by HENRY MA8HFB. riuuhury. Jan. 7th. 1M9 mf.71LEY'.S COVGH CAXVY. An net V lent remedy lor coughs, eohls. Tt a at this olliee I.OR aale at this office. Superior Black In faille Medicine al 25 cts, Pura Eu (linger, ti ten b.