af SUiNiiUny AMEltlCAN AND S1IAM0IUN .TOUKNAL. ) o c t v g . - ' : - From the fttHf C. Itll'Jr Wldei ' THE BATTLE OF LEANDEN. -fftoM.tH OVI!KAt OF fEBAOOGtje. ""The Summer'aunn was (inking low jv'Tlie boat and mules wero moving alnvr 1?, -jr. A "teaming heat corl'J round the flow Vj 0 waters, standing Vapidly, . . ., 'But iih ! r found a heavier plight. Ere the clock told the "noon of nil t s Er the dull lamp had ceased to light I .,.', '-P1"- hearth's pi.lluUd scenery. - f'.; " iiy millions (ev'ry tiirtfl and grade.) " Knob, bed-ltiip drew hi sanguine blade, And hupping fl'ips then s Ives array 'it, . To join the bloody rvrelry. Now ronnil the berths our limbs ,. . driven, , 'Like bmtgh. that bend by tempest riv'n ' And sharper than by thoinsare given. So thrust the rd art i I Km y , The contest deepens. Many a brave Who sought !or trophies, finds a grave ; For finger nails, by Crtishinir gava ' A Jumper lo their chivalry. 'Tis morn ! Bnt when yon rising sun "Proclaimed the clay, Iho bed buns run, And havoc marks t lie field we won ,,, Beneath our cabin's canopy. How smarts our skin from head to feet, ' And crimson dyes our shirt and sheet, j Whilst legs and claws our optics greet, v Of bugs ho found a sepulchre. ,. '..'," Canai. Boat, Aug. 1851 are ALTHING OF IT.KMS. Time is a file, that wears, and makes no noise. Tub Western Pennsylvania Press, ttkh the "Small Note Law" repealed. Tun Fires in numbered 364. New York, during 1851, ATEETS ' . William and Elirn Chatts, fugitive - slaves, are attending school in England. " He that does you tin ill turn will never forgive you. In St. Louis, last week, a little giil, aged 6 years, of Mr. Steinback, fell into a pot of boiling lard and was scalded to death ' ' There are five Sabbaths in February this year j no similar occurence will take place . again till 1880. . Sixty car wheels were broken by the ex " treme cold, on the Little Miami Railroad, in one week. A man is exhibited at New Albany who is only 19 years old, and already 8 feet high He beats Jim Brown. "1 have turned many a woman's head,' boasted a young nobleman of France. "Yes," . replied Talleyrand, "away from you." A new Year's Ball was announced i.i , Chicago. The managers were all ladies, and 'the cards invited ''Yourself and gentleman. Smoke. During the past year there were 52,521,000 worth of cigars imported into trie United btates. Since the 1st of August last, the receipl of the American Hoard for Foreign Missions have amounted to ?8 1,382. A mans wedding-day is called his "bridal day." The orthography of that word is wrong it should be written bridle-day. A Skating paiitv of about forty or fifty ladies and gentlemen; left Cincinnati a few days since to join in that amusement in the neighborhood of Judge McLean's. One thousand tons of tobacco are annually Squirted over the face of creation, and twen ty tons of ivory are worn out chewing the weed every seven years. Lifb at a Ball. ''Sir 1 regret extremely that I am engaged for every set during 1852. But I can put you down for the first set in 1853, if you wish." We see it slated in the western papers that Dr. Kinkel has collected the sum of S30,000 among the Germans of the West, to aid in regenerating Germany. Hogs. It is estimated that the number of hogs killed, or to be killed in Cincinnati, during the present season, will amount to upwards of rive hundred thousand ! Good Wife. The wife of Amos Biown ing, of Fleming county, Ky , raised 43 hogs, mainly by her own care, which weighed 17, 133 pounds, or an average of 400 pounds. Mr. John IV. Millson, of Philadelphia, who spent fifteen years and a large fortune it vain effortsto discover perpetual motion, died at St. Louis, a few days ago. There is a "school of design," for girls, in Boston, first opened in October last, by Wm, J. Whitaker. He had but seven pu pils, but the second term opened with sixty pupus. A duel has been foil i lit in Chihuahua between the well known E. Angol Trias and an Ameiican who had spoken slightingly of iha Mexicans. Trias was wounded, and the Ameiican killed. f j .......... . .' ' The Caddo (La.) Gazette of the 13th tilt., aaya. that a party of gentlemen recently bagged, in less than two days on Soda Lake 66 geese, brants and ducks. They were all shot ou the wing. A Fair Hit. '-Here yon bog trotter," said a half dandy soaplock lo un luborer, "come tell the biggest lie you ever told in your life, and I'll treat you to a whiskey." "An by my aowl, yer honors' ageiitl email." retorted rat. , When Kos.uth parted with the remnant of his army, in Hungary, he asked his sol. diers to swear, that in vase he died in a for eign land, they would bring back his bones, lo b buried ' ill Hungary. They declined doing that, but swore that they would bring in m uauft u iriumpn, wit. ' " Cauiounu, great and astonishing as are her resource., tut her wants. The couuiry in mid-summer wants ram ; in wintet it waifta a (iula mors dry ' weather; but the great waul is the want of women, and soci ety, in Calilornia will inevitably decline to baibarisin no I the wildest iirchy, unless CHERRY PECTORAL: r - fr Ik Cair sf COUGHS, COX.DS, ' HOARSENESS, BROrV OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTK- . MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND ' CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoerie Science has mndc in this generation to facilitate the buiiners of life inrrenra rm enjoyment, and ercn pro long the term of humim existence, none csn He named of mora real vnlue to mankind, than this rontriluition of Chemistry to the Ilraling Art A vast trial of its virtues throughout this hroad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yet known. ran so surely control and cure the numeroua va" rietics of pulmonary disease which have hitherto wept front our midst thousands and thousands every year. HKlecd, tticre is now anunuaiu rcn. son to believe a Remedy has at length been found which can be relied on to cure the most dangerous sflections of tho lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer further enquiry to the circular which the Agent below named, will nlwuys I pleased to furnitdi free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proof of tlicw) facts. From Ihe Preniilent of Amherst College, the celebrated PROFESSOR till C IMJULh.. "James C. Ayer Sir : I have used your Chkhrv I'KiTiia.u., in my own case of deep- seated lironchitis, and mi satisfied from Its che mical roilstltution, that it is an nilnnrahle com pound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial ditlioultics. If my dpiition as to its superior character can lw of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD Iin UHUOUK, I.. l U., From the widely eelcl ratcd PROFESSOR SILLlMAN, M D. L. L )., Professor of Cliemhtry, Mineralogy, ifc, i'ule College. Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, pnd Scientific Socieliis of America and Europe. "I deem the Chkiuit PKeroaiL an admirable composition from some of the tiest articles in the Materia Medica, and a very cfl'eetive remedy for the class or diseases it is intended to cure. New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 1849. MAJOR PATTISON, President of the 8. C. Senate, states he has used the C'iif.iiht Pkcto b a l with wonderful success, to cure an iufUm in at ion of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Rhine Sco, Me., April 20. 1819. Dr. J. C. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir . I am now constantly using your CiiEKut 1'i.ctoral in my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints. Prom observation of tmji:taiim: CATTLE POWDER r micrASFfi by MtEINin, FKONKFIKII) & CO. No, 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. . 'I'HIS powder is eiitulM hf tlie milled trMliii.uiy f all 1 whn have nsfd it to tlin Brsl rank of flit Ih'tse CAT TI.K MKIHOINKI, which hnve lierii IhiHiglil pr.iiw worthy fnr ninny vesra. Initf;nt wis etiiillcnue any neriH to irmke a auptiriiir, m any potvilrf ttml nri in ilin atone mminer. n me niutimi 1M pertcctly licnllliv II will eiliirr inrrniae the nin-mnt of milk or i renin nnil linttnri or the will iinirive nipl.lly in It will llieri'liirn in uinn in, coiiBineren we nave no a-mm one in inentipn' nrri. etc of every Farmer, who keeps n ilinry t mid i'f everr prnfm owning a noive. it is ii t inu ol unite mini tn MiKTvaR tlmt merety swell an atiitniil lip f,ir a almrt time, hut it will liy tlie eapucity wtia-h it tins nf ei'nverlinit HIl'IMIRIC Allll) (whii li is an ijfcti! niilllrr) Into TiCACinur olrimx; eniise a itrivil.-i umiuiiit of niitrili.nis matter to lie extracted nvm Ihe snine ninoiint of I'mid. tluin ( could lie, were the neiive prinelph of imirilinn to puss nut nf the system in the form of IllPl'tmic Ann We havo ieeeivl a multitude of evidence tn prnvu wind we Imve amid nh ire. Hnlli.-e t i sny : Ve have mixeit theuclive nifiit, with a prent ninnlier of Vkoktaw-k pliints mid hrrhs, wliicli lime timt inw Imve proved to he useful, iintiMvitiff the nitni'ltli' mid nrniirilinff diaestinii of the Or id i limn secitrinir n hiilthv e'iiliiicn nf the lilnnri, fnim which Hie Mu.s nml l'T nmst lie Inrnied It may Ite used fur Hnm.., Cows oral lions fur lliu f.illnw. Ing complaints and diseases. IIORSI'.S. ' YKl.tXJW WATnn, a rliiniremna aleknem. which dc tr.iys innny vnlniilile hoises every year, Is very often entirely cured tiv the hit use of tins powder, in nil rases it will prevent Iho disensc frnm eoniiiifl-on. This disease is owninir ton h:nl and iiinviverishcl 1tile of the blood which becomes thin, wFiltery and of nil yellow cilir. Tin's powder liy improving Ihe stotnnch unit pivinp: to the hl.Nsl a glenter quantity of red particles, nlfirils the lient mid only isisfihle chance of recovery. It' the h rse is fur oj-nie, nive in truing and niirht a tnlilcsp'Hinriil in wet fueii, if in the liepinniiigr once u day ut n on, if only to pre vent the dis'tisr twice a week, HI.AHHKKINU This is the ruination of m iiiy vnlnn hie Horses bv exhaustion ; liv n eonsttitlt ilischarrc nf sali va which oiiiiht lo ,ni int.i the sliiinaeh to nssist ilieslt.t. It is a species of often iipwluct'd hy Iniiian To luiceo growing in the pasture ground A Tnlilc sp'tonl'itl three times a week will Ireipicntly nrrest Hie rl 'W, il it does n it depend on Ihe ToSxero m the crtus. ninl.-r sncli eirciimslauciTl the nnimiil must lie kepi in the slnl.le IHC I'KMI'I'.lt. If the powder is curly ami freely used, no i.ther remedy need te iibeil, it lias already cured hun dreds of lloasas of this troublesome disease to the surprise of those who used it. If n. t list-d early, before ninllcr has formed in the neck it cannot restore the animal perl'ecllv null! the nctltcr is discharged, use it early nml prevent such n result. A Tuhlcsioniirol once or iwice ll day is enough. C5I.ANDKRS. This disense lias liattlol all Farkiks. Give this powder a fair trial nud it will d-i wnnders in this terrible nml hitherto incurable malnily. It is n disease of the trlaudural syslem mid kejit up by imperfect iintrilion in such eases a TiiI.IcsjvihiiiiiiI every day twice for h id .itlh or two, ill constant succession, will ill nine cases mil of ll ilozen effect n cure, it has been fuirlv tested. Coughs nml shortness ol' lli-eath depending on wnk luugs. a Tuhlcspoom'ul wery morniiig; if it uluites miee or I wiee a Week. rooil LOW-SPIItlTKI) IinttSI'.S. or where Du re is any remains of Founder or stitrness of motion, nn.l tin; Horse will not futteu, or where the hair is roin-h nml stands strniirht out, the foo, si-eiuiiig to do no g.KHl, the Powder produces iibnost imitieiliale iniprovcntcnt of Ihe iiutmnl ; the digestion improves i,n, wilh it all the slnir gisluieis of the nninial disappiirs, tiecoujinj; lively und spiriteil, and the hair simsitli tlud slick. cows. For Milk l o Cows, we are fully convinced Hint it u.. oulv improves the mialitv. but Hint it increases the nuriiiut of .Milk, Cream nud llutier; some who have ti itl Hie ex periment say a Pound n VA'cek, others ny h.ilt a p iiuiil while one person insiste.1 upon il that he liinde t wo pounds I more a week Iron, -li (Jows. We think it will be lound tn average from at 'to n pound per week on each Cow, II the lliwi are petui:ly he.illhy. Thisaddifiou-d icnoiuit is niittle by Ihe conversion of u,e ilippurie Acid into Nitro genous unit fatly cotuKiimls ; also by siiiplyiug the oxy gen taken in by the lungs, with the elements of reaction; without taking nnv of the NitrocenoiiA nf ll.e feed. IIlll.l.OW Ill'lltN or WOI.F; HOOF MSKASI' pad all other discuses nf neat caltlc ilepeu.liiig upon n lml fciale of the rlilids. nre rein ivit speedily and ell'eelually. Cows, whose milk is blue, thin nnd wntciy and -hcre il dors n it yield much cream, or where Cows give bloody milk, or which arc used tn stand long dry, il will lie found nil illmoRl infallible remedy, bv iuipioving the c. .nihil n nl the III. n Ml nnd creating n lieidlhy digestion ; a Tnlilespnnu fill every day or every other day its it nmy be necessary. HOGS. Pigs in the summer often overheat themselves, get swel led iieeks, coughs, ulcers in the I.ilngs nud l.iver, whicji cause lliem to die very snddeulv, these inav lie preveuled LI VEU COMPLAINT, Jaundice. dysprpsia, ciinotc on NERVOUS DKBIMTV, ' DISEASE ' OF THE KIDNEYS, . AND nil frippimrnnriiiing from n disnn1reil Hvct or o ftmrlt, mirh nPnniiKttpiilinii. inwtinl Pil. Kullntwn, m Wrnnlio Hie hmfl, Ariitify iif tlm Btumnrh. Nnusfn, H-'flrtlnrii. ilintftmt 0 FiwtiL fuHncm r weiirht in the Stm;n-Ii, uniir Knirtnliunfl. Biitkimr tir fluttering nt Ihf pit t'f lh Stomnrli, nwimmhur "f thelirnil, hurried mv tliflmtll iramuMjt iituinrinir si inr nnnri, firm mff nr wninn nipt 'iimiimf inn lvini( p-Ktitre, DiinneM ttl' vIwhhi, lttATr svi'1b trnrfi thr tiirli, Fevrr Htirl dull puin in the heml, ilfficicttcy f pTiiniti'H, vt'MwnnHntf (he pkilt niirt PVf. miin In ttn ftiitt? . lmrk. rln-Ptt. limlw. kt.. smitten flnnlirf nl'hpiit tnirninif in tho Hh, C'tustant iinnginingfi "t t'vn, nim frwi nrpri'Mhnt in uptrns, CAN HI'. KFTKCTITAUsY CUUED BV : DP.. HCCPLAITD'S ixrn it atrd fJKnAN im ri:us, s fnHPAltlCO BY DH.'l. M . .1 AC KON, ' At TUB " ci2i;ma.v mi;di:inf, "stork. !''. 1JO Art h Rl., I'hl1nlrl)hln. Thrir wwrr vr I lie nlmve ilitnR is ti'tt xri llttl, if i'tt:ilk'(l, ly nny iln:r re(Mini1 itin in lh I'liilnl rinttn, n the rnrrs ntti-frt, hi muiiy cjibl-s ulttif ikiltiut pliynicimis tttid tiiilfd. '1'hfFrt liittiTR nr5 wrthv they nttnutimi of inviiHtls. I'tinr'-f!ina L'lciit virturf! in Hie ri t iificjiliuu if (liw.icn-ii of Ihe livritiil htwer glninK rxiTfisifR the uiiml Hnurhing p iwi-rn in wi-tiknrnn ami Mlft't-lK'tif" nl'tlic digestive try;.Miii iiivy nre, wurmi, coruini nml iiit'iBiini. f I'fdin Up II 'rit.'ii Uw. Tins TMttnr nnd, l)rc. :Jd 4IK. HonFl.MUi'x (KI,H BH ATKO (.KHMAS lllTTKR fH the cure nf l.ivt'r (TonipliHtit. .Ititnuiifr, l)yf(n'piin. (.'hrttnic nr Nrrviuis Dchihty, if di-wrvmlly one .tf thi iii"st (vpH Inr iia-tliriiit's of the tiny. Tliese Hit lei hnve bwii nn-d by th'HiftrMitln, mid tt frii'tid nt (Hirelhow itiyn lit hn him Bi'lf rtfeivt'tl un i-rr'riH:d nnd pemiHiit'iii cure n( l.wvr CiriUplnhtt in-ni tht ujh oi thiP rt'iinily. te nre etinvinn-d Hint, in hu ttse nf wxti llilti rs. t tit pjdirut cniittt.-nitly ipinix Blrfii;1h nnd vinr n fsn-t wnrllivnf emit cniiKidi". nit inn. Tln-y nn- plrjw int. in tttnie nnd ntnt'll. nnd cini he lioH-ii ny jicrji iiid Willi tin' inns! ilriicitc sI'iiumciif with wile, ty, iiudi-r unv firfunisliuicfji. We nre Kpciikinc frnm tx pcricure, inn) in tht: ntliicli d we ndviw llieir uim;." "Sc-tTT'a Weekly,' "n 01 ihe best l.ilemry pnpors puMislml. wiitl, Ati;. "In. If'KtFUM.! Ciki:mn IIiTTKit, )n:muf,if-ttm-d by Dr. .Inekitnii, nre iww rie'Minnrndtd by nnnt: of tin? niuBt prmuiii''iit incinlierR nf ihe, I'ncnlty nn an urtiele ( much eiTiiMry in vch tf femnle wunkui!(. As m-h is Iho c;in. we W'tHild tiilvine nil Mi'dlu-rs tn btnin a Imttle. nml thus fcive tlipiiinlvcs mncli ieliiit FS. lVr nift nf di'bililn-t-il rnnlititi ns will find llit-se Hiltrrs iid'iUit:iieiii tn thfir htvitfh, im we kii'v frnm experience the Kilutury etlect they h;ive upon we- k nyslem.' Mnrc Evidence, The "Phihidftphin Pntnrdny f Inzt'tte," the bet fmuily ucwci:in" puhiifltiiri inihu I iiiletl r'tntcs. the editor sujs 7)i litpj'huuVs (icrman Hitters. manv ;vcrc cases, I am convinced it will euro ! entirely by putting a pnntid nr u hnli" into n ltarn-1 nf Kwill coughs, col tin, and diseases of tho lungs, that have put to defiance all other remedies. I invriubly recommend its ue in cases of con sumption, and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease. Respectfully vours, 1. 8. L ush m an, m. p. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury hy H. MASSKlt, and hy Druggists generullv throughout tha lute. November 1, 1851. lyce3mo. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP GBAVE STONES, j FTMIE subscriber informs hit friends and the j public, that he continues to carry on the i Marble Business in ail its branches, at his old , stand in Milton, Ph., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments. Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the bert materiuls, and most finished work manxhip, and nt the lowest prices. Letter Cutting. English and German iti the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monument, Grave Stones, &c.( always on hand. N. 13. Orders for the Euwt side of the river prompt'y executed hy leaving the aame at the ofiice of the 41 Sun bury American.' ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. nnd it will ut the same time c 'iittidurahly hasten the liittou- ; nip ppTcra. J N. U. limn ftnimtil which is pivinir milk nnd yu nre deitirniiR tn futteu ut the smite, time, ynu sh n!d u t civi ' innre thun n tuiik-np nnful miw u week or it will retuul the I fonnntinii oi by increjiiitip the nm itiut nf Milk. J Let euek pers nt try its effects fnr hims-vh mid he wil imn be Niti(ied nf iu excellent (jutililics, und that n l'ar j mcr ehnultl be withnnt it. j Knr the pnrpngf of tindin" nut still furtht-r hnw fnr nni justly eelebinted CATTI.K PoWDKIt. is eiitith-.! tt the ennfidence nf hii intelligent people; we hnve addre?til Letters Ut all puns uf the Uniteil Stnles, wh're our l' w j iler bus been used, nud we ureiible h w frnm tlie rviih-iice j thus hmuplit bctnre us, t' nssnre every Fiirmer, Imny I mini nnd llorse-mmi, Hint it bus thus fur veiy muih tx- ! deeded our mnst wutuiue expecttilins. Wilh the ndtlitinuul knowledge ilms fnr obtuineil, We Hop we will be enabled to mitke the U-st nml m ml per fect Cattle Mewcinb ever yer ntf,.reit tn n disieriiintf I penple. It acts its a vnluuble prom ter of divesti-m. im I proves the rpmlify of the I1mI him) thun iueriws the j ninnitnt of either Put, Milk nud consequently nf Jiutter . Eeeu in the heulthy Aninud Hewnre nt Counterfoil;: as the extensive snle nf our powder hits induced others i inke nu imitation tit it. i J Jicli pack has our written ft'giuiiiirc on (lie t-ud. liltKIMt;, FKONEI-iELU & CO. l Philadelphia, July IHol. ly. Ht is fT'M.iin ,; it. we reconnni nd wlmt nre termed Pn- lent Mubciues, to rie !ntifideuce mut pntrnnnffc nf nnr I renders: und, tln-telnre, hen we recoiium-nd h. I In-if lund's tiermrm Hitlers, we wis it tn be distinctly ititdet stninl Mint wn nre not ftpenkinp nf Ihe noKtiums nf the day. tlmt nre noisd nli-mi f .r u bitef peri-ni mitt then for nftei Ihey hiiVed'Mic thfir L'nilly raee nf tiusehicf, but of II Ittcdifiiie J.'iijf est:iblishi''t, UlilVCrRilly prizril. and which Iris met ihe hr.nty upprnvul of the l-'iieulty itfelf." Jsviilfiice upon evidence Iris been received (like the forori'iim) iintu nil Kccti'inn f the Tni'Mi. tliA In ft tbr-e e;irs, uiul Iho i;trnhes testim niy in its Tivot. is. that i la-re is un ire of it iiJH-d in Hie prnct ice t if the ftyulnr Phy sicians of Phibdi'lphin, than till niher ii'siruni! cinlniel, n fact that can eamly be csinbliHlinl. :nnl fully proving lint u scientific preparuti m will meet wilh iheir quiet wlin present yd even in this innu 'I'hat this iiietlieiui' will cm; Liver Cnmplnint iuhI I pepsiti, no nne eanditnbi, after usini il iih dirreted. It acts speeiftcitllv it pi ni the stomach nnd liver it is prvlVerahte to cai'Hiift in nil hilll"Us lin';iiefi (In; i llt-cl. is nntile'liate. i rtiey ciiu be ndministcred to I'cm.ile nr Infant with safely j und reliable Item fit, ut uuy time. 1 HKYVAUH Ol-' COI.'VTKKPKITS. j This medicine has iit.nine;! that hiirti eliaructer whieh is , necf-KMiry fnridhne.icM's tonttnintn induce counteifeilers tn put lorlh n spurioMfj ni tiele at the rifk nf the lives nf Hi nre inn 4-enlly docived. LOOK WELL TO THK M.VKKr OF 'nil. fiP.M'IXK. They have the wrilteu si jriiature nf C. At. JACKSON itivm the wraptHT, nud the irune blown in the b. it tie. Willi diir whieh tln-y nn- Mpnii nis. Ktr ffcile, wh ilesale und retnil, nt the German Medicine Store, No. !n ARCflSlreet. nn.- do r Mow ixth. (late nf Itnci; street.) riiiladelphia, mid by reaped utile dealers generally tlirouh nit lite country. ritici:s Hi'.in'cr.P. To enable nil clnsMes nf "mniiids to enjoy the udvaiitneii of tiieu gieat rest native powers. Single Doil'2, 7o cents. A mo: Pnr sMe by II. M.ftSEB, Smilmry, ond M. A MM'av, N 'rthiuubcilaiiil. AtiyiUl oil. y. AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. C'locKs, TVati and Jcwrlry, ! 1 ) KI'AIKKD in the lieot iiumnrr ami wiirnmli'il . -Li .a strictly WE STUDY TO PLEASE. 'PIIK nttentl m of Ibiildcrs and mbcrs, nre respectfully I invited t i the exlensiee und Well selcclcd st-nk -( III ll,DI(J IIAKDWAKK ami TOOLS, imw olfereil by Hie subsciilwr, r insisting in pnrl Bsfnllnws: Ameiicnu Pmnt lhwir L cks. upiihl, wilh night Work, plated or brasv Minn I tin., or porcelain nil col ns. American Front l"nr l-eks, tTi iit f plain, with nl!zlit work, plated or ln"s furniture, or pmecUiii "11 etdnrs. AincrlrtHii Front Door mid finre T)ot. TIrion- tal or upright, limns furniture, or porcelain nil mtors. American Him lncks, nil sizes and fluidities. White or brnss furniture, nr pnrr.clniiiull enlnrs. American iMnrlice Lek, all sizes, with plated, wliile or brass furniiure. nr pnrcelnin till rolnis. ... American Mnrtlec lntcbe, all sizes,'willi plrttctl wliite or brass furniture, nr porcelain nil ed"is. Americim M nicc nnd Him Closet Locks, tdtited nt brass escutcheons, nr porcelain nil c dors. American Drop, &tup, Thumb, Gntc, nml Wore Door inneiie. A ls, Impoitrd fnck nnd twitches nf eveiv dcscripthai. Ihitdwiu's, and American lltitt Jlingei, of nil sizes, fust nr liinde joint. Shutter, (Jute. Htrnp, T., and Ihicktlap tlimres, nil kinds. SluiltiT, (i;tte. DiMtr, Plush, and Spring Moll, nf wrought or ritst iron tintl hrafs. everv descrintion. rWews, Sprnrs. (ihic, S nid Paper of the best quality. American Axle nud Miaul Axle Pulleys, nf evciy vnrieiy. Americnii nnltons, ptnin or nn plules, brass, iron, or bron td, American nbs, plated, white, iron, nr wood, nil kinds. Nmh-Cnrd, piimimii nnd patent, wilh other nrlivlus loo tm m emus to mention. Ctr AILf und SASll-WKlGHTS nt FACTOll Y . PIMCPS I IV All Oo'hU delivered free of Chnrgu to any part nf , the Citv nnd District. i At tins establishment can be found nne of the lingest ami best ays Ttmen'-t nf White ami Fancy Nobs for Lticks. Ac., 1 in Ihe City; some patterns, of which, cannot be seen, or : obtained, nt any ni her More. TOOLS. Hpuni A Jacks n Unck, Panel. Mund, nnd Hipp Saws, i imjt tried exprcsslv f r Hetail sales, nil selected with care. J-le agent f-i the celi-bratctl Plain s, mad'- by P.. W. tar ; peiiler, nf Irfiariisrer, I'n., being nil made of split wont, nnd the Wit ground nud tried. Iteatty's .V Williams' make of Chisels, Axes, tlafchels, Draw ing Knives Ac, nil war- ' runted gnl. Puaire und Slack's make of Augers and Anger Hilts, nl pie Americnii Squares and Devils of every description. Ameiican ilules, linages, Sawsctis, "Cnmpasxcs, Screw drivers. Ac. i American r. S. ITainmers, Claw and Hivcting. all sizes, Anvils und Vices, nil sizes. Steel. Ir"ii, uiitl WmhIuii Unices, with C. S. Hilts, iu great variety. 1 W. tireaves V S 'ifs, Huteher's nml other celebrated makes (if (,hisels. Piles, Plaiicdious. Ac. Ac. Add is' celebrated Carviuir Tm1s, h II shapes Makiuir one of the best nnd most extensive nss lrtments nf tiuildunr Ilaidware nud Tthits iu the Stale, At this establishment it is con idercd a pli-rifiirc tn show tin Goods. You are invited t call and examine tlieasnorl iiient, nnil hear the prices asked, beloru piirchaiut; else where. Cnnic und see us. Yoius, nispectfiillv. VM. M. MeCLI'ltF., !Vo. 27 Mnrkef st., l-tweeii 7th nml Mb, upper side. Philadelphia, Apiil -, iNil. ly. AM) IMSION ACiHXCY. Tim nttcntinn of tlio pnlilir is rnllml to tlic ml vi'ilisi-meiit of Mr. Cliurlra C 'I'licUnr. Altunirv ami Audit nt W tisliitoii City- 1' li:iv. iiiS claiiiiH fnr liminty liiinils or lVuxinns arc in f.irinrd that tlio sulKcrihcr lus iniulo nrrani'iMciitis fur tiir rnui.-ili' fnrnii, nml i hiiiiianl s railing nt lii oM'ht, call have tlicir papers i.rcparcil nml fiii'ivanlc.l t.i Mr- Tucker nt Wiisliinirtun, nnd by biin bo properly nllciidcd l befnre tf ip De partment there. 11. U. AIASS1.K. Sunliurv, Jan. IS, IRS 1 CORRECTED WEEKLY. Pr.N!Vl.VAMA. TIT or W1ILIIKLPHI. I'. H. Hunk u:.ii-fl 15 di. All ...IvcmI Itnnk. mi ' rousTiiv. ' Hunk of Climnlilmrg 1 din Hank of dinner Co. pnr Hunk of Del. U". Climter nr ivaiiKoi iierinnnrnwil pnr Hank of Hi lly.l.nrir I lix Hank of l.i'WHtewn Hank of Miildlclowii 1 din MontffoiTirry : Hank iar iiaiiK 01 rotrlliumlHaTnri. hni Hunk of I'limlairK , 1 tli liaiiK n uaiivillu nal Ciirlintc Hank 1 tli. MAS."ACAUKTT!. All -lit Iwnk. J dii II 11(1111-'. ISLAND. All . ilveiit hunk. I (in WINNKCTICUT. All ...Ivc'iit Iviuka I ilia KKW VOKK. riTt. All mlvmt Imtika ! din IT'lik n.tea under W J di COUNTRY. All otvent. Iiankn I ilia m:v jkkskv. nelvidcrr Hank j di ;.inunereinl Hank j ill. I nr. Hank Mont Holly par C. t M., Midillrtown I't. ir .Meekaniea1 Hk, Newark (tar Mecli. Hk of Hiirliiicton tfir .Mi-li. .Man. Hk Trent jwir Moiri. Co Hank J iti. Newark Hk'x A Ins. Co 3 dii 1 1. n....i. ( .ii., armeri' H'k, Haek.f'o parl!'c,tie'i Hk Paltersen ili i.oimnimi M'k flt II geCo (rtir l)..y.....vvn Hank mr l'.n.ton Hank jmr l-'.rie Hank 2 dii .'.?teliaile H'k riltsltnrf; I ili. I .xeli:nie li t. llrmiell 1 ill I'arni.1 l-'arini. tk' Ilk, LaneaKler par 1 11 illecli iV Hk. Iteiiitini. liar Hnlein 1 at Hank utiii); jiar Hrdein Hankinir Co, I-arm. Ilk S-lmvlkill Co narlSemeriet Co Hank I' I). I!k Wnnienl.-.; I '. ili.'Slnle Hank nt I'aiiiilen Franklin Hk. Wanh'ii ijiliii rmte Ilk l:iizalietlil..ii lliirrivlnirir Hank I din. Slate Hank Newark lb wlale Hank I iliK'Slale Ilk. N. Ilriinswiek par lnieaster Hank par.Sawex Hank. Newton j ili A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At the C'utihict Ware ltooiu of SEirN -ILOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also al the corner of Fwn street &' the Railroad . . Sl!iBUKYf PA. j , 'J'linnkftil for the pn troll nee. of his frirnrtii and ruHlomrr- dirrinj tlie 17 yearn lie hn Iwrn in busi ncM in thi place, lie noliciu from the public a con tinuance of their favor. During thi period be baa (MideiivorciJ to keep up with the improvement of the (Iny, nnd bus accordingly exteniled hln busi ness In every branch and variety. The public nre therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of ( AUIXKT WAR!'. AND CITAl!tS, MAN'TArTfnrn by SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. Al the Old Hand, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now imimifncturc I ;; I Mahogany, "Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. par par 3 iln i.eneiiMii naiiK par Mereli. ft Mi,,,. Hmk I da. IMineis' H'k, I'ntt.ville p..r M.ill'inpahela H:tnk di. layl irsv'e tl. lH'iCo I.i ilia et llniaeli Hrmk XVyiaiiiii!! Ilk, Wilkesl. ork Hank. ili. ) MAINK. H-iakof W' Siti. Merennlile Hk. Hana"r lllilis All nlvent lianks 5 ilu m;v ii.x.Mpsinitr. All s hanks J ili. I.Il.iK l I . Hank "f St .Mlmna 4 iti All . ileent hanks J din Hnnkinj; c:.i I moil litmk. Hover Yiir.llcvv'IrftHclDrr.. V9 't notes under !:i iii:i,.xv.i;i;. par Hank of Delaware par, Hank ol Mnvrna pa ill. '..lis I ; His j par par pai Dt-laware filv Hank Hk Wiltni: n.V Hian.lvw. eai l-'ariners' Ilk St lielawaie jmr l nii.n Hank. v Miniiart. ni par ty L'ntler l'i's J ills lillin. All s ilvenl Links 4 rlis t"tM!k ii-ilen nailer r;s 4 ills NOItTII CAHUI.INA. Ml S'.lvi'iil lianks 12 (lis i Vt', "i ili. New JMujiic Hi1"' The imdcrsiijiiHil Imve entered into Co-paii- ' nership under the firm of I niMHY LAWRKNCK, j TO CARRY ON THE j Paper & Hag1 Business, At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. lo perforin well. I All work intrusted to his cure will be I attended to. Selinsgrove, Nov. oil. 1S.'0. tl. -.liist l'uhlishcd. K & WALK Ell, No. lfii tMicsnnt st., lire eonst iiilly publihin nnd receiving, new nnd lienutilul music hum the most dinlin i;ui .lied cimipo-iers. The fiillowinj li-t contains some of their choi cest nud most popular Sonus, Waltzes, Polkas, &e. Now, thou art finite, a beautiful sons, words by Thomas .1. Diehl, music by llaiiilniib:e. .My New Kuglaiiil Home, words ami music bv Mrs' I,. Wink'.' tlrobc's Omnibus; by (.'. (irobe a collection of Ihiolts. Sounds from Home, piano nud violin, by Jos. ; (Mimi'l. i Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, ; by J. Lim;. J All the Winds iun Sleepinsr, by A. S. Worn- aey, (iuanVian An ,'el. by the author nf "Love Not.' ! Jlniiseliold W Urds, written by t .'has. Vouu, do. ! The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, inu j sic bv llorr. I LL1-; it have constantly on hand, ; superior Pianos, nml a supply of Martin's Cele ! hrated (iiiitars. whieh together with a fine ns- sortiiient of Musical Instriinients and Merchan ' dize in ireiicrnl, eomprise a stock not to be sur- passed bv of any oilier c.-lahlishinopt ill the ! country.' ' I.l'.L .t WALKKIl, j 1(!2 Chesnut street, Swaiiu'e Cuihliiis;. Philadelphia, June SS, lS.'il. ly. Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON. D. C. rpllh utnlerntinsl All .rnee nml U-neral Ajrenl at Ihe J. l ily ol WashiiiKli.n. elieia hi ,.rv s la proenrhii: ' H alilly I .-ni. In anil Pen. inns ,., lleise entilleil. II. iiiL' eer inan.iilly la-aleilal I lie win ,,f u.wermiiciit, Willi n th.n- ! i.nuh nml fainiliar aeinainlane wilh Ihe n.-ei-.-anv I'liniis. ! anil naitiiie of linsiness, nml havinir aeeess t.i Ite.jnaer. ami Hulls filed in li. I'. S. war nlliee. he p. .sm-sjes lueililies I'm Ihe nail ; isi.k t. n y li.liu.lin. 'in of (..v. ilinienl elaiins nl every kind. t Hy a late Aet nf C..te-res. llniinlv Land is jrraateil to i Ihe ..llie.-i's and soldiers in l.e-ar nl l-l-J. and nl Ihe vari ! ri.nis Indian wars, i-inee I Jim. To those who served nine ; m.'iilhs ll.'l ai'ies: . Hi ise wli.i served l-nir iie.nths 60 1 aer.-s: nnd tot'i .r- who s"i veil one in..ilh III acres. AiTiinireni'-nls have heeii made Willi iri'iill.-iiii n of the , Leiral pr. in dilleienl n i li.ins nf ihe C trv. f..r j Ihe l-svili ai i.f warrants, and Ihe sale nf the patents, wln-n ! issa- .1. (in the tn.)! advaiiiaenns terms: fa- the pavi a I nf luxes. redellliliiil nf In nils, ...III fa luxes: e .l-el'i..n nl I debts : and I .r Ihe Ira usaeii ai nf umieral Law Imshiess. iu the der.-i enl Slatrs anil Teri itoi ies. 1 He tenders his sen ices I members i.f the pr..f.-s.'a n al a ilismnee. and wle-a el is aijainsl I he lea ernmenl. are .ie pared l.v a I At;ent, will aliate nne huh his usual fee. 't'lie iieeessriry f .mis and instruct ions, anil iufnnuutiuu .ai all S'll.ieets a.;ierl.-ni.iie.' I i u sneeessful pi-nseeiitinn .if tins ; ImsiucN. viii lie l arilijilied In regular C-aresp aideuls Willi . nut eltarire, ! Pers nis desiiita: infamati ai of fi i-ads in the army nr , navy, will f a war I t-i lain all Ihe tartieulais ka "vn ..f t'heir .iviee. t.Lr"'h.a wilh a c nf nne, I ries will r-plii-il t i hy return nf anil. All e aiiuinauM- ll an. In he (l".r,rAii.) and addressed In ( II Mtl.l'.S (-. TITKi:l!, (tl -x 1117, P. U.) WndliiMKMii, l. C. 1 a -;,i . !' El I E, 4 f:; a,i ii i ii IHEDICAI. .HCU3B, F.STAUI.IS1IRD 1". YEA IIS A(i() li V DH. KINKKIJX, .V. IT. Corner of Third., nnd Union Streets. j-ItT! 1' pr.icl Tf 1IEKE they intend keepinff a larire assort- j fully at'ieiuUl tn. tupnt nf miners. A.. nmsistiter in imrl n. ': ..:i n.i , ci J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Jl'STlCE OB-" TSIU I'lMCE, Sunfcury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. IT Monies collected und ail liusiueiis piouiptly und cure- TREVORTON HOUSE, TREVORTON, PA. THE nulweriber resfiectfully intormii the publ. that he bus opened a Public House, in tl t new town of Trcvorton, Northuiiilierlaiid county and that he is well prepurcd to accommodule hi. guests in the best manner. Mia house is located nearly opposite the Company' Store. He is also provided with good stabling euflicient for SO hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a shine of Ihe public patron age. HENRY WEAVER. Trcvorton, Jan- 11, 1850 tf. UNION IK)TEL7 SUNBUKY, PA. rpHE MISS WEITZEI8 respectfully inform I ihe Public that they still continue to enter tain traveller, and others at their old established stand in Market atreet, west of the Court House. Their lonir experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, lliey trust, be a sullicicnl guarantee, that then customers will lie widl accommodated. March 8, 1 85L If. AMERICAN HOUSE," POTTSVTLLE, PA. 1R8. MARY WEAVER respectfully informi L' ' the public and travelling community general ly, that she ha oiened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style, l'roin her long eiicriem-e in Ihe business of a first rate Hotil, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers inuy depend on being supplied with every Hung conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 18S1 tf LUVKENCJE nOUSE. SUNBUEY, PA. SHE suliscriber resctfully informs her friend. 1. and the public generally, that slut has Ukci. tin almve well known slaiul nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. j. C. Per. kins. ISlie trusts that her eiperienc hi husiuess. and her efforts to maka her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to tliosa who may fa- vor her with lUeir custom. ANN C. MORRIS March k", 1851 tf. ment of papers, &c, consisting in part us follows : Writing papers; wove and laid, American and ! Lncjhsli. Dalli Posts und ISotc papers; wove and laid, i gilt and plain. r olio Posts, rial Laps. Printing Papers, all ; sizes. i Hardware piia-rs, from 19 W 21 to 40 by 48. Colored and white tissue papers, American and English. HoUingsworth's Patent Manilla papers. Colored and white Mine papers, common and extra sizes. Hull r.iivcloiie papers. j Colored Printing and Coter papers. Manilla papers, all sizes, Glazed Royal, all co- lors. Druguist, Blue Medium and Filtering papers. Tea, Secret and Colored papers for confection- ; era. Rag, Manilla and Straw wrapping paiers. bonnet, Binders, Box, Cap and Trunk boards. White and Bull" Envelopes; Legal, Letter, Note and Card sizes. Agents for Bliss, Potter 6- Co's Printers' Cards in packs and sheets, wliile and colored odd si zes, cut to order. Also, their Ijilt, figured and Plain glazed papers. JOWEPH RIM BY, late of 88 N. Third st. N. 8. LAWRENCE, late of No. 3 Minor si. N. B. 500 Tons of Rags wanted iu excliungc for cash. Philadelphia, July SG, 1851". fimo. April SO, 1850. liKTWKHN SPIU'CK AM) l'lNK S T It i: KT , PHILADELPHIA, K ".;.IIS of extensile and uaial-riai.t.-.l lire Spenl la lias city nave ria.S.Tcd llr. K. ihe in ! exj.eil and sueees.liil praellll airr lar nud near. in the trealiu.-ut ol nil diseases nl a private a.e.aie. I', i.i .af i alil.el.-d with iileeis up. .a the h l ., nr I. .-. p ens in j the h.'ad "l" Ii. n 's. ineieai'i tl rlien.iial istn. Sil ielan :.i.riv I. I aroint iV.un y. ai! lifaH exeeiisi.s in unpin ' ies a i!.e lil.ind. whi irhy tin- e aigtl'iU.l ai Ins .. e lav ( a:t..::.-.l, me 1 all tteated wilh sa .. wli pla-.-s hili:.l. !l' aader the care nf lr. I'., inav re j I.ji ii !y e ..lii ii' m hi.. Inn ir us a;;l " -iili.leii!- ta';i: PAUTitt i.M! Mi nn:. '..aaJ r.-a who have iuiared liieais -lves !iy a e....ri:.i piaetlee iailalir.-.l ill a fre.iieatly leal nvd l i'nlil evil e il!,.ani"!is nr al s.'hn..l :he ell. -els nf whieh are lli'jllllv fell, evi ll when asleep, mid deslrnv h ah mind and ll d . i s'l.-uM aaplv iniaie-liali Iv. Wcaloiels nail .,is" itnli'.iial drliilitv I .ss .it' i-nertiV, piiysieal Inssi'iide and ueu eral pr -slrati mi. iri ilalali y and all llerv ius nll-.e: i ais. in-li-L'. sli in. slai'irislinevs nf the livei, aa.l every dise isein any way eniiaeeled wilh Ihe dis rder nf the prnciealivc. lions enrod. and lull vianr respired. youth" and .manhood, A vio, irons life or a pii'tiiutuie ili'iuli. KlMiaiN (ill Si lf IViSiTvaliuii. ONLY 25 CENTS. Tlii l K inftt uitiliKlitMl is litlett with unrful inforiunli ni mi tin iiilirmiiifs :iinl tlim asi-B nl" tin .tfiicrnttvi Hn.'-'inw. It inMn :ss -f ilt'lMilikf t.) VOI'TII, MAMUMlDaml Vl.O A(i:. jtinl hli-iulil In- ri'iut ly till. 'I!n t.ilnii'i'H mv iff. nml iiiini.'iv'i' i':irniniT it ifi'f. VEKFEf'T nml Fjirfdy rnre lor the I'Vvrr ' will tw rut yi'in m inia-.Ty uiitlmittViiiifi unJ tve ;un:uiil. IV I II !ih iimi? in uivrn, I'.u-fiitK l.y rrnilum it will Unuh Imw t' prt-vt'iit the tics trix'li'iii (' llit'ii' cliiitlifii. .V rcmliUin.-i' "i" 'i'i I'l'iits. ri!cl'siil iu n l-thT. lut fail ill a single instance and in cases, too. i ' r-'' ' " '".',,v,;, ; ."i'' o, will easare a Ii i..K. iin-Ifr eu . i pe. per return nl mail Lrtrqc Spring; Sent Rockinsr Chain DrcxKtv'f JSiiremis, Lrnre riiUi-x, .Marble Top Wash Sfnnth, ami n rnrirfi of other w-.w style and lTnl. tollable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrrainremeiits fnr the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and inistressim, and huslsmilu too, Here's furniture nf every style and hue, I'rnlll side Imards dnwn tn kitchen tallies, Knan rnekiair elriirs lo inckiec cradles Sli'iald ynn mil have the nnly .Inns to pi, AVeMI wait nwhile fir tl hriphter heller day, Or take pntatnes. nats, c an, wheat and rye; Hark, hoop pules, slaves, or haulier wet and dry, Or any thing hut ynkes and threshing flails. Pi'itu pins and tnrkies ilnven to lillle quails, ti'iue nn then friends, cnine nueaad all, Keep trade n mnvintr, so "(rues nil the liall.o I "3 Orders from a distance promptly ntteinlei to nml work of all kinds delivered with dispatch Minliiuy, March , 1850 tl AVATTS' IH-PvVCTJS ANTIDOTE AM) I PHYSICAL KUSTOKATIVH. ! TH3 MEDICAID OF TH i AGS. 1 1-1, positively cure all stapes of Neuraliri I Tie lloloroiix, Nervous Headache, I'll bra, Lockjaw, 1 1 ilrophobia convulsions ; vv restoie inan!iond lo i!s presliue vijor, even all ; years of prostration, ai.d the only known and ct 1 tain cure for low spirits or mental debiltv. I Extract from the New York 'un, Oct! H, 1RI Ttr ri , r Wat-oil, v. hen talking of t miraculous pnwer ofWiilla' Nervous Antidoli ' the ipicslion w as put to him, ',Why such a vah: ; ble remedy for a'l nervous nll'eelions was not i troduced by the uicdical faculty !" replied, "Tl if it were, there would no longer be any u.--e fm laeiilty , as all diseases originated from a disor;: strlc of the nerves ; the nerves nre I'n 1,1. spring id' the whole system Keep tlo.; in. ic ' nud both the mind and body must he." l'our ounce phial, 12 doses, euouli fui' ali dinary cum s, UNE UllI.LA R. Ol.U BY Wm. McCARTY, Broadway, Sunlniry Vepteniber, -f, IS50. tf. i; u o ii s i; i. i. i; t: , 'i nml ii'in, SVJIBUItY, I A. AS rrcfiillv rot'Pivnl, iiinono; twv nrtirtr: prosit v:i ritt y ol ISVw, Ciif.iji a;;. I .Uiik'il. "iMictft litres, roiiiMii u' II uiv; t Ileriicrls Dumas S Ueymlnls t 'orUhm Ma well Jeiruld Do do do do do (lo do e a I Jlodwell. Trollope, llailiburlo M nrrvatt, Ore,', Marsh, Ai'isworth NO Cl'Itli NO l'AYI Hughes' Fever and Ague PUh!! and Ague is guaranteed to any one who may use the Pills. They have been used for the lust si ren yfur.i and have never been known to 3i:oVNS ESS UNCI tiER, an esecllent ar Y. OK JAMAICA GIN- article. Kinwu's Medicated Soap for sun bums, tan, tetter, c. Railway's Circassian Halm, for the hair djiid rull"Sce. Railway s Ready Kclief for Cramps, Cholic, (Cholera Morbus, &c. Kor sale bv H. 15. MASiiER. Stinbury, Aug. 3, ISoO. Valualile PROPERTY FOR SALE. TIMIE Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, 1 oilers for sale the following proueriv in Mil- DK GOLD PEN 8 with and without silver ca llstJ MWua4i4 t, ka ma laa liar H D.MAsKR fuiilHiry, Anril 4 1851 . KNOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT- CH EH. An excellent article, for sale ai halt the usual prica by J- W. FILLNG, ' Buiibury, iuly T. U10-- - ILVE ttlMTCHE8 A few double ease. English toiilvar Watchasj, for aal at very low riiaa by . H- B. MABJst'K. funbur, April 11, !!!),. 850 FOHKlttT. Hl'NTER will forfeit 50, if failing to cure any case of secret disease that inav come under his care, uo matter how lonii slaiul ing or alllicting. Either sex aro invited to bis Private Rooms, 38 North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate iu Ihe selection of a pliysiiiaii are invited to call. Those who have injured theiiiselve. bv solitary vice are ulsa invited. READ AND REELECT. The allliei-d would do well to reflect In (ore trusting their health, happiness, and in many eases their lives, iu the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all Ihe ills the human family are subject to. Every resectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful I ban Ilia brother professors, and lo that be de votes most ol Ins time and study. YEARS OK PRACTICE, exclusively dovo- ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, ogetber with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, puins in the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or iin purities of the blood, whereby lira constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oll'er (jMsaty rtlitf to all who may place themselves under his eare. Philadelphia, April 19, 1851 ty. ' AISINS, currants, ritrou, ehees, feper -sauca,&c For sale by J. W, fTULlNU Kunhury, llec.8, 1841a, . . . ; Ion, Northumberland county, viz: The large ! BRICK BUILDING j ' ' in upper Milton, formerly occupied by j Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers tsliop I The huildintr is CO feet front on. upper Market j street, and 40 feet mi front street, and is two i stories high. Also a two story BlilC'K IILACKSM1T1I SP.OP, 40 by 55 feet, on tho same premises. The lot is I on the corner of upper Market and front streets, and is tiri feel front, and 150 feet deep. I The premises would lie valuable for a Foundry nr other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold i on reasonable and iHrconiinodatiiig terms by ap I lilviug either to JACOB CAKRIUAN, i ' Philadelphia. .1. F. WOI.FINfJER, Esq., Milton or li. U. MASSE It. Esq, Sunhury. Philadelphia, Jan. 23, ISSl U-- where persons have had the disease lor several I years, without intermission. Tho proprietor , i chnllt'ugrx thu wirhl to produce an article that will cure iu as short a lime, without leaving any deleterious cH'ccts from the use of it. If the Pills do not perforin a speedy and perfect cure, the proprietor will return the money. For sale by Jacob S. Lawrence, Miners ille ; E. llcll'en stein, Tievo tun ; S. H, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven j John W. Friling, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. licckly, Danville j John Sh.npless. Cattawissa ; Dr. Judd, illiams port ; John Raser, Milton, and by respectable Druggists throughout the State. J. CFRTM ('. HICIIES, Proprietor. Poltsville, June 28, 1831 ly. PHIL A. AND READING RAILROAD attIMi:R ARIIANGKME IT t'lllTVI l'ltll.ADr.l.Plll.V AND l'O'lTSVIU.K. Fares Reduced. IVrw mk:iI n il'st nicf iii;iv iiiltli i'. Ur. lv. l r!li-r. (ptiil- tvii'l.) ;m; I ! c- Mnl m h -nn. ivvru t.i;s (! .ii:j)!ciit. Ar.. 1 f 'rw ti'l'- l liv Kt-niliii' 11 ivuiilitiucf, nml jttil n i-i-m e tV m i vi r,: .1 cniiosrv. IJ i ik-rlt'r. ;Vw Aiii'ntf, r. Oitiivawr.. ini'l nil oiln'i's itupiiii( Willi tli iiUivc WktiU at vt:iy lnw r;iitn. S'i!.iihIht 0, lr-.. y. ESSENCE OF j a Vl i c .v ii i x t; i : n . i Morris do At the low price uf from So to 30 i ts per vol. i Suuiiiny, ept. 26. ISoO. tf. nosu oinniENT, ron tktt Ill'.Al! the t'.ill.iwlaif eeililinilp I'rnni Cspt. Dpv'ih I well l.n wn ami ii".nar liaui Hunt Captain ( : Traveller.! I'lllLAiiKl-l'lllA, Oetolwr 31, 1 i S.-veral v ears siaee I was attaekeil willl a lirenkln ' na l..y neeK in Ilie l ain nl' Te'ler, wliieh I am cme w..s e ntne-lr-l al l!a-llyilier sMinp. ll irramlaaily e 1 e.lnver eiv f;.ie null! it rtaelieil I lie ll",.er pari . . elieeKs. Ii.iriii Ilie srveial in nti.s Ihat It e ai , s;n.iiliin. I used linler.-tit applieal mas, s inc nt' win tlie i Jti-et. appreally at Inist. i.i' luereasini; Ilie ili.ea 1'r.iia a. .a.- nl' tlieia ill. I I pereeiee the least lieil'-t'tt ap!ailliie Itn-ic 1 li.vrvii:T. liv the use nf nne inr I was pen'eellv eaieil anil have rctuaiiieil Irec nl' lia ; '" I I lial saiee ii'-.-il I he ( liulineiit, lijjlilly npplit il tnr nr.. .11 lie laer. lit -lelies. elluppeil liamls. Ae. W'll I'l-et Miee.'ss. 1 !iave nn I. coital i. n in leeniiuuelliliii the sir .a:i..t uaaaei Inlhe eal.lie. j.mi-:s m:v A'eat llKvny Ma-iskh, Stint. my. ! .lull I -lit. T T ADK il l el'.ipelly i JATENT 'I'russes of ull kinds, Harrison's writing ami nuiciiiiiie uiK, Lotion yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J.'W. PRILINCi. Suubury, Dec. 2, 1818. ClTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al nioiids, P lines and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. .Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. Flill.lNO. .uiury, Dec. 59, 164'J. 1 )OOK.S and t iohl Pens. On hand several rnp- ies of Ihe life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell al Ihe Philadelphia prices. For sale at this ollice. ENNEDVVJ TATENT SASH FAS TEN INCS. A cheap and cucelleut arli. lie lor fastening sash fur sale by J. W. FKILINO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. lVTRlMJ BOTTLES Ureast pumps, and nipple lulies- A supply of lluise useful arti cles just received and fnr sale by JOHN W- FllILINO Huiibury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf .1 U8TICES' FEB DJLIJ. For sale by 11. U. MASHER "imbury, I85l.- 'Sd UO.SE U1NTMENT A fresh supply of this , xcellciit article for Tetter, 4c, just received aud for aate 6y . HENRV MASSER. Buiihury, July 28. 1819 ; W TS7ILEy,.S' COLUJ C'vlNDY. " eicel V V . bant remedy for couirhs, colds. For sale ut this olliee ' OJJ'ue of the Phila. tf Rending Railroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March 211, 1831. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and after April 1st, 1831 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Poltsville MDi: XI XG lflXR. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Poltsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTi:r;xoox i.ixk. Leaves Philadelphia at UJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. . Leaves Poltsville at UJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. UARKS, Iletwecn Philadelphia and Pottsville, .f 5.73 1st class cars and 2.25 2d class cars. Delweeu Philadelphia and Reading, $1.73 1st class cars and $1.45 2d class ears. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of llroad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will beal loivcd to each passenger iu these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage bill their wearing apparel, which will lw at the risk of its owner. liy order of tho Hoard of Manacers. B. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. . Secretary. piJRE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESER-I- VINO, just received and nr sale by II B. MAKSER. Sept. 28, 1850. TVTRACT CF CINCER. A fresTy just received aud for aale at this olliee. Plies 25 cents. - Sunbury, Jo y 12, 1851. ' ' , LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of $3U0, for sale by .Aiiril 26, 1851. )I. B. MASSEU. WrRnTNO FLUID and self sealing Enve. lopes, just received and for aale by .April IU, l(iit.- H. B. MASS Ell. fi'tpi llit! lir-B' J;innic-i fiimrfT, till tlie Vil.mHf ' I Wllll'll il Will fit; MUll: lO ltir- I III 11 ( liV'il'llt tliM V iiu'flilr.ilril t1IH. It is u mast cilirM'iit iiiul :ii I In title (iinr h'li nilny. eentlj ' ttinml ih!i;j; i -Mil i r Uf tt uin'-h, tin I will !t i' mmiI v tr 1 lMncIifinl in rt'lici'iiii! the .ttiiiiul mi-l tli.trcsMMy lefliimn t ic';riiiiii'it hy ill' imi-airctl ut-ii n i litis imp', l'r. un hull' tmi whiili' tcii-8;tHMil'til liilt-n m n wiiifutiiMH- i fill t' w.''Il'MimI wumr will itiiininli.Jtcly rem wr 1 1n liiitii 1-iic) nnil (irisni(Hi I'cHiiliin l'rtiii inIiu'fii 11, :tml il i;i'.,t-u ! twor three tiiufn iSaily, ns re-tiirtil, w ill lie t-minl hi-jhly I iwt'ul .tuiiiBi tin-t;iciliuiN-iiitil -isrt ii ayiiiUiny nl lht-kjLtiii I iii-li ii nil leiiil. ticy t' lis (lis inlfiv.l iu'lint iM-e;im.iil liy the J triMTVittliiJi rli'-fl nt UiU Ulilllirl' lufll). nf t 'll wilttl llllei' in- I iligpiwiti'M, nnd I of cirt'cluig ilie ini-i piutil atjm'h iliuri h(p;i, Xr. It in alt i un i'xt'-Hi,I ntil.cine f r tlime ht luive iu-iliri-d the tune it' their tniiMrhs lv the unni.-iK'riite uuc t'f iiil-ixicutim; lt,iiairt, hy its slihily HMiuiil.itinir t lleet u,nii tin-at Mii u n rem tvnitf the cr:tv ni-j t 'f siiitiul uiU, while it h;m tut inmriniiH nctimi (fit thr hniiit, ntut in 11 t Hiiivei'ilc'l hy feeliiii-K if ileprestiou, which uUvny lolltiw ihe utu n uicxll 'llc KtillllllillllN. A few lr ui inMeil tit (iiMiiefin, rhuh:nh nr (Hlier nnrmi- tive inedieinefi, will remlrr thin ni ire aeee p'ah'e tu the rt xiiaeh unit prevent the griping whtcli ifiiijit tn uccniipiiny theii uetiiiji. IM1EPAUKD ONLY T.V A ?I H II OS F, SMITH, l)UirGGisT and rnr.MisT. jV. E. corner of 7th and Chestnut Streets. rtiilmhlphiu, April I;!, 151 - lv LIQUOKS, WINKS, &C. ' I'lIB subserilier has just received a new supply of Ihe best liquors that ever came to S'uuburv, consistiuu; iu part of Huperior old pule Brundy. Fine Cnsniae Brandy. Huperior Old Jamaica Spirits. New EuulauJ Rum. Pine Holland ti'in. Hiiierior Old W hiskey ('omiuiii do, Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. ilu. S'uperior Port Wine. ltliriiuiidv Port du. tSweel Malawi Wine. SiiHirior Claret Wine iu bottles. Champagne do. do. , HENRV MASSER. unbury, Vuy SG 1S19. STONEWARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Juijs and Pitchers, and oilier articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN VV. FR1L1NO. JSunbury, June 23, 1818 FIEAS, from the Nev York Canton aud Pekin M. Tea Company. I or sal by Tit ITT IrCSDICIIlTI On en's Ovyenal 'd Hitter, price rcJuceU Ol.l Jacob '1'iiwnseud'sS.irs.ipuriIla. Baker's Sarsap.irill.i. Svviiyne's '"'yrup of Wild Cherry, !Sv,iv lie's Verinil'ujte. vyre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. 1 In. lie's Panacea. Dr. Ciillen's do Tihhil's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoolhiiid's (iernuin Bitters' Iniliiiu euetahle Pills Ilnrse mid Callle Medicines For sale by HENRV MASS r-uuhury, July 1 1, IS) Ll. TUB PEOPLE'S WADE-MEC I'OMI'IIISINIS A rOLI.KCTION uroVBIt ! VALUABLE KECI FES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with Simple uud Curious luxi'eriilldiU I CIIK.MISTUV : I NCU'DINfi Medicines, Perfumery, Ch. Cm kery, Furriery, Dyiiiu, Cuufectionu nieslie Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 0 e sale by HENRV MAeir fSuiihury, Dec. 8, 1819. Just received at the store of HENRV SDR, a lot uf Caps, dun Shoes, Ah tjneensware, Liquors &e. All of which sold ut the lowest price. Dee. 11, 185(1. Sunbury, Dec, S, 1818 J. W. FRU.INO. KY RL'M. A Jeellent' article lor aale t,,v . . HENRY MASSER. Suubury J:iu. fill, lal'J If. Valuable Iluokn, ITE or CiiHisr, handsomely bound, ' fiuvi.'s ItisioHr ur -JUK Rkhu I'l.lVK Iht-HUUKll IMI l.KIMi KHS, lull b For sale at the publishers prices by 11. ti. MASJ Sunlniry, July 11, 1849 A J INERAL WATER, from the Ouk ' l' Acid Spriims, hiiihly valuable in clu seases, aud tunic remedies, for sale HENRV- M.S Sunlniry, June 2!, 1S50 U" . 'APS. An assortment just received v J silk DATS ut $225, for sale by li. MAf Huulmrv, Dee. 848. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds an M nrltfiiires, Bonds, Executions, Mai Ac, fnr sale by II. B. MAly 8iiiibury, Ajiril 2fi, 1851. BLANKS. 5LANK5 of every description eaa be api I) ing at the ullioa of tha AmerU ADD'8 celebrated Horse and Can ne for saie by HENRY MA Sunburv, Jan. 27ih, 184'J