Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 21, 1852, Image 4

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    IS" '1 a ;
tV. . Fim th. Newark Boas, v . .
i i c tilE OLD MAN TO HIS VYirE. ..
Wo r growing very old, Kale, -.
1 feol it every day ) .
The hair upon our temples now, "'
I growing thin and pray.
V are not as we were, Kale ;
And yet our hearts weie younff,
A when we roved the sunny hill,'
And flow'ry dells among. ,
We are growing Very old, Kalo ;
But it is not age of heart,
Though speedily the hoar comet on,
When thou and 1 must part
When Ihou and I must purl, Kate,
As we have ne'er before,
Beshla olif coitai hearth to meet,
Wilh words of love no more.
But we're growing very old, Kale,
And the parting wont be lone,
"'Till we meet within a belter home,
Amid yon heavenly throna ;
'Till we sing the song together, Kate,
The Bneels sing above ;
Where ne'er the fear of parting lakes
The blessedness for love. .
The ii'..r.rh of fr'iiittesa mill t renewal of my
prnnNiiM unit retnrHtioiis ti spread iia tletmlca Vienna
II e pnhhr. Tu aucrrsa wliich has ilhrto .lieiajed this
oiKlt-Onkiiit ft Is hnpnl Will emitinur, mill timl'le me to
Iwrpaiumic Ilia full history .if UM nnsMeUHsrt anft davas.
sinus hi th. Ii.kIv on which lli destiny ui the KcWi
Th. attnnllnn nf DnnvrnM hna tflVMI tllH GlOBC 11
ofTictit character as thr r4wrtur of all Umt hi said aad
lima in Iho b ill-. Tliii sanction lias ln voted at every
anccrsaive session for many years. and by member, nf el
ill all iHlrim has hnrn natinasny
Theiie are 761 public pump in Balli
more.. :, -t , . -
The Vice Preeuient of the French Repub
lic has resigned !
Or 70 arrests made on Wednesday, in
New York city, J9 were for drunkenness.
'TWAS a beautiful custom to hury the
dead al twilight.
AcconntNo to Dr. Bairo, the national
debt of France is $1,500,000,000.
Lard, it is said, will make hens lay -Tried
it on ours no go.
.There were 102 deaths in Washington
city, during January. . .
Im Andalusia the men do the cooking, but
the washing is done by the women..
There are 27,93 public carriages al
Paris, in which 200,054 persons ride daily.
Good. The Delaware is open, and the
spring trade of that city is commencing. .
In Baltimore during 1851, there were
4539 deaths.
"Lola Monteas," said Bffmus, "is pure in
nocence." "Yes," replied Mary Lee, "she
is pure in-no-sense."
A Boa Constrictor, 70 feet Ion?, has just
She was
been added to the collection of the Jardin
des Planta.
They are to have two additional Lunatic
Asylums in Ohio. The sum of 8100,000 is
to be appropriated for this purpose.
White shad were caught in the Cape
Fear river at Wilmington, N. C, on Salni
day last.
During the past year 41,000 immigrants
landed in Canada, and of this number up
wards of 20,000 were Irish.
The late shock of an earthquake at St
Louis overthrew inkstands and glasses, and
jarred tables and chairs.
Every' oyster that is swallowed, as it is
taken from the shell, has a heart pulsating
about thirty-seven limes a minute,
The celebrated Fanny Wright slipped and
fell at Cincinanti, a few days ago, breaking
her leg. .
Lad Btron, the widow of the poet is
Hviug at Southampton, England.
Miss Milbauke
William T. Lin son. Esq, postmaster at
Winchester, Mas, was killed, a few dajs
ago, in a rencontre with Matthew Lewis.
A Frenchman, wishing to speak of the
cream of the English poet?, forgot the word,
and said "de butter of poets"
There are more newspapers published in
Canada than in the British Islands, exclusive
of London
The French Law, requiring new-paper
articles to b signed by the writers, is to be
A mummy has been discovered in
Crypt of St. Stephen's Chapel, London
is supposed to be the remains of an
Mr. Macauley has still further postponed
the pulbicalion of the third and fourth vol
umes of his history, in order to make Ube of
fresh material that has reached him.
The cost of a single track of the Pennsyl-
partita. The ores. ton.
to the fidelity with which lh uuty Ihui ceiuuled has bwi
TtMciMvrily with wlik-ta Urn let trr-writer fnr Utdi
tant prt.'W ciirulnte through thn tclgmh their nurrid
acromiia mid rie of the nVbalea "t OmrT. n-uocr
iwre imrw 'riant than vir the lull end iwt nrnij repoita
of the Jokurmipai. Globs.. The IJ """'T
titfltiitci kx partk, fi4aitiie by lelrxniih of what iwure
in C'tim-ni superstd!, for Hie niort purl, the exnet TfWKti
taken I'wn bv rop'rlpm, ami which fiimwrlv, in e ehape
rmirwwf lem libUrviitml, went iheMumtof the preee.
Now the iTlrgrnph erounte, with oil th-ir imterfcctniiB
nrt vnrirty rrf nwlff(.( t.-ike the run of ih rom.try, end
no pnn hut the oflieinl "f r.nrfe evrr rmblihM th
delmie with the pronwtiiiaeoi' both Htinnea mimuliletwt.
Itidcpd, im m-wfp.ipor enn gire them, end huve room for
Mdireniiiemtiiihi anil the nitwrllnneoui innttef reenlial to
their exietetiee. While, therolorw, tlie trirf mpn miminiK
tera to ih twgr eppetiie of !b public fof Vouvrm liewn,
end inert Hie nrrceitiee of the political prena, by Hinuti
inf a rapiillf written epit une euittnl to the taste of iU
piitrniie, perfeet informati 'ii of whnl pne in Convrew
it prcttly diuiiniNhed. The circulation of the funcinl
report line been, to tome extent, rut iKT tiy the crude nnd
diversified neeomils whieh; flying nlotig the cleetrie wiren,
Kiliptiea ninnsity, and it malnii-at in mill tlnit truth put
on ht hoots to follow. fMill there are a grent mtiuy mm
vt leiwiro ami thoiicbt who likfl to P"e wht i net nail jr
add and (lone hi Cinicrrts, nuil to jndire for tiieiTtaelvea,
mther than to receive iiupreaUiiia nltojr'ther fnm enlmn
ic butteries. There nre others, loo, wh'i for Um wtke of
the future, williiiclv patronize a work which prearve n
full record of the A of the greut iDoyinf and eoiilril
liniT powers of the Republic.
If there ever wnsntiine wtin tlie net ion nf Cmigrem
should Im looked to nnd thoroughly studied, by the patriotic
of alt pnrtirs, it eertninly np prone lies with the rtent rm.
frn-M. The Govrnment takes a new departuie wnh the
next sc!ioti. and how it is t;i work out the Hrnmenienl
hiado to pacify the troubles with whteh it hit ' labored
remains to be wn. The siufrmjion i the presidency
will tonu a lending oonsideintion in avery movement nl
the next session, uud there will scarcely 1 n lueHstire
iutrMhiced, or a sree4-h made, that will not Imve some
henriniT on that all-nbforbui( question. If uutiotiul con
vent ions of the respective pnrtien nre cnlled totrether to
nomimte the cnucliilMtes of eneh, tho Conirrpss which
precedes the conventi'in nlvns seizes thi oee-is'oM, by
autiejpnlioii, to disriiM, in connection with public in'ii
sttres, the merits "f tlte men hwiked to ! aive them eilW-t
in the tulminifitruti n. If the people, then, would h:ive
their share in Hie choice of thtur first funeiionnries, they
ouht to "itndy well th chnneter of miidul'itfa as devel
oped by themselves, their friends, nnd tln-ir enemies in
f' nitrcj-s. Th cipital will lie the ros'rum from which
the people fif ilio Viiifcd P!ntes will be nddn-sKeil on the
subject of the Chief Mnuistrwv. nnd the iiup-utnut topics
coiiuecteil wilh it, iiml tlie teeiidntion nf the country there
will become the limine of discutwuii in every Mute !.c?i
Intiirc. of every country town and villne;n meeting
thritnirlniut the L'ritni. Haw important, then, does it
become, thill full nnd iinnnriiid rvtrte sh mid lc obtnined
of ths action of a both, which will eive an impnVe t the
Henulilie in a new career, and whiHi. in a very Grcit
decree, influeno' the public mind In the eboire nf the
Cine! .Mfffistrnte wlio is to carry out the will of the people
as conatitiriouully expressed.
The undersigned has made preparations commensurate
wilh the iiicrt'titfed iuui Ttnucn of the dutv lie has uiMler ta
ken ns the n!y reporter and publisher of th complete
debates and proceeding of blh Houses of Conerrts. Tlie
coniiiut scMsiou will prolnibly be ex tended nine months,
and ttie repoits will not lw coinpriiwd in leFs limn tto.othl
royal qu.'irto piiT's of brevier mid nont-nreil tvpc mukinir
4 volumes of near 0t I pntjea ivich. The repjrts for the
lust emtj neMiioii made yrK royal mnrto im:es. nnd were
tiound in fiur vuIuiuls, averaging 071 royal tpurti 0t s
I will nuMih lit the Acpknimx for the next session, all
laws thwit muy be p-issed during the session, which hns not
been d"iie heretofore. Although this will iiierens in no
small decree the expense of th puMtentimi, the uMltserip
ti u price will be tiits sumo that it lias been for several
yeiirs prist
J lie lA!7,T UI.OT1R Will UC ptlhilSIICfl (Hiring llie tfSI"ll
on a siiperlme d"tible royal sheet. It will eonlnm tlte
du bites as tnkeu dwii by the reporters, nnd ns altered
by the speakers, whenever they mnkc tiny alterations;
the current new of the day and th micctlnneous maiter.
Tlie main nbiect for puMiphmar the d-iilv paper i. to ena
ble Meinliers to tee their remarks in it. nnd nltej them if
they shall think proper before they are published in Uie
oiiQTCSSiouin tnoikc ami Appentux,
The Concreviioiml filobe is mmle tip of the d olv pro
ceed 1113s ol" the two Houses of Confers, nnd printed on
a don I tie royal paper, with small tynu, (brevier uud non-
purcilj 111 quarto l-irm, encn uiiuuht c ntjimuip sixteen
royal quuilti pages. The speeches of the 11 embers, in
th 14 form arc stanetnnes Cundcuwid (lie full repoit of
the prep-ired speeches bein reserved for the Appendix.
All res ilutioiifl, :u 'turns and other proceedings, rue eiven
in the form of the Journals, with the yens and nnva 011
every importuut question.
the Appenu'X is tn'ttle up 01 l!ie I'resntent s Aiiniun
Messipe, the Hcports of the prinein.d tHfieers of the
Uovemmeut thfd accompany it, and all ripeeehes of Meni
heis uf Coa-jrcss. written out or revisud by tlicnisuives
It is Diluted in the same form ns tho Couim"ionai ilo' e,
and usually iirakcs about tho same number of pacs during
a sessioit.
l)ar:ii(;the first month or six weeks of a session, there
is raiely iiKre buiii's d nu than will make lw num
bers a week on of the Coiurres-'uoual (iiobe and one
of the Appendix, but during the remainder of a session
there is usually suiTicient nvitter fur two i,t iluoe
of each anil every week. The next session v. ill Im unusu
idly interestinp ; therefore, I edeuhte tint ihe Conn s.
s iona (i lole and Appendix together will innks at least
35,i KH) larpe quarto pritres. printed in small typa brevier
and irmparie). C mifilete Indexes to WUi will be fur
nished at the end of a session.
I will iudcjvor 1 1 print a snm:nt numler of surplus
copies to supply ad thut may be nncearrieJ, or lost, in the
malts ; but ubsenbers sliould Ie very particular to file
their papers carefully, for fear that 1 th mid uvt be able
to supply all the lost tiunilers. '
Jf subseribera ahull n l be sat slied with tho work, the
money jwiid by them for it will be refunded to them
whenever they return the numbers which mav have been
received by them. I will give aubseribere the subscrip
tion price for any of the previous volumes of ihe Cou
Krcjuiouid Globe or the Appendix, except for the
season, and will thank any pers u who will let me linve
I have n few copies of the kirk volumes of the Con
ftresnional Globe and Appendix for th t go a volume
bound, which it is pr..ln!!e will be disp-std rf S'Wii ;
and when they are, they will then, no d mot, poimiwnded
at leaattl ayolumras they cannot lie reprinted fui
lefts thaji iiial b am. There aic 20 back volumes.
No, 187 North-Third Street, Philadelphia.
rtiHlS aowHer Is entitled bf the wnhed truthnmry tf all
I who hnva used it to the first rank uf all those CAT
TIK MKDICINKt. which hnve been thoajthl pr.use-
worthy fi many years. Indeed we cliallenRe any rera-at
tomnkea superior, i any jxiwder thtit acis in
manner. If the sniirw.1 le perfectly hen Why it Wffl eiiner
inereitse the amount of milk if rmi and hatter of the
suimtil will improve rapid if in fat. . H will therefore :n
time he eniitiuYrod e hnve no dotaK one of the staple art !
cles of every Kurmcr, who kei-ps a diary; nil of every
person owitina; a hotae. It la not one if those kind o.
MiVTvafts that merely swell an animal ap fof a stvMt
time, but it will by the' capacity which it hns i f converting
HlPPrillC ACIl) (which is an elTele matter) into
TiCACiaor ot.EtNRj cause n ir ranter amount of nutrliiotis
matter to be extracted from the same amount of fond, than
possibly could be, were the active prita'iplcs of nutrition
to pnR out of the system In the form of Hirrt'Rtc Acin
We have teeeived a multitude of evidence to prove what
we have said above. Suffice, to say 1
AVe hnve mixed the active afrent, with a ptent number
of Vftotmm.K piinta nnd herbs, which time and use hnve
proven to ie upeiuL improving the appetite and proissamv
dircstjtin of the fo 1 ; tiins iHrrmr a heulthr e-tiHtitlou of
the blood, from which the Rfii.x and Fat must le formed.
It may ht ned for Hopk. Cows and lloos for the follow
ing eompUiiils ami diseawa. '
YKI.T.ONV WATMR, a dafipcrons sicknesa. which de- I
stfoya intiny valuable hotses every year. Is very nfleii !
entirety cured by the free use of this powder, in ail esses ,
it will prevent the disease from coin inn on.
This disense is owning to a hud and impoverished slate
of the bits al which becomes thin, watery and of all yellow
el' ir.
This powder by improving, the stomach and (rich iff to
the blood a piciter qunutily uf rel purtich-s, nit"nis Ihe
beat ami only possible chance of recovery. If the Ii true
is lur jr -ne, ive m iming and iiichl a uibh (xwninl in wet
feed, if iii the brtfiiiuiuij once u iluy al n mil, if only to pre
vent Ihe dir.'tiPe twice u week.
FLAUHKItlM;. This is ihe ruination of muny valn-t-lile
H ist-s by exhnustioii ; bv a couslmit dischrnffe of mili
va which ought to eo into the siom-ich t assist ditn'sii'ii.
It is a species of siMivtittou often produced lnix Tin
bieeo towhi In the ptisture f round A Ttibles-ioonful
three times a week will frequently nrrest the flow, if it
does not depend ou the Toa.rco in lite i(rns, msler such
cireuml:in-i's the mooed must le kept in the ttuhk
DISTK.MPKIt. If ihe powder is early and freely used,
no oilier remedy need le used, it already cured hun
dreds of llosi: 01 this troublesome disease folhe surprise
of those who used it. If ir t used earlv, before matter 1ms
fonnefl in the neck it cannot restore the nnitnul perfectly
until the mutter is discharged, uve it esirly and prevent )
such a result. A TuMuioouiuuI once ir twite a day is
til,AVHi:rtS This riisenaa hs lwiffled nil Farkieri,
(iive this p nvder a fair trial and it will do wonders 111
this terrible nnd hiilmrlo ineurnhlc nmlmly It is a dtene
of the nlrmditral yntetn nnd kept up by iuiperlei't un(iilion;
in such cases a TuMfsmmuiid evry d:iy twice for a month
or two, in const nut sm cession, will in nine cases out of a
dozen effect a cure, it hns been fairly tested.
Ootiirhs nnd shortness of Krtnlh depeiiduij? on weak
htntfs. n T;illc.-potiiuu every mortiitijr; if it altites once
or twice a week.
IUH l.(-SPIHITi:n llORSi;. or wherolheie is j
any reomins n l ouuUcr or wiiiimm 01 motion, 1111.1 ine
Horstt will n-U fa tint, nr w!ien the hair is roua'i and
stmids sirnicht out, the umkI aceiniufr to do no ffotnl, the
Powder produces tibnost imintrftiiiie iiiiprovemcut of the
nninml; the dtcslioit imprnvea and with it all the shur
p:ishuess of tho animal di'ippirtrs. iH-coiuing lively and
tipiriled, and the hair suenli uud slick.
For MtLMNO Cw. wenrefu'Iy emvinced thiit it not
only improves the rpruity, but that it inerenses the nm unit
of Milk, I'rcnin uud llntiec : some who have tried th" ex
periment stiy a Pound n Week, olhcrji s ty hitlfti poiinj !
while one person hi.-isted upon it flint he nude two pntutl 1
ni'tre n week irom -h Cows. We think it will be iumU !
to average from u 't a pound per week on ouch (Jow,
if the t'ows are eiit "ly healthy. This additionil nm- unl !
is insult! by ihe c invasion of the Hipptirtc Acid into Niiro
dcnoiiH nnd fully compounds i also by supplying the oxy
gen Uiketi in b th liuiirs, with tim elcucnts uf renetion ;
with nt tikiug nnv of the Nitroeeicais n'nion of the i'mhI.
and nil other diseusns of tieni cnrtlu leiieiidiei upon 11 Itnd
st'iteofihn HsiiiU, nre rem iv'd speedily and ellcctimlly.
('ovvr, whose milk is blue, thin nnd water v iom) where it
does not ic!d much cream, or where Cows jrive b'lswlv
milk, or winch are used to stand haijr, dry, it will he found
1111 almost infallible remedy, bv improving the n of
the bliHid nnd ercatimr a healthy digest ioa : a Tabl'-spoon-ful
every day or every other day us il ntiiy be necessary.
Pips in the strnriKir often ovrlicnt themselves, ffct sweb
led necks, coughs. ulcrs in the Lunes and Iaier, which
cause them to tlte cry suddenly, these may be prevent ef I
entiiety by pulling a pound or u h.ill into a Barrel of swill ;
and it will nt (he same time considerably haslen the futicii
inff process,
!. H. In anim il which is fiivintr milk and yon nre
desirous to fatten at lite snmc time, nu should 11 t give
more I list n a tablcsp 'winful uce a week or it will retaid the
formati n of fut by increusinc tlie nmount of .Milk.
Let cue.:- pereon try its effects for himself and he wil
soon Ire sntisded of its excellent qualities, uud lhal no Fur
met sliould be without it.
For the purpose if riiii'mc out ii further how fur on
jiiHiv cthbrated CATTI.K POU'DCft, is entitled tithe
conliih'iu'u of an inlullieul pcp; we h ive u IdresFeii
le tters to nil parts of the (Inited Ktatea. where our pow
dcr tins been used, mid we are able n W frm the evidence
thus br;niht licfore ns, to nssuro every Farmer, lli-uy-muu
iiml llorsr-m iu, thut it has thus far veiy u.ueli ex
ceedctl our iti 'st snmruiue expeetstious.
Willi the inMitioiial knowledge thus far obtaiiietl. Wa
Ho PR we wilt Ih; enabled to mnke the best and moat per
fect Oa rTi.R Medici nb ever yet nflVred to a discerning
people. It acts us a valuuhle promoter of digestion, im
proves the ipmlitv of the blood and thus incrctiHes ihe
amount of either Fat. .Milk und consequently of Hutter
Mven m the hetittliy Animal
lie ware of Counterfeit as the extensive sale of onr
powder hns induced otheis to in ike an imiuition nf it.
Llueh puck has our written Signature on the end.
Philadelphia, July aft, j. ly.
ANnl!ll.miBHnri.liij from a diwTttMwl llwora(o
moi-h, wrh aannntipnll'-m, tnwanl Pilna, l"u!
hlmij tn tli hnxl, Aoiilify of Ilia Blomach. N"U",
ItmilliiiniC 'liiiit f"r Foixl, fnlliieai or wpidlit in the
SK'tiinr ti. amir EmrtattMiK, .inkini or flnitMins at Ihe pit
nf the Ptiimach. awimmirai of tho hrail, lirrttatntnlfflrll
lirwitl'inc. fluttering nt the Iwnrl, rh"kin or stilT-ntinfr
'nt:ttiii vhti Inn Khitf p'nrp, liTnnea nf riatmi,
d'tanr wrlm ltfTfihr ttffh, Feee tnl ihill pain ill the.
hwtrt, ilcfiuiiM-r nf prrypinition, vrllitwiipunf lh akinnuil
rvra, piiHi tn th aifie tuif k. vlteat, limlm. AVc, amhlen
fln.hni ol hent hitrninc in tho flrh, 0: xwlRiit imaginlliga
nf evil, awl ffrent i!eptt-Ff!t'in "f ftpirtln,
JCAN I1H r".FFKrTt'At,f.Y n ftF.U BY '
rnantim rr
N'n. lift Arch St.. Philadelphia.
Their power over ihe n!Te ,liaeaea il not eseellcd, if
enunlliMi, lijr ttnv tliter prepirrili'Mt in tlte I'liilwl tljit,Ti.
pk the ciirca atU'it, ui intiny canea ai'tur akilltul physicimia
Ii'hI luileil.
TheeflOtillm arit wnrlhv Ihey ntlentlnn nf Invnliila.
P"l.t'W-iiiS nrnt virtue. Ill the rei'iifiiiiti"U (if clieentH-a of
the ITer mid h wr elriiwl.. i:xi:rrliiU-t Ihe m nt auirrtniif
p-ver, in wnkiirea nnd nrTivlienii ( ihe iliv.liv. organs, I
lliey ure, withal, eue. rertnln mill pleminl
'PHF. attention of Bnl1Vra .nil mhera. nre ri-pertfnllv
1 inviteit tn the ettenalva nu.1 well ..ileelrH tutrk -f
lll'll.niNO H ABDWAHKAnn TOOIJ. ik.w nflerrd Ii
the .nliKiilMT, r MiriMing in irl aa fnllnwa:
Ameuenii Fnint Iinr Ii icka, uiuiglil. wilh night vrurk,
pbited or brnat furniturn, or pnreelain all enl.ra.
Amerimn Front l. or Lm-ka. npriilit, plain, wilh
nieht work, pkitcil uf bran (umlture, or poiceluin .11
ckn-a. ,
American Frnnr Donr Tirki anrl Mnri Tlnnt, Itnrizon
tal or upright, hrnaa funiilure. nt poreeknn all rokira.
Amerimn Run l-k, all airen nml quulitiea. Whit, of
bram fnrnitiire, tr poreeinlu nil ettk.ra.
Amerienn Mortiee lieka, nil ainea. with plnted, white of
brnM rnniilnre. or porretnin all mlnra.
Amerienn Min-iirr Ijilcli' , nil aiwa, with plnted whit.
rFrout the ft muu Uce.l
l he Ivlitor stiul, Pee. liiM
l)a. HooKr.A;n CKT.itBRATrrt flra!!t HiTfrna for
the cure i-f Liver t omplniut,.luunliee. Dyspopsiu. Chronic
or Nervous ebility. is dtservisHy one of the newt popu
lar medicines of the d:iy. These Hitieis have been ncd
bv tliotistiuds, ami n friend nt our elltow savs he has him
self received nu elbVtuul and permanent, cure of l.ivcr
of brnss turni'ure. or nnreelnni nil et.lots
American Mortire nnd Him rhct Iocks, plalctl of brnsa
est u telie his, porcelain all colors.
American Drop, ptop, Thumb, Gale, and Store Door
AM t. Imnoitcfl Toeks and Ttehe of rverV deserintton.
Jhildwin's, and American Hull Hingis, of nil sizes, fast
tn loose joinr.
fhuiter, triite, Ptrnp, T., nnd nnekflap tlluses, all kinds.
Hhutter, time, Disir, Flush, and Spring Uolt, of wrought
or cnst i mil and ln-nss, every description.
Screws, Hpris, Olne, Hand Paper of the !est qnidity.
American Axle nnd lhnm Axle Pulleys, of every
American Uutlons, plain or on plutes, brass, iron, or
American Nobs, plated, white, iron, or wood, all kinds.
Kish-Cord. c minion nnd patent, with oilier articles too
numerous to mention.
IV All Oods delivered free of Chartze to anv lart of
the Citv and Districts,
At this establishment enn be found one of the lamest nml
best nss irlments of White and Fancy Nobsfor I,ocks, Ac,
in the Ciiy: some nut terns, nf wliich. cannot be seen, or
obtained, at nny o'her More. TOOLS,
j Spent tV Jnelts iii's Hack, Panel. Hand, nod Ripp Siws,
I Itnp-Tted exprcsrly f.-r all select nl wilh corn,
j Sole audit foi the eelehrutcd Manes, made by K. far
i penter. f Liuicisrer, pa., beiuu all mide of split wd,
j and the Mills ground and tried. Heiotv s V Williaius' mnke
of Chisels, Axes, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Ac, nil war
city or rinruisLrni
V. S. Ilnuk uMe indts
Ail Solvent Ifmks pai
Hank of f.'hiiniberabarg 1 His
Mmik of Chester Co. put
Hunk of Del. Co. Chester par1
i ttu ik oi "crmnntowti
Hank of (jettysbitTg
Hank of Lewilcwil
Hank of M iilill- (o n 1 dis
Monttfitmery t'o Hunk mr
Hnuk of NorthumberPnd. tmi
Hank of Pittsburir 1 dis
ii'um oi iHuiViiio p:
All solvent hnnk I dig
All solvent banks I dis
All solvent bnnks dil
pari A II aolveut Isuika I dis
1 dis tV Hk notes tinder S3 J dis
AH solvents Ivmks 1 dii
Rolvtdere Ihuk I rtie
Couunercial Hunk 1 (Its
Far. M ink Mont Holly par
v nriiic 1 i is F. M.. Aliddletown Pt. par
ColnmMa li'k A U'gcCo mrMrrhaiiica Hk. Newark pir
"yisiown iuuk . pir Men. ot Jfurlmatou pnr
par .Mech. 9t Man. Hk Trent par
KaMrat Mmik
Lne Hunk 5 ilinlUorrls Co Hank
Kxcbaii(fe M'kPittsbara; I dislNewark Mk'n & tni.Co
KxchmiL'e M'k, Hraneh dis'Oriinfie Hunk
Farmers' H'k, Hueksfo nii! Peoples Hk Patters-u
Farmers1 Hk, lAueister par'I'rineeton liniik
Fiirmers' Ilk. Hmding parlSalein Hankiti? Co,
Fnnn. Hk Schuylkill Co pnrlSemerret. Co Hank
F A D. Ilk WaviinuYg ltdis State Hank nt Camden
r i mt ii hk. o ukii ii i,''bs Mate Mk KiiriiN'thton
HarnstturiT Hank
tloncftlale Hank
I-imciistcr Hank
LeUnion Hank
Mcrch. V Man. Ilnuk
Mine is' H'k
Coiuntniul from the nwmf ibis remeilv. We are convinced i ranted if'Ksl.
Hint, intie use of these Hitters, the patient constantly j Push's und Muck s make of Anders and Auger Hilts, n!i
iriius Biieii'rin ana vitjor n lliei woriayoi freiii ccunmr- j i
nilioii. They are pleasant in Iiikj imd smell, mid can be
nsed bv persons with tlie m i delicate stomachs with sale. (
ty. tinder nny circumTttinccs. We nre spenkine from ex
perience, ami to the a libeled we ndvise their use."
"Scott's WrpKLV.' iaie of the best Literary papers
published, said, Aug. V
"Dii. HoorLAxn's Ukrxian Hittkh, nmnufactured by
Dr. J'icUsoii, nre n nv tee limnended by a une of the most
prominent members of the faculty ns an art tele nt much
eilieacy In c:isa of iVm-ile wu-'ikness. As such is the
case, we Would advise nil mothers to obtain a b title, ami
thus save themselves much sickness. Pers ms of debilita
ted coiiNtitiitt iih will lind these Hitters ndvantntfeops to
thir he-Uih, ns wa knw from experience the sdutury
elTcct they have upon week systems."
More Evidence,
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette.'1 the best family
uewspap! n'ibiiJthed in tlie Luitcd uics, tne editor says
Dt lUnjtfaiuVs German Bitters.
(ilt is seldom k, i,. we recommend what are termed Pa
tent Medicine, to tne :ntifideuce and pntronace of our
readers; and. titeielore. hen we rconimeud Dr. Iloif
htud's licnnun Hi I tern, we wis it to be distinctly under
stood that wo are n t speaking of the nostrums of tlie
day, that nre noised about fura biief period und l lien for
goiten ultei tln-y havedMiie their guilly nie of mischief,
but of a medicine l"iij established. umvrrs-i!y ptizil, uuu
wnicn nus iner uie nearty approval i ice i- ucnuy ttsen
Lyitlcuce upon eviilencc has been reneiviil (like
forcifoiuc) t'toiu nflseclions of the I'nion. tlw luM thr
years, nu.l the s'ronycsi tcsl iiuon in its favor, is. that
there is more nf it ns:s in the prncticeof the rtyular Phy-
siciaiisof Phih-h't;hia. than nil oilier n 's'rnnis combined, '
u f.ict that ran easily lie csrihlisiel. and t'ullv proving ttiat
a fci-icitihc prep -1 ratf in will meei with their quiet approval j
when preemed even in this form j
Tint this medicine wiil cure Liver Comnlnint and Dvs- t
pepsia, no one eandoubt, ulter UJunir il us directed. It nets (
specifically upon the M"irrrich and liver it is preilcr-ible 1
to ca lot net in nHhilli-Mis diseases the i-tTect is immedi-ite. !
Thcv can be administered to Femule or Infant wilh safety I
anil reliable buiclil, at any time.
This mctltciue has al.aincd that hi'.'li ehataeter which is
Unices, wilh C. S. Hitts. in
I "
4 dis
I dis State Hank Newark ' J tlis
1 dis State Hk, N. HntiiRXVick par
pnr.russex lumk. ewt"ii j ois
pir Trenton Himktmr, Co par
1 dis U'liion Hnuk. Hover ! dis
Poltsville ner Yunllcvv'leA Del DrTi, LmIis
Mon Mtr'heh Meitk I ditJ'Hk noti-s under H dis
i ityi'iii.1 c ii w XAJ in UIS' PI'.I.An AKti.
AVest Hnmeh Jlmk pnr Hank oi Delaware par
vyyommjr Ivk, ilkeure parlHauk ot Smyrna par
i ors d.'iiik, i ruft'iiciuwnre i;itv ItuuK par
LV'Helicf notes disjllk Wilmu'n Hrandvw. nai
MAINK. Farmers' Hk St Dfhwnre (tar
rtaukof hetlfw k Sdis I ni. n Hank. Wilmiugtuii p ir
Mercantile Hk, Hangor HI dis (.V L nder fr.Vs l dis
All s 'Iveut banks dii. OHIO.
NLW IIA.MPSIUIIF.. Ul! solvent Inuiks C dis
All solvent iMtiks J dis.rirHk notes nn-ler (S's 4 dis
Amerienn Sonnrcs and Mevils of every description.
American Kules, tiuites, Sawsctis, Compniwes, Screw
lIriers. A c.
American C. S. Haininers, Claw and Hivcting, all sizes,
nvns nun ices, mi ;tz n.
Steel, Iron, and Wtsxh
ercit variety.
W. (ireavr.s A Sm's, lluteher's and other
makes of Chisels, Files. Plane-Inn;, Ve.,Af.
Addis celebrated Ciirvinu Tools, all shapes j
Mnkiuu one of the best mid most extensile ass irtmeuts I
Of Hmhhncr Il'iidware and 'IV nils in ihe Mate. !
At this ettid-lishinent It is cm idered a pleasure to shmv
the Goods. You nre invited t call and examine theasn rt
ment, and hear the prices uskejl, bet ore purchasing elbe-
wtiure.-t.ome nno see us.
Vours, respectfully.
Xo. c7 Market st.. Ix-twcen Till and fclh, upper side.
Philudelphui, April 1.'. Icol. ly.
Kit Ml l N'T.
Hank ofM ib-lB
.Ml s 'Iveut b:mks
All S' Iveut bmiks li dis !
1' I 'ndcr 5's. fij dis
Eonnty Land and Pension Agency,
, ES05!.TV I.AI
I The nltrntion of (lie jmlilic is cn fled to tlie ad
, vortiKcincnt of Mr- Clinrlca TucKor, Attorney
j and Aftrnt at Waahtulon City- I'crnoiis hnv.
! ini; cl.tiiiis for bounty 1, inula or Pt'iiaidi.) arc in
foi iiK'd llial the an W-riiu-r U.ia made arrantrcnirntA
Ilyitlcuce up on evMleiice has be n reneivcil (like the for the rcquUite furiua. nnd chiimatiW cuHiiiff nt
nm otiirn, ran hnvo tlicir papers prepared und
forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Washington, nnd
by liim l(! properly attended to bi'forc the De
partment there.
Simlmrv, .Tan. IS, 1 S 1
MIK nndersiivied Attonp-v nnd (e-ncral Aceut nt the
i lly of Washington, oilers tits StTvic. s m nroe.irmir
H piuuy Uiu lsiiud Ptiibiousfor th' we untitled. Being pet-inaiu-uily
1 cnted at the seal -f tioveriuu.-nt, witn a tnor
ough aisl acpi.-nii'mi' with the neef STtrv tonus,
and routine ( busiu -s, and b i ine access to Keirotcrs iUH
Holla tileil in the L . S. war otn he possess, s facilities f.ii
the speedy nnd satisfactory udjustmeut of Government
ciiiiins of every kind.
Hy a file Act of Cnn w, I-unty Imd i irrnuted to
the iViccis an 1 s :iljicta of the -;:r ii IM, nml oi the vari
ri ms In 1 1 mi waifv since I7:s:i. To thi-st; ho servett nine
mouths Hiti acres: to who served fair ni-mh to
neres; mid to tin f.j wiio snivcd Mie no nth 4ii acres.
An.Mi,'''iiieiits have been nettle with gentlemen of the
Lf(i proles., a in (bfl'crcut sections of tin; Country, f r
tlte Ifca'r n -.f wnrrnits, nut (he sile of the p;i!;-ttts, "when
isued. on the most ativauUejeout I.TIIISJ f-r th.' i"!'lftlt
nf tnxea, r--ileiiipl(.. of lauus, td f r taxes; c Iti-eti n .(
iMis: and f r the trans eii f goiierid Law business. u
the d liferent Sfite nn! Territorii h.
He tcuoer; las services t' incinitcrs of the pr'.it p.! 'it nl a
, At flic Cabinet Ware Uuoni of
. Market Square, 1
Also at the corntr nf Fairn street It the Railroad
Thankful for tli fiatrnnnpa of hi. frienil nnd
cimtmnora dur'niK the 17 yrara lie bna Iippd in buat
nroa in thia place, lie anlicita from the public a con
liiiUBiire of their fnTora. I)nrin(T thii pcrioJ he
hn cnilravorcu to kcop tip Willi the improvement
nf the dnv, nnrl 1ms acronlinirly cxtpiidcj hia biwi-
nesa in every hraneh nnd vnrirly. The public ar.
therefore inviu J to the attention of the preacnt
atock of
At the Old Maml,
Where in addition to' their former .took of th
esliiblislnncnt they now manufacture
Mahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs-Dir-rt
Spriiitr Sent Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaux, Centre Tables,
.Marble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Fashion:. Jc Furniture.
IInvinr accurcil a Hearse nnd made the neces
anry nrrnii'jenients for the purpose, they nre now
prepared liir I'ndert.ikiti'r in nil its brnnrlie,. in
j thia vicinity or at miy convenient distance,
j . Ye mitidi bihJ mistremie,, nnl luiRhniida iswt
' l!ere fnrnittiie of every atyle and line,
From anle Kmrtla down to kitelien Uiltlea!
Prom roekinir haira to i it'kiitu cradl?a
Phonltl yn tir t hare t lie fraily John to p..
We'll wail awhile for a lr'lf?tor h?lter iliijr,
Or take pntiitoeB, ojila. c Til, wheat ami rye;
Hark, hoop p 'lt-s. atM'es, or lumber wrt ami dry.
Or any thing hut yokes mill (hri-ahing Hails,
Klom pies und turkies tlown to Utile qtlrtiis.
t'oiue on thai friends, eoni. one and all,
Kei trade a moving, an ,lg uu Uie ball."
t 5?' Orders from a dintiinrc proniidly attendml
to nnd work of nil kinds delivered witli dispatch.
tSuiilmry, March U, 18,r)U if
ins MusioAii woi-icea or Til
(lisunnv, iii!'l when rliiitim i.rnina: ihe I. 'ei rnnienl. are pre- I tl ' II. I, pr sitivrlv cure all BtlUTrs rf Xcural"iat
pirel l.v a I v-d Ac -nt. will ah -ite one hull hie n: f.-e. I i ;, i,i,r,,.' v , . ii,i i. i
!l . e,....,rv r.r nml iUr..eti....S and . .r,aii., oa ; , , J 'f . ,,,'loJ,,"'V ' 1 le.uliirhe, C ho
l.ll siile.r'n iiv.'i! ,mnj l a aiier-ee-n'iii m' thia ! Irtg, I.ot'KiJkV, 1 1 (hopllil m eonviiUlona J will
I hnfliiiem. wi'i U: iilni...ied to regular Corn.-spi iaih nl. Willi
! out chi'ti'y.
I'-sirin-' ir.f iniKiti nt of friends in the er'tiv
New Music-
-Just l'tihlishcd.
rt' inait.iooil to
! veins of pn
its pre.-tine vior, even altrr
und Ihe nnlv known and cer
will f lain all ihe partienlars known of th.-ir : tain ruie for low spii iln or mental dchiltv.
nu l tfieT ennui.
All n.Milaiamea.
ne:esnry for nil niediclnea to nllain to indnee eonuteifeiters i gtlislied coin posers,
EE & WALKER, No. Ki-J I'heniiit st..
uro eonstantlv piililishiiire and rereiviin;,
new nnd beautiful music from tho nio-st tlistin-
vania Rail Roail, from Pliihipelphia to Pitta-
burab. is estimated at S 12,000,000. An ad- I lor ij
ditional track will cobt $3,600,000.
Washiscton Citt is said to lie increasing
considerably jn popnlalion, and quite a l rude
has sprung up there since the completion of
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.
A CbiV Englishman, whose offer of mar
riage was rejected by the Countess de Bo
carme, has left her 600,000 francs by his
will. ,,
An oto Ballad ihus e've lu9 genealogy
of Suow which we have been blessed with
in abundance :
"My father la the Northern Wind,
My moUier1. uiuiie waa Water
Old Pareou Winter married them
' Aud I'm their hopeful daughter.'1
Im airing a room, both the upper and low
er parts of the window should be opened, as
the heated air, wbiublrom lightness always
ascends, will pass out of the top, and the
fresh cool air come in the bottom. - ' '
Lemons of fine quality are grovn in the
open an to Louisiana, lite editor ot toe
Picayune, lately saw one. It measured six
teen' inches by the shorter circumference,
and weighed two pound one ounce,
A Ma. Barber, of Barre, Mass., has become
insane in eonsequenoe of surrendering him
salf to the ''spiritual writing" tnauifestations.
His wife, and other members of tho family,
are said to be iu a similar stale. ,
Ma. Macaolict has' delayed the publica
tion of the third and fourth volumes of his tlis
lory f England, in consequence of bis having
obtained seme new iuforaiation, relating to
Kins William III.
For one copy of the Daily Globe during
the sesoiou, $& 00
For one copy of the Congressional Globe
during the session, 3 00
For one copy of the Appendix during tho
session, 3 00
The money may be remitted by moil at my
risk. Ii auk notes current where a suhsreibor re
riides will ba received nt pnr. Bnbsrriptiona
should reach here by tho 15di December, at
furthest to iiibure the numlicr.
The price for these papers nre so low that I
cannot a .'lord to credit them out ; theiefore no
person need order them utiles the money accom
panies the order.
S'nshillgto!l City, Nov. 1851.
Clock, Watched, Jewellery, Silver Ware,
I'iincy Goode, &c, ice.
r1lH.'Klnf every dearriptioii and quality, B lay Urass
y undao h air I sika, very low. Watches of Ihe beat
m. ToliiasJ 'hna al and Kolanioil Uoiu ialeni lever.,
ne low us r":MI. warranled IH kaiat cases, unit insured
lor Vi m oaths. Silver levers n. low aa SIO.IlO warranled.
l.epinea us kiw ua !UIO warranted, Cjn irtier Watches in
great varie'y. Jewellery of every descripli n. G-.ld (jard
ana I'olj Chant, Hracelels, liar Klnas, r nicer nam,
Br'.thes, Loeketa, Gold t'cus for 11,1X1, wairnined pomta.
The Kiilwriliei havinor iuiit returueii lr4ii the eastern
faetornin is aepaie.l to furai.h any urlicle in Ins line nf
himinei of the latest stvles. anil useheep ns the same arti.
rles iuui le sold in the l'hilndelphia or .New York markets.
1 ii com nice tlie public ot this tact ee Invites taeir alien
lion and respectfully aolieilsa call, lie a sold particularly
invite the aiu-iilioii -f llolel 1'ropri tors, and Fhiiuiies to
Ins exleusivo assortment of rilver Ware, vijs: 'I'ea pVtts,
Talile, Dessert and Tea Spoons, pnrks. Ijariles. ere.. Ac.
Orders received for any article of Filver Ware executed
with prouiptiieta, and in the lieat style. A freal variety
of Kaiiey O ssla, Wanier Mwho work, aiieh aa WritHiff
lesks, I'ort Folios, (ilove Boxes, Odour. Boxca, &c , etc.
It you want uiaceure nuiuaiiwcauat
It. C C.rtF.F.N-S
nut door to the Post Oihee, Centre st , Potuvlile, l'a.
N 11 All kinds of repairs aittudul to by the beat work
men. December 37. 1MI. Om.
HUNTER will forffit 50, if fniliiijj to
ure anv case of secret disease that may
cotr.c iiinU-r his care, no uiaticr how lony staml
itiTr or ufflic-tiiiEr. Either se are invited to his
Private Rooms, 38 North SEVENTH Street,
Philadelphia, witiiout fear of interruption by oth
er palienls. tStr.mircm and others who have
been unfortunate in the selection of a physician
arc invited to call. Those who have injured
themselves by solitary vice nre alse invited.
RK.U) AND REFLECT. The alllielrd
would do well to reflect before trusting tiieir
health, happiness, and in many cases their lives,
in the hnnda of physicians, ignorant of this class
of niiilii.ties. It is certainly impossible fur one
mnn to understand all the ills the human family
are subject to. Every respcotublo physician has
his peculiar branch, in which he is more success
ful than his brother professors, and to thut he de
votes most of his time and study.
YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively davo
ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the
sexual organs, ogcthcr with ulcer upon the bo
dy, throut, nose, or lejjs. pains in tho head or
bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari
ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or
impurities of tho blood, whereby the constitution
has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler
ipreUy rttief to all who may place themselves
under his eare.
Philadelphia. April IS, 1851 ly.
rjMIE MISS WEITZEL'S respectfully inform
a the Public that they still continue to enter
tain travellers and others at their old established
stand in Market street, woat of the Court House.
Their Ion;; experience in the busiiiesa, and the
well established reputation of their House, will,
lliey ttust, be a sufficient guarantee, that their
customers will be well accommodated.
March S, lb'
to put forth a spurious article at the ri.K of the lives of
those nre innoeelilly deaeivco.
They have Ihe written si nature of C. M. JACKSON
upon t he wrapper, and Ihe iiauit: hlowu in the bottle, wilh
our which they nre apmious.
For Bute, wholesale and rclail, nt thn
GcrmaiX Medicine Stare,
No. tan A. UCH Street, one door below Sixth, (hte nf
21i- llnce street.) Philadelphia, aud hy respcetuUe dealers
generally throughout the country.
rmcF.s iti:ii:ci.r.
To enaMe all classes of invalids to enjoy the advantages
of tueir gieut restorative powers.
Sui'rlc Dottle, 7.) cmh.
Also : For sale l,y II. .Mas sett, Banbury, aud M. A.
M'Cay, Xorthtiniherhmd.
August d'J,ltj ly.
In Selinsgrove, Pa.
ClorUs, IVulrlifN nnl Jewelrj-,
1) EPAIKED in the best manner and warranted
--to perlorm well.
All work intrusted to hi care will he strictly
attended to.
Selinsgrove, Nov. 30. 18.)0. II.
Sunbnry, Pa.
Ollicc in Deer Street, immediately opposite the
Public School House.
tlr" Monica eolie cted and ail business piomptly and care
fullv atieinted o.
April iU, 1S50
I'ho following list contains some of their choi
cest und most popular ."Sonys, Waltzes, Polkas,
Now, thou art (ione, a beautiful song, words
ty Thomas .1. Dieh!, music bv Hambride.
Mv New England Home, words and music bv
M rs L. Wade.
(.robe's Omnibus; by ( Grohc a collection
of Duetts.
Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos.
Pretty Little Tolkas for Pretty Litllo People,
by J. Ling.
All the Winds rue Sleeping, by A. S. Worn
Guardian Anrel. by the author of "Love Not.1'
llousi'hnld Words, written by Chas. Vnung,do.
Tho Adieus, words bv Tliuinu J. Dichl, mu
sic by Horr.
LEE & WALKER have constantly on hand,
superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele
brated Guitars, which together with n fine as
sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan
dize in general, compiise a slock not to lie sur
passed by that of nny other otublishmout in the
country. LEE & WALKER,
103 Chesnut street, Swaim'e Building.
Philadelphia, June 28, 1831. ly.
sei . iee. I i-o-th T wl.h a it-' ol one di
ries will he r-a'H.d i he return of mail,
ti'-usl'l be (IM.Kf.llli.) und a'l'lr. .He;l to
cn vru.! c.
(H .j (fir. P. (.) Washington, II. C.
December i1-, l.'O.
I' f3 1 I. i 3!, I.l' Sil
N, W, Comer of Third-and Union Streets,
ill'Tl'.I-.X YI.ARS nf extensive miiJ miiiiierruulffl !
1 -r;u-iie' njieiit in tins city 1i;iv remleril lr. K. ll'e ',
in t csju'it unJ fiift'cKniui rii''U!i iner lur mid ut:ir,
in the tfnlmeiit til nil iliHt-nw-9 i u privuio iDihire. l'er.ns t
:ii!i,eitl witli ulc-.-m up mi theb Uy. itirmit, ir l't;.:. je-iiii iu
tlir li:ul ' T li ii-. liHMe'iritil rhiM.iii iiij'iil. utrirtMn-n. unvl, j
, fSftiH' tinniit' ir.iiii yiilliiilU eXffsscs or iuipin i; :t-s 'i! tlie ,
l.lnt. l. wlu n i'V (hi- iMii.-tnutifii lua liee'ine riiict'lii tl, uie i
rill in-ilt-tl wnli ! i'"i 1
lie wl f-v.K imiiiacU' 'iiuler rle cjire "fUr. K.. miy rt- j
:i.'i Mi'ly eiMli'l'' in l"i leiivir i8 it iri'iillriiuiii. :unt ei'.iliil.iit- (
,y r-'. u,v.ii ij'. .!ii;l ns lt su i;tti.
TAivi: WAirnrri.AU notid:. I
V:miiT r'ii vS lrive liiiurc.1 tlii'iii Mvt'P 1'v erniii i
prietn. in-l'il o.l hi :i l::ilni in- in-iiMy lenriid irm ryil .
e nu;t.iiiifiiM "r nt K'.'lin'-l she eil'-reis "I wlm-h ure uuliily !
Ii It. even wlu-ii ri'li'i-n. mi(t iU'!My ti 'th iniii'l a:i l l ity,
n't. 1 1 M nj)iy iinnii iliitti ly. WViltiM-s1 nnl e"i':itiifi
tlrSility I us ' iiiiiwiiliir eneriry, ihyNie:il liiKitutle anil arn
ernl pniii rati n. irrit-! .ilii y uin! nil nervuft turt-.-n m, unit- j
itVMtinH. ,ltiirri'liiD-," nf the livei, nml every ili.:ii-in nnv ,
v.y Hiiiiiiwli'il with tl.e 'tirturiler tt( tho priiereniive lime- I
Kurnrt i'rtiii tlie 4r4w Vnik .Sun, Oct. 1645,
'Hit cttfltntfl )( V;il.-oti. wlifii t.iILihfr of Iha
mirurulnuK puwrr tl" ''iiiH M.-rvoua Autitloto,"
ihr tjut'htinii win put to liim,,Vhv Hitoli a vaUiu
lie rt im'iiy ir ii. rv.niii .linvtiitiia wua iiot in
troiUiCeil !v tlu' iiif.iii-i.l i'.iculty V1 replied, "That
if il wore, t'.n re wuuiJ ho longer le any una fur a
l.injliy, as iliseum.!! nriuinuled from a iitorgat
icit strte of .ho r.pi ves ; lUu nerves ire the innin
Hpriin; of Hie whnle syxteni Keep tltis in oitier,
iiitd Imi)i tho mind and body must he."
Four outur 'Iii:il. Z lom. enough for alt ar
diimry case, UAH IM.M.AR.
Vm. Mef'A!!TV, l!r iadwy, yuiiUury
6'rpteiiiL-er, lo.U. tl.
FJllfl stilmeei'.-er respeetfn'ly iutorrn. the piiMi .
fl. that he has n;n tied a Public. House, in tit
new town cf Trevoiiim, NortiHi,il'erlaiiil counlv
und (hit he is well prepared to accj:iiiniH!te hia
kinesis in the bc.-t inaiuie,-. His b iiisc is loiaicit
ne.iriy nppo-ite tlie Coinp.iny'j Store. lie is also
provided with ;',oo I st.ililiiii; t-ulucieut for -0 hor
ses. He tiiinis by prompt uml carefn! atif ntion
to biiiinct's to Uiect a .-'Ii tic of (lie public patron
Trevorlon, Jan. 11, 1S3U tf-
GER, an excellent article.
Kin vet t's Medicated Soup for sun bums, tan,
tetter, eVc.
Hadway's Circassian Halm, for the hair dund-
rull Arc.
Hughes' Fever and Aguo PHLs ! !
4 PEIH'ECT and speedy cure for the Fever
uud Ague is pimrantcd to any one. who
may use the Pills. Thcv have been UM-d for the
lu.t seven pear and have neer been known to
fail in a single instance and in cases, too,
where persons have the disense lor several
years, without intermission. The proprietor
ehulhiiizf the world to produce all article that
will cure in as short a time, without leaving any I
deleterious ellects from the use ot it. II the Pills
do not perform a speedy und perfect cure, the
proprictorwill return the money. For sale by
Jacob S. Lawreneo, Minersville: E. Holfen-
lious cured, and mil i iiror restored.
A vigorous lifo or a promalure death.
RIMiEM mi Self Preservation.
Tim R-Mik tout in! rinhi-rtii fitUil with uWut infonnnti hi
Mi tne iiilirmiiM's i.ii.1 uss- iB' i oi' Hie firm ntiive OrcHnn.
It ii.Hrvfwn inj.-l; :nile t t U Til, M AMlUt i) und UI.D
Afil., nml Mliniiiit In; ie.i(1 by nil.
T.irt viihmHe mlvii't in id imi-n'fir'ive wiiriiinp: it tfivf,
vi!l pr-venl i- :rs ui inibcry unJ Miiii:nn;4 ami eave uiuiuaU
ly T:i msuiil C l.i i f.
Purnitn hy rt-n in-.r ii will It tni h:iv t prevent tl.e tlt-s-trwli
in i.tit!-ir ehiiilrm.
" tlA rfiiillt.t.n-i; 'l eenTfi. eiielMil in a lft:T, ad
ilr.-wil m Hit. KinKKI.IN. . V. e .rii.T i' Tiitlil) A
I'MON Sln"'(. IkIWiii S;riin. (V me, P!iiln;Mphia,
will ensure n I - k. iiihUt mw i-l-ipe. per reinrn ot' luail.
P ti a iltsuuiet- uin v ai.iri.-M lr. K. by letter, (pvnt
ttiiit',) ipul iiettirl at Ii uir.
VVi ..s ol-' MKDiriM-S. TtIlU'.r?TH)r. Ae.,
Torwmled hv Mt-n-liniT a rt tnittuucv, utid pot up Serine ironi
l)V t.K nr l I HHhTY.
H i tk-nelit'i-J. e? Aufntf. Pesjl in. C:iuvafi'"T8, nnd nil
tit'irm !i'pli-i with th alxivv work ut vtry low rutei.
jifpte.iiUT 6, l-1!. ly.
1KAD the I ill'iwnn efflifietiie frin Capt. Derne, tha
well kii'iruuiia (n polar Statu IK.Mt Cuptum (of tit
j PmLAPKLrifi,Oitolier3l, 1341.
! Several yi'ars p::iee I w:o nttaekeil with a Inenkiiif oal
rti my iiHk in ihe ( mu of T-'tpr, wlitt-h 1 am eonvitieoii
, wiij e nl nut td fi'. Mte'Slitn. It cmndtialty eitent
e-1 ovei my t'aee until it naelied the tpier pnrt of tho
phet'V,i. lmrin? ihe ti v ml tivurhi tfiut it ennti:iue4
n.iwM.ii?, in-il iiiirtreni n;.f la al mim. l itne of which hat
, tlie tiiirui, a:'(i'e;i'lj m . urtl, !" ItiiTeflHltiff the ftieae, tint
fn-Ni ii'jie ol tl.rm did 1 peree've the lenit henefit until
upp'trd rl:i IIose I )i rif v. Hy ili- ntie if one jar of it,
I wa pi-necK en red ami have ten.r.;:ieU free of the aftM
tion. I have imce ii?rd il-.e OiuiiiKnt. lightly njiplied for
lire of tin-1 . I.; Ir-lie, e-fiaj;)ietl liiiiul!", Jce. With per
foei neeeM. 1 have no h-aitai n in reeoiiuueuding urn
tlie irt'iigti laaiuirr to the pnhiie.
A (rent IIvkv Ma', utihury.
1 Jrly I Mk.
KaJway Koady Kelicf for (Tramps. Cholic, t kIpiu, Trovorton ; S. K, Utxon, Schuylkill Ha-
Cholera iMorbua, t&c. I'or ealo bv
Sunhury, Aug. 3, 1S31).
I'pilR subscrilier iulbriiis his friends and tho
-SL r.nblic. that he continues to carrv on the
Marble Uitsiness in sll its brunches, at his old
stand in Milton, Pa., snd is preparcJ to manu
facture -
Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c.,
of the best materials, and most finished work
manship, and at the lowest prices.
Letter Cutting, Lnglish and uerman iu im
most modern and elegant style.
Designs Tor Monuments, Urave btones, &.C.,
always on hand.
f. 11. Orders for the East side nf tlie nver
promptly executed by leaving tl.e same at the
oflice of tlie "elunbury American." '
Milton, May 10, 1651. .
JHLNULEa. Joint and Lap (Shingles, of first
rate quality, lor sale by
tiuubury, Dec 20, 1631. ti".
MRS. MAKY WEAVF.R respectfully informi
the public and travellimi coimnuiiity general.
ly, that she has opened this larjre and commodious
HOTEL, lurnished iu a superior yle. from
her long experience in the business of s first rate
Hotel, aud well known reputation to accommo
date, her customers may depend on being supplied
with every tiling conducive to their comfort and
Feb. 15. lSoLtl
suNBimy, pa.
I'iHE suWiilar resiiectfully informs her friends
i. and the public generally, that she has taken
the shove well known stand nearly opposite the
Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per
kins, bhe trusts that her eiperiepoe in business,
and ber effort to) make her guests comlorutilo.
will give entire satisfaction, to tuxxe who may U
vor her with their custom.
March 8. 185lrtiV
"JOI.D PEN'S with and without silver us
just received, snd tor sals bv
f uuhury, April I U5J ' ' ' '
tt CHF.H. An excellent article, for sale a)
haU the uaual pric by ! W. FaILIAG,
, Bunbury, July 7. 149-
euiitus-y, 1851. 'JP
MIE Subscriber who renides in Philadclnhia,
oilers for sale the following property iu Mil
ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large
-XL ;M ujipor Millon, formerlv occupied by
Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers 8hop.
The building is fill feet front on upper Market
street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two
.lories bi'li. Alt.) a two sbry
40 by S3 feet, on the same premises, Tho lot is
on tho corner of upper Market and Front sir cols,
and is CO feet front, and 150 feet deep.
I he premise would lie valuable for o Foundry
or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold
on reasonable uud aecom modal inir terms by ap
plying either to JACOU OAlilHtlAN,
J. F. VOLFINUER, Esq.. Millon or
H. 1). MA8SER. Esip, rSuuhury.
PluUtdelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 tf.
TJTJf ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's
fi wriluig and imlellible ink, Cotton yarn and
laps, just received aud tor sale by
J. VV. I ulLilAU.
Punbury, Dec. 2, Hlfl.
CTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al
k) muuds, P uues aud Cream Nuts.
Planes uf all kimR
6'all snd Plaster. Just received snd for sale
unburv, Uec. 2'J, 1S49.
ven : Jolm . I riling, etmluirv ; Alary A. .Mc
Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. beekly, Danville ;
John ISIiarplcsi, Catlavvissa ; Dr. Judd, W iiiiams
port j John Kaser, Milton, and by respectable
Druggists throii',;hont the Stale.
J. Cl'RTIsJ C. HltiHES, Proprietor.
Poltsville, June -8, 1-S5I ly.
J A MAI OA 11 1X(1 VAX.
MAIM', fn'iii the !h Jini'iiea Ointter, ull the vatuaMa
luedieimt r. -;.ert y o' whteh it will U It Hind to oon-
stvMtut tniiA(iLiu:r
Fares Eedutttl.
HOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several coj
Les nf the lite of Christ, and also a nmnlier of
gold petH which we wilt sell at the Philadelphia
prices. For sale at this qOicu. ,
TEMNU8. A cheap and excellent arti
cle lur iksteuiug kiiab for sale by
Sunbury, July 7, 1849,
NURSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and
nipple tulies- A supply of these useful arti-clc-s
just received am fur sale by
Bunbury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf
OJ!c of tit Phila. fr lie ad iu ? Railroad Co.
riuladelpbia, March 2ft,
Two Passenger Trains Daily, (exeit Sunday.)
N and after April 1st, 1851 two trains will
be rim' each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Poltsville
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 J A. M., daily except
Leaves Poltsville at 7J A. M. daily except Hun
days. AFTICRXOO.V ir.Vh'.
Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except
Leaves Poltsville at 3J o'clock, daily, except
Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, 5.75
1st class cars and $3.25 'id class cars.
Between Philadelphia and Heading, $ 1.73 1st
class cars und $1.45 2d class cars.
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad aud
Vine Streets.
Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bagiruge will be al
lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas
sengurs are cxprculy prohibited from tuking any
thing as bagcaiie but their wearing apparel, which
will lie at the risk of its owner.
By order of tlie Board of Managers.
April 19, 1831. Secretary.
- VING, just receives! and or sale by
Sept Sfl, 1850.
ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this
excellent article for Tetter, 4 c, just received
and for sale by HENKY MA8SER.
Bunbury, July 58, 1849
ILEY'S COUG-17 CMNDY. ,4ii excel
lent remedy for coughs, colds. ' For sale
st this uflics ,
ak'Jh in a e iiiv-ii itt and e 'nrniiraleti i tiii.
It ia it nioifi I'iip-n a: a ad at Hie .,uie I Mae hum leu, et -iitl ;
Ftiimil tlMii.' I ine l.if Hie t uiarn, und will teluini ery
hfieli'.-l d in irlicvn. the (.aoilul and iliK'n-BeiKii; letioit.
iH-fimi'iii'il Ii) U.e iini'iiretl wnioii ot thia iianrtaiit oiL'aa, J
I1' nu n h iii' loa whole ira-r;'o!!liil taken iu a wnie-irlaMe i
fail oi awtvlfih-d water wdl i:nnii riii w ihe Uatn- J
Irney aiidojUin-Ns.oa rcninii troni indiiri: i a, und it takm
tw ior three tin d.iil. a i e juiretl, wilt le t'otiiHi Wrh.-y 1
until ill again ; I la- lapfiunifatid tteafC ul inKinot thfsjlt'ili
ut h and u-ndniey t its tim 'rdi-rr;! aelion tK-eamotietl l tin t
em-rvniniK i ll'-ei "f hr autnnier heiu, or f Hiwiiii; utter i
ilitioiiit.ioii, uad tor c irtt'e!oi Lac incipient tu;eK tit iliurr I
It is nm i an exeelletit ni'Nl.''ine for wlm have in J
jured th t ne til idcir atotnaeha h the iiiioiolerate ue (f
iiitoxieatiuv lnuiri. uy ua klifzlnly aiiiiiuLatuiK rlleet iiHm
the alonun-li removing the cruving f"l wuualantu, while it
h i no injiuioua uc'i oil the hniin, and in not nucceedt-ri
by feelmifH of tie preiu. .011, whieh alwaya follow the tine of
aieohlie miuiuLiiiia.
A few ilropi uttde I to nnnenin, rhuhcirh or other purca
tive n.edieini i, will reiulrr thin more aeeeptalile ti th
etomaeri nu t Prevent the griping which ii unl toucconiounjr
then uetioa.
iV. K. earner of 1th and Chestnut Streets.
Plilhdelplnu, Aril l-J, ISS1 Iv
rPHE subscriber has just received a new supply
of the best liquors that ever came to Suuburv,
consistimr in part of
Siiieiiir obi pale Brandy.
Fine Cogniae Brandy.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New F.n -laii I limn.
Fine Holland (iin.
Suierior Old Whiskey
Coinm.m do.
Suerior Maderiu Wine.
Lislion do. do.
J"iui.Tior Port Wine.
Burgundy Port do.
Bweet Malaga Wine.
Huperior Claret Wine iu bottles.
Champagne do. do.
Sunlury, May 86 1849.
tlreen's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced,
(ld Jacob Towiiaeiid's Saisaparilla.
Baker's Saisaparilla.
Swnyne's "vnip of Wild Chcrr
Sway tie's eriiiil'inre.
'yie's Cherry Pectonl
Dr. Drnke's Panacea.
Pr. Cullen's i!o
Tibbit's Pain Killer.
Dr. Hooflunil's Oerman Hitters:
Indian Yeeta!ilc Pilia
ll irse uud Cati.'c
For sale by
runbury, julv M
EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply
just received and for sale at this office.
Price S3 cents.
Bunbury, Jv'.y H, 1851.
LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption
law of $300, for sale by
AprinW, 1851. IL B. MASSEK.
WRITING FLUID snd srif sealing Enve.
. lopes, lust received and f sale hy
ApiU 19, 1HH. II. B. MASSER.
STONE milk Puns, stone Jugs and Pitchers,
and other articles of stone ware just received
and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING.
Suiihury, June 23, 1848.
f-pEAS, from the New York Cantou ami Fekin
JL Tea Uompauv. For sole by
Sunlmry, Dec 8, ,848
AY RUM An excellent article Tor sals
bv . HENRY MAteEK.
bunbury Jan. tTlit, 18,49 tf.
coMPRtsiNis a i'oi.i.t:r rioN or over 200
In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a ft
simple aud Ciirlmis Experiment, tai
I NCLI'DINO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry
Cookerv, Furriery, Dving, Coiileclionarv, Do
mestic Lcouoniy.etc. etc, etc. Price 6 j cts., for
Bunbury, Dec. 8, 1819.
ctaotci: IEV'001M !
Just received at the store of HENRY MAS
SEU, a lot nf Caps, tiuin (Shoes, Almanacs,
Quecnsware, Liquors ic, All of wliich will ba
sold at the lowest price.
Dee. 14, 183(1.
Valuable I!ook.
" 1FE ur Ciikist, handsomely bound, D'As
iium'i Histoiix o tus RKroBMi-rinsr,
Ul.lXli DI-HOOKS AD LEUU.aS, full blUI.'l 'r.l.
For sale al the publishers prices by
11. B. MASS!'..-
SuHbury, July 14, IS 19
1NERAI. WATER, from the Oak Orchard
L' Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di
seases, aud tonic remedies, for sale
Hunbury. June 29, 1830 tf
A1'S An assortment just
received. Alsq
silk HATS ut 3S5, for sale by
Kunburv, Dec. 848.
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds aud blank
Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Sumni.ns
&c, for sale by 11. B. MASSE R.
Bunbury, April 86, 1851.
JILVE R WATCH Es. A few double csT
O English Silver Watches, for sale st very low
prices by II. B. MASSEK.
Sunbury, April 19, 1851. -
! of every description ci
applying at the ollic. of the American.
Tl LANKS of every- description can be had by
ADD'S celebrated HorM and Cattle Modi-
.... e .. . .I. w lil-'Vi; utsiiPLI
B . IK SO. VJ i .... -... ww
Sunbur) , Jan. 57th, 1849