Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 06, 1851, Image 3

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    New Advertisements.
"ux Tftlnablc ;
frUIE aubscrilwr will at public ssle, at th
House of Theodore Wells, in Ilia borough
of Money, Lycoming county,
,On WEDNESDAY, the 12ih dor of NC-.
-i ,Vfc.WlEU, 191-.
A Valuable Farm,
situate In Muney township, Lycoming county,
200 ACRES,
more or 1cm adjoining land of Benjamin Wa
ller, Jacob Haines, James Knbb, Samuel Wallis,
and.olhers. To Iks sold as the estato of Edwurd
Gobin, dccM.
It is within three miles of tho Borough of
Munry, and a half mile from a limestone bank,
now worked, and that vein of Iimcstouo extends
Into this tract. About B00O bushels of lime
have been spread on the farm within three ycura
hsL There are never failing springs in nearly
nil the fields, and Wolf Run posses through the
middle of the tract The spring at the house is
remarkably large and fine. The situation is
healthy and every way desirable. Tho improve
ments lire a large sized two story
a one and a half story frame DWEL-
MN HOUSE, lately finished, a large BANK
BARN, very well finished, and provided with
extensive stabling for horses, cattle and sheep, a
Wagon House and corn crib, with gmiunries
above, a Smoke House, a two story Spring
House, plastered, and other out buildings.
There is a largo
of fine fruit, and a large number 3!iw
of Peach, Pair, Plum, and other " '"
ruit trees, of a fine quality en tho premises.
About ISO Acres are cleared and under fenre,
nd iho fences aro mostly in good repair. The
Imluncc of the laud is well timbered.
The place has been carefully farmed, and is
now in a line stale of cultivation.
Sale to commence at II o'clock, of said dny,
when the conditions will be made known by
Executor of Eiiw'abu GoiiiK-, dee'd,
M-tincy, Aug. it:), 183 1. ts.
"DUKSUAN'T to nu net of the General As
- aumbly tf the Cominou wealth of Pi'unsyl
vaniu, entitled -'An net relating to tho elec
tions of this -Commonwealth," uppruveil the
second day of Billy, Anno Domino, one thou
sand eiirlil hundred ami thirty-nine, I, JAMES
COVEKT, UL'h Sheriir of The county of Nor
tliumheiliindg'eiiiisylvnnin, do hereby make,
known mid tri-ve notice to the electors of tho
county pfoiesaid, that a general election will
bu held in paid county of Northnmberliind
orf the 8ECO.NI" TUESDAY 14tli. of OCTO
BE!l. 1851, at which time, Mate and Coun
ty OlEcurs, as follow., aro to be elected :
One jiersou-us Governor -of rois 'Common
wealth. One person ns Canal Commissioner of the
Five persona ns Judiros of the Supieme
Court of this Ciuriinoiiwealth.
Oho person ns President Jiidce tif the 8th
Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed
of the Counties of Norihurnbei land, Lycom
ing. CUutnii and Centre.
Two persons as Associate Judges of the
erenil Courts of Northumberland comity.
One person ns Senator of the Hlh District,
composed of Norlhuriibei land and' Dauphin
One person to fill the oflieo nf Member of
tho Housts of Representatives, to represent the
county of Northumberland, in the Ujuso of
Representatives of Pennsylvania.
One person ns Sheiifl' for Hie county of
0:ie person as Piothonotary for tho county
of Norlhtitiilierlitii I.
One person as Commissioner for the coun
ty nf e.orllninib:-"rl.iiid
One person us Treasurer for Iho comity of
One person lis Coroner for !he county of
One person as Auditor for the county of
1 also hereby in ike known and irive notice
thai the places ot huhliim the n foresaid aene
ral election in the several bonaejhs niul
townships within the county of Northumber
land arc as follows:
The Suubniy District, composed of the
boroujlh of Siiubury, and Uppjr Augusta) ut
the county Court House.
Th'-i Augusta District, comprised nf the
township of Lower Augusta, ut tile liouao of
Geore ('on rail, in said township.
The Northumberland District, composed of
the bmonyli of Northumberland, ut the house
of Peter lltnselinaii, in the borough of North
umberland. The Point District, tit tho house of Henry
Haas, in the b--irouili of Northumberland
Tlie Milton District, at the house of Fred,
erick Slickei, in said burouoh.
Tho Tuibiit District, at the Irouso occupied
by Abraham Kissinger.
Tlw D-dawaro District, at like House of
lli'nry K inder.
Tire Chilisqnarpie District, nt the house oc
cupied by Benjamin Fordsmaii.
The Lewis District, at the kiuse of Mi
chael lleadvr.
Tho Shnniokiti District, tit the houso of
Charles Leisenriui.
The Upper Mihuuoy District, at tin; house
of Daniel Hi'im.
The Little Mahanoy District, nt the lwuso
of Frederick II iker.
Tho Lower Mihanoy District, at Iho house
of Michael Sp.itz.
Tho Rush District, ut the Liberty Pule
School House.
The Jackson District, at the house of Peter
The Coal District, ut the house of Duniol
P. Has
The Cameron District, nt llio House of
Jacob Han pt.
The election to-open between the lyiurw of
6 and 10 uTiHock in the forenoon, and shall
continue without interruption or udjourument
until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the
polls shall be closed'. t
The several Inspectors and Judges elected'
on the 3d Friday of March last, in pursuance
of the 3d Section of tin; act of the. Sd of Ally,
1830, will hold the election on Tuesday Uie
14lh day of October uext.
"That every person except a Just ice-of l lie
Peace, who shall hold any ollice- or appoint
ment of protit or trust under tlw soveriiment
of tho United Stales, or of this Slate, or of
any city or incorporated district, whether u
commissioned otlicer or Hfreut, who shall bo
employed under the legislative, excutive or
judiciary depart input of this Stale, or tho Uni
ted States, er of any city or incorporated dis
trict, and also that every member of Congress
and of the State Legislature, and of the Delect
and common council of any city, or commis
sioner of any incorporated District, is by law,
incapable of holding or exercising the oflieo
or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk,
or any election of this, commonwealth and
(hat no. Inspector, Jud-ra or any other officer
of such election, shall be eligible to any orlioe
.to. ba then toted for.
And the said Act of Assembly, entitled
"an set relating to the elections of" this Com
mouweullh," passed July the 2nd, 1832.
further provides as follows, to wit :
"That the Inspectors and Judges chosen as
aforesaid, shall meet at the respective plaoes
for holding the election in the district to
which they respectively belong before nine
o'clock in Iho morning of tho second Tuesday
of October in each and every year, and each
of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
snail oea qoaiiliea voter oi sucu nisirici.
1 also hereby make known and give notice
that by an act of Assembly passed on the
' Oih dny of April, 1849, it shall be lawful for
.l 'i-,. . i 1 ...L r Vf..l u.l.l
US rpjHIIIieil voters oi iuriiiuiiiuDrniiiu uuuu-
ty, from and after the passage ol said act, to
vote for nil the candidates for the various of
fices, to be filled at any election on one slip
or ticket: Provided, That ollice for which
every candidnte is Toted for, shall be designa
ted, as required by the existing laws of this
Suction 2. That any fraud committed by
any person voting in the manner above pre
scribed, shall be punished ns similar frauds
aro directed to be punished by the existing
laws of this Commonwealth.
"In case thfl person who shall have receiv
ed the second highest number of votes for In
spector shall not attend on the day of any
election, then the person who shall have re
ceived the second highest lumber of voles for
Judge the next preceding election, shall aot
as an inspector in his place, and in case the
person who shall have received the high
est number of voted for Inspector, shall not
attend, the person appointed Judge shall ap
point nu inspector in ins pmce, nuu in wisu
the person elected Judge shall not attend, the
inspector who received the highest number
of votes, shall appoint n Judge in his place;
and if tiny vacancy shall continue in the
board lor the space oi an nour niter tlie time
fixed by law for the opening of the election,
i he qualified voters of the township, ward or
district, for which such officers shall have
been elected, present nt the place of elec
tions, shall elect one of their number to till
such vacancy.
"It shall be the duty of said assessors re
speclively to nllend nt Iho place of holding
every neneral, special, or township election,
during the whole time said election is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information
to the inspectors and indue, when called on.
in relation to the fiuhl of any person assessed
by them to vote tit such election, or such
other matters in relation to the assessment of
voters, as the said inspector or judge or ei
ther of them, shall fiom time to lime re
ipiiie. "No person shall be permitted to votoat any
election as nforesaidj other than a white free
man of twenty-oiio r more( w ho shall have
resided in' I lie state nt least one year, and in
the election district wheie he offers to vole
at least ten days immediately preceding
such election, mid within two years paid
stale or county tax, which shall nave been
assessed at least ten days before tho election,
Hut a citizen of the United Slates w ho had
previously been a cpmlilied voter of this state,
ami removed therefrom nnd returned, anil
shall have resided in the election district, and
paid tax ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote
after residing in this state six months, Provi
ded, That the white freemen, citixen of the
United Slates, between lhenue of twenty-one
and twenty-two years, nnd having resided in
the titatc one year, nnd in the election dis
trict ten days us aforesaid, sdiull be entitled
to a vote, nlihouyh they shall not have paid
No person shall be permitted to Vote whose
name is nut contained in the list of taxable
inhabitants furnished by the commissioners
ns aforesaid, unless, First : He produce a
receipt for the payment, w ithin two years, of
a state or county tax assessed ngreeably to
the constitution, and give satisfactory evi
dence either on his own oath or alfirmation,
or on the oath or affirmation of another, that
he has paid such tax, or on failure to produce
a receipt, shall make nn oath to the payment
thereof ; or second, if he claim o right to vote
by being an elector between the nges of
twenly-onennd twenty-two years, he shall da
pose on oath ornllirmatioii, that lie has resid
ed in the state nt least one yrnr next before
his application, and make such proof of resi
dence in the district ns is required tiy this
act ; ami that he does veiily believe from the
accounts given him that he is of the age afore
said, and give such other evidences as is re
quired by this act, whereupon the nnme of
the person so admitted to vote, shall bo iu
seited in alphabetical list by the inspectors,
and a note tnado opposite thereto by writing
the woul 'lax,' if he shall be permitted to
vote by reason of having paid tax, or tho
word 'age,' if he shall be permitted to vote
on account of his age, nod in either case the
reason of such voles shall bo called out to the
clerk, who shall make notes in the list of vo
ters kept by them.
In all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vote is not found on the list fur
nished by the Commissioners and Assessor,
or his riirht to vote whether found thereon or
not, is objected to by any qualified citizen,
the Inspector shall examine such person on
oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims
to have icsnled in tho state one year or more,
his oath blnill bo a proof thereof, but he shall
prove by at least one competent witness, who
shall bo u qualified elector, that ho resided
within the district at least ten days nex't im
mediately preceding the election, and shall
also himself swear that his bona fide resi
dence, jo pursuance of his law ful calling ks
williiu trie district, and that tie did not m
move into said district for the purpose tf vo
ting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid, nnd
who shall make proof, if required, of his resi
dence and payment of taxes, ns aforesaid,
shall be admitted to vote in the township,
ward or district in which he shall reside.
If any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth, ngreeably to law, (except tho
sons of qualified citizens) shall appear nt any
place of election for tho purpose of issuing
tickets, or influencing citizens qualified to
vole-, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars
for every such oU'enee, and be imprisoned'
for any term not excoodiug three months.
It shall be the duty of every mayor, sheriff,
alderman, justice of the peace, nod constable
or deputy constable, of every city, comity,
township or district within this common
wealth, w henever called upon by any otlicer
of an election, or by any three qualified elec
tors tln.'ieof, to clear any window or avenue
to any window, to th place of general elec.
lion, which shall he obstructed in nucha wny
as to prevent voters frum approaching the
same, and on neglect or refusal to do so on
such requisition, said' ofliifcr shall be deemed
guilty of misdemeanor in office, and on con
vicliou shall be fined in any sum not less than
one hundred nor more than one thousand'
dollars ;: and it shall be the duty of Iho re
spective constables of each ward, district or
township, of this commonwealth lu be present
in peisoii or by deputy, at tho place of hold
ing such elections i:i said ward, disl'rict or
township, for the purpose of preserving the
peace as aforesaid.
It shall be tho duty of every peace officer,
as aforesaid-, who shall be present at any
such disturbances at air election us is de
scribed in this acl, to report the same to the
next court of quarter sessions, and' also the
names of the witnesses w ho can prove Ilia
And by tho 4th section of the aot of 16ih
of April, 1840, it is enaeted, 'That the 15la
section of the act, as passed July 2d. 1839,
entitled an act relating to the elections of
this commonwealth, shall not be so construed
as to prevent any militia officer or borough
officer, from serving as judge, inspector or
clerli, at any general or special election in
this commonwealth.
The Judges are are to- make their returns
for the county of Northumberland, at the
Court House, in Sunbury, oil Friday, the 17th
day of October, A. D. 1851.
n.r c J,AMES cVEnT, Sheriff.
Shr'fli Office, Sunbury, )
cpL 6, 185i UL
God save tub Commonwealth.
According to appointment, the Executive
Committee of the Northumberland County
Agricultural Society, met at Sunbury, on
Saturday, Aug. 16, 1851. Members present.
James Cnmeron, Jos, R. Priestley, Jacob
Seesholtz, Geo. C. Wolker. Jacob Hilbish,
Alexander Jordan, Jesse C. liorton, Amos E.
Kapp, Peter Oberdorf, Wm. L. Dewart, Win.
I. Greenough, nnd David Tuggart.
Alexander Jordan, Esq., was called to pre
side, and Wm. 1 Greenough, acted as Score
lary. , .
On motion of J. R. Ptieslley, Esq., it was
resolved that ihe Agricultural Fair or Exhi
bition, be held at Sunburv, on FRIDAY, the
17ih day of October, to be opened at 10 o'
clock, A. M. on such grounds as a Commit
tee appointed for the purpose shall procure.
Resolved, That Samuel Hunter, Alexander
Jordan, Geo. C. Welker, Jacob Seesholtz,
Wm. I. Greenough, Peter Oberdorf, and Wm.
L. Dewart, conqmse that Committee. J
The following premiums were then agreed
upon, to be awarded by Ihe Committee here
after nnmed.
For tho best stallion, mare or gelding,
over 4 years old, $8,00
" second best, do do 4,00
" best colt under 4 years old, 5,00
" second do " do 3,00
For the best bull of any breed, over 2
years old,
" second do
" best milch cow,
" second do
best yoke of oxen,
second do
" best bull calf under
over 6 mouths,
heifer, do
" bull or heifer calf under 6
" steer over 2 years old, ac
cording to age.
For the best bonr,
" " sow,
" hoc,
" " pair of shoals undei eight
months old,
" " litter of pins under 2 mo's.
For tho best ram,
" " ewe.
For Ihe best pair of Chickens,
second do do
best pair of luikies,
second do do
best pair of geese,
second do do
bet pair of ducks,
" see'd do do
" best lot of Poultry, including all
For the best bushel of wheat,
" " 2 bushels ears of corn,
" " bushel of oats,
" " " " potatoes,
" " " turnips,
" " beets
For the best head of cabbage,
" " beet,
" " 6 heads of celery,
half bushel of onions,
peck of tomatoes,
head of cauliflowers,
3 pumpkins.
For the best half bushel winter apples, 1,00
" " peas,
' " quinces,
" '' peaches,
" 5 lbs. of grapes.
For the best cheese not less than 20 lbs., 2,00
butler " 5 lbs., 1,50
home-made woolen carpet,
not less innii Jl yards,
" coverlid of wool & cotton,
" home made linen, not less
llian -U yds.
" rag carpet not less than 2(1
" home mado cloth " 10 yds, 2,00
" " llamipl 5 yds, 2,00
" pair, knit woolen socks or
stockings, J,00
" " " gloves, 1,00
" " " linen socks or
stockings, 1,00
" bed quill, ifiO
" home made thread not less
than 1 lb. 1 00
To tho best plowmun, 3,00
" second 2,00
" third " 1,00
For the best threshing machine, 4,00
reaping di 3.00
seed drill, ifiO
winnowing mil?, 2,00
groin or hay rate, 1.00
plow, l)0
corn shelter, 1,00
straw culler. l.fl(r
Under this head will be embraced, me-chaiiiea-l
inventions, tool;, furmiuie, a-mf all
other matters, that may be thought condii
cive to the progress noil- comfort of the com
munity. Prizes will be awarded, according
to iIkj invans of ihe Society, a-nd the nieiits
of lh articles offered.
Tho following Committees were then ap
pointed :.
Horsks. Wilson Hutchinson, James Cam
eron, A. E. Kapp, Michael Uuruhart, Wm
B. Kipp
Cattle. Thomas Johnson, John Nixon,
James Fori ester, Jesse Hensyl, J-olin Voris.
Swine Joseph Vaukiik, John Moore,
Win Deppen, Win. H. Kase, Joseph Witzel.
SirKr.p. James Smith, samuel Luulz, Hon.
John Montgomery. J-esse V. Ifortou, Wm. D.
PoULTiiv.--Dr. Wm. McClery, J. II Zim
merman, Henry Eckbeif, Wm. T. F'orsythy
Robert Wilson.
G'ii awv Roots. Samuel Hepburn, Jos.
R. Priestley, Samuel Savidge, Samuel It.
Wood, Jacob Leiseuring, (Shaiuokin.)i
Fruits Hon. James Pollock, Alexarder
Jordan, Horatio G. Taggart, Geosge Everard,
lion. Geo. C. Welker.
At.mcOLTURAL I MP i. km Kim. Wm. M
Allien, H. II. Masser, Dr. Jos. Priestly, J.
Weimer Lighou, Alexander Coll.
Pi.owrno. Jacob Painter, John ft. Heller,
Samuel John, Robert fiirlen, F.lisha Kline.
Vtc.ETABi.i:s Jacob Seesholla, Wm. L.
Dewarl. M. J D. Wilhingloii, Duid Mart,
Dr. J. W. Peal.
Dmry and DbMF.sTic MA-NtirAcrtrit-KR.
John Taguarf, Jacob Hilbish, John Whuulley,
John Flunk, John P. Plirscl.
Miscellaneous Articles. Wm. Foisyth,
David Tagfjart, Peler Oberdorf, Charles
Pleasants, Elijah Crawfoul, R. M. Prick,
Geo. If. Youiigman,- Rev. Jus. G. Crafcheud,
J. F. Wolfinger.
Tho Committee regret that their limited
means, for the present, prevent their offer
ing higher premium. They nevertheless
rely on the good will and teal of their fellow
citizens to make this fust effort, what it ought'
to be, an inducement to further progress,
and an honor to the County.
They most cordially invite their neighbors
of other counties to come forward with their
stock, tlleir products and their handiwork,
lor although by the constitution oi the aocic
ty, they will not be entitled to immediate
pecuniary rewards, yet all will' be fairly re-'
ported in the order or their excellence. j
Sunbury August 23, 1851. If.
! 1 ''ATTENTION 'i
TTOU are commanded to meet In Mar-
krt Square, 8unburyt on .
v SATURDAY, 6th of September,
v nt 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped foT
urill. By order of the Captain.
Sunbury, Aug. 30, 189L
: Attorney And Counsellor at Law,
"yiTLL attend faithfully and promptly to all
' T professional business, in Nortbuiiilierlaiid
and Union counties. He is familiar with His
German luiiriiap;e.
' OFFICE :- Opposite the "Lawrence House,"
few doors from the Court House,
Kunbnry, Aug. 10, 1 S .J 1 . -ly.
Estateof "MOSESICHIErDec'dr-
TVOTICE is hereby given that letters T
tanif ntnry liavo been urn n ted to the sub
scribers mi tho estate of Moses Richie, dec'iL,
lute of Sbnniokin township, Northumberland
county. All persons indebted to said estate, or
having claims against the same, are requested
to call on the subscribers for settlement.
They will meet at the house of tho dee'd., on
Saturday, the 27lh Septcmlicr, for that purpose.
Shamokiu tp., Aug. 10, 1851. OL
20 per cent saved.
Country Merchants Buyinj
IWVjiriu, ff Ciflltl.0
Yif can save SO per cent by
calling on
wax. I. KING,
No. 48, N. 2id St., (Mow Arch west side.)
.IIEUE cun lie found a large assortment of
' the above named articles, just received
from the manufacturers.
August 23, 1851. 3mo.
A Select School for Young ladies.
riMIE Mechanirshnrg Institute is pleasantly
A located in tlie healthy village of Mechanics
burg, Cumberland county, nine miles west of
HarrNburir ; a village noted throughout the sur
rounding Counties for the morality of its citizens.
It is accessible by ruilrond, Ilia Cumlicrlund Val
ley Railroad passing through the place.
The course of instruction is sucb ns is pursued
in the best Seminaries in the country.
It is the design of the Prineipnl to instruct the
intellectual owers, to cultivate Incoming man
ncrs, and to educate in such a manner, as may
prove practically useful.
The school year is divided into two semi-annual
sessions, each of five calendar mouths.
The summer session commences the first week
in April, and closes during tho lust week of Au
gust. Tlie winter session commences tha 1st
week in October, and terminates tho lust week of
At the close of each session there will be pub
lic rxan illations.
Terms ;
Boarding, including light,
per session 5 mo. $50,00
Tuition, " 10,00
Modern langungn, - - 10,00
Druwiui;, ' 6,00
Music, Piano, with use, " " 15,00
Or, if pTelcrred, per session of 5 mo,
including the above items, 65,00
Payable in advance $35. balance, at the close
of tlie srsxiiiu.
Books, stationery, music, Ac, furnished at
Philadelphia prices.
Pupils will lie received at any period during
the session, and charged accordingly.
For further information, please address tho
Principal for a circular.
Mcchniiicshurg, Arj. 0, 1S51 3mo.
Alden's Condensed Reports cf Penna-
H I 'ST Published, and for sale by the subscri
lier tbo ittroiid Yutiimt of Alden's Con
densed Pennsylvania Kiporis, containing the
last three volumes of Ycntes' Reports, and two
first volumes of Uinney's Reports. The first vol
ume ofAlden, containing Dallas' Reports, 4 vol
umes and Yea tea' Reports, voluma 1, is also on
hand, and for sale. The above two volumes are
complete within themselves, and contain all of
Dallas' Reports, 4 volumes, and all of Yeatcs'
Rrpnrts, 4 volumes, licsidcs the two first volumes
of llh'rnoy's Reports. Tho third volume is ready
and will lie put to press immediately.
H. b. MAJSS'EH, Agent
Sunbury, Aug. 1G, 1851.
THE attention of tbo Public is invited to this
improvement in CORN SHELLERS, which
is acknowledged to be for superior to any other,
lieing on an entirely new principle, shelling the
Corn lengthwise of the ear, the Cob passing
straight through without revolving thereby re
quiring no gearing to tncrease its sjieed, which
adds so materially to the cost of other machinery.
It turns easier and shells cleaner than any other,
and is portible in size, and durable in construc
tion. Persons in'erestrd ore invited to Call and
see it in oeratioii The right of thin and other
' for sale. For further particulars ad
dress or apply to
N. W. Cor. 2d it Dork Sis., 3d stories.
Philadelphia, Aug. !, 1851. 2mc
! Housewife's Help amf HnxfrniulV Jof
TOES away entirety with that laborious tusk
" of rubbing the Clothes upon the washboard.
It contains no ingredient whatever, injurious to
the finest J'nlirie or the Jlr.iA. The proprietors
wish every on to give it s trial, and if it does
not prove to be as recommended, tha money, in
every such case Will b' refunded. FuH direc
tions areompaiiy each bottle. Retail price 12
Cents per Dottle, sufficient to do (u-o ordinary
vatiing, and saving the Clothes more by not
rubbing them, than the cost of six bottles lie
sides removing ttuiis of fruit, &e., if there be
any, and the rime id' labor saved.
Prepared only by
I. P. HOYT & CO.,
P. A. Fox, McEwensWrio; sole agent fur the
Counties of Union and Northumberland.
Philadelphia, Aug. 30
bar bottles- for sals' by
II. 13. MAtsssER.
Sunbury, April 12, 18Sl.
si w and legul envelopes, for mile by
It. I). MAS3ER.
Sunbury, April 2(1, 1851.
INK Boureau's celebrated hik, and also Con'
" teres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by
December 28, 1850. If. I). MASSER.
ITEE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee
Hills handsomely prints on card paper, for
ale t this office.
T lopes, just received sud for sale by
April" l, 1851. H. B. MASSETt.
1011 sale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
- Cattle Medicine st 85 cts, Pure Esssncs of
Ginger, 25 cents.
PyVTRACT CF GlNGEhV-A fresh supply
just received and for sale st this office.
Price 25 cents.
Sunbury, July 13, 185t
rHE subscriber hcrrhy oners himself to tha
I electors of Nortlmmlierland County, at tha
ensuing election as a VOLUNTEER CANDI
DATE for tho office of
Should 1m be elected, he promises to discharge
the duties of tho nfiicc, in such s manner as to
give entire salwfitclioii to all concerned. - .
Upper Augusta, Aug. 0, 1851.
THlIIi subscriber hereby informs the indepctul
cut voters of Noithninlierlaiiii county, that
he is a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE- for the
ulUce of
.County Commissioner.
Should he lie elected he will so every effort to
disebnrge the duties of the office in such s man
ner as will give entire satisfaction to the commu
Northumberland, Aug. 9, 1851.
rililE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
J. and fellow citizens of Northumberland coun
ty, that he oners himself as fl candidate for
County Commissioner, .
St the ensuing election. Ha solicits from his
friends and fellow i-iu'.ens a support, and promi
ses should ho t e elected to discharge the duties
of the office with fidelity.
Sunbury, May 21, 1851.
Fki.t.ow Citii!ks : At tbo earnest solicita
tion of many of my friends, I hereby announce
myself as a
for the office of
County Commissioner
at the approaching election. Should I lie elected
I promise lo discharge the duties of said office
with fidelity nnd impartiality. I solicit the sup
port of my fellow citizens.
Lower Augusta, June 14, 1851
Gold anil Silver Ten nnd Vncil Cnsrs,
No. 2, Maidi-.n,
One door from corner of Broadway,
New York,
Every pen will be warranted for one year.
N. B. Tho nlKivc firm were awarded Gold and
Silver Medals, for five consecutive years, at ths
Fair of tho American Institute, for tha best Gold
July 2(5, 1851. 3mo.
"Vl'HO respectfully informs hi friends and
customers Unit he lias returned from
Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of
New Spring Goods,
which he offers for sale at his old stand in Mar
ket street. These goods will lc sold nt ths low
est prices. His stock consists of every variety,
Dry Goods,
SucA os Clnths, Ctixshncres, Hfuslins, Calicoes
UMirirtm', Laic a Chintzes nf La
dies Dress and Fancy Goods
Also an assortment of
ralni Leaf Hats, Cap3, &o,
Hardware. Iron n ml Steel, Nails, it.,
A general assortment of Groceries, Sugar,
Collee, Tea, Cheese, Mo
lasses, Spices.
II?" Produce of all kinds taken in exchange
at the highest market priced.
Sunbury, May 24, J851.
marset street, sunmry, ra.,
HE svlwribcrs hereby inform their old cus
tom-era and the public generally, that they
have just lcrcived a large and extensive assort
ment of all kinds of which they
olH-r to pure lia.xrs ut snclr rates, that they can
not retrain froirr buying. Their assortment of
Dry Good!,
is large, em-firacinjj all kmdv of
Cloths, Cussiiners, Sattiuells, $-c.
A general assortment of Summer wear, of
Staple, and Fancy Goods for Ladies,
of all kinds, such its Calicoes, Mons. du Luines,
Lawns; Urngharns, &c.
Afso-n-n excellent assortment of
DUrusi AND Mf.DICIMlf.
Fish, Salt and Plaster;
VtF Country produce of all kiintr taken m x
change at the highest market price,
fcunbury. May 10, ISjI.
II.LIAM HOOVEK' respectfully informs
his friends and customers that ha has
just rcrtirned fiom l'liiiudclphia, w ith an excellent
assort'incrtl of
which lie oilers for sale a( lus new store at Mas
ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. Thcb'a goods will
be sold at the lowest prices.
iiw stock cc.wi's of K.vKy VATtiE ry, vm
Dry tloods, tc,
Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, CaTliioeS,
Ginglmms, Lawns, Chintzes and
Latlier Dress Comls eentralhj.
A it assortment' of
Talm Leaf Hats, Caps,- &ev
A general aasortiueiU of Groceries, such as
Sugar, Co.Tci', Tea, Molas--so,
Also an assortment of Liquors, such as
Brandy, Rumt Wlikhtyy Wints-, Sec.
W Vrochice of ell kinds taken hi exchange at
the highest market prices.
Hollowing Hun, Muy 10, 1851 ly.
SILVER WATCHES. A few double esses
Knirbsh Bilver Watches, for sale st very low
prices by H. 13. MASSE It.
bunbury, April 13, 1851'.
GEH, s' fresh supply just received, snd for
sals by U. B. MASSER.
April 12, 1851.
rjGLD PENS with and Without silver cases
just received, snd for sals bv
, PuHbury, April li Ut-V
PREPARED V ' . : ("
No. 187 North Third Street, Vhilndelphia.
T'lL1? IF,'vt,,CT antitleil Itt ttn mitte trutlmmr all
A t. I".'." ' t'w K" milk .if all tlM CAT-
l..'i.rV '"" '', whirti Inim Iwrn lliumlit or.iirs.
."""n.' ' " ""I'T f mrt. - Imlnnl M i-Ull.-tw. .,.v
m,M . i?'.,,'",l''r ssy k,w.W Unrtncli hi tlw mm
i. .i 1 """nnl le iwfeelly hcnllhy il will clthn
i..r u """' "lit nimn ..kI bolter or Dm
hT?1 - i J',npr,:v "l",Hy ' f"- ' thereto in
lime In cnirt.lrrBil w, mVii,H, e,if llir ample nrti.
cles of every Fnrm.T, whn k.,, rtiary l sml ,,f evrrv
pfTS-HI OW1IIIIS a IKXK. It I. . ,m ,,V',hOM kilHl .if
MliTvaEi thai . merely -.- , ,hi 0p lor a shirt
r,',",,.'",1. !l,w.''M?.""! ""r hii h it hss of wvirerliMf
IIIPI'I IIIC ALII) (which is nn eir-i mnlter) into l.i
Tic acid or oi.aiNS cause n (rrenier nimmit of nutritions
niatler to lie rxtrnde-il fnim tlie anine siuoiiHt of IihkI. Ilrau
rnmitily eonkl lie, were tlie active prim-iph-e iif natiiliun
t pnwi mit of Ihe system in Ihe form if lhrptiatr Acin.-
We have ireeivnt a tnntiiliute nf evidence to prove what
we have Mid nhnve. tiulure say i
We htive mixinl tlie active nmut. with ereet ntimlMw
"f VwiRTAhi u pknitsnml herlis, which Ume ami ne heve
pnivl to he nael'nl, impniviiifr the npnetite and prumisinf
ilirestiini of the fo xl i tints seenrins a henllhy enidilion uf
ihe hlond, from tvlilt tlie Mil, anil Fat mini lie formed.
It mnv be used foriloa.aa, Cuws anil IIixu lurllie fotluAV
lug eumplainti and diauiM-s.
YEMXlW WATKtt, a ilnnavnaia aickneas, which ile
troyt inimy vahmblo homes every year, ia very often
entirely c-urcl tiy Ihe free use of Una powiltr, in all easel
It will prevent I ho disease from coming nu.
TlliS ffiHCIIK ia OWIlillff t I n Iwiil m,.l Itl.-.r!al.A.l mlmlm
of the blood which becomes Ihiu, watery ami of all yellow
Tins p-der by improving the atomach ami giving lo
tne bl.jiKl a greater quantity of red purllrles, lllionls the
ietand only poanible rlinnra of rei-overy. If I lie Imrse
is inr g iiie, give morning and nitrht a tidilnspoourul in wet
feed, il in the beginning tna-e a ly at noon, il'milt to pre
vent the dianiae twice a week.
m.AHHI-:ni.Vu.Tliis is Ihe ruimlionof ni.iiy vnlnn.
Hie Horses hy eatuiniition j by a constant diei-hiirge of sali
va which might to go Into the sUimach to assist digestion.
It is a aperies of sidivntion often produced liy Ixdias To-
hncc growing in the pnstnro gnnmd A Ta spooulul
threelllnea n week will,M..ilu . .1.. ie :.
ihiea not ilepeial on the Tobacco lii tlie grass, under such
C'T.'i'!!'?M"''n'" !!'8 n',inn:" "" ' kept in the stable.
ills I' ihe powder is early and freely
iki iillier remwlv nerd lw ni ii v.... ,..
dreils of Horses of this Ironblesoine disease to Ihe surprise
of thiwe whn lil it. If .,t u, mlv f,,,, ,
f"nii.-d in llie neck it cannot restore the aniiuut perl'eellv
trendy cured hull-
ilil the mutter is diwhnrged. uw it eorlv n,.l ,i,.,,i
such n result. A J aliUnpouinul once or twice a dnr is
enough. '
til.ANniins. Tliis id'senm has ImftVl all FAaaiaas
Oive this powder u fair triul nnd it will do wonders iii
inn leinwe iino i crlii incurnlrie milady. It is a disnase
... ...u K .mem nun sept up ny liuperlertllutritinn
III such cases a Tul.k-i.noom ill cyerv duv twice lin- f ,n..,l.
or two, iii constant succession, will in nine cases out of a
dozen effect n cure, it hns been fairly tested.
Couirhs nnd shortness of Ilrcjill, flm.tiHii,
lungs, a Tiiblespuouiul every morning : if it uUilrs once
of twice n week.
IHiOK I.OV.fPtniTI-:r) tlOitSKS, or where there is
any remains of Founder or slill'm-ss of, and ths
Horse will not fallen, or wheru the hair is rough ami
sUiuds alrunrlit out, tiro food seeming lo do no good, the
I'owiler pr-lucca ulnnMt iuiiucdinlc iinproveineut of Ihe
noiiiiiii, hut loirimunn improves ami with
gishucss of tho animal disappears, lmcouiing lively omU
on improves and Wllh It nil the B inr. I
spirited, and tlie uuir smooth unit slick.
,ir suiooih and slick.
For Milkixo Cows, we nre fully convinced lint it not
"J'y tmprin-es the nraility, liut that it inerenses the amount
of .Milk. Crenin nnd Hotter some who hnve irirrt tlie rx
peruiieiit iy a PoiukI a AVeek, olliers suv liall a pound
wlnle one person insisted iimiii it Hint lieimide two pounds
more n week Irom ench Cows. We think it will lie found
to nvernge trotn a half to a ponnd per week nn each Cow,
if the Cowa are perfectly henllhy. Thiaiidililinmil amount
is iimde liy the conversion of thellippuric Acid into Nitro
genous and futty compounds : nisi liy supplying the oiv
gen taken in hy tlie lungs, witli the element's of reaction ;
without taking any of the .Nitrogenous purl im, of the feed
nnd alt other diseases of nent cittteih veii'lnig ilpiai a hui
stale of tlie HuiiU. are reniovcil spenlily and efleclunHv
Cows, wlioseiuilk is blue, thin and wuteiy and where it
dors not yield much cremn, or where Cows give bloody
milk, or which nre used to shind long dry, it will Im found
nn almost infallible remedy, by improving I lie condition of
the IJ.iimI nnd creating a henllhy digestion t a TublesiMsin
fill every day or every oilier ilay as it may be necessary.
Figs in the summer often overheat themselves, get swcl.
leil necks, coughs, nlcers in tlie Lungs and Liver, which
cause Ihem to die very suddenly, Ihcse nmv be prevented
entirely by putting a pound oi n hull into n Hnrrcl of swill :
nnd it will ut the same time c nuidcrably hasten the fallen
lug process.
N. H.-'lnnn animal which is giving milk and yoa are
desirous lo tntleii ul the same time, you sh.ntld u it give
more limn a MhlcsKonfnl once a week or it will retuidlhe
formation of fnt by increasing the amount of Milk
each persm try its clients for himself and ha will
Soon lie snlislied of its excellent qualities, and lliat no Far
mer should he without it.
For tlie purpose of finding nut stilt further how far our
justly celebrated CATTLK FOWDKH, is errtilleil to the
ciaifidence ol an intelligent people; We hive addressed
Ixllers nil parts of the t'imed Stales, where our Pow
der has been tist-il, and we nre alile vnr from the eviileuce
ttius hrouglit before us, to assure every Funner, Iliary-ni.-ni
and Horse-man, Unit it has thus fur veiy uiueh ex
ceedeil our most Miuiguiue expi-Uitions.
With the additional kimwlclire thus far obtained, Wk
Hin-s we will lie eunhled to make the brat and moat per
fect CArTLK MuniciNB ever yet otfereil lo a discerning
people. It acts ns a valuable promoter of digesliou. im
proves tlie qu-ility of the blood and thus inerenses the
amount of either Fat, Milk and consequently of fruiter.
Kven lu the healthy Animal
Ilcwaru of Counterleiu ns Ihe exlensive Kile of oar
powder hns induced olheis In in ike an Imitation of it.
l-.nch pack has our written Signature on tlie end.
. , ""'I'"1. FROXEFIKf J) A CO.
rliilndi-lpliin, July so, 1331 ly.
The uiiJersiitned have enterid into Co-part,
nership under the firm of
Paper & Rag Business,
At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia:
THERB they intend keeping a large assort
" " mcnt of papers, &c, consisting in part as
follows :
Writing papers ; wove and luiJ,- American and
Bath Posts and Note papers; wove and laid,
gilt and plain.
t olio Posts, I lat Caps, Printing Papers, all
sizes. i
Hardware papers, from 19 by 84 to 40 by 48.
Colored and whit tissue papers, American
and English. Hollingsworth's Patent Manilla'
Colored and white Shoe papers, coimnon s'nd
extra sizes. Bulr Envclojie papers.
Colored Printing and Cover papers.
, Manilla papers, all sizes, Glazed Royal, aft Co
lors. Druggist, Blue Medium and Filtering papers.
Tea, Secret and Colored papcrvfor coiilcctioii
era. Rag, Manilla and Straw wrapping papers.
Bonnet, Binders, Box, Cup and Trunk board's.
White and Bull" Envelopes f Legal, Letter,
Note and Card sizes.
Agents for Bliss, Potter Co'g
Printers' Cardj
in packs and sheets, white amf colored odd si
ees, cut tu order. Also, tliek tnlt; Figured and
Plum glazed papers;
JOt'EPH RIM Br, late of 88 N. Third st.
N. S. LAWRENCE, lute of No. 3 Minor st.
N. B. 500 Tons of Rags wanted in eichango
for cash.
Philadelphia, July 20, fas'"!. 6mo.
'Svorlsjmen Take Notice."
North East cor. Walnut iV Secomt Streett.
n.V8 ON HAND, just received, complete;
Assortment of 8lnit liuus, Powder Flunks,
Game. Bugs; and all other Sporting Apparatus of
Die lu?st Slid most approved patterns.
He has constantly on huud sporting powder of
all descriptions, Percussion Caps, b'liot, Bullet
Moulds, Bull and Itlaule Cartridges, and a gen
erut assortment of materials for Gun Makers, Ac.
Also Percussion Caps of a superior quality,
deetgned expready for U. 8. Rifics.
An Assortment of Fishing Tackle always on
A4I tlie above; and any other articles in his
line, the gubscrilier will sell as low as any other
establishment in the United Males.
Iu testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, ths
Franklin Institute, in the years 110 and 1142,
awarded to him two' certificates -and ill the
yeare 1814, 181fi, tVt7, 1843 and' 1850, five ail
vet inedtrhi; sit of which may be seen st his
place of business.
: Philadelphis, July 19, 1851. amo.'
IMMEDIATELY on the Trev- RottJ
Sections 61 & 52 i st ; Vou,u wf tU lu.
qonoy Creek, to wb;,m bicrul sWi will bs paid,
s,i'.iriury, July 5, '851 tf.
i 3 AT0n3r A superior article for sitle at the
J A W ?ore of HEN RY DSSE R,
8unbury,Feb, 1G, 1850,-
fpilE 8uli rifer respretfully
- 'informs Ilia Mends and th
:-V-l': .V tintilie einprlt. tltet tta still
continues the
At his old Wtantl in
3arkct Street, Sunbury,
two doors abovs Market 8(unre, where he con
stantly keeps on hand, s large assortment of
Heady Made Harness,
(Double & Single.) with PSIvef, Tlrass and Japan
ned mounting. Also Paddles, Bridles, Trunks,
, , . Valicrs, Whips, Collars.
All kinds of work in tiis line made to order, In ss
neat a style as can be got np in this country.
Persons wishing to purchase; wilt plense call ami
examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ,
N. 1). The subscriber has just 0irtd trw
and splendid
Assortment of Saddlery,
Such a Silver, Brass nnd Japanned mounting'
Patent 8c1f-Adjustintr Trees, Patent Roller
Bits, Rurinjr Bridle Bits, Trunk and
Valice Wks, Trunk Board, Trunk
Nails, Homes, Traces, Trim
minis Lares, Tufts, Sad
dle Web, Single and
Double, Whito ' '
Enameled Leather, Patent Leather, Oil Cloth,
Rosetts, Tassels, Fancy Brow-Bands, Saddle
Trees, Deer's Hair,
of all kinds. All of which will be sold as cheap
if not rbeapcT than they can bs got elaewbere,
for cash or approved credit.
Sunbury, April 3G, 1851. Cm.
rjnHE suliscriber informs his friends and ths
-"- public, that ho continues fr carry on ths
Marble Business in all its branches, at his olJ
stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to mnnu'
Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c,
of the lajst materials, and most finished work
mansbip, and at the lowest prices.
Letter Cutting;, English and German in tha
most modern and elegant style.
Designs fur Monumonts, Urate Stones, 5cC,
always on hand.
K. I). Orders for Ibtf F.nat s' of tl, rival-
., - .... . . ...
l1"1!'". "ecuicii ny leaving the sams at tlie
otitce oi Uio "aunbury A mcricnn.
Milton, May 10, 1851.
COMPREHENSIVE summary of Universal
History, together with a Biography of Dis
tinguished Persons, to which Is appended an epi
tome of
Heallien Mythology, Jfatufal Philosophy, Gen'
era I Astronomy and Pbysiology.
Adopted and BfcJ in tho Public Schools of
E. S. JONES cc Co., Publisliets,
S. W. Comer FOURTH and RACE Sts., Phils.
Teachers and School Committees addressing
letrers to in post paid, -will be' furnished witli
Copies for examination.
VW A Full and Complete Assortment of
BOOKS and STATIONARY, for Sals at th
Lowest Priers.
May 8, 1891. ly.
Iflanul'tt tutor or
No-.- )69 Race, (Sassafras,) street,
Above Third, opposite the White Swan JIoUl.
Tallow Chandlers snd MauufuctuTers can bs
supplied with a first rnte Article, of Cortdle Moulds,
of Superior rxceHence srnd nnish,
N. B. The Moulds are made nf tlie desf Metal
and polished by a new Patent Mdch'ina, which
give thcin an extra finish.- 'i'liey aro after ths
English style the tips to screw oil the pipe, tni
the pipe to screw tiiiht in the bench.
LV Wiimi-ITEU to be far superior to- any
other now in use.
He also manufactures Surgical Pumps trul
April 12, i851.6ino.
New Music Just Published.
tf EE & WALKER, 102 Chesnnt st
Bjt era constantly publishing and receiving,'
new and bcautiruf mimic from the most distin
guished composers.
The Mloving list contains some of their choi
ce.t and most popular Soirgs-, Waltzes, Polkas,
Now, fhou arf Gone', a beauliful song, words
by Thomas J. Dichl, music by Hambridgn.
My .New England Homo, words and music by
Mrs L. Wa-lc'.
Orohe's Omnibus; by C. Grob a collection1
of Duetts.
. Sounds from Horni, pirmo'ond violin, by Jos.
Gung'l. Pretty Little Folkas for Tretty Little People',-
by J. Liiijc,
All the WiiiUa aJo Sleeping, by A. S. Wora-
Girnrdiarf Amrel, by the author of "Lqvs Not."
llouscbolir Words, written by Chas. Young, do.
The Alliens, Words hy Thomas J. Dichl, mu
sic by Horr.
LEE oV WALKER have constantly on hand.
superior Pianos, and a eupply of Martin's Cele-'
bruieif Guitars, which together with a true a-'
: aorrmeut of Musical Instruments and Mercban
dize in general, comprise s stock not to bf' sur
passed by that of any other establislim'imr iii ths
country. LEE & WAI.hER,
163 Chesnut street, Swaim'e Building.
Philadelphia, Juno 38, 1851. ly.-
Hughes' Fever and Aarue Pills ! I
i PERFECT anrl speedy cure
snd Agdo is guarsnteed to
cure for the Fever'
any one who'
may use the Pills. They have been used forth'
last teveu ytan and have never been known to'
fail iu s single instanced and in eases, too;
where persons have had the disease foe several
years, without intermission. Tho proprietor
chullrngti th world to produce on article that'
will euro in as short a time, without leaving any'
deleterious ctlccts front the use of it If the Pills'
do not perform s speedy and perfect cure, the1
proprietor will return the money. For sale by
Jacob S. Lawrence, Minerssillo; E. Hcllerl
stein, Trcvorton; S. R, Dixon, Schuylkill) if
ven; John W. Friling, Sunbury; Mm- A. Mc
CoV, Notliuuiborlaud t. Dr. llsuH", Danvills
JohiiSbarplcss, Cattawisaa ;. Dr. J-uJd, WilUaras
port ; John Rascr, Milton, and by respectable
Druggists thrniiglioul tlie' Slate.
J. CLHTl!o: HUGHES, Proprietor.
PotUvillo, Juod 28, 1851. ly.
J. the Public thatCey i continue to enter,
taut travel .ers and others at their old establish
aland u Market street, west of the Court House.
Ibeir long experiep, l th bualru-a,. and ths
well eatahli--'iie(1 puUtion of tliair House, will,.
l, irust, ba s sufficient guarsntoe;. tUU UiSiT
rustomcrs wUl ls well cooniinooars4
March , 161 tf.
CHE3. Aii'excvUvut srticle, for safe at?
haU" the usual price hy J W. FA'JLl?G,'
Sunbnry, Jvdy f. IM0.
TILANK Parchmew Pappr Deds and. buk
- Mortgages, BanJa, tiecutiona, 8ummonsT
&.C., for sals by
11. U. MASSER1-
Sunbury, April 88, 1851. -t