SUNBURY AMEKICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUHNAL. CALIFORNIA NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE PROMETHEUS- ftXKTElf DAYS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. The steamship Prometheus, from Son Joan di Nicaragua, with California dates to February 1st, arrived at New York, on Sat urday motninp, with 334 passengers and 832,000 on freight. The U. S. sloop-of-wnr Albany, Captain platt, sailed, on the 9lh inst., from San Juan foi Havana. John B. Weller has been elected U. S. Senator. The vote on the last ballot was eventy-one in favor of Weller. Major Heading received seventeen votes. The Tennessee sailed from Snn Francisco on the 1st of February, with 320 passengers ami 81,600,000 in gold for Panama. The Alia California makes the following anmmary of news for the two weeks : No business of importnnre has been trans acted by our Slate Legislature since the ses ion commenced. Gov. Bigler has issued a special message, touching the financial affairs of the Slate, in which ha urges upon the Legislature the early adoption of measures to relieve the burden of the Slate's liabilities, and exhibits the amount of her indebtedness By the Comptroller's showing, $1.000,000 still sland nijaiiist us from the expenses of last year's military expeditions. The aggregate indeb tedness, civil and military, of the Stale, on the 3 1st of December, was 82,242,339 74. The Settlers' and Miners' Convention, ns ihe several meetings held in Sacranirnt'i re cently, lo discuss ihe subject of land and and claims in general, have been railed, illll meets with as lillle sympathy ns ever. Ail was timet at Sun Dieo al the last ac wniits. Troops had gone to the Gila, and id further distuibarce was expected with lie Southern Indians. Company F., 3. 1 rlillery, with Major Andrews, has gone to he monlh of the Colo-ado. Piovisions have een sent, mid a depot is to bo made nt the motion of Ihe Gila and Colorado. In the mines, much inconvenience and ant has been experienced, by Ihe failure the water supplies. Dinning has not been ry biisk, nnd prospecting parlies have mle but few lich discoveries within lb" it month. The laborers have worked out ! . water, and are disposed to "lay by," j tiling for moic. Since Thursday Ihe j ins have returned, and copious showers ,.,.' ' . ... I mum in iin; inieriur. 11113 win revive ispecls in the mines. A bill had been introduced into the Sen , authorizins the Governor of the Slate lo lc? land win rants to actual settlers on j amp land-, j ?ive dollar nnd ten dollar pold pieces j 'e been issued by Messrs. Wuss, Molilorj "!o , the latter bearing lhn stamp '-S. M- J (Milliard mint value.) In California : d $1" Messrs. Moflutt & Co, have1 le similar is.'Us. j otice ha been piven in the Slate Senate j . bill authorizing the construction of a j rond from Sacramento City lo Auburn. FROM OREGON AND UTAH. ( dvices from Oregon are lo the 24 lb of ary. Tho location net, establishing the of envernment nt Salem, was still the ct of animated controversy. The ma. of the Legislative Assembly were in ' ,J'h, and among m nt Salem on tne resolutions passed, was one direclingj -trpton delegate in Congress to use his i endeavors to obtain tho passage of an j !iit i unfit inn 4 of land to the soldiers I ; 1 1 ii'fi ifficers eueaeed in the Cnyuse i war.-- ! of Ihe members, who were opposed to , icatinn act, convened at Yam Hill, ami j di-d a paper, ileclarins their ilelermi- . i to disreparil the decision of the Courts j Salem was ihe letial sent of covern- j i ,li Ittv at ent This paper was nfterwaril suspeniten il the refractory members aboudoneil their sition. i TbH Pnrtlan'l Oxonian pnUi-bes the fob-j ,-iii2 rumor of a revolution in Utah " We learn h' ,h" rnail-cnnier from Ihe lies that news has reached lhat place m the Great Salt Lake, of a revolution. , said tho Mormons were armim: and Ufyinff themselves, nd hail published a Oration of independence, in which they ?rtd their full determination lo sel up a ublie for themselves, "he editor of the Weekly Times, publish It Portland, has conversed with a centle- , who had tit ai r ived fiom Palt LnKP. . l. . .nr:, thnro nreaent a threat. wAye mm nimi'" ,C aspect. The people are nearly in a r ...i .! fi-pplu declare their j f ,v, r.nrr.l Rovernment. At Ihe ,e time, they are prepaririR to .en.t .11 writy hom witnoHi uy ii"'n.r lement rrouuTins in Utah -We shall await a irmation or rejection of tho news from Utah country, with anxiety. U, n the Hint stated, the Mormons nnvn r hatred for the U. S. Government to ?l them to acls of open defiance anil ho. . .. r. tKst nnforlnnate conseiiuences f, WO ici - ensue. The Government U bound to down treason at the point of the bayo- and should resistance be offered, a war inevitably follow, in which onr opera. against forty thousand well armed men, ? Ihe mountain, of the Great Sa La be proitucnve oi niueu uiu....-..-., oy men and means to a great extent. ta California, Fib. 1. ioM Rio Janeiro r,-... nw lTltnt-l'& g. The bark F. Doming has arrived w York, with advices to Ihe llib nlti A few days previous to her sailinp, . v.A reached the citv that a battle had fought hy the forces of Generals Rosas Jrquiza, in which the latter was signal feateJ and that 5,000 of his troops deserted and joined the ranks of Gen. (, It wm alto rumored that the Ger. Portion of the army engaged in fighting at the Argentine Itepublio bad become y disaffected toward the Brazillian nmenl. and that uen. tusas ring to previl up0" mem iu ouma New Advertisement. CI0THING WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. AV. 5 K. 13. STOKES, No. 194 Market Street, South tide, First below Sixth Street, PniX.ASEI.PRXA. (")DD FELLOWS and Masonic Regalia of every variety, suited to the vnriout rsnks and orders, constantly on hand. Also, a large and extensive stock of fashionable Itcndy Made Clothing-, manufactured hy the best of workmen, and from the newest style of Goods, of late importation, at greatly reduced prices. They have also a large and well selected assortment of Piece Goods, of English, French and German Fabrics, of new and beautiful Patterns, which they will make to order in the most approved and fashionable man ner, end in a superior stvle of workmanship. February 28, 1H52. 4 mo. RAIL ROAD LETTING. A LI, persons indebted to the subscriber on Hook account, are hereby notified to come and settlo the same between this and the first of March next. Should this notice be neglected, persons can find no fault if their accounts are pla ced in the hands of a matristrato for collection. My books must bo settled money or no money, short settlements make lonrj friends. GEORGE ROHRBACH. Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1S52. -2mo. VII, McCARTY, Bookseller. nnOiUWAY, SI'MIIKY, 1A. TTA8 just received nnd for side, Purdons Di. pest of tbo Inws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1P51. prirc only Sfi.OO. Judge Reads edition of Blackstones Commcn tiuics, in 3 vols. 8 to. formerly sold at $10.00, and now oll'ered (in fresh binding) at tho low price of ?li.OO. . A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re spectinij the estates of Decedents, by Tlioiniis F. Gordon, price only S1.00. Kossuth nnd (be Uuncarinn war: comprising a complete history of the Lite struggle for freedom of that country, with notices of the leading chiefs and statesmen, who distinguished themselves in council and in (lie field, containing 2R8 pages of interesting matter with authentic portraits. Kossuth's nildress to the people of the United States, with a portrait, printed on broadcast, and put on rollers after the manner of maps, price only SO cents. Washington's farewell address, uniform style with the above. February, SI, 185'.'. tt. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GUNS. Vos 31 .V 33 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. PTMTE subscribers would call the attention of -"- boxers to their stock of Hardware, consisting i oi mnic nnit rocket lunves. turns, i;nains, Locks, llollownre, etc.. &c. We would rccoin mend to all, our Endless Chain Pumps, a new article now getting into general use which run furnish complete nt about one half the '" ,or ",p vic rumps, aiso a new ar- tide ol .liliicis TiM-ft Door, each j Lock suited either for rirrht or left hand doors, I with mineral or while knobs. Our stock of (IIIIS is large and well select I cd, comprising single nnd double barrels, English , and German make. All goods can be returned if not found to be rs represented. Country mer- cnaiHs woulil no well to call on us uelore pur chasing elsewhere. Wheelwrights and carriage makers supplied with goods suited to their business, bv calling on W. II. & G. W. ALLEN. Nos. HI & 33 Market Street, Philadelphia. February, 21, 18a2 61110. Estate of JACOB G. REED, Dec'd. "TJOTIt'E is hereby gixen that, letters of ad- ministration have been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Jacob G. Reed, dec'd., late. of Shaniokin township, Northumberland countv. I All persons indebted to said estate or having , claims acninst the sume, are requested to cull on the subscriber for settlement. i AMOS VASTINE, Adm'r. i Shamoliin tp., Jan. 31, 1852. Ot. : WM. M'CAKTY, B O 11 If S K I. L K It , Broadway, stjnbubX pa; . J UST received and for sale,-." ,rM!1 '"PP'V o F.VArVGr.MCAI MI'S" for Singing Schools, tic is also opening ni . . . . . . f 1,.,.1,B in .v.r this tune, a larjie assoriinrii, m ...."..a, ... -.-.j branch ol Literature, coiiMsuns oi i t n;.,,.. Novels. Romance's. Scientific ' Works,' Law, Medii ine, School and Children's Books, Bibles ; School, Pocket and Family, both with and w ithout Enrjravimrs. and every of vari ety of Bindinc. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels,' and Adventures, all of which will be sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. Sunbury, Jan. 31, 18o?. tf. HAHHIBBTJUG STEAM WOOD ' TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING j SHOP. Wood Turning in all its branches. , l itv stvle nnd at citv prices. Every variety of I Cabinet and Carpenter work cither on hand or turned to order. Bed Posts, Balusters, Roselts, Slat and Quar ter, Table Leas, Newell Posts, Pat terns. Awnins Posts. Waeon Hubs, Columns, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles fee. UP- This slum is in STRAW BERRY AL LEY, near Third Street, and as we intend to hleaisc all our customers who want Rood work done, it is hoped that all the trade wil' give us a call. ' . . . , l"t? Ten-Pins nnd I cn-rui nans mane, m u.- j .turned j ' oi VMnwi UVen tnA Vn. . ... . n.i , n,ir new slvle of " IS 1 ; moUI.UINGS. Printer's Riglctaot H.1 per 100 W. O. HICKOK. j ,8Mly, .Bonnet", Hats and Af 1 11 i n r v (1 o o tU ! ERCIl ".NTS and Milliners wlicn in i im ailrlphia to purchase their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our targe aim iouable stoc k of STRAW GOODS' We manufacture largely and iMfoar the XiwtT Stilks or rort'icn F.ibric! j j I i: ...i,:..t, im.eiber with other advanta r,e. enblo' ui to offer liberal inducementa Bi-tkus. , . K. A. CKUUlvr.u, ot ., iv,.. ai ..,.1 Cbeatnut Stre and No. 58 e Z, j j,hilll(k1 hia. December 27, 1851. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, t m .m a&vajnayaa ja M T A "TT Sl."I5UUV, PA. , Dec. 13, 1851. tf. OLD PENS with and without cases, TP! erv sunerior aualitv. lust received. Also a fresh supply ol writing rium, ir ii u 11 1 bfii'D Bunbury, Doc. 27, 185L rniiTH'H fssp.VCE OF JAMAICA 5' GEK, a fresh supply j"t received, and gale by i"mo1'"' Sunbury, Jau. 10. 1852. lfaTiKl) KI1.1.S neatlv nrinted on new 1 I nrnmntlv executed St this office. blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Sunburv, f'sl. It, 1853. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF NORTHUMBERLAND. COUNTY. From the first day of January, J. D. 1851, to ihe 31t day of December, A. D. 1851, loth days inc'uded. GEORGE B. YOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. DR. To am't ree'd from Collectors for 1849, $378 1 1 " 1850, 8950 24$ - " ' 1851, 4879 85 " Countv tax unseat lands, S 78 " Road tax do 8 30 " School tax do 4 30 " County tax on Tighlinau's lands, 17 50 J " Road tax do 12 34 J " School tax do 11 88 j " Poor tax do 5 13 " Due hill of D. Chichester. 5 00 " G. Martin, rent, Court House, 1 00 " Dividend on Northumberland H ridge Stock, 80 00 " Refunded by Jus. EcUman, 16 7fiJ " ' " J. M. Simpson, 3 00 " Court fines and Jury funds from Proth'y Farnsworth, 73 00 Balance due George B. Youngman on County Funds, 631 0t $11,378 12J GEORGE B YOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPECTING STATE FUNDS, FOR 1851. DR. To amount of Slate tax for 1843, $44 61 1849, 216 00 " 1850, 2143 21 " " 1851, 8789 55 ' " on Tightinmi's Innd, 32 0 ' " on unseated land, 8 30 To Tavern License, 510 00 " Balance on Retailers' License, 787 06 " License on Patent Medicines, 15 00 " " Oyster shops & Beer houses, 10 00 " " Distillers, 21 00 " ' Breweries, 8 00 Militia fines, for 1849, 77 13 1S:0, 239 57 " 1851, 54 50 " Balance of .Militia lines in Treasurer's hands, per last report, 66 71 " " of State tax in Treasurer's hands, per last report, 4180 49 $17,203 29 SETTLEMENT WITH THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Expenditures of the County of Northumberland, as per orders issued by the Commissioners on the Treasurer of said county during Ihe year 1851. Viewing Roads and sites for Bridges, 8144 00 Refunding, 179 54 Sheriff's Fees, 650 49 Prothonotarv's Fees, 280 85 Public Buildings, 2!t6 ()9j Auditor's Wages, 131(0 Building and repairing Bridges, 1821 Gfi Assessors' Pay, 289 66 Commonwealth Costs, 361 09 Damages Roads, 23() 00 Constables making return lo Court, 76 89 Stationary, 80 47 Coroners' Inquests, 49 94 Juror's pay, 2185 46 Court Crier, 102 00 Constables attending Court, 90 00 Attorney for the Countv, 45 00 Fuel, " " 1 00 Amount carried over. 37,015 18 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS Coi' ntt Tax. Samuel Awl, Augusta, Michael Evert, Augusta, 1840, 1S4G, 1S48, $27 90 40 05 111 22 63 74 226 52 16 87 171 86 John Leiliig, Coal, David Stahlnccker, Delaware, jlm Leisenring, Northuniberl'd, " John Liebig, Coal, 1S49, David Stahlnccker, Delaware, " Thomas Barr, Lewis, j0m J,e menring, Northumbc-l'd, " 4 02 271 72 46 06 170 15 52 33 108 41 163 G 59 32 238 25 714 35 96 28 570 68 411 97 330 87 01 14 255 60 266 83 410 02 313 29 214 07 219 88 540 75 60 45 Jacob Beck, Sunbury, " Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque, 1850, Charles Fox, Delaware, " James Vandyke, NorthuinWl'd, " Henry R. Johnson, Rush, " ficorpe Kuntz, Turbut, " Solomon Martz, Coal, 1851, Jacob Kline, Chilisquaque, " John Hine, Cameron, " j Daniel Cares, Delaware, ' i Martin Drumliellrr. Jackson, uaviu usou, i.rwo., Jacob R. Clark, Lower AuRUstn, Jacob Bingaman, Low. Mahonoy, 1). S. Drumheller, Lit. Mahonoy, " James Buoy, Milton, " Peter Ruch, Northumberland, " Joseph Vankiik, Point, " Henry R. Johnson, Rush, " Samuel Hales, Shamokin, " Peter Purscl, Sunbury, " George Kuntr, Turbut, " William Reed, Up. AuRiista, " Wm. Bcrghciser, I p. .Mahonoy, 120 01 87,195 03 MILITIA FINKS DUE Michael Evert, An: usla, 1846 831 00 1848 16 00 1 05 35 00 1849 21 50 ii 13 50 it 34 00 3150 II 19 00 ' 61 50 1850 29 00 45 00 i 54 00 i 88 00 it 41 50 ii 50 1 ti 38 50 ii 36 00 ' ii 42 00 ii 59 50 ii 25 50 8733 45 John UiebiL', Coal, D. Slnliliieeker, Delaware, JdcTTb-WflfT Sunbury, John I.iebijl, Coal, D. Slalilnecker, Delaware, James Buoy, Milion, Jno. I.eisenrini!, Noithumberl' Jea Smilh, Point, Jacob Beck, Sunbury, John I.eibig, Coal, Dennis nnoy, iiiiiiiuni"c, Charles Fox, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, J, II. Claik, Lower Auiula, Umo D. Baker, Lit. Mahonoj James Buoy, Milion, Henry K Johnson, Rush, Conrad Kershner, Suiibuiy, George Kuntz, Turbut, Amount carried over, Collectors. Solomon Martz, Coal, Jacob Kline. Chilisquaque, - John (line, Cameron, to Daniel Cares, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, Jacob R. Claik, Lower Augusta, Jacob Bin Lower JSUhoiioy David S. Drumheller, Lillle Mahonoy, James Buoy, Milton, Puler Rnch, Northnmberlanrl, Joseph Vunkirk, Point, at 1 ... U Henry K. Jonnson, mini, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Peter Pursel, bunbury, George Knnlz, Turbut, William Keed, upper nugumi., of a William Bergheiser, upper .iauouy, W.. .he aivtaraigaao, AiHUor. of Northombaiia. enaa.y, -2? KTS G e Irf amd cui.t do rr 1 that w. have rtMyto . fouIlh tnM , du. Vouiif man, Kan , Treiwur.r, th. sum 01 bv. ' oJa .ihiy-eishl d-slars, iid twenly- Baiik of NoninTmberJi.1, Ihre. hu.-ird dollar. .Xh mxty'f' art J-four "tand,ng ml. GlN - for una nno. , mim nu.. --T,r , Mtyatven and a haU eaita, maaiiif in iimi..... . lltiea of A,u.r. fori.-fou. and a half cents. Th. du. irom -i-nere ia au. inn hv. .kalar., ?l from 'y;"Zj-U oeni. oulattnding militia n 1 tvuv ly-.iKlitle.t.,.i,dcU1 U-sevfcll.niandiwty-Seel. A10 CR. By balance due Geo. B. Youngmsn, per last report, C1 15 " Cash paid Eastern Penitentiary, 15 98 " Cash on note in Northland Bank, 700 00 " Interest on do 39 16 " Cash p'd on Coin'sioners' Orders, 9340 1 9 " Charge for going to Northumberland 6 times to renew note, collect bridge stock, pay money due Eastern Pen etcntiary, 9 00 " Percentage on $220 85 p'd Jesse M. Simpson, late treat' r, at 3 per rU 3 51 " Percentage, on $15 96 paid Eastern Penetcntiary, ' 0 40 Percentage on $739 16 paid Nor thumberland Bank, 18 47 ' Percentage on $0310 19 paid on Commissioners' Orders, 233 50 " Collector's commission on $20 28 tax on Tighlmnn's lands, at 5 p. tt, 1 01 do on $15 28 tax on un seated land, 0 76 " Depreciated money, 53 00 $11,378 12 CR. By cash paid fltate Treasurer, as per ceipt, dated Jan'ry 21st, 1851, $2251 00 " " April 23d, " 1250 00 " July 17th, " 60H6 29 ' ' Julv 23d. " 707 75 ' ' July 25th, " 3359 01 By Treasurer's commission on $12,- 910 99 at 1 per cent, 129 16 " on $32 10, at S p.ct, 1 00 " " on $1308 25, Tavern, Retailers' license, &C. 68 41 " on $8 30, uns'tcd lands, 41 By cash paid Brigade Inspectors, Vol unteer Coinp's, as per vouchers, 437 91 " Treasurer's commission on $437 91 on militia fines at 1 p. ct, 4 38 " on $1101 20 State tax due the Com'weulth, up to Jan. 1st, 1852, 11 01 Balance in Treasurer's hands, 2890 35 817,203 29 Amount brought over, $7015 8 Prison expenses, 36 65 Contingencies, 43 49 Printing, 392 00 Premiums on Fox Scalps, 41 00 Treasurer's Fees on Deeds, 15 37 District Attorney's Fees, 125 50 Clerk's wages for 1850, in full, 4137 " " 1851, in part, 280 43 General and Township elections, 687 75 School tax on unseated lands, l'J2 55 Koad tax " 124 96 Northumberland County Agricultural Society, 100 00 . f Jacob Hoffa, for 1850, 15 00 J Wm. Wilson, 1851, 110 00 ?i C. Albert, 76 00 1 C. Weaver, " 285 00 486 00 $9,582 26 ON COUNTV AND STATE TAX State Tt. Jno. Leisenrins, Northuniberl'd, 1848 John Leibig, Coal, 1819 Dan. Sluhlnecker, Delaware, " Thomas Barr, Lewis, " Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque, 1850 James Vandyke, Northuinberl'd, " f 48 67 08 03 99 03 11 48 586 02 52 90 50 40 230 95 60 29 313 45 613 08 54 59 528 44 218 47 543 90 177 45 388 81 23 75 1SU 3 227 ?o 500 35 262 54 53 22 410 46 306 00 139 65 Henry R. Johnson, Rush, " Conrad Kershner, Sunbury, " George Kuntz, Turhut, " Solomon Martr., Coal, 1851 Jacob Kline, Chilisquaque, " John Hine, Cameron, " Daniel Cares, Delaware, Martin DrumhePer, Jackson. " David Wilson, Lewis, " Jacob R. Clark, Low. Augusta, " Jacob Bingaman, Low. Mahonoy, " D. S. Drumheller, l.iU .Mahonoy, James Buoy, Milton, Teici .u..1runJ. ' Joseph Vankirn, l onii, .... . Henry K. Jolinson, hush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, " Peter Pursel, Sunbury, " George Kuntx, Turbut, " William Reed, Up. Augusta, " 35.940 78J FROM COLLECTORS Amount bronnht over, S733 4 Jacob Kokman, Up. Auu:a, 1S50 , ' TT .1..t....... II 84 09 21 50 A Dm. ivunsi'imau, j i Solomon Martz, Coal, 1851 21 0" 44 00 Jacob Kline, Chilisquaque, ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 16 ft" John Hine, Cameron, 68 00 82 50 Daniel Cares, Uelaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, 46 50 78 50 J. R. Clark, Lower Anansla, Jiieoh Binffeman. U. Mannnoj, 62 00 D. S. Drumheller, Alationoy, 20 50 65 00 James Buoy, Milton, Peter RncU, Norlhumteriaiio, Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Shaniokin, Peter Pursel, Snnbnry, Georse Knnlz, Tuibnt, 43 00 32 50 43,00 76 00 25 00 2 50 53 50 36 50 William Red, Up. Anansta, " Wm. Bergheiier, Up- Mahonoy," tl,569 54 V FINES LEVIED FOR 1851. Static Tax. Militia Fines. 8431 87 821 00 1220 12 44 00 130 37 1e 50 1349 49 8 00 913 20 82 50 1110 21 46 50 780 10 78 50 693 24 75 50 191 38 ?0 60 745 99 65 00 733 51 58 00 711 92 32 50 807 27 43 00 863 75 76 00 716 06 39 00 1138 63 26 50 663 18 35 60 629 59 36 50 114,031 88 865 00 Count Tax. 339 751 852 90i 96 28 977 794 661 431 796 27 676 40 637 774 137 74 522 51 596 05 492 644 567 77 609 89 500 H54 766 35 455 52 452 914 810,040 86 ... ,,. nalt ta mil. tBnoaaiM savan ami " -:-"-- " .... ,., thousand one anivlteo alia th. eouiity anvmni ta "w dollars and nwervwe . .U. a no,, J . STOCKMAN & SON, Manufacturers and Dealers in GOLD AND SILVER PENCILS, Thlmblfi, Silver Ware, Jewelry, fce. At the Old Established Sland, Sign of the Gold Thimble, No. 60 Chestnut Street, South side, between 2d and 3d Sis., PHILADELPHIA. VfHERE ,mv manufacture and keep con- v stantly on hand a variety of articles, suita ble for city or country trade, among which are Gold and Silver Patent and other kinds of Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Comlis, Finger Shields, Knitting Sheaths, Needle Cases, Scissor Honks and Chains, Purse Clasps, Tooth and Eur Picks, Twceiers, Nursing Tubes, Odd Fellows' and Sons of Tcmpersnre Jewels and Emblems, Ac, also Silver Spoons, Forks and Putter Knivei. In addition to which they keep a general sup ply of Rogers' Superior Plated and German Silver Goods Of the first quality, such as Spoons, Forks, Soup and Oyster Ladles, Butter Knives, Spectacles, Ac. Jackson's celebrated Lead for Pencils of all sizes by the quantity, at the lowest market prices. January, 24, 1852. 2m. IIEIMITXG'S (WILDER H PATENT.) SALAMANDEK SAFES. rXHE validity of this patent, (after having been vigorously contested by suits at law for the last six years.) has been fully and finally estab lished in the Supreme Court of the United States. The undersigned, at his depot, has on hand a large assortment of the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, A!,0, ALT. KINDS OF Iron Clu'sts, Money IJoxes, Vault Doors and Bank Vaults, both fire and bur glar proof, with new and Socond Hand Safes of other makers forming the largest assortment in the world. Also, the fo lowing LOCKS: Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation, and Letter Changeable Anti Gunpowder Locks; Hull's New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof Lock; Diiy, Newell ct Day's; and Locks of other celebrated makers. JOII.V ! 4RRI L, No. 04 Walnut street. Philadelphia. Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania. Jartuary 10, 1852 2m. PURIFYING EXTRACT The Grontrsit BLOOD PURIFIER Is the whole World1 XT' Prirt jw Jtmiit, or Sir HnUlaftr 5. II ! now p.,1 up in l ART nOTTI.ES, or Ihe Mum powrr nn.f mtdifil tjfrearv n whi'li In iniill liottl. Each l.arr,r liolllo ronlalni, M I X T V-FOi: It HOSES, and ihe inflirulioni re ( Strnniilv ( o ncenl rn led llial only line rnUripmfl li n-qinnl at a Hone three hmn a llmi ouo hotilo laata Twenty-One l(n, which la ntiirli loni-tr limn a hoille of anv other mtMtirlne laala. Iieraoae lliere ia required of Una a leas qunnlilr al a doae. ' Tho vrrnt Suptrinity ot thla lllnod Purifier over all othor uiedlritma. cnnalala In a Krat Inoaatire In Ita noa araini u a parmr Ha conipiHind. His paictrul OTedlcnl Iriurs or aomo Henrev and Uure Indian Roots and Barks, which no nllmr inrllrine noaaeaoa. Tlieae are the moat aarw fcnn l,irin'l's of the lllonil Unit were ever known 10 either nrti.m or ic'iif ami ihan lieujg tvmpountUd with Urn Itranyly-mnetiitrttlrd Lrtrttcit of Sarsaparina, Yellow Dock, CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS, make thla Vraretulile Kxtrnrt, not only the pranhnl lllonil I'tielller, hul alo, a rlienper mfticin oy fcrrnl oilds than anv oilier. It la vJtt?tr, Iwrau.e Uia aiKinrlry of It that may he hontlit for One llolliir will latl mueli Innftrr. en.l wilt cure Ten Times more Blood diwHi.e. than ie wor'a worth of anv oilier invdicine. to For unduuhh,.! il(Mif of the Cure of Scrofula, Fever-Sores, StvtM-lttnd, Jury.,..,., Salt-Hhcum. Tthmmotiim, Rwhilit, Ktiiptutut, Vimi4rt on tht h'act, l.iver! 'oilipllllnla, ., I.imbii. Citnrtront i'irm, f ost i venean, Sort V. l)yaH.,allt, Vain in the Side, Hreiitt, Honet, an4 Jaintt, aid n. imira Ivpi'aE.Ri.onn IliairAar.s, aee our PAHI'Hi.K'rS un4 llandbilUvvbiy Agul has litem tu Kive away. Foa al y I. W. Frilinr, Punbiiry: Mnry A.Mc Cny, Noitliuiiiherliiiul ; John 11. tluacl, .Miitou; Hayes A; McCornnrk. MrlCweiiavitle. .May 3, 1MI, elw. ly. THE GERMAN WASHING POWDERS S considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of. JJiK.Jlj.tld ' . " f til Cl.Ulllr.n i'vuh !" 1 And a erent saving of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. U. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for ,.., ....... , uilV'P .:il not . ra IrVIIIlT IO IIH11I1 Oil OIW-H ,' I" n. no tie rronneior, i. i. i.wa, WHIT'I flli. i 1 I- nr. on i.ic ' ' l, V .1.. la. ,el of everv PackoRC. Aim n o'J HlighuneJ publie not to confound the i;i:kmas w asiiimi ruw"" illi others that are in the market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, nd sold at the nominal price of 12 i cents. r-rf iim VTTUS will find it creatlv to sdvan v ' - ----- . , lage w iuii,iin" ...i... ih I'nuilers 10 cieauau wen TYPES Ainu kui.lekh, leint; a vcrv superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT, at his I.aborstorv and Principal uepoi, io. iu Fifth Street, Pbllsdelpliia. Wholesale and Retail AsenU ; Henn- Masser Sunburv; S. B. Denormainlie, .omiumuriaiiu. Remember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November 32, 1851. Omo. J. I. DITTERICH, A'o 78 Xorth Id Ft., beltcteu. Arch and liact St., FHI1.ADEI.PHIA. HEREBY informs the jiublic that he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new . - K'.-al'. f.l W aa InrrvA a. CSUtl't llln aif at ore, o. o unu -u loivign Fancy tloods, Musical Instruments, Pictures y Faints, rhich he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Accordeons, Violins. Music Boxes, Porlor and Bar Koom Or eans. Melodeons, Sertiphines, Mathematical In- struineiits, ,'MaKneta, p,m , ' Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal. uiu aim ' Scales of all kinds, HnulV and Tobacco Boies, Lilhographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel hn- eraviiiirs, anil pictures ot r.r.j tiilt Frame Moulding of various siks. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. Ueceintier 20, 1851. tf. HOVER'S INK MANUFACTORY, RKMOVED TO Vo. 14-t Itace Streel. Between, 4A and bth, opposite Crown PKlbAUtilJlUMu .1.- ,.. inllMl. hv inrrenid ;V. "p'ly the nmwiim d.-"l HOVEK'8 INK, wlilihitswi.le-aiiiruilrepuuilirHi ' . ; ... ..,..11 ...ui.ii.i.rti in iha ! c and ambleiweiil- Ihd Amend, fublie, that it is Mreely " .... ,ia , ita favor, and the nauiuiaetu. "eTukes line opportuniiy Vo say lha( th. conBdooc. w.,,red.hKllnrtihe.l.ud. Inadflllloil U me varioua ani-. 1. ...Diactare. Aclsmantin. for mending Glass th. I.T, Ha,. Dv. ! a inul only ieZrV" iiuaireit. fular. u 1 s Sealing Was, wall Z.ntZl for and Bottlers, at a very few price, in ."aS'lT' JOPF.rH HOVER, t"So. 144 lUac. Street Betwu 4th 6ih, opposite t'rowo Blree Philadelphia. December 47, 1651. 3m. nineir - amieii. alan held msTABRIAGE CETIflCATES handsomely 1A executes for sale at this office, single by the dozen. "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your (tun Mechanics. GEOttGK KENN. MANUFACTURER OT FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'THE subscriber resjiectfully calls the attention x of the public to his targe and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CABINET-WARK. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in tho city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany SofTa, Divan and I.onnfcCB, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, euch as Mjiuogast, Black Walki-t axo Ci'hleii Mapi.k GaKciAtt ; a Wnnsnn CHAIRS, axu fanct Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The snhscrilier is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cilies, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Iff' UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hr.Aass, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. LJr J he VV are Koom is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENIN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S52. tf. TO PRINTEHS AND PUBLISHERS. L. TELOUZE S Philadelphia Type Foundry. Orcat Reduction In Types. &c rlHFJ undersipned hef;a leove to eall tlio atten tion of Printers and Publisher" to the grjatli ! grjatly rcdueed prices of Tye, viz : Pearl, $1,08 Minion, Arjnte, 72 Brevier, Nonpareil, 58 Bourgeoine, Long Primer. 34 Small Pica, 48 42 37 32 Pirn, 30, nd all other tvne in proportion. But wishing to eneouroce cash payments, the subscriber will make a still lamer deduction of from 12 to 15 per cent, for rasli. Having greatly enlarged and improved his establishment, he flatters himself to lie able to supply his customers with greater des puteh than most of his competitors. Ha has constantly on hand Cases. Chases, Composing Sticks, Stands, II rasa and wooden tialloys, and all other materials used in a Printing Office. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and Chestnut atrcets. L. PELOL'ZE. X. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1851.- tf. MOliK (iOOD NEWS! ! MORE NEW GOODS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, TIAS just received and opened a fresh and eenerul assortment of Tall and Winter Goods, of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of DRY GOOD.?, GtlOCCIUES. QUEENSWARE. Hardware, Iron nnd Steel, Nuils, &e,, ALSO : SILK AND SLOUCH HATS... lUIJTAnv uuiu Duoea, xibu, oaii., All of which ho will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. liive linn a call anu try iua pnv-. Sunbury, Nov 22, 1851. JOHN A. H ARRIS, Manufacturer, &. Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Blaiiiifacttircd Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves. Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. E. S. JONES & CO., nnnT.It of Fourth and Kace Streets Pub J ii.i,pr of the Model Architect, by SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 21 month- I.. .... .fa The above work is designed to meet the wishes nU- of those directly interested in buildings, v.... nr.ll wbn desire the advancement of this 110- i.i ... ... ,,r roimtrv. and wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The h.n.luiiiia manner in which it ia prepared and embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 3 &3 now ready for delivery. Price 50 cents per number. Address as above, post paid. May 3, 1851. ly. Dec. 20, 1851. hi. l. siiiihx, ATTOP.1TE7 AT L-V Ollice in Market street Minoury, opposite 1 Weaver's Hotel. BTUSINF.S8 will be promptly sttended to in G U the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour. Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1S51. ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MK11C1IANT, So. 6, Forth Wharves, Where the following goods are received and on commission, Dried Annies. Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, &c, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Dushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Unions, Mercer tatoes. Sweet Potatoes, Shclbarka, Chestnuts, Ground Muts, Oranges, Lemons, liaisins, St. Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Lgya, Butter, L,lieese. A nd all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro fiieill' duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. BUFFALO KOBES. A I.SO. FAN'CY FURS, such as Muffs, thus ik Tippets, Victorias, Ac, cVc Ths subscri bers offer the above for sale, wholesale or retail, and .. ne- in the greatest variety, snd on the cheapest at their Establishment. Io. Street, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia. JAMES REISKV ec CO. November , 1851. 4mo. A KNOLD'8 WRITING FLUID snd sive aud legal envelopes, lor sale oy H. B. MASsRER. unbuiy, np 10, I85S.-- or GREAT BARGAINS t Watches niul Jewcllerjr, WIIL,F,fl nnT RETAIL. nAVIN'O constantly on hand ait immense stock of Watches and Jewellery, I am de termined to tell at less prices thsn the sams qual ity of Watches or Jewellery are sold in Philadel phia, via i Gold Lever Watches, full jewslled 18 ka case, only $30,00 Gold Lcpine, It 4,0 Silver Levers, full jewslled, only 1 00 Silver Lepines, - 11,00 Oold Pencils, 1,S0 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00 Also an Immense stock of all kinds of Watch. es, tjoUl Chains. Breastpins. Earrings, Silver Spoons, Ac, all of which I will sell at less pri ces than tver have been sold in this city, as the prices ars certainly much less than evsr harsts fore sold ill this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lery. All I ask is a call to convince Purchaser that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew ellery and Silver ware. Persons by sending the cash they wish to ex pend can have a watch or watches sent to thsn bv mail with perfect safety, having sent them In that way lor the lust 6 years. All communica tions uiust be post paid. Please call or send or ders to LEWIS LA DOM US, No. 103 t'hesnut St., bctwn 3d and 4th St., Eat Wins of Franklin House, Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851.- tf. TO DYSPEPTICS. Tin: si Salt, subscribers offer for sale Cheltenham in invaluable remedy for this disease it is an exact imitation of the water of the cele brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which hns been found so benelii-iul in cases of Dyspsp sia. Pillions Complaints, Sick Headache, Habit ual UostivencMS, &c, and is particularly recom mended as a substitute for Scidlitz Powders, as i acts both as a tonic and gentle purgative. A Pamphlet cnntainiiii; an analysis of the water and directions for its use, accompanies each botU.. Price 38 cents per bottle. The subscribers also prepare a highly concen trated Essence of Pure Juinaica Ginger. Price 25 cents per bottle. Full Catalogues of drugs with prices attached furnished Pbysiciuns gratis. Also priced Cate lnuos of Wire Chemical for analytical Chemists. The attention of Drujpists is particuisrly in vited to our slock of fine drugs, chemicals, die. BULLOCK ft CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, nth & Arch Street, Philadelphia. Uctobsr 25, 1851 4mo, MORE NEW GOODS! TRILING & GRANT, l ESPECTFULLY inform the publie and "the rest of mankind," that they have re ceived a large assortment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every variety of style, consisting in part e fine assortment of Cloths, Casrimrres, Merinos, Mousseline tU Lain, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GROCERIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spicea of all kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Flatter. Also a iresh supply of DRUGS ANU MF.P1CINES. XV Country produce of all kinds taken La esv change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1851. NEW GOODS ! J. U. KAUFFMAN At nis New Store in Hollowing Bon, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends aad customers, that he has just received a new stock of goods, which he offers to the publie at the lowest prices, viz : Fall ana Winter Urj Gooda, SUCH AS Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Merinos, Mousseline De Lames, Flannels ALSO : An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, ot Groceries, LIQUORS. ALSO: A variety of Queensware, Crockery, dee. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable fer farmers. Ac. All kinds of produce taken in exchange Is goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Kun, uci. sa, 10.11. u. Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Cheita. mm ttt rn i;tf.T to stand equal heat with anv other Chests in the coun country, and te defy the Burghs' ingenuity. Manufactory, rte, lo'lludsons Alley, running between I hiril and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear ef the Uirard Bank. . M. Ac. S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feci confident, from long experience in the manufacture of Iron Chests snd Safes, and .l:- .im..L, hranrh. Ill a siiecial attention 10 una j....,-.-. giving satisfaction to all who may give them call. . ,.... B We have selected one 01 me ua. erals ever used as a non-conuucior " this business, and we warrant our n - Kites to be made of the best material and in the most durable manner, and to sianu ...j - lhat can be applied to them. MILIXOK at biiaw. Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, 8 ef CbeSv sold nut, in the rear ol Uiraru nana.. Philadelphia, Uct. a, ieoi. iy B0AP AND CALDLES. THE subscrilier takes this uiethoi of "fcrm. iug the citizens of Sunburj and vstiiuty. po figs, that iliav ara anffR? ed in the manusscteve ol Soap and Candles, of the best qnahiy, No. 44 Fillrt street, Philsdcl '.da. They respectfully invite sll who buy for cash, to gie him " they will find it to to Iheir advantage IB deebnff with Uim for articles in tlieir line. E. DUFFY A SON, 44 Filbert atove Hk Daccmber 20, 1851-tf. Boas fiI8SLE PAPEH-Yellow Tissue pepsr fcr 1 covering glasses, for sale at the efflee ef lbs American. terms, u KAZORSA superior article for sale el ta store of HENRY MAS8ER. Suuliury, FeK IB, IB.tft 1-JTEE BILLS. Justices and Const. Mes Fee) ' Bills bandaomcly printed oaesrd paper, r ale at this offlct. Adhe .llief