Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 10, 1852, Image 2

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Ju-fi'i Ravage of the Cholera.
Nkv York, July 8. Tha steamship Em
pire City nrrireil here, thi afternoon, Irom
New Orleans, via Havana and Key Westr
'having left Havana oi the 28th lilt., and
Key Went on lhe 2!th. She report that
(he steamship Philadelphia had arrived at
Havana fionAspinwall, but in consemience
of having lhe cholera on board was r.ot per
mitted to enter lhe harbor. On tho second
day after lhe Philadelphia aailed from As
pinwall the cholera broke out among the
crew and passenger, and by the time she
cached Havana forty of them had died,
among whom was Mr. Birdsall, the U. S.'
Mail Agent. On arriving at Havana Phila
delphia was ordered off and proceeded to
Key West, whero she would land her pas
sengers. The authorities at Havana would
not even allow the ship to remain two miles
outside the harbor for the purpose of obtain
ing fresh stores.
The Empire City brings about 80 passen
gers. From tlie rnnoma Stnr, June 17.
fly tho late English mail, we received full
files of Bogota papers, fmm them we learn
that Mr. Arosemena's bill, proposing the
erection of the State of the Isthmus, has lint
passed the Senate. The representatives
readily admitted and approved the new law
though we believe their decision must have
been greatly influenced by Mr. A.'s pre.
sence in the Chamber. The Senato had no
great advocate in it ; the bill was therefore
considered very coolly, and coolly laid aside
It was said that such an important measure
ought not to bo adoptel without consulting
the people of tha Isthmus. This is the fiist
time tha Senate thought of consulting the
people. We think, however, that so far as
tho people of the Isthmus are concerned)
they care little or nothing whether lhe bill
passes or not. We have no desire to com
ment on the subject at present.
The rojos, or red republicans, have not
been idle. They brought an accusation
against the Archbishop, a man respected by
all who know him (except the rnjos,) and
easily succeeded in having him banished.
The good Archbishop is now on exile. All
this is done through a feigned respect for
the law, but we see more plainly in the
matter. Tho Archbishop is General MoS'
quera's brother, and that accounts for every
hin&. It will bo remembered that General
Mosquera and General Herran, former Presi
dents of New Granada, were also pjected
from tho Senate. In fact, things are done in
this country which would astonish even the
The forced loan did not pass. The Presi
dent is authorized to negotiate a voluntary
loan, cither at home where there is no mon
ey le be had, or abroad, where it will not be
given. The President is also authorized to
raise an army of Ihiity thousand men, end
to declare war against any nation or nations
aiding Flores, in his attempts against Ecu
ador. By a degree dated lhe 14th of May, Con
gress has ceded the Island of Mansanilla to
the Panama Railroad Company ; also lhe
right of property over such ground as the
company may recover from the sea, at the
two extremities of tho rail road. The de
cree prohibits all persons fiom travelling
over the rail road, olherwlso than in the
company's cars, and subjects those who in
fringe this rule to a fine of 200 reals, or lo
CO day's imprisonment.
Gentlemen arrived at St Louis from Santa
Fe, bring intelligence of the return of Gov.
Calhoun, lhe state of whose health prevents
a longer stay in the Territory. Previous to
his departure, the headquarters of that divis
ion of lhe army had been removed again to
Santa Fe. The reports of sickness among
the troops and trains en route for Mexico
and Santa Fe had been exaggeialed, yet the
chwlcra had prevailed lo an alarming extent
The troops in command of Major Stein had
rrived at Fort Atkinson, about half way to
Saute Fe. Twenty men out of 183 up to
that time had died of cholera.
In Aubrey's train seventeen men were
clown with the cholera at one time. He was
fortunate in saving all who were attacked
but one Tha cholera in his train, as well
its among the troops had abated.
fcince lhe Governor's departure, anil that
of the Secretary, Col. Sumner has removed
his head quarters from Albaquerrpie lo Santa
Fe whether permanently or not, remains
to be seen so that i( is now a civil govern
ment, under control of the military. Pur
hap things may go oa fmoothly under lhe
resent circumstances, yet 1 am a little ap
prehensive that some trouble may grow out
of it.
The Commissary Department, at Fort
Union, as I have talegraphod you, was en
tered a short time since, and a large amount
of provisions abstracted. A parly of sol
diers pursued a number of the thieves into
the moutaius, and succeeded in capturing
(wo of them.
II. II. MASlSER, Editor nnd Proprietor.
V. D. PAI.MKR is our authorized agent to receive sub
set iptimi nnd advertising nl htsoffice, in Philadelphia, New
York, Doaton and Baltimore.
To AovKHTuErn The circulnllon of the. Sunbiiry
American nnroii Die different towns on lhe Susquclnmnn
nut exceeded If equalled hy any paper published in North
etn Pennsylvania.
Of New Hampshire.
Or Alabama.
(.'I'.imr.K V. Woodward, of Lu.erno.
Wilson MCandless, of Allegheny.
Robert Pattkrson, of Philadelphia.
Petei Lotran, 13. II. C. Ever,
Ceo. II. Martin, 14. John Clayton,
John Miller,
F. W. Bnckius,
R. MeCay, Jr.,
A. Apple,
N. Strickland,
Abraham Peters.
9. David Fister,
10. R. E. James.
15. Isaac Robinson,
16. Henry Fetter,
17. James Rnrnside,
IS. Maxwell M'Caslin
19. Joseph McDonald,
20. W. S. Colahan,
21. Andrew Rnrk,
22. William Dunn,
11. Jno McReynolds, 23 J. S. M'Calmont,
12. P. Damon, 23. Geo. R. Barret.
of Fayette County.
A number of "younff scamps are in the
daily habit of bathing in lhe river in front
of the borough and along side of the public
road leading to Northumberland. No per
lon can pass along the road, at any hour of
the day, without seeing aslring ol naked
boys squatting like turtles upon a log or
running upon the beach. Such indecency
can no longer be tolerated. It is the duty
of parents to teach their chilJren to behave
properly, and such practices are indicative
of gross and shameful negligence and un
faithfulness. The High Constable whose
duly it is to guard the public from nuisans,
pays no attention to this branch of his busi
ness. One or two arrests and the imposition
of the fine would teach the boys a whole
some lesson. As the officers seem to be
unwilling voluntarily lo perform their duty
an effort will be made to place the mat
ter complained of in such a form as will ef
fectually abolish the practice of these dis
graceful exhibitions. A number of our
subscribers I equest us to say that they are
determined to make information against all
persons found outraging law and decency
in the manner to which we have referred.
Receives the lollowiag compliment from
the Pennsylvania Telegraph. Probably a
better set of Judges could not be selected
in this Statu or elsewhere.
We hesitate not lo say that Ihn members
of tho new court havo given entire satisfac
tion to the bar and to lhe public, not only by
their assiduity in the discharge of their judi
cial duties, but by the suavity and kindness
! of their manners lo ull w ho have had bnsi-
! II it bo rnt-il iritis ll- i I 1, fhu.n Tl... ....... I.
is a pnpulnr bench, and the public we be
lieve will be satisfied wilh nil the present
judges. They are not only able men, and
accomplished juiisls, but are gentlemen in
their intercourse with the bar and thu public.
tCT" A conflict of authorities has occur
red in Philadelphia. His honor, Judge
Thompson, of the Common Tleas, declared
that tavern keepers who sell liquor on Sun
day come within the law of 179-1 relating
to the observance of Sunday. A suit was
brought before Alderman Mitchell against
Messrs. M'Mackin to the penally. The
alderman overruled the opinion of Judge
Thompson and gave judgment for delend-
rharacters of living light on the brightest
page of our country's history.
Our Country : May she ever bo as now,
the mistress of the sea, the champion of
civil liberty, the home of the oppressed,' the
land of the free.
Oua National Fi.o : May the stars and
stripes ever float from our national vn mparts,
lhe emblem of Unity, the bond of broihei
hood, the beacon of hope to the oppressed,
the refuge of our friends, the terror of our
Tur. Orators or tiir Day : May the sun
of their bright intelligence continue to rise
until it attains lhe zenith of its glory, and
may no cloud mar its setting.
Chitiles J. limner, Esq., moved that lhe
proceedings of Iho meeting be printed in the
County papers; thon on motion of the same
the meeting adjourned
(Signed hi) lite Officers.)
EF" Ciiaxokd Hands. The Pcnnsylva-
VtusilK'M .otlces.
Tiir National Pokihait Gam-kkt i llie title of a
b iuli, the firm number of which lit- on our table, which
is 1 1 c iiitnin tlic inrtniita owl life-sketches of nil our iti
lingitislieu' men. Tlio bonk in to be completed in forty
numbers, cncli nnnibcl will comuiii three portraits. The
plates in lhe iiiunlier before as lire beautifully ensmved.
the Idler press well executed nnd the pupei fine scbstnn
tint. The honk in published by Holier! K. Pntleraon & Co.,
. ... e .t t . i. ti.:i.l..l.iK 1t ..;tl
u. conirr in um iinu aiui iniiiiit-iiii.n. ,v i . n I I t
mail, nnsmse free, copy every week to the address of j "'a Kepublican has passed into the charge
eveiy pcrsm who sends them Sill. 0t Messrs. S. J. & W. C. Shay. The Mes-
inm-roTs MAOAzixr.. We neglected bt week t re- srg Cochran's have left the establishment.
peal, is fill abend of anything way of periodicals now in
existence, i ne nrm minuter contains i in ucm-n ttiui.-i rv- tl .
,c i;. . Ar-ennl at Snrinrfeld. Mas, nnd of the different K?" The mercury in OUr thermometer
piwwcs of which the musket panes in the course of i:s j rose so high on Wednesday, that Jake was
inrmiifuclures, with wood ems if the dilTerent works shops
The other mntter is well selected, varied nnd yuluulile.
Tint Pennsylvania Farm Jm-RXAL, for July, has made
its appearance. It contains o variety of useful information
for agriculturalists Kvery lurmcr should take the
j ilirnnl.
W refer onr rca.lers lo the advertisement of Messrs.
.Martin nnd Waters who have entered into a co-partnership
in the Tailoring business, in this place We can cheerful
ly recommend tllis firm, as being workmen and
accommodating gentlemen.
forced to climb upon a chair to see it.
QTF" IY.istini! Ink. For sale for cash,
al this office, kegs ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds
each. Price 23 cents per pound.
,. , -I, - . i n i , r ! the Aitillerists refreshed themselves by par-
filed a bill in the Equity side ot . ....
. . taking of an excellent dinner, provided in
le Comt, praying tor on injunc- . , . ..' '. , . .
,v i j n i the ampleBt manner by Mr. Kmench, which
A letter received from Caiaceas, under
ihn date of the 18th June, gives the particu
lars of i recoulre between Mr. Mielielena,
lhe Venezuelan Minister lo Madiid and
Home, and Baion da Veimer, French Charge
al Caraccas. The former had made remaiks
reflecting on the conduct of the French
Prekiduiit, which lhe latter resented by
kicking him down Mair. A challenge en-
ueJ, snd the parties left for lhe Toilugus
UUiU4 lo settle lhe ailair.
Tb noun uf Mr Steele, the AuieiicHii
Cliaige at Curoj?eas, was entertd on the
uitihl of lhe (3d of May, by bandi;, who
robbed him of Lli aU-U, and slightly
ttAundcU Win,
Tub t'jceefusLE Bii oti.K-:Thi
aged servant of Cod, and reueiated Bitliop
of the Suulheru Methodist EpiM-opa, Church
has, notw ithstanding bis udvancad age, and
the sickness of his eeiiinbl lady, consen
ted to pay au ollici.l UMt to the cbuichus
iu Cdlilouiia.
O3- The Susquehanna Rail Road Comi
pany have
the Supreme
lion to restrain the Sunbury and Erie Rail
Road company Irom making a rail road
from this place to HarrisSurg. The Sus
quehanna Company claim the prior right.
0s" J. Hailkr Mason gave several soi
res magiquc last week. They were well
attended and every one was delighted with
the performance. His skill and adroitness
will soon place him "in the rank with the
Fakir ol Avaaud the Wizard of the North.
CIr" Tut: Sadle Bkotiikhs who astonish
ed and delighted the youths at the Concert
Room on Monday and Tuesday evenings,
make quite a favorable impression. Negro
melodies have become so common that a
superior perlormer only can draw an au
dience a feat which the "Brothers" ac
complished in spite of the weather.
Till: KOlltTll.
Was celebrated here with all the hon
ors, lhe belts were noi ait rung irom z
o'dtirk t'.ll daylight, nor were the cannons
fired during the whole of that period, as
has been the custom. We were allowed
to slumber undisturbed until we chose to
hail the dawning day. The Artillery
formed at their arsenal at an early hour on
Siturday and proceeded to Emerick's Tav
ern, about five miles cast of the town where
they spent the day. At sundown they
fired a national salute from the Mill Hill.
Their procedings are more particularly no
ted in another column.
A large number of persons took posses.
ion of that romantic spot in Shatnokin creek,
Smith's Island, where they spent the day
with the utmo.-t hilarity and enthusaism. A
draft of Itieir proceedings we regret has not
been handed uiand as we were not present.
we can not give them as fully as we would
On Monday (he Guards paraded in honor
of the day. Their ranks weie not well
filled, but the precision of their movements
and tha bearing of the men fully sustained
their high reputation. A number of small
parties were distributed among the pleasant
woods ol the neighborhood, making them.
selves free and independent, as young folks
are and of right ought lo be, out ol respect
to the proceedings ol their ancesters on lb
same day 70 years ago. Not an accident
occurred, and very few drunken men were
visible in the street.
Accoiding to an arrangement previously
made, the Artilletists mot on the morning of
Iho 3d inst., in Market Square, Sunbury,
preparatory lo proceeding to lhe placo of cel
ebration. They left town al about 9 o'clock
in proper conveyances, and anived at Mr.
Emerieh's in Lower Augusta at II o'clock.
The military mawrvreH, which were intend
ed to be n part of the day's proceedings w ere
immediately commenced, nnd after being
fully and properly drilled by Capt. Martz,
PTr the American.
Mr. KniToR : -Permit us through Iho col
limns of your paper to present the namo of
the Hon. GE0I5GE C. WELKER of lhe bor
ough of Sunbury, lo the democracy of this
district as a gentleman in every way worthy
of Iheir support, as lhe next candidate for
Judge Welker is well known to all of us
as a firm, tried and unwavering democrat
himself one of the people, familiar with the
views nnd interests of the farmer, laborer.
mechanic and all the other classes of the
community, and ever anxious and ready to
do nil in his power lo promote their welfare
The Judge is no olfice seeker, but the pco
pie want his services in Congress and liav
almost unanimously urged him to accept lhe
nomination. The delegates from this pari
of tho county will nil bo in his favor, nnd if
the other townships will but do their duty to
the country nnd themselves tho Hon. G. C.
Welker will be tho unanimous nominee of
the county.
of Upper Mahanny and Jackson townships.
July 10, 1852.
For the American.
Mr. Editor: As the time is approaching
for the people to select o candidate for Legis
lature of this county, wo would beg leave to
present before them, lhe name of JOHN
FARNSWOKTH Esq , of Upper Augusta
M '. Farnswotth is a man of intelligence,
of unimpeachable, integrity, nnd of fixed prin
ciples. He is such a man as wo would have
represent onr county. For a number of years,
he has been Piolhnnolary of this county, and
has (we believe) given eutiie satisfaction lt,
all. For Legislature we want a man of
sound reason, discrimination, and firmness.
Such a man is Mr. Farusu orlh, and in ull the
requisites for that office, wo confidentially
assert that he is competent to perform the
duties incumbent upon said office.
He has always been a sound, unwavering,
nnd consistent demociat, and if nominated
Northumberland county would (we think)
show her appreciation of him by giving him
the largest majority we have rolled up for any
man for years.
July 10, 1852.
lhe approbation of my judgment ; mid w ith
them I believe I enn say. Ihero has been no
word nor act of my life in conflict.
1 have only lo tender my grateful nclnow
lodgements to you, gentlemen, lo tho Con
vention of which you were members, uud to
the people of our common country.
1 am, with the highest respect
Your most obedient servant,
To Hons. J. S. Daibour, J. Thomson, Alpheus
Fetch, Pierre Suule.
Dr. lluoH.ANii's Ukrman Hittkhs This
celebiuled medicine is one of Iho very best
in l lie country, nml its good qualities only
need to be known, lo givo il precedence
over all olheis now iu nsu. We have seen
its good cH'eds lately, alter the total failure
of many others. This is saying more than
we can say lor anv oilier medicine within
our knowledge, nnd we feci it a duty lo re
commend the Hitlers In the notice of our
friends. Tho L'enuhie is tnepared by Dr.
C. M. Jackson, Pliila.
m i r it 1 1: i.
In this place, on Thursday last, by the
Rev. H. A. Fisher, Mr. Hfniiv Fitv, In Mis
an;e!.ivK I'.vei.iso, nil ol Mtaituikinlown.
Died, nl his residence, in this RniniiL'h on
Saturday morning last, SAMUEL HUNTER,
Esq., in the 4Glh year of his nge.
A long and painful illuefs gradually stole
away his stienglli, nud death came lo him
like a mcj-seuger of glad tidings lo bear him
from a world of snllering, lo lhe abode of
happiness. I'mm the gulden bonis of infan
cy, his lifa has been passed among us. The
peaceful occupation of the hn-bnndman kept
him from the busy scenes of life, bill there
is a circle of fiiends who know him and love
him well, who miss his pleasant voice? nnd
cheerful smile, whose bi.Eoms teel an itching
void, and whose, ejes nro wet with the sad
tear of sorrow. Intelligence and energy
stamped their kgiprcss upon his manly blow.
Industry gathered for him the reward she al
ways bestows upon her votaries. A kind
heart and uHet'tinuato disposiiinu madu his
home, wheiu his sisicr gathered round, tho
altar of his devotion, w huso quiet content
ment he never left save when thu unsolicited
voice of the people called him to serve them
in the House of Repreceulatives. Worldly
honor could not compensate him for lhe loss
of tho society of those he best loved, and af
ter one session ho returned lo tho home
whero his heart was. Allectiouato sisters,
dear fiiends, a happy home, u high reputa
tion everywhere for iutcgiily, probity and
honor, all combined to render life desirable
and hippy. Hut when that dread disease
maiked him for its victim, with the constant
IV Virtue of certain writs of !. Krp. lo me
directed will It old by public Vendue, or
outcry, at the Court Jlouse, in me Doroiigii m
Sunbury, on MONDAY the 2d day of August
next, nt I o'clock, P. M., tho following described
properly to wit i
A certain Lot or piece of Ground,
Silnnlo in the bnronnh of Millon. in that part or
snid borough, rnlled Upper Milton, bounded on
the north by Pino Alloy, rsst by lot No. 104,
smith by Broadway and west by lot of Samuel
l . Urown, it licnirr tlie eastern nun oi ioi nu.
103, as iiunilicreil III Hie (tcnrrnl plan oi sum
borough, ciiulnhiing 1-8 acres more or less,
whereon nre erected n two story Frame Dwelling
House and a r initio Biiiblc.
Sirred. Inkrn in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Divers.
A certain Lot or piece of Ground,
fituntc in Delaware township, Northumberland
county, bounded by Inmls of Wm. Mcflnire,
Juiurs Loccli, the heir of Geo. Keller and others,
coiil lining ! nerrs more or less.
Kie.ed tnKrit in execution and to be sold as lhe
properly of George Keller.
The tmihVidrd moiety, or bnlf part of all that
Certain Tract of Land,
S-'ilunle in Coal township, Northumberland coun
ty, udjoiniusr binds of John Hoyd, Mr. Wilson,
Peter Mourer, Michael Krull, nnd Frederick Kra
mer, containing 307 acres, nnd 00 pert lies and
allowance, surveyed 2:td of October 1 704, on n
warrant to .Matthias Zimmerman, dated lhe 27th
day nl' Auinist 1703.
Sci.otl. taken in execution and to Ik) sold as
the property of Jacob Loose.
Ry n certain writ of Jsv. Vurinn, nil that full
equal, undivided fourth part of n
Certain Tract of Land,
Situate in Coal township, County nforrsaid.
bounded and dexcrilied as follows, to wit : lie-in
niur! at a nine, thence by lands of John Cnrson,
north two degrees, west 2-0 perches to n post,
lliein c by lands of Thomas Hamilton and Win.
P. lirady, south bH degrees, west 100 perches to
a while oak, thence by land of Magdalena Lev.
erson, south lit) degrees, west 314 perches to il
while oak, thence by land ol'Sainurl Seott, south
20 j degrees, cant til 4-10 perches to a stone,
thence north 70J drg. east, 104 perches to a post,
then rc south 2 drg. cast, 00 perches to a t-hes-nill
oak, thence by laud of James Hepburn, north
88 dog. onst, 251 perches to the place of begin
n in;;, containing by a former survey 310J acres
nnd allowance, nnd by n re-survey 428 acres and
20 perches nml ullowunce.
Seized, taken in execution nnd to lie sold ns the
! properly of Geo. Ileckert and Thomas Sharp.
' I ' i on .
A Sequestrator, by virtue of n certain writ of
IV. i'.ri. to me directed, the life estate of the
Defendant of and iu two
Certain Lots of Ground,
.itna!e in the borough of Northumberland, Coun
ty aforesaid, hound north by nil alley, cast by
lots of Jo;-Tph Wallace, south by Prince strret,
ami west by Second street, containing J acre.
i nioie or less.
! Seized, taken in execution nnd to le sold ns
; the property ol Jjim Lcisenrin.ij.
i W.M. 15. KIPP, Sheriff.
! SherilV's Ofi'irc, Sunbury, )
10, 1-852.- 4t. 5
Cist of jCcttcvs
SUMllUY, June 30, IS.yj.
Morgan Nathaniel
Mouu Harriet
Morgan Isaiah
Palmer C Beni 2
Reit A Mary
licit. Samuel
Host James
Shive John
Smick Geo
Slronh John
Slow Jacob
Shipman Elisabeth;
S'ewnrt Jane Mary
Seanlan John
Tiegn Joseph
Taylor Samuel
Tiayer John
Unger John
Vain Peter
Wick A & C J
Yocum Henry
Zartmnn Daniel
Albert Christian
Baker Sarah
linker John
Howen John
Rennet Matthew
Chidester Elijah
Cane John
Clase Martha J
Dents Gilbeit
Evans Evans
Evans Sarah
Evert John
Euglo M E
Howard Aaron
Harrison Jane
Helheiiuutuu J I)
Huipineshagen F M
Kntner Edward
Knhlev Jane
Kline I) Fred
Minegar Isaac
Musscr lienj
At Northumberland, June 30, 1852.
ltedleman Jacob
Hell Wm or Grier
Hold win Henry
Itishop Mr
Kloom Jacob
It.irlo Ellalielh
liullock Edward
Corev Ambrose
Crtitchly J or Wm 3
Cuiilicld D B
Caisou .lane
Cnuley Chan
Cleaver G.wy
(.'fir-sly Jacob
Cornell Abraham
Carenee Catharine
Campbell Marguiet
Dolaee John
Dudley ('has H
Deuce Anthony
Down vie Patiick
Fenster Gilliam
Fivmire Henry
Fillman Win I.
Hudson Sylvester D
lluusicker C
I Kn'znor Win R
I K.tler Susanna
Lawrence Abraham
Marlin Kersey
McWilliams Jno
McDowlc Susan
Mojer Daniel Mrs
Mnges John
Martin Catharine
Osmun John
Pollock Wm
Pots Mr
nhodeiibniiph Jacob
Iiodcurmel II D
Sanders Lydia
Snyder David
Silverwoml Mathins
Sinally R C
1 hnmpsnii John B
Turner John
W'inklemnn Susan
Weiiisbiii" Henry
Wilson James D
West wood Rev II C
Wilson Andrew
Wilkerson Miss A C
WoiuKvard Lnvina
Wank John A
couraoo and humble submission of a chri
liau ho bowed to the will of G id. No reioic- j
in-? in the chatine. no boasiins of confident NORTHl'.MBEULAND COUNTY. SS.
hone, no enthusiast ie ioy. no outward display Tlf Commonimillh of 1'cnnfylrmiia In the
marked his passing away. His was 1 hat j
deep, abiding, lowly hope the sincere peni- I
lent feels in a Redeemers mercy, nud iu a I
cairn, quiet reliance upon that hope ho
breathed his life away us ".cully as iho new
born babo slumbers upon its inuthei's breast.
El). A.MRIltCAN.
1 1
was also enjoyed by a number of others pre
After being regaled nnd invigorated by
participation in so plentiful a repast, the sol
diers nud citizens repaired lo a benuiiful
grove well suited for such a celebration as
iney naj engaged in. on motion ol l.ieut. i
Peal, his Honor JUDGE WELKER was cal- j
led to preside over the meeting. Messrs. Geo.
Conrad, G. M. Yorks, John P. Purse!, Jacob
Yorday, Dr. D W. Shiudel, Di. R. H. Awl,
Chas. J Bruner, Esq., D. Conrad, J Wolf, J.
I. Smick, sr., Saml. Tucker, and Wm. KuolT,
were appointed Vice Presidents. M. L.
Shiudel, Esq., and Wm. M. Rockefeller,
Esq , Secretaries.
On motion of Lieut. R. Peal, John Young-
man, Esq., (who was piesent to address the
meeting,) was called to the stand, and gave
the assembly a sound and patiiolio address,
well calculated lu arouse Iheir feelings, and
semi a thiill of patriotism and gratitude
through every bosom, bringing more fully
lo their recollections tha glorious event
lhe event that gave this nation its birth, the
original of all ils noble and beneficial insti
tutions, and its blessed Liberty. After the
close of his elaborate address, Lieut. Peal,
followed wilh a brief, but elegant and ap
propriate address, evincing lo his auditors a
full knowledge of the most interesting events
piior and subsequent lo our Independance,
and enlisting their attention by that sauvity
of expression and beauty of sentiment
which are so iudispeusiblo in gaining the
hearts of an audience. He spoke of the vi
tal importance of the Magna CharU of
American Liberty, published snveuiy-rix
years ago ; ho asked the assembly to look
back with him through tha dim vista of
expired time, and contemplate the heroic
men who framed and sustained that great
document ; he alluded in graphic terms to
our mighty Union, and, as a member ol the
Artillerists, he besoeched them to hold first
in Iheir affections lhe great fraternity of
State, and always to sustain the honor of the
national flag, the star spangled emblem of
the Union.
Then followeJ Win. Rockefeller, Esq , w ith
a cicditable addtcss, closing by reading the
Declaration of Independence, after which
he look his seat the following sentiments
were offered and adopted, expressive of the
feeling of the meeting ;
To it 4ih or Jolt, '76: May the associa
tions that linger around il ever be dear to the
Aiueiiean people, may the memories of the
heroes of that day be held in most grateful
homage, and embalmed in the dearest recol
lections of iheir posterity, and may the truths
then given lu the woild ever be wiitlen in
For (tie American.
Mn.-EniTon : Dear Sir :--As the Female
Bible Society of Stinbnry were providentially
prevented from forwarding their Report to
tho Parent Society anil consequently their
doings do not appear in the Annual Report
of lhe Slats Society. I feel it proper lo gay
to the patrons of tho bible cause that the
Treasurer has paid into the Treasniy of the
Stnto Bible Society, since my visit lo your
town iu November last, $24.64
made several donations of bibles In the des
titute, nnd have on hand a supply of Bibles
Philadelphia Market.
July 8, IS.V2.
Wheat Is active ; sales of Southern red
at 07 ; mixed if I, and prime while ut fl,(i:i.
Rvi: Is wanted at 7!i cents.
Cons Is in fair demand ; sales of yellow
afloat, at 05 els. and vt lnle al tii cents.
Oats Are dull ; sales of Southern nt -lie,
and of Pennsylvania at 4'2 cents.
Wiiiskrv. Sales iu bbs. and blids. ut S3 .
Baltimore Market.
Jl-LV fi. 1851.
The supply of Wheat is small
Estate of DAVID FAUX, DecU
jVOTlti: is hereby pHon that letters of ml
' ministration have been emitted to the sub
sciiher on the estate of llaviil I'unx, dre'd.. lain
SlfritTof Xuilhambcrlaml Cutuilt, d'ra- 1 towiwnip. Northumberland coumv. All
- ' .... ..... a I 1 I I
r ,3,,,ln .ii t-siiiie or uaving riuuns
nuninst the sunie, are requested to cull on tho
suhscr tier for settlement.
Rush tp., July II, IS.V.J. Ct.
Office opposite lhe Court House,
Snnbury, Northumberland County, Pa.
Prompt intention lo business in adjoining
and Testaments in English and German for
sale at the store of Miss Jane Finney.
Respectfully, yours,
Gen. Asent of Penna. Biblo Society
Sunbury, July 5th, 1852.
They have j for Iho last day or iwo. Sales of good to
prune reds, to-day ut 102 a 10.) els. ; while at
SI. a 1,5. '
Sales of new Corn, in jjood conditio:!, nt
fi I els. white, and (50 a til els. tor yellow
Damp parcels sell at -15 a 50 els. Sales of
old torn al 51 it flu" els
We quote Oats at .15 a 3S cts. for Mary
land, and JO cts. for Pennsylvania.
WHISKEY. Sales of Perinstlvaiii.i Mils,
at 21 i cts., and of hhds. al 204 cents.
nrntK's i.kttiu of acckptance.
Coscoun, (N. II ) Juno 17, 1852.
ftfntlrmen : I have the honor to acknowl
edge your personal kindness in presenting
me, this day, your letter, officially inform
ing me of my nomination by lhe Democratic
National Convention, as a Candidate for tho
Presidency of the United Slates.
The surprise wilh whhh 1 received the
nomination, was not unmiugled wilh painful
soliiude, nnd ye! it is proper for mo to say
that lhe manner in which it was conferred
was peculi arly gratifying. The delegation
from Nev Hampshire, with all lhe glow ol
Stale pride, nnd ull the warmth of personal
regard, would not have submitted my name
to the Convention, nor would ihpy have cast
a vote for me under circumstances other
than those w hich occurred.
I shall always cherish wilh piide and grat
itude a recollection of lhe fact that that
voice which first pronounced for me, and
pronounced alone, came from lhe mother of
Stales a pride and gratitude rising above
any consequence that can betide me person
ally. May 1 not regard it as a fact pointing
to the overthrow of sectional jealousies and
looking to the perennial life and vigor of a
Union cemented by the blood of those who
have passed to Iheir reward a Union won
derful in ils formation, boundless in ils hope
and amazing in ils destiny 1
I accept the nomination, relying upon an
abiding devotion to the interests, honor and
glory of the whole country, but beyond and
above all, upon a rower superior to all hu
man might, a Power which from the first
gun of tho revolution, in every crisis through
whioh we have passed, iu every hour of our
acknowledged peril, when the dark clouds
have shut down around us, has interposed as
if to baffle human wisdom, out-march human
forecast, and biing out of darkness the rain
bow of promise. Weak myself, faith and
hnpa reptse there in security,
I accept the nomination upon tha platform
adopted by the Convention, not because this
is expsoted of ma as a candidate, l)ut be
cause the principles il embraces command
W 1 1 E R E AS James Curotheis and !
Matilda his wile, M.ny E. Auuew ;
by In-: oiiardiau. James Carolhers, j
Adnm Torr-nco nml Elizabeth his wife.
Gooioi H ivmakei and Pnseilla his wfie, ;
Al iilha Graham, Elizabeth, M. Graham.
Evelme R. Graham, and Maroarelle M. Gia- .
linn, who have lur iheir gunidian, Robert I
Miliig.-iu, I'l.iiutills lately in onr Court of J
Ciuitnon Plena for Iho comity aforesaid, to;
wit : on the tenth day ol November, Anno'
Domini, ei-jhteen hni.d.ed and foi ty -seven, '
l-roiioit thiii- action of P.ntition against j
lliii. Bellas, P.iter U.ilily, William Shannon j
a id U.ichel his . wile. John Poller, Arthi.r i
W Fiiek, Claienei; II Flick, Dr. Samuel
J.tek.tou, J.duuW. Mooie, Dr. Phineas Jenks,
Jesse I lesion, Silas Caiev. Ann Caiey, Sarah I
Car-v, E. Carey, Tims. H. ("oil, Win. !
C Coll, an. I Sarah Coll, lhe said Thomas, j
William and Sarah having for their eiiardinu i
Wm. A. Petiikiu, Defendants, setting forth
that tlm Deleiid.iuls aforesaid, with said ,
Pl.iinlitrs. together and undivided, ilid hold ,
a oei'.aiu piece- or parcel of land, situate in i
Coal township, iu eiii.1 county, on or near '
tho walers of Shami'kin Creek, containing j
1874 ncrcss. more or less, bounded on the i
souih by tlm top, or near lhe top, of Ma- j
hauoy Mountains, tut tho west by land of !
Johii'N. Lane and others, on cast by lands j
i uoA- or bile of Jacob Hollmuu, and on the !
I north by lauds of the Miners' Bank of Polts- j
(villenul others, which said piece or parcel
i coiix'sls of liaets or nails of Iracts sniveyed I
'ill wair.mts giaoted lo William Monison.
Thomas Cainplaiu, lb. ben Camplain, Thomas
Greer, J.imo Gieer and Edmund Hull", paili--linn
whereof between said Plaintill's and
j D.'feiidau's. they the said Defendants, do
I not permit &e., nud in lhe Court aforesaid,
; bi f ne lhe .Indies id the same Court at Sim
ihii'V, to wit: on the 1 Mil day of April, A D.
'lS'l'J, by tho judgment of tho same Court
1 tho said Plaintills against tho said Defend-
ant did lecover, Iho partition of tho said
j premises ietweeu the said Plaintiffs and
j Delendants should bo made, which said
j judgment was carried to thu Supreme Com I
'of lhe said Coinmonwealih, and by a judg
ment before Iho Judges of lhe said Court,
Iho aforesaid judgement was reversed and
i i i . . i. t.
t venire no novo iiwaroeu, nun inn reconr
MAtSON will be iu readiness to rrcrivfl
visitors nt J; Ilailrr Mason's Dacucrrran
Room, State I louse. Specimens iniiy lie seen at
all hours nf the tiny.
Sunbury, June 26, 1852. tl".
their acknowledged skill in cuitiiii:, they
will bo assisted by the direction of tho most
seien'ifio publications relating to that nit,
now issued from tho emporiums of fashion
in the. United Stales. An endeavor will be
made always to havo work completed when
Their establishment is situate 1 in Market
Square, Sunbnry, neatly opposite the Post
O I lice, in the building formerly ooeupied by
Jacob Punter us h halter shop, where it wiil
be a pleasure to Ilium to sett their fiiends,
and make such woik for them as is vti:hin
the line of iheir business.
Sniibtiry, July 10, 1852. 4t.
New Advertisements.
Having entered into a co partnerhip in the
beg leavo to inform their fiiends and the
ptiblio in general, I hat they are prepared in
every respect lu make clothing altet the must
fashionable styles, and in Iho most durable
manner, and that lliei: pi ices will bo as rea
sonable ns can be had iu Sunbury or elsu-
wheie, m cash or nppioved country produce . was thus on Iho 4th day of June, 1852, re
The lirm will always have Iho advantages of ' mitled to the Court of Common Please afoie
tho latest fashion plates, and in addition lo ; ns upnears of record, &c. , and wheieas
! ji has been suested on tho record thai
; John Poller aforesaid is dead, and Rachel
Shannon, intermarried wilh William Shan
: non, is his devisee that Dr. Phinervs Jeriks
is dead, and tint Simon S. Jenks, Elizabeth,
j inlei iikiii jed wilh J iM'ph S. Elsegood, Wil
liam Wallace Jenks, Groige A. Jeuks. and
P. Fredeiio Jenks are his hciis, and lhat Ar.
'bur W. Flick died intestate, nud Georsie A.
Frick, Clarence II. Fiiek, Alexander Fiiek.
Auo.ustus Fiiek, nnd Maltha, intermarried
wnl Robcit, are his heirs, as op.
pears of record, &c- Yet ftulher proceed
ings, (is directed by lhe Supreme Court
aforesaid, rernvni to be madu as on the in
fortunium of I ha said Plaintiffs, we have
been L'iven lo understand, wherefore the
stid Pl.tiiitifls besought us lo provide for
them u pioper remedy in lhat behalf, and
uecausu we are wining inai tnose llnnus
w hich in our same Court are rigbly acted,
should be brought lo due execution, we
command yot: that justly and without delay
by 'mod ami lawlul men ot your bailiwick
you make known lo the said persons nbove
mentioned that they be ami nppcar before
our Judges at (anbury, at our Court ol Com
mon Pleas, there to be held on the firsl
Monday of August next, to show cause, if
any they have, why they should not he
made parties lo tho said action, and also
why Iho mij Plainlitls recovery and execu
tion, according lo the form and effect theie
of in the aforesaid action, ought not to have
and further to do and receive all and what
soever our said Court shall consi ler in that
behalf. And have you Ihen and there this
WlTNKS lh Hon. AlSVANDKa Joiidan
E., Piesidenl of our said Com t at Sunbury,
this 22nd day of June, A. P- 1852.
Sunbuiy, Joly I"; IS52.-1I.
IELLOW CITIZENS : I herewith an
uouoce myself lo your kind considera
tion us a candidate for lhe ollice of
lii'gistcT f) 1'ectmler,
at the next election. Should your free and
independent vole place me in this office, I
pledjo myself, to fulfil the duties thereof in
such a maimer, as shall givo general satisfac
tion. Respectfully, your obedient servant.
Sunbury, July 10, 1832,-to.
IJ1ELLOW CITIZENS iEnrourriired by ma-
ny of my friends, I respectfully oiler myself
as a cmididule for the Ollice of
He'istcM Hoe order,
At thu approuchiug election. Should I be fleet
ed, I shall endeavor lo rrndrr general .a itixfac
Lower .Miihunoy tp., July 10, I8.')'; to.
TVO'l'ICK berriy jjivcii to nil Leenlrrs,
Creditors nit other persons interested in the
Estates of the f)kwig named ix-rsons, that the
Executor, Administrators, nod Guardinns of said
Estates have filed theirnrcoiints with the Register
of Northumberland county, nud that the same
will be presented to the Orphans' Court of suid
County, on Tuesday th itd day of August lint
for coitlirmntioa axti allowance.
Wi'.linni f-'eiri, ilee'd, srttled by bis Adm'r
Groipe Lubr.
John .McWilihmo, oWM., settled bv his Adm'r
Robert snd Wm. Fullmer.
John Porter, oVc'd., settled by his Exc'rs D.
Drnutisam and Win. II. Wniles.
Fninuel Mi an m ji, dfe'd., settled by his Adm'r
Thomas Slmmtoti.
Isaac W. Furnsworth, dre'd., final neeount
settled by his Adm'r Wm. V. Silverwood.
Adam lol liner, ilec'd, settled by one of his
Exc'rs AVm. Fullmer.
Eve Krmphel, dre'd., settled by her Adm'r
Abraham Kolherniet.
Peter McAndrew, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r
Michael Haley.
John Evert, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r John
Henry Vox, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r J.irob
.Mmidulrna WenricU, )1, settled by her
Exe'r Isaac Fryiuirr.
William WiNilvcrliin, rfee'it, willed by Iiis
Adm'rs Wm. H. Munich and E. F. Wool-
Solomon Zoem, dcc'J, settled bj his Adm'r
Joseph Zuent.
John Elrith, sr. dre'd., settled by hi AJin'r
Jeremiah Wetzel.
Henry, Sarah, Catharine, and Marparr! Ami
Metier, minor children of lirrnard Metier,
settled by Iheir Guardian John , Mrfiee.
Jesse I. John, settled by bis Guardian William
Oliver, Charlotte, June, William, Osrar,
Chnrles nnd Hannah E. Wnolverton, minor
children of Wm Wnolverton, decM., settled
by their Guardian, John J. Woolvtrton.
ReuLen Rolherniel, minor iliild nf Abraham
Rolhermel, dee'd., settled by bis fiuantian
Samuel S. Wanner.
Susannah Dohh. minor child of Michnel H W,
dee'd.. settled by her Guardian M. Smith,
Matilda Eister, minor child of Michael Kinter,
dee'd., settled by her Guardian John Eiter.
Culharimi Eitcr, minor rhild of Mirfiael Eis
ter, dee'd., settled by her Guardian John
Isabella Wilkerson, minor rhild of Ann Wil
kerson, dee'd., settled by her Guardian Sam
tirl Cuinptiell.
Philip Dimin, dee'd,, settled hy his AduiV
Georj-e Uimiii.
Peter Slirontx, dee'd., settled by his Execu
trix Mary Shrouti.
JOHN P. PURSE1, RegistM.
Rejistrr's Oiruit. i
Sunbury, July 8, I85'j.St.)
7XTRACT Of COFFEE. .A a irellenl
article more wholesome and much cheaper
than Coll'ae itself, Yot sale at Ihiaofure.
April 17, 18.V
leut remedy I'or coughs, colds. For saU
at this ollir.
I'IR anlc at this office, Superior liloek Ink,
1 ('utile. Medicine at So tt, I'uie Esciics ol"
Ginger, lb ituU. '