Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 22, 1851, Image 3

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Lines to a Ring.
Itoiitut my finger closely olingingj
Little bnnd of chafed ptilil,
More of charmed power bringing
Than the m.niic pem of old )
Tender memories ilioti witkrst,
Joys depailfil ml lest back.
And the lijrlit of glruliiPM inakcnt
tJild awhile lile'o gloomy truck i
Thou mimmoncAt no(!pnii f rijrli t fu 1
As of yore Aladdin's rinjf,
Visions of a form delightful
At thy touch to being opting )
Ruby lips on me tire smiling;,
Treasured limes ore in my enr,
That have oft, my limns tiemiilintr,
Filled my heail with rapture dear.
Cniii" on thy lustre gleaming
Still undimmcd I ever sen
Those bright eyes thai once were bt'aitiinjf
iWilh so pine a love lor me;
Jlope then vhi.pi'is her iillciMions,
Like thy brightness, still are tine,
Jly heart warning, as relied inns
Fioin the sun the stars renew.
Thomyhts that thrill with deep einniion
Come and go wild ceaseless loll,
Waves of mein'ry's restless ocean
O'er whose tides t huu hast cunliol;
Every ebb and How receiving
All their mystic power fioiii thee,
As the iiiooii directs the heaving
Tidewaves of the biiuy sea.
SlMilliv, Nov. 1H5 1. H. C.
. DEI'IMMi ins rosmo.
The follow iiiK h'tter J. J. Naille
Kit Yoik county, who was a member of the
ie hlg Nate Convention at Lancaster, w as
lately received by Isiiaki. Thomas, Kni , uf
this place. We have been permitted to lay
it before tin? people. It e.piesses sri.ti-
menls should be spread throughout the !
length and breadth of the land, anil fur- i
nishes additional evidence that IVnnsv Iva- I
lit will alwajs be formnst in defending the J
'onstilutiini and Laws of our country. Sur
ufou'ii lie filler.
The late canvass toi(iuvemor in llii Slate
mbraeed ptinciplr, which, it was the hiiih i
!nty of the freemen of this great and noble j
'ommonw esllh, to weigh well in all their
eariogs, and thereupon to give a conseien
!ons and intelligent, not to sav a patriotic
ecision. And a. our past inti.uaev and'
iendship have lone a-o induced me'to be-
eve, that you will do justice to my feeliitcs i
iil .i.i.iJ.ooiii. I u III t.n.Mv iJi in v'.ii i
le leasous, which impelled -me to vote for trial inn of tho report ihat Ciinivajal had, on
te L'niin candidate lor Covemor, William i tl 0U it:st., after a most persevering effort
igler. As a member of the hie I.itneas- ! " capiuie the city of .Matamnros, abandoned
r Whig Slate Conveoiio,., representing, j the sei-e. His failure is attributed to want
pait, Yoik county, and us a voter. reS. of military capacity and indecision, as
msible to hit fellow citizens, for the muc h as to disappointment in receiving
aimer in which he discharges his duty, I I reinforcemenls. Tho Mexicans are greatly
I bound to make no secret of them. elateil with the result.
Sir, I have always toted conseienlionslv. I Af,,r ,1,e nl''"U.nent of the sei-e, a
d I trust intelligently, so Tar as mv hum- l1",((,t 1"iP''l" oecnrred among the forces
judgment will allow. I have ' always ! o1' Laravajal, which was increased by the
deavore.l to comprehend the pi inciples ! r'T' 1 '"'K0 reinforcemenls
on which, bv my individual vole. I was to j "f " ",ar nl ''Tr,rl l'fiv.-d
cide To I his end I have ever conceive,! ! ariiniu'dess, however, and snbse.ueiilly Car
n,y solemn duly to inform myself ' avajal took post at lb-ynosa, whete many of
iti bv mv own" leilections, and bv the j f'dloweis rejoined !iim.
ht wiiich' lliu sentiments of steal and The Uio Hra vo newspaper says Capt. Fold
iiuinent men of th unit i y, of both, polil
I parties, iilinr lnil nn". I" mi such infcir
lion, ileiivctl from v.iiicps nf arcat rxpe
nce, tnlcnt, and pnliiiiliin, 1 Inivp itlvvays
nii'il my pnlilicnl cicoil n erceil which
brnceil for iis cj( ;inl prerniliiif! nilicle,
ivvprvinj; liil'lny lo thf Conslilulinn, :tnil
h Ictrs, pas.cil nmlcr it rjpresscil or
ilit'il powers : ntul, of course, fnlcliiy to
r.'nion, as it is. Wi ll this sentiment,
ratlieiihly iinplanleil in my nlTi clions its
II as cntlutt-r.l hv rnlihtej reason, '
it hi thr Coiivenlinn. I went thitlier,
ll ilccp sensH of thi! rKpnusiliility
ich resleil upon ihul hoily, in tin! inaniiir
vhich il shotil l ili-it h ire i'.s ilnty lo its
stiliu'licy, to the interest of tho late,
of the) I'liiim. I was aware that the
iotic peojiln of this and of other States
mi intense anxiety to know whether we
il.l ailupt, for lis, tin! ''platforni'1 of
)! Stevens it Co., or the loyal prin
es of Cliiy ami Ci'f, of Webster ninl of
te whether, in fact, we wonhl rrH.le
he rnion, or Kitrn a coaliiion ts iih its
nirs. :i the mipiiinlment of a leitipoia
chairiiian H'itiilniii showeil its cloven
Tho (iirsi.lcnl of the convention, tr
! I liy n onmmiih'i! puckeil for the pur-
, wu the tool of ii;itation--iiii "renter
' cmilil hav! ticcn peipetialtil i.pon
th in the ciistoninary lesnluliou, passeil
he convention at its close, tlmnkii t.jni
ihe ability, ronrtesi) ami imparl inUli.
which he ilischareil liis tliilics.'"
fiiinmitli'P. appointed dy tho pri'si
to report resolutions, a inajoiiiy
it all purposes lor which it was tie
ul. These resolutions you have read
ery voter of IV'unsj Ivaniii has done
lame, 1 doubt not. It conl, lined, among
things, a cold and forced declaration
edieuve, so long as iliex) are lav s, lo
"adjustment measures adopted tho
lyes and opinions of (!ov. Juhuston
hare hostile lo the most itnpoitaul of
, particularly Ihe fugitive slave law,
3 faith of the whig of Pennsylvania ;
iveil lo Ihe act of 1817, commonly
J '-lli Obstruction Law," which is
oslitutiotinl, and, in spirit, Treason
nst ihe Constitution ; and nominated,
,u undoubted choice of Pennsylvania for
.. i next Presidency, lien. Scott, who is
own to be the avowed candidate or ihe
esoil fad ion.
resolution, rejection by lha commitlee,
liming that "the Fugitive Slave Law
'uld leceive from Ihe whi party an
n, manly and uiirquivocal support,"
tig again offered in open convention,
i, by the gag-force of Ihe Previous Ques
, suppressed it being declaied by a
orious abolitionist in the convention
n one of Ihe western counties, "an tin
' law, which should be resisted by
e ; and that Governor Johnston refused
s a candidate if it were embraced in the
tform' carrying out, as il faithfully
efficiently does, a sacred article of the
ititution, and without which that great
ument would never have received the
ent of Ihe Southern Slates, some of
n hail shed Iheir blood, like water,
in tho cause of I ha devolution, to achieve
the freedom and prosperity which wo now
enjoy. As a crowning Iniquity, it was de
clared, that unless the "platform" was con
structed of thesB mongrel mateiialf, they
would not havd tho services of William
F. Johnston as a candidate for Governor !
Here, then, was tho issue. Would the
lover of tho Constitution anil of the Union
refusd to uccrpt it, and to appeal to the
great jury, the people of Pennsylvanin, for
a verdict 1 With the Constitution, the
Union, nil its blessings and Honor on the
one hand, ttnd Agitation, Abolitionism, ami
Disunion, on the olher, could I long hes
itate ? t could not ami I did not !
1 have no, the glorious consciousness,
which t cherish in tny bosom, that, in a
small degree, 1 have aided in placing Penn
sylvania in the rank of Constitutional Slates,
loyal to the Union mid to her high destiny.
We have, given a guaranty that she will
countenance no disunion, no "higher law"
fanaticism ; that tho Keystone of the polit
ical arch having been piescrved, the 1'iiiun
is mm.'. Upon no other Slate does so much
depead, for preserving the libeities of the
coontiy intact. It gives no countenance to
treason, north or south. Slit! gainsays nor
infrinees no solemnly recognised, constitn.
liuiinl riiihls. She spurns from her service
lliose who would do so.
Should she have taken a different stand,
the compromise nets wotdd this day be a
virtual nullity, the constitution weakened,
the integrity of the Union materially rmluu-
L,,.r(J,. She VVas regarded as the great mor
al battle ground, by Seward & Co., and by
the friends .1 the Union. Had she decided
for faction, fanaticism and (reason, ere many
w inters should have w hitened our mountains
and vallejs, the clangor, and strife, and
honors, of civil war, ink'til have reddened
iheni with the blood of brothers and with
the glaro of conllagiations.
Surely, then, upon these questions, and
with these views, could it reasonbly have
been epected that the people of our noble
old Commonwealth, the true California of
the world, should have decided otherwise
than they have done.
mailt of tlie Siea nf 31atatnorott.
Ni:w Oui.bans, Nov. 18.
Tll( ""i'tn-'hip Fanny, from II laos Sanli
'" - '" with advices from Brownsville am
Main morns to the 12lh inst., brings a conlir
uf Ihe Rangers, has recovered fietn hi
wounds and will immediately rejoin Caiava
j il whoso purpose it is to continue the war.
An extra from the ollice of the Ilio Biavo
ttives still lit'er accounts, and sa)s Ihat Cara was daily ri'eeivinjj laryc. reinforce
ments, and had commenced his march for
Mainmort!, at which place (.Jen. Canities
had arrived w ith 300 of tho National Guard.
(Jen. VratM was momentarily expected
from Monterey with Silt) tepiilms, to assist
(Jen Avalos in the defence of Matamotos.
lttc ruiting officers have been despatched by
Caravnjal lo the United States, and it is
reported also thai he had issued a Dec lata
lion of Independence.
Kussi'Tii ami I.oxi;, or the U. S.
Stka.mi:h Mississiert. A letter nddressed by
(Jov. Kossuth lo C'apl.', is itiblishei
showing that tho kindest feelings and friendly
regard exisied on ihe part of Ihe former to
wards the Commander and other tilhcers of
the liiate, at tin; lime of his leavii.g her al
(Jibralli.T. The letter is dated
i U. S. Srr.AM-l'ituiATF. Mississippi, )
j Hay ol Gitnallei, Oct. 12, 1851. J
I So I have bnl one favor yet to elaim, and
j thai i, that joii may be pleased to accept.
for yourself, as well as for th officers and
crew of litis ship, ihri most sincere exprts
sini nf my warmest thanks for the iinbli
kind, and generous aireclion I was honored
w ith on boani this ship. The ri'timiiilnanee
of it will l a lasting trcasuie lo my heart,
and I will cherish il us a fair gill of Ihe Al
mighty, wilh whatever fate I may meet
throughout in y tcn:prt-li ssed life. I hope
to meet im soon a.iin on the happy shores
of your glotioiH land. I. el me hopo tliaj
you an I all who have the honor lo do service
lo iheir connliy under your command, on
bouid the Mississippi frigate, will bear lo me
a kind remembrance and Ihe same high-
minded allcciion they honored ma with tiom
the first moment I bowed wilh deep respect
before the ghnions Hag of your ship, and fel
free once more, because protected by il and
surrounded by jour frank, loyal, gallant, true
Ameiican hearts. May the blcssingsof (Jod,
and yloty nnd happiness attend yotiwherever
you go. Please to communicate this, my
warm wishes nnd sentiments, lo the noble.
minded, gallant ollicers, and to the crew of
the ship. KossfTil.
In a Rad Fix. Austria wishes to reduce
her army, bnl shu cannot lo it. She dare
not dismiss a single leginteiil, while she
maintains her existing tyranny ; and, nt ihe
same time, financial ruin must tepidly bring
on a convulsion, unless ruch reduction is re
sorted lo. The same condition of things
prevails in France ; and in both cases it is
so palpable as to induce ihe violent among
the Demecrats lo foibcar urging an outbreak
which is the only thing that could retard or
avert the approaching end. These govern
ments are in Ihe condition of the man who
had the liger by the tail ; he could neither
hold on nor let go with safely.
There are eight inches of snow in Con
coirl, Mass.
ftlifovnia 2sci)s.
Nearly one Million in Gold. '
It tltltl.MOM 11 MIMA.
N'r.w YoitK, Nov. 10.
The steamship Puniel Webster arrived at
half-past 10 o'clock, this evening, via San
Juan, with California dales to the 15lh ull.,
being eleven days later.
The Daniel Webster brings over 400 pas
sengers, and 8107,000 in gold on fiicghl,
and about half a million in jjold in the hands
ol passengers.
The quartz mining attracts great at
tention. The steamer California, from San Francis
co, took sixteen hundred thousand dollars in
nold. Two other steamers took lur-ie
Sixty thousand dollars litiVt! been received
in the Treasury of California, for fines,
taxes, and licenses.
Clime was on the increase in San Fran
cisco. Many criminals have lelurned from
the interior.
Five of the Port Oxford Exploring Expe
hition were killed by the Indians.
The yield of gold for the present jenr
w ill be greater than for nny previous year.
Movements are on fool for a railroad to
Sacramento city.
The papers of Ihe 9lh are filled with out
rages, duels ami minders.. There is a
stroui; talk of reviving lhu Yigilence Com
mittee. Tho Methodists in California have star
led a new paper, called the Christian Advo
cate. Tin! Mormons have purchased the Rancho
al liernanlino, for S 100.000. They intend
to build a large city there, to connect with
the great Salt Lake City by Railroad, and
seen i e a port at San Diego for iheir mari.
time inteiconrse w ith the woild.
Tknsesskr Uxitkd States Senator.
Nashville Nov. 14 The two brunches of
the Legislature of Tennessee, met in Con
vention to-day, and elerted ex-Governor
James C. Jones, Whig, U. S Senator for six
years from the 4lh of March next, in place i
of Hopkins L. Turney, whose term expires. I
The vole stood as follows : Jones, Whig.
5i ; Trnnsilali', r.Miinerl, SI ; Niclmlsuii. I
Dfinoi'iut, 1.
Michigan Klkctmn. Detroit, Nov. 14.
The Democrats al. the lain election in this
Sl.Hu have carried every Ihirg. The Legis
lature is largely Democratic in both biachcs,
and the result is regarded as a strict Cass
Dr. llllllKLANIl's (ItMlMVN KlTTKII. This
celebrated medii iue is one of the very best
in the connliy, and its good ipialitii s only
neeil to lie known, to give it precedence
over all olheis now in use. We have seen
its good effects lately, alter the total failure
of many others. This is ravine more than
we can ray for any other medicine within
our knowledge, and we feel il a duly lo te
commend lhu llilters lo the notice of our
friend. Tim L'eiiniiie is piep.tred by Dr.
C. M. Jackson, Phila.
Til A li ll 1 11 l.
On ihe 13lh inst., by Ihe Kev. A J. Col
lins. Mr. CitAiti-Ks WiMKiis, ol Union county,
lo Miss I1aui:ii:i' Siiipman, o! Lower Augus
ta, Norlhtimbeilaiid county.
Siiubury, Nov. 15, 1S51.
Amoniil of coal biought to Sunbury, over
the Philadelphia ami Siiubury liailruad, from
the Shainokin Mines: Tons.
For the last week,
Per Ijs.1 report,
II)c iUavkcto.
Philadelphia Market.
Nov. so, ism.
Fi.ot n AM) Mkai.. The last sales of llour
for export w ere ul 43 8 1 i ; for city use
sales -t H:i .STai-i.00. F.Mia Flour i held
at M, a jq.
Kvk Fi.ui'it. No stock on hand to operate
Coiin Mi:ai.. Lal sales of fresh ground
al j?:i.-J5.
Wiikat Little offering ; sales of prime
I fit at 81 c; while is held at fcKti;:!). els.
I i v K . None airivitig; last sah s ul "0
CnHS.--! dull i sales of good old yellow
ul 51) a l0 cts., ulloal, and ut 63 cents firm
Oats. New Southern are in demand at
34a::ti cts.
Winsasv. Sales al C2 cts. in bbs. and
21 a 22 cts. in hints.
Baltimore Market.
Nov. 13. 1S5I.
(JUAIN. The supply of Wheal is small
for ihe hisi tlay or two. Sales of good lo
prime reds to-day at 72 a 70 cts. ; while is I
7 4 a 78 cts. ; and family Hour while at SO
a 85 cts.
Sules of new Coin, in good condition, al
53 els. white, and 53 a 54 els. for yellow
Damp parcels sell nt 4J a 50 cts. Sales of
old torn ul 54 a 5ti cts
Sales of Maryland Ilye nl 70 a 72 cents.
We quoin Oals al 31 a 3!i els. fur Mary
hind, and 36 cts. for Pennsylvania.
WHISKKV. Sales of Pennsylvania bids.
t 221 a 23 cts., and of hhds. at 211 cents.
WutiTi 80
I! is. . .50
Con. . . .50
Osts, . . . U7
IllTTlS. . .18
Kui.s. .... lo
1'llRK. .... 6
Pt.issi.sii. .... 102
Tslluw .15
llssSwiX . 85
Heckled Flu. ... 10
Dried Arms. - . . .75
Do, Piirais. . . 100
Fin .
New Advertisements-
lncorporutt'ri ly the licgilliitnre nf leiina Ivnnlu,
For the Promotion of the
OKFICEKS 1851-52. Henry C. Csrey.
President William 1). Kelley, Vice l'rcsitlcni (
Edward 1. Mitchell, Trcmirrri K. II. Ilotler.
lircorJinn Nsrrctnry (leorge W. Dewey, Cor
resiondinj Scrrrtnrv.
MAN.(!EIH. John Mnrlaln, C'hsrln Top
pan, Jamfs S. Wallace, Charles McCalrstcr.
Henry S. Patterson, Charles It. l.clnral, William
I). Lewis, Edwin 1!. Cn,n, William Oomlricli.
John ff. Jlarl, Theodore Cuylcr, Jami'S L. Clnit
horn. Jnseph 1). Strwsrl.
Wnllncr, I',. H. Duth'r. Charles (J. I.cland. Ed
ward P. Mitchell, Edwin K. Cope.
Evcrv ntsuilicr, lor tltc IM51, will receive
for each sohsrription of Fivk IJoi.i.a its, a print
Engraved by Joseph Andrews, Eostnn.
And the Companion, a print of HUNTING
Engrnved by A. II. Hitchie, New Yoik.
Or the choice of any two of the following;
Four Splendid Engraving.?, viz :
1. John Knox's Interview with Mary Ijiiern
of Meets, Painted by Lt'iit.c, engraved by ."Sar
in in.
'i. liuth and ISnnz, Painted by Itothcrincl, en-
Rravcd l.v Sart 11 1 n .
3. Mercy's Dream, l'uinted by Huntington,
engraved by Ritchie.
4. Christiana ntul lor Children, l'uinted by
Huntington, cupfiavcd by Andrews.
And a copy of the
l'liiludilpllia Arl Union lirporhr,
A monthly pamphlet cntitii'ming a report of the
transactions of the Institution, and information
n the subject of the Fink Ahts
Tllllm I.IIOtT Till! Wllltl.R Wtlttl.ll.
The Art Union of Philadelphia awards prizes
ill its own Certificates, with which oriinnl
American works of Art may be purchased in any
part of the I nilrd Males, nt the option and se
lection of the person who niav obtain a prize at
the Annual Distribution, which takes place on
the evening of the last week-day in every year.
The Executive Committee of the Art Union,
when so recpicstrd. select wurks of Art, without
charite or compensation, from their FREE (i.L
LEKY, 21(1 CHESTNUT STIiEET, for those
persons in the country who may live remote from
galleries or public exhibition of the Pine Arts.
Subscription of membership. $5, should he
made as enrlv as practicable, to facilitate the op
erations of the maiiiiuers, and ensure members of
the "A "imrlrr" which will be forwarded upon
the receipt of the muliCY, to onv part of llic coun
try. The Honorary Secretaries will cive rectpts for
subscriptions, or remittances mnv be made to
CEOUtiE W. DEWEY, ( or. Sen'v.
No. 210 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
November 2i, 1851. Ot.
PIHE Costumes of Ancient Times were, many
"t" tlic-i.i very pi.turrue. hut they were not
not 1
fo simjile ntul nnivcnii'iit as lliose of the prrsent
ilav. 'I lie 1 est snct'iinms of criitltMiifn's c-ns- i
tinnr now s iluvs an' to lir iion on tlie irr!iiiin j
"' "ml IKinirroiin And tiiKtcfnl oUsh that inaki- ull j
Ihi'ir linri hiiscs ot lutiiinur ut Kockhtll V ll-I
sonV flionp More, No. I I I C'lirsmit St., Corner j
of rrnnklin I'Ijci', 1 liilaJeliliii
iS'ovpmlier 22, 1S5I.
. pursuance of an order of the Orphans' ('our
of Nortliumlicrlnml county, will lie ex posed
to public sale on Saturday, tiie 13tli day of lie- j
ceuilici next, nl the Public. House of diaries j
Weaver, in the 15irnu;;h nf Sunbury, the follow- I
in); real estate to wit: a irrt.iin j
Tract ol' Liiitil, j
in Upper Augusta township in said county, con- !
Ijitiinir 1S It res more or less. Adjoining
on the south, land of John '.. llass, on the cssl
laud of (ieo. ('. Wi lKer, nil llm north land of
llenrv Manser and the SiiainoUu ("reck Uosd,
and on the west land of Mi'Caity. Davis tfc Vr
ner. The said ION acres ifin part of what was
called the Mill trait. O.t which are erected
Dank liuni, two story Dwelling House, Ac.
l.ale the estate of (Jidenn Markcl, ilec'il.
S-'alt! to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
day, w hea tlu terms of sale will be made known
l.y" .MAISV MAKKKL, Adm'x.
liy order of the Court, . i
J. P. 1'lKSr.l., CIU, (). C.J
Nov. 15, IS51. 5I. )
N pursusut r ol an order ot the Orphans' Court
of Noitliuinlicrlaud rouutv, will lie eiponsd
to public sale on 'I'liursday, llie ISt! day of l)e
cciulier next, on tlie prciiuscs the following real
I'alnti', vip. a certain
Tract ol' Land,
situate in Pulnl township. County aforssaid, he
Kiiiiiiiiff nt a corner on land of Isaac Vincent,
thence by said land, south 4UJ, rasl 4:'J perches
to the Kivrr. thence nnrlh V.l, cast 45 perches
along the Kivrr, tlirtiiT by land of Jonathan Pur
rrl, iinrtli lllj. vcsl 4!i'J perches to a corner on
laud of Juinca bi llions' licirn, iheiu'e south 80 J,
east 5U perches tj the place of beginning, con
taining 100 ACHES.
Late the estate of Leonard PI'outz, dre'd.
Sale In ciiinniruce at II) o clock, A. M. of ssid
day when the tonus of sale wlil be insde knonn
by JOHN FFOI'TZ, ( . .
Ily Order of the Court, )
I . I l. iv-il.l., 1K, vl. v. .
llv. 15, H."1. 5t. )
rt I ..i mi . i
f TT Ti XT I A'v.'i 'mrfi'i v i t " ! which he oiirrs for sale at his new store at Mas
Uhl JIAtSO LUUKl iALL. j ser's .Mill, Hollowing Pun. These goods will
t. pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ! at UnycA l,r'l,',",
of NorthuiiiUrlaud c-ouuly, will be ri posed 1 ,'t'H K ""il "f KVI'.R Y VAUI KTY, Ti:
to public sale on Mattuiby the 0th day of Decern- ! Dl'V (il)O(ls tV(.
ber next, at the Public House of llenrv Mass in ! '
the borough of Northuiiihciland, the fulleniiif
real estate, viz s lour certain
Lots of (round, j
situate in the Hormmh aforesaid, contsiiiing
uiiout ii ei i more
or less, udjoiniuir. lauds of the heirs of the Istti
James Uiivt dte'd., hind of Joseph Wailis and
Amos 1). Kupp, on which is t rectcil a good two
story IVaine
i!rn and oilier improvements, l.ate tho
estate Johnson, tlec'd.
Sale to coiiimeucc ut 2 o'clock, P. M. of said
duv, when llie terms of talc, will I made kuo?n
Adin'r de liouis uon.
By order of Ihe ('oitrt, )
J. 1'. PI' Us E I., t lk, O. C.
iNnv. 15, 1851. jt. )
Lime!! Lime!!!
r"JMIE subscrihfr hereby informs his customers
end the public (jcncrally, that liuvinii rented
and put in o-rutioii Ibe Lime Kilns uf Mr. Ir.
T. Clement, in addition to the other Kilns in use,
he will now be able to supply demands for lime
at the shortest notice. Hi. lime will be of th.
hest quality.
bunbury, Not. 15, 185 1. If.
IMMEDIATELY, . good Journeyman
maker, to whom good wages .nil constant
employment will be e;iven by th. subscrilier, r.
siding iu Trevortou, Northumberland county,
November S, l6l.-3i.
At His New More In Hollowing Rim,
FJEsPECTFUI.LY informs his friends and
customers, that he has just receivfd new
stock of goods, which he olferi to Ike public
al the luw ust prices, vis :
rail and Winter Dry Goodi,
Cloth, Cnsfimtrm, SatUnett, Mtrinoi,
Moimsrline l)e Lmnes, Flanntts
and every variety of poods suitable for the seesen.
Also Silk Hats, Caps, Ac.
ALSO: A assorltneut of Hardware.
All Kinds, of (Ipoccries,
A variety of tjiisi-iihWare, Croikery; A;c.
llcsidcs a variety of other articles, suitable for
farmers. eVe.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
gends at the hiubrst market price.
Hollowing Kun, Oct. S3, 1831. tf.
Wiitclii'yi smd Icwellery,
w it o ij i; s a i. t: aui is i:til.
MAVINO constautly on hand en immense
stock of Watches mid Jewellery, I nil de
termined to sell nt less prices than the same qual
ity of Watclus or Jewellery are sold in Philadel
phia, viz. :
(io!d Lever Watches, full jewelled IS kit
ease, onlv $:ifl,00
(inhl l.cpine. " "18 " S4.00
Silver Levers, full jewelled, only H.U0
Silver Lepinrs. 1 1.00
fiolil Pencils, 1,50
(iold Pens, Silver holders, 1,00
ANo an inimfmc stock of all kinds of Witch
es, Cold Chains, llreastpius, Earrings, Silver
Spoons, Ac., nil of which I will sell at less pri-
I ces than ivcr have been sold ill Ibis city, as the
prices are certainly much less than ever hereto
j lore sold in this city or county.
California Cold houijlit for Cash. Particular
attention paid to repairini; Watches and Jewel
j lery. All I ask is a cull to convince Purchasers
i that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew
j cilery and Silver ware.
Persons by scmlinir the cash they wish to ex
I peud can have a watch or watches sent to them
lv mull with perlect salcty, having sent tlieni ill
that way lor (he lact li years. All communica
tions must be post paid Please call or scud or
No. 103 lipsnut St., belwn !ld and 4th ftt.,
East Wiui; of franklin House.
Philadelphia, Oct. 25, IS5I.- tf.
VLSO. PANCY rUI!S, such as Mulls, floss,
Tippets, Victorias, Ac, Ac. The subscri
bers oiler the above for sale, wholesale or retail,
in the greatest Varietv, and on the cheapest terms,
at Iheir Establishment, No. 'J:t North Third
Street, opposite Chcrrv, Philadelphia.
Novend'er S, 1831. 4nu.
PrlllJ subscriber respci-tl'iilly informs his friends
uml llie ii ul l it.-, tliat lie bus taken the veil
uml Hip I
known l'nliiir llonoc, rorner ol Market nnd Hie.
er streets, latelv occtipietl by Mrs. Whmrton. He
I iiusm ii ruin n . leu i ion in iiiisii.rss, no mil ub
riudili'd to ejve satisfaction to all who may fever
hint with their custom.
11. si".
.tunburv, Oct.
OJJice in Market street Sunbury, opposite
TB'ftrslNLsW will be iirmiiiitlv attended to in
the Cniiuiics of Nirlhunibrrlsud, Union,
( oliim'. la ninl M iiiituiir.
p.i:t'i:n th :
A. JnmiiN, Ilsn., I D. Ml. Vernon
C. J. l!ai .i:u. House, I.M street.
Fiinbiiry. I S. Ilostt irrnT,4.'t Msr
C. M. lUt.l..V'o(.ti ie. j St., riiilaiitlphia.
Sunbury, Oct. II, ISM ly.
Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!!
Jk S Ihe cold weather is approaching, the sul
scriber would respectfully call tho Hllen
liuii of Ihe public to his stork of stoves, selected
from the latest and iiiuxt approved patterns, con
si sting of
Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chanitcr, Cilice
and stoves, nil of whiih will le disposed of
nl ustiinisliiiiu'l.v low prices. Persons in want
of Stoves and desirous ot' gelling the "worth' vf
their fiiuKey' are iuvilrd tocall before purchasin,
clscvv here.
No Stoves kept that cannot be recommended
lie also continues lo manufacture
Tin Micit Iron Ware
in all its varieties, llrass Krtltvs, Dijipers, Dish
Pans. ISnltaiiia I. mill's. Jnp.iniie.l Ware, ic.
N. I) Persons purchasing Stoves of the Sub.
scriber, call at anv time procure Cvlindcrs,
(iratcs, I'irc llriek mid odd plates, to replace such
as may be required.
NorthuinliFrlnnd, Sept. '.'7, 1S51. nio.
j "r ii'rZl5 yk c A lilD ZtD f f") ':yi
' '
I "HT7ILLIAM HOilVLK irprctfultv informs
i V 9' his friends sn.l custeiners that he has
I just returiird li'unt Philadelphia, wilh an f icellent
j "nth as I lulhs, ( rts.imiri'f. Muslins, Vallnoe s,
I Gmiiioi5. iiirii5, Vhnitzes and
Latlits Dress (nuulg ctneriillv
ALSO : 3
An aMiirtmrnt of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c.,
A corral Bsnoftnirni (irorerirs, such a
Sugar, Cofl'iv, 'IVa, Molas
ti's, Sict's, kc.
Also n KHDttnu'iit ol .iiiion, turli at
Brandy, Hum, Whiskey, Wines, ,Vc.
11T Pi-oducc nl'nil Uiuds lakrn iu cxcliang at
Xw liichfst market pricrx.
HolJowinq Kim, .Mny 10, Hl. It.
(iEU, a fusil itipplr just received, and for
sale hy U. U. M ASbEU.
April It,
t)..E OINTMENT A fresh supply of this
5, excellent article for Tetter, rVc., just received
and lor sale by UEXKV MASsEK.
Sunbury, July SI, l(4t.
OI.l) PENS with and without silver cases
just received, and for sale b
fun sure. A e-rlU llil
INK Houreau's celebrated ink, and also Con.
rr ra inLr fnr astsls. isli..Luslsi ..J utull 1.
Uscember t, 1660.
a'v" u. TOIUifMliV WOW I ST iw
1 A 7.0 US A superior article for sale at th.
store r.f IITN'UV UAHflVB
tor. of
SuHharr, Tek. 1, lliO,
rr th Cur mC
Anions tl numerous dtBcovcricn Srirnrr 1it
injulo in tliin rnnnrnlinii to fitnili In to tho lmsitif !
nf Ufe inrroaao its rnjovinrnt, (iiul even ro-
lotii? the U-rniot human cxistrncc. none can ho l
liamci of mtirc reul vulur to nuuikiiiJ, than this j
contrihutioii of Chcinistrv to the lUuling A;t. 1
A . , , , r . . . . . '
A Vast trial of its virtues llirixiulioiit this hroaa ;
country. mn jiroven licyoml a doubt, that no
me dirinc or combinution of inctliL'incfl yet known,
c:u o aurrly control nnd cure the iiunifrotis ta
liclicfl of putmonnry diacane which have hithcrl
'.voit from our midst thousunds and tliousnnds
every year. Indeed, there is now nhuuduut rea
Dii to hclieve a Krincdy has nt length been
found which can be relied on to cure the most
luiiKcrous utTeittioui of the lung. Our spnee
here will not permit us to publish nny proportion
of the cures nilec led hy its uhc, but we would
present the following ojiiiiions of eminent ineu.
and refer further enquiry to the circular which
the Atjent below numed, will always be pleased
to furnish free, wherein ure full particulars, and
indisputable proof of these facts.
From the President of Amherst fnlrp. the
celebrated r I LSSO li HITCHCOCK.
"Jiiuifs (, Avr Sir : I have used vour
CiiKHitt IK( 'l oui t., in my own ease of deep,
seated I'ronrhitis, nnd Din atislieil from il.-i rl:e
mieal eoiiKlitutioti, that it mi admiralile mm f..r llw. r,.i;,vt" stf' I'.rvlt.r'ml nn.t tirni in 1
. . I
htlu-ulties. If my opinion as to its superior i
haracti-r can be of nuv Kcrvice, vou ait ut tiiwrtv I
lo use it ns vou think proper.
KUWAKU Hrl'CHCOl.'K, t,. I,. ).,
l'rnm tht vviilrlv crlel rnti'd
J)., 1 rnl'ssiir of Chemistry. Mineruluey,
iVc. Xal'. VtilU-ir. Memh'r nf Ihe Lit.
Jlist. M'il. 1'liil. and Scientific
Sotiviiis nf America and
'I deem the ('iir.iiitT Pet-Tort a i. mi admiralile
composition from some of tho Uv?t articles in the
.Materia M'llicn, und n very ell'cctivc remedy for
the clans of diseases it is intended lo cure."
New Haven, ft., IS'ov. 1, 1SI!.
MA.IOK I'ATTISOX, l'rrsi.lcnt of the 8. C.
Senate, slates he hus used the ( 'imni t Prt To-
ii a i. with wonderful success, to euro an tullaiu-
malion of the luui;s.
From out nf the first Physicians in Maine
Saco, Me., April 2(1, IS 19.
Dr. J. V. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir . I am now
eoiistuiitlv usini; your (Jiikriiy I'r.i ToitAL in hit
prnclice, and prefer it to any other medicine for
pulmonary complaint. From olservatioii of
liiiiuv fevere cases, I am convinced it will cure
cnuulis, rnldn, und diseases of the lum;s, Ihat
have, put to defiance all other remedies.
I uivriuhly recommend its use in cases nf con
sumption, ami consider it much th liesl remedy
known for that disease.
Kespectfullv vours.
I. S. ( I'.s 1 1. MAX, M. T).
Prepared and sold in JAMES C. AVER,
V radical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in uiilniiv hy II. MASSKU, end hv
Druanists geiipriilly throntrhonl the Stale.
Xovemher 1, 18S1. lycellino.
Phccuix Fire & Thief Troof Iron Chestj.
Test .4 mii-i,iusiaf, ,;!"i"T,.:a
Wr.MvUAX'i'F.U to Hand eipial heat wilk
any other Chests in the country, and to
defy the li ureas' ingenuity. .Manufactory, Xo.
1U Hudson's Alley, running helvveeu Third and
Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in Ihe
rear ef the (iir.nd Hank.
.M. iV. S., Ihe roprietors. ore Practical Me
chanics, and feel confident, from Ions experience
in the manufacture of Iron Chests and Sules, and
a special attention to this particular hunch, of
Hiving satisfaction to all who may give them
X. I!. We save selected one of the hest luin
eruls ever used as a non-couduclor of heat in
this liusiuess, and we warrant our Chests end
Snt's to ha made of the best material and in ilia
n.ost durable manner, nd to stand ny heat
thnt can Ins applied to them.
Manufactory Xo. Ill Hudson's Alley.
Hunnitn; between :ird and 4th slrrels, S. of I'hes
nut, in the rear of liirard Hank.
Philadelphia, Oct. S", lSjl. ly
II K undersigned is in the ilaily receipt of
fresh and exce cut Ovslers Irom tlie ceie-
hrated establishment of Mr. Field, Xo. 3:11
AVest Lombard street, llultiinorc.
All orders will bo proi 'ly attended to end
forwarded without delay. Apply to the sub
scriber at Lee's Hotel, Xortliiiinberlaud, Pa.
X. II Oysters of common quality al $1,68
per can.
October 1 1, 1S51. 3mo.
AVIXtS settled at Northumberland, I am
now prepared to furnish
Treih e.nd Spiced Oysteri
during the whole season nt the reduced price of
one dollar for w hole and filly cents per half can.
Vou con depend upon them being fiesh, as 1
shall leceive them daily, (Sundavs eicepted.)
and when landed line they are only 10 huurs out
of the f lull.
All persons who are in want of the above arti
cle, at a distance, can have them sent per dozen
or siuiile can by addrcs.imr
N. II Persons calling on tho subsi-rilt-r may
find him either at llurr's or Unas' Hotel.
Northumberland, Oct. 1, ISfll.
liar Hollies lor sale uy
11. U. JlAMblii
Sunbury, April IS, 151
SILVER WATCHES A few double cases
EiiKlish Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices by II. U. MASsKU.
Sunbury, April 13, 151.
UTesTiCE'S' FEE MILLS. For sale l.y
f jp It. U. MASSEK
anbury, April 1SI. -46
ER MILLS Justice, snd ConstaWes Fe.
Mill. Ii.udsovnet print, en card rsp, fer
ssl. .1 this eiRts.
i inn:
JVj H7 North Third Strut, Pkiladilpkia.
'I'lllH 'W.lrr isi-ntillril h tls unitsil lestimonT sf
I w to hnve iis-,1 it to His first rsnS of all these CA1
11.1'. MKltlCI.NKtt, winch hsve li'Sii thusiht pnmm
vvi ft it f ,t inmr mri. Iilsit w slisllsnS any fmm
ninskse np.ii..r. in nuv pew.lrr sets in e
m.n er. If iheainnml he'iierfeeil lueltlit il wiu eiiSw
ens tli sin iuniuf tmis nt rrnm end heller i er Ike
tuiiiiM will iini-Mte rsiii.liT in fit. It will therefeie la
tnni- tic e.'iisi lsrcil we hsve iv il..w one of theetafls sKi
elrsiif svfrv l-nnsr. wiio ktrpi ilurv) end of eef
ufrsm nwiitue n hoisr. It i im ,, 0f those kind o
M jfcun thnt insrfly swell sn aninisl op e short
time, ti it it will l.y Hie csprity wliieh It hsi of eonvertinf
IllCrt'llli: ACIIl (wliii h is so eflets nistter) into l.e
tic acid or ni.R NS ; cnuse n rrester nrnonnt nf mitriooss
ntnUer to tie extisi'leit from Uie sntnt? nttinnnt nf f.Miit, tliae
p.rsmlily t'oiilil tie, were tin- selivu vrin(ili nf nnvritii-n
V p i'f Ihe aviifin in Iho fTin nf IhrrLiie AriD
Ve hitv1 ifi-ivetl n multitude oi" pvUkuc k ptovt wltl
we hmr akI -ilr-v. HniU ii my :
nf vTw.i. phntamid lirri; wlik-h tinif uielnvi
l?r,,v,;,U tii'ul, iinpmvim? the .pctitr nn.1 prntuutnii
niti.i,, ti,pf.iM); thnft Mfiirinir n liralUijr e 'inMinii of
jbp ii.MhI, fr,(tn wliirh the mwl l't nnt formed.
!l ,nny ftr HnitK. Cov amllluwt for lh fUuw
mg eumplAiuia am, diieitm-t
YT'.I.I.OW WATKIt, a ilnnffrmut iirknM, whih
ir ninny vulmMo tioiat every tiir, it var? oft
eulirt-ly eurcil by Hie frre uie tf tint p-wiler, i all tt
it will prevent Ihe dit-tie fnmi rntniiif mi.
Thii iliir-ir in '.viiinir, t . ft htl nut I impnTeriihed ataia
uf the hla'd u hk'h heenmet tdm, witty anJ uf ull yalluW
Thia pnwiler hy inipntvimj the Mnninrh and titinf to -thelilnml
a RieMer quantity nf red pnrlirlti. nrT inla lha
heal ftii'l nnly b.sihle rhftnea nf rer-nvery. If Iha huraa
it fur ft 'in', t; illuming and tnclit n (nblmpiMiniul in wl
fid I, il in lli- hecinniin; mire q day nt 11 on, if only pr
vent Ihe ilitrfijiM twice n wt ek.
I.Aimi:iil.Ml. 'I'hiii it the. riiitnli.MMf tmuy vtUia
l!e 'ir4-s h t'xlriiintion ; liy n roitSinut tlierharpe tf ulf
v;i which ninrlit tn ft hit i the ti'nnarli t itMiat dieition.
It is n specie-!! nf iltvnti in nften pmrlnceil hv Ism Ta
Iwicch cmwinir in th! pimnrf jir -nnd A 'rlktptnMfil
three tunes n week will iV'-ipicntly tirftt the th'W, if il
rt'.cn n it ilepcii'l t) hv 'I'tifiAcnt in the trnsN. undar tutb
circiiiiittnii.-ci tl,r nui'iiiil must l kept in the aiahlo
1US f'l'.M IM'lt ll the pnwder it enrly iiihI ireel? niefl,
if ether remedy need lie itfrd, it hut alrendy rnred hun
dreds uf Holt m tint tmiihleMnieditriise t'-.the tnfpriia
nf th'e wh't ur(l it. If n- t used enrlv. hrfure tiinlter hue
formed in ihe neck it rinnot T' tlnre Ihe imimnl perfeellf
until the nnller is diochmpei), ipe it early nnd prtvant
tneh n retnlt. A 'JVtlikaptHtnful unca tr twica a dny la
lJI.AM)i:itft Thin dieu!it lr ImlTlel all l iHUiatt,
(iive thhj powder n fir trinl und il willd i wmidert in
this terriMe nnd hitherto inrnrnhle nitniy. It it a ditetta
nf the fjlHhdnrfd v(etn rnul kepi up hy imperfect nutritinn,
in tneli rnnptt ; Tnhtfiiiefnim'til every ilri y twire fnr a ninuth
nr Iw , hi e thttnnt snrceFiiitu. will in nine caiet oul uf a
dnKfii etfect fure. it Iims l.een fnirlv tetril.
I'ltiinhl I .I....!...-. II .1.' .1...... nn sMk
..HB 'Tni,i,.,.,i-l.i -.-r.. sr n .lmn n.iM
or tn ir it.
IMMMi hitw .SlMIiriT.T) ItottSl'S. nr whrs ttiara ta
finy mnnins r I'ltundrr or tuTu of ni'tiin, nuil lh
llnrnc xv i ll mt faitt'ti. nr vli-r t lit limr is ruli ani
i-iikIk nrinc'it u(, llit i'nirl rmiii( to ti iuKMt, thm
Povirr priHlirra nltim! innniilmtr iinprnvnint if ths
animul ; Ihr dit!rstinn iniiTovcfl nnd with it nil tl slug
ffishn,i of Hi ntniiial difinppt-nri, hrcoiiung lively an4
liri(i, anil the hair mnonih nnt ',h.
Tor .Mt i. Cows, we tire fully c iiviiired llist it no!
only lmpr')vr tlie qnnlitv, hut thnt' it iiicrriri tlie mil mill
of .Si (Ik. t'rraui nnd Huiter ; s mie w lm hnve tried lit ex
jMriiiiint 9:iy u I'.-iiirl n Week, fithtr my linlf n pound
w hilr onn prr ut iii"it('l upnn il th;it hf in:u!e two poiutdi
ni'trc a wt-rk I rum h i:iv. think it will h fuun4
t' nvenrcr ir-nii tl ' n n pom i prr Wfelc mi mch Cow,
il" the 0w nre pttut :ty licnllhy. Thin mlditioual aniomit
tt niudr hy il?r r iiiviTiin of tin Mippurit Acid int" Nilro
RfiioiiK ii nd fitly roinpuuiidH : l hy supply inar the x.
STf-n liikni in hv tin luntjK, with th eli'iiK-iits ol' radion;
withmtt inking nnv of tht itroreivms porttnii f the fMil,
hollow morn or woi.r, iioor imskask.
Slid till oihfr ilin-:in'n of neat r-tllh tlependinij iiii n ld
t:il o 'th HiiiiU. nr nm ivd speedily nnd erteciually.
('wn, whi.s'- inilk is hlnr, thin nnd wnteiy nmt where it
does nut yield imirh rri'tun, or where Cows give Mood
milk, or which nre us l ti timid lnitj; dry, it will he f'um1
fin nhni!t inOilIihl rented y, hv iinpi"Viiiii the r-Mtlmoii ol
Ihe Mood biuI cretiiini; n healthy itiestit'ii ; ft Tihlespooa
ful every dey or every other day m it may be ueceaieiy.
TifEi in the summer often uverhevl thsinlres, (ttt swel
led nrckii, cmiehi, u'i'eri in the l.nuia and Liver, whick
cause them t the very suddenly. Ilu-tr may he prevented
entirely hy ptiitinf n p. Html or 11 hall into a Unrrel of twiU ;
nnd it will at the mine time c nitiderahl) huaien the fatten
iiijf pntcers.
. II, In an nniuial w)iich in ivinp milk and T'a era
deiirou) to I'iiiien ul the enue time, you eiiould 11 't eie
m-ire than n tiihienpooiifnl once a week or il will retaiaiha
t'ornntii'ti of fat hy iiu'reuftini? the uuumiit of Milk.
Let e.ic'j pern iu try ill eilV-cta for hiiiiself nnd he will
s-wm he Kiii-lieil excellent ijnalnies. and that ho Far
mer slio(,li ) wilhoul it.
I'tir the pnrp of ii'idiiic oitl snM further how far oor
iiintly et'lt-tiratftt CATTI.i: I'OWDI'.U. 11 entiilel to the
r.Miii.lem'c of an iiitr-llifcut people; we have addreesett
Leiiers to all Wiris of ih l'nitel ?"tntef, wliere our I'nw
ilcr linn he.n iie,(, ftmt we nreuhle n w from the evidence
thii" hfoinjlit hefore u. t n)iire every l ariner. Piary
man mid llorKf-ruan. thai ii iine thus far veiy aiaek ex-
l-cclfil inr nt '5) wiiiiiniiie expectnll 'Hi.
W ith the nildiii-'Miil i'lowlr.lte ilnis far obtained, Ws
lloi-B wc will le en;,hlr"d to male the hert and most per
feet Catti.k Mr.nictvK ever yet oflernl t a diacrndnt;
pe iplp. ItaciH a a valna'.l prom trr of riiceatioti. im
provii the ijo-i'it v of the hl-od and thus increase" the
nmomit of rither Mi!W nnd fitmeijuenlly of HuUef.
Kven in ihe Jicalthv Aii'inal
Beware of Counter 'i-tu ni tlie extensive aale nf ear
powder hurt induced olhets to make an imitattou of it.
Kaea park line otH written SnjiiMnre on the eti4.
H!ti;ini. i'itoM:riKi-i co.
Fhiladelphia. July IV1. ly.
Till; siilisi-rilirrs nlTrr for ssle ('holtrnlises
iSitlt, nil iuv.ilualilr irmfilv for tin's tliscaee ;
it is an exact imitjti.m of llii' water of tlie rcle-
limti'il Clii'lti'iilmni Sniii(r of DiirIsiicI, which
lias lii'Cit I'.iiiiiiI s.i liriirlirial in ciiscs nf Uvsef
sia, liiliniis ('i)iiiilitints, S-iii k Urailarkr, Habit,
mil (.'iiftiveiirss. r ami I' particularly recora
iiumiiIciI as n substitute- t'nr Sciillitz l'owjcrs, as it
nets Imtli as n tunic ami rutle purgative. A
Painplilct i'niitaii)iii4 an aimlv sis ut' llie water and
tlii'ci-tiniiK lor its DM1, arcuinpaiiies each bottle.
1'iiic US cents per liottlc.
Tho siilia riticrs :tUo prepare a highly coiicen.
tralcil K.-si iicc nl' Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price)
5 cents ier l otllc.
Full I'nt iloffiiri of tlrnjs with prices atlarhej
lurninlu'il rlivsicians aratii. Also prieeil Late
liiucs nf Pure t'licmical for analytical
Tltc uttotition of Drtig'iRts is particularly in
vited to our stock of tine drugs, clieiuicals, Ac.
Tlrtistjists uml .Miiiiul'acturiiijr ( lirmists,
litli & Arch htrcel, PhiiaJulphi..
October S5, lol. 4mo.
Attorney ftr.d Counsellor at Law,
'll'MI.L attcuJ faithfully arid promptly to all
" prorr!iioiial IniKinrss, in Nortliuuiberlan4
and 1 i lion counties. He is familiar with th.
Urrnian l;inuni:o.
(Kl-'U'K :- Opposite the "Lawrence House,"
a lew doors from the L'ourt House.
Nunhury, Au. Hi, ly.
The iiiiJcrint-il have entered into Co-prt
iiership under Iho firm of
TO CiltBY DM Till
Paper & Hag Business,
Al So. 5, Minor Street, l'hiladelpkiit.
"11 Til ERE they intend keeping a large assort'
' v nieiit of pajiers, dec, consisting in part a
follows :
riling pnjirrs ; wove and laid, American and
liuth Pests and Nol. papers wove and laid,
gilt and plain.
Folio Posts, Flat Caps. Printing Paper,ll
Hardware pspeis, from 13 by 21 to 40 by S.
Colored and while tissue papers, American
and English. Holliugsiv'orth'. Patent Msnilla
Colored and white Shoe paper., coramou and
extra sixes. Dull Envelope paper.
Colored Printing and Cover palters.
Manilla papers, all siies, (.Hazed Koysl, all con
Druggist, 11 lue Medium snd Filtering pn.rf
Tea, Secret and Colored paper, for coiimkUoo'
Raj, Manilla and Straw wrapping paper..
Mounet, Mimh-rs. Ho, C.p and 1 runk bord.
White and Mutr Envelopes; Legal. Lsller,
Not and Card sue.
Agents for M, Poller If Coi
Printers' Cards
In packs and sheets, white end colored ode1 d'
ces, cut to order. Also, their Gilt, Figured .ml
Plain el"rJ Plr-
JOSEPH RIMBV, late of 8 Ni Thirrt tl
N. S. LAWRENCE, 1st of Nor. 9 Minor .1,
N. 11 600 Ton. of Rag. Wanted in liehlhg
Thilsdelfihi., July S, lM 6m,