Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 24, 1852, Image 3

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The annual Report of the President and
Manager of the Philadelphia anil Reading
Rail Road Company, wai presented to the
StocVhol lera, at their meeting in Philmle'
. phia, on Monday, the J2th inst The fol
lowing is carelul abstract of its most
important parts :
Travel, 127,S0, equal to 57,593
through passengers. $152,431 64
' Fieight on tncrchandice 63,807
tons, 123,672 34
Do. Coal 1,650,270 tons, at
1221 cents
2,018,870 79
8,400 00
9,955 63
United States Mail
Miscellaneous receipts
Deduct working expenses,
S2. 314.330 40
gil, 183,936 61
Net profTl foi the year,
One year's inter
rst on coupon
bonds, 594,072 00
Do do bonds and
mortgages, $12,612 00
$1,125,393 79
606,684 00
109,847 28
Renewal fund,
716.531 28
Dividend fund for the year
Which has been disposed of
as follows :
Dividend on pre
ferred stock, $110,131 00
State tax on do do 5,506 55
For balance at ilubit
of interest ac
count. 43,527 2S
jinking funds, 100,000.00
$408,862 51
259,164 83
Jommon stock dividend fund
lor 1851, $149,697 C8
The average freight upon Coal has been
educed, for reasons which are given at
115th in tho trport, from $1 531 (the avgei
ge charge in 1850) to $1 2i I, or 31 cent
er ton. This win account for the fact that
le increase in l lie receipts of tho road, is
ol quite up to the increase in the amount
f coal transported, as compared with luM
Tho increase over the p'rviotisjesr in
nil tran-piti'd nver the load is 298.768
us, and the mini her of passetpcr and
laulity of merchandize have augmented in
xiut the same pioportion.
The to in'rojnce the ue of
lihracito roal for locomotive., have resul
d successfully. Tke engines constructed
Ross Wiuuiis, Ei-q., uf Balliniore, have
w been so long in reivice na to demon
ate that Ibis coal can be used with snc
ss and economy. An engine constructed
Mr. James Milholland (master machinist
the Company,) and severnl boilers alter
under his direction, exhibit the same
Tho Managers have assumed the respon
ij'ily of securing additional ground to the
tent of fifty feel in width, at Richmond
tracks from the w harves lo the engine
ise, a distance of about one and a quarter
l-s They have alno secured sufficient
iind for a laiae passenger and merchan
e depot, at ihe corner of Broad and Wil-
' stieets. which, when improveil by the
ctinn of suitable huilding, will enable
Company to s'art the trains, w ith the
imotive attached, from the very heart of
city, and entirely avoid all the expense
' delay necessarily incident to the use of
He-power. This, even with the present
sender and meichandize business, is
it desirable ; but, if it is permitted to
forward to the completion of the great
of road now projected to connect the
is of this Ciimpany with others extend,
to Lake Brie, to the completion of Ihe
,.nion Valley Rail Road, the connecting
at Reading with Ihe Pennsylvania Rail
il, extending from llarrisburg to Pitts
, and thus, wi'h various lines wesl
d, Ihe policy and necessity of seeming
1 advantages for present and future pur
rs cannot be doubted,
he following named g'nllemen have
t unanimously elected officers for the
ling year :
President JOHN TUCKER,
anagers. Samuel Norris, Charles S. Bo
Robert D. Cullen, George W. Rich
, Matthias S. Richards, Christopher
cretary and Treasurer. Samuel Biad-
IE first shad of the season have made
appearance in Philadelphia. Poren
" (as an old lady used to style epi
,) are on ihe qmvive.
he Pacific Mail Steamship Company
declared a dividend of ten per cent.,
.ble on the 15th instant.
jvivsLS ol religion are now goini on in
'arious Methodist churches in Cincin-
:e DAT Last week a singlo slaughter
) of Cincinnati settled the earthly affairs
arly two thousand porkers.
t Legislatuie of Georgia lias passed a
;iving the election of the Judges of the
rior Court to Ihe people.
rty thousand immigrants, mostly from
id, arrived at Boston, during the past
ss Fkederika Bremer will soon pub
in England, her book on Ameiica, cat
Homes in ihe New World."
v. Bout WEIL, of Massachusetts, in his
il message, takes Ihe strongest ground
ivor of Kossuth's intervention doc
Baptist State Convention of Missis
have resolved to raise $100,000, for
ring a college in that State.
is said that marriage is negociating
ten Louis Napoleon and a Princess of
rMtoraoBU prevail! in Schuylkill
t aayi (thii ponrin' gin and brandy
ht athratea 11 a Munt Business."
vae BuTCHKar. Th eost pfthe atand
rmj of Europa ii f 500,000,000.
l'if thu tiuliljury Ainuriuiui.
Census Statistics of Nortliumlierland County 01850, by
T. S. MACKEY, lata United Stales Afsirtant Marshal.
Nahu or TowMiiiM o ,, at r 9, P art
Ana Boaoveaa m iut 3Tj ilia "5 2 ? a"
Oao-aWa. f r Hi ?1 V I2 U
I. Delun-uro, . I . ai-F !1 8"MI.H 8'K) II.A'W 4,I9 8 MI.V.3 SI,IM4
S. l-ewia, . . . V.M7 SI 7 Bji.UiO 111) ViA'X 3.0,3 ?'J1I,.'I7.1 lfll.370
3. Turuul, . . . . . 175 I7S u,M fc.l S.UII I.H74 6il",.?0 C.).7.Vt
4. Chilnijuaquo, .... 211 SI 1 4 1 1, MM lit (UnW 8.U.W Sifl.-Aj !M,l
t. lv 'mi, ..... i. sui.bbii (i 3.4U7 iwa.uor
0. Milt, ii, ..... IMS :7 4'JI,500 " " "
7. N Tlliniiilwrliliid, .... 1"3 VS INI, Ml IU GJI 70 81.9.1(1 W0
5. Puiilmry, JI fts S-3,IH0 1J Ml ail) !i.Sl) 1,3US
0. I'ltvrr Alli;llt, .... aj'J 3itl !i7l.b'2J H-i .M P.U.'l) fllRSHI 8 1. .',47
10. Upper Auguaui, .... 117 I.W SIllS.VA) l3 6.fc:W ,!i7l Wfc. 11.607
11. ftuah, ...... IN! 2JI a.-S..V:( ltfl U,UlU .ll,ll W7.77U 1.1,5"
la. Shnm.kin, 410 412 4-1?.HIi guj J I.Ml li.irtU UMl.rUU IH.H'17
13. t:nl, ...... -, imi km.-j.iu :itj -j ui'j ii,ii-a ?2,nM) n:.M
14. Iiw-ur Million iv, 801 WH .TOMII'J 111 I lOU ,1.371 flU7,lll II. Ml'
1.1. Upper MahoiKiy, .... 21 IK1 8730(1 111 0 4.5U3 l?!i,70.l H,4l
10. J:n-ka Mi. ..... ail Sill 4Ih1..-.-,ii 8,ki I-.,!I7-I 6.7-M 4H-MHU SO.liM
17. Lltlle Mah'Huy, .... CI M W.4:tt 81 8,'t)J 1.110 70,700 3. 100
IMal, .... 4,05-0 4.114 80,;iau,.WS il,7Sjlia:i,l; 71,l'.VI I ,.1211,843 S&)7,378
The Journal of Commerce gives nn r.ccount
of a niivcl production which the II i)" Slain
Mill those which recently drove the Brith
Shuvtlsnui of the maikei hnvt pindtited. It
is a Felt-Cloth Cupel, piiuied in black woik,
and designed according lo wciyht rilher t.
a flnor-cloth or drttjryet. The threads of
wool mo not spun or u-ot-rn, bi.t driwii eut
and l;i itl together, the whole mass being fel
ted like a hat body. Wiilmi a few inntith.
fairies have been put together in this way,
show ing a different color on eiilier side, mid
designed lor coals to be made up w ithout
lininff. Tho U.iy Stto Mills make this
cloth with a white ground, about 48 inches
wide, ve12h1nc finm 4 lo 21 ozs. per vard, 1
and print it in t-leuaul carpet designs, show
inn the richest combination of biilliant
colors, and furnish it at 75 lo 90 cents per
yard. Already the caipet-bay; mnkers are
ordering enlensively for their own use and
for Ihe floor of a drawing 100111 or chamber
there is no covering so cheap, at all compar
able with it for nppenraneo or comfort.
The Bay Slate Mills, (he Journal snys. have
been driven to invent something new by the
homo competition in the shawl trade. The
moment any hianch of industry is so well
established as lo yield a profitable return, a
rival enleipii-c is immediately stinted,
which lakes advantage uf ihe e.vpei ience
caincd wil limit cost to itself, and divides ihe
business with Ihe pioneers in the woik.
Gov. Foote, left New Orleans on Ihe 6th
ins!., fur Jackson, Miss., where he was to
be inaugurated on the ih.
IIoofi.asd's German Bitters. -These
celebrated Bitters piepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, are
peiioriiiin astonishing cures thiouhoiil Ihe
whole country. We can bear witness to
their curative powers in Ihe case of a fiieml
of on 1 s who had the Liver Complain, and
who had tiled almost every other medicine,
but without effect. After takiufi a lew Kil
ties of these Bitters he whs ontiiely cured.
To those w ho are similarly afflicted we le
cornmend them to take thu preparation,
knowing that they will cure the disease
spoken of, and many others lo w hich ''flesh
is heir lo." There is rt spurious art
made in Philadelphia,. The only place to
net the genuine rntii-le is 120 Arch street.
Philadelphia, of Dr. J.u-ksou, or his ayenls
throughout the country.
Itl A II It 1 V. f.
On the 251 h lilt., by I tin Rev. A. J. Col
lins, Capt John II. Hoffman lo Miss Ra
chel Andrews, both of Rush lp.
On the same day by Ihe same, Mr. Joseph
Mi' to Miss Mary Ann Arters. both
of Rush 1 p.
Bv the same on Ihe 1st inst., Mr Thomas
McGaw of Danville to Miss LU-A Si.mon
fiiN of Snydertown.
L)t iUavkct
FLiladelphia Market.
Jan. 22, IS52.
Flovr and Meal. Flour is firmer sales
of 1500 blU. lair biauds nt 6i per Id, I ;
sales for city use at $4,3? i. Exua flour
is held rut--) a .5
I've Flovr. Is scarce, and would bring
Corn Meal. Last sales of fresh ground
at S3.
Wheat Little otTeiinc ; sales of prime
red at in c ; while is held at SI 00.
Rye. None aiming j last Kites at 73
Corn. In dull : sales uf good old yellow!
at 06 cts.
Oai. New Southern sre in demand at
4 lets.
Whiskey. Sales at 21i els. in bbs. and
21 cts. in t.hd.
Wm.T. v P0 1
Kik. . - f0 1
(tuns. .58
Oiis. :t7
Rt'T'l'LS. - IH ,
ElibS. 10
Punk. C
Ki.iistr.n. .... 102
Tluiw. 15
Dkkswax 25
IIk KI Kll FtT. ... 10
Diiikii ArrLta. .75
Do. l'l ai hu. tut)
Fuas 8
New Advertisements.
TIIR validity of this patent, (ifter having been
ienrousiv rontestcd hv suits at law for the
last six years) has leen fullv and finally ratab
lishc I in the Kupreme Court of ihe I'niled Stales.
The undersigned, at his depot, lias 011 liani a
large assortment of the genuine
also, all kinds op
Iron Chests, Money Uoxes,
Vault Doors and Dank Vaults, both firs and bur
glar proof, with new and Second Hand Safes of
other mnkers forming the largest assortment in
the world. Also, the fo'lowing
Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation,
and Ijetter Changeable Anti (iunpowder Locks 1
Hall's New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof
l.oclt ; Day, Iewell & Da s
and Locks f
other celebrated makers.
Na. 84 Wslnut street. Philadelphia.
Role Agent for the Bute of Pennsylvania.
January 10, 18.12. 2m.
Au4Ml.isl WRITING FLUID snd Adba
sive and legal envelopes, for sale by
fkaahary, Jan 10, lMi- -J
ist of cttcro
ltl:M.VIl0 IN Till: I'OST officr at
M MILitt, Ore 31. 1V1.
Adler Simon
Bennet Mathevr
B Iniim Wm
Buwer Christiiin
Rickiird si J.icub
Camplell J.jliri
Cnlp Jeieminh
Clniuer K J
Miller Jnhn
Maitz Jacob
Peisene Wm
I'dunk Wm
R"phcr I'eter
Rockefeller Solomon
Sandman ll-nry
Sinlnn Daniel
Chauiberiiii El'belli II Strickland James
Cattennaii l!enj.
Sari is Philip
S lyder lb'iny
Sliipiuau David
Deals Gilb'-it
Ebrighl John Terry S L
F Thompson John
Frick Chas II Thomas L vi
Cas Joseph Weisei Kabella
X Wanner Leonard
Krei'.dibnnrn P Weise Henry
Keeier Maiaiet Weaver Jeremiah
Landers Chas oxtheimer Geo
Lower Tiluhiuan Z
"H 7 irfnss Geo
Marlz Soloinou Zimmerman Daniel
At Korthuuibcrland, Deo. 31, 1851.
B Luther Rosw-rll
B.-ll Maraaiett Lebiickvu M D
How't-n Joii.tihai 2 M
Biiwmaii J.iiiu U Mi-Plierson Wm
Bedlem Win McCarty Win 2
Buoy Edward Musyrave Uev Win B
Blight tic Wm Muilin Caiharine
Coble Sarah Newberry Albion
Cauiell Sally p
Patton John
F'itzpatrick Michael Philips Clniilian
Felt E'i R
Fox M Rodenbauch Wm
Fieuch Dudley Ueuiiold Andrew
G Kail her Jacob
Gelzer Mary Ann S
Garrell John Smi'h Harriet E
II Smith David S 3
llines Joseph Scheels Jacob
1 1 .1 rl 111:1 it Henry Sober A
Han is Edn aid Schmeck Daniel L
Mini N C Stock L- vi
Horner J Scrmh Andrew
J Steel Andrew
Johnson Geo W Stnnghton Lemuel B
Kutzner F.I A 3 Walsh J.irnes
Kelly John Walker H E
L Wei.t E
Words Wilson
weimer, r. M.
N pursuance of sn order of the Orphans' C'nuvt
of IS'oilliiunlirrland county, will be rinnwd
to public sale on Saturday ti.e Till day of Fsliru
sry next, nn the pr-iniw,, the following real es
tate lo wit: A certain
situate in Lower Augusta townnhip, County
aforesaid, containing
M Acres,
adjoining land of eSnmurl Reitz, Henry Rogers
and Aduni s-nyder. 011 w liicli i erected a
a l.oi Rani, nil of which is cleared, and
011 whi, Ii is a small ORCHARD. Late the es
tate of I.avin 1 ln'iu dee'd.
Pale to commence at 10 oYlnrk, A. M. of said
day, when tl.e trinii of sale will lie made known
1V IV., Adm'r.
I (v Order of tlie Court,
! J. P. PCKsRL. ( Ik. o. C
Jan. IU, liih-i. 5t.
" o Votti Oh 11 Miclsanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
'TMlE subscriber respectfully calls the attention
- of the public to his large and splendid assort
ment of i-M-ry quality and price of
:A.uVrr-vi ai: r:.
a hich cuiiuot fail to reioininend itself toevcry one
who will CKumitie it, on account of ita durable
workmanship und splendid linihh, made up of the
licst slock to le had in ihe city. No rilort is
many improvement which arc constantly beiiif
made. His slock consists of Mahogany
futii, IMvniisj mill Lounge,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Eideboarls,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila-
dclphia inuiiui'uclurc.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern snd price,
in short, every srlicle in this line of his business.
He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to I had it
Sunbury, such as Mniocmr, Bit WiLxcT
jt'i'i.ii MiniCatcu-i axd Wixnana
CHAIRS, ivu r!ir Puso Stools, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
,y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
he no eicuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
aliout the quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on as good
mmm lnr) nn M purcnaaea eiaewnere. i;oun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself with a handsome IIiikbe, he is now
prepared for Undertaking-, and attending lunar.
sis, in this vicinity, or at n fonvtsient dis-
tance from tins plsr;
pelo"".' Koon in Market Street,
t itompsoo'a 8tor and Weaver's Tavern.
UvjlbWT, Jan.
Gold Medal Awarded,
To Eli Krupp, for hit "Essence of CoffttV
IT is now satisfactorily decided that Krupp's
Essence of Coffee" is the beat and moat
wholesome preparation for Coflce in the world.
VV therefore recommend It to all lovers of
"Good Coffc" as an article of great value.
The price is only 1 J rents per package, which
with one Hi. of Coffee will go as far aa fivs lbs.
of ordinary Coffcs alone.
Storekeepers and all others that may purchase
it are assured that if it does not give entire satis
faction it mny tie returned, and the money will
he refunded. Manufactured bv
No. C30 N. 3d St., Philadelphia.
January 3, 1851. 3m.
II. . tROaiil.ll K CO.,
nirortTcna, manufacturers and
Silks, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers,
Noa. 47 and 49 Chotuut Street, and No. 56
South Second Street, wcit side, near Chcitnut,
lieceiiiber 27. 1851. -1 v.
Engraver ami Printer,
Ku. 46 Chestnut Sine!, ohovt Stcond,
IS prepared lo do ENGRAVING and PRINT
INU, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting
and Dusinesa Cards, Unit Tickets, W'tiU-h Papers.
Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts snd
Diplomas. Seals snd Stumps for Corporations,
Odd Pcllows. Masons, Sons of Temperance, &e.
All the shove engraved in the bet manner.
Orders by Post promptly attended to.
December 27, 1851. ly.
Manufacturer, &. Dealer in
Imported and Domestic Scgars,
Also, a general assortment of
Leaf ft ItlniiurartMred Tobacco,
CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar
ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and
Wharves, Philadelphia.
Dei-ember 27, 1651. ly.
Ve 78 Xm-rth Srf Ft., hltrrtn Arrh and Raei St.,
HEREBY informs the public that he imports
and constantly keeps on hand at hi. new
store, No. 78 North Cd St., a luryc assortment of
Foreign Fancy Gootls,
Musical Instruments, Pictures cy Paints,
which he will sell nt the lowest prices.
His stock, in part, consists of, Accordcona,
Violins, Music Boies, Parlor and Bar Room Or
gans, Melodeons, JScrapliiues. Mathemaiica! In
struments, Magnets, Spy and Opera (Jlaanes,
Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze
Powder, Dutch OolJ and Silver Leaf,
Scales of all kiuda, SnutV and Tobacco Lio-ea,
Lithographic Puinta, Copper Plate and Steel En
cravings, and pictures of every variety. Also
(Jilt I'rauic Moutdincrs of various sizes.
Dcalt-m, Country Merchant., and Pedlars, sup
plied at reasonable prices.
December "0, 1S51. tf.
Mi i
The reat VOX till ISE-IIKOV
fnt.y vein r-ri-apar'n-tri, aii'i inur tlun liimliil
Thou jiiiI t'nrf oi t onnititive Coiuimii.:!, nv
prowcl lu tlie litnlM-mlnl n.lltaft;.'ti ( ail f orauns whi
iivn ln-r-.iiue ot)Uintnd with .: irandetui remdy, thu )1
ii fren(ty nuiirt ltr9 rnusi :i i u -Miiy buJ hritf,
una rri'intii ii cure t fiitiinijtliiii vf mm
l.linili tl)tn fciiv uili-r Rfinc-l in lit" Munri. VS' now,
li(tvvevi-r, thi it is laid y tmn u,i Ci)iuin;ii(iti eun n
ba cured. Ii- rhai tia ui'tiumi of l.m mn. or ilia fim, w
hail nt ai'fttini i ar-;t wtitt 1'ich, In: iti.a m will itiy,
kini 1o auert tm a tact. whi-h mri l-i pniil 111 lhoui:illlia
u( c .(, tlmt tliU ttiiifM.a li:io rureil ': 1 ant. 4
fitf w.i;c!i. hft-ir rute ifr r-Ti-fttx.' wrt ralle-l renl
( onauiliulltill, an.) wlurn w;t niirntlf! wilh $ymitcmt
ttiat irf mTiirrl. uti'l wer 111 nil rrft lift i(t yniiii.inta
of Ikiiiti" trna die, ait uAa'i 4tn4 ..fl aiti U t.RVfl if J wiia
tdat fatal diafaat I'anviiiiipttOH. Tina tla ui haa cured
tknntandt ol jjrain wrrn ahi-i to i Imf.elailT aflt'fl-
ei-wnu liKLt Aiird, 4'i; ('oilliha- i"itnf : turn
lirt-Mstt, .-', ai,-: JiiUl uli u' lirntUiu
J'-irm!"t KTjMtomtinnItrc'.te h'rrer StijKt .SuVrf stntl
wnahni it way ol itm I'lrak and IUuwl Parauna
tiavirtK a'-h rotiiplatnla ita orsit cur it wx aatd
li.wy fvw'J nt lis a WF4U toiler. Tina Mdtcn rtaa
cuiod iutne who wr a ip'". ,r- tutu a H y tiitf Mill
i.jt, by m uaa of ibia rama-iy, ti.ay mow live, ut aojoy
gutd lith..h.
Tbi llfilvnm pnrHn rtvctrb' wpwnd. It la
p'eait to laisi. and itnrr oot tujury ,n ai.y ' ut tl,a
eu or ur.dr any circniri.'i-ir'a. It e n ia 1:1 wuni4erl tt
anii nlm m ir.i nil out l urca bjr lui ll Vliitf, -i'nt-fv
tii, and lnriaornlina ut tt -iiy tlt.
tny U19 ctrwatv-yn, and p-tRlucinc a Mtatthy act ion taua
ajLii y ( oMKll-ii'(r.mir rrTi it-d etJttf m4
furtliLtttn) Kxicciorala U Cure ti. fwi.owu-j
I'lll'lilM l l rM, ,-',ifit. .tilUm: Sfitttimj if KnoJ,
h.'frdinp tit l'l I.iMty. I'awt in Vi ItH'ft. 6ii. ,liii Srl.
.Wr.oi,iHi. Ai"( Sualt. t'aipiUtltvH oj if I, .nil all
l-'K.ll AI.1-: XVKAHNK!-.- mud CamptavtU arumf t holer.. I al'.lllliini, 4.C.
( ynr friiof Si-1 rt,cii,aii of Curat, too out
fiiiiiwlilrls anU Uanduuu all cm A(u ka wtis M
giva away.
l-',a al.a ST I. W . Kritiup, Smitmrv; Mury A. Mr
I'ny. N ,tli.nnit-rrliiiid; J lni II. K;.scl, Mitlnn; Ilayra k
.l cnrnitck. Mcllwriiavilie.
M 3. I-il. !-. 1".
Clocks, Walclii'.-, Jent'llmy, Silver Ware,
r.ini-y C'ihU, ec , &c.
rll.OrlCK nf evry itiioritili n ailj q'.allly. B iflV Ilmai
I anil .'In Ii -Mr l'l H-ka, erv Inw. 'uU-hira til Ihe beat
tn:iVr.l. 'r,'t'i.iajh,ia ,11 biit tV'tunatHl GiihI patrnt levera,
,iii.- 11a Ihv tfH', wirrmUi! n kmat ciar-a, nml liisurttl
lnr V2 in ntlia. bilct-r I.ev-t ra us luvv ua $lfi,uo wiirriintrd.
I.pni-aaa lnw l f.i.Ml v,irriiiili-il. Qiurlirr V:ttciit-a in
ercal v.incty. Jcv,-!iery ni i-vri y ilt-fr-ripi! hi. II'-hI GiKinl
,iil l-'i.b Cliain, llric-t-ti-is. l-::ir, l'inar Illtm.
llM' rlie, lH Wiia. Ijiuil t'ciit r.r t? I.i1 tlitr.ii:lrit points.
Tlir aut,"criliri iciviup just rt-uifncit lr,ni ih,; e.iili-in
fm-l'ini-a ta rewnnl tu rnrin-:i anv aritfi' in ina line nf
liii.iii'ta ,-l' il,e hxrrt ryii-a. ti',l ea f-ltmn ua thr name ani.
i-',-i run tie a l,i nt 11, a l'liil .ile';lua fr Nfiv Vnrlt nuirkrta,
T,i t-.iiiv,iH-p Ui (MiltiK- ni tlna im-t li inviii Ihelr otlrn
li 'ii an,) r'-i,ct-!iu:iy .,li,iiaii mil. Ho a-.!,I (-artiruiurly
invil- tli :iiu-i-'in ,'l II -let I'r.ipil inra, anil Futnilii-s lii
Ina enaive tiaaiirtmt-iit of Pilvcr Ware, viz: Tt-a (rlta.
'I'-i' le. lli-a.rt unit 1'ru rinrmns, Forka, I.ailk-a. ice., ate.
Onlira rc-eivr-il f,ir any anicle i-f Silver W'nre exet-uied
Willi .riniftii-ia, nmt in tli t-at atyle. A great vnrirtr
oi Kuji(v (io m'b, ra.-lcr M;icbs tvirk, atirlis Writing
iraAa. Tort t-'nii.. ijt .ye lioxi-a, tiinur U.tit0 &e , Ac.
Ii ynll won! lo aure lanKuiuacitllat
it.c nnrFvs
nt ctor to the lint (Iffiea, Centre at , Ptiitayille, Pa.
N. U All kintla nf repai" alt-iutnl t, ky tba beat work-
llocenibcr 27, 1"0l..6ia.
o. 144 Kucc Strcrt.
(Between Aih ond opposite Crown St.)
llMlKHK tlie I'mptU-tnr i eiuil,M. Iij- increnant fueill
1 tii-a, t'i supply the smwins tleinant) fur IIOVIH'd
li K, which ita wule-lpltaft rflpiHutN,i liaa errrtled,
'I'nia Ink ia row an wil i-alnliiial.crt ill tne s-.mkI tkpiuine
and c 'iiliiieiicc nf tlie Amf-hrim Pulihc, ttiat il ia w-areely
iloceaaary M aay anylhin in its lavr, nnS Ihe maiiulurtu
rrr mkca thia nppnrtuiniy to tay U al His conn.lence tlma
aet-ured atiall nut tie atiuair(t.
Inaitiiitinii l,i Die vurmiia kinds f Wrltini- Ink, he atari
manufacturi-a Adnniantiiie Cement for inritilinf Gtuaa and
Clnna. aa writ aa a Minerluf Huir Dye : a Inul nnly is ne
ertanry In iiwire lis liilnre nan. and a Hnilini Wax, well
udnpitid t tt Drugif lata mat iiuukra, al a vary kiw pries, ia
ktrge nr smitlt ouunl irics.
Ord.ra aiWrt-aMd 10 JOSEPH HOVER,
Manufacturer, Nn. HI Ra:s Street, Betwun 4'.h
6U1, oppoaits Crowa Blreat, Hhuidlilua.
Decemhei S7, lhsl 8ib.
Dec. 13, 1851tf.
OLD PENS with and without rases, of
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writirjj Fluid, for sale
u7 II. I). MA88ER.
Sunbury, Dee. ST, 1851,
IO It sals, at this office, uperlor Black Ink,
Cside Msdicins at S eta. Pure Essence of
Glnjtw, IS esnta.
Philadelphia, Type Foundry. -Great
deduction la Tfpeft, Ac
THE underaipned bepa leave to call the atten
tion of Printers snd Publishers to the greatly
reduced prices of his Type, vis t
Pearl, $1,08 Minion, 48
Agate, 75 Brevier, 44
Nonpareil, SS Bouignoise, 37
Long Primer, 34 Small Pica, 8)
Pica, 00,
and all other type in proportion. But wishing
to encourace caah payments, the subscriber will
make a still larger deduction of from IS to IS
per cent, for canli. Having jretly enlarged and
improved his calablialimciiC he flutters himself to
be aide to supply his cuatomcra with greater des
patch than ino-t of his competitors. He has
constantly on hand Caoes, Chnaes, Composing
Sticks. (Stands, Brass and Wooden Gsllnys, and
all other materials used In a Printing dllicc
All orders thankfully received and promptly at
tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and
Cheatuut streets. L. PELOUZ13.
N. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new
at nine cents per pound.
Philadelphia. Dec. SO, 1851.- tf.
TTAS just received and opened a fresh and
general assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
of the ncweat and beat styles, conaiatin; in part of
Eardwarr. Iron ond Steel, Nails, &c,
Shoes, Pish, Salt, &c.
All of which he will sell at the moat reasonable
prices for caah or country produce.
Give him a call and try his prices.
(junhury, Nov S3, 1S51.
Watches and Jewellery,
TTAVIXG constantly on hand an immense
stuck of M'atches and Jewellery, I am de
termined to sell at leaa prices than the same qual
ity of Watches or Jewellery are sold in Philadel
phia, viz :
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 18 ka
case, only $30,08
Goid I.cpine, 18 " 24.00
Silver Lc era, full jewelled, only 14.00
Silver I.cpines, " 11,08
Hold Pencils, 1,50
Gold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00
A!o an immense stock of all kinds of Watch
pa, Gold Chains, BrcaMpine, Earrings, Silver
Spoons, cVc, all of which I v. ill cell at less pri
ces than rvcr have been sold in this city, as Ihe
prices are certainly much less than ever hcreto
lore sold in this city or county.
California Gold bought for Cash. Particular
attention pnid to repairing Watches and Jewel
lery. All I ak is a call to convince Purchasers
that this in the place to purchase Watchca, Jew
ellery and Silver ware.
Persons by sending the caah they wish to ex
pend can have a watch or watches sent to them
bv mail with perfect safely, hnvini sent them in
that way lor the last C years. All communica
tions must be post paid Plcaie call or send or
ders to LEWIS LADOMUs,
No. 103 Chesnut St., hetwn .Id and 4 ill St.,
Last Willi of Franklin House.
Philadelphia, Oct. S3, 1S51.- tf.
TO Ilspsptics.
'I'HE subscribers offer for sale Cheltenham
8ult, sn invaluable remedy lor tl ,s diaease;
it is an exact imitation of the water of the cele
brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which
has liecn tuutul so lieiielicuu in caws ot Dynpep
sin. lliliiius Complaints. tSick Headache, Habit
ual Cotivciies, Ac, and is particularly recom
mended as a substitute for Scidlits Powders, as it
acts Ixith ss a tonic and acntle purgative. A
Pamphlet containing un analysis of the water and
directions for its uae, accompanies each bottle.
Price 33 cents per bottle.
The subs-rihers also prepare a highly concen
trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price
& cents per l-ottlc.
Full Vatalogun of drills with prices attached
furnished Physiciana gratia, Al.o priced Cats
loauca oT Pure Chemical far analytical
The attention of Drugirista is particularly in
vited to our stock of line daie;s, chctniciila, Ac.
Druggists and Maiiul'actiiriinr Chemist,
Cth A; Arch Street, Philadelphia.
October 53, 1S.M. 4nn.
E. S. JONES 5 CO.,
COU NEK of Fourth and P.ace Streets. Pub
lishers of Ihe Model Architect, bv SAMLLL
SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 24 month
ly parts.
The above work is dva'ianed to meet the wiahes
not only of those directly interested in buildinija,
hut of all who dcaire the advancement of this no
ble art in our countrv, and wiah to cullnate their
tasU-a and acquaintance ith architecture. The
haiiiliioine inaiiuer in which il ia prepared snd
embellished, renders it a laateful ornament lor
tin drawina-rnoiii, while its accurate delineations
give il the hiithest practical value.
Nos. I. S tV. 3 now ready for delivery.
Price 50 rents per number. Address as
above, post paid.
May .1. ls.1l. 1 y Dec. 20, 1S51.
Office in Market ttreet Sunbury, opposite
11 tave r 1 Hotel j
CSINF.SS will be promptly attended to in
the Couutici of Northumberland, Union,
Columbia and Montour.
Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1S51. ly.
Lime ! ! Lime 1 ! !
r"f1IIE subscriber hereby informs his customers
-- snd the public generally, that havinz rented
snd put in operation the Lime Kilns of Mr. Ira
T. Clement, in addition to Ihe other Kilns in uae.
he will now lie able tu supply demands for lime
at the shortest notice. His lime will be of the
best quality.
Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1861, tf.
IVo. 6, Korth Wharii,
Wuere th following Roods are receive Bn toj
on coinmis',iun(
Dried Apples. Pesrlie., riuir,, Tears, Chenies,
Ac., Cireni Apples ia Uarrt,s or by the Bushel,
Besna, Peas, C'raoriir.-, Onions, Mercer Po
taloes, Sweet Potatoes, Rhelliarks, Chestnuts,
Ground Nuts, Orange, Lmiona, Kaisina, Figs.
Prunes, Grapes, P.mltry. Eggs, Butter, Cheese.
A nd all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro
duce. Philadelphia, Dee., 18, 1851 ly.
PTWE .ubscriher takes thia method of Inform
ing tha citizens of Sunbury and vicinity,
that they are engaged In Ihe manufacture of
Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44
Filbert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully
invite all who buy for cash, to give him a :.'.'. .
they will find it to lo their, adv.i.,.. , d . "
with bit. for their line. ' '
Pil 0. 1 8 5 1 1.
RESPECTFULLY Inform the public and
"the rcat of mankind " that they have re
ceived a large assortment of v
of every variety of style, ponsistingf ia psrt of a
fine sssortment of
Cloths, Caitimem, Merino, Jfaunelini d
Lain, Calicoes, Muslins, CAs,.",
snd every variety of Dry Goods.
Also a large assortment of CiROCERllv
Sugar, Teas, CoflVe, Molasses. Spicci
of all kinds.
Alas an assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a tresh supply of
VV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1851.
At His New Marc In Ilollowiiig Run,
IJESPECrrULLY informs his friends and
customer, that he has just received a new
stock of goods, which he oilers to tlie public
at the lowest pricca, viz :
Full and Winter Dry Goods,
Cloth, Casfimerts, Sattinets, Merinos,
Mousseline De Latncs, Flannels
and every variety of goods suitable for the season.
Also Silk Hats, Caps, &.c.
ALSO : An assortment of Hardware.
All Kinds, of Groceries,
A vuricty of Qucenawarc, Crockery, &e.
Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for
farmers, Ac.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
goods at the highest market price.
Hollowing Run, Oct. 25, 1851. -if.
WTI7II.L,IAM HOOVER respectfully informs
V V his friends and customers that he has
just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent
assortment ot
which he offers for sale at his new store at Mas
acr's Mill, Hollowing; liun. These goods will
be sold at the lowcat pnees.
Dry Goods, jc,
Such as Cloths, Cassimcres, Muslins, Calticoes,
Gmchams, Lawns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress Goods generally.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c,
A general assortment of Groceries, such ss
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, Jx.c.
Also an aasortmcut of Liquors, such as
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, .Vc.
t"t l'roduce of all kinds taken in exchange at
thr hiirhest market pricca.
Hollowing Kun, May 10, 1S51. ly.
Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron, Chosts.
AKRANTED to stand equal heat with
anv other Cheats in the country, and to
defy the l)iirlu' ingenuity. .Manufactory, No.
10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and
Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the
rear ef the Girard Dank.
M. S.. the proprietors, are Practical Me
chanics, and feel cuiilidcnt, from lonj expsrience
in the niuiiul'actiiru of Iron Chvsta and Nul'ca, anal
a spcciul attention to this particular branch, of
giving satisfaction to all who may gie them s
X. B. We have selected one of the b.t min
eruls ever used aa a noiicoudiictur of heut in
this business and we warrant our Cheats and
to be made uf the best material and in the
".ot durable manner, and lo stand any heal
that can b applied to tin-in.
Manufactory IS'o. 10 Hudson's Alley.
Riimiing between ilrd mid 4th streets, 5i ol diss
nut, in the rear of tiirurd Hunk.
1'hiladelphia, Oct. So, 1861. ly
fIIE itrulpriiigiifJ ia in tlie daily rcrript of
X fresh and fxopllfiit Oystrrs frnin tlie cel
hrati'd ealalilialiiiicnt of Mr. Kielil, ZVo. 3UI
JVrat l.nmliard Mreet, Dullimoic.
All orders will lie iromjitIy attonded to and
forwarded without delay. Apply to III sub
sciiber at Lee's Hotel, IS'ortlminhorliind, la.
l-HIMH bllAV.
N. B. Oysters of common nudity att JijoO
per ran.
Octolwr It, 1SS1 3mo.
"W'AVIXO aetlled at V-orthumberlandi lam
2.U. now prepared to iurnuh
Fre3h ap Spiced Oystefi
iluring the whole ,eaaim at the reduced priee ef
one dollar for whole and fifty cent per half can.
You can iVepend upon them being fresh, a I
r.iatl reive them daily, (Sundays excepted,)
and r.nen landed here they are only 10 hours out
of the shell.
All persons who are in Want of the above arti
cle, at a dittunce, call have them sent ir doxen
or single An lnr
N. B. Persons calling on the suliscrilier may
find him either at Burr's or Haas' Hotel.
Northumberland, Oct. 4, lo5l.
THE subscriber resiwctfully informs his friends
and the public, that he haa taken tha Veil
known Public House, corner ot Market aiu .liv
er streets, lately occupied by Mrs. Whar'.on. He
trusts by strict attention to business, ha will be
enabled to give satisfaction to all w'jo May favor
bim with their custom.
Sunbury, Oct 3, ISM ti.
bar bottles for sale by
Sunbury, April, 12, 1851
ITEE BILLS Justiies ,nd Cooaibiee Fee
; BUli tudon-Jf winud w ci4 p(, iur
aiat thisoffins).
l K0aIiMl u3 I OR TKi. GLOBE.
The appMai h i Curna eallt fur tks raaiewsl f aaf
pr,.ri,aiiia an, I preianiii,,iia l aiirtud Urn debate before
tna vutlia T succesa which has l,i,ieflo aUenatad IsiS
aiKirtaiiiiis; il ia hoil will nmiinaw. anil aiaiMs mtM
Muaie lha full hiat,,ry m' Ilia pr.caalin aw
aiiaia rihs Iraiy OH buS lb Urtluiy vl tk HSaWa
r)plliai. '
The adoption of Congress has fivetr Ui Oursa ea
olTM-ial charaotar as Ilia r.iorw n all that la taia ss4
-am in Hit This micIiihi baa bwm vntad at vry
tuaceaaire fir aiaiiy yaara. and by niambat ftf si
parllee. The pr-'.a, Haj uf all partita has bocn ttMiafttaif
to the fidelity with wIikS Uit ilttjT Uiua eulkltl ka bta , ,
Tli etltrlly wiih which tha Htr-wrltera for th tli. ,
taut prrta rireuKt ibrnufh tb Iriefrapb tbtir am4
Atcwnts nd viewa uf th dvtmiaa iif Cunsrt, rtstStr .
mir important tliau tver the full and tx.rt .irficial rtvne
ii' tiie l.oiosatinsAL Globs. Th baity, and la bmbv :
iiittaners sx pasTt, rttatii-nt by irtrs;rapb of what mn
In Cnnirraa anperttrtu, for tht m part, tbt txaol rtpond
iReii d wti uy rep"itra, ami which Pirmariy, ia a abapa
of leaa ab'?cviBteil, went tuo roumla ef ibt p reaa.-
N',w ti ' telr-at'S'r'1 awe mult, with all il,eir imptrlttUuna
ml varli-t. '' eul'irii.'a, uk tin run of Ibt e.. mury. aad -
5 , pS but ti..- 'wi e nrrstV pttU"h-
dclte with lh. ued!.Vvi wuwrtihij.
.rtrtietrincui .iirt mielh..'. "TlZl?
the.r ei.iei.c. While, wcfi.r.
tm tn tti enter appetilt wf thtf puMi . wronCI? "1"?'
tug rapiJIy written epitome uiU.l to It. 7, perfect inftnmalin uf wliat De it 'VT?
in grrmljr ilunitimlied. The circulation if th
itpnrli l.m iweti, to g.ime cxtctit, cut off by t'. cruo V1
,iivT;fird ii"c.uiit which, fivirgr slmip th electrie wir.
Atirfi 1 diri ity, Bitti a it nimr it in vim tJtat truth pat .
011 b'l bj'Us t fit.l w. Still there are a grmml maiir Dies
of kiiu:e ami ihc.itjbt who like to aee w hat ia actaallf
ai1 finrl diine in C'-nnrfm, an, to julf fur Lbemarlrea,
rnihcr than Vj receive iniurfMlom ait.ijrnuier from falrau t
lc Imtterira. There ara uthciv, to., wh ' fir lb aak vi
the tiiture, wiliingiy pntronize a wntlf whih preaenrea a
full recrl fif the d ii-Ka th grat raoviug and lr4
Img ptiwera ot' the Kepubiic.
If there ever wnt a t!:ne when th action of Conrrt
h iui.l lie 1'jnlced tn and thurfrughly atudie1. by lie patriot.
ol all partiea. it certainly appu'acht.a wtin U. next Coa
ffTrta. The Government tite a t:ew departure with ta
next acmiiiii. nud h w it ia to woik ut th arran(Tnanta
made ttpat.f t; tt 'tibica wall which it haa iabur4
retnuuit- !o Le uc:i. Th- a;icctiai"ii tu Ui Fraainey
will f'-rui a leuu.itg C'jnii.lmt'tii in every mortiit M
the next icMiuii. hud the.a wi.l acnrcely be aaeiiayr
intr-Klutcd, or a mecch made, timt wul not hare aoia
bearing on that all-ohaurbiiiK queation. If national eou-venti-nt
uf trie re-r-ciiv panic ur eeiletl t-fr-stlmr .
noinnuite tiie CHtidi.l.itt-a of each, tl' Cui.prr wbieb
precede the convent i olway aix-s the in-caiioh, by
anticipation, to dim-utt, in cjunectioii with public ne
urc, the wnta f tlie men looked to t (five thetn Cct
in the adniiitiitrait-m. If the people, then, would bar
their shure 111 the c)nicenf tlmit firm, functiniuuie, tbar
oultt to atudy well the rharncter t-f candidutsa aa devel
oped by titcmielvct, tneir friendf, and thvil mtniti ia
C 'tngreat. The camtnl will be the n ttrum from wbieb
the jic -pie i f the VnKed Statea will b aeidreaved on tb
tit)! cot ot the Chief MitgiHtwY- and the important topiea
eoniiectrd with it, and tuo leginlatioii of the country tber .
will becoui tli theme of divuiei -n in every Stat Lf
lature, of every country town and ritta meet in;
throujfiout the L'riuii iinrKritnt. tnen. doe it
bfomc, lrtt full and impartial remU iuuH be obtained
nf th ajr.inn of a bfM.y, which wii! five nn impua to tb
RfimMiu in n new career, and which, in a very grt-M
Arnrrc, influence tha public mind tn th eh"Jc of to
Chirf Sl'tfilatrute w ho iv to cuny out tha Wii uf th peopl
ca constitutioua!! expressed.
The unrleraiEiied haa mr.d preparation eoriw.riurat
Willi the iucrctiuti wupurtunce i.t ihe duty he 1m anderia
kn a the on)v reporter and puMiilier of the aeiuplet "
debate mid proceeding of both ii ousts of Coitere. Tb
v irung nrisiofi win prouau.) ue exteuaea nine udiiibi,
and llie rcpntti wili mt be c miprised in la Uiajt 3A.0
ruyui u.iaito n tabic 1 11 brevier and iiun-uril type makintf
4 volumes of near H.(I pi-pen each. The repTia ! tb
lioti i tig aexsiun H:;nte Jkuu ro)al qnnrto pt-K'. ana wer
Ijitund in tuur Voluiut-s, ttvvritgiug y74 ro) m unrto puge
I will publish in the ArrK.tu.x for the nit sefion. aft
laws that m:iy U; tuft:d (lurnig the cs.ou, v. hich baa sot
beend-ne hentoiore. Aithuoyh this will inorevs ia
aiiKtil dcrt.-e lite expense if tite publicatr-n, th subaerip
ti 11 price wul be Uie same thui it wa ba for sevscai
years punt
The Daily Glob wilt be punished during the saio
nn a siiperlinu u"Uile royul sncct. It wiU contain tb
debritei a tHken defwn by the reporters, and aa alter
by the speukurs, whenever tiny ntatte any aiterationa j
the current news tiie ihiy ond the ii.tcelLnneous natter
Tlie nuin object for pubhslnu tlie daily paper ia, to via
ble Member to je their reniurk in it, and aHr them if
they shnll think proper before they are published m tb
CvHigrcfiiioiuil Gl ibe mid Appendix
Tle Co lercMioiul Gltbe is made up of Ihe dully pro
ceedings 01 the ivvollonsca of Conrcat, and print! ou
a d 'tii.ic rival paper, with anull type, (brevier and noa
pmii ) tn q-wrttJ form. eah numr.-er cimuining ixta
ryal quaito (age. T.te speeches of the Members, it
this firm are S'liirtimeN cmhIcusuI the full report of
the rreP:t,ftl excites benig reserved fur th Appendix.
All res:tt.uou, :u tu-rs nn tnhcr proceedins. are givoM
iu the !;r:n of t.s. J mnuiii, with the yen an4 uaja
every iiujt r jiut quttim.
The Appendix is inade up of the Preii:il Anhual
Missive, ih Ke,t;la of the principal Orturi of th
Gjvonimcnt !h;it m-eomj-any ir, nml all -peeciic of Mem
beraul C-mrrcM, written out or revised bv thcinseiv
It is piii.-cl ii, tnr srMie f.rni ns the L'oi!-rreuioiuil Gt-b.
u-.if4 n suite about the auine nurnbvr of page liHriiiaf
a acksiu.
During the trrt month or i x week nf unii, Iher
i rarely ru re busoteM d-me than w ill make two naaa
ber a week mre of th Contressiointl Gtol-t and on
e f the Appendix, hut duriun the rsmuinrWr of a Mvint
there in uu'il.y iL;ifici-;iil nrt'ier fur tw or three number
f e.'h :itt ev-ry weet. The next aension wiil lie ubum- .
ally ititfretutj ; thc-rriore, 1 cnlciaiaie tlwt tho Congre
iion il GUb ati'l Appendix tifrether will inak t.tlat
:i5.Ci00 lape quarto pities, printed in oia! typ brevier
and n npanel. iMmplr'c 1 nde xea tu both will b far
iiulrtil ;ii the end 01 af.siiii.
1 will iiidrtivr 1 1 print a sulT.e:ent nnniber of snrp!a
eopir 1 1 supply an that nviy be miscarried, or -st in tb
mans; but uhsmhei-i alumlil be very particular to ftl
their paper rnrefuily, fr fear Uat 1 sb J net b abi
to supply all the !t tmint-era.
If aulist-rihers ah'itl ti"t be ant sfied with th work, tk
m- ney pitid by them f.r it will U refunded to them
whenever th"- return ihe ruinbcrs winch may bar beesk
received by tifurn. will pive anlmcritieia th aubaeria-
tion price for any of the previ'-ua volumea of th Cm
rresii nal r tn Apendix. except for th but
srssion, and will thank any person who will let tn bat
I have a few ronie of the buck volume of Ui r-
grrasi ittal Ol be ami Appendix lor so1 at V a votNaasi
bund, which 11 is fir. banle will be disp4cd of aoa;
and when they are, th-y will then, n d ubt, ejfmtimaAmm
at lnt J? 10 a volume, as they rann't 1 repriafj tuc
less than liiat sum. The'e ate -5 bck volume.
For one copy of the Daily Globe during
tlie eexatoii, $ 0
For one copy of the Congressional Glob
(luring tiie srssion, 3 0
For one cojiy of the Appendix durinj the
aossion, 3 00
The money may he remittrd by mail at my
risk. note current where t tuhsreiber re
i(.f will ho received al par. h'uhttcriptipr,
kIioii!'. reach here hy the loth Ucccmlc t
furthest t insure the number.
'i'he price for thest- pa nor v to QW nt f
cannot ulnird to credit theip out thrrcfor um
perw-n nej order them un'iesa t'e mune-y cv m .
panics the order.
Asshington Cify, Njv. 1651.
Is fonsi Je- fJ by thousands who havs Uatcd it
as lici.j the greatest
Scientific Wonder of the World!
'''jtely doing away with that laborious and in-
'jriout prartiee of rubbing the
And a preat saing of
N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for
many are trying to palm oil' article put up like
mine ) the Proprietor, I. P. HOYT, will put
his WRITTEN HIGN ATUKI'. on the top l.
bcl of every Package. And he only aaka an
tulighltHtd public not to confound
tiie t-Lioi.tN vaiiimj rowocai
willi others that are in the market.
It is put up in Packages with full directions,
and sold at tl,e nominal price of 12 J cents.
L"r PKINTKRS will find it greatlf ta sJna-K
taje to purchaae tboae Powders to rloav thsiy
being a very superior article for t piirpaa.
Manufactured only by I. lttYT. at hla
Laboratory snd Principal frtk No, 10 SutB
Fifih Street, Philadelpla.
Wholesale and Brail Agent Henry Mswer.
Sunburyj S. B. I'enormsudie, Northumherlsnd. 1
Remember th '.is me
All le'kers to be post pair. ,
November SJ, 1651 Cano.
4 FANCY FUR ,urh as Mud.. Bos.
,or sate, wholesale er reuiL
m the greatest variety, and en the cheapest tsrssa!
at tUir ElMUhment, No. US North iird
ajtreet. annit. PI,..,. ni.:,-i ... n "r"
, , uiiaoeipnttv
Sunbury, Ded. 0, 1B3IC
l- A'AORS A superior arrlrl for . .t tlaa'
.to..o UENKY MA8C!L
inr-urr, rk- U, Hi",