Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 08, 1851, Image 4

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P ii C t V y .
Pwni the New Haven Journal mid Courier.
What Would ye, troubled iiames, your
', . . ' wrongs
So earnestly debating 1
' What would ye, In such dninty strains,
,. The cruel men berating 1
i Pops woman really so ilispile
Iter present honored station ?
By man protected, loved, adored
Is that mere degradation 1
And would ye spurn the hallowed boon
Of sweet dimieslio quiet ?
The bliss tind charm of woman's life,
Ah, must ye needs decry it t
Are ye, indeed, so sore oppressed 1
Your chains so very galling t
And would o leave your present lot,
. And try man's rougher calling 1
A comic sight it were, I ween,
On board a ship at sea
Tarpaulined beauties reefinri sails,
And crying "Jlcave-kn-ce'."
Or on the deep, harpoon in hand,
in chase of Spermaceti,
Or landing cargoes at the wharves
0, would it not be pretty 1
And would not ladies seem to bo
In excellent employment,
As drivers driving out tho men
Just for the men's enjoyment,
Or, mounted on a rattling dray,
Upon a load of leather,
Would not they perfect graces be,
In foul or muddy weather 1
Or should some more aspirin" dame,
With brick-hod on her shoulder,
Jn well be-morlared Bloomer suit,
Climb up to regions colder,
And on the top of towering walls
Prefer a situation
Pray, who would whisper her's was not,
A useful occupation ?
Or, should some nerveless woman don
Tho Butcher's frock, and slatiirhter
Beoves, sheep and swine, and from her
'" stall
Send round a blooming daughter
All through the town with dainty bits
For man's o'erflon ing larder,
What man of common senso would not
Approvingly rcgarj her 1
Yea, should these malcontents becomo
In all their schemes victorious,
And free llieir ancient lords, at longth,
From many a task laborious ;
And woman turn the social world
Completely vice versa,
Then men, 1 fancy, for tho change
Would rather kiss than curse her.
Aye, let its take your places, gills,
And put on silks and lace,
And carry sun-shades when we walk,
Lost we should tan our faces ;
And scat us by tho parlor fire,
And in a quiet manner,
Peruse tho last now Novelotte,
' Or play at the piano.
And let ns make your round of calls,
And chat about new dresses,
And go to parties now and then,
Or to tho watering places ;
And there be ilattered and caressed,
And pardoned all offence?.
While yo the pains and troubles take,
To settle llio expenses !
But nre'ye quite in earnest, now,
- Yo women so ambitions,
To wear the what is'l ? nnd to think
. Tho men arc so ilagitious 1
I can't beliove'ye really mean
- Ono half of what yo mutter ;
Sucli,over-wronahl complaints, I ween,
Ileal woman would not utter.
Your faces t have never seen,
And yet l:m half persuaded,
Yo can't be very beautiful,
At least are somewhat faded,
Your lone it seems loo querulous,
And if I might conjecture,
Tho things in which yo'd most excel
Would bo a "Caudle Lecture !"
Or? if ye aro but single dames,
I fancy could I cast
Your horoscope, and to my view
Call up tho faded past,
I'd find ye onco were giddy flirts,
In all your aims disjointed,
Js'or should 1 marvel much to hear
That yo'd been disappointed !
But, prithee, why not 'pour the blame
Upon the real deceivers, (
And uol become in all mankind
Such arrant unbelievers f
'Twill be, I fear, of slight avail,
, This meeting in "Convention,"
And making speeches to attract
Xtio"t;aping world's attention.
I cau'l but tliittk ye all would bo
More useful anil contented,
And lid more worthily the lui
By Providence presented,
If yt would all go home auain,
And mind your homo affairs,
And leave for sterner men to bear
Life's sterner weight of cares.
Don't think of love till your upper lip ri
pens with a moastactiti ; nor or matrimony
till you have harvesled your wild outs.
Husbands, like NTines, are all iho bellfr for
a liltlu age.
Ah Ijiglilimati observed a stono toll
ilown a staircase. It bumped on every
stair till it camo to the boliom ; there, of
course it rested. "That stone," said lie,
"resembles tho national ileU of my coun
try it has bumped on every grade of the
community, but ils weight rents on the
A young gentleman who has just mariied
a little undersized beauty, says she would
have been taller, but she is made of such
precious mateiiaU, that Nature could not
afford it. Iluvr full of ugar the honey
moon makes one, don't it t A year fioin
now he'll be swearing about the house
because, hi "d fool of a wife has
bee cleaning the cooking-stove . with his
best shoe-brash."
Hard or Hijiief. Joe who 1 an
incredulous dog, was listening to a wonder
ful storv told bv old H . in w hich his
daughtei Mary bora a conspicuous part.
:e looked wise and ilouDiiul. '1.1 you
Joii't i-elieve it you y U n house
and ask il'iry, and lui it Jrom her own
Joe look him ftt his own word, the old
man, followed on to see the result, and
found Joe kissing Mary very sweetly.
'Whaf on aiiih are yon about V
0h, taking that awful tough story from
Mary't own lis but 1 am saiMlicd now
AND nil itlMnjcs arislnc fnitrl clii'wclf ri lirtr er
mseh, mrh nscinstipstinii, tnwsrtl Tilt l.'atlnes. nf
M l tn the licsl, AHilnjr of Hie tli mtrh, MltHun,
Hfnnrh, kmut Krtictttii, Inkim or (1 interim nt U'fc pit
of i In Hlonvidi. wimniin i'f llie Imrriro. Aw, d hit en It
brunt hi mv, tlillnring t llie lirt, ohkin( or ai8 waling
ftwntioiii Iipii inn lrinff pttiir, limine of Yitini,
d nirr wrhn heforthe tiplit, Ttrer mirl dull pnin tn Ut
It end. deficiency of peripimli ui, rellownaw nf tkiii p4
ern, ptin in tins anlc , rfieat, limit. Ar., tiUln
fl'iilut if hmt Imrninjr in the flftflh, iifttBnt iintgiiiing
of evil, ami prmt ttepretKjnii of spirits,
can mi r.vrr.cTLAUY cm fin tir
C til P. ATI.) f Kllll AN llllIKUft,
rusfAitttn pt
IV n SWO Arch St., rkllnriVlphln.
Their power ovrr the nlw-ve rlistvifici is not fx relied, if
eqiiiincn, hy nn j- Miliar prrpurmion in tho I mini ruiei,
m the cure utU-t, in mny cum nil or nkilliul piiniiatn
n;n in i it'ti.
Thcue fJilters pre woritiv llirv ntleulinn of invMi.!.
PiWMiiiH oiTul virtum in the rerii'k-.iti n -f diunsritf
Uie livcr uitif Itwer phuitls, cxeremirK the in t icmrUirf
pwer in wiikm-ps untl :ilfTlieim ot the liivthve iiiti,
they ure,, unl'f, nTtnin ml plnmnt.
1 olii 1 lie llolt.ui IlLt'.J
The IMtUir aniit, ler. M
Hie rure nf l.ivrr tinpl;tinl, jniitiIie. Uypfpsia, t'ltn-iiie
or .NervouR iK'hility, is ilexr mMlly ononflhe ni -att vp-
lltr in- diniK nf tin" il iv. TlicMt: il:tt;i Jutve l Cil usnl
hy th'iiucinJfi, mid n fricnil nt our elbmr tiit he lnt liiin
s.'lf riM-rix cil nn rllVfliitil niul prniinnrnt rure nf ,ivar
C-tnpl-Hiit from the ttsmf this remedy. We nre C'iiviiirfll
licit, in tic use of these Hitters, the patient ivnutnn'lT
pniiH eirriirth nnd vigor l Uet wmt'iynl trent eiiiniu
nuinii. I m y :nu picrtatit in tn;e iit: Kinr-ii. nhtl ran ls
used hy pirR'iiii wiih the nit d''h"t eli tint.--liF wiili tafa
ty, under tiny rirnunsinnrrs. We w.e nw:kvi I'rcin tx
perieiieii, nnd to the nldiiMcd we ud is their ittc.'f
'S 'tv'ik AVei;kiy,m otic of l!ic l.itciary pnj em
pnlilis-ird, Kiid, An-. '2-
''Pit. If'Vti i,Mi' (;t;i!MN IIiTTnn, liim-t 'nred hy
1-r. Jnckn.'!!, nre tnw rei"nnmrndfd ty nn' the itf.i.i
pruinim-nt im-itiJu-rB nt" the f u nity nx tm iirtif!. 'it mneh
ruh-ju-y in r.injt nf iVuiido Wfiikin H.. A kui-Ii i tho
rase, wi wi'uld ndvisc nil iit'lln-ri t i -1 f ri i m n h fill', nnd
thus win rhfui!elvfft mtu-h fifkniH. !'i-i"s 'im of dclitliin
if funs! itmi' its will iiii! IIm.ko Hitters advrmtuve-.ita lt
their lien tih, n we kn-tw irmn experience Lh nalwury
eiTrei they liuve uprti week synteins."
More Evitknce.
Thfi "Philndelphm fnturdny Cazrifc." the Lett fa ml!?
newspap"! pulilished in the United Stales, tlie edit r syn
Di huoflamVs German Hitlers.
I;lt is slilom il fc: we reeomtnend whnt are termed Pa
tent .Medieinrs, tn t:ir unfidcnce find p'tiri'iuice nf onj
reinh'iT ; and. theief.tre, hen we ree.iu.inriid lr. IIo f
lund's fi'Tmuii Hitlern. we wis it to he ditinc:ly tindet
Btninl Ihnt vu nre ict Bprukinc" nf the ii'tMrnnn of Ida
day, tlint nre noised nliut fnr a In iff prri.'d rnd then
enlien nftei lin y li.tvcdnne their (mlty rue cf tn'wtiiif,
int nf n medicine Iciip psl:d)lihe:l, univerKilIy prized, nnd
whirh h:ta met the Iniirty nppmval the lWnlty itself,'1
llvidenee iimn evidenee ha l-oen rceeived (like tlie
furrftoini;) from nit seetinns nf the L'nion, th.i ln!t thro
yearf, and liie fctronpeM lestim'Uiy in its fnvot, i, that
lhre ih more of it uped in the prnetieeof the repulnr Pliy
aieiitns of i'liihi.lrlpltm, than nit oilier n mt ruins eomliined,
n fnet that can easily he efiahltiihtil. nnd hillv provinp that
a Bcientihe pn pariiti'Mi will nie-t with their quiet approval
when presented even in tins form
'J hat this medicine will eure l.iver Compl.iint nndTlTs
pepsiti, no one can douht, after uiiig it. us directed. Il uets
specifically upon the Htninneli antl liver it is piefTcrnhla
to enloiiie) in nil IhUi his diSfiisrs the eifret is iM(indin:e.
Tliey can he iidiuiiiilered to Femults or Iniaat wiih SMtaly
nnd reliable bene til, ut uny time.
hkware of coi'NTnnrr.rrpt.
This medicine lias nt.nined that hitrh rhrmieUi' wliieh is
necessary lorutl inedieiiies to nltiiiti in induce enunleifriwrs
to put forth n ppuriou article at the risk of the lives of
UU'se ore innocently iicjeivui.
hovn wki.lto Tin: marks ok tiih Gr:tip..
They lmvn Hie written signature of C. M. JACKSON
upon the wrapper, and tlie iminc Mown in tlie battle-, with
our which tliey are sputi tus.
1'or bale, wholr?ale mid re'.nil, nt the
German McJidne Store,
N-v 100 ARCir Street, one d-vr lel w Pix'h. r
97y. Knee street.) Philadelphia, nnd hy reseelah! ilcaitis
generallyjliroughout the country .
pmci:s nr.ui'ci:u.
To enihle hil clashes of invalids I enjoy advantages
of tneii gieut restorative rowers.
Single Lot He, 73 cents
Amo: Vorsnle hy II, Ma'FK, 5iiiibury, and M. A
M'Cat, Noriliuiiilieihmd.
Annual 30, Ittfl. ly.
EM MEDIATELY uu Uie TrevorMn Kail IIml.
Srrlioira i51 & .r)2 ; nt tlie Monlh of the M.i
iionoy Cretk, to whom liberal wanes will he imuI
fr.iihtiry, July 5, 1 Sol If.
llns. MAKY WEAVER resjieolfully inrotini
O- the public and trae!liii!; eoiuiuiinily Renernl
ly, that she has opened this larie aiul eouinioilioiis
liUTEI., furnished in a superior utyle. From
her lou experiiMiee in the liusiiicbii of a 11 rst rata
Hotel, and well known reputation to neroniuio
dale, her customer may depend on beintf bupplird
with every thins Cundueive to llieir comfort a::d
Eeli. 1.). 1851 t(
BIIE su'osrritier respectfully informs her fririuU
A and the public generally, that she has
the above well known Ktand nearly opposite tin
Court House, lately occupied hv Mr. J. C. l'cr-
kius. She trusts that her eperience in buin;s,
and' I.'fr eflorts to make her guests comfortable,
will (;ive oiil.'r" satisfaction to those who may fa
ror her with their fstom-
March 8, 1851 tf.
fJJIR suhscri'icr respectfully iutarms tho pnM!.
IL tliat he has oiicucil a rubln: jijii-'e, in 11
new town id' Trevorlon, Northumberland couiitv
nnd that he ii well prepared to accommodate hi
quest d in tlie licst manner. II is houe is locali d
neariy opposite the Company's .lore. He is also
provided with giiml htablinn bullicieiit for 20 hor
se, lie trimlM by prompt uud carclid attention
to husiiuiis lo meet a chare of the l ublic iiatrou-
aw. ih:.m:v h n.'kavi:;:.
Trevorton, dan- 11, ls.ltl if-
I5H;.i"t'Y lY!
Tlie attention of the public is culled to the ad
veitiM'ment of .Mr-C hai li s ( 1 ucLvr, Attorney
and Agent at Washilon City. Pcrsoiia huv
hit; claims lor bounty Lands or Pensions are in
formed thai tho subscriber h is ninde nriuniremenln
for the requisite forms, and clainmiits c.illiinr at
his ollice, can have their Jiajiers ireiarci and
lurwurdcd to ,yir 1 i.l U asliin;.,l,,o, ond
by him be properly attend, d to before the De
partment there.
IL 13. MA&SEH.
Hunhurv, Jan. 14,1851
J A 31 A 1 (J A U 1 N (I K II .
MAUI' from the beil Jnninii Oiitpr, ij the wluaUe
iiiili'iiril vyrtiy t-f whiWt il will te I'.muU to itv
h-h in u ciiiivt'iiii-n! utul v HKM iitruictl I mil.
It ib u uiil riiicM'iit ami ul the fcuue time liiiiihU-M. L'untk
Bliiiiul limy Iv in I t llio ttii:a'Ii, nn.l will hu lnuiul very
lietittifinl in r-!ievit)? tUe :iiulul uml itir1r(in; ivclni':
uciiititjii-t Uy lliu liM'airtti ttcu-in m lUut iiiipof utnt orji tu,
IT'Ui imll Hu w nme i .'a-i; k'uiui i turn in u vnit:-iM:iss-ful
ol' wcetfiicJ wulor will iiiimc-tiiatt U- rt' lUe limn.
It'iicy iuittu(iprrwiin rehultui frutn iiuiivtvfii-.ii, ami il tukt-n
two or iiirt!c iiuici iiiiny, am reuiun, win it itiuiui inuhly
UBlUil Di;uilllSt tilt! luHtiltlllll'Ullil KfllliC I'l Nlllkill ul lllt'atolll-
ach niul U'liilcncy 1 iu ilitt trilt-n-tl ii-iiu ccii(iiiitinl . ihe
fiier vuiinH illtcl ol tlie tmimuur liftut. ur I tllowuif; uiicr iu
dinpiitiuuii, uuit lor corrci tuiK ike mt ij u iit stamen tif ilwrr-
It ii ulsi ait FX't-lk-iU nied.rine fr l!n i who have lu
iifl tUc t 'lie itf tlinr feiiuuai-liv hy tha iuiui,nlr r;ite uw of
tuLnxicutiii,' liquor, hy i( Kliihily utiiiialntuttf cflfot upini
1 lie kloiiucit rcui'iviiiR llio vtn inn in fctnuuluiiiB, while a
hits no iujiiiiudi iii'it in mi On' lira. n, uuJ ii ii 't HUcetvtluj
hy itfliiiirti nf ilepriastiitii, wl.u ii ulwayi fallow lite umc 04
ulc-tli'ilic vtiinuiuiir&.
A ft-MT itrupi inUii " wtffiirftiiii, rhulsiiih or ther jui re
live uicvlifium, will Ruder tlit-m m re utu-fptalita ti the
rimrmrli niul prcv'unl the gnping which it apt toatuttmBy
then urtioit.
A m nu OS F, SMITH,
N. V. corner of lih and Chestnut Struts.
riiuflll'r.tfl, April l'i, I VI lv
- Kcw York Importers nml Johbrrs " f
bo ifinEJvnr sriusiiT,
lhiwttn liroftdihiy and NasnauStriett
Ncftr the Tost Office.
"STTK ife rrccitina;, bV tWy nrrWnU from Ka-
ropc, otir Full ntn! M'tnlcr BMnrtment of
We resprrlftiHy ivit n Cnsh VuTfliiadri
lhorm;gTily to examine otir Stork nnd Trier,
nnd, rs isTF.uisT novKitvn, wr fpcl rontnlont our
IioikU ntid I'riiTR will inducr thrm to tvUn t from
our rti1ul-lihmrnt, Vavtu ulur ntlrnlion i dTo
tod to MIMJNKRV GOODS, nnd ninny of the
orticlri urc niMiufarlurrd cxirps!y to our order,
nnd mnnot lo nurpasKf il in l.rtuty, ntvle and
lSrnutiful Tri Kitilmtm, f r lint, C'lp, Nfck,
nnd Hell.
flalin nnd Tnfirlii liibbons, of ull xildths nd
Silks, Satins, Vtlvsli, and unrut Velvets, ort
Fcatlirrv, American and French
Puliinc, nnd (np Trimminr,.
l)rr i'riinniii. lui';o iifjoi'lnient.
iiiniiroi.lf r;rs, L'aj'cs, C'ulims, X "ndcrulf eaa
and Vi(.
Finn l!m! r-Milfrrd Kexirro and llrmsticsi
Cambric Hnnrlkrrrliiofff.
C'rnpc, I.ises, 'J'urii'toni, Ilhi.iion and Cap
La rrs.
Vulmrirnrs, Tiir,, Thread, Sil!i, and I-ile
Thrrjd ?.;i-t.
Kid, Silk. Srwin Silk, Acc Thrrad, Meiino
GIihts and Mittp.
Fititrd nnd IMaln fwls, I;ook, lis1ip Lav.-n, I
and Jiironct Muslins. I
An?riut :u,
''Sini KiiliM-iIlior Iiir.i.tnR liis fiii'ii.l1 sml
!Ul4ic, lie nnliiiH'H In carry mi llif
MaiMo 1'ii.ine.sfl in nil iN lir.iiit'lu'H, t l:i.,
staiiil ill .Miilon, l'n., ami i jiirjuirod to inuiiu-
Momuacr.t3, Tonxli?, Grnvc;toiiK, c.,
of tlio bi'st mutcrial.", nml ni'ift fiiii.-licil tturk
Inansliin, niul l llio lowest jirirrn.
Letter l 'ultiucr, IjnIii'li nml llrrmKn in tha
iiiikI liiDilorn on. I cli-p ant flvl".
Designs for MoiiuiuoiiIh, liruru 8tonrs, Ac,
always on li.m.l.
N. 1!. Orders for the East siuo of tlie ricr
proniiitly cxoculi'J hy leaviiil llio urn at 111
oiiicc of the 'Suuliury A iiiorii an."
A.N'iliONV Jill'P.
Milton. Mav 10, lfifll.
COMIM?r.HENIVE nummary of Univcrml
' lli.itoiy, together with a I'ioraphv of Dis
tinguished lYrsons, to w liicli i. appended an epi
tome of
Heathen Mythology. Natural Fhilosophy, (Jen
eral AtronolllV mid rhvsioloiV.
Ailoiiteil nnd used in the J'uhlic Sclioo'.s of
V.. S. JOXES ii Co., ruhluheri.
S. Corner FOURTH and RACE .Sis., I'hiln.
Teaches nnd Srhool Committe addrespint
letters to r.s post jmi 1, vi!l la furnished with
copies lor cxiiiuinnlion.
I"? A Full and Coinr-leto Aieortmeut of
BonKtt nnd STATIONARY, Cjr Sula at the J'tirf,
May II, IS 51. ly.
Miisitr Just Piihlislu-tl.
T KE fi VAI.KKK. No.
t, ale coiiM-nillv pti'ili liii
It:!; Che-mut st.,
and receivint;,
new an I beautilnl iolic lioni tlie mo, t dislin- j
,ii: -nod composers.
'J'hc!o',viii list contain some of their eboi
I'Cst Bud loont pn.iiil ir Kjiijs, Waltzes, l'ulkas.
Ae, . . I
Now, thou art Cone, n I eanlitul smnr. words I
by .1. Di.hl, inui-ic hy llambriilije. I
Aiv New i.iiand Hoine. words and munic bv :
Mrs' I,. Wade. ' i
(.'robe's Omnibus; br C. (wobr a collrction j
of Ihictls. ;
Sonne's fmrn Home, piano and ,lo!ui, I'T Jos. j
Cun-'l. . '
Pretty l.i'.tlc Polkas for Pretty Little People,
by .1. I.i.u.'
All the Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worn
Bey, I ilia; 'li.'.n Antjcl, hy t'.ie an:!. or of ''I.ovc Not,n
Hourlu'ld Word, written by 'ouu'r,iio.
'J'be Alliens, words by Thomas J. Uiehl, mu
sic by Ilnir.
l.I'i; & W.M.'ivl'.I! have eo.istaiitly on hand,
Mipci'i ir l'i.inos, niul a sjj.p'y of Martin's Cele
brated Cci'.ar-i, vvliich to;;e!ber with a lino us
sortnicut of Mu-ical In: truincnts and Mcrclian
ili.e in ccncral. cmnjiri'-e a stock not to be iur
pnstv.l by that of nny other CHtahli-hmoiit in the
country. ' Ulli t WAI.lvllii,
Ki'J Che nut ftrret, S'.vaim'e 1! iiil.lin j.
Philadelphia, Juno 'JS, ISol. ly.
xo cum: :o iayi
EuLc-i' Fever tuid Ayio I'Jli ! !
l-''i?I''V.i',.'r m,1 litiPr.K- 'ii"n fur llio Vn.M
niul A tnir is rr'-'ir.uit.'Pil t.i
p.cirant.'cl t.i imv one win)
may um iho J ills, 'j'hey have been Uf-ed for th
fcmi v' '. end ba.c never bfcn known lo
fiil in a niin'e instance a. id in Cases, too,
wheie j'. .' -lints have had the disease lor nevrral
year.i, wiilejut iuiermissiou. The proprietor
elirl.'niprf thr vcrkt lo produce uu article that
will cure in r.s tdnirl a lime, uiihout Ii-iviuir any
delclc-inus ciVrcts from the u.e ol it. If the 1'ills
do lint pi-: form a speedy and perfect cure, the
propilt'tor'.v. id return the momy. J-'ors.ile by
J.icoh it., r.ce. iiiers, iile ; U. Ilellen
s'.i in, 'iVvo.'ie.ii; S. 1!, Llixon, r.;chinikill l.'u
ven; John Av I'.i incr, t-'i.ii!nr.y ; Mary A. Mc
Coy, Northumberland ; llr., l)anville;
Johubarple-s, t'atlauisiia ; Di. Jud l, Williams,
port; John Kaser, Milton, and by resjiectabis
llrugi'-ls throu limit tho Ni.ij.
" J. criri'i0. c. irt;:;i-:s, Propiietor.
Pottswllc, Jui.c 2S, I.
GTJirrur.Y, fa.
rrTili: WLI TLL'S re.pectfullr inronn
Lie I'ulilic Hut lliey ftill roiitinur to rnter-
1 lin ti.neliera and othe.-a at their old establiHl.ed
eland in strict, ivt it of ihe Couit Ifone.
Their loin; t'Xieriencr in the loudness, n ml tho
well t stal lulled rejuit alum ul' their House, will,
they hu.,t, be a tuliicicnt jrnarmitee, that their
customer will be well'd.
March 8, L51 tl'.
Tl1 f TUT"-"? TIT'!
Ir.deGtrr.ctible and Indellille
waxxiua ink factory.
Ku. 1 Sjuth Third street.
j T KUC1IAXTS anil Iho Writing community
ur reijueotcd to call and exumhio llns INK,
whiih in tearraute.t nut to curroic Mitatlie l'tas,
war change its Culur.
Vt'Iion-Kuie uua tlclall,
No. 1 South Third street, Philadrljiliii.
A liborsl discount mado to Merchants and tha
- Kor a!o hy II. 11. Masacr, agent for Sunhury
November!), 1851). ly.
u I-'IIKS. An excellent article, fir sale al
hall the uwnd urieo bv
bujihury, July 7. 1619
IJAlKLNK, currants, citron, ehaew, pnpui j
x sauce, Are. Por sale by J, V. P1ULINU
unbury, Lee. il, IS 18.
TpFIK nttention of Polldera nml other, are fespeetfnlly
1 iiieiirH to the extensive ond well selected at 'ek -t
in iM)l.M.jlAiUiVAItK ami TOOLS, nuw iffered by
tho snltMciiber, coniistitiK in purl ns follows i
' Ainetienn Trout ltnr Ioea, upriffht, with night work,
d.O d or hraas fnrnixtro, ir pori olniu nil rors.
Ainerie.!n Front D.ttr lwks, upright, plnin. tvdh
IKL'lit W Tk, T'lrtted t)f brnsa furiiilitrat. ur mitiM-Liin ull
C d rs. .
Anirrienn fmnt Innr I,kVi and Ptore Ponr, Hnfizon
til or apriftht. Iimss fnmilnre, ir poreelnm nil colors.
Aaieriivm Jlim l ir-Vs, oil sixes nA qaalititl. V Mia or
brr-s fiirnilttre, or poreelaiu nil nilnra.
Anirrie.iii Mnrtice L -eks, nil sir.i a. with pbUed, whitf or
trns turuiutrft. ir poreclnin all e.d rs.
Am-riemi M irticc I,ntehe, nil aixea. with plntM White
or brass furniture, or p rrelniii nil mI ns.
Ainetn-nti Mortir-e nnd Mini Closet hocks, ptHled 01 brutJB
wiHrh r pore lain nil t-lorn.
Aim ri-au Dr p. JSi .pf Thiiinh, tSale, mid Ptoro pmr
AN , Irnvittrd T," V and Iitrhrs nf evetv deseript irn.
H:d lwin. nml Ana fM-.m Bull Iling.-s, til nil sift s, last
or Io'-ki! j -iut,
Shntier. (J.tfe. fsimp, T., Pud M e-Vfl-ip ITin-rea. all kind.
Wmner, (late, I). Kir, Pinch, and Si.rinjr H 11, t f wrought
or ca;-t ir.'ti an I br-ms, everv d -S'ii; ti-ii.
Sti'w. Sprtif, liiii-, 'M. pi.rr of the br-t fpnliiy.
Aineiiran Axle and Mum Ai!t l'ni!es, nf "everv
Anierieuit IJnttojis, plain or cn rbtes, brurs, iron, or
Anirrien X.tb. plute;1, white, irm. or wood, rdl kinds.
tsHsh-Cord, r rnu in end pu:enl. w ilh oilier urlielus t-m
mor-Ti'iis t M'-'hii- ii.
Pi" NA1U4 amt SASlI-WPdCillTr at PACTORY
PitlP.S 1
i'T" All 11 vl delivered fiee of Chnn:e to enr purt of
tho t;ity and l'Mrict
At (Imp e: t ibhslti!!- ti f-:n be f.mnd ;pe rl' the t-nret r
best te.TTMnM!! of Whin- ait.l Pai-ce N.-Ufur 1H'kn, Ar.,
in 'iiy; soMr pa't, r.,i, (tf !,.,. c.nniol be wn. t-r
o!--iiii''i!, at roiy olli-r .! re. TOOLS. .1 i.-li'.- Mi'e !:' Pnnel., ned Rij.p S.iWf,
ini'i .rfid ey,r.-!v l"i r .-:ail frden. u s- l -eliil i b t-.m-.
J I njfent I I t;- e. 't I-r.iV.l I'l in-w. mud- by I'.. V. l ';r
penler, rf I,;i;ii-t, r. Pa., b hur nil made nf sidit v, o -1,
and the P-iilt. irroiti-l and tt i- d. Kfitlv"s .V Willi ihik' make
of (Mii-f-V. Ax-ll.iVhe', Prawui-j 'Knives. .Vc, hII war
ranted ir -'d.
Pii.'.h'f; atvl Si.if-U's nird;e of A;!;;e:-s nal An-rer 11;l!s, r I j
Atnei icfin S'ptnre rmd T!tvt's nf i very d.s Tipti'tn.
AiM-i icni liiilen, I i.(Lii;t.j, ',nvs':llr., t .anpavaeS, rerew
tbier.. A;f. '
Ait" rie:n C. P. HatiiMHTf, Claw nnd W'w elin, nil sien,
AnviN and Vi"i-s, all
Stei'l. In. ii, and Wooden JJraeeP, wiili C. S. lil!s, in
urr-it v-iri-t.
V. tiitux' s A H 'n. Ilntidi'T'a sad nher eeb bruted
nmk -P t t Chist-ls, lih n. Pl iiic-I ronf . A c.. Ae.
Ad-bss C.irviiex Tool, all shapes
m w: one t th ' hf-:t f)i,. tn i rx'tivive s irt nu-nt r (
of Pail 1 mi 11 iii!viti a and 'P iU ia I he Hta: j
A' titt" i '.:i!'li'!i!in-!.i it 15 e i i'' r". n : h-i-.-nre f slmw 1
tlie Ci ' tis. 'tin an- niviied i e.dl an i i x unine i s. r t -
lt;e;it. ana lnnr the priei-K nid, hi'Ior.:
wliert. Come nil I b -e u.h.
Yours, rexperif'il'v.
'WM. M. M d'PPUP,,
N t. as? Market nt.. b'-:v"-n ;th and siii, noper aid
PiiiUlelpbi i, Apiil 1, 1-.1. ly.
PHIL A A3D E.l?:DnT3 ?Jtrv0A3.
stMvntis Ar.u.'(ii:Mi-:s'j' iuo..i
Fares Rrtl ncnl.
Office of lite i'ltHa. o' Hcwliii-i It nil road Co. )
Piiiladelphia, March !J(i, IS.) I.
Two Pnseiuer Triins Daily, (except Munday.')
f N a id after April M, l-.'il Ivxi Ir.iinn will
Vl V run each way, daily, between Philadel
phia and Pottsville
Mnnxixn j.txv:.
Leaves Piiilajc!;,h:a al ?J A. M., daily except
Leaves I'ottiville at ?J A. M. daily except Pun
day.i. AFTl'RXOOX T.JX".
Leaves 1'hiladclplii.i al :jj o'clock, daily, except
Sunday ti.
Leaves PottsviHa at ?, o'clock, daily, except
l'A n ICS,
Petwei'ii I'hiladclpb.ia and Pott.villc, JfS.'iS
1st class cars and sJtl.Sft "d chs ears.
Pelvvceii Philadelpbi a an I lle.inimr, 3 1.75 1ft
class can mid Sil.-lo id class cars.
Depot in I'hiladclphia, earner of liroad"!and
Vine Ulicils,
IVswnaew raunol Outer the cars unless provi
ded with Tickets.
Nl )'!'(.' I'.. Kilty pounds of h.T.vjrnrre will he al
lowed lo each passei, .'"V in thc-v hues ; and pas-
einvei's nre et pre, sly probiliit 'd tinni I ikiir; imv
tiling as baiiL' i.;e bill llieir wearitiir apparel, which
I will beat ii;:- li-k ot'ii.; o'.vucr.
Ly or.U r ...
April 1 '.), !'
he Uoai'd of !a:-a res.
. L'lIAUKDKl),
il. Kecretarv.
S5o Foiiri'r.
STVAl v. il! f.riri! :;0. it' f
.1117 t(l
cti:. ar.v c.ic
it' i-.virl ilitMso tliiit 111. iv
li 111 11 iff liOW inur ti t ;t I K I -
ti'V tit1 nw- invilc I l. his
;trlii ;Vi;.N'i'n .Stnt.
rtinio uinlfi Wis tun
In r tr niili 'tin';. 1!
Philadelphia, without leu of interruption by otii
er patients, firauers and others who have
been ui.tortnmit;: in tlie sclci tiou of a physician
arc in1, il-.'d to call. Tltusp who have injured
thciosclvi s by Mdltarv x ice arc also invited.
1!F.A1 AND ll'iM'LKCT. The alllictcd
wnnid do will to leflcct bcf.iie trustimr their
bcaltli, bajipiues':, and in many caies llieir live-,
in the hands nf physician.-', i in,, rant of Ibis class
of maladies. It is ccr!ain!y iinp,ii.-'i!i!e fur one
r.i. in to nnd 'ix'and all the ills the human family
are subject to. i'l'.erv rc-ijM'ctabli. dtysici in has
bis peculiar branch, hi c.'.ihh l.c is iii.,,'c succebs
I'til than UU prfc-iurs, and to that he de
Votes in ist of his lime an, I tu,lv.
Vr.AK.-S ()!' Pk'A I "IK ",.', exe'ns:ve!y ,lwvo.
led to the litudy and ti'Catuicnt of diseases of ihe
ki sunl ororiiis. uu-ctin r v-. ilh u'e-'s upon the bo
dy., lin-e, or le.-s, pai:m in tl'.e hi nd or
bones, mi rciirial rheumatism, irr.r. el, irreiruhiri
tics, i!i-.eases ai'i-'nu' ii',.ni yntitiitid i'Vi'i'vi s or
iiiijiuritics of liie bled, ubcn-i y liic cnisiituii'iii
l.a bee, .me eufee'.ile.l, c;ia!i!cs the Do -i.r to oj!i-r
..p-'v rV- to ail who may pla, c tlieni.-, ;-. i s
uinler his c.irc.
Philadelphia. Apiil 10,
'TUli; Fiibsci'ilier vvlio re-id.-s in l'bilad.-l liia.
h tillers f.r sile the I' .ll.nviiej; )iroi. my jn Mi!,
ton, Ivo.ihwiil'criaiid county, vi.: Th? lap;.
a It, !-.,
cr Milton, formerly oi ,ie,
Tiie b'.i
.us as a Larria'.'e idal.i is Htii.-
(III feet t'roiit on iii.tier .Marl;
st.-eei, niul -in icet cn 1 ront street, an.! is
tu o
..torici Liah, Al.- i a f.vo ste.ry
iiKiciv' r.LAciv'i-'.Mrrii snoi',
10 by 25 l'ect, oil the k. iiic ireinises, Tho lot ia
on toe corner of ii jier Marlxct ii .d lhoiit titrects,
and is t feel frotil. end loll l-et decji.
The remiM'S wo' ni be valoable l ,r a liindry
or oilier niaiiiil'ael'jiiii jiiivjo)-:;nd will be s ,1.1
on reasonable and in'eoniinoj.iiiii r t mis by nj.
.K iny fiihef tj JACULI CAliilli IA .N,
j. r. v, or.n.fii;i;, ni.. M:iion.r
11. U. M."-i;i. Lmj , SSjiihury.
rhi!ade!)'l.ia, Jau. 'iU, l.i.")l tf-
Vttli:i'oi lion:.M,
j' ILL tr Cnii
J lion's Ml
Cinusr, handsomely bound, L"Ai:-
isi'oar ur tub Ki coiimatio ,
IkiM 1) i v-ii,ioi;s a mi Lkiki kiis, full bounded
or sale at the jiubluln r, jn n e by
Snnlnry, July 11, 1?19
1LAN!C Parchment Paper I)eeda and hianV
Mortira'es, IVaiidn, Eiecutiona, bum mans,
Ac., fur sale by 11. U. MASSER.
uiiburj., April SH, IS51.
pi KU 1IITK flKANUY f"()I1'IU:sEI.
VI.Y(, iut receivet! and' ur sale by
II U. M AftSEIt.
Sept. SS, 1850.
(Ol.A.NK NOTL.S, waiving th eieuijition
Q i law of :ll)0, for sale by
April Bfi, 1H51 11. IL MASEEH.
YvSrHITlNU PLLIU uud self sealing Euve-
' loprs, just rceeived and for sale bv
April 19. 1S51. 11. 11. MASSER.
IOU aalo nt tliis oliiim, Superior lilark Ink,
Cuttle Medii iao at o cts, Pure Eibence of
(J njcr, 25 tenU.
EXTKACT CP (il.NUE 1! A "fresh supply
just reetivcj and for sals at Ihia oflica, ;
Pi ice 25 cenU.
Sunhury, July H, 1SJI.
Al tho ( tiMitct Wu Itnoiti ol"
siarx HOUPT & CO.
Haiket Gijuare, .
Also ol if enrnrr of I'iwii s!rtcl & the Railroad
SUNBl'RY, l'A.
Thanltful for the patronacre of Ilia friends and
rustonif rs dnrinn the 17 years he has been in Iuih'i
iicm in this place, he solicits from the public a con
tinuance, of their favors. During this period he
bns endeavored to keep up with the improvements
of tho day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch nnd variety. The public nre
therefore invited to the nticntion of the prevent
stock of
MAN'TArTt'tipn nv
Al lit; Old ,'Vniif,
Where in ndd-lioii to their fornjer clod; of the
establishment liiev now maiiuf.iclure
li'nhogany, WRlnut & Cane-S?nt Chairs, j
l.ttrcrr. Sjiriir Srnt J!ic!;i,ir Ci.-irs, j
lJrfusimr liirrnif, Cvnfrc 7'"Wm, :
MfirUc. Top 1 1 '' Sfn nh, j
nnd a r tridi of o Hut J
m:w ! jk and
E :iriio;::i?i?e EttrLi arc. j
Tlavinsr secured a He n. and ui.-.d - tl.e ur I
sary nrran-j-emciits for tlie pui-po e. tlinv are noiv '
prepared for I "iiiIrrtnknitT ill nit it-t li;-unehe, i.i j
this vicinity or nt any convenient ilM inee. !
V iikiM an I n'ilr,v-. n:i 1 I 'is'iii, l i, I
H'Tc I'lUiiiiitr.' .l rvi-ri- p' !- mil Inn-. I
I'p'in snt m, . , , i.jt, .;,,, t.,i,,.,,
I'r urni ki." rlnira I L:i:rr;rln
Sli I'l l y.'ii a., Inve p,,. i,.M,!y; I p. .-.
V..-'I1 wnitaul-ile f -r a t,ri.!il-r 1 tin
Or lake 't ::.... .,(s, e rn. mi en. i
J ink. ;i t . M;.V, ., Ii. I.,?,- f ui'l Ii
1 .1. .
Or niiv It. in'; !:-! v-t..'p ii ! t!.r
1'n'Pi j'iiri :in HitrKifS i!i,v-ii tn lilili' ,ii nln. j
' -i: il I ltr, frit-ii'1. f .T rn- fill,' 'Mi l a!.
K ' Ii llrilp n III .vilij. III" lirill.o
! C" I Irders IV. "n a ?i -t - prompt' v nt'eiv'd :
to ir..l work ol a'l ki:i:l i!hvered
VV.1,1 Cisp;
iunl'ii;, .March-!!, Is5il.--tl'
. i'-.'a ,!;.,' -'i. .. O Ji''.'-.M
In RpJinsfyrovp, Fn.
fc?res. tVi5;?;r'i r?::'. J'..'.rr:-
!1!K) in the In -.1 inan-iel a!i war.'
' 1 to pell irm well.
All v:!i intrinitcd In
attended lo.
Seliusiimve, Nov. oil
care will bo
ITS Hi, l3l'.E.l'
if TJ
.w e' -Z fl-J
X. H . Cu, cr r f Third u :d I
a.'on :rr''
s rt; It KTs,
HKTwitKN spiiicr. ami r;
r-i!'Ti'.i'. vi; vt:s . f , x
j prii-in-c ,'.i-.i. in ons ei y
in. I
in I mi. ; i irn; :itj ni' r i:ir :i!,l tit .-r.
in t1!'' !'-if'Ti at ni' iill l'"Mst s i'l ii private n ttiir-. V.-cs m
iitiii-'icil with iilft mj -ii 'In 1 1' fly. liir .i(, i.r lf.'-i, jir.inn hi
tli'.' litM'l ir 1 'i nn-u'iii i:il rli 'inn tti;-m. sTi'-t siris. izr.r, r .
I diso-ifii iirisititr Ir m yi-utliiiili t'jt'vs-jr, ur iinii'ii il its -u lli.-
j LI t. vliic ly tin ' Mtsuui;i. 11 has Iilt -uie ciit'ucliicit, a..
; nil triut'il Willi p'n-"re.
iie wli pl -r Utnj .;. I';" -irp i-f Pr. K . rv
ui! i-'nTttl.- 111 his leu r us ti c n.ti.Uvil.
I)' tcly Hi' '11 bi.i tl.tll Uo U pli) sicnut.
T.Kiv PAll'IMOCLAit N'oTK'i:.
1 1 'U llvf IU Vli- hUVi' ituil.ti! t,fiir vci ,y .1
; in-!-!.,;'; ni '!.,! ;n !,:,!,; i' .-..,. i.-ni-'ii i
.Ti.-itn j
c tit i; -. in i r ii' "' i ;t 'I r r fi'cl " tvliit i; .ir ai-r'
tt :. . .11 i i i.aU-t't). niul il- i"V Ii ili UMitil n-f't i i ;".
js': fi. jlj-iV i.tii'-!i''i:c 'Iv. W'f :lt-s -i , v,u: ,. ,.
i tl -l'i i: y 1 -n n i:i'is.'!i!:ir rinrry, I 'lysical L.syi r ikIi uni : i :i
1 r '1 is' ! ni, irrici' 'ilii v ;ii-tl - i i ni-i 'iin nif.-,-ii i tl : i .
' . i :. utti"! i- s -ii" 1 1 '" iivt. :'ir! cvi" v -i-'-'m i .
' v-1 y ri 'tHl'vl;! Willi l;:C rtir ir I it iij ti.C i-MiTi-.illve I'llUv!
' ;i .At f"i! I'll, rt' .! 1' V, ; r K 1.
I yo'tiTam) manhood,
J A vigorous lift? or a pivirtiluie ilciih.
KS :;:! IS en Y,S V.-s:'rv;;ltu:i.
j CNl.Y Si CKT;
Tins 'I .nisi 'ii' n''., , t;:! i .,.,
nl '.'-.! C I -1 .,.!, ,
I ,r: i'.
ii llic nitirmi' ii s i.ii.i i.i.-,-.'.., . el ii. (,. ,,,'ini , (l!?.,.,. (
it i,!i,'... its. :, '-iin.r i , ,t"i'ii. ; yt.iti n ni 1 1 n ii ., anil sli..ili-l l.c ii ml in' :'l.
'i i,,' ,i!,l ,!,lr inl i,'- Hill l:;i;,r, ..,'..',. w'nnii:: it U"'l';.
w II prrv nl yi-ir...!' ini"'-r n.i-l t'ni riaT .in.! : ,v t in,:,i, n-
I) I'll -in ni.l. ol I .i , -'.
IVirnCK hv r,",'il!,.; it w:!! I.arn linw t i pr.-i cn: 1 li ,t -
ti'il'it ion in I licli" itin.ili I'll. j
., - A r.i,.:.! in. ''. ! t"l in n I .-. " '-
ilr,. .,1 lo 1)11. KINKI'.I.I.N. N. VV. c .i-n-i efl'IIIKHA 1
I'MOX Sum., ..-lv. r,i Spring li I',,,,.. I'lii'-nt 'Ipin.i, ,
v i'l rnniirr a I' "ik. nnil.-r ' iiv.-l ipr. r.-t-n it ! n,:n!. i
r.'i's ins a! u itisiani i ia.. iiiIJiim llr. Iv. ,v It-U-a. iint- i
p:,,l.) .,,1.1 . .,- n".l nt I, .in',- '
r.M'ix.M,i or .MKuii'iNr.s. ii::i.:iti.. ......
I' m -n '..-.I !.v- N.'ii.iin.r n , i , ni. en-.', a,.. I ;i,i: i,,, , n v e i'. ,
I) M M.i: .'.r (t iilu.-'I'V. I
II . ..-.-."ll'..'s. X .';,'in, IV.I'irs, (" ne, i's
.it'n.'i's siC'i.i;,-il wii'i I'.,,- ;.!,,n i- nrl, a! v. i y I v r:
ISi'pleinlirr C. 1).
is o o t; s r. 1. 1, i: it ,
! 1) road 'n,
l j.i, i A.
f J AS recently ree. i'T 1. ii'ho::t oilier nrti
' -il
i ercat variety of N
Cheap and L:i
, mar put in a,i, nis - id ns
) I'oui-i rs ii..vci.:, ciiunli tc or
I 'll'ilas
I mi ope,
llalli'.ilit in,
Vairv att,
'nt cts per v..!,nnr.
Co. I. ion
.Ma.ivcil tl
jerroid ti
At the low price
.'-.mi ur, , .--e;il. :
"1 ' irmn -o to
I,'!. l ioO. u'.
j. ii. zizi:zz.zi:au,
e'-viiomy, Tp.
tn.-e in Vrcr Mreet. rnnn'in ile
rnb'ie S.-h...-l l!o;.-e.
f?? M "tii-. f"!!ctl.'.l :.!! ni hit slues', pi Mi!;.!
I -
' .!li:, aii.e tecl'eiit crtieii-.
1. v ii v' i i's 'di Jieateu rt.;p fi.r sunburn
1 letter, c.
I Ihelnay'n Circansinn Ihihi:
for the hair dand-
I lladway s Ueady lhdief for f 'riitnpi, Ciolic,
i Cholera MorliLis, uf, 1'or n.ile by
j H. li. MA.S-.-L'it.
I Sunhurv, o,
."-I TONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kau-i
k "4 moods, P lines and Cream Nuts,
Planes of all kinds.
."'alt und Planter. Just received nnd for sal
by do UN W. PKlLlNti.
funhiiry, Dep. S'lSd!).
JIOOKN and tiold Pens. On hmid several et.)
ins of Ihe Iile of Christ, and also a number of
i;old peim which wa will sell at llif Philadelphia
price. For uiu at this utile.
1. TENLNU.-5, A cheap and exct llcut urti
t ic lor fableiiii.j sa.-h for sulc bv
.Sunbury, July 7, 1819.
,it .liMAfi ilUl ll.CS Hreast juii
nipple, tulien- A aopnly of ihehe useful nrti-
clea jut received and for tale by
Sunhury, Jan. 18, 1851 tf
Tl LEV'S COVilll t'NUV. it cieel
1 lent reiueily fur couyh, cold,, pur sale
at this ollice
rjISSI E PAPEH Yellow Tissue paper for
91 covcriiiK ylusMnj, Ac, for sule at th olliec ot
the American.
1JLANK UEEUS printed en the best tjuiiliiy
cf parchment paiicr, sold at the lowest jinctta
at this ollice, by wholesale and retail
'!?.'." '""rKLi'in
All s- lv.'Ol kinks dif
KIKllii: ISLAM).
All .Iveiit Imiks dit
All "Ivi'nt Innks llil
MiW M)I!K.
' . I iilliK ll'lr-,
A II ...I .
.... , imnkH
rnvi KT.
Linker rhmiilnT,",,ir 1 rtip
Hunk ol'Chrsler r. ,,ar
llimk m ),..i',i. l lirMrr .ar
,,. riiyiirW
ItiMlli m' (,(...H,nri.
Mr' Ml s ilvenl InnkS ! "H
I ilir 1711k ii'Hes iiinli r 9j I 'ti
Il'ink r
VIM",vi, .
l.ank ol .Vli,.:l,.,, 1 ili. All 1 ilia
M .ll'ir.'.iry t' . I!:,k pa, MHV JKHHIIV.
'mm ,,l '.rlliiMii!ieii i,,. p'ollli lviiliTc I'.nnk 1 'If
M.nik. f I'iii-i,,,, I ('in' Cottiiii' tci'i Hank j ilia
" I'aiiville .iiiU''i.r. I! ink M ini ll'il'r par
l''irlil Hank I ,,, am m,,i p, , .,r
(..Inn, I.
a li'k A H"i;ern jir M i i'luiiiic s' l!;. Ni Mink ear
11 .v.-l...-,
i:-."!..a I!
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" "aiik parlVt.-.'ii. ,k i.' Dili linvrl 'ii par
"ik pur' M' i Ii. ,V Mm. l:Tr" Ml -''r
9 .lis M'.irts (',. l.M,ii 3
i .i ,i in..,' H rit'r'mr-j I !;.ewnik Ilk a Ins. Co i ii
I . vn:tis.,' I a'illl' li
l ,lii'i )r..i.,.r,. l;.,,,!.. : ,ii
Kan. His' 1,-k. iJi.-I.K-., :irl',":,l,.- li'i I'nltrrc i, ' ill,
I'tinc-is' I
. t.i
. r,i
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I'l rni. II' s.
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ill ( ', p ir S '. "t 1 . I'. ink 2 ,St
liV 1 1 ni 'm rk mi ( Minili'a i -ir
y A t. w-.v
riMii'.ini i,'. w.
H-nrisI 'it- II
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-u. , -i . i.
Mni.'ic i;-'.. i 1
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'ii'n I.
.ii? s -fi nk r.ii''ii.i'iiii
, : ir. - . ;l! H.nik 'M'V.'.nk
lli Hinli- III.. N
It, lilisw il '( p:-r ;
. " i ii , i
''"' ' ' I'll' i
. Ii Mr ,iia
.' ! ! ir I '. 'n ,
s 1 1. f.i j n.a f
w.iir.. :
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"run : It I
X I tasir; i
' I I l.:i,f
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..a- linl, Ins mn
,i':f. in., iiinnin
.--nil pr,.
, Will 1..; in
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!l I -near I i C
'IT'.' I
'llut'ltlS Wi.ll
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x tfir. p. o ) v;
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; r.-M .v.
: f
1 . v i r i r s ni- -i-n , ,K.,. , T
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bis on n Pli -i.-i.iii ! t':irli-
,.; t In cil
',. -I) a hum
' ; 7i:iTpi
!; rv i ha
'ion, with ii;r, of
ill il ,'llL'l',li., slii.W-
''liiiir .ii-.' is, s it, ( v
:'' and firm, and in .1-
1',-: -i il i!: ,:f llic ,:, '...". i'ie
; : 'c;:l.
I!V Vlt ,N St. l.
Tin till.'' lias o,.w al"i
tlvil per. ,'iis sn';', ,i;rr f.
l '
ill IIP Ml'
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.v iy p,
'i Itl'MI. M
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i on-ii!;. 1 ni,
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-i.e. I. i v. .'. I
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-n; i .
II. '
the ii
' I
I'lii ('!',
n :l :i,n
i ;o (.-'i
'Nov. '.. !.)
, .-' :i'
No. VI I I
i,,. I i.v r
ni' Mil;'.!.!.-!
A N 11 I II
I'M ly I'l
'l.l'lill: ,,'n.
- r.rr
i.i in i -e
'.; A V. Y L
i M il 1 1 A I,.
i rsTlll";
un i:
!! -T ri;
- i'l'l'i l'i
I have n
in! I'.le 1
Ii..; t
. ') r
d .1. V
in .1 a 1 1 1 1. 1-,
inn., ni'.'iii.:
! t
it h ,: I t:.
I'll' an
' ' I
! ii
i e cv-. r li i
' .1. WML!, a:
:. l
a ; i
i- u o i .i . -' , i'x Jj a.,
.Yo. VC I! : .,:; I.
f;. (.iii'l i!,i ir Ic'lo'v 'I'liirJ,
'V.VAVA el! l.ind , .,1 I i,is, of the 1,
st' !e nn.l be t in.i'.i-ii il, ;mc ii!..::.ifaet
r.i.nina' le t, rm t.
A II iT-le. -i pr, nif.tiy ;ii
l'i,:!. nil ipni.i, , oy. '.I,
iltendc.I 1 1.
Liunms, MINI'S, uv.
V, li!:. eli'i, ,' 'i l-l jll ,t l'l'i'l'ied a l.e
of the in .-: ii.i::.)i thai ever came lo
contistiiej iu pan of
llpi'iiin. t J.i pale Ilrali,Te.
Pine ( 'oiiniee I'.rainK .
Superior Old .I.i.naiea .'i'i'.s.
Nov Hn. .Lite! Pin.i.
Pine llo,i.iud Oin.
Superior I lid Whiskey
Cnniuinu tlo.
rhipcrior Madcria Wine.
Li.! ,1 m do. tin.
Superior Port Wine.
lHtri;uiidy Port tlo.
Sweet Wine.
Superior Claret ine in 'unities.
Chumpairiiu tlo. tin.
.Sinibury, May 26 1S-PJ.
I'uttstillf, L-il.
W ill promptly atumd lo rolleetioiia and all husi
ntx cnuu.-,ted to his rare.
June luV IttlJ,. . -
STONE milk Pans, stone Ju's and Pitchers,
and other urticlcs of stone w are just received
and lor sale by JOHN W. FKILlMi.
.S'unl'Uiy, June 23, 18 la.
f llEAtS. from tlie New York ( 'union and Pel. in
JL Tea Company. For
ale by
J. W. FI?ILL(i.
Sunhury, Dee. 2, 18 IS
PAY RL'M An excellent article for sale
lit by IIENKV MAssEK.
bunbury Jan. S7lh. 1849 if.
' i;i5t outage Your Own!"
rPlIE subscribers respectfully rait tho attention
of the ptihlic to their Inriro and splendid assort
ment orevery qunlity and price of
Aiii i; :-u a i.e..
which ennnot fail to rciommend itself toevery on
who will exnniino it, on account of its ilnrabla
workmanship am! splendid linish, made up of th
best slock In be had in the city. No effort ii
spared in the manufacture of their ware, and tha
subsci iber.i are determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
m ule. Their stock eoiisii.ts of .Mahogany
fM'S".ts, nivafts ttml E.otici&rc.
ItUVM'.t. f fft 1 1 if ! fifhf linrYl'
SCI A, l'.i'.liAKI'AST AND BI.MJ.Q TAD!.' :.,
and alsoM",.r:TAN IJI.IXlJS, equal to i
(lcljibi-i initnuf icture.
r.l'.t'ST'-'AlW. of everv (.aHein and i r'.cj.
( rpi'.o i:ns. womc ,xn candi.k-
! TAM)S. TOII.KT T.l',r.KS and
i:'i ;;.sii)N taiji.ks,
in s.mrt. rrry m,
'i'llt'V iil..( L.i
in li U linn of tlii'ir l)nsitir.
' 'inV nil Uhidn and iu.t!itiM
1 1 'C! n '. 1 1 ;
I nil'" : i "
UCVl t,. b- hi
s'l -h
is JhiiWM, Buck
I 1 Ml Ci
j c.MAii;
A; pt k C:ir.cisr ; ami Wimkhh
i ; cv l'i mi . i-oiii.M, which are ol
s. end warranted to be eielled I.r
Inn.! in the Cine or elsewhere.
I.'.'.s arc ib'tcriiiined that there shn'l
i toe late-
st .
: none iiiaiii.i;
' 'J'be sub-..
nr n,i excuse lor pi r-ons I i purchase furniture ij
j the cilics, as .-very conll lriu e can be cntertainri
nbm.i tin- ipi.ili'v and l.i.l li of th. ir
I Cb'.irs.
wan ant
: Their arlieh nl'l In ,:is:.,sci1 of on a gto '
I' ll is ;is l!;ey .;, . .ue!iM'il eiscwherc. Coun
t.v lVodii.v tn' en in pav ineM for woti..
IV I Ni'iMITAKlSi;. llavin- pt,w
ihi-ms I.e.'i a Icuidsome I!i:misi:, I hey si,
i:.".v i i i ,! i .r I . nb-i l.-I 'mj. a,., I nttnnli ",.r (i
i i. ".'al-'. in t!-i vicinity, oy at any i niveniciit th,
l t;nn c IV. i l this plaec.
I ..u i Ir ..iv heoui is in JVarkfl
,oip..-in. .1. , ..cnt; .le, and nc.irl
I ( um r"s 'i'';!M' :i.
(iMiiutn: KtiNN.
J-'iai'.'i'.ry, Dec. 1 , l '-.-,i),
C'"T-j:jr. or t.i
nil s!.',"rs of Nei.iral.;i.
i" ons iieadai lie, (.'in
hi. i coin uli,,ns ; i
vr ;ine vi. i.r. even sin
.':. I.,
in .
ri. l.oc!
' 1 .
sltnc licmli
uri i t'',"-'
. ns
i- : , ill ii
I I ,n, s.
I !r no tin'
d ill'.' oi'lv hno ii and cr
, r.
i-.- li'cnla! ilcbillv.
w Vin k , ()c(! ti, 13 !
, ''."' i r V',,
1 1 p nv. r ol " ' '. i
when tulkitig .if t!
rcr oils A utiilots
uni. i
:. p
it II
oo was p it to :,:
ly l,-r a'l in ri in
ly i!n- me.!:,..,! II
n. '
i iiv mich a vali.
al., ti nis was lint i
n!iv !" replied. "Th
tie, lliere wold no .n-i'r be hut i: for
la. i.ity, a.: a. I
- i ,, :
; vin:r of it .
anil no'il t,:
I'our miiiii
dinurv I'a-'t s,
a ,
. oi'i
I'l'-o lioni a diS'.r,'H
m-rves are the ms
keep tin, in
inn.t b."
s. i ii jiich for a'.l
I and !!-.
.1. I'.' d- '
.1 !'i !.!,
f I ' -
il'I'V. !:
.i xi
n i:
, I
ii-w hat a!.
A who visit '
nl oil:
i I'f I, lis, ,'Hj ,, ',
i r t Msierial, and
I .'n tin ins an res ,
.I lisinii.-ut in Pb
ni r '.:..",: i ; ( ,, i,l
ihe country v, ho li
'I' t'.i
. . 1 hip tit
. P.'l.s .
I. i ' I '. 1 1 it
1 t i . a l ' i ' i
ihe in ll,i
kt k:! I
iei-s. on rttinf
tin in, and una
e pa;,
. !'. 1
'ti r,
c n ; T'
C nit. 1 1-v .
.111 I1. .I1 (.'.ip! I
i' i
. I I' l
-r HI. la:
f . ,; iv'in'i,
',-. 'n II.
t -! -e r
"I", ".I llllu
I. rein's tl.e-
ii,: j.,'- Su...
r, p.i. s icluerj.
Su avne's ,-'vrnp i.i'Wild Cberrt,
rwayne's p.
vvic'k Cinnry Pectoral
)': IbaKe's iMnacea.
Dr. Ciilit ii's do
Tibb'n'i. Pain L'iiicr.
lir. II noli, mil's I Term in Rillsis'
Iieiiau i 'nl.'c Pill,
ll,i,'-r niul (.'alile "Itdieinc,
For sale by 11 EN It V MASE
.""unbuiy, July I I, ISP).
titxj p.ncn:v3 vAnr-Mncui
.im,'Iiiim; a ( 'it.i.itf"niiy tiptivKtt 20
V A .V A It L E It K C I PES,
,i the l'scf-d ond lnlcrcstiii! Arts trith a
hiiujihi nit -.I l iii-i nis Itvpei-in. eirts in
I'llltMISTii V :
j NCLCLUNf! Medicines, Perfumery, Chen,
Cookery, 1' arriery, ih im;, Coul'cctiounrv.
mf'-tic Pcoiijiiiy, etc. etc. etc. Price fi cts.
sale by ' 11 EN I! V MASSE
Sinibury, Dec, P, ls-tll.
s : c : ."v s: (iaous :
.lu-t recc.vtd al the store t.f IIENKY M
sl'.ll, a lol nf Caps, tiuui Shoes, Ahniini
O.ieensware, Liipiors Ac. All uf which will '
sold ul the hnvest price.
Dec. 14, 1S.II,
"i TI.M'ltAL WATER, from Ihe Oak Orehai
Acid Springs, hiijhly vuluable in chronic i1
bcases, and tonic icuieuies, for sale
Punbury, June 29, lol) tf
C'APS. An assortment just received. Al
' tilk HATS ut -.25, for sale hv
Siuiburv, Der. 81H.
BATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harriioi
writing and iiidcllible ink, Cotton yarn a
lap, just received uud for sale by
rUinhury, Dec. 3, 18 IS.
npLANK.S ol every ilescriplion can he had I
iiv sp) lying al the ollice of the American,
tl Al)lS relehratetl Horse anil Cattle M.
UV lie for aale by HE
jsunbury, Jan. 8?ih, 1B4U-