SUNBUltY AMKIUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOU11NAL. A rilTISO YANKEE. A ankee in London nt tho WoilJ'i Fair, hits given ft very convincing proof of Ihe pry ing character of his countrymen ; he has succeeded in picking his way into tlio best patented locks made by the English manu facturers. This feat was ilone by Mr. Hobbs, who operated upon a lock placed upon the vault door of the State Papers' Ollice. and considered proof against any picklock. In twenty-five minutes he was in among the Stale records, and in ten minutes after he re locked the door, a feat, the lock being a de tector, that was thought impossible. I Jo is to experiment on another patent lock, which is to be enclosed between two boards, sealed by the committee, and nothing but the hole for the key is to be exposed to view, and thirty days is to be the period allowed for opening it. Tho e.vperimi'iit is looked for tvard to with considerable interest by all per sons connected with the trade. Mr. II. is to get 200 for opening it, and he says he trill o it. Mr. Hobbs exhibits a lock, and o.'I'ers a reward of 200 to any person who can pick it or form a falso key which will open it, after examining Ihe lock and key for any period they may please. A SINGULAR ASSASMtf. Late English papets recount the recent confession of a murderer which has hardly a parallel in the annals of crime. The man Lynch, little and weak, but always deemd respectable and religions, began his murder ous career in Ireland, by culling down with an axe a driver in the highway, whose dray and buMwels lie coveted, Soon after, he over took an old and young man and killed them liotli in order to obtain possession of their horeo nd carl. With lliese ho hastened to a distant part of the country, and slopping at u lonely farm, managed lo kill all the occu pants, consist ini; nf an old man and hi wife, a boy and a liHle etrl. He took possession of the farm, and by his inscmieiy and hypoc risy escaped suspicion, and came to be deemed a mot exemplary character. One of his laborers at last Iipl'HH to mist rust him, hut was soon silenced with cold steel. The last murder led to Lynch' s detection and con viction. Here wcri? right prisons deliberately butchered, one after the other, all fur the sake of a little bit of property that was hardly worth a twelve mouth's wasies. This, in it self, is a sufficiently strancre phenomenon of moral perversion but, as if to make it Ihe more extraordinary, Lynch habitually woie Ihe semblance of piety. He prayed often. stirred up the consciences of his victims be- fore dispalehina them, and showed himself anxious that I hey should not go out of ihe world with their sins Kf.niui.i., of tho New Orleans Picayune, who is always alive to adventure, has gone to attend a Congress of Indians, and to hunt buffalo in thu West. Il was but recently he was travelling over 'Europe, after having marched with our army thronyh Mexico as an amateur lighter. Nothing like vaiiety in life. ANOTHE'l SCIENTIFIC ! PEPSIN, Ihe True Digest ire Fluid, or Gastric Juice! A ureal Dyspepsia Cuier, prepared Ironi Kennel, or the foil it h Sionuich of llieOx. titer tlirccliiiiis of H.tron Lirbi-j, the ureal Physiological Chemist, hv .1. S llon;hiin. M.D, Nj. II N.nth Eighth Street. Philad.d phia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia. J a lice, Liver Complaint, Constipation. and Debility, curing after Nature's own nii-tlunl. by Nature's own agent, the Gatrie Juice, in another column. dvertisemrnl ill a u it i r. i. On Ihi- "ill inst.. tiy the Rev. A. J. Collins, Mr. Ai.kxasih'.u Mourn:, jr lo Miss Litis 1U Hit.Es, nil of Augusta township, Northum berland county. TITr I I ,T I 1 "i"- i, mm i i i: s. In Ibis place, on Wednesday last, MOR RIS, youngest sou of Moiris McCueu, dee'd , aged about 8 vruis. soal vTvaijc. Sunbnry, Aug I t. 151. Amount of coal brought to Sunbury. over the Danville and l'ullsville Railroad, from thu Shauiokin Mines: For the last week, Per last report, Total, Tons. 12,484 l)c iNavkcto. Philadelphia Market. August 14, 1851. Fi.oea and Mk.u.. The maiket for Flour is very dull. Standard brands, old stock, re held at $4.12i per barrel, for export. Sales for city mo al 4,25. Extra lluur is held at 4 50. Kve Kloir. Is very du'i. Peun. is held at S3, 25. Cokn Meal. lVnna. is in demand at 82,81. Wheat Sales of Penna. red al S7c ; prime while at St, 01. Kve. Is in demand, sales at 73 cts. Corn. The supply about eifiiahj ihe de mand ; yellow commands 62 cts. Oats. Are very dull ; a sale Ponn. al 34cts. WirrsK EY. Sales of bbls. at 23 cents. Ilogbhends ate held at 23e. Baltimore Market August 12, 1S51. GRAIN. We note sales of Maryland and Vrginia Wheals to-ikiy at 70 a 77 els. for good to prima reds and at 84 els. for good white. Two load of Pennsylvania red were sold lo day at 95 a 97 els Sales of Com at 621 a 61 cents for w hite 69 c:s., for yellow. We quote Oats at 28 a 32 cts. WHISKEY. Sales of Penna. bbls. at 24 its., and! of hhds. 32 cts. Sales of RuMl more bbls. at 23 cts. SUNBUltY PRICE CURRENT. Winn, . 100 Rii. - - .50 Coan. - . .50 . a7 UlTTILB. - . .12 Eo. .... g Pom.. .... j Ki.iisir.ii. .... Tillow. 10 Bitswii . 35 ... 0 Diiko ArrLia. . . '75 New Advertisements. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. Y virtue of a resolution of Ihe Norlhnm- berlnnd Comity Agricultural Society, a meeting of Ihe Executive Committee of the Society, consisting of the President, Vice Presidents and Managers, will be held at the Court House in Sunbnry, on Saturday, August ICth, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The pnr poso of Ihe meoling is to fix a time and ;( lor Ihe County Fair, nnd lo make all neces sary arrangements ; As Ihe object is impor tant, a full attendance isearnemly requested. DAVID TACGART, Cor. Sec.'y. Tho members of the Commilteo are t PRESIDENT, Capt. SAMUEL HUNTER. VICE PRESIDENTS. James Cameron, Esip, Joseph R. Priestley, Et., Hon. Geo. C. Welker, Jacob Seeshollz, Wm. H. Ki'pp, Jacob llilbish, lion. John Montgotnei y- MANAGERS. Hon. James Pollock, Alex Jordan, Esq , Jesse C. Hiirlon, Amos E Kapp, Samuel John, Samuel Shannon, Peter Obenlorf. Chas. Riddle, Henry J. Reader, John H. Heller, (ieorge Long, Isaae Raker, Michael Lenker, llennevillH Holshoe, Win. Deppen, William Fegelv, (ieorge Cnniad, James Eckman. August !, 1. S3 1. 21. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OF JOHN YOUNG, respectfully informs his friends nod v customers that he h:is returned from Philadelphia, with mi excellent assortment of New Spiing Goods, which he offers for sale lit his old stand in Mar ket street. These ponds vciil he sold tit Ihe low est prices. His stuck consists of every variety, viz : Drv (loods, Such ns Cloths, ('us?-invert, Muslins. Calicoes Gineluim, Lmrns. Chintzes nnd La dies Dress and Fancy Goods fsenerall y. Also mi assortment of Palm Leaf Hat?, Caps, &o, dUEENSWAHE. Hard ware. Iron nihl Steel. Nails, vc, ALSO : A general assortment nf Groceries, Sugar, Coder, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. '"i5 Produce of nil kinds taken ill exchange nt the highest market prices. Siuilmrv, May St, 1S51. vi:;i:r tits.:: CATTLE POWDER I'llKI'AIII'.l) 11 V rIIKIM(i FUONKFIKLI) & CO. So. 1S7 A or Third Street Philadelphia. 'IMI1S -tvlcr i cutitli-il bv tin' iiniU'il (rsliiuony of all I w!m hav ns.-.l it li lit'- "lirnl rruik of nil Uiohl CAT- TlK MI:1H'IM:s, wlm-ii have I ii th -iiv'tit r.iuc- WTihy fir niuiy jcari. I wired Wr t-h:illt'nfra ;iny prm n to niiikc u superior. :ttiy powtt.-r mt in the Kime MuiiiHT. ) ilit- ;iiiiiii t tif pi rfcclly lifiilihy it will citlir-r inrrr:' tlic inn 'tint (' milk r i ri:nn ini'i Imttrr ; tr tliu mi will iiuir 'vc r.ipi-lly in i;it. It will tlitnloi in tiun' lit. c msiiliTt'tl we liave n d mlt cm m" the mupttf n ri i clfji of evi-ry I'iirnuT, who kr''it u diary mid of rvt-ry l'cri 'ii owiiinji n lioim. It in ut oih of t)i"e kind ot MixTi'itKH that iii'Tfly pwrll mi imiiTird tip for m ifhort linn. Int it will I'V tin rapai-ity wliit-li it iitiH of ronvcrtiug illl'l'l Kit' Ai'H) (wliiHt ii an i il l' inatit-r) into . tic ACii or olkink ; raiif ii L'lfati-r uifcint of iiutritiu iii'ittiT lo hi t'Xtuictttl l'r 'in I hf iciiti' fiuioiint of fit). UiJti jn-ssilily tvmlil lt, wm the nclivi rtncipK-i t-,f nntritMii I i (as out of tin- pj sti-iii in the form of llirrtutc Arm, V hiivt ni''i'i-d n intiliitiuU of -vidriKe to prove what we have wild iilcvt'. Sir.hce to wiy : Wf Iiiivt mixed theaeiivc nut'iit. with a prrat tmniW of VF.iiKT vl'I.K j lanlf Mii-I herlij. wliieh tniif Hint urn have proved to U ii-iul, inipr'.viiu the np'tite mid prom iimp digestion o the to tl ; Ittuv M-einini: a liralthy C ndlti.m of the i.d, from whl- ti the MiI.K :trii I I'm inti-tt Im- I rilied. I I may Ue ii!.tl i ir I liiiut:-, I'ow nnd Jim; for ihe follow ing eoiiii'laiiita and diM-asen. YKLI.OW WATRH. n danjjfron nirknenn, whirli dc troys many valutilile lioittrs every year, in very often mtirely cured ty Ihe free use of Knit p-wder, in all I'un'n li will prevent Ihe dtfci ax- If. an eoililliir on. Tli:n ihi-axe. im owiiiil' t ' a Unl and uii;ioverifthetl ttatft of tlie blo-'ii wlia-ii hee lin Una. Watt-rv and ot all vll w i--lor. Thin powdi-r l'V iiui'rvii!i tin m.'in-H'h nnd pivintr to Ihe I.IxhI n yte-ter fpiantity of red paitieles. alt Ttli the brM it 1 1 I out)' poht-ihle etianei nf recovery. If the home is lor p n', Hive. niornhi nnd niirlit n tai!etponiril in wist fetit, it in the. Iteuiniiiiiir owm a day al n un, if only to pre vent ill' dtsiaM I wiee II Week. St. V IJlil'.KI.N'ti. 'I'd a i.- the niinati n f hwmv valua- j Me H .tsefi liv exli;tittion ; hy slant dnh'tiami of ali- i V.I wliieh i lltjlit to .t iii'o the sttnietl t o tissihl d lu'ent ! j It in a H,eeieK ol .In ;ih"ti ot ten prodaced lvl4I) lineeo u'rowiniT i'l the pnMiire pr un-i A 'I'al'lesp' "t"l three times II Week Will 1 Ve. IMeill I II f rest the iov, if It il ik ii l itejiemt on the 'I'oK ic Co in t he ','ra. muler such ' eii'rinii"t:ineei the auinia' iiinst U- kept in the il:ill DISrivMrKK If the pownvr ise:irly mid ireily lifuil, no til her remedy need Ik it ha?' alreiidy eared linn- ! dreit i if II(i1(kk ttt thw Ir adileftoiiie dniea.1 to the nr prise of tti'-ne who ueit it. If n t useil enrlv. lwfori tuatler vm ', formed in Ihe neek it eaim -t ri!t"rt liie annual perfertly i until the mitler m tliHehatijed. use it early imtl prevent 1 sneli ti result. A TaMespoonfid cure or twiee a day it ! euouuli. j i;i,Alr.nS T1i: iliKftme r UilHeil nil Fahriih, t tiive tlna powder n fair trial and it will d winders in this lernUe and hitherto iitenrihle malady. It is a Jiseas of ihe irlaittlaral nsicm and kept up hy Mil perl ret nutrilfnii. ; iii sneli 4'ases ii T;il:ehHoinnl every day twice for ti month or two, in coiifciuiit ttk ii'Niinii. will in nine elites out of a do.en 4-i)eet a etiie. it inn I -veil fairly teletf. j l,'oiipiip nuil ultorlne.- of llnatli' dependimr on weak ! luupK, ti 'ralilenptioiitiil every mui'uih; if it ulwtes once or twice !i Week. IMIOU l,0V-SIMmTKl linHW.S or where there ia any remains of Founder or tl ilinst of urtioi, uimI th ! Ilorm will not fat tea, or wirre the hair is ronpli nnd ! s!atnh slraiu'nt out. tin l- d n einh;p to do iiohhI, tha iwder ir -thiei H iihii'tKl iiniiadiale improvrrient i tha iiniinal; lie-diu n inn-rove nnd Willi it alt' the 'ug- ; pih!me of He aiiini:d dapj eai r. l-e lining liveijr aiid ! ipirilc'l, uwl the hair pinooU) and nitrk. I COWS. 1'or Mif.KTVrt Cow-, we are fully e 'iivmeed thai it fto otitv nnnr tve the tpcd tv, In1 tliat it inereaM-s the tiurimt of Milk, Cream and Cutler; uie wli havctmd the ex- ) perimeitt .iy a I'fimd n Week, oi tiers n (nlfti pound wliil' one peio;i itiMtei up.ii il I hnt he made lM pounifs ill re n week ironi each tus. Vu think it will he lound j to iiverau'e lYoni ii half lo a pound per week on eaeh Cow, J if the Cow an perl eel ly lie.nll hy. ThiN additional amount is mailt- h tl nveoi u "f tin- llippnrie Aeid into .ilro- penoiih and latiy eoiup'iimdh : ait i hy supph inflf the oxr peu taken in hy I in- hniijc, rilh tin eleiiM-nia of reaelnui ; wiihoitt tak mt; any of the . ilroijeii -ua portion of the feed. IHH.UiW IHU or WOLF; IKmF DISKASK, nnd all other diseases if in-at rattle depending upon n Uid state of the tlunt-. are rem ved ppceihly and i tteeluallv Cowx. wh. si iniik is tilne, thin and watery und where it does ii t yield iiiiu-h I'reaiu, or where Cows uive Ithmdy milk, or u lueli tire iixi'il fn h1 and iwnp dry, it will t fontiil mi itln 'l infalaiite nniedy, lv unproviup the eondiloii of the IIh atid ereatir a he illhy tluesit n ; u I uhii-h)" in fill every tiy or every other tiny n it may le iiecessai j JHHiS. lH!i in the summer often overheat themtves. ret swel- neeks. rou ins. iiV'Tm in llie LtmifM mid Liver, which I eanse them to die ve.rv mrtldeidy, tt-se may he pre entrd enliiely ti put hup u p 'imd oi a hall into a Harrel of uw Ml ; j nnd it will al thu name tune r nsideralK' hnilen ihe futieu- inp pr leess. .. . in im iiniinal wnien is pu inir imnt aim you are t desirous to latlen tit the same time, oit sh-'Hid li tKive! more u I i!lep uininl onee u Week or It Will retmdtha i fonnati n of lat hy z the m ml ot Milk. Lei cneU ners at trv lU ett -eta for hnuhelf nnd ha will a Hiii lie Kitihtn-d of us excellent ijualllics, und that no FmF- im-r shotihl Ik wiihoul it. For the pmpoi' of tiii'lintf out still fiirrhrf hon- far our justly rehhiaicd CATTLK M i;, is cntitli-d fc ilia cot did. -nee of im hileilipent people; we have nddressed IaIIcts to all iiiirts of the Ciuteil Siiiti s, where our low. iter has lit-rn iiseit, in id we aieuhU it w lr-m tne evidence thus hrouht deft ire us, tonsure every Farmer, Diaiv- man iiihI llott--iuaii. that ll haJ thus lar very illueti c eeeded our m m aiiunine exieettitl"lis. With the additional kimvrledpe llttis lar oMiiniert, W K llnl'g we will he eimhleil to make the U-st nnd in-t per- teet Cxrna .L-airiK ever yet ottered to u dtHetrnina pe ple. It ueis ns u valuable piom ter tllpesllon. im proves the (pialitv of thi IA otl und thus inereiisea the amount ol1 eitln-r Fal. Milk and C-awtpietitly of Itulter Kven in tne healthy AliiMial He ware of Cor.tifi-rteiis ns the extensive aide of our powder haa iiidiieMi'orhi'is to make mi Hiatal ion nt it litcli tuck has cmr written Sipnuiure on the end. HKLINUi, FltONKriKLU & CO. Philadelphia, July 'Jti, 1-oL ly. 1 NK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con grea ink for sale, wholesalo and retail hy December 2ft, If U M AS.ER. WJATENT HRirfANIA STOPPERS for ji uaT iHHiie. lor sale ny II. B. MASKER. Suidiury, April 13, 1B51. VKN OLD'S WRITING FLl'ID and Adhe nive and legal envilopn, for sale by H. 1). MASSER. Sunbury, April 2fi, 1851 EXTRACT CF GINfiER A fresh supply just received and for sale at this oflice. Price 25 cent. Sunbury, July 12, 151. The iindersignnl have cnlcrrj inlo Co-par I nership under the firm of ItlMBY laAWKUNCK. TO CARnY on THE Paper & Bag Business, At No. 5, Minor Street, Phifadclphia. WHERE thry iiilcml koppinj n lano nasort mont of (ntpcrK, tic, consisting in part as foil own : Writing pnpers; wove and laid, Ainorinm nnd English. liath Pcftta nnd Note pnpers ; wove and laid, gilt nnd plain. Folio l'ostfl, Flat Caps. Printing Papers, all sizes. Hardware papers, from 19 hy 21 to 40 hy 4R. l.'ohirrd nnd whim tissue papers, Anirriran and Knglih. HollitiijHWortirs Putent Manilla pnper. Colored and white Shoe papers, common and extra B-izr. liulV Kiivrl(iie p.iHT(. Colored Printing nnd Cmer p;tnrR. Mauilh papers, all sizes, (ilazed ltoyai, all co lors. Hruggist, Hluo Mediutti nnd Filtering papers. Tea, (Secret nnd Colored papers lor confection ers. Rag, Manilla nnd Straw wrapping papers. Uomiet, Hinders, Uox, Cap and Trunk hoards. White and Dull' Envelopes; Legal, Letter, Note mid Card sizes. AgnUs for litis! Poller Cos Printers Cards in packs and sheets, white and colored odd si ecs, cut to onler. Also, their (ii!t, Figured and Plain ghixed papers. JOSEPH KIMHV, late of 8 X. Third t. A. .s. LA WKENCi;, late of No. "J Minor st. N. 15. 50(1 Tons of Kags wanted in exchange (or cash. Philadelphia, July 20, 1S51 Gmo. AGENTS WANTED. BTfcl.'SlXESN ME to take the exclusive 9 Agency (for a Cotintv or ('ountiea) for the Kale of the (tEKM AN VASIIIN(i FM:il, bring an article much cheaper nuil easier to use than pnnp, and U warranted to perfectly cleanse nil kind nf clothing, containing no Potash, Soda-ash, Spirits of Turpentine, Ammonia, Acids, or anv article whatever that will in any manner injure the finest fnhi ic or theye. It in an arti cle which, when once introduced, sales can he made with large profits to the Agent. For full particulars regarding prices, terms, &c, address (post paid) to I. P. HOVT & Co., JYrt. 20 Sotttt Fifth iS., Phitatfa, July 20, I51e 2ino. k$Ioi tnu'n Take Xotlcv." JOIIX KHIDKIS, Xorlk Fast cor. Walnut !e Second Streets. PHILADELPHIA. n'AS OX HAM), jntit riM-i-ivnl, a pomjilrte Assortiiu'iit tf Sliot (iima. ItV()iT Khukii, (iiiiiie Bacs. uinl nil otlii'r S'jirtin Ajiimrutus of tlu Uvtl and nnist upprovril p.ittfrnx. Hi' lm" rniistsinlly on h ind Kportin? powdrrof nil ilc'scriptim!", IVri'ussi.m (,'iin, .sliot, liuilrt Moulds, IJ;ill nnd Dlank ('artridcs, and n urn cm! nfsiMtnirnl of inalrrialn fur (Znn Makrrs. r. Al.o Tpri'iission Caps of n superior quality, di-sini'd rxpri'sslv for '. S. Killrs. A ii Assortment of 1'ishin Tai klc ulway on liand. All thr ulinvp, nnd any otlii'r nrtiidrs in Ins lino, tlif SSnliscrilirr will srll us low n uny otlir pxtaldislnncnt in tlic I'niti'd Matr. III ti'.-timonv of Ins i-kill as a loannfaoturrr, tint Franklin Instilnto, in tlic nn IKitl and IKI.', uwarded to liim two ci-rtitiratcs -and in the years ISM, IXlfi, lsli, lsIS and 1S5, live sil ver medals, nil of wliieh may he een at his phtee of I.usiness. . JOIIX KRIDEK. I'liilailelphia, July 1, IS.') I. :inio. Now -Music .lust Published. EE - WALKER. No. 103 Clusnut l are constantly publishing and receiving, new and beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The following list contains some of their choi cest and most popular Soul's,, Polkas, Ac. Now, thou art Gone, n beautiful song, words by Thomas .1. Diehl, music by Hamluidge. Mv New England Home, words und music bv Mrs "L. Wade. ('robe's Omnibus; by C. Grobe a collection of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, bv Jos. Giuig'l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. Ling. All the Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worn soy. Guardian Angel, by the author of "Love Not." Household Words, written by Chas. Young, do. 1 he Adieus, words by J hoinas i. Diehl, mil sic by Dorr. LEE it WALKER have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, und a supply of Martin's Cele brated Guitars, which together with a line as Mortmeut of Musical Instrument und Merchan dize in general, comprise stock in to be sur passed by that of uny oilier establishiuont ill the country. I,KK cc Al.M.K, lfii Cheniut strcit, Swnim'e Building. Philadelphia, June U, ISol. ly, 100 LABORERS "WANTED IMMEDIATELY on the Trevorton Rail Road, Sections .'il iSc ?1; at the Mouth of the Ma tpinov Crivk, li) whom liberal wages will be paid. IRA T. CLEMENT cV Co. Siinburv, July 5, 1M. tf. 'a I liable PROPERTY FOR SALE. T ton, MI E Subscriber who resides in Philadelphia, Hers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large BRICK BUILDING in upper JWilton, lormerty occupied hy Messrs Patterjolis as u Carriage Makers Shop, The building is (ill feet front on upper .Market street, mid -10 feet on front street, and is two stories high. Also n two story i;k;ck blacksmith shop, 40 hv -.") feet, on the same premises. The lot is on ll corner of upper Market and Krfinf streets, anil is (i(i feel front, and I SO feet deep. The prcini Would be Valuable for a Foundry or other manufacturing purpose, and will Ii. sold on reasonable and uccoinnioduliiig terms by ni plving either to JACOB CARRIGAN, Philadelphia. J. 1 WOl.FINGER, Esq.. Milton or 11. II. MASTER, Esip, Sunbury. Pluladelidiia, Jail 25, 1 S." I tf. NO IT UK NO l'AYI Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills!! 4 PERKECT and speedy cure for the Eever and Agne is guaranteed to any one who may use the Pills. They have lieen used for ifie trrtu ytai and have never lieen known lo ' fail in a single instance uih! in rune., loo, I where persons have had the disease for several years, willioul liilcruns.M.iik. 1 lie proprietor rhutlrunt llit mid to produce ini article that w ill cure in as short a time, without leaving any deleterious elli cta from the use ol it. If the Pills do not peifirm a speedy and perfect pure, the proprietor Will return the money. For side by Jacob S.- Lawrence, Miueruville ; . Hi lien stein, Trevorton ; S. , Dixon-, Schuylkill Ha ven i John W. Friling, Sunbury ;' Mary A. Mc Coy, NorlhuinU-rlimd ; Dr. Beekly, Danville; Juhu Sharpies, Cattuwissu ; Dr. Judii, WiUianis port; John Raser, Milton, and hy respectable Druggists throughout the State. J. CI HTIS C. HI fill ES, Proprietor. Pottsville, June 28, 1H31. ly. WRITING Kl.lID and self sealing Enve lopes, just received and for sale hy April IB, 18.M H. U. MASNEK. l.OI! sale at this oflice, Hu lienor Black Ink - Cattle Medicine at t!5 cts, Pure Essence of Ginger, 25 icnis. SPENCER & R1.NDE1L, MANUFACTt;KK.Rt C1F C2CDLEaLE3 IPLS5ZfK2 Gold nnd Silvrr Pen nnd Pencil Cnsrs, No. 5, AUiorn Lank, Ono door from corner of Broadway, New York. Every pen will lip warranted for onp ypar. ? The nlmvp linn were awarded Gold mid filvpr Medals, for five consecutive yearn, tit the Fair of the Amcriunti Institute, for iho hct Gold reus. July 2(1, 1851. .lino, LOOK 11 Kit km lHE Suhserihcr respectfully - iiifnrma hi. friend, nnd the puhlie. senerally, that ho (till continues the 1 SADDLERY BUSINESS, At his old island in Market Street, Sunbury, two doors above Market Square, where he con- fttanlly keep, on hand, a larRe assortment of Hourly -Made liarnoss, (Doulde & Siiii?le.) with Silver, Brass ami Japan ned inotinlinir. Also Saddles, llridles, Trunk, Ynliccs, Whips, Cullnrs. All kinds of work in his line made to order, in as nent a style as can he cot up in thin country. l emons wishnnr to purchase will please call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. X. II. The mibstriber has just opened a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Such as Silcr, Brass and Japanned mounting, 1 stent Self-Adjusting I rees, l'utent Holler Hits, Killing Bridle Bits, Trunk and Valicp Locks, Trunk Board, Trunk Xails, Haines, Traces, Trim niinir, Laces, Tufts, Sad dle Veli, Single and Double, White Enameled Leather, Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, Hosetl.. Tassels, Kai'cy Brow-Bands, Saddhi Trees, Deer's Hair, PATENT FLY NETS nf all kinds. All of which will bo sold as cheap if not cheaper than they can ha got elsewhere, lor cash or tipproved credit. AMMiEW J. STROH. Sunbury, April 2G, 1831. (im. TO THE INDKI'KNDANT VOTRIIS Of NOUTIIUMBEULAXI) COUXTV. fS"MIE mibscrilicr hereby otfrrs himself to tho lectors of Xortliniulierbind t'oiintv, nt the ensuing election as it VOl.l'XTEEK CANDI DA TK lor the othce of Sheriff. Should he be elected, he promises to discharge the duties of the oflice, in such a manner as to give entire satisl.ietion to nil concerned. SAMU-.L SAYIIM.-E. I'pl'pr Augusta, Aug. U, TO THE IX DEPENDANT ELECTORS OF X( i UTI H'MI! ERI. A X D COUXTV. r"nilE subscriber hereby informs the iudeperid cut voters of Northumberland nil i lit v , that he is n VOI.I XTEEK CANDIDATE "for tho ollice of Connly C'oniinis.sionor. Should he be elected he will use every ellbrt to discharge the duties of the ollice in such a man lier as will give entire satisfaction to the commu nity. JOSEPH WALLIS. Northumberland, Aug. il, 1851. TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUXTV. Fellow ('iri.Ks: Encouraged by my nu- incrous liiends, 1 hereby oiler invself as a Candi date for the ollice of Nil 12 Bl IFF, of Northumlierland county, nt the ensuing elec tion. Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the duties thereof, with fidelity and impartiality. GEORGE CONRAD. I'pper Augusta tp., Aug. 2, 1 so 1. TO THE ELECTORS OF S UTHUMRER- l.AND COUXTV. Fuilmis aiii Fki.low Citizk!is: At the solicitation of mv friends, I oiler invsclf as a can didate for the iitlice of I'rotlionolary at the net ensuing election, should I lie so suc cessful as to Ik' rlccted, I pledge myself to fulfil the duties of said ollice with fidelity. ABRAHAM SlIIP.MAN. Lower Augusta, July lit, 1451. (ilJ)KOX M- VOHKS Jy ESPECTFI LLY oilers himself to Ihe peo t pie of Norlhuinla'rland county as a raudi aide for Ihe oflice of lYollloiiotill'Y. II. believes hia experience in the business of that ollice will enable him to fulfil its duties faithfully. Sunbury, July 5, 1 S .rj I TO THE ELECTORS OK NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. T Ill E subscriber respect fully Informs his friends and tellow citizens of Xor'huiiilicrlaud coun ty, that he oilers himself as a candidate for Con ul v (Vim in isionoi, nt tho ensuing election. He solicits from his friends mid fellow a support, nml promi ses should he I f elected to discharge the duties of the ollice with fnlelitv. CHARLES WEAVER. Siiiihurv, May S-I, IbSI. TO THE ELE"TtHJS F XOUTII I'M LlKK LA.Mi COEXTY. Fr.i.i.ow Citi7.kxs: At the earnest solicita tion of uuiiiy of my fiicuils, 1 hfreliy announce myself ns a VOl.rXTKKR t'AXIUDATB fi-T the idl'n e of Count v Ctm tin is si oner nt the approaching election. Should I lie elected I promise n ilrsehirrgc fhe duties of nil ollice j with fidelity and imp nihility, f solicit the sup- j port of my fellow cili.i'lis. CAI.EM II A 1! RET. Lower Augusta, June It, 1K51. TO THE BLFXTOliS OF XOUTIK'MHKU I.AX1) CtH'XTY. rllE suhscrilier respectfully informs his friends and fellow of Norlhuilibrrhiliil ceuu- tv, tlnr he win be a rBmR.sle for County Coiiinussionei', ot flie rnsiung elcctmn- lis llierelore solicits from his friends ami fellow citirrttit a liberal sup port, nml promises should ho he elected to dis charge the duties of Ihe ollice with fidelity and impartial:!)'.- l-,i,r.s liictKsiui . Sunbury, March IS, 1S51. TO THE- ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND' COUNTY, Fr.i.LO f.'iTiziiii : At the solicitation of my friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election.- Should I be elected, I promise to discharge the dirties of said ollice wilh fidelity and impartiality. liEORGE BRIGHT. SunhurT, April la, 1H51. SILVER WATCHES. A few double rase English bilver Watchea, for sale at very low prices by Sunbury, April 12, 1851. H. B. MASSER. GREAT ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THH STORE Or FIULXNG & GRANT. Market Street, Sunbury, Fa., '"I'MIE subscrihrr. hereby inform their old nt turners nnd the public penerally, that they hnve just leceived a large nnd extensive assort ment nf all kinds of Merchandize, which they oiler to purchasers nt biicIi rates, that they pan nut refrain from buying. Their assortment of Dry (loods, i large, pmhrncing nil kinds nf Cloths, Cussimers, Sitllinetts, tec. A general assortment of Summer wear, of LINEN, WOOL nnd COTTON, Staple, and Fancy Goods for" Ladies, of ull kinds, such ns Culicoc's, Motis. tic Lnincs, Lawns, Ginghams, Vr. CROCERIES and QUEENSWARE. AIi un excellent nssortmcnt of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. DTil'i: AMI Mr.DICIM.fl. Fish, Salt and Plaster. CV Country produce of nil kinds taken in ex change nt the highest market prictf. Sunbury, May 10, 1S51. LOOK HEHS7 7IL1.IAM HOOVER respectfully inform. ins iriruos nun customers mat uu 11ns just returned from Philadelphia, with nil excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which lip oilers for sale nt his new store at Mas- sera .Mill, Hollowing lum. I licse goods will be sold tit the lowest prices. lllS STOCK ruNSISTrMJl' KVliltV VAK1ETY, Vn: J)ry (loods, rc, Such as Cloths, Carsimrrcs, Muslins, Cullitocs, Oinilinins. l.airus, I utilizes und Ladies Dress Cnods generally. ALSO: An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c., QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, Ac A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Tra, Molas ses, Spices, kc. Also an assortment of Liquors, such as Jntnilyp Hum, Whiskey, Wines, iS'c. W Produce of nil kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, May 10, 1S51 ly. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHIS-VP (.1JAYK STONIX rBiI E subscriber informs his fiiends nnd the public, that he continues to carry 011 the Marble Business in all its branches, at his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to mauu faAure Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &e., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, nnd at the lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and German in the most modern nnd elegint style. Designs fir Monuments, Grave Stones, Ac, always on hand. N. B. Orders for Ihe East aide of the river promptly executed by leaving the swine at the ollice of the 'Sunhiirv American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1 K.j 1 . NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. C COMPREHENSIVE summary of I niversal History, together with a Biography of Dis tinguished Persons, to which is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astronomy nnd Physiology. Adopted and used in the I'u!. lie Schools of Philadelphia. E. S. JONES A Co., Publisher, S. W. Comer FOURTH mid RACE Sts., Phila. Teachers anil School Committees addressing letters to us pot paid, will be furnished with copies for examination. 1 1" A Full and Coinp'ele Assortment of BOOKS mid STATIONARY, for Sale at the lowest Vrirri. May II, 1S.1I. ly. Ureal liiiiroviiiiiuls in making French Unrr -Mill Stones 1Y the tine ef KtVliElUHIE iiiiprovett ejit irnti Kve wlih-h 11 bill! into tin It miner, s-i as to nll.iw lor the vtejr ol Ihe Slime, and li;is a 111 iveatil Imiunee - ryne and ilrivcr s 1 111 t.i keep tlis IkiI.iiii-c ol' llie stone illi-ail truin IllltllX unlit it is Worn nut. 1 1 n r .1 - k of lll.s-ki is seteeUnl in Trailer, tni-l llie Im-wI rMn!lty i-nly list-l. S ll.l I In rr Si-'lirs ir-lil g lo :l li-w III illanicler Willi Itie low-ci Si 'ne lo run. m m I 1 pn-'-enl llie rnniirr i-.kiin; in1hi.r. II -ilin I t-tllif "I" till iiinnl"il, elii-ap foi cunil. .Mill I rolls unit Smut .Miii-liiin-s liTnislii'i) t- onlt-r. (trimtstoni's ot iish -rn-ti i.s, iiumlile lor Country Mor eliuiils, iiiiliorti'd nuil lor sale ly J. I--.. MITCHKI.I., o. II "I'l Yolk lt"-.:1. n-:ir the luh:iii I'-'Is. l'liiliit'-l;.!n 1. A J 1 1 1 Ii, I S'.l. IT-'io. JOHN CALYEIJLEV, - !:uiuf.i lui'T !' I CA1TDL2 ir.C"JLDS, Xo. 1 00 Race, Q.-'assafras,) street, I Jhove Third, opposite Ihe While Siran I fold. ; PHILADELPHIA. - Tallow Chandlers and Manufacturer can he supplied with ii first rate Article of Candle Moulds, uf Superior cu cllence and finish. X. li. 'i he Moulds are niiole of the best Metal and polished by a new I'atnit Machine, which gives them uu extra finish. They ire slier the English style Ihe lips to S'-rew on the piln', and the pipe to screw tight in the bcui h. JV Vi" a ir it a n 'i'u ii lo be ftir snjicrior (o' nTiy other uiiiv in usir. ji " He a!s.i luauuf.ii'tuies Surgical I'umyi and Svringrc. April I'i, lS.II. f7mo. l. y. ir. oiksk, (.,'"( fnf flenru 't,) LCMDEU CinnilSSIII N MliHUlAM, FiilU lol:, ICalUinoie. W I.filEKAL A OVAXCES made on Con signments. I.i ttiks ami CiixsioxMKiTs should he ad dressed liv L. W. H. C.rESE, Agent. May 1(1, 1N5I lino. irMIII AXl) .""IMil.Mi MORTISE I.AT j CUES. An excellent article, for sale ai hall the usual price hy J W. F7.ILIXG, Sunbury, July 7. IhTJ- T)LAXK I'archiuenl Pupit Heed's and blank Moitguires, Uonds, Executions, Smuinoiis, &c fof sale hy II. li. MASSEK. Bunhury, April 20, 18S1. AZORS. A superior article fcir sale at the IIEXKY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. 10, 18S0, IT'IEE DILLS. Justice and Constables Fee ' Dills handsomely printo on card pajier, for ale at this ollice. BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption lov of $:i(l0, tor sale by Ar.rU 80, 1851. ll. B. MASSER. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. f,IlT. nltfiitlon of PuiMcrs nnA ntltfru, nr impf "tfnl'y ,.i,,,1v"l I" llie rxtniire utnl wrll ncln-lrd ucU -( 1 IhlMNO UAHnWAHK a-ii T(M).S. n;.V . li.mll.y lac ! nulincfiiier. cnnvifiitiu in pun o fullowtt: Aiiieiirmi .'rut ,t.K, nptivdl. willi mplit nrk, )i(Ut1 .r l.rh.i inriiitur.., or nurcHinii lt rclom. Ainmrim Front thHr lK-kn, imrklit. plniii, with SrW llaN Ul bn,M ,,n,ilurr or l"' " Arncrimn Fnnit 1oot IirVn nnd St-Tf? P'W, Il.iriwm tal or iipriuhr, Unw I'liriiiuirt'. .r i.rrrlnin ull roM AniHn1v.11 Kim lM-kn, m, . mid uuiihLH-a. While t hrnvn ftinnttirr, -t purrclutii nil vAnr. AnMTi.iiti JMnrtifc 1,'H-kn, nil ix,'wtth ..bitrtl, while cr IrrtiMM iiirnilur, or purrHniti nil fflom. AirifriciiM .M'irli.T ).nu iu-f nil iiizl.,, wi0, pfolwl white ur hniFS inrniinrr. t p'trrclmti tit( Aim mi Al.irlin' nml Itini Ciinct Ia4W, phitot m Un K-Mtrln'(iiPt nr psircl:iiii nil c AiTMTiriui Drop, Slop, Thumb, Outc, ainl Store D(or ftrhrn. Impoitul Tnck nnd t,nti'hf "f wnr ilTipiion. Ihililwin'x, 1111H Aiiitricuii Unit lliiiiici!, tit ail iiirn, inii or l -e joint. WiitMfT, (hitf, Ptmp, T., nnd ll-ickfiup llintrrt. oil kiml. HhnlfcT. (iil. loor, Khich. Mini Si ring It t f wr.-uyht nf rust iron nml tiRint, vvrrv flf!-rrpti'ii- tVrt'v. Spri. Tfliif, (Vj-.-r ol lrt (HiiU'tty. AnirTKini Axle und Miam Axle i'ulh-ji, ( tvery Vnrii-ty. Aincriruii IJuttoMS, pkiin if un pltitiF, hriiii, iron, it liroiizcd. AiiHTicnti Nohn, pfntM, wliitr. rt'-n. nr W'HmI, nM kiiuln. auh-t'irfd, romni"ii mid paU-nl, wilh other ur1iclii l mtnicniim in iiH'iiti- 11. t-v XkiJ nml SAsn.wr.Kiirrrt ot J'actouy PHlrf;s Ij?" Alt O'mmM d pTf-reil fnt of Clmrne ti nny purl ( ihv Ciiy nml District. At this rut;itili;.iinrnl enn he found mc of the hircput nnd hest unit irtiin-iiti of W'liHc nml l-'iincy ohii i't l.o-kf. v t in lln-Citv; souu piittmis. nf n liich. cannot hi; ccni, or ol'lniiicit, ul iniy other ftfori'. TOOI.f. Sjhui Jarkson'r IJ-ick, lntrcl. Iliind. nnd Krpp Siiws, impi-rti'il cxpn ssly r Hctnil riles, till ! li t l'il wiilicttre. Solu iifriMit fii thf rrMirttlcd llaii-'f. tn:id hy V.. V. far. pent cr. i.f Ijinfastcr, Ph., Imm nir t.H mail-' ul' split vniI, nnd Hie Hitls pnmnd and lri-d. Iit :'1tv! Wilii-inm' nvAv of ( liiM-lf, Ax.ii. ll.itcli. If, Urnwiim 'Kuivv, t., nil war ranted irooil. I'lmh'H u ml Slack's make of Ait'-t-is nml Antc-r Uitts, till StZid American Stpmres nml lWiln of rverv clccnpt.oii. AiTKTicaii Uul.-s. Uuiiui'8 Sawdcttd. f on i pas ;., St-rcw-driv. rs. Ap. Alin-riran f. S. HairinVfr. Vn AnviW nnd Vicn. ull sics. r ntwt Ktvctinc, nil sizes, St-rl. Iri'ii, nnd Wooden llracen. 1. crrat vatiet-. Iii its, in W. Circaveit Ac S 'tl'?, HutchrM's nnd nthr c'.'lebral! makes idCllil'elrt. File, PlnMr-ti(iH, c.,,Ve. Attilis's relfhrated farvim; To. .ifc. all slinptM Makini; one of the lu st tmd m t extensive iia rtiuciit!? of llnililintf llml Wiire mill T in I Fie State. At this cvtahliMhiiii'iit it is rn ii!er d a pleasuru to fhov th i x-iU Yo-i are invited t call an I examine thr iimk ti- I nient. tnnl hearthr prjre n.ske"l, before purf!mnix c!.e Wlitru. Come nnd set- hh. Vouifi, rtFpeftfuUv. 'wm. m. Mefi.rnr, Xn. '37 Market st.. hrtween 7lli and SHh, upper liJc. Phtladelplm., Apnl P,, 1. TO PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS. fOHK subscrihers offer to ihysiei:infi nnd droif X cists, n enrefnllv selected sto'k of drills nnd medicines, which they will triiurnntee to he of tho I heft iiinlity, liure nnd uiindultenited in nil cases. Their facilities for iniortiii foreign driiijs und eheniicnU nre such, that they are enahled to sell them upon the hot terms, nml nt tl" same time to iissure their customers of their genuineness. They have nlso recently prepared uml now of fer for sale a superior article of CAtA IF.1 i t:i:si4, &r., licsemhlinir Henry's Mniriioia, free from rarhnn ic ucid and roughness or Riittines-i, nlmot eiit"cly tasteless, c uuiliuiiir in tin eiiial hulk from three to four times the strength of the common kind, und sold at uhoiit one hull the prico of Henry's Magnesia. They lure nlso prepared tho Fluid Miinosia, Which is a new nnd vnluahle remedy in aridity nf the stomach, hcarthiirn, nnusea, etc., at less than half the price of Ihe foreign article. They nlso have on hand of their own prepara tion uu assortment of I'u re Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J ami ', jiound hottles, stnh us Aloes, Khulnirh, Senna, Senega, Khuf.rny, Ki no, (lirm Arahie, Serpentaria, Kxt. (ilycyrrli, Iik' enc, l'otjssit iSulph., lVtiiSFn titn.'s, Umrx, Spi celia, IJuehu, Orri, L'asearilla, C'anella Alha, I'va I rsa, tie. lireat care has f ecn taken to have these pre pared from the hest selected drills nnd in such a wny ns to preserve the characteristics of each ar licfe vfi-tlunit injury. They have also a variety of Chemical & E'tiariiKU eitlieal j I'reparnti, m.1 of their own ii.aiiul'acture, nnd add tn the lit ull the VHluahle new remedies ns they hecoine known. Among them may he mentioned j the following : llyilriM-yanie Ari'l. PriKirutK'tis ol I. u! i or. " of l'"tUIS:, Preparnti iir of Mercurv, Iron, ' X.I ne. lxti'ii''t i f Senna, nuitt. a ),.UI.-II I. ,1 III t- U'.llIlllllStiT t.i ctnklreii. i'.xtiui't ol' Fnclm C.'iap., Iliud. . I.iqiiiir Aniiu iii:i 1 .-ina. I'. ' I'll 'fj'liatp. cl". n new rr- luclv for Ulii'iltnatiKiii. lllur M:ifn. J'XH-Ji't ot lirtlllnn, I Ui'kailii. " '''''lllil. " V:ilr.-:, Hunt, n new mi'l unL-ir.1 reinctv. JStii'!ia. " SjrMvii illal'i'ui '!ili"ii tliuii, il'. il . i!iI. iln minele ito. Col i' nth t'nii'i. il" snnt'lo. Oils of C'opiriva, Citrate v4 Iron Sps. .T'ther Xitros, 1'. S I. Ctihehs, Ergot, Tobacco, and liuininc, Sesitui-Oxide of Iron, an nirtidote for urncnic, Citrate of .Magnesia, a new ud pleas nut cathartic medicine, put up in 12 or. bottles, 4i laT do. Collodion, or Linitid Adiusive Plas ter; a convenient application ill many surgical operations, put up 111 small vials. .M CAXTI1A Til DAL COLLODION Oil lif.IS- TKU1XG mail), A convenient preparation of cantharides in ninny cases where there is a diliicully of applying the ordinary blistering plaster. A coaling uf it appli ed wilh a camel's hair brush and covered wi:hoiF silk or some similar si.-hstancc, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when exposed, ill Ihe n 'rial time of about twelve hnirs. IMivsb-iaus and others m iv depend upon the faithful and prompt execution of their orders at as lo.V rates ns the best ijuality ol lui'iiii-iues cun be , purchased. CHARLES ELLIS ev CC. j M t'hesnut slreel, l'hilda. LalsTatory. lith and Morris Sts. "'Vulhwark. XoxemlH'f 10, Is50. ti. : UNION HOTl-f,, ' SUNBUEY, PA. rBMIE MISS WEITEL'S respectfully inform 1 the I'ulilie that they liil continue lo euler-t-iin travrlh rs and rrth.'rs- at Ibeir old establisheil stand in Market street, west i t the Court House. Their long experience in the busiiu ss, nnd the ttcll established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a siillicicnf guarantee, that their 1 customers will be well nccoininodalcd. i March S, ln."il. tf. STOVES! STOVES! T 11(1" Furiserihers return their sini-cri thanks to their customers, for liberal" eiicourau'cineiit for the last year, iriul hope by strict attcuTion in filling orders to meet with the same liberal pnlron aue. M'e hate on hand the greatest vaiiety of patterns of any other Foumirv in the United Slates, nml still adding to their iiiimi rr. love us a call before purchasing clsc, here, i ur stock embrace a great variety of Cook int stoves, of the most approved kinds, Pallor stoves for wood or coal, couiinoti stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and isld plates of ill kinds to repair stoves. For Summer use, a sinull Stove, called Sum liter baker, new1 und superior Furnaces for burn ing charcoal or stone coal. Gas ovens ol several ilillWrent patterns, Dake mens, several patterns, hitching posts, Spoilt irons, and a uriety uf urti cles in casting, t.i numerous to mention. The Hardware trade cull le supplied wilh common 1, 5, li, 7, and quart Tea kettles, at very low pn crs for cash or city acceptance. A few cak uf ujrior German black lead on l,amr WARX1CK A LIDRAN'DT. Noble st, wharf, Delaware, l'hiladrtlplha. April IS, !S5r. Oino. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF MM -MCA. CIS frrER, a fresh supply just received, and for Me by U- 1L MASSER. April 13, 18 SI. GOLD 1'EXS with and without silvrr rases just received, and for sale bv U U. M.Vssl'Jv f uuburjr, April I lS.i CHERRY PECTORAL: Tor Ihe- fnre ot COUGHS, C01.JJ3, HOABsrwEss, anorr OHXTIS, CROUP, AStfH JVIA, WHOOPINO-COUOH AMD CONSU1VTPTIOI3-. TI16 uniform success which hn iittcmleil thri tin nf thin ire':irntien Its cnltittiry effect its turner to reli 've nml cure nllectiuns of tho I.tme, hnVf iraineil fur it a cel(lrity riitnlleil v nn other medicine. Vi'e oiler it to the ntllictcil with entire rnni'n!eiicn in itn virlues, nml tlic full helief Ihnt it will suhilue nml remove the severest ntliick of dimie (i,on t. !,ro;,t nnd !,uiiSn These rcsnlls, ns they hcnine puhlicly known, very naturally nttriiet the ntt.-iitinu of meilicnl tiien ntnl Jil i i hint i1 every nlien. Whnt i their opinion ol C'liKli,' V 1'liLTOi AL may bo sitii in the follouinir : V.M.K.NTiN): liD'I'T, M. 1)., Vruf. ini-fsi fit Mitt Vllliir JY, ie J'oi, suy : , 'It piver. rfie .!r:iMire to ccil'l'v the vulue nnd cll'ii ncy of A m i's (11 V. II 1 V' l'KCl l ).' A I., which I consider ieculi;ii'ly mhijiteil to cure disea se of the Throat mid I.Kii.s." Tin: kt. i;i:v. i,i!!i) uis'intr run.n. writes in a letter to his friend, who was sinking under nn ula ction of the l.nt::i' : "Trv tha t.'HK.'KY l'i;t TO! A?, nnd if uny meiliein cun iiivu vou relief, with the hlessing of God tint win." CHIEF JCNTICi: Kl'STlS. ; of Louisiana, w rites "'J'liat a young daughter of ! his was cured ol' scvernl severe attacks uf Cionv ly Ihe CIIF.K.'V I'r.CTOVAI.." ASTHMA AMI l!l'Jl iM'ItlTIS. J lilt Vautuliiui Jritti ititt o f jMuirnl lt-HCS states, "That Asthma and li roi it'll it is so prevalent ill thin im lenient climate, has ieMcd with surpri sing rapidity to Aycr's CllKXKV I'KCTOKAI., and wc cannot too s'rnii'.'ly recninrneud this skill ful ptrp.tratioii to the l'mfcssiou and pulilc gen erally." Let the relieved sufferer speak fof himself:--Haiitioiiii, Jan. 3H, 117. Dr. J. C. Aver -Hear Sir: H.ixiug hecu ros cucd from a painful and dangerous disease hy your medicine, trratitude prompts me to send vol this nckiiiiwlcdgnieut, not only in justice t. you, hut for the information of others in liko alllic tion. A riipht cold opon the lungn, neglected at first, heeame so seere that sjattiug of hlood, a violent eoimh and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I l-ecanie emaciated, coul-.l mt sleep, was distressed hy inv i-oii'Ji, and a pain throu:;h my chest, and in i iiort had all the alarm mg syinTiiiiis of qnii-s: coiisuinption. No inedi eine seemed ut all to reach mv ea-e. until I provi denlialiy tried your ( I I I'.i'i V" l'l'.CTOii' AL, which soon relieved and no'.c has cured nrf .- Yours with respect. '.. A. .TKWAHT Alb, nt. X. Y. April 17. HIS. Pr. A ver. T.owi I! lti ai Sir . I have lor year . heen iillliclcd with Asthma in the worst form ; so' that I have heen uhliged to sleep in my chair fo a larger part of the time, heiiig tinahle to drouths' on mv he,l. I had tried a meat many medicines, lo no purpose, until mv 1'hvsiciaii prcscrihed, a un eieriment. ytmr ''i'.IIUUY I'l'.CTOKAL. At first it secmcil to in;.k me wotsv, ftr i less than a week I hegan to experience the most gratifying relief front its use ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirelv removed. I can' ! sleep on mv he I wilh comfort, and enjoy a state el' health which I had never evpectcd lo enjov. i tiLDIitif; S. FAK.'AXt. j ut j. c. i n:n, I'll KM 1ST, LOW LLL, MASS.- I IV SnM l'V Hurry Masscr, SunhurY Mary A. Mct.'ay, Xurlhuiuhcrlaiiil' Dr. tieirhart, Se ' linsgi'ove ; i'r. ilii k!y, Hanvillc, and Ditrggists ; geneiirl1'-. j Fell, l.'i, l -.'il. lyu To I ABSEIUCAN HOUSE, POTTSVILLE, PA. ! A I Res. MAUV WEAVER rr -pcctfully infofml O-lthe pill-lie aii'T Iravillit'g rominiiiiity ccneral , ly. that she Icia opened t!:is Urge and co.nntodiotts 1 HOTEL, furui.-hed in a superior style. From' j her ion.; c. rrn nee in the Misiness of a first rat j Hotel, and w'l known i-pnlalion to nccotnma i date, ln-r eiistoniiTs m i v ilcpcnd on being supplied I with ccrv l!:i"j ci'iiducite tj lluir tuiefort sad j coriveuieiii-c. j Feb. 15. is.'i!. tl LAAYKKNCH HOUSE. PTtUBURY, PA. subscriber rc.qir ctfnlly informs her friends, X and the puMi- uvucrallv, that she has tnlceu above wi ll known stand nearly opposite tha Couit House, lutelv occupied bv Mr. J. C l'cr- kins. She' trusts that her experience in business,' and her t l?.its to make her guests comfort-able., will (jive entire satisfaction to those KUO'inny fa vor Iser with their custom. axx c. Morrris March H, tf. TH2VORTON IIOUSS. TKKYOKTUN, l'A. fSiir; siil'siiibir rcsa-i tfia'ly int inns tho puhlie L that he I, is 1 1 ru, d a I'uldir H iose, in tl i j new town of Tri rorton, Xorlhumberhtiid ismntT and that he is well prepared lo accomiiiodiito his Sues: in the best manner. His house is b atetj J ucariy opposite llie Company's Store. Ho isalsi ' proVidcil vtit'.i good si. ihling sullicieiit for tl hor t ses. He trusts by prompt and careful attention , to business to meet a share of the public patron- age. IIEXKY VI WE A Ell- Trevorton, Jan- 11, lS.'nl if. I ESOH.VK'Y l.XMi I AM) IMiNSlON' aukxcy. I The alti ulion i f the 'iiblic is caileil to the ail- veriiseincnt ol Mr- Ch.uir C- Tin-kef, Attorney f nnd Ain'i'.l at W'as'.ii.l'in Citv- I'l-m-iis liav i iiiL' cl.iiiu-i for biniiity Lamls or Pensions are in. i formed that the subscriber has maim ut"mgi-iuciit j for tlic requisite forms, and ctaiutai'U calling at his oli'ue. can have tlieir ji-ipcrs rca.rtHl and , foi warded lo Mr Tinker m Wushinglon, ami by bun lie properly al'.ciulcd lo ln-tiiru tho Do ! partuiciit there, I IL 15. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 1, l.".l'.-- ESSENCE OF .1 A M A 1CV c. 1N(;1CU. M A 1K H -in ihn h. rtt J i lii'iicii rt.'-r, nH ti.B .';ilunl! U li".'il It M'lK iMf H tO ! cm iii ii i' invent, ill i-.-inn -ul Ml nl l-irui, ll IN a in- t Clin-n-ii: :tm' ;tl tlr lum- .IMlliiU iw. tji-illty Hiiim.:tiin,' 1 nii fT t.i H.-iiii.-h, n-tl will U' l-'iml i t v In-lit iicul in iHo-riii tin- lainiul u mI ih;icin Kloit oii'-isi iiii-tl l.y lln. Itui-airi'il jii'U "l fl lU im liiiiilant orxan t. l'r nil lull ta Uok- tni-o k hlul t.ikru in u u ou'-f;la-I'ul n ku'.-t-li-tu il water will HiitiU'.liiih-ly rcni"ve l lit lialii-i-ti' aii l ii,!(ir hMnji it'sc4iiiik I onu iiutit:''!!"!!. '' 11 iw.'.-ht .11 I line iTrutv, ii a rc'imif.1, will U-i''uiil M':ll)r it, mi tin l.ihiinlciiinl kiiim' toiitk. mir i Uifst'tm-- ti ami li-n.l. in-, l.i u -i.l. rnl arl .Kwann ul I'JT Ihe vulitti; illcft ul llie hiii out lnal i'i I 'il'wuu; niltf lu-- I dii miii'ii, nud lor c'truviiiii: tla lucn'Ktil wti;c ta drn- 1 tWn. An. It ir uN i nu en i lU iit iiinl.ritif: Vt w nay in- nvA iUr t -m mi lln'ir ntDiiiiiclis Ly ll. iii.tiw!. nu- ntr of IlilfXlciiUnc liv U liii.ti)' MlUhilHlMlie riwrl UKn I l.r i miar U 'Hic crawtw I i Miiiii , while it hii no uiMirioitau. il ii ' 1-wji. ! " urt-t4lf l'V r-'lm-t ( il. j'H'iJi"ti, 'c(i iilwuji t'lbw tUe um uf ic li iic ftiiiniiLiii'ii A f'-w (ir.'ofc u-M1! t i ;. ''", rhut-aiii or othrr pur, live ni.'(!u'tiK-, w 1" ifo" ' ttit in iii ie tx-pittli lo lb rtoiimcli ainl iev.l Uic grilling w liu-h m u'i l' uvxntM)r, lilt II Ui U '' n:i-:rARia y a Jin ho si; smith, iUU oiilT AMI ifr.MIT S. K. eonttr of 7lk and Ckitnt Slteet. 1-UiUiO.Si'liUs, Aimt li, j-.: l -i