Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 26, 1852, Image 1

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    AT Th T TR if:Bfe . . . A IV JT
: ir. b. masser, editor and proprietor.
SI Jfamtiu ilctospnpcr-Dcbotrti to iJclltfcs, ftftcrnture, iHoiMlfty, jFortfrjn flirt Domestic ileitis, Stfcncc nirt the avts, aorlculturr, warftcts, amusements, c
NKYV sKUIKS VOL. ii, NO. 1 .
OLD S Kit IKS VOL. , NO. 40.
H I 11 .. I
TIIK AMERICAN in piilitishcil every 8cilmil.iv nt
Ttt'U DOi.l.AKS per milium In he paiil'lintr yearly in
uvatice. fto pair uiculiluiura utile AlLarreui-Hgusiirt'
All mmmmiirtitiiinfl or tellers on Itiift'iticB rrltitiiiK ii
tbanlTiae, to insure attention, must In) I'tlt'.' I'AIU.
' . TO CI. l b:.
Thra copies to one ntlitrt'ss, .1 CO
Pvm lu no mm
Fifteen L) I) voio
' Five l"llnr in nilvnnre will pny Tut llime ynr"i uli
Scriuiiott to Die AmericRii.
One Paiinte of IS lines, .1 limes,
Kvelv uliaeqiieitt iimerltoii,
ln tiire, 3 month,
i month,
One year,
limine. Cnretfl of Five lines, per ntniumt
Men-limit nnil others. tHlvertisins; ly the
year, Willi the privilege of inserting
different nilvertiseinenls weekly.
(7 target Advertisements, tie per Agreement.
f I I'll
1(1 (HI
E. B. MASSE?..,
A T T O K N E Y AT .A W ,
H ua'uics attended to in tltc Counties of Nor
thumlierlaiiil, l.'ninn, Lycoming ami Cotuinliiii.
luitr Int
P. & A. Rovoiult, "1
Lower llnrrnn,
Snmrrii & iSnodgniss, Vlaln-l.
Reynolds, Mil'iirl.inil Co.,
ripcriug, Good A; Co., J
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
"IIHIiIi nttoml fnithriilly nml promptly to nil
professional business, ill Nnrtliuiuhrrliind
lid Union counties, lie ia familiar with tlir
(crmnn language.
OFFICE :- Opposite llic "Lawrence House,"
few doors from the Court House,
tfunliury, Aug. 16, 1851. ly.
AT S23 North 2d street, bImivc Wood,
(liurnt District.') Philadi'lphin, would
respectfully cnll the Rttcntiou nl his friends
and the piihlic in general, to his lame mid
well selected stork of Cariets, (Ml Cloths,
Muttinsx, Window bh tdes, f-'lair Kuds,
3 Ac. Ac.
Venili-in Carjeting from 7 rt. In llfl e!n iwr yit.
luernin " l-5 " "I " '
o Three I'ly " I'm " US " "
1 llrilM-la " 1 1'.'J " 1511 " " S
W Poor Mutls lie would invite the ntlen-
2 lion of dc.tlers and others to his larse stork R
C of Doot Mult which he nt inuliictuvs .x
in great vnriety and of splendid ipialitv.
y Ott Cloths, from t yard la 8 yards wide
'Wholesale slid retail.
April 10, 1852. Cm.
8IIOP. Wood 'i'urning in nil its liranches,
In cily style and nt city prices. Ivxery variety of
Csliinet and Carpenter work either 011 hand or
turned to order.
Ded Posts. Ilalusters, 1'osetts. SI it and Quar
ter Mouldings, Talilc Legs, Newell Posts. Put
terns, Awning Post. Wagon IIulis, Columns,
Round or Octagon Chisel Handles. Are.
tV This shop is in fsTRV WHERRY AL
l.EV, near Third Street, and as we intend to
f lease nil our customers who want good work
done, it ia hoped that all the trade nil' give us a
tV Ten-Pins and Ten-Pin Halls made to or
Jef or returned.
The attention of Caliinct Makers and Cnrpen
tr ia railed to our new stvlo of TWIssT
MOULDINGS.' Printer's Righ ts at $1 per 100
feat. W. O. HICKOK.
. February 7, 1852 ly.
'o.i 31 4- 33 Market Street,
rriHE suhscrilicrs would call the nllen'ion of
"- buyers to their stock of llurdware, t-onsisling
of -Table aud Pocket Knives, Guns, Chains,
Locks, Ilollownre, Ac.. &c. Vo would recoin
mend' to all, our
KihIIoss Chiiin l'unijis,
new article now getting into general use which
we can furnish complete at about one half the
price paid for the old style Pumps, also a new ar
ticle of .Iniill I'ilt fl ItlHM' I.OfUv each
Lock suited either for right or lc!t Inuid doom,
wilh mineral or while knobs.
Our stork of Cillll is large and well select
ed, comprising single and double barrels, English
and German make. All goods ran be returned
if not found to Is as represented. Country mer
chants would do well to call on us U-fore pur
cbssiug elsewhere.
Wheelwrights and carriage makers supplied
wilh goods suited to their business, by calling on I
V. H. & G. W. ALLEN.
No. 31 & 33 Market Street, Philadelphia.
February, 21, 1852 6mu.
WM. McCARTY. Bookseller, .
IlKOtDWAY, SlIMIlllV. 14.
n AS just received and for sale, Pardons Di
gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of
851, 'ri "'dy .?fi,00.
Judgo Reads edition of Blsrkstonet Commen- I
iriea, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 10,00,
( now olTercd (in fresh binding) at the low
nee of 6.00.
A Treatie on ttie laws of Pennsylvania rc
irting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F.
mlon, price only $4,00,
Kossuth and the Hungarian war: comprising
omplct history of the late struggle for freedom
'hat country, with notices of the leading chiefs
statesmen, who distinguished themselves in
nril and in the field, containing 2SH pagea of
testing matter with authentic portraits,
lonuth'a address to the people of the United
es, wilh portrait, printed on broadcast, and
on lollera after the manner of. maps, price
50 cent. Washington's farewell address,
ni stylo wilh the ahove.
btuary, 81, 1852. tL
ien'i Condensed Reports of Penna.
iS'I Published, and for sale by the aul.srri
lerthe Stroud Velum of A Men's Con
1 Pennsylvania Reports, containing the
we volumes of Yeale' Reports, and two
femes of niouey'a Reports. The lirst vol
Allien. conUiniiig Dallas' Reports, 4 vol
'jit Yeatea Reports, volatile 1, is also on
J Jala. Tlie alwve two volumes are
" ju themselves, ami contain all of
t A volume, nd all of Ventre'
Aoluiriea, lide the two first volume
r . . f'i. tliinl intnmA m reuuv
Wi Ki'lMHW. '
" II. U. MA8SER, Agent
- Jail hundred dollar, each, lor which
UI securi'y 'U 10 eiv,H AJJr"
-7AM. I""-1
rTecU bralcd ink, o.l -.too Con.
i b. .sir. wni" .- .-
H a M AsiER.
Tun follow iny; lines liom Ihn p -n of lliu
pool DutuNxr, f.vprrpn i.i liiiicliina mul clo
qm-iil lenn llitf riohl inlieit'iit in God' eri'u
turr lo rnjoy tliu luimilics of llio cuilll :
A liillion of noro of unKoliI littic!,
Are lying in L'Hcvinim ileiirili ;
An I iiiilliinih 11I mi'ii in llit! imnoH of oml,
Ate itlitrviiiu nil over 1 lit rnnli;
. O it'll rnc, ye ons of Anieiira,
H iv inni'li men' lives lire worlli 1
Ti'ii hnnilicil millions of iicips pnml
Thai never kne fpade nor plow;
A. nt million til' minis in onr oo.lly laml.
Are pining in want, 1 tiow ;
All I tirpliiuis nrt erjing for bienil lliis day,
And willows in nuscty bow.
To wlinrti do ihejo acres of lam! Ih'oiijj 1
And why do lln-y lliriltlefs lie ?
And w hy tliu widow'x lanit'iit miheartl,
And iliiled 1 1 nrpliHii'it cry ?
Ami why ate I lie poor house nnd prison
' foil,
And the gallows' tree Iniill high !
Those ttiillinna pf acres belong lo mnn !
And his claim that he need !
And his lillo i xigned by the Hand of
Our God w ho the mvon feeds !
And the siniving soul of eat ill famished
At ihe ihroiie of jus:ice pleads !
Y may not heed it, ye haughty mn
Whose heiuts as rocks aie cold ;
the time will cutne when the fiat of
11 Ihmidei elmll be told !
For lint voice of Ihe area! I AM hnlh said,
Thai ' IIih lands fhall nol bo solJ !"
3. SclCCt VLlllC.
nv MRS. S. C. HALL.
"Well" said Andrew Furlong tn James
Lai ey, "well ! thai ginger cordial, of all the
things I ever lasted, is the nicest and warm
est. It's beautiful stuff; and so cheap."
"What good does it do yon, Andrew i
and what waul have you of it?" inquired
James Lacey.
"What good does it do me!" repeated
Andrew, rubbing his forehead in a manner
that showed he was perplexed by the ques
tion ; why, no great good, to be sure ; and
I can't say I've any waul of it ; lor since 1
became a member of the "Tolal Abstinence
Society," I've lost the megrim ill my head
anil the weakness I used lo have abjut my
heart. I'm ns string and hearty in myseif
as any one can be. find be praised ! And
sure, James, neilh -r of us could turn out
in such a tout as I 'lis, this time twelve
month." "And that's true," replied James; "but
we must r.'inember that if leaving ofT whis
key enables us to show a good habit, taking
to "ginger cordial," or any thing of that
kind, will soon wear a hole in it."
"You are always fond of your fun," re
plied Andrew. How can you prove that."
""Easy enough" laid James. "Inloxica
tiou was the worst part of a whiskey-drinking
habit ; but it was not the only bad
part. It spent Ti.mi:, and it spent what
well-rr.a:nged time always gives Money.
Now, though they tin say mind, I'm not
quite sure a! o .t it, for they vi'iy put
things in it tli y don't own to, and your
eyes look brighter, and your cheek more
(lushed than if you bad been drinking
nothing stronger than milk or water but
I bey do say that ginger cordial, and all
kinds of cordial, do not intoxicate. I
will giant this, but you cannot deny that
they waste both time and money."
"Ob, bother," exrlaiined Andrew, "I
only went wilh two or three other boys
to have a glass, and I don't think we spent
... ... , . .
certainly ; and there's no harm in laying
more than hall an hour not three quarters
'" a penny or twopence that Way, now
and B;;ain."
ltltitf an hour even, breaks a day" said
James, "and what 11 worse, it unsettles the
mind lor work : and we ouht to be very
careful of any return to the old habit, that
lias (lestroved many of us, body and soul,
and made the name of an Irishman a by
word and a reproach, instead of a story
and an honor. A penny, Andrew, htiiks
the silver shilling info coppers ; and two
pence will buy hall a stone of potatoes
thats a consideration. If we don't manage
to keep tilings remfo lable, the women
won t have the heart to mend the coat
"Not" added James with a sly smile, "that
I can deny having taken to Temperance myself."
"You !" shouted Andrew, "you, and a
pretty lellow you ore to be blaming me,
and then forced to confess you have taken
to them yourself. But I suppose they'll
wear no hole in your coat 1 oh, to be sure
not, yon are such a good manager : "In
deed," answered James,, "1 was anything
but a good manager eighteen months ago ;
as you well know, I was in rags, never at
my work of a Monday, and. seldom on
Tuesday. My poor wile, iny gentle Mary,
often bore hard words ; and though she will
not own it, I fear still harder blows, when
I had driven away my sens i. My chil
dren were pale, half starved, naked crea
tures, disputing a potato wilh the pig, my
wife tried to keep to pay the rent, well
knowing 1 would never do it. Now"
Hut the cordial, my boy 1 interrupted
Andrew, "the cordial ! sure I believe ev
ery word of what you've been telling me
is as true as gospel; ain't there hundreds,
ay, thousands, at this moment on Ireland's
blessed ground, that tell the same story.
But the cordial ! ant! to think of your nev
er owning it before; is it ginger, or anni
seed. or nenpe rmint 1"
"None of these and yet it' Ihe rale
!hiii, iny boy."
"Well then" -ptTMsted Andrew, "let's
have a drop ol it ; you're nol going, I'm
sure, lo drink by yourself nnd as Ti'e
broke the aj'tirn on"
A very heavy sha low passed over James'
j face, for he saw that there must have been
I something hotter than even ginger in the
timpcrance cordial," as it is falsely cnlbd,
that Andrew had taken, or else he would
have rntleavored to redeem lost time, nol
lo waste more ; and he thought how much
better the Real temperance cordial was,
that, instead of exciting the brain, only
worms the heart.
"No" he replied after a pause," I must
go and finish what 1 , was about ; but this
evening at seven o'clock meet me at the
end of onr lane, and then I'll be very lia)-
py ol your company."
Andrew was sorely puzzled lo discover
what James' cordial could be, and was for
ced fo confess lo himself that he hoped it
would be il liferent Irom what he hirl taken
that afternoon, which certainly had made
him feel confused and inactive.
At the nppoinlcd hour the friends met in
the lane.
"Which way do we go?" inquired An
"No ne," was James' brief reply.
"Oh, you take, it at home ?" said An
Irew. "I make it at home," answered James.
. "Well," observed A ndrew, "that's very
good of Hie woman thnt owns ye. Now,
mine takes on soaoout a dropol any thing,
that she's as hard almost on the cordials as
she used to be on the whiskey."
"My Mary helps to make mine," obser
ved James.
"And do von bottle it or keen it on
draught?" inquired Andrew, very much
interested in the "cordial" nuestionl
James laughed very heartily at this, and
"Oh, I keep mine on draught always
on draught ; there's nothing like having
plenty of a good thing, so I keep mine al
ways on draught;" and then James laugh
ed airain, and so heartily, that Andrew
thought surely his real temperance cordial
must contain something quite as strong as
what he had blamed him for taking.
James' cottage door was open, nnd as
they approached it they saw a good deal of
what was forward within. A square ta
ble, placed in Ihe centre of the little kitch
en, was covered by a clean white cloth
knives, locks, ond plates for the Whole fami
ly, were ranged niion it in excellent order :
the hearth had been swept, the house was
cleat), the children rosy, well dressed, and
all doing soinethin "Mary," w hom her
husband bad characterised as "the patient,"
was busy i n I bistiii g, in the very act of
adding to the coffee, which was steaming
in the table, the substantial accompani
ments of Iried eggs and bacon, with a large
lish of potatoes, when Ihe children saw
their father, they ran to meet him with a
great shout, and clung around to tell him
;ill I hey had done that day. The eldest
girl declared she had achieved the heel of
a slocking; one boy wanted his father to
come and see how straight he bad planted
the cabbages; while another avowed his
proficiency in addition, and volunteered to
lo a sum instanter upon a Mate which he
had jus-t cleaned. Happiness in a cottage
seems always more real than it does in a
gorgeous palace. It is not wasted in large
loiins it is concentrated a great deal of
love in a small space a great, Brent deal
of joy and hope within narrow walls, and
compressed as it were, by a" low roof. Is
it not a blessed thing that the most moder
ate means become enlarged by ihe affec
tions? that the love ol a peasant within
his sphere, is as deep, as fervent, as true, as
lading, as sweet, as the love of a prince?
that all our best and purest affections
will grow and expand in Ihe poorest
worldly soil ; and that we need not be
rich to be happy ? James felt all this and
more when he entered his cottage, and was
thankful to (Jod who had opi ned his eyes,
and taught him what a number of this
world'.; gifts, that were within even his
bumble reach, might be enjoyed without
sin. He stood a poor but happy father
within the sacred temple of his home ; and
Andrew had the warm heart of an Irish
man beating in his bosom, and consequently
shared his joy.
"I lold you" said James, "I had the true
temperance cordvd at home do you nol
see it in the simpli? prosp rity by which,
owing to Ihe blessings of temperance, I am
surrounded T do you not see it in the rosy
cheeks of my children, irrMhe smiling eyes
of my wife did Y not tell truly that she
helped to make it ? Is not this a tru cor-
ditl," he continued, while his own eyes
glistened with manly tears "is not the
prosperity of this collage a true timpcrance
cordial and is it not always on draught,
Mowing Irom an ever-filling fountain 1 Am
I not right, Andrew; and will you rot
forthwith lake my receipt, and make it for
yourself? you will never wish for any oth
er; it is warmer than ginger, and sweeter
than annixeed. I am sure you will ajree
with me that a loving wife, in the enjoy
merit of the humble comforts which an in
dustrious sober husband can bestow, smiling,
healthy, well-clad children, and a clean
cabin, where the fear of God, banishes all
otner tears, make
"The tui'e Temperance Cordial."
Dr. Fu a sic lis. when in E igland, used
pleasantly to repeal an observation of his
iiegio servant, when the elector was mak
ing Ihe lour of Derbyshire Lancashire, &0.
Eberyiing, masse, work in dit country
water woik, wind work, smoke work, dog
l 1 II a . . '
wort, woik, Horse work, ass work )
eberyiing woik here but d hog ; he eat
be diiuk, he sleep, he do noihing all day-
he walk about like a gentleman."
Mormokism prevails lo a considerable ex
lenl in Texas.
One more trait, thouiih wilh the risk of dis tf
gosling some nnd offending more ihonh t
w ill hope not. An K iglisbmnn, I believe,
rarely chews, nnd rum pared with the Ameii
can, rarely smokes ; but whether ho does not
scctelly priiclive bo:h these nborr.iti ti mt I
am not piepared lo say. But with boih
those provocative's, if jt bo so, one thing he
never does, is, to spit. Thnt fact dinws a
line of demarcation between Ihe Englishman
and the Ameiieiiu, broader nnd deeper A
thousand fold than any tuber, in politics, go
vernment, laws, lun.uij.'e, religion. The
Englishman never npils. Or if be does, Ins
first goes home, shuts himself up in his room,
I cks his door, argues the neressity of the
c ise ; if necessary, performs the di-agree-able
duly, and returns tnso iely with a clear
conscience. Tha American spits always)
and every where ; sometimes when it is ne
cessary ; iilwnys, when it is m,t. It is his
occupation, his pastime, bis business. Many
do nothing else till their lives; and ulways
indulge in that singular recrcalion when they
have nothing else to do. Sometimes in a
stale of momentary furuetfuluess he inter
mils; buta then, ns if he had neglected a
sworn duty, returns to it ncnin with conscience-smitten
vigor. Hu spits n! home and
abroad, by night and by day, awake nnd
asleep, in company nnd in solitude, for his
own umtisement and the edification of a spit
ting community. On Ihe freshly painted or
scoitrtd floor, on the clean deck of a ship or
steamboat, on parlor floors, covered whether
with ingrained, Brussels, Wilton, orTuikey,
even here he voids bis rheum ; upon the mi
absorbent canvass, so that one may set; w here
numbers congregate, the rail road cars to run
in more ways than one.
The pulpits and pews of rhnrches nre not
safe. The foot pavement of the streets, the
floors of all public daces, of exchanges, ho
lds, or Congress balls, nre foul wi ll it; nnd
in milroad cars it must always be necessary
for a lady to shorten her garments, us if
about to walk in the deep mud of the street,
or tin) snow and water of the spring, if hu
would escape defilement tn either dress or
slippers. As the power of direction of these
human msilcs is by no means unerring,
notw ithstanding so much practice, one's own
person, and nil parts of his person, nre expo
sed to the random shots of this universal foe
of Ameiicau civilized life ; nnd often he finds
on tlillerent pari of his dress proofs nbui d
anl of the company he has kept The only
siuglo spot secure is a man's face; and that
would nol be,, weie it not for the fear of a
That there is not the shadow of exaggera
tion in thin description, coarse as it is, and
coaise as it has been my intention to jnake
all Aineiicans, and nil travelers who have
been within an American hotel, steamboat or
tilroad car all will testify Aud the re
sult of all js, I suppose, that we are ihe fre
est ami most enlightened people on the face
of Ihu earth ! Hut for one, republican as I
am in principle, I think, oti the whole, 1
would prefer tho despotism of Austria, Rus
sia, or Rome, lo the freedom, if must take
with it the spit of Amciiea It is vice
enough lo tempt one to forswear home, coun
ty, kindied, fiiends, religion. It is ampin
ausn fot breaking acquaintance, friendship,
for u divorce. In a w ord it is our grand na
tional distinction, if we but know it -There
are certainly pails of the country com
paratively, but only coinpaiutively, free from
this vice. Ileie ul the north there is much
less than at the weM and south, though here
enough of it to disgust one wilh bis race. In
proportion as general refinement prevails, the
ruttotn abates. At the south, no carpets, no
rooms, no presence nlfords protection. Here,
in the best rooms, the best society, theie is
a partial exemption ; though not often enough
from the presence of that ingenious, fearful
patent, tin brazen, china, or earthen box.
II are on European Capitals.
Sometiuno ron tub Cuniocs. There re
side in this borough it lady, sixty-nine years
of age, who has three new teeth growing in
her mouth at the present lime. The lady en-
j iys remiiikable genii health, and lias seen a
great deal of trouble within a few years.
We have never heard of a similar occurrence.
Dem. Union.
The Chink. r. in California. The Alta
California, after alluding loihe difficulties te-
peeling the Chinese emigrants says:.
" The apprehensions entertained on this sub
ject have been exaggerated and distorted, and
il is, therefore, not unlikely that they will
pass away as suddenly as they were created.
We do not anticipate difficulty from this Mate
of things."
Washington. Con. George Washington
whs raised lo the degree of Muster Mason
on the 4ih of August, 1753, having been ini
tiated 4th of November, 1752. The lOOih
inniveieary of his initiation, it is said, is lo
b icelebiuled throughout the Union
At late session of the Grand Lodge of
Massachusetts, the Hon. Myron Lawrence
exhibited jewel which he said had been
just handed to him by Col Flores, Junior
Grand Wurden of Ihe Grand Lodge of Peru,
and which had been worn by General Wush-
as I be piesiding officer of Lodge ia Ihe
army of the revolution
At A lea table, on Sunday evening, the
dtbrii of l of Beans appeared among Ihe
edibles. When ihe hostess inquired of V.,
"Will yeu have some beans 1" Ihe hard
ened sinner ieplied, ".Yora Bent Ces
to Pott.
The mean height of the Himalaya is sin
peudoiis, certiiiuly not less than from 16.0C0
to 20.000 feel, though ihi peaks exceeding
that elevation are .not lo be numbered, espe
cially nt he source of the Sutlej; imbed
from hat river lo the Kalee the chain exhib
its an endless succession of ihe loftiest rnoun.
tains on earth. Forty of them surpass the
height ChiThbornzn, ihe highest but one of
the Andes, and many reach ih i height of
25,000 leet at least. So regged is this part
of ihe m ignifiuent chain that the military pa
ride at S.ibathoo, half a mila long, and a
quarter of a mile broad, is said lo be the on
ly level ground between it nnd tho Tartar
frontier on the north, or the valley of Nepnul
lo tho east. Towards the fruitful valley of
Nepaul and Uollinii the Himalnyt is equally
lofty, some of the mountain being from 25,
000 to 28,000 feet hiuh, but it is narrower,
and the ilei'cetit to the plains excessively
rapid, especially in the territory of Iihotan,
and where the dip from the table-lands is
more than 10 000 feet in ten miles. The
valleys are crevices so deep and narrow, and
the mountains ihut hangover them in menac
ing dill's nre so lofty thnt these nbyses are
shrouded in peipetunl gloom, except when
the in) s of ii veilical sun penetrate their
dep'hs. From the steepness of tho descent
the rivers shoot down with the swiftness of
an arrow, filling the caveius with foam and
the nir w ith mist. Al the very base of this
wild region lies I ho elevated and peaceful
valley o! Bhutan, vividly green and shaded
by magnificent forests. Another rapid de
scent to the plain of Ihe Gauges.
Most of the pusses over the Himalaya are but
little lower than the top of Mont
Many nre higher, especially near tho Sutlej,
w here they nre from 18,000 to 19,000 feet
high, and that northeast of Khootinwur is 20,.
000 feet above I be level of the sea, the high
est that has been attempted All are terrific
and the fatigue nnd suffering from the rarity
of Ihe nir in the last five hundred feel is not
to be described. Animals ate as much dis
tressed ns human beings and many die.
Thousands of birds perish finm the violence
of the wind ; the drifting snow is often fatal
to travellerw. and violent thunderstorms add
lo the honor of the journey. The Nili passi
by which Mr. Moorctoft ascended to the sa
cred lake of Mantissa in Thibit, is tremen
dous. He anil his guide had not only to walk
barefooled from ihe risk of slipping, but they
were oll.gcd lo creep along Ihe most fright
ful chasms, holding by twigs and tufts of
grass, uud sometimes they crossed deep and
awful crevices on the btauch of a lice, or
loose t n I I !" row n across. Yet these are
the thoroughfares for commeice lu the Him
alaya never repaired nor susceptible of im
provement from the freqno it landslips and
torrent. The Initio. I pi uks being bare of
the mow, gives great variety of color and
beauty to the scenery which in the passes is
at nil limes magiiilicct I. Dining the day
the stupendous size of the mountains, their
iiitermiuuble extent, the vaiiety and sharp
ness of their forms, ami above all Ihe tender
clearness of their ilislant outline melting into
the pale blue sky, contrasted wilh the deep
czure above is described us a scene of wild
and wnndcrlul beauty. At midnight, when
myiiads of stars sparkle in the black sky aud
the pure blue of the mounlaiu looks deeper
still beiow the pale w bite gleam of the earth
a al snow light, the effect is of unparalleled
solemnity, and no langi.age ran describe the
splendor of tho sunbeams at daybreak, strea-1
ming between Ihe high peaks, and throwing
their gigautiu shadows on the mountains be-
low. There, far ubove the habitation of
n..... .fi Ii....... il,,... ... tola nn .,,,,i.l
MIR", IIU l.l.l.l I.U BUUIIU 1 -J
beard ; the very echo of the traveller's foot-,
step startles him in the aw ful solitude and
silence that reigns in these. august dwellings
of evci lasting snow
WosDEuri'i. Discovert. The Fairmont
(Va ,) Tine Yirgiuiau say : "We are in-
foimed by Col. Ilaymoud and others, that a
portion nf a regularly McAdamized road has
been discovered on the opposite side of the
river fiom this place. We have not seen it j
ourselves, but learn that il extends pretty
much along the banks of the river. Its'
width is about 18 feel, nnd ihe track well!
graded. Tho bed of stone seems to be
about two inches thick, nml innile nieriselv
after the plan of our McAdamized road, the
stone being broken to about the same size
as thai used for our roads. Tho discovery
was iruiile by the washing nway of a hill
side which partially covered the road.
When, and by what race of people this road
was made, is unknown ul the present day,
but it gives evidence of the existence of a
population here at some former age of ihe
world, as fur advanced in civilization, or at
least in l be art of road making us ourselves.
There was found in the bed of the road, Ihe
slump of a chestnut tree, w hich was ascer.
taiued to be 150 years old ul Ihe least, and
how much oldci, our informant could, not
tell, us I he slump was hollow,"
Onh or the F. F. Y's in Tautst-iv-Fay-etle
McMullen, a mrmbet of Congress from
Virginia, ha been held to bail in the sum o'
$1,000, in Philadelphia, lo answer an assault
on Mr. Fitsworth, on board Uie steamer
Trenton, coming from Tacony. Filsworlh
hud occupied McMullou'a seat in the ears
during his absence by placing his lady in il.
McMullen threatened , lo lake his seat by
force, but Filsworlh vacated it at Ihe desire
of the lady, calling the Congressman no gen
tleman. They afterward met on ihe boa),
when Fitswoilh refused lo recall Ihe epithet
McMulli'ii broke his cant) over his licaJ.
The history of a steel pen is among the
wonders of the present day ; it is to lis what
pin making was to onr ancestors n thing to
be wondered nl, We have (he ore melted
and converted into iron, nnd the same chan
ged into steel J then it is rolled into ordinary
sheets, in which state it is teceived from
Sheffield, when it is cut np into strips, pick
led lo remove the scale, nml reduced also
by rolls the requisite thickness. In this
condition it is passed into the hands of a fe
male, who is seated at a small press worked
by hand, and who cuts out by a single blow
a Ihin flat piece of steel, which is Ihe future
pen ; side slitting and piercing then follows,
which is also performed by a hand press,
fitted up with pouch nnd bolsters; thereafter
the blanks in this condition are annealed in
considerable quantities in n mnflle ; stump
ing with the maker's name then follows i
pressing into the concave form is the next
process, and the operation of forming the
barrel (if a barrel pen) is now completed
Hardening, on operation which requires no
little care and attention, is also performed
by heating in a mutlb', and when nt a pro
per hetl they nre immersed in oil ; tho oil
is then cleansed off them by ngitaiing in n
cylinder, nnd scouring follows by the same
method, with the exception that pounded
crucibles and oilier 'rutting substances nre
iutioduced along with them, w hich in the
end produces on one aud all a bright sur
face. The grinding on the point etc., is
performed on nn emery wheel and is effect
ed wilh great rapidity. In this state Ihe
pens are passed lo the "sliltcr," who is pro
vided wilh a pair of cutting touts, which arc
tilled in'o !i hand press. Their accuracy in
filling is such that a careful examination is
necessary lo detect that I hey nre not one.
The pen is rested upon the portion attached
to ihe bottom of the piess. the handle turned
aud the slit is made. The blue and straw
color with which Ihe pens are ornamented,
is also produced by heal ; ihe pens are in
troduced in large quantities into a cylinder
which is made to evolve on a charcoal stove
nml the change of color is watched ; when
that which is desired is obtained, llu cylin
der and its contents are removed Tho bi.l
liant appearance of the external sin fare is
given by lac dissolved in nnptha, heat is
thereafter applied w hen the spirit is evapo
rated and the lac alone remains, lending to
the pens that brilliancy of finish w hich add
so much to their appearance. At Mr. Gdlot's
manufactory upwards of 500 hands are
engaged in the production of the pens, and
order end cleanliness, w hether in the per
sonal attire of the woik people or in their
work-shops, is the distinguishing character
istic of the number engaged, 400 are fe
males employed in the uctual production
and papering up of Ihe pens; the remainder
are workmen, who nte engaged in th: more
skilful or laborious departments, w here fe
male strength is not available. Some idea of
the extent to which this manufacture, is now
earned may be gathered from the fact that
there are annually upw ards of 180 millions
of pens produced here.
A Lady Robbed by One or II tR
The Springfield (Mass) Republican, tells a
cmious story of a doctor, who it says, stole a
box of notes worth S40U0, from the chamber
of an old lady, in Russell, to whom be was
an heir, among others, mid after she was
: dead, he unbosomed himself to Mr. DeWolf,
of Chester, nnd offered lo him g500 for his
services in niaiiufactuiiug a legal instrument
! with the name of the deceased nlfi.ved lo il
i conveying to the doctor the wholn propeity
' In tl... ct,l.n imlua ttr TY'Lifiir Hill nn ri I
. ,l , niuiM, .11...... ..... - ' ...... ...u......
the Ihiug very well, got all the notes in his
possession, aud surrendered the properly
and the thief lo an ollicer whu was in his
house nt the time. The doctor was hold lo
bail in S1000.
Bur, you seem lo be quite, smart al:o
gather too smart for this school ; run you
tell me bow many six black beans aie !"
"Yes, sir, half a dozen."
"Well, how many are half a doen of
while beans ?"
"Tremendous smart boy !
Now lull how
j nwy
. ones.'
while beans there are in six black
"Half a dozen, if you skin 'm."
I it consequence of Ihi answer the scholar
came near being skinned himself.
"Down East," somewhere, a pien old la
dy was summoned as a witness in an impor
tant case. Being lold that die must "swear"
tiro poor woman was filled with horror at
Ihe thought. After much persuasion she
yielded, and exclaimed "Well, if I must,
must damn !" The court adjourned imme
diately. A Down Fast Militia Captain, on receiv
ing a note from a lady, requesting llio
"pleasure of his company," understood it as
a compliment to those under his command,
and marched Ihe whole of lliciu lo Ibe
lad) V house.
There is a Rule in ati old debating so
ciety which might be advantageously re
commended lu some ol bur public bodies ;
"That any gentleman wishing to speuk
Ihe whole evening should have a room to
himself." -
Dr. Chailes T. Jackson udmiuisieied a
pound and a half of ether lu Mr. Francis
Alger's lion al South Buston, and removed
his ulaw during the Iweuiy minutes thai
the animal was tiiseusi'Dle.
In Ihe course of a recent letter In the edi
tor from a coi respondent in Milwaukie,
ihere occurs this passage, which stiuek us
rather langliter-moving than rilhrrwis':
"Deputy SherifT P , of this city, we
recently called upon to arrest a duly regis
tered "Attorney nnd Counsellor Ml Law and
Solicitor," etc , on ihe charge of forged city
orders, rather small business, by Ihe wa y .
After Ihe arrest David," ihe. aspersed,
w ished lo be accompanied among his friem'a
for Ihe purpose of procuring bail. The
Sheriff, in whose breast kindness and mrrcy
are blended about ;af and 'af with the stern
ness nnd dignity of justice, rnmplied ; bu
his effoits were nil unavailable. Night wna
drawing on toward its small hoUri". arid ha
could wnit nn longer. A a last small favor,
"David1 wished to go home aud break the
sad news of his arrest to the companion of
bis bosom. In view of this mournful task,
he was much agitated. "Oh, Mr. P ."
aid he, "this is the hardest of all How
will my dear wife bear up under the blow ?
She is so sensitive, so solicitous, that it w ill
overpower her ; it will drive her cruzy.
She i a delicate creature, Mr. P , and
her sufferings will unnerve mo !'' A sym
pathetic tear started into the north west
corner of the officer's left eye, rolled down
his manly cheek, rested u moment upon his
vest, and Iheu diffused itsell among the
snow flakes upon the ground, warming and
melting even their obdurate hearts. They
reached the house, and entered. They were
met by a stalwart Amazo. ian, whose largo
face shone wilh the lambent glories of on
nulumn sunset. David in a faltering voice
broke lo her the terrible intelligence that
she was lo be robbed of her "bosom's lord."
P slood by lo bear a hand if she
should faint. "I am arrested, my dear, for
forging." "What the d 1 is that V wa9
the utlecliitg reply of the "sensitive" fe.
male. "They accuse me of writing other
people's names nnd nre going to ptil me in
jail, my love." "Who in thunder is going
to do it, Dave 7" replied the "solicitous"
w ife ; nnd without waiting for a reply, she
proceeded to pile up anathemas loud and
deep upon Ihe heads of those who had
sought lo place him in durance vile The
Sheriff wa overwhelmed by the "affecting"
scene ; yet with a "ruling passion" strong
for the ludicrous, he touched the prisoner
lightly under tho fifih rib, wilh : "Break it
gently lo her, David ; she is a delicate crea
ture, isn't she ?"
A poor captive at the Sing-Sing prison
was recently killed instantly by the bursting
of a grindstone on which he was grinding
tiles, ur.d which was diiveu by steam. The
unfortunate man was but twenty seven
5 ears of age He had been sentenced for
five years, which would have expired in a
few days. He had increased the velocity of
the stono lo enhance the amount of h: labor
doubtless wilh the hope of earning some
thing "over" for himself, that he might uso
when he should once more hail the "sun
light and blessed air" of freedom. Perhaps
il may seem "mawkish," but to our concep
tion, there is something very affecting in
this incident ; nnd yet, the released convict
''sleeps well" w here "the prisoners rest lo
gether" in uudistinguishable graves.
Gen. Winfibi.d Scott was born near Pe
tersburg, Virginia, June 13, 1786, and is
therefore just 66 years old. Daniel Webster
was born al Salisbury, N. II., Jan. 18, 1782,
uud is now in his 71st year.
Rkluiioi's Freedom. A private letter
statVs that Gun. Urquiza, w ho succeeds Ro
sas ns Governor of Buenos Ay res, has au
thoiised the reading of the Bible in schools,
ami made liberal oppiopiiations for their
Henry B. Stanton, long known as a promi
nent Abolition lecturer, and more recently
as a New York Barnburner, has come out,
like John Yau Bu en, in favor of tho nomi
nation of Pierce for President.
The "sCuvstal Palace at New York
The stock for ihe erection of this building,
200.000. it is said has ull been subscribed
for, and the puluce w ill be opened iu May
The widow of Dr. Flanders has recovered
under a statute of 1349, aguinst the town of
Sheffield, Vt , SI000 damage, for tho death
of her husband by Ihe upsetting of a stage.
I don't like to patronize this line, said a
culpiit to the hangman. "O, never mind
this once," was the raply, "it will soo
"suspend" its operations."
Ail Ihe whalers at Hong Kong believe in
the salely of Sir John Franklin. The E.
quimaux go fro.n the Asiatic continent and
back constantly.
The Ulica and Schenectady Railroad, io
fourteen years, has paid for itself, and clear.
ed 18; per cunt per annum, over all expen
When you go our lo drown yourself sb.
ways pull olfyour cUlhes, ihey may fit yon
your wile's second husband.
lr change makes "change," Smiihers says
he will yet die a millionaire, lur he has
moved eight limes since Juris. i
Hounding the Morh.-To place yonr (in.
efirs and thumb ou a glass of brandy ami
wair. . , ,
General Pierce i about five fn levq
inches in height, and finely proportioned.
The siroujesi suing k.nenu. is string of
"Ii ions,
i Jl. Is0'