n ' ' -J T ... ; p o'ctrti A 60NQ FOR THE INDIES. The glbrious day ii lnwnin(i, girls .,: Whrin women shall b freu ; i ' i,' IVttm (owns and bonnets, enpusand shawls, No longer 'ws Shall see ! ! ; '' ... Miss Webber, bless her heart, sweet feirl ' Has pat the soheme on fool1: 1 1 . j ' She leads the trump of male attire, '! '' ' j ' And we most follow suit. , We'll dress in real "bifureate," girls, f, Wiih glossy beaver hats, .. i .... j , , And don the most bewitching coats, t i And Brummel-tied cravats i We'll wear superb eilt buttons, girls, ' Upon our vests of butT; Biiyht extra rich, plain,' treble cilt, , Flat surface ! lhat,s enough 1 Oh ! won't we look bewilchine, girls, When we're so trimly drest ? No mortal man can brave our charms, Though he may strive his best. , Be-whiskereil folks may envy, girls, . .,, Our many pnrbs and airs; But let thpm fret ittitil ihey tire -: Poor fellows ! no one cares Perhaps a few may "cut" us girls, And lay ns on the shelves; But what of I hat! we'll crook our aims , And act I he beaux ourselves ! ' And if they wont say marry, girls, WVII call thnm no gallants; But cnme what wiP float, sink or swim We'll never yield our pants. A STRING OF ITKMS. "Life Preserver." A wife. In Louisville. Green peas. Keep your own secrets, if yon have nny. One bad example spoils many good pre cepts. The travel through Cincinnati, this sea son, is said to be very great. When you want anything, always ask the price of it. To make a farmer grow madder, pok him wiih a sharp stick. , Scattered over the valley of Deseret, Utah, are a vast number of horns of cattle. Butter sells in Louisville at 40 cents per pound. Henry I, in 1130, made the first eanal in England, and it was a profitable work. Two new daily papers aie to be started Boon in Cincinnati. A three-wheeled buggy has been invented "out west." . 1 ". There are 2,087,312,640 acres in the U. States. 1 A man sold his Bible in Cincinnati last week to obtain rum ! , A hospital has been established at Panama for the destitute sick. He who has no respect for religion, can have no respect for himself. The more a man works, the less time he will have to grumble about hard times. If you will not hear reason she will rap you over the knuckles. L The entire yield of California gold, is 1851, is estimated at 865,000,00'J.' The virtue of prosperity is temperance ; the virtue of adversity is fortitude. Good company and good conversations are the very sinews of virtue. The New York Commercial Advertiser eulogizes Prince Schwaizenberg. Pah ! To cure idleness, count the ticking of a cluck. I Francp, when a funeral passes, every one take off his hat and remains uncovered till the hearse has gone by. There are fifty-four banks in Pennsyl vania, having an aggregate capitol of $18, 966,351. I he number ol Death Warrants issued in the Commonwealth, since 1788, is seventy two. 'Tin good and lovely to be kind, Uut charily should uot be blind. Vest's is the evening star until July 21, then the rnoiniii'' slar until tho end of the year, Thic Hudson River Railway trains are only permitted to anticipate the lime table about five minutes. Br an act of the Legislature of Louisiana the practice of medicine in that Stala has been opened to the whole world. Nine widows and thirty fatherless chil dren have been le!t by the recent loss of two Gloucester, Miss., vessels, A big stone-dressing establishment, by eastern capitalists, is soon to be started in Cincinnati. We get up a good style of weather here in Boston just now white pants one day and butl'alg robes the ne.t.--jVuii. This wild potato is found indigenous on the Chilian mountains, and on the inlands of the Chamos Archipelago In England and Scotland there are 694 churches and chapels, and 972 priest and in Iicland 2205 churches., and 2552 priest. , Out of the 255 membera of which the French Legislative body is at present com posed, 104 have titles of nobility, or hi rank in the army. ' 11 A man advertises for a competent , person toundertakw lbs sale of a new medicine, and adds, "that it will be profitable to the undertaker." No" doubt of it. ' Hon JlnBBRT J. Walker, who has been confined in England by severe indisposition, is said lo- have nearly recovered, arid ex pects to return home by the last of (this month. ! The three quickest trips ever made across the Atlantic, were made by the Arctic, Bal tic and Pacific, as follow ; . Arotio, fr. N. Y., to Liverpool, 9d. 17b. 30m. Pacific, ' V:.T,:M;C C ;8J.'l9h. S5m. tUltuy. it 1 . !; i Mr! 9J. 19h. 25m. The' next Quickest trio was made bv the Afti , from' New York to Liverpool q 10 !) snd 3 hour. GLASS, DRUGS, PAlNtS. &c, ' wiiom:s,ii.ij aim ni;TAii THE Philadelphia Window Glass Wsrc hmise, and Drug, Paint, Varnish, Oil and Color Stores, . ' ' I " 1 " JVoj. 33 and 3d Korth Fourth Street: ' East aids, has the largest assortment of Windowi Picture, Coach, (-use, Hot-House, and other GLASS, in the city ( comprising upwards of 19,000 dif ferent sires, ranging from the smnllest size, rip to 38 by 60 inches of Sheet, and as large ss 9 by 7 feet of Plate Glass. Including English Crown, French, German aiui American, both - : Bingle' and ' Dotabltt 'Thick. ! Also, ft large assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-LigliU, Bulk Windows, Ac. i The Subscriber having a hcary Block on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White T.ead J Point, Varnish, of ev ery description i Turpentine j I.insrcd Oil, boil ed and raw ; Puh:t Mills ; Putty ; Brushes ; Dye Woods, &c, Ac, &c. , And also, a largo supply of fresh irnportsd DRUGS AND MEDICINES. , J. II. SPRAGUE. Nos. 33 & 35 North 4lh St., E. Side. April 10, 1852, ly. CHKAl' WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WAKE. A GRKAT RKOUCTION IN PRICKS ! Twenty per cent, at leant less than tver have been S"ld in the United Stales ! iJI OLD LEVER WATCHES, full HjJJ jewelled, 18 knrnt case only !ul0 Isnallv sold tor tti.to. GOLD I.EriNE WATCHES, 18 ka- riit case, jewelled, . . SILVER LEVER WATCHES, full jewelled, Vsunllv sold for $1S. SILVER LEPINE WATCHES, jew elled, SILVER TEA SPOONS, per half do zen, GOLD PENS, Silver Holders, 4 i 10 5 1 Persons wishing a Watch or watches, or Jew elry, can have them sent by mail, with perfect safety, to any part of the United States or West Indies, by first sending the amount of money. All articles warranted as represented above. Or ders from the country respectfully solicited. Please address post paid. LEWIS LADOMCS, 103 Chestnut St., East W'ing of the Franklin House. VtF California Gold bought, or manufactured into Jewelry. ' Philadelphia, March 20, 1852. 3m. Tharrisburo book bindery. " F. Ii. II UTTER & CO., Successor, to VT. O. ItickoV, unci Hk'kuk ft Cniitine. BOOK HINDERS,' STATIONERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. ! The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they aro nnw rnrrying on the above business at the OMJ STAND occupied by Hickok & L.O. 1 hey flatter themselves that bv careful attention to business, they will merit ami receive a continuanco of the patronage so liber- lly enjoyed by the old lirms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of blank hooks for banks, county olficcs, merchants and private individuals, and every variety of full and hull' hound blank books. Old books, criodi'Hls, law books, music, newspapers, Ve., bound iu nny pattern and in any style required. In addition to the above, they have, and will at all times keep, a gcncnil assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of . ,, it'tter Viiper, Knives. Slntfi iiutl Pencils. Crip (iuiHn, Lead rmicils, Drawhiff 11 ItikslonHs, Letter Sihiiib, rrnnvlcr " Miu uteri, Jmlm Hulibrr. ui'vinif " Hifk Ink, Wafers, l Bliitlinn Km li tiff Wax, 1N1 Tanr, Steel lVns, Illuti Ink, Hlntik Cartls. Carmine Ink, Cipyitiff Ink, FtHctrri, Arnold's A riling Flunt, F.msureH, &c. VjT l'nper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. r. It, HL TX I2K & CO. March 13, 1852. tf. SAVE YOUR MONEY. ttliULES P. FKEEMAX & CO.f (LATK FRKEM.W, IlOlXiK&ft CO.) IMPORTERS AND JOJJBIiHS, 144 Broadway, One door South of Liberty St,, New York, y HAVE now on hand, and wilt lie weiviiijr dully tlimufh tho SfusiMi, New GtMKls, t ir tt fnin the Kuniiean nmnulitctureri, and cuMi AuLtioim, rictt, liishit'iiulile, tunry tilk Millinry Gtvxln. Our stuck tf Kiel) liihli. eonf prises every vunety ul Uie latest and imwt uetiutirul designs niipiirieti. Manv in our n'wns are mnnufiirturrd exnrwtv t our onler, from our own designs mid patterns mid stand unrt vulktl. Wis oiler nur if,iNis (or iiett i'iirIi. t Uiwer prices than any credit Hnure in America c;ni alliiul, All pnrclutseis will Wild it srrautlv to their intercut in re- serve a mrlion n( their inom-y mid iimke selections I'mm our ureal variety of rich cliwip gmids. n unguis ricn i r fjmuirLs, Lii, asllt'snlul lit us. JJfHinct Silks, Hutini. 'rapes, LiM-es and 'i'urlrlttiis. Kmliroiderics, Collars, Cliuinisetls. itt-ei, li-rilias llaliit. Slee.ves, Cuflu, F.dgina, and lnwrliii'48. Kinliroiili'rcd Reviere, Jjuce, and Ilniistitcli Cambric llamlkercliiefs. Hlontts, illusions, nnn Lndmudenn) Ijices for Caps, Kt nl iroi tiered Ibices for Shawls, Mantill is, and Veils. Huniton, .Mrchlcn, Vuleijcie ties, mid Urtinst'ln trices, Fnulish attd Wove Thread. Sjiiyrnu, Lisle Thread, mid O ttoii ire. Kid, Lisle Thread, Silk, attd Sewing Silk, GIovp, and Mitts. I'reuch and American Artificial Flowers. ... -French Ij e, Lmrlinli. American, ami Italian, Straw Rmnc!8ninl Trininitni.rs. New York, March 20, lb-Vj 3in. TO. M'CAliTV, BOOKS KLLK It, Broadway, SUNBURY, PA. TUST received ond for sale, a fresh 8iiiplv of F.VAXGEL,IC4I, flll'SIC for Pinninir Schools. H ii also oneninu nt this time, a large assortment of liooks, in every urancli ol tateralure, coiuiblmg ot Toolry, History, Novels, Romances, Srientifir Works, Law, Mcilicinc, Hc-hool and Children's Uooks, Dililes; School, Pocket and Family, both with anil without Engravings, and evry of vuri ctv of liiudiiiK. I'rryer liooks. of all kinds. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ot which w ill fie sold low, cither for cash, or coun try produce. Sunhury, Jan. 31, 1852 tf. J. I. DITTEIIICII, iVe 78 Xforth irt St., letmrn Arch and Rare St., PHILADELPHIA. TIEREBY informs the public that he imports' and constantly keeps on hand st Ins new store. Ho. 78 North Sd St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures ft Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. . Ills slocK, in part, consists ot, Aecordeons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bivr Room Or gans, Mclodaons, Seraphines, Mathematical In struments, Magnets,- Spy and Opera (Uses, Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, dold and Silver Leaf, Scales pf all kinds, Hnufl' and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plata aud Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also liilt Frame Mouldings of farious sizes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 80, 1851. tf. . ! .'( . MACKEREL.' , 1 , . till AD, CODFISH, Constantly on hand SALMON, and for sals by . HEKUINUS, . . J. PALMER & Co., POKK, I Market St. Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES, PHILADELPHIA. SHOULDERS, ' t ,. LARD AND CHEESE, J March 13, 'S23m. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GJN CER, fresh supply just received, and fur sale by , . , 11. B.MA88EK. 1 I Bunbury, Jan. 10, 1833. ' " ' "fcUNBUltY ' AMiiillc)XNuANI)' SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. 4 -t..-4jv1j,l..w-ut i : r , k "aid and. coiit ort," : ' 1 o l'ntir tSwn iTIctliflliics. ' ".GIWElim:';' ,.H ,ti .,,...,,'. MANUFACTURER OF .!.; FURNITURE AND CHAIRS , Of the moat fashionable Style.: rTHE subscriber respectfully calls the altrntinn of the public to his lariro and splendid assort ment of every Quality and price of r vs- T n '..'''OAJlIrVKT-WA tlK. .. ."":,' ' which cannot fnil to rcommcn J itself toevory one who will examine, it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, madn up of the best sbick td be had in tho eily. No eli'ort is spatcd in the manufacture of bis xvarc,. and the subscriber is determinrd to licc up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany i . Solas, 1)1 vim and Lounge v! " ' Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SIIFAt .BREAKFAST AND MNINO TABLES,' and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pnttcrn and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of bis business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of eiiAHis, ' ineludinir varieties never before to be had Ir Sunburv, wuch as Mamiiiiatt, Bi.acc WalM'T smi Cr'.Kii Mapi.t. (inr.ctAS ; ami WiMison CHAIRS, (Mi nxrr I'ia50 Stools, which are of the !nlet styles, and warranted to be excelled by none maiiiil'actiiicil iu the Cities or elsewhere. . 'i'he subscriber is determined that there, shall be no ecnse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as tvrry Confidence rail lie entertained about the . ijimlity and Unish of his ware and Chairs. ' ' His articles will be .disposed if on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try J roiluce taken in pevment lor work. l-KT l..M)j;i;r.!vLMi. Mavm? provided himself-with ft handsome Hr.Aiisr, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. US' The. Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE KENN. Sunhury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. PhoDiiix Tire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. -1l 1 ii A a J. i-.."A-.. .- IT :jw.-.i-;..-v,-;t,-A.l..'.s.i, : VyARrJANTED to t-.iud equal licat with nny other Chesl.s in the country, and to defy the Burghs' iugemiity. Manufactory, N. 10 Hudson's Alley, runiiiiiil between Third and Fourt'a street, hoi ill of t'lirsnut, and in tho rear ef the tliranl Bank. M. cc. S the proprietors, arc Practical Me chanics, ami fi'i l coiil'uloiil, from lonjr experience in the niniiiil'actiiie of Iron C4iests mid iSali's, uinl n special attention to this particular branch, of giving satisfaction to all wlio may give t'.um u call. N. R. 'We have selected one of the best min erals ever UM'd nil a linn-conductor of heat in j this business, and we warrant our Chests and Sales to lie maile of tlie best mutori.il and in tlio i n.ost iluralile manner, and to stand any heat j thut can be applied lo them. MII.NOR &. SHAW, j Manufactory No. 1(1 Hudson's Alley. Kuiniiu; between 3rd and 4tli streets, S of L'hes- : nut, in t:ie rear of (jir.ird Bank. . Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851. ly j THE GERMAN ' j WAS!IIX(i FOV'J)KliS fliS considered by Uiousauds who have tested it, as beinir the urchtest Scientific U'umhr of the World'. Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rul hing the CLOTHES upon the WASHBOARD, And it crent Fain of TIME. LA 11011 AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud ami imposition,, (for many are tryiiu to pnlin nil' article put tip like mine.') the 1'iopriiuir. I. P. IIOVT, will put his WKlTTr.. slfiNATCUK on the top la bel of every Pnckue.p. And lie only as-ks un tiiligltU'iiul ftttMir not to confound ' - Till: tJliKMAX VAMII1 l'OWI:nj with others that ure in the market. It is put up in Package with full directions, and sold nt the ticiniiinl price of 12 cents. Ci?" PRINTER! will find it greatly to advan tage to purchase tnone Powders to cleanse their TyPKs AND ROLLERS,' heini? n verv stipeiior article for thst purpose.. Manufactured onlv bv I. P. HOVT, at bis l.nli oratory and Piiucipal Depot, No. 10 South Pil'th Street, Philadelphia. , , A'hiileale and Retail Agents; Henry Masser, Sunhury ; S. B. Drnormaudie, Northumberland. Iieineiiiber the name (iER.MAN WASHING FLIID. All letters to be post paid. Novemlier 22, lS.il Gino. E. S. & CO., jf'IORNEK of Fourth and Raco StreeU, Pub- fishers of ihe Model Architect, bv BAMl'EL sI.OAN, Architect, to be completed iu 21 month ly parts'. 'J'he above work is drsigned to meet the wishes not onlv of those directly interested iu buildings, but of all who desire the advancement of this no ble art iu Bur country, and wish to eultivute their tastes mid oipiuitunc with architecture. ' The handsome manner in which it is prepared and emliellUhcd, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while inaccurate delineations give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 & 1) now ready for delivery. Price 50 cents per number. Address as above, post paid. May II, lSol.-ly. Dec. 20, 1851. JOHN A. It A Hit IS, , Mutuifucturer, & Dealer it) ' ' . Imported and Domestio Sejars, : Also, a general ussortmeut of . I.raf Si, manuCtt liircil Totmcco, "CONSTANTLY on hand, st the Imvpst mar- ket prices. Cornor of Chestnut St., und Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. OLD I'ENN with and without cases, of a 55 very superior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of Writius Fluid, for sate by II. U. MASSER. SimUiry, Dec. 27, 1851. A RN OLD'S WKITINO FLUID hnd Adhe- sive and legal envelopes, for sale !v ' , ., ; ..-! , f H. D. MASSER. 8unliury, nf 10, 1852. . . . , I AND DILLS neatly printed on new typo promptly executed at this ' office. "' Alo blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. . Sunhury, Feb. 14, 183. , , , . , rv BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bopds, Executions, Kuniinoiis, 4c. for sale by 1 11. JJ. MASSER. bunbury, April 20, 185L ' " r' - "'f;Gt2TAttE'i' v-.-r CATTLE POWDEft c niifclNIfl, FIIONEFIELD & -CO I "tfo. 187 'forth Third Strut, Philadelphia, ffim Miwdr 1 witttleri by th tinltl I h-Iiu havn neii ik U tlw Hrit mnk , vA I TLF, MLDlOlNKH. whiHl hnv r thutOt' pftiirei nf thy for mrniV lofh'cd 1ifiHeiipr rtnV Term tnnmkes ftipernir. ut any iwnvulnf ttwt ncti i In lh wnna manner. If the niiimnl Im perfectly healthy it will fithcr nrr..:if. tin- Mttioiiut of tilk fir c remit 1A Witter nr tM nniin:ilwitl,ii-rove mwiy in fn-. I v'' flietrfnre m I ti me h nnnMff we hn w rtn d-mltf rtnrt rf flit KTnHc arti i elrs of ?eirrv fanntti Vltff CV a. dint)' and very pi'rn"ft ownl iR ii lni Be. -Jt is Jiut rti 4" htm kWM m SfUTfJtk iht mrtwIV nwt'U'firt rmhiml up i"nr il wnrt lime iMii-i wiHivlh'ipBcttf ihhit lift Of cOhvrrtinrf IlirPlMtrW ACID (whirl, ii mi effete mutter) mtti I.ac Tm;,acip or o'itiN! ; nxnm n srentcr nmount tf nutritious ni-it'tcr trt In ctrttctc(i from ttte r.une nmonnt f food, tlmn FHilily fwiU - wem lln pejics principli? if tntlriihtti tt piitta out ot' tl't- fVK'cm in the form of II ir runic Actrt Wc hn4c itrolvnl n imtltitntlti cviitcncc to pwrffWlmt vc IrivP iiil nh vc. tii:fire to nny ; W Imrc tnlxfrl the nctivfi fnrent. vlth n trrr-nt nmnW of Vkoktblk plunt mul licrls, which ttmr. nnd uo hnve pnn'i'il tii In nsciul. improving the npprtitc mid pntmotinir diircmion ot' tlie tinlj thn I cnriiw n hcnlthy finliHnti nf the hiontt, trutit wlitfli toe Mil, it nun I at must ne tnnneu. It tndy k. ttJri fir llohM.x, Cows nnU lions for the f.illow- ing coiunliiinU mid dinswns. ... . w uonsr.?. VI'.r.T.()V WATP.Tl, n duiincroiiB ulrkneon, which de Blftjn niHiiy vutu.iUu li'Htirs every yrtir, is very often cut in ly ciii i tl hy lite free nc of this powder, iu till wises it will prevent the diwnst' from routine on. TImf diwiw is owiiimr, tui lint I uiul impoverished stutn of the hlomi which becoincs Ihiu, watery uud of all jellow cilor. .t . ' ; Tins powder I'V improving tho stomach mid pi vine to thehLHxl rt crmtcr rpinntity of red pint tries; nffonls the lii-st ; l 1 1 1 1 only p-issiljlc cljnnci; of recovery. If tho horse is thr p iiic, cive fn irninir find nipht o t:di!t"spoonful in wet lent, it in the b- lonnin-r tun c a day ut noon, if only topru- Vcnt the ilitviH: twice a Week. SI.,H!Ii-:KI.ti. T-his is the. ttiinntlntt nf mnny tiiliiflf lilc il'trws liy c.xiinuMion ; hy ti eontnnt diBcliHijjru of uli vn which ouylil. o into Uie Ftomnrh to nsstst di'ieBti'ui. U is :i spwiri ol" Hi tivnliou often prnhictd liy Jmsiam Tit t;iec(i l'rowiiiir iu the tvisiiirc c round A 'i'tilili-sitiMiniMl three tun n werJ will tVctptcutly nrrest the How, if it il ics not. defend on tlie Toivuto in the cntss, under such ciremni:nn'' !oc iiiiium! must lc kept In the stahle. iHS rJ'.MUI-.il. It the powder isuurly ami freely used, nonthcr remedy iced he ti5cd, it hits nlrrndy cured hun-ilr-ids of lJoitsri of this trouli'esmno iltsetise to tlie ciirpriw ot ilit-s-: wlio csed it. . It ut used early, before itiiitltr b:is fontifl hi tic' nttAi i rnnnot restore (lie iiuininl pctu-ctly imii I the urtiter is (liselutrkil. imc it -curly uud prevuitt rudi n rctfal't. A 'alfkjitK-iiful once or twice a day is tuemuh. 7 liLAM)!'!;?. Tins thn-rtfe has luffied nil FAttRlEm, (live thin powit.'i n ftir trial mid it will do wonders in tins lernl lr and hifheriu ineanihl malady.' It iu u ilwiase if the ijl:mi!iiral system mul kept up hy iinperfcct untrilinti. in ffjch eas'.t; a Tuljinnpoimful every clay twice r n numih or tw in c "jisiant si cession, will in nine eases out of a doen eit'-fl n circ. it has lieea (airly tented. ' . ' Connii!' and . short im'jm ot lirtath tttfpendmjr on weak Inicjs. n TaMt-spOfiilul every morning ; if it ubnlrs once i-r twien it W"' k, ' vi 1 VOOil l.tV-SlMniTi:i) UORSI'S. or where there . nny ronrhis of Founder nr tstitfncss of motion, nnd the Horsti will not 0o.reit, or where Ihe hmr is riinsh and stanrts slmiuhl. out, tiie ifvl seeming to do no hkI he V iwd'T pr'aees almost iimacdiatc improvement ol the rtnimal t the rl;ar".iion improves nnd with it nil the slmj frislmesa tf tite iiutmnl die'ipprnrs, htJcoming lively and spirited, nnd the hair hiiooIIi uud slick. COWS. For Mir.Mxa Cow, we are fully ponvineed that it not only improve tin tjuality, hut. Hint it increases the n mount ol .wiih, Lre im ami liutter ; some wlio nave tneii the ex periment yay n Pound a Week, others say hall a pound wane oii; pets u insiste-! il nt II that he matte two pomnm in ire a wetU iroiu -h Cows. We llihik it will he found to aveiau-e fr. u t ' to a nmud jer week on each Cow, if tlie ("owe m'f pfntily heilrliy. This additional amount is iiiatlc ly the convriNioii ot'ilw- Hippurie Acid into Nitro freuous uu:l f.Uiy coiiipouiuls t nil ' by supplying the o.y (Xeti taken in by the luii'-'r1, Willi t!ie eleinculs ot reaction; with 'Ut taking itnv f Ha' .Nitrogenous portion of the feed. IHU,HV lli')K or WOLF; IKKJF lHKAl'., toitl all other iliftjasfii ol ueal cattle dcpeinlinj? uponn hal state of tin- li iid", arc rem w;d speedily und i:lViytua!!y. t: ivh, wli..."e ittilk is blue, thin and watery nnd where it drn t yii-M apich ere tun, or where Cows eiv N.iody nitli.. r wiiiWi tire ust;J to t-ta:sl loiitj dry, it will he found an aim i.-t nXi'iiMe reaiijdy, by tmphivin the cviiilili-'u of t!a liloml an I ereaimjn iieali'hy (liiresti'iii ; n TVilespn- n fill every day or every uther du'y ua it nuiy be iteccssaiy. uourt. lt js in the siimmcr oft-rn overheat themselves, pot swel led ik'c'h. eoiilis, nlct-rs in the Liimijh und Jiiver, which c:me them to die very Htiildenly, thtve may ! prevented ni irely hy pnti uiu n pound or n hnlf into ti Bnrrel of swill ; ami it wil at tiw tame time ConukniUy hasten the fatten ing procw.--. i. It. In .iutiin.il whieh is pivius milk und you nro (tegim;is t ii'atleiiHt the mmt time, you shourd n t irive inoie tlfiii a lu'.lt pmiiful tiee a week or it will ruUmJlhu form ui 'M of fat hy iitenaisiit Llie ani'tuut of Milk. . Iit cae' pf-rsui try its rtfects fr himself uud he wil soon he s.tri.-acd of it cxccilcnt qualities, and that no Fur met shoai;! he with ad it. . For the pa'rp -g' of fmdiii'J' out slid further how fur om jitstly e. -I. -hinted CATTLK IMIWDKIt, is cnlitled to I In conti leiif-c oi' an intelligent puoplo; wc have addressed ,ettrr! i i n'.l p.irts of rl.c t inted iStuus, whercJ our Vow der ha liei-u used, uud we tire able, now from the evidence thus hr tu-'ht heiore u. M nsjure every Fnriuer, liary innu tint! Ili-rM-iaati, that it has thus far veiy much t?x- Ct'e'led our llJ 'f't StlllJ U Mil" CX pei'tat loijS. With the mldifioiird kimwle.l:e thus far obtained, Wis Hope we will he en:, hied 10 nde the Vst nnd most per fect t'Arri.i: Mi. muni-: ever yet oat-red to a discerning e ip!e. It acts ss n vuIumIiIh promoter of digestion. Im proves the ipiality of thn ld itt and thus increases tlie amount of culir i'at, Milk and coiisetjut-utly of lJuUer. Ken in the herihhv Aionial Ih-ware of t'oiinierri-il.-i as the extensive sile of our povd r Ims nuluewl oihets to nnk'Min imitation of It. Kacli pack tiuiour wroten Siantare on the end. IHIF.IXHi, FIIOXKFIKLD i CO. rhiladulphia. July Ud, H.3Ily. EAS3LE 2IANUFACT0EY, . (SIKAr (Jtt ATE STONES. rnirE milniitilii'r informs liis frirmls and the iulili', tluit ho continues ti curry on the M.ii'Wu Iiiifiiicsa in all its liranclics, ut his old stiiinl iii Miituu, J'u., und is urvnurcd to manu I'aHure I-Ionuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, (if tlio hcrt matprinln, nnil most fi:iisb'J work niuiii ;1i:ji, uud ut Uio Imvi'Kt iric'. l.vttci- Cutting, ICiiijjlish und German in the limit iiuxlerii (ml elezniit stvln. . . . ; ' . . Di.-i'iis for .Mouunii'iiU, (Jr&ve Atones, &c ulwuys on hand. . . X. Ii. Orders for the East side of the river promptly rxeriited !y leaving the suiue ut the iitlicc of the "Bunbury Amcrirnii." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, M.y 10, 1801. ICnjiravcr and 'Printer, So. 40 Caestmtt Street,' above' Second, 3?KI I. A DI3I.PKI A. H.S .r. parrd to do L.VfiHA VIN'f and PRINT- lNi, ill nil their hrunehes, Wcddiii;-, Visiting nnd lluMiu'.i t'anlM, liall '1'ieliets, Watch Papers, Lulwls, J5l!l llends, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diploma". Seal4 und ."5 lamps for Corporations, (Jdd fellows, Masons, Sons of Tcmpersncc, &c. All Uio uIhiyu untjruved iu the liest uianner.-r-Orders by Post promptly attended o. DecenilierSr, lS51-ly. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! ! Clocks, Wiiiehi'S, Jewullciy. Silver Ware, Fancy Gnoils, &c, &o. ' C1tnS tf evtrj- diertptifni uml qtmlity, 8 Any limns J I :!' Ii'iur CN'icl.s, veiy low. U'iiIi-Ir-s of ill. twist maker., 't'oliim.! 'Uu.ii und ttobluson (lolil l.ult'lit Jevers, on., us low u s:lll. warruulf.1 kanil ruMm, uml instircil l"i' Vi hi Mil lis. Silver Lrvers us lnwns isifl.llO wiirrnnted. l.L-iinw as low lis 8'I.IHI uiirr.ntd, Quirlier Winches in fireat vurifly. Ji.'Wfllcry of every tlcscrijili'iii. (.old (iuald an I -'.l) ( liall), lliacf'li-ls, J-'.nr liinirs, Killler Itllit;., llr 'Klu's, Locket., tlrikl leii. lor Hil.iKi, wsiruntetl rvniiis. flu. iul5(ritnj Imviiii: just returni-il Irnni in. euslelu faet rit'S is rrvurl ti fiirnuli tiny urtirU. mi tin line of hiisiui1.. of Uit- laical It s. ui id us cheap ns the snmeitrli-rl.-s tvui he . 'I'! in the Phihidelpliia or New York mackrts. 'I'o e.iivni(-e the imlilie of this fact he invites their utten- liim uml ri-nit'ili'n!l .iieiliin fHll. lie s.nlil narlit'n arlv invite the nttfiiliotl' nf llolel Proprl tors, find Kamilit-s lo his cKlensiw asSvirnnenl of Silvei Wsro, via: 'i'eS bolts, !U llfSSL-rt Had 1 ea ihkiiis, 1-orKs, Ladles, &o.. (inters reewvM f.H any ttrliele of Pdver AV.re MeeuL-d with prouietni is, and in ttir lict style. A front vurieiy of rani'V li"odn, I'apHT Maelie wrk, sueti us Wlittiu: Uisks. Port I'olios, Ulov. Iloxis, Odour Uoxik, it a , ic. Il you want lo secure lurgains cull ul K. C GREF..VS next do.il to the IV wl Office, Centre st., l'ottsville, Pa. N II Alt km Is of repair, utlcisltd to by tlio best work men, t . . . . , lJwemtwr i7, l'.Jl flin. , SHINCiLES Joint and Lap Shingles, of first rate, quality, for sale by i i ' . '' JOHN YOUNG. , Smibury, Dec. 30, 1851 tf. ; , OLD PENS with and without silver cases just received, aud for sale bv '' ' ' . . . H B.'MA6SKR FuriW.'Anriti' 1851 PJ'NOU AND SPRING MORTISE LAT JB' CHES. An excellent article, for sab at hall tiie usual price by .. . J- W. FAILING, ! Smhary,luly 7, ima. 1 ' '. TS UST1CES' FE5 DILLS 9 H. For sale by ,,, B. MASSER. -i 'i i .' . i Bunbury, 1851.2( TREY'S COtGU CAKVY,. Au excel, 1 lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sole st tins ollice LIVEU COsMPIjAINT, jAtrntcri, ' mpEvst A,';cnt5nNic' 'on ' t , . NERVOt DF.lllI.tTY, DISEASE ,; ' OF TUB KIDNEYS,.-; : ...!,-. AJD alt (liveafpifirising frtrni n dii mWwl Wvrt or to rnit(h.nc1i nnftingtijmtinn, fmVnrtl VUn, Fttllncsii, nr i . . Wood Ut iha hmAi AmtWy tf tit frtomnrli, Nmw, tTcnrttinrn, iliwrurt tor fivxl. fuUnrm nr woiglrt u Km Htnmarh, MiirKrnc-talitmn, fiiktinr or flntterian nt ttif fit lf ttw BionifipH, fwiiniiiiatr f Oh HhiiI. ImrriHl uml tlhllcnlt hrvntiiitiy, QiittcriiiK nt lhhnri, nhf'kinpr or tT'OKtinff RettRnliTMi uhctt inn lviiiff ivnt nrc. IliituvHB of vini'ni. ilntior wti( lrt"tiff th tifht. Fctpt ftml tll rmm in Ote Jieodi deficiency oS erutHtiuu, yUuwiit4w of Ui akin uud pvph. pain in (Un bmIp, Imck. rfn-st, liintiR, Ac, midden ttimhcR fit hent hnrmuff In I He fl cimatunt Imagining nt evil, nnd prcat itcprcfimin ol dpiritu, , CAN Ml', KFFKCTirAlsIsV Ct:RF,l BY i .."J j I ,' I'RnpAKKJJ BT ' t ' i i ' 1 DR. C. M. JACKSON. : . i . i AT THB k GEUMAM MEDICINE - STOUR, ' ISn. 1JO ArtMi t. Ihi1ndp1ililn. ; Thpir pnvtT,(t-)-r tho nlrnn tlwrtmr is tvt MfplU'd. if frjiiallid, iry tm' il)ur tri'paralinti m the l'nil-d Statt's, ns llir nir.'4 HtW'K,, hi ninny cuhr.B niicr skilliul pliyiicinnM linn taiifd. Ttwuo Kitiprg lire worth v tlicv ntfrt(tlnn of innilhli Putfst -npina if i pat virtues in tla rppiifa-ai tf discaf' nf tht I.iwrrtiiil httr yliiifls. rxptrtrii'-u tUpni"l senrchitfj , p'vcr in wral.mrwinnJ aiiV'-Uiai?" ui the tliastifo org;.!;, "tliryttrc, wttlial, ftil'i, iMTtain ami pennant. Kcttii tlip ii-itiiiiJee..J Tlie tMttor n-titf, l)r "JU. JiO'.KLfcND'n '(.'KMEBHtrtD f? HUM AS lltTTWtll f'H the tairc t if i.ivt r Complain!, .Inimdiep. UyippB'a, Chronic or Nm-niiN VM.ilitr. in ikfrvoilly rnici'Vthe lfi t p-ip-i-Jar nicdicita'H of ihe day. . Tliuwo 'Uitioia linvn hr-ai itw! by thonwurtH, nnd n fi ii-nd nt our clli;iv my h li'tf him milf nxt:ivrtl n t-flfftnal ni?H p'wnrimnit enri' 'of Ijvor Cotiiplainl tVuiii tlu nf" of Ihirt rrmcdv. Wr nrt cnnvinml thtit, in tAs of thsc( Hiitrri, t!n -p ititMit dMisfniiTly pain Btrcntrth nnd vi"r u fact worthy of ica! cunsiti': mlion. They nrc p"! i sint in taK't n:id mncil. nnd r-tn lir used hy pr iiif .villi tlie most d:t;cate Kt-rtnifli witJi ntfn- ty, imdt'r tniv i ii'rnnitfnnfvsi. Wo are Fi't-ikinir Inun ix-iwritfl-'ju, and toilie.tultifti il wo ndvitr tlicir ntw." roTi' Vti:iiM," one of tlm belt J.tUrary papere pnhfinhrd, sni.t, A'u. "23 II'irVt.ANn,i OpttMAV TMttk, tiinnnfartnri'd ly Pr. JackB'aij rc n v' rt'comiuciiil d ly .'iut of Un; immt prnmimmt tlicmhtTK of tin- (nr-n'fy n aa nriii li" ot nnn-li fTicacy in I'iik.s of feni-de U'f)tiimt. Ah BnT)i in Dip cafr;, w; wmld iiil'it nil motlii-td t-i ohtain n hottle, and tltna nve tHeitMfflri inm-h NicknnHn. T'itwhk of tt tit ! i tt tt'd Piaistitnti tit will ti :i1 t.lu-m' IlitttTR iiitvan!a;''Mi to tlifir In'nltiiv n f it'w fnnn (.'XjifTicitOt thu Balntnry cilccL they have upon wet-li !ytulIl.', , . fllorc Ui'itlciuc, . , The "Pliihii'flphni Saturday CJrwtlp,' the liest fatuity iH'Wspaivn Muhi;nln;d in tlio I'nitiil Suilt'?, tho editor Bays Jh JttroftuiuVs Herman Bitters. "H in at'Mom il i,i we rceommrnd wTiat1 nre tormcd Pn tetit Alrtln'inf, t vt ;antidtn'j nad putntimpe of our rwiderp; nnd, t ti-i i'-ir, hen w; rt'onnmntd lr. JIo"l' L(ikIb Ciinrrm Hit tern, w wis it to he dittitrtly Bmlt-r Bttmd that wc arc not Rpi-akiii of the iiusii'imn of tite day, thatiir ii-titnf! nltont for n h.icf period nnd then for. !...! I';l ! I U IIIIHI l-IKl I"" C Ul .IICI. but of u niPdit-itie 1 HI2 csiahiipheJ, ir :versrdlv nil.ed. and wJncli has nu t tin: hc.it ty approval ot the Faculty itself." J!viil''iiei upon cvidiMCH had heca rwcived (like tfi foreRojmr) ftom i cetiunH of ihe Cnion, ths l;tit thri yarn, and the ttr invest tesliiirtuy in it favor, is, that thi-re i more nf t nvd in thu practifnnf the rcjular l'hy fcaaunstjf l'liiiaih-lplan, than hII other ii'istriuni c anbim:d, n fact that can k-ihiIv l.-e efia'tli-'liol. ni i'uliv iinvinu' lint a iieiitiiic prcpnruW'm will in'p with llteir quiet approval when prfsi'iilctl even in this i n j , Tlmt this tnr-diem.Mvill cure Uv.t C'mnlaint and Pvn- I pcpiat no one e-nu'ouht. iiftir tisiuv it us din-c.tjd. It net ! FpefUieallv npoii t';" st-ui:ich and livfi" it nrelTi t eiilmncl in all hil't nis disiMSMuthe crt'ect is iainit diaTi. rln'V en u he administer' i! ) Keiiialu or infant Willi KilL'ly ana rcininie of ncnt, ni nny t m io. BWYARK tF ToFXTKUFKITi. Tliis rneiciiiH Ins at.aimd that 1 1 i ltii diameter wlit"h in necesiry toralj uiodieim n to attain to Llnluee couillei tVitei fo put forth n Pnnri'tn fiiliHe at tlio risk of thu lives i those arc iimoccj it ly d-.aaved, LOOK WF.I.I.TU Tin' MAPiKd OF T1TK OF. M INI Titey have the writN-ii 8itfii:rtnre of C. T. JACKSON upon the wrapper, ami tlm mmiu hi.wn in Uio bottlo, with oar whieh titey are spuii hf. For silo, wIjoIckiiIi.- mid retntl, nt the (JcrnU2i Medicine Slorct i. ISO AIICII Str'Tt. one d.v)r hel -w Siitli, (Nt of 27? Haee Ftreet.) Pliilnd.-Iiil.ia. tmtl t,y rcn'tocUililc dtalers gaicraay tnnnigii"iu the eouutry. T Pinhle all elassrs of invalids t i enjoy the ai!vnutai'S of tueir greut rtfrtoruuva p iwor.s. ' Single J3uWci 7.") cenfs. At.so: For s:di hy II; M.in;u, Suu'jurvj nnd M. A. sM'Cav. rllmmhprlaud. . August liO, 1"-.'1. ly. UNION HOTEL , SUIJE'JRY, PA. rnMIE .MISfj VVF.iTZKI resjicctfiillv inform ll tlio l'ul'lic thut t!my Mill cotitiiiuo tt ontcr tuili travcllrrs und ntlu'rs i,t tlifir tilil rstuMh-lictl Ktnnrl in Mnrlit't strci't, wi-t nf t'ip (;,iurt ITiiti -c. Their lunrf ci;TifiKO in tlie liuliicss. and thr wtll ttaMislictl rrjuitatiini nf thi'ir )Ionr, will, they trust, lie a suliiripiit guarantee, that tlmir rustniiicrs will lia wvil lu'cuiuiiiiiJ.itoil. .March 8, Il. tf. " AN KOUSB." . P0TTSVILLE, PA. KS. MAIIY WEAVKK resiier-tfiilly iiifnnm ' the jrtiMie ami t;a i'lliii!r romiiiimity general ly, that ic has ojiene l tliis larse anil eoiiimodiotis HO'J'Ki., fiiriiislif l in a siiit'ri'ir style. Frrim her I-.in experience in tlie husiness tifa f: rt ni te Howl, and well knnun reiulation to seeimiinn date, her rnstumrrs may iW-iieml on heini; mii,leil with uvery tiling conducive, to their coinfmt and conxenience. Fth. i:. u-ra. tf . LAWilKNCE HOUSE. , SUSEUEY, PA. flHE suliseiilier resiectriilly informs her friendi J- and the imlilie titMierHlly, that slie has laketi the olmvc well known sliintl nearly uiiiMsite the t.'mirt Hnuse, lately. necuiied hy Mr. J. (.'. Per kins, She trusts that her eviierii iice in luiMiiess. uml her elliirts to m ike her unests ronif.rtuMe, will irive entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN c. Mourns March 8, 1851 tf. . J. IL 2ir.IMEIlMA2f, . SunLury, Pa. Ollice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the 1 Public ?i hool House. Monies collected ajid uil lmsimi pioiuptly uud care fully ettellded to. Ajiiil M, 1851). "H ATE NT Tiudsiw uf all kinds, Harrisnn's writing and indoUihle ink', Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale hy- J. W. ri.ILING. Sunhury, Dee. 2, 1818.- CTONE Ware, . Eartheu Wure, Kaisius, AI niouds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. ! Salt and Plaster. Just received and forsulc by : . JOHN W. F RILING. Sunhury, Dee. 2, 181!). . BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, aud also a number til gold pens which we will sell at (he Philadelphia prices, J or sale at this ollice, SILVER WATCHES. A few double case Kuwlish Silver Watches, for .ale at very low price. IW . , i.,; , tt. U. 1AS&K. tiuntiuiy, April lio. ENNEDY'S PATENT SXSll FAS- TENINGS A cheap and excellent arti- rle tor fastening sash for sale by ' j, w. riui.iNu . Sunhury, July 7, 184D. TI ESING BOTTLES Past pumps, and " nipple tulies-' A suiply of tlieas useful arti cles iubl received aud for sale by . , - i JOHN W- FR1LING Sunhury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this , excellent artitle for Tetter, 4 c, just received and for sale by , . .HENRY MASSER. . SunlHiry. July 88. 1849. EAS, from the 'New York Canton and Pekin JL Tea Company, For sale by J. W. FKILING. ; Sunhury; Pec. t, J848 I i AY RUM. A . rscelbmt artacU for sale by . " ritiNKx JA!'' bunbury Jan. S7tb, 1849 tf. liANK,NOTE TABLE. - CORRECTED WEEKLY, PKNNSYLVANlAi , CITT PF 1'HII.ADELPltli ' MASfiACAliSlKTTf. ' All solvent Inmks di. RIIODK, 1KI.AM) All itvrnl liilm J'u CONNT.UilCUT. All Milvntit luniks 4 tii. NEW VdltK. ! CITY. Tt. H. Bunk mUr. IS (tl: All solvcut bnnk. .,, pni rnt:?iTBT. Bnnk itf (:luiiiil,rri.lwr(r 1 ii' i.i'iiit tii ncsi ("T C'n, , par Bunk ifII.Co. f'hrstur par jiaimfii t.erratilHowil It ink nf (ittyslurg IJsnk ef f ,i"witowil mrlAH si'lvenl Imnks I ttis 1 ins,t.ir-lik notes under 3 I tin eolTSTRY. All nlvtiitB Imnks ' 1 di. Hunk of MiilillrMun 1 (lis Montpwry d Hmik i wr Jlmik nf N'irlliiiinlierriHl. inn ' NKW JF.ItisKY Hi lvnlt re Hunk 1 tlis nnnktif fltttl.nri 1 dis Pniim.!teinl llnnk 1 ilis Uuiknf llunvUle piirit-'ar. tlank M.mt MoHy Cnrlislo tlmik 1 ilis K. & M.. Mi,liM..iou'n Pt i Culaiultiii H'kAt D'gr Cn .iiriMne)iaiin .' Uk. Newark pur imyciMown uaiiK par.lui-n. ilk ot Jjiniington p:ir Kirst.m Bank pnri.Mivh. ft Mnn. Ilk TumiI pnr I'.rie Hank J tlis, Morris t'o Dunk i ilis xeli:iie H'k Piltsliurtr I tlis .Newark tlkV i Ins. Co j ilis IX'-taiilir' It'k, llnmeli 1 dis Ornnirc 1 fnnk KarmiTi: ITk, lUickiT'i par; l'plc Uk I'nttcrrvn VnrnifrV Ilk, Inra(lof parTriiifi tnn Mnnk l-'anntTn' Hcttditig piir'tSali'tii Itankimr Co, Farm. Ilk S.-lntvlkill Cn prir;SctrnTrrt On l:mk F I. Ilk WnvncFh'p Mdin ltatc Hunk at C ntidfii Frnnldin l!k. Wanli'n ijdis Stutn 1'k '.d-tlit.n llnrrihiirir Hank 1 dis'latf llmil; i-Vnrk par ar 2 dm par I dis ' rtix llintfffdalii Hank 1 din Stalls lik. . Jlninswitl par l.ntiiattr Hani; par.Ntxpi'X l nik. cw tun (lis iH'himoii Hunk' f; p'trj i rt'iidin HaiiKin;i i-r M'Ttdi. A Man. Hank 1 difil'iii'Mi llank.li 'vr ? di ntincra' H'k. Pollnt-illA nHrVnrdli v'lr fM Mr r..!,1; ! IMnii'incalM-la Hank 1 diulf? JJk ih'I'-h malrr r-'t i dm TnylnryvVIMH'tfCni: dis Pl-'.l ,A W A I! 1 i. Wool lira arli Rude nur IJunk ot IMnwaru lr W'yitmlne Hk, W'ilkcsliV p:ir!l'nnk of Smyrna par itrk'if:ii)K, i iim'iit'inwnri' t.nv janK i;ir tV"lf!icf mttt'H 1 dis Ilk Wilm'iuV Hnnnlyw. pat IAl AF.. FanmrV Mk Ocltttrirr par Hank of Wlirtlnck li di.iUTnnm lJrmk. AViliiiiiigluii lir M'Tcrnittlo H'k. Hattfftir Nidislp? 1'ndrr RVs 2 dis i 'iv nt limikN 4(jti Mill'. V1V It t 1 Kf 1 1 1? 1 ' Ml solvent Imnks 2 (lis Alllvriit liank J tlis CV t:k lion s nii-lef R's 4 (lis VKHMiiNT. NOltTIl C'AliOJJ.NA. AH solvent Ifinks 2 ilis Rnnkof Si A it ..I i is : 3 ilis tlis Alt s'llveut Imnks ;Vl 'nilerS's, (lis ParXA. ATTD P.EADIITS RAILROAD. StM.tirll AntlAtJEMKN'T 1'IIOM PIIItiADEi.Ptll.V AND POTTSVILIX. " Fnrr Office of the l'lula. tf Reading Rmlrnnd Co. I'liilaileliiliia, JHareh 2(, 1831. S Two Pcssenser Trains Daily, (except Smithy.) CKNandnftsr April 1st, 18.')1 two trains will J .he rim each way, daily, between riiiludcl phia and Fottsrilln. " vonxrxo uxn. Leaves Philndeliihia nt 7J A.M., daily except Sundays. , Leaves Puttsvillr at 7 J A. M. daily except Sun ilavs. AFTKKXOnX r.rivi;. Leaves Philadelphia ut3i o'clock, daily, except .Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. lietwrcn Philadelphia and Pottsville, $2.To lst class cars and Sd class civs. lletwcen Philadelphia and Heading, S 1.7") 1st class ears nnd l.'lo C.l class curs. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Ilr.m.l and Vino rJliT.cls. Passeneers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICK Fifty pounds of harfiise will heal- lowcd to eticli passenger in these lines; and jias H'lers arc expressly irn'.iiliitcd from Liking any llii'iC an liaciratre lnit their wearin j ujiparel, which will l.e at the risk of its owner. 15y tmler of the Board of Manacers. .S. UUAUl'OKD, April 19, 13.M. Secretary. "Sow Mnsic- -Just Puldislx' ec WALKLfi. No. K,2 Chesnnt ft.. uie constantly puhlishiiur and receivinu', i.e-.v and licautiful music lVoui the most disliu- tiii:ie:l composers. The follow iie. r 'li-t cfintiiins some of llieir elmi- ce.--t uml must p ipul.ir SoiiLrs, v .ntzes, l'ojkas. ' ccc. - j -Vow, thou art (lone, n licautil'iil son;;, words liy Tlioin.is J. Dieh!. music !iv 1 1 smi'.n iil'r:-. i Mv Aeiv KuIand Home, words and niu.ic hy Mrs" L. Wade. Urol o's (.litinihus ; hy C (Jrolic a collection of lim its. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, hv Jos. Cuun'l. l'relty Litlie Polkas for Pretty Little People, I iv J. Lir.ii. All the Winds a.ie ."slcu -iiig, hy A. Worn- SI'V, Oun-dia!i Ancl. Iy llie author of 'Love Not.' I I'Miehold Words, written 1V ( 'has. A'oun.do. The Adieus, words hy Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic hv llorr. LLE iv WALKKU have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated ti it his, which together wllli a line os snrtnient of Musical Instniments and Merclian di.o in ueneral, eoinpriso a stock not to ho sur passed hy that of any oilier estahli.-hinout in tho country. W.V, & WALK TP, 1("3 Clicsnttf street. Swaim'e Uui!iliiij. Pliiladulpliia, June S8, 1S5I. ly. NO V.VUK XO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Av.s PIUj!' PKHFKfT t f.ltl'l.i 1 anil speeov erne lor tlie 1 ever and Airito is puaraiiteed to any one who in ay use tite fills. I liey Jinve been used lor the ,,'v xirrtt yf(tis and ha'.e neer been known to fail ill a single instance and in eases, too, where persons have had the disease for several vcars, without intermission, 'i'he proprietor ci.i't'. .?'. llie viild to produce an article that will cine in as short a time, without leaviuir any deleterious elicits from the use of it. If the Pills do not perform a speedy and perfect cure, the proprietor Vill return the money. For s ilo by Jacob S. Lawrence. M ineisil!e ; 15. llelli'ii stein, Trevovton ; S. It, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven ; Johti.W. Frilitig, Sunhury j Marv A. Mc Coy, Northiimlierland ; Dr. Ueekly, Danville i JohnSharpIess. Cattawissa ; Dr. Judd, W illianis port; John Ruser, Milton, aud hy respectable Druggists throughout Ihe State. J. Cl'RTIS C. llTGIIES, Proprietor. Pottsviile, June 28, 18.11. ly. TUOIilAS PAL2IE2, COAl.MISSIOX MKliCIIAM', No. C, North Wharves, Where the followuisr aoods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apple. Peaches. J'luiiis, Pears, Cherries, Ac., Green Apples iu Parrels or by the Dushel, Deans, Peas, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shelhaika, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Fii;s, Prunes, Orapes, Poultry, E'Jtrs, Holler, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign uud Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Doc., 13, 1851. ly. SOAP AUD CANDIES. nriHE subscriber takes this method of inform--- )ng the citizens of rjutihtiry und vicinity, that they are engaged iu the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Filbert street, Philadelphia. They'respectfully invite nil who buy for cash, to give hlin a call as they will find it to lo their advantago iu dealing with, him for articles iu their line. E. Diri'FY cV SON, 41 Filbert above 9th. Dacemlier 20, 1851. tf. . . . . raIS.sUU FA t'UH.-. Yellow. 'Fissue jiaper fo I coveriuii nlas.-s, 4c, for sale at the ollieuof Ihe American, STONE WAUE, STONE milk, Pans, stoiieJugs and J'iUihers, and other articles of atone ware just received and for sale by JOHN V, FKILKXU. Suubury, June 23, 1841). EXTRACT CF CIIOEH. A fresh supply just receded and for sale at this office. Piice S5 cents. ',.,. , , . SmilHiry, lu y llSrH. ' ' , ' HliA.NK KOXEsJi . waiting tlis exumiilion H B law of 300, for sale by - - . . A,,rU.26, 1851. H- B. MASSE It. '-V. LI..L 4 A . .:&r- A CAr. To'tlOTJSEKEEPItS Aftlic telnet Ware llo)n or I lirltrt Sauare. I Also ttt thontr it, fn,rl, street tf ttailroad sumuiiY, vA. J linnkful V tlm nii. firu , m rnmv, tlio 17 nrn w hnli hurf m in ii.lt. ilhBuli. from thek) aa tiuuonre nf tltrif rrtVorfi, )"rini? tjriod in.o rnutaivyn n itprp tin ritH the fctorf nt the day, titul haVndairtVitvw MM U nrw in ovory 'rart(.aiul tni-tv. liIir -. .. T Ihcrftoro ltiMtcd to lie atUsli.m' jirweu Mock of. " CABIXKT WAARA?l) MS, Mii'ASTlAlV JlOUPl ' . At tlie 01,1 Stand. Where ih mldil'ion to their fnrmiof th esttililisliliient tliey now iiinuufm til t- Mahonrony, 7almtt & CaneWr. Lanre Sprinir Scut Iiochirirsr Vmmna liureuun, Centr ,. Jlirhle Top Wank St and a variety of oA, new utijh nnd ' ' Fashionable Turi, , Having securtJ a llrarso and niiiice(w sary nrranccmeiits for the purpose,. n,)W ,,,, iii.i'iiai.iiitr iu nil ll-fcs, in litis vicinity or at any convenient di Ve maids and mistress'., nnrl Inisliniull Here's rilrnitnre l.f uvery SI; h- atnl hini..' '. I roin sule bounls down to liiiclien tih 1'rom roekinir eli.tirs to loeliinperaitle Flionlil yon not liave tlm tnidy .Ions t WVII wail awtiile for a brWi'er lieti Or take poialne., oh!s, c. iru, wheat tind IWk, liooji poles, slaves, or lumber wi (Ir nny tin nit lull y( kes and lliresliiiijT I! I- mm piirs mul tiirkies down tn little r Conitt on then friends, romo nneaisl nil, Keep liude a luoviiif;, so."j.,ii nit tlie. li tlf Orders from a distance prompindeil to and work of all kinds delivered wiatch. Simlinry, March !), ISoO tf i AM) PENSION Afll 'J'he alteiilion nf the public is called art veitiseuuint of Mr. ( 'harks O- Tuckcney nnd Aijent at AVasliigton City Pcrjiav. ins claims for liouuty j.ands or Pensifc ;n. formed tluit the sttliscrihcr has made arrients for tho rctuisite forms, and claimants g 0t his otio'o, can hao llieir papers prennd forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washiiiaud hy liim he properly altcuiled to licforil)e. partnient there. II. 13. M.U. Suul.ury, Jan. IS, 1 S.j I Vjt-Jar.EiSv PROPERTY FOR SA. l!'ct lo resiles m Pinion, propcriyjil. : The hi U oilers lor s.i ton, No,-lh::ni!iei tiie following ind rottnlv. viz Bui ox rjiLsiira I -. j-j. I,, ,;T .Me-srs I'atteisiir,'- Aidlon. lormerh occiiliy ns a Carriaj-e Makers I j'he huihi G.I l'.o' front on upper krt t on J-'iotit slicet, and wo e-ti-ect i-foiic and liio'i 111 Also a tiy.i story 1 : LLACKSMITII ?HOP,j on Ih.' same premises. TUi is II 40 hv on tl't i 1. rii,T.furi'er Market ii'id Front it. and i- Ii' loot lrunt, an I Kit) Lit deep. I '1 i.o premise! woiil.l Is), vulunlilc tT a Vity or oll.'-r !..:;iii.t': -tMiii.ir ptirposes. ami will Md on retiMrihlo and iiceoiuinodiitiinr terms in. I'lvinR cither to .i.u;ou c.i::a(iANi Phil.idclph -J. V. V, OI.l'IX(,'r.i;, Ps.p, Milton ot II. 1!. MAS'Si:i!. llsij., Sunhury. Philadelphia, .fan. '-.), 18.)l tf- 1 ITJ3 5, 4 63 4. I. 111 S 1 EsTAIil.lStllil) ir. YEARS AGO li N. U'.Loriwr of 'lltird and I'nioil n 1'iird and Unio, Strei i IIKTWKK.S SI'Rl't'B AM) l'lNK STltKKTS, i;in I' en: l'i:i:N YI :AKS of extensive unit lininlerrnpt m ous coy line rendered Lir. K. I iii :! tjiciT nn i Micci ssint piitt'iitii'itcr mr ami nt'ii in tin- ri' Min.t-tit ui tliM-;iM- di ii i'jntc mitnrt'. lVrwn iitiiiftc I v n!i nl'-i-is wy -n tin-1 mIv, tnn-at, or Icirs, pit ins i I't -iil ; n- li 'lies, ni."Ciiri;il rlu-umat ism. ftriclLiri-h, urV! tliMi'iif iiriarnu tnuii i mt til nil fXcu.-i or iiunin itirs iij' tii l.l.tti.i. wlit-icl-y the nstituti 'ii li.tji ln-ct'ine liiIucIiUhI, at u.l HiJiiii'iJ wi lit tr.lcccHi. lit- wli'H'ft liiiii.. li' Minlrr tlie ':ri' nf Dr. K., inny i!!i'itis!y r.t.ifiiU- in his h n.ir ;m n ct-ntk'niiin. mul iroiihilciiti y r:l) Uit'.nj bif Mviil n pliyeiciiin. ' TAKi: l'AUTKJU.AIt XOTICK. Yti'tny M(,,i who 1i;ivi i'l'iii fil llriiis.'lvt s hy n rrrlniii pui' iict; lU'lui'ji'il in a halui li t-tiufii: ly Ifiirnrtl irtrtii evil I nn;1 itii'-i.'- r ;il sc'i .-! -in- fic.-s ' lii' h ;ire nifilttlvi It-ll, i veil U'l.f.i rjslef;t, ttnil nty Ii 't!i Inilpl itidl Kn!y,l , fu w'.t i;ii:- i.n in'c' ri'i ly. W'cikic n inut i:-.'ititutinnul' i tt"hiii!r I t. i't' tn " i1 n c-vp'y. iHiy.ifiit InsjtitiLtf und n , ev.il pi linn, it u::.i:!i! v mill nil ncrv"uti iHi'ftiiuK. iiuli- ; ! j-v.s'i'n. ;.:,i ..;-! im 's.i d(" tivi-i. nn-t t-viy i tt.:t.iii nny win iinii''c: wiili lin tlifirtlT ui" llie prtH-reutive Tunc-' i tiaiis ciifi .l. :n.'! lull vi"r iVMnrtvl. t ! VvlTTI! AND MANHOOD. ' A vi'nus liu. or a prcinuhm? tloalh. ' EIXIiLMX (ui Silf Pnsi'rvatiou. ! ONLV 25 CENTS. TTii Tl t.k niFt ,n!.'i.'f(l in tin,..,) vltx usi-fnl uifitrtniitioii 1 on t.!i iiitiriiiMiM :iul (ii.-K'HSt'H ot" the (inffai iv Oiunn. It ;i.Hr-i.- l.:;l.kr t. V( M 'TIL M AMlOOi uud Ul.D .ViiK. nn-l Kh.inM !' if;n hy all. The viihmlile :nlure ui..l imiirewive wnriinii; it fivf, ' will prPYt i it years of niist-ry uinUulfcring uml suvc annual, ly 'I'll HHiirJf ut' l.ivtx. V-jn-iii s bv ri-n'ftf it will It-am how tonrcveut the uYs tn;ti n nt rhi-ir rhiMrt'ii. : .",'-V rf!i.!u-(;-i' .i' rpnts, fiii'lumi inn 1-ttcr, ml 1 iln-F. .1 u Hit. KIKi:i,l. . V. o-riuT ofTHIHDA ; L'MO.N Kifi-IA httwfii Swrwe Ac Jh.w, I'hiimd'li'bm, ' i vi:l t'lisnre :i h mk. niiticf t'livrliipr. per return i mail. . fVrnsut n ihaimre ntiy uittrcsn lir. K. hy It-lier, (port ! paiil,) ni't iifciiii-il nt h ii t. ; p vci t.i:s vf mkuicim:, pum-ttioxs. &c, I t''i'w uii' il hv R.-M'-iixj a r-itnitaui-e, ami nut unnuane from ! PA M ,'.r I'l'lM'iSTV. P'( li-ht Jii-r, X'.'w Ant-iiK, lVill.trn, I'mivussers, nnrl nil ulhT.s !mip!i, wiih tin- almve work nl Ytiy low rale. I .-''tfinhfi- 6. 1 v. PATZITT (ireen's Oxy.'cnntt d liitler, pri.-e reduced. (Mil Jacob Toiviirtcnir Sarsui'urilla. li.ikcr's Sarsiiiarilla. 8uayi:e's vruii of Wild Cherr b'wa lie's Vermifuge. yre's ('lierry l'. ctoral r. Dral.e's I'utiacea. llr. ('ullen's tin Tibhit's Fain Killer. Dr. Ilootland's (ierman Dittrrs; Indian N eetuliie 1'ills Horse nnd Cattle Medicines For sale by 1IENKY MASS EI!, ullblry, July 14, I S lit. Valuable IJooKn. 1JFE or Citiiisr, hiiudsoiuely bound, JJ'Ar J !li:'s lllSTOIIV OF TllK KllOllMATIIIX, lll.lXK DlT-HOOKS AMI I.KIIOUIS, full bounded. For sale at tho publishers prices by 11. B. MASSKB. Hunbury, July 1 1. 1N49 -Al'S An assortment ju.t received. Also V .ilk llA'l'S at .i, tor sale by 11. MASSER. StmburY, Dec. 8 IH. . , JATE-NT UKITTAMA BTOITERS for bar tiotties lor sale ny ... , . w U. ii MASTER. ' Snnbnry, April, 1?, 1851 ' " "liriMTIXU FLUID aiid self searinfiTEiivT- . lonea. iust received and for aale hv April 19. MM, H. B. MASSER, 'BLANKS. '-v '." SI.ANKS of every iki.eri4on an hs had by i) aK.lymj at tliootiWe of the Aniericniw ,. . v TrpkADD'S teleliruterl Horse'arid iCattls Medi.' 3 V cine for sale by HKNRYiMAtH -' Sunlairy, Jan. S7th, 1849