Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 25, 1851, Image 4

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" ' TirrtRiin
A cntiAT DVSPErtiA cvnzr.,
Tfejiarcii from Rl;N.KT, or tlio fourth Stomach ol I ha
Ox, after tliicctions of HAHON I.U'.nro, thi -real
rhyainlo-ieul I7hii!t, hy HOl'OIITON, M. 1).,
Xu. .11, North liiphlli greet, Philadelphia, l'a.
Tim ii truly wonderful remedy for lNOIGF.STIOX,
DYsrwrNiA, 'alwhsci', uvr.n complaint,
ture' own im-thoU, by Nature ' own agent, the Gastric
"aT Half tcaspoonf u I of this Fluid, infused in water
will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of iibusi Eccf in
abrutlwo hours, oui of the Momr-ch.
B10KST1OX is chlt-lly performed in the stomach by the
aid of tt tluiil which fleet)' exudes limn I In; iiinr emit
vl that organ, when in n state, of health. called the liiisttie
Juice. Thin Haul is the Civil S -Ivcti' of the Food, the
l'uiliyinir. pnscrt lug, mid Sunmliitiiiijt Aip-nt of the',,
lteieh rinii iiilcitinc. Wiihoul it there' wiil he no ditics.
tint, no c nvcr.-i n of f,l mlu h!.,d, Uiul u iiulriu-li
in the h-ult- ; hut lather a fail, torpid, paiulul, and destruc
tive e 'li'liii n of the whole ditruHlice rippnrn'.u?. A wculr,
half dead, or injured. stomach produces no g".-d CuMiiu
JninK, and hi-nccthe disease, di.trcss and duUllly which
FF.l'SIN ia tlicrhieftftetiinit, or i-rcnt Pii-cstinir Pr:?i
pie of the G allic .Imee. it in .'.muiTm ijreai iiem-uVnice in
Ihe B-lid p,ui nt' the human si--rime Ii after death, nnil scinc
timrn fniipcs the moiiine!- t i ilifj.'nt itself, or eal itst if Hp.
It i alio found in Hie Btonmeli .f ntiimuN, m the ox, ciiif,
Ac it ii the irnUii it n.-'e-l In; I'trmfrs hi niakinff die-ae.
Chilled Kennel, Ifie elieer of vv.rh has lornr heen Mm RpeeiHl
wander of I hnhiry. The t( milk is the I'nM pro
few of tiirt st ion. I eimet p '.-e---v! astonish hie .vwrr.
The ftotmicli nf n m't wilt rttnllf? nun y nr iIicuhmikI tiuma
it own wcitrlit of milk. H irn 1 .jt-1-;-r ; tlnt "ihie
part of l'c sin dissolved in fixfv tlmtismi I psnts of wntft,
will digest and otln-r l'"d." li'i5-.d stuium-hji pru
rtuce no fT'Tixl (Jnstnc Juirc, H tniK-t or IVpnin. To lt w
tliiit litis wuut m:ij- he purfcctly supjiiu'd. we quote the lol
BAnO.V MF.IIK?, in titn fc!i'1ril.-il wr- on Animal
Chcmisiiy, Riys: "An Artilicjal Dirrtiv",' rinui :m ilug ui
l the G iplric Jnief. inny he nvnlilv preprircd fr m the 11111
c.mis meiiibmne of the stnniucli of tiiceulf. in whieh various
articles of food, ni meal nnd will he softened, elmii1'-
v., unU digested, just in (lie saiiie niantier us Uiey would he
in the hnnuii. t 'iTincli."
J)r. PKltKIII A, iti lii f :m nt trr-itijif on ;Food nnd
Pirt,p piihiisiifd bv Fowlrrx .V NV..-ll. X-'w York, y-rnie
3o. rttntes the sone trrrit ffict. nnd d-sfriln-s t li mrthud f
vrep:tniti )n. Tlicic me few higher nutli Tiiies than Hi.
1)1. 1'O.MBK, in Inn vnhviMc writip-m th "IMivkIM py
oi lit ires! hu." tihiervcl t hit ,Ln dhuinui i"ti f the ilu'- (pi -n-'Jlyot
ihe (i isiru Juuv in n pr -iniii' tit n:id iil'-provilnis
C'.iiKeof IlyHpejrn (iinl he Hhtti'S 'n intuit: iu-d
iT"fr!-s r oj ini'cirnn' in J, inlon, win wan -"4r.-" iiliiiet
e;l with tliif e -nt; luitit, fiinlin every th'ii e'-n to Tail, h id
r ''.irso i )lt. j,.' Iuii-i'.'t,::ii;ied iVom I if st n. u'li of
li'itip miii-mlf. which pr rd e ini()'cti-!j R-ict-i ssl'iil.''
lr. IIKAIIAM. nnMi t nf H,.. tr -n w -rks on "VejTr
tnhle )"1.n s iyi. : "it is tl n'liiarlcdi'.i- f .'-t in p':yf;i t v.y, tli ft m:t''in of iuittirt!.-, m ! - i' il in wnl'T, iMpa.'t
1 the Itnifl the pi 'p-ify of t1ir: ! tii' vari n.-s arti-'Ics of
f d. nnd of e'lffii'iir a Mud ' I :iv f.cil iM-ivs: i:i f llim
in n i wis diif-n-iit t'r.'in the n i"itnl . i : r - pro -if-."
Dr. Slrt).N v'vit w m !c. tl.e 'h-miMrv "1 M ':,"
r,':MI"rild, FhiU. p. T-Jl-'J) ..": 'Tiie d: -
c ivrv of Fi-'Sl V f n'tns n n -v cr in t j t ein-iaal h if -ty
of Jii'j's!i-n. Fr.-;i ri r-"ii esp.v im'-iits ve know t :it
f -d ia diIvd -is nip'.dly in mi nr(iht'i:d di-nr.tive ti-tid,
prepnred liom I'epsin, as it is in l!e natiira! Uastric Jair-e
Fi.f'K!'tr TJt'NfiT-ISOV of thr .f.-ff tp mi r.dhe, riiih
H'iiphin, in his prrnt w rk on llnnrm IM.ii l a , devotes
m n Hi oi fiily pifs t hm ex-miin -iliou of pnl ji '-t.
Jllf fXMt'l'inien'i' Will Or. H-;itMll- rtt "it the i'i,'itM- .Itiic-n,
nh' lined fiotn ihe jivinu fiuniiin st unaeM nnd Ir nu iinini'ils
nre wed known. "In nil e ipi-p," lie ''diirestimt oecni.
rc J aa peri eel iy in tin' iirtift'-nil ri in the natioal dcsti ons.
Tit, IIOtH.llTOVtf prepnr.itio-i of PKlSIN halt pr j
red the in it murveSi -n if-ei. rtirnifT r ives of l), l.i!ty,
Knru'ialioii, Nervon? Ue.-lmt-. anrl t)fpeptie .'oiiumption, j
snp.i sea to lv o,i t!ie wiy v. ne ol tile prrave. It i im
p 'Ciddy to tfU'u liie tii tails i ivmes in the li.nils of (hi.-: ad- j
ver;is'meiit ''ii! Msi'i'n.tKVite 1 c f i Peatef; have hceii fiivi-n
of tntiro th:M TWO III NDHKU 1! I'M V t!K A HLK .
ti'l!!-;.'. in P.iil.idelph'-t, New V .rli, and M m hi nl ne. 1 wetc nearly nil devt-er He eases, nnd Ihe cures wertf I
not ojiJv rapid v Mid-rft:!. !! penn.inent.
It inn irr.-at MiUVOI'S A 'il UMTF, an:! pnrti-u!irly '
ieftd f r te'tdeui-y t h,li n s ihs'.rdei. Liver C 'i.ipl'il..T,
I ever nnd A.rn or h.!,M- tr.cdvd 1' an.l A-:ne, and
vtl 'ilix-t oi" tui'iiiie. M-renrv. nnd "i.hei drns upon tin.
Jii',es:i't nrrtn-!, a.:, i a I in piekto vs. AI.-m, f ir exee;-s
in eatinir. ii'! i the to-. Tee use i hi. lent spirits. It ul.aot..
rcctuciieti Jluaiih vi:h lnt' tiipi raiieo.
There is no f. rm of OIJ) STOMACH COMPLAINTS j
Whteh it dii n t Reeju lo rea.-ii uiel iciitme a! one-. No j
Iuartf4 how had 1'iey in:,y he. it IHVi;s lX.--T.-v.NT 111'.- !
1.IKK I A mncle d ri-m '.-'-s at: lie- un.'l. as uit Kyiiii- I
t-'iiis. and it on!v ue.vls to he rej-eao l. I',r a Fh -rt litae. t '
make the-e L-ooiielf, ;ior tn-,,,,-, , . Pt'li IT V ( HI.IKll)
and YllioH Ol' UiMjV, l"ll w al once. It is pari ieiilarly j
ex'-cllenl in eases nf ,N, ui -j. Vol. lili, nr. Cram;,s. Saeie-hS ;
of ihe pit ol' ihe St 'i.iach ilistrer-s mier c-iIiiil'. low, eol,l,
ta'.c ol" the HI ""!. 1 l,-i iae-s. 1 . iwic.-s of Si'ii its,
flcacv, r.maciatiaii, Wcaltacss. tendency to lusanilv, Sai-
cnl-. 1'-. ' !
1'riee. or. DOt.I.Atl per h .l-.ic. tine Lottie will ofwa i
jeffect a lasiiiiL' euro. j
rKPsix ix rowDEns.
it srA'T nv mail, viwa: or post a an.
For eony-meer-' of s- ndiei; t ' all p:irtn of thf eoinitrv,
the PH;i:rTiVi: MATri'i! OK THi: n:i'SI in put iip
in the f -rm of lowd"i8, wilh direetimm to lie diss dveil it
waior or yru;i, hy the p:itie;d. Tiife powders e pjitnm
jus! tin: b'atne utittier tlie h !t!ef-', hut twidf Hi" rpiantity
for la- Kinie pne mid will he neut hv mail, ritld'. OK
I'OSTA;)-: fir t.-; 1mU,AK P"nt v m-paid t lr. J.
t. IJUCOil'j'U.'M. No. U Norn. Lijjlitii'ti'cet. I'lnladeipluu.
Sit piel.-ricr- s f- r five d -liars. F.v-,rv p.ifkrnr mid h 'ttle
li'virttilio wriifeu sipunUMt. of J, S. UOt'GiiTDN, M. J.,
ole l-r.'triet.r.
r Id tn-.ici'nls in everv lo'vn in the fnitej Putcj, oiul
by lespeetah.'e deah-min Medjeinei: generally.
I-Olt S!,K UV John XV. Frilinjf. uml Ge rge nr:S!.t
6un!.ur', Pa,
Marv A. ;eC:y
J dm' II. Hater
HaVfit A MefTonniek,
f. J. Ot-nse,
J hn ti. lJenn,
AViMi'iui I-; pin.
bauhiiry, ?Sept. ilth, .jQ.
-.insiT ve,
Y :pcr MiUiantangt)
si MMrit auiiax'.jk.ii i:n r rr.o.'.i
i"'iu.v axu r i t.svilu:.
V n r c s R c tl u c r d .
Office of the l'iiila. tc Raiding R'titrond Co.
Philadeljihia, .March M, 1S..1.
Two Passen'i-r Trains Luily, (except Sunday.')
lN and utter Anril 1st, l-sol two trains will
he run each way, daily, between 1'hiiadel-
phia'and Pollsvillo
MoUXI.Xd T.lXi:.
Leaves Philadeljihia at 7J A. M., daily except
Leaes Pultsvilleat Vj A. M. daily except .Sun
days. AFrmxoox ia xv.
Leaves Philadelphia ut :ij u'elock, daily, except
Leaves PotUuile nt ;J o'clock, daily, except
Between ' Philadelphia and Futlyvillc, ?5.?j
1st elsss ears and i?i.Sl 2,1 class cars.
Between Philadelphia nnd Beadiijef, 1.73 1st
class ears and Ss 1 ."i ,l class cars.
lVpot in Philadelphia, corocr of Broad and
Vine, Ntreets.
Passengers rammt enter can u..Ic., provi
ded willi Ti, kcls.
NO'I'ICB. l'il'iy pounds of b.T"aqo will lieal
lovv ed to each passenger in tliesc ha -s ; an pas-senc-era
are expressly prohibits! from lakint' an -thin.'
as harrirune but their weariii,; ojiparcl, which
v. ili t'O ut the risk of its owner.
By order ol the Board nf Mjrtaarers.
April 19, IS.")!. Secretarv.
I1T2! iit:! iitii
Indestructible and Indelliblo
Ko. 1 Suuth Third street.
jlTEHClIANTS and tho Writing eomniunily
are re,uesled to rail and examine this INK,
which is VK.nauli.1 not tn corrode JIttutic ftus,
nor thatft iit Color.
WlioU-milc n1 Retail,
No. 1 feuuiU Third street, Philadelphia.
A Uboral djaeouut made to Merchants and the
Km i!e Jjy 1(. U. Mussor, asnl ioi Smibury
N oveui bur U, 185 0.-l y. .
Valuable Iluukn.
I" IFE or Cuaiar. handboriii'ly Iwund, B'Af-
Jj ilGlt'a. Hl.ruUI OP lilt HcKDIISllTIUS,
Blisk Dts-auuKs AHu l.tiibtas, full bounded.
For sale at the jiubli.lnrrs nrieus by
11. . :
frimburv, July U, 1819 .. . , , . .i-
hOilv 11 Kit K!!!
v 2'ItK Htirtwrilifr rcunrrtrully
''wt u ' 4 iifnn Iim frrrndi nml the
f" i tilintie the
At hit old Htand in '
Market fctrpct, Sunb'jr7,
two doors above MatUct Hqunrc, where he ton
tahtly kct'H on liantt, a lnre aeiortmetit ot
lieady 31ade Harness,
(DouWo & Single,) with Silver, I5rss!i and Japan
ned inountinp. Abo Pnddlon. Uridles, Trunk,
Valiccti, Wliijn, (,'ollars.
All kinds of work in his lino mndc to ordoT. in as
lieu a stylo n enrt he put tin in this country.
Persons wishing to pnrchnso will plensc call nnd
cxamitio his slock before purchasing elsrwhere.
N. B. The suhstriher has jusl openad a new
and splctidi'l
Assortment of Saddlery,
Such as Silver, HrrtFS and Japanned mounting,
Tnlr-nt tSi 'If-Adiustiiiff Trees, 1'utent Koller
Lit', Kiiiina;' Uridle Hils, Trunk and
Valid Locks, Titink Board, Trunk
at!, llamcs, Truces, Trim
mine; l-nccf, Tufls, Pad
dle cb, Sinr-lc nnd
Double, Whita
1'nameled I.enlhrr, l'atent I.cathrr, Oil Plolh,
)Jn!ctls, Tnssels, Fancy Brow-Uands, Saddle
Trees, Deer's llnir,
of nil kinds. All of which will be sold as cheap
if not cheaper than they can lie got elsewhere,
for caUl or approved credit.
Bunbury, April 20, 1851. Gin.
( Ul'LVr (MiAVK stom:8.
TffIIK subscriber informs his ft lends and the
public, lliat he continues to carry on the
Marble liusincss in all its branches, at his old
stand in Milton, l'a., nnd is prepared to manu
facture Monuments, Tombs, Graveftcno;, uc,
of the hc.t materials, nnd most finished work
manship, nnd nt the lowest prices.
Letter Cuttiim, English end Cier.,ian in the
most modern nnd elegant slvle.
lles'iL'tis for .Monuments, Grave Fionas, Ve.,
always on hand.
N. i? Orders for the Ka'-t sidn of the river
pr-miptly executed by lenvinrt tho sanio at the
ojtice of the "i::uul)ury A iiierioan."
Mi'ton. T.Tav 10.
,"XSIVE smnmary of L'niversal
History, tom'ther wilh Lioornphy of l)is
titnruislied l'cr.-onH, to-which is appended an epi
tome of
Heathen Mylho'.o.Ty, Natural Philosophy, Gen
eral Astronomy and Thysi'ihvjy.
Adopted and used in the I'uhlic Schools of
P.. P. JOXL'S oc Co., Publishers,
S. W. Corner POl'KTII and HA CIO Ms.. Phils.
Tescliers and School Co'iiiuitlees addrcssiuq
letlers to us post paid, will la furnished willt
eojiies for examination.
A Full and Coinp'ets Assortment of
BOOK and ''i'ATIOA AK V, for Kalo at the I'rirf.
May :i, 18Sl. ly.
No. 109 Race, (Sassafras.) street,
ALjvi Third, opperile the White Swmi Ihtd.
Tallow Chandlers nnd Manufacturers csn be
Fi. plicd wilh a first rate Article of (,'nndle. Moulds,
of rsuperior exeelh and finish.
N. II. The Moulds are made of the best Mrtal
and polished by a new Patent Machine., which
gives them an extra finish. They ere after the
Ihinlish style the tips to screw on the p-p", and
he pipe to acrew tight in the bench.
'ii:4N-rtu to be far superior to any
other now in usc.wj
lie also maiiulactures Surjical Pumps and
April 12, 18." 1. 6mo.
Xew 3rusic
-alust Published.
LB cv WALKRIJ, No. li,C ( hesnut tt,
are con-tatitly publishing and rcceivhi":.
new and beatililul mu.ic fiotn the niot (hi'.ni
puished composers.
'J'iie foliowinrr list contains tome of their choi
cest and most papular Souths, Waltzes,,
Now, ihott art finite, a beautiful gone;, xvords
by Thomas J. Uichl. intis'c by f imbridop.
Mv Nev l'nlund Home, words and music Yy
Mrs'L. Wade.
(,'r. die's Omnibus; by 0. Crobe collection
of Buclis.
r-'onnds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos.
Prettv Little PolLas for Pretty Little People,
by .1. L'i.iB.
All the Winds aie Sleeping, by A. S. Worn
sey, (insrdian Ancel, by the author of "Love Not.'1
Houscholtl Words, written by ('has. Vounir, do.
The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Uield, mu
sic by llorr.
LEE ct WALKER have constantly on bind,
superior Pianos, anil a supply of Martin's Cele-
muted titulars, wlucli loctiier wllu a line as
sortment of Musical Instruments nnJ Merchan
dize in (ri ncial. comprise a stock not to be sur
passed by that of uny other rslahlishinonl in the
couutiy. Ll'.E & WAl.Kl'.U,
Ifi'J Cliesnut street, Swaiin'o Building.
Philadeljihia, Juno US, 16-71. ly.
Iluglies' Pever and Ajtio Pills !!
PERFECT and ajiecdy cure for tup Fever
and Ai?ue is c;naraiitecd to any one who
may use the Pills. They have been used for Ihe
tit arm; y'trt nnd have never been to
ful in a tin ;!i- instance and in eases, too,
xvheie j-ersotis have had the disease for seveial
years, without intermission. The proprietor
i.'i j'nii-r ilit vmld (o proJuen an article that
will cute in us short a time, -without leaving any
, ia ielt lions elfc, U from the use of it. If the Pills
do not perform a speedy, nud .erfect cure, the
j.inj,,u'U,r will return t!: luomy. pors.tlo by
Jacob Lawrence, Minersi ille ; E. Hellen-
slcin, ircvoiton; IS. 1, lJixon, eicliuj ll.ill Ha
ven; John W. Filling, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc
Coy, Norlhuiul.erland ; Dr. Beekly, Bauville ;
John S'liarplcss, Cattuwissa ; JJr. Judd, Williains
jmrt ; John Baser, Milton, and by respectable
Druu'ials throughout the State.
J. (a'KTLS C. lift; 11E.S, Proprietor.
PotUiille, June 2S, Idol. ly.
" UXldx II()TKL,
1I1E M1S.S WEITZEL'tS resjieclfully inform
thr Public that they still continue to enter
tain travellers and others at their old established
sland iu Market street, west of tho Court House.
I heir Jong experience 111 the business, und the
well established reputation of their House, will,
tliey trust, lie a sulheient guarantee, that their
customers will bt well accommodated.
March 8, 1851. tf.
KW t'HES.-
All excellent article, for al
half ihe usual price by ' J W. FJflLING,
Huubury, July T. 181'J '
1)LANK Parvliineut Paper Berds and blank
Moitb'ages, Bonds, Executions, feommona,
.Ve., for sale by II. B. MAMKIt.
Suiiburs. April J, ial . , n .'
'1'IIH atiunlion of Duildrrs and others, ars respectfullv
.1 invited to the rutcnsive ond well selected stock f
IH'II.!)1(1 IIAItliWAUK. anr TOOLS, now uttered by
the suhsciihcr. eoimisiiniOn part as follows:
A men, 'mi Front Ilooi Locks, upright, with night work,
pl ded or brass fnmitttrn, or porcelain all colors. t
Ann ricnn 1'ront Ik or I,ocl. upris':t, plain, wil l
niplrt work, plntrd ol brass furniture, p- potcekiin nil
Oul irs. .
Aincricnn Front Mnor t.otka an-l Hlnre J)'ir, Hoiijuii
fail or upright, h-nrs farnilure. or pon-eluiu all co''M-
AmericHii Him Wicks, all sixes ami qnnlitirs. Whl "Of
hruis fiirnftiiie, or poi-f'tliiuudl col Ts,
Amerie.iii M irliot: ..!., nil -S,ut. with pluled, w.u'.sor
brims fiiniltlirc, or porci l;:ill nil c '1 ir. Morlicc bnlclu s, all siz-, With pliiteil white
or tiniKS lutliOKri. (T porcciHia nil cot 'IS.
A noon .Mortice nr.d Hon CI set Locks, plated oi l.rnsi
cwntvlic .s, or 'iirc-l iin nil C' I i .
American Hr p, Hop, Tl.mnh, Rate, and Storo Ixnr
Latches. . .
Ais, Impoilnl t.ockd mill l.nt.-heicf cveiv d .'ii-nption.
Haldiviii'", ncd American Cult Unices, ol all sixes, fust
or I ose j .in.
flintier, (late, Strap. T., sii'l Ihe kll ip Ilinaes, all kncls.
Slimier, l.oi. Iloor, flush, ami rpiius "-Hi ' f W''s''
or caM an.l hrasn, ecerc dr-ci iplieii
Screws, rJi ruii, (jlje, Haiid I'apcr oi Ihe best
Aaienciiii Aile and M.aui Axis Pulleys, of every
Auteiienii Uiiltona, plain or on plates, hrars, iron, .or
broai d. -hs, plate. I, while, iron, or wivrt, all kiln's.
t?A.-h-C iril, r iniin -a and patent, with other uiIicU.h t'M,
liliiner, ins !o inehli"ii.
fiT N1L uu.l tASH.Vr.lCIIT8 at FAC't'UUY
I'r?' All Go !. it, livered f,?e of Charge Id any prt of
the Cilv all 1 lis'rii :s.
Al lhir c.fil' islncilt col he f imid "iieof Ihe Incest iwl
hesl ns ruin nts ..f W'liiie uml l-coiev S. l-s . r I ckk. Ac ,
in the (. iiy ; s ui:e "i'tenu., ol wl'.i !i. c um 'I he Feciu or
ol lained. Ill ntiy ol'r- r M ire. 'J'tl'll ,S.
Sj I A J iel.s iiVJ'ie. Pan. I. II. iv'. mi l Kiop Paws.
iiuii rteil i x:n v 'v i r 1 s .le , n!lri leetel tt'rhcare.
S -lo twti I i llie i,. ,. vi-:nc. mad bv I'.. V. fnr-priMi-r,
if, la., h in r ill nri ! Sj.tit W 'i1.
imd 1l:e llillr. iilld acl lia .1. lie ilv .V VV iHi 'ilis' make
of Clnsi !s, A xcs, Ih'tcI.elK, Lua .cuii; Knives, Ac, rill war
rilnled 'oil.
Puli's and Slack's nrilfc of Aiders mid A u-.'er V'.f. oil
Ainet'lc-ui S'
".res -111.1 He
A lie I in ill Unas, 1
dliveri'. A c.
Ann i i "in C r?. II:
An IN iit'tl Viet nil
Claw ami Kivctinp, nil RtileP,
Uraccs, with C. 8. Hat', in
'eel., mid
pmat vnrieiy.
V. lire ives A S 'ii'... lhit.'her's nild tuhrr
llinkes i I CI, if 'e. lil, PI int-hot s. Ac . Ac.
Ail,l:n". eel, brat, '.I C.rvillrr Tools, nil fimfvn
Mn.l.iie.-one ,.f i!ie,. st ami nlost i xO'efrix e afs'.s
of It'iilniue ilanl'.vi're :nnl Tools in the Suae.
At lliin cvtal'lislniienl it in run i,lered a pleaMire t show
the Ii kiiIij. Vim are iitvitcl In call an I examine tliea. 'rt
itient. lui'l hear Ihe prices icikeil, t.c.loio pur,'!ia.,ic else
where. Come mid fi-c tif.
Veins, rex. eeU'nllv.
'VVVf. m. MerLria--..
No. ol7 Mark! s . hlwef n ish and etli. upi'er side,
riiilai'rlj.hla, Auil 12, Iy.
O.JO l'Uiil:.i
i 1 i .
1I. lniNTfil'! will forfeit ejifn), if
fal'tli'I to
that may
cure auv ease of f-ecr 't di-ea.- under liis c ire. no iiialtcr h.iw lon.r 'tan.l
in LT or nlllieiiiiu'. Kilher scv nre inviled to his
I'rivalo i;,i'iins, 3S .orlh SHVIINTIl Street,
I'hdadclpliia, wilhoiil I' of inten ti)ition by oth
er palieiils. Sirnirn-rs and olhers who hive
been uiilortunato ill the wleclioti of a physician
urn united to call. Tleuo who have injured
themselves bv solitary vice an1 ', invited.
i;lvD AMI li'L'KLKt T. The iilllicted
would do well to rcllci t before trustiuu their
heultli, happiness, and in many canes their lives,
in the hands of pli sii ians. i:iiorant of this d iss
of maladies. It is certainly impossible for or.e
man to understand till (lie ills the human family
are eul.j,', t to. Lverv ri'sioetiilile pliysici in has
his pi miliar brunch, in which lie is more success
ful than his brother professors, and to ihat he de
votes mo t of his tieie and study.
VMAUS Of rilA'.") !('!;, 'exclusively dovo
Icd to liie study nnd treatment of diseases of the
scnal orjai.s, o''cthcr v.ilh ulcer npon the bo
dy, lliroal. nose, or Is' pains in the head or
holies, nieianiial rheumatism, e,r.ivel, ii rcLriiiari
tii's, liisc itas nn.-iirr iroin youtiil'ul excesses or
iinpiiriiies of the blood, whereby Ihe oon-titut'em
has become enfeeii.ed. enalilefl ihe Doctor to olfo,
.ip'nly relirf t all lirlio may place themselves
uliilt'l his care.
1'hiljdelphi.i, April 10, ISol. Iy.
ttVJ.V, Siiha'ii'..'r w'
E i Iii rs far sale tin
resides in Philade
llowiu.r property ii
he I
ton, .,or;i:un;
:i,l counts
i. : J lie laive
in up,er Jiiuon, lormcrlv occupied In
M. .,srs Patleraous us a Carriage Makers Simp.
The hu.ldiinr is (10 feet front on ujipcr Market
slrctl, and li) lent on Fn. ui street, and is tv.o
sloiics !ii ;'i. Al.-o n t'.v i i t 'rv
10 by 2o feet, in the same, Tlie lot is
on the corner of npici .Market a:l I'loi.t street--,
and is (i I'eet front, and loll feet ilciui.
ai-cs wtiul.: I,e valoaldc lor a run
liiiilacliiriiin jmrpo-cs, and wilt bl
ade and aei ojiiiiiodaiin-r tc-tn lo
to J A foil CAh'UliiAN,'
WOLFIXfirii, Fsij.. Milton or
MASSI:!;. Ks.j., Sunbury.
or olhcr Oiaiolf.iclliiilin inrjio-cs, ur.d wilt In' r t.A
Oil I'll
an. .0, I s.i I ll-
(ir, lit liii;inivniiuits in mulling
Fijiu'li IJuiv M ii! Stone
IV Ihe li
ii -a
! e.'t
!,,, h
- III.. i
ntd ii is a in v ,
r- ne
mi I
.Ir, , er A us lo k"-a
lie h il uce ol e .
seine tt ilh ul t-.iia-lil
n;r tf lit It il is
tt' .ril o It t. II ii r
tl -!, of III cits is
f,'!etei iu Frau'V. nnd llie hes' rpieiet' -!.! lisi il.
S h.l Hurr St an s .'i , in lo a i'-'"' iu diaiacier wi'h tlie
I -t'.'-i S no lo run, sa is I i po-.ciil t'ie luimer ci. ki,r
ill'!,' eye. 1! Itie-.-l I n !,s of I, !l nan. is. Oi'tjii.
M-:l 1 1' 'as an I St,i il M Inn, ,, I'm n,Fl--d t , ord, r.
foiu1,' ;,,- , i' a - r',-1 s,,-,'s, l.u C -tuilry .M-.r-ctuii.K,
uii,'.t;,',1 ua.l i'.,r sjIc hy
.1. i:. atiti nei.t..
1 1 -!,! N'--f !t lto' I. near tae lu-lian l',.!e.
PI.:!.!.! I, hi t, Apnl IV, i-.'.l li.a .
-i;: b i v.,' jsj .
rCHE sidiscribers rclurn their siucera thanks to !
-- their customers, lor lilieral riicouraeeinent I
for the last yetir, uad hoj'e bv strict alteiitioii ill j
(iliiii orders to meet wilh the same liberal pulruu
am". c hate on hand the irreutest vaiii ly of
jiatlcrin of uny oilier Foundry in the Cniled
Stales, iipi! still ml, loo; lo llu-ir number, tiitc
us n call lMjuire purebusin- elsewhere. Our st.k'k
einbraccs a trreut variety of CookiiiLT stores, of the
must apjiratcd kimU, Parlor slaves for wood or
coal, comm. -;i stoves, cOindcis of all kinds, und
odd plale of nil kinds to repair staves.
For Muaim-r u -e, a i-mall Stove, culled Sum
iin-r l-akcr, new nud suj'erior Furnaces for burn
iili; charcoal or stone tout, this ovens of several
(liiiiiicul j iticms. Bake ovens, scverul jiatlerus,
bitching po U, r-puul irons, und a variety of urli.
elcs iu enstine;, tan numerous to mention. Tin
Hardware trade can bo iui;i!icd with eomnioii I,
5, (I, 7, and H cjnart 'Tea keliles, at very low jtri
ces for cii.h or lily accc.tance.
A few casks of superior I banian black lead on
Nohlr s'. wharf, Delaware, Philadc'jiliia. j
April li, I Sol. linn),
1A1SI.S, c
- sauce, tV.e.
currants, citron, cheese, pepper
lauie, tVe. tot eaie ny J. vv. I iiii.i.vii
SSunburv, Dee-.S, IS 19.
N'lNf J, just reccivci! and or sale by
Sept. 21, I Sad.
LANK, iS'OTE'S, waiviua th rxemptioii
law of 'iOllO, lor aalo by ,
April 20, ISjL . 11. 11. MASsE.
Iri!I'll-N(i 'E':n and self alin Env.
' loies, just received and for sale bv
April 1H, 1S.7I. H. B. MAsSEK.
iOli sale at this olliee, Miijierior Black Ink,
tJullle Medicine o j cg) J'ure Et-keiius of
GiiiRer, 25 i cnls.
lXTKACT CF filOEn.Arfre7lTsi4,idy
just received and for aula at ihis oniee.
Piioo 23 cents.
iHunlmry, Jul It, 1(61. .
For the rare of
noAiiscwEss, unorr.
The. uniform success which his attended the
lire of this prepainlinn its f-nlutnry efect ils
power to relieve nnd etire nfteetions of the
Limits, have ruined for it a .elel iity riunlle,l by
no other medicine. We offer it to the iilllicted
wilh entire confidence in its virtues, tutd the full
belief that it will subdue and remove the severest
attacks of disease ujion the thr.iiit and Luns.
These results, as they become publicly known,
very naturally til'.ract the attention of medical
li.eit and liilaiilrojns'q every w here. What i-i
their oj inioii cl'Cin:!:Y V IT.L'T'.L'.'AL may be
sceni n the f.'lio'.viofi :
VALEN tlm: MOTT. M. 1).,
Prof, iS''ci'ccv jb'r 7, ( V'e.e. jYfic Yuil, ftnn
'It pives toe p'casiire to cerlity the uliic und i
elli.-ney of Ayer's C'iiKKHV' 1 IK "I ( ' A' A 1 j
which I consider peculiarly ndajitcl to cure ilisca- ;
ses of the 'I hroat and l.uni's." j
the i!T. ni;v. i,oi:n in.iiop fielp. j
writes in a letter to his fiend, who a si,,!. inn ;
tinder nil ule'ctiou of the I our;- : "Try tin: j
CiU'l.T.V PEl I'O.'AL and li an;, n.e liecc !
can ie veil read, wall Hit n.cssii, ol in-il l.iat
of Louisiana, writes "That n yoiuer daughter of I
his was cured nf several severe ullacks of Croup
by the CliB.'i'Y I'ECTOA'AL."
ASTHMA ANU I! I( h'.'C il ITIs.
Tit C.,jtituii.:ii Jo,--,.' f,' j lalivit! Frittici j
slali-s. "That Asthma and Bronchitis so jn-evalent
in this iueleinent eliinale. ha. viable-! iili surjiri- j
uiiil raj.idily to Ayer's I'll La'IIV I'lieTOit l.. j
and we cannot too stroolv recommend thin skill- '
fid jirqiaialion to the I'micssion and public gcu- i
Let the relieved sullcrer si-eah ftr bini-'ell' :
ll Mi-i'ioiin. Jan. -li. 1 SI 7. j
Br. J. C. A ver -l'car .sir : ii.nin.' Imen res- .
cued from a jiaitifnl and dangerous disease by !
your medicine, crmihide iromits me to send you j
this nektiow ledifinei-.l. not only in jns-lice t- y,,t', j
but for the iuforiuuti. u of olliers in like ntllic
liori. A sliuhl c ild uiir-n the's, iicf.leelt-d at first.
hreame so severe that sjiiuinj; ot biood. a violent
eor.'.-h and iroliisc iiLdit swells I'ullowcd and fas- I
tencd npon toe. I became em.ieialc.l, could not i
sleep, was distressed by mv coto.h. and a jiaiu
ihrnu'-h my chcsl, and in short h id nil tlie alarm
tnj sMiiloms of ijuick coii.Miini-.tnni. No medi- '
cine seemed at all la reach mv ea r-. milil I j'rovi- !
denliaiiy tried your III Ki V Fill Tl ii'AL, i
wl.ieb mi, in relieved and uo'.c has i lire, 1 me. j
Voura v.ilh n?s,cct. 11. A. .s I !) A !!T
Ai.avsr. N. . April 17, WH. ,
Br. Aver, Low 11 1 1,-ar Sir . I have I r J ears '
been nllii.-ted wilh Asthma io the wor-t form ; sr, : ,
that I have In en cMcred t s!eei in mv chair fir
a lara.-r part of the lime. In-iun loiablo to Ineathe ;
j on in) bed. 1 had tried a ,, many i:,e licinea. j
lo no purpose, until mv I'l ; sieiaii pro scril-.ed, as ;
an ex pel annul, your ( II I. Kit 1 I ;; I I iit.x I..
Al lir.-l il seemed loi'iake mo worc. but in
less than a !; I i-c : iu to ot la-rieuce llie not :
jrra'ilt ire; ii 'iel lio.n lis use; u nv, in four ;
weeks, l!io di-ea-;-' is ci.lirc!-, it uiotc.l. I i ill
sleep on my bed with -'-'lolorl, nn.l a sia'.e ,
- f health v.liicli 1 ha-l new r e -. pcele I lo oui " . !
t-'i'lliilil'. r-. FA it.'.' A.N i'.
I'll I" 1' I ll I" 11 HY.t.e. 1 Y I', tt , I'll !. ,11 T, !,o t CI. 1., M t s.
t.v' Sol, I by Heia-y aia.-ir, r-unliury ; .Mary
A. ,lct.'ii, Noriimmla i!..nd lb
linsiove; Br. Bi.'l.iy, Baiitillc
Feb. 1.7, H.'l. lycedm
, ticarliarl, l-;e-and
fx l-J -" - er -tj e, CT e
tU ui ;o ,
H:s. MAI1V V.'KAVKJ: r.v-.noelfKMv inform.
'--t!.o H;Mii tr.ivrliih roiMinuiiilv ficnei'ii!-
! ly. tlint slit ti is t jit nivl I;u;c nn.t eoititiio-liiins
flOTUli, r-inr.-luvl i.i a 8Mei'i u- ;'v!c. Tioni
j her ioitt" i' 'ericu. r in Iht Im-iiir-' ol'u Tirt r.iti
Ilotct. will ..imrtii it'in;'.:Ii mi t : c.mitno-
( i!jlr. I'.cr t i s 1 1 n i rs n.iy tU Mjul brin i:jjTit'tl
j cmtv toi'ijj i-o:u!ik,ie t liti'ir ttjijil'o.t nnJ
i eiM(V!V:ie'i,c.
j !V!. i:. ltOl. II
I SUNE'jr.Y, PA.
1 ry- HE
respectfully ial.iniis her fricad.
J and the public ,'eiicraliy, that the has l ike i.
ihe ubove well knotvn sland nearly - it-- I lie
I 'Hurt lliiiii c, lalelv occupied by .Mr. . I. 0. Per-
; and
i wid
I yor.l
Nie tnisls 1
at her ej)
cri'-iice iu l a-iai'ss
uia .-.ts c loco iabit',
lb i.c v. a.) may l.i-
lit-r e.loils t i ma.;
'.'ive entire s ili- lad
.cr Willi their cu .loa
n k.
ann c. .';o;:r.:.4
M.u-.h S,
',1 tf.
U ..ii i Uku. i. .j: :jkJ sJ Si'a,
fSIiK Ruliifiil'cr rr-
ipcclftiliv in!
C he has i
opened a l ipuit'
I i w, i.i iii
'h'.Viin! vrai -t
new town of Trot oi Ion, Norilnair.',-.' aad
and ihat lie is well i-rejiaitd lo accoiiimodati. his
l ucsu ill the be.t maiiuer. liis b in -e is located
nearly ojijiosilo the Co,,y's r-'torc. Ho uii.Iu
jirovided wild flood slubiai.r -iiiiicicnt for 2J hor
ses, lie tin-:, by jaoaiat itii l card'ol utleulioti
to business to meet a share of the public patron
aire. HEN UY I! WE.Wiill-
! 'J'l-evorlon, Jan- 1 1, li.7( tf
A : I ) l'liNSSON' A (i i:L V.
I The attention of tho public is culled to the n l
j vcitisement of Mr- Charles (' Tucker, Attorney
I and Ai;eiit ut A'ashi:-ton Cilv- Persons bav
in,; claims lor tiouuty j.anus or j elisions urn ia
foruicd Ihat tliesul'-ciibcr has made u.ianeniciit.i
fur liie retjoi.-ite forms, and i laonaliU caliiii,; nl
his ollieo, can liavo their papers jirejiarcd und
forwarded to Mr- Tu k.-r i.l Wa-iiiuton, ami
l v biui be properly nllended to beforo the Be-
jmrtmcnt lucre.
11. B. MASSEK.
r'U' r r ---'.
tSunbury, Jan. let, 1
ADC. fr an the !--sl J m-aien Cinder, all the val.ial.le uial r ..periy el wlucli u w ill l,e luuinl lo p, s.
cm iu a e ,iiveuieut and e "ta-eal rated l inn.
II is a niosl ciucu iit lual ul the saint lime hannless. irenliv
slitnaUuiiji lomc I T (he. .-l ii'iuh, o it.1 will lie. i,iiud tery
lieut-ll-iud ill Iwllt-Vlil the piutllul 1111,1 dislle.slu;r loeiins
ucvuiunncd hy Ilit- liupii ir. d ucanli ol llua linp-,rlaut ore..),
I'r-ull half l-.a whole len-siusinl'id taken In a wiue-eja:.s-ful
ol BW-eclened waler will innuedi jlely rem ive the Jjalu
lenej und oppression rcsallnij lu luesli' n. nisi if taken
two or throe nines daily, ua re pined, w ill U- found hnrlily
uw I'ul liiaiusi Ihe luKsitiitleauit ofainkilitrol theii,, lu
nch und tendency la iu dis -i.l-atd uetion iK-cnaloii. .1 hy Ihe
eaervaliui; cllect -i the sa, tuner heats, or f !l,,wiutr tiller in.
di.pomli-ui, uud lor iIm: iiu-ipieiit lat;e. . diun
hiea, Ac.
It is ul im csealleut nieds-'me for these wlm hare in
jltrtsl the tone of ttit-.r stouia'-lis hy the iiuiut-dcrute ui,u tf
inliixieulins linuors, hy its alurhlly bIi.uu littiliir ellcel upon
Ihe al-iiiiaeli removing! tin' era v'liis f, -l slimubiulH, while it
tins no injurious acll ,n en the liiain, uud is l,, silcccedetl
hy fi-elinits of deprcaaioil, wl-.ieh ultvuya follow ihe use ul
ale"h die slllliuluuis.
A few drops udilctl lo inaiinesia, rhulinrh or alher pure-alive
medicines, will render them iu re aeeeplahle to the
ft'nn icli and , rev sat ttw snplng wlucli IS apt to accompany
Iheil ucll'.ll.
.N, E-tomer of 'th and CheitmU $triU. y
j'.fci.iv. ri ' ' -w ..i , .
Al ealtluct rrc Itonm of
SEB'N irourT & CO.
Market Sqware,
Also al the corner of Fmrn sired f5' the Railroad
ii '
Thankful for tho pnlronacc of liis friends and
eitstomers diirimr the 17 years he hns been in busi
ness in Ibis plaeo. he Solicits IVom Ihe Jiublie n eon
liiiunnce nf their fuviu-s. lliiHim Ibis period he
has endeavored to keeji nji witlt the iiojirovements
of the day, nod has a,-cordiniriy extended his bnsi
lies.: in every brain ii and variety. The public, arc
therefore invited to the nlleiitio.i of tlie present
stock of
M l N'.' F ATTC It kd nv
Al Ihe Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of the
c.-t.d'lishmciil th.y now manufacture
Irlfihogany, T,r-.lnut & Car.o-Scat Clmirs. 'ni-,'orr S.r.-if 7o-.-i n r ',
1 1 orts,
Drexsinz llurcnis. Venire Tn'uL
CnnrlL' Tup ll'tis'i S!tms,
nml it vnrivt'i of id'ier
Haw a'ljh nml .
G'asS;Ua.t?h' E'drsiiliire.
Haviiirr n lie ir.-e and m.iilo the neees
ary arraieje-mcnta for tl e jHirp-ise. I'.ev arc now
a-epTired fir Ciidci-liil,i!i-r in n'l its bran-die;, in
tilia vicinity or al imy e.tne.iie:it di lan.-e.
-e 'nai Ii; mi :,: ,. ,s. a,, ' :K,a. ,,t. too,
Here's l'ilrin!,ni. , ,t ,., M ',, ,.,.,
From sele h 'ai l. d nvil I i kii.-heu tahlts,
Pr an r 'i i ii-, eltairs t i i-n-Kii c e'-mih s
S!l"'ll 1 y 'II II--t have the ,loN to p-.t',
We'll wail i, while f t a l.'ihter 1-ier ,! ay,
I n lal.e )v I;, oics, oitis. c a n. wla-a! .-ni l rye j
ll-il, 1, 'op p !es. ulnvcs. -'r I mih-.r wet and dry,
Or imy Ihimr hnl y-lo r. and t'.ivshine; llails,
rroui pia-s mid tnrl;it-s down I i liilie ipiails.
t'-'ine on llu-u friendu. cine onenml ,ill.
i Kee,, tnnle a lit"Vi::r. p-i " -i,ii ihelnll."
j t"if; 'Orders fr om a distance jiromiit'y nllendcd
lo and wink of all kinds deiixered wilh dispatch,
r-imbury. March II, is.itl. tf
Id fJerji3jTuve, P;i.
'lir!i. V'i',!-!i','.s Jftvt Iry,
t EPAIlliiD in the best manner an 1 warrant' I
t t,, ,,. i f .....ll
to p, if trni well.
All work iulruutcd to hii c,
nllendcd to.
Scliiisnrovc, Nov. AO. Is3(t.
i "
will be strictly
I' 13 I 5. 1 lia. E. I E3 I i
'. CtH'itri' of J':t:r l a t I l'nhn Streets
KKt wi'.uN SIMM ('!: ami i'im: s r ;i r. i; r-. i
I -if i,:i:n i;vks ,
Ctrl iniiuterr':;.!.',!
, n l- r.-it 1 r. h. in,
i in-r t ir an I it--1. .
.ale lie, Ke. I'-'.- ,.
at. or I.- ;-, p uns in
III. S-l 1,'1.1,,'s er if,-!.
' I ill! iillllies - I lac
" 'tile en.e, !-li',l, me
M'd pi
"'I'f l lil
i ii'.H.'tii ii. a,
I e-HiintciU-
Tui: pa:. Tn
I'l. All
a l tie
i n i:.
' V s .
; : t
iia,l mi I I' ,;.'
i i- 'Usaoiti in,,
s-i a I- a.i.! -:,-a
a.i'eeli 'IIS, i,.J,
li .--. in ate
i art, I. and lu.i vi:;,,r r,"-l"
A vigorous; lia- or a
ii'i'in.iUm' lie;
kl.NKLl.lN oil Si ll'
f s-ruiliun.
i t EMS.
I',:',-' with i;sefa! iaf mc-.t.ia
i , t' the ti,-,;, tica, l'a;'i'is
I 111, '.I A N Hi li il) and il,. I)
I"es It -Ut.
, li 1 !,e lull, Itii,
El ifl.lressi s If
Alii'., mi, I s'i
The V lia .!,:
W.l' pie.-eiil t
t pu1 ii.'u
mi i . ! i-
ke I
Id he ll " I Ie,
- ,-e w o.t
In, y.- lo ; re
,'. e r i
.V I',..-.
nun I t
j IV Tn Use's
j ' Parents hv
! lra-!i -a s I-..
I V " rei....
-. p
l,t I,
Ill' l
:,; l.) -,', i
PACK ''i
-r.v u l'-,! !-'
i M Mil: -II
' a-!-!!.-
leers s i:; I,
( if
i:i I'':
r : : , ll I,
'IA .
n.d - ill li,,
r i
I I. H
s. Ne-.v :'
I tt-llll 111'
c. i-.-.i. I
irs. Ci
rk ul t e
,n-.v rates.
l! on k s i; 1. 1. 1; it .
IJUXiviX, 1 .
AS rrr-i;tl
nI. ;.ni n s ol!irr ri.
t'W, I iu. iii a. hi i'titi
'!r-, a
ul ,ii leiy ol ?
liciiU-HiS 3;:. :i
in - pu
r iio l'!s.
COKM lelt' or L'.'ji.lMfV
lii'iberls Do lb, aw.-!!,
1-aiaas d l 'I roibijip,
.' tie ih llaildnirt ,
Kevndols iio Marrvj't,
Co. k i on ii) fiicy'.
Mivwcil .!.. M.i.:-!,,
Jcir.-hl Ai:.s,t..rt!i
.'.'.,', s d,i
Atti.el.iw pi i 'C- oi liom S.) lo ay cis j or v -!
Sin.! arv, sr,,:. .-.. 1 .:, tl'.
J. ir,
ij ov vise.
Ca:l-:i7. Pa,
Street, iiuin.'-Uai
y opposite the
lllhce iu lJecr
l'uh ic iSt'Il'Mil 11 tUI '
oiieeiej aii'l ail husitic
plallipliy and care-
Ajuil ,', 1 -lal'.-
' (il'.lt, an eiellcat article.
Kti-wir's .Medicaid Uoa i lor sun
urus, tan.
letter, c.
1,'adwav'a Circassian Balm
for the hair il.i n.I-
ri;lf .Ve.
Kadwav s Beadv Belief for Cramj"
Cholera Morbus, Ac. For sale hi
ll, li. MAs.sFiL
Hunbury, Au. S, ISoO.
j.Vl'ONE Ware, B.iitiieu Ware, liuisins, Al
y'yi inoiids, i' tines uud ('ream Nuts.
Manes of all kinds.
""'.ill uud Piaster. Ju- t received and for sale
by JOHN W. FKlLINli.
" .s'uubiiry, Dec. a: I, eklli.
ItOOK-S' and Cold Pens. On hand several cop
- ics of the life of Christ, uud also a number of
irol 1 jiens which we will sell ut the Philadelphia
prices. For sale at this olliee.
ii 'A. 1 ENl.MiS A eiieaji and excellent urli
tie lor Ktonin; sa.-h for sale bv
5unbury, July 7, 1RID.
"jV'I'KslNCi BOTTLES Brenst pumps, and
' nipple luU's- A suiply of theeo useful arti
idea jut received and for sale bv
Sunbury, Jan 18, 1851 If
7 ILEYhS C'OI'C CMN'DY. n excel
lent remedy lor couylis, colds, ror sale
at this officu
f"ISeSl!E PAPEK Yellow Tisaue pajer for
1 covering ulasoes, ie., for sale at llw olliee ol
tho American. -
K LA NIC DEEDS priuteal on tho best quality
cf parchment paper, sold ut the lowest prices
M this offica, hjr whole-al and raiail
rr.xxivi,VAi.v. (
CITV C I'llll.AIIKI.rillS.
I,. S. Uniili u 'tis 1.1 dia
All solvent bunk mii
All solvenl Imnks dil
hmokk isi,Ar.
All s Ivcnt hunks 1S
All solvent Innks " I lbs
Hank of l.-hiimhersliiirjr 1 dial
i i 1 1 it in cansier t.o, pur
llinik of Chesler par
leieit -,i -,-Tinatuowii
Hank of (lellysl'Ui-a-
par All S"lvent Imnks I dis
I ili' tTT l)k notes under 85 Jills
llanlt ol I ,f'tar.l'tvu
naliK ol ... lililh-f, ,, a
1 lhn.ll solvi'llls linil..
1 (lit
.11 -nteoinery I a Mink par! M,V .IIIHSI'Y.
Hank ol .v,rlhiinil,crrn,t. pro i llelvnlere Hunk J dis
llanlt f I'i.lsl.iirg I dis C 'iiim icial llnnk j dis
Hinkol U.'iiivillu . p a'l'iir II nk M ail II illy par
Carlisle llinik t dis P..V ,M.. .M i,!,l!elown I'l. pur
C' ll'k A It'ircCo ,ir Meehunies' Ilk. Newark par
It ivelsi tvu Hunk uir Meeh. HI. of 1 lurlimrt-al par
l.,.s.,,n Hmk t.i.r .M.-.-li. .V Mm. Hs-t rciit par
lira' Hank 0 dis M aris c, Hanlt dis
i:.--h iii'-e ll'k t'i'tf'"ir I dis Newark luc,, (, Ins.Co dis
Fxe'cnce li'li. Urn. a h 1 ills' Ornniie Hank i dis
l-'a'iners' ll'lt, HueksCo par'l'i' ' le's Hk I'allerson 3 ilit
l arniers' Ilk,, 'lister par I'riuci Ion ll-uik
r.'iruiers' V, Uenilinr par S-ili oi li'in'on-- Co,
l'-irm. lik Seliiii Iklll Co p ir Si ucrrel C - llinik
I' A II. Ilk W-' uesli'u 1 1 dis Stale Hank ul Ci-mdcn
I'riuikliii IH-. Wii;rn O Pa f .-Hi- Hit I'.lizahellit -ii
' dis
1 lo. Tis! ii aj Haul, dis Slate H'nik Newark
II. in, ml, ,ie Hank 1 ill Slnle li!:. N . II, uianvii
l.ii'11-.ister llmCi -,r s,i--:iex Hank. .Newt m
I I'.iii.-ii ll 'iik p-ir;Ti"nt 'll llnnkice Co
Meieh. M. n,Mi, i disil'iii-n Ji-mli. Iinvi-r
Mmeis' irit, lv,osvi;)e j-er Vnr,llet v'le A l). ir r ,
M n -iii'-ihel , I' , A- ,i,s ivllk i, ,i, s en, I. r S3
T ,yl .rsv'e i,lt!V C y, , !f.l.AW.lti;.
M .. - Ili.n.el, I:,,, I, !,.,r lt.,1,',.,,1 l!ewaie
Mi 'i'i'r, Ilk. i:,,.;,i,',. j, ,r Hank ol'Snoina
'S rkll nil,. t als'lie'-oc-ie Ciiv ll-in!r
, ;,nr
i dis
I w I , eli-'l IIO'I S
v. mm:.
Hank i f V.. .., i.
I din
Hk XX'iiine'n-V Hrmi'yw. nm
It me -s IA St I lelawaie
nil n Hank, ''ilniiu:;ti'
M- re..l:'
Al ,
Hail" 'X In
' L'u-lcr .v
s :',v C l,an!;s
III; n is.,!...
'.'( I'll l !!l
s It- I ',ia:.s
l': '.''.
m:w iiwii
VI s -u,.
11 lil i:.'
.? ills
1 ihs
- V .
I - in!, of m A :l ,i,,h
Al. s Ivcii'..
3 ill.
i ,lt.
Ecunty lan-l Pension Aencj,
! Ltf G Tt! , li. C.
'I'll.. llli.l,e-i.ii., All ,1-uev mill (i ral .V;eit ut l!:e
s. t u
tt its 11, I- 1,11. ,,ll..-. ... U..,t'l,..,u .. ....
'.- 1 eilM ,IS I HI ,S. ICI,-,1. I
in i.i.-iniy I ,-ao,i ut I 'u- sen . t t i v."i,i i i, . with u lit
nit- (.--i-
i'umiu.1,1 i etna ir ne pi uui nice tvcli llie n.-e, ;
in,. I i am ie ,, l,i,i, -s. in, ! Im-iii'ineei'S In It
Kolis n.,"l in ll,,- I . s. war --ilii-e. I ..-
e iry I, trues,
l.ieiiil it-5 I- ,1
O iV rillia nt
speely in: I ,-n isa.el ay ieliusliueiil
el. 1 1 i ih i
1 1.
Hv a
Ihe : ih,
ri us I
A' I I C ucres... H-'iinly Lund is rrrunted lo
ii I is ! la,- w o ,,t l-p;. !M1. ,,, Uw
lail tt ,
e '- I'. an T i ill.,, t Ie, m v, -I iiin,
ih s,- w!i.i s, n ! i nr in icn mi
itiit HIT, s ;
ud I ' I!
' tVfi
lie la nt ti pl neri s.
"'Ill' 11 s ii:,
i- (is .1 ll i:
1 It I' tv If
,- I e, ii nnd V. loi c. ini- men of tl.e .-eell. to I l!i,, C nml, v. fit
nils, tin, I tl,,- H il,- ,,' llie put,-,, ts. when
; I e-,l
III.-1, ,
. iM-aid
ot' I
,1, 'i's :
a II,,- III adtau
. r,-!- in.-: r ni . ,i' i,
lll'l I'T !l,e ti.l is l-
i ie 'Its lerilis; I T the !.niiletit
ie V, s ,1.1 i ,r luxe ; e ll- et'i
it -u ,,l ",-e-ral l.uw I'lisiaiss. iii
rent ,.iti-s a-i'l 1 erril ii les.
!! I. -mli
i ser-. 1,-,-s t , ni, a.lrs of the p-,-;.f, ssi ai i t a
me.-. I vv!i-n ehiinis . or ni;s the I ,
eruili, ; t. tn : ure
p-ir-,1 !
'Pee in
nl! s,-l,
htisun i
"-tl Virnt. will ::i".e on.' Inn I- nsnril et
i . i r V 1 'I'tllli uri-l liirJtlKelioitS. linil lii:iiri!i::;i r;n
eis a;; eitrMoiu- . ;J stl ess-i! proy
t S-f. Will I'.' iilPllislieil I reUUliir t.'"l.'rll
of lias
' with
oil 1 elFllLT''.
11-1 s mis il-s!ri n-jj: inf n'n tfi n o" fii -nilK in iNearniy or
ibiw, n ill I -i '.M.--1 1-1 him all i In partifiihrf. known ''t' their
(-rvire. t-iL'1 I her with a !'. '(' .,- tj .Mir, im.t then
will !" r-n'-e-l t hy i 'ii.ii ot' in lit. All e .inimum a-
li MS t:i he (I1
ei'.un.) an I Insi-it t
i llAl'.I.O t
(!! X !ir, IV O.J Y
. Tt'i'KK!!.
Sleucl '!.. I C.
its) m -t-s, .N m V .
w . w -Jl .7". O '
li t vr.ns (ti1 t;i I hi k it
Jm v l i'l or, K wrv one
Iii ow it j'hv :' ! ll-irti-
eth ed: i-ai. 't :' (l in
:V 3
, . I !,... ;
in.- peeuliar iiisc.,. ,
ry shape am! form,
formations o! the u
s in e c -and
m c
, i.crabvi
ii v wit. vtn
'i'lie ti in- has
mi. m n
need n
i by tl.e
:i,- mat ,
at per '.is -,::,- ; ir.i.o
i lii i.e I e, .one llie ii'iira
j,r.'., riol i ,ti i c o,' lice, I ;
u.e ili tl .. !;'. nil i.iii! ,in,.
a kii .c of nay ,,i,c.
a-,-a! c . pence, la u.hii
liite oj" ;iivale ih.-.e,is.", i-
I ai.iiiboo.l's!t m eiiue.
marriage besides many
;, ii il vv-tdd not i e pro-
ei ili-eisc,
'ail ia -v. ;
,' !en::t
I.I llll'
is III.' c,
,cr ta l".l,:ie.
s ta sea In: - -
".v i;sn-nv y c i. -i-
ce one copy of this
1 k. I
in a 1. tier, w ill r, ce
l.i.i.l. or live
Addiess, -li!,'
C. le
VY vt ill be
.a i
O ! Nl
d.i'iu :
! Vlill
l be Discs.
ii sir.vl. I'IMl.Al.
ii ant .
0 IV I ,
YOI'.V,; eat, !
,!. .ei-cc! it, In-.
-..isi'.i'.d ,
i .; cm i,i,i
it las i l,a. o.
Ino'H '.I and :
;:i i
N ov. II. I -
M.i i ...,
M E l A L.
i.-'!' JAPAN I"IiCT-T5rr.
:ni, X i. f.'.i CI!-. r.rTS a l,
uwa. lc.) by fin FUANKI.LN IN
"I'E of Fliii'.alcliihia in I Iclobcr,
AMi I Hi-,
I'ili-T 1 -BBMIFM by ihe MA 11 VL MJ 1 -S'i'i
Tl "1'E. at faliiii.'.re, .Nov. -Hand Isl'J.
i'l,!., !,!,:!.; !i-u,i, ;r,th, hh.
have use.! .1. ebar's Patent Japan Li -;i 1
and l'.islc 11! ii-!.ii"' f.-r sa ne nine m-mlbs, and
i:a happy lo say taut il siap.t---e.- any i iaclaa.: I bave used tac-c twcioy j.-ars. I lia, I
it linh's the ,.ii ,'i an I ju. -. ites Ihe ioaiaer bet
ihr Ihuli any i bicl- in.; th ,1 I Lite it.rtacd.
A en c -v II. ( ' a t ii a . ns.
N i. Ill t bcsiaut Street,
Vi'ir.. ClTP.P.XY, -V ...";.-.;. ,rr
S' , .-is. r t . .1. Wlli.l. K,
No. 50 I'hi-il-n.t S'I reel, S -cond.
November, !', ls.r. ;.!,-.
i ... ,
iVy. ha ilaie
i'A Al
A- AN,
r.-iiiii ib):)i'
low Thii't!,
11 i:!l'.-: all kinds of lasts, cv,
, of t'ie latest
niaiiuij. tared
sit Ie and bc-l uiuleiiai,
on reasonable teiins.
All order, j-ronijilly -and jiunctiialiV a'.tcnded to.
Philadeljihia, Nov.' 1, I Sail. ly.
O'HE subsci'i'ic
- ol'lhcbc-lli
r Las just reci-ited a new sti-!y
IHois that t-vcr came to .Sunliury,
consisia: in j-arl t-l
!uiei-ior oi l pale Brandy.
Fine I 'ti.aiiae Br-iiidv.
Superior Old Januii. a Sjiiritt.
New Emdaiid Kiiui.
Fine llo!lan-I (lin.
Si-jterior Old W'hi.-.kcy
Comm. dl do.
t-hipcrii.r Madeiiu Wine.
Lislton do. do.
ts'uictiiir Foil inc.
Biir.; Port do.
Sweel Malaga inc.
S'liju-rior Claret W ine in bottles,
t'huuijta-'rae do. do.
.''uubury, May Sfi 1 S 1 y.
C II A I! L K S v H E (11 N S ,
I-otls.. lilt', l'a.
Will promptly attend to collections and all bu.-i
ncss eniiusicd to liis care.
June 16, 1S19,
STONE milk Pans, slono Ju,' uud Pilchers,
uud other article of stone ware juU received
and for sale by JOHN W, FBILINO.
Sunbury, June 23, 1st!)
1EAS, from the New Y'ork Caulon and Pekin
A 'J'en Company. For sale by
Ie by
Sunbury, Dec. ?, 1848
"fiAY Hl'.M. An excellent article for sale
hunburjr Jaa. tTth, 1849 tf.
"Uncoiirase Your Own!"
rPlIE subscriliersresM;etfiilly call th attention
nf the public lo their lnrrrc and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
iur; -u a
which eatinof fail to reionunend i' -elf tocvery on
who will cxnmi'ie it. on n-counl of its durabla
woikiniinship nnd s'deiuhd finish, made tip of th
best slock lo be had in the eily. IVo effort i
sjiiired iu llie mnnufaetnre of their ware, and the
subscriber nre di terniineil to keep up with the
ninny improvement which arc constantly being
made. Their slock consists nf Mii'iognny
tui'.sH, E) I vi)i mid I.oHfJsre',
Jjitirnus, Srrirt.Ttfr!, jSSf&f boart
and idso 'EN ETIAN BLINDS, equal to J'l iia-
dclihi,i mantifaclure.
BEDSTEADS, of every patient and t"'is
cFPiioAiinr-, worn': and candle-
in short, everv tirlicle in t!-i line nf their huinst.
They also manufacture all kinds and qualitiea
vaiii lics never before to he had in
och as M timc.ivr. K Wst so r
ia- Mai i i; ti in ; asid WiTliina
t mi cam I'i am, s rotii.s. which areof
'm l, i lino
Snnbcrv ,
K V ll t '" 11
la:- - t stvlcs. nml warranted to be excelled ly
te iiiunnlaetio-,,,! in the Cities or elsewhere.
Tbc Sid se
' no cei: ;e
rs urn d. -terminal that there shall
-et.i:i t- purchase furniture in
: v i-oiit'.leie-c can be eutertainei
o,,.'h of their wart and
al,,. l;l il.r qi-ilay ai..: ;i
l lours.
'J'beir nrticles tvill i;c i!isj,ose,l of on as good
terms a they can be purchased clscwh -re. Coun
try I'r ii'ic e I ikc.i in -a mm-i I for work.
IV I NL'Ei: I'AKINfi. llavinir provided
iheiti.-elve.s with a h iiiilsomc He. t iisk, they are
moiv pri-pnrcd lor I tiderlakinu. and al lending fu
nerals, in this vicinity, or ul any convenient dis
tance from Ibis jiiace.
The Ware Kootn is in Marke Straai,
epio-iic .1. Viniiij's store, and nearl opjiosilai
caver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Dec. 11, lsOO. tf.
ma izirjzcAt. wor-Tosn or th
"4" ILL posilively cure ail slaves of N'eura!jia
I i.
Toot. .,t rmus Headache, Clio
Icra, Lockjaw
n -one I'l.m'.tO'
eai i f rosit
lain .ciire l',.,- I
F ,'ra I Iron
''.- -', 1,1. ,.,
miraeiil'iits j( o
I1,,- ;,,;.';,. ii w
, lii!ro.!iobi.i conviilsions ; will
'llo its pii-siiio- i-or, even after
cioa. und ''a- otily known and car
et irii or m-iit il debiltv.
i la- New lorkMiu. Oct.' a, 1S4J.
la- '
I- of
when t.ilkiiiR of tii
Nervous Antidote,"
.Why such a valua
eeii'in was not in
i !'' replied, "That
i;er 1 ." any use for a
led tr im a dis -c-an-ncrti
s are liie i.iaia
iyesji tins in ordar,
iui,.-t be."
dia. i
' s -tetll
lli.,1 I" ,1,
I '.N I
ii. li ih,.cs.
: i-! i, t;
uh for a!! r-
!.( BY
N it'T Y. Broa.ltvast
t r s w.
I. AL a. CIJ ,
lio i Iu' -V.
(S.u.-'h ii,!,-.-)
:ki. a to. Tri a.
11 F, Subscriber has .-pened a new hat tier
and oilers to traders and oilier who sisit Ilia
f i it v
a liuiij.-oioe a-isorimcnl ol hats, caps, of
tieit. ui.i.le ia. of Ho- b....t niaieiial. and in
tt.C l.iii--,t j
; v. run
- ii : r,
i ti ;.i . I
t Ii.fe m h;
i .;,'.! ai, iel,
d bv. su'e. ami mi terms as reus. ma
" I'-'d in ;t..y eslabaslnnent in Pbila-
ii.its ei :'.',,')() ; flood do
Ir.-a: the country vt ho pur
aii i,
. on r,eltinr; a
and one that 1
i .1 a i.l
-j w.-rth t:ie m, an ,- p. id.
l'iiiluoe'i l.ia. Nov. !.', I .,.7i.t. ;v.
:;-. h oi
A l V. , li ka
a a,-.' at,-it- I'r --a (';!. l!ev,,e. tke
u,i (i yuar slum U,al Cjfiani (of Iks
PlIlL, n
i. cr I was :.:;
r I' ! Ul . I 'I'. '
: ll:e H el"', '
l,:i-! il I,,,
"- .,'V-l I (l,-l -her Tl, lb!S.
,-ke. I ttah a I. re;,. ice, out
, '. tt'ii.e!, I M,, e ,it n:C. rl
u -p. It ei aii.-laallt extenu-i,-d
it..- ii,.; er (.mi . f ins
in lilus tint it c inlinued
Sever d
on no n-"
, CO.
Ill II
I'.a-o I :
n.v I '.-.
a I li-.-,
a:-; , I
lie.ct ies. s -mr ef tvliiei, had
l i :. the dtsease. hut
'Vi' 1 1,' ..S1 he.iflil unlit 1
I... O.'. us,. .-I' ..ip- inr ,,, j!(
.- :r , named 1 1 ,-e of Ihe afist:-
- ,,l. I -iitlv rtpphed i"or roaza
ni l,.i,.,'s. Ae. Wi'h r.r.
li 'il ill rri-'-lii-aeuu,, f it ia
a ,t ,
I w.i
lMir Massi-i:, Si.iil.nrv.
i ,
t -
we- tf. -W w X f WW ?
r, price reducej.
i'. eti's 0V""i!.':t.
" I J.l",''' i; 'wn -c
li liter's ars ij aril'
S-va. t-e's " j nri - !'
St. .. '. ai-'s er-i
d Ilir.r.
jm-'s '.'!. .- I' .
1 r. 1 -rake's l'a, , i.
I :r. ( 'ulhai's do
Ti' ' ''- fai'l Kil'er.
Dr. I! aoi'.aad's (.'crman Bitiers
Indian ej'-i-a'.i.' I', lis
llai-seund ('allle Medicine
For sale by 11 EN BY MAsSER.
sun! t ry, ,li.!v I I, IS'-lfl,
rim Pii??r.f''3 NrAar-MGctri-i
t'O.MPItlSINli V l.'lll.l.tL'T HlX UF IIVM 20U
V A I. V A II L E K E C 1 P E S ,
In Ihe I'mid and Inli realing ArU with a fext
sample and i neioii l.-,eriiiieltls !
Clll'.'.lls ril V :
J NCI.I'DIXO Medicines, Pel fumerv, Chemistry
Co. k cry, Fun iery, Dy ini, ('onl'cciionarv, Do
mestic Beououiv , etc. etc. i-lc. Price Or els., for
sale by " HENliY MASSEil.
-sunbury, Dec. S, 1 S 111.
Just received at tho store of JI ENTJY MAS
sKU, a lot i.f C.ij.s, Cum Siluai, Almanac,
l jacensvvarc, l.iipiors &c. All of which will bt
sold at the lowest piice,
Dec. I I, ISat).
LE!!AI. WATEI!, from the Oak Orchard
' 1 Acid Spriuit. Iii ;lily valuable in chrouic di
seases, and t une remedies, for sale
1 1 EN Iii' MASSER.
Siinhiirv, JiineS, !e0 tf
Al'.s An assortment just received. AIo
silk HA J'S at :,'.'), lor alc by
Snub. it . Dee. s1 1.
JTENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison'
wrhinij and in lellilih; ink, Cotton and
hips, jusl retcived and lor sale bv
Sunbury, Dec. S, 1818.
LAN ICS of every deacri'tion can be had by
op ry ing at theotlk-e of the American.
ADD'S eelebrateJ Horse and Cattle Medi
ne for sale by HENRY MAUSER
J cunoury, Jan. ana, in.
. . . . a.LiaAO