Kiln.: ,, EPITAPfl. If . I ?l"npn on the Tomb-Btone erected tiiyer tlia Marquis of AngWaea'n lp; Umt in I lie battleor Waterloo, .Atciibed lo Hun. George Canning : . Here rests end lei no laucy knave Presume lo sneer and laugh, To learn' that mouldering iu the grave la laida B itish ralf. . For he who writes these lines Is sure J, , .That those who read the whole, Will find such laugh was premature, For here too lies a sole. lAn'l Vre five little ones repose, Twin bom with oiher five, Unheeded by their brother toes, Who all are now alive. A leg and font, to peak more plain, '- ' Rest hpreof one commanriin;, .Whn, thtumh his wits he might retain, , Lost half his understanding. . - ' . 1 And whffn the Ron with thunder fraught Poured bullets thick ns hail, Could only in this way be taught To give the foe leg bail. And now in England, just as gay As in the battle brave, ., Goes to a rout, review or play With one foot in the grave. Fortune in vain here showed her fpite, For he will etill be found, Should Eticland's sons eugase in fight, Resolved to stand his ground. , But fortune's pardon I must beg, She meant not lo disarm ; For when she loro'd the heio's leg, - She did not seek his hurrn ; ' And but indulged a harmless whim, Since he could walk with one ; She saw two legs were lost on him Who never meant lo run. A STRING OF ITKMS. t ' - . Least said, the soonest mended. Forget injuries and remember benefits. The thinking man hnth wings ; the nctina man has only feet and hands. , Happiness is promised not to the learned, but lo the good. Out West. Daguerreotype establishment on wheels, , . . , To curb Deafness. Tell a man you've come to pay him money. No less than aix steamboats leave Albany for New York daily. Fare 50 cents. We are .acquainted with a couple whose domestic afl'aira have reached a cry-sis. s Ten States were represented in the Bible Convention at Memphis. It is said the Trenton Mutual Life and Fire Insurance Company has failed. Barnum is going to exhibit in the New York Crystal Palace when it is finished. Opium is used to a great extent iu this country, as a stimulant. A Anomaly. Some persons are misera ble if they ain't miserable. A chad weichinii lourteen pounds, nas been caught in the Delaware. The Delaware Biidge at Eiston wai struck by lightning on Monday without in An iron tubular railway bridge has been erected over ahe river Wye, ut Cocpslow, South Wales. A young blood of Boston having been ar rested by an officer for rioting, threatened to tell his father : ' ''Good humor is the blue sky of the soul, in which every star of talent will shine more clearly." The Grand Jury of Hunterdon Co., N J., . recommended the construction of a work shop in connection with the county jail. t An advertisement in a newspaper is like a circle, in the water continually spreading itself. Throw your "rocks" in and try it The storms of adversity are wholesome ; though like snow storms, their drifts are not always seen. - , . Jenny Goldschmidl and her husband were anions Kossuth's audience ut Nor thamplou, a few day since. The editor of th New Orleans Pica yutie had a mess of greeii com oil the 20th iust. The Chinese have a saying that an un lucky woid dropped from the tongue cannot be brought back by a coach and six horses, ' Which can smell a rat the quickest, the man who knows the most, or the man with ii:e most nose 1 The sermons preached in a single year in the United Slates would fill a hundred and twenty millions of octavo pages. CtfOLERi An Irishman, iust arrived a - Cincinnati, from Liverpool, via New Orlean died of Asiatic cholera lust week in the Cin cinnali Hvspital. Wht is it easier to ba clergyman than physician 1 Because it is easier to preach than to prac , lice. An Irib auctioneer, in a recent handbill advertises for ale, a large quantity of o paintings,' 'by some of the ancient masters " of the slay. ' Judge Wills, of Maine, has given an opin en that there can tw no power delegated t aay Mate to its authorities that will sustai Ike destruction liquors. NtvtTT-ciOHT Town in Maine have vo ted to sustain the Liquor Law ; twenly-n gainst it ; and seen were divided or equ vocal. ,i A train of forty-eight ears, laving board 500 fat cattle, mm Cumberland conn y Jsed Ihrouga Lancaster, p., -few cays ago. . ,. Question. 1 am about courting a girl I have but little acquaintance with j how nail I come to a knowleJge of her faults I Answer Commend her among fcer fe M mule acquaintance. CUASS. DRUGS, PAINTS, &c, UllOMSiLC AND n IT A 1 1.. rpHE Philadelphia Window Glass Ware house, and Drag, Paint, Yarnish, Oil and Color Store, " Nos. 33 and 35 North Fourth Strut, 1 J East side, has the largest assortment of WindoW, Picture, Ooach,' ;ase, Hot-House, and othef ' , "GLASS, in the city comprising upwards of 19,000 dif ferent sites, ranging from the smallest sire, up to 38 by 60 inches of Sheet, and as Urge as 5 by 7 feet of Plate Class, including English Crown, French, Herman and American, both.' ; Single and Double Thick. Also, a large assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights, Bulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having a heary stock on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, anil on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead l Paint, Varnish, of ev. ery description ; Turpentine Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw i Pair.t Mills; Putty) Brushes; Dye Woods, Ac, Ac, Ac. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUG'S AXD MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAGUE. Nos. S3 & 35 Nuitli 4th Su, E. Side. April 10, 1S.")2 ly. CHISAl' M ATCHES, JEWELRY AXD SILVER WARE. A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! Twenty per cent, at least less than ever have been suld in the United Slates ! GOLI jew OLD LEVER WATCHES, full led, 18 knrat case i:mdlv sold fur $35. only $30 GOLD LEPINE WATCHES, 18 ka rat rase, jewelled, " 24 SILVER LEVER WATCHES, full jcwellcJ, " 14 Usually sold fur $'18. SILVER LEPINE WATCHES, jew elled, 10 SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half do zen, " 3 OLD PENS, Silver Holders, " 1 Persons wishing a Watch or watches, or Jcw- lry, can have them sent by mail, with perfect iilcty, to any part of the United States or West nines, by lirst sending the amount of money. All articles warruutcd as represented above. Or ders from the country respectfully solicited. 1 lease sililrcss post pant. J LEWIS LA DOM US, 103 Chestnut St., East Wing of tho Franklin House. 13s California Gold bought, or manufactured into Jewelry. Philadelphia, March 20, 1S52 3m. HARMSBUHGr BOOK BINDERY. F. L. IIUTTEH &, CO., Surcrss ws l W. O. Hickok, uml llirkk k Cnntine. BOOK BINDERS, STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. The subscri!crs respectfully infttrm thrir friends nd the public, thnt thov nre now riirrvintr on the nhovc lui.sinrss at the OLD STAND occimird hv Ilickuk & Co. They Uattnr themselves thnt hv rarrful attpntiun to lmnine.s, thry will n;rit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber- II y enjuved Lv the old firms. I'articiibr attention will he paid to the ruling nd binding of every description of bluiik hotk8 fur bunks, county olTicea, merchants and private ndividualtt, and every variety of full and half bound blank books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, Vc., bound in any pattern nnd iu any style required. In addition t the above, they have, and will t nil times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY", consisting of cltcr Paper, Knives. ;ii " (mills. SlatfB nnd Pencils. lVml Pencils, letter Sunups, J nd m Rubber. WntVr, Iter) Tiipe, Itlnnk Cards. Dr.iwiiiir t( Inkstanilrt, nuiKitr " Moitti Waicrs, iiv it ijr 14 Murk Ink. Hl'ittnur, " Sealing Wuz. Stct-I Hens, Btue Ink, urntine Ink, i 'pvnt? I nK, Mrr, Aiii'hu ruing I luiil, Lmmrei, itc. f Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war- anted and done very cheaply. r. L. H UTTER & CO. March 13, 1352. tf. SAVE YOUR MONEY. cutitLES v. i ni;i;i4V & 10., (LATK FRKKMAN, HOUGKt CO.) MPOltTKUS AND JOHUUKS, 144 Broadway, One door South of Liberty St., New York, HA VK now on liaml, uisl will le receiving daily tlirourh i the eywtii. New G khU, direct f nun the Kuropuin 1 ntiiimrncturers, uud ensh AtictiiHit, rirli. Oishinnnble, fancy Silk Miilitierv OtKxii. Our ork nf Hit-h Kittltiis. roin- prirk'i evrry variety uf tiiu latest und most beautiful designs uiiniriuj. Aluiiv of our whhh nre miiiinrartiiriil expressly to our order, from our own designs nnd pHttrns, and stand unn- v a iitu. e nr mir pmkis tr neti i.umi, at luwer prices than any credit llmifte iu Amrricu can Blford. All purrtmsers will find tl eriiily to their interest to re serve u Tin m of their umut-y mid make selections from our ureal variety of rich cheap p!. KioImiiis rich for rfrnniets, Lups. Sashes nnd Kelt. Uonuet SilLs, Sat ins. ('mpes, l.iwwsnnd Tarletinis. JiultroiderirSt 0lhirs, ("heiniHetls, t'nies, Herlhus Ilaliits. Sleeves, CulTn, Kdinpg, ami liiRertiitfrs. KuiUrtxdred Itevierv, lice, and II emit itch Cambric llfindkerchiefi. HMinU. llliisittns, and Fnihrnidercn Iices for Cnps. r.inltroiilcreil I jwvk tor Sim wis, Mninill s. oiirt Veils. Honitoi), Meclileii, Vuleiicieni'S. utid Brussels leei. Kncush and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle Threutl, aiid Cnimn (jicefl. Kid, Lisle Thrcnd, Silk, and Sewing Silk. Gloves, and Milts. French and Americnn Artificial Flowers. French Ijhib, F.nlioli. Ameriiu. and Italisa. ii......... ... i 'iv;....i... Now Voik, Murch ), IVii .1m. AVM. I'CARTY, UUOK8KLLKR, Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. TUST reccivcj anil far sale, a fresh supply of F.VAXGELICA1L ItUSIC fur Singing Schools. Ho is nlno oprning ut this time, a htrge assortmrnt of Uuoks, in every branch ol Literature, consisting ot I'oetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Hooks, Ilihics : School, Pocket and Family, both with and without Kngrnvinirs, and every of vari ety of Uinding. Pruyer Books, of all kinds. Travels, V ova (tea and Adventures, all ot which will be sold low, either for ctih, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1852. -tf. J. I. DITTEIUCH, iVe 78 North id St., between Arch and Itact St., PHILADELPHIA. HEREBY informs the public thnt tie imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new store, No. 78 North Sd St., a lurge assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures Sf Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Accordeons, Violins, Music Boies, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodeons, Seraphinei, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, Oold and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En graving, and pictures of every variety. Also (Jilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes. Dealers, Country Merchant and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 80, 1851, tf. . - ! MACKKKKL, 811AU, CODFISH, , SALMON. HBK1UXU8, TOliK, H AMtS AXU fclDES, SHOL'LDEHS. Constantly on hand . i and fur sale by J. PALMEB&Co., Market Kt. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. LARD AND CHEESE, J March 3,'M-2m SMITH'S L.sisEXCE OF JAMAICA GlX. OEK, i'ii'i-U supply just received, anil for sale by U. D. MA8SER. Huubury, ):u 10, 1852. SUNBUIIX AMERICAN S H AM U TyIjOTJjRN AL. 1 " I "AID AND COMFORT,". -' i 1 o Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE RENN, , iir MANUFACTURER or , . . FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rTlIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his lerg and splendid assort, ment of every quality and price of AIll NET-WARE. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany . Sofas, Divan and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE- " STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbiiry, such as Maiioaxt, 15 lick Waijtct xn Cchlkii M-trLK Giikcias ; ajiii Wixnsna CHAIRS, ami faxct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shnll lie no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as thry can be purchased elscwhei. Coun try 1'niduce tnjcn in payment for work. ItT L:UEKTAKINti. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkabsk, be is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. It? The Ware Koom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. Phccsix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. mmmm WARRANTED to """' e'lual hfat with ' any other Chests in the country, and to defy the' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear cf the (iimrd Bank. M. 6c. S., the proprietors, ore Practical Mf' rhiinics, nnd feel contiilent, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Sates, and a special attention to this particular branch, of giving satislactiou to nil who may give tnem a call. N. B. W'c have selected one of the best mii: crals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, mid we warrant our Chests and Sites to be made of the best material and in the p.ost durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MILNOR&SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, S of Chcs n ut , in the rear of (Jirnrd Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. 85, 1S51. ly THIS GERMAN WASHING POWDERS considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of the World! Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES upon tub WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many are trying to palm oil' article put up like mine.) the Proprietor, I. P. HOYT, will put his WRITTEN SIGNATURE on the top la lrel of every Package. And he only asks an enlightened public not to confound THE GI'ICVIAX WASHING I'OWDtRi with others that are in the market. It is put up in Package with full directions, and sold at the nominal price of IS cents, nr PRINTERS will find it greatly to advan tage to purchase tnoso Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT. at his I.nlmrtitorv and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholuule and Retail Agents ; Henry Mosser, Sunbury ; S. B. Dcnoriiiandie, Northumberland. Remember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November 22, 18A1. Gino. E. S. JONES & CO., CORNEK of FourlU atul Kace Street. 1ul lishers of the Model Architect, hv HAMUEIj SLOAN, Architect, to he completed in 34 month ly part. The ahove work is designed to meet the wishes lint only of those directly intc rented iu hiiildiugx, hut of all who desire the advancement ot tins no- hlu art in our country, and wish to cultivate their t listen am) acquaintance with architecture. The hunditome manner in which it prepared and emMIUhed, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the hitcheat practical value. i os. 1 tfc 3 now ready for delivery. race 50 cents iter number. Address as above, post paid May H, 1851. ly. Dec. 20, 1851. J O II JN A. II A It It I S, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, general assortment of Leaf & .ManuCii lured Tobacco, i10XSTAXTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and harves, IMiiladelphm. December S7, 1851 ly. OLD l'EXS with and without esses, of a ft very superior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by 11. 15. MASSEK. Sunbury, Dee. S7, 1851 . 4 KXOLD'S WHITING FLUID and Adhe sive and le(jl iivelopes, for sale by II. D. MASSES. Sunbury, nf 10, 1852. ' HAND DILLS neatly printed on new type nromutlv executed at this olHca. Alto blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1852. T)LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgage, bonds, Liecutione, Summon Ac. for cale by H. O. MASSER. Sunbury, April 56, 1851. r YF.GETARL.E CATTLE POWDER fH EPA P. CD BY DREINIG, FRONEFIELD & CO. .iVo,;i87 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 'PHIS powrfw it wtitled by the imltwl tflstlmotrf nf 1l ' whn rmv ,ttr1 U to the first rank of nil tluws CAT-ThP.-mR1ICKNt:i, Which tmvfl been thought ptalee worlhy fir many yoars. .mired w ehftllenire any persnn Ut mnka a m.perior, oi aay powdrr thnt self in the snrne mamier. lrtlMStiirrtu) be perfectly hmllhv ft will either inrrrane tbe anwHint of milk or ream ana butter I or the animnl will Improve rapidly In fat. It will therefore in time be considered we have no doubt one of theetapleerti clea of every Farmer, who keepe m diary and of every person owning hnrse. It is not one of those kind fl. MtxTtrftvs that merely swell an snhnsl up for a sliott time, Imt it will by the capacity which it has of converting HIPPUKIC ACID (which la an effete matter) into !.(- Tic acid or; cnusea greater amount of nutritions mnuer to n extracted irtim the nine amount oi loon, tnau pomihly could Im, were the active principles of nutrition tn mas out of the avstrm in the form nf Hiprraic AciT We have received a mull mule of evidence to prove what we have sniil nbve. ?tilhre to sny : Wt have mixtnl the nnive mrent. with a arent number of Vrgktapi.k plinitsand hrrbs, which time and use hnve proven in lie nsctul, imiirovmir the appftite ana onmvmnt (ligrstimi of the to tl : thus securing a healthy condition of inc ihoki, tTim whirn the ami Fat must ne mrmea It may be used for 1 loams, Cowe and lloos for the fwl low ing complaints and diseases. HORSES. YKLIaOW WATER, a daiwernoa sickness, which de stroys inn ii y vn I hi i ble htases every year, is very oftni entirely cureti iy inr tree use ot tuts powaer, in an cases it will prevent the disease itom coming on. This (listHne is owning to a bad nnd impoverished state of the blood which becomes thin, watery and of all yellow color. Tins powder by improving, the stomach and givmsr to the bliwtd a guaiter quuutily uf red particles, nlVirds the lHt oml only possible chiiuee of recovery. If the li'irse is inr g me, give morning and uiiiht a tnbluspoonful iu win feed, if in the iM-ginniug once a duy at noon, it only to pre vent cue oisrnsr twice a week. HI.ABHKIt.INti. This is the ruination of many valua ble Horsi'i by extcinslioii i bv a cousttnit discharge of stili- vn whieh ought li inttr the stomach to nssirt digesti'in. It is a sjm'pich of Hiilivation olten pnnluced by Indian To I mem growing in the pnsturc ground A Tuhlcnpoonful lhn:e tunes a week will In'ijueiilly arrest the How, if it does not deiend on the Tobacco hi the grs, under such cin'umtntH'f the aniiiml must lie kept iu the stable. lMSTK.MI'Klt. If I he powder is curly and freely used, no other reimily nerd be nseil, it litis olrraily cured huu dreils of Hobpk ol tliis troublesome disease to the nirpriiic of tlnse who used it. If imt used earlv, Itefore mutter hns 1 1 irnied iu the neck it cniinot restore the nuiiiml nerfeetlv until the tun iter is disrhnrged, uwi it early and prevent such a result. A Tublespoonful once or twice a duy is enough. ftl.AXnKK9. This dinmse has Imflled nil Fahbier-. (jive thin powder a fair trial and it will do wonders in this territje and hitherto incurable nmlndy. It is a disease if the srlmtdurul fontem nnd kept un bv imnerlect nutrition. in such ruses a TalileRittHininl everv tlnv twice lor n month or two, in r instant sueremioii, will in nine cases out of a dozen effect a care, it has been fairly tested. coughs mm siiurtneits ol ureatli depending on wenK lungs, u THblejrpooiilul every morning; if it abates out-e or twice a week, POOR UAV-SPlltlTF.D HORSES, or where there is any remains of l-ounder or stillness of motion, and the Horse will not 1 alien, or wheru the hair is roimn una sl iuds siraicht out, the food seeming to do no good, the Powder nr-nlnees ntmont immediate improvement of the animal : the digestion imnroves nnd with it all the slug gishness of the nuinial disappears, becoming lively and spirited, aim the hair smootli una suck. COWS. For Milk I no Cows, we arc fullv convinced that it not only imnroves Die. uu-ility. but that it increases the u mount of Milk, Cream and Butter; some wlio have tried the ex nerimeut s.iy u INnuid a Week, otliers say halt n pound while one person iusiittud upon it ttmt he made two pounds iu re a week from h Cows. We think it will be found to average from a 1 to a pound per week on each Cow, if the Cows are pent 'ly henlthy. This additional uinouut is made by the conversion of the llippuriu Arid into Nitn geuous it i ! f;ttiy r.imp.uuils ; nis i Ly supplying the oxy gen taken in by the Iuii'a, with the elements ol reaction; Without taking any of the Nitroceii'ius portion of the feet I. HOLLOW ilolt.N or WOU- ; HOOK UlKAr., ami all other diseuses of ne;it cattle depending upon n bad state of tin Utlid. lire removed sperdily and rlleclutitly. Cows, whiisemilk is blue, thin and watery and where it dors not yield much cream, or where Cows give bloody milk, or which are used to stand long dry, it will be f.-uud nu almost inf.ttli'ile reuiiily, by improving the rontlilion uf the bltn1 mill er tat nig a healthy digestion ; a Tablespoon ful every day or every other day as it may be necessary. HOGS. Pigs in the summer often overheat themselves, get swel led necks, coughs, ulcers in the Lunus und Liver, which cause them to die very suddenly, these may Ire prevented entirely by pulling a pound or a half into u Uiirrel of swill ; nnd it will ut the same tunc considerably hasten the fatten ing process. N. H In .animal which is giving milk and you are desirous to fatten ut the same time, you should n t give more than a taliU-sptiiful once a week or it will rutaidtlie formation of fat by increasing the amount of Milk. Let ear! person try its elleets for himself and he wit s ton be Kitiued of its excellent qualities, und th"t uu Fur iner should be without it. For the purpose of fiudine out still further how far oui justly relehmted CATTLE POWDHU, is entitled to the roiitidciu-e of an iuieliigent people; we have addressed liners to all parts of the Lulled btutes. where our Pow der has been useil, and we are able now from the evidence thus brontrlit before u, to assure every Farmer, L)iary man and lforxeiimu, that it has thus far veiy uiueli ex reeded our most Kin-uiiie expetationh. kisiwledtre thus fnr obtained. We HtiPE we will be enabled to make the bent and most per fect Cattle Mkuicink ever yet offered to a disrerniiur pe iple. It acts as a vs limbic promoter of digestion, im proves the tpiulitv of the blKl and thus inerenses the amount of either Fat, Milk and consequently of U utter liven m the healthy Animal lie ware nf Counterieita as the extensive sale of our powder h:is induced otheis to make an itnitnlitai of it sucu puck bus our wriitm n;iiiiinre n ihr emi. Philadelphia, July 0, lr5t. ly. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP GltAVE STONES. rfUIE sulisi-rilx-r informs his friends snJ the J- lilllilir. thnt hn pmitililli'S trt rnrrv Ml tho Marlile Uiisincs in all its brandies, at Ins old stand in Milton, l a., and is irourcJ to manu farture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and at the lowest liriies. Jx-tler tuttiinr, l.nirhsli and Uerman in the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, tirave Stones, &e.. aluavs on hiuid. i. u. uroer lor tne r.ast snie ot tlie river promptly executed by leaving the same at the ollice or the "hun'iury American. ANTHOXY HirP. Milton, May 10, 1051. Witt. G. IttASON 1n riMMi vrf r t I Tin tor, IJII,.! un. I 14. 11 x No. 40 Chestnut Street, ahove Second, FHILADCLPHIA. f S prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT ISO, in all their branches, Weddini;, Visiting and Uuxincts I. arils, liall 1 ickeU, atch Papers, Labels, mil Meads INotes, Uliecks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stumps for Corporations, Odd fellows, Masons, Sons ot lemperunce, dec All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! Clocks, WuichKR, Jewellery, Silver Ware, hancy Unous, ficc, Kc. Cl.flCK of every description and qnalil)', 8 Jny nrnn sikI 3 hour C'lK'ka, verv low. Vau-liei of the bent liukers. Tol.ius J.utsoil and Rnlsiisoil (iold nutent Irvers, s line us low as :lo, wnrruiitcd Is karut mMs. snd insured I'ttf J'J in-nllis. h4lver levers hs low as Itt.OU wnrranteil Lepinrs ss low ss l!l.llO warranted, (turner Watches in sreal variety. Jevvfllury ot every decrittisi. liold Ouurd nnd Fob L'liam, lir.iceieis, r.ur ninus, r inter nunrf, lirioches, LiM-kels, Ooid Peust'or V1.1SI, warranted piluts. The siiuseriliel lmvins lust returned from the eastern fuewiries n presued to t'uruisli any article iu his line nf iHislnesi of the latest styles, sun us elieiip ss the same sm elt's can lie sold in the Philadelphia or New York nuirkets. To convince the public of this fact lie invites their utteu. tion and respeetiully sftlieitss call, tio arHikl purtieularly invite the utteulion of ll.lel Pripri tors, and Familiea lo hn extensive asvirlnii'iit of Silver Ware, vis: Tea fcelts, Table, Uesstrt and Tea tivMus, Forks, Indies, &c.. ftc Orders reeeived for any article of Silver Ware executed with promptness, and lu Hie best stvle. A erent vtinet of Kanev O.mnIs, Punier Mache work, sueh us Writu Desks, Port Folios, (ilove lloxes, Odour lioxes, Jtc, &.o. 11 you want lo secure bargains call at K. C ORF.KN next diKir to the Post Office, Centre st , Pottsville, Pa. N U. All kiisls of repairs atteisled to by the best work men. December 7 JM1. 6ia. HINGLES Joint and Lap Shingle, of first -J mta nviiilltv. for sale bv JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1851 tf. iOLD PENS with and without silver cases just received, and for sale bv , H. B.'MASSKR Funhury. AnriU 1851 ITNOll AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale al hall tlie usual price by J W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. U49- JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For sale by 1L B. MASSER. Sunbury, 1851. '2 W1 ILEY'S CQVGU CMNDY. ;ln excel- lent remedy for cough, cold. For sal. at this oflic LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEP.IUTY. DISEASE OF THK KIDNEYS, AND all dirantrs nrisiug frr-m a disordered Hwf or sto mnch, such sseonslipntion, invmrd Piles, Fullness, ot blood to the hend, Acidify of the Stoinnrh. Nnusea, Heartburn, divirust for Food fidlnesa or weight in the Stomach, sour Kmctatious, siiiidnt: or fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, swimminir of the head, hitrrirtland dial cult Wenthiuff, flutterin at the heart, choking or snrTocnting settsatitais when in a Iving posture, Dimness of vision, dotsor webs before the sight. Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eves, pain In the title, back, chest, limbs, Ace, sudden misheanfhent miming in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of spirits, CAN BE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY EOOFLAITD'S t ELI;nn ATED nEIIMA niTTEitn, r.FPAKSD M DR.C. M. JACKSON, . '' AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 130 Arch St., Phllndelphln. Their power over the above diseases Is not excelled, if equalled, by any other prejsirnlion in the United States, ns the cures attest, ill imiuy castas alter skillful physicians hud t'aifok ' - These Hitters are worthy they nttentHui of invalids. Possessing grenl virtues in the reciifiealiim of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exereinirg the most searching powers in weakness and alfmietis of tiie digestive organs, they are, withal, safe, crrlain and plensiuit. From the Boston Bee. The Editor snid, Der. d "Dr. HoorLA.NU's Cklbbrateo Okhmam Bittfrs for the r ii re of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, DysM'psia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservodly one of the most popu lar medicines of the' day. These Bit lei s have I wen used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has him self received an effectual nnd permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the ww of this remedy. We nre itnivinreil that, in tie me of thiwe Hitters, the patient constant iy gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great conside ration. They are plemrnnt in tnse mid sm'ell. and ran be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safe ty, under any eircninstiinees. We are speak ins from ex periencu, and iti the alllicled we advise their use." 'Scott's Weckly," one of tho best Literary papers published, said, Aug. "25 'Da. IL)ofla!u's (iRRMA!t Dittkrs, manufactured by Dr. JacksMi, are n w rer antiirnded by some of the most prominent meiulHrs of the faculty its an article ot inurti ciTicncy in ras.s of female weakness. As such is the cae, we would ndvie nil m it hers to obtain a bottle, nnd thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of detnlila tesl coiiKliluti nis will find thesi Hitters udvautageoiis to their hrulth, mt we know from experience the salutary elfect they have Ujxui week systems. ' More Evidnuc. The "Philadelphia Sattinlay (inzette," the liest family liewsisapei nubhshed in the United Siutt-s, the edibir sns uf J)i liirjflumVs German Bitters. "It is seldom ii i. we reroinmend what are termed Pa tent Medicines, to nie lonhdeiiee unit patronage of our readers; and, theielore, hen we reroinmend )r. Iloof- laud's (uTimtn Bitters, we wis it lo be distinctly under etotnl lint we are not spcakim? of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a hiief perls! end then for. gotten uftei ihey havetl ate their KUilly rice uf mischief, but of a medicine I it? established, universally piizeil, and which has met the hnirly approval of the Faculty itself " Evidence upon eviilenre hns been reeeiveil like the foreiroing) Itom all sections of the Union, th last thre years, initl the str ujrest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used iu the practice of the regular Phy sirians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet willi liicir quiet upprovul when presenteit even in this frm Tluit this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dys pepsia, no one eaiuloubt, after Uf-inz it us ttirected. It acts speeihcallv upon the st urarh and liver it is preflenible to ralomei m nil bilii'tiis diseases the rfltTt in iruuiedinte. They can be udininistereil tt Femnle or Infant with safety und reliable btneht, ut uuy time. BEWARE OF COUN TERFEITS. This medicine h:is nt.niued that hi-rh chit net cr which is uecesRiry lorull medicines touiUnn to induce couuteifciters put lonh a smirioui article ut the risk of the lives of those are innocently den-ived. LOOK WELL TO THK MARKS OF THE GENUINE. Thev have the written si cunturr of C. M. JACKSON pon the wrapiier, and the name blown in the bottle, with ur which thev are sjxui ais. t or sale, wholesale and retail, at the German Medicine Store, No. 120 ARCH Street, one door liel w Sixth, flats of !7B Race street.) Phibdelphia. and by respectable dealers generally throughout the country. PRICES REDUCED. T moltlc nil r!.isieii of invaliili to) ciijuy the advantages of tneir greut ruittirutivo powers. Single Bottle, 75 cents. Amo : For mle 1y II. Mamkr, Sunbury, ami M. A. M'I'ay, Nortlimiilierhnitl. August 3U, laJi ly. UNION HOTEL, SUNEUItY, PA. Blli: MIS.S WEITZHL'S respectfully inform 8. the Public that they slill continue to enter tin travellers and others at their old established stand in Market sin-ill, west of the Court House. 1 heir long experience in the business, und the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sulnctent guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1851 tf. AMERICAN HOUSE," POTTSVILLE, PA. jlTHS. MARY WEAVER respectfully infonnt 1 tlie public and travelling community general- Unit she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. Prom her long experience in the business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with everv tiling conducive to their comfoil and i convenience. ! Feb. 13. 1851 tl IAAVliENCE HOUSE! ! SUNBURY, PA. i MHE .ubscrilier respectfully informs her friends i. and the public generally, that she has taken i tho uIhiv well known stand nearly opposite the ' l ourt House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per- ; kins. She trusts that her ex iierience in business. ' and her cll'orts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who niuy fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851. tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jl 'STICK OF THK I'm IE, Sunbury, Ta. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. (7 Monies collected und ail basiaess nioinntlv and care fully attendttl to. April SO, 1850. HjATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's B writing i laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1818. STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 29, 1849. 1)OOKS and Gold Pen. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this ollice. C1LVER WATCHES.A few double rase English Silver Watches, for sule at very low price by H. 11. MASSt'R. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. ENNEDV S PATENT SASH FAS TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti- clo lor listening sasli lor sale by J. W. FRILING . Sunbury, July 7, 1849. TURSING BOTTLES 13 reast pumps, and ' nipple tubes- A supply of these useful arti- cle jutt received and lor sale by JOHN W- FRILING Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf ITI OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this H excellent article for Tetter, 4 c., just received and for sale ty HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1819. IE AS, from the New York Canton and Pckin I Tea Company. For sale bv le bv J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848 YfeAY RUM. An excellent article for sal. f by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury Jan. tith, 1M tf. BANKNOTE TA BLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. citt or fiiiLAiin.riii4. V. . Hank notes 1', dn All Stilveiit banks - pai COtlSTHT. MASSAC At SETTS. All Solvent Imiiks I dis HIIOUK ISLAND. All solvent Ivinks dit CONNECTICUT. All solvent banks 1 dil aNEW YORK. CITT. Rnnk of Chnmbersburg t dis nuiiK oi uiieairr t;o. pur Hank of Del. Co. Chester par naimoi uertnaiiuiwil Hunk of Grttvsburg Hunk of !wifttwu narlAtl solvent banks I dis 1 dis tF Hk not' i under 5 I dis Hank orMali!lrtiwn 1 dis Montgomery Co Hank par1 coraTST. All solvents banks 1 dis NEW JERSEY. Itclvidere Hank I dil Ctimntercinl Hank 1 dis mink in ioruiumuerrna. tm Hmikof Pittsburg 1 dis iwum oi iHinvuie pnri Fnr. Hank Mont llohy per Carlisle Hunk 1 dis F.A M.,Middletow Pt. p Columbia H'k ft H'trnPnnnr Mechunies' Bk, Newark p"r Meeh. Hk of Unrlinfflon m Mech. ft Man. Bk Trent pnr Morris Co Bank 1 dis Dtiyelsiowu Hunk par Enston H'nik par Eric Hank g dis i.xchanpr irk I'lttsburg disiNewark Hk'g ft Ins. Co dis Exchange B'k, Branch 1 dis'Oraiure Bnnk f ma J dis par pnr dis pnr f dis l urmers' B'k, Bucks Co pnr'Feople's Bk Pattersun Farmers' Bk, Irfincnster pnr' Princeton Bank Farmers' Bk, Rending pariSnlem Bnnkiuv Co, Farm. Bk Schuylkill Co nartSeinerret Co Bunk F ft D. Bk Wnvnesirg lidis State Bnnk nt Camden Franklin Bk. Wiotli'ii ljdts State Bk EliTudiethtou Harrisburff Bunk 1 dis Slnte Bunk ewnrk dis lbmesfkde Ikuik 1 dis State Bk, N. Brunswick par lAiieaster Bank par. Sussex Bank. Newton I dis lieiviiion itauK par1 Mrrrh. ft Man. Bank 1 dis Trenton Bnukiuir Co par rtiitxt Bnnk. Dover i dis .Miners- it k. I'ottsville per! Moiitineaheln ll:mk 1 dis Taylorsv'e Del B'e Co 15 dis West Branch B nik pnr Wyoming Bk, Wilkcsb'e par York Hank, l iliK nrUelief notes l dis MAINE. YnriHevv'left Del Dr Co I5dis t"y"Bk notes under S3 dis 1H-.1..A V Alll'i. Bank of Delnwiire pnr Bank of Smyrna put Delu ware City Bnnk par Hk Wilmtrii Hmmiyw. pat Farmers' Bk St Drbiware par 1'uitin Bank. Wilmington par Bnnkof WbetliK-k .Idis1 Mercniuilr Bk. Bangor 111. lis L wler W" I dis nn s'uveiii nniiKS Ol NEW HAMPSIIIRll All solvent buiks I d VERMtJNT. Bank of St Allans 2 d oiiio. Alt solvent luniks 2 dis C"yHk notes under R s 4 dis NORTH CAHOIJA A. All solvent Ixinks '1 dis All solvent banks J din ICp-Umler.Vs 2$ dis PHILA. AXD READING RAILROAD. M-'MMF.R A H R A N f E M K NT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVILLE. Fare Rfdnrrd. Office of the Phila. ft lleailm Rnilroad Co. Philadelphia, March S, 1851. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) 4"KX and after April 1st, 1851 two trnins will V Jf be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsvillrt Leaves Philadelphia at 7i A. M.. dailv cxccDt S ii nd,i vs. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTER XOOX ..VK. Leaves Philadelphia at 3) o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except Stinduys. FARES, Between Philadelphia nnd Pottsville, $2.75 1st class ears and SJ.25 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading, Sl.73 1st class cars nnd $1.43 2d cluss cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vine Streets. Passrmrrrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of ha-rnagc will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas sengers urc expressly prohibited from taking any thing as batriaae but their wearing apparel, which will he at the risk ot its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 19, lS.'l. Secretary. New Musir Just Pulilislictl. W EE & WALKER. No. 1G2 Chesnut st HJ are constantly publishing and receiving, i.ew nnd beautiful music from tho most distin guished composers. The following list contains some of their choi cest ond most popular Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, &v. Now. thou art Gone, a beautiful sone. words by Thomas J. Diehl, music bv Ilambridge. Mv N pw England limine, words nnd music bv Mrs L. Wade. I (irobe'a Omnibus; by C. Grobo a collection ! j of Duetts. ' j I Sounds from Home, piano und violin, bv Jos. , 1 Gung'l. I Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All the Winds aie Sleeping, by A. S. Worn scy. Guardian Angel, by the nuthor of "Love Not.'" Household ords, written by Chas. Voting, du. The Ailious, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic bv Horr. LEE .V WALKER have constantly on hand, siicrior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated Guitars, which together with a line as sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan dize in geiierul, comprise a stock not to be sur passed by that of uny oilier estnblishinont in the country. LEE & WALKER, Kii Chesnut street, Swaim'e building. Philadelphia, June SS, 1851 ly. xo cum: no p.vyi Hushes' Fever and Ague Pills!! 4 PERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever mid Ague is guaranteed to any one who may use the Pills. Thev have been used for the nrvtu yeart and have never liecn known to fail in a single instance and in cases, too, where persons have hail the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor chalttnsre the world to produco an article that will cure in ns short a time, without leaving any deleterious elleets from tho use of it. If the Pills do not perform a speedy nnd perfect cure, the proprietorwill return the money. For sale by J icob S. Lawrence, Mincrsulle; E. Hclien- stein, I revorton ; X. H, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. Friling, Sunbury ; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. Ueekly, Danville j JohnSharpless. Cuttawissa i Dr. Judd, Williams. port; John Raser, Milton, and by respectable Druggists throughout the State. J. CI RT1.S C. HrGllE.-s, Proprietor. Pottsville, Juno 2S, 1851. ly. TIIOKAS PALMER, COMMISSION' MKHCHANT, No. 6, -VorfA Wharves, Where tho following goods are received and okl on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in barrels or by the bushel, Deans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatot'S, Sweet Potatoes, Shellmrks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs. Prunes, tirapes. Poultry, Egijs, Duller, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1831 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. rilHE (uhscriber takes this method of inform. ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in tlis manufacture of Soap and Caudles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as thry will find it to to their advantage in dealing w ith him for article in their line. E. DI'FKY & SON. 44 Filbert above Sib. Dacemher 50, 1851 tf. MMSSCE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper fo' S covering glasses, eVc, for aale al tlie ollieccf the American. STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, atone Jus and Pitcher., and otlier articles of stone wure just received ,nUforalelT JOHN W. FKIUNG. Sunbury, June S3, 1849. E XTRACT CP GINGEIU A freak supply just received and for sale at tliia olnV. Price 85 cents. hunbury, Ju 1. 1851. KLANK NOTES, waiving the eiemption law of 300, for ale by April S. 1851.- II. B. MAS8ER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS . At the Cabinet Ware Itoom of SEB'N IIOUPT-& CO. , Market Square, Also at tht corner ttf Fmrn street If the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. . Thankful for the pntronapa of bi friends and customers during the 17 years he ha been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their favors. During this period he lias endeavored to keep up with the improvement uf the day, and has accordingly extended hi bust-' nrss in every branch and variety. The public r therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CAMNET WARK AND CHAHtS, Manufactured bt SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of th establishment thry now manufacture Hahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair Lartrt Sprint Seat Pocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Slands, , and a variety of other v . ( new style und . Fashionable Furniture Having secured 1 1 car bb and made the neces sary arrancemenls for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye innids ami mistreeses, mid huslnnds loo, Here's furniture of every style and hoe, From side boards down to kitchen tables, From rocking chnirs to rocking cradles Should you not hnve the ready Jons to pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter better aay, Or take potatoes, oats, com, wheat and rye j ltnrk, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails, Fiom pigs snd turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the !mll.H ft?" Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf BOl!,TY lsAD AM) PENSION AGENCY. The nltenlioti of the public is called to the ad vertisement of Mr. Charles C Tucker, Attorney and Afrent at 'Washigton City. Persons hav ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed that the stiliscribcr has made arrangement for the requisite forms, and claimants culling at his olfiee, can have their papers prepared ami forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, and by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. II. B. MASSER. Sunbury,' Jan. 18, 1831 Yalua ble PROPERTY FOR SALE. fMIK Subscrilwr who resides in Philadelphia,. 1. oilers for sale the following property iu Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz : The large BRICK BUILDING n upper Milton, formerlv occupied b Messrs Pattersons ns n Carriage Makers Shop. The building is GO feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story HKICIv BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lot i va the corner of upper Market ami Front streets, ami is GiS feet front, and 130 feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable and ucconiimlliiig terms by ap plying cither to JACOil CAIUllUAN, Philadelphia. .1. F. WOLFINGER, Esq., Milton or 11. L MASSEIl. Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. "5, 1851 l!' ' II 1 I, A 1 1. I. I II I 4 BIEDXCAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO BY Dil. KINK KLIN, aY. Jl . Corner of 'lliird and Union Streets, BLTWF.KN SI'ULTK AND PINK S TKEKTij PHILADL7HIA. T?irTKKX Yl.AUS nf citi'iitiva ami uninterrupted X1 irtiftice ipeui iu this city hnve reml-rrtHl Dr. K. th Hi' ml t xpcii iintl bwr-LHstut pruL'liiiouer lur and neir, in (he trc;iiim-nt o alt ilistsfR ni a invalu niitnrt!. l'erton. uii.iciiil willi u leer uvu the Unly, tlinuit, or Ira, patiia in tlie iit-mlt.r tfuuK, met ruri-jL rhruuiuiisiu, tricturr, (ruvel, tliKitite HriMiii; imin yutliiull t'X'i ittwB ur impuntirt o the UI-kmI. wlirrel.y iln- c iiisiitutuin lian become euleeblcil, arc ull tteutetl with mirt'M. Jlu who pliitv Imtinlf uudri tlie ture nfpr. K., mny f nitly coiititle ut Inn lnnir tin it prtiiteiiimi,aiul contu'ieiit y rely upon bm Nkili u u pliynciuii. TAKK lWKTlCt l.AH NOTICE. Yniiniy Men wtm hnve iniurwl tlu'tntselvi's by a certain puiftice iiKluijtl in liahit i'r-tm-nllv Imrued from evit p.tiitpiiiintim r al in-h-i the fi.ft ol' wliuh are uigtitly Oil, i vfii when tiHlfi'p. mill ih-siroy b-ili iitiiid n ml Unly, slioiilU uppiy uimii'itinti-ly. Vfsiknpa uml entiitiluttuiutl dt'biiity ! 8S of inuaiMiliir energy, physirnl luuiiuite and gen eral pr.iairutinii, irrinitnliiy and ait iifrvttiia uffeetioiie, ntdi gemiiMi, uliiiiijiRliiirtui if tlie livei, ami every (it-tt-uiein any way )ijiiffU-d wiih the divmlrr of the procrcaliva func tions cured, und lull vig n-atttrt-d. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KINaKI IN ua Srir Pn srrvntion. ONLY 25 CENTS. This It mkiiial nnlilisheil ii filled with useful mfonnetion, on the iutinnilies iinrl (liseiisi e nf the nenenitive Orrnin. It iiilaresm-ii iltell ulike in Vlll TH, MAMIUOD end 0L1 AI.K, nnil sliiiulil lie renil ly ull. The vuluuhleailvice utul' impressive wnniin it gives, will prevent years ol misery unci ulli rint and save siliiusl ly Th'iuioiiitB in Lives. I'areuls lv reai I mi- it will learn how to prevent the des truction ol' their children. A reiiilttuni e .it cents,! in a letter, ad to DK. KINKKI.IN. N. W. corner of TlllltD , I'MON Slnls, betwet Siruee ft In., Philadelphia, will iiniire ii lik, muter euvlnpe. er return of iiunl. Per. limit II illstiuiee nnvMslresl Dr. K. ky letter, (post paid.) uml lie cured ut leime. PAl KAtil'.S tlK .MKlllrlM'Si, TIIH KCTION9, ., f .rw hy si-ii.lnijr a reimtuiure, ami pttl ap secuie from WAMAI.K. ur l l HKiSTV. lii.ikt llers. .Veer Aireiiia, PriHnrs, Cnnraners, and all others supplied with the iilmve wxiri al very low rates. fepteiuler 6, l51.-ly. PATE ITT lJEEDICJIlTES. (Jrccii' Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jacob Townscnd's Sarsuparilla. ltukcr's Sarsaparilla. Svu ne's fyrup of Wild CUerr ISwavnr's criniliiSB. gyre's Clierry Pcclnnil l)r. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullcn's do TiUiit's Pain Killer. Dr. lloollund's (irrinan Hitler' lmliuii (;etulile Pills Horse and Cattle Medicine Pur sale bv 1IE.NRY MASSER. eiuubury. July II. Vtiluable Hooka, JIFE or Christ, kandsoinely bound, D'A. J f last's llisrosr vr tsi KKroawtTioa. Ulsxk Dtr-anoKs su l.tncsas, full bounded. For sale at tU publisher price Ky H. B. MASSER ftunbury, Ju. 1. 'ft9 sAPS. An assortment just received. Also silk HATS at $235, for aale I It. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 848. 11 A TENT URITTAMA STOPPERS for bar bottle for sal by H. B MASSER, Punlmnr, April, IS, 1851 VKmx0 FLUID and arlf eKr.r Env- ' lowa, just received and for aale by April Ift. la.M H. a MAUSER. BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can t had by applying at tlie ollice of tU American. nADD'8 celebrated Hon and Cattl. Medi. cin for aale by HENRY MANSFB etunbury, Jan. S7th. 14