mm i i v:--pacttiv:"i!,; '' WHY DON'T THE GIHLS PROPOSE. LEAP YEAR I.VHIC, t!Y A SWAIN. Why rtnn't Ihn cir'x propose. O My 1 1 1 wish they would bcnin ! I've doiinril in y Sunday u it ench day Since ihe new jeiir cnnie in, Ami trained my new moustache wilh cire, AfiJ gent tiii'in many n ro e, And rmilid t evmv psin!r fair, Hut still they don't propose ! ' I've wailed patiently nnd Ions These) live years past in vain, But now I fear there' something wrong, For leap year's rome naiii. And not a single oiler yet To soothe my many vo", Oh. th-af, mv heart irncs pii-a-paf, Why don't the girls propose 1 . j ' II is hoi that I never tried My luck at Cupid's came, Tlmt I my singh; lot abide. . Hnl I have missed my aim J And dill the arrow bounded buck To pive my hoiirt new throes 'Tis pver mv enn(Yinnded luck ! Why don't the girls propose 7 P.nt I have made a desperate vow To say no Indy "nay." , This only hope is left me now Td' slipd onu ling'riug ray ; . , The cirls alike nvrioo to this, That I'm the b-st of In-miv ; The cnmplifnent to me what bliss, If they would but propose ! 1 wish tho papers would agree, Nor h t the mutter lair. The Transcript, Mail, ami Times, and Vrc, And then the Carpel-Bat; ; No lady's heart could Ions; remain A cold as winter snows. AhcI we poor bachelor should trail1, For then they would propose ! rRiriLUKED memihkus. A correspondent of the New Vork 1 ode pendant, writinc; from Washington, tells the following pom! one of a minister, who was not acquainted with tht3 ways of tlia. Cap itol : . . A crcntleman on a visit here, nnd nn.vimis to listen to l lio du bates, opened, very coolly, one of the -duois of the Seriate, and was about to pass in when tin door keeper asked, "Are yon a ptiviledyed member V "What do ycjii mean by such a man ?" asked the stranger. The reply was, "A Governor, an cx-mciii-ber of Cor.arcs.-, or Foreign Minister." The stianer said, '-'I am a minister." 'From vh;it court or country, if you please ?" us-ked the iincial. The stranuei, (voiy jrravely pointing rp,) 'From the Cuurt of Heaven. To this our door keeper wassi-hly re. marked : 'I his jtovornniciit at present holds no intcroouisy wuli iliul foiuiyn f uwer." oLii i.i:tti:iis. Who bus eve r rnsuidly opened a be or budget of ( Id Ic-ilt is, nddies-i'd to one's self, mid bewail lo read, without beinir chained to Ihe spot, pn-b.ips for hours together! The i'ascinmiuiia ' ui iiiosu eaily loved ones, so near ai.J iieur,.;i;uin surround yon, and thu realities of tho teiMii .nore identiiied with your existoiiea than jhoso of the ji,? cent. The counsels and x;hidiliSsi and llie adeelions .and encourageiiienls bestowed fioni parent and elderlj- friend are fuii of a deep and tender feuling, scarcely realized when tlia' recipient of all. And then the little items of news, and the raillery, an J the urre::t invitation lo visit, and sometimes to be present .in scene of interest, remind you of "youth, aud love, and beauty, which have passed away. Then comes, too, to mention of the death of lhosa whoso memo ry bad almost faded fioin you, ono'a own charmed circle being as yet unbroken. Sad disasters come back with appalling distinct ness and pestilence inrcs and spent!, its force. Mere mutters of fooling appeared of deep moment, and you almost smile at the perturbation of the youthful mind, now thai you have seen ihe end of all. The then po litical news, with the marriages of the da and the ideas of . tho day, aud e ideas of some about tho impropriety of these matters are before you now as matters of history ; and you can hardly conjecture how the world would huvo gouo on without these events. The inventions and discoveries just brui ted, the books that were now, the first pub lie: appearance of the rising scholar, (now a man of science nnd of letters.) bring back "old times'1- most .vividly. Soma whose early eflotts and slf-denial are spoken of wilh satisfaction,' have led ' sinco then a bright career of usefulness, while many an honorable name, then, prominent, has disap peared !rom tho list of tlia living. The lov ing and the loved are scattered far and wide, and those who thought exigence scaice could be. without frequently seeing each other, have not met for yet", and strangers have taken their p!me$. Printers' Freaks. Two printers in ihe P)ymouh Rock office, tired of taking impres siuiis on the forms of that paper, tiied it on lha huaits of Iwo fair damsels. After sever ul i'ffiii!s up ihey succeeded in such fair pronfi of the matter, that this week tho min ister of the place was called in and worked off'Xhe whole four forms in two folio ediiions leaving ihem lodtd up for'liftv Now let them "circulate the documents." Coming to the' Poist. "Madani," said a;i old toper, "have you any water in tho house, thai you ran ive a poor man a diink of beer, ihonuh I liko cider best, and should prefer a little wh'ukey, I very seldom get no cider at all al borne ; my orchard is very email, consisting of one tree." " ' It Is nil moonshine about Ihe girls peti tioiiug Congress to have leap year come considerably oftener. They merely wish Ihe year made about as long again. .'4 AM thy father' spirit,- as the bolite said lo Ihe little boy w hen he found it hid den iij the wood pile, and wondered what it i lxnoLESCE is a-stream that flows slowly on ; )tt it undeuninei every vitttic. t..-.. MMWmm CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ihe Cnrn f COUGHS, COLDS, ' HOARSENESS, BROW. OHITIS, GROUP, ASTH 1VIA, WHOOPIMO-OOUOH AND COlISUIVIPTIOKr. In olferintt to the community this justly rcle- Ifratotl romotly for lnrase of the throat atul t , ... . i ! '.l ai i- I uiim, it ts not our wish lo tnflp with the live or held, of the atilictcd, but frankly ta lay before llxm tho oiiinions of ditinRuishrd men and I ... j some ol the rwiirnrcs ot llie puwcrs. Irom wincli tliry rnti juilae for themselves. We sincerely plcdpe onrsi'lvrs to nuike no wild assertions or I live stntfinriilK of its ellicHcy, nor will we hold out any hope to sulTering humniiity which fncts will not warrant. .Miiny pivift are here uiven. nnd we an inquiry from the public into nil we publish, frrt iiij; assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and llie medicine worthy their best confidence and pulrnnittfp, rVoin llfili.iliiifriiizhrd Prnfestnr of Cliemiftrg a iid Muieria Mcdita, liowdmn Collr're. Pear Sir : I delnved nnsworinir the rereint of 1 your nrennrntion, until I had nn opportunity of ... 1 ...... . r .1 witnrssins Its rtlccts in my own nimily, or 111 the fiimilics of tnv friends. ' This I have now done with n hiKdi decree of .. f . . . . - ... 1 I'ii. auii;..ii iii'ii. in ( inin I'litn in iiiniun 111111 til I H 1 1 ll. I lme linnd il, ns iis iiiirredients show, a pow erful remedy for colds, nnd coughs, and pulmon ary diseases. l'AHKri: rr.EAvn.AXD, m. d. Pni-Nswii K, Mk.. l'i'l). 5, 1817. From an Overseer in the Hamilton AJdls, in litis City. Ijiwku, A up. 10, istn. Dr. J. ('. Aver: I linvo been cured of the w orst coiu'li I ever had in mv Iile. hv vonr 1 "CiiKnsv I'v;eioii.(L," mid never fail, win n I i tun e oivortiinitv. of recommeiidilifr it lo others. 1 11- .,-n 1 ouiH, reeiicetlullv. i S. D. EMERSON. I "X" Head t'ne f dlowiiiq;, and ace if this medi cine is worth n trial. This patient had become very feeble, und tlic ellect of llie medicine was unmistakably dUtinet t L. (.'. JIutui., t iiUTor.A !riMjs, July 5, lSl'J r;r. J. c i: yer, Nir : 1 Imve been alilicted ( Willi a liailllill iilli'etioil of the luilBS, anil ail the ' ,,,,' ,,f sell'e.l nJi ... for more itin i sMiipt..,...-. ol Fi i inMinipli.iii, tor more than i ll Vear. 1 ril'lM hint WO inii'.UIIlO tilut WOllltl 1 re.n U mv eoe. until I commenced tho use of i . . . , i t vour 'tiirniir l'i i-toiia i . , w iich eave me , , . , , ,., . , ! nrailual rebel, and I have been Mcadiiy KaimnR my Ptrcnpitli till my health is well ni'h restored, j AVliile usinj; your medicine, I had the craliti calinii of ctirtui; with il mv reverend frieiul, Mr. Truman, of Puinpter District, who had Ijecn sus pended from Iiih parochial duties by u severe at tack of broiicliiti.-. I have pleasure, ill certifying lbee facts to jou, And am, .--ir, yours, respectfully, J. h UAI.iKJi:., of S. C. L17' 'i'lte followiii;; was one of the worst ef ses. which the i-bvicians and Wends thnmrht I - f I to l.e inciual le. c-iiisiiinptiiiii : fiiESTKii, P., Anff. 20, 18-lfi. J. ( Ave:', Mr : I was taken with a terrible lonnh. biou'lit on by n cold, in Ihe betrirmincr of la-t I VIn na iy, nnd was confined to my lied more than two mouths.' t'ntiphinif incessantly night all!1, tbiv, I bi'cnine h,t:-lly mid p;ile, my eyes were sunken and irlnssy, and my breath very final. J.idei-d, I wa-i rapidly fiilin?, and in such distress lor breath, that but little hope of my 're covery could lie entertained. While ill this sitil atimi. a I'rii ml of mine, (tho licv. John Keller, of the .Mi tiiodUt cliurcli) brouzbt me a bottle of vniir CiKitv r::rniitvi( Inch I tried mora to irmtiiV liini I' IV0.11 iiiiv -t ill. .11 .,1" ,.1,1 .in- ,. f T. 1 ,r ' 1 1 . - int i-i;t-i. 11s inni i-iit-ri iinm-(-(l nil' 10 roil tunic lis hm nml I soon found inv lu allli nuii ll ; impruvcil. .uw in lliric nioiitliH, I am well and , 1 ., ., , , . , tilioiiif, on,l can uttrilmte my cure only to your ; ,vt mi'diiinc. Willi the i!i cprst prnlitiidi', vour. Af. JASIEH 'fiODFHKV. Pirprir-d anI sold b JAMES C.AYER, ; . I'raclicul Chemist, Loteell, Mars. t'-nUl in r-iiii'mry by H. MAHSKK, nnd by I DriitiaiMs Ri'iierslly ihronghoiit the Klate. .ut-mlii-r 1, 1:1. lyecJIiiio. j j UAE3LE MA2TUFACT0P..Y, , .r.. a .r . ' t. i I E ' H WW K SI () SS. I '"jniltj Biibi.'ni-er infornia bin fri;nds and tlie j public, thai he continues 10 carry 011 the i Marble Uiisiness in nil iis brniiche, itt liia old i tunil iu Mill-jii, i'a., and is prepared to miiim. I'a' j j j ;. M A RY WEA VFT respectfully iiiforim HoilUI!ie:ils, Tombs, CraVCstoUCS, &C, M' the public anil travelling community iieneral of the best material, and most finished wurk-i 1'. that she hna opened this larirp and eoinmoilioiis inaiiahip, ami at tiie lowesi prices. jllD'l'KI., liirni-thcd in a nuperior style, l-'rom l.i llci- ( iiliiinf, Knliaii slid (ierinnu in ihe her lima; experience in the business of a first rate m.'t modern ami elegant style. I Hotel, and well known reputation to ncrommo- Dcsins for Moiiuun'iits, Crave Ptones, He., ' ila'e, her customers may depend on being supplied always on hnml. , wilh every thinsr conducive to their comfort and X. 11. Orders fur the I'ast aide of the river j convenience, prouiiillv executed by leavinti the &:uiio at the I t'i). 13. lfiSl. tf oliice oMhe 'Sunhury American." ANTHO.NV HIPP. Milton, May 10, lfrl. " " WlfS. dr. iASON, lll.lveI and S'rinler, 'u. -16 Chestnut Street, uhove Second, FuIIiASXLX'HIA. S prepared to do EMillAVl.Mi and PRIXT-- INC in ull their branches, Wedding, Viailintr ft;.! i;u."ini'i.-i t 'anls. Dull Tickets, Watch l'a tiers. I.ale'.s, iiiU Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas, .cala and iMainps for Corporation, O.ld I 'cllows, Masjns, Sons of Temperance, eke. All tlie uhovo engraved in the best manner. Orders l v Vest promptly nttcmlcd to. December U', Ifr.'il ly. THE WORLD'S FAIR, aiohl r.2ti;ii Awarded, To l'.h h'rv.pp, for his "Essenee rf Coffee." TJT is now sitislaetorily decided that Krupp's 'r.baeiice of Cufll'c" is the best and most wbnlesume preparation for Coflee in the world. We therefore recommend it to all lovers of "Cvnt Cfjllf" as an article of great value. The price ia only 15$ centa M-r package, which wilh one lb. of Coffee will go aa far as live lbs. nf ordinary t'ofleo alone. storekeepers and nil others that may purchaae it are fissured that if it does not give entire satis faction it may be returned, and the money will be refunded. Manufactured bv KM KHl'PI', Nn. 039 N. 3d St., Philadelphia. January 3, 1851. 3m. MMSIIIXUTOX. HOUSE, SUNBUItY, PA. ' IIIK suhacriber respectfully inf-.r-m bia friends and thn public thut he has 1,1 en the well known Public. House, corner ot M.nket and Kiv. er strei-ts, lutely occupied by Mrs. Wharton. He trusia by iuirt attention to buaincsa, he will be eiiableil to give satisfaction to all who may favor him witli their custom. JAMES COVERT. -fninbury, Oct. 85, 1351. tt ' frjVs'l'r UR1TTANIA STOPPERS fur Si bar bottles for sale by H. B MA&SER. iSuiihury, April, IS, ISM SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. VIC3F.rIII.K CATTLE POWDER fftGPARF.t) BY nHEIXIG, FliONliFIEIil) & CO. ' No. 187 North Third Street, Phitathlphitt.... rtMII!? ptmiler 1 mititled by the united Ipttlinony nf nil I who hnve iiM it to the first rnnk of nil llmu CAT ThV. MI'.niCIM-:!, whIHi hnv hrrn thotifiht priln worlhjr for ninny yean. Itn!eed we I'luilleiige nny pemm tomnkea Mprriof, or nnv powil-r Hint ndn ii tin rm imintiT. If tlm ntilmnl he prrfrrtly henlthv it will eilltrr inrrniMtha nrnuntof milk itt fenm aiiti buttr I or tb4 nniimtl will iu) n-ve rnpidly in fut. U will llirrefttrfl in time be coni(b'n-rt we hrivn n.t itonM nnoi-f llir Htaplenrtt. I'U' of evmf Former, who keis fi ili.iry; nnd nf rvrrv lwn ownnisT bme.. It ia tuit one of thnn kind n. MtxTrtiM lliiit nirrcly iw ll nn aninm! up dn m bnrt timt", but ft will bv the' rnpnrily wbifh it h:tn "f pmi vfrt tug iliriM HIO At'ID (which is nn cff.-lff nmtlT) ItiM Imc Tit Anoor m.Ki:sK; munen vrnnter unit m nt nf mitritimm inntter to be pxtiucttil from llie wnne ninoimt nf ft", limn hi'flblv fll!(t ht u-ditt Iltn tU'M nriiiciiilx ol uiilrilinii to pM out of (he ynitii in the form uf IIipptirh Acid. ,,I1V'U wiviil n imiliitihlis of rvnlftice tti prove wtrnt w h-iT? Mid b.iv. ftiffire to my ..r.'.r.'L' ZuXtZ rr,,v-l ! Im- nmMiil. innir'n'mtc tlir npriili niul inmi'tiiiir i'ff'-iM'in Df th i.v it : tliii xi'ruriiiff n hntttiv e'H'lititn f 111? l)lMd. fmin whifh tlm Mii.k mill Va mtial furrm-il ll limy hf iif.'.l fur llnn.Fi, Cowt nnd Jluo lnrtlic fallow ing euinpL-iiiita uiut dipflsrs. YELLOW WATKH, n dnnpiToiis sirKiii-ss, whirli its tr'vi ninny v.iltinlile timspa i-'t?ry yir, is v-rv oftt-lt rutiri'l) curcl ty ilii, freu use ol' lln'f powiter, in nil case il will prevent the Uia-ftau t'rotil cominir mi. This ilixiviw i.s nwiiiii-; t' n hmt unit iiiipnvrrislifit stids of the hkwtl wliieh liecomea tliin, wtitcry mid of nil velhiw C"lnc. 'iliis pnwiler tiv iritpr. iuf the ahitnnch nml pivlnc to thi hl'iotl n irirJitiT iuiinllty if tiirtirles. nlftrda the lipst nml only in'Ssihln chnitrR i.f rrenvpry. If tti'? Ii'ra ia I'nr $ mi ivc iii'Ttiinp nnd ni'rtil l:ilil(?timiiMil in wet tYnl, if in tin: hi-inniii thfc u djy at n"on, U Only to pre sent th- fli'nsp iwicr n vft(. SI, AHIti:ill.(i 'Cilia is lh iliiimlhii "f mnny vnhm. I)!u llorm'a lr P.xhriusLiiMi : hv a euiisrtmt iliaihnri;ta of srtli- vn v!iifh oiiylit In 'ti into Ihf stnnru-h to nssisl ilitft'Sli in. ll i tl Mtif,.ii.. .f .fli-nti.,.. ..ft.-.. i.r, l.v Ivhl.V T.l. l'i i-viim in the i:istur unnind A 'i'.-iltltuptstnt'nl tKrere tinn-M wik will ir. -jii.titly nm-st the H'w. if it d"a ii"L ih'pcint on ihe Tobacco in the Brass, iinili-r Buch cimnnsi:,,,.-. . t!- nniinni must Is- k.-pt in Ihe sti.hhv UlSTM.MI'Rli. ll lha pnvd r iieiirlv nml iri ly nsril, " rnn. dy ,-r,l l. hmsI, it tins alrr-nly cured hun- dri'tls of llu;cF.i nl thii! trituhh'sntneiiisense tnthesnrpriso nf III i5i vh tist'd it. if il- t nsi'it eiiTlv. hrfiire inntliT tins fnnniil in lh nif!i it r-imt it rrstnrr! tiio aninml penectly nnlil the m.ilter ia illsili.'tire'l. use it airly find prevent snili it remit. A 'J'lihk'spiiuiil'iil (inee or twice tl d:iy ia eii"iii;li . ()l..N)t:t!S Tins disense lias taifflnl nit Knniri:, liivt thin pnwd.T il fnir liird iimt it will d wnnd'-rs in this terriUe mtd liitherlu inenrnhle nishnlv. It ia a diseHSe i nf the ir!aniliir;il .yslrin anil kept up hy iniiierlert null llinii. ! in aiirh r ises n T:iU. sihmiiiiuI every diy twice fur a nrintli nr Iwm, iti emiilMt snecessinil, nll in "nine enses mil nf a (luZi'll I ' lli.'i' I I l-lirr. il h:m hei-ii fnirlv te.teit. Cnnijlis (mil MhnriiH'Ss of Jlreiitli dependlliff nn wefik ' lime., a t,ii,i..o.,..i,,i ,.,r. . . .. or tn iee n wi i. ,' ,0 W-SPll!rn:i) Il(H!si;s. nr where there ia j MeTd." iZt'Iit t.!r" ""Ti'n!!;!; a ,,d ' llnrai; ill iml lallei , ni whi le Ihe hair la Tinnrli nnd , Manila alrnialrt nut, the f.,., n-enimg In dn no (he , ''".wder pn.tneea nlnn-t inmieilialo Impn.veineiit ol tlm iniiinn, ; n,e ineeei inn itnnin-, ea iiiii, Willi II Ull llie sun: gislmeaa of the nun., ,1 disappears, hifniiiing lively nnd , spirited, and the Inir anion) Ii and slick COWS'. For MrrniNO Coiva, weurefu'iv e-'itvineeit thai it not. ni.Iy lu,;ir -v.-s the ip,al,t, lull that it hii-renses the aiuoilltl f Milk. Cn-nin n,i Hulier: amiie who have tried ihe es- , !p.rm-i.s-,y.i p..,l We.-k. ..hers .ay tali a pmiiKl i while on-! nersnn msiMte.1 nn. in ii ihat liemaile l t-ii nun it. In i I - I, .-. i. .. .. .. ' . i .. avennre from a I rt.i a iioumt ner week on each (W. I il' tlif Cms me K.ileClv henllhy. Tliisaiklilinaal ai il j ' "'" I'V the cmversi'il, rf H,e Hippurie Aeul into Nitro- 1 , ,, ,-Hll C1p,)nun . ,, ','v ppivina the nsv - g,-u Taken in liv tin- lunt-'s, witli the elements of rencliiui ; I without inkitnr any of the pnrii.ui nf the fe,l. ' lldl. 1,111V IlllltV or WIII.K IIOIII-' l)lK il-' , V i; .- . .., , !: nn-l all ntl'i-r ilisi-ases nt neat catlle ih litMnliii-r up'-n a had I stale of Hie riuiils. are rem-.y.-d snee.lilv and enw-tunllv tnvs. muk ,a hlue, ihin nud wnieiy and where it I ... - i. tiiih ii en .nn, nr wiit-ii- v.nv e niii-f iy milk, nr whieh are used in stand lung dry, il will he f.nmil ! tin iiifnllihle remedy, hy improving the rniidili'n of i Ih.- W ifst and creating a healthy ilk" Mi".l I a Tahli spis u- fill everyday or every other day Ba it may t,e neceaaaiy. j ' I ):'S ui llie sn-ntner often overheat themse'ves. gel swel- , leil nocks, cinrlis. ulcers in the I.utis uiut Liver, whieh entirely liy pullimi a pound or n hah' into n Harrel of aw ime- ui- ni ii. .in. t i-i , eiitiiirniy. uiese liny oe preveuieii and il will at ihe same time c UMlerali!y husteu ihe latleil-in;.-- pr.-cei-s. ,. . .V''V....'!'!.I,,:'LW'"'.'.' n" k ".r.y ui siliais I ' lil-" lllll tir- Niuir IIIIH-. HII HIHI II 'I BIVC I nitre tliitn n Inltlif Hsini'nl i'nce n wtk or it will ret aid the ; furnririi'M il' Inl w lurn-riKiiiiT ill- niTHiittit nt' Mill.- I I-fi iMfU iH-wiii trv tin I'.ruc!-. fur liniiRfir nml lif v i f ...ii Ix- KiliKhHl 1'ftts rsoi-llciit qualiti.'B. niiclllmt mm Fur im;. ,l,:t.,l,HH. will,....! ir , ' rtM nr (Muirw in minim; urn mi inrriHT iinv litr ft'ii , iiMtlr rt'.rhmtt-t CATTLH I'OWOHH. i rutillcl to th.- ) c" 1, ....... . ii: i . I . . i i . f"iiuiirin-o ii uu ipiiniiuvm i.tMiij wo nine tuHirfw! IjUers 1 till pnrm(r tin- tintr I Slutm, where our P.-w thiti hmn?lit .irtnre nn. to nBur w KnrinPr, Dinrv- m in H ii' I Il ne-m:iii. tint it lius thus liir veiy mueJi rx- ee'-lfl nnr nitt K-uijrmiK? exieetatiiin. With the n-Uliiiuii... kiM.wle.l-re il.nti mr nlitnine.!. Wk Hiii'Bvevi!MrmiiW.'ai..iii:krt Ihi-U-rt nix m.-ft ner- fert Cattlk MEiuriNE evrr v. t fin-re-l lo a ittaeerninir u-Tl,.. li.wKiMn rnlmlile prnm-.trr .r diir-iin. "m- nin..nnt nf nther Fur. Milk nnd otmoquentty of Butter- l-.l-i-ll 111 the hriillliv Amm.-ll llrwtirfl nf Ciiit.itri'fit as It" PXIenaivc fci of nitr powiler Iink innii.-t etli-ra In imknti iinitaii"ii of Ii I'.uch imck lias our wriiti-ti pitrnutnri. -m iln mat ....,. . , l!l'l:INIr'. FKU.NUnKIJJ & CO., .lalyjfl, ly. . rvinv TTfS,ri,f J. lv tx liv L 1 SUNBURY, PA. rill I r; MIS.S V'KITZEIS reapectfully inform tbe Pnblio tlist tlipy still oonliniie to niter- tnin travellers and others st their old established siainl in Market Mreet, west of the Court House. Their lontr experii-nee in tlie liunineiu, and the well et;.bIishld ri')Hitatioii of their House, will, they tni-t. be a sufficient uuaruntee, that their customers will bo well accommodated, March 8, niSllf. POTTSVILIE, PA. LAWKENCE HOUSE. SUWBUilY, PA. fPlin stilwrtber resjiectfully informs her friends .l mid the pi'blic geneially, that she has taken the aboe well known stand nearly opposite, the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kin'. She trusts that her experience iu business and her ell'orls t make her quests comfortable, will (ivo entire nitiisfaction to those who may fa vor Ler with their cusioui. ANN C. MOKKIS March 8, leiol. If. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ! Clocks, Wniclies, Jewellery, Silver Waro, Fancy Goods, &c, &.o. ClI.OrKS of cvfry il- K-fiili-in and quality, 8 day Ui iaa J unit :l li-iur I 'lui-ka, very low. Viitchi-a of ihe lirat nuiLei-s. 'I'.it'i-ja Ji.tiuaiiii utK) Itolmiaoll Gi-ld ialt-itl lex era, a imr tta l.iw na lll, wumtiiluil IS kiunt nisi-a. tmil iiiaitrc I'm l-J motttlia. Silver I Rivera na lowna ilft.tHl wnrnmle1. Iliiuesua low 111 dll.ofi wfirriiiiU-il, u-irliur 'alelica 111 ar.-al vnitrlv. J.tM't-llery is' every, ild liiiurd mid Fiti I'lnin, llriflela, l-'ar Itlnps, Filisr Kim;, Ilr wK-iies. 1,1,1-Kt'la. lii tl.l Penafor 11.111, veafranlerl Kiinla. Tli aalMcnls-i having juat reiiirifeil Irom l)i butein iVloriea ia reuiiftl u luruiaU utiy urtit-li, in Itta line of liilftneu nf llif hit rat .rvk-a. unit na ehiup aa llie mtn nni-f-lt-H run lie a-.lil in Hie Philmli'lphin r New Yolk nutrkrta. To emiviiK-e llie pnlilir of tlna l'm-1 ittvllna llielr alien lion unit reapcetiuHy tviliritaH enll. Ho H'aulil ivinirnlarty iiiviN. llie tmnittiin of lintel Piopri loia, nnd Fnimlira lii hia rxtiMtsivK tiB,irttri.-iit of Silvei Ware, via: Tra beiia, 'llile, Di-i..-rl ntnl 'l't-u rtisiniia. Fnrka. Ltifllra. Ac. Ir. i ir.lnra nxreived I'.'riny urtivla of Silver Ware executed with iM-otnptiiuaa, and in lite lieat at te. A armil varicty if Ffini-y finmla. I'm.irT Mfiehe w.irlt, aili-ri aa 'rillus Deaka, Port Folioa, Ulnve lloara, (lilonr lioxea, Ac, Ac. il'yoa want to arcrtre tmraninarallnt ".. C ORJ-XX'S next d,ioi tn the Poal fltftee, Crnfre at , Pnllaville. Pa. ' N B. All kinds of repaira attended to by the beat work men. 1 Ueeetnber IT, 1M1 6in. , ' HINOLKS. Joint and I.apfshingles, of flrat rate quality, for sale by JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury, Dee. 20, 1651 if. GOLD PENS wilh and without silver cases just received, aud for sale bv ii. b.;massku Funbury. Anril 4 1851 irNOB AND SPIHNU MOKTISE I.AT C1IKH. An excellent article, for sale ai hull the uaual pries by J. W. MJLINU, : Bunbury, July ?. IM' I'HTICES' FEE BILLS For sale bv . ll. B. MASfSLK. bunbuiy, 1851. LIVER COXVXPX.AINT, JAUNDICE. TlYSPFSfA, CIIRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE '. , . OF, THE KIDNEYS, ANT) nil difftffAs nri1iiv fnm n disnrilfrw! livwr ot tto innrb, inrli niivMifltiili'Hi,, inwnnl Pibt, FuIIihiw. of bltwxl tr tho hi-rtfl, Acitlifjr nf the Wrnnnrh, Nnum, ftmrtbnrn, dimniKt for Fcnd, fullnpot or wi)rbt In th Cttmtin-h. Miir Knirtntiinm, sinhinc of flnttrriim nt ll pit f (Up ?tMnnrl), HwtmminK nf the hwd, hurried nnd 'lilti unit brpiitbinff, tfnttcrint ot the hpnrt. rhnkinv or uffiTittli.fC. m-nwitiniw when inn lyin pitnr, DiintinM of vli"n. tl tr wnm IwfiwtMlir tiirht. Fever mid dull pniii In tbt heml. rirfiWowy of prrxptnilittii, vll"Wnrgfiof the ikin nud rvm. pniit in the mile, hrk. rhewt, litnbn, tic, multlen dnflhfn of hrat bnrnittf in tlm fiVnb, dnistnnt imagininK ot'vvil. nnd rreHtdeprrwH'in of ipiritHf CAN UK KFFnCTlTAr.UY CFRHD DY 3D?.. HOCFLAITD'S , ( n,i:nnATKi f;rniAN dittehs, rRRrnnn by PIt.C. Al. JACKffON, AT TUB GEIlAf AN MKDICINE STOUR, o. irff) Arch FhlladHphta. Thfir xiwtr over llie uli ire dinenses in not exerllrd, if ecimillt'il, by any other prepunil inn in the VhUihI Stnipw, ui the curf-R mii-pt, in mtiiiy ciifn-s inter Bkilliui phjiiriuni W. lail'd. Thrm? ttitterg tire worthy they nttention nf Invnliiln. P-'UFfRiviny nu'iit virtues in the rt'iiricntioit of diMwat-N of tlm lsivcr mid Uwr frliiiMix, exen ifit g the mwl MeHiehiinr p iwera in wrnkiifw himI .'iffi-ctiem ot the tl i grain e organs, they nrf, M'itlmi, rile, rT!nin nml plctunm. ri'iuiii the lioctmt fkc.j The F.litt.r ,uA. Dec. -.M 4ll)R. llont-WMt ( 'Kt.RBR ATRD fiHRMAJI UtTTKRi fiT the rnre of Av r Complaint, .Intmdirr, I)yfiepdl:i, Chronitr or crvnus i hility. in thorvotlly nnoofthe imct popu Inr mwliciiica of the dny. Thi- llittcis huve U'cii ncd b UioiiviiiiIr, tind n friiMid nt our elli w he Imn hiin wlt' recelMil nn rtFrrtiml itnd prnimnent rnre nf Liver Omipl;iiiit lrim the urn-of thin remedy. We ure eoiivititvd tlut, in tru lint of themi Hiltertt. the pMtiriit Ci.nilJtiitly initna iitrriii.'ih und viKiT n fjit-t worthy of reat eoiiniile rniioii. Thfy tire in tnsip tml anvil, nnd enn te lined by pemtiiis with tlieiuuffldfliriitii ntiiiiitrhs with ftife ty. mtil'.r nny riri'iinu'itncrfi. V re rt;iktiip from tx-perii-iii-i'. ami lo the nlllifted we udvnc their use." "SrtiTTV Weekly," one uf the best I.tU-mry pnperi publiKhH, Kiid, A hit. tf.i "Pn. HonrLAXhT fiwnri Rirn.ii. innnnfiiHnred hv Ir. J:ii-!iitoti, iireluuv ree Hiimemled by fitne of the ni'mt pr iniinriit irn'inliurs of the lin-tilty ns un arlicle o miieli etfie.ify in enn.;ii nf t'cnnlc Wfrikm-nn. As mir-h in the eriff. we would ndvie nil tn"tliT to obtniti n bottle, nnd thus mvc th'-inselves miieli sir-knefld. VrrKonfi of debilita ted eiMili(nti'mn will find thenv liiiUrs tulvniituueoiii to their he-ilth. n wo kivw from experience the nalutur) etfeet they hnve upon week nysteins.' More Evidence. The "Plnln.h lhl:l Saturday (iiixelle.'i Ihe liert family newapapei puliliMhud in the tniled Statea, the edit ir aaj'a i . . i. ... . . . . in iiuo'tami s iterinan Hitters. i ..i.i. ,i . . . ,........i ...i. .. . n- ri, ,le.hcinea, .m- mitiihiue uiut mtronave of onr "",',".: ,l1l;:"','"rc- '." recoinineml U-. IM- kind's Ijerman Hlllera. we wis it lo lie distinctly llmh l ,,,.i n,,., ..... ,,, .,r ,i. ..r ,i.. day, thai n,e iioiatal ulmui f.fa hiiel iKiind liul then for- I .,,,, Mn ;ifl... I H..- ,.,. .1, ..... ,t,niP .: ,.e .......l.:-.' f i,. , m-.n-hie esil,i;.l,e,l .,mV.rnli,. mrie.l .,,,.! i which has met the henrty Bniroml of the Fneuliy iiself 1 l.vnleilee unnii evidence has heeu reeeivml (like Ihe , forerrnine) f,, all seeih.,,, ,,f ihe tl,., last ihr-e ye-,rs, nnd ihe sir-invest.- testimony m its fnvor. is, that t"';re is ninre ni it used ,,, tlie praeticenf the regular I'hy- : 7;;"l r l' ' H I l.iei III. ll t.tll tsisuy lie eat.i lilisaetl, anil lUily pfnying tltat . n S -ieilllfie iirenarat inn n-ill iiw-i-t ..-III, ill. ir miil ai.nrni-nl . when presruteil even in thia form ll!'lt Hi'S meilieiiic will cure) l.iver Cninplaint and llvs- PeP".'- "' """ loiil,l . ufler using 11 ns directed. It acta P-ihilly upon the stmnaeh and l,ver-it i. preiTerahle to entiuiiel m all hllllnus diseases ihe etfeet is iitunifliate. 1 1'ey cati he administered to Female or Infant auiely nnu rellnt'.e Ikiii-IiI, nt tiny tune. . HI-.V ARK OF t:OL'NTF.ltH;iTS. This mi-dtemc has ai.nineil that lush ehaiaen-r whieh ia nri isMi; n.ruii iniiiii-iues l.i until u to Intuiee cnuutetlelleia In put Inrth a spurious article ut ihe riNi of the lives of those lire inus-en(ly di-.ieiv-il. . .... ...... . TIp . . nrVl lN'F M lv lOTIIH H.tllXslinill. (il.M INK. They have the written signature of P. M. .lAOKSriN npi'n the wotpper, und the iinine hlowu iuthe Imttle, wilh ,,ur which lliey are spuimus. For na!c, wh ilesale und retail, nt the Herman Medicine Store, N'o. HI AHf!! Street, one le-li.w Sixth, (lite nf ii7r' Itm-e street.) Phihih-lphia, nnd hy respectable dealers geuenilly llu-iughout the country. PHtL'KS UI-iDl'Cr.l). To emlile nil eliasca of iuvnlida to enjoy the advantage of tuc.r gicat rtii-irative iMwura. V.nJ. n,JI? "T? t. . , . . in :v t fii- nv u, .iiamrh, ounmir) , mm MVay, N.)rtlnimlerirind. . . .... . . . iiitiUDi m. i ,-.!. i v. - -- . . . I ttiiW Vlfli V .It It . 1 Ul NTKIt w.M forfnit 450, it liulinff to ! 1J Vlire anv Casc of sccipt disease that iiinv i , 7. u.'ia'L 111111 mn j vouw un,,er h,fi frtTP ,l nnlt'"r ,ow ml- - nvy nr rili.ritiiitf. Kitlirr onx nre invited to Win ,, -, , , , i . l l'liiladclphia, without fear of interruption by titli- -n.r,.Mii. r.,.IH.n. i.jol... er natienls. j. uiil'orttiniito in tho selection of a iihvsician . . . . me invited to call. Those who have injured themselves hv solitary vice are also invited. KKAD " AND REFLECT. The ntllicted would do wetl to reflect In-fore trusting their health, happiness, nnd in many eases their lives, iu the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all tho ills the human family arc subject to. Every resectable pttysfclan has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time und study. YEARS OF PHACTICE, exclusively dovo ted to the study ami treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, ogethcr with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or lej;s, pains in the head or hones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irre?ulari. ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or impurities of tho blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enab!es the Doctor to otter Kprrdy rtliff to all who may place themselves under his care. Philadelphia. April 10, 1831 ly. t7s. BOSST'S" AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In SelinsgTove, Pa. Clocks, VfiitclieM Hd Jewelry, I) EPAIRED in the best manner and warranted to perlorm well. All work intrusted to his care will he strictly al tended to. Scliitsnrove, Nov. SO. 1830. tl. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, jisiiti: of this ii:icr Suiibury, Pa. Ollicc in Deer Street, iuiinedlately opposite the Tublic School House. (7 Monit-a co'leeted and ail liniinces iomptly and care fully nltenilt-d u. April SO, lf.'iO. JJATENT 'I'riissea of all kinds, Harrison's writing ami iiuleiuiiie ink, Cotton yarn ana la(w, just received and lor sale by J. W. FKIMNG. Sunbuo'. Dec. 8, 1648. tCJTO.NE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al 4 monds, P lines nud Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FKIMNG. Sunbury, Dec. 5(1, 1819. BOOKS and fiold Pen u On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and ulso a number of gold pen which we will aeii at tlie Philadelphia prices. For sale at thia office. W?NNKDVsf PATENTSA'H FAS- KVa. TUNINGS A cheap and excellent arti. cle lor fastening sash for sale by j'. W. FRH.ING Sunbury, July T, 1849. MTItSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and ' nipple tulies- A supply of these useful arti. cles juat received and for sale by . JOHN W. FRH.ING Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf ' ROSE OINTMENTA fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, 4 c, just received and for sale by - ' . HENRY MASSER. ISunbury, July 88, 1849 t , i flEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin JL T Company, For sale by . .. . i, W. FRILING. " 6unlmry, Dec , 1848 ; - , - " ILEY-tH O CA'SVYi An excel lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale at this oflics WE STUDY, TO PLEASE. ' rjMIFi nttention of Buildent nnd otherp, nra renpeetfiillf I invited to the rxtennive nnd wetl ncleeted ork ( MiriM)INU HAKDWAHK AnTtHHsfl, now offered by the mibrvtilxr, eontit1iiift in pnrt n fxltows: Amettefiii Front Door lx knt npriht, with ntghl work, plnted or brass lurtnluro, or porcelain nil colors: . Amerirnu Frfmt Onor Ieks, nprigbt( ptoln. with niffbt work, plnted of bmn ftirnilure. or poteekiin all colors. . . r Ameriean Fmnt ptxir Tsocks nnrl ltTTe Poor. Hnrion tnl tr upright, bins furniture, or poreckiin nil colors. Amerientt Run Iteks, nil sizes nnd qnnlitics. White or Ith furniture,, or unreetniiiall colors. American Mortie lseks, nil sixrs, with plated, white or bmnn turniliire, en norrelniu nil colors. Amertenn Mortice lntrhe, all sizes, with plnted wbite or bTasa furniture, or p'trceMn nil oolots. Amerirnu Mortice and Kim Closet locks. plated Of brnss eneutcheonn. or rtnreelniii all coktni. Amerttiftn Prop, Htop, Tliumb, Onte, and Store Door AMi-iit-n. Also. liniHitrd f efieksi and tjitcben nf rvctv detterintlnn, Ihildwin's, and Anicricaii Hull Hinges, of nil sizes, fust Shutter. nte. fltrnn. T.. nnd nnekflnn Hinires. nil kinds. Fhufler, fiate, loor, Fluh. nnd Spring Holt, of wrought or mm iron nmi ornss. every ilesenption. tTews, 8nri!js. Oltie. Snnd Puner of the best aurdftv. Amertenn Axle and Sham Axlo Fullers, of every varieTv. Amertenn fltittons, plain or on pkite. braps, iron, or brtmzed. Amenrnn olis, plnted, white, iron, or wood, nit kinds. ftifh-Cont, common nnd patent, with other urticlua too NAIIJ urn. 8AS!T-WT:ionTS nt FACTORY FHICKS. t?" All O'vxls delivered free of Chnrpe to ony part of me i-itv nnu tntrtets. At this estnbIiilMnent enn be found nv of the Inrirest nnd best assortments of White ami Fonev Not for Ioeks, iVe., In the City; pntterus. of which, cannot be seen, or i"'i;imni, ni nnv otiht tnre. ruin.r. Spent Juekmn's Hack. Pnnel. Hand, nnd Ripp Saws, imp-tried expressly for Retail sites, all selected with care. Stile ufrftit fni the eeletmted Fliiues, inndt by 1. W. Car peutcr. "f Ijliiejinter. Pn.. beini? all made of siilit Wt. ond the Wilts around nnd tried. Hentty's .V Williams' make of Clntels, Axes. UatchcU, Drawing Knives, Vc., oil wttr rnn'ed ootl. PnulTa and Slatks make of Augers and Auger Bills, nlj si i!s Amerirnu Spiares ntvl Hevtts of every dcscnptiim. Aniericaii Kules, ;tuResf Sawsetts, CompaBscs, Serew drivers. Are. American C. Hummers, Claw and Hiveting, alt sizes, Anvils nnd Vive, all size. Steel, Iron, nnd Woudeii Unices, with C. 8. Hilts, in gr-tt vnrity. W. Cp-nvrs A; S mis. Tlittehcr's nnd other culelirated nnkes t.f chisfts, Files, IMiuie-lroits. At... 1ce. Adibs's et-leSrnteil t'nrviiitf T'""ls, all shupes Mnkttnr one of the best and most extrusive nj-f'irtments , of Binhliiiir IlntdwnrKnnd Toots in the Stale. 1 At this rct;ihihinenL it is eon idred u ph-nsure to show I tlie (btods. Yo'i arc invited t c ill aud examine the assort- ; lurut, and henr the prices n.kel, liel're purchasing clte- t wliere. Come nnd see us. I Yours, respeetfiillv. I ' wat. m. Mecr.rnn, I 9C7 Mnrket st.. Iiel ween ?th and jlh, upper side. Philadelphia, April 12, 101. Iy. KOCATV 5iUU AND PKNSKrX A(iRNCY. The attention of the public is called to the ad "l 'y"1 y'l vertisement of Mr- Charles (' Tucker, Attorney mm ourni n i ueiimiini -u jiinun iniv ; inir clniois for liouutv . anils or Pensions are in. formed that the subscriber has made arrangements e .. -. e t i . ir r'!r lIe rcipusitc forms, nnd claimants ciillintr at Mils olliee, can nave their papers prepare,! anil forwarded to Mr- Tucker lit Woshinirton, and lv be protierly attended to before the Do I i J IiartlOCllt there. IT. B. MASSER. ftlmrv Un 19 ISM ' ' ! --; , " X (MV lUlC .IllSt I 11 I) 1 1 1 10(1 . I ' EE A- WALKER. No. ICS Chesniit Bt A are constantly piiblishinir and recriviinr, new and beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The following list roiitains some of their choi cest and most popular Kougs, Waltzes, I'olkas. Ac. .Now, thou art (lono, a iK-antiftil soiirr, words by Thomua .1. Diohl. mnsir liy Hiiiiilirii). Mv New KngliinJ llomr. words and music by Mrn I,. Wnilc. (.'mile's Uninibiia; by (.'. (irobc a rollurtion of Duclts. ' . 1 i- 1 . hounds from Homo, luaim ntnl violin, by Jos. till lli I. IVellv 1 illle Polk-is for I'relttf I ittlo Pi-oole irittv l.lttle 1 OIK.IS lor I reliy l.lllle I lOpll., IV J. lAnir, i A 11 the Winils tuo Sleeping by A. Worn- i j s.v ...! 1 I 1 at ..fM AT . iiuruuiii j nni. Ltv i c i nr u "iiUc .1 ui. ; llinw.!i..l.l W'.ir.U .riitfii liv I'ha V.itmr iln Adieus. worUs by 1 uomufl J. Dttill, li.U- ' sic bv ITorr. I I uv c. r j I,-..- .wf-ji.ifv on ' - AI'Kr;lt ae ronKMmn on lumi, HUjjerior 1 lull OS. and a supply uf Martin Celo- . tr,lU,t (iuitarn, wbU'll toi;i'lIirr wltU u line n- 8l,rtnirnt of Miimr-.l InttrumrnN anil Mcrcluu - : di.o in griirrnl, cumpriHO a tihwk not to be ur- pulsed by that of any otl.rr rstablislimnnt in the rouiiiry. irrs cc i.rv ri. 103 Chesniit street, tiwaim'e Uuihliiuj. ! Philadelphia, Juno 2H. 1S51. ly. NO CUHK NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ajpie rilh ! ! , VPEUFEf-T and speedy cure for the Fever and Airue is puaranteed to liny one who ' may uso the Pills. 'J'hey have been used for the lat fvtii years nnd hae never been known to j fail in a single instance and in eases, too, where persons have had the disease for several j years, without intermission. Tho proprietor j ehallrngrt the trorltl to produce on article that will cure in ns short a time, without leaving any j deleterious eltecls from the use of it. If the Pills ; do not perforin a speedy ami perfect cure, the proprietor w ill return the money. For sale by lucoli S. l.nwrenee. MincrsviUc ; E. Ilelleii stein, Trevorton ; S. K, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven ; John W. Frilinir, iSunbury ; Mary A. Me- Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. Heekly. Danville ; I John Sharpless, Cattawissa ; Dr. Jutld, Williams port ; John liaser, Milton, and hy respectable Drugsisls throii-rboiit the State. ! J. CI HTIS V. IM tJlIES, Proprietor. Pottsville, June CS, 151. ly. ' Y) rown'S ks5i;n(;e of Jamaica c;in- ( IV, Ii. nn PM'pHt'iit rtiiK'. Rtovti'i Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, tetter, Ve. Railway's Circassian Iiahn, for the hairdand- rulV&c. Railway a Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Ac. tor sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, ui?. 3, 1 3.10. Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. riIIE Subserilier who resides in Philadelphia, 1. oilers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large BRICK BUILDING in tipper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriaire Makers Shop The buildintr is CO feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories hiK'h. Also a two storv BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 hy 85 feet, on the same premises. 1 he lot is on the comer nf upper Market and Front streets, and is 68 feet front, and 150 feet deep. The premises would be valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on reasonable aud accommodating terms by ap plying either to JACOB CAKRIGAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFINGER, Esq.. Milton or H. B. MASSER, Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. 85, 1851 tf. STONE WARE. STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, June 83, 1849 pT'RtT WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESElT L . VING, just received and or sale hy II B. MASSER, Sept 28, 1850. , XTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this office. Price 25 cents. . ( Sunbury, Jhj 19.1851. ' aa tfLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $300, for sale by April.26, 1851. H. B. MASSER. "lrnIT1ISO FLUID and self sealing Euve- lopes, just received and for sale by AjirU 19, 1851 H. B. MASSER. BAN K K ( )T11A JiLl CORRECTED WEEKLY'. . PRNNSYLVANIA. CITY Of PniLATmLrlllll MAftfACAfSETTJI. At) anlvent Imiika I dis U. 8. Hunk in Sea IS dm HIIOliK IKI.AND. aii auivem luinka mi fni! utif All anlvent Imnka 1 dil CONNKCT1CUT. nnnk of Chnniheralmrg 1 din Hunk of Chealer Co. pari All aulvent Imnka I dis NEW VORK. ui uei. xi. uneater par Dank of (Icrinniitnwil iirlAlt anlrnit lainka CITY. J dia Hunk of Oellyahurg 1 dial ty Hk notea under 9S J dia llnim III l.ewtatnwtl Hnnk ofMMilletown 1 dia Mimtgimierr Co Bank pur Itnnk nf Nnrllniinlwrl'nd. pni All anlrent. Imnka 1 dil KKW JKK9EY. Ilelvidere Hunk I dia Cmnmereinl Bmik ' I tlia Hnnk of Piii.liurir I di Binik nf Danville pur Far. Hnnk Mont Holljr pnr Curliale llnnk 1 ilia.F. M., Midilletown Pi. pnr (oluinlim H'k H'ge Co pir Mrehniiii-a' Ilk. Newnrk par Uiiyelttown Hank pnrliMceh. Hk of Idirliiiirtnn pnr Jjiatoii Hank pnr .Meeh. ti Man. Hk Trent par llnnk g haj.Mirria Co Hank i dia Kxrhniwe R'kPittalinrs I dia,NeWiirk Hk'g A tin. Co 3 dia Kielnttme H'k. Mmiu-li 1 dil(ltinire llnnk 1 dia Farniera' Il k, HnekaCo pari I'e .ple'a Ilk I'nlleraon j dia runner ltkt lineaiiier iiiir't'riiieetiin Hunk pnr Fnnnera' Hk. lleailinir paf Silein llnnkin-r Co, pnr Farm. Hk rvhuylkill Co virj!emiTrel Co Hank j dia F A It. Ilk Wnvne.h'g lliliaflate Hank nt Omden par Franklin Ilk. Wuali'ii 1 Jilia State Ilk Flirjilnthtnii J dia Ilnrnahnrii: Hank 1 dia Slate Hank ernrk dia llom ailiile llnnk I dia f tale Ilk. N. Hrunawiik par i.niir!iF!er ltntii par Sti!aex Hank, Newlnn I difl Trenliai Hankinff Co lnr l.elmn'i Hinik pir Mereh. A- Alan. Hunk 1 dia Miuera' H'k. I'mtKviile per Mnnonir.iht'la Hank I ilif. ITnlon Hank. Dm'er 1 dia Vnnllevv'le&UelDr On l.alia nr"Hk nnli-a ninler r?. j dia Tnylnrfv'e Del HV Co 15 dia Weal flraneli Hnnk lir.l.AU Allr.. pnr'lhtnk of Delaware pnr par ii vnnnin: hk, il ilkeah'c par Vnrk Hank. 1 dia 17'lirlier nnt-a 1 dia maim:. Hank nf Wlv llnrk .1 rtia Mereantile Hk. Hanfr-ir India All a ilvent henka 4 dia m:v ii AMPsmiiK. Hank of Smyrna llelaware Cilv Hank Ilk Wiliinr'n A- llrandyw. pni I'lirtm-ra' Hk St Drlawnre par I'niiin Hank. AYilmingtmi pnr 1 17- under F-va OHIO All a'llvent Imnka 1 dia I a ! All ailvent Mnka 9 dia VI'.li.MUNT. Hank nf Si Alliana 3 tlia l?"Hk n-itefl under fl 4 dia NOHTH CAHOI.I.NA. Ml ai'lient Nmka ) dia fiTl'nderSV, 2J dia All anlvent hanks j tlia AUVIIKTINIS.IIE.-VT Eounty land aud Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. rpHK iinih-rsivneit Attorney nnd General Agent ut th" X l ily of Vaslii,,gt"n. oll't-ra his a, rvit-i-s in prnenrinrf li-iuntv linds nnd Pensions I'm ihnse enlitled. Heing per manently Inealed al the seal of Unverninenl, with a tlnir nuali and familiar ni-ipiaintiini-e with the nucessary forma, and routine of husiiM-ss, nnd h-iying neeess in Hi-uislers and llnlla lili'd in llie I 14 .-..r ..liina u...... I-.....I C... the speedy nml saiisiuctur)' ud;utiue,it ui Uiiviirniuuiit every hill;,. Hy n late Aet ,-l Cnmrress. Hnmity fjtnd is granted lo the mhi-ers and snldieis ni the unr in 11-2. nud ol the vnri- riniis Inilian wins, since IThd. To Ihnse who served nine lunnllis lliil neres; In ll, ,se whn si-rveil I'nur m-iutha oil neri-s; mid to th'-se whn seived nne in-'tilh to nerea. Arrnnrreinenis hnve been liKide with tr-ut l'-ni--(i of thf fsTfri! (r.TeHi.-n imlilferent ncrtiim nf llie Country, f.r the I.HMti: ii of wrirmiitn, mill the Kile of the witftilw, when issued, on thn niort ftdvniit.ipeoiis tenim; for llie laviilfiit ot ti.x.fl, re,en.tio.iol s...l ,r Mxe; pollei-tt-ii l tlehlf : and for llie linns;,-!,.,,, nf general Ulv hiiaincM, iu me ninereni r,a,ea nnu l iTriuinea. IIe temh rs his t.i nieinheis of the prnfia.-i. n at n disMnee, and when claiiufl naiiml llie (ioveriiuif nt. are nre- jvired by a toeiil Ajrriit. will nlnte one hah hi nn:il fee. The necessary I'.-iiiih und iiMtruetiiins, und ijihuuialion on n!l mibieet nprertainiiiir to u Rneeesfid proseentimi '(' lltin hiisini'H. will by inniiyhecl to regular Correct. iMlents with 1 on' eanitfe. ; I'erMiid ih-fiirinir iifrmitiii of fii-mls in the nrmv nr I navy, will forwardt-' hiin nil the mrtiri l:ir known of their 1 wrviee. ton-Mn r witli 11 foe of otin dollar, tmd thir eti'pii 1 rit-s will br replied to liy return of mail. All coiniiiiiiiicu- ti"tis to be (PUEPAin,) inut uildrestied t- I C'HAKLKS C. TfCKKK. I 1fi7( P. (.) AVamii.igtoii, D. C. j Decein!ier 3h, 1:.U. j I' IZ I P. AI)!;MH I 4 mimiCATa HOUSH, ' ESTsVliLISIIKD 15 YEARS AGO BY DM. KINKKUX, ' 1 ' spiil'i K AND VINK STREKTS, I I PlIIIj AD ELPIIIiV. I ipiFrr.KX XK AltS of t-xtcnaive nml iinitilwriipl.-il ! I X it-h-iIi-.i arrm iiulua iii- Imve r.-iulernl Dr. U. m ' m iat t-xpeil innl Km.'i.'t-ntiil irartilioner I'nr uinl n.-.-ir. ' "l I'"-' lit'lnit-'iit il 'l tlisi-im-a 01 u privute iiutarc. lVra-ma , I mHi-i.-il with ulivta iirni ih- l'ly, nr u-iia. i.hhh in ! Ilii' lu-tiil "r lii nn iiit-i.-iiri 11 1-1u.u111-111.n1i. alrivlur.-H. urnv ' dise.iw nilsmg irom ynllimilll mi-esses or linpuin i-s nl llie ,,,,, w(im.,v ,sliluli..u lias become cnle.lihd, are ir.-m. .1 u -uli nn U wii.. .'n.-- !.i..!f u.!rr the we ,-fDr. k li-.-i mils eoatiiii- ill his hnnnr as a gentleman, aud couliih-ni- ( ly r. -3y his sloil as a pliysieian. . t. . nfm. . . .-n.-.i . ' . piueiice imhiiw'. t hi ii halm fiv.iu.-i.tiy leaniLtt imin evil fHti.:nn' m r ;t S"-'tl tlio eilt cim.t wlii-li nr. wi-rlitly tVu. cv4 n wiien h.-I-'imiii.I il-'n-v U -th uini.l .-ittrl Bhii(() I)ipiy i;niIH,,l;IIl I.. vltkllvn lUiil t...niit1tiiti.Hiul ) ileliliiy I iiiusfiiinr r-ry, i-ln-MtMl lnsitntle nn.l ire..- ,r-'1 pr-'Htruti-Hi. in all nerxMnn ntr-elr ..m. iVi- . vu ," I'yei. nnJ every .Ii uum n.,y tiont cured, nml full viir.r rfrtnrcil. YOUTH WD M W 11000 A vijorons life or a premature? death. KINkEiUX on Self Prrsfrvation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This T'ikjnit pulilislied is fillr.l with hsmi! ml" irninri 'ii nn Ili' iitlinmiicfl mill tllfriif'(i thf (rnt'r;itive r t! : 1 11 . il od.irrsm-s nn-li nUk. to VOCTII, MAMIOOi) ami Ui.U A 1 1 1.. im I !itiii!if ( rtMtl hy all. Tlie vuliKitil 111U .ce mill iiiiirpivff wnrning it nive will prevent yirf ininery unilstitft-Tiiig and tuve Hnmiiil ly Tli'Miwniil of l.ivcu. I'urrniM ly riTnliim it will Uiiru hnw ti'prevent the ilcs tntcii"ii M tlit ii i'ii ililrt'ii. ;s. r tnlitH'Hv of i.i rfnln, cm-loprd in n l.Hi-r. rut Ipsm.,1 i. UK. KINKI'.I.IN. . W.cwt of Til 1 110 A L 1U Stn'itn. Iwtweeu Spritcn V IMih. I'liilri'tcljilii:!, will fiiHtirr a Ii-h.U, miliar piivfl. , pr it:hn u of mm I. Prrnif ut it diW-Mir ni.iv atVIrefK l)r. K. liy letter, (p-wt-p:ml.) ntitl N'rtiml nt h"iii'. r.CK.-(ii:s uy .MKIMi'lM'.S. lIKrCTlONS, &c, forvvinlfl I iv Mfii'liinr n riMinttuiice. and put upsm-uii iVnui I) AMAiiK it I'l IilOSTY. Ho ili-tf-lltTin. tw A 'etiti, rt.!lnr, Cmvn Mem, nnd till I others supplied with the ulmve wmk ut very low rut en. j epiciiibcr 6, ICn5I. ly. i PHILA. AND EEAIiINO SAILEOAD. MMMKII A It R A IN" (i K l F T FROM I'tiit.Anni.iMiiA and ptirrsviLt.E. Fnrts Rrilnfctl. of the Phita. If Reading Railroad Co. Philadelphia, March 26, 1851. i Two Passenger Trains Dailv, (except Sunday.) I STKN and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will l,0 ru p,,,.)! way daily, between Philadel- phia auJ Pottsville j MnriXIXfr 7..Y7i. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M.. daily except Siindava. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTKUXOOX 7..V?. Leaves Philadelphia at Uj o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $3.75 1 d ' S-'3 SJ cllls ra,'- ! Jletwcen fliilatlelpliia ami Iteauing, ?t.7J 1st I eU cars und 1.45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad ond Vine Streets. , IW'.-ie o....ot enter the car. unless provi- j NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bairtraRe will beal. ll)Wl,j t0 ,.,, j,asseiirer iu these lines t and pas. i .,,,.,. r ewnresslv i.rohibited from takiinr anv. aeneers are expressly prohibited I tiling as baticase but their wearing apparel, which vi ill be at the risk of its owner. By order of tlie Board of Manaeers. S. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. iJwoiiTmEs, &c." HHE subscriber has just received a new supply -t of the best liquors that ever came to Sunbury, cousiston? in part of Sueriorold pale Uranily. Fine CoRniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New Encland Rum. Fine Holland Gin Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon - do. do. Superior Port Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Suiibury, May S9 1849. BAY RUM. An excellent article for sale by HENRY MASSER. aunhury Jan. S7th, 1849 tf. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tine Cabinet Ware lloom of ; SEIi'N iiourT & CO. -J Market Sqnart, ' , - Also ol 1te torntr of Faurn street tht Railroad SUNBURY, PA. . Tlisnkful for tlie patroriBge of Jii friends n! customers during the 17 years he hss been in DU,, neas in tliia plnco, lie solicits from the Pub,lc.f7! tinuanrc of their favors, Durin(r this pertd n has endoavorrj to keep up with the improvements of the day, anil has accordingly extended his buai ncus in every branch and variety. The public sr therefore invited to tho attention of the present stock of CAUINICT WAR P. AND CHAINS, Mahltacturkd BV SEBASTIAN HOTJPT & CO.; . . . .. At the Old FtaitJ, t I Where in addition to their fornief stork of thr rstuhlishinent they now niiiniifncture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. lMfre Sprhm Sent Rocking Chairs, ' Dressing Ihirtmis, Centre Tables, "' Marble Top Wash. Stands, atul a Vfirieli of other new style and "f" 1isliinnnlile l iirnitiirc. ' llavinp; secured a Hearne and made the necea aary arrniurenieiits for the iiurprme, thev sre now prepared for Undertaking; in all it branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient dixtniice. e maun anil mistreaaea, ami linatiaiiila too, Ilere'a fnrnitiiie of every aryle mid hue, From aide Imonla tlnwn to kitchen tublea, Frnm rneking cluiira to meking cradlcl Hhnnlil ymi nut hnve the nndy JnnN to pay, We'll wail awhile fur ii hrighler better doY, Or take pntatnea. nata. c irn, wheat and ryaj Hark, hoop rmlea, atnvea, or hiuiher wet and tlrjr, Or any thing lint ynkes and threahing flaila, Fmui pins and tnrkiea down to little qntiila. Cnine nn then friend, come, one and all, , Keep trade a moving, an ''gnea on the ball." 15?" Urders from a ditnncc promptly attended 10 ond work of all kinds delivered with dispatclu , Miulmry, Al arcll B, lS.r)0 tf 1 . ,.,. b- t.V Ft T -f t.ll ... iWrp VQrVrr CIV fjao&Ei KjiU Vx ' K " t I f ' t tf1 1 "XT 1 t : - i -V U 1 1 VI Vj Ji i , ., , , . .... , , M)I'; f,,M" the br"t J-unnirn Oiurcr, nil th vnliinMe , mtuiun-ti . ,j .1 niillll II WIN i-C IIMIIIU Xt yvw lies in 11 convenient nint c mreiilniteil form, i It is a 11 mis! eiiifient .mtl :ti the wuue time h:irinlri. tjcntly , flinnilntinir t 'liif f r the M mn'-h. unci will be fomiii very btnctieiiil in relieving Ihe ,aint'ul nnd ilistrewrur luelingi ; oeciiiiiiineil by the inif -mretl neti-n .f this iniM'rient orcan ! Frt'in half toa wholt! te;i-Kj'Minl"nl tuken in ll wine-Rki ; f'll uf n eete'.i'-.l w;iter will iininediiilrly rermive the Hat u : It'iinj ntifl opnreswinii rennliinp trorn iiiftiKetion, nn.) if tokfi I Iw i or three titnt-f !iii!j. i le niii'etl, will be imn Imhlf : int-fnt n;.iin4i the l:iniiiiileaii'l senfe 1' sink in? r' tlrr t' m ; noli and leiid'-ney In its (hlnTtlereil action neeuanMietl hy Uf eiM-rviitinir ell- t't .if the summer heal?, or f .ll-'wincnl'ler iu I (lispnsiiioii, mid fur r irreotinc the int-i(ii;nt ttat;e of diart hn-i, .Vr. . It in nn exerllent rned,ine fop t!i"Pe whn hnve ill jiiied the t.'ite o t!iMr rioiimrtui by tlie iiiiiii'idenitt uwo ititii.xie;itini: lnii ti, by its nliirhily utiinnlatinif erTcet up llie st 'inneh rnn iviiij tier craving f. t Liinuliiittii. w hilt i han iiiinriivtn aeii- n on the l::iii. nnd ia not ftmrcdt by feeliniri1 "f tl' piesijion. wliieh niwnyi follow the uie i a if tr lie Ktiiiinlaiit ft. A few dr-ipii addrd to nitvjne)in, rhidKirb or other pum tive ni'-tlieiiifK, will render them m re nrrep table t4i ll t-i nnn.-h ui.l ire ent the pripin which is apt to accomiir. then uetit'ti. rUITARLP O.NT.Y J1Y a sf mi os smith, lJlU'iitjlsr AM) riiK.MIPT. X. E. mrvcr f 7th ami Chfftmtt Sheets, l'liiM.dpbifi. April' 12, -tv TXISVOKTON HOUSE TKEYOKTOX, PA. rjHI. nOiri!'cr r'(iortt'u!ly hit.irtiM t!it fnM ffi tlmt !m opriitil :i l'tthlic IIouKf. in t iipw town uf Trevortuti, XorthumlHrrlnml roun ntnl l!i:it In is well i;'uir.'il ti ;irroiiiinni!utc 1 must 3 in t!io hcrtt iituiiiirr. I lis tioue in wnt hrnriy opitt t!io ( 'oinininy's Store. He i i limvidiM wilh nmi slulilini; iuliifirnt for 0 It r--H. Ho irnsU liy proinjd anil cntdtil uUrnt to luipiiirss It) lut-ft n nluire nf thr jniMic J'ntr n. iiE.Nuv ii vi:avi:k Trrvort.m. .Inn. 11, l;o0 II' ; TOSE TOll T23TT1! I) KA0 tltr I -llowinij rrnilinr fr.m Capt. lcvri, i weli known and p.ipulnr Sham Captain (of Truvelier.) rini.Ai' , OrtolwrSt. 194 S-jXcral yrnrfc 1 wm iituiekd with a hreekiug on i it y n'-! in th' firni of 'V;iir, whi.-h 1 an fMii. c iiirft.-ictl m 'In- Uiihf rMiop. i craudunlly eit e.lturr my faer until it rrnelicl th upper )itrt if rnefkti. Ihirimr Ih" rvfrl in nidi thot it comb . iiii-:iiliiic, I tiBi'd diljvreut iippiica! iniifl. inmr of winch ' llie 'tfVt, iipprrntly nt lf;tt, .(' im-rMsin!? thft diietigr from none ol theni hd I perceive the least Iwnrftt . np Itrfl litr ltoK t itmft. Hy the me if one fir t 1 v:ia jM-rl'i-'fly nued njul have reuinined free of the f , lii hi . I hire tMii't ne') th- fliiitinent. liirhlly npplird fnrrf HCNi ol' thr lur i'l leiien. rhuppttl linml.s Wub - fift mieresK. have no lir-iit!iti-u in rccoiniQetirlmg the nr.inci'Kt ih;iiihh to il.e p;,l,iie. i JAMI- DKVL I t Atritit tlrwv Mavkr, Su.iJ'ii'v. M July 1.-1. JI ? ATE ITTTcsTEiaiiTE K' (Ireeii's Ovyenated lliiter, price rsdiiced. Old Jaeob Tmvnseud's Sarsapaiilla. , I'aker's S.irsjparilhi. Sway tie's nip of Wild (-'iterr Swayne's Vermil'iie. , A vre's t.'lierrv lYelora! lr. DraUi-'s Panacea. Dr. Cuili-u's do Tib!-it'sP;,in Killer. Dr. H Holland's tipriniin Bittera- Italian VeifHliililo Pills llnrse and C'altle Medicines Tor sale by IIKNKV MASSER. fuiihury, July It, 18J9. TUB PBDPI.11'3 VADE-MECUM COMPRISINi; A TOI.I.Kl TKIN OF OVER 2l)U V A I. U A H LE K K C I P E S , ! It thr l, fl i k ..,, . . MiiiiiIr nml f urious Experiments ia CJ1KM1STKY : I NCI.l'DING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemii Ccaikery, Farriery, Dyiiu;, Confectionary, niestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 J ets., sale hv HENRY MASSE Sunbury, Dec, 8, 149.- Just received at the store of HENRY M SER, a lot of Caps, Gum 'Shoes, Altnar Qacenaware, Liquors etc. All of which wi sold at the lowest price. Dec. 14, 1850. Valuable Hooks. I" IFE or Cubist, handsomely bound, D J iiGNt's Hisroiit or the Remain Blank Dit-bouks tun Lkuukrs, full b v-' Fur sale at the publishers prices by H. B. MASM-. Sunbary, July 14, 1849 A TINERAL WATER, from the Oak Or Acid Sprimis, hiiihly valuable in chror sesses, and touic remeuies, for sale ' -. HENRY MASSI Sunbury, June 29, 1850 tf CAPS. An assortment just received. silk HATS at '-J25, for sale by H. MASS Sunbury, Dec. 84ft. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds snd Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Sum &c, for sale by IL B. MASS Sunbury, April 28, 1851 1 LV E R WATCHES. A few double English Silver Watchea, for sale at ve prices by H. B. MASS Sunbury, April 13, 1851. LANKS of every description can be applying at the oliice of the Americi ADD'S celebrated Horse and Catth tie f.w sale hy HENRY MAS Sunbury, Jan. 27th, 1649