SUNliURY AMERICAN AND SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL Commimkations. A CARD. To the Free and Independent Electors of Northumberland County. Vki.i.ow Citizen : Enconrnjiod by tha mlvic-a of several uf in'y personal friend, t nm induced lo offer my so II" to your (mlTm-res nt iho next election for the office, of Associ ate Jiixa: of Nurihnrnlicrlnnil county. 1 ennno boast of lieitisi n uVmoe.ral, nor will I .ciill nt Wms n wliia birins of opinion that if a man hive no other merit than that t iii-lottyin to 0110 or the oilier of those re itpeelable pailie, however ilesiinbli) their -timiti'iinncn mid support inilit be, "eh n iniin, I say, is not the best eamli.lale forin'' lie mippoit. I am of opinion, xviih the illus trious Jelloisun, tie? time has now arri ved, when the only question, that should be asked in relation to n candidate (for n Judi cial oiuVe a: least.) is simply this: "Is ho honest, is he aipuhlr, is hv fit '' Theso (pies lions it is ynnr mirpteslioiiahle province to ileci.b-. Voder lids persuasion of the quali fication for the olliee, it only lernitins for me lo fay, lhat should I bo elected, I will etc denver so to perform the duties of lite office, as never lo inquire, or desire to know, the polities, or religion, ol any suitor in Court. Muff respectable jLTonlleninti nil ear!' named for iho office, lias declined for the present i hut intimates, thai in future, he may be. obli ged to yon f-ir your votes. My case is not Mruilai as I am now in my sixty third year-, there is not in any human probability, nny Miilnru" It nui in lefeienco lo this matter. 1 remain, fellow citizens, Yours, lesp-ctfully, W.U. .U. CAIi'iT. .Sin:u uv. An.'. I'll. I31. r Mr.. F.uiror. I'eimit mo to rerommeml j Til l.MA S. M U'KKY, Esq., of Milton, as j n candidate fm1 Associate Ju.liie. d' ill is i H'oniitv. Air. Mackey is an iutolliirent and I ri:npi lent man. and has for u Lumber of ' 5 ears acted us a Julice ol the I'eace. He I wks iiUo iho I .to .Maisliall ill lakiui! the ceil- j us, an I was an eeel!e:d oiiieer. Tlie Folks .Hro entitled lo one of the Judges, and we j kun- no 1. inn i:t it, belter qualiliod for Iho llie. ia'i Mr Maekev MANY OF SIIAMOKIX. Tbai, 1. mi's ( ii::i man lliTTKiis We won K S'all tie- ; . ; 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 nf our re.ideis to the adver. K'ii:i'n: ol Dr. HoiMlaiiil's cehdnaled (Ser Tiian P.Mlei-. iiieiiai ' l hv Di, C M. J.icknn. No. l.M A'eli stiee!. I'uiladelphia. I r. of l.ivei complaint ), sp.'psia. Disease of the Txidtievs. and all dlea -s aiiriu' from a dis so. lei. d .!o:n.:eli. ! 1 i r power is mil excelled, j 'equalled, hv a:.v uirier kno'.Mi preparation, as the cuies anc st. in uu.ny eases, alter Ihe ifiosl eelidualed ph sieiaus had laih'd. We an eiirii'n;i'iu!v leroinoteud this medi cine, as liej , r uli it ji is nq'u-senled and l;rje our lea ieis who an? uli'ieted lo pro-lire !;: I l- and ihey will be cu..viucej of the 4iiii)i we a-s rt. A NOT', !!".!: SCI EN iC WO.NDF.l5 ! f I'litlii. Ol' fic PEPSIN, VVes O.u-.s-'ri-J'ii ! , v. Dji iil I .urn i ''!! lie' . o; I !i- I . 1 1 1 1 i I S I oiei. prepaieil aniaeli ul iheOx. alter 1 l'i -: m. v . pMa. 1 ior lo. C.enp' sflor ? nst-i.t, i-- s ul l 11. 1. 1 1. 11 I02. the L'leal il ("a nil-', bv .1. S II meh'nn. i ! i:li 1": :! I, St.vei. Phila.lel. I':,'., i - 1 ' 1 ' I . v. 111 !er i'u1 1 euiedy "1.1:1. IV, -;-q . .Vinndiee, l.iver I'.. .-si,;:ri i l and I) -bility. cmina ' "v. u ue ;l, ad. I.y Nature's own ; :: .1: i. ;.. S.v a.lvcitisciueiil dm li.-s .1. I! M. ; w. 1 Danvill I 1 insl IIKi.l 1 1 ei Ai;e. -:a tmvtiiiip, : .lACii.i :; :'M. aycil ii,, a,, i 1:! .Ia -. the l!i.h I Mills, 3 I., Di.i ill.'. 11. 1 t:i I Sill it.ft.. iracled i.e.. -. JOF.PII I Ol5.EI after u pin I. ISDN, a-ed a wile, and iii i ai s ;::.d !i nioiiths. leavin chiidieo to n iniin In- !is. Ill M 1 ! ut: i : I. '. I -hi 1 1. 0:1 ill" Killiust.. Mis ELZA 'ECIll.F.i5. ile ol Jos q.h Sech ler. and d 11. filler c Samiti' hi. .; l.i y h,, '-a i!i le'h ins!., ACNES, wife ul 1 i Sen 1:1, de I. Il-il . and daughter ol tlie i.ile V..!.u.line I!'.-', ol Milton, iij-ed 5'J ears and Hi da O la- :; I i ,-i . in Wi!ke?barre. P.ev. I.E. (ICS S liENNEIT. of I it j M. I.. Church, iejed -il y.a.s. In Muuey. oa !!, H it iesl.. Mr. l.CO!5 ItOOP. loioeuly if .Nnlhiunbiulauit, a'ed llhaill .VI e.ii s. O.i Wed .e-! iv la-t. at Xuithunibeilan I i'.l'i I !5 A I XI SilANNllN. E-q., a-ed about 0". X e.iis. S: tuny. Aim 2S, l.rl. nihl to Siiiilnii y. over " iuhiity l!.u!ioa.l. fioin I Tons. fill i:i.H7 Aniiaint .1 ( the I'fllad I ! a au.l ihe Shauiektu Mines r the last wool;, last icpnit, Total. 1 I3.72S iUaviicts. Philadelphia Market. Aul'usi v'7 fsSI. 1 i.ot 11 ash Mi'u.. VI maiKel or Mour limiiifs 11 .1 wlii.'L is verv dull. Slai.d.ud biands, old slock, me held ill sl.r.' i perbanel, fi.ri xpoit. i Sales lor city i;su id S I, il. Extra llour is j bell al S4 50. j uyk I' 1. ul it. Is very null, i'eim. is lielil st 3.25. Chun Mkai.. Penna. is in demand at Sti.Si L. Whkat Sales of IVuua. red at 'J7f ; prime while at 1,01. Hvk. Is in demand, sales at CS els. Coax. Tho supply abunt equals Ihu de mand ; jelluvv commands ti"2 cts. Oats. Are. veiy dull; a gala Penn. nt 3Jols. WuisKi'.r. Sales of bids, at 21 i cents. Ilo r-lieads aie held al 21 U". Baltimore Market. August 20, 1851. CI5AI.N. We nolo sale of Maryland and Yr.jinia Wheals lo-day at 70 a 77 cts. fur (j;ood to prime reds and at 75 cts. for good whitn. Tvo loads uf Pennsylvania red yeie sold lo day at 65 a 70 cts Side of Coiii at D.i a 5p i'ciit fur white 65 c: , lur clluw. We quote Onts at 30 n 35 els. WHISKEY. Sales of Penim. bbl. M M cts., nnd of hhds. 221 cti. Sales of Haiti more bbla. at 23 i els. SUNBURY TRICE CURRENT. M'hist. I t K. Cllft. 0TS. lll'TTtH' Kitiisi lVltlK. KtTsr.r.ii. TLl.llW. Hckhxvax IIm k i.i.ii Fi.t Dm kii Ai'i'i.r.s. 1)o. I'm tin 1'lix ino so 50 a7 IS H 7 I as 10 25 10 75 5(10 New Advertisements. AGRICULTURAL FAIR. According to appointment, the Executive Couimiltcc of the Northumberland County Aiiriciiliiirul Society, met lit Suiibnry, 011 Saturday, Ana. 10, 1 So I . Members present. James Cameion. Jos. H. l'rieslley, Jacob Seesholtz, (Ion. C. Wclkcr, Jacob llilbish. Alexander Jordan. Jesse C lloiton, Amos E. Kapp, IVler Dher.loif, Wm. I.. Dewart, Win. I. (ireeuonah. and David Taatt. Alexander Jordan, Esq., was called In pre side, and Win. I (iiecnouyh, acted as Secre tary. O.i motion of J. 1. Piicslley, Esq., it was resolved lhat Ihe .V.'riculliiiai Fair or Exhi bition, be held nt Sunhnrv, on FRIDAY, the 17 th dav of Oe.ltuVr, In be opened 1 10 o' clock, A. M. on ncl eronnds ns n Commit tee appointed for the purpose shall procure. I Tlrsiilrrd, Thai Samuel Hunter, Alexander 1 .Ionian, (ten. (. Wclker, Jacob Seeshnllz. in . 1 (ireennimh, IVler Obenlorf, and Win. L. Dewart, compose that Cominiltee. The following premiums were tlien ncree.l ! upon. In lie awarded bv the Committee here- 1 after named. blORSKS, For Iho best stnl lion, mare or folding. over 4 vears old. S.OO ; s'Timil best. do do 4.0(1 ' Vest colt under 4 years ld, 5.00 " FefMid do do ' 3,00 TATTLE. For the best brill rf any breed, over 2 years old, ' S.0I) " second do do 4,00 " best milch cow, SAM " sei-oud do 3,00 " best yoke ofirxerr, fi.00 ,! seenud do 4.00 " best hull calf under 2 years, ,S; over (i months, .1.00 ' heifer. d do do 4.00 " " bull or hi-ifer rr.lf uiulcr moiiihs, 4.00 " '' steer over S years old, nc- ronliuu to aire 5.00 SWiNK. For the best boar, 3,00 1 u sow, :t.oo 1 " ho. 3.00 ' " pair rif fhoats under eight inonlhs old, " 3.00 " " Utter of (lijs under 2 nio. 3 00 sheep. For the best ram, 3.00 - ewe. 3.00 pon.riiY. For the best pair of Chickens, 1,50 second do do 1.0(1 " best pair of lllikies, 1.5(1 " second do do 1.0(1 " best pair of ;eese, 1.50 ' second ilo do 1,0(1 i: be-l pair of ducks. 1.50 1; see'd do do 1.(10 best lot of IViullry, iiicliuliut; nil sorts. ' 5.00 ;i5.l AND liOOTS. Far tin! best luudiol of wheat, " 2 bushels eais of com, " " bu-hel of oats. 2,00 2.00 ' 1,00 1.00 j 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 " " ' potatoes, " : " ' turnips, ' : beets YECETAl'.I.ES. For the b-st head of cabbage, " " bei-t, ;' ;: fi heads of celerv. '' half biii-hid of onions, " : peek ol tomatoes, " i; head of e.iulilluw ers, " " 3, ins. FUCIT. For tlie tie-t h i!f bushel winter apples, ;i " " eas. " ' " quinces, " " " peaches, " ' 5 lbs of u rapes. DOMESTIC M ANI'FACTl'KES AND DAII5Y PUODl'CTS. I For 'he b"t cheese not less than 20 His . 5 0" 1.5 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.(10 , 2,00 2.00 " butter " 5 Ids., " ' home-miide woolen carpet, not less th III 20 Vaiils. '' eoveilid of wool ic cotton, " ' home made linen, not less ill. Ill 20 yds, " " iiiL' carpet not less than 20 vaids, " " I. ome made cloth ,; 10 vds ' ' Ham, el " 5 vds, ' pair, knit woolen sock or stockiiiL's, 1.00 .1 o 11 1. k phives, 1,(10 ! ;' " " linen sock or Mocking, 1.00 I: " bed quilt, 1,00 " " home made thread not less Ihau I lb. 1 00 PI.OWI.Mi MATCH. ' I To the best plowman, 3,00 ' 11 second ' 2.00 ' ' third " l.on ' At;iilCI'I.TI I5AE IMPLEMENTS. For the best threshing machine, 4,00 " ,; leaping ilo 3 00 ' 1! 11 seed ill ill, 2,00 I " ' w ionow iie.' mill, 2,00 .1 u omj,, , ,ay r.ike, 1.00 : 11 1. plnw, 1,00 j ' :' coin sheller, 1.00 ! ;l ;' sliaw cutler. 1,00 ' I MISCEI.I.ANF.orS AIITICI.ES. I'oder this head will be cmbiaced, me ch.tuical inventions, loots, fmuiluio, and al ...1 1 1... 1 ....... t. 1.. f () ( ,, ,.mlirl ,. ,., .1. 0 ... . . . niuuily. Iii.cs will tin axvitrili'it, iieeonlitti; lo the means of I lie Society, mul the incuts of tho articles olfeieil. Tho following Committees were then up pointed : IIoksks. Wils iti Hutchinson, Jamea Cam eron, A. E. Kapp, Michael llaruhuit, Win It. Kipp Catti.k. Thomaa Johnson, John Nixon, Jume Foriester, Jesse Henayl, John Voria. Saink. Joseph Vankiik, John Moore, Wrn. Deppen, Win. II. Kasu, Joseph Witel. SiiKi'.r. Jume Smith, Samuel Lanlz. lion. John Montgomery, Jossu C. llorton, Wm. I. Geailmrt. Poi l.TiiV.--!)r. Win. MeClery, J. II Zini inermun, Henry Eckbeit, Wm. T. Forsyth, Hubert Wilson. (Jris anu Hoot. Samuel Hepburn, Jos. H. l'rieslley, Samuel Saviile, Sumuul Jl. Wood, Jaeob I.t'isenring, (Shuniokin.) Fiu its Hon. Jume Pollock, Alexander Jordan, Horatio (J. Tagjiart, George Everard, lion. Geo. V. Welker. Ar.mri'Lrri. IxtM.rMCNT. Wm. M. Weiuicr l.ighou, Alexutitit-r Cult. Pmiwino. Jacob Piiintcr, John B. Holler, Samuel John, liobert (iiffen, Elisha Kline. ViHiETAm.r.s Jacob Seesliollz, Wm. L. Downrt. M. J. D. Wilhinglon, David Marlz, Dr. J. W. Teal. Daiiiy ano li.M'.sTto MANrKAcrnnr.Rs. John Tiifjjinrt, Jacob llilbish, John Whealley, John Frank, John I', l'urscl. Arth i.ks. Win. Forsyth. David Tnpanrl, IVler Obenlorf. Chailes I'lensanl. Elijah Cmxvfonl, R. M. Flick, (Jen. K. YoiiiiL'inun, lxev. Ja. (i. Cmilienil, J. V. Wollinaer. The Commitlee rejret lhat their limited means, for the pieent, pievent their tiller ina hiither premium. They neverilieless rely on tin jrnotl will and Zeal of iheir fellow citizens to make this lirsl effort, hat it onpht to be, nit inducement lo further progress, 11111I an honor to I he County. They most uirdially invite iheir neighbors of other counties to come forward with iheir 'slock, Iheir precincts 1111.I their handiwork, i lornlllionuh by the Constitution of the Socio j ly. they will not bo entitled lo immediate . pecuniary rewaids, vol nil will be faiily re . ported in the ender of their excellence, j HY THE COMMITTEE. Sunbiiry, Auausl 2:t, 151. if. JA1VIU S J. NAIXaXil?, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Wnbl. attend lnillifullv nin! prnmptlv to ill ' prolcssioniil liusiness, ill .NiiitlniinU'ilalid mid t'nioii roiiiitiis, lie is familiar with Ihe (erinan taumiace. OFFICE :- Opposite the "l.nwrniic House," a few doors from the Court House. (Siinlnuy, Anif. 10, lssi. 1. Eitato of MOSES RICHIE, Dec'd. TVMITICK is hcrehv cixen that letters 'i'es- taiiicnturv have been granted to the sub 0.1 "criher on the estate of Moses Kit-hie. ilcc'd.. late of Shatiiokiii township, .Northumberland " ounty. All rrsoiiM in.iel.ti-.l lo said estate, or ''iiviiu? claims nmiinst the same, arc requested to call on the snlisrrilicrs fur Ketlleiio'iit. i They will meet ut the house of the ilecM., on JSalurilav, Hie "Jilli Scjilcmlicr, for thai purpose. i.-aac menu:. AIJ.NKU 'IllAKI'J k,,'''u"""- Shimokiii I p., A115. Hi, 1K5I. (it. NOTICE' TO TEACHERS. i 1V"OTICi: is hereby u I ' sals will lie recrivei Kivcn mat sculeil prosit I hv the Directors ol th 1 Comm. 111 Schools of Shaiiinkiu township. nt th lliilcl of Charles l.tusemiiiu, in said towmhip. lioiu 10 A. M. till 4 P. M.. on the :ililh inn., for Irni hers of saiil ncIiooIs, ut which liuiw Slid place Iracheis will ! cXiiiiiiuid and the schools allotted. 1! yidcr of the Hoard. JEksK 1 1 K.N sY l, Si c. Shainnkiii Aie;. !), I s." 1 It. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. 20 per cent saved. Country Ilcrchanti Buying JJ(K) TS&SIU)KS ran save 50 jmt rent by calling un WH. I. KZNCr, Ao. 40, A'. St.. ti'lmr .Irrh v.'st siiU.) TllEliE can Ic lininil a laryc iissnrlinnit of Ihe 4iluie uanicd aiticlcs, just rccricil from the niHiiuiarturcrs. August '.':!, I '1. :luio. LZVZR COSSPIiASIJT," JArxniC'K. DVSPKPSIA, (IIIiOMf: Oil NKUVOfS l)KB!i;iTV. DISKASK i)K TI1IC KIDMCVS. A' Nl ill! iliM-iy,.-. in-if-ii." n iI-m tIi m! !i-r or ! iikic'i. t.t li :tf i-.MiM iiiti mi. iiiwnrd IM'-k. K mines. ! tt! fid t I he lu-.iil. .-itil i.i Ihr M -inn It. :ium;i. Hf.-dtl.nrtt. (Ilv-Mist I r I'iuhI. ItllllltrH it Wi'luttt in lilt 1 Slitiii;n li, t mr KrtH'tiiti ms. sinUiit.' ir thifli-t inn lit (In pit "I" llif Sinniifli. vi;iiiiiiti: i" i In- lit- nl. linn itil itii'l iliiiifiilt t I't'frilliinv. ll-Uh-riii!; ;it tin- Im.mM. cli'kln-' Ktill' 'ir( iie; , k''li:.:ili 'llrt Inn iti si hltfj ' ! ni'f. tiiilllf-M ul ",iiill. i -i n cr)V; I in-ilii' i ' 1 1 . I'i vi'P ntnl iImII pitlii in lti Inn. I. ili tirii-nrv . ' vt-il unicni ili k'hi :imI i-vt . p:i:-i in llif S'i!r . l-t-. i-'i.-s. liiiil'X. niMrii : fliilii't ol In (I li irtiin i;i I'u- ui'-li. c 1 i nl iiii:iiiiiiyk m t-vil. :ui. irrf it iU-('r 5;i mi m -'l'ints, 1 t ni: i:ri'r.iTr.i.i,Y tii: i:n hv c i:i.i:mt Al l i lii.itM i ill I 1 l it N. rv II It . C . l . J A I' K SlIX. AT Till: GGIJMAX MI-'L)!CI.H STOliK, .. t'-'ll Ar. li M., lMill.i.. lillill. '1'ln'ir iu'ivt iivt tin' nit iv." ili.t.-ns.-i is ii'it fii.flleil. u iHI:i!Ii-.I. I.y nny " l ilT .lfp;ir;lt i. -II 111 the lllilrit Slalea. III. illil. ill mum i"i ml ( .killiul Ii;. Mi'lans In.'l l:.ll. . Tins.. Ilin I'U !H W 'I I ll I Ik iiOi-ii! inn i.f hin!i Ii. I'. III illll. f 111 III.' r.'.-iiu.Mli ii i.l iI.m-iim'i ( -1 1 ii '.In III SI .';iirljiiig sis .i lii,- iluriiltve ..ii.l,s. i.l i'l. .Mini . I .ii li. I tin-t-r i.ii'l 1i . i t:l in.:?., i) , "VCli In U ';ikll. i.mik.1 Till". i liu-v urr. uilli:i:. I'll. i- limn : IflMl.l tin- II. I In. IMilnr n.ihl. Iif... ..'M i "iu. llii.iFi.;r. I 'ki.imiii tkii liiiiMis Itirtrn Th . tliriMrrul I.IV'T l'lilllil.llll!. .I.illililiiv-. Ily(i.psiy. riii.inic . 'X 'TV''!!- ll'l'l'll , l ll.'M'r'.'.HliV lilll'.l ,i' III 'ft If l't lur in.-iliriii.. ul t li- il-iv. I (u-i... 1 1 ir 1 .'I s liiixe li.'tn tipj liy III .lisinits, uiul ii f. int.! lit .-la . lit l. . tir Ii-.. M-ll r.i.l'.i.l i ..(' :;M .-in.l ur ii. lit riirr.'l l.lrr -liii.1; nr Ir.'iil I lir l'. till!, ivtiitin . '.. nil- ..iii inreil llmt. Ill t.ii- ii.- ..( tlioi l.l'l.i.s III.' u.iipiiI iMi.ttciui v I t::iuiH Mii-iilh unit v-i.ii a l ii-l '.irl;iy.i rrul i; ! rut i in. Tli.'y Jill''.irinl in lii;-!.' uiul Hiu.'ll. mul run I,, iist'tl liy ifin ins uilli thi iii'int iti'tirnt.' nt'imiii'lii. witli r.iie l'. iltnl.'r lm i'tr('iiiii.!nii..'S. V'i. :n. H(..:iUil..' 1'rniii n ; jti-rit-iii'i'. iiu.t t . tin ;iillli'l.'.t '. li l l.s.' tli.-o llsi I r-iTl' AXEi-n.N,' "iu- i'l I'lc 1 I tiiililislii'il, mi. I, Ant;. UV .itf-riy p:iH ! "tin. H i.. ti.oii'. liKKMvs llirrms, itriniifiti'tiiri .1 I.y 1 Ur. J.K'nl .11, lire II lV I'!' llllllt-l'l.'. t'V 'IIM . . 1 1- i lt .r' iii.-i.iiN'rs in' tli. I'lrul'Y tin mi urlirli- i luu.'ti I ('.tifiii-r in s f Ifiiinti' vtlni'. An (.iirti i. tin j r.'isi.'. v w niilit a ll isi- nil t:i iiImtk l i i Mum u li .til.-. und lltiis Mi. tli.'ius. K i 1 1. 11 i-l i rii'l.nrM I'lTh-.n. nt' .l.'liilitii. Inl ...tititnn .us w ill lli.'So Ultti-m aitui)UL'.: lik tn ' lii-'ir liiillli, ns f kii'-w Irnm ''Tii'm-r llu- mlutury i'l'fei-t lbi liuvi- llji.111 ui !i s Icui. Mif: '(('lire. TI-. "fl,ib.!.-l.l.i li' Msf.aiil ;.'iliii.--lii i S.iliiril u i,-i I ' Ilia l'.l liniitf it la llu- I uili-ii Mal-s. Hie mm I)i lh'lttnl's (irimiin Hitters. "It i m-lil iu i'. '.. vr tlll .lrtl!l-l t" l-l- ri,:iil'.i : mul. I Im-i ''l.ti-. l.iil i'i. I.i-riit in Kiltrrs. nt.. kI I Ii . tt w :nr n .1 a t, I , I lli'l Hie il iri'.l till C-.Uni tlllrl tli. hii e.l r. .-"ii!iirii. wIkiI at lrinJ " iii-r un.l pal Lilian ..f esr lieu w r-i.iiuiiiriiil li. Ito.-f-wv ut. it In .liuifl'v undri s, i-.-iltiiit.. "I the ii .trnin l th nl I' r ii I. itci' .r.i sl tai.l lliu (or- 'lie llirir utility rai'n in' uiist-liiel. I.Ht in II lil.-.l -t:il.n.!i. 'l, iiiioi-rit-ilti nnzrl, anil which ti'i" lil.-t the lie;. t-t v ii.,mimviiI .i lii I'aentlv ltMl llvitleiiee ll ill r iil.-ltce hus liertl reeet eil (lllie III.' fiir.-ttnitiL') fi"iii till ,.'i-li' im i-f the I tit a, Ih.i liif Utrsr un.l the tr'i ?!.'-( l.tini"iiy la its lj.., is, lhat 1 lli.-re i. 111..1.. el' it tih. it ill ttie iiraetieei-l the t.-ritlwr INiv ; n-iniis.r I'lii'ii.ti l'!.ia. 1I1-.11 ull oilier 11 'Slriiin. is.iti.iiii.l. ti fuel lliat eaii ikihiU Im i-Mtil.lilM-it, 1111 1'iitly pmviiitr lhat 11 t-i-ii-iiiiii,. ir.-h'ir.iii. ti wilt tn.Ti w till llnir iiui.i tifprnvul ' xx It. ti -r.-,.-ii',-,l , vni in tlii. t'.-itit 'I'liat tin. iii.-ilii-itti. will itre l.i rr C"tililuiiil uti,l llys I pr,sia, ifi nur ean iliitttit. tit'n-r liint il sx ilir.elp.1. Il sets Sie4'ilii'titK- Uk .11 tlie si 'liineli ail.l llli'l tl is (ir,-llnilla In eiil"liit l tn nil liii:t .im diM.-.-iM-M tlie ett'eel is iitiiuftliitt.. , 'I'liey inn 1 liilllltitiiitrr.. l.i tViiinlp nr Initial Willi Ullit rt-ttalilu thtirlil, uf nny litlH. ) i!i:w.i(i-: or TTii -n:iti'i:i'rs. Taw III -.lienie tins nt tiiiiixl I lint u, eltitlaelrr which is 1is.-.'hxir l -rull lli.ilii'liis l.iulimiit.i intliie. e..ii.t.i tftlPrs j In 1'iit l.Tlli a iiiii 'lis ttitii'le ul Hie ruk i.l Hi. lues nl j 111 se un- Illll H-t-lltly ' I.l mix WT.I.I.TO Till: MAIIK" OK Tilt: cr.NM INK. ! Ttiev lmve Ihe wrillii niaiittiiff .f c, Mt J.vrKSON i 111.' v, nail lite name til.. wit itilhe U.ule, willl- I- ur r ib; xvli .les.-ile tili'l r.-tatl. ul ttm fiermuit Jlt-dieine Slurt, No. I -JO AltCtl Street, nur il,..r M..w Siith. (lata ot Six It nee alriel.) I'll 1 1:.. I.-1 1 .Ii . unit liy rrSclsl'l llsalsrs ajeitertitly lliruiigliotil the ei'iinlry. rilU'lIS llK.Dt'CF.l). T.i piiutile ull elsHas 1.1 iiix-altils to enjoy thr atlvuiitngrs 01 lueir grcul resl'irativa rsiwcra. Shiy-le JJolllc, 75 cents. Also: Knr ante I.y II. Ma1K, Puubar f, aud M. A. M Vay. N'Tltitiiuliiliiiitl. Aus'ii.t l-.-il ly. "lyiHTIXO FU7!!)".! self a.alin(r' Euxe ' loitts, just reecixed and for alo hy April 10, 1H.M. II. U. MASSEU. IO It sale at Ihia office, tStittcrior Ulack - (-utile Medicine at '.'j cts, Pure Essen Ink, ssenro of (iinitcr, 2A rents. I.VTKACT CF (UXfiEII. A fresh supply just rcceiv cJ and fur sale at this ollice. IVIECHANICSBURG 1 XSTI T1TTK. A Select School for Joung Indies. fllllK Moi-linniiKlMirij Institute la pleasantly X located in the healthy vitiligo of Mci Imnics bnrjr, Cunilicrlanil rounly, nine milca west of HnrrishiirK ; a village noted thrniinlmot the anr rinnidiiiif Counties for the morality of its It is nciTK-iilih' by railroad, the Cumberland Val ley Itailrond passing Ihrnuudi the place. Tim course of inslrui tiou is audi as is pursued in the best Sriiiinarics in Ihe country. It is the design of Ihe Principal to instruct th intellectual powers, to ciiliialc hccoiuin man ners, mid to educate in such u nmuiier, as nny prove piaclicilHv iisi-lul. Sessions. The school year is divided into tw o semi-annual sessions, each of live calendar moiiihs. The summer session couiinruccs the first week in April, und closes dnriui; Ihe last week of All- I uust. The winter session commences the 1st i week in Octolier, and terminate thu last week of ' February. A I Ihe close of each session there will be pub lic cian ioulious. Terms : Hoarding, inclndinj li.dits, per session 3 mo. !j.10,00 Tuition. " :' 10.00 Modern laiiiWRes. " " 10.00 Drawimi. " " t'OO M usie. Piano, w ith use. ' " 15,00 Or, if preferred, per session of .1 inn. ilo hnlinii the iibme items, 85,011 Pnvablc in aibam c Hfl, balance at the close of Ihe scssino. I Hooks, slalioiicry, music, Ac, furnishrd at Philadelphia prices. I Pupils will be received nt any pcriisl duriiiR j the session, mid chained accoriliiejly. ! Kur further inforiiialinii, please address thu . Princiiial for a circular. V. M. I.. OH. I. III. K.N. Principal. Mech.niic.sburg. Auir. 0, 1851. 3ino. Susquehanna and Union Bridge Company. V'tlTICK is hereby uiven lhat in pursuaiu e of A' no Act ir Assembly, ciitilled an Act to in cnrpnrnle the Susquehanna mid Cnion l)iidn Coiiiomiiv. biMiks will be oieiied for ihe nurpoe ofrecciviiut subscriptions to the capital stock f . miiil I'oiiiIiiiiiv, ul the J ri-Mirtnn House, k'l I'T Henry 11. Wimmt. in Ihu town of Tri'voiton, I .N'oilhiiinlK'rhinil county, on TL'KSDAV the 1 Jny ol September next, i to he kept open for ii hours each lay, for three fiii-i-i'ssivc iljys. niili-ss ihe whole nuinlier ofl nhure't milhoii.i'il hy the Act kIiiiII he animer aiili- j M'rilH'il. At which time nnd pluce the t'ouiinia- ' ionrrs iiiioiutcil hv koiiI net, or the tc niil liliiiil'i-r ilnei-ti'il hy l;iw, will nltrnil mul linnl.h j lo all pcrHuioi. ihily iii.ililicil. who sli.ill olli r to Kiilisc ride, mi oiorttinitv of iloiinr o. ! UKK'li: M II. IHIU Kl.r., j mul oilicrri, t 'oiiiiniHsioncrK. TreMirtoii. Aug. I. 1S5I. :it. Aldcu's Coiulcuced Reports of Tenna' Bl'S'I ruhlishcil, mul for wile hy the mil'srri- j hrr Ihe Ktrmul 'i,liniir of AIiIcii'h t'ou lirtiscl l'cniisvlvnui:i I'l-portu, coutniiiiui; the laM lliri'r miIuiiuh ol Venten l!eorls, nml two first viihiiiiea uf llinnev Kei'otli.. 1 lie lirst vol ol.M.len. eoiitain'iu!, Dallas- licporli. 4 o. ' s 'ind Vc itcs' lienoits nhiine I is also on , .1 ,,, , ...I,,.,.,.. ... d, and lur sale. 1 lie nloe two vultuiu s aie . iplete within thcniscKcs, an. I contain all ol , tunc li 1 1 1 Hani! complete within thcniscKcs, an. I contain all ol Dalins Ivcpiuls, Miluiiies, ami a. I ul l ealea liepurls, 1 volumes. Lesiiles Ihe two llrisl ohuiiea of IJiiiuey"s K. ports. The tliinl Mihiitii- n ready lino will lie put lo presw iniuieiliaiclv. II. li. MAS.slH!, AiMit. fMuilinrv, A iiLf. Hi, S31. PATEIiT CORN SHELLER. ; 11 II-! attenlioii of Ihe I'nhlie is 'united to Ihia ; intpi'iM'tncut in COI!. MI KI.I.I'.liS. which I is ael.ihiw ledued lo he fur superior to any other. I eimr. on an entirely new principle, shellinn the ' Corn leiiulhwise of the ear. the Coh passing ' t-tr.tiht through without revolvim;-Iherehy re-; iiiiiiim no year'ui-.' lo incliase its speed, which adds s.i materially lo ll ! of other luachinery. ; II Itirns ea-ier nnd shells cleaner than any other, atal is portihV in si.e, and ihirahle ill cunslruc tiou. rets. ms in'eresled are iuvited to call and cee it in operation. The rinht ol'ti' ami other : t'nHHiiet lur sale. Tor further particulars ad dresK or npplv to DAVin KI.DUIIHil'. I .. W. Cur. id A: Dock Ms., IM sloiic'. 1 rhilailelpl.ia. An-. II. 1S51. iuio. ruinpiiMj KxritAt r 'I'Im Jrotil-t BLOOD PURIFIER Im imi: wiiui.r W'iihi.m' rV Vrkt I irr H-.ttU, or St HttU$ far f.V Il i now put up in t' UT, "f th unit juticr mul rtitdf'tt tlK-ifv n wttrti in mull lntttr. Ktrli ",. I-hIIU- .-ijrn a. T V-IOI It l0! nmt tlit utt'.lir'itiiiti un- Nirtittuly 4 'nnrniirn I llmt nhly Olif TlMrinfit t n-iiu'inl at m lor I hre ftwfti 4i llm iii iMiitif Ini'ii TA'rntOnr IIiivm wlnrli i niurli Imiu'it ituiti it lnit! nf any 4ilifr iiii-ilu-tue 1hi, iMTHuatt tliero ii rr m n nrd uf tlii i Irm iuniitlljr ai n tii I i-. Tlit wrrtit Snjririty nf thi Hlnoil Furlflrr vr all oiIht itn-ilif im-.. citti'iniB Iti a t:r'iit infiutiio in tta " Hiu.' n h iini nf it romptMiiid. t)i pouvitit MeUlrnt Irtum uf uiir Srnrrr nnl Knrr Indian Roots and Barks, wliirti tin itilicr iiit'tlii'iii' MM'na. Tli ire tltr nioti tr I'on I'lii'illri't "I tin liliMiil it.ft miti vtr aiH'wn to (' rilix-r liulfin ur uhtt mitn.nmi ilit-n- )kjiij; comijtuttdetl with Uie ttniifjiy cuuentmtfii kitnu't uf Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, CHERRY AND SASSAFRAS BARKS, ninkr ttiiv Vrirrtntilr l-'xtmrt, nut only tin grmtnl HltMiil lnrillrrt l'(i H t.i, a rltrnirr mtdirin uy lll'riil wilil ilmti hnv oUht. It i rSiifr, lat-aii- inutility i. i llml 111:1V Im- Lull -..III fur Oil Oolllir H latt ill il rli Iomkit "in.l ill run' Tru i'liiirn ni'irr Kloud J im-h. limn "Mf li-4ltf't Murth if nny iiK-dicine. Kur iiml'Hil't'il iuf uf lliri ('urn uf Scrofula, Tever-Sores, 5-..7. l'-irf, wiiW.i, S.iH llHrtim. Ittirttmnliim, Swhitit, I'.niiili' J'mi'i', .m tfi t'ir. l,lver'niliililliila, t'ltr; l.l';S'. C'lltrrnmt I'Utrl. Cowl Ivelirsa, Kr9 .'y. vsieislll, i'.ii'if IM tflt fJt, lirtiitt, lbnt9, Itn4 J.. .i',il All. ..null Im''hi:'IIi.ii.iii Ilir4sr.., irm tmr i IM MI'HIH IS mnd lliindbilit vrry Aeul liw Uiem lu ! glVUKMIlJ. ! I"K oik liy I. V. I'riliiif.'. stiiiiliury : Mary A. Mi" I i'iiy. .iIIiiiiii!.i-iI iti.1 ; J.-hn H.l(, allium; llnyraA 1 I .M.'Ciii iitx-k. Mi-Kw.-liM llif. I la il. l-il. rlu'. Iv. ! i 'J ill lluliaexx ife's llel uiul lluslillllil'a Jn t THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID ! BOK.S awav entirely with that laborious task 1 ol rulihiiig tho Clothe upon the xxastibourd. : It contains no ingredient whatever, injurious In Ihe luteal Jnhrie or the Jteh. Thu proprietor wish excry one to give it a trial, und if it does 1 not prove to he as reeoiuinviuled, thr uioitry, in I cicry such ca' xvill he refuiuhd. Full direr- : lion accoltipHiiv eaell Kiltie, lielail price 1-1 i Cents per Hottlc, sutiicicnl to do v unliiiary i-,..Ati's and saxint; the Clothes mure hy not rulilin4 thi lil, than the cost of six hottk'S he- ; aides rciuoxiim stains uf fruit, iVe., if there te auv, uiul the liiue and lahor savetl. Prepared onlv hy I. P. 110VT co.. P. A. Foi, MeKwensville, sole nueiit for the Counties of Cnion und Xorthuiulierliind. Philadelphia, AuS. 30. J A TEXT UKITI'AXIA HTOPPEHs fur! our Imttlcs tor sale ny 11. U. MASSKK. Kunhury, April IS, 1S5I. 4 KXOI.U'M WKITIXG Fl.l'IU and Adhe sive and lenl envelopes, for sale hy II. 11. MASSEK. Simhury, April !ifl, 18.M. I.Mv Uourcau's celebrated ink, and also Cun ere ink for sale, whulesula and retail hv Ueccmlier S8. 18S0. It. 11- MA85EU. EE HI I.I.a Justice an d Constuble Fee Hills hiimlsoiiu'lv iiriutii in Am.l IKilU'i. 11,1 I sule ut this ollice, ' TO TUB IN DEPENDANT VOTERS OK NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 1 clrrtntm nf Norlhumliprinnil ('ounty, t tbe rtmmiif rlortion n VOLt'NTEER CANDI DATE for tho oflireof ShrritV. Should he lie rleclnl, he promises to dischartt the duties ot the oltii-r, ill such n mnnnrr W Hivo entire jtisfuction to nil concerned. tsAMCKI. HAYIDB. Cppcr AuRiistn, Aug. II, 1851. TO THE IN DEPENDANT ELECTORS Of N I i I! II I V M I? Ell I. A N D COUNTY . i PIllE nuhscriher herrliy iiifonns Ihe independ I -1 rut inters of .Northioiilerliiuil eotintr. tint he in a VOl.l'.NI'KKK CANDIDATE for th ollicc of I 'nit ii I v f'miimisKimwr. Should he lie elected he will iisc every effort to ilisidinrire the duties f the ollice in such a man. ncr ds v ili gic entire satislaction to llic coininu nily. JOSKPII WA1.I.IS. .Noilhninherlaud, Auij. !), 1H31. ! TO THE EI.K.CTOltS OK NollTllL'.MBEU- LAND COl'NTY. Tlll K subscrilier respectfully informs his friends j 1 ami lellow cilieusof .Niiriliuiulierluiid coun i ly, lhat he oilers himself as a candidjtc for I CniinlY Coiiuuisioncr. at thu ensuing election, lie solicits from his friends anil fellow n support, and proini I ses should he I c do led lo discharge the duties I of the ollice with fidelity. I'll Mil. KS KAVKIl. Stiiilmrv. Mav 21. 1 S3 1 . TO TIM. KI.KCTOKS OK NOKTill'M UKK I.AM) COl STY. Ki.i.i.iiw ('iTi.f.i's : At thr rnrnrst solicit tiou ..f niiinv nf inv IVicmls, I IhtcIiv aunoiiiice . . ' in f ii " - CAXniOATE for the ollice of Cowntv ('nininissHiner t thu ttpproiM-hiiiff rUrti.Mi. Shoul.l I !r ekctnl i .i i .i i r I prn.nisr M ilnrli:ir-r thi ilutirs of u ,uW ; Willi luirltiv nml liiuniriiaiuv. l noliril ttio ut- . port of my fellow citizens. r.i.i: n a it it kt. Lower AugiiKla. June II, 1HBI. SPENCER & RENDELL, .MAM"I'AITI"H Kits III-' CTy;TV r v r j LsliSJ'if s39 liulil nml Silvrr Pen mul Priiril Cases, Xo. 2, Mmdks I.ank, (hie door from corner of Hroiuiway, New York. Kvery pen will lie warranted for one year.' N. It. The iiliuM1 firm were awarded liold and Nilver Medals, for live consecutive yearn, at the Fair of the Institute, for (lie liest tiuld Pciih. Julv 'Jli, H.'il. iltno. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF .lonx voi:x(J, W" respeetriilly it.forin his friend, and " ciisl.uiiers t.iat lie liaa returned fr I'hiladeliihia. with an excellent assortment of I ' NcV Spi'inj G 00(13, which he oilers for sale at his old stand ill Mar ket street. These uoinU will he sold ut the low I est prices. His stock cunsisls of every narielv, g u Ilrv (Iticds. Niir i.' Clulhs. Cttssi'iirrt s. Muslins, ('alien's lliiiphtim: l.uirns. Chintz s mid La tins Dress and Fanti) fi.imj jlfnernlltj. Also un nssiirtineut of Talm leaf Hati, Cap. &c-, giteensy;are. lliirilwan-. I run nml Slt'tl, NniU, if., A I. SO : A o,.i, atirlnietit of (irocerics, Sugar, Collet1, Tim, Cheese, Mo lasscs, Sjiices. V rniiluce uf all kiln! la Leu in eichane at the highest nnrkct prii Sunliurv. Mav il. ISol. GREAT ARRIVAL OF x i:av (i o ds! AT THE STORE OF riiThlNG Si GRANT, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., HIIK niliscrilier hereliy inform their old nia-- tinners and lite puhlic Keuerallv. lhat they have ju.t lereivetl a larue and extensive assort ment of all Kinds i f Mcichaiiili.e, which they nti'cr lo puii luiscrs at such rate, that they can not refrain from Inn im;. Their assortment of i)rv (lixxls, ii lor'r. rtiil'iMi iii-; ki:n!i nf (7n-is, fissiK'.s-, Sitttinrtts. i'c. A priHTil HNi.rlmriil (!' luniiiirr wrsr, of LINEN, WOOL ami COTTON, Staple, anil Fancy Goods for Ladies, of all kinds, such as ('alien'-, Mutts, dtt l.ainrv l.awus. tiiiihanis, Ve. (;koci:uii:s ami (irr.i:NsVAUR. Also an excellent assortment of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. IHM tiS AM) .MK1iHIM'.S. Fi&h, Salt and Plaster. C'C'" ( 'I'uiiti v jirt'diirr of till kimU taken hi ex cIkuii' ut tin: lii-lic-t ni.iiKi'l rirn. .-'iiiilttirx, M.iy 10. IS.'il. t ! jy cr'V rfi rr " r r-iy 0 WTT7 II. 1. 1 AM 1I(IVF.I resa'elfullv informs W l l is friends and customers that he has just returned liotn rlniailelplna. xxitli ail eieellent assortment 01 NEW SPRING GOODS, I which he oiler for sale ut his nexv atom at Mas- srr's Mill, Hollowing h'mi. Thcaa ijimhIs will lie suhl til (In1 1'iwet piiccs. HIS M ill Ixi (s;Tiif ;vi:ttv VAIiirTV, Vu: Drv (IimmIs, ,S'c.. Suehos Cloths. Cassinifrfs, Mnslhis, Callieoes. (liiiiihauis. .nidi, Chintzes and Ladies )ress floods enerull'j. Al.Sd: An assorluienl of Talm Leaf Hats, Capl, &c, aUEENSWARE, HAKDWAKE, IKOX uudsTEEI., X AII.S, kt A yeneral assortment of (iroeeries, such a Sugar, Coilee, Tea, Molas m1, Spices, &.C. Also on assortment of I.itpiors, such a Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, tVc. IV Produce of all kinds taken iu exchaug at the highest market prices. Hollowing Kim, May 10, IS51 It. I . I kJIIAF.H WATCHES A few double rases '-' Euiilish Silxer VuU'hes, tor sale at very low prices hv Runhury, April 12. 1851, II. li. MASSfK. SMITH'S F.SSEXCE OF JAMAICA (ilX (!EK, fresh (upply just received, and for sale hv H. U. MASSEK, April 12, 1851. OI.l) PEXS with and without ilxer rase - jul received, und for sule hv 11 1) . MtsKK I funhury, Anril I 185 CATTLE POWDER rHfci'Aitr.n uv nilKlMn, l'ltONKFIKM) & ( O. Ao. 187 AV,, Third Street, 'hil(utilpliia. rr",!!f. !,'H,w'l"T '." t., ihe tmiicil Lsliire iiT of nil I'll.lMI AIM ..!... 1. t . i ! "iiii-ii iiiivr l Wli iri'iuuiii nr. rr- ! U -IC"' "M 'I-W..IT !.t MM., ttm .! T. ns;;; inl will .mprnvo in M t wj ,h.r,:,-j( j ...r I. - l"'"". r iiihi bh. Ill vim; wiiir tmiin: tiiiH Im' r iimititTt'il nc Imv i-lfniil" nvrry Knrmi-r, win I'Mi.iuht him i if ihr utitplr iirti- I Imthhi "WMiiitf n hMtf. Il i ,tl ,.,. ,;, t . . AlixTt-Mic llitil im-rriy nw.- l mi nninmi ,,,, , . .irt imiih, nin ii win m hip r:i(M'iiy win. h n ) ( tsmvt.Minir inrri kii: (wiit-'ii iaihi Uric nmit'T) i,,ti Tif rttnr m.Kixft: c inw n ptimtcr ninnuitl of uiitriiiotm nmtter hi Ih fxtitirliil nni (lit Kitnc hhiihi1 m imnl. Okmi tlit)ailill tiitlM lu i..r lint m.lti'A iiriiMiiil..a it' i I l-t iMim mil ni ihe rnivm in the lriu llm iitu- At in ; We hnv MH-riii h itmliitmlf nf v itit-nrt to pr-v wlmt ! W'v Imv.. nn.,.,1 tiicVn-live np..t. with a pint , I f V rikta hi.k pbnts nnd ht-rtm, vlin h t mul iie h;ie j : mii(.ii-i mi;i mm- ii"- i-i- ..I '.. , ilnrfxiMii nt tlie in il ; tlm nrriirinu n (Miihhv r 'inliih'ti f I i iif! itl.nn. lrmi whifli tlx' .MiI.k mul i at tniiMt le t"riiml It it. i.v Ut' iiiil i. r Uoi;i . i'uwi ami IUh.s lur the follow inir eouijil.1 mis nmt ihsntM n, liultsi; Yr.M,(lV WATMIt. n ilmiiri-rom h.-Lim-h. wliirliilf irid Ninny viilurilile Iihihch rcry ynr, in verv oflni i enlin-ly rum I hy th frir iim nt tlnn puwili-r, in ofl run- it will prrvrut Ihe ilifi-intf !'iiui rtiiiinr nn. 'I'lii ili-rit t wuinii t-in Icid nmt iuip. vrriittpi1 itnte of i he blu-nJ w hu ll Iter uh- Ihiu, watery mul oi ull clliw r'l-tr. j Tliit povtT hv itiipr inn the tnrnnrh mill frivitiv ti i ttte I)Imn n p enter ipitintity oi ml imrth-lm. ull r1n th Itent tutit only H.illo rhtnift ot n-itivrry, h the h true in lur ft iu, uivc tiiirniu nnd niht n tnlih-KpiNiuitil in wet l''d, il in Hie Itejrintiiim niicu n diy ul u im, il milt lopre Vent the iliM-!lir wire 1 'rrk. SLAIIIll IMi; I'l.;. .. o r ,-..i.... Mr llnrnt'H hy xliMUfthut : h n ronntiint diw hiirWn, mili- v:i whu li I'Mjiht to tfi into th1 tiiiri'h hwifI 1tu"-nli"ii It n :t n,n ciri ni' u"i n rhiiM'l l.v Imm T. Uhiii tfrmuiiir in Im pmitirf r.'Hinl A Tiihrni"iifiil tlini-tiiiK-s ii wrk will ir.-.,ii,.iiy nrnt th H--W, ii it tt lrN-itt mi the Tnii.M in ni tlie ifnin. innlrr Mirli firciMiistlrinc, (lit- iiniiitu' mtiM p ki-pt in t tit' t;ille. ins rr;.Mi'i:u ii ih- p..w.irr i r.-triv t..i u.-i u.i. h i tiilir rfin'tly m-nt du iicnl, ii h.ifi utrt'inly ruml linn itrnls til" IImkm: m thix lrtnilir nn Hiium' in the mrprine Ml ilriKf wlio tiRiit it. Il ii I nst'il curly. b?i" rr nmtlrr Imp I'Timi! m lltf mrk it f;tini 't rfttri' the mutual kitiWiIv "'"I1 ,,,r nritter is .l. l,;,.p.-.t. it enrly nml prevent mn-ii n reinlt. A I iiMefpifcitiiul nitrt ur twice a day is . -ir -iitiii. ! if.AVKKItS This .!ifti. ,.tfl nil roiKim. ; f iivt- tliiw (inw.r a I'ntr triiil I it will tin winlTi in I thi li-rriMt- mul hiihcrt-i tni-iiMhlf iiinl.-nly. It if n diwnn i ti' tlif uhmhir.-il yfcui nml kt-jil up Uy iiiipcn'ri't iuilnti"ii, j in B'L'-li tvifi. ti Tiil'I. HMnntiil cvitv itiiy Ivvic t'r n ni Mith : or tW't. in cMiiMtnut m c'-c-itni. w ill in uin cjtrn nut tif a th"?n ,-1,r, ,'t "-"rr- " 1 "rI tr,nK nili t Rliortnt-M ti llntiili (lMt'iitlnttr nn wfiik Illhy!t, ThM,,, ., t.Vl.r. .....ruiiip ; if it i.Utln n, e wriw a fk I'tMMt ll'i:si;s. .r win-re tln-re in! nny n-inmi n" I'. .tin. h-r t !ii!lii'!iH ! in ni-ti, mul th ll irnu will not tsitfu, or wherr the knr i ronijli nml t inil"' Klmiirlit out, thr t'.t'nl P.-nniinii lo i nnff unl, tli j rowih-r pr mIik-ch nliii.ii itniin-iliritr iniprtt ritn-iit oi' the i !iniin:il ; th itip-ytinii iniprovt-j nnd with il nil the Iihi i.'iliiti ti'i ut' thr Mtiintril iIiHiippr-irx. 11 nine livtlv tin) i'intril. uiul tin: Irur ftiin"th mxl olirk. C( WS. 1'or Mn. kino l'uw. wenrriii'ly rmvinreil lint it iwl : -nU inijir vri thr iprihtv, hnt tlmt it inrrrnfc-i Ihe tun unit nf Alilk. t'rnni mul limti-r : nn: who h:ivr trinl the ei- . prrini-iit Kiy n pttimil ti Wri'li. othrrn h:iv Imlt ' n poinul 1 while one person illMstf'd upon it hrinmlr twopnniiilt I in "re ti ween irom t'iii-li s. i r think it will lr 1iumI I to IIViTii1 IP 'in a h:ih' to ii poll I It I per week on eneh I'nw, J if the t'nw tire perh rily he.ilihy. Tin inMitiuiinl iittioimt ; it in;nle hy the .nyem "ui the Ilippurtr Arid into Nitro j 'iioiis mul l.itiy roiiipiinu-N : n hy xnpplyini; the oxy. j cn inken in hy the linn!-, with Ihe t li iii. nm oi rrHrti-ni : j without inking niiv of tin i(r.-jeioii portion of the fetil. j IHH.MiW IHHtN or WOI.1; ll(Hi-' DISKASK. I nmt nil other itiHejirti-w of tu-nl r:itlle iletirmliiiif lition n lunt I Mule of (he IhiiiU. lire rem .Veil Mp Iily mul ei-eht:ill j row. wlit. milk if hinr. (Inn nii'l wniery unit where it 1 , ihir not iriil iniieli rrettlil. or wherr I 'own ifili hlomlv j milk, it whi'-h nrr used l, Mnml I nip ilry. it will he I'oimmI j mi nhii ij't intillihti- reuietly. hy iiupr "vni-j thr condition of ' Ihe U i mitt rrritlitu; tl he.dliiy tlieuli mi ; n T:ililipo-t. i ml every d:iy or every other 1. 1 y ur it nwy lu ncrrweirT. ,.,,, ,..,-. ,...',; , ,,,wiv... crt Inl k. i ha. iiU-i-m in ih. l.nnu'a mi.l I.iv-r. which cause ili.-in l ull,' vpry sii.l.l y. tli. s- m.n- l,u rr-v.',iie.1 entirely I.y fiitnns a i.l nr n hull int.. n Hum I ..i mvill ; nn.l il will ni llu--iia.. inn.-c .asi.k' lianten the muni. MOtiS. Hit pr-i'i-.-i. . II. In :in itiiim-il vlii-!i ia nivnii; milk anl vn are i i1t'Piritii tt l;iti;i ni tli Hunt linn. ..ii fill miIiI ii I t;iva in .n- tti:ni :i i-ill'Svtiiiiil ..ii.-.- ii w rrk ur it will nt;nliht t-iriii:ili-ii t. i:it I.y inm-jiMi, tin iiiiniiiit ol' Milk. 1 l..t nr'. . r" 'ti try ile rll'-i-tn I'-T hiium-ir mi. I will n Nin I''il mi' lis i-vrll.-nl cn:i!itira. nml tliat n I'ur . Ill-T fill.Ht!:! Im wit lit lll it. ' I ir llu' p'ir'1 ifi' ni' liiidintr iit fiii! iitrilici lmw nr our , justly ri-M.i:ttiit f AT'l'M: lV)KI(. ! i itlitlr.l t llir I' til--n m' tin int.llii'iiit p-..ilf; wf li.ivr inlilrrsail U-iti rs t i :i!1 irtJ 1 1" t!ir 1'nitf.l Sf;it n. whrrr mtr l.iv-iti-r iris Itf.'n tituvl, tmil ur nrr n-v imni thr r iilurt lliu lir.'irjlit l-inrr u. n iitHurr rv-ry 1'iiriin r. Di.iif 111:111 11 ml IIiiriiiMii. Hint it Uun ihim mr vri y inti-li rt . rr-i-ili-it nr in 'Kt rVinmiinr rxpt-rCtti1 -hk. With thr iiililiiinicil knuwh-iljif ilnm i';ir ol.t.-iin.-il. Wc Iloi-K we Will hr ni;ilW--l .. nml,,1 Ihr U-st imi.I rn t pr 1 iri I'ArTi.K Mrnu ink rv-r vrl t'll.T.-tt t- a ilim-rriiiiii; ! r It iti-IK :is ;t Vil!u:il.!f iMlll -U r nf iliif.-Kt ) m. nil- . irivF tin- i;n:iliiy nf ihf unit llm iiii-m-v ihr anininit til nl hrr l:it. MiIa nml r iijtiui-iiilv nl liuttrr l'.cii 111 llu' lu-iilili Aiiiiiinl Ht-Wiirr nf liuiilt-ririt-( ;i Iln itPtijuvr n-ilr nf nur In ..fin 14 In 111 ikf till llllitlitl f U, I '.arh Mt k Ins nur untti-n Sitrrriitin- iu llu- t-ml. itin;ihi. ri!ui:iir.i,i) a co. Julv Iv. Tim iiinlerii!!iiil lutvt t'tiUnsI into Co-jnu't-j iicrsltip umlcr u: lirm (if KIM MY fc L.VWHKXCK. to e.uuiv on Tin: Paper & Raj Business, At Sit. 5, Minor Street! Philadelphia. "1 TII KliK they intend keeping n lare assorl- " lueiit of papers, Ac, coiisistiit ill part a fulliiws : rilini! papr rs ; wove and laid, American and Kuuli.-di. Hath l'csts and Ante papers; wove and laiil, : vtill nnd plain. , I'olio 1'osls, Klal ( 'aps. I't intin I'apern, all ! ait's. Hardware pa'is, from I'.l hv "I to til hv -H. t'lilored am) xxhite tissut papers, American and Knulish. llol!ini;sworth's Patent Manilla paK'rs. t'olured and while Shut1 papers, common and extra si.c. liulf Knxelupe papers. Colored Printim; autl t'ovcr paM'rs. Manilla papers, all sizes, li'l.icd lioynl, all ro lura, Druiiiiist, ISIne Medium and Killcrinu psM-r. Tt a, Secret and t'ohucd papers for coiilivtion Ka-4. Manilla and Straw xfrappiiiL? papers, lhitinet, Hinders, Hox. Cap and Trunk hoards. While und Hull' lOnxelupes; I.rpil, Letter, Note and Card .infills for Jlliss, Putter fr Cu's Printers' Cards ill pcka and sheets, xhite and colored odd si ces, cut In order. Also, Iheir tiilt. Figured anil Plain ulai'd paicrs. JOSF.PH lilMHV, lale ofS X. Third t. X. S. I. A WKK.M'i:, l.tle of Xo. 3 Minor st. X. 1. SCO Tons of Kail xvanted in eicluiiiKe or rll,. Phila.lclohia, Julv SO, Cmo. 'Sjiorlsnicii Take Xollcc." ! jomx , Sorth t'asl eur. Walnut fr Seeond Streets. I PHILADELPHIA. HAS OX II AX I), just received, a complete Assortment of Shot (inns. Powder Flasks. I a n inn Hans, ami all other Sporting Apparatus of j the best and most approved patterns. j Ho has constantly ott hand sporliu: powder of I all descriptions, Percussion Caps, Shot, lltillet I Moulds, Hall nnd Hiank Cartridge, and a iren- era) assortment of uialPrials for (inn Makers, iX-C . Also Pereusttioii Caps of a sujicrior qiiatltlv. designed expressly for I". N, Killcs. An Assortment of Fishiui; Tackle alnny on hand. All ihe uIhixc, and any other articles iu his line, I'm' Suliserila-r will sell us loxv as any other establishment iu Ihe I'uited Stales. , Iu testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, th ' Franklin Institute, in the years 1810 and HI'J, axvanled to him two certificate -and in the ! years HI I, l'lli, I S 17. IHll and lK.'XI, live ail- : xer nicilals, ull ot xxlucli may ne sivit at tus tduce of Lusinca JOHN KKIUEIt. Philadelphia, July 10, IS.'il. limo. 100 LABORERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY on the Trevorto:, Kail Road. ... ......,,vt., nan niinil. Seelions 51 A 52; ut tho Mouth of the ..- i'1.... l.i xv!-...., ltl. ...... I x. i i Hon." Creek, lo wljom llbt rul wane will U imM. IK V T. CLEM EXT Si Co. Huithuiy, July 5, le5!rHf, AViO!S. A suiHtiim' nrtiehi tnr aale at biomf HEMtV MAsshtit Suuburv, Feb. 10, 18,'iti - II KM K!!! 11 IK (Subscriber respectfully i:v imorins ms ironies nnu in iv5"2 ptihlic (jeiieriilly, that ha atill iliiui continues Ihe SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old Mtuiiil ill Market Strept. Snnhtirv. -I Markets, Btunlly km on limiil. a l;ir innrr, whrra n con irr aMiiortmtMit of 11 I 1 I If (Dmililp iV Minulo.l with Silvrr, Ttninn iih! Julian nnl inountiiiir. Also SmM'r. Driillet. Trunk All kiiidn of work in hi line rniulc to order, in a t lo an nm Ik cut tip ill thin country. IVvhiiiib w isliinir to pnrrliimo will pleane call an4 VXA"" Uu'k hctiirc pun-liaaing clnewhera. N. 11, sulttK filter him just opened a naif nim ipiviuini 1 Assortment of Saddlerv, 8ui-h n SiUor, Wrnnn nnd Japannnl niountinf, I'aln.l Hrir-AiljuHiiiitf Trm, Patent Kolltf Hits. lii.Unti llri-Uo Him, Trunk ind Viiliro l.ork. Trunk hmn. Trunk .NuiU. Iliiinm, Trrpn, Triin mine laiHTfl, Tufts. HiuU llr Writ, Siiiulr hii1 Dtittlilr, W liitr Knuuirttit l.ntllirr. Patent !,c;it1trr. Oil Cloth, K'jrttfl, Til'!, Katiry lirow-Uuinla. btddU 'J'teen, lVrr'a If nir, PATENT FLY NETS ' " KIIHW. All of which will he auld as ahran if not chraH.r than they can I got eWcwhcra, for rash or approved credit. AMIUKW J. STU0H. Siinhury, April 2d, I Sol (im. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, cm: VP (1HAVK STONES. r(piIK mil's. -riln'r iuforiua his frieudn nnd th iuhlic, that he continue to carry on th .Marhle liuxiiirs in all it hrunchea, at hit old atantl ill Milton, I'a., anil i irriured to iiiauu faeture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of the hct iiialerialii. mid most finished work luaiiship, and at the lowest priert. Letter Cutting, ltii;lish and licrman ill th most modern anil rlesnnt style. Designs fur .Moiiuinciits, (iruve iStones, Af., always on hand. A'. II Onlera for the I'.ast utile of the rir promptly executed hy leaviu;; the num at th ollice of the "."Sunliurv A merieaii." A.M'HOA" V inn. Millon. Mav 10, 1P5I. NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. CIOMPKKIIKNNIVK summary of I niveraal History, together with a llioraphv of Di tingiiishfd Persons, to which is upiiemlcil an pi tome of Heathen Mythology. Natural PhihoupliT, Gen eral Astronomv and Plixsiolotry. Adopted und used ill the Public Schoola of ua. K. S. JONl'.S V Co., Puhluheri, S. W. Corner 1'tll KTll ami HACK Su.. PhiU. Traehrrs anil School Cotuiiiitteea addressing letters to ua post paid, will lie furnished with copies for examination. "3" A Full and Complete Assortment of liOtlKS and STATIO.NAUV, fur Sal. at th lofcst lii-r.i. Mav :i. IS.'il. 1 v. JOHN CALYEKLKY, .llaiuir.K'tiiror ol' CAUDLE MOULDS, Xo. I Oil Kacc, (Sassafras.) street, Abncc Third, opposite the White Swan llutil. PHILADELPHIA. Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturers can b supplied with a first rate Article of Candle Mould, of Superior e-.icllcuce ami finish. X. II. The Moulds ate made of the best Metal nml polished hv a nexv Patent Machine, which lives thcin an extra fuiit-h. They are after th Euv'lish style tlie lip to screw on lite pipe, ana) the pipe to screw tight ill the bench. IV WtiiuixTKii to be far superior to my other now in use.jJ He also luauitlacture Surgical l'unipl n4 Syringes. April 12, 1S.1I. Ciiiio. Ximv .Music .lust I'liMislict!. I.E A WAI.KKIS. Xo. ir,2 Cliesnut at A are eonstautlv piibhslun; and rcrttvinf. new ami heiiutiful music from the most diitin- suished e imposcrs. The follow inn list contain some of their chi cest aud most popular Sonus,, Polk, Ac. Xow. thou art (ioue, a lieautiftil sonc, word hy Thomas .1. Itiehl, music by Hatnltride. Mx Nexv England Home, words and music by Mrs' I,. Wade. (Irobe lliiiiiibu; hy C. (irobe a rollertioa of Iltietl. N, inn, Is from Home, piano and violin, hy Jo. (Iuna'1. Preily I. idle Polka for Pretty I.itllo Peopl, by .1. I. inn. ' All tho Winds njc Sleeping, by A. S. Won. sev, (iuardiaii Amjel. by the author of "I.ove Soi." Household Words, written by ('has. Young, d. The Athens, words by Thoitia J. Uielil, ip sic bv llorr. I. EE .V WAI.KKH have constantly on hand, . superior Pianos, and a supply of .Martin' Cettw : biatcd (I'uitars, xvhich together with a fine as sortment of Musical Instruments and Mcrchan- ilie iu yeiteral. comprise a stock not to be sur ' passed bv that of anv other est ihlishmont in th I country.' ' I. EE A WALK Kit, ! Ifi 2 Chesuut street. Swaini'e llutlJing. Philiulclphia, June S!s, IS.")!. ly. j NO C'LIti: NO IVVYI j Kughes' Fever and Atpie Pills!! VPEKFECT and speedy cure for the Fr i and Axue i cuaranleed lo any on vh ' inav ue the Pills. They have been used for th lust "i f ii jrnr.t and liue never lieen known I : fail iu a simile Inslanee ami in ease, too, i where persons have hail ihe disease for several ' vears, without intermission. The proprietor 1 ehullniz" tli' vnrlit to produce nn article that ; w ill cure in as short a lime, without leaving ny deleterious c licet from the use of it. If the Pill do not M'rl'iirm a iecdy and erfect eure, lht proprielor xvill return the money. For sale hy Jacob S, Lawrence. Miuersxille; E. Hclfsfls stem, 1 revorton ; s. 1(, Ihxon, Scliuylkill If, veu ; John W, Frilinj, Sunbury ; Mary A. Mc Coy, Xorlhuuilierlauil ; Dr. Hcekly, IhinviTI John Shurpless, Cnttawissa ; Dr. Judd, William port ; John liaser, Milton, und hy respectable Drufi'ists ihroiihout the Statis. J. CI'ltTls C. It t'( ill Km, Fropnetor, Puttsville, June SS, JS11. ly. I NlOX HOTKl., SITNBURY, FA. f I'll IK MISs AVEITEL'S reveelfnlly inform i L Hie Inline that (hey ail ill continue to ntt ! t tin travellers aud others at their old establih4 "I nnl in Market street, west of ',,(. Cooil Hoaa I Their loiuj exierienee iu I'.e huahwwa, n4 N ' well established reiuUti..m .,f lhi- ILmse, will. they trust, be se.;'uchitt (tuaixiutee, that thir eiisiomers wi'.', i. w-.H 4.v.imuiod.ited. M ":'.. H, 1H3U-I. -si HA i U vtx. T'.NOil AM) .PHIX(I MOKTISE I.AT I'HliS.Aii evct'llent article, lor am ( ! "T uuul nrice bv j w. riii.iuv I riuubury. July 7. 113 llLAMv Pttrihineut Painr Iked wil hteok Ihe Murtatit'ea, Honda, Esieulioiis, NuramMt, &e tin sale by IL U. MASSES uubuiy, April Sli, lJl L () ) Iv li .