Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 22, 1851, Image 4

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P o c i x ij .
The Darkic'i Wedding.
The bell rinj out ami many a shoot
la ooiintliiiu i the) air,
For Kosy May (i;i,n to-Jay
Are many a happy pair ;
Tie two urn omp, mi now for fun
LpI'k tlnnre and sing witl e'ec.
Anil cheer 1o rone will tainboiine
And hour", ritrht merrily.
Dun din; dons skip along,
IV overseer lint none,
And mini's here himself, to cheer
The darkies' wedding morn.
De dnnee. begins-look onr for a Mi inn !
Here runicn dn biide and groom
How rnvifl dev hound at ,nuiu'a sound,
Stand buck'and pib 'ein room !
Jut watch tic bride, and see de pildo
Dat kindles in her eye,
When, all in vain. B.tlituhi Jane
Attempts lo pas her by.
IVn din;; iluna skip along,
le overseer am ione,
And mama's here himself, lo cheer
The dat kit's' wedding morn.
De daneo am done now ebeiy ono
Am hungry as a horse,
And soon a.n seen iipmi de green
A jolly spread of rourse ;
Dey tlriuk and rat, and snug repeat,
Till near de elose of day,
Den satisfied dey kiss de bride,
And tear demselves away,
Den ding dong skip along,
Do ovoieer nm gnno,
And rnassa's here himself, to cheer
Ds nierry wedding morn.
2Htortllanrott0 l-Hattcr.
In conversation wilh nn aged lady of
Whipnnny Mrs. Vail tha following was
gleaned ;
Among the visitors of her first husband's
mother Mrs. Tullle was Mrs. Troupe, the
lady of a half pay captain in the British Na
vy. Plie is desciibed as an intelligent lady,
or aflablc manners and much esteemed.
One day Mrs. Troupe, visited Mis. Tutllci
and the usual compliments were hardly pas
sed before the visitor said,
"Well, Mrs. Tullle, what do yen think t
I have been to set) Lady Washington !"
:H.ive you indeed? Then tell me nil
about how you found her ladyship, how she
appeared and w hat she sai I."
"Well, I will honestly tell ynu,:! answered
Mrs. Troupe, "I never was so ashamed in
all my life. You see, Madame , Mad.
Rm9 1 and Madame Build, and my
self, thought we would visit I.ady Washing.
ton, and as she was .said to be so grand a
lady, we thought we mul put on our best
bibs and bands. So we diessed ourselves in
our mostUga.ut ruiTtes and si!l., and were
introduced to her ladyship. And don't yon
think we found her huiitins, with a
sptckcj Uh'ch) ii;-im on ! She received us
very giaeiously, and easily, but alter the
romplimcnts were over, she resumed her
knitting. There we were without a stitch of
work, Mting in state, but General Washing
ton's lady with her own hands was knitting
stockings for herself and husband !
"And that was not ali. In the afternoon
her ladyship took occasion to say, in a way
that we should not be offended at, that it
was very important that American ladies
should be patterns of industry 10 their coun
try-woman, because the sepaialion from the
mother countiy will dry up the sources
whence many of our comforts have been de
rived. Wo mnt become independent by
our determination lo do without what we
cannot make ourselves. Whilst our hus
bands and brothers are examples of patriot
ism, we must bo patterns of industry !;'
According lo Mrs. Troupe's story, Mrs.
Washington gave her visitors some excellent
advice, the meanwhile adding force by her
actions, and withal in such a way that they
could not lake oiTenee. In this she pioved
herself more worthy lo occupy her distin
Ruibhod situation, than she could have dotie
by all the graceful and elegant accomplish
ments which are found in the princesses and
queens. In the relation she occupied, her
knitting work, and her check np'on, were
queenly ornaments, and we may be proud to
know that such a woman as Martha Wash
ington set such an"admirablo example to her
country-women. -Setrark Advertiser.
CcmiViMi. Cattle are well known to
thrive much better wheis this operation is
thoroughly performed; and Dr. B Hush, in
a lecture upon the advantages of studying
the diseases of domestic animals, states that
there is an improvement in the quality of the
milk, and an increase in its q.iantity, which
are obtained by currying the cow.
Be assured by experience of the truth of
the paying, that "one cow well milked is
worth 1 wo badly milked.
Ccnwr.N, from three acres of grass, cut
anil fed lo thiily milch cows 28 lbs. each
day for COO days. Their health was excel
lent, and their milk superior.
Mux The first diawn milk con
tains only 5, tho second 8, and the dih 17
per cent, of cream.
KicKisii'. It the milker will keep- his
nail ehoil, not una cow in a hundred will
Soro. An ointment made of linseed oil
and white lead w ill euro cracked teats.
Dki.nk. Those who wish their cows lo
givs large niens. of milk in the winter sea
son should give them warm drink. The ex.
tra trouble will be more than repaid by the
increased quantity of milk.
In Milking be kind ami soothing; the
oow will give down her milk moie freely.
CttSAjUc Dj not milk so far from the dai
ry as to let the milt 'ul hufore it is put in
tia creaming dishes.
Si-vie. A reasoner and a good
writer in general may bo known by his per
tinent use of connectives. Read that page
of Johnson ; you cannot alter one conjunc
tion w ithout spoiling the sense. It is a link
ed strain throughout. In our modern books,
for the most part, the sentences in a page
have the mind connection w ith each other
that marbles have in a bag ; they touch
without aJhuan. - Col'mlgr.
ND all t1iaenaej.nrii.iiia' from tlta, iTilerea liver er ato
much, alien nflcmmlipntiou, imvnnl Pitce. Kaunas, nf
Irtond to trie heart, Aridity of the Htirniuch, Nausea,
irrarll.tini, riimimt for Fiiral. futthi-M or wciftlit in tlie
Htniunch. eoer Kriieiatioiia, linkiiif or na'trrine; at the fit
of tlie rHotnaeh, swimming of the lieml.hurrinl anil din. call
bre.tli.tHT, tWitr-rim at the henrt, ch .kinf or aatrornliiii
i'nnii,,ii when inn h int p'tiire, THninem nf vii'i.
otnr wel iM-ftifethe tiplit, Fever mid ilall rmtn
hemt, rWinrm-e of perapimtion, vellowiirm of I lie ekineeil
errs, prun in tlie lide . hnrV-, rheet, liinl. Ae.. emhlen
fliifhre nl heut Imrninx in the Briih. ecmteiit inisining
nf evil, ami frrent lrirrennn nfepirits, .
ti;Lv;unAri ;i uma'n itu i tus,
I) R . C . M . JACKSOV,
TV-.. Arrh St., rhllndflphln.
Tlifir pvr vrr tlif nlwivt (lixrtmc i idt rsrfllcl. if
wj'itilU-il, (.y imy elliT t.jvir:itiim in tin- I 1 1 it - I llH.
an tho MirpR nricit, in iiiuny cumrn utter sUilllul nhysu iriiiii
hii.l Diil.ul.
'1'hfw Ilium iirr vnrth- tlicv nttentinu nf inviiH.Is
Piw wintj irril virtmn in tlie r:iifi-.iti n nf t1mnr t
Ihr l.ivnr mill ti'Bwr pliin'l". pxrrrisi'1! lite in t ecau'ltiup
p twers 111 W'mkiii'm Hud iitftvt ifim t tin' thvHlive oryiis.
tlipj' ate, withal, ftiif, rTiiim mid plrfiinl.
I'tfiii lite fluaion lire. J
The Kfhtnr Drr. WiU
IR. II(HFf.AXD3 t'KLIIllRATRD (itttlM. PlTTKni f'r
Hit rnrr f ,ivr Ctunpl.iinl. Jaiunlirr. Dvxpcimi:!, t'hr-uiie
'r eNi-'ri' tiis Url?fiiy, is tlwrriMily mic n( tin tnil mj
!nr nft1ifiiiff of ih,." i!:iy. 'I'Ik-w llirtcm h:iv hecti uvtl
by tti MMinl, mid 11 frif-nd ut nurrllmw fciy he litis liim
Rilt r'fi'i fi an riTertiuil nml i(rtiniimit ciin of ljvtr
C'lmpliiint friin Hip ujt tit thit rctm-dy. We ure ronviniTit
th:it in ilm wc ol ' Uh'M Itiilfrs, thr jvitifitt nuicinMi ly
puns sllrnulli Mini vifrT a fml wrrlltynf i;rrat r-iiit'i-rntitiii.
'J'lii-y are pli atiniit in laMe and itiK-ll. imtl ran !nt
Htl by piTH 'iip wild ilir most dflii'nti l-im;ic' wnli sai'e
ty. nndtr nay rirrunwi!ini'n. W'c rr Fpt-akiinr from tx
pi'iienire and hi llic niiiiult il we advise tlii'ir uw!."
'S'htt'h Wkkkly," one tif the best LiUmrv nnptid
published, iclbl, A Hi;. 'J-l
uJJr. Il'PoFI.AMrn liF.KMtN llirrva innimfncttirnl bv
Dr. Ja'kn. arc now rfr utiiiicndtil bv s-anc of tlic iii.ifi
promintiu nicnilitTi" of tbr family un nrlicle of much
eiTiracy in caw.-s of friualc weakness. As irh in tho
Mfp, w wnld ndvine nil mother tn nbtain ti bottle, nml
tints save themselves much sickness. Irrs ns of debiiitu
led ronstitati tis will find these Hitlers ndvantacons to
their health, as we kimw from expericuer tlit nlutory
ellect they hav uptin week systeui.'
More Evidence,
The 'Pliiladrlphm Saturday in.itle.M lh lit si faniilv
newsip-! mbttsliril in Ihc I'nitcd suites, the editor suyi
J)t IiiroflaiuVs German Hitters.
lit is srht m ut we recommend u-h:it nre tennrd Tj.
tent Medieni' R. to in- "onfidence nml pfitrminue if mir
readers; mid, thiiore. ben we rreominenil lit. II v. r.
land's tierm-m Itiltcrs. wc wis it to le dhiimetlv under
st... ., I i l.,t we re not aprnkiiir of the iiojitum d the I
diV.thataie noimtl about l..r bt nf oeriot rn, i ben for.
co' ihcyhavcdone their cuiliv race of lmscl.icf.
bnt ot n medicine Mi csiblishcil, imivers;il!y prized, and
wine in met me iifiinv iininoiii o me l-aenltv ilscii."
.valence upon evidence has been received like the
fore.;, unc) fioin all sections of '.he I nn-li. 111. la-t tiire
ears, and tlie stri:ffest testimony in its favr. is. that
iheiv id iiimic of iiKid in the j.rncl ir "f the regular I'liy
sieians of I'hilatb lpliia, iban ai! other n sirimi c ntibincd.
n tact iliat can easily be cMabiihed. nml fntlv proving: that
a scientific prepuratioti will meet with their tjtuct approval
When prcticnieil even in Im brm
Th it this nudieinc will enre Liver Complaint und Iv.
pepsia, h i one c;iii doubl, aller uin ll as ilirccted. It act
SpeediciiHy np"ii t!:e M anichaitd liver it ih prelfci ilile
to calomel In all Mill -us ltsi-ase the ellect IS I'mii' oiate.
They can be administcri'tl to I'enude or int'ant with unlet y
and rehuble bem-lii, nt any time.
Tins meilicine lias at.ainr.l licit Inali eliaiiicl.-r wliicli is
necessary for nil tilcilicinci. loaU.-iinto imlnc eoimtcif.-itrm
to pin inrlli n npnrions niiielc nt the rikk of the liven of
those uro innocently ie.irn eit.
LOOK WI'.l.l.TO Tllf-'. MARKS UP Till'. fit'.Nt lNf..
They have tlie written signature of 0. .M. JAt KS.
li . .11 tlie wrap,er. ami the name I'low'il In th b,,lt!, with
onr which lliey lire fputl'illK.
for Kill1, wtiiik'wiiL' unil reiiiil, nt the
Herman Medicine Store,
No. 120 AltCII Street, one .(nor liel iw Sulk. (Iat of
STr Race mrecl.) Pliilailelplon, tout ly rt'ipee-Luliia dcalvra
peneoill) Jltroiijilioiit tlie colinlry.
putei'.s iti;i)i;ei'.i).
To enalile all classeii of to eaj 7 l!ir aitiraiili.ii'i
of l.jcn (jieat l'est,,ra,.i e powers.
Singh Hoflc, 75 cents.
Al.o: l'or sale ly II. MaskB, Saul. nrr, an,! M. A I
Aint'iwl 3ll; It-.'iI. ly.
ItfMEDIATKI.Y cm the Trevortnn Kail Komi.
Ac tions ol .V 33 ; nt the Mouth of the Ma
touoy (Jri't'k, to whom ltheriil wanes will he puiil
ll!A T. fl.MMK.NT .V To.
Suttbury, July 5, 1851 tf.
j IKS. MAKY WEAVER respectfully inforim
'the pulilic und travelling community freneritl
ly, that Kite has openeil this larne nml coniinoihous
IKI'I'JIl., fnrnishcil in a superior style. I'ioui
her Ioiir experience ill the husincas of n first rule
ilotel. anil well knowti reputation to aecommo
ilitte, her rustimiorn may ilepeml on lieitif; niipplieil !
with every thini; conducive to their comfort ami !
Ech. l.i. 1851..
'I'M! E Ktil'scriher respectfully inform her frirn:l
A nml the puhlie t;eneriilly, that she hiii
the bIhivo well known Klamt ticaily opposite t!.i
Court House, lately occupieil ly Mr. .1. ( '. 1'cr.
kins, bhe iniKts that her experience in Inisiness
iilnl her ell'ort to make her cuesla comfortali!
; i
will ?ie entire Kiitisfactioti to those who may fa
vor Iter with their custom.
March fi, 18,11. tf.
"' . -
X JAJLl V Jt A UJ llUUijti.
TIHR Kulrrriher respeelfully intormn tho puh!
I that he hn opened a I'uhlic J louse. i:i tit
new tow n of Trevorton, Norlhumlieiliiiiil eouiily
ami that he is well prepared to uccomuiod.ile hit
tmesis iii (he liest inuniier. His house is loentcil
ueaiiv opposite the L'ompauy'a Store. He isulsi,
provided with good stahlitu; sullicient for '(1 hor
m's. He trusts hy prompt and eitreful attention
lo husiucsji to meet a tlinte of the puhlie pal rou
tine. HEN K Y 11 W EA EI
Trevorton, Jan- 11, 1H.10 If-
The nltention nf the puhlie in called to the atl
vertisement of Mr- Ctiurlea C Tucker, Altomey
an.l Atrettt at 'ashir.ton (.'i'v. I'crsons liuv
1111; ehiima for hoiiuty Lands or Pension are in
formed that the suhscriher haa made iirraiitremeuts
for the requisite forms, ami ehiimaiits rallimr at
hi ollice, can have their papers prepared and
forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washitip.tou, and
hy him he properly attended, tu licluaj tiie He- j
purtmciit there.
II. 13. MAHsE II. j
Sniihury, Jan. IS, 1851
J A 31 A 1C A CI 1 X (1 IC ll .
MAPI, fioin the let JuTiaici niimer, all tlia vatnal-la
iiH-.liciiinl pr,,erlyof wlii.-ll 11 uail he fom.d to uua-
arM 111 11 convenient ua.l e ilicelilruli'tl i -iiii.
ll IB a llltikt .'iticlenl null ultlieaiuie time hai nitei,!.. ieiil!
liiinilaliiiti t- iur for tlie st anacli. an. I will heioninl my
IiiIh-ihV in lelifvniR the piuala! un,l .lisireasin ie,-lii,,4
iH-cakioiieil tiy the liiniiof.-d ucli ,11 ol Iti.a Imp 11. mi ,(.
f rooi nuj tnu w lane ua.-si'ooiin'i i-iwii 111 a w ane-i.i
fill of sue, lelie.l water Will inlille.lut. ly rein ,ve Ilie i ,.
lency oinlopireKsion reaitlllnit Iroui ll, aiid .1 luKen
two .nr llireu limea uioiy, na re'iiureo, win iv 101111,1 lustily
uhi-I'uI Hcainai the liiMaluileiuul vi-iim' of of Itieatom.
a, li uii.1 t.-nil, ney lo ua ilia, ir.iereil net ion iN'caaionel l,y the
enerviilinK vn.n.1 of the aiiniii!i:r hcjiif, nr fo.,winttullci in
dibfioailiou, und lor eorie..tiag liie laeipivol alae ot duiri-
ua-,., Ac.
It IB utao Bll excellfij med.riite for tlfiae who have in
inred tha tone of their atoaia.-lii hy the niaiiodrriile uat of
llitoAici.tini; liiaora, I.y ita alihlly aiiniiilaluitt t-lteel upnu
tin-at aaai-h r.-iiio-in IheeraviiiK f r aimiulniita, while it
liuaii.. intnrtnua ueti..u 011 Hie liniiii, aiul ii-.t aucceede.1
I.y feeliiini of tleprraaiua, wloi ti ulwayi follow Uic uae of
aU'oholic stiiuulajila.
A f.-w dropa added lo in-ianeai.t, rtiubr.rli or alher purtta
live medicinea, will render limn 111 ire aereiiu!ila to Ilia
eioinai ami preveal tlie griuing winch ut aoi to accomuauv
then iu'liott.
N. E. toner of 1th and CktttnxU Struti.
llraMhiirlB pal U, Ml - ly
New York Importers nnd Joblirrs
60 IjtBEnTT stubst,
Between Hroadway and Xaf.tau-Strett,
Near the Port Office.
"IXTE ,r f''',i''ir'C, 1 ilnil.T rrivU from Eti-
' rupr, our Full unci Winlpr nfurtmaiit of
Kirn i'.siiio.m.n fancy silk and
W'e irMv:ftilly invitr nil Cnsh rnrdinsere
tlmrotiRlily o rxnttiinr onr Stock mill I'rtrfe,
nml, a iti:iii;st iitivKii, we li el rotil'iilcnt our
(JooiU nml Prici's will iiiiluio tlirm to ti'li'i t from
our ratiililinlnnrtit. nlti'iitinii i ilcto
lr.1 lo MII.I.INKRY GOODS, nud many of the
artirlr nre litiHitil'iclliro.l riirrisy lo our onicr,
nml raiinol he pur4spil in lipniity, style ami
llinillil'ul I'niin Kil.'ionn. fi r Hat, Cap, Nfi'It,
ami l!r!t.
Satin nml Taffeta Kitilxiiu, of nil withlm and
Silk, Sat ins, A r!vi-t, ami uncut Yrlvrti, orf
Frathrrs, Amrrican ami French Artificiel
I'iiII'iiic. ami Cap Triininin.
l)rc- 'I'rimniiui's, l:iri;e anortiiient.
Fnihroiilcrit's Collins, l'mlcrslecief!
ami Cufl'H.
Fine l'.inbmiilereil lieviero ami lleinstich
Camlirie llamlkcrrliiefi.
t'rrtiirs, liisws, Ttirlotuns, Illusion miJ L a
(lH.r I
, , i t t
iilrtir!Pir, lu-tisspis, J hrratl. Suk, atul LiriC ,
'I'lirrad I,arrs. ,
U'J.I ;!L- s;., v;;ii, T T!,.., , 1 m.;o
r . .. ' ,
VllfM'B illlll .Mil:
r iisurnn aim i mm rwtfs, ioi!i, ii.nii i.awn, i
ntiil jiicotict .MtHiitiM.
August t MT 1. Hum.
I 1 I I 14 I I - I ? C 'I I V irW
. I i . ft 1 i 1 -
UIK ftila-ej -iltir intorniR Iii ft iiifl and thr
Marll' liusiiirHri in nil iu In ain lic.-, nt hi-j vU I
Hi a ml iu -Mi!to;i, l'a.. nml i tirtnavi-tJ to inaiiu- i
f-M'Uiw ,
Monuments, ToraLs, Gr.ivestonci, &c ,
nf Hip lat initrri-tk :um1 tnrist finiir.I wo: !;- I
inonsliip, nml al thr ltwr uriw. 1
. ' . 1 . . . .
I.rtu-r itttittj. f.ii-.i-.i atMl drrmuii in ITic
most niodi-ni niiil cliv; ml stvl
1 )t'i",iiH for A!iMiiiiinMil-, ( Irai:
ulw-tys on liatnl.
N. II. Ordrrs f r tin- Ka t Vc of live riwr
pro;n:y rvi!tei! 1-y Irrniiii; l'ir sainn at l!ir
nliiro nf I in? "rSuiilim". A ltii't i.- ;ii."
Miiton, V:v 10. 1S.M.
NEW and roruiAE ccizoci. boo::.
lOMrUrJli;NMVi: Mimm.nv ol rnivo.s.l
llislnrv. torriiier uitli a iiioirraiiliv nf Di--
tinoni.shcil rersons. lo whicli is apj eniicii an e i
tonie of
Heathen Mlao!o"V. .Natural l'hilo.-opliy. tien- '
er:tl Astroiiotuv nn.l I'i'.vsi ilo'.vy. i
Ailopteil anil usi'.l in tho i'uhlic tSoluoN of
1". S. JdNRS V " ., l'tiKWhrr. j
S. V. f'o.ner l'Ol'Urn ami IJAlT. Mle I'hi'a.
'J'eaeheis ischool t 'ontmittecs ait.hes.-inr'
lellers I I us iosl i :i.l, V.'i.l he f;n llislldl wilil !
copies for ex jinination.
f"'?"' K full nml t'o'iin'ete Assortment nf i
l:nilkrl mil S'P 'l'!() A I! V. lor Sato el the,
Ij.u-fKi I', iff..
May :l. Is.ii. iv.
. ...
X'.y J II S 1 1
- I II . I ! 'till' I 1 '("1
tl. eonstaiilly pu!,i"!,imr
iiC eiiesiiut St.,
in, I rcceivnr:.
new nml heaiitifnl iniiaic front the most ilislin-
rrui-hef f.t in posers.
'J'he follow in-' li -t contain name of their choi-
nil most popiilur SioiiL'--, Wii', l'uikus,
Now, l!iou art tione. a he nitifal yontr, wares
hy 'I'll, mi is .1. I'iehl, iti'isie ,y I tamhiiiL'.".
Mr New llnhiuJ 11m. ic. words dial i.tusie hy
.Mrs'l,. Wade.
(irohe'fi tiinuihuR; liy '. (arohe a eollectiou
Of Illicit.
."sound ft. un Home, tan.) atul violin, ! y Jj.
I'reltv l.iltlc Tolkna for 1'ivity Eittlu I'eoplr,
l y J. I .in-.
All the Win.'.. aie Sleepim. I.t A. S. Worn
Key, tiiianhan Ancel, liy the author of '-l.ove Not.''
Household ui'ds, w l ilicu hy t has. outl. tlo.
: The Adieus, i-i,j hy Tiiotiiiis J. Uichl, mu
sic hv I !o, r.
j l.EE .V WAI.KEi: have cmst,lv nn hau l,
iupi-n-ir I'i iuo-i, ami a supply of Marlin's l'c!e
hiittcil ( which together with a line as
sortment of Mush-: I Insti unit nts and Merchan
dise in ri'iif nil. -oM'.piise a sr.ick mil t,i he sur
passed I v ti:at of ,'iiu other est il,!i-hiuont iu tlie
country.' ' .M; tV WALK III!,
Id- t'hesnut .stri-ct, .""Wiiiin'o iiuildjij;.
l'hil tih'lpliia, June "S, lS.11. ly.
-o ci ut; .o ivvvi
irtr.Lea' Fever cad Atjuo riUi!!
j A rElif'EC r and spi t dy cine for lite Fever
i n"d Aloe 1 e-uai.iulie,l to unv one who
mav u-jo lite l'ills. 'J'hcy hate heon used for the
,;, .infii j, r and IniM' never heen known to
fail ill a eiu'c iu.-lance and in cast., too.
whcie p.cison hitv.. had the disease tor several
year, without in!ermision. The proptietor
elnllniT'i Ihr vuil.l lo piodt: 'r an article that
will cine in ns short a time, w ithout itnj any
deleterious elli i ts from the use of it. If the 1MI
do not peifoim a speedy end perfect eu-e, the
proprietor xvi'l tetiirii tha luonry. l'or sale I v
Jacoh r. Lawrence. M nicrs-. ille ; E. Helfen
stein, Trevorton ; M. 1, Divon, Nchuylkill Ha
ven; John . Kioinv:, r-nnhinv; Maty A. Mc
Coy, Niulhumhi-rl.inil j Dr. Ueekly, jlaiiville;
John Sh.irplt's. I "at taw i.-sa ; ltr. Jadd, 'i iliiains.
port; John Ka-fi', Mi. ton, and hy rcspetlahle
Druy-.'-isi thioii.:l,oi,t the Mite.
J. (II KTJs C. II ( (iii lis, IVojirietor.
rottstille, Jtii.eiS, is,') l, ly.
riHIE MISS WEII ZMIS respeeir,,l!v iiom,
I I'.e i'nl.lie that they still continue to rn'oi
I liu ti'atcl!, is and others at tlieir ohl t st.thlishe d
stjinl in Market street, west of (lie (Joint House.
'I'heir Ion? evpcrieiice in the hiwine s, tin I the
w, II 1 -1 ;:,i;s!a-il r, j 111 ilion of their Jlini-e, will,
they t:o 1, he a smihicut ipiarjulee, that their
eusio'ucrs will I c well ac. oiiimodateil.
.March S, I Sol. !!'.
nn:! iite! iit:::
IiK!c:tntctiile end IctlelliUt?
" jVu. I .S'oi(,'t Titiid street.
I ElU'I! A NTS and tlie Willing rommunitv
i,L are reipiosteil to call and examine tlii INK,
yt'hieh ia wurrttnti t not tu corrude iUrtallte Ptnst
nor rtntpe i'.r Culor.
WliolcKulc aiitl ftetail.
No. 1 South Third street, l'liiladelphi.
A discount ittnde) to Merehaitla ami the
Eor aale hy H. II. Musaer, agent for Sunhury
Noveuiher 'J, ISoO. ly.
CHES. An excellent article, for sale ai
half the usual price hy J- W. ET1LINIJ,
. SSunhtiry, July 7. 1610
1AISIN'S, currants, eilron, cheese, pepjKT
nine, &e. l'or aale hy J. W. KK1L1NO
Duiiaury, Dm. (, ISIS.
fpIlK nltentinit of llitil.lerl mid nllirm, sre rplprctfiilly
I inviicd to Ihc extensive mid well bi-led gt'trk ml
111 ll.lINf 1 1 A K DWAIIK Axn Ti M I,H, ,u.w uflerecM.y
the tnlwcnlMT, c iiistinp 111 pari as follows:
Aiiiencm, Front Iin-r fn-ks, Upright, with night work,
plated or bru- fnrnilnro, or p-ircrbmi all edl-irt.
American V'r..nt, D or l.rU, Upright,, 'Willi
nittlit work, plated 't brnfs furniture, wr poict-Uiiu nil
o rs. '
AmrnVnn Frot,tTvif Tckf mid Wiw Pt, l1"ri3Mn
t1 r upriyht, lintMi furniinre, nr porcelain oil ifc rs.
American Kim 1, mII sixes mid qaalitns. Whist or
lrrsi furniture, or poreclaiM nil colors,
Ainerifmi Morllec l'eks, nil sizes, with plutcd, w1iilf
LraM tin iiiinre. or porcelain nil as,
Ameiie:ti M aticf lili In'!, nil i;cs, with plnlml white
or bras t'nniiinre. i p nertain all r-d-m.
American M "rtie mid II tin 't, set f,crkt. plaied H l-mm
escnu h-ods, or pore-tain nil colors.
.Ain.ririii Drop, M p, 'rinmib, Oate, and Store Door
A Is Impoiied f(oek mid Lniebesof rveiv dewcriplion.
Ha!dwnr. and Auiencaii litilt llmffcs, ol all sizrs, I a tit
nr looc j -int.
Shniicr. Ibite. Simp, T.. ftrv! n o-k P ip UnicTcs. all I tndn.
Siiatler. tinte. I n-r. riiish, and Spriii! H lt, wnnht
or ea.-f ir -n mid br.ifs, rvxv dcm i ipti n
icrev, S, rirf. dine, S ukI l'npt r of ilie best qtnlity.
American Axle aad Mi:nn A! rnl!es, nf 'every
van ei v
Ani'-iirait ItiilfonE. .,r en rhlr. lumi. if li. or
AtiiiTiran N'M s, el.ilr.t. wliilP. lr.,11. or vv 1.1. siiviivis.
lM!-t 'Hi. C lilt, i ,-uid pulfliL, with ntlcr uttich.s loo i
lillin' io'! lo iiii'ii'i 'il. I
IT- MILS ui. l SAsi1-Vi:i(ilITS at I-A T'1( V
f'C AIM: "'? il. tivered fire of rltart b amy jmrt 'i
the Cii mi l I ii.-c i iets.
At 11ti! citab!fritn iit c:m be f mnd "lie of the laiff-r-t ami
beni nt-f irtm iim o' Wliitr and Fancy Nobs fr Locks, c.,
in liiet'iiv; n ime pattern", of wliicli. cannot be n-cn, nr
obtained, at imynll.crM ie. 'I'OOLS.
Sjmmi A .lacl.s nV litHri. rauel. Hand, ntrtl Hipp Hnws,
iltiji' Th d Xpreft'lv f r IJi-'ai! sales, all Jiclcctcd v;,h can-.
Sle neitt tnl Ibe c. Iebr:itcd FI:iih k in iib- bv K. V. C.'ir.
pentcr, of LaiuM.-i- r, 'a . b. i.u mi ma te . it pmIiiwo. i'.
and Ihc Hitlr- n il and Irb d. lenit "s A Willi onr.' liinkc
"f '!"'eis. Ax-'s. II:ttchct. trawiau li.i-,c. .c., ait war
r;1!,.,i .r,,(K.
r.tyh's an 1 -I's n. d.e t A"-,'.-t an I Amrcr Ilitts, a!
Amerie-.Mi S prircs and lb
Ylk . t'everv (Vfenptifii
.i'.vm'1is, l.onipaMjs, I
merie.m ;
dl lV.-lS. , C.
Atii"i ii-a'i (". S. IT 'uirit 'is,
C! iw and U tinL', nil ai"1,
llracrs. with t'. S Llitis, in
Anvils and Vici at! iic.
S'ecl. I Is ii. and Wood. -it
". tireav.-s A S n. Hnt.-'.-r's a i l oil
maiif-s ol t'hisi In, I'lli. I'iaiu -lions. Ac. Ac.
Aildis" cidcbntcd Cirvinj '1'itols. ai! sltape
I Mai hnr ' ut" o( 1m best a id in 'M i xvnsiya bs Mltnrnts
' nf tb'iMtm; II ndwirc a-d 'I' d. in the S'ate.
1 AI 1bi! -t,ib;i?bn!i ill II ik e in idi-n-d t t'if imre lo thoW
" ' '".VI"-" .e-,.ian!evmil
Vo-I ilir
l!e a rt-
it lent
nieiit. and bear the piicrs a-ked. bei ire i
WlK'ic. t-'iiii.e and p-t ms.
chasing else.
'vr m M-ri.ruK.
. between Till and eilt. it';-cr sule.
Irol. Jy.
v G'T MarlirT s'
riniaiU'lj'liia, Apiil
m.mmi-:h aiulwiimlnt rrum
V nrrc lr A u n. ,
Ofi'eof thr I'l,H,i. ,V Rnvliov V:nlrn'l Co. )
l'hi!.nle!;iliia, March S
'IVn I'su'-em.'-r Triins Daily, (eveept SumHy.
."f. N :!;- r April 1st, l. train, will
M hi c.-!i v:;.y, ,l;.i!y. l.el.-.ecu l'l.lla.lel
pl.ia a;nl I'.it I il'c
m-i:; tyi; r.ixr.;,.!.!.. at '. J .. M., i!.ily rxe.l
i s.
I., IM-.
i. I'. ,
Suiuia. ; I-:tsv
A. M. i!.-.':l. evcept Sun-
.u-ri:i;.xtn- r.txr:.
rh:!a,h Iphi.t at I') oi lo.-k, ilaily. except
i'le ,.t :
ex TJit
I'.i'lween l'liila l, Ij.hi.t mil roltsviile, .;;;.'
1st el-.-. oim aid - i. l'i vi-i c;,-h cii-h.
JiClv.'iall l .lit I'll. j.'. It l-'iii I.r.nlol ', t.t.) Ml
chisi lid -M.-Io i, class c,ir.
Depot ill I'hi'aitolp'ma, earner. -f llron, I "atil
Vine ."ivtvli,
I rieeil:'
isciuii it cut, r tlie cat: iiulf .-s irovt-
1 Jeil wilh 'l'i,-l u
.M I'l'H II. - I'if'.y poniioi of I
ue will he ;il- I
. ; an. I pas.
1 lowcit to final p iseu,'i r in tin
fcfny.ei'a i-pr.-
prolc.oilc.i l.irtiuLi itii
:il their wi j t i 1 1 t.j jua I, iihu li
,1'ii. o. Viler.
LJ'jui.l oi' 1 inrr.'K
. i;i;Al;i't )!!!).
tliiii'-' as h.ij.r.;.'
I will 'a' a' i.if n-i.
!'' onlcr ofliie
' A p. .1 1 II, 1 v" I .
I vyi. iir.N'i'!::: ;n r..: t;-;; if fii;inS t
" f cine any else of secret i!i-ca-e i!i a mav
I rome uii'lcr his cine, no m itter h.uv I nu statnl-
i im; or atila iiu Eitlie,- se are invited lo his
; I'riv.ita ;,mw. :it N nt!i S!I IINT'I S!re.-I,
i I'hiladi lpliiii, without fear of interruption h;. olli-
! er I'iiti.Mit;. Mianji'f an 1 oihci who hue
la en unfortunate h, ihc s.-lc.-iiau of a phy.-;, iaii
are inrilcd la iiill. 'J'l',o-,e who hate injured
Iheni-eiii s l,v s dlta- v i--e arc ;,!s,i iip. it,-. I.
KF. 1) AND l.r.l'l.i:t "l -'I'he afiiietc.l
won!,! do well t,t lellett lufne liusiia; their
healili. h ippintw. and in many cases llieir live,
in the I an, is of p!,ys:ci.ius. I 1 1 -. t . 1 1 , t o! this class
ot mala, .li s. It is ccit.indy imp.e-'s,!-.!c for one ;
man to iiiidcti-iau l till the ids Pic hum in ftuiiiy
me Mi'ifcct to. Ecry n spcctahlc p.!:y.i'-ian his
Ins pecuiiar iirauch, iu w.'iicli ),e is more success- i
lul than his hrotlicr irott'ssnis, and to that he de- j
totes most of his lime and slli-lv. '
VlIAli.SO!' IMiAI.'i ICi;, nclu-si.ely ilovo- i
i... I ... .1... .... i.. -.,,.) ,., a ....... ... ..J ..i' .1.. !
M' urti.V;.-;.' ..,,..!,,Vvv'i:: i,Im-.h ..p.ti l!.,. 1ki.
,lv. ll.r.Mt, .10.0, ir-. p' i.. Hi, In :ul or
i,,n. ,, .i ,.k . . 1 ,
ties, ilis.;ii'-i ;tri in ; lifni vmilLlul I'Mth-w or
iiiij'uriiics ihr !! K vlnn i-v tin1 iu.-Uiuiuni
lui '('("iina ci:!. i'!i!i .1. t'lialili's ihn iJurtnr tit oJUt
S:irr.!il iri, ' to all who m
place ihcinsches
under his caie.
l'hila.lctpl.i.i, April l'.l, l'-,L ly.
rptill i: Siil,s, ril,rl- who reside in I'hila I, Iphi.t.
E cll'ers for sale the follow in.; proper, y iu Mil
ton, Norlhuiulici land coiiuly, : 'i'!n- htre
'---- in i:;;i-t Milton, f.rmeilv oeeupieil Py
Mes-r i'attci -.i;s :is a ('ania re Makers Shop.
The huil, liu-.' is 11(1 f.ct li-'iit on npp-r .M.tiket
street, nml 111 feet 1,11 l'roiit street, and is two
stories hii'li. AN, a tt o story
I'.llK IC ELACK..Mll'll Mlil,
40 hy i'o feet, 011 the same premises. The lot is
on the corner of upper Market aad 1'iont thefts,
and is ti. tiet 1 1 1 111 1 , und loll feet deep.
J he pfcuiiscs would he aluit!-l.i tor n 1 oiimhy
or oilier 111. int, l!icl.iiii.; purposes, end will he sol i
on re.isoiiaiile and uc'onnno.latii, z lenns I - .; either tn JACKU CA I! lilt I A N,"
J. 1'. Vv Ol.l'l.NtiE!!, Esq., Milton or
11. 11. MAM" Eli, Esp, Siitihiii'v.
riiiladelphia, Jan. l-'.-t if-
itlii'iltti' tl((iKi,
1 ITC ir Citiiisr, liandsomely hound, D'Av
' J's Hisioiti oi 'im: Ei.ioiiMATiov,
I'l.iMi 1) . t -1; ,1,1 1 s n l.i.ia, 111s, lull hounded
or aale al the puhlUhcrs prici b hy
ftiinhuiy, July 1 1, 14'J
I. Parchment Paper Deed and flank
M . t.ji't;. , loin, is, Evecuti ins. Summons,
Ac. fir sale ly II. It. M ASSER.
f-oiiiauv, Apiil 'lei, ISM.
1 V1XC,
, just rcceiveil and or aale hi
mi aa LANK ADlr.s, waivms
the eteinjition
u Jt law of . II HI, far sale hy
April a, H. II. MASSEH.
Y'lU'riNII ELl'ID ami wif aeuliiiK Enve-
I, ,(, just received ami lor aalo hy
April Kl. 1S.M H. 11. MASTER.
IOU sale at this oli'iee, Kusrior llhick Ink
- Cattle Medic
iue at 2S eta, Pure Essence of
(1 user, vents.
TXTRACT CK fi IX (IE It A fresh supply
just reeeivt J and for aala at thia oflim.
Pi ice 25 eenta.
jtiWpr, J t i. mi.
At flic Cabinet Unt o Itoom f
Market Srjunre,
Also at the cnrurr nf Fuint rtrrrt & the Railroad
XVtilWKY, I'A.
Thankful for the patronacre r.f hi? friemln nml
customer ilurinir the 1 7 years lie ha heeu in Iiiim
ueM in Ihiii place, he solicit, from Hie public n eon
tinunnce of their favors. Dnriiiq this (icrioil he
has cmlcavoreil to kei'p up villi the improvement.1,
of (lie ilay, nml lias nr. onlin jly rxtemleil his hiiwi
nes in every hram h nml variety. 'I hc pulilic are
therefore invited to the attention of the present
ftitocli of
M AN';K,r ri ii i:n nr
At tltn Old Ftnml,
W here ill nilililiou to their former slocls of the
Phtalilirliiiient tliev now ui. niiif.irl me
Ilnhoiraiiv, Ynhiut & Cane-Ecat Chairs.
Lurrre. Spring Smf Harking Chairs,
Dressing iitrrms; I rnlre rWo,
Jlirhe Top Wash Sl inih,
it itI it ruriili of olfirr
new xlylc und
I'avtjlonafjte E'Hi-nilayc.
lluvinrr seeiire.l n II earn' nml m ule the neeen
tarv iiriaiiircinciit!. l'ir t'-.e purpo-.e, lliey rue now
picparcil for I'nilcrlakiie.r in n'l itn liraiiches, in
this vicinity or at any eonvenieut ili. tance.
Xr 'irii !''s.-. om-I tiii.-lnin t t ki,
ri-n-'n inrnilar.- of .-very '. amt tin...
from Mil,. Ii liir.ts ! I kilt lin t .l.'r-n,
I'n-i.i r.'clviiar ctiiiiri. I i.tlimi: i ra.ll. s
S' r ul. I ynil id I : .' on ' ,I,M'; lo yu
We'll v.: il aw'n:- f r a I.' r Mter .l'.v,
(l t.- !.r i..alocs, nnts. c an. v!i.-al aail r ;
Park. Ii .'; 1.-. ':,v. ,.r r . t I iln ,
Or any iiii-; 1 nt . !;.-s atirl 1 ..rr-'.nr! ,l ti'-.
I'l"iii pie nail Inrlorft it- wa t liiil--t'un.p
on Itli'M I'rini lii. c ma- i-ac amt a!l.
K' fp trailr a iii.i, ii::-. h.i i. nn t';.- I.i'l."
t lr' I Inters from a ilistanei' pronipt'y atlemle.-l
to nml wmli of ail K'ii !- ,loner."l with i!i-:patc!i.
Mtinl'iiirv, Marcli !t, l'."i!. tf
I Li Ealiji'o.rovc, T?.
fi 'A I !?
! j i:r.n;i:i in ii,,-1... t ,
1 V t" perform well.
All .'.irk intra-tcl to Mi
' attend. -.1 to.
-luvi'i', .Nov. :; -i.
e i . i
. ,' v . 1-1
l I A lil.l i'o i i:. aip.i l;V
X. If. (',;, , ..' Th:,:l ...' C;i
Iil.T .-. i:.:'. i ,.'.', i: . . .. -e. :: s r
riux, x.B i, v: ;r a.
i : "j'i : :v VIHI.s .,;' .-. .. v.. a I I .
l. the
JI ,.
I ' y
'"'' "'
II 1.I-. .
: '.T-i. v'
i n.t 1 I i
us .-r ' i
"s ., v. '
I, I', la
i ' wi
hi,- p,
i.l in'! li'f
Vol' I II AM) M AMI, ton,
A vio'.irm; life or il pi-'iiLitiiii' ili'.tih.
mi Sill' p.- srrvniioii,
ONLY ii Ci:.N' rs.
; n
'It T!ie if,
1 1 :! Ires;
ALII, anil
'I'!.,- V .ill
w !' p:' e
I. T'i .as-,!
p-l' !.i ! i-. v :':i 'is-i., ita' rnia-i a
;, ,1 v , - , " t? ,.-r:,l w; lr-.e,.,s
I, ' I i Mil 'i'lt. l '. sill I- i I
I,!. -e I n,
i' i nr.- , ,
l.llii'T it Will
rij.r.-ss c,' l.-irtM i- it uiyes.
.Ill Si ll' aill S., O lull! . la 1-
-ii-a tiow t ., pr,' 'I't l',f !es-
1 v re
" . A irlilltt n I C'l , in
ilr. si. il p. lilt. Kli;
I MUM Slieelh. ,,:ie.-i S
wi a , iii ,' a I, !.. an. , i.
I' is a i at a ni-yt.
;ia ,1'TIIICll (
Pine. I'i,ii-,il.-!,.lll
- Ilr li. I.y Iff
pal l.i anil l,f e,ii,--l
I I'Aiii.M.l.s if ;i:;.iri !:s. tui:i:t 'i UAS. .
V,?,":!,l,y V'i','",ii' tv" '' "'"' '"" "'
n , ,.1'..,, ...... ,.,. ,i.. p. ''ars. (
-I vi;ii lln;
c u'i'i' uL Ve. l.-iV
iirr tu l.i). ly
i; 11 1) ti s 1: 1. 1. 1: it ,
! I A S r,",r,lt!" r,wi;:''1 u""u !ht :;r?i.-!o.,
I X;n""i-V '";i-''U:!l
'MHi; l'lil'lti ::ti'ii y.Avii n
Co, ipcr. tiotels. coui'ilcte or s,-j ir:;'e.
H.-i!.ciln l'a ' I'o.'wcl!.
Dillna do Tl'ol'ope,
I Sue i!o llallihurl-in
Ih'Mld.d do Mmryatt,
(oikl-.n d-l th.-,
Mav.v.-U ,!. Marsh,
J.ilo.d do Ai.iswirth,
At th? low ptii e i t
Sunhury, Sept. 'Jt.
i.nii '.'."i I.) ."iii ct per v.
.usittc: 'rest: t'::ici:,
Cn.litiy, rn.
OfhYe in Deer Sired, iniiin Ii ii. lv ep o.-ite the
Puhlie School House.
y Moni'-a eolleete-tnnil ail lao-aii s pi mtitly an,' i'hn
fnl: amiiii, .1 to.
April '.ll, I soil.
j ;i;ov.N's essence f jam
- ' (il'.II, nn eci'!:ent at'icic.
A1CA tilN-
litew it's .Mcdu ;r.,-.l Soap for stm hi:t:i
letter, ..'.
lladuav's Cirt' Palm, for the hair dan. 1
rutl'iVe. Paduay a lleady llelief fir Ciainps, C'holic,
Cho'ei ,t M nrl ns, c. I'm' sale hv I
JI. Ii. MAss-illi. !
Suuhiirv, Aa. S. Ifi.'O. '
..,Tt)XE Ware, Earthen Ware, llaisins, Al-7-)
nionds, P tine and Cre.uii Nuts.
Planes of all kinds.
Jt.tll anj i'liirter. Just received nml for s ite
hv JOHN W. I'ilil.IXt;. '
' ." tmhuiy, Dec. '."I, Is pi. j
11 DDKS und (iiihl Pens. Dn hand several cop- t
a- ' i,-s ot tlie Iue ol t iirist. anil atso a iiumhcr ot
uold pens which w e w ill sell al the Philadelphia
prices. Eor sale at this oilice.
EJf-ENNKin'V PATENT .....' 1 1 l'As
TENl(;S.A cheap ami rvcellcnt arti
cle lor la.-irlilli .' sash for sale hv
J. W. rilll.IND
.uuhury, July 7, 1 SI'.).
VTlisINC IJdTTI.I'.S puntps. nml
' nipple tiihes- A supply of these useful uni
fies just leeeived and for sale hv
Sunhury, Jan IS, lS.M tf
C V.7 H.EV'S" CD! (I MM)I". 11 eeel
V y lent reinedy for coughs, eolda. Kur aale
at tlii ollit c
jvjssrE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
,1 covering glasses, Ac, for aale ut Ilia otliec ot
the American.
J5LANK DEEDS prinled on the hest quality
cf parehinent paper, mild ut tho loweat jirica
at ahta Catlio, If who Waal and raaaa)
city or fini.nKLriii. Alt nlvci.t hankn J it
, . ISli IIIKHii; ISLAM).
All olvent Imnka pal All in lianlo. ti is
. , eotsTPir. co.N.NKciiCt'T.
ink of Cliaiillicil,.irg 1 (li.!.l . .Iv. nt l,:nil, ! li"
Hank nietimit f... ,:ir M:W VIIIiK.
M ink of llcl.C i. I lirurr pari cit V .
Hank oriirnrintowii pir' All ilceiit ,.inl.n ilii
lank .'(i. li),u,u ly-llu ,,!,. miller " J iIk
Hank of f.i'wiKl.ncn coi ntiiy.
Hank olMnlill.-t .n ill, All Mvcnli. Ira, k 1
Moii'a iimtv i :o K ink par Sl.w .icitsi'.Y.
Hank of ..rllinnil.riflil ai Ili'lvnl.Tc k
Hank of PiM!air I ilif r 'ii.ia.aiaal Hank j
Hoik of llaiiville paill'ar. Ilai.k M- nt ll"llv par
nrliFli- Hunk ihn K. Ac l Mnl.lli lown'PI. par
Colnllllilll h'k A li'ge Co par Mechanic!.' !k, Newark par
ll.iyi'Mown li.inli pcr'Mcch. Ilk of Hnrlni'.'loii par
Ivi.l.m Hank par M.-.-li. A .Man. Ilk Trent par
line Hank 9 ilia Motrii Co Hank J il:
li.xclianuc Ifk Pirtnlmrn I ihn i wark Hk'u lun.l.'o j ll;
l:s.'lttiiie H'k. H'ancli ,w;.- licnk '
I'linncrs" H"k. HiicknCn par Pi i'plcV Hk I'alti'ruon iIm
IwirniiTx' l.k. Iincawlcr par I'riMcclon Hank par
Parmcra' Hk. Itca'liiii: par Salem lianl.ii"? I'o, par
l arm. Hk S'lmvlkill I'o par S-m-tn' t'o ll-nik J dm
i I'. r.i a1, ni '.!i:atc I :in.lcn pir
I'lanMin I'l; ni f,,:. s.ntc !:'. 1 . i if t ..-t til . n .1 n
ll iirisi,;ir.. I ilis Ncwiok .In.
Mom M.'lc II:, uk ilis Mai,- Ilk. . I Ii ilcdwic'. par
1.1 nearer ii c,k i;,r '' i-, I, ink. e in !n
''" H'"ik ,,ti I'r, nl ll Hank'na: C.i pi
.M. r h. , i.,n. ,,.,' a,, i; .k. I, a, r .In
Minei!.' li'k. p., ,.v,, p.r .r,'e, v'lr A !.-! Ilr I '.!
M .iionvtili, i-, !'-. m ,tH ; v'Hk ,"l l"r 3 ,!l
Tnvl .,, c l. I If,, i-., .-, ,, li:i.A ' A It i-:.
West llr iiic'i It i prn ttilik ot lielaw ire par
W yoini,,:. ;k, Will.. ii U nix of Siiivrmi pal
ork H-.tik. ..i.'iji-lnw ciiv ll'iiilc per
tl'Ucllel nii'M, , pi, ';,'T'n I ir.o,, l W. pal
"I I IV ir irai, ,'.' Ilk Si l l iwarc par
Hank of ., K - ,!,,. I tank. W ifinioej l . .n par
Mereanlia- ;k. llni-4 a ti,i.';y I n.Ur -' J Oil
AH . ei,i ,.i: i j,s' ( if 1 1( t.
S'.WV It V.Ml'-!lll: l s lv,i I ,i,l, 2il
Alt ilv'-i i ' ,W t? c. ., .!! i;a '.-r S I'l,"
VI'i:m:it. I Mn;iii ii;il.!NA
Ha ,! f Si A Inns 'J .t -1 :i -p . : i ,,,,i, ,':
Aii a .hiail l,-.i,k li;V filler.'. . V! ill!"
Eounly trjitt cad rv.oie:i Ai;...c
V. c.
rs a ' r:, .,. a
"I a- j. a. , . a
IV I .iiii.I
1 1 i
I l IJ!
I I 1 1
no I
I 1 1
,1 I la
. i a l.i
I .
i I.-, al ,:rai,
I i,
i-l.'. -a, I .., III.- V,,,.
.., .-. , s i
" I I ir la :,s Ml
a ha I a a. a.-,.
,! !, i,' . i , ' i ' , 1 1 . :i , I 1 ,r
I l ne i . nml ry. I ' a
tin- j.aViils. wlien
l nc . : I i i li-.
'111 l iv ' : e
: ii--r ,1 l-i 1 n -
i a ,1
e ,1 .'
i, v " .".'I'
i.l Ilie ar
I II I! I -
. p. ti )
J' m u
i - s ,- --.t r
il-i .. or. li
lt I !is:ci.iu
i .i. iai', i:;.
. I,,
S . sIC
f:,t p
I i, i in,,
Mil .
,i.:i !
i in.
! i.i
: ,.!.
s-ccct il--ei
ot toai hi i '. , ;.
lids !,o.,l; auv on.
raln-c lo h-i- '
ami with one
ti ai lo the ,1 11c
: if :.a' i..t W
I ' l lm li-i..,l c .
. il rootine oi' pi
'-c of
fi:!!-. f ..,!. i;ti li e r n,. ,- i-:',..i,i,
witli I,1-.-, ,os ,,. 1, .it!
otht r dcr incni.-n'.s which it
pit to eiiutiu'i.ito.
i " j 'A -iy p. 1.1 in Tit.lit-r t
i.l ml
' -x I V-i 1 '
cue! ,-e,i in a I, r, r. will r. . , i'.,- o ,.
ho,,!,, hv mail, nt l;.e cop cs w'h! !.e
-.nt f.-r
dollar. Ad lasi, Di.'. .'. oi ."-.'i. ,.
M'iJI'C.: Street, l".IIl.Ai'::H''ii ." i'o-:-;
: ll!!. Vllt'.Nti en he coiisiil'-d on a
ihc )'.-c 1 es .le.-i ii'-,! in hi 1 .Iif:i-:C".t 1 1 ' ! i .- '
nt hi Oilice. l-'iJ M'1,'1 CE Sir. cl. . n iv d.r,
twet-n 'J and ; .'e!o k. uu,ia; sVxcc;,t, ,i.j
j I'iuhuli-iphia. .No-,. 'J. I '.., '. !;'.
VJ ,3
Mr, !, I.,,-:. No rn) CIlESTNl'TSin-.-t.
MEDAL, award- l I.y the I'll N K LI N i.V
STI I'I'TE .1' l'att'.'lelpliia in IM -her.
A M 1 1 1 1
l-:i:-"T I l'LMD'M l.v the MAKVLAN!) IN
sTIi'l' Ihilii iioi-.', N.n. lls'an.l IsM.
,, .. ).-',',, :i,. lsts.
I have u- i'd ,1. V. ch ar's I' .lciit Jar. in Liaui I
and La tc r,..i,'.' f.c' sain,- nun' liiouiljs, and
an h ij-p lo say that it sui ,..i''-os any II 1, i.i;
that I hate use I t'ic-e old tens. I lind
il holds the poli I-, and pre -.tvcs the leather hi t
thr than ant l l.1cki.14 llial I have cm r tuck
A en 1 w II. t ' -m .111: i;s,
N .. i -. C!u M "!.
Wr". CVT.VMY, .l.'.f.i''.t. ','..
S..ece .s .r lo .1. WIIl.l.AI;.
No. .'.'I l."n -li.i.l Min i, iiiioM' .-",,-ojid.
N.'.vcin: , r. !l, 1 i.'.O.-- i-. .
tv;.M.M.b.' ki.,j
-1 rs
.Vo. ! luuf N'n.7.
SVf'it.'hl ilni.if in-low Tliir I,
I T. 1 T,:I"J7a.I TI T.'K-
' II Elli". at. l.'.n.!- of 1 c ,s. , ,' I'.e latest
si . I.- n-1 I i i I m. :lc. ,al, ii.e man,,, t l..:c,l
l rcasoiiiiolc teiui
All eiders promp;
Piiiht-ii I. I, ia, Nm
in 1 p'lii. lii i!Iy alien. I -d to.
i, i.-.".;'. I v."
'j HE s;,! .j.-ri' . r h .:. " 1 j t leeeivt-.l n new suiiply
.1 1 ... ! 1 ii ....j ii. .1 .
1 1 Ihc !. t I!
er came to Suuhui ,
f.tiisi st:n - in 1 ,.1'i of
Siq cioi o' l pale It," in.'.',
l ine Co-.-ni ,c Ih.ui H. '
r-epc! i ir t li 1 .1 .uoaii a spirits.
New l'Ilt:;klll l Klllit.
l ine Holland Cm.
Superior ( H.I Whiskey
I "1.: 11 111 01 1! .
Si.perior Madciia Wine.
Lishon it, 1. do.
.'-'up. r-.or Poit Wine.
l;u:i;iit, ! Part ih..
sveet MaliCit Win-.
Siipciioi Ciarel me in hot'!;-..
Chain'!, ..e da. d.'.
."'uuhurv, Mav 211 1"'1'.I.
I'ullNtiiH-, I'll.
Will promptly attend lo colKctions ami all husi
11, ss eutt'tislcd to his iiare.
Juno Hi, 1SI0,
CJTONE niiik Pain, stne Juijs and Pitchers,
2 TONE iniik Pain, stne Juijs and Pitchers,
11" ware (list rcccllcd
IN W. f lilLlNC.
.,,.1 for sale hy JOHN . r lill.INli.
Sunhury, Jtu.e 2:1, ISIS.
tEAS, from the New York Canton and 1 ekin
I Tea Coinnanv. Eor sule Ly
Sunhury, Dec. S, 1HIS
T'Y REM An e.eellent article for aale
rtanhury Jaa. tllh. 1843tC
J and nlhur iiiticles ot stout" ware ii-t rccciicl.,
'EiitoMrast' Your Own!"
rJ,IIK Fill scril'ern respectfully enll the ntlenllon
of tlie put, lie tn llieir lnrji. nml rplemlid tiftiort
ment of every ipuility nuj -price of
which ennnot fail to roiotntnem! it'-elf tocvery on
who will examine il. on nccount of its ilurnHa
w orl.ioaii.hip nuil splcmliil finish, m.nlo tip of the
lies! hi, u k to he hail in tlie city. .No ell'ort ii
spurc-il in tlie manufacture of tlieir ware, ami th
mtisci ilu ri lire ilctermineil to keep up with Hit
many improvemcnta which are constantly being
miu'e. 'i licir filock com ist-t of Malionny
St-r.ts, IMvtum ii ml I.ouiirrc.
2;urrntts,FirfrftiTrfc's,.(jjrt)o(-Tv' ,sf
Siin, liRK.lhF.lST AM) li!M.(i TAB! : .
in.I nix. MvM'. l l . lil.fMis, eipial to P..'.'v-
ilclplii i iiiannfae;,,-e.
lirilSi'lT.AlJS. of eterv : 1 1 o ri nml pn,
criMUlAUDS. Wt);k' AM) CWDI.K
SlANhS. 'loll.K'l' 'l AHLKSANCi
in short, evei-y nrlicie in t!;i line of their hinineM.
'I hey a!-o ii.ic al! l;:n.! iul ijtmliliM
incliii'm varii tie never hefore I t I liaj in
Nun! niv, Mich m.MiniiiiiM, Diarit Wk.xst
V, ( -H..I , M .. iMIiCa III . - ; ANll Vllll
( '1 1 A I l!s. imiiiviiI'iimi Sa o hi. which nre of
the lal, -t '' lo. nml wanantcl to ! rvelleil fcj
none m il,!,: n ' ,o, , in i',c I itic or clM-wtiere.
'J'he Mil . s re .l.'leriiiiiii.l licit tlterf shall
heiio e.'t; -e lor per-,.!:i lo purchase fiirniliir,- in
I if '''lie a ri rv eon'ii'en e e.'.n he entcrtai.irit
a! a i i!.e ' i.-nl i'tni ol i heir i;4
'rii. ir :, !;,-'. - ;; i c .; r.,n s. K.i
tcrm as they call ! e pi r"!i is, a! c! hoi e. Vlt1.
Uy I',, "h - c ; i.iai i', :, . r 1 1 . , : I forwo.k.
I' I .V I ' '::'!' 'K! tii. i!:ui:i:f pioii,'J
I . e , I : , - . " 'i a I : ' ; - r 1 . , ,
, . lory
,'t, : 1 : :
. ill l.a-i
ft .-SI t'o ' I'
. i ,ii!fliU'lil i
i t- 'l'e .. ,
j opposite .!. Vo; :
V ea.crV 'far c;.
! in .'larkr Tireii.
,'.:i.l tu arl opj-osi.t
liAMIil, HAAS.
. f : j ; : kp;..n.
-lllll.ll.-y, 1'ee. 11,1"
t;i:: ati vri.
oi euru!:;:
i ! o ',e. ('!.
. ' i,,n : t i
.'iiifM'ii a',.
.' .! -mi t.e
I. .s
t'-t.:t. 1
wli.-ii t di j. ..f 1!
Acr.0.1 .'.hti.'ola
. hy i-ii- h a a'ti
.-i, ,., v. a not i
; !" rep!.,-,!. -Ti,
1 r he ci-y n. tui
. ,i 1'", -iii a tiisora
.' ." I"- ,: f 1; t inr
i- er,i ih, in 1, r,i
I. ,ui-l i a."
.. 1 i-'.,ii !' all .
',-.-t r c '-.'.
i l.e l I.
ft -! I..!-
i li 1; s.,:-.
w hat
c.ho vi:
' V . a 1. ,
, 1 -
t". t:o
tin- I.,
I ai,,! l-e ! , ; , 'e. H...I 00 t, 1 a,s at rent
a i "' h.i I in .,11;, cs .lohsimii-ni in PI
.' : ion 1. 1 " t-.l '.'. al ; ;.iJ
I !e 1 - c.
d, p..;, i.i. .
' i'i,? vl
chase .,:'
- '.,ii i, 1 1:1
ii.;:v -.', .
!' ' l.-'t.! the c .ii'ilr, wi...
,..i. rely, r.t 11!! Ii:i,. on erttiu
1.- liittt w'-:t p . i f tl.e-n, and out Ih.
1 the 111 ,.y. 1 .id.
c .1. v a ltd;
Li.: :. '.-;.
CE'-i! er.'
pi'.M.t , :
I '-a -t. a
t. Il-v,.e
ri.,ia .
.,.,1 I:, at
f -
. ' I V '
' I., r .11. I
a lii'e-, int
'll iill ll,,! ;.rl
, .. !. ll. it It e
; 1. n.-. s 1,'i l'ui
if.! 1' T l
Vv ll
It .
"r Y T '
I lyy ,1
t'ol. ii-C
.'" ils.-'ia: i'i
M sr "?
. 2. 1 .
C!d.l .
1 :..!,, r
; tall
pri, e re, hi; e J.
,.!',. S.lisao.iriil
c's 'Mup ,1 Wi! ! CI err.
St. .i nc criiiiiii ';-.
' y I.- 's C! r.iy r,,:.,r.,l
Dr. Dr..kf's I'm. ,.-i i.
I'lihl ','s ii i
IY :-!i's p.,i UiH.-r.
Lr. lie .:;.! t;.- ti V.'.Vti
Indian i -....Me I'lh
1 i oise ;. 'ad t'nitle ' Ii di-iiie
l'or sale l-y
" itiihi.ry,
:.KV M A s I
1 1. 1"
1 i.
v n :' v?.cr.t.a vadt-ticct
l'...'arlilsl Nil A ( , 'I.l. i.t rios l,K ill 1:11 i
V A 1. f A III. I1'. UF.C1 PES,
Li t't' '.-;'- mo' l.i'iicsitji'f Artt with
Simple und C .i. i -lis l.'vperiiileula it
t ill: UlT-l'K :
NCI.I DIM! Medicines. Pcifu ry. Che
1 Cookery, I'iinifty, ih iu.r, Confcctionai
nicslic licoiiumy. i l . e tc. etc. Price (J et
sale hy ' HENia .MA.Ms
Siuihiny. Pee. S, I'-' Ith
T: i 1: a i: u a otitis'.
Just iccci.ed til the store of HENKV
SEE, a lot of Caps, Ctii.i Shixs, Ainu.
I j.teeiisti arc, Lipiors Ac. All of which wil
so1! at the lowest price.
Dec. 1 1, lS.'ill. '
vI.M'I:M. WATER, from the Oak Orel
Aci,! Sprint;-., highly Milualile in chronii
scasis, und tonic reineoic, for sale
Sunhury. June 2:1, leioi) tf
(APs. An assortment just received.
silk HATS ut 2-J."), for aale hy
S'unhnrv, Dee. H 1.
HJVi'ENT 'J rusi-tta ut all kinds, Hurri
J w riling ami indellihle mk, Cotton jurti
l.ips.jusl rccciwd ami lor sule hv
J. W. TlilLIN
Siiiihurv, Dee. S, 184H.
K1 Kt LAN K.S uf every description can he lit
tui) U 1 iy i 1 1 er at the oilice of the American
i DD'S ccl.'tirated Horse anil Cattle
rJjjV ne ..r aale hv HENKV MASS1
t-unliurr, Jan. t7ih, 1S43