Poetry. T3E CLOCK IN THE CORNEB. -r a. coisst. f IhongM Jn my school boy crHyg, forsoolh, That tf0 clork wa living Ihinp, That it bad a tongue that would spunk Iho i tiolh, - To tell it tales npon trnunt youth, In Iba book hiding days f spring. And I peeped with fear on Its charactered face, To watch th fpiril within, That was r twining its round with ceaseless racF, And hcatmg Iho time with ft miniature mace, As if overjoyed at the din. ( marked its voice when the dear ones died, As it ticked to their Infest breath, And, when they passed to the bunine un tried, It seemed to follow, with nnmeamired stride, Their spirits after death. flow it rung and echoed my chimp, On that merriest summer morn, When the skies were brighter than eastern clime, And hearts beat fast for Iho coming time, And the future yet nnborn ! And when, 'mill storm and midnight wild, On the dark and mtmnins: earth, Tlwre eame to our love a fair-haired child lis monitor face beamed biiuhtlv, and smiled, To murk the moment of birth. Thou art old, but I lovo thy very decay, As thou sittest nn ancient mime, On thy wooden seat near the kitchen way, When, for many a year and many a tiny, They have come to ask thoe "iho timu !" Keep lime, old horologe, till ago Shall close thy master's cyo ; And when thou Brl left in the latest stage, To tremble alone, 'mid the elements' rage, Oh, then run down and die. A STRING OF ITEMS. There are over two hundred prisoners in The Illinois penitentiary. The rust has made its appearance among the barley crops of Marion co , Ky. There are 000 children in a single work house in Limerick. Seven Railroads will terminate at Buffalo before the expiration of 1853. Four termi nate'already at Rochester. The re were one hundred and twenty-nine rfeaths from cholera in New Oi leans during fhe week ending the 12th inst. Attempt not what God cannot counte nance ; but wait and all things will be brought forth in their due season. The peach crop in and around Delaware City promises a large yiekl the present sea son. Portraits in iron are now tho greatest nov elty of the day. One has been taken of Daniel Webster of this material. Gen. Harrison's Tomb,,at North Bend, is reported by a late visitor, to be in a shame fatly neglectedand ruinous condition. Trust him little who praises all ; him less who censures all ; and him least who is in different about all. Hon. Stephen A. Doug1ass,Jof Illinois, wo fcte informed, intends to speak before the people in twenty-eight Slates of tho Union during the present Presidential canvass. A petition was presented gin tho New Hampshire Legislature, on the 9th inst., in favor of the Maine Law, signed by 34,598 voters aud 47,770 females and minors. Lady Johnson, the only daughter of Lord William Campbell, who was once provincial Governor of South Carolinia, died lately in England. "Tou want a flogging, that's what you do," said a parent to an unruly son. "I know it, dad, but I'll try and get along with ut it,,T said' the independent brat. The carpenters in the employ of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company struck on Monday week for the operation of the ten hour system, and have been out of employment ever since. Suicide op an Unsuccessful Inventor. --Austin Allen, a machinist, in Rochester, tut his throat, on Saturday. He had been engaged upon an invention of his own, and, iaiung to nnng it into operation, his nvnd uecame ueransea. How to get rio or Cockroaciiks. It is latod that the peelings of cucumbers, nla. ced in the way of cockroaches for three or four nights in succession, will entirely clear a nouse ot these pests of tho housekeeper Haro Run. A Mexican paper slates ihnl the finances of the country have sunk to so row a slate, lhat nothing short of anoiher war wilh the United State will save tho Government fiom bankruptcy. :IIave you not mislaken the pew, sir 1" blandly said a Sunday Chesterfield 1 a s'ran ger as he entered it. 'I beg pardon," re plied the intruder, rising to go out, 1 1 fear I have, I took it for a Christian's." Gen. Pierce. The brotheis of Gen Fierce were in the war of 1812. Their names were Benjamin and Sullivan. The late Gen. John McNeil, who was wounded t the battle of Lnndy's lane, mimed a ister of Gen. Pierce. Is Luck. A factory girl at Blackitone River, R I., hat just opened letter w hich her aunt gave ber three years ago, and finds it to contain papers putting her in possession of 88,000 v.hich her aunt, sinco decoased, left ber by will. She has obtained lbs cash. Upon coming into the office the other day vre naked the "devil" hia rule for punctua tion. Said he, l sot up at long can holj my bteath, then put in a comma; when 1 gape, ineert a aemicolon ; when 1 sneeze, a colon ; and when 1 want another chew of to bacco, I insert a period." We cannot with hold these rules, so admirable for their aim . jiliciiy, from the public Ex. HKNRY CARIt . GKO. 1.EAOVK. J. It. (IIKSK. COMISSIOJ AND FORWARDING HOUSE. CARR, GIESE & CO., commission ct forwarding merchants, JVb. 19, Spears Wwrf, BAlTIKOKT. Will receive ami sell FLOUR, GKAIN, and at. kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE and also LUMBER. OARTICUT.AR attention will he given to this branch of tho Business, by Lewis W. II. Gicsc, whom whole attention will lie devoted to the sale of I.nmlwr, anil will occupy an OITics o tho Falls Dock, especially for this purpose. Mr. (iicse's long ex; .rienre, and reputation as a first rate sidesman, is a guarantee that the liiyliost market prices will always bo obtained. LB"" Liberal Cash advances made on Con signments I but in no case will this House make any advances, until the Produce is received. March 13, 1852 4 mo. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. W. $ E. I). STOKKS, No. 101 Market Street, South side, First belne Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. fDU FELLOWS anil Masonic Rejrnlia of - every variety, suited to tlio various rank and orders, constantly nn linml. Also, a largo mid extensive stock of fashionable lUnuy Tin (1c CloUiing, ! manufactured by the liest of workmen, and from the newest stylo of Goods, of Into importation, at crcallv reduced prices. They have also n Inrire and well selected nssoittuent of Piece Goods, of English, French nnd German Fabrics, of new uml beautiful Patterns, which they will inuke to order in the most approved and fashionable man ner, and in a superior stylo of workmanship. February 88, 1852. Inio. TUG CHEAT PftlZi: 31 L DAL, Alt- Rin:ni HICIH33T & TULli, No. I IS Chcstnnl St., above Sixth, Frput oj JONES' HOTEL. J37TT) IJ y AVE just received their Prize eilnl, awarded to them for eir best i ravelling 1 runKs ex hibited at the World a I air in London, 1851 being tho only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PHI.h! TRUNKS, VALISE?, BAGS, &c. To bo found in this Citv, and at vcrv low prices, Call and see. HICKEY & Tl'LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 1 18 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, WHOLESALE ANI fltTAIX. rriHE Fhilodclphia Window Glass Ware house, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Street. East side, has the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, Cane, Hot-House, and other GLASS, the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest size, up to 38 by 60 inches of fciheet, and as larae as 5 by 7 feel of Plate Glass, including English Crown, trench, Germaii and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Vcrv Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights, Bulk Windows, &c. 1 ho .Subscriber having a heavy stock on hand s prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, ml on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. lirounil u rule Lead ; Faint, Varnish, of ev- cry in scription ; Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil- 1 and raw; Puir.t Anils; Putty; Brushes; Dye Woods, oe., Ac, fee. A nd also, a largo supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGI E. Nos. 33 & 35 North 4th St, E. Side. April 10, 1853. ly. IMPE0VED LIGHTNING E0DS. THE subscrilier has constructed a LIGHT NING ROD on true Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them arc rendered perfectly secure against destruction by iglilmng. 1 ho connection and insulation ot the rod, as well as tho preparation of tho ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement. l'ersons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction by lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by letter, to tho undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 ft. inch copper rod foU plated point, mlid jnatiua tip, $22,00 And forty cents for every additional foot over forty. For 40 ft. J inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, solid vl ut i ii a tip. 13,50 18,50 10,00 For 40 ft. iron rod gold plutrd point, W- td vlat ma tip, For 40ft. iron rod silver plated point, And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. I . S. S1ACKKV. Milton, Sept. 6, 1851 ly. cap 17, 1852. " HARRISBURG BOOK BINDER Y. F. Ii. IIUTTEIl & CO., SucvsrVTS to W. ). 1 1 irk ok, nml Mirk A Cnntine. BOOK HINDERS, STATIONERS AND BLANK HOOK M A N L" F A CTl " Ii E I lis. The Fulsrrilor respectfully iufnnn -thrir friends and the puhlir, thnt thry are now currying on ihc above business at tho OI.1J i 1 A-N u occupied hy II irk ok & Co. J ury flatter themselves that lv careful attention to busine., they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by tho old linns, r&rticulur attention will be paid to tho ruling and binding of every description of blank books for banks county otlirca, merchants and private individuals, and every variety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, luw books, music, newspapers, Slc, bound in any pattern and in any style required. In addition to tho above, they have, and w-ill at all times keep, a generul assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of letter Paper, Knives, Cap t(uill, Druwing lukiiaiitls, Transfer M MiU Wafers, Bkithn Healtnx Wax, Rates and Pencils. I .end Pencils, Letter Ktamps, India Rubber, Wafers, Ked Tape, Blank Cards, Canniite Ink. Cmvmir Ink. Arnold's Writing Fluid. Erasures, Ac. f inner,, tv Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. K. L. HITTER A CO. March 13, 1852 If. GOLD TEN8 with and without cases, of a rery superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale y H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 27, 1851. AND BILLS neatly printed on new type JlA promptly executed at this oflice. Also lilauks, of all kinds on suiierior paper. Sunbury, Feu. 11, 1852. OLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, bonds, Executions, Summons, 4c, for sale by . Ii. it. M AbbEK. Hunbury A ril J6, 1851 rfii.D PENS wilh and without silver cases just received, and for sale bv II B. MASSKR funbury, A-niU 1851 SUNMJllY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEOKGE ItENN. MANUFACTURER OP FUJINITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of t'.AItlNET-WAKE. which ennnot fail to rctommend itself toevcry one who will examine It, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in tho city. No effort is spared in tlio manufacture of his warn, and the sulmcriher is determined to keep op with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofas., 1)1 rail aud LoungrcN, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures nil kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to he had Ir rSttnbnry, such wMuimiisi, Black Wahut ano (VitLKn MaflkGukciax; An Wixnsnn CIIAIKH, aii pa vct Piaxo .Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled l.y none inanulacturcd in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 lie subscriber is determined tlint there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence euii bo entertained about the quality and liuish of his waro and Chairs. His articles will bo disposed of on as irood terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try rroilucc taken m payment for work. t7' UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Heaiisk, bo is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. 5" The Wuro Room is in Market Street, In-low 1 liompson s rMoro anil Weaver s Tavern, GEORGE ItENN. Sunbury, Jan. Ifl, 1852. tf. J. X. Z3ZTT2X1ICH, Ko 78 Xortb id St., brttptrn Arch ami Rare St., PHILADELPHIA. JTEREBY informs the public that he imports H- and constantly keeps on hand at his new store. No. 78 North Sd St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures ! Paints, which he will sell nt the lowest prices. His stock, in port, consists of, Aceordcons, Violins. Music Uoxcs, I'arlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodeons, Seraphincs, Mathematical In- strumciits, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Gold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snulf and Tobacco Roxcs, Lithographic I 'units. Copper Plate and Steel En graving, and pictures of every variety. Also Gilt Frame Moul lings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 20, 1851 tf. Ihoenix Tire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. WARRANTED to ftand equal beat with ' any other Chests in the country, and to delv the Hurglns ingenuity. Manufactory, rio, 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear cf the Girard Hank, M. eV. 8., the proprietors, arc Practical Me chanics, and feel confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Safes, and a speciul attention to this particular branch, of giving satisfaction to all who may give them a call. N. B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, and we warrant our Chests and Sites to be made of the best material and in tho mot durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. - MILNOR & &IIAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley Running between 3rd and 4th streets, S of ( hes- nut, in the rear of (iirard Hank. Philadcl Ida, Oct. 25, 1851. ly 1 Bonnets, Eats and Millinery (i o o d s ! T3UEUCH ANT8 and Milliners when in Phil- if ii adelnhia to purchase their goods, will find it to tlietr interest to exainino our large and fash. ional lc stock of stuaw coons. We manufacture largely and mroiiT the XtwiiT SriLis of Fovcisn B nbrics in our line j which together with other uilvanla- ges enaiiie us to oiler liberal inducements to Uitr.iis. R. A. CROOKER, & CO.. Nos. 47 and 49 CMiestnut Street, and No. SO PhitiS kl'cct' wcst "de' nr" Ch"lnul' December 27, lfi51-ly.cC YVM. M'CAItTY, BOOK8ELLHR, Broadway, SUNBURY, FA. TUST received and for sale, a fresh supply of I VAXCsELICAL. SIC for Singing Schools. He is also opening at this tune, a large assortment of Uooks, in every branch ol Literature, consisting ot Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles; School, Pocket and Family, both with and without I'.ngravings, and every of van etv of Untiling. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds. Travels, Yoyagea and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, either fur cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 81, 1852. tf. Jo7lN A. IIAUItlsT Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic. Segars, Also, a general assortment of E.caf & manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia December 27, 1851. ly. OMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sale dv is. v. nAosLn, Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. A K:OI. D'S WRITIN G FLUID and Adhe- pes, for sale by aiva and legal envelopes, II Sunbury, lira 10, 1853. V B. MASSER. VIXlETAnrE CATTLE POWDER , PREPARED BY WIEINIG, FAONKFIELD & CO, No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 'PHIS pnwtler Is entitled by ths united testimony of "1 I whn hnve itiwl it to the first rank of nil thnse CAT TJ.K MEDICINKS, whir hare beeii thongM praise worthy for mnuy years. Indeed we challenge any person to imtke a superior, ot any powiler that arts in the anme manner. If ihe animnl be perfectly healthy it will either incretise tho amount of milk or i ream ami butter ( or the animal will improve rnpiilly in fat. It will therefore in time be conshleruU we Imve no doubt one of the staple arti vies of every Farmer, who keeps a dinry f and of every Rerson owning a noise. It is not one of those kind o. Iiitdsks thnt merely swrtl an animal op for a short time, hut it will by the rapacity which it has of eonTerting HIl'IM UIO ACID (which issii effete matter) into Lac tic ACinnf olkikk: mu se greater amount of nutritions mnttrr to he extracted fnm the same amount of fond, than nowtihlv eoiiW he. were the active principles of nutrition to pass out of the system in Ihe form of lliprvRie Acin. We have received a multitude of evidence to prove what We have said above. Suffice tn say i We hnve mixed llienctivo agent, with a erent number of Vroktam.k plants and hrrlm, which time and use hnve pmved tu lie useful, imnrovinir the appetite and promoting iligesiinn of the f"tl ; thus securing a healthy condition of uio moon, trmn wnien the jvnt.s antt t at imiai ie nrmen. It nmy k used for Uohars, Cows aim Hogs for the follow ing eomptaintn and lisenirs. I YKI.I.OW WATKIt, a dangerous sickness, which de stroys many valuahlc hoises every year, Is very often entirely cured hy the free uae of this powder, in all cases it win prevent 1110 uirviibc .(t'lll OMlllilK This diflense ifl owning to a had and impoverished state of the hlood which beciaues thit, watery and of all yellow nir. This nowder bv itnnmvino the stnmnrh and irivtiiir to the td mh a gronter iiunnlily of red particles, nfrints the IwBt and only poNihle rhatice of recovery. If the liorm is far gne, give morning and nijrht a tnliterpoonful in wet fet-tl, ii' iu Hie tigiiiniiig once a tlay at uoon, if only to pre vent the diwmm twice m week. hAHHKHINO. This is Ihe rniuntion of many viilun blc (Ioim-b hy exhtitiKlion ) by a count mit discharge of Kili- vn winch nu lit to pi mto the slomnch to nrairt ilit Bhon. It is a species of atilivation often prodncetl by Inmaji To bncco crowing in Ihe pnnlore ground A Tnhlesponnfiil three tunes n week will lYeuently arrest Uie How, if it does not dcjiend on the Tobacco in the gnis, under such cireuiiiKfniirrn the nninml niunt lie kept iii Ihe stble. DIS TKMPF.lt. If the powder isenrlv oud treclv used. no other rcnmlv necil lie uved. it lins a I rent I v cured hun dreds of iIoRKA ot this lroullesome disease tothv surprise IhoMij wlio used it. If not uxed enrtv. Iieforn nmtter lini formed in the neck it ennnot restore lie nninml per feel I y tin! i I tho iwillcr is diM'ttarged, umo it early nnd prevent such a result. A TuhlcKnouiiful once or twice a duy is enough. fil.WPKHf. This ilisenso hns Itnffled all Fakbikih. tiive Hi in povrer n fnir trinl nnd it will do wonders in this tcrrtblc and hitherto incurable m:ilndy. It is a disease of the irlniidunil system and kept up bv imperfect nutrition, in such enscs a iHilcsiionutul every day twice lor u mouth or two, in constant suecrwMon, will iu nine cases out of a doze it effect n cure, it hns been fairly tested. Coiiiihs and shortness nf Hrmth dependinc on weak lungs, a TuMespoouiiil every morning: if it almics once or twice n week. POOR I.OW-SPIU1TKD HORSF.S, or where there is any remains of I-minder or slifTiiesn of motion, and the Horse will not fatten, or where the hair is rough and stands straight out, the fixtd seeming to do ihiiinmI, the Powdur produces almost iiumedinle improvement of tin animal; Ihe iliffi-stiou improves nnd wilh it all the slue giFhncw of the animal disappears, liccoming lively aud spirueo, a uc i uie nuir siihmiii ami suck. COWS. ForMitRixo Cows, we are fully convinced that it not imlv improves the qii'iltty, hut that it iucrenscs the amount i Milk, t;ream. nun Mutter ; some who have tried the ex periment say a l'ouud a Aeek, others say Imlfn pound while one person insisted upon il that he made two pounds more n week from -h Cows, We think it will l found to nvehtge in mi n k . to a p'Miud per week on each Cow, if the Cows are neiitrty healthy. This additional n mount is inale by the (toii version of the Hippuric Acid into Nitro genous aud Intty compounds ; ulso by supplying the oxy gen taken iu hy Ihe luutrs, with the elements ot reaction; wunoiH in King nnv oi the iMtnceiious portion oi tne leed, HOLLOW HORN or WOLF: HOOF DISK ASK. nnd all other diseiiHes of nent cattle depending upon a Iniu stnte of the fluid, are removed speedily and etTeetually. Coum, whose milk is blue, thin and watery and where it diRs not yield much cream, or where Cows give bloody milk, or which are used to stand loiur dry, it will Ik t'ouu-l an almost infallible rcineily, by improving the condition of the blood ati'l cruatuur a healthy digestion ; a lablesprKin ful every day fir every other day us it may be necessary. I IOCS. Pi irs in llie summer often overheat themselves, ect swel- I Icil necks, roughs, ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, which cause mem to die very suddenly, these may be prevented entirely hy putting a pound or a half into a Barrel of swill ; nnd it will nt the suine time considerably hsteu the fatten- ins: process. i. II. in mmni which is giving milk nnd you are desirous to fatten nt the same time, you should nt irive more thnn a tiihlesnoonfiil once n week or it will reUndthe formation of fat by increasing the amount of Milk. Let eacli person try its effects for himself nnd he wil hih be sal i shed of its excellent qualities', and thnt no Far sum iki he without it. or the purpose, of findintr out still further how far om justly celebmted CATTLK POWDKR, is entitled to the cnhdeitco ol nu intelligent people; we have addressed I letters t nil turtsof the I tilted Mutes, where our Pow der has been used, and we arc able now from the evidence tlnis brought bet ore us, to assure every fanner, Diary man and llorse-mnii, that it has thus far veiy mueh ex ; ceiMlcd our most mutiuine exieetatioua. With Ihe additional kuowkilgn tttus fnr obtnmefl, Wi Hops we will le euablctl to nuike the best and ntisi per feet Cattlk Medicins ever yet offered t i a discerning pcple. It acts ns a valuable promoter of digestion, im proves the finality of the bttod and thus i iter en sea the amount of either rat. Milk and consequently of Butter j-.ven in tnc nenimy Annual Beware ni Couuterleits ns the extensive sale of our powder has induced others to make au imitation of it. I-Jich pack has our wriilen Higiiatnre on the end. Philadelphia, July B, lbdL ly. DOCTOR YOTOSELP TY MEANS OF THE JL POCKET. KSCl'LA PIL'.S, or Evrry one liia own Pliyairmn ! Tiiiiitt !iim edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings, showing private dis ease in every shape nnd form, and malformations of the (Tencrnlive system, Hy Or Wm. Ytinn?, Tile time has now arri ved, thnt persons suffering from secret diwaxes, need no more become the victim of hcickkbt, as by the prescriptions contained in this hook, I any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood s early de cline, with observations on marringf? besides many other derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. Itr Any person sending IWL.Ml-flll'. CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive ono copy of this honk, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, )n. W. YOUNO. No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Poft paid. O" Dr. OTjNCi fan be consulted on any of tbe Diseases descrilied in his ill lie rent publica tions, nt his Oflice, 15S Spruoe Street, every day lietween 9 nnd 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1H52 ly. MARBLE MANTJTACTOHY, CHEAP Git AVIS STONES. THE subscriber informs his friends and the iiiiblic. that he continues to carrv on the Marble Business in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &o., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and at tho lowest prices. Letter Cutting, f.nglisli and licrman In the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Urave Stones, &c, always on hand. IN. 11. Orders lor the bast aide of the nver promptly executed by leaving the aame at the olhce ot tho "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP, Milton, May 10, 1851. WM. a. MASON, Engraver and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, FHII.ADI3X.rHIA. f S prepared to do ENGRAVING aud PRINT ING, in all tlieir branches, Wedding, visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts aud Diplomas. Seals and Stumps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sous of Temperance, &c All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 87, 1851ly. WT'KOB AND SPRING, MORTISE LAT K CH ESAn excellent article. for sale at hauibe usual Drice by W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1819 tHI.NGI.ES. Jgint and Lap Shingles, of first I rata quality, for sale by ft JU11IM JUL.AU. Suuburr. Dee. 20, 1831. tC . flbl LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil dlrmms nriring fnin a cllscmlired llvM ot sto mnch, snrh n,mtt,tiinti'iii, hiwnrd I'ilon, Fullnp, or IiIihxI to Ihn hiwd. Aci'lilv nf llm Btirnmch, Nnuiwn, iTmrtliiirti. dinrnnt fur Fil. fiilliH-m or wriilit in llic Htiimtifh, iiir Krnrtnttftns. sinking or flimrriuf l the pit "i ie imnrtt, awimmui nf tlif hmd, hurried sud fhlnriiit brmlhint, flnttering at Hi" henrl, plvkinr( or tirTcmtiiift tiitintifl when inn Ivin nKlnre. Dinuipm nf vision. dotsor welm bcfi'retlie liirlit, Fever mid dull nniii iu tho hnd, dVficienry of pprspimtinu, yellnwnomof Ihe skin nnd evrs, min in tbe side . hnrk. rhont. limtis, Ae., midilen rlti.hrv of heut Inuniiif in the Hrh, onusttmt iinagining. i vvii, flni sreni neprpminn nl spirit CAN I1K EFFECTlTAl.t.Y CURFO BY EB.. EOOPLAITD'S CELEDRATED GERMAN BITTERS, rum-AMD irr DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Nn. 130 Arch At., riiltndplphtn. Their power over the nlmve ilieno is nut exrelled. if rriiitillnl, hy nnv nllrer iirriwinilii.ii in tlm I'nilwl fuiti. il i ' ,,iu11) cum:! oiior ikiiiiui pnyiicuui. Diem Ilittf. nre n'nrlhv lli. fit! .uli.ti. f lutrnliil. I i,.r..tns irrcnt virhn. in Hm ripiiSciitiiii .f ili.ttfii'. the I.iver nnd h'tjcr rxrreivii'K the lil -M aenrrhinit piwen in wenKinm nml nflrctieiis nf llic digestive organs, they nre, witlml, Bife, eerliuu nml plenniut. , If rmn the ll.ntnii Hee l The fiditiir roud, Dec. "Dr. HnnrLAnii'.. 'he enre nf l.iv. r fnnipl mmI, Jiiundice, L) nprp.ni, Chrnnie nr Nervous Di l.ility, ia iliwrmallT one of Hie nrnsl pnpn nr mnlirinrs nf Ihe il.iv. Tlime'llilteis hnve heen lined ly thouannds, lillH n friend nt our cllmw Says he hna him- nll reeeive-l nn effrrlmd nnri perirainrnl cure i f l.iver Complniiil Irom the usenl'lhi. renntlv. We nre cm inr.il Hint, intAe life oi" tin- liillera, llm pntient ronatntilly irnlns alrenclli nn.l vii!or n f.n t worlliy ..I (rent coimiilr. .in. yii. , ury nrr pittuiiiu iii rnffte niul eniell. uml enti he naed hy t..ii wilh llicimwldi-linite ftouuirha wilh anfe. ty, under nnv rirriiiiiBliiui'pa. We nre fpenkhll.' from ex perieiu'e, and In ihe olllieteil we ndviac their inc." "rVnTT'a Wefklv nne nf IIia l.pct l.tlnmrv nn ti np ptlliliehed, aaiil, Aiifr. a5 "Dn. It nnrri vn1. Rimuiw tli.rwn. ....I I... Dr. Juekann, nre now recxinnieniliil hv'aome ol the mom prominent meitihitra of the fneultv n. nn nrii..l ii .....l. rlficnry ill cna.ia of feinnle weiikuena. Aa purh ia the enae, we wonl l n.lviae nil mothers to olitnill n Ix'ltln, nud thua a;ive Iheuislvea tlllleli Kirkii.'... 1'i.rMiui of il.l.llii... till Poiialit.Hioiia will find these Kiilera nilvnnlnceoin tn tneir lienlth, ns wo know from experience the stltitnrv effect they Imve upon week ayatems.'' More Evithiue. The "Philnilelnhin Piitunl.iy (;nzi tte,' the lieat fmnitv newapapei nuhlnilicd ill the I'nitnl Mates, Ihe eilitnr snya D) lliioftand's German Bitters. "H ia apldom .1 1. we recommend n-lint nm Inrainl Pn, tent iMedieiuea. to fn infiilenec nud pntmn:ii;e nf our , , iiii-ici.tc, neu we reeomiuenil ur. Ilnol- kind's fiennmi Itinera, we wis it to he diitinrtlv undei atraxt I hut we nie imt sperlking of the nostrums nf the day, thnt are noiaiil nlmnt for a Inief periiKl uml l hen for crntten aftei Ihey havcd'aie Ihpir eutlly nice of nnaehief, hut of n medicine li-iifT eauiltJiahpi nniverieilly prized, nnd wnien una iner me ninny upproviil nl llie t- iicully Itsell." Kvideuee upon evidence haa heeu receiveit (like the fiirertoinc) fiom nil seeliona nf the I'nion, tlu last lhre yeira, nnd the atronijeat. testimony in its favor, is, that there ia more of it us.il iu the nracliecof the regular Phy aicimis nf IMiiliulelpliia, than nil nther noatruina cotiititned, o fuct Ihnt can enaily la! esiahliahcil, nud fully proving thnt a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval nniii i.ir..iuti rvrn III l III. I' rill Thnt this medicine will cure I.iver Comnlnint nnd Dv. pepsin, no one enndouht, lifter iimiij? it ns directed. It ncta pH-eiiieiiiiv upon inn sioumcii nml liver it la prelternlile to culoniel ill nil liiiiious discuses the effect is immediate. They enn lie administered to Female or Infant with aufetv ui.u (c.i.,iv iH:ueui, ui uuy nine. BEWARK OF COUNTERFEITS. Tliii mcflirinc hm nt.ainnl thnt liisrh rhnrncter whirh nw-fMJtry f'trnllmliriiics tn nthtiu to inriiiRe rountcrft-iitfri to put liirth n npiirioiis nrhrle nt llie rink uf the Uvea nf liMBe nre mniHeiitl droeivml. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. ' Tlfy lnvc the wriltniatfitmture f C. M. JACKSON upon the wrnppfrr, ami the name blown in the Untie, wilh 1 inr which Ihrv nre ttpniiniin. Fur fcilr, whle;ile unci retr.il, nt the German Medicine Storet No. ISO ARCIIStrert, niw innr Uw Pixth, (Inle of 27rt Huce rtreet.) Phil:nh'lphi:i, ami hy respectable ilvtilert grnerally throughout the country. PRICES ItKpUCEO. To Pimhle alt chsnrs of inmli'ts to enjoy the mlvmitnges of tneir great reFtornlive powers. Single Bottle 75 cents. Awn: For wile hy II. Makskr, Sunhury, anil M. A. M'Cav, Nortliiiinlierlitiul. Auti ist 3ti, 151. ly. UNION HOTEL, SUNBUEY, PA. rpili: MI?S WEITZEfS rcfpcctfiilly inform l tlic I'ulilic tli.it tliry still continue to rntrr tnin travellers anil othrrs nt tlicir old cstnl.iliej staiul in Market street, west of the Court House. Their lone; experience, in the liinmies. ami the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, ho a sullirienl guarantee, that their customers will he well accommodated. March 8, 1851. tf. "ArjERXCAN HOUSST P0TTSVILLE, PA. ns. MARY WEAVER respectfully informi ' the puhlic and travellinp community general ly, tlint she has opened this Inrsjc and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in tho business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and onveiiienrc. Feb. 15. 8.")1 tl LAWUENCi: IIOUSK. SU2IBUKY, PA. M"IIE subscriber respectfully informs her friends X and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business and her elforts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor ncr witn tneir custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. J. H. ZIMHEItHAIJ, jisiixi; or run pcicc. Sunbury, Pa. Oflice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public ehool House. C7" Monies collected and ail business niotnnllv and care. fully nttt'iuliil In. April 30, IS50. njATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's U writing and liulellilile ink, Cotton varn and laps, just received and for salo by J. V. I'KILING. Sunbury, Dec 3, 18 18. TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al- monds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dec. 39, 184'J. 1 ? OOKS and Oold Pens. On hand scverul cop. ies of the lifo of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia : t I. ,L! .it. 1 pnrcw. r or suiv ai mis oince. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. 1T7" ENNEDYVS PATENT SASH FAS MsL TEN1NGS. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor tautening sasb for aale hy J. W. FRILINO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. NURSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and nipple Iu1h?s- A supply of theso useful arti. clea just received and for sale by JOHN W- FRILINO Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf USE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, 4 c., just received and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 88, 1849. fllEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin Jl Tea Company, i or sale by J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dee. S, 1848 B AY RUM. An excellent article for aale by I1ENUY MASSER. tvu'il-ury Jan. tTth, 1841 H BANK NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED WEEKLY. PKN1WYI.VANIA. rtTT OT I'lMLAllKLrillt. MAff ACAT'PETTS. All solvent Imuka till V. H. Dunk lutes JA dia ItlldLll. ini.AAU. All solvent hnnks mi rnpxTsv. Alt solvent Uiuks i dia COMNKC IIUl . t . Itank of Chnmliersbtirg 1 dia All solvent Iwmka dis min m ;neaier i;n. pnr Hnuk of Del. Co. Cheater pnr KKW VUIllt. CITV. Him, ol Herirmiitowil pnr Hank of Oettyahlirg Id IS All solvent Innks ! "is ty bk notes iiinlcr 9 ) dis llnnk nf Lewiatnwit cnrstRT. Bank nf M iildletows) 1 dia Mnnta;imirry Co Bnuk par AllsnlVPiilahnnka ldn NKW JKKSKY. Hclvidere Hnnk Commercinl linnk J dia Fnr. Hank M.nit Unity P" F. AM.,Middlctown PI. pr jmiiK oi t'sonnumiierruii. pni Itnukof Pittshurs; 1 dis Hank nf ltanrille tpir Cnrhsle llnnk I dis Colninliia B'k ft Il'geCo pnr Doyelstown llnnk pnr Knaton Hank pnr Mechnnies' Hk, Newark pnr Mech. Hk nf Hurlimrtou pnr Mrch. ft Mini. Hk Trent pur Morria Co Hnnk i du Kne llnnk 9 ilia t'.xehnnoe R'kPittahure; I dis1 Newark llk'g ft Ins. Co ilia dis r.xcnnnire ii'ic, Mrnneli 1 riis'lirnuRp llnnk Knrnipra' H'k, Bucks Co purl People's Hk Pnttcrsoll Knrmers' Hk, limcnster pnril'riuceton Hank Fnrmera' Hk. Hpniling pnriSnlem Haukiinr Co, Fnrm. Hk rVhnvlklll Cn nnrlemerret Co Malik dis pnr par ! dis F ft I). Hk Wayiiesb'p; I J. lis Slate Hunk nt Camden Fmnkliii Hk. Wnsli'n IJdis Suite Hk I'.lijdiHhtoii pnr 111 ( j ;Ji; llnrriBhurp; Hnnk tlmicsilnle Hnuk Iflnenster Hnnk 1 dis Slate Hank .Newark ilia ftnta Hk, W. Hinnswie:! par pnr.!usaej hauK. .ewtoii j uis i.pntmnii iiiiiik par Mereh. ft-Mnn. Hnnk 1 dis Miltera' H'k, Pottsville per Mononr.-iheln Hank t dis I reni.'ll lianaiiin t o i.u t'nion Bank. Hover J dis Vnrdlcvv'le ft Del lr Co lftlia Cy Uk iioIpb mull r W J dia Tnylorsv'e Del H'ir Co IS dia lll-il.A W Alii.. Weat Brnneh Hnnk pnrlrtnnknf Deluware pnr ii youiiii,; nn, triiKeaire pnr York Hank, h Wltelief nntea J dis MA INK. Bank of Whctkick I5,li, Hank nf lniyrna pnr llelnwiire Citv Hnnk pnr Hk AVUmir'ii ft Bmn.lyw. pni Fnrmers' Bk St Delaware pnr tTnion Hnnk, Ylllniugtotl pnr Hf" Under Al's dia Mercantile Ilk. Hanior 111 .lis All 'Iveut hanka I dia m;w iiAMpptinnii I1IIKI. All solvent lamks 9 dis All solvent Innka dis IW Hk iioleo under 5'a 4 dis VI-'.HMONT. NflUTII CAItOl.l.NA. All anlvent Irmks 3 dis Hank nf St Allmna All aolveut liauks 8 di dia iiyl'nderS's, BJ dis PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. SUMMF.R AIlltASOEMnNT FKOM rtm.ADKi.ruiA. and rorTsviu.K. mmm.m.m. Fnre Rrdntnl. OJfiee of the Phita. tf Reading Railroad Co Philadelphia, March 26, 18.il. 1 Two Passenger Trains Dailv,' (except Sunday.') N and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will be run each way. dailv. between Philadel phia and l'uttsville. MOKXIXO LTXn. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except dummy. Leaves Pottsville at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTF.nxonx T.ixn. Leaves Philadelphia at 3J o'clock, daily, except Puntlays. Leaves Pottsville at 3J o clock, dailv, except Sundays. FARES. Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $3.75 1st class cars nnd 53.".) 3d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 "d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and V me Mrecls. Passengers cannot enter the cars unlcm prov ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds ofbaggagc will bcal. lowed to each passenger in theselincs ; nnd pas sengers arc expressly proiiuiitcii iroru luKmg any thing ns baggage but their wearing apparel, which will he at the risK ol its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. Xew Music Just Published EE cV WALKER, No. 163 Chesnut Kt, jf arc constantly publishing ami receiving, new and beautiful music from the most ditirt guihcd composers. The following list, contains some of thrir choi cest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, c. iow, inou nn lmn, a lieatitiliil song, wonli by Thomas .1. Diehl, music by Hambridge. My New England Home, words and music by .w rs i aile. tirnhe s Uinnihtis; liy C. (rrobe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. wing 1. Pretty Little Polkas for Tretry Liltla People, ny J. l.ing. All tho Winds aie Sleeping, by A. S. Worn scy, Guardian Angel, bv the author of "Love Not, Household Words, written by Clias. Young, do, 1 he Alliens, words by 1 homas J. Dichl, in sic l.y llorr. LEE & WALKER have constantly on hand superior Pianos, nnd a supply of Martin's Cclc bratcd tiuitars, which together wlih a fino as sortment of Musical Instruments aud Merchan dize in general, comprise a stock not to be sur passed by that of any other rstahlishmnnt in the country. LEE & WALKER, 103 Chesnut street, cfwsitn'e Building. I'hil.uleiphia, June Sri, 18 l. ly. NO CURE NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Arjue Pills!! A TERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever and Ague is guaranteed to any ono who may use the Pills. They have been used for the lust turn year and have never been known to fail iu a single instance and in cases, too, where persons have had the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor cliafeiigri tht irorld to produce an article thnt will cure in as short a time, without leaving any deleterious ell'ccts from the use of it. If tho Pills do not perform n speedy nnd perfect cure, the proprietor'will return the money. For s;ile hy Jacob W. Lawrence, Mincrsx ille ; E. Helton stein, Trevoiton; M. R, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. Fiilin', Sunbury Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. Uecklv. Danville: John Sharpies, Catta wissa Dr. Judd, W illiams port ; John Baser, Milton, and by respectable iJrug!is tnro'i-hoiH ihe ist.ue. J. CI KTIS C. lircillES, Proprietor. Pottsville, June CH, 1851. ly. TIIOaiAS P ALLIED, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches., Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, (nerii Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, ueans, l eas, cranlierries, Unions, Mercer Po. tntocs, hwcel Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, (round Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. 1'runes, tirapes, J'oultry, tggs, II utter, Cheese A nd ull kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro. duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 ly. soap "And candles.- rjIIE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury and viciuitv. that they are engaged in the manufacture of Noap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44 filliert street, Philadelphia. Thev resneetfullv invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as tney will nml it to lo their advantage iu dealing iw. mm ui miiiivs in iiicir line. E. DUFFY & SON, 44 Filliert above 9th. Dare m Ker SO, 1851. tf. TISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for il covering glasses, &c., for aale at the olliec 0 f tbe American. STONE WAIS.IJ. STONE milk Pans, atone Juga and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received ana lor eaic nv JUHN W. FRILINO, Sunbury, June 33, 1819 h'.Vl KAU r ur GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale it this oflice. Pi ice 35 cents. Sunbury, Ju.'y 13, 1651. RLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $:iii0, fur aale by pru ifj, 1851- Ii. D. MASSER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At llie Cabinet Ware lloom or SE1VN HOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at Iht corner of Fawn street tht Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the pntronnx of his friends and customers during ths 17 years hs hits ho.n in husi ness in this phu-o, he solicits) from the public acon timianco of their favors. Uurinr this period hef hns endeavored to kp up wilh th. improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his htiai ness iu every branch and variety. The ptihlic aro' thcrcforo invited to the attention of tlio present stock of CAM NET WARE AND CIIAIHS, MANOFACTl'REn HT SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to thoir former stock of ths" establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cans-Seat Chaiv uirtre oprin oenr jioeiung cc(ir.? Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tulles f Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style nnd lish ion able Fiirnit'iire. Having secured a Hearse and made the necesf sary arrangements for Ihe purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in mis vicinity or at anv convenient ilisbinn. Yc mnida and mistresses, anl hualmvla too, Ilnrp'B furniture nf every style anil hue, Fmm siite bonnla ilown to kildien tnhles, Fnnn rncltina; chsira to inckinit prnillcs Phcmlil you nnt Ikivb the rinily Jonx to pny, We'll wait awhile fnr a brighter better ilsy, Or hike pntntoea, onta, enrn, wheat ami rye ; IJi.rk, liiKip pnli a, atavea, ur liimher wet and dry, Or tuf lliing hm yokes and threahing flails, Fiom piqa and turkics tlown to little quails. Come on then friends, cnine one and all, Keep trade a tnnviiifr, bo "g.ios on th, bnll." t"?" Orders from a distance nromntlT sitan.11 to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Hunbury, March 9, 1850 tf AND PKNSION AGENCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad vertisement of Mr- Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Agent nt Washigton Citv- Persons hav. ing claims lor bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at Ins oilice, cau have their papers prepared and forwarJed to Mr Tui ker at Washington, and by him lie properly attended to before the De partment there. , H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18,1851 VnluabBe PROPERTY FOR SALE. MMI E Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, 1. oiler for sale the following property in MU ton, Northumberland county, via ; The large bmcx ETjiLDnra 1 in "pper Milton, formerlv occupied j Messrs I'nttersons ns a Carriage M'akers Shop The building is fin feet front on upper Market Ktreet, nud 40 feet on Front street, and ia two stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, '10 by 25 feet, on tho same premise. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, nnd i 6B lert front, and 150 fuel deep. The premises would bo valuable for a Foundry nr other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap plying either to JACOB CARRIOAN, . Philadelphia. ,f. F. WOT.FINGER, Es.,., Milton or H. H. MANHER. Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. V5, 10 tf. I SI 1 L A U 1. 1. P II 2V1BDICA2, KOUSIJ. ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO BY DU. KINKEUX, AT. W . Conxr oj Third and Union Stritl BtraBK.f srBlTE AND I'ISB STREETS, IIFT:r.N Yn.R5 of ext.-n.iv, snj unint.rr.pt liraciirr api-nt in tin, city time reiularnl kn. K , m...st pj.rrt nml auccrHiu! pniclitloiiM far an na ill the trrtiunt-iit nl all disenaea nt a private natur,. tMM nilhrlil well ntcrra iiwu the lm.lv. tlir.-at, or legs! pain, the liraitnr Ii "lies. iii.-K-uriul rlnMiiiuiliBui. Btrii turrs. 11.1 it;ar:.se iinaiin: in.m y.'iilhiiill exi vstm nr iiupuiitira nf hlnnil. wherchy th enstitutiou Una liwouig eiilaiUeil, : all trr;i!i.l w-itli Hiifri-ss. H whn nliiora limi.-lf iiiulrr tin curs of Dr K . m.v liginusly nintiilt in his h'ui .r nt n getitleinan,sii4 mmlult J IV., ..."11 u.a ... II HII Biriilll. TAKK VAFlTICt I.AH NOTICE. Yining M-n who have ininrwl tlicinaclvfi In- r.. pt.'ii'tipr iiiihilcnl iii n knl.it fri-iiurnilv Imninl I'rnm c .inrtnii'.na i t at sch .l the eilreis "I wlm li nre sir ev when iK-in-n. tin, I il-.tr.iv th miml nnd l ah. ii'.l nnply iininnlintrlv. Weakness nml ihty I .-..(' iniisi'iiUrinrruv. nluairal I:ix5.itu.l. ...! eml iimalrati'iii, irtilnlulity nml niriici v.'iis ull-rtnnn, Ri sti'.n. aliiifi;.sliiu, i.f tha Iiv. i.n.l rtvrv ilr,ieii. wny rtiinieHcsl wilh thu ilur.nlrr nl tl i.r.M.r.i... i turns curt-il. nml tiill viir. ir re.Rt.irr.1. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a prematura duaih l.miU ca Sflf Prrwrvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This II Mlk itiat nnlillahcil i. filial u..,!. .,...r..l ...rrr nil th inrirniilirs uti.l iliwaaia nf llm tf,wrntiv 1 It tiiLlresara usi II nl,k tn Vlll TH, M AXUDdD Slid Al.h, m.rl should ha rul hv nil. The vithlahlsulvicn nud ' iinprr v wsruiuf il will prevent y.ira..l miser)' uiklsiiltrrin and sm,i 1)' I h 'iiHiniilfl of l,iv,.. 1'areips hy resilin-r it will learn how tnrv"it I tiueti..u m' their children. :A reinlih,,,.... , t njeeTila. cncl -aed ill s lilt ilreps. d t. UK. KI.NKKI.I.N. . W. e nisr of TH t NION Streets, between Sprues & Pine, Fllils. will ensure n th.k. under env-elp. pel return ni" iu IVra..iint a dmcuire iimvu.klre Dr. K. by leltfl punt.) nud he cured ut h'-ii.c. l'At'KAtit.S UK MIIDICIM'., UIHIXTIO f. .rwardeil hy nrlifliu? n reuiittnueu, nnd nut up seel DAMAIiKnrL'l KifSTV. H.i 'k-m l!.T.. New Agents, PmlWra. f lnvau'! I'lh.'ra nep::,i (vita the nhove wtk ui vsty lusr ' September 6, I r-S t ly. PATE ITT 15EDXSX1T Clrern's O-.yonated Bitter, price reduc Old Jacob Townseud's Sarsaparilla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swayne'a!"vrup nf Wild Cherr Swayne's Yermiruje. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Punncea. Dr. Cullen's tlo Tihbit's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoofland'a German Bitters; Indian Yerr,-tul. Pills llorte nnd Cattle Medicines For sals by HENRY MA? Kunhury, July 1 i, 1849. VHtuable Books, I" IFE or CtiaisT, handsomely boun. unci's HisToar or raa Kr.ri BLtsa Dit-hooss tin I.EDtiias, full For salo at the publishers prices by H. B. MA Sunhury, July 14, 1849 CAPS. An assortment just receiv silk HATS at $225, for sale by H. Mi Kunhury;, Dec 819. 15ATENT BHITTANIA STOP bar bottles for aale by II. B M Sunbury, April, 13, 1851 ivnH mTrj'i.riu and rf ? " lopea, just received and for sale April 19. I8.M H. B. M l.LANlvS. 1 BLANKS of every description f ap King at the oilice of the Am J ADI)'.S col.br.ited Horse ami H V cine f.-r aulo by II EN K Y i Vuiibury, Jan. t7lh. I8l! r I I v . itA' dS).4