Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 15, 1851, Image 4

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If I rcre a Voice.
If I tvere n irolce, a per u.ilv voice,
That could iruvel the- I.lo world throncn,
! would fly on the beams of the morning
litflil, '
And pfak in men with a gentle might,
An.l tell thi-in in be true.
I would -fly, I would fly, over hind bikI sea,
Wherever a human hoint minhl lip,
Telling a lale or Mnjiitni u aona
In prm'o of the rijjhi, in blame of the
If t were a voice a consoling voice,
I'd fly on t tin wind of iiir '.
The home of urn-row and guil. I'd seek,
Anil ralin and truthful words t'd speak,
To mv Ihrm from despair.
I would fly, t would lly o'er the guarded
And drop, like I In- honuliful sunlight, down
Into the hemls ol diifli'i iiul ini'li,
And leach lli-iii to lixik up again.
If 1 were a Voice, a convincing voice,
I'd travel ilh the ind ;
Ami whenever I saw nation lorn
By wiirlari-. jpulninv, spile or scorn,
Or hatred of their kind,
I would Hy, I would fly on the thunder
And into their Minded bosnrn flash,
And all their eiil thotiuhi subdued,
I'd teach them Chriiiiiu tool hei hood.
If 1 were a voice, nu iinmor.'iil voice,
I'd seek llie kiiii! of tho rnrtli ;
I'd find them aloiio in their bed Ht niirht,
And whimper word that should guide Ihem
Lessons of priceless worth.
I woulil lly more swift than the swiftest
And lell ihem thinas they never heard
Truths which the ace for ayo repeat,
Unknown tu the vourtiers at their feet.
If I were a voioe, an immortal voice,
I'd woulil speak in the ppople's ear
And whenever they fliouled "Liberty !"
Without deserving lo be free,
I'd make their error clear ;
I would lly, 1 would lly on the wing of Ihe
Rcbukinjr wrnnij on my world wide way,
Ami makinar all ihe earth rejoice
If I were a voice, an immortal voice.
If you would look ,:piuee" in your old
age, don't "pinu" ii: ynur youth.
What woman is theie who cannot com
mand a smack ?
Tub N. V. Mercantile Library Association
have 34,000 volume, and the number o
member is 3500.
Did you ever enjoy the exquisite bliss of
courting ? If you did nut. you hud belter
gel a little galan-try !
Why are authors who treat about physi
ognomy like soldiers 1 the write
about fact.
Ouiginal Con. -Why is Ihe Fox the
most virluou of animals ? Because he
is more chased (chaste) than any other.
Tub Cincinnati maikels are abundantly
supplied w ith Lake fii-h. They sell at very
low prices.
What is the difference between a red
dish horse and a horse rsddish 1 Concord
One "can a tale unfold," the other can't.
Joshua Brtas was lately shot dead at a
csmp meeting in Bladen county, N. C,
by Benjamin Fitz Randolph, a deputy
Ir you would know how a bull would
look when his tail is twisted, just atk a man
for that little bill he owes you, when ho is
talking to a woman.
"Crushed Grapes" it what the people of
Maine ask for when they want brandy
Ihe license law making it a Slate' prison
offence to even allude to "ihe crater."
An editor nut west has mariied a sir! na
med Church ; he ay he has cnj.ii.ed more
happiness since he joined the Church than
he ever did in hi life before.
;'Gii Is who rie soon and walk npace,
Steal rose from Aurora's face- '-.ill when
they j awn in bed till ten, Aurora steals
them back aijaiu "
The youngest on of SherifT Myers, of
Kiu2lnn, Luzerne county, P.i., was dread
fully injured on Saturday, Ihe 1st iust., by
the firing uf a pistol in the hands of a
In Mississippi, a man aUvnys makes his
will before accepting a nomination to run for
Congress, and trusts a pair of levnlver,
bowie knife and leather lungs lo whip hi
opponent in the race.
A Student of medicine out in Michigan,
having courted a girl a year, and got the
mitten, has turned around and sued her
father for "the visils" ht paid her. lie
makes out his bill for "ossification of the
jaundice, t yspf.psia, chronic or
ND nil dirvnwsnrisieff from iliaiirilerea' IImt sr o
ranch, lucb acnnatirt.", hlwuril Hilea. 1- (llhiesa, or
hi l to Ihn brarl, Aculify of Hie SI inacri. Nmisea,
llearlhiirii, dma-uit f'r Fcrnl, fllti- or weitU in llie
Stoinm-ri.auirr.riietatlnu, ainU" llatteiin. r'
"flh !Min i-h. aivimmiiMr "f itieiiwul. hurrinl nnitaunralt
brnthiiir, Hellenes at liia heart, eli-.khit nr lulT clni
aensnli in when in Ivinf. (valara, llhniieia of viaesi,
t nanr wrtu lwf.rlhe tf, I'vr sivl Hall piiu In t"
litiil. deficiency of ripirntiiiii, TrllnwnaMof llie akin aail
vpb. nnin in ihe aiit , hnck, client, liinl't. A. ain1ln
flimhen nt h it hnrninir in Ilia flenh. maiant imainin(a
el' svil, and grenl ileprcriimi of apirita,
tiiLi:nnAri;i) gi:iimm uitteks,
No. ISO Arch St., Philndrlphtn.
Their power om tlie olxive iliwuiui i int exrtllttl, if
equnlletl, ly nnv nilier preparation in the i'nilwt Smtti,
as thp euro's nttest. in niaiiy cuwi niter Bkilllul I'livsiuintit
lirtil tmlrd.
Tlife Jlitlrr are worthy tliV ntlention nr ntvniiiU.
I issfNsiii grrnt virtm'it in (lie reciitiruti.m nf diirn-ti c I
the l.ivcr mul Icawr ghmrifl. txerrisirn the m st icarchtij
p wem in wftikiies ami :itTrttiriis nt the litiro uraiif.
they ure, withal, ftilu, ecrlnin nmt Ip.inuiiL
Knmi the II isLmji lice. J
The HilUnr itnhf, Urc V,M
i n. IltwiFi.ANn't C'KtnunATBn Oicpma? fIittm f
tlie nire n( r (:nniil.inii. Jantulire. OypepKiii, Ulironi
or Xltvoiis JVIiiltty. imleni-rviHlly one oV Ihe inot jvipu
lar niitliciiiR of the" day. Ttione lliltns have been used
hy tit mis unlet, mid a friend nt niir cliw ay he Ims hiin
tflf rweive'l tin t-flirinal mid pernianent. t-nve of livtr
C tmplaiiil ir.ini tlie inn of this reiiifdy. We are cmvinrfd
that, in le life of thnse liiiterf, the piitirnt eotiBUnitiy
pann Bticiiirth mid vitfor n fart worthy of grenl f Mi.ule.
ration, 'i'tit-y are ph'Mt;int in insle and imt'll. and can l
ued I iy prrn "ins with the iiionI drlif-ute ntoninrhti with .ale
ty. nnth-r nnv rirriiiintinii'rf. We nre fpnikinff from ix
p:rieHcet and to the nliiirtut we advise their ue."
Sc-'tt Wfkklv." one of the licit l.iter:try prij-is
pnMiftlted, s:iid. Aug. 'i.i
,lDn. IIoovi. ami's Oi:nMN HiTrrni, inannfartiued l y
Dr. .liicliKim, are ii'tw rc(Mininrndtd hy frune of Hie 1 1 1 si
prominent inrnihern nf llir furnlty a an article c much
Cifieacy in e:is.-n of female wen'knrss. As siu-h is the
crte. we wmld advise nil mothers to odium a d title, and
thus snve theniS-'lvi'S nnn-h sirknes. I'ers mis ' f dr inliia-t-il
eons!i;nti ins will find tln-sr. Hitlers d van t rite ns tit
tlieir hriiltli, us we know from experience tht ulutaiy
eiluct Uiey hav upon veek Mstrms."
3 Fore EvitUntc.
The "riiilndelphia ftitnrdnv fJazettr." th bt famUr
licwspap! pnUiblied in the L'nitett Stairs, liie editor
Dt liooflaiuVs German Jut'ers.
lt is scld an 1. h. we rreomme.nd wltat are termed Ta
lent Aleiheinen. to in voiilidcm'e and p-ition:ipre of our
readers; mul. thetnore, hen we ree.ntimeti'l i)r. Hk t-
Innd's German Hitters, we wis it lo he dinhnetly tindet
sto.Hl that c ate not 8;ir:iUin(r of tlie nostrum "f the
diiy, thiit are nititq-d ah iiit for a In iff period eml then for-
;otleii iiltel Miry iiavetl ne llirir limit y race ol loiueiuei.
nit of a medieme I eslalilijfhed, nnivei sallv prized, and
which Ims met llie hearty approval of tlie Family itself "
Jlvitlinec upon eith-nee hits been reeeivrd (like the
ffireitoinc) tiom nil seetiomi i f the 1'nion. th.i last thre
yenrs. and Ihe strongest trolimony in its fuvor, is. lltul
there is more of il nis in (he prnriicenf the remilnr I'hy
ftiriiins of riiiluiklplii'i, llntii rill other 11 islrunis eomdinrd.
n fnrt thiit ran tvisily lit rsi:ihlis!ied. mid fully proving th-it
n Reieniifie prrpnrali 'ii will tnwt with their quiet approval
when presented even 111 this lorni
That this niedieinr will enre l.iver Coniplaint and Oy.
pepMii, 11 ) one ran doubt, atier m 111? it 11s direfted. it nets
tpeeifuMlly upon the nt'rivieh and liver it is prefl'Table
to eaioiuei 111 all bull his dieasis the etlect ts im'iiei'Mte.
Thev ran be administered to Wnale. or Infant with nuely
and reliable beneht, ut uny time.
nr.WAUE ov cot NTi'.nrnrrs.
This medtriue Ins at.aiued that hiu'h eharaeter whieh is
neccsfarv for all medicines to altiiui to induce counter friirri
to put f-irth n spurious .-irtiele at liic rihk of the lives of
those ure inn weiitly deceived,
look Tin: marks ok Trii. gknuinp..
Tliey have the wrilten uiuature of C. M. JACKS()
np-'u He wrapper, mid the name Mown in th but lit. wua
our wlweh thev are spinous,
Tor Biilc, wlr "legale and retail, nl the
C a man Medicine Storet
No I'iO AUCH Street, one door del w iXlh, (hut of
STS Hare ptrt-et.) l'hilatlf Iphl.t. and by ricetrbi dcalvit
generallyjhr'jugli'ail tho rouutry.
ritlLM'r RKDUlKD.
T enable oM el.isst-s of invubtls to enjoy the aJrantajfi
uf tneir great rest -rativc powers.
Single Fioth, 7.r) cents. For s.-de by II. .MameR, Suuburr, and M. A
M't'AY. N 'rthuniderhtud.
Auqiiit 3d, l'il. Iy.
Nnv York Importers ontl Jobbrri
co &c BHxiTY s rnsar,
Bttwttn hroadway and Naau-Strtett
Near the Tost Office.
1VE r receiving, by dsilt trriviU Trom U-
rope, our Full mid Winter frtinnt of
AVc rrspcl fully invite nil Cnali Turrliaaera
llmvoiiglily tn rxmnine our Stock bihI TrirM,
ml, tixtI!ii.!IT (iOv-.nN, w fi ol roiifiilcnt our
(icHiils find Prirua will indurc thrni to aelr. t from
our rslnlilislimriit. I'nrtiriilar stlrnliiin U deio
led lo iM1I.I,1M;UY (iOODS, (ind innny nf III
articles nre ninnuf:icUirrd pxrraly to our ordar,
and cannot bo urp;J in lirauty, atyl ana'
liMiilifuI Ttria KiWiona, fir Hat, Cap, Neck,
and licll,
Putin and Tnffeta Kibbonj, rf all widtlia and
filka, SiUina, VcWcta, and uncut Velveta, orf
l'cnllier, Americmi and French Artificial
Fuliinir. and Cap Trimming".
Dicks 'J'riinminirs, lure nsortinent.
Knitiroiderita, Cimics, Collars, I'nderileeres
and Cufl'it.
Finn Kmliroiilered IJeviere and Ilemstieli
Caniliric lliiinlkenliief.
Crape, l.isses, Turlrtona, Illusion and Cap
Valencienes, llrussels, Tlireod, Silk, and I.i!e
Thread l.ares. t
Kid, S-Mik. Sewing tilk, I.isle Thread, Merino
filnves mid Mitt".
Fii'iircd mul Vliiin hvti, Bonk, Bilipl.wn,
nnil Jji'ouet Mu-lin.
AuniHt "0, 1S.1I. num.
CI 3 J i A ' (ilJAVK 8TOM:S.!
rBIIK nil'.sni'.ier infi)iiiis his fiieuds and the
-"- inMii', that lie comitiuc to carry on Ihe
Marble ll'iiiiess in till ils braii'hcx, nt hi old
stand ill Miitoii, l'a., mid i' prepared M iiuinu-lai-tuie
IJonunents, Teiats, Gravestonoi, &c,
of the best niaterialp, mid niot liiii.hed work
manship, rind nt Ihe liivct prirc-.
Letter t'nttini:. I2ni;tisli and German in the
mot modern nnd elesint stylo.
Deoinns for Moiiunients, Grava Stones, Ac.,
always on band.
N. II. Orders f ir the i'a"t side of the river
promptly executed by leaving the same at llie
oliicc of the "iSunburv American."
Milton, Mnv in, 1P.11.
fl'HE Attention of tlulldert and nthrrn, are rmpeetfuny
I iiivitttl t-i the exteiifivo and well elected mck f
1U II. DIM lIAItbWAUK and TOUl.f, nuv offered by
the tibsciibcr, c Mttittiugr in purl uf f 'llows:
Aineiicnn Frnt Don ic. h, upright, with mglit w.nk,
plated nr bnnii furiiuur". or pon plain all v rt.
Americnn Front .or Ijocki, upright, plain, with
niplit w alt, plated ur Uuia fumitur. or poieebiu all
American Front D'nr !ocka nJ Store Poor, Horizon
11 or apriuht, bran I'linniure, or porrelnin nil cilttr.
Aan:rie:oi Uim 1,-w-kii. ull Rien and (piabties. Whlta ut
lirr.i fnyiiuiio, tr pnrrrliuuall e.l.-r.
Ameriemi .Mortiee L-irka, all izt-n. with plaleJ, wliita or
bniM furniture, or porcelain all e l irt.
Anieriean M .rtire laichci, nil sizes, with plated while
or hr;is turni'nre. nr p'lrcri-iin ad v
Ain.'ricnn M at ice mid Him 11 net Locl(r ptoted 01 brass
ewiiti-ln'nnf, nr poreehin nil p Ith.
Ani'-ric.iu Drop, Mip, Thumb, Gate, and Store Dior
A is 1, linn-Mfd f,oelj nnd t.atel-es of evnv ilHueription
Il.-d.iwin'r. nnd Ainencun Halt Hinges, of all sizes, fnrt
or I'i'tH! j .int.
Sliiiii.-r. (i;ite, Ptrnp, T end H-irkflnp IlinTrs. oil kinnV
Wmti'T. (tale. I vr, I'hiMi. nnd Wpriny ) .It, if wrnighl
or en-! r in ;iml )in,i, evorv drMM'ipii n.
Snrews. Sprit:, tllue, P md i'jiprr ot lie best quality.
Ainenenn AjIc uiul Miuui Axis )'ulles. of every
Anifiieatt Kutlons, un or on plales, brnrs, iron, or
Aim'rierm Nobs, plnted, white. ir'H. or wnd. a'l kinds.
fiih-tNrd, r mini ii nnd patent, with oilier uitielcs too
nuni'Ton tn mvnti'in.
ir" nnd at r actor y
14" AH 0 ds d.-livered fiee of Charge t nuy part of
llie t ile and Diiiicis.
At this i-:tr.blivlnin nt run be found one nf the largest nini
bes nun 'rttui-u'-i nf White nnd l-'nm-y N.d f -r lwl.s. Ac,
in theCily: -nne puit'-riif. of wlnrh, eannni be sei'ti, or, at nnv ollT M re. TiKl.r.
Spivii .V Jar-Ks 'ii Ha-!f, l'aiit-1. II !, n:d Hipp Knvs,
lni rieii esprcfsly 1' r Hfinil sale, nil nt Urtcd w i'h ran.
Hle usiMit f 1 Ihe ci-!-!iratit I 'lam-::, tnad bv P.. V. fur-
pentt-r, i f Irfinriixici, l'a., beinir nil inadn nt fplit w;mo,
mid tin liitts irmnnd riiul liit-il. Iloattv's Wiliiinift' makr
of Chisel, A scs, UritelieiK. Drawing Unuis, e., all war
rui-N-d ir wl.
I'ngli's ami Sl.uVs ni:i!eof Augers and Autyer liilts, a!
Ainerieau Squares nnd Ib-vils il every dfsrriplion.
Ain-TiiMii lUilis, (.i.oiyi-, S.iwsi tlf, 0.,iii(!itr.i;e', Serew
ill ivci'j. A-e.
Ani'-rii-m O. S. II iinipi-rs, Claw ami Hivelm;, all sizes,
AmviIh and ices. r.H "ii
Sue!. Iii'ii, iiiiii Wo.ideii Hr.ifes, with C. f?. IJitlF. in
cfiMi variriv.
W. (irri-fs V S it's. Tbitehi'r's nut oilier relebratecl
ni'jVnP 1 t 't'h'Sflf. V'ib'f". Tl: -lions. So.,v.
A lbs" ct-"br.i!t'd t'.;r N;i: Ton!-, nil s'lrn-es
lIakbt'j 'I'M' "I the If st nnd 111 fx'ninve rS irlinnls
of llnildin1' M ndu-ire and T ' in ih" Si i'e,
Ai litis e-.'t tMiflinu :il il is cm i-'i-i'ttl a plt-asure t- show
the (i '.!.-. Xn'i .-ne invited t e il! an 1 ' inibn It.e ass r.
- " j incut, and heir the prier h t!itlt teidi-e puredasini; elve
WfielC. Lome mul free hp.
Yoii'.T. rt f; rrtf;d!.
"WT. "T TeCI.t'RK,
N'V Market sf . beMvrt-n tii nnd cilt, iippei tale.
lMiil.Kltdplua, April -J. Iy.
At 1!io 4 nl)liift Wrti c Itooiil of
Market Square,
Also nl the comer of Fmrn .ir?cf If the Railroad
Mj.MiLiKV, l'A.
Thankful for the pntronaro of liia friends nmt
customers during the 17 yearn be lm been in busi
ness in tins place, he solicits from the public a con
linunnce of their favors. Ilurino; this period be
has endenvored lo keep up with the improvements
:1 the day, mill bas neeoriiimrly e. tended his lnis.
nc'is in every n and vfiru-ly, J lie puolic are
llieteloie ioiled to the attention of the present
tnck r,l
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of the
stiihliidinieiit they now manufacture
Kahogany, Walnut & Conc-Ssat Chairs.
Lnnre Spring Sent Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Mtrblt Top Stands,
and a rnricttf o f other
new ttijle and
E')!iioi3;i hlv, Fus'uitsirr.
llavinn secured a Hearse and made the neces
sary arrangements for the purpiwe. they arc now
pareil lor I nilertakiii'j in n:l Its branclies, in
this icinitv or nt nnv convenient distance.
Y rivt'uU :nnt inHr.'usrR. 1.iisI:im1h t'o,
Here's fllriiiliire (if every styli find hue,
l'r. in siile h '.-ir-ls d t' Kiielien titlitrs,
Pr on rccliinir eiciits t'MneUii:ir rru.Kes
S!l 'lt!it yen ll"l Inve lhp relt ly JiMtN lo piy,
AVp'll wait av!ti!e fir a liriijht.T I,etler d.iy,
Ol l.ikr , 'liititei'. (,;ils. e .m, wle-d fuel rvc ;
Iljrli. lion;, p li . sluvev, .r I iinieT vt t :nt ,1i y.
Or nny tliiier I , f v k' s aii'l I'.resliin.;
t"r"m ( i nti'l Inrkies (I mi l liltfe 'pt o!n.
Ci'ine cji Ihrn frieti'l.". c true nii rue! a!!,
K( ep tr.'iilc a lie.viiiL', s , ( "il lie:
TV (Vdcvs from a di.-O.mcc pronipllv attended
to sml ork of a!l liimls delivered with dispatch.
tNmbiirv, aianh !). 1 .--). t f
sf .ie.ii::i .nii.i(ii:Mi:r i tto.i
rilll.AIJI'.I.PIII A AND fUTI'.iVIU.i:.
F ii r f s R nl ii r r tl .
f!y' '--Trv
s M'M- ri M?rii
Oijueof the Vhila. & Heading V.nilrnnl Co. )
I'hiladelphia, .March 'J'i, ISjl. S
Two raen:rer 'I'raios Daily, (except Sunday.')
ft . and r.fier April 1st. lS.'il two trains will
J be run each way, daily, between 1'liibdcl-
plua and l'olt- iilc
Many isr, lixi:.
Leaves Philadelphia at i A. M., daily excel
' at 7J A. M. dally everpt r.iin
cirv of eiiu.i,Ki.eiin
V. 9. Hunk ii il,, jj ,1m
nu .Mvent minks pm
Hank of ('hiiiiilKTslMirg t (lis
Brink ofl'liesler Cn. pur
Hunk of Del. Co. C'lirsler ir
o.ien in oerillillilMWll
Iliink of lii tlRl,nrir
ll'itik (if;iKtcwil
Hank i f .Miilillrlown 1 ili
M intif 'inery l.'n Mink pur
unlet in .'irinniuiitTI no. put
IVIIIMlI I II sun i ir
iiuiik (it i:tn 1 1 it-
All s .Iveiil Imiika 1 (In
Kllolii; IHI.ANl).
All a ilvenl li.ii.ks (In
All anlveiil luniks di
m:v YORK.
purlAlt sulvrnt lamks nu
ill", I run a ilea miller 9 1 '",
All aolvenla lamks 1 (li
Helvnlere Hunk 3 li
I (lis'ruiinnereinl Hunk i (''
pill 1 1-nr. Hank SI "lit II " "
I nrlisle Hank I I'. .V , Mi,l,l!ei..wn I'l. par
( H'k .tr D'geCo jir'Mecliiiiiies Ilk. Newark par
1) lyelsMwn Hunk lairMeeh. Ilk nf pro
l.n.inii llnik puri.Meeli. A- .Man. Ilk Trent pur
llrii- Monk 2 (tis VI-nris I'o Hunk 3 ''i"
l iseliiinirr ll'k PiMs'mrjr I ittsjNcwnik Hk'fr , Ins. CtM di
I'.veliniiire H'k, llifineh I'oiuinre Dunk (ii.
Kurnie'V H"k. HneksC', iKir'I'e 'pte'a Hk I'uttertMii (lis
I'nrlnecH' Ilk, l.!ineuster pur.l'riiiei-lnn Bank pur
Funne's1 Ilk. It i-:if ti rit pur Siiletn Ituukui!; To, (iar
l-nrni. ilk Sehin ji p.iriSenierrel i n Hunk J ills
I-' A: I). Ilk 'n neylt'ij 1 litis!Slule Hunk at t'unulrn pur
I'rnnklin Ilk Wusli'n Ijilu Sinle Hk I'.lizulicllil-ni 5 (lis
llaiTislnlri Bunk 1 (lis Slain Hunk Newark ' (lis
ll'iarsdule Hunk ili. Slnle lik. . Brnn'swick pur
l-nnenster Bunk pur.Snss' X Bank. NewPul j (lis
I.elKini'il Buck pur Trent-ui B.inkin-r Cii spar
Mereh. A Man. Hunk 1 dm 1'tiiini Hunk. Hover J (lis
M H'k. 1'inisville p-r Vnnllevv'Ir.V In l l)r P'. I.'xlia
M in iiiealielu Hunk I (lis l'lik'n Hes under ' J (lis
Tayl'-rsvVllelllvrn 1.1 dis Dl'.l. A WAHII.
West Brunch Bank par Hank of Dcluwnre rr
Wyouiin" Ilk, Wilkesh'e pinillnnk ol Sinvrna pal
Tkllunk, t il .illc'nwaie ( liv Hank par
l?Ili:lier miles 1 (ha !lk Wilnn-'nA lllainlvw. pal
M AIMt. 'ariner' I'.k Si IVInwnrc par
Hunk nf l,ei, ,.( Sd' Tnion Hunk. Wjlmiiifst'ili iur
Mereaulile Hk. Ilau,r.r Illilist9 fmler ." j (lis
All ilven! Iian'.r. 3 OHIO.
M'AY IIAMI'Slllltli. l s .Iveiil lianks 9 i!i
AMsihent Innka j ts -(7 p( mul.r ,ri 4 dif
Hank nf M All.una a (lislAII r 'Ivem lianks ! i!i
All s ilrnnl liuhk.i J ilis;'l nilera's, Sj (lis
Eounty Lraid and Poiiciou Arjcney,
vAiiiiiNCJTcrr, a. c.
rf HP. mi'l. r-i-ue.l f ,1-ney mul Ii nl .-(!il nt tlie
JL I lly fl ;
'-Uiicoiiragc 'o;ir Ownt"
THE mihscribers respectfully rail tho attention
of thr; public to their Iru-RC and splendid asaorl
ment of every ipinlily and price of
vvhieli enni.'ot failto ret ommend itself tocvery on
who will exh'iiioo "ft Recount of its dnrribla
woiliiiiiinship nr'1 fpVmlitl finish, made up or th
best slock to be bad i'u the rity. Nu ell'ort if
wired in Ihe inaniill.'eture ol tlieir ware, ami i n
suliHcribers nre deten.iined to keep up with tlie
many iinprovemenls wh.' h r.n constantly being
made. Their stock consists of .. Mli.nny
Sif.s, StlvniiM nuil I. iMnprcaj,
and uho i:r.TI AX HLI.N'HS, equal to 1
delphii m on u fict 1 1 if.
IjKT)S'IT.A1)S, of everv pattern and iri..r
in short, every n it it le in this line of their hnaiiieaa ..
They also manufacture nil kinds and qualitifa
on a i lis.
i; vi.r'u nevrr IxTurn to h !ih1 ill
tllll'lirV, KIH-ll HH MtlHHlASY, tf I. A K WjlLIIT
ti OrtiM;n Mu'iK i'tKi i n ; ami 'Wi.jao
(MIAIK, imi i am y l'i ,N'i ,ro!i?,H, whirl, are of
llie hirs Kt1iM, it it I v;irr:t;itrd lo ho r-rUrit It
none luiinuliirttirrd 1:1 tin? Cities or elsrwhrrc.
TIip fciiltsi i ihri-K uvr .IrtritniiH'tl thtit thorp sliall
lip ); vi u.-r r M-rf tiH In pun liao furniture in
thr riiii'-. n rvrrv roitfirnrp r;iit lc ontrrtuinrd
nhtMi t!ir (jiiiilitv un.l finish of tlitir wure kdJ
I Mini
'J'im ir nrti.-'is ! r i'i ;j.ispil of dii a ij!J
trnri1; n- lliry rtui ! r r 'Iiiiril r!si-w lirrr. C'ilt
try l'r')i!;;cr t t!;in in i:ivtm'lit fur work.
V' I ."V 1'!.' iv I'A K I ( t. It;iinc pfnvi.'ei
iht'tni lvrs with a Irtii'N'tiMP I!i,iusk, thrv tra
irr'.iiMn:;. nu.! ntiriiilinr in-
cui.vci.:i(tt ih-
In GcIijisTovc, Vo.
l'l'Aliil'j) in the 1 io n t manner md warranted
I i perioral well.
A II w nl, iii'.ni.iled to hi.
stleudcd to.
SSeliiis.;rove, Nov. 30. 1 ."(). tl.
i i
iiic will he ftlrh-llj-
ii 1 1 in l - hi. wl'Tn Met m r vi-n i,i t.r iiiriii'j
Ii tlillV 1 .11. 1; Ik -uu I'riiMM.iS I r III ..:MMi!,..l. I ii ' I IlLf j
" "'' I mimI ;tt tin-K-iU ii u ..-irmi.-,t, wnli :i ln..r-
I i u.;!i tiiil l ii!M,:it' nc.jii lin'iic- wtidllir n nv .rin.
1 iimt i ' hi' i nl lni-!;i-:iiit li t iti f mc"-! !' It r-i'iftlt'i r
ii . . 1 til. ..I ... . I... I W .. .. .1-
I 1)1 h II ill I :,.,-.: I. ,rr ...1,,....,.... ..,' i. .... r ! 1 'r' ' '"" 1 t! lllM'Iil ! 1 KI.
' I.itn.s ut fvi'rv kin. I. i nr':iis, tu t.iis irm:tv. M'
lly ii !:itr Aft ' I ' 'ii-j r s. Ii'mi1 I.iihI rrrinlni tn I tjni'-p I'roni ijl.u r.
.i un In.!.... u;hs. s,;m. I ri IJ V ll...- !,.. MTV.-.I .in,,- ! i,u' Vartl.K,,m " 151 M:,rkp tr'?
nitiiMis 1I;I n.-i. s; lo ih wlin ni-ru-il f -nr in -n'lis Mi ! nitixmito .!, niiiiV hl'WO. aiul llfilll miiiOtkt
ruT'-n; :n I I lit m- , in
Al t' tl,;." lIT'tl" I
I .( i'l" 'it S-i 'It 111 ,hii.
l.:f I iC:tll t i lir,
fl 1 1 1 il I . .1 1 1 i l N.iiiilllJd' (K ( (IlK'tfii : 7ii;ii;iv,l.
lli.itorv, lordlier with n l?ii'r:ij!iy of li-- j Li a'-cs Pie.t.
tiimoishcd lYi-Funs, to which is iippeudeJ an ejii- j ,l.,y.
tome, of Ai'T:::xo')X try;:.
Heathen MylhohiL-y. Xilor..l Philosophy, Ceil- j Leaves I'lnlad. Ipld.i at :jj o'cl.n k. ds'.ly. except
eral Aslroiioiny and ritysiolo ry. , Suuil.ivs.
Adopted and used in tho Public fJch.iels of; Lealcs rotUville nt o'clooli, daily, csceit
lMiiladelphia. Siindass.
K. S. JOXi:.? &. Co., PiiKiahers, J '
S. W. Corner FDITUTII ami KACK fsts., Plii'.a. Iletweeu Pliilad -.Mphi.i and Polfville, t.T.'i
Teachers and School Cominittees niljrrssinqj i 1st clas-i can and
letters lo us post paid, will be I'uniUhcd wilhj
eooies lor examination
C7" A l'ull and t'ornp'ei Assorlment of i
1JUOKS and tSTAT'UX A II V, for Sale at tlie ! J'urr.t.
May tl, l.s.M. I v. I
N'cw Music Just i'uhlilu-d. j
-J.-.i 2d cl iss car.i.
Iietweeu I'liiladclphi-i and lie ulin, S l. J 1st
I class cara and iil. lo cl.ios cars.
Depot in i'hilailclphui, corner of liroad'aud
me t-stnclJ.
l'ascnucrs caoimt ei.tor the ra-s unless provi
ded with Tickets.
XU'i'll.'i. I'ifiy pounds of lni:r jago w'.U ho al
lowed to each pas-en:: , r in the e hoc..; and pas
tecn:;ers nre CNiuesslv proliiliile.l I'ruiii I. tiling anv-
5" 53 t 2. t : i. Ii3 I k
ESTAUMjUEI) i:. YEAilS Alio liV
iV. IP. C'ik-.ici- ( 7'i;.'. a id V.m.i S:rc:ls: j i:i:n s:"i:t i i: ami I';nk frui:i:rs, !
Hilt I-aVII I .IV-
i -it-n-.i-.N
i ,11 llll-.-b
r. i .1 'aie ill ulh III ma i s.
II lieiilc Willi ii'ilr HI n i f !'.e
eill l"-eliiiin ef llie C ilil!r . fir
a. aii.l l!,e a lie nl Hie ...Teias. wle il
ilSlieil, (in llie it, .; aiO Ullage 'lis tiTllia; I T I ! pill incut
nl I (ia. re )t in; Ji ai .a Ian Iy. H 1 -1 I r I 1x1 . : e lleeli h n
il 'lila: an.t l. r llie ti.iti'iii li n '1 lae-ral Law Iiiisiiii in
I le (Lliereat S: lien .ill I T, f,u..rie.
He tei i!-rn lea !-e, i.'. s I i 1 1 lei ,1 i. ia i f !':e pr f. .-vi e at 1
Nile. i , n.l.t ivi.eil el nn.s a .Ins: llie (I a r cneat. are i'f'-
ii'i-e I liv a I e il A nl. vvi il aliale nne lial. liia urn ,1 i-s
Tlie neeevsai y l" Tins mil I ll.l I iiel ii t iS, mul i n i'i it in i! i II en
nil Cieel s ae; ei lali hi I i a in-cia 1 1 I .r. lyeei.t i a, .a I ai.
ki-iiiea. will lie iiirnislie.l I i n yalar I.'' ties;, ai K atf uili:
inn eliiiL'e.
I'ei a tis it-iariier iaf a ta M i al nf f- i-anli in lliearniv t
I li ivv. via II I 'I w ir.l I i Ini'l nil lac pan natl.n a 1 ii"vn - f :lnar
H'av ic". I.teel inr nil a If i . ei.e il, ami Ilaar eii.pi:-ri.-s
will lie re;i!ieit I i 'iv r.ainti nl laail. AH e lliillaine.i-
li n.s i.i !. (e:.Ki...r,.; ami a.'..-ei--.-'l t .
nl ui.l r. 'I'tTKr.';.
fit A 187, 1'. .) l'.ia! li. II. I'.
Pee.-lil! 't 1 I- .1'.
W'eaier's Tin
Sniiliury, Dei
(il-I.HICii IILXX.
1 1, sr0 if.
U i I i it
rn YsicA!, ni-aS-nutATivr,.
via nssrcvij v.finr,?. or -xxt
re. t
il I.
'I i.
' " r c
mVt' W b '.' t,
Kir, 0K a- f.. .
VP. t!S
.il III I:t
:.n-l y-i
in M
ill tV 1r.-,!,i..',il ! :i!i -il'
llfU- l Will It .-''II. 11,1
!l..- I r 1 "1. III' n
,hit,' ;tn;i::r ii' .hi h,.i.;:; .-.-.
IjCN.'J. W'iflf'.'V tin- ( 'US.ll.K. u It .
Ull tlt-iCnl 11 -l Ml.'f.-s.
lit- w!l',i''-'-.-s hijiis.-M'ti;,.!.-, ihr
Itui 'iily I'n.iti !' in h m r .( n :
y it-lv ur-'ii liif: i-.till u it
taxi: r wvvu ri.
Vtt'ino' M "l 'r. Iri :i: I I
ninclir'.-iii'iii!u.'.l in n i"'''' !
ii')'M,frr!tpiil 1
1 lir. li. the ,
-ii.i in' n'H'i 'ir'i' t.n" ;m ! in-.-ir, .
. .-t ;i .riv.t!i- ii : 1 1 r-. t'.-r. -us
t it '.Iy. i fir p-il. mc pi. us in
I rlii-iivr.lisni, s' rid ui . ynvi-l.
.'Ill I
'I l!f
I'i.i.d. (in,-
i-.trc nl" Dr. ! . m i rr--:ntieiii
tn, uiul r ini Icii--
r mi,
r .it
5 MM KDtA'I'KI.V on the Trvorton Hail
fcm-timis T.l A- .',2 : nt the Mouth of the M;i-
Honoy Crt-tk, to whom liberal watjc.s will ho jiriltl
Hi A T. CLEMENT 5c Co.
Sunbury, July 5, I80I. tf.
"VTKS. MAUY WEAVLII respectfully infornu
the public and travelliiur community irenernl
ly, that she has opened this IniRn nnd commodious
IIOTLL, I'urnisbed in a auperior style. From
her long experience in the business of a first rale
Hotel, nnd well known reputation to accommo
date, her customers may depend on beinrr supplied
with every tliinj conducive to their comfort and
Feb. 13. 18..1 tl
f 1 'II E mihscrihcrrfspi'firuiiv infornm hcv
rallv. that uho lias taki I.
, - - t
Iho above well known i.l.iud nearly nppos.te Hit
Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. V. Per
kins, rhe trusts that her cvperic.'icB in buine-.s
mil her id'.irls to make her ttuests i oail'ortalile. f
will Rive entire satisfaction to thouc who may la
vor witli their custom.
March fi, lSSL tf.
is lia.;jaee Iheir v.caiii
1. be at t.ic r;su nl ii
l'y order oflhn to-.i.rJ of Mao vera.
s. UK.jji tn::,
April 19, 1311. t-icuetaiy
WlllL',1 I
At Gen. Twins' Mitrria) in Pensacoln,
a Charivari, for the benefit of this poor, wit
got up, ninl tha sjeneral handed over the.
amount demanded (3100) and thu crowd
then 6i lis red ihe bridegroom and bride to
real uiulitituibed.
KM & WALKER. 'o, 102 t'hrsnut t.l ,
A nre constantlv ptiliii-hin and rcceivinc,
new and beautiful mii-ic from the- mo.', d.stin- '
gni. lied composers.
The folioiv im; li"t contains oonie of tbeir eboi-
eest and must S-oucs, Waltzes, l'ull. a. I
ie. j
Xow, thou art flone, a l e intifiil son::, words
by Thomas ,1. Diehl. music by llainbride. '
My New KiiE;'.and Home, words and music by j
.Mrs L. Wade. j
(hiilu's Omnibus; by C. Grohe a collection 1
ol' 11, ,..!,. I
Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jo. I'bilad. Iphia, without fear of inter, option by nth
Ml ( cr putiiiiU. StiiiiiiNTH mul otlirrs who hivi
Pit lty I.ittle Tolkai for VreUy Liltle Teoplr,
hy .1. l.intr.
All t!ic Wiiuls oi Plceping, by A. S. Worn-
(iiianhan .n-io!. hv ihe author of "Love ?iot.'
('..ii!'l i'tpiv mi
ifl'i.irv 1 -st ' tii'i::"i! i;
:r ?-r'i -it. in'il'i! i
U- iriit il fi'.'iti i
i'l ' )hil!Utl"ll.'il
; t!'
Ml. I ,
.' t!i.
Sr)!) I'01,MK1T.
tiyi. HI.'NTi::: will forfeit ..-!, if faiiiiu to
cure any r.ine of eecret disease ihat may
come under his eaie. ho nutter bu.v bin.; stauil
in:: or allhetio. Either sex are i;r iled In bis
I'riv ile Hoonis. :iS Xurlh SI0 T..NT11 Street,
..a. cureLl. aa.i leli r.'i n .1.
V(H'i'il AN;) M A Ml 00 D,
A vi'Tons liV or ;i jirciTiatuit' do.
hiVitKUN 11:1 fit f l'r srrvu'iun.
i sivvf t ih?eai:.c :,
oi t'K.i kcr'. , a
, this ! iU any ,.
! rime to hu-ja
' and v.iMi no-.' I
lion In llie pel
i fidlv eol,ii:,s t
' Mi.ivo'f Tin: Pih i;;.t
-''v1, 1'si i i. M'li s, iir, L-.erv hoc
. 1 1 i'i ''..ui 1 ir.siciaii ! I.'iiii-
v) el'i edition, with upward' .'f
' i '' l!,'llll'if e'l-ra iii'.:-i.
''. ,".1 i.'i:( peculiar liUi' i H's in nr
ry h.ipe ami foriu, an.! n.-i!-''''
f.H!!!ati"in d." liic l!'!:i
'".J ttj sysleio.
'"':?' IJV V, It. VOI'SII, V r.
'.y 'I be li.ui' bus now arrive I
tliat persons teitU'riii r liicn
nee I in iicire ticcainc I , i r : iiiii
by ihe rci rip!i mi. c:i!i!:ii:a ii in
:.i in r,.:c hi;i: -ell' without hi:,:!,
or t':c Unowic'ro of a-iv ni.c.
t. , !l . ! c i: (i..i (' . ell . c. il .1 Mi
le:. il iMiOj ie oi' . i :, a'(i ill v i il
." ( ati-e ol iii:i:i!hvh!'s eai ' . t.e -.ii.c.
r of
! ! t
in.m oo
I V 1 HIS nf pi -!.:!'
' tain cure Ihr
i:-.':. I Ir..: i
' :,.-,!,,
liliracilloil-! e V .
I l!,c i;; -llu:: i..i-
j ! if ::'IM'.K I -r a 1 iotms'- .'
i Hi' ;e;., by the riv :ic:d r
, it' il were, there vvoijhl n-i 1 li
' I;. . as a!i di c ne., kiri :ii,;
si.ic ,.( lio- iici c:- ; il ,
I si. riii"; of l-i : v. n i,
and both t! .iml
I Four ounce !i: a
; ihilarv ca-i ... I '.S ii
i s of Neural ;'a,
iiiaihiel.e. Chn
"Mil. Inn; wiil
1 1 .' r. ec;l after
. 1. .o :i rud cer.
Win. V. f '
leoi'-e;-, u
. : on. OcL.I, ISII.
' !.! t ,'Xll: of ill.
N.-'v.'us Aiilidott,"
. I:;. sui !, a. vahis
c:: i is w .is not ia-
:" replied, -That
rr be nnv n for a
:.-.! fiot.i a ihs.iiv.e..
i . TM ? .ut ti.t luaia
iii ej, this in ordar,
imot l a."'
I '.; d :., ( i: n: r, for 'l ar-
it!:.!. i;.
' i ! I f. V
: i'i . r.vj ;.v,-, si. :..;,-,.
TlllilUlilUX, FA.
"JCIIR subscriber respectfully intorins tha ptibl.
Il that he bus opened n rublie House, in li t
new town of Trovorton, Xorthuniberbiiid county
and that he is well prepared to nccommod ite hi.
quests in the best in.inuer. His house is locjlcd
ueariy opposite Ihe Company' Store. He isulsu
provided with pood st.i'oliu stiTdcient for 'Jtl hor
ses. He trusts by pronijit and careful attention
to busiucus to meet a shine of the public patron
aye. HF.NHV 11 V.MAVLIt-
Trevorton, Jan- 11, 1850 tf.
Housi liold Words, written bv (.'has. Youn.du.
The Alliens, words by Thomas J. llield, mil- '
sic bv 1 1 orr.
LLL it W A L K I'I IZ have constantly on h ind,
supeiior l'iatiiM, nod a supply of Martiti's t'cle- '
bral( d tiuit.irs. which loirci'icr with a line hs
sortment of Musical Instruments and Mcrch.iu- j
diai in general, ei nipiise a stuck not lo be ur-
passed bv that of anv other establishment in the 1
country.' ' LLM & WALK1II!,
111 2 C'brsmit street, Saim'e JJuildin;.
Fhil.idelphia, June 2S, 1851. Iy.
Si) i'l' HE NO IVVYI
Ku-lio-; Fevtr and Axxo PIUj ! !
I'KKFLI -1 ami speeiiv cure ior me reveri umler I, is ear
nnd .5t!P is gunranlecd lo ,:uy one who:
I .; w-n'e
IJ Wl l
I le
been unfortunate in the selection of a physician
are imilcd to call. J'hoio who liave injured
then: -dies bv -oht.ll'V vice are a's.) in. iled.
IM'.'.U AM) liLPl.lH.'T. --T!:e niilh'tcl ! ..'.!.
wonhl do v.i'l la ride l l i l'oie .ruKtinir tlu-ir 1 Vf. vui
health, b.ipiiioc :. an. I in niauv ca.'.cs Iheir lives,
in the Lands of plo.o ici.nn, i ;lio-alit this class
of maladies. It is ecrl only iiMp-si.i!e lor one ;
man to under ;taod nil tin: ills tlie hiniian lamily
are mlijcct 10. Lvery t..t ccla'.le physici in has
his pecidi ir hnuch. in whieli be i-- more Siicccss
ful b':s brother proles-ns, and to ihat lie de
votes most of bis lime and studv.
YKAKS OF AL'TICi:, exclusively ibjvo
ti d t.l the study and l.'caiiucnt of diseases of the
! or.e.nis. ' o.'.cihcr . ith id -e.'s upon tliu l)o-
' dv. throat, nose, or b'.-s, in tho head or
! b:ji:es, motciiria! r'leomatisiM, s;r im-I, irrcmilari-
I lies, diseases aii.-in- from youthful excesses or
impurities of the blood, whereby ihe constitution
I bus become en!'1 ehle.l, eua'ees the. Doctor to oiler
Sj)ff:!il rrlii-f to ail who may place themselves
j with ol-son al ions on :nai t;:-.".i-- bcsniei many j
j other deran-ieoii'iit.i w iii-..o il would nol i c pro- j
' per lo CllVilier .lC. I
"'Aoy f.'i:i seii'li-or tv cr-rrv - i---vts j
This n sik iimi in'.'is':-:ti. lili. I v.-i'i .i-fal ii.f-n.iiii hi ! enclose. I in a ii per. wol receive one copy of this ;
Ull Hie llliril.lOe ; ,lr l --1! . ' ',e I . . -it Oil I V e Utei-is IiOOk, bv 111 II 1 1, (if li V O lO.lil'S 'Alii he HC 1 1 1 f l( Ul'.e ,
II aOlres, c..,, I . Vol Til. A! AM H ( 1 aaiH ll .11 ; ,:; ,r. ' Address, -i,K. V. . Vtll ?,(!. X. l.Vi
'l';e VaM'eaOvieeiVia-eV- Warnii-e il f,,, M'IM'CM SlreCt. I'll 1I.A i' L l.l'J I I A." Ih.Sl-pr.i.l
w.M preeeiit n.ia-aj a ulh.iitei-.iiv; aii.l sue .iii.uia!- ' 5 1 Iv. 111! N ( i call be consulted nil liny n
Iv Tn oisni Is m 'laves. t;. iiise-ises described in bis dithaent
I'.ni-a.s tn re-tili.e.' it w.ll I-Iira liovv lo rr rnl I lie Oi-K- . . , , . ( , ( . . , .. i . t
inieti in ,i, iheir eh.iilrea. 1. 1 (.is . .in, . , ....... .......... ,.e., .,..1 ...
tweeii '.1 anil o o c o K. (SniH.av s excepted.)
V l.-illl!- e I -J', e.-ii..
il:. ss, ,l t.i I, It. K..KI-:i..N. N.
IMII Sio-els. t.etvi e, S .ie
vv ': eaaii:-. a Ii i-'ti. env - I
1' s ...s it a i. s: iiiia- ii
V. i
T I il, 11 t.'Oer. ln'
rner nf TillKI) ,V
1' !M-eal-l;.:::a.
n u oi in al.
el r
-.1 al Ii
! Iresii V
i r.
Us. N.-w- A-x -
- vv-ii.i llie al
. r (,. I-.',I. Iv.
Ii. I.v l.:'i..-r. (,r.s
l;:;i'.C'l"u'-'. K-
nl i-tu ei s ':uv I i -
vov. fi, lSo:i. 1V
T .': ) '
C. 3. 'v.' A L 1' G !i ,
.Yo J 15 ,Vu . UtKt?n V If st ,
I (-:' '..'c.)
-.t. ::: i . i .. i lias cji mivI a nevf l;at at.ra
aii'l (;.. ' : j Trail, rs a::d nthe.-s who y;sit tho
: city, a liaiih-'inic n.i'limiit (it hats, cajis. uf lit
; ry Miiiety, t.oii'e np ol the he-i mat, rial, and ia
tl.e late. I and !c ' -tt;e. a. '1 oo ! .'.-ins ax rrsioiia
1 Ide as can he o i l in :.pv es'al ho Lnienl in I'iula-
lielphia. v:: I'iiie ihi; ll.d.s f.t f t tiood at
; do at -'1111111. JY:i;;s I'l.on I ! le ia m :lt ; . who pur
' cha-e el him, i an nl.. nt k;! liinrs. m, frltmj a
I L'o oil article t : -. i L w :i. piee .e !
; li.l'y w :;'i !'.; :i..,;. .r.i.'..
ts, I' ..tlira. (' iir.-:i.s-ra. Ti
ovi: vv irli al very 1 1 .v mo
Philadelphia. April in, ISSl. ly.
AM) l'l-.NSlON a(;i;xcy.
The attention of tho public is called to the ad
vcitiscment of Mr- Cliarlri C Tucker, Attorney
and Aent at Wushigton City- l'ersons bav
ing cUima for bounty Lauds or Pensions arc in
formed that the subscriber has made arrangements
for the requisite forms, ami claimants calling at
Ilia oil ice, can have their papers prepare.! anil
forwarded to Mr- Tucker ut Washington, and
by bun be properly attended lJ before the De
partment llaio.
Pimhury, Jan. 18, 1651
may use me 1'iiis. j ney nave ncen use.; nir mr :
. srvrit tr irs and have never been know.: to
fail in a single inslanee and in Ciscs. too,
where ierson have bad the disease for several !
years, without inteuni-sion. Tho proprietor ; f 111! V. fnib.icriher w!io rrsides in Pliiludelphia.
ehitltenpes tlie vmld lo produce nil! K oilers fir sale the follovvin; propeny in Mil
will cure in as si. oil a time, without leaviui; any j tori, Xorlliuiubcrland county, viz: The laro,s
deleterious i ll'ccls from the use of it. If llie i'l'ds ' r. BHICII ETJTLDIIvG'
do not j.ei I'm in a speedy cud perfect cure the . J 1 .
proprietor wi:l return tha money. For sale bv j J-xi "I'l' Mdlon. loimerlv occupied Hy
Jacob S. Lawrence. Minersv ille ; 11. Helien-. Mc-srs Pattersons as a l.'arrta-TC Makers Shop
stein, Ti'cvolon; s. , Uixon, felmj Ikill 1U-j The buildiiia: is (111 feet liont on upper Market
vein John W. Fiiiiiu. Suiihurv: Marv A. Ur. streel, amMO leel on Front street, itid is two
L'ov, Northnm! eri.iiid ; Ur. lieekly, D.nivihe ; atoiie bi-'h- Also a two st oy
John Sharplc.-s. fatlawUsa ; Ur. J u id, illiams. UIUCK BLACKSMITH SHOP,
port; John Kiscr, Milton, and l rcsjiciUW .JO bv S feet, on t ie came promises. The lot ia
Urue-isls Ihrou-iiout toe Stale. 0l ,;',r ,-orner of Uiper Maiket and Front streets,
J. (U.U'I'IS I.'. Ill .liilU-S. Proprietor. a, js r,; icel frotil, mid ISO feel dccii.
1 olt.iviuc, June .a, ly. j 'p:,,, ,,cmises would be Miluablo for a Foundry
. . or oil,,.,- nmiinfacluii'.!! purposes, and will be sold
1 T X" ( 1IV,I, I on reasonable and uceominedatin:; terius by aj
u v o K s r. 1. 1. 1: u ,
B mad viii,
J J AS recently received, among other articles, a
preat variety of New, Cheap and Cnlerlaiu
inn puhlieali 'lis such as
Coopers novel.', complet; or sc; urate.
ilerheits Do Kodwel!,
lliiiuas do Trohope,
Sue do Ilaliihint i;i,
lveyndols do Mar.-vatl,
Cockloti do, t!.-.v,
Maiwell do Marsli,
Jerro'id do Ainswordi,
M'rris do
Atiiiclow price of from V:.j looOcts pvrvuhuue.
S'uiibur;', Sept. Lvi'J. tf.
j. n. zn::i-j -iait,
ji'SMi'ii 'inn E'iiil'",
v:iLi;i v, Trt.
:,l,.,i-f,v-u,r:,, No. r,0 I'lUMTNTTStr
ML DA I., nwavded lv the FKIXKI.LN iN-'
S iTl'LTi; nt Foil. ul-.-'pl. ia in I let. ,he:',
A N I i i K '
l'!!!-TI'i;''',l!"l hv toe MA'iY'.AXH IX
STI TL'TII. at Jhi'ti,:: uc, Nov. s 1st and l"!'.l.
7 ...-,, ',,-,'. DrfU'r xm, lls.
I have us, d .1. W''s I'aieul Japan Liipihl
and Paste !ha. l.iuj for some nine ninnths, am!
a:u happy to soy thai it surpas-es nny Maekina
lliul I have use-1 tlic-e twenty o-l l years. 1 I'm. I
it holds the pi'b.-li and pre-e. ve-i the leather bet
thr! any 1 l.'.el.i.. that I ii-ive ever tried.
An nil i: vv i. Cu i n ii v i:s.
?iio. 11? Chestnut -'trsct,
Wa. CITUKKY, ,V.i..v'ie.i,-.,-
Succe-sor to J. Will. I, A II.
No. .'.tl Che-Hint St,-Wt, ahov the. uul.
Novcmhcr, IS.'i). ly.
P ev -ral v .
I lav I
.h. i.i, on. tl.,.1 ia
Not. 1'
: 3VI .,:! V,
;, I i:
li a.
I Ii !Vr
.i -
-il rut.;
rcr. .:zo?ts.
!-r ill. it.
a in i"a;..i,-j;
1 ,f i- ,;, li.-'-i
:iiii'i;:n v f.i'.'i'f
'i ,jri I tl i
...t II ' ilJ' llt'H-.'
,i? a i'- i.a.
' i; i!.M,si,
'I ".' ;.T Vt :
PC "I lltC tlfirc
!:!. .1 ("r r.'f h
A W in. r-
l.,--Ll'lllH It I
ni ir, ii,,
fj .HI! MISS WEITZKL'S respectfuIlT inforin
a t:
A Monster. A man named Taj, lor Mur
phy was eiucuted at Campbellaville, Ky., on
Wedneaday week, for Ihe murder of hi
wife, and afterwards burning her remains.
Ho confessed to the murder, and also tu the
mtitdur of seven of his infant chddren !
Garter Vrnsrs Willis, when in Germn.
ny, buuuht a pair of uaileis al a fair, with
a wreath of flowers painted on them.
Inside, the delicate faluio was consecrated
with some verses, which our poet thus
translated ;
i, " . .
When night with morning lingers
Awake and stirring be,
And wilh your preliy finder.
Clasp this about )our kiit.
hen day with eve reposes
And stars bein lo see,
Unclasp this baud of roses,
.. And, dearest, think of me !
Now ladies, isn't that pretty 1 Who
wouWn'l sspim to be a Knight of the Car.
Ur, after suet, ' apotheosis of the "ar.
J A 31 A 1 C A (J ING 15 K .
MADE fioill die lieat Jaumiea Ginger, all Ilia valunMc
'iiieiliciaal (iroirrly of wliieli il will he found lo pea
uess in a e.aiveiiu-iil ami eoncLaitruiud I'.irm.
Il i u iiinbl ellicieal anil al llie same time liaiiuleaa. nan'!)
tliaiillatiicr tonic lor llie M.auacll, ami l-'Unil very
iK-uclicial ia u-tieviiig llie .uial'ul anil ilialieuing Iccliia
wcaaionvil li llie iaion:il ucli ui ol Una iiiii..iliiiit ,ii;,.ii.
I'miii hull Uitt whole lea-apisialul lakeli in a wine-glum-e.,i
..." .u-.-.-ien.-.l water will iiioueiliulely rem .ve llie tl.ila-
lene uadoiipressKNi reaillmig Iriuii iiionreMi ii.hikI il luken
two or lliree inaea oany, ua icsiine., n ...
na..r,.l ...mtiiki lh. lubsllllileiinit sense ot auiKlliirot UichIhiii-
ai II ami leiul, au y lo ill iln il.lorcd uelioll is-euslolieil t,y Ihe
eiiervutlna iltcet ol llie auillllier lieuia, nriai in-niiuiiri a,-
eli.jH.tiii i, und lor c orieeiiiig llie incipient t(i ol iliari
I, tin, eieeltent iiint.eiac for ttioae who have or
inr.a (b. k hia nf lliuir u.iKUn'lia liv llie llliiiiulle rule use oi
nit laiealinjx liquors, ny ill riiaiMi) - iiiinuuiinK uivuiii-h
lliestmncli removing the cruvnui f n ainiiuLnili, while U
bua no injurious ucli u oa llie bruin, unit ia 11 it succeeded
by feetnuisof Ucuiesuuii, wliich ulwua follow llie use ol
aic ui alio Binuuiaiiia.
A lew dr ma uil( ed to miieaeliil. rlailiarti or atner pursu-
live medii-inef, will re-nder tliem ni ire. uocetilalila to llie
ciomarii ana piavcnl Ilia griiuig which ia apt lo acovsupau)
UIC1I UCfclUll.
druggist and CHr.Mirr.
S. E. eorntr of 1th and Chtstnut ttrttii.
rallaaVittua. Aaetl Is, aSMl i ....
e Public that lliev still continue lo enter.
tain travellers and nil. cm nt their old established
aland in Murl.ct street, west of the Couit House.
Tbeir lout; eviM'iieiiee in llie busioeriM. and Ihe
: iilv in: cither tu J A CO LI C.Mililii K,
J. V. OLFK.CUK, Lsq., .Mdlon or
IL U. MASSl-;i. lis p. iSunbury.
riiiladclphia, Jan. 23, 1-jol tf.
Viiliuiiile tlixtliN.
leir lonir ex M'lieuec in llie nusioesii. ami inr , . , . , . i tv-
n . ,r i i . .- .- .i ii -a ' I Ir fl or i'u but, leiudaoinely tiounil, D At-.
'II estabbsbed repiilation ot their House, will, i I , ,, '
, , c- . . .i . .i 1 J ftiiNKa lliaiour or tub hkfuii yTio,
ey trust, bo a biilncient iruarantec, that their ,, i c u , i ,
ni ,, , , , ri.tK Div-iinoKs u Lminiios, lull buiitklcd
istoineri. will bo well accommodated. , ., , ,- ,.
M ., j. ,,- or aalc at the pul.lislu ra I y
March 8, 11 It. ., ,. ...cs-t'i!
iutj. nnii
Indcfitructible atid Iiukllible
AV I South Third street.
ATLRCHANTS and tho Writing cominuuilv
" are requested to call and examine thin LMv,
which ia wariaiiifj nut tu eurruUt Metallic U'tns,
mot change rV.t CuJur.
vVlioli-Miiic siittl lirtall,
No. I toulh Third street, I'liiladrlphis.
A liboral discount made to Merchants sud the
Kor sale ly IL U. Master, sgent for Sunbury
November 0, 1850 ly. in Peer S'reet, iinuiediatclv oppj.'::c toe
I'ljlide S.-'aool Ihiiis,'-.
fV M-mii ' e illccted .m-l ail hasiai ;'loi:i;tly an.l cart.
I'tlliv llllelliled to.
April lb). IM30
I jr.OW'N'S I'Sevl'INCH !' JAMAICA til.X
CiI'.I!, an evcellent article.
Kvnw u's Medicated Sip for sun burns, tan,
teller, i:
Kailivj i's C-rcn .-i.iii lii.I.::, ior l.tu hair ibud
ullWe. Iladvvav lleadv Ilelief for (.'ramp, Cholic,
Clio era Morbus, Ac. 1'or p.ile by
il. II. MAor ilU,
r'unliury, lu?. 3, ISE0.
V'TD.N'L Ware, Karl hen Ware, Uassiiw, Al-
nioikls, 1' unci and Crenm Nuts.
1 lanes ot nil kinils.
.V.ill and Plaster. received and for sale
by JOHN W. FliiLINi;.
Funhurv, Dec. O. lfi I'l.
U. CUES An excellent article, for sale s.
half the usual price by
eiuiilwry, July 7. IS 10
it article, for sale i
j. w. rtfiu.Nu,
1AISIN8, currants, citron, cheeae, pepper
sauce, &c. For ale by J. W. FlULINU
Bunbury.Dscl. 1148. ,
11. li. MASSEIl.
Sunburj-, July I t, 1819
11 LANK r.iibmi-iit Paper Deeds and blank
M.nt '.Mcs, Uauds, P. xe -utioos, Siiinmnns,
&e.. forsileby M. It. MASSKR.
Sunboi-y, April SB, lJ-M.
75uTir TiiTE ' V-UANiiv" rnu imhi.slu.
VINCI, iust receiver! and or sale bv
11 U. M As&Ef?.
Sept. S, 1S 0.
1 jL.Mv NUl'ES, waivius lbs excinplion
a a law of !j:)0l), lor sale by
TVTvITlNtJ FJ.l.'ID and self sealiiitf Euve-
lopea, just received and for sale by
April HI. .SSI. IL 11. MASSER.
1JSJOU sale at this oliice, Huierior lllnck Ink,
Cattle Medicine st v!5 eta, Pure LWuce of
G user, t!5 rents.
riXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply
just received Slid for sals st this ofiics.
Piles SSeaiiU.
vinKiry, iuiv 1. IMl-
I J OOKN and Gold Pi us. On h ind several cop-
ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of
gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia
prices. 1 or fate al thin olhce.
YA. TUNINGS, A cheap and excellent arti
cle lor lasteiiii:'-sur-h for sale by
J. W. Fit I LING
r'unliury, July 7, 1H1!. '
Vl'RsIXG IIOTTLES Dreast pumps, and
" nipple lubes A supply of these useful arti
cles just received and for sale by
Sunbury. Jan IS. 85 if
lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sale
at this oliice
'IMSSl'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for
I coveriiiH jjlasses, dec, for sale at the olliec ol
the American.
BLANK DEEDS printed on the last quality
cf parchment paer, sold at lbs luwe.l prices
st this oli'ics, t-jt whutoaals and rsUat .
T " V n ' 7" l I
j V -4 t.ii mL tO
P. 0 0T-TP. 11 13 hake:., !
.Yo. !IS .'die Sircrt. I
Sofotul il-ior lii'Iow 'i'hiid, i
V. "HE HV. all kiiuU of lash., Ac., of the Ltest !
stylo and be.-t material, are maiiulaetured I
on n asoua'.ile terms.
All orders pronip'lly and punctually attended to. i
Philadelphia, ."vov. 0, Ifijl). ly.
'' rill! stibsriiber has just received a new supply
I id' the hcl Honors ihat ever came In Suuliurv.
eoiisi.stini in part of
upi'iior idd pale braiioy.
i'iue Co:;uiae lii.ituly.
Superior Old Jamaica Spirits.
New llir-daud Ruin.
Fine Holland Gin.
Supi rior 1 tLl Wbi.-!;cy
Coiiitu on do.
Superior Madriia Yv'iue.
Lisbon do. do.
.vuperior Port Wine.
Uurvtuudy Port do.
Sweet Mala,'. i me.
Supi-iiojr Claret Wine in hollies.
Champagne do. do.
.Siubury, May EC 1K I!.
l'oll!t Uto, i'a.
Will promptly attend to collections and all busi
uess entiusted lo his Varc.
Juno lfi, 1819,
STONE milk Pans, stone Jutrii und Pitchers,
and other articles of slone ware just received
BI for sale by JOHN W. FR1LING.
.Sunbury, June 33, 1S4'J
f 1EAS, from the New York Canton and PcUin
JL Tea Company. I or sale by
i a: ,t f . U Wi.-ji J.1 t J
(!ivcn' Ovy-.'.'nated Hitler, price reduced.
I Md J.ii-iil. Town-icnd's Sarsa'-aiih'a.
Sw.iM.e's "rup of Wild Chfrr j.',
Svv.iv lie's 'err.iii'u::e.
yie's Cherry I'u I oral
1 :-. 1 h.d.e'.s lhl.i.n ca.
In-. Cullen's (hi
Tlhhil's Pain Killer.
Dr. Hoolland's I Litters'
Indian Vi-jelahlc Pills
Horse nnd Cat'.le Medicines
For sale by HENRY MALR.
funbnrv, July 11. ISl'l.
Cll.Vtl'IllslSli A I'lll.l.Kl TIilN llr'OVi:R '200
Y A L lT A I! L II IX K C I P K S ,
III thr I'sefnl and Interesting Arts teith a ft
Simple uiul Cut-inns i:virriiuelits In
I IllhMIS'l'U V :
I NCLI'DING Medicines, Pirfumery, Cbeniisl
' Coosery, Farriery. IK inn, Conti clioiiarv, 1.'
mestic Fconoinv , etc. etc. etc. Price (1 , ets., t
sale bv ' HENRY .MASSER.
Sunbtirv, Dec. 8, lS-IH.
Sunbury, Dec. S, 1818
AY RUM. An excellent article for sale
riqnburT Jan. ISTUi, 1819- f.
Just r ived at the store of HENRY MA
Sl'.R, a lot of Caps, (iuin Shoes, Alinanu.-s
i.J-.ieensvvare, Liipiors Ac. All of which will 1'S
sold ut Ihe lowest price.
Dec. 1 1, ISM).
MINERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard
Acid Spiins, highly valuable in chronic di
seases, and tonic remedies, for sale
1 1 E.N li V MASSE It.
Suii'mry, June S3, lK.'iil tf
ilk H A'l'S at -!',, for sale by
Sunbury, Dee. PIS.
JA'l'ENT 'I'ru.-ises of all kinds, Harrison',
wriiui and iudellihle ink, Cotton yarn sud
laps, just received and for sale bv
j. v. rr.ii.iNG.
Sunburv. Dee. ?, 18 IB.
i of every descrinlion ei
I'l b lig at the oliice of the American.
Iff LANKS of every description ran be had by
ADD S eelebrnted Horse and Cattle MaJ
ne for sale bv H EN K V M ASSF.R
.mburv, Jan. tTili, IS4