Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 17, 1852, Image 3

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California News.
Ntw York, Jan. II.
Tho atrRmer Daniel Websler, from San
Juan, whence slm sailed on the evening of
the 11 inst., ami Havana the afternoon of
Ihe 6th inst , arrived this forenoon.
She brine dales from San Francisco to
the 15th of 'December, 2&5 pasweiu'fM, ami
$560,000, pricipally in the hands of passen
gers. The United States steamer Sarnnac, Com
Diodore I'uiker, arrived at San Joan on the
lot inst., and her viiit wan supposed to have
reference to the recent outrage upon the
ftramship Prometheus by the Brilisli brig of
war Express. The event created great ex
citement at San Juan.
The British Admiral has ordered the biis-of-war
Express, from San Juan to Kind
lon, in order to investigate the commander's
conduct in reference to the Prometheus.
The papers contain contradictory stati"
ments relative to the gold discoveries in Ihe
Bear Valley ; some asserliritr. that the c'aim
has the appearance of being woiked nut,
whilst other aflirm that the firm accounts
kave besn fully realized, and that it is a
reliable fact that the original discoveries
Wave sm.k th-ir hole to the depth of 12 feet,
and have taken out $400,000
Seaman's wages were firm, and ena.ipe.
ments were dilfinult at late rales. Laborers
obiain $5 to ? per day, and carpenieis
and masons from 7 to St 10. O-her mechai.-k-al
blanches are prosperous.
The telegraph line of Slaves run f-om S.i
rramrirlo lo Nevada, a distance ct tigh'y
miles, in less than eleven hour.
Seven hundred and ninety-four loaded
wagons, averainjr over three thousand
pounds each, and drawn by over two
thousand hoises, mules and oxen, naesetl
east by Plum Valley House, Nevada, in
tine week.
lieaveis aie said to be very I'liim-rotis
on Dry River, a branch of Ihe Ssut Joa
quin. Snow had fallen to the di-jh nf nix f..-el in
the country above Downieviile.
a sintn i.a iiu.Micinr
Yesterday, Saiah Gerber, U year, of ate.
was tried before Judge Kelley and Aniwn,
rharyed with Ihe murdur of Florence Miller
n infant often months. Ttie facts disclose
tu interesting and pecu'iar case The pa
ruts of the deceased child leside in the
:ily of Lancaster. They employed the lie
endant as child-nurse on '.he day after the
lection. Their child was apparent')' in
nod health until the close of Ihe mouth of
'(.-latter, when it bepau to exhibit preat
vtleness. 0:i this 29ih of October, lire
If of a needle was extracted from the leg
' the infant. Mrs. Miller did not think
in-h of ihe circumstance, beinp under the
lpressiott that the needle, had l!unn;:li neci
nt entered the lee if the child. The
ild continued lo ernw moie resiles". On
e 30. h of that month, tho father, Wilson
Miller, his wife and the child came to
city, and proceeded lo the dwelling of
s. Grier, in Vine street. On the fiih of
vember, one pin and half a needle passed
ough the bowels of the child. On the
h, fiTe pins and one needle. On the 23d,
pins and "one needle. Dr. Washington
re was called 1oaltend the child. He
id it sidirrmg fiom marasmus, which
iicvi fitim ihe operation of these !
iyu substances upit the dij;is!ive fune
s. mvarj th. do of tlv' child's 1 iff it cx
ted symptoms of the cioup, at least crou
espiralion, uilhuiit Ihe cooah peculiar lo
disease. The physician ii. formed Mrs.
;-r that the pins and needles must have
administered thiongh desiirii ; thai the
I not pel into the body of the child
gh accident. From the latter symp
he concluded that one or more of tiie
sr ucedles had found their way into the
: ef tire infant, which proved lo b the
Il died on the night of the 27ih of
tuber, from an abscess in the wind
which had thus been formed,
er a porlwn of lh pins and needles
astsed from the child, Mrs. Miller said
dependant, "Sarah, you didn't do it V
iswered, '-No." On the following day
efendant nursed the infant child of
'trier. Its mother found that it had I
ling in its mouth on feelin, she dis
J it lo be a pin. She endeavored lo
not, but the child strugsled with il
allowed it. !u four days afterwards
passed away. Mis. Grier accused
if pulling tho pin in the mouth of tier
but she denied it. Mrs. Howard a
r, came into the house, ami charge, I
fendaut with pivinjr pins to Ihe two
1. The JefetuUril then said she had
rem to both children. She hail giv.
to Mrs. Grier's child, afterwards
Irs. Howard inquired how many she
en to Mis. Miller's child. She said,
seven pins." Dr. Leiper also asked
t was the inducement! Shu could
lie siir?eted whether il was to
e child fietful, so (hat the mother
lake it. She said, "Yes." She
1 gave litem to Mrs. Grier's child
j it. PAild. Ledger.
opular Assembly of the Hanseatio
, composed cf the free towns of
h, Bremen and Lubec, has ntrarii-
oted that block of stone should be
with suitable inscription, and for-
l the United Elates, to be placed in
lingion National Monument. It is
the Senate will sanction this noble
i Assembly.
I Hat, with black feathers, and a
traduced hapeu, havinjr been
y ihe bucks of Broadway, N. Y.,
the Bowery, not to be outdone,
adopted the Kossulb hat, but have
I, In plaet) of ibis black ostrich
re turkv tail f. a'.her.
I. f.t t mi mom Lola MorK.
The followinif rich letler. from Lola Mon
ies, to the F.ditor of the New York Herald,
appeared in that pappr on Saturday. Ii
shows tip Mr. F. P. Willis, brother to the
poet, in a beautiful manner, and it establish
es the fact that Barnnm's agent, M.Le Grand
Smith wni in negotiation for the lady, which
hni been repeatedly denied. Here is the
to nit editor or tiir h t mkbald.
Sir Having seen in the Herald a corres
pondence between Mr. E. P. Willis and Oil.
Boilri. relative to my pecuniary atTaii nnd
business arrangement trenernlly, I lake an
early opportunity to say that it was commen
ced and carried on entiiely without my con
sent. Mr. E. P. Willis called on me in Paris;
ii'tro.Juced himself ns the brother of Mr. N.
P. Willis, editor of the Home Journal, or as
hff called it, the "Times of America,"' anil
the most influential paper in Ihe United
States; tht he (E. P. Willis) controlled the
press of New York, and corresdonded with a
lar.e number of tho tending papers in vari
ous p'irts of Ihe country. At this interview
he stated that I.e hart heard tha' I purposed
visitine America, and offered his services lo
facilitate the object of my proposed tour. I
introduced Mr. Willis to my friends, and he
succeeded in innkiirg them believe that he
was one of the most inrtnential men in the
l.'nited States, and that Ihe Home Journal,
and his brother, not only made public opto- j
ion in this country, but controlled il after it j
was made, and that if he was employed, my j
recess was piaeed beyond a possibility of a j
doubt. Ol" course it became important that
so desirable a person as Mr. K. P. Wiliis j
should be secured, and I fn ally decided to I
select him as my travelling agent to accom- j
rauv me tn the foiled 5'atcs. Shortly aOer j
. .... . i
his lrt int.-rview, he fian!:!y staled to me
'hat ahhoinih he had a I;irie pmpeity in the
States, jet some temporary diilieuhies bad,
occuned which prevented his .'merits in New
York from making tho usual remittances,
and that he was actually without a son.
The laltrr fart of this sawry ! soon ascertain
ed lo be stiictly true. The frankness of Mr. j
Willis, was appreciated, his scanty wardiobe
was replenished; he was taken from lire;
wretched carrel where tm domiciled; his;
watch, which was nt his "uncle's." was re- j
deemed, nnd Mr. Willis soon found himself:
independent of the charity of Americans in ;
j Paris. As an instance of tho way in w hich !
j he abused my confidence, I may state a sin-
c!.? ease. An American lady travelling Dpi
the Rhine, was in temporary prcuniary ein-
b.11 rassrneiit. 1 sent her 400 f. by 1 lie hands
of Mr. Wiliis who told me that the lady had 1
received il, and was very uratefnl. On my j
arrival in New Voik, 1 accidentally learned :
'.hat Mr. Willis had never pivn her n son. j
but that she had been relieved from her d lli- i
cnl'ies in Europe, by t'. generosity of the
Hon. H. J. Walker. Up to th? time of mv ,
di pjrtnre from I'aiis, 1 had paid 2U(H) f. to i
li'priiiate ciairi ajraiest Mr. Willis, without I
which h could rot have left that city. Dad j
mv klinlness runt cenemsHV Air. Willis'
been h,ss1 ti worilil now have been i'l the j
hands of his creditors in France, insteail of J
beuir 111 this country, publishttrg letters in t
Ihe newspapers to injure me. j
Many advantageous proposals wertf marie j
lo me in regard to my visit to America, and J
one ia particular by Mr. f.e tlraud Smith, j
the aaent of Mr. P. T. Barnum, w ho hail ere. 1
deirtials from the lattei distiiinishe l person j
to make enyacements for him in Europe;!
but the representations, or raiher misrepre- ;
sentntion of Mr. E. P. Wiliis, induced me j
to decline ull such overtimes a"d lo keep him
as my micnl. As soon as pix.sihlt- after my !
arrival, without -iillet inL! a prealer peeuniriry
loss than I had already experienced, I dis- j
pimped him ultopether from my house nnd j
service. This desi ulle termination was j
rendered more midden in consequence of his j
sross nnd uupc nttemaidike behavior in many
respects, and morn immediately in eonse.
s.f lit n I ri,rt! 11 rr In piiliir ti l.u.l-
j mom, ami oilier etlorls to compromise me
with the inmates of my house.
Marie vr. Landsfikid IIfai.d.
"Lola Mo.sti-.s."
New York, Jan. 9, 1S52.
Wo call special attention to the recommen
dations of th Governor in reference to the
reduction of the Canal Hoard, without, how.
evoi. cndoisiiiL' fully the position ho ni-stiniHs
The iicccsrdtv for this swp has lonf been ap
parent to lhnM who have inarle our s-ystcm of i
internal improvements thi'ir, nil. I wlro
fully comprehend the importance of an i-tli- i
cient and economical management of them. '
, , . ;
Gov. Johnston, however, is a new convert lo ,
this rloctrine, bavins in his message of 18S0, J
recommcde.1 a board 10 conns, of five mem-,
b-rs to l elected by separate district. j
We are well convinced, loo, thai il lh I
proposed reduction lakes place, tho taual
C'ommi-sioner should be required to l:onii-j
rale all his oilicors 10 the Senate for imnfir. j
matiou. This would prevent the removal 01
sou I uilicors for trivial cansrs, preclude the,
appointment of iucomjieleiit men nnd nl-o
prevent liio Commiesioucr from usiiif; his
power for personal and political purposes.
There can bo but lit lit.' doubt but that if a
bill propei ly framed, retlucirr the number of
Commistiouets to one, electing a Slum engi
neer by the legielature or the people, requir
ing ilia former In nominate his officers lo I he
Senate, should be passed by the legislature
and become a law, our improvements would
soon be made to yield u largely increased
revenue, w hile the expenses of their man.
I ntieroent would be largely decreased. Di
vided responsibility must from it very n.i.
ture be inefficient, extravagant, coinpromii
in un J ruinous. llurrishur Keijston;.
Tut city of Loudon stands upon 6!0
acres. The fined propei I y in house located
on this small spot is estimated at 10 000,.
000 sterling j and the value of moveable
property in Ihe city is considered to be
worth XI 00,000,000 sterling.
BusntD to DtATH. On tho I2nd nit.,
little girl, five years of age, danphter of Mrs
Mary Poison, of New Matket, York county,
was so seriously buroed, in Harrisburg, ps to
jroiuce death ehjrtty iffer-
Dr. IIooklako's German Bittkhs. This
celebrated medicine N one of Ihe very best
in the country, and its good qualities only
need to bo known, to give ii precedence
over all others now in use. We have seen
its pood effects lately, after the total failure
of many oiheii. This is sayine more than
we can say for any other medicine within
our knowledge, anil wo feel il a dutv to re
commend ihe Hitlers to the notice of our
friends. The genuine is prepared by Dr.
C. M. Jackson, Phila.
SI A II It 1 E l.
In Snt.burv, on the 11 inst., by the Kev. J.
Srine, Mr. Daniel Pi-msvi., lo Miss Rkbkcca
E. Moavehv, bo h of Upper Augusta.
On the same dav, by the same, Mr. Wit.
mam B Cask. ot'Rnsh, lo Miss Charity,
daughter of Mr James Campbell, of Upper
In CHli.ivis.-i, on the same day, by Ihe
same, Mr. Li'klns Clahkc, to Mis Mary
In Milton, on the Bih inst., by the Rev.
David Longmore, Mr Charin F. Hkss, of
Lewiabnry, lo Miss Mary E. PetehMaN, tu
the former place
On the 1-t insi., by the Rev. Mr. Hudson,
Capt. James BuvsoS, of Delaware town
ship, to Miss Marrarkt. tlniifchier of Mr.
William Montgomery, of Lewis township.
On ihe same day, bv the. Rev. Joseph
France. Mr. Christian Dikhi.. of Danville,
and Miss Maiiy Kl'MON, ot Kush Ip., .ur
trinmbei land co. Pa.
Oil the same dav. bv the same, Mr. !
Enoch WooI.vf.iitos, of linsh Ip, Northum
berland co., and Miss Ann Evans, of Roar
inu Cieek tp.
On tire same day, by the same. Mr. DN
1 1: L M. Gr.AiniAnr, ami Miss Sarau Koont,
both i f Rri.-h township, Noithnuibeilainl co.
O i the same day, by the T.ev. P. Wiilard,
Mr. Zitun Hn:i). ami Miss Cohm'.i.ia Ken
nedt, both of Hush tp Nor h'd co , Pa.
On th liih nit., by the Rev. S. R. Boyer,
Mi. A. W Hai'si:, of Iiirnstone ip, Monioor
CO, to Miss Kl.lZAUK'MI .MtNol.s, ot Dela
ware tp., Noi :h'd co.
i i i: i.
III rMi ulioii'i. on ihe 10,11 inst., suddenly,
Mr. JACOI5 KEliD, acd about -11 years of
I 1 Danville, on the 31st nil., CHARLES,
son ol l-aae ami .Maruarel Aincnrmn, ageil 2
years, A months, ai,.l 7 d.i)s.
In lianvillc, on the "ill inst., Mr. JOHN
RHODES, aj;ed (5 cais. 5 moulds, ai d 14
d.rj s.
In Danville, on the lllh inst, Mrs. MA'
RV DEEN, wife oi John Deen, Sen., aged
Go e.ns, S IS ilajs.
CI)C iUarkcts.
Ihilauclpliia Market.
Jan. 14, lf52.
l'l.ora ami Mkai.. The last sales of flour
for export were nt S3.8IJ; lor ciiy use
sales at S3 S7aS4.u0. E.uin Hour is held
al !-! a S4?.
Rvt I'lolh. is scarce, and would bring
CnKN Meal. Last sales of fresh ground
al s3.
Wiiimt Littir! f lferinc ; sales of prime
red at h(l c ; while is held al S'JTailS els.
liVK.- Nono aiiivioi; last hales ul 72
('"Its. Is dull : sales of pood old jellow
a' ,r'!' v
"'"q'j, s;
Id. at, niut at 63 cents fiom
Southern rrc in demand at
3G ulS cis.
WiitsKv. Saiea at 2J cts. iii lbs. and
21 a 2J eta. in l.lidd.
'I'll. I.o t .
Hhri in ri. t.
D 11 ik i Aeei.r.s.
lie. l'l.Ai.lus.
ft0 j
1 01
Kew Advertisements.
o Yocu (Inn .Tltth.-tiiics.
geokCxi: iu:xx.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
HIIE subscriber respectfully culls the attention
cf I'.-, public to his larije and eiU-n Jid sssoit
incut of every ipiality and price of
.i:.Vi!i.irr-YVA n n.
which cannot fail to rciommcnd itself toevcry one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workinausuip auj splendid finish, niado up of the
.,.,t p,,,, t0 i,0 l,3d jn the city. No ed'ort is
spared in the manufacture of his waie, and the
s'ri-s-n'a-r is determined to keep up with tile
inki.v improvements which are coiihlanllv being
niilj'...ui!, Mo,k consilw of Maiii,gany '
fUt-M t-ulisl IU1.1 r.Ml.lROS,
BureaHSi Secretaries, Sideboards,
Mld vL.NETIAN BLIXD8. e.ju.1 to I'hil..
delpliia nianufacturc.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
I j,, sbi.rt, every article in this line of hi business.
lie altsi liiaiiuracmrcs all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to he had ir
fsuiihury, such as Mauogaxt, Dur a Walsvt
ti Crm.Kit M M'Lk OitKtiiH ; axii Wimikoh
CM A IKS. ami vaM'T Piaku rSi-ooLS, which sre
of ihe laU-xt style, and warranted to lie excelled
by none leauulacturcd in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined lhat there shall
be nofK'M lor persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can I'C entertained
about ihe qiuhty and finish of his war and
Ilia articles will lie disposed of on as rood
terms as they ran be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce tuken in payment for work.
tNDL'KTAKINO. Having provided
himself with a handsome HkihSe, ha is now
prepared for L'ndertakins, slid attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
The Ware Room is In Market Street,
below Thompson's 6 tore and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. tf.
sive and legal envelopes, for sal by
H. Ii. MA6SER.
Bunbury, Jan 10, 185S .
T)LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality
U of psrctuneul paper, sold at the lowest rrkee
st tbi. cfl.a, ty wbcittiis n rtutl
rTPHE validity of this patent, (after having hrcn
vigorously contested liy suits at law for the
last six years.) has lieen fully anil finally rsub
Hahed iii the Supreme Court of the United States.
Th undersigned, st his depot, has ou hand I
Urge assortment of the irrnuine
Iron Chests, Money Boxes,
Vault Doors and Dnnk Vaults, boih fire oml bur
ttlur proof, with new slid Second Hand Safes of
other makers-forming the largest assortment ia
the world. Alto, the fo'lowin 4
Jonss'a Changeable, Comminution, Permutation,,
and Letter Chnnrjcshle Ami (iunpowder Locks;
Hall's New Patent Powrlir and Bursr-Proof
Lurk) Day. Newell Ai Day's; and Locks f
other celebrated uiskers.
No. fl4 Walnut street. Philadelphia.
Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania.
January 0, 1852. 2m.
f.oltl IT! r1nf Awniilcil,
To Eli Krupp, for Ais "Essence 0 Coffee."
IT is now satisfactorily decided thnt Krupp's
'Essence of Coffee" is the liest and most
wholesome preparation for Coffee in the world.
We therefore recommend it to all lovers of
"GnoJ Coflu" ss an article of great value.
The irice is only 12 cents uer package, which
j with one lb. of Coffee will go as far as five lbs.
: of ordinnry Coffee alone,
I Storekeepers and all others that may purchase
; it are assured that if it does not sive entire satis
, faction it may be returned, and the money will
i 1 refunded. Manufactured 1V
j No. 639 N. Od St., Philadelphia.
I January 3, 1851 3m.
n. . thooKKii & co.,
st it aw c;oobs,
Silks, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers,
Nos. 47 and 43 Chestnut Street, olid No. 60
Smth .Second Street, west side, near Chestnut,
December 27, 1851. 1 v.
Witt. a. MASON,
Engraver and Printer,
JS'o. 46 Chestnut Slr'tt, ahove Second,
IS prepared to do ENGRAVINC nnd PRINT
ING, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting
and Business Cauls, Ball Tiikets, Watch Papers.
Labels. Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and
Diplomas. Seals and Stamps for Corporations,
Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, &c.
AH the above engraved in the best manlier.
Orders by Post promptly attended lo.
Decembers", 1951 lj.
JOHN A 1 II A 11 It 1 a,
Manufacturer, S Dealer in
Imported and Domestic Segars,
Also, a general assortment of
I.cir& Manufactured Tobacco,
CONSTANTLY on hand, st the lowest nisr
ket prices. Coiner M Chestnut St., and
Wharves, Philadelphia.
December 27, lbol. ly;
Ae 78 Xorl)i id St.. letic'ea Arth and Eacl St.,
HEREBY informs lire public that he imports
and constantly keeps on hand at his new
store. No. 8 North Cd bt., a lnri.e assortment of
Foreign Fancy (iootls,
Musical Instruments, Pictures J" Paints,
56 1 which he will sell at the lowest prices.
;7 1 II ik ktock, in part, consists of. Accordeons,
19 1 Violins. Music boies. Parlor and Usr Room Or
10 i Rnus, Mclodeons, Sersphiues, Matheiuaiir sl In
G ' strirments, Msgnets, fipy slid Opera Glasses,
Stationery of all kinds. Pocket books, lirorite
Powiler, Dutch MiUl, tiold and Siler Leaf,
Si'iilcs of all kinds. Snuff and Tobm-co Boxes,
Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and sjiecl En
gravings, and pictures of ciery vsrrttv. Also
Gilt Frame Mouldings of vorious sizes.
Dealers, Country Merchants, Sail Pedurs, sup
plied at reasonable prices.
December tit), labl. tf.
Clocks, Watches, Jeweller), Silver Ware,
Fancy Gooils, &c , &c.
LOCKS ef every ilrscniili-m mid qimlirv
1 qanl
6 tins- Brats
mut ail h-'ur I'l tcks, vt-rj-k-vv. '.i.-nt ,if ilie Ih h
tkers I ti.iasJ' inis hi rani li"i'iiisiii uu:a pnuut rwt,
mm- in lw ns ao, .vtiri:iiil.-d H kuml riist-s, mi-1 im.tirt '1
, .-r 11 ia ntiis. Silvrr I., vi r as ti6,ll0 wurrniilrd.
; i.,.ncs !.s l.v i-fc 's'' 1H1 w:trni.ap'l, ((u.rucr Wiariit-s 111
' pirn vriii-lv. Jew. lii y i.l rv-ry itcs. riili -a. O I.! liuarii
naJ I'.'t. ciriiii,, I'ur l(tii, l-'iiipt-r Hiim'.
I Ur-f-rlio, O.-kl IV11H tr, uianaiicd p"iias.
I Tnr suiiH-ril't-f Itavnif: iit'-t rrniinrd ir. in the t.!n-rii
' fn.M-.tirs it itr.k-ortl I t lurii'.su br.v urtl.-t III ills line of
! hiisui.-ss or tlttr tilrsr s:vl,s. tttul its titi-np ns tlir kihir ttrti.
i r,,-t t-itt t s-.nt tit 1'it l'riit.i.leipr:ia ir New Yois tnur,-u.
1 T.t c-'tiviticr iie ,tt'n.. -r 1 t l.i- tnvit- liK-r aunt-
t."ii 8imI lciwt.-n'ii;:y s.-'ir-its:i cn!l. I'c Ivsinu tsrltctnarly
I invite tlte iiUfiilioil i'f Il'Sel I'mpri t-irs, still I'Hii.iii.-t tu
I Ins extrusive naa.rlniriil ni filver Wnre. viz: Ten (Setts,
' Tsliie, licert anil 'IV, SiMHins, l-'crks, l.nillti, ii1.. An.
I Orders rwrivej I'm sn lirtic.e i 1 .ixer lire i-it-euted
I Willi ininiiets, sin! in best slMe. A jrml vnriety
1 nr" Flitter Gtvslt. .I'stner Muene rk, sik-Ii its Wiilit-g
links, 1'iTt Fi'.t., In ve H. x.-s, rw .ur iiuncs, c , e.
Il' y a want lo secure tture.unsut.lnt
' H. C r.HK.rN'rt
next ii" i tn the ti OKce. Centre st , I', I's.
. jj i timik 'f ri'i'iiiii aitcnitl v b;' lire best wutk-
December 0T, ltil. 8 a
r.KMovr.D TO
o. Ill It ace Street.
Between ith and 5, opposite Crown St.)
I MIRRK the Proprietor is enuhleil, by ineressnl fneili
I? ties, 1 1 snpplv the prrnwinir tletnsnd l-r UOVKR'8
INK, wlneh its wnlie-st.ieml reiHiiiui.tii lm crealctl.
T.'us Ink is ttniv so well esialtlttlieil in tlte tHj opinion
etui c. mild, ncc pi' tlie American Pnlilte, that il is Se.tretly
ll.'eesilre Lituv unvitiiMf in ns fnvi.r. nnd tlte niunui'ut-l ti
ter inkes litis o;it,irrtriiiiy ti buy that ths eoitDdatcc lUui
SeetirLj stiu Ii nut t,e
In n,li!ai.iii t lite vnn.iiis kiiuls of V mini lax, ns si'
m.-tiittlBetnres Atinrnnnttiie i'emcnt n.r niemln.g l.tusfamm
Ciiiini, ns well us a siipril. Hair Dve ; it trial -Mly is ne.
eessurv to insure lis fulnre ne. sua s Sesln rr Wtil. well
niinple'd f. Drneeius ami Hunters, ut a very l.w jtrtes, is
larf-e ur stn:ll tinaitritlcs. .
Oniers Miicir,eir t- jui-i.t ti
Mmiuliiernrer, Xi. Ill Raee Street. Helwejt, 4lk
Stli, itppnuie C'rcivu Siru.t, l'l,.ioiit .phis.
Pecember 7, 1651 3in. -
Ml .IEl'KV, I'A.
Dee. 13, 1651 tf.
Dissolution of rnrtncrsliip.
"NOTICE is hereby given llint the partnership
heretofore existing, between (he sulwcribers,
under the Arm of lis us U Renn, in the Cabinet
Making Business, in this place, was, on the 6th
day of December last, dissolved bv mutual con
Bunbury, Jan. 3, 185?. 3t
GOLb PENS with and without esses, of
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writin Fluid, for sal
by II. D. MAS8ER.
Bunbury, Dec 17, 185 It
10 R sal at this office, bupsrior Black Ink,
- Cattle Mduin at 23 ete, Pure Esavnee of
(.Ii jct, VJ teuu.
Philadelphia Type Toundry.
CJrcHt llcducllnn In Types), Ac
THE oridersifrned begs leave to call the atten
tion of Printers and Publishers to ths greatly
reduced prices of his Type, viti
Pearl, $1,08 Minion, 48
Agate, 72 Brevier, 4)
Nonpareil, SS Bouigeoise, 37
Long Primer, 34 Bmall Pica, 32
Pica, 30,
and alt other type in proportion. But wishing
to ncuuraue cash payments, the subscriher will
make a still larger deduction of from 12 tr 15
per rent. Tor cash. Having grently enlarged and
Improver! his establishment, he flatters himself to
be able to supply his customers with greater des
patch thau moot of his competitors. He has
constantly on hand Csses, Chases, Composing
Sticks, Standi, Brass and Wooden Galloys, and
all other materials used in a Printing Olfice.
All orders thankfully received and promptly at
tended to at tins North West Corner of 3d and
! Chestnut streets. L. PELOL'ZE.
N. B. Old Type taken in exchange for new
at nine rents per pound.
PhilarU-liihia, Dec. 20, 1351.- tf.
If A3 just received and opened a fresh and
general assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
of the newest and best styles, consisting in part of
HurdWarr. Iron nnd Steel, Nails, If.,
Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, Ac.
All of which be w ill acll at the most reasonable
prices for cash or country produce.
Give him a rail and try his prices,
bunbury, Nov fl, 1851.
AVatchc nnd Jewellery,
1TIIO 1. 1: .4 1, l: aiKl It UTA1L.
TYAYlNU constantly on hand an immense
sl.n'k of Watches and Jewellery, I am de
termined to sell at less prices than ths snars 4,111!
it y of Wntchcs or Jeweiiciy sis sold iu I'luUilvf
ptiia, vii:
Uuld Ltvcr Watches, full jewelled 18 ka
case, oulv $30,00
Gold Lipirfe, ' ' II 2-1.00
.Silver Levers, full jewelled, snlj 14,00
Silver Lepines, " 11, U0
Gobi Pencils, 1,50
Gold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00
Also sn immense stock of all kinds of Watch
es, Gold Chains, breastpins. Earrings, Silver
Spoons, Ac, all of which I will sell at less pri
ces thun (vcr have been sold in this city, as the
prices are certainly much less than ever hereto
fore sold in this city or county.
Califomis Gold bought for Cash. Particular
attention paid lo repairing Watches and Jewel
lery. All I ask is a call to convince Purchasers
that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew
ellery and Silver Ware.
l'tron by sciuliiitr the cash they wish to ex
pend can have a watch or watches sent to them
bv mud "rib perfect kafcly, having sent them in
that way lor the last 6 years. All communica
tions must Le past paid. Plcat-e call or stud or
ders to LEWIS LA DOM CM,
No; 103 Chesnut M.. bclwn 3d and 4th St.,
Kaft Win:; of Franklin Hcuse.
Philadelphia, Oct 5, li51.- tf.
rrHE subscribers offer for sale Cheltenham
Sslt, sn iuvuiimhlc remedy for this di sense;
ft Is nil evart iniitaliini of the water of the cele
brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which
has been found so beneficial in cases of Dyspep
sia, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, Habit
ual ('ostivcriens, &c, and is pnrticuluily recom
mended as a substitute, lor Sculli't Powders, ss it
si ts both ss a tunic and gentle purgative. A
Pamphlet conlsinin,' an analysis of the water and
directions for its use, accompanies each bottle.
Price cents per bottle.
The subs-rilicrs also prepare a highly concen
trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price
85 cents per bottle.
Pull Cat'li'!irs of drugs with prices attached
furnished Physicians gratis. Also priced fata
logues of I'Ul'C Clieilltful 1st onaKticul
Tlie nttention of Drnguists is particularly in
vi'.td to our slock of line drugs, chemicals, Vc.
Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists.
r-rh A Arch Street, Phiiadclphi.
October SS, l51. -lino.
E. S. JONES & 00,
'CORNER of Fouilh and Race tVtrcets. Pub-
V- lisbers of lln'Mod.1 Architect, bv SAMUEL
SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in SI mor:lh
ly parts.
The above work is designed to meet lire wishes
not only of lhte directly interested in buildings,
but ot all who desire lite advancement nf this no
ble art in our country, and wish to cultiv Jtc their
l.-rstcs and acquaintance with architecture. The
handsome niami'r in which it is prepared and
embellished, renders it a lastcful ornament for
lit? ihiwim;, while its accurate delineations
give ir the highest practical value.
ii. t. 2 ek 3 now ready for delivery.
Price 50 cents per number. Address as
above, post paid.
May :i, l(i.'i I. ly. Dec. ill, 1851.
M. L. III,IfEIss
jfi.TTCE.XTS7 -T LA77".
Office in Mirket street Sunburn, opposite
H eaver Hotel J "
TrsINESS will he promitly attended to in
B tiie Counties of Northumberland, Union,
Columbia and Montour.
Sunhiiry, Oct. 11, 1851. ly.
Lime ! ! Lime ! ! !
THE subscriber hereby informs his customers
and the public generally, that having rented
and put in operation the Lime Kilns of Mr. Ira
T. Clement, iii addition lo the other Kilns in use,
he will now be utile to supply demands for lime
at tlie shortest notice. His lime will be of the
hist qiulitv.
BunbUry; Nov. 15, 1851. tf.
Vo. 6, Sorth Wharves,
Wl.ere the following goods re rei eivcd and (old
on commission,
tJricd Apples, Peadies, Plums, Pears, Cherries,
A c., Green Apple in Bnels or by the Uushel,
lleatis, Pens, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po
tatoes, Hwect Potatoes, Bhi-lbaiks, Chestnuts,
Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs.
Prunes, Grapes, P.tullry, Egg, Butler, Cheese.
A nd all kinds of Foreign sud Domestic Pro
duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly.
rpiIE subscriber takes this method of inform
ing the citizens of Bunbury and vicinity,
that they ar engsgfed in the manufacture of
Boap and Candle, of the best quality, at No- 44
Filbert street, Philsdelphi. They respectfully
invite all who buy for essh, to giv him call ss
they will And it to to their adanlg iu dealing
with him for article in their line.
44 Filbert above Witt,
r-ctml-cr SO. lSol--f.
IJESPECTFL'LLY inform ths public and
"the rest of mankind," that tiny have rs-
ceived a large assortment of
of every variety of style, consisting it part of a
fine assortment of - .-. : - 1 "
Clilhs, Casnmeres, Merivoi, MoMSselint dt
U Lains, Calicoes, Muslins, checks,
and every variety of Dry Goods, ; .
Also a large assortment of UKOCEIt ITS,
Sugar, Teas, Cofl'.-e, Moltsses, Spices
of all kinds.
Atss sn assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also a nesh supply of
W Country produce of all kinds taksn in ex
change at the highest market price.
ouuuury, .ov. B, iHal.
At His New Mure In Hollowing nun,
f ESPEC TFCLLY informs his friends and
customers, that he has just received a new
stock of goods, wliich he offers to ths public
at Ihe lowest prices, ii :
Fall and WJufer Dry Good,
Cloihi. Cassimeres, Siitttnctls. Merinos,
Mousseline I)e Lutnes, Flannels
and every variety of goods suitable for the season.
A!s,vSilk Hats, Caps', ic.
ALSO : An assortment of Hardware.
All Kinds, of Groceries,
A variety of Queeusware, Crockery, etc,
licsides a variety of other articles, suitable for
farmers, iVc.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
geoda at the highest market price.
Hollowing Hun, Oct. S., 1951. tf.
TH-I.IAM HOUVHR rcpCCtfnl!y iltturms
his trieiid mid futom.-ir. Unit lie htn
just returned from l'hiiudclphi, with an exeviient
nssortineiit of
which he oilers for sale nt his new store at Mas
scr's Mill, Hollowing Hun. These goods will
ho sold st the lowest prices.
Dry Goods, fje.,
Sncrt as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Callicoes,
Gtiiehams, Lawns, Chintzes and
Ladtes Dress Goods generullu.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c,
A general assortment of Groceries, such as
Suar, CoiTt't, 'IVa, Molas
ses, Spices, &c.
Also an assortment of Liquors, anvh ss
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, Sc.
tip" Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at
the Inchest market prices.
Htsilowing Run, May 10, ISM. ly.
Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron ClisW.
A'sTARUANTEn to stand eriual heat with
' any other Che.ts in tl;e country, ai.d to
drfv the llurylus' iiiKenuily. Maiiul'actory, No.
lu Hudson's Alley, running between Third an
Fomtli streets, south of Chesnut, and iu tue
rear el' the Urrard ljauk.
M. &. S., the proprietors, are Practical Ms
chanics, und feel colilideiit, from Ioiir eiperimce
in the muiiufactiire of Iron Chests and tili-s, anJ
Siecial attciitinn lo this psrlicuUr hraurli, of
giving- satisfaction to all who may giv them a
N. B. We liave selectcJ one of the best min
erals ever used ns a iitm-coiidiiclor of heat in
this business, and we warrant our Chest and
K .i'r. to he made of the l-t lnaicrial ar?3 iff the
.ot iliirahle manner, and lo stand suy heat
that can h applied to tlicm.
fanufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley.
Running between Urd and 4 th streets, S ef C'hs
liut, in tue rear of tinarj Dank, '
Pliiladtlpliia, Oct. S.I, 1S51. ly
r 11 1 ME 1) YSTEli S. "
rpHE undersigned is in th daily receipt o
JL fresh and eicellent tlysters from III cele
brated estnhrislrnirnt f Mr. I'leld. No. 331
West Lombard street, Baltimore.
All order will he promptly ttondeJ to and
forwarded without delay. Apply to the ub
sciibcr ut Lte's Hotel, Northumberland, Pa.
ff. p Oysters of common quality at $1,00
per ran.
Octolr 11, lSSl.-,3mo.
AVING settled at Northumberland, I am
now prepared to furnish
Fresh and Spiced Oycters
duriuj the whole season at the reduced price ef
one dollar for whole and fifty cents per hail" can.
You can depend upon them beinn fresh, as I
sti.iii receive Iheiu daily. (!SiinJas excepted,)
and when landed hei they are only 10 hour out
of the shell.
All persons who are in want ef the above rti
cle, at a di.unco, cut have them r.t jer don
or stiigls can hj addressinrr
N. B. Persons enllins on ihe uhscri!er way
nnd him either at Uurr's or Has' Hotel.
Northumberland, Oct. 4, IBM-
TH E sobcriler resjteetfully Informs bis friends
and the public that h haa taken th well
known Public Hou.e, corner of Mret and Ri.
r street, Ulcly occupied by Mr. Wlurtou. II
trusts by strict attention to business, It will be
enabled lo giva Satisfaction lo all who msy for
him with tiivir custom.
(tunbury, O.-t. S5, 1S1. U.
bar bottle for sal by
Bunbury. April, It, 1851
K7EE DILLS. Ju.ticea snd Oan-Uble t
Bill baudumsly prtrped o crd papw, far
tt thUnfKso.
BSl" 'A -Ja
' "fir$ rt. .feTiS-j. .fcAvifl. sd
Thf iprr.sch of Crttirm cU f.rt tKt rmmt tyf mf
(ff'ipnMlt anij prcMrktirim t- prnl iia dbatf4 Wr
;tit i ith it The dMcreiw wluh rii titihcrto HtwiM Uitf
vdf rtKirr)t ft ii N.ptM will Ctmtiituv. and oaSi m
prrpsTiuate liie Pill hitlorv nf the np'fMil.iip mn4 ditm-v-M.i
f th tiy un illicit tlw daAiiijr vt Um Kplsii
Tim f,.pti.n cf CDirreo Sfi firm th Oloii m
iifTKi-ttl chnracter the rtrpnnr 7 all lhl i Mid
dnne in the btxty. Tlni ficlk hu bewi vrttd t
ufttTtitre ttrtrii n fi.r Mui.v vr. ua by mmtr t
paniei. The prem, tu, f a!l pirtin hn W-nie tt.iMr
to the fidelity with wlucli ut ifaua uuftJd kM W
prf 'Trntd.
The .'sjlerity with whit ri the Inter-writer f lfcdi
tint yirei eirrtib tde ( tbeif lirr4
fenmaand ieva oi" the drtutM t f C.-tifreia, rraden
more impriaiit tiian aver tbe ftdl t ttvrt nArial fepucw
nf the Corff.KMiuL Olo, The tuny, and in matif
friitmicr x 9arti. rehiti ma hy t'hfrtph of what necr
tn C-TtaTee aierpit', .r -tie in -at part, the eiact teporta
taken d 'Wit hy rettrlrra, and wh'ch ftfTmcrtv. in M aKapa
more of low aUlrrviatedf W iirl the rHnd fif Uia ptr at.-
Ttow the teh ftraph at Minute, with ell their Imperfaaiiivta
nd ftnety ol cI'rifTf take taf run of the nnii.tre. and
n i preea liiit Iht olFi' tal -f e 4ie;rct ever pubiiahee ttie ful
leUtte with the proceedings t h Hm uiimutilatad.
IfKired, n-i newiptper reu tfivn tlicm, and have room fat
dverlicMit fii and the rffi'e!Hntita tna'.fer rMnt(ial t
their eiiilenre. While, tlitrt'i'..r-, the teUgmph a Un;nie
tera u the cne;.;r appetha f .he ptrHie f..r Cttia;reaa new,
nnd tnrrta the iieiriiifii of the p-'litir-al prcae, by furniab
inK a rapidly written epitome anttK! to the tate ftf ltd
patron, perfrrt inf in of whnt pae in Cunrreai
n grently (liiiiiiiiaued. The rircnln(in cf the official
rrftiri hue been, t rme extent, cnt i ff by tit enfte and
diversified a.c unta whirh. Ryinf mUnifr ilia eirctrie wirea.
aetiafit-a curi ii!y, and it isnlnt .at i.t vain that truth put
i!Ti hn lK):ta t- toll w. Hml there are a grant man meaj
nf Icianre nnd th-MM who liir to aee what ia actually
aid and d.'tie in 0-iiirreat, nnd tn in fire for theniielyea,
rither than to receive iniprainia altue;ther fnua fJvaii
ic battetiea. There are oihen, to, wht f r the an Ice of
the future, willinifly patMinre a work which prraenrea ft
full record of the d inc f tne great m ving and ejirtfl-
ti up; puwera v vne nopuum.
Iftliere ever waa a time trhtn the et-Uon f Conraad
a)i uid he htuiced to ami th rotfhU ttudied, by the palri'ibe
o:'aJl partittt, it certainly approachra with the next Ca
srtnt. Tin Govrriiiiient UMea a new departure with tha
tie ' anwn, at:d how ii it U work i m tha afrnniaiita
ma te t pacify the trtuMra wikh Wich it baa laWed "
re'rtaine to be aeen. The aut-Craat'n tu tiit freidency
will tor in a tending c-Jitan.cintuu. in every movement al
the next e easi m, mil tueri v i it aarrely be a inaaaura
iiitniinccd, or a apeet h in:tue, that wiJ nt have arme
bearing 01 thnt nllalaorbing qtuatism. If tutti'-nal eon
ven'.i 111 of the reapi'ptive part ice ara railed t?"thr t
noininnte th cnndt-lntea of each, trie CmigTeaa which
precrtlea the e.nveut. iia uiwoya aviu-a the ovenainn, bf
atituMiwii in, to (!iftif) in eiinieeii-'U with p-ibite mm
anrre, the uiertta f liic nru louked tn t give thai a effect
in ttie ailiniiiietrati 'n. IT the pe pie. th?u, wou'fl havft
iJifir aimie ii tiic cb- irel then (i a; fnirCiiuiarieat thee
ouviit tu tiv well ihe rhainr'er cf vatnlid.iiea hi (lev
tipwl by tuerrieeivca, their f'tende, and thfit enciaica m
C ng.-eaa. The c-titnl wi'Mie tiie r 'ilium from wfairb
the pe pie nf the V'wtvd dttLea will le addrcued oit tba
utvect ol' the Chief lncitrncv, and the important tnfirt
Ctinnet-inl w-tn iu nnd the legialation ol" the cwftfy ther
will became tha theme of drsclixftiVu in every State Igia
hfnre, i-i every rntmtry town and vrrtnaia meat ing;
tbr 'iiithout the Ltitn. H.w important, lhti, d'ea a
become, that lull and irnr-nrii;rl rfporta ah-mld oAitained
nf tha art mn of a body, whieh vi!l eue nn impuWa to tiie
Kfpuii.ic in a new career, and whirh, in a very (great
irrre, intltiet'fe the public tnind tn the ch'dva 01 ti
Chid Mntfiatrut'T who in to c.iny out the wiU ol the paopld
1 ht cmntttati mMly exprcASed;
! The utt.lerftiitM lias mude preparatiAiia eornrnnneurald
j with tlir lncrt:t4 ri imp -riuu'e ! tie duty be ha uiderm
I fcfu n ttie t-ti.y rejrtrr nnd puiditfiicr .t tla wiHiireta
t e init. itvii wui .r.hiilii 1 es tended anofiUia,
- reii-ma wtli u t l c n rtatit 111 leaa tltau jsxvm
T'yui uttaii'j ptiki.-a 01 btevier uini itoiit'eren ie nwaine
4 voluinca of n-jftr tHHJ pnj-a ich. Tle teKrta 0k the
idt l.:ig aes; m nuide inpi n-yiti wasrU' pntfca, and ww
b--ut id ut (out vu: uinta, avragipg y; roai quarto paged
1 wiil pnbMih in trt .rMENrn for the next eeeeint,, aS
lawa inu It nftfaod d irmj; the aeffh,n, wbicii ba tot
bevn tl nt hcrebl'ie. Aith-stih tira will im-reaaa in m
amtul tlcjrt a ine cxpt-nae ol the publication, the aubectf
ti u pnea will be tiie anine lhat it baa beau for eeyerai
yenra ii
The I4iM Globs wiii be published during the aaioa
on a ripcrtum d -uHe royal ahret. It will e ilaiu th
deitia as t;ikcn dwn by the re port era f and aa altaeeal
by the apeak ca. whenever they make any altraione;
the current nevva "I tne rtuy and the inicrlnneoua matter.
The m i 1 t 1 id itt t for puMiaiini! the dmly paper ia, tn ana
bie Meiuleri t aee their rrmnrke in it, and alter them if
l.'ifcV inail tiuuk prpcp Inlore they aro puhiiabad m the
Ci?crmv:uit j iv M.d Appeuiix
Tne CoiiirriaioAn: Oi'be it iruide up of the daily prv
ceetutia ot he two Houses of Congreas, and printed oai
a d-ni-;c riyal pa;erf wiiit imll type, (Ijrrvier and no
p.irei! ) in jiui;bi furm. ciirli iiuuiher c aigtira
roy:.l fpt-rlo tai'i s. Tl.e apecchea of tiie .Mnnhera, in
th f rm we t iijicuinra C -ndeiuM-J ;he full rajioit inf
fie r-puial a;rrMi'-l bfnff rcerrved for the Appendix.
Aii ri a luiion, m tuna and otiier proceeriinxa. art give
iu th f.-rni of tl.e J-un: with tne yaua auid nay a tm
evry iinp nai.t (4jetii.
T'ie Ai'pend 1 ;t iiu-.uf up of the Preaident'd Anntlat
Miu t:.e Kep ii ; f the pnucip.11 tHTtccra of tha
ii ivef iiutiit ihni u-t uiica'jr it, ami ul. peecl;ea of Mem
beta of C mrc, wi'ie.t iu or reviard by themaelvea.
It ia pn.ilt'U in the nine t rm aa the Conrraaioriai Oatue,
hi;d iikuiily itmkis iJv'Ut :hc imt nun be r of pag;a dttrttaj
u s a. ui.
Dur'if the trtt month M ix woekaof a eiei, thaea
ia rtueiy ir e bnsin-ii dn e th:i Will mie tw nmisi
Vrfl a 'wrc one of the Cm ir regional Globe and
f ;h AppfuliA, tut miring tat remainder of a eraatoa
iitn .a -iisaa'.y aufTi'MCiit in itlr nr iwi or three numlsera
tn'rah nn very ik. Tiie uei: aeisn wti le uuuaa
ai! intereitmc ; thcrefo'e, 1 calnilate that tha Congrea
aiotnl lili't tu.i Appemhx tojfrthrf will rrmka at laaat
'.IK-O large qaa'r' ' pT't "i atu:iH type brevier
a-Hi ii -lipHi 1-:. t? mpic.e Indexealo lJth wiU ba fatf
nishei o. the nd ori erosion.
i will iit.UiiV ;r t prir.t a auiTtciiit linmber of aurplaa
eopia t aiippiy all that muv be iiiii-'arrird, ur loat ia the
rftniia ; hnt sul'triilina sh"Uld be ve'y parttenlar tut I'd
thtr pa-iera (urrfiii:y, for lear that 1 At-Uld oat be able)
to a-:;p'v aii the 1 t nunibera.
Jf at.bat-ribsTK nliaii n -t eat afied with tha work, tha
tn upy pod l.y (;rin I'or it will h relmuled t theax
whnevrr they return liie pitudera wiiivh miv hee aan
rAfcivel by them. I will give adwribvia tha aw baa rip
li;n pr'ce fr iniy of Hie prevhuia vohnnea of the Cmi
vrraki inui (!l"be or ttie Apiendiz. except f. the lead
areatu., nnd wiii Uunk any pera.,u who wiiiitt md hav
I have a few co; ! t of hark yolumea of the Con
ttrrnii .m! (11 live and AppMidit for anle at X m vnlutad
!-.:id, which it ia vt. luine will le diirraed of axOM 2
mvl when they are, they will then. 111 doubt, eomniandedt
at !eitltfl a volume, aa they rnimot be repruitad far
tea than that auiir. There air ti5 back Tolaoiea.
For nn copy of the Dailv Globe Jurinff
t!ie B9M0ii, $S Off
Fur one copy of tlie Congresaional Gldf
during llis srffaion, 9 09
For one copy of the Appendix Uuring tde
ado;I, 3 &0
'Jhe money may ht TcmitteJ hr mail at my
rUk. IJ.n.k notes current where a dnbarciber re
itUe will be reerived at par. Hubarriptiopa
sliouU rrarh litre by tlif l5tU Dcfiubir, at
lurthrat lo insure the number.
'J'lic priced for those pa (vera are ao low that I
raimol aiTurd t rrfJit tiiern out ; therefore tie
1 (rfTstrn need order them uutesi the money aocom
peiiit a the ordvr.
'ibiiigtoi. Pity, Nov. 1851.
18 considered liy thousands who lists teste1 it.
Uiing th n utckt
Scieiitif.t H'oiirfer of the World f
Kiitirrly doing sway with thst laborious nd U
jurious prartic uf rubliing th
And s great saving of
N. II. To prevent fraad siir! impotilioti', (for
many sre trying in palm oil srriclr put up lik
mine) tit Proprietor. I. P. HOTT, will put
his WRITl'BN MUNATrRB oti th t..p It.
del of every Pat-kag. And he only asks
tuligtttiitd pullic not to confound
ths: ckhmas washing rowpctt
with otlif rs that are in th market.
It is put up in Packages with full dirsH-tiona.
and sold at (he. nominal mice of 13jj ecnta.
ITT PHIXTKRS will find i( grrally to adsan
tag to purchase those Powders tJ cleans thai
liinr rv suprrinr article for that uirro.
Manura.-iitred only hy I. P. 1IOYT, at hi
I.shoraiorv Snd Principsl tlepol, No. 10 8otl
lilth Ml reel, Philtfrlrrftlita'.
Wholesale and Rrttui Agents : Henry M ,
Sun'.nrry ; 8. U. Ueiiortnanilie, NorUiurohrla.
Rrniemlier the nrtthfe
All letters to b post paid.
Noveiuliet 3 J, 1651 Ginn,
It tf FFALO "il bUES.
4 LRO, FANCY FL'RS. ueh a Mull's, Bets,
Tiptets, Victorias, &c., Ve. Tb ulcrss
tier nfl'cr th above for al, wholesale or retail,
in the greatest variety, and on the cheapest tarns,
at their l.tablisluueut. No, 93 North Tbir4
ff treut, opposit C'herrv, Philatlelphia,
November ft, IS-Sl.-tm.
4mNULKt. Joint and Lap bhlniHs. of fire
rat quality, for l by
' Sunhury, Pee. S3. IC5I. tf.
KAZORSwA superior articl for i st 14
asor of HtNRY UAUCX.
ur, FeV !. IrJ'l..