SUMuiiY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. POKTIIY. The Lake Side. II J. O, WH1TTIER. The shadows rounil tho ifilund sea Are ilepp'iiing into nihi, Slow up the slope or Ossippee They chase the lesseiiiii"; light. Tired of thd long day's blinding heat, I rest my languid eye, Lake of ,i,e Hills ! where- cool and sweet , The sunset witters lie 1 Along the sky, in wavy lines. O'er isle, and beuch, and bay, Grppn'bi'lied with eternal fine, The mountains stretch away ; Below, the maple masses sleep Where shore with water blends, While midinay on thn tranquil deep Tin! evening light descends. Sn seemed it when ybn hill's red crown, Of old, the Indian ttod, And through the sunset air looked down Upon the smile of God. To him of light and shades the laws No forest skeptic taught ; Thfir living and eternal cause His truer instinct sought. He saw thpse mountains in iho light Which now across them shines ; Till Lake, in summer sunset bright, W tilled round wilh sotribariinr pines. God near him seemed : from eurlh uud skies His loving voice he heard, As luce to face in Paradise, Man stood before the Lord. A STRING OF ITKMS. The German population of Cincinnati is estimated at 50,000. Five persons have been executed in Lan caster county since 1788. tin who resolves to amend, has God on his side. The houses of Columbia, Pa., are to be numbered. Somehody suggests that the Pennsylvanian needs mending. Tit eke are 1200 omnibus daily running in London. Mr. E., of South Windhim, Conn., the inventor of wood type, it is said, has failed. The Harbor of Erie lias been lor some time onen, while Buffalo and Dunkirk are still frozen up1 Gu een peas are abundant "down South." Here, we 'cry peas, peas, but theie is no peas." Panthers remain in portions of Alabama A negro was recently attacked by one, but escaped. A Westeun taper has a severe article up' on the bribery anil corruption in the Court of Common Fleas. It has probably been bit The Loudon (Canada) Prototype has the following at its head ."The Maine Law for Canada !" Gi.iT. Paste. Instead of pure water for mixing the flour, use glue water, to which add soma rosin to keep it front turning. "Yon look rather flat," said thu teakettle to llw pan cake. "I would lake that as an insult," said the pan-cake, "but I am aware that you have been steaming it." The head men anil Chiefs of the Ononda ga nation of Indians have memorialised the Legislature of New York in favor of the Maine Law. A poet out West, speaking of a late tor nado says, "the frighted weathercocksalarm ed the spites." This in almost equal to Nat Loo's celebrated line 'A mail potato went liowling down the gale." A Wisconsin paper says that the emigra tion to California from that State exceeds belief. Farms are sold for half their value by persons in baste to migrate to the land of gold. "Does the floor you have been scouring look nice, Bridget 1" ' ludade, an' it does, martn just as nice us if 1 hadn't touched it I didn't hurt it, at all. Whv does water boil sooner in an old saucepan than a new one. Punch takes it upon himself to answer this ohlruse query, by saying, "it's because the old tin's used to it." Miss Fantadlino says the first time a young man "sal up wilh her," she felt as if a sweet brier was climbing her chair, while honey-suckles, so hid the legs of Iho table, that she thought she was in Puradiso regained. "I cannot imagine," said an alderman "why my whiskers turn gtey so much soon er than the hair on my head.' 'Because," observed a wag, :you have worked so much harder wilh your jaws than your brains. In the city of Venice it is said there are thousands who never saw a carriage or a hoise, a farm, or a vineyard, or even a hill of corn. They travel through the canals that traverse every part of the city in gon dolas, large canoes that will hold from flvo to ten persons. "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE I5ENN. MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most FashionaMe Style. 'TMIE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the pulilic to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of AItllB.VAISI,. which cannot fail to reiommend itself tocverv one who will examine it, on account of its durable workinnnship nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stock to Ito hud In the city. No clTnrt is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the suliscrilirr is determined to keep up with the many improvements winch are constantly bring made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Divnn rid Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, liRCAKl ANT AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phils- Uclpliia nimulaclurc. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern ' and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. Jlc also manufactures nil kinds and qualities of CIIAI11S, including varieties never before to he hud ir Sunbury, such ns Mihooast, Black Walnit AMI CmiKII Af AI'LK CillKCI A ', AND WlNIISOIt CHAIRS, ami fanct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, anil warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. J lie suliscrilirr is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchaso furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Idtuirs. His articles will bo disposed of on as cood terms as they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvnient for work. rt7 UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkarkk, he is now prepared for Vndertnking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. I tr I lie arc Koom is in Market (street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE JtliA. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. avm. M'CAirrr, 1) O O K S K 1. 1. K K , Broad win, SUNBURY, PA. TUS'I' received and for sale, a fresh supply of r,v,ix;i:MiJiL. nil sic fur Ringing Schools. He is nlso opening at this time, a large assortment of Books, in every brunch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific AVorks, I.nw, Medicine, School anil Children's Books, Bibles; School, Pocket and Family, Mil with ami without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will be sold low, cither for cash, or coun try produce. "Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1S.'2. tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: Far the Cure f COUGHS, COLDS, HOAnSElNTrSS, BR. ON OHITXS, GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AMD CONSUMPTION. CATTLE POWDER PREPARED BT imEINin, FRONEFIELD & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philailclphia. 'I'lllS powder is entitled by ths united testimony of sit I who huve ned it to the Brut rank of sll those CA r- TI.K MI'.DICIXKS, which hnve been thousht praise- worthy ror many yuan. Indeed we chuiicnffe any pcrn to inuke a superior, in any powder thnt sets in the snme miniiicr. ii tnennunni he perieciiy neoitny 11 win nmn increase tlin nmountnr rnilk or renin Hon butter f or the nnitnnl will Improve mpiilly in fnt. It will therefore in time lie considered we hnve no doubt one of iheetnplenrti. ch'sof every Former, who keeps a diary; nnit of every "iiti owning u noise. It Is not one ol mine sum i tuTirnss Unit merrlv iwell an nnimnl up for a short lime, lint it will liy the enp icity whirh it has of convening uiri'i nit; ai:id (which is tin enete mnoer, inio THIS GERMAN WASHING l'OWDKKS S considered by thousands who have tested it, as being tho greatest Scientific Wonder of the World! Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES upon tub WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME, LABOR AND KXPENSE. N'. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many arc trying to palm oil" article put up like mine.) the Proprietor, I. P. HOYT, will put his "WRITTEN SIGN ATI' UK on the top la bel of every Package. And he only usks uu enlightened public not to confound Till-: (;r.ii'MA wasiiiso rowHEits with others that arc in the inurket. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold nt the nominal price of IS J cents. n PRINTERS will find it greatlv to advan tage to purchase those Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND KOI.I.EKS, j being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT. at his Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale and Retail Agents; Henry Masser. Suniiury ; S. B. llenormandie, Northumberland. Kemember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November 22, Idol. Cmo. E. S. JOKES & CO , CORNER of Fourth and Kace Streets, Pub lishers of the Model Areliiteet. In- S VMl.'l'.I. j SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 21 mouth I ly parts. j The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, j but of ull who desire the advancement of this no- blc art in our country, and wish to cultivate their I tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it is prepared uud embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawiiig-rooin, while its uccurate delineations gie it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 & 3 now ready for delivery. Price 50 cents per number. Address us above, post paid. May 3, 1851. ly. Dec. 20, 1851. In offering to the community this justly cele brated remedy for diseases of tho throat and lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or health of the alllictcd, hut frankly to Iny before. them the opinions of distinguished men and some of the evidences of the success, from which they can judge for themselves. Wo sincerely pledge ourselves to mske no wild assertions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will wo hold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Many proofs are hero given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all wo publish, feel iug assured they will find them perfectly reliablo, and the medicine worthy their best confidence and patronage. From thr distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materia Metltca, Jlowiloin Lollege. Dear Sir : 1 delayed answering the receipt of your preparation, until I had an opportunity of witnessing its ellects in my own tiinuly, or in tlio families ot in v friends. Tins I have now done with a high degree of ! satisfaction, in cases both of adults and children. 1 have found it, as its ingredients show, a pow erful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmon ary diseases. PARKER Cl.EAVKI.AND, M. V. BnvNswicK, ,Mk Feb. 5, 1S17. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in this City. Lowdli., Aug. 10, 1S10. Dr. J. C. Aver ; I have been cured of the worst cough I ever had ill my life, by your "Ciikhkt Pictoiia i.," and never fail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. Yours, respectfully, S. D. EMERSON. IIT" Head the following, and see if this medi cine is worlh a trial. This patient had become very feeble, und the effect of the medicine was unmistakably distinct: I". S. HuTllL, Sauatooa Sl'HlSdB, ) July 5, 18-19. $ Dr. J. C. Ever, Sir : I have been alllictcd with a painful iiU'ccUon of the lungs, and all the symptoms of settled consumption, for more than u vear. I could find no medicine that would reach my ease, until I commenced the use of your "CiiMiiir Pkctiiual," which gave nie gradual relief, and I have been steadily gaining my strength till my health is well nigh restored. While using yoor medicine, I had the gratifi cation of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of Suiupter District, who had been sus pended from his parochial duties by a severe at tack of bronchitis. I have pleasure in certifying these facts to you, And am, sir, vours, respectfully, J. F. CALHOUN, of S. C. LI?" The following was one of the worst of cases, whirh the physicians and friends thought to be incural le consumption : Ciikhter, Pa, Aug. 22, 1840. J. 0. Aver. Sir : I was taken with a terrible cough, brought on by a cold, in the liegiuning of last February, nnd was confined to my bed mure than two mouths. Coughing incessantly night and day, I became ghastly und pale, my eyes were sunken and glassy, and my breath very shorl. Indeed, I was rapidly failing, and in such distress for breath, that but little hope of my re cm cry could he entertained. While in this situ ation, a friend of mine, (iho Bev. John Keller, of the Methodist church) brought mc a bottle of your Cm uu r Ptt tohai., which I tried more to gratify him, than from any expectation pf obtain ing relief. Its good effect induced me to Con tinue its use. and I soon found my health much in 1 1 .roved. Now in three months, I am well uud strong, and call attribute my cure only to your great medicine. With the deepest gratitud Tic Acin or oi.sinri ennses greater amount ol nutritious innlter to tie extrnctril from the mime amount of fooil, than poesihly eonlil Ih, were the netive principles of nutrition lo puts out of ihr system in the form of IliPPCHie Ann. e imve leceiveit a multttiiile is eviuence to prove wnnt we Imve anil! nliove. Surtice to sny ! We hnve mixed the ncliee iment. wilh a Blent nninlier of plants suit herbs, which time ami ne hnve proven lo lie ui.iul, imnroviuff the appeioe sun promoiina ingestion of the fo nl ; thus seeuriuff n healthy conililiou nf the, from whieh the Mils bikI Fat must lie fnrmnl. It limy he uiietl forlbmK. Cows and IIogb for the follow ing euinplnints and diseases. IIORPK9. YKI.t.OV WATK.I1, a dmigernus sickness, whirh lie stroys ninny valiinlili; holies every year, is very often entirely eurert by the free use of this powder, In all cases it will prevent the disease from coming on. This ihseiise is owning to n bud nnd impoverished state of the blood which becomes thin, wutery and of ull yellow color. This powder l'T improving the stomach ami giving tn the hl:od n gienter ipiiinlity of red partielcs, off irdn the liest und only ioMihle eliiiuee of reeovery. If the horse is fur g ue, give morning and night a tnhlespoonlul in wet feed, if in the beiriuniiig once a day at noon, if only to pre vent the disense twice n week, yii.XltllKHI.N'ti. This is the munition of mnuy valua ble Horses by cxliiuistlon ; by a constant ilisehnrge of snli vn whieh ought lo fo into the stomach to nsiiifft digestion. It is n species of s:;livution often pnsluceil bv Inpias To Imii'co growing ill the pusture ground A Tiihlespoonlul three limes a week will 1'rerpieiilly nrrest the flow, if it does not depend on the Tosuro ill the vniss, under such cireiuuphinces the niiiuei! must lie kept in tile stable. IIISTKMPKII. If the powder is early mid freely used, 'tli'T reniedv need be used, it h:m already eurcd huii- dre'ls of IIoksm of this ironhleRoinedisetise tothe inrprise of Ihoae who 11B11I it. If nut used enrlv, liefore mutter bus formed in I lie neck it e:inuot restore the nnunal perfectly until ilie matter is ilischnrgiil. use it early nnd prevent such a result. A Tuhlcspoouful once or twice a day is civiisli (il.ANDI'.ltS. This disinse his b:ilHed all Fabuikbs, tltve this p iwiler n f;iir trial nnd it will do wonders in this terrible end hitherto inriiriible iniiltnly. It is n dise:ie of the gl.'iuduriil syiteui and kept up by imperfect nutrition, in such e:iscs 11 T;il,lc;ioouliil every day twice for a month or tvo, in e ns!iuil succession, will in nine cases out of a effect n cue. it has been fairly tinted. Coiiitlis und sti Ttucss of Iticiith depending on weak tulips, n T;tiilc-iMituul every morning ; if it ubuies once or twice II week. I'lKllt l.)W-SPtrt!Trcn linrtsr.S, or where there is nuy reut'iins ol founder or stillness of motion, and the Home will not futten, or where the hmr Is ronirh nnd sl inils sfrniyhl out, the f.iod seeming to do no good, the Powder produces iihuosl iuitueibale improvement of the nuiimit ; the disestiou improves and wilh it nil the slug gishness of I lie tuiiiiiiil ilisnppenrs. Iiecomillg lively und spirited, nnd the hnir smooth nnd slick, COWS. For Mii.KtNQ Cows, we are fully convinced that it not onlv improves the quality, but Unit it increases the amount of A I ilk. Crciiui mid llulier : some who hnve tried the ex pcriiiicnl sny ti Pound 11 Week, others sny hiilfa pound while one person inMsled upon it thnt hem:ide two pounds in re a week from -h Cows. We think it will be found to nvenige from at f to n pound per week on each Cow, if the Cows :ire peute:iy hcnJtliy. This additional umoiint is m ule by the eonversioa of the Hippuric Acid into Nitro genous and fitly compounds : also by supplying the oxy gen hlkcii in by the luieis, with the elements ol reliction; without t'lkin nnv of the Nilroeenwn portion of the feed. 11(11. 1.I1W IIDUN or Wdl.t'; HOI II' DISKASK. nnd all other discuses of iient ivitlle depending uponti Uid sl;ite of the lbiid, are rem. ivcd speedily nnd iiiitll'. I'nn, whose milk is blue, thin and w.itery nnd where it does not yield much erenin, or where (tows tfive bloody milk, or which tire used to stand louir dry, it will be found nu niuii'ot iiifnllible remedy, bv iinpioviog the eonditioii of the bl'ssl mid ercatin n healihy digestion ; a Tublespoou ful every d;iy or every other d:ty us it inay lie aeeessury. 11(11 iS. Vz in the summer often overheut themselves, get swel. leil necks, couclis, ulcers 111 the lames uud I.iver, which eimse Iheiu to die very suddenly, these limy lie preventeit entirety by pulling 11 pound or a trill' into a Barrel of swill ; 11111I it will at thu same time considerably hasten the fatten, lug pos-ess. .V It. In .nniinnl which is giving milk and you nre desirous lolhlteuul the suiue time, you should n-it eive more thiiii a t;iblcspisiiiful once n week or it will relaidthe foruuiliou of fat by increasing the amount of Milk. Let enc'i persmlry lis elfcels for himself nut! he wil soon be sritistied of its excellent iaalilies, and that 110 Fur liter should lie without it. For the purpose of tindiug out still furlhct how fur out iiistlv eclebnit.d CATT1.K I'llWDKII, is enlilliil to tlie conlideuco of mi intelligent people; we have addressed Letters 10 ull purts of the t'niteil sMutcs, where our Pow der hus been useil, nnd we ure able now from the evidence I bus brought before us, to assure every Farmer, lliury-m-111 and llorse.niiin, that it bus thus fur veiy mueli ex ceeded our most iciiutuine cxpeetHtions. Willi the ii'lditinuiit kicwled-je thus fur obtained. We lloi-g we will be eivdiled to make the best nnd m ist per fect Catti.k Mkiiicink ever yet ottered to a discerning people. It ncn us a vuhinl.le promoter of digestion, ini proves the ipmlitv of the Mood nnd thus iiiennises the umouiit of eil tier Fat. Milk uud consequently of llutler. l-veu in Ihe henllliy Auitiiid llewne of Counterfeit as the extensive sale of our powder Ins tuduccd otheis to ncike nil Imitation ot It. ivicli park has our written Signnlure on the end. lilt F.I I G. I'KOXF.FIKLU CO. Philadelphia, July SO, 1-31 . ly. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPKPf-IA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DF.BILtTY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND all disensessrislng from a disordered liver or sto mBeh.sochsscniistipiiti'ui, inward Piles. Fullness, or blood to Ihe hend. Aeidily of Ihe Stomneh. Nsnsea, Itennl.iim. ,li.m..t for F.ssl. fullness or weight in the Htomnch, sour l:ruetnl ions, sinking or fluttering at the pit if the Stoinueh, swimming of ihe hend. hurried nnd difficult hrenthiiur. Hutteriiiir at the heart, choking or suffoctltillg seusnlinm when inn ivmg posture, imnnen yi.e-.., dots or webs before the sitiht, Fever nnd dull pnni In the head, defieieiH-v of perspiration, yellowness of Ihe skin and eves, min in Ihe side . back, chest, limbs, (tc, sudden flushes of henl liurnini ill ths flesh, constant imaginings nf evil, nisi grenl depression nf spirits, CAN UK K.FFFCTFALl.Y Ct'RF.D 11V D?w. HOCFLAITB'G cELi;uHTi:n cjeiuia?! hitters, MtKPARRD BT DR.C, M . JACKSON. AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, IN'o. WO Anil M., PhUnrtHptile. Thrir nmv.r nvpi- tlif iiUivk flipfintcn is ii-t exrflltMl, if cqiintkfl, hy auv nthnr pn'Vir:tlion in tli l iiil' tMnltf, bs the vnrva mu-Ft, in iiituiy cjii ulier skilliul pliyiiruuw liiid t'nili-tl. Thcufi Hittrfv nri wiirtfir ttii'V nttpniimi of inviiHiU. Piwin3 jrn-Jii virtiird in Hit? rViifu-;ili'n of ilieMnio-a the Liver timl lw r cliiinlt.. t xrrriniiii t """! n iimtt powprn in wenkurm and aUcclimn ol the iligtulivo they ure, ttitliiil, rrriniM nnd pIpnKiinl. Fmm tUr JJ isfii Jict'.J The T'llitnr itriiJ, D.. rM U- ilniiFUMl'a I'n.mtittTifli (iERMAl HlTTFRB ff T the rureof l.ivt r Cninpliiint. Jauiidicr. i)yiii'"- l-hrnnir or NervniiR Jtrlijliry, in dtiicrviMMy ..nri'l llir limit popii- inr MiriiiruH-n hi 1 ne nnv. nii'HK ifiitcia mvn itffii ""-m hy thnumiKl, tnul n frii-ttil nt our elbow wiy he hnn him nr. rfcrivnl nn efrtvtiuil uml pfrncmcnt curn of Liver Compliiinf fn.m the line of thin rftiirily. U nre ennviiinil thnt, in lie line of thrno Uittero, the p-ititMil ronrtniitly frnum Blrfmrlhnml viffor n fuel worthy of icrnit ronwile nttion, TIm'V nre phviHnut in tMt: mill ainrll, nml run he used hy penn'-nfi with tlienumtili'tinite sttmntrliii with wife ty, iinili-r nnv eiri'uiniiinnf'i'ft. W'e ure npenkiiur from ex perience, nml to ihe ntllieti'il we odviKf their ubc." "Scott's VtF:KY,,, one nf iho heat Literary pnpcri puhlisheil, mil I, Aii. A "Dr. I')ori.Asn'n fiiinMAt Hittkr, tnnnuf;ictnrl by Dr. Jti'-kicri, ure ti'v r'TniiiiiH'iiiled hy tmii' of the iiimkI prominent iifinln'rn nf th fii'Mil'v nr nn nriiclc nl inuoli eiTieney in r.ins of fein-i'e Wf-tkiiexi. A mi'-h in the rune, wc woulil mlvife nil m iitn-rn t i obtain u b-title, nnil tlum srive thrnii-,K''H inncb ftjfUiii-xR. I'erKiini" of drbilitu tril rin!t itti: . inn will fin;) tln-se Itirti-rn ndvnutjureouf to their heniib, nn we kuw .rnn experienee the lulutury elfect they h;vo upon week iysteiim.' More EviiUntc, LANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. CltT OS I'SILAUSLPHI V. H. Ilnnk note. 1.1 dia All solvent Inuks pai COUSTBT. nnnk of Chanibersbnrg 1 tlia i.ima oi t-ncsier uu, par Ilnnk nf llel. Co. Chester par nuiiKot tiermnntown par Hunk of Gettysburg 1 ,i llnnK of l.ewis!own Hunk of Muldletotvn 1 dis Montgomery Cn Ilnnk pur! iiuiiK 01 inorinumtierrnit. pin Hnukof I'ittrburg 1 dis1 HiuiK of Dnnville ( iirhsle Hunk MACSiACAi;siKTT9. All solvent brinks I dis KlldllK ISLAND. All solvent hunks I dis CONNF.CT1CUT. All siilvent Imitks I dis NKW YORK. CITT. All solvent hunks I dis 17"llk uoles under S5 J dis corsTsv. All solvents hanks ldis m;w JKIISEY. Ilelvulere Ilnnk li Oiiiuncrcinl Ilnnk i dis purlFnr. Itiiuk Mont Holly tsir 1 ili F. A M., Middletown I'l. ir I'oluinbia H'kft IfgeCopur IloyelntoWII Hanlc puf l-.iiton llauk pur F.rie Ilnnk Q ,1m1 F.xchnnge M'k I'ittsburg 1 dis;.evurk Hk'g&lns.Co r.xciniuge it k, Hrtineh 1 dis'ilniuge ilnnk Miidiuuics' Ilk, Newnrk ir Mech. Hk of Hurliie.'ton pur Meeh. .Mini. Hk Trent pur Morris Co Ilnnk 1 dis dis dis Fanners' H'k, HucksCo pnr'l'eople's Ilk I'nttcrson r tinners1 Hk, Ijiumtter purtl rineelon it.-uik Farmers' Ilk, Rending pnrNitleui lliinking Co, Fnrm. Ilk Schuylkill Co p:ir,Scincrret Co Hunk F ft l. Hk Wn'vnesbV I ldis Slate Ilnnk nt Ciimdcll Fniukliu Ilk. Wiisli'n ijdis Suae Ilk F.li7jdiethioii llnrrisburi! llauk l"di Slate Ilnnk Newark llotirsilalr Ilnnk 1 dis Stnte Ilk. N. Ilriiiiswiek par linrantcr Hnnk par.Snwx litmk. Newton dis dis pur Kir dis par 1 dis 3 dis Lelmnou Ilnnk i Merch. ft Alan. Ilnnk 1 dis! Miners' H'k. I'ottRville P' Moiiougnhelii Itrttik I dis Invlornv e l)c IVCn Id dis 'et llrnueh Itnnk par Hunk of Dcliiwnre v yonnng hk, t ilkesli e par ork H.-iuk. 1 dis Vf' Relief notes I dis MA INF.. rtniikof Wheiloek Sdi Merermlile Ilk. Ibiugor tlldis All solvent bunks j ilis Ni.vv iiAMi-siiirti' All solvent luniks i ilis v i' it.tiii. r. Ilnnk of St Albnns I din All solvent banks ths Trenton thinking Co par I'uiou ll.-ink. llover dis Ynrdlew'le A lh-l l)r Co Tubs I'yllk notes miller SJ j lbs 1 III. I, AW All I.. pur Hunk of Smyrna pur llelnwnre City Ilnnk pur Hk Wihng'iiA llninoyw. un Farmers' Hk SI llelnwnre vir t'nioii Hnnk. Wilmington pur IW" I nder 1's lbs on. All solvent luniks 3 dis tv Hk notes under n s 4 ills MH1III CAKUl.l.A. All solvent luniks 2 dis tVt'uderS's, 2J ilis PHILA. AND BEADING RAILROAD. Nl'MMI'll AnRANfiKME.NT FROM PIMI.ADKI.PHIA AND PU I'TSVIM.F.. IV. J--J , vonrs, A'c. JA.MKS (JOUKUEY. Tut New York Dutchman says : "Tliem is a man connectej wi'.h one of our theatres whose nose is so largo that he has to blow it wilh a buol-jack." The Dutchman has an teosive imagination, but he don't come up to the ability of the Greek epigrammatist, who tells of a follow whose nose was so long that he couldn't hear himself sneeze. Prepared and sold In JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mars. SoM in 8u.nliu.ry Ivy II. MASSF.H, and by Druiuists generally throughout the ftatc. Novenilier 1, 1851. lyce3tno. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. Shoes. Whenever shoes or boots are ta ken from the feet, it will greatly ptolong the upper leather front cracking, if Ihe wearer was to bend back the sole of Ihe shoe ou the knee, or the back of chair, and also pinch up the upper leather; it shoulj be done when warm from the feet. Shoes worn only once a week should be done in this manner every Sunday night. When put on again the next Sunday morning, they will have the feel of a new pair. I was told this by a shoemaker, out of business, as a secret, some years ago, and nave always aiieiiuea to II since Willi a great saving to niy pocket. J. I. DITTEXnCII, No 78 -Yar'A M St., letireru Arch and Uact St., PHILADELPHIA. EIJKUY informs the pulilic that he imports anil constantly keeps on hand at his new store, No. 78 North 2d St., a lariic assortment of Foreign Vancy Hoods, Musical Instruments, Pictures & Paints, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stork, in part, consists of, Acrordeons, Violin. Music lloxcs, l'arlor and liar Koom Or gans, M -'oilcons, 8eraihines, Mathematical In struments, Mantlets, fy and Opera Classes, Stationery of all kinds, l'ockct Hooks, llronze Powder, Dutch Metal, (.'old and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds. Snuff and Tobacco lloves, Lithographic l'aints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also (Jilt Frame Mouldings of various sizes, Dealers, Country Merchants, uud Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. Ucccmuer -u, joji. u. JOHN A. II Alt ii IS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestio Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Irlaiuifutitii-tMi Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. YUARRANTLl) to stand equal heat with any other Chest in the country, and to defy the lSurila' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 'Hudson's Alley, running between Third and fourth streets, south of Chesnut, mid in the rear ef the (iirard liank. M. . S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feel coiilUent, from long experience 111 the manufacture of iron Chests and Sates, and a special attention to this particular branch, of giving satisfaction to all wlio may give titciii a call. N R. Wc have stloetcd one of the best min erals ever used us a nou-coliductor of heat in this business, uud we warrant our Cliests and Soles to he made of the best material and in the most durable manner, and to stand any heat that can bo applied to them. MILNOI5 & SHAW, Mniiufactorv No. 10 Hudson' Al!ey, liunning tielween llr.l and 4th streets, S of Ches nut, in too rear of (iirard Dank. Philadelphia, Oct. 85, ISM. ly OLD PENS with and without eases, of a M.H rrv up"or I'lal'ty, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by II. V. MASSEU. Sunbury, Dee. 27, 1851. 4 RNOLD'8 WRITIXO FLl.'ID and Adhe- aive snd legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER. 8unbury, nfa 10, 1852 HAND lilLLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed at this office. Also blanks, of all kinds on siiierior paper, fcunhurv. I'cb. 14, 1852. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSIOX MKKCIIAXT, No. 6, North Wharves, Whore the following goods are received and sold on commission. Dried Apple, Peaches, Plums, Peurs, Cherries, eve, (ireen Apple 111 llarrel or by the llushcl Ilcans, Peas, ('rauherries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potutoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, (round Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisin. Figs Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Lggs, 11 utter, Cheese A nd all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES THE subscriber tukes this method of inform, ing the citizens of Sunbury snd vicinity that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, ol the best quality, at IS a. 44 Filliert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a cull a they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with him for articles 111 their line. E. DLFFV A SON. 44 Filbert above ttth, Daeemher 20, 1851. tf. TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds snd blank Mortgages, Uouda, bxecuttona, Summons 4c, for sale by 11. 11. MA08EK. fcSunbury, April 28, 1851. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, C1IK AP C;JAVK STONES. THE HuWrihor informa his friend nnd the TuiMif that ho miitiiiiirfl ti) rnrrv nil tlin Murltlo UusinciM in nit iU liranches. at hU old stand in Miltun, Pa., and h prenurcd to mnnu- nrturo Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c of tho hest iiiiitcrialH, and most finished work- miiiisliij, nnd nt the lowest priren. Letter i utt 11117, iMilish nnd l.erman in tho most modern und elegant style. DesinnH for MoiiumcuU, Ciruvo Stones. 5tc, aUvavs on hund. N. 15. Orders for the Kat Hide of the river promptly executed hy leaving the same at the oliiee of the '.Sunbury Anicrienn." ANTHONY iiirr. Milton, May 10, 1831. The "PliilmMplim Sulnnlay (inznttc,' tli hrt fumily newsiKiivi pMhiishi J in ihe TnitLil Status, the editor kii of J)t liuoHamVs German Bitters. 'H in srttliti ti it. vu rt'CHiiiiiPiul wliat nrc ttrmetl Pti- tPnt Altflu'iiH-11, ti tn- !iiiti.lciire mid piiironiifTft nf intr rtMurrH; iiiki, irificitire, iit'ii we rroniiitPinl nr. I!""! lunl lii'niiin liittiTu, w wm it t lie (lirtimrtlv bIinkI Ihnt v iirf M"t mu;ikiiur cf the 111 istnmis ol' Ihr day, that ure ii mi , nlui f'-rn In i-t juthxI end thru for iroiieu unci iiii-y iiaveit'tiit titfir iruiii y rne ol tinninfi, hut ol'a iiifilii iiit' l-4 fMtaliiisht'it, limvrrilly iirizrtl, mimI which lum nn! Mm: hrarly Hpproval tt" Hn; I'lii-utty ilwlf." Kvi'lftii't iiiitni I'viilfiifi Inx lu'fii ri'c'uivfd (tike th ftirnriiintf) hum nil wHi.-ns of ihtr Tuinn, tlu liiMt tliw yisirw, mill ih ir"nir''ft li-ntirnonv in its favi, is, tlinl Wu'Tv. is innri nf it nri in lh pnn'tirenf the rrBiihir Phy iiriaiis of Philnili'tphin, th:in n!l ntltrr ivsfriiinn pomhinr'tl n fart that ran rahilv ) esialtlislu'il, ami fully nnvimr tlinl n scii'iitilic iriviratin will iiift-t with Iheir fiiict upprnvul v. lien prrfk'uieti rvni nt tins t rm 1 hat this mt'iliciiif will rare l,m-r rnmtl'tint nnrl vn- pepwin, ii't one eand'aihr. afit-r utina it ns dirertni. Ii m't ipet'itifally iijwtn t)i nirtijiaeli nml liver it is prrirfrnlilt t ral-'llicl in nil hilir ns diwi'iifi'- the rlf'-rt is iimnetli;iU I Thy in n In- nilmiiiitcrt'd in I'dnale or Infant with sal el y und nliuhle U nt til, m any time. ' IIF.WARK OF rorNTKRFKITS. This nifdiciiH' has at amcd that Imrh chrmirt'T winrh is nwi-inry l"r all iiiti'i m-.t i nitam tn imltiri' r tmt'i i"t-it rf j tr put forth n sptirimcs artirl at the rick of the lives ol ' tlinse re imitrfMlly lU'.H'ived. j LOOK WKLLTO Till: MARK- OF Till. OKNTIXK. ' They have the wnitn sipnaTirt of C. M. JA('KS(i np'ii thi n rapp-T. ami th. naine i xvi in the Utlle, with our which thv nr tpiitniis. I For sale, wiinltialf and rcttnl. nt the German Meificinc Storet N't. 1 20 ARCIf irci, imip dvr Iwl 'W Sixth, (late of 2Tt Hnce slri't't.) Phihtldphin, and hy respect a We dcnlers generally llimugli-mt the eniintiy. IMtlCKS ItlMU'Cr.l). Tn rtiahle ull rlni-s nf invaliits In eiijy the advantages of tueir great restorative pnwers. Single Botllcy 75 cents. For snle y II. Maksrr, Sunbary, and M. A. Al l ay. tnrthminiBrliniil. Aaijnst 30, ly. UNION HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. rilHE MISs 'i:iTZi:i.'S resiiectfully inform 1. the I'ulilic tliat tlicv slill continue to enter tain tr.'tvcllcts nml otliers at tlicir olil csta!lilicil s'liliil in Market street, ict l' tlie Court lIou..e. Tbeir lonty exjiericnce in tlie business, nml the well cstalilii-licil reputation of their Hoose, will, they trust, lie a suliicient guarantee, that tlicir ciwtoiniTs will be well accomiuoilatcil. Marcli 8, IMol if. AMERICAN HOUSU," P0TTSVILLE, PA. Farcn Redntnl. Office of the Phila. If Reading Railroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March SO, 1851. J Two Pnsscnicr Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) sf"KN' and after April Ist, 1851 two trains will St. V be run each way, daily, between l'hiladel- pnia and 1'ottsvillc MOKXfXG IJXE. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except Sunilays. Leaves Pottsvilleat 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AVTi:nxonx uxk. Leaves Philadelphia ut "J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc nt 3J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FA I! ICS, Between Philndelphin an. I Pottsvillc, $2.75 1st class cars and $2.'.'.r d class cms. Between Philadelphia nnd Heading, S 1.73 1st class cars and $1.4.') 2d class cms. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad und Vine Streets. Pa'-ciiiicrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTU.'i;. Fifty pounds of liannase will benl hiwed to cadi pas.icncr in these lines; and pas svnuers are expressly prohiliiti'd from taking any lliiin; ns b;n!".M'4e but tlicir wcaiiinjajiparel, which will be nt the risk nf its owner. By order of the Board of Mummers. S. BIJADI'OiU), April 19, 1851. Secretary. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the Cabinet Ware lloom of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the tome r of Fawn street thi Railroad SUN14URY, PA. Thankful for the pntronnire of his frienJs snd customers tliirmn; the 17 years he has been in busi ness in tins place, lie solicits from the public s con tinuance of their favors. During this period hs has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and tins accordingly extended his busi ness in every brnnrh nnd variety. The public ar therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CABIN KT WATU'i AND CIIA1SS, MANVFAcTrnrn bv SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of ths establishment they now niantifucture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain. Dirore Spring Sent Rorkiwr Cinirsr Dressing Bureaus; Centre Tubles, Mirhlc. Top Wash Stands, und a variety of other new style and rnhioiinl)lc Furniture. Having secured n II curse and made the n.c.s- sary nrrnncemeiits for the purpose, they are now prt'pnrcii lor l.tiilertaking in nil its brunches, in this vicinity or nt nny convenient distance. Ye imiils nnd niistrrssiMi, ami Inifli-iudn too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, Frnln aiilc bonrils il.iwn to kitchen tiililcs, Kriim roeliinif ehairs to tuekiinteriKlles Plliinld you nut have. IIiq tmily Jims to psy, We'll wait awhile fur n bristlier beltsr iluy, (ir take sitntoes, mils, cira. wheat anil rys ; Hark, lump pnles, staves, nr Imiihir wet suit dry, Or nny thing lint yiikesnnil thresliinft flails, Tumi pi?s ami tnrkies ilnwn tn lillle quails. Cnnie on then friends, fume one and nil, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the ball." W" Orders from a distance promptly attends! to nnd work of ull kiiuls dclivcrcj with dispatalt. Sunbury, Manh 9, lS.'O. tf ISOI TV lsABI AND PENSION A(.ENCY. The attention of the public is called to the td veiiisement of Mr- Charles (J. Tucker, Attorney nnd Anent nt Wnshiton City. Persons hav. ing claims for bounty Lands or Pensions are in formed thnt the subscriber has made arrangements for tiie requisite forms, und claimants calling; nt his ollice, can have their papers prepnred and forwarded to Mr- Tucker ut Washington, noil by him be properly attended to before the De partment there. 11. B. MASSER. Siinluirv, Jan. 18, 1J51 Y:i I untile PROPERTY FOR SALE. PB'MIK Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, H offers I'irsale the following properiv in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large j- BPJCK BUILDING " i" upprr Milton, former! occupied hy Me-srs i'alli rsi.ns ns n Carriage Makers Shop. The building is till feet front on upper Market strict, and -10 fret on Front slrect, and is two stories high. Also n two st irv J BKICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, i '10 by 23 fret, on the same premises. The lot is I on the corner of upper Market mid Front streets, I and is li.i fret limit, mid 150 feet deeii. cure nny case of secret disease iliat mav i The premises would lie valuable for a Foundry come under Ilis care, no matter how long stand- ' or other maniif.icliiring purposes, nnd will be sob! ing or nlllicting. Bithcr sex nre invited to his : on reasonable and ucconiiundating terms bv ap- ,!...... ! .... OLI-I'VIII -.1 J i mam nonius, .in ioriu cm r,.t i n cirect, i plying emier lo JALUU i;.MiKUi.., S5() FOH KNIT. TTjlt. lU:.NTi:U will forfeit .)(), if failing to i I'S. MAKY W KAY KB respectfully iiifortnt I (j '''the public nnd travelling community general- i :.....'.; ly, that she has opened this large mid commodious IIOTI'L, furnished in a superior style. From her long evperience in Ihe business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort uud convenience. Feb. 13. 1S31 tf Philadelphia, without tear ol interruption bv oth er patients. Strangers mid others who have been unfortunate in I i in selection of u physician nre invited to call. Those who have injured themselves bv solitary vice lire also invited. UK A I) A'XD KF.FLF.rT. The alllictcd would do well to rcllcrt liefore trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, in the hands of physicians, ignorant of this el iss of mala. lies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand nil the ills the human family are subject lo. Kery respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is mure success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time and study. YBAiiSOF PI'ACTK.'i:. exclusively dovo ted to the study and treatment uf diseases of the sexual organs, ogcther with ulcers upon the bo dv, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or bones, mercurial rheiiinntisiH, gracl, irreguluri- iliseascs arising from Youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution lias become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oll'cr tjirfjy relief to nil who may place t!iemsclcs under his care. Philadelphia, April 1!), 1S51 ly. Philadelphia. .1. 1'. YVOLITXt'EK, Esq., Milton or H. Ii. MASMOU. Esq-, Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. U.'i, 1831 tf. r.rSlDECAIi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEA US AGO BY KINK KLIN, N. W. Cur iter nj Third and Union Streets, HKTttT.r.N SIMUCK AM) IMNK STHKETS, ! T "MI"IT.K JL pi.ieili i: I Vim. G. IVTASON, l'iiiruvcr nnd Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do EXGH.WTXli and PltlXT IXti, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Business Cards, Ball Tickets, 'Watch Pupers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, eVc. All the ulmve engraved in the best manner. Did. 'is by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods, &c., kc. Clt.Of'KS nf every deseripliim und quality, 8 liny Iliass J uud ."HI li'iur rl.icUs, very Inw. Vtiteiies nf Ihe Iwit lll:ikers. T"ln:i! .I'dlltsiiu nml R.iliUllll U'llil Slteul levers, s niie n l.iw us (tin, wirnuteil 1 kurut eases, uud insureil lor I'J m nilhs. Silver Levers us Inw ns Clfl.lK) wurrnnteil. lupines us kiw us 8!.U0 warrililleil, tfLiirller Watches In irn-at vanelv. Jewellery if every ilis-npli'Si. lii'M tinaril and K.ih I'lmill, Hraeelel., Kar Itinv'S, Killljcr Hincs, llros'hes, Uiekels. fluid t'eiislur tH.UU, wairunted points. The snluerilirl liuvinu jiint rrlurneil IMin lh eimtein fuel..ries is preiuueil to fiirillll nuy nrtiele in Ills line nf lumineiii of the lalesl stvhs. unit us eheup us III. nunc urti eles can lie a dd ill the 1'hitidclphla or New York markets. T i convince the public of this fact be mutes their ill tril lion nml respectfully solicits u cull. Ho -uld purlieiilarly invite Ihe nlteulioil of Hotel I'ropri tors, und 1'iiinilies In hn exleiisivo ussorlmenl of Mvei Ware, vis: Tea riells, Table, Uessi rt unit Ten Spoons, Forks, ladles, 4c.. St. Orders rt'eiviil for any article nf Silver Wure nei-uteil Willi prompliiess, nnd in the best style. A srent xnriety S" Funey i;.l. Papier Maehe wirk, such as Wiiiii.k Uekks. I'ort I'nlios, lllove Hoses, Oilour Uoxes, kc., ke. If yon want tn secure bargtiius call at K. C riltKFV'S next dcsit to the Post Office, Centre St., Potlsville, Pa. N U Ail kinds of resiirs attended to by the best work- men. December 47, lt-31.- 0m. SUNBUY, PA. ' l 'HE subscrilier respectfully informs her friends 1 and the public oeiierallv, that she lias lakci, j the above well known stand nearly opposite the t ourt House, lately occupied by Mr. J. ('. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in businesii and her elforts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her wilh their custom. AXX C. MOKKIS Marcli 8. 1S51 tf. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, JISTUIJ OF T1IK l'Ett'F.. Sudbury, Pa. Olfice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. IT" Monies collected and uil business piomptly nnd care fully uttciuh'd to. April 'JO, lSSO. TEXT Trusses of ull kinds, Harrison's writing and iiulcllible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and fur sule bv J.'W. PKILI.XG. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1818. gJTOXE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kaisins, Al Jd nionds, P lines and Cream Xuts, Planes of all kinds. JS'dlt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOIIX W. FKILIXU. 5unbury, Dee. 2!. 1819. BOOK.S' and (iold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a niunlier of gold pens which we will sell nt the Philadelphia prices. For sule at this office. SHINGLES Joint and Lap Shingles, of first rate quality, fur sale by JOHN YOUXG. fcunbury, Dec. 20, 1851. tf. rOLD PENS with snd without silver cases just received, and for sale bv h. b.;masskr fuubury. Anrili 18H NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, fur sale at half the usual price by J. W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. Ii49. JUSTICES' FEE BILLS For sale by II. B. MASSER. Bunbury. 1851. 'f WILEY'S COVGIl CMNDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale tt tins office QJILVEB WATCHES A few double ease English Stiver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASsL'U. Sunbury, April 12, 1851. ENNEDYS PATENT SASH FAS- TENIXUS A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for sale by J. W. FRILINO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. TVTl'RSIXG BOTTLES Breast pumps, and -i-' nipple tulies- A supply of these useful arti cles just received and for sale by JOHN W- FRILINO Sunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 if W OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this tt. excellent article for Tetter, S c., just received and tor sale by HEXRY MASSEK. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 flEAS, from the New York Canton snd Pekin JL Tea Company. For sale hy J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848 "AY R I'M. An excellent article for sale by HENRY MASSER Sunbury Jan. STth, 1849 kf. Now ..Music .Inst I'uhlislietl. W EE it WALKER, No. I (12 Chesnut st are constantly publishing and receiving, new nud beautiful music from the most ilUlin-Kui-hrd composers. The fiillouiug list contains some of their choi cest und most popular Soul's, Waltzes, Polkas, Ac. Now, thou art tionc, u beautiful song, words by Thomas .1. Dicld, music by llnmhridge. Mv New England Home, words and music by Mrs'L. Wade. (ir.dic's Omnibus; by C. Crobe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from Hoine, piano and violin, by Jos. (ting'l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by .1. Ling. All the Winds auc Sleeping, by A. S. Worn sey, (uardian Angel, by the author of "Love Not.' Household Words, written by Chas., The Adieus, word by Thomas J. Dichl, mu sic by Dorr. LEE oV WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, uud a supply of Martin's Cele brated Guitars, which together wilh a liue us sortinciit of Musical Instruments and Merchan dize in general, comprise a stock not to be sur passed by that of nnv other est.iblisliinont in the country. ' LEE oi WALKER, 1 63 Chesnut street, Swsim'e Building. Philadelphia, June C-t, Is.ll. ly. NO t'LIU'l NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills ! ! V PERFECT nnd speedy cure for the Fever and Ague is guaranteed to any ono who may uo the Pills. They hae lteu used for the l.i.i't srt rn ynirt und !iae never been known to fail in a single instance and in cases, too, where persons have had the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor chaUcncx the vorlil to produce an urticle that will cure in ns short a time, without leaving any deleterious ellects from tho use of it. If the Pills do not foi m a speedy and perfect cure, the proprietorVill Tclum the money. For sale by Jacob S. Luwrcnee, Minorswlle; E. Helfcn stein, Treortons S. R, Dixon, Schuylkill lis ten; John W. Kriling, Sunbury j Mary A. Me Coy, NorthuiiiU'rland i Dr. Beekly, Danville John Sharpies. Cattawissa ; Dr. Judd, Williams, pnrti John Baser, Milton, and by respectable Druggists throughout the State. J. CI'KTIS C. Hl'GHES, Proprietor. Pottsvillc, June 28, 1851. ly. 1 IIII.ADJLPHIA. KAIxS of extensive and uninterrupted : spent in this eily have rendered llr. K. lilts in sl eiiieil and nl practitioner far and near. 1 in tlie 1re:iniient of nil diseases ol a privute nature. IVrna. i iiihiel-d wilh uleem upiu the Ii.nIv. ihront, or leuB. ptinis in l!ie head or I. mh-s. uieic aria) rhftininttm. strictures, emvel, I disease iinslnu' Iroin yonl Intill exeesieK or liiipui iliea of the I l.i'i'rti. wlierel'V 111 niiUliition lias iH-coine eiueebled, arar an in ali o Willi sin-ei-Mi. Il- wlio p'iie. s himself under the cure of Dr. K., may re liiriously confele in his honr us u t;enlleiiuiu, nnd conhdent y rely upon Ins sU.ll ns u phyhiciait, TAKK 1'AltTlLl l.AH XOTICK. Yoiinit Men who have injured thenisslves hy a certain piaclice indiik'ed in u halnt frequently learned from evil c niipaiii'ius or in Mrli.iol the ellects oi which are sightly p it. even when asleep, and destroy lioth lillud sad IksIj", sii.iiild apply iui.uedialelc. Weakness nud eouititiuiimal de'.Hlity I 'SH of uiuseular cnerfry. phymcal lamiilude and gen eral promr.'iti ii'iilnl.iliiy ami nil uereoui tiir'.-clious, iihIi- prl! in. si;i''"sluioji of the livei, 11 1 , t every lUneiisein any way cuiie. el .1 w i;h tlio .lis rder of the procreative func tions eureil. at.. I l'.:il nijiir reslorwl. YOLTI1 AXI) MANHOOD, A vigorous lifo or a premature death. K1.KLI.I on Self Prisrrvntion. ONLY 23 CENTS. Thu limit jus! published i filled wilh useful Infonnatinni on tin-iutirm. lies ami liseas,- of the lienerntive Orrnns. It aiHress. itself alike t.. v. I H Til, .M AMKHJU uud OIJ Al lihil should lie lead hi' ull. '1'ne valuable udiiee iiimI impressive wnruini it fives will pi event years of miii'ry undsiureruig uud savs auuuuU ly Til 'iivuids of Lives. 1' ireiitH by re.-i.luur it will lenrn how lo prevent ths des truction of their children. ..V r ItCul'-e of 'i'y cents. eiicltHM-d hi a teller, ad dri-sed to Dlt KINKI.I.IN. X. W. eorncr of THIRDS; l l) Streets, la-iwrrn Spruce A I'me, Philadelphia, will ensure n b s'k, under envelope, (.er return of mail. I'ersinsnl u distance may uiklrell Dr. K. by letter, (post paid.) :eid liei-uri'il al h -nie. I'Ai HAiii.s (ik .Mi:uirii:s, niHI-TTIOXS. c, f .rii-iril -d hi si'iiduig a I 'liiilUiuce, uihI put upsecuie fnim n wiahi-: or t i niosrv. 11 . .!, Il. rs. N. iv Aeents, lYdlars, Canvassers, and all oilers sic,. tilled wilh ihe ulsive work ut very low rules. September 6, lSil ly. PATE ITT 1CEDIGI1TS3, (iieeu's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Old Jncob '1'ownscnd's Sarsaparills. Baker's Snrsaparilla. Sway lie's Syrup of Wild Cherr , Swaync's Yermil'uge. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. CiiUcu's do Tibbit's Pain Killer. Dr. H Holland's licnnan Bitters: Indian 'cgetablc Pills Horse und Cattle Medicines For wile by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14. 1849. s STONE WARE. TONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received uul for sale by JOHN VY. r RILING. Sunbury, June 83, 1819 EXTRACT CF GINGER A fresh supply just received snd fur sale st this office. Price 25 cent. Sunbury, July 13, 1851. LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption lavs of $300, for sale by April 26. 1851. 11. B. MASSER. Valuable Hooks. rIFE or Ciiiiist, handsomely hound, D'A J rn. si's liisTuar or tut Hiiukmitios,'k nn Lkikikhs, full bounded. For sule at the publishers prices by II. B. MASSER Sunbury, July 14, 119 CAPS. An assortment just silk HATS at $'J25, for suh Sunbury, Dec, 848. received. Also for sule by H. MASSER. JATEXT BR ITT A NI A STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 "lirRITIXG FLUID and self sesling EnvL lopes, just received snd for sale by April 19. IS.M. 11. B. MASSER. BLANKS of every description can be had by applying st theollne of the American. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Med, cine for sale by HENRY MASSES Sunbury, Jan. 27 th, 1849