3 lsHr -K." 1,1 , L CALIFORNIA NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE CEKSCENT CITY. tWO WEEKS I.ATER FROM CALIFORNIA. l.eoO.rJW IN OOIJ DUST New York, May 2. Tho steamship Crescent City arrived here this mnrnitttr, from Aspiuvtall Cily, Navy lUy, liHni;iiiff 92,000,000 in gold dust on freight, And $600,000 in the hands of pas SRA left Aspinwall Cily on the 22d of A pri1!, and bring llu mail bioutght down tu T'ltiiamn, by (he steamship 'Gulden Unto" wflich lull Sun Francisco on the 5lh lilt., Wet passengers from Sun Francisco have Vome llirongh in 27 days. They passed Viver the Panama Kail Rond from Huena Vista to Aspinwnll. The road in now com pleted from Aspinwall to within twelve miles of Gorpona, ar.d passengers nre llicn unaided to make the distance from point to point in one day. Just ns ihe Golden Gate was about leav ing Acupulco, an express nrjived with in telligence that both houses of the Mexican Congress had rejected the Tehannlepec Treaty by n unanimous vote, on the 1 7 1 It of April. A line of American steamers will shortly be put upon the route between PuimtiKi and Cnlluo, touching at nil the interinediulu port. The gold mines of Choco are exciting great interest at Panama. They nre sit uated on the great water course between the gulf of Darien ami the bay of Ittiruit Tenlura. The water course will shortly be made navigable to the mines, ns they nre known to be immensely valuable. Iced water still sells at Panama at two dimes per drink. The dysentery tins made its appearance on the Isthmus, tt is of the most violent type. The floods have entirely subsided) and business of all kinds is Improving. . The intelligence from the mines is of the most -rial ify ins character) the yield of gold having been immense. The Mexican Koiuidary Commissioners left San Francisco in the Golden Gale, in tending to cross tho Plains by nay of the Gila and Rio Grande, for the purpose of completing the survey. The late Hoods have left a rich harvest for the miners InimiL'raiiou from the cities to the mines had commenced, including lingo parties of Chinese. At Yalleciia, recently a party tinned up a lump of nearly pure gold, weighing twenty six pound. At Suuora, the earth, since the flood, ields three bundled per cent mure abundantly than ever. Advices from all the mining districts are itreniely enconiaginii. A war of extermination has been declared n fa i nst the Indians by the whites of Kl.un- nth. A party of settlers and miners sur rounded two lodges, recently) at Indian Fer ry, shut the men and several squaws, and destroyed the ranch. From thirty to forty Indians were killed. ItfcFOItM IX COJIORKt The proposition to pay members of Con gress a fixed nnnuel salary, instead of the present compensation of eight dollars per diem, n ppeai s to us one of t he most sensible reforms which lias been proposed for a long lime. The suggesiion is lo cive each member one thousand dollars for the stunt session, and two thousand dollars for the long one, a sum (uile sntlb'ieut, we should think, and ubont equal lo what i now received, mileage excepted. There can be no doubt that much lime ii now uselessly wasted at Washington, and as little, we believe, that this plan Will assit to prevent this in future. When members know that no matter how long they remain in session, their compensation will not be in creased, they will gradually fall into the ha bit of despatches business as soon as possi. ble, in order to return lo their ptivateaffairsi for human nature is the same with miuhly Congressmen as with humble common folks Our national leuislature. in ils despatch of bu siness, compares most unfavorably with the British parliament, the only other legislative body in the world approaching it in freedom ami majesty. It is a disgrace, in truth, tu us lhat Congress has beanme so talkative, and has ceased to do ils woik. F.veiy year lhat body loses character, both with (his country and before llio world ; and this loss of character must eventually be followed by n loss of power, unless a reluim is applied The present movement appeais lo us lo pin inise some prospect of amendment, even though slight, and we hope, therefore, it will succeed. Phila. Bulletin. Loi.i Montez it out again in a reply lo the "lesuits." Kioin Lola's letter it appeais I list she has had many hairbreadth1 adven tures with lhat influential Order. Mrs says: "Who had me poisoned with arsenic..' Who had me twice shot at? Who pi, iced a f malie upon my stairs at miduiultt, with a iviiu'nard in bis foal ! Who, al a partv at Mr. Somers', a gentleman residing near Mu nich (had it not been revealed by one of l ho rnnspnalors lo whom I had done a kind ac tion on the morning of the very day.) had a rairiage, with four horses, ready to convey me lo Spalsbnrs, in Austria, the prison of Sil vio Pellicn, where I would liiive been im mured lo this day, lost and unheard ot ! These are truths and facts." She ''thanks God she is now in free Ameii cs," where she will be allowed to produce her new play, embracing the principal events in her own life. She has no fear of the libel law, on showing up the private character of the European kings, prince mml their ofli ejals; though there are a few secrets, which she hopes, "for the honor of certain high par ties in Bavaria and Austria, she may not be forced to divulge in her own defence. Pkila Ledger. Rridcino the Suwitiwwka The Com mil tee of the Maryland Legislature, appoint ed to visit Havre de Grace in reference to ' the proposed bridge across the Susquehanna, have made a report in favor of the project. OPKRAtlONt Or THE MINT. The Treasurer of the Mint, Mr. E. C. Dale, has furnished us with the operations of that institution, for the last month, fiom which we learn lhat the work of the month was the coinage of 2.76,82 pieces, of the value of 3.637,939 2. The gold coined, waa 83,. 474,128, only about 8400,000 of the amount being in quarter eacles and gold dollars, while nearly two and a half millions were in double panics. The silvercoinage in dimes and half dimes was ftboul Iweiily-twn thousand dolhiis; and In three-cent pieces, ubont Ihiity thousand dollars. We under stand that this Utile Coin is going largely into circulation) In ihe exclusion of the large and inconvenient rent. The deposits of gold for Ihe monlli amounted lo 93,090,000, of w hich S2, '.180.000 were from California. The de. posits of silver for ihe same time, amounted lo $25,700. The coinnge for April, it will be s -en, is in excess of Ihe deposits, lulling well lor the promptness and efficiency of the Mint, unt.n coinage in rnt I.. I'M 7 it nihle engirt, IS.7IS1 tlrs. 7I..VN hall cneles. II 7. Ml qnnrtrr raffles, i-jo.itra g 'H diiur, lb7.mn .Ti.SrtO '1..VI 11.17:1 3.4? n.sro R:tlHI Im.oon, :i,.wo,4:M 1 1.706 M '04.014 pieecs, fiS.'Ssl itimes. HII.VKR. Slfl.llOO Illlll'lliltHS. I .nou.400 3 coiil picees, COt'l'KR l.l?0,.1HQ cum, 2t!l70,'Jrt pteee; tr3,.Vl7,tKnl M UOl.l) lll'.l'oSlTKl) FOR Aruii., Front Onlilmnio. S'l.psii.nnn from ittlii-r sources, 1 10.000 Ii ver uVssiis for April, 8iU,IM The following is n comparative statement of the amount of gold bullion deposited, and the amount coined fur Ihe three months of the present year, and Ihe corresponding months last year : Oulp ncMJus iiki-osited. Gold coined. IMI. I4. 1H5I twii. iimmrr, .-i.nri.Oll? 4.t0l.W SfWrufsl 4.W 115 IVIiriiiirv, :i.lsl.H7ll II 0l(l.J fl.IISi.fHi7 S.ISsj.Ain Mareh, ' SO.iTI 3.-!HI.(HK a,'.H'i.73.'i 3.SMi Oili April, ii.8;s,.v3 a.ooo.tnio ii.t;o.u'iS 3.474. i T.Hnl, (fl3-,ll I4,ISI,!KI t?.10o,7j 1.S75..V.I Not Withstanding Ihe limited amount of small cold Coined the past month, we under stand lh.it a Inrse. supply of small gold coin remains in hand, beyond demands of deposit ors. Person in want of three-ant pieces can be supplied, to almost any amount, in exchange for gold coin, if applied for in sums of $30, BO, or S90. Pn'u. Ledger. Thk Erittion at tub Sandwich Is UMis. The S'uidwich Islands papeis con tain long descriptions of Ihe eruption of Matlna I.oa. The Polynesian says : "A column of molten lava, glowing with the mos' intense heat, and projected into the air to a distance of 500 feet, was a sight so rare) at ihe same lime so awfully grand, ns to excite the most lively feeling of awe and ad m inn ion. even w hen view ed at n distance of forty or fifty miles. The diameter of this jet is supposed lo be over a hundred feel ! (11 some places this river is a mile wide, mid in others more contracted. At some points, il tins filled up ravines of 100, 200 and 300 feet in ilepili, nnd still it flowed on. It en tered a heavy forest, and, the giant growth of centuries were cut down before it like grass before the mower's scylbe ! No ob stacle can arrest it in its descent to Ihe sea. Mounds are covered over, ravines are filied up, fine-os are destroyed, and lha habita tions of man are consumed like flax in the furnace. Truly, "He touched (he hills and they smoke." We have not yet heard of any destruction of life from the eruption now in progress. A rumor has reached us lhal a small native village has been destroy ed ; but uf this we have no authentic intelli gence. Two vessels hail sailed fiom Ililo, both filled to llieir utmost capacity with peo ple who desired to witness ihis great erup tion. The cm pi inn seems lo have broken out llironyh an old fissure, about oiie-lhird down ihe side of Manna I.oa, on the northwest side, nnd not from tho old crater on the summit, called Mocquoweoweo Tho alti tude of the piesent einption is about 10.000 feel above the level of Ihe sea, and from the bay to Hilo (Byron's bay) must be some fifty or sixty miles. If il succeeded in reaching Ihe ocean at the point sup"posed, after having filled up all thsi ravines, gulches and in. equalities of a broken ceunlry, il will tin. dnnliledly he one of the most extensive eruptions of modern times." FaTAI. Af'F RAT IS ScllfVI.Kll.L Coi-ntv. On Tuesday evening, ut llrookville, a few miles cast of Pullsville a quarrel occurred bciweeif Hugh Siephenson, a Scotchman, firiein.'in at the Mines of Mr. Geo. II. Potts, and James Congan, an Irishman, which re- ulted in tho death of ihe latter. Ibioflarid's German Hitters, prepared and sdd by Dr. J.ickson, al the German Medical Sioie, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, daily increase, in their well deserved celebrity, fof ihe cure of all diseaes arisim? from deranges ment of the liver. These buffer have, in deed, proved a blessing to the atllicted, who show their gratitude by trVer most flattering tesiiinoui.ils. This medicine has establish ed lor itself a name that competitors, bow ever wily their scheme or seducive I heir puiuiUf cannot reach. It gained ihe pub lic conliilence by the immense benefits lhat have been derived from it, and will eve-in.-iinlnin ils position. M A It It I E l. In Ihis place, on Wednesday evening last, by the rev. J. P. Jhinde jr.. M. LtTHr.R Shisdei., Esq., lo Miss Catiiarinr Louisa, vounuest ilaoghler ol XMr. Juliu loung, of this borough. "Vpoii llw lirUW nr lontrdnwn, Who nnw lava pliilitl uands. llieir union both thf bteashif esswa, And Urn iheir SBpfist hmds." On the 20ih insl., by the Ret . E. M. Lonir, Mr. S. Robins, 10 Sires C. RisrWtL, both of .orlhumrMsrlanil county. In Milton, on ihe 37th oil., by the Rev. Dr. Lonamore, Cmarlrs A. KcTZ", Esq., At-lomey-al-Law, lo Mis Emth HoireMoae, all uf lhal place. DIKDi At Milton, on thw 57th ult., suddenly, Miss M'SAN. daughter of Spencer Melller, deo'd., uf Rush townvrMrr, ajjud 17 years and JO days JUN TO U Y AMEK AN ANJDSHAMOKINJ l)c iltavluts. Philadelphia Market. Mats, I8S2. FLoua and Mist.. Flour is firmsai,. of TOO bbls. mixed brands at S4 pr bbl T.i .V.r -i 1 "our IS ueiu ni 114 I 93 Rvs Floib. Is scarce, and would bri S3.23 Coiin Mkai.. I,ast sales of freSh j.ro(l at 3,Gi. 6 Whkat Liltle odermg ; sales of nrii ....1 n,i 1 k..l.l r "T red hi pii e , wnne in iit-m vo. Ryr. -None niriviug; Inst sales ut cents. . Corn. Is dull : sales of good old xvlwow at 64 rls. Oats. New Southern urn in dema nd at 42 a 43 cts. i '. Wiiiskf.v. Salrs at 21 cts. i Vbfli. and 21 els. in I: lids. f Baltimore Market MAy I. 1851. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat is email for the last dav or two. Sales of good to prime reds lo-ihiy at 88 a 93 cts. ; w hite al S8 a 99 els. ; and a large lot very prime while, taken for Shipment, at 103 els. Sales of new Corn, in uood coud il ion, al 58 cts. white, and 6H a 57 els. lor yellow Damp parcels sell at 45 a 60 cts. Sales of old 101 n al 54 a 66 els. Sales of Maryland Rye at 3,60 cents. We quote Oats al 36 11 38 els. for Mary land, and 37 ills, for Pennsylvania. VHISKEY.--Sales of Pennsylvania bids, at 21 i cts., and of hhds. at 21 cents. SUNHUKY 1'IUCE cruitEXT WuKAT. I! IK. t'ullX. ()T. PoTSTOtS, H I TT I. II. Enos. Polls. ... Kl.AI1lt.il, ... Tallow. Dkksw-ai Hkcklkii Flax. - Da mi Api'lks. ... 111). 1'r.ACULS. - 90 6-i tilt 40 no 14 10 8 100 12 ;o 17 100 S5II Now Advertisements. In the matter of the Estate of PETER STULL, Dec'd. FFWIE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Sam - uel r-tull, who is demised, leaving issue Peter Mull, June .Stall, Esllifr Stnll, Kailnv Stull, Elizabeth Willi. (Samuel tStUll. hKM( 8tull, the lust flrt tried two arc initfrie'J. Its chvl IStull, married to Joseph Jones', which said Joseph is uYccssfcd. Anns Stull married to Abruhum Snyil6r. Eliisls-tli tttull married to Daniel Wsmpole. Maria Slull married to Wm. Neville. Muria is dead lesving issues Eliza, Jeremiah and Jsne. all married. Knnny fttull married lo Jacob l.illey. Jacob Mull, Pelcr Stull, Htnry r-tull, and John Stull. Aaron Gaston is appointed Guardian of the minor chil dren of M"rla Neille and of the two minor children ot Sninuel Hlnll, dec'd., pro. hue. t in. lineal descendants of Peter IStull, ilee'd., and all other persons interested, GREETING s Northumberland County, ss. You arc hereby cited to lie and appear before the Judges of our Orphan's Court to lie held at Sunbury, on the first MONDAY of August next, then and there lo except or refuse to take the real estate of suid Peter Stull, ilee'd., situate in Delaware township, containing 10:1 acres more or less, which was vulned and appraised in pur suant of a writ of Partition awarded by the Orphan's Court of said County, and hereof fail not. Certified from ihe records of said Court at Sunbury, on the I3tli day of April 1852. Dy Order of the Court, ) J. P, rt.'RsKI., Clk, O. C.J Msy 1, 18.S2.-5t. ) NEW STORE. BENJAMIN I1KFFNKR TJESPECrrl'I.LY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he hss opened a new store In the room lately occupied by George Bright, opprWlle Bolton's Hoist, lie has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Oooda, consisting in part of Clotlls, Cassimers, Cassinets. is( MMI-.lt VA1;E ofall kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. AI.M): Callroe. Gliiffliama, Lawns), Itloiismnllnc De l.nlnen nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assort men t of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Kails, &c. Also sn eieellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and paitei ns. Also sn assortment of IfOOTS 4b VIIOES. Palm Leaf and other Hats and Caps. Salt, Fish, jc. Also a variety of Mqt.'ORS surh ss Urandy, Kin, Wine, A:t And a great variety of otlieY articles such as sre suituble to the trade, all of which will fie sold st the lowest prices. IV Country produce taken in eseltaiigs at the highest pri-es. Sunbury, May 1, 18jf3-ly, JUST JiKCKlVKir ' At THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. Y. ST it on, Market Street, Sunbury, M artv assortment of Silver, UVllNft nnd Japanned Mounting, Which he w ill either make up to order sr sell separately for cash at pri'es as low if not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, FUIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, Vallccw, Kv , Constantly kc;it on hand or manufactured (o or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest nolk-e. All persons are invited 10 CR MhS examine fof themselves. All kinds of produce ratten in excTiango. Runlmry, May 1, 1852. tf. T1.0CLA3IATION. TVOTICE is hfreby civen lhat a Special A' Court if Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, to commence at the Ciurt Ifouse, in the boiouyh of Suubtiry, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 011 Monday the J 1st day of May 185, and will ctfutindtf ONE WE Eli. Jurors are reoaesietf to tw pnneiewl in Iheir attendance, at the tfrne appwfnted agreeable lo therr noifeet. Green smdelr my hand s( Rtfrrnrt (lie f 7th day of Afeil, in the year of ouf )tor4 mm thou. samf right hundred ano IHry-fsls-fSd the In depsvKlenee of tlie I rmed Bfarie of America the 7lh. WILLI A 6. K1TT, SheriC God save the CornYnonwealth. MER80"8 ARIT1IIMETIC Nos. l.J. 3. - stid Porter's Rlu toricisl Reader, just reenjv. d snd for sale by tV.. McCARTY. Sunbury, May I, 18.V11. CHERRY PECTORAL: Par ike Cat r COUOH8, HOARSEWE3S, SJAOM. OHITIS, CROUP. AiTt. MA, WHOOPZlTOtObVOH AND OONSUMPtiOW. This remedy is offered to the community with tlie confidence we feel in an article which se. dom iiiils to realize the happiest effects that can e desired. So wide is the field f ils usefulness and so numerous the eases of Its Hires, thst al most every section of the counlfy abounds in persons, publicly known, who hSVC lihen restored from elarminf and even desperate diseases of tlie lungs, by its use. When once tfibii, its superi ority over every other medicine of Its kind, is too apparent to eseaH observation, snd where its vir tues are known, Ihe public 110 longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous allcctions of the pulmonary prgans, which sre incident to our climate, And not only in the formidable attacks upon the luiig", but for the milder varieties of Colos, Curous, Hoarsi .Miss, eVe., and for Ciiiliiiikm it is the pleasant est and safest medicine that can be obtained. So fulnily should t without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read Ihe opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will be rccoguincd hi the various sections of country where they arc located each and all as merchants of the first class and of the highest character ss the oldest and most extensive Wholesale Dealers in Medicine with an eiptri- ence unlimited on Ihe subject of which they sjirak. If there is any value in the judgment Of experieuct, see THIS CERTIFICATE We the tini?rjijjiif:(, H7idfY.vie Drujs,its, having been for long llttjumnldl with Ai)er'$ Chci ry Pectoral, tiefehi certify our belief that it is the best ait'.l tnnst effectual remedy for Pul monary ('omplaiiils tvtr offered to the Ameri can People. And u-t would, from our inotW edpe of ill composition, und extensive usrjul uess. cordially cummend it to the afflicted as vurthi) their fast con fidence, and with the firm ctiuvicliun that il irilt do for iheir relief all ilict medicine can do. llcnslisw, Edinauds cV Co., lloston Mass. Reese & Coulson, llnltimore. Mil. Ladd & lugrslisiu, llangor, Maiuo. llavilnml, Harrull V Co., Charleston, N, C. Jacob S. Earrsnd, Detroit, Michigan. T. II. McAllister. Louisville, Ky. 'raneis ic Walton, Ml. Louis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A Peek, Uurlington, Vt. Hsvilsnd, Risley &. Co., Augusta, G. Isaac 1). James, Trenton, X. J. J. M. Townsend, Pittsburg, Pa. Clark & Co., Chicago, Illinois. E. E. Gay, Uurlingtuu, Iowa. M. A. Santos A Son, Norfolk, Ys Edward Uriughursl, Wilmington, 11th John Gillirrt Ac Co., Philadelphia, 1's. 7.. 1). &. W. H. Gilman. Washington, D. C. J. Wright V Co., New Orleans, I.a. Watson, Wall & Co., Fort Wayne, Is. Vi ltlthmoiid e Co., Sun Frauciscd, Cal. Lewis & Ames, Tsllaliasse, Florida, II. R. fttrong, Knnvville, Tennesaee. Chilton Ac iJiirr, Little Rock, Ark. etiller, Slnde Ac Co., Islington, Miss, N. V. Lalrxdie, Galveston, Tsias. Chas. Dyer, Jr., Providence. R. I. Jos. M. Turner, 8nvsnnsli, Ut. Wsde, Eckstein Ac Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES 1 J. G. Coffin At Co., Valparaiso, Chilii F. M. DiiMond Ac Co., Vera Crut. Meiieo. ISred Rivss At Co.. Ungots, New Grenada, ft. Provost At Co.. Lima, Teru. Morton A Co., Halifax. Nova Scotia, T. Walker At Son. St. Johns, N. B. Ci G. Salinas At Co., Rio Janeiro, Ilrsiil. With such ssaurance, and from audi men, ne stronger proof ran lie adduced, except that found in ils effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AVER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by II . MASKER, add by Druggist generally throughout tho State. November 1, yeC3mo. 1TEW STCPsE, (.Yearly oppos;ll U'eat'er's Hotel,) Sunbury, Northumberland County, Fa. j. y. TKXEii & co., Y1EG resiectfully to announce to the citissns of Sunbury snd Ils neighborhood, slid to the public generally, that they are now opening an entirely new and Well selected Stock of Goods, ('omitting of Dry Gooda, Groceries. Hardware, tliiecntmare, Boots, Shoes, Liats and Caps, With a choice assortment of F.IQI on, Consist iu! nf Brandy, Oinjer Brkitiy, Cherry Rraudy, Holland (tlu, Jium, Whiskey, and J?ttri Madeira and GerMati WINES, All of which they sre i!ermineil 6 sell for tlis smallest profits. V e respectfully Solicit a call and inspection of our stock. Sunbury, MiJ 1, i852 ly. HEW MILLINERY STOItt, fawn Street, SunhHry. MISS ELLKN PMTKRY, TBOUt.tl reaiectfully Sflrttrunee to the ladies " of Smibury snd viMhity, that she has just relumed frin the. Cily of Philadelphia, and in tends opening a new and handsome assortmentof SPUING M.LINERV, on Sstorday, April , at her Store, oppo- te the baptist Chnrc-'h, afrfl invites tht public to call and examine her (oek. etiinbury, April 3, 1852. tf. List of Jurors, OF Northumherlar.d County, for May 31, 182. Special Court. I.fcvtis. John Clann. John Dimm. Delaware. Joint Nicely, It. H. Mc mick, Isaac Vjiicont, Charles Fox, Eph McCor- raim iiinaiu, oaiunei ces, Diinon l.anl.. Tubbut. Hanry Lmlwip. Point. Henry Morcan, Wm Hamnr. Miltom Thomaa Slrine, Wm. C. Wilao, J. H. MoCormick, Geo. K. Reader. NoBTHDMBtsLiwo James DterAmeaea, John Hummel. Charles F. Liltle. SrrNBoay Ira T. Cleraeor, Kiran Friee. Hdih. Josenh Peerr. Lowaa Apopsta.-Henry Sheib, TVilliaW JACusosj.Frederiek Shref ler, Jaeoo WeK aer, Samuel Clark, Jbhn Clark, J. R. Ivigel1. TaKvoaTo. Oeo. Weaver, 0. W. (torn- WSBIIgll, Lowgs; Maimhov. Michael Bittihtr. VfTt Jaeoh floiT,, r Jlou- rer,, Felt r Geisa Shamokin. maiidut JfUler. IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. THE subscriber has constructed" 1 i.KillT NINfJ RClTl rin trna Pkil.ilniilllral nSinl. plea, by which buildings supplied willl (hem are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection and IniitllitioH or the rod, as well as the preparation of the grouiid rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in use. Messures have been tsken lo secure Letters Pstent for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing tlmir lives and proierty from destruction hy lightning, can have conductors put up to their buildings in the most perfect and slllntanlisl manner, by applying ci thcr personally or by Icttor, to tho undersigned, at the following prices ! For 40 ft. J Inch copr rod gold plated Mint, solid iiMiild N';n And forty cents lor etefy additional foot . over fori v. For 40 ft. i inch tubular rods gvtd pla ted Kiiut, tvlid pint inn tip, For 40 ft. iron rod gold plated ioiut,so id pi at in it lip. For 40 ft. iron rod tilvtr Dialed noint. $!2,00 13,50 12..10 10,00 And twenty cents for every silditiousl foot over ny. T. S. MAC KEY. Milton, Sept. fi. ls5 ir. c.,p 17, BA2. Estate of JOHN UNOEB Sen., leo u. TJOTICB is hereby given thst letters testi-A-' nientary haVe Uen granted to the subscri ber 011 the estate uf John Unger, sen., dec'd., late of Shamnkhi uiVVhshlp, Northumberland county. All person llidebted to said estate on book account, vendue null's or otherwise, or hav- ing claims against the SuluBi irc requested to cull on the subsi rlU-r for. settlement, who will attend at the luiue df t,'liarles Leisenring, in .hamokin townsit. ott Tuesday the 23lh dav of May next, fur tlnlt pipose. WILLIAM II. MI ENC1I, Exc'r. .Shoinokiu tjr.; Ajiril lb, 1832. Ot. illORE IVJOV GOODS! FRlLING 8c GRANT. tjEsPEt'TPULLY inrorm the public and "llit'rest of mankind." that they have re ceived a large assortment of Sprinj and Summer Goods, of every varie'y of style, consisting ii part of a fine assortment of Cloths, Casshnerrs, Merinos, Mousselint dl Luins, Calicoes, Muslins, Cheth, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a lurf;c assortment of GROCERIES, SITU AS Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also an assortment uf HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of l)Ul"(i!s AM) MkWCINi:". tV Country product of all kinds taken in ex change at Ihe highest market pries. Sunbury, April IT. 1832. NEW GOODS ! .1. It. KAUFFMAN At Hit New More in Hollowing Run, n ESPEfJtFULLY Informs his friends and 'customers, that he lias just received a new stock of goods, which he offers to the public al the lowest prices, vit i Spring and Summer Pry Gooda, mil as Cloths, Cassimereri Sattinetts. Merinos, Mousseline t)e Lames, Flannels snd every variety of goods suitable for the season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac. . ALSO: An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of (Jroccrics, ALSO: A variety of Qoreusware, Crockery, At. Resides a variety df other articles, suitable for farmers, Ac. All kinds of product taken in exchange IW goods st the highest msrket price. Hollowing Kuu. April 17, 1852. tf. LIST OF CAUSES FOR Spocial Court of Common Pleat of Northumberland County to be held Ihe 3th Monday of May 1852. rLAINTUTS. DEPENDANTS. r c , p S I) Jordan S Hunter Cohi. for Ssnil rurman vs . , , 1 Alex Jortltn Samuel A Jordan et al vs John Arnold Asron Roprt vs Ira T Clement Henry Reiser vs Henry Yoxtheimer's adm'r' George E. Cvlirig el al vs Peter Warey Com for Wm I. Heinum.n v. J0 ) ton et al Robert Philips vs James Kenny, jY George Gsruiun. vs 11 II Howell et si Com. for Fred'k Weaver Henry HardsftPr et. and Wifu " Jacob Fry Mshuiioy and Shnmokin . , tj , In.pr..vemet Co. Abrh"m Pul James Ross vs JdeOli H lihoads ....... ul .,.,, . , Carothers et si Henry Uoniirl H si v Hugh Delias . J.ME8 HEARD, rroth'y. ProthtMniary's (Mee, 1 Sunlroryv April 17. 18Sl J it H. & W. k HART, WJlOt.KSA t.V. (1ROCERS, So: 229 $brth 3d St., above Callowhill, FiilLADELPHIA. X Is'ree assortment of Groceries always on hand, vlliicti will lie sold at the lowest prices for Cssli ot approved Credi',. April 10, 185?. 1 . ft. M)Iim:i.h i. i. r. iiakkh. w: c. mki.it. Cornelius, linker 5 Co., MAM'FATl'RKItH OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. STORE NO. 170 CHESTNUT ST.. Manufactory So. 181 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1852. If. New Ciirpet Sic, re. BAILE7& BT.OTEEP. A VINCI made extensive slterstion in their hlorc, snd inrressed their facilities for business, would invite the attention of purcha sers to their large assortment of English Tapcst'y, " Uru'-cls, Super Iurrain. L CARPETlNCiS. " Imperial 3 Ply, Plahl & Twilled Yenelian FLOOR OIL CLOTHES of fvevy Width. Csstoh Mittiscs of frsry stvl si id quslity imported. As these gooda have neerr purchased for eok, snd we intend ronducrMi; our Bosim sa on Tun (' I'mvciru purchasers Aisy re ly upon oMaming Urijains. 1IAILEY A BROTHER1, Iwrporter and Manufactures of Ca'petnifS Ttvelflh 6t Market Jtf., Mttf4elh'ia. lHafen 80, 1852 3m. "tfOR eel at thia efliee, Reertolr ttaCk Ink, Cattle Medicine at !5 tt, tnH Essence of Ginger, st tent. MAJl RfAtSE CETIFICATts nandsomely eieeted for sale al this office,- single ee by the dosem- TEE CTf.L.Justice avid CehstaMeVFee I,1 Dills ksndsomely printed en card paper, for sale at thisdfTire. lAZOKS. A superior article for sale at the 1 store of riO'RV MASTER. Sunbnry, Feh. , 1850,-s SOAP ft CANDLE MANUFACTORY, So. 19 HW St., between 2d e) 3d Sis., ami AT0! IT Xorth 6th Street, llllt.ADCLl'IIIA. John lklitJi'uTt Jr. nnd Son, n ESPECTFUliL V IHhrm 8tore-kepers. Mer ' chsnts, &cM that they .Ms nuCscture snd have for 8ale. Talm, White, Vsrltgated, Yellow and Brown Soaps, Mould and Hipped .Candles, all of good quality and at reasnnstlle filcH. tf Cash paid for Tallow and rough Fat, April 10 1832 ly. J.KE3 BAPsiEfs" Wliolcsnle and ICeluM t'ititii ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sts.t PHILADELPHIA. VlHERE may be found, one of the largest ' and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces In the United Mates, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clucks ( embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitsblo for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, bleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, ISteam and Canal Boats, and Kail Road Cars, Also general sale Agent, for Rapp's Inlelv pat ented (Scientific IS'lchl! Oold Pen. Wholesale and Retail (old and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Golds. Those wishing to purchase will lillll it lo thou- interest to call before purchasing rlrtowtttw. JAMES IIARBEK. S. E. Cor. Chestnut & 2nd JSts., Phila. April 10, 1852 y. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, llllOWN STK.EET, tvb above Fourth, rHII.ADEX.PHXA. TMIE undersigned rcsiectftllly Inform the pub- he Unit they arc in full operation nt their new loiuulrv . nml reaily lo execute orders for stoves of every description oil thb ihost rcusutm- ule terms. Thev invite the attention of STOVE HEAL. ERfS to their lurge assortment of HTOVES, all of which ore entirely new, and got up al great ejiiense. Among which art the l.it.ert v Air Tight Cook, Complete Cony; Star Air Tight, fStar Franklin, Star Radiator, .Icuuv Liiul 1 111- piovcd, Eire King Radiators, hlnluundcrs, C1111 nons, Buses, Bare Cylinders, H;ir Room Stoves, Eutliaces, Uas Ovens, Ac, Ae; ABBOTT Jl- LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchuntS art iiarticulorlv invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 18o2. ly. H. J. W0LVERT0N, ATTOPslTET AT LAT". OFFICE iu Market street, Sunl.urv. a-ljoinii1(f the Olliceufthc "American'' and opposite the Post Ollice. Business promiitly attended toiu Northumber land and the adjoining Counties. . Rtrca to: Hon. C. W. Mecins anil 1). llun- hnn, 1'ottsvillc; Hon, A. Jordan and 11 II. Mas ter, Sunliurv. April 10, 1852.-1)1 SUNBURY FERRY; HENRV W. Bl'CHElt informs the public that llC has takert the Sunliurv Ki-rrv anil aS he Is now Well nreuaYed with ffoixl and stitli- cient Crslts lit! Will lie enabled to nfrttmnioilute the public witll promptness and despatch. April 10, 1852. II. THE (all EAT PKIZK MEDAL AR RIVED ! HICKEY Sc TtltiL, So. 1-18 Chestnul St., tlbove Sutli, t'rdilt of JONES' HOTEL. HAVE j(M received their rVire ' Medal, awarded fo thent for ; Iheir best TravMfinit Trtinkf ex- ' hibited at the World's Fair in I.onddn, 1851 ; being the only exhibitors to whom dry liwnrfl j was made. Their competilion was wjili all the ', world, and they have taken THE PRIZE ! i TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &N To I found in this City, and at very low prices. ; Call and see. H1UKEY A TLI.I.. , Trunk Manufacturers, 149 Chestnut St. , April 10. 1852. tf. J. STEW AM LEPUY. AT 253 Nprlfi 2i1 street, almve Wood, (tiurnt bliHrict.) Philadidphia, would respectfully call the attention of h'sfrieuds dull th6 pulitic in general, to hi' ari;c and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattiriss, Window Shnde ,, Stair Rods, Sec, Ac. Tr hitinii Carpeting from 7 eta to inn ets per licmin " 1-J ' isl " Three Ply " lll 4S ' " llrussc-la " 112) " liO " Door Malts. He would invite the ottcn; tion of dealers and others to his larice stock of )oot Me:t.i wbicli he manhl'actufhs in great V'.ricly and ef splendid qunli.tv. Oil Cl-uths, from 1 yard to 4 yards wide whole ale and retuil. April 10, 1852 Gill. BRANT'S K1M&IAN The Oi-rrtt tttvMl HENFDY Many ynf trrri'5 I"" Own t Tunilrftl Thnuminil I'ur tl fl'oMnuiiiiitlvv ,iini, tiv nruvftt lo Uh iiiiToiiI'U'J miuiarluMi f ' ,i psrou hm liv' !s-tiiit WiMuiii'rd Willi llu ul r itml il it cmilly taprMtirt Imh-siuc ii is ttiMmtl Ariiy. nii.i mitrt rcniln ( rurt? V' .iiintl ton U llw ,anf iiiit s-rty ilt'f Run''' . i)inii. W'v kmw, Imwrvt-r, tltjil il ii Mid lv -il thai l.niiinptiio fail n bf frt-(t. (tf dial Hi ui'ttur of Urn mauy -r itw frw, we ratl ifirt aii'inj'l lu arut iih urh. Mii w tetU iv, nwt ' aifrt a a tarl, w' .wh f.ni W risv-i in lhoitnnia (tf fan-i, f tint Ihn in Urine hnm nirptl t'owfti mnti di. whwli. hejar t j nirra wrrt rfffi'iml wt'ir raHnl rinl ( linHlltliU nJ wh lt d were tlnmli. r-i. h mtlomt Hint rtsiriiihittl autl wen m nil reipntt tik Hit HVmiltini til' lli "if kA ii, und whH dntd ar al lo, trava dtl with lhal lNla. t fnn ('Analliliitinii 'I'lit VImnt Naa tU"'i. thou mud . uf iH-Toona wlm t amd I" hl lH',l',y arHiri fl W'.o lin.1 hard, dry, rncknui f 'oHgWa I'tiittt in lha Hrr.1111. Stde, and lickimnnltf t llrtf lilim rWr'il fcptcf ratio lit 'mr irfff- ltd wnitlitic awnr ol thv Flrn i 1 ami fl oud .u.-s romnlaiul. hive Seen eureil slier 11 vr suid tliey nutd nl live s week tl.licer. 'In. Me.r.cine li v.trsd some shu were siippousS li lis in a il lira: stiiln, liai. by list im wf tins reoHiily, Uisj nwW llvev saa snjuy tuiMl health. ... ThU Hnlsam l wV "'i umpouni it I. plestsul u uko, snil is Ann !;"' i" sny sisi; or dis. Mate or un.ler snv eircniiistf nees. Il erllu it. wonrfeelill nd alm:,l riilrueiilnns i m'A hv r Mrlly hta.'.M'.w'i esut;. Slid 1 nrlaueiil Inn ins wlsils v.iem-l.y r is(i uno IM tireltum. sn.1 iirmliieine s hmllfiu aennn Ihus nlLiyimn 'MSh sssltiSs Nerves snd ili) ami fticUttiitimy i:xpeeioralioii Ules I lulluwiO); dis. vsss, vis.: Consumption, COI'tiH snd CddM, Bro.rKi. .(.(. Spilling o IVsoV, HdiMu ut ISr i.vs.i, r.iis is Me Htt.it!. Siite. tind I hitl. AVrihiMiMrfi, StjM irMt: hllfitittwm ls Umlrt, an.1 all PKtl.tl.K WK.tKSKssKS snd ssilurula arising liiererniin. (I'liiileeii latRlllMin, kc tW Vr I'roiif snd I'sforii'srs f C.lrrt, ns our h mfdi tela sad Wa4li.7i U uur Agsats nas uisai is (iv ewsy. Foa sals v-r. W. Kriliit', Pmilsirv! .Mury A f - in)-, .oiniumiieriHiia ; joim 11. ituset, stilt. MeronnieK.1 tl,KwellsVllltf. Muf 3, IPII, ).-ly. BONNETS AND STRAW (100DS. OHN T. WALTON Wishes lo ii.f.irm his customers arid iHf Imldie. that he V i u n now prenurctl to tilhlir'M them uitl. and wMI selected slock of BMvsr.Ts of the new est style, and materials, ttfjellier with a variety of other straw gooVIs and millInerY trim minos. He will also he recttvinir throughout the season all th fresh ah6 ftesirable styles which he will sell at the lowest prices. JOHN T. WALTON. Ne". 6.1 North Snd st., Fhiladrlarha. MrfrCh IS; 85J8mo. WANTED TO BOEROW npWEtVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ien Iwa - Sum's of six hundred dollars each, for which good f'rf-hold serurily will In giste. Ad ilres M. W, Purtburv, reK C, 15S.- tf. BTAGB OFFiCK. to'ASIIINl.TOY JIOURE, SUNBUIlY,' PA. JAMES COVEif; ProfrietS WOULD respectfully entiounce that, he lite tsken Ibis well knoifV stand, whfrt he will I gratified to see and tiiierttWjttl Wends and Ihe travelling public genefilljr. This house is now replcto with every coneniefir comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely iWtiiahed, well ventilated, rendering it Irt tvofy rtapvcl a desirable stopping place. 1 o expense hss been spsreu m numr p use. The chtmls?rs are well 'uriiisl'W and ; table and liar provided with trie' best Ihe house. the iiiurt-V,! nil afTarJ. The siHllle accommodations are eitfftfHe and well Calculated for travelers. 5TAGE OFFICE. 'I'hb ItrtBts tuhhing from NorthumWfNi7a to 'ottsvlllb. Stoj) al toil house, where UirenJflK Iff w .iV ticket to" Phlladclp'tla can be oUainef- ftimbury, March 20, i&2' tf. S 1,00(1 000 Saved ttnrly hf Purchasing SILVERS MINERAL PAINTSj T'lIK vvinslrr of l)m see, riaiide'a utvH tihulueiinas. 1 Tliisc rniirts ilincr from a"l llltr Ih lbs market ' ll.rv arc not i-lrivs : llier require litllf Oil, Mow ssaily. aiii ,...v. r with s litiivicr Is'slv than whll Irno. Thry nsiikiir .rm k n..r .l, oisl dry reailil) , uialil,g sji LsaauL ot flT'li'l!(Jlt!. We have serea diflVrenl eolia-l. vr. ; flW l!r .win, two L'li.s-nliites, lllack sisl Yelliw. aisl V ioio t ii 111 1 .11 niuki- evnrv variety amt simile ol eolor. HODY I'liesc i'aiinsare siiKTior hi tssly (or euvar- lH..-ri' Unity vet iliseoveietl. anil pouml lor pound will i- vt i-'nibk llle'snrlacs of while trail, sise, or utlist IKON To tmn ttisv furlllsh s perfect protect!" ncninsl rust, f lliey cilt'aiil ho Hie Ikl, whicB liss while hint mis dmirutiivclv on the iron : iil nret Ihu i ami imilirs ir..n 1 itlilt- ntiist.le fr tsjihling pulposM; . llltll'K WOltK. They give to h"Use walls I mnr li.-iivi.Tc,siting ihnu other siinls. rind if snwlim is rt Wlr eil. iiitthin h"M ' firhlly is; finishes si wrU wllh it. . OI.I) Klit IPS Oivi! us a nss'; iwvet su W "isl !. Silwr's Mini-nil Points will mak it cheaply new snil ninrn rinliiring thnn il ever wns. SUIII" iisniir this ejlriii.rtlltuirv Miiiernf si wt prspsrs il fir tlirm. will he proof ngitliilft the action1 of hoi sups wtrnis "nil srll waler. ...... , j . : MMTVI.ISTS ami llt'll.DEnS nre uivllrri to mils stri.-l sernliii)- inlothe mCrlts rT thes Painla. Thft ' liinl ii very en-nl n-ilncti.in iniht he iiuiile in t"s cult of isiiiitiug. Thes.- I'ninls nre ftrHy tdinenil i all csl)li-.a i.lli.-r iinniirilies nre wnsheil ol In preSiriii I hers fi.l ll.a mnrki-l. Theveosll.nl half Ih puck of white lead, and tlie Kim.' iiriiilily will cover twice tte surface, and last sn linius ns I me, which in fact nuMeM the price to ono Iwi lllh. Climate 1ms no ellei-t on ttsisV Paint, , nnd is squally viilimhle in tlie c.M raundns in onr rtirfit Plorida. lllKEt'TIOKS. I'se I.inseeil Oil. as tsiel t-"ll inn. nnd use as other pniuts. Thie PoiSIa .flM onj little ilrw-r. mitt tor pruning nnd seeonil eosiiitt in a.. hoiis.-w.irk tln-y will he f.iund fur eheaper and hYorf dura tile iIimii h-:ul. , I llf:il.-rs unit consumers enn pr-ieitrc this I'sml trrrsaja 1 uii.l retail "! KHIA'CII ft KtrilAHI)ri, I V W. Comer 10th nml Msrket lts.. Phihidelnliia. ' fleiK inl Wholesale Ac- iiln : slso lmrters is Pints aptf I'nloreil Window (ih. Distlus in Drugs, Paints, 4. M:u i ll I.I, 1-0-.', :iuio. III.MtV C.tl'ft. CI-.O. I.MACll J. II: 6(EB; M JSSHnU jpft sTTCr.'cn rTT''"ra'''- c(nriiiss.& ASd forwardixo nfi'ltsE. CARR, GIESE & CO., Commission & f orW&fdiSg Mfrtltaiitj, .Yo. 19, Spear Whafft BALIMOIl& Will receive snd sell FLOUR, GRAIN, snd ar kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE snd alio LUMUEH. 1JART1CULAR attention will be given Wthur brsncji of the Uusiness, by Lewis W. H. tiicse. rht'se whole attention will be devoted 10 the sale of Lumlier, and will occupy an OlTica oa the Fall Dock, especially for this purpose. Mr. Git-sr" (Hug experience, end reputation ss a first rate Slb'smnti, is a guarantee that the highest itiurkr'l prices will always be obtained. . IT'' l.ilienil Cash advances Wai otf Con sii;titi'l?iits : but in no case will ttrrs House mslte' ativ dilvances, until the Produce isfftivsii March 13, 1852 4 1110. DAVID C00?E, COMMISSION MKlltllAK'l KOIl THE S.lLfJ (f Fish, Prot.siot.9 tt., .Yo. 9 JVWA Wharves, FHILASBLFHlAr April 10, 18M. ly; UilotCJALt AND ItETStL: J. W, Is E. 1). STOKfeS, So. 19s Market Street. South side, flrtl Uh-ii Sixth Street; j . r PHILADSLrmAl DlJ Fid.l.OWfe sfid Masonic Reealia of 0 every vatiett, suiltd to ihe va'rioul finks snd orders, coustsri'ly tin hand., Alsrij I large auJ eiteiiKive stock bf fashio'ifsMfe Heady Ifladc tibldinp, mahufatturcd by the best (rf Krorkmsn, and front the newest style of tjbdils, nf late importation, al tp-eatly reduced Hfltlfs. They have also a laffce und well selb'ct assortment of Piece G006,- of Euelish, Ffi hrh snd German Fabrics, of tie's tnd beautiful Patterns, which they wilt ifiite lo order in the most approved and fasMortsUs msrf iter, and in a superior style of wmkattenshipv Februsry tu, 185S. 4mo. Bonnets, Udti iai Millinery Goods! m ERCH AMTS and Jetliners when in Phif Jf J ailelphia (o purchase their sinvxls, is ill find t to their interest to Cianiih oiil larg and fash-" uucililc stf; fc cf STRAW GOODS. W'e manufacftfc' largely and turonv trr Viwut Stilks Ut Foreiffii Fabrics in our line wild h togellier with otner ailtanu' gat eiliilte tis lo otli-r liberal indueemems tat U -Tt:nst tt. A. CROOKER. it CO.. Nos. 47 arid 49 Chestnut Street, and No. Af) South eiecortd (Street, west side,- near Chestnut, Philadelphia. UecemlH-r 57. 1851. ly.cf. The Jo1insUn Ink MANUFACTORY BEVIVfD Wh (f Lombard ( , PHILADELPHIA. rrU E stitiscrilief (iSrs lesve respectfuHr t& in forrrt FatsTsns generally, that he hear suc ceeded to the' Bilsiness of manufacturtno Pnntt ing !l fofiMy carried on by his grsnd Failie. and Fsthef, and offers his article to Ihe trade, wiihbfH any Pcvrs, but with the simple reliance upon flie Ions established chaiacter it has horns, feeling cniiriileiit of its giving entire satisfaction lo all who may favor him with a call. Ttsu Cisu. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, J85S tf. WM. M. ROCKEFKLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KVKIHC1 VS. Dec. 13. 1.W. tf. ATTOsRlTEr AT UW. .ffe rta Market street $ind.Wys opposite Weaver's Hotel f ""JUSINESS will He protrrptf stlendsd to in P P the Counties of NoriTtirntierUnd, L'nioa C olXimbis and Montour. Sunbury, Oct. II, l5lry. EXTRACT OF tW FEE An et1ent article more whr.rrsotns and ssurh sheepor than CoflM itself. FC sale al this eftiee. ArtiriT. 18S5 BLANK UEK1W primed on tho htwt qnulily nf parchment paper, sold st the lowest pieo- st iHijrellii-e, hv wholesale and retail'