".. V "-m.il,. U.U) 1'. '.'...J . . IMll' SUNBUHY AMEKICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOU11NAL. -i .r . A Chriitmai Pudding. A Metrical Reoeit AfiM Kitchener.. AlI--"JcNNETTK AND J EANNOTr, 3.ut IfVon'wfth fo makt the pudding in which " "every one delifjhls,- Of six prelly new laid eggd, you must take ' ' the yolks and whites, Bekl them well up in a bnsin till they thor oughly combine, '' ' . And be on in yon chop the euet up purlieu . larly line. - Take a pound of well-stoned raisins, and a pound of cnrranls tlriutl, A pound of pounded augur, nud some can died reel beside, Rub them oil' tip well together with a pound I ' of wheatcn Hour, I And lot them sland to settle for a quarter of a An hour. I Then tie the mi.vtuio in a cloth, at.J rt it in a pot, Some peoplo like the wuler cold and some preler it hot ; But though I don't know which of those two ' pluns I ought to pi a iPo, I know it ouuht toboil an hour for every pound it wei&hs. O ! if I were Queen of Fiance, or still bettor Pope of Rome, I'd have a Christmas pudding every day 1 dined nt home ; All the world should have a piree, and if any did remain, Next morning for my breakfast I would have it fried again. itStocrUautoutf iHnttcr. The Mobilo pr.pers speak of a probable personal difficulty between Senators Down and Spule. Archbishop IUgmks. of New York, has made a most wanton public attack upon the character of Kossuth. j Yankee ' Thf. success of Hobbs, says tho Blade, has produced a vast amount of luck jaw, both here ami in England. Tiir Norwegians. In Wisconsin, within a circle of some 30 or 40 miles diameter, there is a Norwegian colony settled, of 15, 000 souls or more, and a church of over 100 lias just been formed among them. "Mothrr, send for the doctor." "Why, my son V "Cause that man iu the parlor is a going to die he said he would, if sister Jane would not marry him and Jane said she would'nl." An Irishman observing a dandy taking his usual strut in Broadway, stepped up to him ond inquired, "How much rent do you ask for those houses 1" "What do yon ask me that fori" "Faith, and I thought the I ' Tiii whole street belonged to ye," replied the Irishman." I . i It is said of the Marquis of Townsend, that when a young man, and engaged in battle, he saw a drummer at his side killed by a cannon ball, which scattered his biuius in every direction. His eyes were at onco tixed on tho ghastly object, which seemed wholly to engioss his thoughts. A superior officer observing him, supposed ho was inti midated by the sight, and addressed him in a manner to cheer his spiiils. Oh," said the young Marquis with calmness, but seve rity, "I am only puzzled to make out how any man with such a quantity of brains ever came to be here." A Clergy-min's Ofision of Newspapers. Rev. Daniel Baker, of Texas, says he has travelled through a great many Stales, mix ed with tho people, conversed at the country fireside, and preached in the open foirst as well as the thronged city. Where he found newspapers he found intelligence peoplo whom h could talk to or listen to with j pleasure. As a General thing, where a newspaper was not taken, hu could tell it in the slovenliness of the household, the igno rance of the children, and the uninformed parents." So marked is tho dillerence iu civilization between those who take news papers and those who do not, that the trav eller in the country will bo pleased and en. teitaiued by tho one, while he will despise the other, without knowing the cause tu which the diffeienee is attributable. Madi son Statesman. 'What are you doing, Je '' said I ; 'Oh ! nothing, sir ;" was Joe's reply, "And you there, Turn, piay let them know," ''I'm busy, sir, I'm helping Joe." "Is nothing, then, so hard to do That thus it takes the time of two V "No," Fays tho olhei, with a suiilo. And grins and chuckles all the xx hile ; ' But we're inch clever chaps, d'ye see, Nothing's too hard for Joe and me." ( OMI'KISI Till': WAIST. In the personal lecollectinns of Chailotte Elizabeth, tho following passage occurs. Her father came in while the stay-maker was spreading out her buckram, whale bone, &. "Pray, what are you going to do with the child 1" 'Going to fit her with a pair of stays." For what purpose V "To improve her figure ; no young lady can grow up without them." 'I beg your pardon ; young gentlemen grow up very well without them, and so may young ladies." "Oh, you are mistaken. See what a loop the has already ; depend upon it, that girl will be both a dwarf and a cripple if we don't put her into the stays." "My child may be a cripple, ma'am, if such is God' will, but she shall be oi:e of his His making, not our." Therefore she grew up without headaches, or other "lady-like maladies." l'eihaps tome may say this has no bearing upon the subject we are upon ; but 1 beg leave to differ, for the auflemng now put in the dresses of our females is more injuiious to the vital parts ol the body than the "stays" oould aver be. I, equally with ion,- admiie the present neat fashion of high neck dresses and flow ing skirls ; but the wasp-like waist ruin the health of hundreds of the fair population of tui land ! New Yoik linportrri ond Jobber! FREEMAN, IIODOE8 & CO., 58 tlJSllTTBTBBBT, fittwttn Urondway and flastau-Strtet, Near the Port Office. nTE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Eu rope, our Full and Winter assortment of RICH FASHIONABLE FANCY BILK AN MIELINERY GOODS.-; -- f . . : We respectfully invite all Cash Purchasers thoroughly to examine our. Stock and Trices, and, as, tsTF.nr.ST norr.nxs, we feel confident our Gooils and Prices will induce them to select fro as our eslnlilishnipnt. Particular attention is dera ted to MILLINEKY GOODS, and many nf the articles are manufactured expressly to our order, snd cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and cheapness. licnutiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck, and licit. Satin and TalTcta Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, fer Hats. n.ori.'.""' Am"!c"' and French Artificial I'lillinirs, and Cap Trimmincs. Dress Trimmings, large assortment. Embroideries, Capes, Collars, L'nderslesves and Cull's. Fine Embroidered Reviere and Hemstiea Cambric Hiindkercbicfs. ('rapes, hisses, Tiirletons, Illusion and Cap Laces. Viilcncicncs, Ilrussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisls Thread Laces. Kid, Silk, Scwinir Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves and Mitts. Figured and Plain Swiss, Book, Dishp I.awn, ti txl Jaconet .Muslins. ENGLISH. FRENCH, AMERICAN AND ITALIAN STRAW GOODS. Auqiist 30, 18!) I. 3mo. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, (711 MAP (JRA.VK STONES. THE subscriber informs his friends and the publie, that he continues to curry on the Marble Iliisincss in all its brunches, at his old stand in Milton, l'a., and is prepared to iiiunu liiflure Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, "'" materials, and most finished woik- iiiuusiiip, nnu m me lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and German iu the most modern and elegant style. Designs fur Monuments, Grave Stones, Ac, ohvays on hand. A. II. Orders for the East side, of the river promptly executed by leaving the sums at the oliiec of the '-Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton. May 10, 1851. j TO BSTSPEPTICS. npiIE subscribers ofTer for sale Cheltenham ' -"- Suit, in iiivnliinlil retneilv for tbis discs ; it is nn exact imitation of the water of the cele brated Cheltenham Spring of England, which has been found so beneficial in eases of Dyspep sia, Hilious Complaints, Sick Headache, Habit ual Coslivencss, &e., and is particularly recom mended as n substituto for Scidlitz Powders, as it I acts both as a tonic and gentle, purgative. A Pamphlet containing an analysis of the water and ! directions for its use, accompanies each bottle. Price ilrt cents per bottlo. , J " "--niH-r. oi-o prepare a n.gn.y concen- ,rn'01' Essence of Pure Jamaica lunger. Price cents per bottle. Full I'ninhgiifs of drugs with prices attached furnished Physicians gratis. Also priced Cata- l.igues of l'lirc C'llCSlllt'illt for analytical Chemists. The attention of Druggists is particularly in vited to our stock of line drugs, chemicals, Vc. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, tith cc Arch Street, Philadlphia. October So, 1S51 4 mo. The undersigned have entered into Co-partnership under the firm of KIM BY fe LAWRENCE, TO CARRY OX TUB Paper & Rag Businesi, At So. 5, Minor Street, Pkilailelphia. T"lTH ERE they intend Lrciiinc a Urge (iiorl- i " incut of papers, &c, consutinr in part aa follows : Writing papers ; wot and laid, Amarican and English. lliilh Pouts and Not papers; wots and laid, gilt uml plain. Folio Pauls, Flat Caps. Printing rapers,Jall sizes. Hardware papers, from 19 by S4 to 40 hy 43. Colored nml white tissue papers, American and English, llolliugsnorth's Patent Manilla i papers. I Colored and white Shoe papers, common and j extra siy.es. Unit Envelope papers. Colored Printing and Coer papers. Manilla papers, all si.es, Glazed Koyal, all co- i ors. i 1 Imp giit, Ulue Medium and Filtering papers. I Tea, Secret and Colored papers for confection- I ers. Uag, Manilla and Straw wrapping papers, llonnet, Hinders, Hoi, Cap and Trunk boards. While nnd Uud Envelopes; Le.-al, Letlsr, Note and Card sizes. m Agents for lllias, Potter If Co's Printers' Card in parks and sheets, white and colored odd c rnr til on pr. A Isii. Mimr lull h tarni'Mil mnl i i , , i JOSEPH KfMBY, late of 88 X. Third t. .N. S. I.AWKE.NCK, lale of No. 3 Minor it. N. H. 500 Tons of Hags wanted in exchange lor cah. JMiilarlelphia, JuW 26, 1851 fimo. ArvIERICAN IICUSH, POTTSVILLE, PA. HS. M.U1V WKAVKR respectfully iufornii x ' ' the pulilic and travellinjj coinniunity Rcneral Iv. that she has ns tied this large and comnindious HOTl'I., furnished in a superior style. From her lnu experience iu the business of a first rats Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may des?nd on being supplied with ecry thing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Keb. 15. 18., I tl LAWliKNCE HOUSE. SUNBUHY, PA. 7 3" HE subscrilier respectfully informs her friend. 1 and the public generally, that she has taken the itbove well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied hy Mr. J.C. Per kins. Mio trusts that her experience in businesi and her cll'orts to make her guest comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. TREVORTON HOUSE, n'llKOnil'I'Okt 11. ' IHttUUlUiX, IA, flHR subscriber respectfully intorms tha publ. . A that he has opened a Public House, in tl new town of Trevorton, Northuiiiberlaud county and that he is well prepared to accommodate his guests in the best manner. His house is located neariy opposite the Company's (Store. He is also provided with good stuhhng auilicient for SO hor ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention to business to meet a share of the public patron- HENKV 11- WEAVER. Trevorton, Jan- II, 1850 if. l.VTRACT CF Cil.NCKH.A fresh supply just received and for sale at Una oflice. Price Si cents. unksary, Jay It, lit I. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOCS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND "II Hiw arising from a rtlnrtltrtd lirtr er sto mnch, aurhsscnnsti(intiin, iawnrri Tilvs. FsllnsM. or blood to the head, Acidify of ttie Stomsch. NnusM, Tfftarilitnt. dismast for Fond, Tulltmss or wtisjit in tlit Stonmch. snurl-'.rnctatintis, sinkinf or flutteriue. at the pit of the sttoinnrh, swimininit of I tie liend, harried nnri diirtcalt brMlhist, flattering at tiie htarl, eh'ikiuf or tufT Titling aensalions when ins Ivinf n"tura, tlimnsss of risi.si, dotanr wet heforpthe liiflht. Ftvar snd dall psm in tha head, deflcirnct of peripimthm, vellownaaa of llie akin aad eyrs, pnin in the side , buck, clirst, tinilil. &r., aniWan flmhrs of hmt Imrninir in Ilia flesh, ennatant imaginings of evil, and (treat dcpri-twion nf spirits, CAN UK F.FFKCTCAU.Y Ct nF.D BY DB.. EOOFLAITD'S ccLuiirtATEi) GKnvt hitter, rnsPARRD ht DR.C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MKDIC1NE STORE, No. 1-20 Arch M., rhilnflrlpliln. TliHr power ovr tlie nlmve tliptrnwri in iti't frtll, if e(imllril, ly nny mhftr prrpnrtilinn in tim l iiilml hiiiftn, a (lie cures nt tent, in muny chrvh tuter skillhil physitimm lint) fiiilcil. Thpr Itittom nre worthy tltcj nltentitm of iuvnlitln. PtwwMiiH gtfHt viriiifB in the reriiftcttinn nf iliwnsi t-f the Isivrr tunl It-swr glnnilfi. exrrietifp tho ni"l teHrcUnij powern in wPiiknim nud nHW'tifMm 01 the iliyvstive uigAni, they tire, willi.tl, teil'v, ccrliiin itml plcnflunt. Fnni the Host'in lire. The !;((it(.r mill, Dre. 'i)H. 11lH)Fiafi ('Kl.nHRATKI fiFtlM PlTlFM f"l the pure nf l,iv-r Cfimpbint. Jinimlice. 1 pepsin. Chronic or Ntvoiik Ochi'ity, nt tk-rvHlly tmr nV the ni"t p"pu l:ir iiiwlicititu nf the dtiy. Thew IlitleiB Imve Ippii iikpH hy thotHutndn, mill n friinil nt otir elhnw miy he h:i him uplf rrci-ivpil mi i (Tcctntil ami prrirmnrnt "pure of Lirer Coinphiiut from the nw nf thin rniipdy. We nre pniivitippil thnt, in ti itui! ii thf!e Hitlprn, tltp jwitirnt ptumtimlly ptiinw RtrftiL'ih uihI vifrnr n fart worthy f ure:it poiihhIc nitton. Thry nrp pltrwrnit in tnxre nml wnt'H. ntitl phu lie tirl hy mti wtih the uinntftplirutp itiiin;iphn with r:ic ty, mnler ntty pircniinttruiPi!. Wn re npttikintr from t-x-pmpiii-p, in ut to the nfllietPil we ml vine Heir imp.'' 'Scott's Wkekly," one !' the best Jiiterury pnpeis puhlirilietl, sriitl, Aup. '25 'Dr. llooFr.A7('s (Jermn ll!TTFH. tnnntifiictnreil hv Dr. Jm-ksviii, ii nt ii tw r'P'HiiinfiMlp hy niie nf the nnwt pnmiinput ineiithprii nf the liiculty un un article nt much eiliciipy in p:t,s if friti'ilp wriiktipnu. As mien is the puce, we wmiM mli'ixe till nvMhcrsto nhinin n Iodic, ntnl thus s:ie tlieiiiKflvcs much sickuc. IVrMmis nf tlehilim tfnl ciislitiili Mi!i will fin.) these Itiltprs nilvnutuenuf to their he:ilth, tm wn kii v from experience th Kiluturjr pffeet they huve tipm wci-k systems. f More Evidence. The 'riiiliiiletpliin Silnnliiy (iawtte." th lie fnmi.jr npvsprti! ;nlilm)ieil in the I'niteU flutes, the eilit-r ) nf Dt )tifof1au(Vs German Bitters. 'It is selil mi t. u. we retMiimrint wh:it ie ternie.1 Va tent .Meilieuips. nm- "ntifitlenee nnd pntmn ice nf mir renders ; nud, tlieieinrp, hen wu rfcnnuiicnd 2)r. llo-'f-limd's (iertnuit Hitters, wc wis il t e distiucHy undci sttt.nl that we ure n it Sie:ikintt of the noMtnims nf llie d:u llmt nre united tilmut for 11 hi iff period nnd then for irntten nftei they h;iTed-Mie Ihpir guilty- nice of mischief, hut nf a medicine l"iir pst;dlished, imivprnillv prized, nud which has net the heart v npnnivitl nf iIip r'ncnli y itfelf." Kvidenee upon evidenee has been received (like the fnretrnnie) iiuiii nil eeetinns nf the I ni'-u. th vt thrre years, nud the strniuresf testimony in its fav'i. is, that there is nmre nf it nurd in fic practice nf lite regular IMiy sieians of Philndi'lphia, than all other iinsiritius cniiLjned. R tact that phu easily Ik' i'si:i1dif-liel. nml futlv nrnvinir that n scientific pre.viralinn will meet with their qua t nppmvut w in n I'lc-m-iiifii rven in hub mrm That this medicine will cure l.iver rnmplaittt and ly pepan, im tue eundmiht. nttt r nsintr It us directed. It nets specifically upon the Minmafh and liver it in prcflcrahie to cniouiei in an I'lTiMus iiiseas'fs die eiicct is iiiiiiieni.ite. They can he ndmiuisterpd n Female or Infant with safety nnd reliahle Iwnetit, nt nny time. iikwari; of cor.vrnRFF.iTi. This nvdiciiip has nt.niueil that hinh ehaiacter which is necessary Mr nil medicine t-i iitlain to mihiee cminlci leilrrs tn put tnrfh n spiiri-tu aitide at tho risk nf tha lives those ure innocently deceived. LOOK WF.I.I.TO TIIK M AllKr OF TIIK (il'AriXR. They have the written signal ufp nf C. AT. JACKSoS op'n thp wrapper, and the lume tilnwii intli bottle, with nur which tiiey an' spin iais. Ftr wife, vvimlusale uihI letnil, nt the German Mnlirine Stnrtt X'V VJ'i A1ICII Street, one door hel -w Sixth, (lata of 2T.-' Race Hlreet.) riii'a.lelpliia, ami hy ref pectuKa desisrt g;eneiuiiyAtiiri:giin4)i tlie cntmtry. I'HICKS iti:in't:F.i). Tii enahle all classes nf invutids to euj"jr tlt ilrantages oi tneir great reat'Tutive ptiwtrs. Single Bottle 75 ri.t. Ann: For sale hy II. Masser, Sunhury, and M. A M'L'av. Nnrthmtiherkiiid. Auijiut 3d, IjI 1y. 100 LAB0HERS WANTED " 1 MMEUIATEI.Y on tlie Trrvorton liitil Komi. Sectioin 51 & 52 ; nt the Moutli f the Ma i(onoy Creek, to whom lilieral wanes will he paiil IUA 'J'. CLEMENT & Co. Kunliury, July ft, 1S5I tf. IIUU.TY i AND l'F.NSlON AtHACY. I The aUc-ntirtn of the public i callrj to the nl I vcrtiseinent of Mr- Charles (' Tucker, Attorney oml AkciiI nt ushiHlon City Persona ha inu eluiina for hounlv I.umU or Pi ensions are in formed that the Miliseriher has made arrangement for the requisite forms, and claimants calling at Ins olliee, can liave llietr papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- J ucker ut Washington, and hy him he properly attended to before the De partment there. II. B. MASSER, fSuiiburv, Jan. 19, 18S1 ESSENCE OF J A M AICA t; I X G K 11 . MAIlK fim tli J;iumicu Gincr, ill tlie vulunM iiit'iliciinl jir.ipciiy (if w inch it wiil be loiuul tn pus KPftt in u convenient uihI v ii'Tntnttcd furni. 1 1 is a nioKi tilicitiit anil nt llie kiiiic liiiit hiiiiiilcMi, t;ont! I vtiuiul:iliiif! 1 iiilt- l'r tlit Hoin:irli, Jinti will Ik IoiiikI l cry l)riu-lii'i;it in rt-lievin itii .nitiitil anil itiflrciwiiitf it-fliuv'H I tK'i;inintnl tiy lli i(ii'iirtl ucii mi itm inipniuiiii iirtMu, j I r-nn hiili'tnti wlmlt' tin-KpixMiliil taken m u wiuc-jrliiK-! fill o sweetriinl Wiitt-r will iiiinieiliutcly rcinie llie thttu J Ifiicy iiikI ip)urMion rrsiiliuiu in 'in inilicefii'ii, mill if taken twour tlirt'f tinifB iliiity, nn rtvpurcit, will ltt ( nunl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -! iiHt'tul icjuiiiBt the lapfiiuitt- unit mciim- nl' cinkm? ol' llii-ttnin'- acli tn nl tern It in'.' to it iliHTilertil iiciinn iK-aMoinMl ly the enrrv:itiiiir 'trrt nt' the timtticr h :il. nr f 'll -wini; utter in 1 liiffiiiioji, unit lor t'om-riing tlie incipirni Hlutcs n titan I ho;i. Vc. It in aim hii pcill'iit iiirNi.rmr for I how wli have in J""" lMr 1 ' " " ""l""r"'- i- iiiliticiitmu lupiorn, liy its filthily iiininlatin fllec upon (lie itoniiii-li ri'iiiovnm tliecruvinir In st ititulaiit , while u li:is n irijunoui aclii'ii on the hniin, nml m n meet eilnl hy leelinut 'f tlepiewion, which ul a follow the lit-e of uifoh olic siiiniiL'iuta. A few itropii ailth'il to m-.if iirsia. rlmkirh or lhrr purca tive inpiticinrs, will ren ler tiiin in re neceptal'le l ihc rtoniaeli and picvcul the griping which it apt luacconipuBy then uction. riii:pAni:u oxly ur AMHIIOSK SMITH, IHUHililST AND rilKMlfT. N. E. comer of 1th and Chestnut Strict t. rnilmijlpkH April' It, HI - lv UNION HOTEL, SUJfBUEY, PA. rtJUV. MIS-t WEITZKL's respectfully inform 1 the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers and olhers nt their old established stand iu Market street, west of Ihc Court House. Their loin; experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a fullicient guarantee, Unit their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1851. If. UT:.:. IlT! IlTX! BOUREAU'S Indestructible and Indellible WRITING INK FACTOFvY. No. 1 South Third street. A "J ERC1IANTS and the M'riting community ' are reouestcd to call and examine this l.K, which is xtarrauted nut to corrod Mttatlte V'ruj, nur eJtanpe ij C alor. WIiuI-n;iIu and Itclail, No. 1 bioutli Third street, Philadelphia. A liburul discount made to Merchants and the Trade Kor sale by II. U. Masscr, agent for Suuhury NovemlicrO, 1850. ly. g7"NOH AND SPRING MORTISE LAT Ba. C1IEM. An excellent article, for sale at hall the usual price by J. W. KA'ILINU, Bunbury, July 7. 1843- IOR sale at this olliee, Superior black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 25 cla, Pure Evacuee of G nger, 85 rente. I J Aisles, currauta, citron, cheese, pepper ssuce, fte. f or sale by J. W. HUL1.MJ euuaur, Dss. t, li. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. rlMIE atlKHlion of B'lililera ami olltera, are renpfcirnlly if; . '"v'l''it In Ihc rxteniiva uml well iiclw-U rt "tiK'k ' Bl II.DI.Vd IIAIIIlVAHKM)TO(), now ulTrred hy Uie auliwTiiH, ciMtBlatiug in mrlna follow!: Aiimirnn I'nml liir Lurk a, upright, Willi niglit work, plntal orliriiai riirmtnr.', or imrerliiin alt mkira. Aincricnn Troiit JJ.ior . Lncka, unrigUt, plain, with niKht work, plnlril or bru furnitura, or iioieeluiu all olora. . . , ., , . ; . ; Ainorinin From Door Ivka and Wora Root, Horizon tal or apriht, lirnm rnrnitare. or pwlmn all eulur. AaiiTKim Kim Lock, all aiKcaaml qanlilin. Vhit or bra t'lirnitiiri., nr ptirri'lHiiuill colnm. Ainciiriii, Muriica Locks, nil aizi-a. willi plnltit, whila or br nis furnitiir. nr pnrceluiu all eol rf. American Murtiee latches, nil sif.es. wilh plutad whiti or hrnfis farnittirr, nr pnrccltm) nil cdntt. Aincricnn Mnrtice nnd Kim Clnpt In-ki, pbited or Iithm escutchi'uns, nr purcehin nil l"rs. American limp, Hfnp, Tlininh, Oate, and 8tor 1)oor Latches. Als , Imp utrd Iopk uud Irfilehrsnf eveiv ilrscriptimi. Maid win's, and Americnn liutt Hinge, of nil aizs, fust or Iodise j-'tnt. tinnier, tiate. Pimp. T., flud llackflnp lliuirea. all kinds. Phulter, (iate. I'r, Flush, nnd Spring It 'll, of wrought or eaot ir n and t.rass, everv deneripti- u. Screws. Spriirs. tihie, Kuid 1'nper nf the best qunlity. Amettcun Alc and .-ln.in Axla I'lille), of every Vriety. Anierhaii Iluttnus, plain ir on plates, hrues, iron, or hn.nzcd. Ameripan Vntm, p,H rd, wliile, iron, or wod. n!l kinds. S4ish-i'nl, enittuinn anil patent, with other ortHos too immer.iiis tn iiicuti ai. t?" 4It,S nnd ?ASH-WF.1C;IITS M FACTORY rilH'KS. tvr All ftivxin d.'livrrd fiee if Chnryt ! any part of the City mid liMricts. At this etfMhlishnicul can !e f nitnt cue nf the Inrpest snd best as iitnicntj nf While and Fancy nhs f-r !.''ks. ftp., in the City; smne (Ki!tern. of which, caiiunt he seen, nr ohtamcd, af nny nthcr M -ic. TOOLS. Sp'iii .V .tacks us H n !,, Fauci, Hand, and Hipp Saws, imp Tied cxprevslv f r Hcini! rdes, ull vcl-cted with care. S-.lr iiL'ent f.. the ct.l.-l.ialetl I'lain s. made hy K. XV. Car ppiiter, nf Lfuieaftcr, l'a.. hi-in-j; nil made nf split wond. aii'l I lie Itiltn nnind and tried, liealtv's A Williams iiiake ofChiselfl, Aes. ilatcheis. Dntwinjf Kni t-s, V v., all wir- rumen jx'u. Pitch's nnd Slack's ma'ie nf An sizes its iii i .1 Ani;cr 111111-, a! Auterican Sipmres nml Revds nf every ileseriplinn. American Rules, (junges, Sawsetis. Cnnipaft't.'S, Screw drivers. A- c. Atn' iienu C. S. trimmers, (Maw and Kicting, nil tief, Anvils and Vices, alLii s. icel, Ir-'n, and VYimdeii Braces, with C. . Ililts. in v? Ii-lirntiil great variety. W. (i reaves 9c. S ns, Hide'icr's mid mher mnkrs i.f ( 'hiMs, Files, Plane-Irons. A c., r. Addis's eelehraieil Carvm-: T -tit's, all shaperi Makiuti nne nf the hest and m cl extciihive trtinetits l Hiiildinir Hardware and T-m in the State. At tins evtahlifhuieiii it is P''ii idered a pic inire t't show the O wils. Vim are invited t call nud examine tlie as rt- inent. nud l.t-ar the prices aiked, bctnre parcliiisnig clp Whcre. Come nnd see us. YiilllS. resppctfyllv. "VM. M MeCl.I'RF., t. ic7 M irld't pt , hetweeit 7i h and th, uppci side. FhiladelpJiia. Apt tl I'J. I".l ly. IIEV AI.D POrUIAR'. SCHOOL BOOK. (MrHi;iIi:.NIVK xummnrv of irnikprwil 1 Hislorv. toirellier with n IHoa-iiitihv of llis- tiiirjnishcil 1'rrKoiiM, to which is npi'einled an epi tome of lle.ilheii Myllioloiy. Nntiinl Pliilomj-liy, (Jen era! Aslronoinv tiiul l'livsiolov. Adopted and used in the Public Schools of j Philadelplii E. S. JONKft .'c Co.. Publishers, S. W. fort.cr FOl'IiTil and P.ACE Sis., Pliila. 'J'e-n-hers and School Cotntnillei s ad.lrcsstn letters to us post paid, will be I'm -lushed nilli copies for cvuminntinu. Vf A 1'uM ami Coinpliti! Assoi'lment of HOOKS and STATION A I! V, for SSalu at the x'..rr J'n'm. May II, I.')!. lv. New Music .fust PuM.shv-ti. TfT ER S: WALKER. No. H'.; fiicsmit st., fi A nrv coitslantlv piiblisliin and rccctvu., new and beautiful music from the most uistin- crushed composers. The fiillowiu:; list cohlaius some of their choi cest and most popular S.injs, Waltzes, Polka.', cVc. - Now, thou nrt Cone, a beautiful sotnj, words by Thotuas .1. Diehl, music by liainbrid.'e. Mv New lhioland Jl.nne. words and lnu.-ic br Mrs' I,. Wade. (robe's Omnibus; by C. (Irobe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and vijlin, by Jos. (nnu'l. I'n ltv Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by .1. Liiiir. All the Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worn scy, (iuardian Ansel, by the author of '-l.ove Nut.'' Household W ords, written by ("has. Vouinr, do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, mu sic hv Unix. LEE tV WALKI'W have constantly on hand, ma'rior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated (iuitars, which together wilh a lino as sortment of Musical Instruments and .Merchan dize iu trcncral, comprise u stot'k not to be sur passed by that of anv other eslablishinont in the country. ' LEE WALK El!, lf!2 Chesnut street, Swaim'e liuiidin-. Philadelphia, June 2S ISoL ly. NO CUHK NO P VY I i Hughes' Fever and Ague Pilh!! 4 PERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever nud Airue is guaranteed to tiny one who may use the Pills. They have been used for tha srvrn tcttr.i nud hae neer been known to fail in a siuulc instance and ill cases, too, where persons have had the disease for several vears, without iiitcrmtsMnu. The proprietor ch.illritirfs the viirht til liroiliice an atlicle that will cunt in as short a time, without lcav'ni'' anv lelclerious elli cts from the use uf it. If the Pills lo not pi'ilorin a speedy and perfect cure, tha proprietor , will return the money. For sale by Jacob ,s. Lawrence. Anncisv ille ; 1,. Ilcllen- stein, 1 morion; S. 1, Dixon, Schuylkill Ha ven; .lolni W. Fiilinz, Sunlnnyj Mary A. .Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Ur. Ilccklv, lhmillc: John Sliarplcss. t'attawissa ; Dr. Judd, illiatns port ; John Rascr, Milton, und by respectable liruuuista throuliout the State. J. Cl I!T1S f. Ill (illES, Proprietor. I'otlsiillc, June SS, 1S,')1. ly. PHILA. AND READING RAILROAD. M MMcit aiuiai;i;mi:m- i udm riiii.Aiiin.piiiA and l'orrsvn.i.K. Y ti r c s R c tl u r ( tl . Ojjlee of the Phita. le Reading Railroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March '.'ti, lH.'il. S Two Pussenscr Truins Dailv, (eveept Wuudav.) N and after April 1st, 1S.11 two trains v i'l lie run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville jvouxixr, i.rxr:. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except j unduys. Leaves Pottsville at 71 A. M. daily except Sun- i days. j A rTii XOO V T.I.XI7. ! Leaves Philadelphia at yj o'clock, daily, except I Sundays. caves Poltsvills at H o'clock, daily, except Sundays. lielween Philadelplii i nud Pottsville, .fS.75 1st class cars and -..' 'ie class cars. llctvvccn Philailclphia and Reading, 31.75 1st class cars und l.-Jo d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Uroad and Yine Slicets. Passi'iioers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of hacaiie will heal- lowed to each passenger in these lilies ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any- tliiuir us b.iL'y.i.'c but Iheir weariuo appurel, which will be nt the risk uf its owner. liy order uf Ihc Hoard of Managers. H. URADFORD, April 1 9, 1851. (Secretary. ptRE WHITE 11 RANDY FOR PRE.SER- ViNG, just rcccivei! and or sale hj II U. MAbSER. Sept. 8, 1850. I,AMC NOTKS, waiving l( eiemntioii law of $1100, fur sal by April 20, 1851. 11. B. MASSER. 1 VTIilTINCJ FI.CIU and self sealing Enve- ' lojiea, just received and for sale liv Af.U 19, IS51. H. D. MASSER. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At Uie Cabinet Ware lloom of SEIVN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Also at the corner of Fawn street the Railroad SUjSiBUllY, PA. .., ThanVful fur the pntronatro of his friends and customers during the 17 J cara he has hern in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public n con tinuance of thrir favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up wilh the improvements of the dny, nnd has aceonlinitly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CA11INBT WAUIC AM) CHAIUS, MANVKArTt llK.n I)V SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old .S7mu, Where in ruMilion to their former slock of the establishment they now lniinufaeture Hahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Jjinrc Sjiritiq Sent Rucking Choirs, Dressing lhirenus, Centre, TMrs, .Mnrhte Top Wash Stands-, and a variety of other .new style nnd Fa h ionn !Ic Va rn il re. llavinij secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrinniremcnts for the purpose, they nre now prepared for rnilerlakinn ill all its branches, in this vicinity or nt any convenient distance. Ye ninMs nml mi..triN.cs. anil hnntninl t'o, ItiTf's riiniilorp nf every style nnil hue, Fr-nn siile Ivmrils il im t.i kitrli.-n tnl.lrs, l'min riwkimr cliarra toiiH-kiim rniill-'S PIiunIiI you not liave Hie n :iiy Jons In pny. Wit wail nwliile for u hrijhler l.'ticr iluy. Or l-ike 'tttln... outs. eoru. wd-it iumI re ; Hark. lino) ni s. a'ares. or liuuh.T wet snd ilry, Or nny lliinir lint yoki-s :tiil Hirrsliiiu; flails, I'loiu piirs nml lurkii-s ilown to tilllc iintnls. onic on llicn fricnits. eouie one tni'1 all. Ki-ip Innle n iihivini;. so'-(io,on t'i.. Util." VxT" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds ileliere,l w ith dispatch. Miiihury, .March !t, lS.'o if SOS3ST?S S" AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Scliiisjrove, Tn. 'Ioc-!tH. rTiitt hc itt-.d .lewvlvy, J 1 E PA I K I'D in the best manner and warranted to itertorin well. ti ....-.i- :...-....,...t . i n 1 1 .-1 nl! t i e will be ulriclly Sclinsrovc, Nov. 111. 1- " tl. J. II. ZIIiIIiir&MAU, .ri'sisiij ,' Tsi:-: pr.H's:. Cfnlni;-y, Tp. Olliee in Deer Street, iinmcilinlclv ippn.ile the I'llblie School House. fr AI'Milef. ci , licet, il anil aii lni.tii, ,.. eioi!,. 'W an-t caie I'lilK ntten.le.l t . April Mil, lM.'it). . KOW.VS ESSENCE (! AM AICA ta.N- --' t.'.'.lJ, an e, client uitiele. Kiv(s Mciii.-ated Soaii for sit leirns, ta:i, teller. A c. IJ.idwav's Circas.-ian l'alm, for llie hair I u IV A. c. :!.i.i.. Iladway s Ih ady Iiclief Ciio'era .M orbits, .V c. i-'or for .1 ill ll. mil's, Cholic, I" li. MASsKij. Siiiiburv, lu. .", IS.'iO. 850 FO 'KIT. "J,ll. HI NTIvIv will forfeit .?.-), if failing to cure anv case of secret disease that inav come under his i- ire. no matier how lono slaud itr; or ai'tlniino. Eitln-r scv are inxile l to hi Private Rooms, :,S North SEN'ENTH Sireel, Philai'u lphia, w ithout l'e.ir of interruption by oth er patients. Strangers nnd olhers who hive been unfortunate in the pchvti.iu of a physb-iati are itiited to call, l'hos.t who have injured themselves hv solitary ice are also iuxiicd. RKA1) AND REFLKt'T. The nlllictcd would ilo well to relleil lnf.uc trnsliiur llicir health, happiness, and iu many cases their lives, in tlie hands of physicians, i j.it. mint of this cl iss of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand nil the ills the human family nre subject to. Every respectable physician has bis peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that he de votes most of his time and studv. YEARS OK PRACTICE, "exclusively iljvo ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual ortians, nftcther villi ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or lc.:s, pains iu the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, (Travel, irregulari ties, diseases ari.-iiej; from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeeble. 1, enables the Doctor to oll'-r sftilfi relief to all who may place themselves mule Ins care. l'liiiiu!cljiii.i, April 10, 15 ly. Vnlii.'tltlc PROPERTY FOR SALE. T Ion, yV. Subscriber who rei lis in Philadelphia. olVers for sale tin- follow in"; proneriv in .Mil- Ion, Nurthuiiibcrland couiitv, vi. : 'J'lie lare BRICK EUILEINa UplHT Mi lion, furmrriv tuvniiifil lv Mosr I'iitli'rmniH ns u C'arri;f,rt' Makers Simp. 'JMir 1'uiltlitijr is i( fnt Irniil H1 Upper Markrt I stri'rt, uml 10 l'crl mi Trout htrotM, uiul is two ; st'Mii'h li'uh. A 11. a two sttti'v lililClC lil.ACKS.MI'ni SHOP, 10 liy 2-" fret, on tin prrmist, Tlir lot U on tlie rorncr o upper Markt t il Trout tlirrts, an.l is i'jt f'crt tVout, nml ).') 1'i t l tlivp. Tin prcmisos woiilil lo vnlu.iMr '..r n Toiiiitliv or ottii'i' mamir.u'tmin; pttrpoM's. aiul will l sold on i t;i st ii i al tit aiul mvoiniiio.lutin terms !'V aj'-pUin- 4-illi.r to JACOU CAUUKJA.N," IMiilailflp'ii.i. J. F. V(M.riX;i;i, INq.. MUion ur H. li. MAssEK. t , Snnlmry. IMulailrlphia, Jan. U."), ISM if- l'aliiable IIimiUn, IKK . ur ( iiuihT, hauiisotuciv uouuii, 1. At t's llisrour nr tiik Ui:roaMTio, Rl.lVK 1 ) T-IIOOKS II ,1.111. 1 US, lull llOUIlwfd or sa'.a at the nulilislicrs prices ly ' il. li. MASSKIl Sunlmry, July M, 1319 IIIjANIv Parelinieut Paper Deeds anil Mank -Mortuai-cs, liouils, Cxei-lltion, Suniinons, Ac, lur sale I'V il. 11. MA.SSKR. Ruuhurv, April 2, 1S5I. O'l'ONK Ware, Karthen Ware, Kaisins, Al rfS lnoinls, P uncs ami Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. .alt aud Plaster. Just received and for sale l.v JOHN W. KKIUNd. .--unliury, Dec. 5!, 18111. llOOK.V and liolil Pens. On hand several co ' ' ics of the life of Clirist, nnd alu) a nuiulier of 50I1I jh-iih xvhieli xxe will sell at tlie Philadelphia prices. For sale at this oilier. NNKDV'.S PATH NT NAM! KA.s- i;.IN(i!S. A cheap and excellent arti cle lur fastening cash for sale hy J. W. l'KIl.INO 5unluiry, July 7, 1819. I IISINU UOTTI.ES Dreast pumjis, and " nipphi lulies- A supply of these useful arli cles iut received and for sale hv JOHN W- FRII.ING Suuhury, Jun 18, 1851 tf 71I.EV.S COVUjr CNDV. .In excet I lent remedy tor coughs, colds. For aula at this olliee 'I'lstisrE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for A. covering glasnvs, &c for aU at tha otl'iec ol th AuicrKun. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. rKVWYI.VAVIA. .. r.'T,..or '"u.i.i.e,ii. MA!SArAffKTTf. All anlranl Innks I lbs li . . Mllllk Hols. iA.. All solvent tninks HIIODK IMI.AND. pill All lolvinl Imuks dia Ilmik of rlinnilicrsimrg 1 clis r nn.rn. CO.N.NKC'IICUT. All anlvi-nt Imuks i (lis " v m-nLrr pnr Hnnk of Del. Co. Chester par! new vtmii. CUT. Hank of (ielivsliuri; linilk ef lwiilriHi pufl A II solvent Innks J 'lis os.lyHk a i-c. iiinli-r 8j una Ilnnk o .Miililletown din MonlKoniny r.'o Ilnnk par Hunk of Nortlutuilierrinl imi eoilNTRT. All Solventa Ir.nks lUis - MOW JEUSKY. llelvitlere Hank I Hi 'oium.Ti inl lliiiik ! (lis Hmikol 1'iltsl.iirir Hit iiaiiK oi litiuville isirll'nr. Ilnnk M-ml Itollv pnr ill, V l . Mi.l.ll..,. ...... 'If ...ir ( arnsle lliuik ( olumlnti H'k ft 11'gcCo .nr'M.fluuii.' Ilk. Newark sir Poyiistown Hank mrLMf.li. ilk ol lliirhimlo,, par .nston Hank lsir.Mi.eh. A- Mini. Ilk Tri-nl nar -.lie Hank Q diu'Morri, Cf, lit.iiir 3 ai. l-:si-li:inire Ifkl'illsl.ua' I ihslevark I Ik'ir A. Ins. Co iln ... ,!,',- i, k; Dnini'u l nis i rrniitre ilnnk 1-arnn rs' ll'k. Hin ksCo u,r: People's Ilk l-nttrrvqi rnruais- Hk. Ijinearler pnr Priueelon Hank rnrinors' I!K. Hi-KliMR par Sal.-in Hnukine Co, farm. !k S laiylkill Co par 'S. inerr. l Co Hank I- A l. Hk Vnvne!i'ir 1 (.lit. Htate Hunk nl Cinni'en riniklin Hk W in.),1,, Slate Ilk I'.linl.etlitoii llarriKlnirir Hank f,tii. Stale Hank Newark I .1.- i .lis mr par 3 .ti. jittr ' ilis 1 .lis ItoiM Mlale Hunk ili, State Hk. N. Hinuswii k pnr l.-ilieaster I! tlik p ir,Siee.ex Hank. Newton ills '' I -. ! Hat k pirl'IVeut "il H itikiutr Co ir .V treli A M:,. tt-.nK 1 ,m '1M.. ii,,,k. I lover J ills Jhiieia H'k. Pottsville p-r Ynnlli v v'le A Hi t I r Co i.-,ili ;;"li"lienlielii Dunk I ,lilc9 Hk' notes uml.-r W litis InylWe IMIfrCl la ili Kf.l.A W Alii;. " est 1.,'aneh II ,,,k ,nr IV.l.tc ol II. Inwiire par V yoinn.ii Hk, W ilkesl.V pari Hank of Suivinn il Vork H:u,k, I ili. Delaware City Hank pat ly'ltellel notes j ,j, Wilnic'u Hranilvw. pat , . .,,A,M-:. fariuet-s Hk SI llelnware par Ilnnk of l,"i,.,k 5,li, -i,. Ilnnk-. WiltniiiBt nr M.rennlile Ilk. llin r llltlis fuller .Vs I ilis All .lv nt lemks ' il: (illll) M-.W IIAMIVSllllll:. I All solvent hunks .lis All solvent If,,,!,-. J ,1,- r ' Ilk ,...n l,.r .', I .1,. VKIIMUNT. H uik of St Aliens All s 'Iv.-nt l .uiks MiliTII CAItlM.IN X 2 li 3 (lis All s 'Kent li-iuks 2 riis ; V t'li'ler a's, 0 tli.. i Eorjity Lend rtnd Pension Arjciicy, 1 WASniKGTOW, D. C. , rPHi: linl.r-ejn.il Attorney an. I l.euer-il Affeiif nt the : J. t it ol U altim;..n. liters I.m seivie.t, i.i i.roeiirnni II uiiny J.an.ls ami Petitions e.r th e.nitleil. Heltf pel- man. mly I .e.ile.l at t. p,-,t ol u .yerii nl, Willi iui...r. .mil laililllir ue.llniuliilie.- with I lie 11, e, ss:,r Ionn". . "'"I '""'i- I l.iinness. ami haviiejaeeew to He..slei n.l Kolls h.eil II, the I .S. war oiliee. he 1 is-., r e.e.lil les loi S;'.-e.ly I Si' Is.o. I. y nd. us! Ml". It ol ti y rilllie,;! I el liu.s oi everv kin. I. " " Act i I I' 'ii'Toss, llouiitv l.tuiil is i.ranteil to ". 1 '''H'l ol.licrs ol the war i. s-. , ,,e vari. ! n 'lis Im::.., wars, nuee ITI'll. To those who s.-rveil inn.' , iinuillis Illll n.-r.-s: l i lliose who a.-rt.sl t .nr in .it. lis ro :UT.: tuft t ' I'l (,.' M-ho !.ei-e, ..Me tl acres. I Arr.iu'.'etiieic. I.a-. e Ir. n ... w illi L'enll' il of the , l.-. il pi I'.s-i u ill .liii'ere.tl sections ,.( tiie (-oiini rj. f.,r j t..e h eiiti ti o wnrr-ini. unit Hie ile of the patents, wai-n . issui-'l, on the iuoh; u.i, t.uae s terms : f a- ihc eauieiit Ol t.lMS. le.lel.lj.il. ,, of ,. , ,, (, , ,X,.,. ... Ilr, li ,, , , '''! r I I T . Inms 11-11 'II of e, i.er il l.,,w u,.i.,,.-, Im Ihc iliili i'.'iit Stairs aihl T. rrit"i i. s. He ten.lei hi servi'-. s I . lueitthers of h li:! .:'.". a.t.l when cf.ltns le-ninst the (1 o . ' piol. ssi .i :M a j-lf-st l-Vll I 'Ml A will. Will alnile one hi!, ,i im., (,.'.. '''i'-n -' iry i. inns niul iii..tiueiu.is. a.i.l inforintiti a :,!! RiVeds apperlat.'l'er t :i f.i.-ee.Kfnl profecmi i, husiness. will I'e I'nrnistii-il to r. ul,ir Coi r. sn. n lems wit,. out cliatL-'-. l'eixn.s ilesiri.ie ii.foi.u.iti , of fri"tils ill the ariev iiavv. will I rw.ir 1 1 . h in :.,l lie- p in .,! ns l,n .iviml'l'i sei v .-e. il,,.. wi:h a I'. - of il. .l!..r, li a 1 Ih'-n ei.e "s 'i' ' i''"-.l I i- i. turn ol nnil. All :' li 'IIS lo l.e (Cla-u...) ;.;..! -I. I. -1 I I I'll U.I.I'.S C. Tl cki.i;. (II ! I'i:, I', u.) Vas:,i,,a... II. C I) nll'.-r-.'-, l-.-.li a 1. A is j-'. a-nr 1 1 rf" 'j T.? W .W K:-;T. lil.l.-; Hi!. S. V,: Comet ;:: 1.-. YEARS AC( RY KLXKELIX, ;' Third a, id l',iim Sired: m.i ivixx M'urcK and 1-iNK srui:i-ns t ll'Tr.l-.N i: VHS oi' exi.-n.ive iiiil i'l-lli.;v liv Im. Uitl.l'i'rril;'' l In. lv. I'l 1 ,. ".". S"-:it , , 111 '1 l' '.'Il !- I soil or.iciili hi. -r lur ai, 'I li.l.-i.l ol .live,.-!, ol a iiv:i:.' II I'ure. I',' ;iiifi--.t Wil II lli.'i I- t l -.r (. .ii -r il ttf I- ..!, . t.ir .:. or l. -f.. .:i -ni-i'tl rlli'ini! 1 1 im. i'i irl.ii i s. nt .'in :l cxi-'-sMv or inipiii il ,i s i illj. ::, li "..Jim; Ifi'lM V -uliillCl f.n'i.i-.-t or inipiii il tcs i. I In Iil-it.-!, liiTt liy it-- r 'ii.i i; in t mi hits lice-' nil lr"a'"-i! w illi nn-'ci s". I Ir w it" jvii'rit iiiin-i-il' 'iti'l.-l hv f.ifv !' r. K., in iv p' tr!v' .ni I m 'ha U i r nn :i r-ni ifiiMii. aiitt - niHt It-.i' -ly r'V H;i- n Lii skill rt" a j Ii f-ifi:ni . TWir. PAU'l; TI.!i XOTU'i:. V.iiiiit M'-n vh iii iirr-1 ih.'iiif "Ivi-n n cri'iin pKM'tlcc in;l;ilL'"'l ill ii liit'iil irc'in.-iilly Iciint'it iV.ilil evil , c.iint: nii 'lis .ir :t! -1 the i-tN-ctn .' which ai'- niiililly Icil. t-Vfii Win n ash mnl itrMPty l 1 1 iiiiml nml I. n!v, 1 ulioiiM iiil liiMiifihat.-ly. '':t. it'f ntl nsl il in i. tiial l -i-ilit y i -fi- i'l in tm-nl ir i- htv. 'i sici! Iris.-iiiiil.' :m,l -ji n- cr it i-l -.flrali ii. in nf !l V niul ali u-rvmis ai)ir!l w. itcl: pfii"i. fcltiu'-.'iwlin.'ss "l" tin' livt'l. ami cvn v il.ffai iii ;;nv , wiiv i ifch-il wi'h th tiI.t oi the i'rocn-ativ c iiiiif- : titias cur (, iit;. intl i-r.ir rclorcl. YOI'TII AND MANHOOD, A vigorous. liTu or a picnialiiK' ilt-silli. KIMiEMX on Self I'r. si rvution, ONI.V -Jo CENTS. This H k .in!! (in).lisln-'i is with iiipfnl nil iriiiati- n on Ihf htliiitii ten ami i!i.-;':-.s , f" id.- li -n-ra:it't' ims , 1 1 nl Ursv its.-!: aliki- m Vol Til. .MAMIOI (anil Ol.D j A . i ami kIi-hiM I,- o nl t.y all. , 'i'lir valu:i!.!c a.lvit-c aatl impr.-sRivr wiriiinc it i'. j will (ircvt'iil yt-amoi ni:cry ami mi" i ing nn-l Fa c anntiai j ly 'l'a Mis.mii.1 ol' l.ivm. , Parol"" ! r-:n'inr il will leant how loprevrnt ilictlcs I Irm-t r I loir dhitii .-.i. i A rcntlltrim-e J I'citff. r'icl'si.l in 11 htti-r. :isf- ,r. ss.-.t to lilt. KIKi:i.l. .. V. e -ni- r of Till!.' I A l lll Mu-.-is. In-tw-r-n Spruce V Pia. I'i il:i.i--!.lii:i, ill fiiMirr ti h 'k. uinl- r t-nv I (. i-tr r.-tih ii ni'til. Pi-rn 'ns nl a ilisl nif - inav inMicM li K. !-y li'ller. (pinit I i;ii.l.) tool l t ::o-.l at It in . i'At'KAi;i:s ui Mi:i irir.s. "nos. -.. , I'- 'fwai ih-( I iv jir'i'lin-j a t'f'.ti.iiTi'icc, :ttiil i-.ul nt Hi-i-iii u i'i -mi ; l KM Mil: r fl'iiP TV. j Iti 'li-y. irr. -v A-ic'its, P- liar. I 'invisr'iTjt. ati'l a!i oth- m with aUivo "iL at vi-rv low rati.-, j ft"i.tfin!' r 0. I-",I. 1. ym. M'CAirry, ii n ti u s i: i. i. i: it , Hrnndiroi, U.PUHY, FA. i AS rrcentlv reeeixed, unnni other nrtielrx. a 1 - itrv.it variety oi' New, Cic.;p an.l Istiterlain in piililicatioiis susii ns I'ooiH-rs noM'irf, ount'lete or seimrate. 1 lerl'ci Is Ho Know cl,, 'i'rolIoic, ll.lllilillltOII, M arryalt, tirev, .Marsli, Aiuftivortli, Dllluas .l lo Key u.lo'd Coektoii Maxwell Jcrroiil ilo ilo lo M.inix do At the low price of from 25 to 50 its per volume, r-'uuhury, S'cpt. V!J. 1-.'HI. tf, LHxJUOIJSsAVIXKS, kC. 'I'lli; suhscril er ha jtisl rcceieil a new supply of the la st liipiors that ever came to 'uiihury, consisting in part of Superior old pale llraiidy. Kmc Co-;!iiac litaiidy. KiijH-rinr Old .l.iiuaiea Spirits. New l'nlaii l Iiuiii. pine Holhiiid t iiii, Superior Old liisUey Cumin 111 tlo. Superior Ma.leiia Wine. Vision ilo. ilo. Superior Port Wine. liurnniuly Port do. Sweet .Maia ra Wine. Superior Claret W ine in hollies. Champagne ilo. do. 1IENUV MASSER. Suuhury, May 2(5 1S1U. C II A It I- K S W . II KG INS, ATTC?.1TSY AT L.V, I'uttxviai', im. Will promptly attend to collections and all husi Hess entrusted to his cure. June 1(5, 181U, STON33 V7ARB. S TOM' milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other urticlcs of stone ware just received and for sale hy JOHN W. i'KH.lNU. tfuuhury, Juno 23, 181J TINEA'S, fioin the New York Canton 11J Pckin X 'Pea Company. For sale hv J. W. FKII.ING. Kunhi ry, Dec. 2, 1818 AY HUM. An excellent article for sale by HENRY MASSER. fcuntmry Jan. 17th, 1840 ti 1LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality ef parchment er, aold at the lowa.l prices at this oilies, hjr wlioiaaal and rslaal "ii ii courage Your Own!" ITAAS FASHlOXABLn MARK OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their larje and splendid assort ment of every quality and price nf i c:AHirr-Vitr. which cannot fail to rcommend itself toeverv ona who will examine it, nn neeount of its diirabla workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of th best slock to be had in the city. No elllirt is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and tha subscribers nre determined to keep up with tha many improvement which nre constantly being made. Their stock consists of .Mahogany Sofas IMvtitix nnil I.otni-ro. Uurr tuts, eSrcrc inxfcs, -Snc(jo."i ? m, BREAKFAST A5D DIMG TAD!. S. and also VENUTIAN IlI.l.NbS, equnl to I'l.iU- dc Ipbia liiatiufactiire. UKDSTKADS. of everv pattern and lirirc-, CTI'HOAKOS. WOKfC A N D CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line ir their business. Tlicy also inanwfacliire all kinds and qualities f niAiiis, includinir varieties never before to be bad ill Sunl'iiiy, sti'h as .Mhioi.inv, 1!i.,i k Vit MI Cl Itl.l.ll .l ll-t.K fittKCHX ; AMI WlNlisou CIIAII.'S. (vi, i ,v, , I'i ,v s, ,.,. which nre of the latest r.llcs. and warranted to l,c e n elled Wy none lnantifactur.. ,1 iu the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are .letci inineil ibat there shall be no excuse lor persons lo pun base furniture in llie cities, as every eouliden.-e cm be entertained iit'ini' mc ipiality ninl l.ntsli ol tlietr ware and f 'bairs. Their nt lii li s iil he .IIk.is,.,! of on as e4a, terms n- I hey .-tin le purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in isiMiienl lor work. I Nl.T.UTAKINti ll.tviiuj provide iheitifalM-s with a Unndsoiiie lti:ni:. tbrv sis now prepared lor I'mli rinkin. nnd ntletidii'iir fu nerals, in t',i vieiuily, or nt au coincuicnt dis tatiee from this pi.i. e. ! 'C; 'i'i e Ware 1,'i'om is in Vnvlic Streer, oi-pi.'lte .1. li.!;!.; More, nud nenrl Vc;iM'r's 'I'axcin. opposite l)AMi:i. HA A.-. or,i:i;r, ki:nn. Siinbury, Dec. 1 !, It':."!). if. AVATTS' imiVCTS AHTISOTE Or T2X f .WuraWia, Gaelic, ( ' hn I. r V i -i ;,. i 1 bra. l.o.lj, ri -ti.ic m. ni!i V l ai r: of p. " t.lill Cltll Rvtl.irt Ir. Tie,,',:,. cm n!...is ; ill i.e i. or, even allfr o; ' ' k ti nml cei- Mr!. ilV. k. -.!. M, t.:J, IR 19. V ll.'M talkiri- Ot' til" A'.'L-.o.l A-A'UiiC,' '. liv s;ii !i a N ,ilr,a iv1m:i was not in :v !" rrplir.1, -Tha u't r I f ai y ,o for t -I !rn!i a ttinr rn e; r i-y aic l!n nnn Keeji th;-. in oitlor II,.- Til' .New I ' I f .It o tnirai i'l 'ii-i j' ' or oi- .. the cu.'stioit was put to I.i b! ie.ne.lv lor uli r. rvoi'-. ri"l.ii e.l liv tl-c in.'.!i. ., l.i f it weic, tin re v oil, I im I'Cl ''i vA si i'ie oC tin- l.c; t'.i, spline ot' lie v lioh- :,'!li mnl iM.tii the u,;,,.! ;ilhi iltly tul,t i Ttntr ounce p!il i. ! ,!.,... rii n,. iliiKiry r.t.i. O.Ni; ;n! V.'m. MeAUT V. iJroa-.Ivav pii -i,!.,-, l-.j-.i. if. for nil er U. 0'. "Y A LT Ou , No. 216 M,ir!;d ... I, t:r,-e,i 7 ,V x., (Sou'li f'.,U-. r- Tzt i, ::t ii-2T a. 'I JIK Sul scrilicr i.,.s .'1',-iit I a llllv li.,! ,i,n aiul nil", rs lo tr.ni.-r. ctnl oilier? wlio visit tl: city, a hain!.-iimc a-ortniciil ol hat.. c,i(is, ol'e, ry Variety, In. h lc i.ji ( l!,c inalciial, nml i ir.c Inii m an.l 1,.. i ;,, ,,,, , .r;lls ;ls rt..ls ,. ilo us can lc l-.a.l in any . .i I Jis'.i i-nt 1 1 in 1'liil-. ili-lj.liia. iz: ri.ic-i;i, :,;..ts r.t .'a) ; tin.ul ,' iio at - H'l'. I'oons Iiuiii i!:c country who .u clia-e oriiiin, can rely, nl all liuu-s. mi iicttini; Lro.nl .mil !,- lli.il ii j,', asi- tl.cin, ami one tluit Itilly nor.li llie in im v j;j.. c. j. WAirox. r:ii!.iiU! l.jj. N..v. li. l.--.,;i iv. I K0SV1 1 t f .M . 11 ! n ii..-1 i'i "a iri Dcvoc. t ..tl.oa ( .1" t a lifakin,' r II lill 'H II r) 1--OI S-ivrat rjn-R s W.i 'll l.. a-civ in lilt l .r;i wa e iniriU'Ot! at I In- ii t-ii t i-r ii, y tat-f until t'll'-rU. -lllll-' H M i' H-a-ii.i:.', iim -I .:. In' (.I'-rl. :i , ; or-. t: t -,t i. Mom ifiiir Ml thrill titil I app'..- ! tin- .UK i l:oi I was ii.-nVcliv ciut-tl an run " I V I I'lll.'lllvi U ol tl.,- ,1, I,-. .1 ju.r; 01 t 1 ,.l 11 e 11:1111. Ill- o u .'ncn 1 ; tK ll .S.MM-. I .0: I ,tn in.ii ' 1 : r ol ir. '' ol' t). ail'. I ii:.. ,- r, I.-SII " III, 11. .1 ::'" :i'.-; i t r. if .1 ,S. ,ie. Willi , I O Oi:U'-ll.'i!.a' it I'l .I I li:,'. I- " !l . Air.-ll'-.IllU !Ti:m:v l-l'i. - - -1 J. ....V.jl.l.'llh tirceiis 0y'cn:ili il 1 1 1 1 1 - t Mil J.u-iih Tow liseuil's S,.i' prl'-c reduced, tiiarilla. linker !ars:iparilla. Sivaync's Sy rup of Wild Chen Swayne's eriuil'ime. yie"s Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullcu's do Til'hit's Pain Killer. Dr. lloollauil's (lerinaii Dinars Indian cretalile Pill, Horse nud Cattle .Medicines Fur halo hy HENRY MASTER Sunliury, July II, 1SI-J. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECTJTW roMI'lUiilXli A 1'lll.l.KCTION OKllVKR 2UO V A I. V A H I. K RKCIPKS, In the I'seul ami Interesting Arts uith a J Simple niul ( lirl lis r:xirriiiieuu in fU-.MItTK V : 1 NCI.l DINti Medicines, Perfumery. Cheiui. Cookery, Farriery, Dyitijr, Coiifeclionarx , mestic Economy, etc. etc. elc. Price li els., sale hv ' 1IENKY MASSEH Sunliury, Dec. 8, 18-19. Just received nt the store of HENRY MAS SEK, a lot of Cups, Gum Shoes, Almanacs, O.iicenswure, Liquors Ac. All of which will ksj sold at the lowest price. Dec. 11, 1830. 1.E1!AI. WATER, from llie Oak Orchard O Acid Spiius, liiKhly valunhle iu chronic di seases, uud tunic rciucoics, for sale HENRY MASSER. Sunhurv, June 21), 1 830 tf received. A Is, -J silk 11 ATS ut 225, for sale hy II. MASSER. Suuhurv, Dec. 818. tJATENT 'I'ruwes of all kinds, Harrison' Vritiii aiul indellihle ink, Cotton yarn an laps, just received uud for sale hy J. W. rRILINO. Suuhury, Dec. 2, 1848. BLANKS. I.ANK.S of every description can he had b a pi-lying at theollk of the American. ADD'S celehratcil Horse and Cattle Met for sale hv HENRY MASSER euubiiry, Jan. t7th, lali