Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 15, 1851, Image 3

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The great Railway from St. Petersburg!!
to Moscow, recently ripened, is in nearly a
straight line, nnd 400 miles in length. The
track is double, of 5 foet RiiRge, ml some
of the bridges are elevated above the water
from 155 to 175 feet. The bridges are of
wood, on Howe's principle, nnd were built
by Mr. R. O. Williams, of Connecticut.
Major Whistler, of the Boston nnd Albany
railroad, went to Russia in 1813, and was en
gineer of the woik until his death. Then
Major Brown, of the New York and Eiie
road, became engineer in chief, and finished
the Russian rnnd. The entire coM is stated
at $55,000,000. This loeomoiivcs have also
the stamp of American genius. They were
built by Harrison, Winnns nnd Easlwick,
.from drawings by Mj. Whistler, nnd ate
outside cylinder reverse engines, nnd are
intended for burniti? wood. They are 165
in number, of which 42 nre for passengpis
and 120 for fiieght. The pasferger cars me
'built upon the American plan, and nre 5fi
W'eet long nnd 9i bioad. The two Imperial
carriiige nre very magnificent, being S4
feet long by 10 broad, and i feet high, and
supported on 16 w heels on the Hogio princi
ple. These, carriages have spacious apart
ments, furnished for the Emperor and Em
press, separately, in the most improved
ami luxurious manner. They nre fitted up
xvilh beds, and a kitchen car is attached,
with larder, wine cellar and ice-house, &c.
The road is to be run in fifteen bonis
Tt usi'il to tnke th" diligence seventy-five
hours, and wagons eleven days with freight.
Ilmi by rivers and canals between the two
.cities make the trip in from fifty-five, to
--t.ty ilavs, and frozen up half the lime at
hat. Nicholas lias caught a good deal of
llie "prosrressive spirits of the age,'' ami a
railway from St. IVlersbiiruh to Win saw,
7Pfi miles lmnr. is now strongly talked of.
Cleveland Herald.
"Mil. Ennoii : I'k'Iipw you have a few
f u::s Imi th- cousideiatioii of those who may
l e inclined to invest their ineiu.s in the stock
of the Sun'.iury and Erie railrund, based upon resulM in a liciiil.oring Stale.
In July the New Yml; and Erie railroad
earned f'Mll.OOd. In August 60i;:),ilOO. In
Septeuibfr it is I'stiir.iited the earnings will
tm over 3rtU,00l ! thus steadily increasing
by iiiiiiiih. At the present rate per
1 1 hi t li th" aiiiiUiil income w ill he 3.000 Out).
To be within the we will c.ll therain
ings S'.'.jl) 0(10 per mniith, or three millions
per aminiii. 1 duel fmiti tic uio-s earning
.1(1 per cent , which is full allowance fur ex
panses, anil it leaves 5 I. .10(1 000 as llieitelt
eartiiiu's. I w ill now cnntiast the Stiiibury
ami Eii.' railioad'M piobiible eainitiL'S.
'Fliii distance fimu Eiie to Williamspnrt is
210 iui!e, w hich is about otif-d i'l the (lis
tauce fmiii Diitikiik to New Yuik. As our
mute is the shurtest possible line from Erie
In the seaboard, and el much easier grades
Ui. in
; lie New V01 1;
and F.iie i.', it is
.I'ldn'.iVi'.l that it will do
much business,
if not more.
At the tame n torn of income
nn the
New Yoik and F.iie mud, we would have for
Mir 2 10 miles of road 5 1.500.011(1 ir'nss in
.nine, or S7 50. U00 -v.-'. I. which would be near
13 per cent, on the u mount necessary to
build and supply the 240 miles, viz : i?6,
000.000. The road would do much more
ban I have estimated, hut it is a perfectly
'life calculation that the dividends would
itnge from 10 to 15 per cent ., enough to sa
isfy the most avarici n . I foibear to say
me word what it woul .. o for all the other
nterests of Philadelphia that your citizens
an best estimate. Phila. Inquirer.
The X. Y. correspondent of the Phila.
'.direr, of the 1 llh iu1.. sAvs; Public, ex
vetalion has now seit'ed down lo a sonfi-
l.'iil co"vielion that ICos-uth w ili arrive at
his port about the 20tli inst., in the Canard
'earner Asia. Of this w e have his own us
tnatiee in bis letter lo Mayor Kin?s'aiid.
rhe Common Cmi'icil Committees nie be.
tirrinrr themselves accordingly. They have
special mention this evenin, to conclude
he official arrangements for the public le
epiinn airreed upon
The Ilniioarians on board th Mississippi
,-ill co to th liviuir House this eveniiu.
.here they will remain till Kossuth arrives,
. hen our rovernmerit (haviuu invited them
1 make this country their home) w ill proba
cy do something for them. The most of
loin, it is said, aie penniless, and owing to
ib hardships of war and subsequent iniptis
nment, aie but illy fitted to work.
he Pillsfiild (Mass.) Sun eives the follnw
.g account of the death of the Klej-liant
olumbus : '-Tho F.lephant Columbus, at.
.died to the menugii of llaymond & Co..
id Herr Driesbach, died at I.enox, in ibis
unity, on Saturday. Columbus is said to
ire been the largest and most valuable
ephant in the United Slates. He is snppo
d lo have been one hundred ytars old.
is weight was five tons, and he was valued
815,000. When crossing one of the
reams in Adams, the bridge gave way,
id the elephant was piecipitated some (it
en feet into the water. The injury recei
d in consequence of the accidtmt is said
j have caused his death, and it is rumored
that the owners of the animal have prosecu
ted the town of Adams for damages."
Dr. March cays that the best antidote fur
dissipation is marriage. Men resort to gin
and suar riot because they are depraved,
but because they aro lonely. Out of evsiy
dozen men you see hanging about our porter
houses, ten, he kbscives, are without a
"female comforter." Hore'e a hint worth
dwelling on.
A Colored Citizens' Convention will be
held in Cincinnati, in the middle of January
next, for the purpose of taking such mea,
surea as will be deemed best calculated to
promote the internals and welware of the
coloied citizens of that State who are
illoweJ to pay taxes, but denied the right
0 vote.
DiNfiiRou CouNTrf eiTs. CJirls dressed
For the Sunbury American.
Ma. Masses. : Below I furniuh yon with some statistics of Northumberland county,
collected by me in taking the) Census of the County in 1880, which may be of interest to
your numerous renders. Respectfully, Yours,
T. S. MACKEY, late U. S Ass't Marshall.
Names of T'owS'siiips S S3 i S, 2
ASD l.OBOVOU, IK TUB - ) ! f f ?
Owi Viiitku. i - f s, I' S. " e F 1
I. Jlclnwure, ... '. inns V'ormrd out fit lfii JS CSV 23 01 38
a. Lewis 1 Isfl el TiiTlmt. Ml tl 410 17 so 17
3. Tlirlinl, 11117 at 08 SOS SKI al 10 3:1 VI
i. ( liili.,;imiiic, .... 11H4 lain (114 (17(1 Xil 13 Ml 27
A. Pi.inl, ..... S7 74(f 4j 414 n 101 II 97 IS
0. Mill hi, 101(1 1413 70S 0.14 31 11 4IIH tfO S3 10
7. N Milnmik'rluml, .... KOI liyy 47 aj4 (I flaB 14 30 liO
Snnlnnv, 1-J 10 1V STe 011 8 1 2-i7 Stl 31 HI
0 Lower 'Augusta, .... anil New. 1 101:1 I'US S'.w 24 Ob 21
10. Upper Aliidml'i, - HJ 4 U 424 t B2S I' 3"i 13
11. Idmii, 1 170 liisRi r,;i inn 1 1 an7 .w ''
12. Muiiiinkiii, 2I1U lis-:) 1117:1 1 1 1 (s i-3 an 3! 2-1
i:i. ce:ii, Mss imi v.,4 7111 add n 40 4
14. Lower Milium ), - 1170 1 1 mi 72t 717 1 207 2". SO 2t
13. I'piii.t .MnliiiiH.y, .... 1217 Hal (tfj Oil 91s 17 34 II
10. ducks n. ltB 1ft4 lull 1171 S 33I 31 t4 1"
17. Liltlu ,Xliili,.ii..y, - - - - I 320 2l;t U0 ISO 02 12 1
DuciMW, .5"). T int, - - I 2325(1 2H021! 11740 07 20 i (1(1 274 723 UI0
A panther which escaped some days since
from a menagerie at llackensack, has since
taken to the bush in the neiylibui hood of
Hull's Ferry, whence, as yd, although vari.
ons attempts have been made to capture it.
all have failed. The animal frequently
pays a visit to the village at night and
prowls around in all the dignity of his sav- J
age nature, greatly to the iilatm of the villa-.
L'ets. The consequence is that the early
closing system has icceived an impetus, that j
it has not yet acqoiied elsewhere, nobody
carina to visit the stores after dark.
The other night a man was passing along ,
the load in the neighborhood of his haunt
when he came suddenly upon the nnimal,
which was snmileiinir nlona by llie side of
the bush. The man wassmokinga cigar when
he firsl saw the beast's bright eyes glaring
amidst the darkness. The panther, which)
by the way, he look for a wild-cat, madp no
demonstration further than to walk round the
man at a respectable distance, although with
each circle he approached closer; perhaps he
wanted to be friendly on that lonely road ;
or pei Imps he was anxious to scrutinize the
midnight intruder into his lair more closely
We do not know what were his intentions,
but the man did not meet his advances in n
fiiendly spirit, but each time he sppionched
too c!oe, he presented the lighted end of
his cigar lo him, upon which ho jerked
back ; and this action was continued until
the benighted traveller reached his home.
As the capture of the animal in attempted
with a great deal of pel sevetance. it may be
presumed he will not long enjoy his free
dom, and we imagine that the sooner he is
caged again, decidedly the moie comforta
ble it will be for tho ncihbothood. AYic
For.- Democrat.
Vi:bstkr Tiiueatknim: Vaii.--A letter
from Cbailes W. March, the biographer of
Daniel Webster, says :
I happened to be in the nor'.li. where Mr.
Webstei was last summer, when the news
anived, that Kuglaud and Fiance intended
to older, or had oidered Ameiican Vessels to
be searched, as in former times; and I heard
Mr. Webster, then confined to hi house by
his annual attack of catanh declare, that the
i's instance nf any mrh proceeding otipht to
he, ami irouhl, be fallowed by var ! Ami I
kno. , also, that thia declaration w as mude
by him in the presence and hearing of seve
ral persons in habits of daily correspondence
with their English fiiends, and that in less
than twelve days from the time it was made,
it was heard of and known in high quarters
'n London.
The Anthracite Coal trade continues
laige, and puces aie very firm. The I.b
limn .Navigation lompany brought down,
for the week ending on Saturday last, 85,-
31J3 ton, making' an aggregate tonnage for
thes'asonof 902 615 tons. The Schuylkill
Navigation Company biought down, for the
week ending on Thursday, 17.987 tons an
for the season 515,757 tons. The Heading
Hailioad Company biought down, for th
week ending on Thursday, 38.470 tons, and
for the year 1.527,249 tons, being an excess
over last yeiu's business, lo the s.inn
lime, of 34:.0!)8 tons. I his is a gical
I'l lll.K' IIKIIT.H.
IiRr.T is a Hiritifcifr of ntn)i fiiplm'til inieii,
Am lo In IkiU'iI, iit-filx Iml to if nt't-li ;
llnl rK too oi-'r, Ijimilinr wnti her I'ure,
Vc lirsl KMjrliE, llicii cm, lliru eui:kac.
Captain Sai ndkus. The fale of this gal
lant oilicer, w ho accompanied Colonel O il
tenden, when he sepaialed from Capt. Kelly
on the match from Lus Pozas, has been hilh
erto wrapped in mystery Wo learn, says
tho N. O. Delta, from Mr. Peeves, who was
a member of Captain Saunders' company,
that he was killed in n field near Pallia lion-
la, by nn oilicer stationed there, who spoke
English, and who sent a Spanish flag to
Saunders, offering to him protection if he
would surrender. lie indignantly icfused
spitting upon the flag, and was shut by the
'You Can't vass iikue !:' Tho last num
ber of Punch contain a caricature, represen
ting Louis rsapuleun, attired us a grii.'
d'aiins, stopping with his musket Kossuth
lo whom he Bays, "You can't pass here!'
Above the trench irenident, who' sports a
huge moustache, and a huger nose, are the
words ' Liberie, F.galite, Fraternite," in
scribed upon a wall.
Some of tho English newspapers having
heard of but one distinguished 'Douglass' in
tho United Stajes the notorious Fred have
confounded him with the '-Little Giant' from
Illinois ; ami have lately announced gravely
that the Hon. Frederick Douglass, a colored
gentleman, is a prominent candidate fur the
A Negress named Betty, died at Scho
harie village last week, at the advance
age of 110 years. She was brought from
Africa when very young. Her faculties re
mained unimpaired till the last, and she was
able to thread the finest needle without th
Consumption of Provisions at the ExmniTioN.--During the five months
of the Great Exhibition, the follow ing pro
viions were consumed in tho refreshment
com ts : 124,530 quartern loaves, 113 tons
of meal, 19 tons of hams, 30 tons of pota-
toes, 16 tons of salt, 58.828 lbs. of pound
cakes. 20,415 lbs. of Savoy cakes, 2897 lbs.
Italians, 33,722 biscuits, 311,731 Hath
buns, 460,667 plain buns, 34,070 Banbury
cakes, 57, 528 penny loaves, 7617 French
loaves, 3fi,50 threepenny pound cakes,
9181 lbs. of coffee, 3783 lbs. chocolate,
1040 gallons of pickles. 17,257 quart of
milk, 14 047 quarts of cream, 180 tout of
ice, and 536,617 of Messrs. Schweppe Si
Cn.'s soda water, lemonade, and ginger
beer. A Document is in preparation containing
a deluded account of the value of each ex
hibitor's goods sent in by himself. The
greatest English and llie greatest French
goldsmiths have already sent in their in
voices, the former being neatly XI 5(0,000,
and the latter about .t lOO.OOO.
Hundreds of our citizens complain of de
bility and languor of the system, derange
meul of the liver and stomach, want of ap
petite, &e. ; they are frequently the result
of loo close application, and a thousand
other causes we caiiuol beie name ; but w e
would say lo all so alllieteil. do as we have
done gel a bottle or two of Dr. (loll laud's
German l!iller, pre pa red by Dr. Jackson,
and, (Mil word (or it, von w ill la: cured We
recommend this medicine, knowing from
xpeiii'iice that it is 'much superior to the
generality of patent medicines. We would
say lo our leadeis, purchase none unless
repared by Dr. C. .M. Jackson, Philudel
hia. III A 11 li I i: !.
In this place, un Thursday last, by tho
Rev. .1. Stiue, Mr. Jacoa Hol er, lo Mrs, M.-
iiv Ann Chant, both ot this place.
At Northumberland, on the I2lh ins-1 , by
the liov William Siiiirmlon. Capt. P11n.11
1 1 a v , to Miss Makt Ei.izaiik 1 11, daughler of
Mis. Elizabeth Wallis, all of the above place.
On Hie 30:h nil , by the l!ev. P,. A. Fisher,
Mr. John Bii.i.iiimi:, to Miss IIaukikt Moit-
ison, both of Montour county.
On the 4th inst., by the same, Mr. Sami ki,
. a ntz, of Lower Augiisia, lo Miss Ei.izi-
tiKTii Ann, ol I'pper Augusta.
On the Olh hit., by the same, Mr. David
Shm'K, to Miss Mauia Siiii't, both of Lower
On the 0 1 tl inst.. by th" same. Mr. I.r.nN-
a 11 ii Wa;nku. to Miss Mahy Martz, both cf
owcr Augusta.
On the same day, by the Sams', Mr. J.v
on Mahtz, of I'pper Augusta, lo Mis Lou
ISA. daughter ol Charles Cussler, ol Lower
Snnbury, Nov. 8, 1851.
Amonnl of foal brought toSuiibnrv. ov
I Inlailelpnia and Sunbury Ifaihoa.l, liotn
thi! Shamokin Mines
1 ons.
For tho last week,
Per last report,
Philadelphia Market.
Nov. 13, i5i.
Flail's. A no Mi:ai.. The last sales of Hour
for export were at S3. SI I; for city uu
ales at S:t.87aS 1,00. Kuia. Hour is held
at 4, a
li i Flour. No stock on hand to operate
Co UN Mdal. Last sales of fresh gruunc
at S3.25.
Wiikat Lillle offeiins; : sales of prime
red at Rl e ; white is held at 3S!)a!i0 els.
1!vk. None ai riving ; last Kilcs ut 70
Corn. Is dull ; sales of good old ellow
nt bit u c0 cts., ulloat, Hud ul 62 cents from
Oats New Southern are in demand at
34a35 cts.
Whiskey. Sales at
21 a 22 els. in hiids.
22 cts. in bbs. and
Baltimore Market.
Nov. 12, 1851.
CUAIN.Tho supply of Wheat is small
for the lasi day or two. Sales of good to
prime reds to-day nt 72 a 75 cts. ; w hile at
74 a 78 cts. j and family Hour white ul 80
a 85 cts.
Sales of new Corn, in good condition, at
53 cts. w hite, ami 53 a 54 els. for yellow
Damp parcels sell at 45 a 50 cts. Sales of
old torn at 54 a 56 cts
Sales of Maryland Hye nt 70 a 72 cents.
We quote Oat at 31 a 35 cts. for Mary
laud, and 36 cts. for Pennsylvania.
WHISK KY. Sales of Pennsylvania' bbls.
at 2 J i a 23 cts., and of hhds all cts. Sales
of lialtiinore bbls. at 221 u 23 cts.
Heckled Flai.
Dkieu Amis.
Do. Psacbss.
New Advertisements.
At His New More In Hollowing Cur,
JESPECTFt;M.Y informs his friends tnd
customers, tlint he has just received s nsw
tnrk of Roods, which lit oilers to th public
ut the lowest prices, viz 1
Fall and TTInlcr Dry Cootie,
Cloth, Camtimerm, Sattinetl. Mtrinos,
Mousselinc De Lmnes, Flannels
(i nil every variety of gnniU suitable for th Mttsn.
Also Silk lists, Caps, Ac.
ALSO: An assortment of Ilardwsrs.
All Kinds, of Groceries,
A variety of Qucenware, Crockery, &e.
licsiiles a variety of other articles, suitable for
farmers, &c.
All kinds of produce taken in eirlianja for
jsoils at tlic highest market price.
llollowins; Kun, Oct. 25, 185 1. tf.
Watches tind Jewellery,
W II ( I. K 8 A I, i: ami It I". T 41 1, .
IIAVIN'O constantly on hand an immense
stock of Watches nnd Jewellery, I sin de
termined to sell ut less prices than the same qual
ity of Wutchrs or Jewellery are sold in Philadsl
pliiu, viz :
Uohl Lever Watches, full jewelled IS ks
case, only
Cold Lepine, " 18 " !4.00
Silver Levers, full jewelled, only 14,00
Silver Lrpines, " 1 1,00
Cold Pencils, 1,50
Gold Pens, fsilver holders, 1,00
Also an immense alock of all kinds of Watch
n. Cold Chains, llrcastpins. Earrings, fSilvtr
noons, Ac, nil of which I will srll nt less pri
ces than ever have been sold in this city, as the
prices nre certuinly much less than ever hereto
fore sold in this cilv or couulv.
Ciilifornin Cold lioocht for Cash. Parliculur
attention paid to renairhnr Watches and Jrwel
lery. All I ask is a cnll to convince I'urinnsrrs
that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew
ellery and Silver Ware.
Persons by undintr the cash they wish to ex
pend can have a watch or watches sent to them
by mail with perlect snlctv, having sent tlicni in
that wny lor the last 6 years. All connnunica
lions must be post paid. Please call or send or
Jers to l.ISM IS JjAIJU.yii. s,
IS'o. 103 Chcsnut St.. Iietwn "d and 4 lb St.,
Kusl Wini; of KiauUiin Hou.
Philadelphia, Oct. Sfl, 1851- tf.
nnilK subscribers oiler for sale Cheltenham
- Salt, -in invaluable remedy for this disease ;
it is nn exact imitation of the water of the cele
brated Cheltenham Spring of Kni?laiid, which
has been found so beneficial in cases of Llysprp-
sia, llilious Complaints, Sick llcndacno. Habit.
unl Onstiveness, Ac, noil is particularly recom
mended ns 11 substitute for Scidlitz. Powders, us it
Is bolh as a tonic and ncntle purgalixe. A
Pamphlet containing nn analysis of the water and
directions for its use, accompanies each buttle.
Price 118 cents jilt bottle.
J he subscribers also prepare lustily concen
trated Essence of Pure Jamaica Cinger. Price
J." cents per bottle.
l ull ( iitiiuc'ir.t of drills with prices attached
furnished Physicians gratis. Also priced Cata
logues of I'liru C tiCliilcals for nnalyiitul
'J'he attention of Druiwists is particularly in
vited to our slock of line drills, chemicaU, &c.
Druggists nnd Manufaclurinu Chemists,
Pith & Arch Slrcel, Philadclphin.
October 25, 151. 4 mo.
Office ia Market street Snnhury, opposite
Weaver's. Hotel
13"B CSINl'.SS will l e promptly attended to in
uk the ( .'iiniiiii of iwihuinhcrlaud, I'nion,
C'olonibia and Montour.
ttnt'HR to :
A. Jiiiinix, Es., 1 D. Hum, Mt. Vernon
C. J. Imii siii, House, 2d atreet.
itiitbtu y. S. Ilos s ii roi, 43 Mar
C. M. HiLi..V'oM e. I ket St., l'liUudrljilua.
Sunbury, Oct, II, 1851 ly.
Stoves! Stoves!! Stoves!!!
f, S the eidd weather is Approaching, llie suh
J9 scribcr would resiiccttidly call the atten
tion of the public lo his kto.-k of stoves, aelected
from the latest nnd most nppnned patterns, cou
sitin! of j
Cook, Parlor, Air Tight, Chamler, Office
oud lloat Stoves, all of which will bo disposed of
at astonishingly low prices. Persons in want
of Stoves and desirous of (eltin! the "worth of
their hionfj'' are invite J to call before purchasing
No Stoves kept that cannot be recommended.
He also continues to manufacture
'1'ln n Mii''t lion Ware
in nil its varieties, lirass Kettles, Dippers, DUh
Pans, lirillaiiia Ladles, Japanned Ware, Ac.
N. P. Porons purchasing Stoves of the sub
scriber, can at any time procure Cylinders,
(rules, Fire Urick and odd plates, to replace audi
as may be rcuuired.
Northumberland, Sept. 27, 1 S." 1 . 3nio.
The Cai'oalost
l.f TIIC K'MOt.C Woki.o
tW PV4 $1 pr Holtle, or Sir Hotttfor Li
lt 1 now put tip in M'AKT IIOTTI.KH, of th
lim ptiicer uud mtdiciit vfiwey ki when in miiuM luittlt.
t'.urh tsirtt hotilH contaiFif KlXTV-Koi'K IXISIM.
ui th infiltration! art to Mriiiitflr ('unrriurnOil
that only Ont TnUetpwnful it rcqtinvil at a l)ir ihrt'6
timtt a day thut ouo hottle )( Twpii()-4tn Itnvfl,
wlnrti it tntu li loojjr than a Itotilt of anv oil;r uifttirme
latta, Urrauau there ia rnquirtsti of Una a lta quanlllv
at a doi.
The rni tHttriortfy of thia It I nod 1'iirlfler or til
other uiolirtna, ctiimia in a prrnt iniaiirn in it po
HMbtnjr aa a pun of lia romrHund, tha powerful (llrtllrul
Vil'iiira of kutue Sciirre H'J Itiirn
Indian Roots and Barks,
whit'h n ntttfr thftlinne piiifMf t. Thctn ar ilif inoUrr.
Inn til'ttl(ra of the lllnnilldal wtro vr known to
f itlietr Imti-tn or v'ltte at. in. ami ilnf Ireiti; computtmimi with
SarsapariJla, Yellow Dock,
ntakf tli i VravttiMfl Kxtrnrf. nt only tha preiitni
lllwoit I'lirlhtr, tul alu, a rhfiiper mtdtcin iy
aTiil oiIiIn il.A'i any utUfr. It it cheaper. Iicunf ilia
f ttaniity of it Mint limy Uv Ixnit.-lit for Ollf lftollnr will U(
iiiurh Imiatr utiil wilU-ttrtt Tru Ttniea mure Klttud.
dii-ne. tliuu inie Ihdlar't worth of anv oilir lueiiicme.
tV Fr uuduuUrU proof of the t'u'fuf
Scrofula, Fever-Sores,
ItetitJ. Head, FrytijteJn$, S.ilt-hlhrum, Rfttvmitiim, S whit it,
UruUinmt, Pun pirn on (A t'ticm, ,lver( uiiiplultita,
I' tie, l.umbdyn, Vnneirout Vlttrt, ('ollvpirHN, Hurt
h-W, ITMtia1n, J'uou m (A Suit, Hrtti, Humm, mnd
Jointt, and ail oinra 1 Mruac-Bi.ooD Iiicirt, ra our
PAMtHI.KTS ltd UuiHitniU cvarjr Ageut baa Utain Kj
Ifiva awaj.
Pom i a li y J. W. Frilin(r, Hunburyi Mary A. Me
Otiy, N'oithunilwrlHad ; John li. Haaat, Miitoa; Jlayti 4
McConmck, McKwonavtlia.
Muy 3, lfa-51, lw ly.
TNK Boureau's celebrated ink, snd also Con
grs ink for sale, wholtsals snd retail by
D.c.mher 18, 18A0. H B MASSER.
1? AZORS A lunerior article for sals at the
I Hon of U K V MAM K kt
uuntmry, fsb. 16, 1819,
Fr ik Car mt
noARSEnrsss, broxt.
Amonitthe numcrnus discoveries Science lias
nindc in lliis generation to facilitate the business
of life increase its enjoyment, and even pro
long the term of human existence, none can ha
named of mure real value to mankind, than this
contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art.
A vast trial of ita virtues throughout this broad
country, has proven beyond a doubt, thst no
medicine or combination of medicines yet known,
can so Btirclv control and cure the numerous va
rieties of luilmonnry disease which have hitherto
S'.vept from our midst thousands and thousands
every year. Indeed, tlicro is now abundant rea
son to believe a Keniedv has t length been
found which can be relied on to cure the most
dangerous iifl'eiiions of the lungs. Our space
here will not permit us to publish any proportion
of the cures affected by its use, but we would
present the fallowino; opinion ut cniinsut men,
..rn 4'...,i,A. .u.
. . , . . ,, , . , .
the Agent below named, will always be pleased j
io luruiMi ire, wurreiu arc lull parncuiurs, aim
indisputable proof of these facts.
From the President of Amherst College, the
"'James C. Aver Sir : I have used your
Cur. a a t I'ki i nn i., in my own case of dcep
sented HronehitU, nnd am satisfied from its che
mical constitution, that it is an admirable com
pound fur the relief of Inryngial and bronchial
dillicullies. If my opinion as to its superior
character can be of any service, you are at liberty
to use it ns von think proper.
From llie widelv celel rated
PnOFF.SSUK SILLltoAX, M d. l.l
D., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy,
('c., Yale College. Member of the Lit.
Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific
Suciclits of America and
"I derm the Cui'.itHT Prcmrui. an ndinirable
composition from imiic of the best articles in tho
Materia .Mcdica, and a very elli'ctive remedy fur
the class of diseases il i intended to cure."
New Haven, Cl., Nov. 1, 1 HI !).
MA.lOlt l'ATTISO.N. President of the S. C.
Senate, states he lias used the t'ar.iiiiT Pkcto
ii a i. wilb wonderful success, to cure an inflam
mation of the. lungs,
i'Voni one of the first Physician in Maine
Sto, Me., April t!0, 1810.
Dr. J. C. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir . I am now
constantly maiig our CiinnitT Pi.c ronit in my
jtractice. and pvefar it to any nther medicine for
pulmonary complaints. From observation of
many severe case. I nnt convinced it will euro
coughs, colds, ond iliscaMa of the lungs, that
he put to defiance, all other remedies.
I inviiably recommend its use in casei of con
sumption, and consider it much the Leal remedy
know n for that ilir.ea.-e.
Kesitvctfullv vours.
I. S. crsHMAN, M. D.
Prepared and sM b,, JAMI'.S C AYER,
Prattiral Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by 11. MASsKH, and by
l)rugits genera lb tlirouhnut (ho State.
November 1, IS'il. lyeeomu.
PhcBcis I'irft & Thief Pioof Iron Chesti.
ITTHnV'l'l-Mt ... l. i i.l .iiuil hnt with
aiiv'otli.r'ciiclaiii tlic lountry, ami to
d.'fv the Iiural.i' iii'i'iuiity. MaiinUct.iry, ?o.
lo'lludiion's Alley, running hetween Third and
l'ourth blictls, tiinith of (,'liesmit, and in tho
rear ef the (jiiiii.l liank.
M.A.S., tho I'r.iiu-ictors, arc 1'raotii'al Me-
hniiirs, and H .1 lonlidi'nt. from Ion; experience
ii. ili.. ii .( ni' Iron ('heats und Sufcs, and
a speci d to. this particular hranch, of
ijiMiit' Bulial.ntion to all wlio may (jivo uicni
X. B. We save selected one of the heat imn
cnils cTi-r ucd a a lum-condiictor of in
this liiisiness, and we warrant our Chests and
!S il'e lo 1 made of the hext inalcrial and in the
i'.ot duiuhle niunner, and to stand any heat
thut can he tippli'. l lo them.
Mamifuctorv .No. 10 Hudson's Alley.
Kunning hetween :iid und 1th Mrccli, S. of dies
nut, in (lie rear of (lirnrd Dank.
l'liiladfl.iia, Oct. .'o, lS'Jl. ly
''pilK xindersitfne.l ia in the daily receipt o
I'rosh and excellent Oyster from ths cele
hrated cstalilishinent of Mr. 1'ield, No. 331
West l.otnlnird street, li.illiinore.
All orders will he promptly attended to and
forwarded without delay. Apply to tha sub
actilier at's Hotel, Northuinhcrlaiid, I'a.
rim. IP HIAV.
N. li. Oysieis of coniiiiou quality at $1,00
per can.
()ctoler 1 1, 1 S5 1 3mo,
AVIXf! settled nt Xorlhuinharland, I am
now prepared to furnish
Fresh and Spiced Oyster
durinp the whole season at the reduced price of
one dollar for w hole and fifty rents per half can.
You cull depend upon them heiinf fiesh, aa I
ehnll receive them daily, (Sunday e excepied.)
and when landed here tliey are only 10 hour out
of the shell.
All persons who are in want of the above arti
cle, nt a distance, cm have them sent per dozen
or sinale can hy addieiinn
X. 1). Person" ralliiuj on tho suhscrihcT may
find him either at Uurr's or Haas' Hotel.
Xoithumberland, Oct. 4, 1851.
uar Homes tor aaio uy
U. JJ. M ASS tilt.
Sunbury, April 15, 1851
tII.YKK WATCHES A few double cases
EiiKliuli Silver Watches, for sale at very low
prices hy H. B. MASSt'K.
Sunbury, April 12, lft51.
Banbury, April 1 at 1 't8
U7EE BILLS. Justices and Constables Fes
aa1 U. II. -.-
American Repertory of Inventionr.
To ITIcchniiiCM, liiTCiiforv
nnd ill n ii n Hi c I urns.
REVC.IiTII on .111 gor 1 1IF.
Messrs. MUNN & CO.,
American nnd Foreign Patent Agents, nnd
Publishers of the; Scientific American,
IJESPECTFLLLY .nnounc.s to the pub-sT--
he that the first mmilwT of Volume VII
cf this widely circulated and vstuable journal
was issued on the 20th of September. The new
volume was commenced with new type, printed
on paper of a heavier texture than that used'in
tha preceediug volume. It is tho intention of
the publishers to illustrate it more fully, by in
troducing representations of prominent events
connected with the advancement ef science ; be
sides furnishing the usuul amount of engravings
of new inventions. It is published weekly in
form for binding, and affords at the end of the
yVar a splendid volume of over four hundred pa
ges, with a copious index-, nnd from live to six
hundred engraving, together with a vast amount
of practical information roncerninj; the progress
of invention and discovery throughout the
world. There is nojtiuhjcct of importance to the
mechanic, inventor, manufacturer ond general
reader which is not treated in the most able
manner the editors, contributors and correspon
dents being men of the highest, attainments. It
is in fact tho leading scientific lournal of the
The Inventor will find in it s weekly list of
American Patent Claims, reported from the Pa
tent Ollice, an original feature not found it any
other weekly publication.
All Letters must be p-'st-pnid, and di
f uAWSN C0 j!,,,!, 0f ie j
tific American, 128 Fulton Street. New
York "
Any person who will send us four ubscribers
for six mouths, at our regular rates, shall be en
titled lo one copy for the same length of time, or
wo will lurnisli
1 en copies for Six Months, S
Ten copies for Twelve Months, 15
Fifteen copies for Twelve Months,
Twenty copies for Twelve Months, 2H
Southern nnd Western money taken at par
for subscriptions, or Post Ollice Stamps taken at
their lull value.
October 23, IS51.
A Select School for Young Ladies.
f fII E MiM'liiiiiiestinrc Institute in plraiitnlly
& located in tho healtliv villnue ot Mechanics'
burg, Cumherlaml countv, niito miles west of
Harriflhurg; a villtityo noted thnunjhinit the sur-
roundiiiK Lountic tnr the tuoru lit v ofiti ritizrm,
It ia a,,ees-.ihle by railroad, the I lunbcrland al-
It!V U;iiiroud iiiisMnij thruimh the iiliirc.
The cmirsy til" instruction is am h as it pursued
in the host Heniinaric in the cnuiitry.
It is the design of the Principal to instruct tht
intellectual powers, to cultivate becoming man
ner, and to educate in such a inauiiar, aa may !
prove piactica'ly useful.
The school year ia divided ititi two eml-an
uuul M'ssion. each of five calendar month.
'J'he summer session eomme nee the first week
in April, and closes during the last week of Au
gust. The winter session coinmencea the lit
wick in October, and terminates the lat week of
At the close f each session there will be pub
lie ex an inatious.
Terms :
Boarding, including light.
par session 5 mo. fiSO.OO
Tuition, " ; 10,00
Modern languages, M " 10,(10
Drawin. " " 0.00
Mnsic, Piano, with use, " " 15,00
Or, if preferred, jier session of 6 mo,
including the above item, 65,00
Payable in advance $35. balance at the cloe
of the tiesston.
Hooks, stationery, music, oVt, furnished at
Philadelphia prices.
l,upil will be receivetl at any period during
the sertsion, and eharped ftocordingly.
For further iiiforiuatioii, please address the
Principal for a circular.
trclianicRbura;, Aut?. 9, 1831. Sino.
TlIO roxiHvtfuilT informs his frinuls i
' rustomors tliat lie has returned IV
! I'UiUdelpliia. with an excellent assortmenl of
New Spring Goods,
which lis oilers for aalc at his olJ atanil in Mar
krt street,
est piini.
1'hes eooiU will ! told at tlit Inw
His stock, consuls of tvsry variety,
Dry flood.,
Sath tt Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins. Caluaes,
Ctiijiam. Lawns, Chintzes unH La-
ties Vress ana tuncy Goods
Also an assortment of
ralm Leaf Hats, Cap3, dkc,
llurdwan. Iron nml Steel, kt.,
A gsneral tsiortmeiit of Groceries, Snjsr,
Collte, Tea, Chfesc, Mo
lasses, Spices.
riT Troduce of sll kinda taksn In sichatije
st ths higheKl market prices.
Sunbury, Uy 24, 1851.
7II.LIAM HOOVER respeclfully informs
his friends and customers that he b
rs mat ne uas
ith an excellent
jut returned from Philudelphia
as.sortinent of
which he oilers for snle at his new store at Mas
srr's Mill, Hollowing Rim. These goods will
be sold at the lowest prices.
Dry Hoods, fyc,
Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Callicoes,
Ginghams, Lawns, Chintzes and
Ladies Dress Goods generally.
An assortment of
Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, Ac,
A general assortment of Groceries, aucli ss
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molas
ses, Spices, &.C.
Also an assortment of Liquors, such ss
Brandy, Hum, Whiskey, Wines, iVc.
("7 Froduce of sll kinds taken in exchaiie st
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Run, May 10, 1851. ly.
GER, a fresh supply just received, and for
sale by
April 12, 1861.
KOSE OLXTMEXT A freah aupply of this
excellent article for Teller, c, just received
and for sale by HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, July SI, 1849
GOLl PENS with end wittiest silver esses
' just received, snd for ls by
tl U. NA8K
r ;i:i aui,i;
II U K I Mfi, F 11 C N K FI ELU & C J.
No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia.
rrHIS pDwder it entitled hy the united teatlmnn nf t:
I whi hve tisftl it to the first rHiik of ell thtsa CAT
TIsK Mf;UICINK, which hnve been thovglit praisa
worthjr f r mauv )mts. Indeed we ehallenfa any ptnsi
torn ike a dpc-rtur. many pownV? that aata in the taraa
in mer. If the Hiiiinnt be perfectly henllhT it will eithar
ne euaethe atnjunt of rmlk r fream nnd hotter ( tr tee
mimnl will improve ramrtly in fut. It will Iheraror :n
tune h c tniiilered we have 'no duiit one of lh staple afli
ci!if every Parmer, who keps a dinry ; and of eTtrf
prs n owuiiin a hotse. It ia imt one v( those kiiKl o.
Miitvke tha meruly swell an animal up for a ehnit
time. Imt it will bv the ennacitv which it hat nf eonTtrtinc
111 PPL' It IC AClil rwliirh ia nn flTi-t a matter) into Lac
tic AC:t nr ot.B(.B; rnntff ii prrenter amount of nutritions
iintter io ne fxunroo fpun the sntne nmonnl or loon, inaa
p'tMihly cnnlil lw, wrt! the nctive principles of nutrition
t' p;iss imt of the svttem in the form of HtvPuatc Acift.
Ve have iireivt-d a inuhitude nf evidence to prora what
We hiive ati id nlnve. Snflice to sny :
We have miinl the active npent, with a great numhf
nf VKratAm.K plnnta and hrrhs, which tune and uae have
ppivcd to I e nn-hil, improving the nppHite nnd pr m'ttint;
differ, jyn f ttie fn ,(j , t s,rriirii,p n hpfilthy e 'iidition nf
the hio-'fl, fmrn Whirh the Mn.e nnd Fat must be formed.
It nmy We usrd f,,r IlnRF, Cuwe aadlloos for lha fuliow
ing eumpluiiiuand diseiiKcs.
YliLIsDW WATKR, a dangerous sickness, which de
lirnyt many i-uluttl.le lioitfa every yeer, is very ofteu
entirely ennd by the free nae of tint powtler, in ail vasoe
it will prevent the dmrnne fmm coining on.
This disease ii 'nvnmn in a bud nnd impoverished Bttt
of the blood which becomes thin, watery and of all yellow
col- r.
This powder hy improving the stnmoch end giving V
the blood a ci eater rjuuntity of red particles, niTrda tha
best and only poMKible chunct of recovery. If the hone
in for g 'in;, give m riiing nnd niuht a tabtepoonful in wet
feci, il' in lite hfainhitig once a day at noon, if only to pre
vent the disi'HW twice a week.
M,AHI:UlNi. This it the ruination of many valua
ble II trues by rxhnnstion ; by n court nnt ditrharge of aali
va which nuirlit to into the stomuch to aesirt digestion.
It ia a species of ftdivatimi often prmlnced hv Indian To
Ivkto (irowiiic in the pnsture ground A Tableepoonfnl
three liinea u week will frpyucntly arrest the flow, if il
dofs not depend on the Tobacco in the grnp. under such
cirenmrt'im-eft the aniinn! miiPt Itc kept in the stable.
lMSTK.MI'KH 1 1 the powder is curly and freely utd,
no oilier remedy need be used, it hits already cured hun
dreds nf IIohph nt' thin troublesome disease to the surprise
of ihosc who used it. If n:t used early, before matter hns
formed in the neck it c.tnnot rrstnre the nnimnl perfectly
until the m:ttcr is disehargetl. use it early nnd prevent
such a result. A Tablespoon fa I once or twice a day ia
GI.ANOrRf. This disease h:ts ItnfTle'l all Fabbiibs,
Give this powder a f;ur trial and it will do wonders in
this ternbte nnd hitherto inrnruMe ninhtdy. It it a disease
if the phndural nystein nnd kept up by imperfect nutrition,
in sneh crises tt TiihleHnnful every day twice for a month
nr two, in c onsttint succession, will in nine cases out of a
doen eifeet a cure, it h is been fairly tested.
Conehs nnd shortness of Urenth depending on week
luntrs. n Tiitil'sptiititul every inurning j if it abates once
or twiee n w-f-k
POOU I.OW-SlMniTI'.D HORSES, or where there it
any remains of Founder or stilTneas of motion, and the
Horse will tnt fntfen, nr where the hair it rough and
aland straight nnt, the fund sectning to di nn good, tha
powder produces almost iintnedinte improvement of the
ouiinrd ; the digestion itnpruvca and with it all the slug
Kishnes of the miimnl dis:ippe-trs. becjming lively an4
spirited, and the hair smooth nnd slick.
For Mu.Kivo Cows, we are fu'ly convinced that it not
only impr ives th qnnlity, hut that it iucreuses the amount
of Milk. Cream mid Hutier ; some who have tried the ex
periment say it Pound a Week, others say hnlfa pound
while one person insisted upon it thut he made two pounds
more a week from h Cows. We think it will he found
to nver;tpt! I'mm at 'to a pound per week on each Cow,
if the Cow nre peiu :iy hcilihy. This additional amount
is made by the cm version of the llippuric Acid into Nilro
penuiisinid fatly c impounds ; als t by supplying the oxy
gen taken in lv the Inns, wiih the elements of reaction;
Wliiioiu laKiiur nnv (l llie .Miroeenuua porii"n or uif itu,
lllild.DW 1MR nr W(),K; HOOF DISKASI'
nnd nil other discuses of neat cattle depending upon a bad
state of the fluid, are rein ved speedily nnd eflVetunlly.
Cows, whitse itnik is blue, thin ond watery nnd where it
dues not yield much cream, or where Cows give bloody
milk, ur winch are used to aland long dry, it will he found
nn aimot infalUMe remedy, hv improving the eoncbti n of
the I .toed and creating a healthv digestion ; a Tableaponn
ful every day or every other day as it may be necessary.
ig m the summer often overheat themselves, get swel
led necks, coulis, ulcers in the lames and I.iver, winch
cause them t i die very suddenly, these may ba prevented
entirely by puttint; u pound ur a hnlf into n Barrel 'f swill i
nnd ii will at the nine time c miiderably hasten the fallen
in? pr 'cchs.
N. 11. In an animal which is giving milk and you are
desirous to fatten nt the same time, you should iv:tgv
more than a tableipoonful nnee a week or it will reuod lha
formation of f it by increasing the amount of
I-et eac! pera n try its cfTocts for himself and he fill
s on be Kiiihticd of its exec lie m quulittes, and thul no Far
mer should be wiih 'lit it.
For the purpose of finding ont still further how fsr our
justly eelehrn'ed CATTI.i;lOWIKU, is entitled t tha
C'.iiti'dcuee i if an intelligent people; we hnve addreasau
letters lo all part of tite t inted States, where our F w.
der has been used, and we are able n w fr"m the evidnc
thus brought before us. to assure every Fnrmer, Diarv
ntan nnd LIors-iuan, tint it has thus far veiy mush ei
ceeded our in ! incuoie expectati 'nt.
With the additional knowledge thus far obtained. Wi
Ilorn we will he enabled to make the best nnd nV'St per
fect f'.rn.i Mrdicik ever yet ofTered to a diacerniug
pe p!e. It ads as n valunble promoter of difesti.iu. im
nrivea tlie nualitv of the blond and thus incrensrs tha
j nnnomit 'f eiilier Fut, Milk and consequently of Hatter.
J.veu in the healthv Animal
He ware of Vu'nterfeits ns the extensive sa'e of eer
powder hns induced otheis to make an imiution of it
F.aeh puck lus our written iguaiure nn ttie end.
Philadelphia, July il. 1S51. ly.
Attorney and Coimsellor at Laur,
"17ILL attend faithfully and promptly to alt
' professional business, in -Northumberland
and I'nion counties. He is familiar wi.h ths
(icrmnii lanr;u:icc.
OFFICE : Opposite the "Lawrence House,"
a few doors from the Court House.
Snnhury, Aug. lo, 1851. ly.
Tks llniislli i Help and Husband's Jf t
DOT. 8 away entirely with that laborious tuV
of rubbing the Clothes upon the washboard
It contains no ingredients whatever, injurious tr
the finest fabric or the Jleth. 'J'he proprietors
wish every one to give il a trial, and if it do
not prove to he as recommended, the money, i.
every such case will be refunded. Full direc
tioua accompany each lioltle. Retail price l't
Cents per Uottle, kullicieut to do two grdinarj
waihiitgs, and saving the Clothes more by ne
rubbing them, than the cost of six bottles be sides
removing stains of fruit, &e., if llisre k)
any, and the tunc and labor saved.
Prepared only hy
I. P. 1IOYT & CO.,
P. A. Fox, McEwensville, sole ssent fort'
Counties of l.'uioii snd Northumberland.
1'hiladelphia, Aug. 30.
Tht! utnlcrsignnj hnve entered into Co-pc:
iioiship under tho firm of
Paper & Rag Business,
At No. 5, jliiur Street, Philadelphia.
ViniEHE they intend keeping a large f :i.
" ment of apers, &c., consisting in y?r. .
follows t
riting papers ; wove snd laid, American r.
Li 111 li Posts snd Note papers wove and 'i.i.
gilt snd plain.
Folio Posts, Flat Capai Printing Papers, 'i
Hardware papeis, from 19 by 24 to 40 I vS
Culored and white tissue papers. Am' , -.'
and English, llollingsworth's Patent Mr "i
Colored end white Shoe papera, common d
extra sites. Dull Envelope papera.
Colored Printing and Coter papers.
Manilla papers, all sues, Glazed Royal, a !
Druggist, Dlue Medium and Filtering r'
Tra, Secret and Colored papers for con;?
liag, Manilla and Straw wrupping paprrt
Itumiet, Hinders, Uox, Cap and Trunk r.osr J.
W hile und liuff Envelopes j Legal, 1 ;:io.'
Note and Card sizes.
Age nts for Bliss, Potter tf Co'
Printers' Cards
in packs snd sheets, white snd colored oJJ si-
ees, cut lo order. Also, their Gilt, FijUisJ t.ij
Plain glazed papers.
JOSEPH RIM BY, late of 88 N. Third tl
N. S. LAWRENCE, late of No. S Mi ai
N. B. 500 Tone of Rags wanted in etc:.i..g a
lor cash.
Philadelphia, July 26, 1851. firao.
) sivo tnd legal eiivelrna foi e'
I ' 10 - a l y
n toy's clothes.
ttd of spectacles
eass si this of
-" ts..i,rV. A il w . -
.1 - ... .
1 t
oineiy prints) e cam psper, lr 1 ,
J fnVurr,Asrfi4 t m