! 7 . 1 fi-Usff. ARRIVAL OF Tf- i F It ANKZt X IK DAY LATER ROM b' nOPK. lileamship Priklin "ved t New ' YoPeterday morsHF, wi"" u,ii from Hand Liverpoo'to ihe'Sih inst. trorilinaryllenfit, made by the Co Quejto Teel, to the effect the Spring"!" 18., be saw two ves nbcddedfl Ihe ice, drifting towards DiStraitswhiirt are believed to have bi John ran Mil' ships, has received jeniio from the Admiralty. The X, Tiitfs of the 14lh inst., contain ajumns of documents on the subject, same paper of the 15ih, however, rrimper on the story by showing its ility and suggesting the piubability lit the Captain saw, was only the re ifof hit own vessel from two differ ices of icebergs. MONET MARKET. narket is glutted. Consols have near led par, and all soits of securities are prising. Maine Law in Minnesota The lure of this young territory recently f he Maine Law and submitted it to ,ple for approval or rejection at a J Election on the 5th inst., and they ited to ratify and sustain the Law. ")e was very heavy, and the majority cecided. The Law will take effect on I of May. The election was a very t one. The Minnesolian says : ore the polls closed, the masses of ice tve so long fettered the river, omin oroke up and majestically moved down s ; the river shone in the light of the like a burnished serpent thxt has led his skin ; and in the evening the (hurch bells pealed the merry chime dory in Minnesota over the deadliest (human society and human happiness, tver desolated a Slate or Teriilory." tre were polled at St. Paul 774 votes ; lAnthony 306 ; at Collage Grove 42 lit one for the Law. The Democrat (tip that the Law is passed, and exhorts lod citizens to respect and enforce it. was A Man '.John Schafer, who died r days since in Montgomery county, 62 years, resembled one of the char m in Shakespeare "the like of whom my not look upon again." Rev. Mr. hart writes of him : "lie deceased was the largest man we i saw. The coffin was sufficiently laige tntain five men of ordinary size ; mea sg in width 3 feet 4 inches in the clear, i 3 feet in height. Thiee men could worked in it at the same time with lenience. It required six men to take from the bed on which he expired. "s was done by raising a platform re ring the headboard, and taking him out i way. They could not not get the coflin the house, but by taking oil the door ing of an old vacated house that stood in s yard, tticy got it into that and carried corpse thither on three empty bags. A agon and four horses stood prepared, and n men placed the coflin and its contents pun it. In letting down the coflin into the tave, they had two lines doubled one at ach end and one large well rope in the lid, Ha; and seventeen meu to let down this ;reat sprinkle of moitality, into its last torn on earth. His weight was not known. " How Jenny Lino Fixed It. The New York correspondent of the Sunday Des patch gives us the following glance at Jenny Lind'a husband, and the way she fixed mar riage preliminaries. The description of Ot to's character is less fluttering than some of his lady's admirers would wish, and Jenny is shown to have exhibited the same cute rtess in her love affair that has characterized all her business transactions. She possesses m great deal more than Yankee shrewd ness : "Mr. GoMschmidt is a small, thin, weak human article, extremely inclined to take care of himself; and has just apostatized from the Jewish failh to the Christian. He won Jenny by an assiduity of attention be yond all parallel. He never left her side. Her tastes were his, her opinion were his own. And in wedding him, Jenny firmly and legally so arranged all her property that 'her husband will never be able to touch a penny of it, and he submits to such a week ly allowance of pocket money, &c, as, in her judgment, his good conduct may de serve. These are all facts and you may de pend upon them. ' The Genoa Gazelle, of the 24th, quotes the following, dated Nice, 21st : "The Xlolher of General Garibaldi died here, at a very advanced age, yesterday. In the after, noon, her mortal remains were conveyed to the cemetery, followed by an immense cor tege of relatives, friends, and foreigners The corners of the pall were held by four political refugees a Frenchman, a Pole, an Italian, and a Russian. All the members of the French and Italian emigration, present at Nice, attended the funeral. There were .even among them several ladies." Small Notes in Delaware -On and after Saturday next, the first of May, no notes of foreigh banks can be parsed in Delaware under the denomination of five dollars, un der the penalty of ten dollars. Travelleis, as well as others, should remember this. I ion Flags. There is no end to the new purpose for which iron is beginning to be AMed. At Cincinnati, they are taking up the broad flag stones which are laid down for foot passengers at the crossing of the street! nd substituting iron plates. Tn Woman' Temperanoe Convention, held at Rochester on the 20th and 2 1st till., adopted a resolution lhat the woman tb consent to live in the relation of wife with a confirmed drunkard, is, jn so doing, recreant to Ihe caus of humanity, and to lb dignity of true womanhood. LETTEH or A ROMAN CATHOLIC TO HIS BMHOP. The following letter, published in the Buffalo Morning Express, will speak for it self. The writer Mr. Lecodtrlx, is a weal thy and highly respected citizen of Buffalo. Tho church with which he is connected has been without a priest for months, the Bishop having foibidden any of his clergy from officiating until the deeds of the church property aie placed in his hands. We are glad to see that there is some resistance manifested to this ecclesiastical despotism, but it is a mournful truth, that generaliy, the congiegaiions of New York and Pennsylva nia have succumbed to this infamous de mand. BvrrAi.0, N Y., March 31, 1851 To the Right Rev. John Hughes, Catholic Archbtshop of New York. Right Reverend Sir : My attention, a few days ago, wa called to your circular letter of the 16th inst., printed in the New York Freeman's Journal ; and since you have been so pleased as to set me and the others before the public as irreligious and worthless beings, permit me to answer you in setting before that same pnblio our proper character, and the motives of your animad version towards us, "the pretended Cotholics of Buffalo and Rochester." I am not at all surprised, sir, that you should feel indignant at the boldness of these "pretended Catholics" for their trying by respectful remonstrances, to destroy the bill which you have caused to be presented in the House of Assembly of this State ; but what surprises me, is to see one of the high disnilaries of our church so far forget him self as to make use of such unbecoming ap pellations towards ns as are contained in your said circular letter. The bill which you have caused to be pre sented to the Legislature for its adoption, having no other object in view but to make you more wealthy, in giving you and your bishops the exclusive control and adminslra lion of Church property, surely we, to whom that properly beloncs, since we have paid for it, have a right to remonstrate against any law likely to lake il away from us ; fur this is not a question of religion, but merely one of dollars and cents, which you want to possess, to the exclusion of their right owners. You say that "the Catholic bishops of New Yoik, Albany and Buffalo are now owners in fee simple of nearly all religioug and charitable property existing within their respective ecclesiastical jurisdictions ;" but, sir, you do not say how all this came into their hands. Your spiritual power is im mense, and if I must judge by all the misery you have inflicted upon us to force us to annul our act of incorporation, I must be lieve that at least one half of lhat properly enmf into your hands through the compul sion which you have exercised. In Frauce) sir, all church properly belongs to the peo people, and they have its temporal adminis tration ; yet they are not considered bad Catholics for holding the same. "Do Justly." A religion that does not constrain u v. an to pay his just debts, when he has the ability to do it, is worth nothing. That he can escape his liabilities through some defect of human law, will never justify him al the bar of conscience and of God, for defrauding others of '.heir due. Mekkness. How difficult to berJTa meek and forgiving spiiit when despilefully used. To love an enemy and forgive an evil speak er, is a higher attainment than is commonly believed. It is easy to talk of Christian for bearance among neighbors, but to practice it ourselves proves us to be Christians indeed. Painting or Penn's Treaty. At a late sale of paintings belonging to the heiis of William Perm, in England, the great picture of Penu's Treaty with the Indians, was bought by Mr . Cat lin for Joseph Harrison, Esq , of Philadelphia, for five hundred guineas. Emigration to Australia. The emigra. tion from Liverpool to the gold regions of Australia is rapidly extending. Ti'espav last was the birthday of Louis Napoleon, when he was 44 years old. He was born the 20 ih of April, 1808. Nature makes us poor only when we lack necessaiies, but custom gives Ihe name of poverty lo ihe want of superfluities. The Louisville Democrat says that the wife of Mr. Gosmer, of Milton, Ky, gave birth to four children, on th 22d ult. One of the Brooklyn omnibuses has a ma chine which registers the number of passen gers who enter it. Ingenious. A wheelwright at Huders field has built a grand wagon in a chamber over his shop, and is unable to get it out," The abominable Bun-shade is again fash ionable. When a belle Is married, she wrings her falliei's heart, as well as his pocket. In Spain, the evening salutation is, ' Vaga uel cuu Dios" (Go you with God.) In the lale fire at San Francisco, we no lice a large quantity of Ayer's Cherry Pec. total bullied, in the possession of one of the Druggists of lhat cily. Gold will not control disease, and even in that Ophir country they must provide this best of all remedies for colds, coughs and affections of Ihe lungs Indeed, we happen to know that it is an al most indispensable companion of the mule leers and miners, who are to much and so continually exposed lo ihe ever changing at. moephere of that climate. Hoovlasd's German Bitters We would call the attention of our readers lo the adver tisement of Dr. Hoofland's celebrated Ger man Bitters, pre na red bv Dr. C. M. Jackson. No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. In case of Liver complaint, Dyspepsia, Disease of the Kidneys, and all disease arising from a dis ordered stomach, their power is not excelled, if equalled, by any other known preparation, as tue cure attest, in many cases, after the most celebrated physicians had failed. We ran conscientiously recommend this medi cine, as being what it is represented and lirse our reader who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and they will be convinced of the ilium we assert SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. MA Rill ED, On the 27th ult , by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. William Bough n eh, of Shamokin tp., to Miss Rksecca Scheii, daughter of Henry Scheib (Tanner) or Augusta. On the llih ult., by the Rev. A Bergner, Mr. Daniel Hethich, of Upper Mahonoy, to Miss Susan Kramer, of Cameron tp. On the 28th of March, by the Rev. R Deunper, Mr. John Kaufpman, to Miss Jo anne Shafer, both of Hollowing Run. I) II! D, In Jackson tp , a few days a no, Mr. John Latsiia, aged 68 years, 6 months and 6 days. tn the same township, on the 30th ult., HENRIETTA, wife of William Fleming, ugud 21 years. OBITUARY. Died at his residence, in this place, on Monday morning, the 26th nil., LEWIS DEWART, aged 71 years, and t mouths. The demise of Mr. Dewart was not sud den or unexpected. Disease had long since made inroads upon a constitution naturally weak, but which by temperance and care, enabled him to weather the storms of life, lo three-score years and ten the allotted time of man. .A long time, either fur weal or woe, for good or for evil, in this world of tribulation and sorrow. It was the good for tune of the deceased lo choose the first, and it was equally fortunate that Providence had provided him with an abundance of this world's store, lo enable him In "do goad un to others." This was an admirable trait in his character, I ways performed in a quiet and unostentatious manner. For several years past it was evident to himself as well as to his friends, lhat ihe hand of death was upon him, and lhat "the end of earth" was drawing nigh. His health was rapidly de clining, and for the last six mouths ho was confined to his house. The deceased has been long and favorably known ns one of our oldest anil most respec table citizens, his long and eventful life hiv ing been spent here, the place of his nativi ty. As a public man, his character is with out reproach. For a number of years he represented this County in the Legislature and had acquired, at home, a popularity lhat conquered all opposition. As a member of the Legislature, Jie was liberal, conscientious and just, which added to a sound judgment and excellent moral character, gave him great weight in that body, und he closed the last year of his Legislative labors, as Speaker of the House of Representatives. He also rep resented this district fur several years in Congress. In every capacity and in all the relations of life, public or private, he always had accorded to him the proud title of "An honest man, tlie. noblest work of God." In his habits, he was plain, simple, and unostentatious, and in his business relations, always exact, strictly just, and correct, but never illiberal. We have known him from our infancy, and have known him well, and have never heard aught against him that was discieditable or wrong. Mnj. Wm. L. Dewart, of this place is his only child and heir. May he always cherish and imitate the virtues which adorn ed the character of his venerable parent. The funeral will lake place from Ihe resi dence of the deceased, on Sunday next, at half-past 1 o'clock P. M.J Ed. American. Philadelphia Market. April 28, 1852. Flour and Meal. Flour is firm sales of 700 bbls. mixed brand at 4 per bbl ; vales for city use at $4,124. Exna (lour is held at S4i a f 5. Rye Flour. Is scarce, and would bring S3. 25 Corn Meal. Last sales of fresh ground at $3.6 j,. Wheat Little oflerina ; sales of prime red at 90 e ; while is held at 95. Rye. None airiving; last sales at 73 cents. Corn. Is dull j sales of good old jellow at 64 cts. Oats. New Southern are in demand al 42 a 43 cts. Whiskey. Sales at 21 cts. in bbs. and 21 cts. in hhds. Baltimore Market April 27, 1851. GRAIN'. The supply of Wheat is small for ,ua 11181 llay ' " 5alt' f l,0tl "llllO I I-II 9 lU-UUy HI DO a BO UIB. V 11 1 1 3 111 96 a 99 cts. ; and a luriie lot veiy prime white, taken lor Shipment, al 103 els. Sales of new Corn, in good condition, al 58 cts. white, and 56 a 57 els. for yellow Damp parcels sell at 45 a SO cts. Sale of old corn al 54 a 56 cts. Sales of Maryland Rye at 3,50 cents. We quote Outs ut 34 a 35 cts. for Mary land, and 37 cts. for Pennsylvania. WHISKEY. Sales of Pennsylvania bbls. at 214 cts., and of hhds. at 21 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Wheat. 00 Rrs. . .62 Coax. 6'i Oats. . 40 PoriToss, . CO lil'TTKU. 14 Eons. ... 10 Pork. ... 8 Knxir.Mi. .... 100 Tallow. 12 UlESWAt - 20 Hkckleii Fiai. 17 Daixu Amis. .... '00 Do. Peachi. 250 New Advertisements. SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD. IN pursuance of a a resolution passed st an ad journed meeting of the Commissioners named in the act incorporating the Susquehanna Rail Road Company, passed the 14th day of April 18.M, held at Sunbury, on Thursday the S2d of April 1832, books will lw opened for the sub scription ot slock to tne said nusquelianna Koad, at the following times and places, to wit i At Sunbury, at Ilia House of C. Wesvsr on Tuesday April S7, At Georgetown, - P.Spatx, At Lewisburg, " A. UUir. A I Northumberland, at the House of J. Lee en Wednesday 28, At Milton, J. M. Huff. 19. At Harrisburg, at the House of H. Omit, on Saturday May 1, At Baltimore, at Barnuro's Hotel, Thursday " t, At Halifax, at lbs House of E. Frederick, Monday - I. At MUleraburg, at Seals Hotel, " " - BY ORDER OP THE COM.MIMIONERS. Suiting, April 4, 115?. St. CHERRY PECTORAL: Far ihe Care t COUGHS, OOX.D3, HOARSENESS, BR OK OHXTI8, GROUP, ASTif. MA, WHOOFIXTO-OOUOH AMD OOWSUMPTIOIf. This remedy is offered to the community with th confidence we feel in an article which sel dom fails to realize the happiest effects that run be desired. 8o wide is th field of its usefulness and so numerous the cases of its rurrs, that si most every section of the country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming snd even desperate diseases of Ihe lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kind, is too apparent to escape observation, snd where its vir tues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous aflections of the pulmonary orgnns, which are incident to our cliinato, And not only in the (brmidsblv attacks upon the lungs, but for the milJer varieties of Coi ns, Col ons, IIoarsi: kkss, Ac, and for Chimirss it is the plcnsnnt est and safest medicine that can bo obtained. No fnmily should be without it, and those who have urcd It, never will. Read the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will be recognized in tho various sections of country where they are located each and all as merchants of the first class and of the highest character as the oldest and most extensive Wholcsalo Dealers in Medicine with an experi ence unlimited on th subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE Iff the undersigned, Wlwlemde Druggists, hnving been for long acquainted with .Iyer's Chary Pectoral, hereby certify oitr beliej that it is the best and viost effectual remedy for Pul monary Complaints ever offered to the Ameri can People. And we would, from our knowl edge of its composition, and extensive vsejnl ness, eordiullii commend it to the ajjlictcd as worthy thexr best con fidence, and with Vie firm conviction that il will do i'or their relief all that medicine can do. 1 llenshnw, Edmunds & Co., Boston Mass. Reese & Coulson, Baltimore, Mil. I. add Si Ingrulimn, llungur, Maine. Havilaiid, Hnrrull Co., Churlcstou, 8. C. Jucoli IS. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. H. McAllister. Louisville, Ky. y'rancis & Walton, St. I.nuis Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodora A I'eck, Burlington, Vt. Havilaiid, ltislcy fc Co., Atipistu, Ga. Isaac 1). James, Trenton, N. J. J. M. Townserd, Pittsburg, Pa. Clark & Co., Chicago, Illinois. K. K. (lay, Burlington, Iowa. M. A. Snutos & Son, Norfolk, Vs. Kdword Uringhurst, Wilmington, Del. John (Silbert ek Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Z. D. &. W. It. Cilinan, Washington, D. C. J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall ct Co., Fort Wayne, la. C. C. Richmond & Co., Sun Francisco, Cdl. I.ewia & Ames. 1 allahasse, Florida. B. It. Strong. Knnxvillr. Tennessee. Chilton fc Duer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller, IStadc & Co., Lexington, Miss. N. V. Lnbadie, (ialvestou, Texas. Clins. Dyer, Jr., Providence, U. I. Jos. M. Turner, Snvnnuah, Ga. Wade, Kckstein &. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES : J. G. Collin Sl Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. DiiKond Si Co., Vera Crux. Mexico. Rred Kivas & Co.. Bogota. New Grenada. S. Provost & Co.. Limn, Peru. Morion & Co., Halifnx, Nova Pcotia, T. Walker Sc Son, St. Johns, N. B. C. G. Sulinas & Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such assurance, and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunburv by II. MASSER, and by Druggists generally throughout the Slnte. November 1, 1851. lycc.'Imo. NEW MILLINERY STORE, Tawn Street, Sunbury. MISS ELLKX PETKliY, VlTOl'LD respectfully announce to the ladies ' of Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just returned from the Citv of I'hiladehiliiu, and in tends opening a new and handsome assortment of SPRING MILLINERY, on Saturday, April 3, at her Store, opposite the Baptist Church, and invites the public lo call and examine her stock. Sunbury, April 3, 1852. tf. List ot Jurors, OF Norihiiiriberlanil County, for My 31, 1852. Special Court. Lkwis. Jolnv Clapp, John Dimm. Delaware Joiiu Nicely, It. II. McCor mick, Isnac Vincent, Cliarles Fox, Ephraim fiilliard, Samuel Sees, Simon Lanlz. Tl'RBUT. Henry Lndwi. Point Henry Morsan, Wm Hamor. Milton. Thomas Stiine, Win. C. Wilson, J. II. McCorniiek, Geo. K. Reader. Northumberland Jumes DeifTenbacb, John Hummel, Charles F. Liltle. Sundurv Ira T Clement, Hiram Plica. Rush. Joseph Pec?. Lower Auuusta. Henry Slieib, William Bloom. jArssoN. Frederick Shreffler. JncobWei ser. Samuel Clark, John Claik, J. R. Rei-jel. Trf.vorton. Geo. Wearer, D. W. Dom baugh. I.owbr Mahonoy Michael Rittinc. Uppkr " Jacob Hoira, F. Mou rer, Peler Geise Shamokin. Amandus Miller. LIST OF CAUSES FOR Special Court of Common Plsss of Nurihumberlaud County lo be beld ihe 5ih Monday or May 1852. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. , 0 , 8 D Jordan S Hunter iom. lor nami r urman t. A(px Jorjtn Samuel A Jordan et al vs John Arnold Aaron Reppart vs Ira T Clement Henry Keiser vs Henry Yoxthrimer's sdin'r George . Gehrig et al vs Peler Wsroy - ... , . Thos A Billing- Lom for Wm L llciiieman vs ton fi aj Robert Philips vs James Kenny, jr George Garuian vs 13 II Howell et al Com. for Fred'k Weaver Henry llardsher & and Wife Jacob Fry M.hei.oy and Shamokin Abr,',um Paul Improvement Co. James Rom vs Jacob H Rhoads 'T'Jr' - M BCa. ts. Henry Donnel et al vs Hugh Bellas JAME8 HEARD, rrolb'y. Prothonetary's OfHre, Sunbury, April 17, 1853 "pXTRACT OF COFFEE. An excellent article mora wholesome and much cheeper than Coffte itself. For sale at this oOic. kyta it, iw IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. THE subscriber has constructed a LIGHT NINO ROD on trus Philosophical princi ples, by which buildings supplied with them srfl rendered perfectly secure against destruction by lightning. The connection snd insulation of the rod, as well ss the preparation of the ground rod, is on an entirely new plan, making a more per fect conductor than any heretofore in uao. Measures have been taken to secur Letters Pslcnt for the improvement. Persons desirous of securing their livs snd properly from destruction by lightning, can havs conductors put up'to their buildings in the most perfect snd substantial manner, by applying ei ther personally or by letter, tn th undersigned, at the following prices For 40 ft. J Inch ropper rod gold plated point, tolid vlnliun tin. $22,00 And forty cent for every additional foot over inriv. For 40 ft. i Inc h tubular rods gold pla ted point, totid pluiina tip. For 40 ft. iron roil gold plated point, sol id paliia lip, For 40 ft. iron rod tit ir plated point, 13,50 1 !,."0 10,00 And twenty cent for every additional foot over forty. T. S. MACKEV. Millon, Sept. I), 18S1 ly. c.np 17. IS2. Estate of JOHN UNGER Sen., Leo'd. "jTOTICE is hereby given that Idler testi " mentary have been granted to the aubseri ber on the estate of John Unger, sen., doe'd., late of Slinniokin township, Nnrthumlerinnd county. All persons indebted lo snid estate on hook necounl, vendue notes or otherwise, or hav ing claims against tho iutin, arc, requested tn cnll on the subscriber for settlement, wlio will attend at the house of ('buries Leisenring, in Sbnrnokin township, on Tuesday the 3Sth day of May next, for that purpose. WILLIAM II. MUENCII, Exc'r. Shamokin tp., April 10, 1852. Ot. MO UK COOD NEWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! I JOHN YOUNG, YTAS just received and opened a fresh and general assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, of the newest anil liest styles, consisting in part of dry Goom, ftiiocraiii:!, ftUEENSWARE. Hardware. Irou and Steel, Nails, It, ALSO: SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &o. A II of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce Give him a call and try his prices. Sunbury, April 17, 1853. MORE NEW GOODS! FRILING & GRANT. ESPECTFL'LLY inform the public snd "the rent of mankind," that they have re ceived a large assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, of every variety of style, consisting i. part of a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Merinos, Monssclint dt Lams, Calicoes, Muslins, Lhecks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GROCERIES, st ill AS Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and QTTEENSWARE, Fieh, Salt and Plaster. Also a trcsh supply of DItlGr AND Ml'DICIXF.a. CV Country produce of all kinds Liksn in e chuuge at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 17. 1H."2. KETC'gooDS! J. U. KAUFHMAN At His .ew Store In Hollowing Bun, TlEsPECPFI'LLY informs his friends and ' customers, that lie has just received a new stock of goods, which ho oilers to the public at the lowest prices, viz : Kprtug and Summer Dry Goods srm as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sullinetls. Merinos, Mousseline De Lames, Flannels and every variety of goods suitable for the season Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac. ALSO : An sssorlment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of Groceries, LIQUORS. ALSO: A variety of Qucenswure, Crockery, &(. Besides a variety of other urlielcs, suitable Air furmers, Vc. All kinds of produce taken in exchange far goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Kun, April 17, 1852. tf. J. H. & W. B. HART, W II O I. K S A I. Ii (1 II O C E II S, No. 229 North 3d St , above Callowhilt, PHILADELPHIA. A larpr assortment of Groceries always on hand, which will be sold at the lowest pi ices fur Cusli or approved Credit. April 10, 1852. ly. R. CriRM'.MI S. 1. F. IIAKP.R. V. C. HAKl'.It. Cornelius, Uakcr Co., MAN L'l'ATl'RIUlS OF Lamps, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. b'J'DKU NO. HO CHESTNUT ST Manufactory No. 1S1 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1S52. tf. New Carpet Store. 3-XLET & SOOTHE?. HAVING made ei tensive alteration in their More, and increased their facilities for business, would invite the attention of purcha sers to their large assortment of English Tapestry, " Brussels, Super Ingrain, Imperiul 3 Ply. Plain Sc Twilled Venetian CARPETINGS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHES of every width. ('axtus MTTiK(iS of ei ery style and quality imported. As these Roods have been purchased for tn,h, and we intend eonducling our Business on 'J'iis Cash PHiscirLi purchasers may re ly Upon obtaining bargains. BAILEY & BROTHER, Importer and Manufactures nf Carpetings Twelfth et Market St., Philadelphia. March 80, 1853 3in. BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS. s-onv n, r a t 'I' 1 v ...:..i . .e . IUJ1.I A. 1Til.l V, IBlira IU IlliOf III .9 iia Aiiatfiiiinra dntl tl, mililin ttn.t 1,A is now prepared to furnish them with a new and well selected stock of Buvklts of the new est style, and materials, together with a variety of other straw goods and MILLINERY TRIMMINGS. He will also be receiving throughout the season all the fresh and desirable styles which be will sell at the lowest prices, JOHN T. WALTON. No. 61 North Slid sU, Philadelphia. March 13, 1852. 3mo. RAZORS. A superior article for sale at the atom of HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, fsb. 1, 1IMV- SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St., between 2d If 3d Sts.f and JSo. 17 Aorft 6ift street, PHILADELPHIA. , ; Jolm Bancroft Jr. and Son, n ESPECTFL'LLY inform Store-keepers. Mer chants, dec, that they Manufocttirc snil have for Sale, Palm, White Variegated, Yellow snd Brown Snaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. Ls7 Cash paid for Tallow and rough r U .. April 10 l53ly. ....,-. Wholesale ami Btclail Clock ' ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Steond and Chestnut Sts PHILADELPHIA. T "If HE HE may be found, one of the largest ' and best assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the United Stitcs, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from single Clock, to one tliuu rond Clocks; embracing every variety of stvl and manufacture, suitable for Churclies, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Kail Komi Cars. Also general sate Agent, for Rnpp's lately pat ented nrientitic. iMcne Wohl ren. v lioicsale and Rcloil Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purrhap will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsowhcre. JA.Mt.M IS A K LSI, II. 8. E. Cor. Chestuut & Snd Sts., l'hila. April 10, 1853 ly. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, -IU BROWN STREET, above Fourth, FBIIiADELrHIA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pnS lie Hint they arc in full operation at their new foundry, snd ready to execute orders for stoves of ccry description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVK DEAL ERS to their large assortment of S 1 OVbsS, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among wiueii are me i.incriv ur Tight Cook, complete Cook, Mar Air I ignt, Star Franklin, Star limliulor. Jenny Lind Im p loved. Fire King Kadiators, Subimiiiulers. Can nons, Lanes, Bare Cylinders, Bar lioom Stoves, Furnaces, Cas Ovens, &e., Sec. ABBOTT 4- LAW KlSiC-.. N. B. Country merchants are , particularly invited to cull and examine our assortment. April 10, 1632. ly. ; PUIHFMG EXTRACT The Greatest BLOOD PURIFIER Is ths wiioli Would' Cf Prin 1 1 jur BlUt, or Sir Heltlaur 13. ft la n.. rut tip In QfAKT BOTTI.KK, or tho .m rewtr and mtdtrnl efflmru rt wiifit In mall IxiitVa. r.rn wry home comnin rM AT 1 r f m If lM)r; nil ih mrfljrait.oni mm mo Htronirly tlmi only One Tablefpoot ful It rqinrj.t mt )n llirre fHNrt n d'Ht ihuf on hoitle In' TwnlyOne llnvn, which it mud. longer than bottle of ,iv" other Hixlirin )i.rnuM ihera ii required of ihil a Icms Quantity 4U ft dtiMt. The K rent Sitptnorittf of thl H Inert Purifier over all othfr iiiedirin. ronvlitg In a rretit niemurt in tin r Holne at a parttif in eomnnmnl. the powerful Dledlrn! Virtue of ohm fci'itrce and Hare Indian Roots and Barks, which no other wdirine pOMettrt). TIim aratb metlswr ("in I'ltrifttH'M t)f lite lilonti thai were ever known to eilliT In.Unu or u-htt man, mul ittHft beiu, eampimntUd with III ttroHyiy-vuitctHtrnttd XjtratlM of SarsapariJla, Yellow Dock, CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS, mnk( tliit Veiretfililfi Extinct, not only tha prmtt II In oil I'urlHer, out lo, a rliMpr mfheiru i? Itrent oililn tlinn any other. It $ chiper. ItnrniiMt (ha tfninttiy of ii ilut nmv b hoiiiht fr One jlollitr wilt Hi il eh Innifpr, antl will riirfl Ten Tltnea inire B!uoe dii, than ttm JhJJitr't worth nf an othnr medicine. ff ll'ur UUdiMiliUd proof of Mm C'urm of Scrofula, Fever-Sores. Smrd-flfYtd, V.rytipfln, Sirll Vhntm, Ilfinmntiim, SypSUi, .'rrrffMiM, I'imM m Vit fVM, l.lver'omplitlnt, PUf, i.nmttninK Ctinreroui l.'lctrt, 4'oall veneaa, Uvr '" DvNpepaln, Pant in tht Suit, Kmttt, hontn, and Joint: and Al l. OlHt iMHl'RR-ltl.ooll l)lrAK9, tee OMF t.i.tl'Hl.h;Tii and Hundbtii -every A;ent baa Ujia tu give away. IVn salk y J.W. Fi ilinc. Ptiul.ury; Mary A. M C;iy, N.iitMinii-rrl;iml : John II. Uum.1, M-Kmi; llayctA. MrY'iiniiick, McKweniviUc. Mm)- 3, eiw. !y. H. J. W0LVERT0N, ; OFFICE in Market street. Punhury, adjoining the Oilioe of the "American" und opposite the Post Office. Business promptly attended tuin Northumber land and Ihe adjoining Counties. Km Ku to : Hon. C. W. lie-ins and B. Ban uan, Pottuvillc; Hon. A. Jordan and H B. Mas ter, Sonliurv. April 10, 1855 ly. SUNBURY FERRY. HENRY W. Bl.'CHER informs the public lhat he has taken the Sunbury Kerry and as he is now well prepared with good and sutii cient emits ho will be c uublcd to oceomiuodalo the public with promptness and despatch. April 18, 1852. If. the uiikat ruizu ak nivt it HXCKEl? & TULL, No. 148 Chestnut St., above Sirth, Front of JONF.S' I10TF.L. - , Mikv y "ITAVR just received their Piiie RSiTr4 Medal, awarded to lliem for 1 I I ill their best Travelling Trunks cn hibited at tho World's Fair in Loudon, 1S51 lieing the only exhibitors t.i whom any award was made. Their competition was with all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ke. To 1 found in this City, and nt very low prices. Call and see. HICKEY A TCP.. Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. J. STEWART DEPUY. 4 T 253 North 2d street, above Wood, y (Burnt District,) Philadelphia, would resiecll'ully call the attention of his friends j and the public in general, lo his lari-e and g; p well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, O Mailings, Window bhides,- Hair Rods, rt Ac., A-e. c r. e. .... ... . ,n fiiA ntm ir A Cllliill VWimiiH, " r ' r, liiifriiiti ' 11 11' 41 " Tlir.-e Ply . '. Hal - 11 " " r lllutacls I1 " ll M " p Door Malts. He would invite the atuin- g tiou of dealers and others to bis large stock PI of Door Malls which he manufacture in great variety and of splendid quality. Oil Cloths. from 1 yard to 8 yurds wide wholesale and retail. April 10, 1853. 0m. DAVIS C00FEB, COMMISSION MERCHANT, roR the sam: op.. Fisli, Provisions, fy Vo. 9 A'orH Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 163. ly. 1JLANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of pari'hment paper, sold at the lowust prices st this oliire, by wholesale and retail ,' '.. FOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at "5 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger, tS rents. MARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 handsomely eieeuted for sale at this aflioa. aim-la or FEE BILLS-Justices and Constables Fee Bills kasHlsoiQsly printed on caid paper, for sale at this office. STAGE OFFICE. AVASHINUTOX HOUSE, ,: . STOBITRY, PA. . JAMES COVERT, Proprietor,! WOL'LD rrspeclfully announce that lie has tnken this well known stand, wmr he will le gratified to sen and entertain hie Irinntls and Ihe Irsmllin public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly looated, handsome ly furnished, well ventilated, rendering it respect desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in filling up this house. The chambers are well furnished and the table and hsr provided with Ihe best the market ran alford. The stable accommodations are extensive anil well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages running from NorlbiimbeTlsnd t Pottsville, stop at this house, where through and way tickets to Philadelphia eon be obtained. Sunbury, March SO, 1852. tf. SI. 000.000 Saved Yearly by Purchasing SILVER'S MINERAL PAINTS. rpiIK wonder of llm sct. imlnre's own pr'Klactitis. I Tin s.- P.iinln differ from nil others In Hi nnrket tliev tire n.it ckivs i lliev refuirr lillle Oil. flow msily. snil c n'er with m henvirr h-Vlv limn while Inn). They neither rnirk nor peel, mid dry readily, making an Kk.jiii ut Stovs. , Ci iLortS. We lm-e. seven diflVrenl rotors. Til : Hire rtr !. !! .:h"c.'li,ie, litnek snd Yellow, and by eoio- liin-tli in nmke everv vnrletr and ihiirie of r"l"f. UUDY These l'ainls nre superior m rmy tr enver ins pmnertv) tn any yet disenvcied, and pound lor pound will ' ' dnile the snrfaco of white lead, zisc, or ouim luelnpie 11,11118. IKON Ti Iron they furnish a perfect protection ntrniiiKt rust, t 'r IhfT eontniii no metal, which like while lead ucls destructively on Uio iron i m laci mis in:iketi in.nd intitv vnli-nMe f"r huildi'iir pnrp" HltlCK WOftK They cive to h wnlls a mu'h lii'nvierc'inlin tlisn mher paints, nnd if snli'line is requir ed, notliiiiff h"Ma sn firmly or finillies so well with it. Cll.ll IH'llir flli-e n. n riMif never si old nisi lenkr. Silver's Minrnil l'uinis will make it cheaply new snd niore ennnrinp thnil It ever wi. SHIPS umnir this estrn.irdinnrv Mineral s we prepsro it fur thein. will lie pMof ngsiust the action of hot suns WTms mid sill water. fM'ITAl.lSTS nnd nrit.Tt'H! nre Invited! miVs strii-t ormtiny Into the merits or Ihew Paints. 1 ney will find a very rrmt reduction imc'il ! nnnie in rna cosi n. pr'in'iiie. ' Tliewe Paints nre purely minrrnt; nil ehosuad .iiN..r i.nMiiriii... nre wiphed out ill nrenntltiff Itieta f"f tho market. They eont hut hnlf Ihe ptice nf while lend, nnd rlio srime qimntitv will cover Iwlee the surface, nnd lt six limes n I nnr.' which in lilei reduces Ihe price lo Olio twelfth, f'liumle lin.no enVel on lhi Pnint. mid is equally vnlinitile in ihe cold Ciimtltis or nur tunny l'lortdn. 1)111 Fi'l in'VV I e Linseed int. nnv fin inn i von enn. mid n-e n other paints. Th Points nied but iittl- drver. nnd I'oi pruning nnd second coting in all housework they will h found far cheuper and in irs dura ble h:m tend. . niilem mid consumers enn prwure this P:ont wholesale nudretiilof PK l-ATII RICH rtlW, X. W. Comer lOlh nnd Mnrket Sts . Philadelphia. C 'lietpt V!ioede Acentm nlso Importers of Plnte and Col ired Window liNn. DoaW.i iu Drugs, 1'uiuls, Jtc. .Uitih 13, l?,'..-3tuo. HENRY CARR. CKO. LF.ACt K. J. II. OIESE' 111 .'V I'OMISSION AND FORWARDING BOUSE CARR, GIESE & CO, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, JSo. 19, Spears Wharf, BAiriMonx. Will ritccivoand sell KI.Ol ll. UK A IX. nnd al. kinds of COL'XTKY HlODU'li nnd slsa l.f.MUl'.K. PARTICULAR attention will bo Riven to this limni-li of llin llusiuess, hy Lewis W. 11. Ciese, whose whole attention Will lie devoted to the sale of Lumber, und will occupy un Oliico on the Fulls Dock, especially lor this purpose. Mr. (iiese's Inn; experience, and repntr.tion as a first rale salesman, is a guarantee that the highest nrirket price will always lie obtained. Liberal t'asli advances made on Con sii(iinieiiU : but ill no case will this House umks biiv udvanccs, until the l'roduec is received. March 13, 1852. 4 mo. -"' ' ' CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND lttTAIL. J. W..5 E. 1). STOKES, No. 194 Market Street, South side, First bel u SLeth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ol;D FEP.OWS nnd Masonic Regalia of every variety, suited to the various rank and orders, constantly on hand. Also, a large and extensive stock of fashionable Itcady .Hade Clothing, inmiif.iclured by the best of workmen, and from the newest stylo of Goods, nf late importation, at greatly reduced prices. They have also a lare and well selected assortment of Piece Goods, nf English, French and German Fabrics, of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approved snd fashionable man ner, and in a superior stvle of workmanship. February 29, 1853. 4 mo. Eonnets, Hats and Millinery Ciooils! MERCH ANTS and Milliners when in Phil, adelphiu to purchase their eoods, will tin J it to ilieir interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STRAW coons. Wo mnnnfarttire ' largely and imtobt tho Ntw is r B r it Li s or I'oi'ci!i Fabrics) in our line ; which together with other advanta KM cn.iblo us to oiler liberal inducements to B ruts. R. A. CROOK ER, & CO., No. 47 nud 49 Chestuut Street, and No. 80 S mth Second Mrcct, west side, near Chestnut, Pniliidelpliia. December 27, 1851 ly.cf. Estate of JOSEPH FOLK, Deo'd. VOTICE is hereby given that letters Testa v mentry have been Krantcd to the subscriber o:i Ihe estate of Joseph Folk, dee'd., lale of Low er Augusta townsl ip, Norlhuinberlarid county. All persons indebled to said esUile or bavins; claims against the same, arc requested to call on ihe subscriber for selllement. PETER CON RAD, (son of Pttor.) Lower Augusta, March 'il 185i. Cl. , The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED. 10U If Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA.. PFV.IIE subscriber Iwks leave respectfully to in A form I'msTKMs generally, that he lias suc ceeded to Ike Business of manufacturing Print, tug ut formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and oilers his article to the trade, without any Prrrs, but with the simple reliance upou the loun established chaiacter il has borne, Iccliiis confident of its giving entire satisfaction lo all who mav ftvor him with a call. Ti e Cish. . CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1853 tf. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER ATTORNEY AT LAW, MVXUI'IIY, Pt. Dee. 13. 1851 tf. ,11. I. KIIIXDUI.. ; ATT0R1T2S7 .T LAVA Office in Market street Sunbury, apposif Weaver's Hotel r Kl"fcINE8S will U promptly attended to in the Counties f Norlhuiuberlwid, Civioa, Columbia and Montour. Sunbury, Oct. 11,1851. ly, t-. !. --I -T-- , I ij ..." , WASTED TO BORROW TWELVE HCNDRED DOLLARS U twe. SIIII1S of UX hundred llolUra ek I... ki.l J t"od free-hold security wiU be given. AdJnsss, 1 K. W.' ,.' fuiihuiy, rtt. ISS-.-H.