SUN BURY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. THE RAISING OF COEN. I ' . iti.i. whittieh. Th5 most Important crop we farmers raise, Unless 'lit grass, it Indian corn, or maize ) Varieiiea of which are found o grow, From Canada and Maine, lo Mexico j From were Atlantic's alormy billows roar, To mild Pacifio' rich and peaceful shore, ; In every aeciion of our favored land, The row of corn like rank of soldiers "-. eland. . With care 'twill thrive In almost any spot, Unless 'lis very com or very hot. Tis true it grows tlia largest South and West, , , And yet the northern frontiers raise tno best ; At lenst, 'tis bst for making bread, Or hasty puddings, Johnny cakes instead 'Twill alwnys fetch or bring a lilile more At market, mill, or at Ihe farmers' door. Put here upon New-England's sterile soil, It lakes manure and money, time and toil J So much indeed of ench, a man maintains, That by his coin nlono lie nothing gains. Another man may just ns truly say, His corn will more than all expenses pay. They both the art of (arminc understand. lint cultivate n ttitterent Kinil 01 latvi o I a ss, d a tr o s, t ain't $ &c WHOLESALE AltD nUTAlX. ' .- THE Philadelphia i Window disss' Ware house, and Drug, Paint, Vsmish, Oil and Color Stores, . " Not. 83 and 35 North Fourth Slrttt. Et side, has the largest assortment of Window, Picture, Coach, Case, Hot-House, and other glass,, in the city J etmtprislng tlpwSrds" of 18,000 dif ferent sixes, ranging from Ihe smallest sir, Op to 88 by 60 Inches of fehecL and as large as -.hy 7 feet of Plate Glass, Including. English Crown, French," German and Amrrican,,'J)Oth . ' " Single' and Double Thick. " Also, a lartro. assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights. Bulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having a heavy stork on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notirc, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. ' Ground White Lead ; Paint, Varnish, of ev. cry description i Turpentine ; Linseed Oil, boil, ed end raw t Taint Mills ; Putty i Brushes ; Dye Woods, &r.,&r., rVc. And also, a larijn supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. 8PRAGUE. Nos. T.3 i 35 North 4th St., E. Side. Anrll 10. IMS lv. And this accounts, in part, for different ways, Which men pursue in cultivating maize ; For some in Autumn plow their planting ground, Because, they say, 'tis awarded hard or bound In other words, our land is strong and tough, We fear 'will not get pulverised enough, Unless we bring the clayey stratum where 'Twill undergo the action of the air. The old, or fine manure, in summer made, Is heaped upon the field, or near it laid, And in the spring, they harrow well and spread The fresh manure from cellar, yard or shed, And ere its strength by sun or rain is lost, The ground is plowed a second lime, or . crost. Again 'lis harrowed too, but lightly now, Then marked or furrowed out, with horse and plow, From East to West, three feet or more, From North lo South, six inches less than four, And now, the cart with old mnure they fill, And put a shovel full in every hill ; 'Twill give the corn a start and make it stout, And what was spread will help to fill it out. The corn for seed was gathered in the field, Or else front stalks of more than usual yield. They only nsn the middle of the ear The reason wliv is very plain mid clear, Five kernals in a hill they plant or drop, Then cover well nnd press "upon the top. Before the corn is up, the field is lined, About the only thing that crows will mind : They've no regard for other's ligh's or law, They boldly face the men of merely btuaw, But, like some others take good care to shun The real men, who chaueo to have a eun, The dark green corn, in rows will soon be seen, And then, with plough and hoe, they weed il clean, And at Ihe time, the broad foundations lay, On which lo build their hills, some future day. The work of building up they soon renew And every hill is raised an inch or two; And ere it tassels out, or just before 'Tis time to hay, they add a little more. They don't believe the crop of com is hurl By hoeing up a good supply of dirt ; Each lime they hoe, a set of braces start, Which help sustain the stalks erect in part. But now they lay aside the plough and hoe, And only watch the corn to see it grow ; And when the tops begin to turn or die, They're cut and stacked, or hung in barns to dry. The stalks are out and carted in, when dead. The ears' are husked and in the garner spread ; Their recompense for toil they now behold, A sight as rich as California gold ! Most farmers here, the course described pursue, While others think another mode will do, They don't break up till Spring, the sward is thin, The old and fresh manure they harrow in, And think it best, instead of making hill, To keep the surface flat nud plant in dulls ; Aim when the corn as gla.ea Degius to look, . . 'Tis cut, and left lo ripen on the slock. In places w here the farmer does not heed The stalks, on which their Winter's stoek lo feed, They merely pluck tho soundest ears, as best, And let their "longfacod gentry" have the rest : They undermine tho stalks arid let ihem fall And thus the greedy porkers glean it all. Wo might go on and mention other ways, Which soma adopt, and recommend, or praise ; But as 'lis only universal rules, Which meet the wants of our common schools, So here, in this broad land, no special plan For raisins corn, will do for every man. And what conclusion shall wj draw from hence That all must exercise their common sense ! Boston Ctdtivalor. IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. THE tiWvilrr has constructed a LIGHT NINO ROD on true Philosophical princi ples, hy which buildings supplied with them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well rVW'c preparation of the ground rod, is on an cntirWry new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Measures have been taken to secure Letters Patent for the improvement Persons desirous of securing their lives and property from destruction liy lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and substantial manner, hy applying ei ther personally or by letter, to the undersigned, at the following prices : For 40 (t. J inch copper rod gold plated point, solid platina tin. And forty cents fur every additional foot over fortv. For 40 ft. J inch tubular rods gold pla ted point, solid platina tip. For 40ft. iron rod gold plated point, sol id platina tip. For 40 ft. iron rod silver plated point, And twenty cents for every additional foot over forty. 'T. 8. MAC KEY. Milton, Sept. 6, 1851 ly. cap 17. 152. $22,00 13,50 1 2,50 10,00 , y "aid And comfort," , lo Your Onn Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. manufacturer op FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'THE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of w i IET-WAItE. which cannot fall to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid iinlsh, made up uf the best stock to he had in the city. ' No effort is spared in the manufacture of Ids ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being innuc. ins slock consists ot .Mahogany Sofas, IHvnus ami Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, MillAKFAST AND DIXING TABLES, and aloo VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- ilclplua manttlacturc. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price, CUPHOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND ; EXTENSION TABLES, . in short, every article in this line of his business. ' lie also manufactures all Kinds and qualities of CIIAIIIS, ' including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Mahoi-.ast, Black Walnut ami Ci'Rlkr Maple Uhkciaxi ash Wtsnsnn CHAIRS, isd fasct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be cntertoiiied about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will bo disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. EST UADEUTAKINU. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkaiisk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. Ilr I lie Ware Room is in Market Street, below I hompson s Store and W eaver s Tavern, UEOKUE ItENIN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. CATTLE powder '..' prepared bt BREINIO, FRONEFIELD & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. THIS powder is entitled by the united testimony of nil who have nsed it to the Brut rank of all those CAT TLE MKD1CINK9, which have heed thought praise- wormy lor many years, nswed ws challenge any nerwm lew III me some iv it will either increase the amount of milk or i ream ann butter or the to rnnke a superior, of any powder thnt acts in il tne animal ne perfectly neaitn1 CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. A cbeat reduction in prices! Twenty per cent, at haul less than ever have liecn suld in the United States ! pi OLD LEVER WATCHES, full jewelled, 18 karat case only $30 Csuallv sold for $35. GOLD LEPINE WATCHES, 18 ka- rut enfie, jewelled, SILVER LEVER WATCHES, full jewelled, . Usnnllv sold for $18. SILVER LEPINE WATCH ES, jew el led, SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half do zen, CJOLU TENS, Silver Holders, Persons wishing a Watch or watches, or Jew elry, can have them sent by mail, with perfect safety, to any part of the United States or West Indies, by first sending tho amount of money. All articles warranted as represented above. Or ders from the country respectfully solicited. Please address post paid, LEWIS LAD0ML8, 103 Chestnut St., East Wing of the Franklin House. ft California Gold bought, or manufactured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March SO, 1852. 3m. 21 14 J. I. DITTERICH, No 73 North 2d St.t bet wen Arch and Race St., PHILADELPHIA. TTEKEUY informs the public that he imports -H ami coiintruUly keeps on hand at his new store, No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fanry Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures $' Paints, whii'h he will sell at the lowest prices. Hi stwk, in part, consists of, Acrnrdenns, Violins. Millie Boxes, Pnrlor and Uar Kooni Or gans, Mr!o,1cons, LScruphmes, Mathematical In struments, MiinrtHt py ami Opera Glnssen, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Honks, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, (iold and Silver Ieaf, Scales of all kindn, Snuff and Tohncco R.ixcs, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En praviiiqs, and pictures of every variety. Also tilt Frame Moulding of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at rcasonuhla prices. Deccmher SO, JS.1l. tf. ntiiinnl will improve Tspully in f. It will thereforn in time lie cimtiitcrmt we have no dnutit one of Ihe staple arti clesnf every Former, who keeps disryi nnd of every person owning a hone. It is nut one of thoss kind o. MtfcTtTiM that merely swell "n nnimnl lip for it short time. Imt it will liy the eapncHy which It hss of conYerting HI1TIJKIG ACID (which it an effete matter) Into Lao Tie Ann or oLKnitj cuuve a arenter amount of nutritious matter to 1 exttnrtcr! om the same amount of fond, than pitesihly could he, were tho active principles of nutrition to nnwi out of thn vnlcm in the form of IIippubio Acm. We imve reerivwl n multitude of evidence to prove what we hnvp stiirl hIkwp. fuffice to any 1 We have mixed the artiva agent, with n prcnt number of V kgktapu.k pliiuts mid herbs, which tune and line have nrovnl to lit- iiBrfiil. imnrovimr the annrtite nnd iirnnvUhiir digfKlion of Hm f o d tttus necurhur a henlthy condition of tho blood, from which the Wu.s nud Y at ninsr he I'irmiti ll nmy be furlloitncfl, Cows audlioos fur the follow ing eompinini aim aisiyiBcs. , YELT.OW WATKU, n dunirerous strknrn. which rtn- ttmys muny vuliuihlt houses every year, Is very olten entirely cured by the free use of this powder, in till cases It win prevent me umcniw ; ruin roiiiinu on. This dt sense is owning to a hud and impoverished slate of the blood which becomes thin, watery und ot all yellow C"l'r. Tins powder by improvinn the stomach nnd pivmff lo thebljod n fri enter quantity of red particle, n(fnls the bePt find only possible ehanco of recovery. If tbe lease is tiir (Tnef fcive morning awl niflht a tnblespmmrul in wet ft-ed, it in the lieiituing once a uuy at uooii, u omy u pre vent t fie diwnFe iwice a week. I HIAiiHi:itl. Tins is the rnlnallrm of mnny valua ble Horses by rxhmil.ion by a const suit discharge of snli va which ouulit to pnt into the ntoma'-h to iKwiiit digestion. It is a species of slmumn often priHtuccd hy India m Jo bnuoo arowiua: hi the piisture ground A Tahlcspooni'iil three tunes a week will frequently arrest the flow, il it does not depend on Uie To b a ceo in the stum, under such circumstnni'cs the nnimnl must Ik? kept in the stable. DISTKMPKK. If the powder is early nud freely used, no tit her remedy need le used, it has already cured hun dreds of Horses of this troublesome diseuse to the surprise of those who used it. If n t used uarlv, before tnntter Ims formed In the neck it cnuliot restore the animal perli-clly until the matter is discharged, uwo it early and prnent such a result. A TiibluRpooiil'ul once r twice a dny is enough. (H.ANOKHS. This diwense litis bnfflM nil FABatKaa, (live thin puwder a fnir tiinl and it will do wonders in this terriMe nnd httlierlo incuraiiiu nmiiuiy. it is u luseaRa of the glandurnt system and kept np by imperfect nutrition. I in such rases a Tublci(Honl'ul every day twice for a mouth or two, in constant siicfcssion, will hi nine cases out uf a dozen eftect n cure, it has been fairly tested. Coughs and shortness of llrealh" depending on weak lungs, a Tuhlespouniul every morning; if it ahatra uuce or twice a week. POOR I.OW-SPIRITF.1) ITOnSKS, or where there is any remains of Pounder or sulhicss of motion, nnd the Horse will not fnttcu, or where the hair is rough nud stands straight out, tho food seeming to do no gKid, the powder pmduces almost immediate improvement of the animal; the digestion improves nnd with it nil the slug gishness of the minimi disappears, becoming lively and spirited, nnd the hair smooth and slick. COWS. For Mir. kino Cows, we nre fully convinced Hint it not onlv improves the quality, but that it increases the amount nt iti ilk. i ream mui Miuter : some wno wive iriefi m ca- perimeut say a pomid a Week, others wiy half a pound while one person insisted upon it that he made two pounds more a week from -h Cows. We think it will Ik found to average from n I p to a pound per week on each Cow, if the Cows arc petu ;iy hr-dthy. This additional amount is made by the conversion of the llippurie Acid into Nitro genous nud fatty compounds : als by supplying the oxy gen taken in by the Iiiul', with the elements oi reaction; Wil h'Hit taking :!iv 'f tiie Niirnfii'HI portion of the iced. HOLLOW 1 1 OWN or WOLF; HOOF 1)1 SKA ST., nnd all oiher Hi'aJ-cf" fif neat cat He depending upon a bat) stale of ihe fluid, are rem H'ed speeddy and tileetinlly. Cows, wli si- mill; is blue, thin and wateiy ami where it doe not vie d iinich cream, or where Cows $mvc blood milk, or winch nre used to stand long drv, it will be found nn a!niot infallible reined v, bv improving the condition of the bt tod nnd creaiing n healthy digestion ; a Tablespoon ful every day or uvery other day ns it may le tiecuNsary HO(3S. LIVER COLIPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPKPSIA. CHUONIC OR NERVOUS DKBIMTY, DISEASE ' ' OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil lifmwnrllin Oom illnrtlfrfd llv ot to mnch, nrli nfl cmtiMipnlioit, linvnnl Pitr., FullliM", or blnod tn tlm limrt, Arirtily of tlm Stmnnch. Nmirwi, Hnirtliuni, diipiiat for Food, fiillnmi or weight In the Inmnch, ikiur Knintntion., linkinv or 6utterin .t Uie pit or the fttomnch, .wimminff of thelicml, lmrril Htid diffionll lironthlnr, Aiitterlnp t tin hrnrt, rhoVing of iiilfcirpHiig He.nitiiifHi wlmn in a Ivinjr ponlnre. DimnrM of viaioti. dm. nr welw More the inht, Kever mid dull pnin In the hend, deficiency of peripimtinn, yellowneM of the ikin nnd rye, pain in Ihe tide . hnelt, efirnt, llmlm, fte., widden Auihr. of hent burning in tiie Heeh, ounnUint imagining, of evil, and great deprrnton of apirita, , CAN HE F.FFKOTt'ALliY CURF.T) BY ' ' DP.. HOOPLAITD'S CELEBRATED OFRMAN BITTERS, rRSrAHRIJ BY BR.C. f- JACKSON, AT THE . GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ko. iiO Arch St., Phllndrlphln. Tlielr power over the nlnrve diseases is not excelled, if equalled, bv anv taher nreumition in thn United Suitfrs, ns the cures attest, in many cases alter sUilllul physicians hud hilled. These t it tent fire worth v they nttenlioii of invalids. Possefflinu prent virtues in the reriificntion of itiseascsof Ihe Liver and lesser glands, exercisi'-u the iii"Bt scuiclinis powers in wenkuess nnd aibictiens of the digestive urgans, they ore, witlud, Ffii'o, eertsin nnd plensnnl. f 1'roni the R iston JItc.J The Kditor snid, Le". vM "Us. Ilofirr.AMi's OxBnnATrn Or.-. ITittfrs for the cure tif Livr t'oinplaiut. Jaimdice, hyspepsiii, Chronic or Nervous l)e,iliiy, is deMi-rvitilly one of I he intst popn l;ir tnedieineaof the' fl-iv. These'lihteis hnve bei-n used bv IIiousmihIh, and n f ; lend at our i lb w Kiys he Ims him self received an crfcitcd nnd permanent cure of Liver Complaint iron the use of tins remedy. We nre convinced that, in thn life of the ;it r. the psitient eoiifrtantly pntns streuirtli and vnror o fa. t worthyol rrreat eonmiie nition. Tii'iy are pleeft-int in lawte and smell, nnd ran be used by per un iih the most delicate st"innchs with safe ty, Under nny rirciiuisianees. We ore S!Kakiiur from ux peiience. unci lo the ndlieted we advise thtir use." (,SriTr's Wkkklt,' one of Ihu bust laterary papers published, suit), An?. t25 'Dr. Hooflanp'b fJRnMAN TliTTKBt, maiiufneturcd hy Dr. Jaeksou, urn now reeonnneniled by une of the inost prominent menitiers of the faeuliy as an article ot much fluency in ens.- of female weakness. As swh is the case, we would a lvie in oheis t i obtain n bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. - Persons of debilita ted C'tnstitiiti ins will hud tln-st! Hitlers ndvantaieotis to their health, as we kit v from ep"rienee the Kilutary ellcct lliey have upon week systems. " More Evidence. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PKNNSYI.VAJflA. TITT or I'HIT.AUKLPftl A . V. S. Hank notra 10 ill. All lv.nt Imnka pal roraraT. Hniik of Cliarnlierabnrg 1 di iinim ni iipmer uo. pru Hniik nf Uel.Cn. Cheater jmr limiK ot (lertnantown iwtr Bank of Omtyalinrn 1 dia Hunk of I.ewttown Itnnk of Middletown - 1 dia Montgnmery Vn Hank par Hnnk of Northumherrnd. nai Hunk of l'ittalmrg 1 dia Hank of Danville pari Cnrliale Hank MASSACAi;8ETT9. All aolvent Imnka j dn KIKIDK lrI,AiNU. All aolveut linnka dil CONNECTICUT. All Kilvent hnnka dll MKW YORK. OITT. . . All aolverrt )inka I lia iy Bk notea nn-ler K dit roiiwrrf. All lvcnta bnnka 1 dia NF.W JKKSEY. Belvidere Bnnk I dia Comnircinl Hank dK Far. Hnnk Mnt Holly par 1 dia'F. M., Miildleitown Ft. par Mechunira' Uk. Newark ft Meeh. Hk nf llurlinirton par Me-h. Man. Ilk Trent liar Mot n. Co Hnnk dia Newark Hk'g ft I in. Co ! dia irnniie ifmiK Colurnlna H'k ft fl'ge Co par Doyelatnwn Hank pnr lCnaton Hrilik pnr Hnnk fi dia Rxchnnge n'kPitlalinrg 1 dia F.xchninFt H'k. Hrnnrli I rlii Kiirmera' H'k, HnrkaCo par'l'eile'a Hk Pntteraull i' nrmiTS' iik, i .nnrnaler pnr I rnuTTnii win FtiriniTN Hk. lliiilinfr nnr Ailnn Hnnkitiff Kiirm. Ilk PehiiylkiM Co par F ft D. Hk Wnyiii.nli'g lldia Frnnklin Hit. Wnali'ii litlia llnrriflinrg Ihink 1 ilia llmnfl!ili Itnnk 1 din Irfinpri.liT Itnnk Ijrlviniai Hnnk Mi'roii. ft Mini. Hnnk .Mineia' U K, I'oiiaville Per M'Mic.nlrnlii't.'i Hnnk 1 ilia Tnvlorav'e llrl HV Co 1.5 di Wi at Uinni'h Hnnk pnr Hnnk of Delaware m yinitiir HK, ilkcsli'e pnr iimhk ol rinynui I mi k i. inii i ins I''lit'liuf IHltrs 1 dia' MAIN'K. R inV nf W li. ll ie k Bilia MiTi'iinl ilr Ilk, lliiiurr 111 ilia All f 'K-fiit t'.-iiika 3 ilia dia dia pnr p-ir dia pnr 018 dia NF.W HAMPSriTHF.. All anlvi'tit lniika i difi VF.II.MOXT. rinnk "f st AiiiTina 2 ai All a ilvcnt Imnka dia Snlein Hnnking Co, ScmnrrW Cu Hank Plate Hnnk at Cinnnen Stnle Hk Kli wilietlitJin flnte Hnnk Newark fmle Hk, N. Hninawick pnr pnr,?nai'X iiiiiik, rewion ma par I Trenton Hnnking Co pnr 1 dm l'nicni liimk. Dover ilia Vardlevv le ft Del l)r Co I jilia IV"Hk n"ti'a mid"r ff't J ilia IIMI.A V Attl'.. p..r pnr llelnwriri.' 'il v Rink inr Ilk Viling'ilft lllnnilyw. put riirtniTs' Ilk St lli'lnwnre pnr 1 nil hi Miink. Wilmington pnr 1 1?- I'niler 'i:a J ilia UI1HI. Ml a ilvent linnka S dia l3rT Hk iinlea uniliT fi'a 4 ilia NO I I I I ABUU.HA. All aolvrnl Imnka S dia (VL'nderS'a, 2J dia PHILA. AND READING RATLKOAD, AURAXOKMIOT FROM PIIII.ADKI.PIIIA AND POTTSVIM.K. HAEHISBUEG B00E BINDERY. F. L. II UTTER & CO., Sucecaanr. to W. O. Ilickok, and Ilickok ft Cantine. BOOK BINDERS, STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. The subscribers respectfully inform their frienils and the public, (hut they are now rnrrying on the above business at the OLD STAND occupied by Hickok 6c Co. They flatter themselves that by careful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of blank books for banks, county offices, merchants and private individuals, and every variety of full and half bournl I'lniik books. Old hooka, periodicals, Inw bonks, music, newspapers. Arc, bound in any pattern find in any stylo required. In mliliHoii to tlio above, lliey have, and will nt nil limes keep, n prcnoval asBurtiiicut of STA- 1 lUiM'.lii , consisting of "per, t .otter r Cup IJrnwlnir " rrun.frr " Copying " ioltnie; Sleel IVna, Carmine Ink, PhoaEix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Cheats. WARRANTED to any other Chosti A MODERN PIIILANTIIOPIST. Mr. Edmund Quincy, in a loiter to Ihe New York Ami-Slavery Standard, thua notice the recent accident to Mr. Web ster : "On Ihe MsrshfieM farmer' way from the nearest station to his house, he was thrown from his carriage ; but such being the Whig fate, he did not break his neck ! No ! The j ancient prophesey was fulfilled ; and the serpent only bruised his head t Possibly, however, as he fell on his face, he may have agreeably varied his diet by eating somerVoriAfrn dirt. Had the news only ar rived that he was out cf their way 1 the onion market might have risen, newspapers would have been edged with black, a por tentous funeral would have blackened the streets. Mr. Choale would have lied over him like a bulletin or an epeitaph, or, what is the same thing, a eulogy but what a relief it would have been." The milk of human kindness is very strong in some people, especially if they have any pretension to the character of a philanthropist. Th.eir sympathy is so wide spread, embracing the whole human raop, hat they have not a drop lo spare for the nitiforlunes of a ningle individual. Mr. Ed mind Quincy no doubt believes himself to to. a humanitarian, overflowing with love or hi species. The dropping from hi 'Ucket show the venomous quality of tbe istilnient. It ! seldom that publie decency i outraged lo Ihe extent exhibited in this ublished extract. Knives, . Plates nnd Pencils. tullla, I.e:nl 1 Vncila, , Inkaloilila, I.eilerSrainps, Moltn Wufers, " India Hubber, Hlin k Ink, Wafers, Siiiling Wax, Hid Tape, Iliun Ink, llltink Card, Convinir Ink, V'oliWa, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Kroanrea, fte. Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. r". IIUTTEK & UU. March 13, tf. i SAVE YOUR MONEY.'"1" in iKi.r.s v. nu:r.Mi &. co., (LATK FREEMAN, HODGKSft CO.) IMPOltTERS AND JOHBEHS, 144 Broadway, One door Suuth of Liberty St., New York, nA v r.;w on hand, and will lie reeeivinn dailv through the seaaon, New Oooda, direct from tke Kurojicuii niiinularturera, and caah Auetiiata, rivii, fualiionalile, fnia'y Silk Millinery Goods. Our stock nf Rich ililib ma, e nn priaea every variety of tk luteal and moat beautiful designs uiiairted. Muny of our goods are manufactured expressly to our order, from our own deaigna and patterns, and mind unri valled. We nflVr our frixnui for uett Caah, ut lower pricea than nny credit House til America can itflbid. All purehasera will find il graatry to their interest to re serve a portion of their mnney und liiuke si-lections from our creal variety of rich cheap goods. Kililntna rich for ll.itinels, Caps, rinsheaaud Bella. lloiuict Silka, Satiua. Craiea, Liaaia and Tnrlelons. Kniliroideriea, Collars, Cheiniaetta, Capes, Berthas Ilnliita. Sleevea, Ciltfa, Kilgings, and Inaertiuga. Kiiinroiaerm Haviefe, lice, ami Mrmsincn camDric Handkerchief a. Blouda, lltuamna, and F.mhrnidered Ieea for Caps. F.mlir.iidered Wieiia for SSlmwIia, Muutill'ia, nnd Vetla. Houitou, Steehlea, Vuleneiriies. and BruaaeU iMeea. F.naliali and Wove Thread. tMnyrna. Liale Thread, and Cotton I .aces. Kid, Liale Thread. Silk, and Bewuur Si'.k. Gloves, and Mitts French and American Artificial Flowers. French I,aie, F.nglieh. American, siul Italian. Slraw Bonnets and Trimminaa. New Yoik, Mureh 20, Lbo2-3m. stand equal heat with ny other (J hosts in the country, and to defy the Ourglns' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson a Alley, running between third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear ef the Girard Dank. M- &. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, nnd fed cont'nlent, from long experience in tho munufacturo of Iron Cheats and Safes, and a specinl addition to this particular branch, of giving eatislartion to ull who limy give them call. N. B. We have selected one of the best nun- eraU ever uaed ns a mm-condiii'tor of heit in this busiiifM, and wo wttrrant our Chests and Sii'cs to be made uf tho best material and in tho ",o:-t duinlilo niunncr, and lo stand uuy heat that can bo applied to tticin. MILNOR Sc SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Hiiniiing between Urd and 4th streets, S of Ches nut, in the rear of (iirurd Dunk. Philadelphia, Oct. 2.J, 1S51. ly Eonnets, Hats and r M i 1 1 i n o i' v Goods! iiTI WEUCH ANTS nnd Milliners when in Pliil- Iv.SS adelphia t.-i purchne their goods, will lind it to their interest to examine our largo and fash ionable stock of t;iw ooi. We manufacture largely and impoiit the . i west Styles of Fore is ii B-abrics in our line ; which together with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements to LiLvtna. R. A. CKOOKER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851 Piita in the summer often overheat themselvea. cet swel led necks, eouiiha, ulcers in the LniiffJi nml l.iv'cr, which cause thi'in t i ilie very siiflilenly, these nmy he prevented eutitcly by putting u pound or n hull' into n jlnrrcl of swill ; and it will at the etiine time considerably hiiatcu the fatten ing pr-iecsa. i. it. in nnimai which la giving mint nun you are deairoua lo fatten nt the aniue time, you should n it&ivc more than a t.-ihlcsp i.uful once a week or it wit! retuulll.c formation of fat by increasing the ntnoiiut of Milk. Let cue! person try its effeeta for himself nnd he wil S'lou he antisticd of its excellent qunlitiea, and that no Far mer should lie without it. For the purp'.iee of finding out still further how far oul jililly celebrated CATT1.F. I'OWDKIl, is entitled to the confidence of an intelligent people; we hnva uildrenseil liners to all lairls of the t'uileil Stales, where our Pow der hna been used, nnd we are able now from the e idi uce thua brought laifore us, to assure every Fnrmer, Oiary mmi und llurae-mnn, that it hna thua fur vciy much ex ceeded our most sanguine expectations. Willi the aililiti knowleilge thua fnr obtained. We Ilors we will be enabled lo make the best and most per fect Cattle- Mkiiicinb .ever yet ofiered to a discerning people. It acta aa a valualile promoter of digestion. In,, nrovea the uunlitv of the IiIinmI and thus increases the amount of eilher Fat, Milk and consequently of Batter Kven m the healthy Animal Beware of Counterfeits as ths extensive sale of our Powder hns induced otheis to make su imitation of it, laeh pack has our written Sigunture on the end. ' iiuvivu; r.-iiiiN.'i-fii.'i ii a rr The "Philadelphia M.ilunlny Oazetie," the best family news:iiei niiblished in tiie United riutles, the editor s.i)s in j J)t htniflmid's German Bitters. "It is seldom i,. wo recommend what me termed Pa tent Medicines, to me .onliitenee and petitionee of nnr readers; nnd, theiei'ore, hen we recommend ir. Iloof Innd's tjcrinnn Hitlers, we wis il to be distinctly under stood thill we me not apctikiug of the nostrums of the day, thnt are noised about for a biiefperiial cud then for- f:ouen nfiei they linved me their guilty race of mischief, nit of u medicine t inr established, universally prized, ami which hns met the hearty npprovnl of tiie Faculty ilself." 1'Widenee upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) fiom nil eectious of the I'liiou, tha last thrift yeara, nnd the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is moie of it used in Ihe practice of the regular Phy sicians of Philadelphia, than all other ii'islrums combined, a fact that cnu easily be established, nnd fully proving that a aeientifie prepuinriou will meet with their quiet npprovul when presenied even in this form Thnt this niediciti- will cure l.iver Complaint and Dys pepnia, n i one eaniloutit, nl'ler usin:? it iih ilireeted. It nets speiMlicnnv n;.ou l nc Fl'-nnc'i anil lli ei it is preiirntnie to ealoinc! in all liilll Mis discuses the etlcct. is iiniueiliiite. They eun he ii.tiuiiiiKLcretl to I'emnle iir Im'ant with aulety mill reliable bun lit, nt any lime. BKWARF. OF TioUNTURFKlTS. This nieilieiiie )i:is nt niiied that high eharacier which is ncee.e:iry lor nil uii.ilieiue? lo ;il lain to induce eouiltel iV-ilcrs to put f irth a spurious aiticlc at Ihe risk of the lives of those nre inn n-i.-ntly dc.i.nvcil. UIOIC WIW.I.Tl) Till", MARKS OF TIIF. OKNI'INI. They have 11." written sisunluie of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrnoper, nml Hie name iihiv.-ii in the iKillle, with our which 1hev nre i i ni i. .us. For wale, wliolesalc unJ relail, at the Gennnn Medicine Store, No. ISO ARCIf Street, one door Mow Sixth, (lute of 2? Itnce street.) Pbilc-li lphci, and by respectable dealers I generully throughout Itio country. piuci'.s Ri-:ii:rr.D. To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the advantages of tueir gieat reatornlive powers. Single liollle, 75 cents. Amo: For Kile by il. M asskr, Sunbury, and M. A. M 'Cat. N 'rl hn ' iiherland. August D'l. I Si I ly. F n r r x R r d n e r it . Office of the Phita. If Reading Railroad Co Philadelphia, March 20, Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.') isTVN and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will t.jr be run euch way, dully, between 1 hiludcl phia and 1'ultsville MUHXTXG LIXE. Leaves Philadelphia at 7l A.M., daily except ounihiys. Leaves Pottsvillc at 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTER iYOO.V LTNE. Leaves Philadelphia at 3$ o'clock, daily, except sumlavs. Leaves Pottsvillc at 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsvillc, $2.70 lotf VTTfs and S'i.2.r) 2d class cars. I,. "fin Philadelphia nud Heading, $1.75 1st class cars and l I.'!.") SJd class curs. Depot in Philadelphiu, corner of Droad and V lite B'.reels. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. -r-'ifty pound of bngsage will beal lowed to each passoinicr in these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited front taking any thing as bngijiure but their wearing apparel, which will be at Ihe risk of it owner. liy order of the lumrd of Manii'rers. S. DKADKOni), April 10, 1831. Secretary. A CAIt TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Ihe Cabinet Ware Itootn of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Sqtiare, Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thankful for the patronage of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their favors. During: this period h has endeavored to keep up Willi the improvements of the dav, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public ar therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CABI1VKT WARE AND CIIAmSr MANUFACTl'nr.n BT SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Wand, Where In addition to their foTmer stock of tils' establishment they now manufacturs' Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, Large Spring Scat Rocking ChairSf Dressing Bureaus, Centre. Tables, Mtrble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und V: Ii i o n a ! I c F u rn i I lire. Having secured a Hearse and nintlo the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, li this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mnidf and mistresses, and huslmnds too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side hoards down to kitchen tnbles, From roeliinit chairs to locking cradles Phould yon not have the ready Johs to pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter better day, Or take potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and rye; . Burk, hoop poles, stnvea, or lumber wet snd dry, Or any thins: but yokes and threshing flails, Fioin pigs and turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trude a moving, so "goes on the laill." ITi?" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf Philadelphia, July 46, 1851. ly. DCCTOB, YOTJF.SELF FOR 25 CENTS. TY MEANS OF THE POCKET jESCULA- PIL'S, or Every one his own Physician! TuinTi kixth edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings, showing private dis ease in every shape and form, and mall'iirnialiuus of the generative system, II. V lr W m Youner. The time has now arri ved, that persons suffering from secret diseases, need no more become the victim or afAiKKav, as by the prescriptions contained in this book, ! any one may cure himself without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, nnd with one-tenlh tho usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, il fully explains the cause of manhood's early de cline, with observations on ninrriiige besides many other derangements which it would not be proar to enumerate in the public prints. IV Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy nf this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dit. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. ICT" Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his different publica tions, at his Ollice, 152 Spruoe Street, every dny between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June S, 1852. ly. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. rE'MIE MISS WEITZEL'S respectfully inform l the Public that lliey still continue to enter tain travellers and others nt their old established stand in Market street, west of tho Court House. Their long experience in ihe business, and Ihe well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sitfiicient guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March S, 1851 tf. AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. MRS. MARY WEAVK.R respectfully informL the public and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 851 It jf OLD PENS with and without cases, of a x3M very suiarior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of ritiug 1 nml, for sale by II. 13. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 1851. II AND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. riunbury, fob. 14, 1852. 1M.ANK Parchment Paper Deeds snd blank - Moitgages, Uouds, Executions, Summons, cVc. for Bale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury A) ril 26, 1851. rOLD PENS with and without silver cases just received, and for sals bv H B.MA6SKR funbury. Anril 1851 WM. M'CAUTY, B O O K 8 K L L i: R , Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. TUST received and for sale, s fresh supply of F.VAeVGELIGAIs Rll'SIC for Singing Schools. He is also opening ot this time, a large assortment of Hooks, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Kngravings, and every of vuri etv of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. I ravels, oynges and Adventures, all ot which will be suld low, cither for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1852 tf. LAWRENCE HOUSE. CUNEURY, FA. PI 'HE siibscrilier respectfully informs her friends il nud the public generally, thnt ahe bus taken the uhove well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J, C. Per kins. She ti lists that her experience in business, and her efforts to lnal.n her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 If. Ncmv Millie Just Published. EE .t WALKER, No. ICS Chesnut st arc constantly publishing and receiving, new and beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The following list contains some of their choi cest and most popular Songs, Wull.cs, Polkas, &c. Now, thou art Gone, a beautiful song, words by Thomas J, Diehl, music by Hunibriilge. My New England Homo, words nnd inusie. by Mrs L. Wade. Grobc's Omnibus: hy C. Grobe a collection of Duelts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. Gu ng'l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All the Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worn sey. Guardian Angel, by the author of "Love Not." Household Words, written by Chas. Young, do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic by Horr. LEE cV WALKER have constantly on hand, sujierior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated fiuitars, which together with a fine as sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan dize in general, comprise a stock not to lie sur passed by that of any other establishment in the country. LEE & WALKER, 1152 Chesnut street, Swaim'e Building. Philadelphia, June 28, 1851. ly. ISO i: TV Is AM) AND PENSION AGRNCT.' The attention of the public is called to the ad vertisement of Mr- CIiutIcs C Tucker, Attorney and Agent at AVashigton City- Persons hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the subscriber has made arrangements for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at his ollice, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by hiin be properly attended to before the De partment there. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 Ynltiulvtu PROPERTY FOR SALE. fl'IIE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, JL oilers for sale tho following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large BRICK BUILDIIta l-S- in iiotipr Millnn f.irnmrh nncnnieil 1,1, II ' J .v,--- "J Mcr svs Tn Iters. ms ns a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is fill feet front on upper Market street, and -10 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two slory MUCK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is Gil feet front, and 150 feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms by ap plying either to JACOB C.MililGAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFINGKR, Esq., Milton or II. I!. MASKER, Esq , tsunburv. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 tf. I' II 1 I, A ! i: I, V II 14 MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO BY mi. KINK EUN, AT. If. Corner of Third and Union Streets, BKTWEKN PPUl'CE AND TINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. "7IFT15KN YKARS nf extensive and uiiintfrruntect practice spent tit tins city liuve reuilcrcit lr. K. th iinwt expert nml fucreuiul practitioner lar Bin) near. in the treiittiiuitt all diseasim nt a private nature. Person! alflk'teri with ulcers upu the IxHly, thn ml, or legs, pains m the heuitor bones, meteurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, itiHWise arising from youlhhill excees or impurities of th hlootl. whereby the constitution hus become enfeebled, art all treated witli success. He who places himself under the rare nf Dr. K., may re ligiounly confide in his huttor us u geutlemun, and eoiibileul ly rely upon bis skill us a physician, TAKK PAltTlCl-LAIl NOTICE. MAEBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP Gli.VVE STONES. rlHE subscriber informs his friends sud the public, that he continues to curry on tbe Marble Uusiness in all its branches, ut his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to ninnu- faelure Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and st the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and German in the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, &e., always on hand. N. 11. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same at the ollice of the "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. . , J. II. ZIMMERMAN, ji siim: or nn: l'Uicr., Sunbury, Pa. Office ill Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public Sellout House. ft?" Mi mil's collected und ail basilicas promptly ami care fullv nlleniltnl tn. April SO, 1850 SgATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and imlellible ink, Cotton yarn and luiis, just received and fur sule bv J. W. FPvILING. USTICES' FEE BILLS For sale by J H. I). MASSER. Sunbury, lM ILEYVSr COVGH CAHDY. An excel. lent remedy (or eouf lis. colds. For sale at this efllca JOHN A. II A 11 It 1 S , Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestio Segars, Also, a general assortment of I.rnf & Kin ii ii Tact ii red Tobacco, C10X8TANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar 1 ket prices. Corner of Chestnut Su, and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 87, 1851, ly. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GEU, s fresh supply just received, and for sale by U. B. MASSEIi. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. ' WM, G. IKASON, Engraver and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do ENCiltAVINti and PP.INT INU, ill all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Ilusiuess Cards, Ball Tickets, Wutrh Papers, Labels, Kill Heads, fSotes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals snd Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sous of Temperance, &c. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848. CJTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kaisins, Al inonds, P uncs and Cream Nuts. Planes of ull kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for salo by JOHN W. FHI1.1NU. Sunbury. Dec. 29, 1649. BOOKS and Gold Pens, On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold iens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this office. NO CURIi NO P.VY1 Hughes' Fever and Ajpio Pills!! PEUFECT and speedy cure for tho Fever und Ague is guaranteed to any ono who may u-e the Pills. They have been used fur Ihe iif seven years and have never been known to fail in a single instance and in eases, too, where pcr-Miis have had the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor chuih litres Ihe world to produce un mliclo that will euro in us shoit a time, witliinil leaving any deleterious elici ts from the u-eul'it. U' the Pills do not perform u speedy nnd perfect cure, the proprietor '.will return the money. For sale by Jacob iS. Lawrence. Minorsv ille ; E. Hull'en stein, Trevmtun ; S. 1!, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven j John W. Fitting, Sunbuiv; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. Beekly, Danville j JuhnSharpless, Cattawissn i Dr. Judd, Williams port j J oli ii liuser, Milton, and by respectable Uruggists ttiroimiiuui the .Mate. J. CI.HT1S C. Hl tillES, Proprietor. Poltsville, June 2S, 1831. ly. SILVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices tiy Sunbury, April 12, 1851. II. B. MASSER. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID snd Adhe sive and lf ! envelopes, for sale by II. B. MAS8ER. Sunbury, nrt 10, 1852. ' NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES An excellent article, for sale at hall tho usuul price by J- W, FiflLLNG, Sunbury, July 7. 1819- CH INGLES. Joint and Lap Shingles, of first 3 rate quality, for sale by JOHN YOl'NO. Punbury, Dee. 50, 1851. if. "HT7" ENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS TENINGS A cheap and excellent arti clo lor fastening sush for sale hy J. W. FRII.INO Sunbury, July 7, 1819. "ITURSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and ' nipple tulies- A supply of these useful arti- cles lust received and lor sale liy JOHN W FRILING Sunbury. Jan. 18. 1R51 tf ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of Ibis . ccellent article for Tetter, Ac, jusl received and for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury. July 28. 1849. rpEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin Tea company, s "j J. W. FRILING. 8unbury, Dec 2. 1848 MAY RUM-An eicellent article for sale BS b - HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. 87. 1849 tf. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKHCIIANT, No. fi, North Wharves, . Where tho following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, &c, Green Apples in Barrels or by Ihe Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts. Ground NutsT Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, Grnpes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Douiestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES.". rMIE subscrilier takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of honp and Candles, ol the best quality, at No. 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia, They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a cull as they will find it tn to their advantage in dealing with him for articles in their line. E. DI'FFY & SON, 44 Filbert above 9th. Daccmber 20, 1851 tf. Vouiift Men who have injnreit themselves by a certain pnictlce indulged in a liuhit frequently learned from evil cumpaiiMiii or ut school the elfi-cls u whii-h are sightly ten, even wneu osieep, sua tii-siruy notli mind nud lusly, siti.utd apply immediately. WciIoichs and c'linsilutiunal duhility I ss of mnwnlur energy, pli)-sieiil lussitmte and gen eral pr.-slruti'iil. initutitlily nml sll nervous affeetiuill, llidi- pi'Riuii. HiiiiiKomiH-iiii oi me uvei, nun every utseascin any wny conneeleil wilh tiie disorder ot the procreulive func tions cured, nml full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. RINfiEI.IN on Self Tri serration. ONLY 25 CENTS. This II "o'li. just pulilisliedis filled with useful iiiformntion on the infirmities und ilisenses nf the fii-neriitive tlrimns. It nildressi-s ltti.ll alike to Vol "I'll, MAMlOOl) nnd OLD A 1 . 1 1, nml Kli'iulil tie rend by till. Tiie v:ilaalile iidvii'ii nud impressive wantinir it gives, will pivvent ii-ursi.f misery und suffering und isivs auiiusl. ly TtMiiHUints of Lives. I'nri nts l y r.-.nluir ii will leurii how U prevent ths des truction of their children. A remittance nf 95 cents, enclosed in a letter, ad rtri-siil to Ult . KIMf.KI.IN. N. V. corner ofTiilllDt UNION Slreels, between Spruce k. l'llie, I'hihidelphia, will ensure n h ink, under envelope, per nium of mail. IVrsons st a ilislnuce mny luklress l)r. K. by letter, (post paid.) mid lieeuri'd ut Irime. PACKAIiKS OK MKIllClNFS, DIRF.CTIOXS, ., forwarded hy si-ndiiitr a remittuuee, and put up seems from DAM AfiF. or I THIOSTY. Ilii'ik-srllers, New Agents, Pedlars, Canvassers, snd si others supplied wilh the ulsive work at very low rates. pepieiuuer o, looi. ly. IIISSL'L' PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for J covering glasses, &c, for sale at Ihe ollice of tbe American. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchors, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. 1 KlI.l.NfJ. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. EXTRACT C just received Puce 25 cents. riunbury, Ju'y IS, 1851. CF GINGER.- aud for sale -A fresh supply at litis ollice. m M LAN K NOTES, waiving the exemption D 9 law of $3(10, for sals by April.86. 1851. U. B. MA8PER. "PATE1TT lEDICJUTES. Orcen s Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townscud's Sursaparilhl. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swiy lie's fyrup of Wild Cherr Swayno's Vermifuge. Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullcn's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. lloolland'a lierman Bitters." Indian Vegetable Pills Morse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 181. Valuable nooks, fIFE or Christ, handsomely bound, D'As J Hunt's HisTour or the Rkfum nation. Bi.akk Dat-books ivu Lkiic kus, full bounded. For sule at the publishers prices by H. B. MASSF.a 6unbury, July 14, 1849 J silk II ATS at ''i5, (oi sale by H. MASSER. huubury, l)tt AU 848. J A TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bsr bottles lor sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 YVnilTlXG FLUID anil self soaUng Enve lo)es, just received and for sale hy April 1. 1851 H. B. MASSER. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be had by ap .tying at the office of the American. DADD8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MAH-SFB Muubury, Jan. S7th, 1849